1 minute readHow do foreign vocational placements impact skills and future career paths?from Evidence-based approach in Erasmus+by Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu EdukacjiNext ArticleChanges in the work of Croatian teachers after their participation in mobility projectsMore articles from this publication:Changes in the work of Croatian teachers after their participation in mobility projects50minpages 124-145Strategic partnerships in the Erasmus+ Higher Education field in Poland24minpages 146-157Erasmus+ staff mobility motivations, impact, recognition and satisfaction – an exploratory study of 1minpages 102-123Solidarity in times of COVID-19 – the perception of the notion and value of solidarity by European S1minpages 92-98Forms and know-how of virtual internationalisation in secondary education in Finland1minpages 82-90The well-being of international students in the COVID-19 pandemic – a case study of the Jagiellonian1minpages 70-81The COVID-19 pandemic and international students: consequences for researchers, stakeholders and pol1minpages 60-69Impact of student mobility for placements on competencies, studies and employability1minpages 38-57Evaluating the labour market impact of learning mobility: the case of Danish apprentice chefs25minpages 28-36Show moreThis article is from:Evidence-based approach in Erasmus+