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→ The Impact of Non-formal Education Activities on the Formal Education

Institutions Through the Youth in Action Programme European Voluntary

Service Projects. (2013). Tallinn: Foundation Archimedes. → Bratek, T., Miłoń, E., Szlęk, A. (2015). Uczyć się inaczej.

Warsaw: Foundation for the Development of the Education System. → Ciesielska, B. (2015). Wpływ projektów unijnych na jakość działania szkoły. Żabnica: Primary School in w Żabnica. → Dobek, G. (2014). Wpływ szkolnej wymiany młodzieży na rozwój osobowości ucznia. Profesor.pl. → Erasmus+ Programme Guide (2018). → Pachocki, M. (2016). Mobilni nauczyciele zmieniają swoje szkoły.

Warsaw: Foundation for the Development of the Education System. → Pappai, A.S., Podolak, P. (2017). European Voluntary Service in Institutions of Formal Education. Anawoj: Michałowo. → Werquin, P. (2010). Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning.

Country Practices. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Websites: → Foundation for the Development of the Education System, www.frse.org.pl → Erasmus+ Programme, www.erasmusplus.org.pl → European Solidarity Corps, www.eks.org.pl

Polish schools and kindergartens have hosted an increasing number of international volunteers involved in the Volunteering Erasmus+ projects (currently, the European Solidarity Corps). Although more and more popular, it is, however, a new experience for the domestic educational institutions. This report presents reasons for inviting volunteers, as well as their everyday tasks and duties. It also analyzes the impact of these international guests’ work on pupils, teachers and schools in Poland.

The publication is a part of the series FRSE Research Reports.

Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE) operates since 1993 and is the Polish National Agency of the Erasmus+ Programme implemented in the years 2014–2020 as well as the Polish National Agency of the European Solidarity Corps. FRSE is also responsible for other European educational and information initiatives in Poland, such as eTwinning, Eurodesk, Eurydice, Europass, ECVET and EPALE. The Foundation also supports cooperation with countries in the East via the Polish Lithuanian Youth Exchange Fund, the Polish Ukrainian Council of Youth Exchange, SALTO-EECA Eastern Europe and Caucasus Resource Centre. Since 2014, FRSE has been involved in the implementation of the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development.

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