THE FACES OF ERASMUS+. Programme summary 2014–2020. Volume I
The information network
In small towns, and especially in rural areas, the knowledge of the opportunities offered to young Europeans by EU-funded programmes is rudimentary. Having in mind that lack of knowledge means exclusion, we joined the Eurodesk network to open up young people to the experiences they could have Dominika Caune, headteacher of the Bolesław Krzywousty Complex of Secondary Schools of Mechanics in Kołobrzeg
urodesk is an information programme operating within the Erasmus+ structures. It does not award grants, but supports other initiatives related to non-formal education and youth work. It also co-operates with more than a thousand youth organisations and institutions working for young people across Europe. Network members share information, experience and know-how. The Eurodesk Poland is one of the largest and most active networks in Europe. In 2020, it consisted of more than 50 organisations and institutions, which on the regional and local level reached out to young people with information about the opportunities offered by the European Union programmes implemented at home and abroad. The Eurodesk National Centre in Poland provides training to employees of these organisations so that they can organise and participate in events, conduct lessons and workshops and answer questions. One of the means of communication with young people is the website. It features a database of grant programmes that support learning mobility and co-operation in Europe. It is the largest source of such information in Polish internet. It collects information about more than 300 initiatives. Young people who look for information on opportunities related to education and training, volunteering or activity