Year Nine Directions 2014 Information for pupils going into Year Ten
September 2014
CONTENTS Introduction
The Core Subjects
Mathematics English and English Literature A Modern Foreign Language Science PE and Games (non-examined) The Options
Art and Design Classical Civilisation Computing Design and Technology (Resistant Materials; Systems and Control; Textiles) Drama Geography History Latin Modern Languages Music Religious Studies Supplementary Skills The Co-Curricular Option 30 31
Duke of Edinburgh CCF
Introduction Welcome to 'Directions'. This information booklet has been designed to help you understand the world of GCSEs. It will explain, in detail, which courses you and all other RGS pupils will study (the CORE subjects) and which courses you have the opportunity to select for yourself (the OPTIONS). Specifically, your choice of GCSE options and the direction you take at this point will have probable consequences for what you are likely to study at A Level, which university course you study and which career path you follow. So, take your time and read this booklet carefully. Consult and discuss your thoughts with your tutor, subject teachers, friends and parents and consider what direction of study you wish to take. You should then be able to make a confident decision. 'Directions' is divided into the following sections: 1. Decisions - your questions answered to help with the decision-making process. 2. Core Subjects - the ones everyone will study. 3. Options - the subjects you can pick from to form your own study package. 4. Co-Curricular Opportunities - the other elements of life in Years Ten and Eleven. 5. Careers Guidance - what is available in School to assist with your long-term career planning. The Form on which you fill in your choices will be provided separately. returned to your Form Tutor no later than Friday 28 February 2014.
It should be
Decisions From next year you will have more choice over which subjects you take and the choice you have is also explained later in the section entitled OPTIONS. You are certainly used to making your own decisions already, selecting what you like from what you don't in sport, music, food and a whole lot more. Good decision-making improves your quality of life quite significantly, if you think about it. The same is true about choosing a career; it's one of those decisions that can have a major impact on the rest of your life. You will want your career to bring you fulfilment and reward in all sorts of forms and choosing your GCSEs is the first step towards it! So spend some time on it!! You probably don't have firm career ideas yet but you will have a good idea about what you like and that is a sound guide. The core subjects will provide you with the basics Maths, English, a Modern Foreign Language and Science - and you will be advised to choose from the options block in such a way as to balance your programme. If you choose to discontinue a subject because you don't like it now, the chances are that you are unlikely to change your mind later on. More to the point, you will usually find that what you like and what you are good at is much the same thing, and you will not want a career in an area in which you do not succeed now. You should choose: - what you like - what you're good at - what you need [see the page on careers] - what's available If that doesn't provide a balanced package, then talk to your Form Tutor. He or she may suggest a special package. Talk to the people in your School - they are experts. This is your first decision. In Year Eleven you'll choose your subjects to study in the Sixth Form. Most of you will study four subjects to AS Level and three of these you will carry on to A2 Level in the Upper Sixth. You will be asked to do this towards the end of the Lent Term in Year Eleven, though you might want to amend your choices after the GCSE results come out. At this stage your future career choice is an important factor in selecting your subjects. Obviously people who are very good at Maths and Physics are more likely to become Engineers than those who are not. Similarly students who like and are good at English are more likely to be Journalists and Publishers than those who are not. We have therefore drawn up a chart linking school subjects to careers. The link however is a fairly weak one and there are many people out there in the big wide world whose careers are not at all linked with the subjects they liked best at school. However it is a useful guide and it may trigger off one or two ideas in your mind if you look at the subjects you like best. Do not panic. The School is a member of the Independent Schools Careers Organisation and this means you can join the ISCO Careers Guidance Scheme in Year Ten and draw on its specialist professional guidance to receive an individual report based on a psychometric test [look it up!] and an Interests Questionnaire. If you do not join the ISCO Scheme, [most do], then you will still have the opportunity to discuss your career with a member of the careers staff. Membership of ISCO continues until you are aged 23!
When you come to apply for university, the university will plough through a whole lot of information about you; but it will look at your GCSE results first; they really matter.
School Subjects
Possible Career Ideas
Journalism Public Relations Arts Administration Publishing Local Government Administration Law Accountancy Banking Actuary and Insurance Operational Research ICT Forensic Science Food Technology Telecommunications Environmental Health Officer Nanotechnology Patent Lawyer Cartography Geologist Travel and Tourism Antiques and Art Dealer Advertising Graphic Design Production Engineering Construction Industry Building Surveyor Product Design (Computer Aided Design & Manufacture) Fashion Journalism Translator or Interpreter Diplomatic Service International Law Logistics/Distribution Services Retail Buyer
Sciences:Physics Chemistry Biology
Design and Technology/Textiles
Modern Languages
Librarianship Personnel Manager Civil Service, eg Customs & Excise Construction Industry Transport Logistics Management Retail Management Engineering – various formats Medical Careers Research Scientist Engineering – various formats Science Journalist Pharmacy Veterinary Science Surveyor Town & Country Planning Furniture Design TV/Radio/Films Architecture Purchasing and Supply Technical Sales Interior Design Architecture Fashion Designer Retails Buying Secondary School Teacher Events Organiser International Marketing Executive
Other Careers You must not think that every career has been mentioned here. Indeed there are many careers which attract people who liked all sorts of different subjects at school such as Teaching, Police, Sales, Marketing, Hotel Management, Armed Services, Recreation & Leisure Management, Probation Service, Accountancy, and Information Technology. The above lists are very much 'generalisations' but they might be useful to give you some initial ideas at this very early stage in your decision-making process. Further advice is available at
The Core Subjects These are the ones that all pupils study, namely:
Mathematics English and English Literature Science A Modern Foreign Language PE and Games (non examined) As far as Science is concerned, you can choose to study Biology, Chemistry and Physics as three separate subjects or you can choose to study the Dual Award Scheme (see later for details). In Mathematics, the top set will study beyond GCSE. In French, the top sets may well study beyond GCSE.
Mathematics Codes OCR J567 papers 3 and 4 (Higher Tier) only. Course Content is the same for both strands GCSE Mathematics builds on KS3 mathematics: the number strand goes as far as looking at irrational numbers, including working with surds; the algebra becomes more complicated, including working with algebraic fractions; the shape and space will include vector geometry and trigonometry for non-right angled triangles; and the statistics extends to cumulative frequency graphs, box and whisker plots, histograms, and tree diagrams for conditional probability. Assessment Assessed by two 1hr45min papers (one calculator, one non-calculator) in the summer of Year Eleven. Lead to: AS/A Maths and Further Maths, but also needed for sciences, economics and a good foundation in many other subjects.
English & English Literature You will be taking an iGCSE in both English and English Literature. English is a mixture of work in language and literature. English Literature is just that, literature. Both aspects of the subject are about understanding and enjoying the way language works in all its forms. English (0500), follows a course which involves a wide range of reading and writing. Reading will include both fiction and non-fiction texts including poetry, prose, drama, autobiography, newspaper articles, argumentative and persuasive writing. Writing will include fiction and non-fiction, personal writing, argumentative writing and writing which is a response to texts read. Literature(0486), will study at least four texts, and these will cover all three major literary genres: Prose, Poetry and Drama. Texts can be taken into the examination. All candidates will also read and study a Shakespeare play. In both English and English Literature there is coursework: This is work which is generally completed outside class. Towards the end of the course a number of pieces will be selected, according to specific criteria, and the marks count towards the GCSE grade. There are strict rules concerning coursework, and these will be explained as necessary. Coursework in English (three pieces of work) counts for 50% of the total assessment. In English Literature (two pieces of work) coursework is 25% of the total assessment. In English, there is one examination paper (50% of the total marks), which requires answers to two reading passages. In Literature, there is also a single examination paper (75% of the total marks), which requires three essays to be written, one of the texts studied. English Paper 2: Reading Passages (Extended) Exam: 2 hours Component 4: Written Coursework English Literature Paper 1: Set Texts – Open books Exam: 2 hours 15 mins Paper 2: Coursework Portfolio Exam 1 hr 30 mins Is It Useful for AS/A2 Level Subjects? English Literature : History : Classical Civilisation : : Drama : Religious Studies.
Politics :
Modern Languages
Science Everyone will study Biology, Chemistry and Physics in the Years Ten and Eleven. We follow the iAQA course which is traditional in its approach and assessed in a linear format. Pupils sit two papers in each Science. Paper 1 will mostly assess pupils’ ability to recall, select and communicate their knowledge and understanding of science and to a lesser extent their skills, knowledge and understanding of science in practical and other contexts. Paper 2 places a much greater emphasis on the analysis and evaluation of evidence. Pupils will need to be able to make reasoned judgements and draw conclusions based on evidence. There is no coursework element to the iAQA course. Two programme of study are available for pupils to follow: the Dual Award Programme of Study (DA PoS) and the Separate Sciences Programme of Study (SSPoS). The Double Award Programme of Study is taught in nine periods every two weeks, with three periods each of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The Double Award is available in two tiers (Foundation and Higher). It shares common content with the Separate Sciences specifications and gives pupils a solid foundation in overall Science. The content is assessed in a linear format by six sixty minute examinations which carry equal weighting. Each question paper will be scaled to one hundred uniform marks. A candidate’s total uniform mark is calculated by adding together the uniform marks for each unit, with the final grade awarded dependent on the aggregate score. Possible grades that can be awarded are A*A*, A*A, AA, AB, BB, BC, CC, CD, DD etc. Fifteen uniform marks separate these grades.
Grade Uniform Mark Range
540 600
510 539
480 509
450 479
420 449
390 419
360 389
330 359
300 329
(maximum uniform mark = 600) The Separate Sciences Programme of Study is taught in fourteen periods every two weeks. In Year Ten, Biology and Chemistry have been allocated five periods each, whilst in Year Eleven Chemistry and Physics have been allocated five periods each. The Chemistry department, which has one more allocated period over the two years of GCSE, will take the lead in the teaching of Paper 2. The content of each Separate Science is assessed through two one hour thirty minute written papers each worth one hundred uniform marks. Each paper is worth fifty percent of the overall marks for the specification. The weighting of skills examined is identical to that in the Dual Award examination. Grades that can be awarded range from A* to U.
Grade Uniform Mark Range
180 200
160 179
140 159
120 139
100 119
80 99
60 79
40 59
(maximum uniform mark = 200) 8
Both programmes are taught by specialists in their subject area. Whichever path is followed in the Sciences, the A Level Sciences are open to all. Throughout either programme of study, candidates are expected to learn about and understand the scientific process and to carry out practical and investigative work, covering the skills of investigation design, observation, measurement, data presentation and handling, drawing conclusions and evaluation. Which Topics are covered?
Biology Cell Activity* Tissues, organs and organ systems Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and enzymes Human Biology* Defending ourselves against infectious disease Plants as organisms* Variation and inheritance Adaption and interdependence* Evolution Energy and biomass in the food chain* Decay and the carbon cycle
Chemistry Fundamental ideas in Chemistry* Bonding and Structure* Air and Water Acids, Bases and Salts* Metals* Rates of Reaction Crude Oil and Fuels Polymers Energy changes in chemical reactions* Electrolysis Analysis*
Physics Forces and their effects* Waves* Heating Processes Electricity Nuclear Physics*
Additional topic covered: Motors, generators and transformers
Additional topics covered are: The Periodic Table Equilibria Alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters
Topics that are * are common to both Dual Award and Separate Award, but less content is present in the Dual Award specification. Topics that are in bold are common to both in their entirety. Which route to take? If the Dual Award is chosen, then one of RS, Geography or Supplementary Skills can be selected. This programme of study offers pupils a greater degree of breadth to their GCSE curriculum, and consequently more choice for A Level, but less Science. Pupils who plan to continue to do Science A Levels will probably wish to follow the Triple Award. It is perfectly possible to continue to do A Levels having followed the Dual Award programme as long as the entry requirements are met [Grade A in the relevant Science], though the Separate Award programme would give a more detailed grounding for A Level work.
Assessment The iAQA qualification is a linear qualification: there is also no coursework although there will be questions based on practical activities in the end of course examination. The terminal assessment model is designed to ensure the maximum amount of time for teaching chemistry without frequent interruptions for examinations. There are different tiers available in the end of course examinations. The vast majority of candidates will be entered for the Higher Tier exam papers, since the top iGCSE grades are awarded from these papers. It is possible that a small number will eventually be entered for Foundation Tier. In this case, the examination will be far easier, but the maximum grades available will be C grades. AS/A2 Levels in the Science subjects can be chosen whichever route followed to iGCSE. The quality of the two or three grades obtained will be the deciding factor. Universities are becoming ever more selective, and consider GCSE grades as good indicators of candidate ability. Quality of grades is better than quantity of grades.
A Modern Foreign Language Pupils may select French or Spanish as their core language and select a second optional language. See the Options Section for details of the different courses.
P. E. and Games Year Ten has a single P.E. lesson every other week. The PE Course is based on the foundations laid in Years Seven to Nine with emphasis on individual performance, sport for all and the pursuit of excellence and the vitally important relationship between physical activity and health. Activities include: • • • • • • • • •
Basketball Badminton Athletics Health Related Exercise Volleyball Rounders Tennis Trampolining Dance
PE is available at AS/A2 level where pupils study anatomy, psychology of sport, physiology, acquisition of skills, socio-cultural issues and the history of sport. The A Level is divided into 2 units: Theory and practice. Games In Games pupils continue to pursue the major sports, with an increasing breadth and variety on offer. Activities including rugby, netball, football, hockey, rowing, cross country, tennis, cricket, rounders, athletics and health related exercise.
The Options They are those subjects which you can choose to study alongside the core subjects. You will choose a Modern Foreign Language plus three others from the list below. NB the three can contain a second language. You will also make your science choice. These are:o o o o o o o o o o o o o
Art and Design Classical Civilisation Computing Design and Technology/Textiles Drama French Geography History Latin Music Religious Studies Spanish Supplementary Skills
Remember to choose:
what you like what you are good at what you need what is available
There are no rules but we advise balance in your options - but it is equally important to choose what you will enjoy. NB. We try to accommodate your wishes but we have to fit you into the timetable, so if you choose an unbalanced package we may not be able to accede to your wishes. It is a question of balancing the number of pupils with the number of teachers and the teaching rooms available.
Art and Design Creativity matters and it starts with the foundation of GCSE education in Art and Design. It might surprise you but the creative industries in the UK are now rated the second most economically successful sector after banking. Creative industries are all encompassing, including careers in everything from advertising to architecture, CD design to fashion photography, from interior design to traditional fine arts. The course will be varied throughout with plenty of practical challenges to get stuck into and with many opportunities to work in fascinating ways and build your portfolio of creative skills. Creative thinking is an asset for life and this course might be the springboard to A-Level and beyond, or might be a tremendously good way to enhance creative thinking for the years to come. The Course GCSE Art and Design (EDEXCEL) is a broad based ‘Unendorsed’ course designed for pupils to gain skills in many disciplines and media including drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography as well as computer-aided design and graphic design. Pupils should not feel that if they cannot draw then this course is not for them. The foundation core of Year Ten imparts a range of skills to create confidently in all aspects of 2d and 3d working. GCSE comprises two units – the Personal Portfolio or Practical Coursework (60%) and the Externally set Assignment (40%). Coursework or Exams? In the Coursework Unit, pupils produce a personal portfolio of work with five projects. The unit is structured as a progression of four foundation projects in Year Ten: • drawing and mixed media • painting • sculpture • printmaking and photography In Year Eleven, the Coursework Unit culminates in a fifth project where pupils choose a personal topic that they investigate producing a folder of practical work to meet the Assessment Criteria concluding in creating a final piece as the ‘Mock Exam’. All the projects are designed to address the four key Assessment Criteria; investigating and analysing works of art; recording observations through drawing; developing ideas and experimenting with techniques and materials; creating and evaluating outcomes. We encourage students to work from direct experience at all times and to draw influence from the work of artists. Visits to galleries are encouraged by the department to facilitate the assessment criteria. Unit Two, the Externally Set Assignment, responds to a set starting point issued by the examination board where students create a folder of practical work over eight weeks of preparatory study culminating in a final outcome made in 10 hours. Work throughout the course is presented as a final exhibition that is then internally assessed and externally moderated.
Classical Civilisation What is Classical Civilisation? Put briefly, Classical Civilisation (or Class Civ) looks at the Roman and Greek Civilisations. It is more than just history, since it covers the culture of a Roman or Greek’s daily life (including literature, entertainment, religion, art and architecture) as well as the history of wars and events. This course is designed to develop an all-round appreciation of the Classical World. It is a natural follow-up for those who have enjoyed our Classics or Latin courses in Years Eight and Nine, and may also appeal to other pupils who have a genuine interest in this field. Class Civ is a stimulating, academically challenging discipline, which gets students to think about why and how, as well as just what, and demands evaluation and empathy too. In the world beyond school, Classics has an excellent reputation for encouraging breadth of viewpoint, analytical ability and excellent communication skills. The GCSE course can lead into an A Level in Class Civ; it would also be an excellent choice if you think that you might want to go on to study History, Archaeology or English in the Sixth Form or at university. Outline of the GCSE Specifications Over the two-year period of the course you will study four separate modules. Each of the four units is worth 25% of your overall result in the subject. Three modules are tested through written examinations, and one through controlled assessment. This is coursework that is taught in the normal way, then researched in lesson time and at home, and written up (to about 2000 words) from your notes in exam conditions. This is first marked by your teacher, then sent to the Examination Board (AQA) for moderation. This Years Ten and Eleven students are covering the following topics for their examination modules: The Odyssey: Homer’s epic adventure story of Odysseus’ return from the Trojan War. Roman Life: birth, death and everything in between! Houses, towns, the family, religion, sport and leisure (gladiators, chariot-racing, dinner-parties, the baths etc.) Greeks vs Persians: the two great Persian invasions, defeated on sea and land by a Greek coalition force led by the fearsome Spartans. Previously our chosen theme for the Controlled Assessment has been the reign of the emperor Nero – said to have obtained the throne by murdering his adopted father and his brother, and to have organised the death of his interfering mother in order to satisfy his latest girlfriend. Nero took advantage of (or maybe even caused) the Great Fire of AD 64 to build himself a gigantic golden palace, started persecuting the Christians, and spent much of his time and money on chariot-driving and stage-appearances. After narrowly escaping assassination several times, he was finally driven to suicide, deserted by his own guards, as rival armies from the provinces closed in on Rome!
Computing We recognise that Computing gives students a real, in-depth understanding of how computer technology works. Pupils will no doubt be familiar with the use of computers and other related technology from their other subjects and elsewhere. However, this course will give them an insight into what goes on ‘behind the scenes’, including computer programming, which many students find absorbing. The increasing importance of information technologies means there will be a growing demand for professionals who are qualified in this area. The subject re-enforces academically rigorous principles and provides excellent preparation for higher study and employment in the field of computer science. Pupils who’ve taken a GCSE in Computing and who then progress to study the subject at A Level or university will have an advantage over their colleagues who are picking up the subject at these levels. This two-year course will be aimed to provide a breadth of knowledge and experience of not only using systems, but developing them too. All pupils will develop skills in critical thinking, analysis and problem-solving through the study of computer programming, giving students a fun and interesting way to develop these skills, which can be transferred to other subjects as well as applied in day-to-day life. In this respect, the course provides excellent preparation for pupils who want to study or work in areas that rely on these skills, especially where they are applied to technical problems. These areas include engineering, financial and resource management, science and medicine. This course teaches concepts such as programs, algorithms, data structures, architecture and communication, enforcing subject specific skills in Computing, as well as complementing cross-academic study. We believe the course is highly suitable for pupils with good attainment in Mathematics and Science and have outlined the following programme of study: During two academic years, pupils will participate in the following programme; Year 1
• • • • •
Year 2
History of Computing and computer systems. Computing hardware and software Data representation Programming with Scratch and Python Web Design
• • • • •
Systems analysis Database Design Programming with Python Computer communications and networking Controlled Assessment
Assessment: Unit
1 hour 30 mins Written Paper 80 marks
Computer systems and programming Question paper includes short answer questions and essay type questions
Controlled assessment Approx 20 hours 45 marks
Practical investigation Practical investigative task. OCR set scenario with choice of research tasks.
Controlled assessment Approx 20 hours 45 marks
Programming project Programming tasks that enable candidates to design, develop and test a solution to a problem. OCR set tasks.
Design & Technology Design and Technology courses are for those students who find creative work using wood, metal, plastics and components satisfying and rewarding. The courses will help you understand and appreciate the design and manufacture of products and encourage you to be a creative innovator of new products. All of the courses require you to identify problems that can be solved by developing three-dimensional products. You will have to produce a design folder showing the development of your ideas from first principles through to final working drawings. You will need to work carefully and systematically, and organise your time sensibly. Initiative and imagination are other valuable qualities. A GCSE in D&T is challenging, exciting and gives you the opportunity to enter project work for a range of competitions. At the end of Year Eleven you could gain an Arkwright Scholarship to study D&T in the Sixth form. In the lower school you have gained experience in designing and making in Resistant Materials and Systems and Control so you should understand the difference between the subjects. Both of these subjects have a 60% coursework content at GCSE.
D&T: Systems and Control This GCSE consists three units which are all examined at the end of Year 11. Unit 1. Introduction to Designing and Making. 30% of the total marks. For this unit you must choose to design and make a product from a list set by the examination board. This includes such topics as model vehicles, animated charity boxes, sport, and security. If you chose the topic of security you could make an alarm system to fit on a sports bag or laptop case. The final outcome is in the form of a working model or prototype and which does not have to be painted or decorated to a high standard. Unit 2. Making quality products. 30% of the total marks. For this unit you must design and make a quality product chosen from a list set by the examination board. The topics are similar to those for Unit 1 and the product must be finished to a standard that it would result in a marketable item. For each of these coursework units you will have access to a range of Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing systems to help you achieve a quality outcome. For each unit you will also have to produce an e-portfolio that documents your design ideas and in this is achieved through the use of PowerPoint software. Unit 3. Written paper. Sustainability and Mechanisms 40% of the total marks. The questions on this written paper will test your knowledge of environmental issues as they relate to the production, use and disposal of products and the mechanical systems that are found in the products we use on a daily basis. You will have covered the theory work relevant to this paper during Year Ten and Eleven. To sum up you have the chance to make two projects, one a prototype, the other a quality product. You have to sit a one hour thirty minutes long written paper.
DT: Resistant Materials Technology This course consists of two units. This course is essentially about designing and making everyday products like small tables and storage units made from wood, metal and plastic. Unit 1. Creative designing and making activities. 60% of the total marks. Work on this unit begins just before Christmas in Year Ten and continues through to the end of the Spring term in Year Eleven. It involves the production of a concise design folder and making a three-dimensional product. Through this work you will demonstrate your ability to tackle an extended, design and make project. Themes for suitable coursework projects are issued by the examination board and currently include: storage, the garden, lighting, toys and games, and furniture. You will need to use appropriate ICT to help with your design work. Unit 2. Knowledge and understanding of resistant materials technology. 40% of the total marks. This is a written paper which lasts for 1 hour 30 minutes. All questions on the paper are compulsory and consist of multiple-choice, short answer and extended writing questions. Questions may require the production of sketches with supporting notes. The emphasis is on practical understanding and the questions reflect the practical nature of the course. Careers The knowledge, understanding and skills gained from the course are likely to be of great benefit to you in your further studies, in your personal lives, and in the world of work. Throughout our lives we are surrounded by manufactured products, environments, and systems. All of these affect the quality of our lives and all of them have been designed. Career opportunities in today's rapidly advancing technological society are considerable and include: Graphic design – advertising, technical, Three dimensional design – furniture, domestic appliance, jewellery, interior, Architecture, Mechanical engineering, Electrical / electronic engineering, Aeronautical engineering, Marine engineering, Civil engineering – roads, bridges, airports, Industrial design.
DT: Textiles Examination Board: AQA, course code 4570 You may be a creative or practical person who enjoys the challenge of working towards a long term goal. Product design and manufacture is something you have previously enjoyed and wish to explore further. You might be someone who is interested in finding out more about where fabrics come from and how they end up in our homes. You might be considering a career in Fashion or Textiles. Products made in this option of D&T include creative aspects such as printing and fabric manipulation as well as pattern drafting and 3-dimensional construction using a variety of techniques. The main emphasis is to design and make a range of high quality textile products. Over the course of the two years theory work accounts for about 30% of the time in the subject. The majority of your lessons will be spent on the design folder for the coursework project and the construction of a quality product. In Year Ten projects are set by your teacher, this is a practice for the assessed coursework piece which begins after Easter in Year Ten. Projects chosen will give you the opportunity to explore a wide range of skills that will build your confidence and show you the possibilities that textile design and production has to offer. You will, however, be able to adapt the projects to suit your own tastes to make a sports bag, fashion item or toy etc. The assessed coursework project in Year Eleven offers approximately 12 project titles to choose from. Your experiences from Year Ten should help you to decide where your main strengths and interests lie. This will be the sole focus of the Year Eleven course. Projects in the past have included fashion design, products aimed at specific target markets, textiles from other cultures and interior design. The project might have a creative approach in terms of fabric design where you might wish to design a repeat pattern for an interior product. Or, you might wish to take a different approach and focus on the more technical aspects through garment design, pattern drafting and production skills using the range of sewing machines that we have in the textiles department including our computerised machinery. The coursework project, that includes the folder of design work and the 3-dimensional product, accounts for 60% of the total marks. The remaining 40% of the overall mark comes from a written paper sat at the end of Year Ten. The written paper will include a design based question which the examination board set in advance for you to research. It will also ask a range of questions that includes where fibres come from and how fabrics are made. In the theory aspect of the course we look closely at how products are designed and made for the retail industry. We also explore a wider range of technical textile products that are made to withstand extreme conditions such as those worn be the emergency services or extreme sports. Careers in Fashion and Textiles include: Fashion Design or Journalism Textiles and Interior Design Retail Buying and Merchandising Garment Production Management 19
Drama Examination Board: EDEXCEL Course code: 2DR01 The course is divided into three units. Unit 1: Drama Explorations (30%) Coursework – Practical and Written This unit is taken in the Trinity Term of Year Ten after two terms of lessons where acting skills will have been developed. In this unit you have to explore the theme of “Choices” using given material. You are marked throughout the six lessons and you have to make notes. Afterwards you have to write up what you have done and learnt. The practical lessons are worth 20% and the writing up is worth 10%. Unit 2: Exploring play texts Coursework – Practical and Written This unit is taken in the Michaelmas Term of Year Eleven. You will be expected to explore Goldoni’s comedy, “A Servant of Two Masters” and make notes. Afterwards, you again write up what you have done and learnt. Again, the practical lessons are worth 20% and the writing is worth 10%. Unit 3: Drama Performance (40%) Practical Examination This final unit starts in January of Year Eleven and is designed to test your acting skills. You will be working in a group of 3-5 students and in May will show your piece to a visiting examiner. There is no written examination but can you write your own script or else perform a part of a play already written. For this examination you can direct or design and make costumes instead of acting. Most students taking GCSE Drama also take a major part in at least one production in Year Ten and another in Year Eleven and this undoubtedly helps them to perform more effectively when they take Unit 3.
Geography Full Course Title : OCR GCSE in Geography B J385 What’s In It? Lots. There are some topics that will be new to you and some that you will already be familiar with. Physical processes and landforms [coasts and rivers], natural hazards [earthquakes, tropical storms, etc.] economic development, population and settlement geography, the sustainable use of the environment and the chance of learning more about your local area, the UK and far-off places. You will certainly understand a good deal more about where you live and the environment by the time you have studied GCSE Geography! There will also be opportunities for out-of-classroom work and the use of ICT when you do field work. Controlled Asessment? Yes, and of a different sort from the norm. There is one piece of controlled assessment which is based upon fieldwork and individual research. It will involve work both at home and in School and your own research; decisions and drawing skills will help. You will have to use ICT skills as well. You will have to undertake a fieldwork investigation of a hypothesis/question linked to one of the themes in the specification content. Assessment Unit B561: Sustainable Decision Making Exercise - 90 minute written examination taken in Year Eleven. This is a decision-making exercise based on an issue of sustainable development surrounding one of the key themes. (25% of final mark) Unit B562: Geographical Enquiry - Consists of Fieldwork Focus – based on individual fieldwork report and investigation. (25% of final mark) Unit B563: Key Geographical Themes – 105 minute written examination taken in Year Eleven. Three of the four key themes will be assessed in this unit (excludes the theme covered in Unit B561). (50% of final mark) Useful for AS/A2 Levels - Geography: History: Biology: Chemistry: Business Studies: Economics Useful links – GCSE Geography ‘B’
History Examination Board: Edexcel GCSE History A, The Making of the Modern World (2HA01) The GCSE consists of four units, each worth 25%. The three exam units are 1¼ hours each. Outline of GCSE Course: Unit code 5HA01 International Relations
The Era of the Cold War 1943–1991
The topic is the era of the Cold War 1943–1991, including the conferences during the war, Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Berlin Wall, Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam and the end of the Cold War. Students will be assessed through a single examination, where they will answer six questions. The unit is externally assessed and there are 53 marks available in total. Unit code 5HA02 Depth Study
Option 2A: Germany 1918–39
The topic is German History between 1918 and 1939, including Weimar Germany and the Nazi state up to the outbreak of the Second World War. Students will be assessed through a single examination, where they will answer six questions. The unit is externally assessed and there are 54 marks available in total. Unit code 5HA03 Source Enquiry
Option 3A: War and the transformation of British society c.1903–28
The topic includes the domestic history of Britain, including reforms to the welfare system and voting system before World War One, the impact of the war itself and immediate postwar social and political issues. Students will be assessed through a single examination based on sources. Students answer five questions. The unit is externally assessed and there are 53 marks available in total. Unit code 5HA04 Representations of History
CA5: Vietnam 1960-1975
The topic includes the reasons for US involvement in Vietnam; the nature of the conflict and reasons for US defeat; the impact of the war on civilians and the military, in the USA and in North and South Vietnam; and the growth of protest in the USA and the end of the conflict. Students are assessed through a single internally-assessed, externally-moderated assessment consisting of three parts: an historical explanation, an enquiry and one sources-based question. This task is assessed under controlled conditions. There are 50 marks available for this assessment.
Latin Introduction There are many very good reasons for studying Latin. It is stimulating. Intellectually it can be a very satisfying study for its own sake, a point that is often overlooked. Choose subjects which you will enjoy – you will be doing them for another two years (at least!). It is informative. Latin helps you to develop a much better grammatical understanding of how other languages work – including our own. It also helps especially with understanding the technical and specialised terms that are used in medicine, science and law. It would be a particularly useful subject to study if you think that you might want to go on to study History, Classics, English, or languages of any kind in the Sixth Form or at university; students of Latin are also often good scientists and mathematicians, as it suits their analytical way of thinking. It is real. For many pupils, the historical aspects of the course and the chance to read some ‘real’ literature of world-class importance give the subject a special appeal. It is respected. In the world beyond school, Latin enjoys enormous prestige as a wellestablished intellectual discipline which encourages breadth of viewpoint, precision, analytical ability and excellent communication skills. It is well rewarded. The WJEC Latin syllabus which RGS has recently started using leads to not one but two GCSE-level qualifications: Latin Language and Latin Literature. BUT, that does not mean that there is twice as much work! The basic course: The backbone of the course in Year Ten is the continuing story featuring our old ‘friend’ Salvius in the reign of the sinister Emperor Domitian. Much of the basic grammar has already been covered in Years Eight and Nine, and if you are fairly confident about what you have learned so far then you should have no worries about picking up the final pieces of grammar in the same way. Major historical themes studied during the year include the Roman Army, the city of Rome itself, the running of the Empire, Roman philosophy and religion, the interpretation of Latin inscriptions and other archaeological material. In Year Eleven, candidates are gradually introduced to real Roman literature and learn to appreciate style and tone, as well as being able to translate the Latin. The good news regarding the new syllabus is that the element of learning translations by rote that blighted previous GCSEs is gone. WJEC Level 2 Certificate (GCSE) in Latin Language Two straightforward Latin stories which pupils will not have seen before. One element of the assessment is a test of understanding of a story through short comprehension questions, the second requires translation of a story into English. There are no questions on grammar, and no translation from English into Latin. Candidates do need to be familiar with a vocabulary list of the commonest words – but many of these are already well-known to those who have followed our course in Years Eight and Nine. Words not included in the learning list are supplied on the question papers. Students can choose to include an element of background study of Roman Life topics rather than the advanced language paper, if that particularly suits them.
WJEC Level 2 Certificate (GCSE) in Latin Literature Candidates study a selection of genuine Roman poetry and prose – not textbook Latin. Examples include historical writing such as Pliny’s account of the eruption of Vesuvius, the love poetry of Catullus, or sections taken from Virgil’s epic poem the Aeneid describing the founding of Rome by survivors from the Trojan War. Each book studied is tested by short questions on the content and style of writing in selected passages, and a longer question on the literature studied as a whole. There is the possibility of taking one of the literature modules by controlled assessment, on which our students have fared particularly well in recent years.
French and Spanish Introduction Foreign languages help to prepare you for the world of work and travel in our “global village� and linguists are in great demand in a number of jobs and professions. The GCSE course combines academic pursuit with a practical skill, i.e. being able to communicate with people who do not speak English (and that is most of the world!). You will also learn about a different culture and ideally spend some time in the foreign country. The Languages Department runs such trips abroad during the GCSE years. Success at GCSE offers you the chance to study the language to A Level, which would enable you to combine it with almost any subject. Universities and employers welcome a language qualification on its own or combined with anything from Accountancy and Law to Mathematics or the Sciences. Recent examples of RGS students include degree courses in French and History, German and Business Studies, Spanish and History of Art, all at top universities. A university language qualification will also enable students to spend a year of their degree course studying abroad. Why not consider studying two languages to GCSE? You will be able to open twice as many doors! Outline of OCR GCSE specification Candidates are entered for each skill at the level that best matches their abilities. Most will only be assessed at Higher level. The topic areas covered are: Home & local area Health & Sport Education & work
Leisure & entertainment Travel & the wider world
Unit 1:
Listening 20% Foundation 35 min; Higher 45 min Candidates will have five minutes to read the question paper. All questions and answers will be in English. Each item will be played twice.
Unit 2:
Speaking 30% Two tasks lasting up to 6 minutes each. Dictionaries are allowed while candidates prepare the tasks, but not during the examination itself. Candidates are allowed up to six hours preparation time for each task. Tasks are chosen by the candidate based on a personal interest or from the topics listed in the specification. Each task must be on a different topic and the two best examples will be submitted to OCR for assessment.
Unit 3:
Reading 20% Foundation 35 min; Higher 45 min No dictionaries allowed. All questions and answers are in English.
Unit 4:
Writing 30% Foundation up to 180 words per task. Higher up to 300 words per task. Dictionaries and other sources are allowed during the preparation but dictionaries only during the completion of Writing tasks. Candidates are allowed up to six hours preparation time for each task. Each task set must be on a different topic and the two best examples will be submitted to OCR for assessment.
Reading & Listening units will be assessed at the end of the course. The two best examples of Writing & Speaking tasks will usually come from work done in the course of Year 11, but possibly earlier. Speaking and Writing tasks will be submitted to OCR for moderation or assessment.
Music AQA Music A practical course which has been updated to give it broader appeal; including a 40% weighting towards performing. The course breaks down as follows : Listening paper Composition 1 Composition 2 Performing
20% 20% 20% 40%
Listening Structured questions asking you to identify musical features of various excerpts of music played in the exam. In addition to this 'general' section you will study music from three specific strands: 'The Western Classical Tradition', 'Popular music of the 20th & 21st centuries' and 'World Music'. Composition 1 This has to be within one of the three strands listed above, as set by AQA. For 2009 & 2010 this will be 'The Western Classical Tradition' - which is nice and broad! Composition 2 This one is a completely free choice for you - any style. The standard required is a good grade 4 Associated Board. Two performances recorded as coursework: Solo performance Ensemble performance There is a technology option instead of the solo performance, but this does not get you out of the ensemble performance! An ensemble is defined as two or more players. If you play in a school ensemble we can simply record this in a rehearsal. If you do not, then anything from a piano duet upwards will do. You may use ensemble performances with non-school ensembles by arrangement. Leads into: AS Music. Also AQA and also with a 40% performance element Also useful for anyone studying AS Drama or for anyone intending taking part in any cocurricular music or drama in the Sixth Form.
Religious Studies Questions, questions, questions… In Douglas Adams’ ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ the inhabitants of the legendary planet of Magrathea build a super-computer called ‘Deep Thought’ and set it the task of finding the answer to life, the universe, and everything. After thousands of years Deep Thought arrived at the answer: 42. When asked ‘What kind of answer is that?’ Deep Thought replies, something along the lines of, ‘What kind of question is that?’ RS is a bit like that; it’s the subject with all the questions, but not all the answers! Why study RS? RS is not just about learning facts and figures - anyone can do that on their own. Among other things studying RS includes: · understanding where people's beliefs come from · understanding why people view the world differently · examining the fundamental questions of life · weighing up different beliefs, opinions and experiences · relating the beliefs, values, and experiences of others to your own experience of life · working out your own views about life, the universe and everything! Useful skills The critical thinking skills you acquire through studying RS are not exclusive to the subject. They are transferable and will be of use to you in all your other subjects. What use is a GCSE in RS? It is evidence that you have successfully studied and considered a wide range of religious and non-religious viewpoints about beliefs, and a number of social and moral issues. Developing such knowledge and understanding will help you become a well-balanced and tolerant individual, a much needed asset in today’s multi-cultural employment market. There is a need for such people in most areas of employment, but especially in those professions where dealing with a diverse array of people is part of the job, e.g. medicine, law, teaching, business, banking, and so much more! What’s on the syllabus? You will examine a wide range of ethical issues such as: Animal rights, environmental issues, prejudice and discrimination, war, issues arising from medical research and development, crime and punishment and the causes and consequences of poverty in the world. Examination (AQA Religious Studies Specification B) There is no controlled assessment. Examination is linear. You will sit two written examinations at the end of Year Eleven.
Supplementary Skills Five periods a fortnight. You will receive extra support for the core subjects along with training with study skills and revision techniques. If you are in any doubt about which programme of study to follow, please seek advice from the Head of Science.
The Co-Curricular Option DUKE OF EDINBURGH You generally start in the Trinity term. This is designed to present you with a challenge, one in which you can have fun, achieve, learn and give. A structured scheme with lots of opportunity for you to decide on your own programme, goals and pace. There are three separate awards, Bronze, Silver and Gold (tiers again!) and for each one you have to pass four sections – service (voluntary work which in some way benefits the wide community), an expedition, a skill (development of a personal interest) and physical recreation (to show progress in a physical pursuit). A lot depends on your initiative: your decision to undertake an expedition with friends, your decision to develop a new hobby, your ambition to visit the Palace to receive your Gold Award from the Duke of Edinburgh himself – a totally memorable day. The award is open to anyone aged 14-25. To get started, come along to the meetings in the summer term where you can find out more about what’s involved and start deciding which activities you might do. Then fill in a couple of forms, get a record book (currently about £11) and off you go….. Duke of Edinburgh’s Award presentation will be available soon to give you lots more information and to answer any questions you might have. You could also visit
CCF You start in the Trinity term. A good many CCF activities take place on Tuesdays after School plus some lunchtimes and weekends. You can choose between Royal Navy, Army or Royal Air Force sections. Army The main emphasis here is on adventurous and arduous training, together with the more traditional military ideals. There are opportunities to shoot, both in and out of school, you will learn combat tactics, fieldcraft basics and navigational skills, as well as the discipline of marching! Each year culminates in a week-long camp at an Army training area, where there is a rich diet of both military and adventurous activities. There are also two Field weekends during the school year, where there is the opportunity for extended training. Navy Royal Navy cadets learn about navigation, chartwork, knots, ships of the RN and general seamanship as well as being involved in sailing, power-boating and shooting. You can apply for a multitude of courses varying from First Aid, electronics, gliding to rock climbing, canoeing and sea training. The school is affiliated with a Type 23 frigate, HMS Montrose, (and it awaits your visit). There are annual camps at our affiliated Naval Base HMS Seahawk. RAF You want to learn to fly? First, look at aeronautics and flight theory, then move on to computer simulations and model flight and military skills. Then visit RAF stations at which gliding or flying is undertaken. Plus caving, climbing, canoeing and survival. There is also an annual camp. If you cannot decide, do not worry. These are only brief descriptions. A presentation by people who run the various CCF units will be available soon and there you can learn more and ask questions.