Abstracts Bożena Czekańska-Mirek
Self-Presentation or Self-Reflection The article aims to discuss self-presentation as one of the most important skills, its role in personal and professional communication. The author shares a reflection on the difficulties in building self-presentation by the representatives of generation Z and briefly describes them. Self-reflection is the first and the most important stage in building self-presentation. Suggestions for exercises are included to make it easier for the students to reflect on themselves and to encourage them to search for development. Magdalena Jochimczyk
Working with Written Text as Part of an Interactive Learning Model In a foreign language lesson, working with written text can support the implementation of an interactive educational model, both in school and academic teaching. Written texts, especially engaging stories, can be used as a material for conversation in the target language with other students and the teacher. Moreover, own written essays provide an opportunity for an authentic dialogue with the teacher during classes, because the conversation about them assumes the resignation from the directive-based classroom management by the teacher in favour of a free conversation with the students. A real dialogue that the students conduct with the academic teacher on the basis of prepared written texts presupposes equality of partners in the communication situation. Jolanta Łącka-Badura
Immediacy Behaviors in Adult Foreign Language Teaching The article focuses on the role that teachers’ immediacy behaviors (i.e. behaviors aimed at building the atmosphere of interpersonal closeness between teachers and learners) play in adult foreign language education. Based on the literature review as well as the author’s own experience and observations, the article presents the positive impact of teachers’ immediacy behaviors on the effectiveness of the teaching process and the benefits the behaviors bring for both learners and teachers. It also offers a large selection of examples, including linguistic, paralinguistic and non-linguistic behaviors that teachers can use and develop in order to build a positive atmosphere in foreign language courses. Małgorzata Molska
Certificate of Proficiency in Foreign Languages and Formative Regulations Certification of proficiency in foreign languages do not preclude formative regulations. The complementarity of many components of evaluation processes is an undeniable added value in the education process, which aims to find the answer to the question of how to use the value obtained in the evaluation process to improve our activities and ensure better development for all of its entities.