Abstracts Anna Abramczyk, Suzanne Jurkowski
Cooperative Learning in Diverse Classes The article presents selected methods of cooperative learning and indicate some mechanisms justifying their effectiveness. Not only does cooperative learning enable implementation of cognitive goals and facilitates skill development, but – what is even more important - it builds social competences among students. The authors consider methods described effective and attractive to students, thus invite teachers to try and apply them in their everyday educational practice. Wioletta Hajduk-Gawron
Students with Migration Experience at Polish and Irish Schools The aim of the article is to compare how students with the migration experience perform in two different educational systems: Poland and Ireland. First, the author describes Polish students’ experiences, then presents the ethos of schools run under the patronage of Educate Together association in Ireland and discusses the conclusions of the research carried out in two Irish schools. Other education systems’ experiences with studentsmigrants may inspire Polish language learning in constructing a new education model based on inclusive education, as opposed to monocultural didactics. Hanna Komorowska
Multilingualism inside and outside the Education System The article gives an overview of problems related to individual and societal multilingualism, looking at the growth of the phenomenon, its causes and consequences for the society at large. Special attention is given to border regions which, due to the functioning of national and ethnic minorities there, can be considered laboratories of practice for both community life and educational systems. Models and tendencies noticed in those regions are then discussed and implications sought for the organization of language teaching as well as the day-to-day functioning of schools. Dorota Kondrat
Creative Second Language Teacher. Engaging, Motivating and Encouraging Self-reliance in Students Aged 6-10 Creative teaching influences students in many ways and is the best way for the teacher to feel passion. The goal is to shift energy from the teacher to the student. There are seven tips that make teaching more creative and effective: using a teaser to draw attention; surprise, use humour and be unconventional; use space and movement on a daily basis; raise curiosity in the world; make students have a lot of associations; show students how to rely on their talents and effort and, last but not least, promote cooperation not competition. 121