3 minute read
Astrology & You mercury retrograde
By Dianne Bachman
planet Mercury as an important player in our cosmic make up, retrogrades, and how the current Mercury might impact us.
In Greek mythology, Mercury is the god Hermes, swift messenger for all other gods. Stories tell us that he was quite clever and represents communication, tricksters, finances, travel, and good fortune. He also serves as a guide of souls to the underworld. Our natal Mercury sign gives us insight into how we communicate, take in information/learn, and make decisions.
structure of our lives, our obligations, and responsibilities and to consider what no longer serves us.

May 1: Sun in Taurus conjunct Mercury (retrograde) in Taurus, gives us the opportunity to slow the mind, to be more deliberate with what we take in through the mind, to think about how we translate it, and to be mindful of how we communicate. Ground by spending time in nature over the next few weeks.
May 3: Moon in Libra squares Mars in Cancer. Get physical exercise, practice gentle yoga, or take a walk to use up extra energy if you are feeling frustrated or touchy.
Have you ever asked yourself, "What is the big deal about this Mercury retrograde thing and how will it influence my life?" Poor little Mercury gets blamed for quite a few mishaps and kafufels. And the words "Mercury retrograde" can tend to put people on edge. So, let's look at the
Now, let's back up and look at what 'retrograde' means. Put simply, when a planet is in retrograde it appears that the planet is travelling backwards. This is because the planet is slowing down in its orbit and the other planets continue moving forward at their typical speed. All planets will go into retrograde motion at some point and Mercury stations retrograde two to three times per year.
The current retrograde began on April 21 in the wee hours of the morning at 15 degrees Taurus and will travel back to 5 degrees Taurus until May 14, when it will station direct. Mercury in Taurus is already slower, just by virtue of the earthy Taurean traits of plodding and deliberate pacing. With a Mercury retrograde in general, we look at potential disruptions in any type of communication and this includes verbal or spoken words, internet, mail, and air travel. If you have significant planets in the sign of Taurus, you might feel as if during this time your thoughts generate more slowly or perhaps you feel more mentally tired.
Though Mercury in Taurus has a slower energy, there is a definite up-side to this particular retrograde. It just might give us an extra opportunity to slow the mind, review, and double check any plans, and gain fresh perspective We might emerge in mid-May refreshed and with renewed clarity. This is the opportune time to experiment with decreasing screen time or turning the cell phone off. In this way, we might honor the energy of the retrograde rather than feeling as if we need to fight with it or be afraid of it.
Now, here are highlights for May's astrological weather: May 1: Pluto stations retrograde at 0 degrees Aquarius and will travel back to 27 degrees Capricorn until October 9. Pluto is inviting us to look deeply into the
May 4: Venus in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces. Creative but a possibility of generating feelings of vulnerability via old thought patterns. Check your boundaries so they are firm and clear.
May 5: Lunar eclipse in Scorpio. Give yourself extra time for self-ccare, as deep emotional energy can be stirred by this watery eclipse. This is an opportune time to work through fears and understand them at their core.
May 7: Venus enters Cancer. The focus is on home, family, and loved ones. Over the next weeks it might be just the time to look at that balance between self-care and the care and love we give to ourselves and others.
May 14: Mercury stations direct. We will be in the shadow of the retrograde until May 31. Shadow time is said to contain retrograde energy but at a lower influence.
May 16: Jupiter enters Taurus. For the rest of this year, Jupiter can bring about optimism, confidence, and grounding through an enhanced connection to all things earthy, like nature, finances, possessions, our own self-worth.
May 19: New Moon in Taurus. Plant seed thoughts of abundance and opportunity. A perfect day to ground yourself!
May 20: Mars enters Leo. Creative energy spikes aside the passionate heart to go along with it. Let your heartstrings lead the band over the next few months. May 21: Sun enters Gemini. Mental energy and communication are favored during Gemini season. Learn something new, read up or research things you are curious about
Dianne Bachman is a psychotherapist & astrologer practicing in FXBG. She can be reached at dbachmanlcsw@gmail.com

Artwork "Mercury" by Evelyn De Morgan, circa 1880.