9 minute read
Katarzyna Deleżyńska ICT Tools in the Foreign Language Classroom
This article tackles the issues of implementing ICT technologies in everyday foreign languages teaching and learning. It also presents selected examples of practical teaching methods that can be useful for both students and teachers as well as numerous benefits of using them.
Key words: teaching foreign languages, ict tools, blended learning
Paulina Dwużnik Mediation and Translation in Language Teaching
This article aims to present the differences and similarities between linguistic mediation and translation as well as the functions of translation in various glottodidactic approaches. Main differences between mediation and translation, as well as the role of a mediator and the role of a translator in linguistic communication are compared. Examples of written mediation tasks and a practical mediation task for students of Business Legal English are presented.
Key words: mediation, translation, teaching, mediation tasK
Mieczysław Gajos Developing Linguistic and Cultural Competences in French Lessons
Piaf and Paris are topics that help to develop cultural and linguistic competences in French lessons. Edith Piaf, the greatest French singer of the twentieth century, tied her entire life with Paris. Based on the information contained in the article, a walk in the footsteps of Piaf helps to learn about the topography of Paris, ways of moving around the city, and city nomenclature. The exercises proposed in the article allow for the development and improvement of students’ linguistic and cultural competences.
Key words: edith Piaf, Paris, linguistic comPetence, cultural comPetence, ProPer names
Dorota Kondrat Creative Use of Songs in English Classes with Teenagers
Music has enormous power to teach a language. It is not just a pastime, it arouses emotions, uses rhythm and rhyme, so it makes learning memorable. Besides, music is a means of introspection and integration. Teachers know varied ways to use songs in class. The article extends this knowledge with practical examples of individual and group exercises. These include gap filling, replacing, rephrasing, and sketches. The examples make use of synonyms, collocations, or language register.
Key words: songs, emotions, lyrics, tenses, vocabulary, gaP filling, rePhrasing
Jarosław Krajka On Do-It-Yourself Corpora In Foreign Language Writing Instruction
Online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as computer-assisted teaching in post-pandemic contexts, rely to a large extent on student production of electronic texts. Provision of texts makes compilation of custom-made text collections, responding to pedagogic goals of the curriculum and particular needs of the class, perfectly feasible. Since Data-Driven Learning is not only about putting texts together into collections but also use concordancing programs to browse language data and verify hypotheses, the present articles makes an overview of freely available concordancers which operate on custom-made text collections. The paper concludes with a series of data-based activities useful in writing instruction.
Key words: do-it-yourself corPora, data-driven learning, writing instruction
Katarzyna Nosidlak On the Issue of Reading Assignments – 65 Years Later
The paper, inspired by the article by Anna Zawadzka published in the first issue of Języki Obce w Szkole [Foreign languages at school] in 1957, aims at presenting the changes in the field of foreign language education at the secondary level in Poland since the beginnings of the journal. The special emphasis has been placed on the issue of the development of reading skills among pre-university language learners. In order to gain insight into the current practices of teaching reading in secondary schools, the author of this article invited English teachers to share their experiences by completing an online questionnaire. The obtained data illustrates the transformation in the methods and techniques used by teachers to develop practical skills among their teenage students and consequent advancement of the linguistic level among secondary school graduates.
Key words: history of language teaching, language sKills, reading, reading assignments, secondary education
Anna Mikus Use of Music, Literature and Film in FLT
The article indicates how the use of music, film and literature affects students learingi a foreign language. Music plays an important role on several counts - it is relaxing, teaches students the proper pronunciation and accent, brings them into contact with a more colloquial language. Thus, students can learn and review new vocabulary easier and faster. Thanks to incorporating literature, students recognize different literary styles, put interpretations on literary texts and practise language. As for watching films, students may learn the whole sentences or expressions, analysing important scenes. In the article, there can be found examples of tasks employing songs, literary texts and films when teaching a foreign language.
Key words: music in learning languages, literature in learning languages, films in learning languages, education and entertainment
Dorota Padzik Authentic Materials Not Only for Advanced Students
Authentic materials can help students to develop their language skills but also their autonomy and strategic skills. With this kind of support, they can discover and understand foreign countries what can facilitate subsequent intercultural dialogue based on tolerance and open-minded attitude. That is why we shouldn’t neglect this type of materials during lessons with beginners. The sooner our students start to be exposed to the authentic language, the better they will understand its nature.
Key words: authentic materials, non-authentic materials, motivation, intercultural sKills, learner ’ s autonomy
Małgorzata Piotrowska-Skrzypek
Kamishibai in Foreign Language Lessons The use of extraordinary and engaging materials in lessons is an activity that strengthens interest and motivation of students. It helps to discover a foreign language in a new, intriguing way, which not only introduces and consolidates the linguistic material, but also arouses positive emotions, attracts attention and generates concentration. The kamishibai theatre offers a diverse range of didactic implications in foreign language lessons, two of which are discussed in this article: developing the competences of listening comprehension and creating oral statements from A1 to B2 levels.
Key words: Kamishibai, listening, sPeaKing, foreign language
Sylwia Roguska Methodological Eclecticism in the Home Language Adaptation of Children
Linguistic adaptation, both for pre-school and early school children, should take place in the nursery or school space, but it can also be done at home. First, the article provides a brief characteristics of pre-school and early-school children as foreign language learners. Then, it concentrates on the benefits of learning a foreign language in children’s home space. The last part explores the methods that can be used to aid foreign language education at home. The final considerations suggest that the home language adaptation of children provides many opportunities that promote foreign language learning.
Key words: eclecticism, teaching methods, home language adaPtation, ict, young learners
Joanna Rudzińska-Warzecha How to Encourage Adults to Learn?
This article is about teaching adults and encouraging them to learn foreign languages, which may become a New Year’s resolution. The importance of grammar and vocabulary in learning a new language is crucial and people can learn them easier in a friendly, non-stressful environment, using technology and applications, e-tools, podcasts, websites or streaming platforms that exercise memory and creativity. Moreover, we should also remember that a healthy diet and physical activity are crucial in the whole process of learning due to the fact that the foods that we eat affect our memory and emotions.
Marcin Ryszka Effective Reading In English
The article presents the use of various methods and techniques for effective reading in English. The author analyses the vital role of reading in the process of learning the language, compares different language skills which boost reading and provides suggestions for students on different levels, including those with dyslexia, for successful reading. The use of modern technology is favoured but various problems concerning reading are also discussed.
Key words: reading, inPut, PurPose-setting questions, direct reading questions, cognitive organiser
Bogumiła Stanoch Lesson with a Sticker Worksheet
How to meet a challenge of conducting a lesson in a class consisting of primary school students with average intellectual capacity, those who deal with specific and non-specific learning difficulties and those who seem to be apt? Using sticker worksheets seems to be one of the techniques that the teacher may employ to manage the lesson. There are various types of sticker that serve different purposes. Designing useful sticker worksheets involves certain amount of planning and preparation but the effectiveness of the worksheets may be worth the effort. The power of sticker worksheets is based on visual thinking stimulated in students by certain images, associations students make and actions students take during a classed involving sticker worksheets.
Key words: worKsheet, sticKer worKsheet, visual thinKing, Primary school, mixed-ability class
Jolanta Szpyra-Kozłowska Phonetic Transcription from an Older and Recent Perspective
Despite a long tradition, the use of phonetic transcription (phonemic script) in teaching English pronunciation to Polish school learners remains a controversial issue. The paper examines major advantages and drawbacks of employing three approaches to this phonodidactic aid: phonetic transcription with international IPA symbols, the phonemic scripts which combines elements of IPA notation with some Polish spelling-to-sound correspondences proposed by A. Reszkiewicz and a system that relies entirely on Polish letter-to-pronunciation conventions, found in many Polish coursebooks. It is argued that only IPA symbols provide an adequate representation of English consonants and vowels, and that any attempts to replace them with Polish letters have undesirable consequences for the quality of learners’ English pronunciation.
Key words: Phonetic transcriPtion, Phonemic scriPt, iPa symbols, simPlified transcriPtion
Monika Szymańska Mediation – Changes in the Secondary School Final Exam from 2023
Glottodidactic mediation is a term that is becoming more and more popular in foreign language teaching. It has an impact on the organization of the teaching process in schools and broadens students' competences, as it equips them with practical skills. The purpose of this article is to present the reasons, goals and types of changes introduced in the secondary school final exam's form since 2023 and to demonstrate that they are directly related to the spread of the concept of glottodidactic mediation and its practical dimension. First of all, the reasons and purpose of the changes introduced in the exam will be discussed. Furthermore, the concept of glottodidactic mediation is analyzed along with the indication and characteristics of its types. The final part of this article is devoted to the description of specific modifications in the formula of tasks. Also, examples of tasks as well as references to specific forms of mediation are indicated.
Key words: glottodidactic mediation, secondary school final exam, 2023, changes, exam format, sKills
Olga Trendak-Suślik Needs Analysis as a Basis of Designing Language Lessons
There are numerous challenges that each foreign language teacher has to face prior to starting their language course – selecting the right teaching method, choosing adequate didactic materials and aids, finding engaging ways of introducing and practising lexis and grammar, just to name a few. An equally important issue that also merits attention, especially at the stage of course design, is needs analysis (NA) also known as needs assessment. The aim of the following article is to familiarize the readers with the concept of NA and highlight numerous benefits resulting from its regular implementation during language classes.
Key words: needs analysis, needs assessment, learner needs