On return from your mobility you have to share its results and show its outcomes to the community. At teacher-parent meetings or special events it is also important to emphasise which activities impacted the development of the school. In our case we would like to help other schools and offer them guidance on how to create a project. Teachers from other schools attended workshops organised in our school. Owing to that it was possible to promote the idea of project implementation and pass on that knowledge.
Some responses focussed on the promotion of the project and its outcomes not only within the educational institutions concerned, but also in the media. Although there is a drop in the number of such survey responses (just over 30% in the second phase as compared with over 40% in the first phase), it is worth emphasising that interviewees willingly talked about such forms of outcome dissemination. The dissemination of outcomes is important. During the project, articles concerning our mobilities were posted on the website of our school, on other websites and in the local press. [...] A radio journalist came to interview us and a journalist from a local newspaper interviewed both teachers and pupils. We share the outcomes of our project on a number of websites. We also prepared lesson scenarios using new tools which we shared on the principle of open licences.
Support provided by school leaders The survey shows that support offered by persons managing the sending institution is a vital factor ensuring project success and the institutional development of the school. During both phases of the survey, its respondents considered it important. Moreover, the survey results show that school leaders were willing to support ideas coming from their teaching staff upon completion of mobility projects. Just under 65% of those participating in the first phase said that their school leaders supported the implementation of new ideas from abroad. Two years later that kind of support was reported by over 96% of survey participants.