F. Gyertyan MSc.Landscape Architecture Portfolio

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Fruzsina Gyertyรกn landscape architecture



Professional experience

Wageningen University

Gnüchtel & Triebswetter Landschaftsarchitekten (GTL Kassel)

2012 - 2014, Wageningen, Netherlands MSc. Landscape Architecture and Planning Final Thesis: Growing delight - The aesthetic dimension of urban gardening in Amsterdam

SLU Alnarp - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences I.-IV. 2010, Sweden Erasmus exchange

Corvinus University of Budapest

2007-2011, Hungary BSc. Landscape Management and Garden Design, excellent degree Final Thesis: Design for Environmental Education - Case study on the Garden of ‘Huncutka’ Childcare Center

IX.2013 - III.2014, Kassel, Germany Landscape Architect Trainee - Competitions & Construction planning (Lp. 2-5).

Green Fortune Netherlands

IX.2012 - VI.2013, Netherlands Urban Horticulturist - Plantwall construction and maintenance.

Green Fortune Hungary

V. - IX.2012, Budapest, Hungary Urban Horticulturist & Garden Designer

Climate Embassy Association

III, - IX.2012, Budapest, Hungary Project Coordinator & Environmental Educator (full time volunteer)

Teniszpark Garden Design

III. -VII.2012, Budapest, Hungary Gardener - Construction and maintenance of private gardens.

Landcraft Paysagistes Büro

IX. - XII.2010, France Garden Designer Intern - Design of vinyardgardens at châteaux, ecopools, private gardens. Site-surveys, meeting with clients, pricing.

Fruzsina GYERTYÁN MSc. Landscape Architect


Ambitious, fresh graduate landscape architect with international experiences. Nature-lover, traveler, passionate about designing a greener future.

Born on 11. April 1989

Through my studies and work experiences in different European countries, I developed an open, flexible and adaptive attitude to new working situations and various cultural environments. I am said to be a highly cooperative team-player with excellent communicational and organizational skills, also able to work well under pressure. My creativity and outside-the-box thinking help me to solve pragmatic problems by simple design solutions. I am goal-oriented and precise, motivated by new challenges, and always ready to learn.

+49 176 55146416

Nationality: Hungarian

fruzsina.gyertyan@ gmail.com Bei dem Gerichte 22 38114 Braunschweig

professional skills


language skills


Johannes-Janssen Platz Recklinghausen ‘Realisierungswettbewerb’


AutoCAD (professional) Vectorworks (professional) Adobe Photoshop (professional) Adobe InDesign (professional) Adobe Illustrator (intermediate) Google SketchUp 3D (intermediate) Mapinfo and Surfer GIS programs (beginner) MS Office suite eg. Excel, PowerPoint, Word (professional)

Practical Excellent presentation skills Extensive plant-knowledge Great hand-drawing skills Competence with land survey instruments Experience in vegetation treatment, tree pruning, garden maintenance Driving license B (2012)

II.2014, Kassel Special prize (Ankauf) with GTL Landschaftsarchitekten for the design of a small urban square with historical heritage.

XIII. National Student Conference of Environmental Sciences in Hungary

IV.2012, Kecskemét 1st prize in the Environmental Education section, for the presentation ‘Designing for Environmental Education in Childcare Centre Gardens’.

Mother tongue


Full professional proficiency /// IELTS Band score 7,5 (2012)


Working proficiency /// French intermediate B2 level language exam (2007, BME)


Conversational level /// B1 level

Corvinus Garden Expo, “Landart” Student Competition

IV.2011, Budapest Two entries awarded and realized as temporary installations in the Budapest Arboretum during the spring fair.

Other Activities & interests Volunteering Humble Harvest student group against food waste, Wageningen (2014) Movie W Art Cinema, Wageningen (2012-2013) Climate Embassy Association, Budapest (2012)


Sports (floorball, ultimate frisbee, photography; travelling; crafting



references “Frau Gyertyán hat es als Praktikantin verstanden, sich in die ihr gestellten Aufgaben sehr gut und sehr schnell einzuarbeiten und zeigte dabei ein sehr hohes Maß an Selbständigkeit. Durch ihre Teamfähigkeit, Aufgeschlossenheit und Hilfsbereitschaft war Frau Gyertyán darüber hinaus eine sehr angenehme Mitarbeiterin und wurde gegenüber Geschäftspartnern, Geschäftsführung und Kollegen sehr geschätzt. Wir wären mit Frau Gyertyáns Leistungen in jeder Hinsicht außerordentlich zufrieden. Wir lernten sie als eine sehr gute, überaus zuverlässige und verantwortungsbewusste Mitarbeiterin kennen und wünschen ihr für ihren weiteren beruflichen Weg viel Erfolg.”

...She also had the chance to work on site, creating a bulb and prairie habitat around trees and in woodland clearings, for a prestigious château. Given harsh environmental conditions, she continued to work conscientiously and I had complete confidence in her interpretation of our design proposals. She was well received and respected by her fellow workers and I have no hesitation in recommending her.”

Michael Triebswetter, Founder and owner of Gnüchtel triebswetter landscaftsarchitekten (2014)

Tim Guest, Manager of landcraft paysagistes (2010)

“Fruzsina has been a key member of our project team: contributing regularly to the development of the projects, taking part in regular meetings, and the day to day running of the project team. She is a team player but also able to work independently and always ready to learn.

“Being talented and ambitious, Fruzsina was an outstanding student all over her years in college. She excelled not only in the compulsory university programme, but took most of the opportunities for further educational experience. She has actively participated in a diverse assortment of extracurricular activities, including round table discussions, student competitions, social and sport events.”

...Fruzsina is ambitious, committed and diligent: her positive attitude, professional knowledge and pleasant demeaner was a great contribution and personal pleasure to all.”

Tamás Koltai, Project Director of Green Fortune Hungary (2012)


“She quickly became a valued team member, working on a multitude of projects including four natural pool projects. Her main role was in the development of presentations, in which she excelled. Her reliability and investment in the organisation was unquestionable.

Prof. Imre Jámbor, CSs DLA, Faculty of Landscape Architecture corvinus university of budapest (2012)

Wageningen University, Master Thesis

stadtterrasse krefeld

Rehabilitation of the abandoned Südbahnhof with a vibrant social life at GTL Kassel

unicampus rostock Construction plans and detailing for the Rostock Südcampus project, Lp.5 at GTL Kassel

Terbregge Transition A new slowlane in North-East Rotterdam, the link to ‘escape’ the city through the river Rotte Wageningen University, supervised by Adriaan Geuze (West8)

kinnarps roofgarden

An enclosed green roofgarden at the Kinnarps Design Furniture Studio, Budapest Designed and realized with Green Fortune Hungary

pollinator path

Themed-educational path with mini-gardens in downtown Budapest Created with Climate Embassy Association Budapest


Designing with and for community gardening at the IJplein, Amsterdam Noord

selection of

foodscape at the amsterdam waterfront



Designing with and for community gardening at the IJplein, Amsterdam Noord 2014, Master Thesis at Wageningen University, tutored by Ingrid Duchhart, Charlotte Buys & Arnold van der Valk

In recent years in Amsterdam, urban agriculture enjoys the support of the municipality. Community gardens are increasing in numbers and gaining popularity in all parts of the city. These gardens are becoming a new sort of land-use, something designers and planners also need to work with. Besides the many positive aspects of community gardening (social, ecological, economic advantages), there is a critical discussion in the designer’s realm about aesthetics. In the specific context of Amsterdam, the question of aesthetics have been investigated through site visits and interviews. Surprisingly, for many participants the most important is social aesthetics: meeting others and sharing knowledge. Another unique aesthetic quality is the experimental nature of gardens: the opportunity to shape the environment and create new things, without the risk to ‘fail’. This is very attractive and inspiring for people. Designing a community garden thus requires a different approach, not the regular visual-dominated, distant aesthetics. The findings of the field research were applied on the case of the Voedseltuin IJplein in Amsterdam Noord.

My master thesis was a 8 months long research-design project, individual work with supervision. Literature study, reference studies (field work), and a design case study were the main used methods. The outcome was a scientific report on the aesthetic qualities of community gardens in Amsterdam, and a design proposal for the area of the IJplein (Amsterdam North) based on the research. The design outcomes are featured here shortly.


The Voedseltuin IJplein community garden was initiated in 2012, and have been planned and constructed in close cooperation with local citizens. The garden is located on the waterfront, with a magnificent view on central Amsterdam and the IJ river. The surrounding neighbourhood is social housing, with an industrial athmosphere and degraded public spaces. Unemployment and financial struggles are frequent among inhabitants.

“We like the garden to grow organically, based on collective decisions.� Says Axel Haye, gardening participant & coordinator at the Voedseltuin. Above: the original plans for the Voedseltuin, made by the community in 2012 (http://voedseltuin.ijplein.nl/)


Through gardening, the Voedseltuin initiative aims to build a social network and help people: immigrant families to integrate, unemployed people to find new regular activities, and disabled people with garden therapy. The organic vegetables produced in one big communal field are sold to the Food-bank, and used in smaller quantities by participants. The garden aims to provide a new community space, as well as educative activities for school children.

A garden with great potential Research shows that community gardening can bring much more advantages than the direct outcomes, such as food. One interesting aspect is the growing connection between people and nature while gardening, which, combined with education, can result in higher environmental awareness on a larger scale - leading to a more sustainable urban life. The Voedseltuin has great potential to catalyze this change - however, so far it only happens to a small and distinct group of people. Supporting the transition in a broader context can be explored by a new landscape design.

socially integral multi-cultural educational potential for change

The site conditions create outstanding opportunities to lead a bottom-up sustainability transition.

central location

The role of design is to maximize the potential benefits provided by and related to the community garden and its activities.

connection to nature place attachment community bonding

rainwater usage

high visibility Present garden

Distinct from its surroundings: gardeners come from other parts of Amsterdam, the produced crops also leave the area.

Present neighbourhood

energy from biomass local jobs

Functional conditions buildings with potential for food distribution (shop, canteen, restaurant) areas of intensive use - potential meeting places main functional routes


to connect to neighbourhood life

facades & topography with a favorable microclimate potential green roofs potential productive areas existing gardens


to produce food


a framed community landscape A major aspect of community gardening is the freedom of creation - thus blueprint design is not desirable. Instead, a well-thought ‘framework’, a designed public-space network can spatially organize and connect the used spaces, which are then ‘filled’ - gardened - by the community.

hollandia kattenburgpad

The ‘spine’ of the neighbourhood is the formerly 12m broad asphalt cyclist-pedestrian pathway. The major functional axis of the area opens to both sides to plenty of recreational opportunities, it connects separate parts.

existing communal gardening activity potential new communal gardens possible individual garden plots tree rows rainwater channels


The new boulevard draws people directly to the IJ with its lush green-blue structure. Revitalizing the old rainwater-channel and reclaiming the former parking lots for pedestrian use allows the visitors of both the IJplein School and the Wilhelmina-Dok Restaurant to engage safely and delightfully with their close environment.



In accordance with the long-term plans of the Amsterdam Municipality, the waterfront received extra attention. The redesigned promenade is a great place for all Amsterdamers to relax and enjoy the magnificent view of the IJ.

conceptual plan

Individual garden plots

In the close surroundings of the existing community garden, connections were priority: with the school and the daycare, as well as with public recreational spaces and green infrastructure.

Apple & pear orchard

Hollandia kattenburgpad Meeting point: shaded benches, drinking well

new daycare building





Educational school gardens

Picnic area

voedseltuin ijplein

Compost Garden shed with veranda



New plaza for events and small markets N o o rdwa

l-p r o


Planned trees Planned fruit trees Existing trees

wilhelmina dok

Pedestrian areas Bicycle paths Wildflowering meadows & herb gardens Higher vegetation (reed, uncut hedges)

Small harbor for private boats

Planned vegetable gardens Hedges & berry shrubs Benches, garden furniture


The Hollandia Kattenburgpad is the most used route in the neighbourhood, but primarily for walkingor cycling-through, not for staying and spending time outdoors. The design aims to change this with providing plenty of opportunities - inviting choices - to enter the recreational green areas crossing the path. Waterbodies, flowering meadows and beautiful fruit orchards are making the landscape delightful, suited to the human scale.

hollandia kattenburgpad



The boulevard is a crucial element in the design. The water-channel serves both as rainwater retention (for irrigation) and as recreational axis. It is not only beneficial for the garden, but also for all school children and their families. Instead of the former busy parking lot, they can use this common space on their way to/from school safely.



Pyrus sp. Monardia sp. Laurus nobilis

Rosmarinus officinalis


The new promenade is pedestrian- and cyclistfriendly, providing direct access to the water - and also from the water, for the plenty of small boats on the IJ. Lush vegetation and the river IJ, in the center of Amsterdam: a combination all citizens are wishing for. The southern facade of the street lays in full sun, where fruits and mediterranean herbs can equally grow, for passers-by to pick.

The design intervention at the IJplein aims to serve on four scales, summarized in the here illustrated strategy. The smallest scale, the ‘Perceptible level’ is the domain of the gardeners: the pattern of vegetables, choice of flowers, the atmosphere of the garden. The second scale is the ‘Site level’: where the garden meets the public domain. The public spaces framing the garden are mediating between different stakeholders, with different preferences.

city level • ensure accessibility and information for visitors • learn from successes and failures, spread gardening practice • enter the city economy: food cycles, education, therapy,etc.

neighbourhood level • increase social responsibility & local involvement • flexible strategies for expansion of gardening • create closed cycles (food-waste, water)

site level • increase accessibility & connectivity • intensify green space - multifunctionality • actively connect with the broader context

perceptible level • small interventions of key importance • involve the community • focus on transition & thresholds

The ‘Neighbourhood level’ refers to the design concept overarching the IJplein: a larger scale, longer term plan, with scenarios, optional changes. On this level, functionality, and a well-working network are important, to create coherence between the several sites neighbouring each other. Finally, the ‘City level’ needs to be considered: it’s relations to the IJplein, and the influence of the design on future urban life in Amsterdam.



Rehabilitation of the abandoned Südbahnhof with a vibrant social life 2014, competition work at GTL Landschaftsarchitekten, tutored by Harald Noll

The competition ‘Stadterrasse Krefeld’ was an interesting urban rehabilitation project, in the larger framework of the ‘Krefelder Promenade’, a 13km long green-recreational route along the railways across the city of Krefeld. The Stadterrasse is one substantial element of the planned green infrastructure. The design area is the rooftop of an abandoned smaller train station, elevated from the street level. The site has become an ecologically valuable biotope during the years out-of-use. Recently, the building got a new function as a community space, for social-cultural activities.

I took major responsibility for this project from the beginning. It was my duty to make and submit the final posters (2xA1), including all necessary components on them. My tasks were to prepare the analysis, create a strong design concept, and continue with the detailed plans, sections and visualisations. The entire process was individual, supervised work.

krefeld The former small train station ‘Crefeld Süd’ have been closed down in the 1960’s. The building stood empty until recent years, the platforms have been taken over by rust and nature.


Hauptbahnhof krefelder promenade



Nowadays exhibitions, concerts and community activities are taking place in the old station building. It became a meeting point for diverse and multicultural citizens from the neighbourhood.

The roof of the station, where the former platforms had been, is only accessible through the building. The design needs to include new access, and multiple recreational functions for all age groups.


One of the most important aspects considering the design for this space is multifunctionality and flexibility. The Stadtterrasse should be a lively and pleasant public area both in everyday use and during concerts, performances or festivals. It should serve families as well as old people and teenagers, it should give calmness for those who want to relax and a vibrant scene for those who want to get active. It is also important to leave space for creation and change, so the community can shape the space according to their needs. The design identifies these functions with certain areas on the plan, and enhances their atmosphere, their usability, and their durability. As there are lush established trees providing intimacy, shade, wind protection and spatial separation, the design works mostly in the underlayer.


genius of the place

To strenghten the history of the place, the former platform is symbolically restored, and an old train wagon is placed to the central plaza. The forms recall the past, but with completely new functions...

social & cultural hub

Due to the Krefeld promenade and the proximity of dense residential areas, many people will pass by this place every day. All ages and many cultures mix here, each can find their own way of interacting with the space.

island of biodiversity

Pioneer trees and flowering shrubbery makes the Stadterrasse a great place for insects, birds and small mammals too. The vegetation is kept as much as possible, and additional pollen-rich flowering meadows are created in the design.


view from street level


The design is inspired by forms found on-site: the elevated platform, the waving rooftop over the arches of the building, and the long parallel lines created by the rails. By re-inventing these shapes and making them durable, the space becomes playful and multifunctional, usable for all ages. The old platform beomes the central space where most social activity happens. The ‘SnackBahn’ provides food and beverages for passers-by, while recalling the spirit of the train station. Moveable furniture guarantees that the place can easily be rearranged for concerts, performances and festivals. Additionally, an auditorium is formed on top of the staircase leading inside the station building. The top of this structure also offers a great panorama over the historical centre of Krefeld.



Construction planning and detailing in the second phase of the Rostock Südcampus Project 2013, at GTL Landschaftsarchitekten, tutored by Jörg Albin & Tina Korn

The contruction planning (Leistungsphase 5.) of the Südcampus of Rostock University was the very first project I was involved in during my internship at GTL Kassel. GTL was - and still is - working on this project since 2009. The area is approximately 68 hectares, thus the design of the campus is divided to several phases. At the time I joined the working team in the office, the first phase was already completed and realized; we were working on the construction plans of the second phase.

F2 rad- und müllbox beton grundriss

In this projects my tasks were mainly detailing in Vectorworks based on former plans and standards. Preparing the layouts, printing and folding hard copies also became my responsibility. By time I gained more independence and moved from drawing sections and small-scale details to plan heights and water drainage. I worked in diverse scales between 1:20 - 1:500. I also got the chance to learn to use the ‘Geländemodell’ in Vectorworks for height calculations and large-scale sections.

lage von müllboxen

Fahrradständer mit Dachboden ansicht müllbox (ost)




The designed spaces were to be very functional and durable, to serve the heavy use of the campus environment. Infrastructural planning received extra attention: access roads, bicycle ways, bike stands, paved boulevards and pathways, rainwater runoff, lighting, etc. The green elements - trees, ornamental grasses, and wetland plants in the water retention bassins - were kept simple, yet decorative.

querscnhitt freiflache ‘F4’








new entrance

to De BijenBoerderij

Today only those find De BijenBoerderij who are looking for it. The entrance area needs to be inviting and informative. I propose a flowerch semi-public setting, which is easant to enter, and creates the eeling of a place’. The open gates re giving the impression that we nter the domain of the bee-farm rectly from the main street.


A new slowlane in North-East Rotterdam, the link to ‘escape’ the city through the river Rotte 2012, Master Studio at Wageningen University, tutored by Adriaan Geuze (West8)

The Rotte river - although nowadays almost invisible in central Rotterdam - is historically the most important landscape element for the city: Rotterdam was founded on it’s confluence with the Maas. The river stretching towards the North is also an important connection for Rotterdam to the Dutch countryside, the polder landscape, an important recreational area for citizens. The full potential of the polders as ‘public parks’ is yet to discover, to date the area is underused. My design proposal aims to improve this situation by establishing a new walking-cycling connection with the Rotte, and at once create a place where the countryside itself can enter the city. Inspired by the ‘Transition Network’, the district Terbregge is supplemented by a park for sustainable food, sustainable transport, ecological and social resilience.

The main topic of this design studio was the river Rotte in Rotterdam, and it’s potential to ‘escape the city’. The type of project, scale and location were freely chosen by each student, with the requirement to “design for ordinary people”. The course took two months of individual work and regular tutoring, and ended with a poster-based presentation.








As we follow the river upstream away from Rotterdam, the landscape is changing. The skyscrapers are replaced by smaller houses, old farm buildings, until at the end it is only the open sky and the geometric pattern of the polders. This change in imagery draws many people outside.

Accessibility is key. Most people currently using the river shore are by bike or by rollerskates, but many arrive by car to the starting point of their activity. By connecting the Rotte better to residential areas, people can start at their own doorstep, and walk, cycle, skate out to the landscape. The core element of my project is a ~1km long part of a bicycle slowlane at Terbregge, embedded in a cultivated public park. Benefiting from the future plans of an underground highway under the area, the foreseen excavation is used to create a new waterbody - both for recreation and for rainwater/ flood water retention.


connected landscape

new biotope

more natural topography

The site is currently a grazing field, isolating some “leftover� farms from the neighbourhood residential areas. In the proposed design, productive functions (farming) are overlapping with recreational activities. Both takes advantage: residents have a new public space to use, while farmers have more visitors and a larger local market to sell their products to. This way the park can be used for traversing, for freetime activities and for making a living, with the functions supporting each other. The underlying landscape is semi-natural, working with a greater diversity on the human scale. The new water retention lake supports climate resilience by storing rainwater, and at once creates an interesting, delightful space. With natural vegetation, the water can be cleaned enough for swimming, and used for irrigation as well as for fish farming.


Broad alleys for cycling and walking

The ‘Floating Gallery’



Boat rental waterfront walk ‘floating gallery’


fish nursery

restaurants open fields Walking, flying kites, potential festival site

community orchard csa fields Vegetable & fruit production





terbregge transition

Masterplan 31


An enclosed green roof garden at the Kinnarps Design Furniture Showroom, Budapest 2012, individual design & planning assignment at Green Fortune Hungary

Kinnarps Budapest was contacting us at Green Fortune Hungary, to re-design the rooftop garden connected to their showroom. The garden at that moment was practically made up of grass and a few benches - only used for smoking breaks by two employees. The L-shaped garden had two entrances, one leading to the main showroom and one to a presentation room. The client wished to have a calm, lush, natural garden; to be used for small work-meetings, for taking breaks (for app. 3-5 people), and occasionally for conference breaks with high (standing) tables on the terrasse - giving the requirement to be “high-heel friendly�. Furthermore, they asked for a low-maintenance space, which looks good in every season throughout the year.

I took part in this project from the first consultations with the client (managers of Kinnarps Budapest) till the actual construction of the garden. My tasks were to develop and consult the concept, then to prepare the planning documentation: construction plans, planting schemes, perspectives, calculations for materials and pricing.



The environmental conditions in the garden were determining the design starting points: shallow but rich soil, deep shade on the Northern side and a warm sunny microclimate on the Southern side. Extra soil was added in the Northern shady corner, for planting three birch trees and for creating an interesting topography. That corner is imitating a wet, groove-like biotope with shade-tolerant perennials displaying beautiful foliages. Climbers are adding to the contrast between built structures and the ‘wild’ natural planting. On the more sunny South-Westerns stretch ornamental grasses, colorful flowers, and herbs are framing the pathway. Many are winterproof, keeping their decorative foliages all-year-round.

The new design creates a more functional space by adding an extra sitting place with a roof. This way there are more options to choose for social distance, as well as for preferences for sun or shade. The combination of architectural structures and green elements makes both two sitting places accessible and inviting. The completed garden is delighting employees and business partners since two years now - and birds and insects as well, the workers reported. The garden became the new favourite spot for relaxing and socializing, and we continue to receive compliments at Green Fortune as the plants grow and evolve.



A themed-educational path with mini-gardens in downtown Budapest 2012, in cooperation with the Climate Embassy Association

The ‘Pollinator Path’ was a multi-sensory exposition about plants and their role in our lives. Five installations or ‘mini-gardens’ were placed in the most frequented public squares of Budapest, to showcase plants collected in themes such as gastronomy, medicine, fabric, energy & myths. Exciting stories, games and events were organised in connection to the outdoor exhibition. Beside knowledge transfer, the aim of the project was to help city people discover the amazing world of plants and the fact that they are part of their everyday lives in many ways, from being an ingredient to food or medicine to providing alternative sources of energy.

The ‘Pollinator Path’ received remarkable media-attention and general positive public support. Thanks to the absolute success of 2012, the installations were displayed again in 2013 in the streets of Budapest. In 2014 the ‘Pollinator Path’ stations have been given to the Budapest Zoo, where they continue fulfilling the exhibition’s environmental-educational function. As a volunteer member of the Climate Embassy Association, I participated in this project as a project coordinator and co-designer. My tasks included taking part in the concept-making and the inquiry for legal permission, as well as the coordination of the plant inventory, selection, and sourcing of plants. Supervision and coordination of onsite construction of the installations was also my responsibility.


Thank you for your time! Fruzsina Gyertyรกn +49 176 55146416 fruzsina.gyertyan@gmail.com Bei dem Gerichte 22 38114 Braunschweig


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