Measure IV
Measure V
provides enhancement of cooperation between Polish and EEA EFTA countries educational institutions, improvement of abilities of Polish educational institutions to participate in international programmes, international mobility schemes and to organize international events as well as teaching quality improvement of Polish educational establishments through: organising seminars, workshops, conferences supporting the establishment of the European Educational Area, European Area of Higher Education, European Research Area, studies and analyses relevant for education in Poland and/or development of Polish-EEA EFTA country cooperation in the field of education and research, including preparation and implementation of relevant surveys, publications on topics relevant for education in Poland and/or development of Polish-EEA EFTA country cooperation in the filed of education and research, development and implementation of intensive programmes for groups of students from Poland and EEA EFTA countries, preparation of new teaching tools and methods focusing in particular on ICT based learning (e-learning) and project-based learning, school projects based on Comenius principles.
provides the development of teaching and organisational capacities of Polish higher education institutions, improvement of quality of teaching in Polish higher education institutions and development of study programmes offered by Polish higher education institution in foreign languages through:
Inter-institutional Cooperation
Project duration: up to 2 years.
Financing principles: from EUR 5,000 to EUR 100,000. Grant from the Fund will not exceed 90% of total eligible project costs. The remaining cost of at least 10% shall be provided or obtained by the applicant).
Contact: Scholarship and Training Fund Foundation for the Development of the Education System Mokotowska 43, 00-551 Warsaw, Poland tel. + 48/ 022 46 31 000 fax + 48/ 022 46 31 028
Development of Polish Higher Education Institution
Curriculum Reforms development of study programmes in English as the language of instruction, development of joint study programmes (at bachelor, master and doctoral level) leading to double diploma, development of new, innovative study programmes responding to the new needs and challenges emerging at the national or European level, preparation of new or substantial modernization of existing course, module, specialization, study programmes, establishment of two-cycle study programmes based on learning outcomes, with ECTS as an accumulation system, development of study programmes in cooperation with the private sector.
Institutional Reforms development of quality culture, including internal system of Quality Assurance, strategic partnerships, professional centres for foreign students, university – business cooperation (improvement of students placement schemes), fundraising structure.
Project duration: from 1 to 3 years.
Financing principles: from EUR 20,000 up to EUR 250,000. Grant from the Fund will not exceed 90% of total eligible project costs. The remaining cost of at least 10% shall be provided or obtained by the applicant).
Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism
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Scholarship and Training Fund
Measure I
Measure II
Measure III
The Scholarship and Training Fund (STF) was established in Poland in 2008. The initiative supports the educational cooperation between Poland and the donor countries – Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. The main objective of the STF is the development of the education system in Poland and at the same time the development of social and economic cohesion within the EEA by facilitating mobility and cooperation in the field of education between Poland and the EEA EFTA countries.
enhance bilateral co-operation between Polish and EEA EFTA country Higher Education Institutions (HEI) holding the Erasmus University Charter through mobility of students and staff interested in study or practical placement in Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein.
provides contribution to intercultural dialog and language skills improvement through the following activities: intensive courses of the Polish language and culture for students from the donor countries students mobile under Mobility Projects, organised by HEI specialised in teaching Polish as a foreign language, intensive courses of EEA EFTA country languages organised for Polish students under Mobility Projects, primarily for students of EEA EFTA country philology.
provides improvement of knowledge, skills and competencies of individuals as well as development of teaching and research capacities of host institutions through exchange of experience through: mobility of doctoral students and young scholars from Poland to conduct research in EEA EFTA country, mobility of doctoral students and young scholars from EEA EFTA country to conduct research in Poland, study visits for Polish and EEA EFTA country citizens – representatives of institutions and bodies active in the field of higher education (such as Rectors’ Conferences, accreditation bodies), study visits for individuals active in Polish and EEA EFTA country educational institutions (basic, secondary, vocational, higher or adult).
Budget and financing The total amount of funds earmarked for the STF makes up EUR 13.3 million, 90% of which will come from the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism funds and 10% from the Polish State budget. STF supports five different measures with respective specific objectives: mobility of students and staff applying the procedures elaborated within Erasmus programme, mobility grants of doctoral students and young scholars (up to 40 years of age) and study visits for individuals from educational institutions (basic, secondary, vocational, higher or adult etc.), bilateral or multilateral cooperation aiming at development and enhancement of cooperation between Polish and EEA EFTA country educational institutions that should lead to joint organisation of seminars, conferences, production of publications, analyses and studies, school projects on topics identified as common interest, including pupils and students exchange etc., projects aimed at development of teaching and other institutional capacities of Polish higher education institutions. The Foundation for the Development of the Education System is the operator of the STF in Poland. Its main objective is to support reform and development of the Polish education system by implementing a range of educational initiatives. For more information visit:
Mobility Projects
Student Mobility study period of 3 up to 12 months (within the same academic year), including language preparation, practical placements of 3 up to 12 months (within the same academic year), including language preparation. Staff Mobility teaching assignments for a period from 1 day up to 6 weeks with a minimum requirement of 5 teaching hours per flow, participation in seminars, trainings, workshops, conferences for a period from 1 day up to 6 weeks, work shadowing – from 1 day up to 6 weeks. Organisation of Mobility preparation and implementation of outgoing and incoming flows by home and host higher education institution – activities related to promotion, recruitment, monitoring, reporting related to mobility etc.
Language courses
The activities such as language classes, tutorials, social activities, cultural and tourist programme may be implemented in a single course.
Individual Mobility Grants
Project duration: a single language course lasts from 4 to 6 weeks (before the semester starts or before the departure of students mobile under Mobility Projects for study period or practical placement).
Project duration:
Financing principles:
Financing principles
the maximum grant amount is up to EUR 5,000 per course organised for a group of up to 10 persons (i.e. up to EUR 125 per week per person).
Doctoral students and young researches going to EEA EFTA country: subsistence – up to EUR 2200 per month, travel – one return travel up to EUR 500, insurance – for the period of stay abroad, institutional costs – up to EUR 1000 per semester (6 months).
doctoral students and young scholars from 3 to 12 months, other individuals – shots stays up to 2 weeks.
Project duration: up to 15 months.
Financing principles: students mobility: up to 800 EUR for Polish students going to donor countries and up to 500 EUR for foreign students coming to Poland (+EUR 500 per person as a lump sum for travel costs and insurance), staff mobility: depending on the period of stay, up to 2100 EUR per month for Polish staff and up to 1220 EUR per month for foreign staff coming to Poland (+EUR 500 per person as a lump sum for travel costs and insurance), organisation of mobility – incoming flows: 500 EUR per person.
Doctoral students and young researches going to Poland: subsistence – up to EUR 1500 per month, travel – one return travel up to EUR 500, insurance – for the period of stay abroad, institutional costs – up to EUR 750 per semester (6 months). Other persons going to EEA EFTA country: subsistence – EUR 210 per day or EUR 1050 per week, travel – one return travel up to EUR 500, insurance – for the period of stay abroad. Other individuals going to EEA EFTA country: subsistence – EUR 120 per day or EUR 610 per week, travel – one return travel up to EUR 500, insurance – for the period of stay abroad.
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