Student-Athlete Handbook DRUG STATEMENT The Athletic Department supports the University Policy regarding illegal drugs. The illegal possession, use or distribution of drugs or paraphernalia associated with drug use is specifically prohibited. Refer to the Student Handbook of Winthrop University for further details. BANNED DRUGS (SEE BYLAW OF NCAA DIVISION I MANUAL) Stimulants: Amiphenazole Benzphetamine Chlorphentermine Crothetamide Doxapram Methylphenidate Pemoline Phenmetrazine Pipradol Ethamivan Meclofenoxate
Amphetamine Bromantan Cocaine Diethylpropion Meclofenoxate Nikethamide Pentetrazol Phentermine Prolintane Ethylamphetamine Strychnine
Bemigride Caffeine Cropropamide Dimethylamphetamine Methamphetamine Methylene-dioxymethamphetamine Phendimetrazine Picrotoxine Ephedrine Fencamfamine and related compounds
Anabolic Agents: Anabolic Steroids: Androstenediol Clostebol Dromostanolone Mesterolone Methyltestosterone Norandrostenedione Oxymesterone Testosterone
Androstenedione Dihydrotestosterone Fluoxymesterone Methandienone Nandrolone Norethandrolone Oxymetholone and related compounds
Boldenone Dehydrochlormethyl-testosterone Dehydroepiandrosterone Methenolone Norandrostenediol Oxandrolone Stanozolol
Benzthiazide Chlorothiazide Flumethiazide Hydroflumethiazide Polythiazide Triamterene
Bendroflumethiazide Chlorthalidone Furosemide Methyclothiazide Quinethazone Trichlormethiazide
Other anabolic agents: Clenbuterol Diuretics: Acetazolamide Bumetanide Ethacrynic acid Hydrochlorothiazide Metolazone Spironolactone And related compounds Street Drugs: Heroin
Peptide hormones and analogues: Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin) Corticotrophin (ACTH) Growth Hormone (HGH, somatotrphine) All the respective releasing factors of the above-mentioned substances are also banned. Erytropoietin (EPO) Semorelin
StudentAthlete Handbook
Student-Athlete Responsibility & Code of Conduct Being away from home and part of a diverse campus community allows studentathletes greater freedom to make decisions and pursue personal interests. As members of an intercollegiate athletic team, student-athletes are also a very visible part of the community. With that freedom and visibility comes responsibility. Athletes representing Winthrop University must manage their lifestyles in ways that set good examples of moral and ethical conduct. As a representative of a team and of the university, a student-athlete’s actions reflect not only on the individual but also on the individual’s teammates, Winthrop Athletics and Winthrop University. This representation includes all facets of life as a student-athlete, including, but not limited to, pursuits in the classroom, competition arena and personal or social activities such as those on social networking websites (e.g., Facebook and Twitter). Student-athletes must always think before they act!! All student-athletes are responsible for meeting the following obligations: 1. Academic - Student-athletes are expected to attend class, complete assignments on time and work diligently toward a degree. They are expected to meet all academic requirements of Winthrop University, Winthrop Athletics, the Big South Conference and the NCAA. 2. Athletic - Student-athletes are expected to participate in and be on time to practices, training, team meals and meetings. They are expected to comply with all team policies as set forth by their coach and Winthrop Athletics. 3. Ethical - Student-athletes are expected to abide by team conduct rules as well as the rules and regulations of Winthrop University and laws of South Carolina and the United States. They are also expected to uphold the sportsmanship and integrity of the NCAA. In addition to these responsibilities, student-athletes representing Winthrop University Athletics are expected to abide by the following Code of Conduct as detailed in the Student-Athlete Handbook. This code includes, but is not limited to, the below obligations that student-athletes must: • • • • • • • • • •
Be respectful toward faculty, remind professors of travel schedules in advance, arrange and complete make-up work in an appropriate manner. Conduct themselves in a manner that shows impeccable sportsmanship. Demonstrate respect through words and actions. Participate in all recommended training room and strength activities. Avoid the use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. Never participate in sport wagering or gambling activities. Use adequate protection and common sense during practice and leisure activities. Set academic goals and work diligently toward completing his or her degree on time. Follow all university and athletic department policies regarding preregistration class attendance and study hall. Maintain NCAA satisfactory progress requirements for eligibility and Winthrop University standards for good academic standing.
Student-Athlete Handbook SUBSTANCE ABUSE PROGRAM Winthrop Athletics believes in the education of student-athletes as the most important step in the prevention of substance abuse problems. You will be required to attend various substance abuse presentations throughout the academic year. Such topics might include steroid use, smokeless tobacco, alcohol abuse and eating disorders as well as prevention of use of illegal substances. You will be required to view a film on NCAA drug testing. Winthrop University supports the NCAA policies regarding testing for drugs and banning abusers from participation in athletics. Substance abuse will not be tolerated in Winthrop Athletics. If you have a substance abuse problem, please ask for help through your coach, the head athletic trainer, the CHAMPS/Life skills Director, or through Winthrop Health and Counseling Services. Counseling is confidential, and we will be glad to refer you to someone who can help you work on your problem and avoid punitive action. If you are found to be under the influence of or possessing illegal drugs, appropriate punitive action will be taken. You will face disciplinary action by Winthrop University as do all students found to be in possession of drugs. Remember to report your use of any drug (prescription or otherwise) to the athletic trainer. ALCOHOL BEVERAGE STATEMENT All members of the Athletic Department and the University community are expected to comply with South Carolina statutes prohibiting the use of alcoholic beverages by persons younger than 21 years of age. Remember that since you have chosen to be a student-athlete, you have accepted certain responsibilities. BE SMART! Understand your privileges and your responsibilities. University sanctions are listed in the Student Handbook of Winthrop University.
Student-Athlete Handbook
Student-Athlete Handbook
Before the beginning of each academic year, the athletic training department asks you to fill out the Winthrop Athletic Training medical forms that can be found on our website at These forms must be promptly filled out and returned to us before August of each year. Although all medical forms need to be filled out by the student/athletes, the Athletic Insurance Form must be filled out by THE PARENTS.
The objective of the Department of Athletics is to reflect and support the mission of Winthrop University through intercollegiate athletics. Winthrop Athletics is committed to operating a program that meets the recognized standards of excellence set forth by NCAA Division I and is dedicated to the recruitment of academically able, diverse and socially responsible student-athletes. As intercollegiate athletics is recognized as part of the physical, cultural and social development of the Winthrop student, Winthrop Athletics shares a common value and purpose with the University by providing an environment that demonstrates and nurtures integrity, pride, diversity and leadership. Winthrop Athletics contributes to the community of learners at Winthrop University and demonstrates its mission in the following ways:
The Athletic Insurance Form provides us not only with necessary information that we use in contacting your insurance company, but this information is vital when scheduling an appointment for you with our doctors. All information that is on this form is asked for by either your insurance company, the doctor’s office, or our insurance company. The information on this form is not used for any other purpose. If we are attempting to schedule an appointment with a physician and we do not have the appropriate information, that appointment cannot be made and therefore your appointment is delayed. If this form is not completed and returned to us on time, you will not be allowed to participate in intercollegiate athletics at Winthrop University. If this form comes back to us incomplete, your participation will be delayed until the proper information is gathered. We also need a copy of your insurance card (front & back).
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FALSIFYING INFORMATION It is in your best interest to provide us with all pertinent information on the Athletic Insurance Form. If there is no information provided and you state that you have no medical insurance coverage, the athletic insurance company will request verification from your parent’s employer that you have no coverage through them. A letter from your parent’s employer on their letterhead stating that you have no coverage through them or that you are not covered under a specific policy is required. This will confirm the absence of insurance coverage for you and therefore allow the athletic insurance to make payment on the bills. Failure to act quickly on this request will cause delays in the payment of your medical bills and therefore could lead to the medical bills being sent to collection.
Winthrop Athletics is committed to academic integrity and demonstrates the prioritization of academics above athletics through recruitment and scheduling for student-athletes and involvement of faculty. Winthrop Athletics supports ethical coaching standards, as demonstrated through staff education, recruiting policies, and monitoring of activities. Winthrop Athletics is committed to institutional control by direct accountability to the Chief Executive Officer, implementation of campuswide compliance procedures, and annual staff education meetings. Winthrop Athletics is committed to student-athlete welfare through sponsorship of the Student-Athlete Advisory Council, wellness and education programs and the CHAMPS/Life Skills program. Winthrop Athletics is committed to financial integrity through adherence to university-wide business and finance procedures as well as NCAA and state audits. Winthrop Athletics supports an environment of equity and diversity in which all students and staff are provided the support and resources necessary for success.
ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT PHILOSOPHY The philosophy of Winthrop Athletics is to establish a program in which the institutional focus of Winthrop University is maintained, as well as the standards of amateurism and fair play as set forth by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Winthrop Athletics is committed to an environment that emphasizes the total education of student-athletes, and sustains its commitment through special programs to enhance the physical well-being, emotional growth and academic success of student-athletes.
Student-Athlete Handbook
Student-Athlete Handbook
While the Big South Conference believes that one of the problems confronting intercollegiate athletics is the lack of adherence and enforcement of decorum rules, it is cognizant of and recognizes the sincere effort put forth by the majority of coaches, players, officials, and administrators to ensure contests will be conducted and played in a sportsmanlike manner. For coaches, squad members, or team attendants to conduct themselves in an unsportsmanlike manner is an infraction of the rules. Coaches and administrators have the responsibility to set the tone for responsible behavior on the part of their teams and followers.
Acts in violation of coach and player decorum rules shall include, but not be limited to, the following, and may be subject to reprimand or suspension from additional contests as the Commissioner deems appropriate (person, for the purpose of this section, means coaches, squad members, or team attendants):
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Any person who strikes or physically abuses an official, opposing coach, player, or spectator; Any person who intentionally incites participants or spectators to violent or abusive action; Any person who uses profanity, vulgarity, taunts, ridicules, makes obscene gestures or points a finger at officials or opponents; Any person who publicly criticizes any game officials, Conference personnel, a member institution, or institutional personnel; Any person who engages in negative recruiting by making statements to a prospective student-athlete, parents, high school coach, or other person interested in the prospective student-athlete, which are unduly derogatory of another institution or its personnel; Any person who enters the competing area for an unsportsmanlike purpose; and acts of unsportsmanlike conduct not specifically prescribed.
Violations should be reported to the Big South Conference through directors of athletics or supervisors of officials. The Big South Conference feels strongly that officials must have the courage to enforce the rules set forth by the Big South Conference and covered in this document. When officials do enforce the decorum rules, they will be supported by the institutions and the Conference Office.
WINTHROP ATHLETICS DEPARTMENT MEDICAL PAYMENT POLICY The possibility of incurring sports related injuries is a reality for any student/ athlete. Many student/athletes and their parents believe that the University provides primary insurance coverage for student/athletes while participating in sports at Winthrop University and this is not the case. Athletic related medical expenses are “real world” debts that must be settled by the individual student/athlete. Student/athlete expenses are not “automatically taken care of by the Winthrop University Athletic Department or the University The Winthrop University Athletic Department has a program that will assist parents if a student/athlete is injured while participating in intercollegiate athletics by providing secondary or excess medical coverage. THIS POLICY IS SECONDARY TO, OR IN EXCESS OF PERSONAL FAMILY MEDICAL INSURANCE COVERAGE. This will cover injur ies that occur during organized and supervised practices, strength and conditioning sessions, competition, and travel to and from practice sessions or games. The University’s insurance policy becomes effective only after all other insurance benefits have been expended.
Student-Athlete Handbook
Student-Athlete Handbook
INJURY EVALUATION AND TREATMENT Every injury sustained by a student/athlete must be reported to the Athletic Training staff for evaluation. This should be done as soon as possible following the injury. If a problem develops overnight, the injury must be reported no later than 11:00 a.m. the next morning (excluding weekends).
If the student/athlete is to be seen by the team physician, the head athletic trainer or assistant athletic trainer will arrange a time for this to be done.
ANNUAL COMPLIANCE MEETING Before practice begins each fall, student-athletes are required to attend a meeting in which all pertinent NCAA rules are explained. Student-athletes will be asked to follow along as the rules are read. Student-athletes will then be asked to sign the NCAA’s "Student-Athlete Statement" verifying that they understand the rules, are willing to comply with them and have had an opportunity to ask any questions.
All treatments and rehabilitation programs are given under the direction of the team physician and will be conducted at one of the Winthrop University Athletic Training facilities.
Athletic eligibility is based on many aspects such as your academic status, amateur status, your age, years participated in a sport and the manner in which you were recruited. Listed below are some special eligibility policies:
REFERRALS If the team physician or Certified Athletic Trainer determines that further evaluations are needed in the treatment of an injury, all appointments for such referrals will be arranged by the Certified Athletic Trainer.
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Any unauthorized referrals will be the sole responsibility of the student/athlete and his/her parents or legal guardians (See Section 6).
• OUTSIDE CONSULTATION If the student/athlete, his/her parents, legal guardians, spouse, and/or coach wish to seek an outside consultation concerning an injury, that consultation must be cleared and approved by the Head Athletic Trainer. WITHOUT PROPER APPROVAL, THE ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY FINANCIAL OBLIGATION THAT RESULTS. The student/athlete will not be per mitted to par ticipate again until a detailed written report has been received from the consulting physician outlining the assessment of the injury and the treatment protocol. The student/athlete will be responsible for all necessary follow-up including physical therapy and rehabilitation. The follow-up care may be provided by the Athletic Training staff once the detailed written report from the consulting physician has been received by the Head Athletic Trainer.
Student-athletes are allowed five calendar years in which to complete four years of athletic competition in a sport. This "five-year clock" begins the day you first register for a full (12-hour) schedule or show up to practice at ANY INSTITUTION. Student-athletes are not allowed to play on any club or intramural team while you are a member of an intercollegiate team. Student-athletes may not receive cash or items of value for your athletic performance. Beware of summer tournaments and hometown activities in which gifts are awarded for competition. If student-athletes participate in an event that offers an award or prize it must be refused. If a student-athlete is invited to be photographed or to represent as campus organization’s charitable or fund-raising event, student-athletes must clear it through the Athletic Department first!
SPORT WAGERING POLICY 10.3 SPORTS WAGERING ACTIVITIES [#] The following individuals shall not knowingly participate in sports wagering activities or provide information to individuals involved in or associated with any type of sports wagering activities concerning intercollegiate, amateur or professional athletics competition: Staff members of an institution’s athletics department; Non-athletics department staff members who have responsibilities within or over the athletics department; Staff members of a conference office; and student-athletes. Student-athletes shall not knowingly:
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Provide information to individuals involved in organized gambling activities concerning intercollegiate athletic competition; Solicit a bet on any intercollegiate team; Accept a bet on any team representing the institution; Solicit or accept a bet on any intercollegiate competition for any item (e.g., cash, shirt, dinner) that has tangible value; or Participate in any gambling activity that involves intercollegiate athletics or professional athletics, through a bookmaker, a parlay card, or any other method employed by organized gambling.
Student-Athlete Handbook EXTRA BENEFITS POLICY 16.02.3 Extra Benefit. An extra benefit is any special arrangement by an institutional employee or a representative of the institution’s athletics interests to provide a student-athlete or the student-athlete’s relative or friend a benefit not expressly authorized by NCAA legislation. Receipt of a benefit by student-athletes or their relatives or friends is not a violation of NCAA legislation if it is demonstrated that the same benefit is generally available to the institution’s students or their relatives or friends or to a particular segment of the student body (e.g., foreign students, minority students) determined on a basis unrelated to athletics ability. Student-athletes may not receive any benefit or money that is not authorized by NCAA legislation. If an impermissible benefit is accepted, the student-athlete’s eligibility will be jeopardized. Types of activities that are considered extra benefits and are impermissible, include but are not limited to:
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Selling your complimentary passes to a game. Accepting gifts or awards for athletic performance. Unauthorized use of college telephones, credit cards, cars, copiers, and supplies. Accepting loans or services at a discount due to your membership on a team.
Remember, if something is offered, because of athletics participation, and it is not available to the general student body, it is an impermissible benefit. To accept such a benefit may jeopardize eligibility. REPRESENTATIVES OF ATHLETIC INTERESTS (BOOSTERS) - EAGLE CLUB 6.4.2 Representatives of Athletics Interest An institution’s “responsibility” for the conduct of its intercollegiate athletics program shall include responsibility for the acts of individuals, a corporate entity (e.g., apparel or equipment manufacturer) or other organization when a member of the institution’s executive or athletics administration or an athletics department staff member has knowledge or should have knowledge that such an individual, corporate entity or other organization: Has participated in or is a member of an agency or organization as described in Constitution 6.4.1; Has made financial contributions to the athletics department or to an athletics booster organization of that institution; Has been requested by the athletics department staff to assist in the recruitment of prospective student-athletes or is assisting in the recruitment of prospective student-athletes; Has assisted or is assisting in providing benefits to enroll student-athletes; or Is otherwise involved in promoting the institution’s athletics program. The “Eagle Club” is the Winthrop Athletics booster organization, the members of which give their time and money to support the endeavors of Winthrop Athletics. The Eagle Club participates in scholarship fund-raisers, social events, and attends athletic events. The NCAA places special restrictions on the type of involvement that booster club members have with studentathletes. Although Eagle Club members support and appreciate your role as student-athletes, you must take care not to accept special privileges and/or benefits from booster club members. If student-athletes are offered a benefit from a booster, they should graciously thank them and explain that since they are a student-athlete, they may not accept gifts, jobs, or privileges from booster club members without permission from the athletic department. Student-athletes should notify the Winthrop Athletics Compliance Office, which can help find out if accepting the offer is permissible. It is very important that student-athletes follow these rules. Accepting an impermissible benefit may render them ineligible.
Student-Athlete Handbook POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Pre-Participation Examinations Freshman and Transfer Students: All fir st time par ticipants and/or transfer students must undergo a physical examination prior to their participation in intercollegiate athletics. Physical examinations will be performed by our team physicians prior to the start of the school year. You will be informed by your coaches as to when your physical examination will occur. You must also have the athletic training room medical forms to us prior to your assigned exam date and time or you will not be allowed to participate in the exam process and therefore will not be allowed to participate in any official activities that your team participates in. Any incoming Freshman or Transfer/Student missing their team’s scheduled physical examination will not be permitted to participate in or receive equipment for intercollegiate athletics. You will also have to secure a physical examination by a Medical Doctor. NOTE: Student-athletes who have not competed during consecutive seasons in the same sport will be required to have a physical examination prior to resuming participation. Upper-Class Students: All returning student/athletes from the previous season must undergo an annual Health appraisal. This will be done by a Certified Athletic Trainer on the Athletic Training staff. Problems identified during this appraisal will be referred to one of our team physicians.
PARTICIPATION WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION Any student/athlete who participates in supervised workouts, practices, and/or contests without prior authorization from the Athletic Training staff will be responsible for any injuries that occur (See Section 1). Any injuries that result will be the legal and financial responsibility of the coach, the individual student/athlete and the student/athlete’s parents. EQUIPMENT No equipment of any kind will be issued to any student/athlete until the above requirements have been fulfilled (See Section 1). Each student/ athlete will be cleared for equipment by the Athletic Trainer of each sport following their physical examination or health appraisal. Equipment will also not be issued if the student/athlete and his/her parents or legal guardians do not return the athletic medical forms before the start of any supervised activity.
Student-Athlete Handbook ATHLETIC TRAINING The Athletic Training Room is primarily responsible for the delivery of health care to all Winthrop University student/athletes. This health care includes prevention, evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation of athletic injuries. The Athletic Training staff’s first concern is the safety and health of each studentathlete. Student/athletes may expect the following to be provided:
• Emergency care of injuries when they occur; • Treatment and rehabilitation supervision of injuries; • Athletic Training Room hours 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. until practice sessions are concluded or by appointment;
• Medical referral to physicians when indicated; • Privacy with assessment of injury or illness between doctor, athletic trainer and student/athlete;
• Secondary medical insurance coverage; • Appropriate medical supplies and/or equipment as indicated for participation • Water and injury ice at all practices and events ATHLETIC TRAINING ROOM RULES No Food or Drink at any time is allowed in the Athletic Training Room; • No cleats or practice shoes in the Athletic Training Room (This pertains to outside sports only); • No equipment in the Athletic Training Room (i.e. Bags, Balls, etc.); • Shower before treatments! NO EXCEPTIONS; • No loitering! The Athletic Training Room is not a lounge. If you are not here for treatment, please leave; • No profanity; • No use of cell phones in the Athletic Training Room; • No use of phones in the Athletic Training Room offices; • No use of Athletic Training Room computers; • Dress appropriately
Student-Athlete Handbook HAZING POLICY Hazing is a very serious offense and violation of South Carolina law. Winthrop University student-athletes ARE NOT to condone or engage in this activity. TRANSFER AND PERMISSION TO CONTACT POLICY Occasionally a student-athlete may wish to transfer to another institution. Winthrop Athletics reserves the right to approve a request for permission to contact (“release”) on a case-by-case basis. The institution will not grant another institution permission to contact a current student-athlete prior to that student-athlete completing the exit interview process with the Faculty Athletics Representative. Once the exit interview is completed, the Winthrop Athletics Compliance Office will provide the student-athlete with his/her permission to contact if the student-athlete’s coach has approved such release. Any NCAA institution in which a student-athlete is interested for a prospective transfer must contact Winthrop Athletics for documentation of release. Winthrop Athletics will not initiate contact with prospective transfer institutions on a student-athlete’s behalf. A release does not grant a student-athlete automatic NCAA eligibility at another school. In the event that a student-athlete is denied a release from Winthrop University, NCAA rules require that the institution provide the student-athlete with the option of having an appeal hearing. ATHLETICALLY RELATED ACTIVITY LIMITATIONS POLICY 17.02.1 Countable Athletically Related Activities. Countable athletically related activities include any required activity with an athletics purpose involving student-athletes and at the direction of, or supervised by one or more of an institution’s coaching staff (including strength and conditioning coaches) and must be counted within the weekly and daily limitations under Bylaw and Administrative activities (e.g., academic meetings, compliance meetings) shall not be considered as countable athletically related activities. Winthrop Athletics will conduct all playing and practice season participation within the rules set forth by the NCAA. The NCAA has set specific regulations that state how much time a student-athlete can participate in athletically related activities throughout the year. These regulations are in place to help student-athletes reach a balance between being a student at Winthrop University and participating in intercollegiate athletics.
Student-Athlete Handbook
Student-Athlete Handbook
Countable Athletically Related Activities
Practice. Practice is defined as any meeting, activity or instruction involving sports-related information and having an athletics purpose, held for one or more student-athletes at the direction of, or supervised by, any members of an institution's coaching staff. Practice is considered to have occurred if one or more coaches and one or more student-athletes engage in any of the following activities:
Student-athletes incurring any of the following expenses while at Winthrop, will be responsible for payment:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
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Field, floor or on-court activity; Setting up offensive or defensive alignment; Chalk talk; Lecture on or discussion of strategy related to the sport; Activities using equipment related to the sport; or Discussions or review of games films, motion pictures or videotapes related to the sport.
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Cost of replacement of residence hall keys; Fines for damages to property; Library or parking fines; Vehicle registration for campus parking; Non-athletic medical costs; Replacement fee for lost meal card or ID card; Supplies such as paper, pens, folders and notebooks; Any other incidental costs not approved by the NCAA.
STUDENT-ATHLETE HOUSING Competition. Conditioning and Weight Training. Required weight-training and conditioning activities held at the direction of or supervised by an institutional staff member; Required participation in camps, clinics or workshops; Individual workouts required or supervised by a member of the coaching staff. However, in the sport of track & field (limited to field events), the coach may be present during voluntary individual workouts in the institution's regular practice facility and may provide safety and skill instruction, provided the coach does not conduct the individual's workout; On-court or on-field activities called by any member of a team and confined primarily to members of that team that are considered as a requisite for participation in that sport (i.e., captain's practices). Visiting the competition site in the sports of cross country and golf; Use of an institution's athletics facilities when such activities are supervised by or held at the direction of any member of an institution's coaching staff; and involvement of an institution's strength and conditioning staff with enrolled student-athletes in required conditioning programs.
Note: Please be aware that practice may not be conducted at any time (including vacation periods) following competition, except between contests, rounds or events during a multi-day or multi-event competition (i.e., doubleheaders in softball or baseball, rounds of golf in a multi-day tournament).
All freshmen and sophomores should live on campus. Exceptions:
• Married freshmen may live in Roddey Apartments or off-campus apartments. International freshmen students (depending on age or circumstances) may live off campus based upon recommendation of the coach with approval from the Athletic Director. • Student-athletes on partial scholarships below the cost of tuition and fees may live either on or off campus. Individual coaches may set their own more restrictive guidelines for their team members. • Student-athletes on partial scholarship that is more than the cost of tuition and fees are generally expected to live in on-campus housing. • Student-athletes on full scholarship are required to live on campus and enroll in one of the university meal plans regardless of whether they live on or off campus.
Student-Athlete Handbook
Student-Athlete Handbook
“Voluntary” Athletically Related Activities
In 1991, the NCAA established a fund to meet the student-athletes' needs of an emergency or essential nature for which financial assistance is not otherwise available through the NCAA legislation.
Voluntary athletically related activities are activities that do not count toward the weekly time limitations as set in the NCAA legislation. These activities include, but are not limited to:
The following is the process by which a student-athlete may receive money from the special assistance fund:
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The student-athlete must submit an application to the Winthrop Athletics Compliance Office; 1. If it is an international student-athlete, the student-athlete must complete the informational section of the FAFSA, along with attaching any annual tax/ income statements from his/her parents 2. Confirmation of Pell Grant or needs analysis is determined thru the Office of Financial Aid; 3. Approved application is sent to Big South Conference for processing; 4. Check received by Director of Athletics from Big South Conference; 5. Check distributed to student-athletes; and 6. Student-Athlete must sign, acknowledging receipt of the check.
Training-table or competition-related meals; Physical rehabilitation; Dressing, showering, or taping; Athletics department academic study hall or tutoring session; Meetings with coaches on non-athletic matters; Travel to and from practice and competition; Medical examination or treatments; Fund-raising activities; Recruiting activities; and Public Relations activities related to the student-athlete's sport.
The following are the permissible uses of the special assistance funds:
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Medical and dental expenses (except those covered by another insurance program, either institutional or personal); Hearing aids; Vision therapy;
The NCAA regulates that a student-athlete's participation in countable athletically related activities be limited to a maximum of four (4) hours per day and twenty (20) hours per week during the academic year when that student’s sport is in-season. Further, each student-athlete must have 1 full calendar day off per week.
Off-campus psychological counseling; Travel expenses for parents or student-athletes related to family emergencies;
Out-of-Season Weekly Hour Limitations – During Academic Year
Purchase of expendable academic course supplies (i.e., notebooks, pens) and rental of nonexpendable supplies (i.e., computer equipment, cameras) that are required for all students enrolled in the course; and
The NCAA regulates that a student-athlete’s participation in countable athletically related activities outside of the playing season shall be limited to a maximum of eight (8) hours per week, of which no more than two (2) hours per week may be spent on individual skill workouts and a student-athlete must have two (2) full calendar days off per week.
Articles of clothing and shoes [up to $500 for Pell-eligible student-athletes and Full and Partial grant-in-aid student-athletes who demonstrate financial need.
The following student-athletes are eligible to apply for funds:
In-Season Weekly Hour Limitations – During Academic Year
Pell-eligible student athletes (except non-qualifiers in their initial year of residence) including student-athletes who have exhausted their athletic eligibility or are unable to participate because of medical reasons. Student-athletes who are receiving countable athletically related financial aid and who have demonstrated financial need as determined by an analysis conducted consistent with federal methodology or the methodology used for all students at the institution. For a foreign student-athlete, the Office of Financial Aid must certify in writing that the student-athlete has financial need.
A student-athlete may participate in the following athletically related activities outside of the playing season:
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Required weight-training and conditioning activities held at the direction of, or supervised by, an institutional staff member; or Participation by student-athletes in individual skill-related instruction provided no more than four student-athletes from the same team are involved in skill-related instruction with their coach(es) at any one time in any facility.
Coaches may not observe voluntary participation [except in the sport of track & field (limited to field events)-sport safety exception].
Student-Athlete Handbook
Student-Athlete Handbook
Out-of-Season Summer Practice
The weekly hour limitations described above are not applicable to athletically related activities performed during the summer months. Organized practice, required weight-training and conditioning activities are not permitted during the summer unless a team is still in-season. As a general rule, the NCAA regulates that only coaches of individual sports may conduct individual workouts with their student-athletes during the summer, provided the request for instruction is initiated by the student-athlete. Also, it is not permissible for the institution to pay fees for the use of a facility.
NCAA (Bylaw 15.2.7) states that a Division I student-athlete may earn legitimate on and off-campus employment income.
Please contact the Winthrop Athletics Compliance Office if you have any questions or concerns about your practice requirements.
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Summer Basketball League Participation Prior to participation in a summer league, a student-athlete must complete a Summer League Permission Request Form as well as a Student-Athlete Statement regarding NCAA regulations and return them to the Winthrop Athletics Compliance Office to verify. The Student-Athlete Statement is to provide information to all members of the Men's and Women's Basketball programs regarding NCAA regulations for summer basketball competition and leagues. The following NCAA rules apply to summer basketball league participation:
1. The league must be NCAA sanctioned. 2. No all-star game of any kind shall be permitted. 3. Each team shall include no more than two (2) players with intercollegiate basketball eligibility remaining at Winthrop University on its roster.
4. All Division I players must limit their competition to one team in one league. 5. League play shall be within 100 miles of the city limits of the institution the student-athlete last attended as a regular student. If a league does not exist within 100 air miles of the student-athlete's residence, a studentathlete may participate in the summer league located closest to the student's official residence. 6. No member team shall make any payments for play or expenses directly or indirectly to any player. 7. Postseason playoffs or tournaments shall be permitted, provided they involve intraleague competition and are complete by August 31. These rules were voted into place to protect the welfare of the student-athlete and minimize athletics interference with academics.
A student-athlete may work provided:
The student-athlete’s compensation does not include any remuneration for value or utility that the student-athlete may have for the employer because of the publicity, reputation, fame or personal following that the student-athlete has obtained because of athletics ability; The student-athlete is compensated only for work actually performed; and The student-athlete is compensated at a rate commensurate with the going rate in the locality for similar services.
REMEMBER: All outside employment must be cleared by the Winthrop Athletics Compliance Office. In order to secure outside employment during the academic year:
• Student-athletes must discuss with the Winthrop Athletics Compliance Office that they are planning to work. • Student-athletes are required to complete “Employment Request Form" (available in Compliance Office) providing information on the employer, wages, how the job was obtained, etc. If it is discovered a studentathlete obtains a job without first clearing the employment with the Compliance Office, he or she will be declared ineligible until the situation can be resolved. • The student-athlete must have their employer sign a verification of information that will provide the employer with the rules for employing student -athletes. Employment during the summer is not part of the limitation of financial aid. Student-athletes who wish to coach or teach skills in their sport during the summer or official vacation periods may do so as long as they do not receive payment on a fee-for-lesson basis. Fee-for-lesson basis is defined as being paid by the hour or by the lesson for your services. Student-athletes are allowed to work for an organization such as tennis or swimming club or at a camp or clinic. However, they are not allowed to conduct their own camp or clinic. Any questions pertaining to Financial Aid should be directed toward the Winthrop Athletics Compliance Office or the Winthrop University Office of Financial Aid.
Student-Athlete Handbook
Student-Athlete Handbook
Student-athletes on athletics financial aid that includes a book voucher must obtain course-required books at the Bookstore by making an appointment, informing the cashier that books are included in athletics financial aid, and submitting a form from the athletic department. Athletics financial aid does not include course-related supplies such as pens, notebooks, calculators etc. All books must be returned to the Bookstore following the completion of each semester. Upon returning the books, the student-athlete should alert the Bookstore staff member that he/she is a student-athlete who received his/her books on a book voucher. Any unreturned, lost or stolen books will automatically be charged to the student-athlete’s account.
Any Winthrop University staff member or student who becomes aware of an NCAA violation or has a question regarding the permissibility of a particular situation should immediately contact the Winthrop Athletics Compliance Office. The Winthrop Athletics Compliance Office will research or investigate the situation, gather information and obtain a ruling or interpretation from the NCAA manual, Big South Conference Office or NCAA. If a violation is found to have occurred, the Winthrop Athletics Compliance Office will report the matter to the Athletic Director with the following information:
SUMMER SCHOOL Coaches may reserve budgeted scholarship funds, with the approval of the Director of Athletics, to provide athletics aid for deserving student-athletes who need summer school courses for graduation or to maintain eligibility for the fall. Eligible students must have specific academic purposes for attending summer school and must submit an application for extra athletics financial aid to the Athletic Director for approval. In addition, the following NCAA regulations apply:
• • • • • •
• • • • •
Summer financial aid may be awarded only for courses at Winthrop University. A student-athlete may not receive financial aid that exceeds the cost of a full grant-in-aid for attendance that summer. A student-athlete shall not receive athletics financial aid to attend the institution's summer term unless the student-athlete received athletic aid during the previous academic year. Athletics financial aid for summer school may be awarded only in proportion to the amount of athletics related financial aid received by the student-athlete during the previous academic year. A student-athlete cannot receive athletics financial aid for correspondence courses or independent study courses. Summer school athletics financial aid will not exceed NCAA equivalencies and allowable amounts under NCAA rules.
All summer school athletics financial aid must be approved in advance by the Head Coach, the Director of Academic Services and the Director of Athletics. Additional questions pertaining to summer school registration should be directed towards the Director of Academic and Student-Athlete Services.
Description of the violation including date(s), time, etc.; Identities of those involved; Means by which the institution became aware of the situation; NCAA policy regarding the situation; Probable reason the violation occurred; Recommendations regarding action to be taken in response to the violation; and Recommendations regarding future prevention of the particular problem.
The Athletic Director will report the incident to the Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) who will decide the course of action and report the matter to the President and the Conference Office. The FAR will make recommendations regarding the University's position on the matter. A written report will be prepared and submitted to the NCAA Enforcement Services Office and the Conference Office. Changes will be immediately implemented to prevent similar violations in the future.
Student-Athlete Handbook ACADEMIC SERVICES & POLICIES A student-athlete must meet not only NCAA and Big South Conference rules, but also Winthrop University and Athletics Department academic requirements to be eligible for intercollegiate athletics competition.
Student-Athlete Handbook Reduction or Cancellation of Financial Aid During Award Period Athletics aid may be reduced or cancelled during the term of the award if:
• • • •
WINTHROP UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC REGULATIONS Winthrop University’s Academic Regulations are listed in the Undergraduate Catalog. Please review the catalog for the appropriate year of matriculation for a thorough understanding of applicable policies. Some policies of particular interest to student-athletes are as follows:
• • • • •
All programs leading toward a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree require completion of a minor. A minimum of forty (40) semester hours of undergraduate courses at the 299 level or above are required for graduation. Some programs may have higher requirements. A grade of C- or better is required in WRIT 101, HMXP 102 and CRTW 201. A final minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 is required for graduation. Some programs may have higher requirements. Students are allowed four repeat exemption attempts to replace a low grade. Any additional repeated courses will not negate previously earned grades. In any repeat case, credit will only count toward NCAA eligibility once. Students may receive a temporary grade of Incomplete (I) and will have one academic year to make up the work to complete the course. If the course is not completed before that date, the student will receive the grade attained up to that point. Summer courses taken at another institution must be pre-approved by the relevant college’s student services academic unit to ensure transfer applicability. Grades earned at an outside institution will not count toward your Winthrop GPA. Additionally, the grade must be a C- or higher to transfer.
• • •
The student-athlete becomes ineligible for intercollegiate competition; The student-athlete gives false information or misrepresents him/herself to Winthrop University; The student-athlete fraudulently misrepresents any information on an application, letter of intent or financial aid agreement; The student-athlete engages in serious misconduct warranting substantial disciplinary penalty; or The student-athlete voluntarily withdraws from the sport for personal reasons; The student-athlete becomes academically disengaged from his/her academic responsibilities (e.g., low or no class attendance, failure to fulfill study hall/mentoring requirements, etc.); or The student-athlete violates his/her individual team’s or Department of Athletics’ conduct policies.
Athletics aid must be reduced or canceled if:
• • •
The student-athlete signs a professional sports contract; The student-athlete accepts money or other aid that exceeds NCAA financial aid limits; or The student-athlete agrees to be represented by an agent.
Athletics aid may not be increased, reduced or canceled during the term of the award:
• • •
On the basis of a student-athlete's athletic ability, performance or contribution to a team's success; Because of an injury that prevents the participant from participating; or For any athletic reason.
If athletics aid is to be reduced or cancelled and the student-athlete disagrees with the decision, the student-athlete is entitled to a prompt hearing before the institution's regular financial aid authority. More About Athletic Financial Aid At Winthrop:
• • •
A student-athlete wishing to quit his or her sport will be required to submit a resignation statement to the head coach. Any athletic financial aid will be cancelled upon resignation from the team. Injuries or disabilities sustained while participating in intercollegiate athletics will not automatically terminate athletics financial aid, provided the ailment is documented by the head athletic trainer and a physician. Student-athletes who are no longer physically capable of participating but remain on athletics financial aid will be required to maintain the same academic eligibility standards as active student-athletes. All student-athletes are expected to graduate within four years of matriculation. Athletic financial aid is not extended beyond eligibility. Exceptions may be made for students enrolled in programs requiring a fifth year of academic work.
Student-athletes who receive athletics financial aid but do not or cannot participate on the team for whatever reason may still be required to attend practices, competitions, study hall and other required meetings and events, or be required to complete service hours for the athletic department, as long as the financial aid is retained.
Student-Athlete Handbook FINANCIAL AID The NCAA sets forth very specific financial aid guidelines for student-athletes as it pertains to the amount of, and type of, financial aid that a student-athlete is awarded. There are many different types of aid available for Winthrop students. If you have any questions, please contact the Winthrop Athletics Compliance Office or the Winthrop Office of Financial Aid.
ATHLETIC FINANCIAL AID An athletic-related grant-in-aid may be provided to a student-athlete to help with his/ her college expenses. Other forms of financial assistance such as academic scholarships or Pell Grants may also be provided to qualified students-athletes. Athletic grants are renewed on a year-by-year basis, based on the terms and conditions as outlined in this document. Athletic grants are awarded by the Winthrop University Office of Financial Aid upon recommendation of the Department of Athletics, and are governed by the policies of the University, the Big South Conference and the NCAA. Acceptance of the grant-in-aid signifies that the student-athlete accepts the terms and conditions upon which it is granted. Financial Aid Renewal/Non-Renewal Student-athletes who received an athletic grant the previous year, and who have eligibility remaining, will be notified of the renewal or non-renewal status of the athletic grant by July 1st. preceding the next academic year. If the student-athlete feels that his or her grant has been unjustly removed, he or she may contact the Chair of the Scholarship Committee at (803) 323-4096 in order to arrange for his or her case to be heard. The renewal of athletic grant-in-aid after the period of the award has expired, is based on, but not limited to, the following: 1. The student-athlete must conduct him or herself in keeping with the regulations of Winthrop University. 2. The student-athlete must fulfill all of the academic requirements expected of Winthrop students and meet the academic eligibility policies of Winthrop Athletics and the NCAA. Athletic grant renewals are based on the student-athlete's eligibility status at the end of the spring semester and although grant renewal may be reconsidered when eligibility is restored, the grant will not be reinstated for the semester once classes have begun. 3. The student-athlete must abide by such rules and regulations as set forth by his or her coach. This includes, but is not limited to, participation in team meetings, conditioning, training, practice and intercollegiate competition. The athletic grant-in-aid may be revoked in full immediately if the student-athlete withdraws from the sport at any time during a semester.
Student-Athlete Handbook CLASS ATTENDANCE AND TEAM TRAVEL Regular and punctual class attendance is expected of all student-athletes. Winthrop University policy dictates that any student missing 25% or more of class meetings for a given course will receive a grade of F or U, unless that student withdraws from the course by the specified withdrawal date. Professors may set more restrictive policies for their courses. Each professor is provided a list of student-athletes and scheduled travel dates at the beginning of each semester. Student-athletes are responsible for reminding their professors in advance of such absences. While professors are obligated to provide makeup opportunities for student-athletes who miss class for legitimate team travel responsibilities, it is the responsibility of the student-athlete to arrange to make-up missed work, quizzes or test prior to missing class. Student-athletes are responsible for all course requirements regardless of absence. Most professors who have attendance policies count absences due to athletics competition as absences. If a professor “allows� a certain number of absences without penalty, student-athletes are strongly recommended to save those absences for athletics competition. When practices are scheduled at a time that conflicts with regularly scheduled classes and/or labs, student-athletes must attend the class and/or lab in its entirety. Studentathletes must also attend special study groups, meetings with academic advisors, meetings with faculty members or any other academically related meeting. REGISTRATION AND COURSE SELECTION Due to the potential conflict between courses and scheduled practice times, studentathletes are granted the privilege of priority registration, which typically takes place one day before the general student-body registers each semester. Student-athletes who miss the priority registration time period can only register during their assigned timeslot with the general student-body. Priority registration does not apply to summer courses. Student-athletes are responsible for ensuring a zero balance on their student accounts before the registration period begins. Student-athletes with any balance on their student accounts cannot register for courses. Student-athletes must meet with their campus academic advisor during the specified advising period for each semester, as well as their designated athletics academic advisor. Only a campus academic advisor can lift the advising hold on Wingspan to allow students to proceed with registration, and this individual should be the primary resource for questions regarding specific major or minor requirements. The designated athletics academic advisor must be consulted to ensure that all NCAA eligibility requirements are met. Student-athletes should register for a minimum of 15 credit hours per semester unless given permission otherwise by their designated athletics academic advisor. Studentathletes must also consult with a designated athletics academic advisor before adding, dropping, or repeating any course, or making any other degree program or schedule changes. It is the student-athlete’s responsibility to schedule courses appropriately to maintain degree progress and eligibility and to allow adequate time and attention to be devoted to academics both in and out of their respective playing seasons.
Student-Athlete Handbook SCHEDULE & DEGREE CHANGES STUDENT-ATHLETES MUST NOT MAKE ANY SCHEDULE OR DEGREE PROGRAM CHANGES WITHOUT FIRST CONSULTING THE DESIGNATED ATHLETICS ACADEMIC ADVISOR. In addition, student-athletes must speak with their campus academic advisor prior to making the decision to drop a class. Students have until Friday of the first week of classes to drop and add classes via Wingspan. If withdrawal is completed after the designated add/drop period, but within the first 9 weeks of the semester (or 60% of the summer term), a grade of N is assigned and no credit is awarded. Withdrawal from a course may not occur after the first 9 weeks (or 60%) of the term, unless the Registrar deems documented extenuating circumstances as legitimate for withdrawal. Student-athletes are expected to follow the courses of study selected at the beginning of the semester or summer term. However, in certain circumstances, a student-athlete may wish or need to withdraw from a given course. Withdrawal from a course is the decision of the student-athlete alone, but must not be executed without prior consultation of both the campus and athletics academic advisors. NOTE: Students who never attend or cease to attend a course for which they are formally registered without officially withdrawing from the course will be assigned a grade of F. Students should not assume that professors or anyone else will automatically initiate a drop for non-attendance. GRADING Grades for undergraduate courses are as follows: A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF S U N I
4 QUALITY POINTS 3.67 QUALITY POINTS 3.33 QUALITY POINTS 3 QUALITY POINTS 2.67 QUALITY POINTS 2.33 QUALITY POINTS 2 QUALITY POINTS 1.67 QUALITY POINTS 1.33 QUALITY POINTS 1 QUALITY POINT 0.67 QUALITY POINTS NO CREDIT AWARDED SATISFACTORY Equivalent to C level or above in Non-honors courses; A or B at honors level UNSATISFACTORY Equivalent to C- or below in non-Honors course (no credit) NO GRADE Withdrawn from course INCOMPLETE The course has not been completed and the instructor reserves the right to raise the grade if the incomplete work is completed within one (1) year.
Student-Athlete Handbook CHAMPS/LIFE SKILLS PROGRAM The mission of the NCAA is to maintain intercollegiate athletics as an integral part of the campus educational program and the student-athlete as an integral part of the student body. With this in mind, the CHAMPS/Life Skills Program was created to support the student-athlete, development initiatives of NCAA member institutions and to enhance the quality of the student-athlete experience within the context of higher education. MISSION In the process of achieving this mission, the CHAMPS/Life Skills Program will:
• • • • • • •
Promote student-athletes’ ownership of their academic, athletic, career, personal and community responsibilities. Meet the changing needs of student-athletes. Promote respect for diversity and inclusion among student-athletes. Assist student-athletes in identifying and applying transferable skills. Enhance partnerships between the NCAA, member institutions and their communities for the purpose of education. Foster an environment that encourages student-athletes to effectively access campus resources. Encourage the development of character, integrity, and leadership skills.
Winthrop University is committed to a comprehensive program of Life Skills that will assist student-athletes in their development of a well-balanced lifestyle. This program will help student-athletes develop proper decision making capabilities, plan and pursue their career and life goals, and enhance the quality of their experience while attending Winthrop University. This proactive program is further designed to provide studentathletes with the skills and experiences necessary to maximize their leadership potential while at Winthrop University, and to take those characteristics with them as they pursue a productive life after college sport. The CHAMPS/Life Skills program focuses on the individual as a whole – academically, athletically and emotionally – and on the changing needs of each individual. The philosophy of the program is that studentathletes with balanced lifestyles are equipped to succeed academically, athletically, professionally, and personally. Through the CHAMPS/Life Skills program, Winthrop Athletics offers a series of workshops on a variety of issues related to academic, personal and professional development. In addition, the CHAMPS/Life Skills program encourages student-athletes to make meaningful contributions to their communities through several community outreach opportunities. A full schedule of workshops will be available in the Rock Hill Coca-Cola Academic Resource Center, or from the CHAMPS/Life Skills Director at the beginning of each semester, and additional opportunities will be posted throughout the year.
Student-Athlete Handbook
Student-Athlete Handbook
PROGRESS REPORTS To track the academic progress of student-athletes, mid-semester progress reports are sent to all professors with student-athletes enrolled in their courses. Professors will provide information such as the number of absences accumulated, grades received on quizzes, exams and assignments, and quality of class participation. These reports are used by athletics academic advisors to provide student-athletes with needed assistance and to make recommendations to coaches regarding student-athletes’ academic obligations. In addition, student-athletes may be required to complete additional progress reports during the course of the semester for designated courses. These will be turned in to the appropriate athletics academic advisor. Student-athletes with unsatisfactory progress reports will meet with designated athletics academic advisors to discuss methods to improve their grades.
ACADEMIC MENTORING To help with the transition to the college curriculum and time demands of collegiate athletics, Athletic Academic Services offers an academic mentoring program. The academic mentoring program seeks to reinforce effective study, time management, goal setting skills, helps to develop strategies for utilizing campus academic resources, and provides academic and personal support to enhance confidence. All freshmen student-athletes are required to participate in this program.
President's List: Each under gr aduate student who completes a minimum of twelve (12) hours of courses taken on a letter-grade basis during the fall or spring semester and earns a GPA of 4.0 is eligible for the President’s List for that semester.
Selected student-athletes will complete the Student-Athlete Academic Self Report form weekly and discuss it with their designated athletics academic advisor. Others are paired with a mentor and engage in one-on-one meetings once or twice weekly throughout the semester.
The Big South Presidential Honor Roll: Each student-athlete from Winthrop and other Big South Conference member institutions who averages at least a 3.0 GPA during the academic year while competing in athletics is named to the Big South Presidential Honor Roll.
ACES FORMS ACES forms may be used to obtain study hall credit for time spent with a tutor, using a campus academic resource (e.g. math lab, writing center), or meeting with a professor. The form must be signed and dated by the tutor or professor and must be submitted by 12 pm on Friday to be counted in that week’s hours. Student-athletes who use campus academic resources and submit an appropriately completed ACES form will receive an extra 15 minutes (a maximum of two times each week) of study hall credit beyond the time listed on the form. ACES forms may also be used to obtain credit for study hours completed during team travel, if approved by the coach. No extra time is granted for team travel study hours.
ACADEMIC SERVICES AVAILABLE FOR CHECKOUT Reference planners, flash drives, laptop computers, graphing calculators, and digital recorders may be available for check out during a designated period of time. Contact a member of the Academic Services staff for more information. ATHLETICS BANQUET The annual Athletic Awards Banquet is held at the end of each academic year to recognize the academic and athletic accomplishments of all student-athletes. All studentathletes receive a complimentary ticket and may purchase additional tickets for guests. Special recognition is given to graduating student-athletes. Special awards are given to outstanding student-athletes and are made possible through the generosity of our esteemed scholarship donors.
Student-athletes who attain a high level of academic achievement may qualify for recognition by Winthrop University Athletics, the University, the Big South Conference or the NCAA, as well as other academic and athletic organization. Academic All-Eagle Team: Cr eated in the summer of 2009, the Winthr op University Academic All-Eagle Team reflects the commitment of the University and Winthrop Athletics to academic excellence. Awarded annually during the spring semester, the team recognizes the outstanding academic achievement of the department’s student -athletes. To be named to the team, student-athletes must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.4.
Dean's List: Each under gr aduate student who completes a minimum of twelve (12) hours of courses taken on a letter-grade basis during the fall or spring semester and earns a GPA of at least 3.5 is eligible for the Dean’s List for that semester.
Students at Winthrop University must earn a minimum cumulative GPA in accordance with the eligibility schedule below in order to avoid being placed on academic probation (or suspension): CLASS
Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior
CUMULATIVE MINIMUM HOURS EARNED 0 - 23 24 - 53 54 - 86 87+
2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
The first semester that a student fails to achieve the minimum requirement for his/her class year, he or she, will be placed on academic probation. Students on academic probation may not enroll in more than fifteen (15) semester hours. If while on probation the student again fails to bring his or her cumulative GPA up to the minimum standard for the classification, or fails to earn a 2.0 for the semester, the student will be placed on first academic suspension for the immediate succeeding regular academic semester and any intervening summer session. A student may be readmitted after the first academic suspension and will be readmitted on academic probation.
Student-Athlete Handbook
Student-Athlete Handbook
The NCAA sets academic eligibility standards for all student-athletes involved in Division I athletics, as delineated in the following chart. Compliance with these standards will be checked regularly by the Director of Academic and Student-Athlete Services and the Assistant AD for Compliance and Student Services. Ultimately, responsibility for attainment of academic eligibility standards lies with the student-athletes.
Winthrop Athletics may provide free tutoring for athletes who have exhausted other resources toward improving their grades. Tutoring services are designed to supplement sound education practices such as attending class, taking notes, and interacting with professors. Tutoring Policies and Procedures for Student-Athletes
• Enrolled in at
• Enrolled in at
• Enrolled in at
• Enrolled in
least 12 credit hours
least 12 credit hours
least 12 credit hours
at least 12 credit hours
• Completed 24
• Completed 18
credit hours
hours during previous academic year
• Earned 18 hours during previous academic year
• Earned at least 6 hours per term during previous academic term
• Have no more than 6 hours of remedial coursework
• Earned 90% of GPA necessary for graduation
• Completed 6 hours per term during previous academic term
• Declared degree program
• Completed 40% of degree
• Earned 95% of GPA necessary for graduation
• Completed
• Completed
18 credit hours during previous academic year
18 credit hours during previous academic year
• Completed 6
• Completed 6
hours per term during previous academic term
• Completed 60% of degree
• Earned 100% of GPA necessary for graduation
hours during previous academic term
• Completed 80% of degree
• Earned 100% of GPA necessary for graduation
Student-athletes not considered to be in “good academic standing” according to the standards of Winthrop University are not eligible to participate in practice or competition activities.
Tutorial services are a privilege, and may be revoked if the student-athlete does not prepare for tutoring sessions and make appropriate use of tutoring time. All student-athletes receiving tutoring through the Athletic Department must:
• Prepare for, attend, and pay attention during all class meetings. • Meet with the professor outside of class. • Do all assigned reading, homework, and projects in a conscientious and timely fashion.
• Prepare and agenda of course material to cover with the tutor during each tutoring session.
• Be prepared to ask specific questions during each tutoring session. • Be on time for all tutoring sessions. • Notify the tutor immediately if they are going to be late or need to cancel a tutoring session.
• Submit an ACES Form signed by the tutor to earn Study Hall credit. • Contact Academic Services before ending involvement in the tutoring program.
• Coaches will be notified of student-athletes who fail to attend a scheduled tutor session. Any student-athlete interested in receiving tutorial services should contact a member of the Academic Services staff at the first sign of trouble in a course. While the majority of tutors work with students in popular general curriculum courses, every effort will be made to find a tutor or equivalent academic resources for any student-athlete for any course. Depending on demand, walk-in and group tutoring sessions may occasionally be made available in the Rock Hill Coca-Cola Academic Resource Center in the Coliseum. The hours, frequency, and courses covered for these sessions will be posted in the Rock Hill Coca-Cola Academic Resource Center.
Student-Athlete Handbook
Student-Athlete Handbook
STUDY HALL All new student-athletes (freshman and transfers), as well as returning student-athletes designated by the Director of Academic and Student-Athlete Services and coaching staff, will be required to attend study hall. It is expected that most student-athletes will spend 4-8 hours per week in study hall. Study hall hours will be offered Sunday through Friday in the Rock Hill Coca-Cola Resource Center. Time spent utilizing various on-campus resources (math, Chemistry and Business labs, the Writing Center, professors, etc.) may count toward required study hall hours with proper submission of an ACES form (available in the Rock Hill Coca-Cola Resource Center or on the Student Services section of the athletics website). The penalties for not obtaining all required study hall hours may include restriction from practice, travel or competition to allow completion of missed study hall hours.
Advising for course selection relative to University and NCAA requirements.
Study Hall Policies Student-athletes are required to abide by the following guidelines while completing study hall hours.
Confidential personal counseling or referral.
Assistance with career planning and choice of major.
Student-athletes must:
• • • • • • •
Both the University and the Winthrop University Athletics provide a wide variety of resources to assist student-athletes in their pursuit of academic success. Athletic Academic Services within the Athletic Department are available to all student-athletes, regardless of scholarship status. While certain services may at times be mandated for certain student-athletes, all student-athletes are encouraged to discuss any academic concerns or problems with a member of the Academic Services staff. Athletics Academic Services for student-athletes include:
Tutoring services
Be responsible for tracking and completing study hall hours each week. Failure to complete the appropriate number of hours will be the fault of the student-athlete alone.
Mentoring services
Sign in and out of study hall with the monitor on duty in the room they intend to use. Any student-athlete who is signed into a room but not present will be signed out and all study hall time for that session will be lost.
Winthrop University academic services available to all students include:
Do not leave study hall, even for a few minutes, without first notifying the study hall monitor. The monitor will track the length of your absence and may dock minutes from study hall time as appropriate. Behave in a responsible manner with respect for others in study hall. Disruptive and unproductive behavior will not be tolerated.
Do not bring food or drinks into the computer lab. Drinks and small snacks are allowed in the study hall room. Non-academic use of computers during study hours will lead to restriction of computer privileges and may result in loss of study hours for that session.
Turn off and put away cell phones before signing in. If a student-athlete has a cell phone that is not stored out of sight during study hall, the student may be signed out of study hall.
Bring enough work to remain busy and productive throughout their time in study hall. These rules may be amended without warning as the Director of Academic and Student -Athlete Services and the study hall monitors see fit. Coaches may have more restrictive policies. All student-athletes must abide by the above rules, as well as any rules posted in the study hall area or verbally communicated by their coach, the Director of Academic and Student-Athlete Services or the study hall monitors on duty. Violation of any study hall policy may result in dismissal from study hall, loss of hours completed during that session, and notification of the appropriate coach for further disciplinary action.
The Academic Success Center is located in 106 Dinkins Hall and provides one-on -one and group tutoring for more than 50 Touchstone Program courses. It is staffed by students recommended by faculty who have participated in a College Reading and Learning Association International Tutor Training Certified program. For more information you can visit The Mathematics Tutorial Center, also known as the “Math Lab,” is located in Bancroft 271 and is staffed by Mathematics Department faculty and upper level undergraduate mathematics majors. Students enrolled in any mathematics course may drop in for extra help during these hours. No appointment is necessary. The Writing Center, located in 242 Bancroft Hall, provides free writing assistance to all members of the University community. Tutors help writers analyze assignments, address audiences appropriately, improve their composing processes, strengthen the focus and organization of their writing, and improve their control of the language. Although operating hours may vary from semester to semester, the Writing Center is open at least five days a week, with some evening and weekend hours. Walk-in services are available, but scheduling an appointment ensures that a tutor will be available. To make an appointment, phone 323-2138. The College of Business maintains a Student Resource room in Thurmond 107. Students have access to computers with the latest Microsoft Office software, Front Page, the Internet, and a True-Color flatbed scanner. Tutors are also available for assistance with selected business courses: ACCT 280 & 281, QMTH 205 & 206, ECON 215 & 216, and FINC 311. Hours for the Resource Room are established at the beginning of each semester and are posted on the bulletin board outside the room.