Information Booklet

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contents 2 4 5 8 9 10 12

general information admissions scholarships



results important dates fees contact

general information the lower school

the middle school

the sixth Form

Our pupils inevitably come from a variety of schools. Having allowed for this in our admission procedure, our aim in the Lower School is to establish a common standard and - under the umbrella of a broad curriculum – to concentrate on literacy, numeracy and instilling good work habits such as neat, tidy presentation and the ability to produce

In Year Nine English and French are setted across the year. History, Geography, Religious Studies, Physics, Chemistry and Biology are taught as form-based subjects. All pupils study subjects chosen from a list containing Art, Design Technology, Textiles, Drama, IT and Music. Information Technology is further developed through other academic subjects. During Year Nine, pupils are invited to consider the subjects they will take to GCSE Level. The option arrangements allow a wide choice provided that

following: English, Drama, Religious Studies, Mathematics, History, French, Geography, Biology, Art, Chemistry, Design & Technology, Physics, Music, Information Technology, Physical Education and Games. Mathematics is setted from Year Seven. In Year Eight, pupils choose from German or Spanish and a non-language option of either Classical Civilisation or Latin, which they continue until the end of Year Nine.

selections of all pupils in the age-group. We attempt to satisfy the wishes of the vast majority and to keep all class sizes reasonable. There is plenty of opportunity for pupils and parents to discuss details with staff.

The Curriculum is designed to provide a wide choice of AS and A Level subjects. Full details are available in the separate Sixth Form prospectus issued to all in Year Eleven and to those contemplating joining us from other schools. On qualifying for entry into the Sixth Form having achieved at least six A* - B grades at GCSE, students are expected to study four subjects to AS Level in the Lower Sixth, at least three of which will be taken on to full A Level in the Upper Sixth. Very able pupils are encouraged to set their sights on Oxford or Cambridge. With a Sixth Form of around 220, we can offer

Entrance examination: At 11+ and 12+ the Entrance Examination comprises three papers: English; Mathematics; Verbal Reasoning Questionnaire. A reference will also be sought from the current schoo

For the GCSE years the Curricular Scheme is as follows: a

Core Subjects: English, English Literature, a Modern Language, Mathematics, Science (Mathematics may contain some Advanced Level work). Pupils have a choice between Double or Triple Award Science.


Optional Subjects: a balanced selection currently chosen from French, German, Spanish, Latin, Classical Civilisation, Geography, History, Religious Studies, Music, Art and Design, Design Technology, Textiles, Drama.

Most pupils will study ten subjects at GCSE Level; all pupils will also be involved in Physical Education, Games and PSHCE lessons which include moral issues, and path to a career will be provided via individual interviews and analysis. There is a wellequipped careers library with a wide range of information and material and pupils are encouraged to make full use of these. Entrance Examination: For entry at 13+ and 14+, candidates are assessed via the following papers: English; Mathematics; A choice of French, German or Spanish; Verbal Reasoning. A reference will also be sought from the current school.


and preferences of the students involved. Early registration by external candidates is recommended to enable their preferences to be considered. Throughout the Sixth Form advice and guidance on career paths and Higher Education (the latter route being followed by over 95% of our Sixth Form leavers) will be provided. experienced advisers and outside speakers. The AS and A Level subjects currently available are shown below. Each student is invited to choose four subjects from our curriculum. The subjects are then blocked. Art and Design Physical Education Biology Physics Business Studies Politics Chemistry Religious Studies (Philosophy & Classical Ethics) Civilisation Design & Technology Spanish Drama Textiles English Literature German French History Further Mathematics Latin Geography Mathematics Music Economics Entry to the Sixth Form is assessed by Verbal Reasoning Questionnaire, interview, GCSE results and a reference from the current school.



admission to rgs worcester A registration form is provided at the back of this information booklet or is available to download from the school’s website. The registration fee is £25 (non-refundable), payable with each completed pupil registration form. We aim to make the admissions process as smooth and straightforward as possible. Once pupils are registered, we offer Taster Days so that pupils may become more familiar with the school and if they have already accepted a place, they also have the opportunity to meet their new form teacher and classmates. Specimen papers and details of the appropriate Entrance Examination will be sent to registered 11+ to 13+ applicants at the appropriate time. If, at any stage of the process, you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact our Registrar, who will be pleased to advise you about any aspect of our admissions procedures. The Entrance Examinations occur in late January/early February each year, with an offer of a place, or otherwise, posted during the week after the examination. However, we understand that life doesn't always fall neatly into a school's admissions and homes at very short notice. Therefore pupils may otherwise be admitted into RGS Worcester at any time by special arrangement. Successful applicants will be offered a place, which must be accepted by early March by the payment of the Acceptance Fee of £100. The fee is not returnable should the child not subsequently join the school. The acceptance fee will otherwise be held as a deposit which will be returnable, without interest and less any outstanding sums to the School, when the pupil leaves the school.



scholarships at rgs worcester Both of our prep schools offer the same range of scholarships for pupils entering Years Three and Five. The respective Heads of both schools are closely involved in monitoring the progress of scholars as they move through the school.

academic scholarships Offered to children entering Years Three and Five. There is no separate exam - pupils who perform exceptionally well in the entrance exams are offered scholarships. Children applying for Year Three have tests in English and Maths. Those applying for Year Five have an additional non-verbal reasoning test.

music scholarships Offered to children entering Years Three and Five. As a guide we expect applicants to Year Three to hold Grade One in one instrument, or to be working to that standard. Those children applying for Year Five should play two or more instruments and have achieved Grade Three in at least one of those, or to be working to that standard.

Excellence is what everybody at RGS Worcester aspires to. We also understand that excellence takes many different forms. Our Scholarship Programmes deliberately reach across a variety of disciplines and activities to recognise the tremendous potential of so many of our young people and to enable them to stretch themselves to compete with other talented people from the UK and beyond. university, secure in the knowledge that they have had the very best preparation for the unexpected. Our Scholarship Programme starts as early as Year Three in the two RGS Prep Schools. Whether it is an Academic, Music, Drama, Art, Design Technology, Textiles or Sport Scholarship, it isn’t just a badge of achievement. It is a passport to specialist support, tailored to the most able, which is designed to develop innate talent. The School will have expectations of its scholars beyond their personal development, of course, and will be looking, at the right time and in a sensitive manner, to enable them to become leaders and contributors in the classroom and beyond with an appetite for challenge such as that provided by Maths Challenge, Physics Olympiad, musical, sporting or dramatic performance (as appropriate), debating or general knowledge competitions. We expect our scholars to be among the leaders of the school community and to set the tone for the positive, can-do attitude for which RGS has such a strong reputation.

Singing voice would be considered the equivalent of an instrument. There is a separate assessment made of candidates by the Head of Music of the relevant school.

rgs prep schools Six). Admission is based upon informal assessment from Nursery to Year One. Those entering Year Two and above will be appropriately assessed. The process is designed so as not to be daunting for candidates. Pupils are welcome to join the RGS Prep Schools at any time.


alice ottley academic scholarships

art scholarships

music scholarships

godfrey brown sports scholarships

These are named in the honour of Miss Alice Ottley, who was a pioneer for girls’ education in Worcester. She founded the Alice Ottley School in 1883 with Canon William Butler.

Art Scholarships are awarded at 11+, 13+ and Sixth Form. The RGS Art Department is a truly vibrant place, providing artists with exceptional opportunities to develop their talents, under the right combination of technical instruction and guidance, together with the freedom to express themselves.

The scope for practice and performance for musicians at the school covers an

These are named after AGK Brown, a former Headmaster of RGS Worcester, who was a world class athlete. His career climaxed at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, where he won silver in the 400 metres, then gold in the 4 x 400m relay. The Director of Sport has overall responsibility for overseeing the progress of our Sports Scholars.

Academic Scholarships are awarded at 11+, 13+ and Sixth Form, with a special programme overseen by the school’s Head of Enrichment to ensure that our scholars move well beyond the curriculum. All 11+ and 13+ external candidates are automatically considered for Academic Scholarships when they sit the main entrance examinations. Sixth Form candidates must state in which subject they wish to sit the Scholarship papers. The candidate must take that subject at A Level. RGS Worcester works closely with the Ogden Trust to support able science students who have been educated in the state sector up to GCSE. Each year the Headmaster is able to nominate a suitable member of Year Eleven for support from the Rank Foundation if he/she shows exceptional leadership potential.

leader arts & technology scholarships Named in honour of Sir Edward Leader Williams (1828 – 1910), civil engineer who designed the Manchester Ship Canal, and his brother Benjamin Williams Leader, RA (1831 – 1923), notable landscape painter. Both men were born in Worcester and educated at RGS Worcester.

and depth of their personal artistic interests beyond the normal school curriculum. There will be an assessment process involving practical tasks and an interview with the Head of Art.

design technology & textiles scholarships Design Technology and Textiles Scholarships are offered at 13+ and Sixth Form. The DT Department at RGS has an extraordinary track record in producing students who go to the very top in the worlds of engineering, design, fashion and textile management. Twenty pupils have won prestigious Arkwright Scholarships in the past six years alone. These awards are made by the Institution of Engineering & Technology to the very best candidates in the United Kingdom. Our pupils win external design competitions with cars that race in the Greenpower national racing series. The Textiles Department has produced Young Fashion Designer of the Year winners and is recognised by the Good Schools Guide. Candidates will be asked to produce a portfolio of work which

choose from. There is a major concert at the end of every term, plus Jazz evenings, Year Group concerts and an annual Cathedral Choral Concert every March. Scholars receive guidance and mentoring from our Director of Music throughout their time at RGS – including conducting lessons in the Sixth Form. Auditions are held in January each year. As a guide we would expect 11+ candidates to have achieved Grade 4 or above, 13+ candidates to have achieved Grade 5 or above and Sixth Form candidates to be at Grade 7 or 8 in their principal instrument. A number of Music Exhibitions may be offered, each to the value of free instrumental tuition on one or more instruments, taught at RGS.

drama scholarships RGS has a superb track record of helping committed pupils reach their goals; that often means reaching drama schools such as RADA, LAMDA and the Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Performance. Past pupils have then gone on to forge professional careers in all aspects of the performing arts. Aspiring actors and actresses will have wide opportunities to take part in school performances throughout their RGS careers. Drama is taught to all pupils in Years Seven and Eight, then through GCSE and A Level. The traditional building blocks of

or Textiles beyond the normal school curriculum. Such a portfolio might contain work from a wide range of skill areas.

Auditions will be held prior to the entrance examination.

There will be an assessment process involving practical tasks and an interview with the Heads of Design Technology and/or Textiles.

Candidates will be expected to have prepared an audition piece and they will also be assessed during a drama workshop run by the Head of Drama. The capability to work harmoniously with other young people and adults as well as performing ability will be assessed. A number of Drama Exhibitions may be offered.

Sports Scholarships are awarded at 13+ and Sixth Form. Sports Exhibitions are also awarded at these age groups as well as for 11+ applicants, who will join the Athlete Development Programme. Candidates are expected to show exceptional promise in at least one major sport played at RGS (Rugby, Football, Cricket, Athletics and Rowing for Boys; Netball, Hockey, Athletics and Rowing for girls). It is likely that, particularly at 13+ and Sixth Form, successful candidates will have reached County level, and will be aspiring to levels above that. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend a selection day during which they will be required to take part in drills and game situations to show evidence of their All Sports Scholars are expected to be fully committed to the school’s annual sports programme. Sports Scholars will form part of the RGS Athlete Development Programme. This will provide individualised programmes to support and develop Sports Scholars under the overall direction of the Director of Sport.

Bursaries to make the school accessible to families who are unable to afford the fees.Bursaries may be awarded in conjunction with scholarships. The provision of bursaries for new pupils will only be considered if application is made prior to the Entrance Examination, or subsequently only in wishing to seek such assistance should mark their Registration Form accordingly. Completed Statement of Financial Circumstances forms must be returned to the Bursar not less than two weeks before the Entrance Exam to be eligible for consideration for September entry. Prospective parents should note that the school has limited bursary funds and that Bursaries will only be awarded to those children who perform strongly in the Entrance Examination. The



important dates public examination results 2011 - 12

higher education

RGS Worcester

A* - A

A* - B

A* - E

Sometimes a school needs to blow its own trumpet, and with over 80% of our

Whole School Open Days

A2 Level




this achievement.

Sixth Form Open Day

16 November 2013





Taster Day for Registered External 11+ Applicants

21 November 2013

Last Date for Receipt of Applications for Sports Scholarships

30 November 2013

courses, as are tutors and other teachers. We aim to encourage: Effective decision-making. Informed and realistic subject choices. Management and exploitation of opportunities. Development of knowledge, skills and abilities. We will offer comprehensive advice at every stage of an application. Form tutors, Heads of Department, the Head of Sixth Form, ISCO advisers and the academic management team are vital to this advice and support. RGS has all-embracing experience in this area and an excellent track record in helping students secure places at the top universities in the UK, including Oxford and Cambridge. Our personal links with universities and colleges mean that we can make a difference. Our Sixth Form students are encouraged to begin their applications, online, with UCAS, as early as possible. This includes workshops on personal statements in July of the Lower Sixth for some students, and early September for all. This allows them to be ready to submit their applications by October, in the case of Oxbridge and Medical applicants, and by January for everyone else. We organise UCAS evening events for parents and students in the Lower Sixth, when changing realities of higher education in the UK, study abroad, alternatives to HE and other subject areas. Specialist speakers come to RGS from a variety of universities and academic disciplines to talk to students. Students are encouraged to arrange up to three university open days during term time and as many as they can in holidays and at weekends.

5 October 2013 / 18 January 2014

Last Date for Receipt of Applications for all other Scholarships

8 January 2014

Closing Date for Registrations

20 January 2014

Last Date for Receipt of Bursary Forms

20 January 2014

Sports Scholarship Day

21 January 2014

Music Scholarship Day

22 January 2014

Drama Scholarship Day

23 January 2014

Art Scholarships

23 January 2014

DT/Textiles Scholarships

24 January 2014

Entrance Examinations 11+, 12+, 13+, 14+, Sixth Form

1 February 2014

Academic Scholarship Day 11+

5 February 2014

Final Date for Acceptance of Offer

3 March 2014

rgs the grange Open Days External Assessment Week

12 October 2013 / 24 January 2014 /10 May 2014 10 –13 February 2014

rgs springfield Open Days


5 October 2013 / 18 January 2014 17 May 2014


fees rgs worcester All Years Senior School Lunches Per day on a termly basis / Per day by voucher

RGS Prep Schools £3,468.00 £3.15 / £3.65

Music Lessons, per term, for 10 lessons


Learning Development Per term / Per lesson

£255.00 / £26.00

RGS Springfield

Before school care from 8.00am and after school care until 6.00pm (pre-school to Year 6)






Year 1


Pre-school to Year 6 Cooked Lunch


Year 2


Music Lessons, per term, for 10 lessons


Year 3


£255.00 / £26.00

Year 4


Year 5


Year 6


Charge per 15 minutes for children not collected by 6.00pm (pre-school to Year 6)

Learning Development Per term / Per lesson


RGS The Grange Pre-School (part-time) / (full time)

£45/day £30/half day / £2,030.00



Year 1


Year 2


Year 3


Year 4


Year 5


Year 6



contact admissions We are always happy to advise you on Admissions procedures by telephone or email.

rgs worcester Mrs Sue Johnston Registrar


Mrs Sarah Nelson Admissions Manager

TELEPHONE: 01905 613391


TELEPHONE: 01905 613391

rgs the grange Mrs Vanessa Kay Business Manager


TELEPHONE: 01905 451205

rgs sprinfield Mrs Maggie Paget School Secretary


TELEPHONE: 01905 24999

RGS Worcester, Upper Tything, Worcester WR1 1HP TELEPHONE: 01905 613391

FAX: 01905 726892


Upper Tything, Worcester WR1 1HP. Registered Charity No. 1120644.

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