Name Charlotte Ross Alexander Matthew Harry
Ashton Barlow Barnes Beale Bates
Hannah Imogen Joseph Greg Charlotte Patrick Tom Cameron Ella Will Antonia Hebe Mark William
Bishop Blears Blight Botham Bowyer Brocklehurst Bratton Brymer Burgin Burbeck Burt Burton Burton Bury
Monty Rachel Harry Charlie Phillipa Lydia Charlotte Max Jonathan David Ranabir Robbie Ella
Cann Carter Cattle Clark Cox CrawfordClarke Darby D'Arcy Digby Drury Dutta Elliott Fairlie
Sophie Thomas
Feek Foulds
University Reading Swansea Cardiff Manchester Metropolitan Oxford Brookes Cardiff Leeds Exeter Coventry Oxford Brookes Cardiff Nottingham
Glasgow Liverpool Manchester Swansea Swansea
Birmingham Northumbria Durham Imperial
Mount View, London Drexel, USA Cardiff Metropolitan
Course French and Italian GAP year Geography GAP year Education Fashion Buying and Merchandising Law Geography (Human) Music Mechanical Engineering Mathematics GAP year Business Management/International Relations Medicine GAP year Law GAP year GAP year Mechanical Engineering with Aeronautics Accounting and Finance with a Year in Industry Fashion and Textile Retailing Geography and Spanish GAP year Biochemistry GAP year GAP year Ancient History Product Design Engineering Mathematics Physics GAP year GAP year Musical Theatre Business Studies Business Management
Chris Charlotte Katie Connor Vanessa Jonathan Harry Toby Aidan
Francis French Ganderton Gorman Gott Gray Greenway Grinnall Guldberg-Allen
Madeleine Edward Alexander Oliver Thomas Patrick Jonathan Callum Elliot William Madeline Benjamin Anne-Marie James
Hall-Roberts Harling Harris Harris Harris Harrison Hawkeswood Heighton Hill Holden Hough Hughes Hume Humphries
Alexis Bryony Simon Dominic Dina Jak Belinda Henry Georgia
Hutchinson Jackson Jackson James Jan Riazi Jenkins Johnston Jones Kemmis-Cole
Sean Hannah Helena Jocelyn Lucy Charles Henry Eden Sam Lydia Max Olivia
Kettle Kilgour King King Lawler Lawton Lewis Lippett Lord Lowe Luke Marshall
Manchester Birmingham City Bristol Swansea Swansea Bristol Kent Cardiff Warwick Hull Nottingham Trent
Exeter Bristol Cardiff Lincoln Bristol Loughborough Exeter Trinity Laban Conservatoire Cardiff Bradford Exeter Sussex Leeds Nottingham Nottingham Trent Southampton Solent Loughborough Leeds Kent Kent Southampton
GAP year GAP year GAP year Modern Middle Eastern History Fashion Design Management Business Management and Economics Sports Science Politics and International Relations English & American Literature and Creative Writing Business Management Chemistry Criminology with Psychology Business GAP year Working for the Bank of America Physics with Astrophysics Veterinary Science Business Economics Criminology and Law History Foundation Art Flexible Combined Honours
Criminology Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Zoology Psychology GAP year French and Italian Medicine Interior Architecture and Design Football Studies Art and Design English Literature Politics and International Relations Drama & Theatre GAP year History GAP year GAP year GAP year GAP year Spanish
Harriett Geraldine Molly James Charlotte James Alexander Freya Raymond Annie Charlotte Sophy Jodie Michael
Matthews McAuley McWee Merley Millington Morel Morgan Morgan Morris Moss Myerson Owen-Smith Palmer Palmer
Hannah Joshua Thomas Charlotte Georgina
Peace Perks Perry Pheysey Pilling
Harriet Henry Thomas Christopher Gabriella Benjamin Dan Conor Harry Matthew Stephanie Jessica Antonia Huw Zoe Jane Rebecca Gregory Francesca Gabrielle Laura
Poole Price Pryke Radcliffe Radford Rattue Ravenscroft Richards Roberts Russell Sabin Salter Sanders Selvey Selvey Shaw Shaw Shipsey Short Shovlin Skett
Bethan Timothy Ysabel Tom
Sodzawiczny Spalding Steggles Stenson
Brighton Reading Nottingham Birmingham York Liverpool KCL Leeds Sheffield Oxford Brookes Exeter Warwick Cardiff Warwick Southampton Reading Swansea Manchester Metropolitan Bath Bristol Kent Swansea UCL Northumbria Liverpool Exeter Worcester Queen's Belfast
Nottingham Harper Adams Edinburgh Swansea Durham Nottingham Oxford Brookes Exeter Newcastle Gloucestershire Reading
Accountancy Apprenticeship Business with Human Resource Management Zoology Natural Sciences International Business with Communications Environmental Geography Medicine French and Hispanic Studies GAP year English and Philosophy Biomedical Science Nursing (Adult) English History Mathematics, Operational Research and Statistics Politics with International Studies Economics Geography (Human and Physical) Business Management Acting Mathematics Physics Classical & Archaeological Studies Business Management Modern Languages GAP year Product Design Engineering History English Drama & Performance Marine Biology GAP year GAP year Industrial Economics Business Management with Marketing Veterinary Medicine Politics Biological Sciences Law with Spanish and Spanish Law Early Childhood Studies Management with Marketing with Industrial Experience Politics Illustration Ancient History and History
Ana Alexandra Alexander Alex Harry Luke Curtis Zac Tom Jacob Megan Alice Nicholas Gabrielle Juliet Anna Angus Hannah Joshua Holly Joanna Alex Ted
Stojanovic Subert Tan Taylor Taylor Thomas Tonks Turley Turner Vick Walker Wang Ward Watson WatsonArmstrong Weaver Wilkie Willis Wong Wootten Wyatt Wyer Yang
Kent Loughborough
Bath Cardiff Oxford Brookes
The Visual and Performed Arts Economics Applying next year to study Medicine Real Estate Business Management Dentistry Agricultural Engineering Economics Exploration and Resource Geology Countryside Management GAP year Mathematics and Statistics Geography (Human) Architecture
Harper Adams Glasgow Bath Cardiff Bangor Bristol Newcastle Royal Holloway Bristol
Agri-Food Marketing with Business Studies English Literature/Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Medicine Law with Business Studies Chemical Physics with Industrial Experience International Business Management Geoscience Civil Engineering
Reading Swansea Newcastle Harper Adams Cardiff Cardiff Harper Adams