Sixth Form Prospectus 2014-2015
The Sixth Form
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The Sixth Form
The RGS Worcester Sixth Form is very successful. This is because we expect everyone, students and staff alike, to aim for their very best, whether in the classroom, theatre, workshop or on the games field. We also recognise that both staff and students develop enjoyment and achievement when there is full commitment all round. The Sixth Form is a learning environment where the staff and students co-operate. The Sixth Form has an exceptional and challenging transitional role. We help you to prepare for independence from the rules and direction of formal schooling in readiness for the world of higher education and/or careers. This gives Sixth Form teachers what may sometimes seem to be contradictory goals. They must provide you with a structured environment for your learning while allowing you the independence to grow, to learn from your inevitable mistakes, and to learn better judgement while there is still experienced and expert guidance available.
The Sixth Form
What should I do in return? Learn to make a positive contribution to lessons. To succeed in the Sixth Form you will need self-motivation and self-discipline. You should value effort and commitment. You should recognise that disappointments provide opportunities for improvement. You will need to make many independent decisions and take on more personal responsibilities. This is the time to replace some of your undoubted ability to follow with some evidence of leadership. You should be actively involved in the broader life of the school.
How can I get into The Sixth Form We would expect you to fulfil the following criteria:
If you are already at RGS and do not achieve a grade C, or better, in GCSE Mathematics and English Language you will be expected to resit these subjects while in the Sixth Form. What if I do not get six Bs? We may not be able to offer you a Sixth Form place. If we can then we will retain a major say in the number and nature of the subjects you study. We will also monitor your progress closely to ensure you are adjusting successfully to the demands of Sixth Form study.
To achieve six Bs or better at GCSE and no less than B in any subjects (except Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics which require an A grade) that you wish to continue. For new subjects, such as Economics, Politics or PE we will look at your results in GCSE subjects which contain similar content or require similar skills; for instance, if you wish to take Economics we will look at Mathematics and English, Politics and English Literature, Religious Studies or History. For further details on course requirements please see table on page 62. Have a good report from Year Eleven. If you are joining from another school, you will be asked to take a verbal reasoning test and a short interview before being offered a place. We will ask for a reference from your present school. You will also need GCSE passes in English and Mathematics. 4
AS and A Levels? Sixth Form courses are almost all divided into two sections: AS Level taken in the Lower Sixth You can then either stop a subject at this point or take it on to A2 Level. A2 taken in the Upper Sixth. An A Level is the total of your AS and A2 modules. AS Levels are not as difficult as A2; they fall somewhere between A2 and GCSE. All AS and A2 courses are modular, please refer to subject details regarding A Level reforms on page 15. We will expect the majority of you to take four AS Levels in the Lower Sixth and most to carry on with three A2s in the Upper Sixth. Those seeking Oxbridge entrance should normally continue with four subjects in the Upper Sixth, as should pupils who are likely to perform well across four subjects. Of course, variations are possible. We will work with you to ensure that your overall academic programme meets your needs.
How do I select my AS Levels? Before making your final choice of subjects, you might like to consider the following: Reflect on the information and advice given by Careers staff and through the presentations at Parents’ Evenings. Read the course descriptions in this Handbook. Be sure you have the ability to cope with your choices and the combination of subjects. AS Levels are more demanding than GCSE and A2 is much more demanding. Make sure that you are qualified for your choices. Consider the subjects you enjoy first! If you do not enjoy them you will find it very difficult to motivate yourself in the Sixth Form. Choose a sensible combination of subjects. It may help to consider the following points:
Which combination is most likely to produce the best results? Consider transferable skills and supporting subjects. Which combination of subjects is likely to be favoured by universities? Consider which subjects are required by universities for courses you are likely to select, and which are preferred? Which subjects will help your preferred course at university even if they are not necessary for entrance?
What about Games? All Sixth Form pupils will take part in Games for one afternoon each week. The range of activities is likely to include some of the following: athletics, badminton, cricket, cross-country running, dance, football, golf, hockey, netball, rowing, rugby, sailing, health related exercise, rounders, dancercise, military fitness and tennis. In addition, there exists a comprehensive programme of fixtures with other schools in a variety of sports, many of which occur on Saturdays. The expectation is that those selected will be available as and when required Whilst special consideration will be given to individual cases where excellence is apparent, opting out of sports is not normally acceptable. 6
How do I select my AS Levels?
What else should I do outside the classroom? In recent years such activities have included: BISMARCK Modelling Club
Helping in local schools
Board games
Chess Club
Christian Union
Film Society
Literary Society
Community Service
Debating and Public Speaking
War Games and Fantasy Society
Work Experience and Job Shadowing
Duke of Edinburgh Award Drama
What do I wear? There is a formal dress code which includes a suit and the school tie for boys and a suit and formal top for girls. You will be given details of the dress code at a later date.
Which combination of subjects are possible? We design the Sixth Form timetable to allow the widest possible choice of combinations. We will ask you to tell us which subjects you would like to study and then will draw up option blocks based on those choices; we may not be able to arrange for all your choices (though we will try to do so) and some subjects may not run if demand is insufficient. When the choices have been processed, we will produce a blocking diagram like that one shown below so that the timetabler can start work. Any changes to your programme after this point will need to conform to the blocking.
This recent example gives you some idea of what the final blocking might look:
Block A
Block B
Block C
Block D
Block E
Class Civ
Business Studies
Religious Studies
Further Maths
Religious Studies
Mathematics PE
Music Textiles
Subjects in italics appeared in more than one block. All blocks consist of 9 lessons per 2 week cycle
Degree/Career Opportunities requiring specific A Level The normal A Level subject requirements for some common Honours degree courses are listed below. Other A Level subjects should be chosen to complement those specified.
Degree Course
Useful / facilitating subject
Arts / Science mix
Art, Maths, DT
Chemistry, Maths, Physics
Maths, Further Maths, Biology or Physics
Biology, Maths, Physics
Engineering (general)
Maths, Physics
Chemistry for Chemical Engineering, Physics, Further Maths
Two science subjects
Usually English
History, any other facilitating subject
Materials Science
Maths, Physics, Biology, Further Maths
Chemistry (Biology at some universities)
Maths, Physics, Philosophy and Ethics, Further Maths
Maths (usually Physics)
Another science
Chemistry, Maths, Physics
Vet. Science
Chemistry, Biology
Maths, Physics
Based on recommended combinations from the Russell Group universities’ publication Informed Choices (2013/14). See
What will my timetable look like? Your L6 timetable is likely to be: Subjects No. of lessons per two week cycle AS subject 1
AS subject 2
AS subject 3
AS subject 4
Private Study/ subject 5
In the U6 most students follow only three A2 courses and therefore have an extra nine lessons of private study. It is sometimes possible to take up a new AS Level subject in the U6.
How will I know how I am doing? The Sixth Form Review This is a continuous process that takes place throughout the Sixth Form where we explore ways for you to develop your confidence and maximise your achievement.
Self-evaluation Together with your Tutor, you will review your work methods and progress on a regular basis. If you do this openly and honestly you should be able to fine-tune your approach to achieve the highest possible standards. Typical topics for discussion might include your:
Aims: To encourage you to aim as high as possible.
organisation of time to meet deadlines
To monitor your progress carefully.
To review your working methods. To give some shape to your aims, we will work with you to set target grades in each of your subjects
study skills aspirations attitude and attainment overall programme of study co-curricular involvement
Feedback Regular grades for attainment and our perception of your application at regular intervals. Written reports in the Lower Sixth and in the Upper Sixth. Opportunities for parents to meet formally with staff to discuss progress; you will be invited to join these meetings.
Who is there to help me?
How do I get into the Upper Sixth?
There are decisions to make in the Sixth Form that could affect your life well beyond school. These include:
This is a formality for the vast majority of students. However, to do so your AS results and Sixth Form Review should provide you with a suitable platform for success at A2. The Academic Team will meet with those whose Lower Sixth performance falls short of expectations.
Which university courses should I apply for? What about a ‘Gap Year’? How can I develop my interests that lie outside the classroom? Should I take a part-time job?
In order to carry a subject on to A2, an AS grade of at least C is required.
The key figure here is your Tutor. We hope you will develop a warm working relationship with your Tutor for he or she will offer guidance on issues that arise as you progress through the two years of the Sixth Form. There is also the Sixth Form Team and the Careers and UCAS advisers.
What happens if things start to go wrong despite all this? Do not panic! Speak to the Head of Sixth Form, who may involve your parents and teachers in the search for solutions. The Deputy Head, Mrs C Smee, and Assistant Head (Academic), Mr R J Houchin, are also there to advise on alternative courses of action. We may ask you to come and discuss your progress and seek solutions to problems via a monitoring process until these are resolved. 13
Subjects Offered
AS and A levels are being reformed in stages. Subjects in the first stage that we offer at RGS are:
Subjects in the second stage will be available for first teaching in September 2016.
Art and Design
These are Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Languages, Geography, Design Technology, Drama, Music, Physical Education and Religious Studies.
Business Studies Economics English Literature History Biology Chemistry Physics These subjects will be reformed for first teaching in September 2015. Our Heads of Department will finalise their choice of examination board during the course of this term. Therefore, the information that follows for some of these subjects is general at this point. For these subjects the AS qualification is a ‘stand alone’ qualification and will not count towards the final A2 grade.
Government and Politics, and Classical Civilisation may also change but at a later date. Therefore the information included in this prospectus is more detailed for these second stage subjects because the specification content and mode of assessment will continue as it is for the next two years. For these, the weighting of each module at AS is given so that the total of the modules is equal to 100%, since AS can be a qualification that stands on its own. The weighting for A2 modules will add up to 50%, as A2 consists of half an A Level (AL) when added to the 50% at AS.
Art & Design Fine Art
Art & Design - Fine Art
We all need creativity. Art should not be regarded as limited to those wishing to pursue a career in art or design, although many of our Sixth Form artists go on successfully in this field. Art complements a range of other subjects and all benefit from engaging with the ideas and developing the skills to an advanced level. It has both practical and conceptual challenges. Art is an essential subject for architects, links to the Humanities through historical and cultural study and can offer to all an enriching experience that fosters individuality and independence. Students find the course personally rewarding with the opportunity to develop a body of work that reflects their own interests as can be seen in our end of year exhibitions. The A level follows the Edexcel Fine Art Endorsement. Entry Requirements Students should have normally gained a Grade B at GCSE Art and Design but other applicants are most welcome, to present a suitable portfolio of work for consideration by departmental staff prior to acceptance for the course.
Subjects Offered
Business Studies
Have you ever wondered why Santa Claus wears a red and white suit or have you spent many sleepless nights trying to count Cash Cows or even wincing at the thought of an Acid Test Ratio?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions then Business Studies could be the course for you!
By the end of the Business Studies course, you will be fully equipped to analyse both UK and International business problems with a variety of modern business concepts and theories in order to provide reasoned, sound recommendations and ideas for application in the real world.
Business Studies
Business Studies in the Sixth Form is a challenging and varied subject that requires the student to integrate seemingly unrelated areas together to solve complex problems.
Business Studies and the related subject areas have seen one of the largest growths in popularity at both Sixth Form and University level in the past ten years. This is hardly surprising given many major employers’ positive views of the skills these courses provide students with and the general relevance of these skills to every day life. Whilst Business Studies is a very different subject from Economics, the two courses should not be selected together as an option combination for students entering the Sixth Form.
Entry Requirements Grade B in English and Mathematics. .
‘What was the Credit Crunch?’ ‘Should we leave the E.U.?’ ‘What is so important about inflation?’ ‘Why does the Government tax aircraft departures?’
Economics is considered to be a science and involves using theories to predict and explain the workings of the economy. Students will soon become aware of different and conflicting interpretations, which give rise to argument and discussion and the department strongly believes that such healthy debates are an invaluable part of the learning process. Whilst Economics is a very different course from Business Studies, the two courses should not be selected together as an option combination for students entering the Sixth Form. Entry Requirements No prior knowledge of the subject is required. However, the department requires that potential candidates achieve a grade A at GCSE in both Mathematics and English Language before admittance onto the course.
There has possibly never been a more important time to understand economic principles than now. Every day the news is dominated by Economics and its related issues. Economics deals with the real world and this is what makes the subject so rewarding! By the end of the course all students will be able to understand the different viewpoints on these and many more vital questions, know their significance and be able to provide reasoned and sound policy recommendations.
English Literature
English in the Sixth Form involves the study of literature. The syllabus offers the opportunity to read a wide and interesting range of texts, including drama, the novel and poetry, from different literary periods. At least eight texts are studied in detail throughout, the course, and assessment at A Level is by both examination and coursework. Titles of particular works vary from year to year, and the aim is to offer a balance between modern works and more established classics.
Teaching methods are varied and flexible. Discussion in small groups creates broad perspectives on the texts. You should be willing to volunteer and share your ideas, and sometimes take the lead by presenting a short seminar paper to other members of the group. There is a strong emphasis on interpretation substantiated by close reading of set works. Texts are taught in their context, looking at how they reflect the circumstances surrounding their creation. You will also engage with literary criticism, exploring other readers’ views of the works you study. You should therefore be prepared to read around the subject and to work independently in the formulation of ideas. At the same time you will be encouraged to develop sound written and analytical skills for the use in essay writing. Activities outside the classroom form an integral part of the teaching.
English Literature
Outline of AS Specifications
Coursework consists of two written tasks. One is either a close reading exercise or a creative task with commentary. The second task is an essay, which explores comparisons and contrasts between two texts. The overall word limit for both tasks should not exceed 3,000 words.
(OCR AS English Literature – H072) Component 01: Shakespeare and Poetry pre-1900: closed text examination (50% of AS) Component 02: Drama and Prose post-1900: closed text examination (50% of AS)
Entry Requirements A genuine interest in reading and a desire to discuss ideas in class are vital for success in this subject. B grades in GCSE English and English Literature usually suggest that you will manage the demands of the course, but even more important is your intellectual curiosity and motivation.
Outline of A Level Specifications (OCR A Level English Literature – H472) Component 01: Shakespeare, Drama and Poetry pre-1900:closed text examination (40% of total A level) Component 02: Comparative and Contextual Study: closed text examination (40% of total A level) Component 03: Literature post-1900: assessed by coursework (20% of total A level)
The AQA specification will be followed from September 2015.
Did you know men have fewer genes than women? How many kilograms of water do you think a tree could lift? From the details of processes in individual cells to the complex relationship between organisms in an ecosystem, Biology encompasses plenty to interest everyone. The new AQA specification will be followed from September 2015 for candidates applying to study either AS or A Level and it is suitable for candidates who have used ANY of the GCSE boards. Biology at AS and A Level greatly extends the work covered at GCSE and introduces new topics and ideas. The course builds up from the chemicals of life, through cells, tissues and organs into whole organisms and concepts such as evolution and gene technology. Investigations follow the scientific method, including physiological experiments, observations of animal and plant specimens and interpretation of microscopic material (both living and preserved).
Students need to be prepared for a step up in the standard of work compared to GCSE. The volume and pace of learning are significantly greater, and much more emphasis is placed on students to organise their own independent study. A good memory and an interest in the subject are essential but are not the only requirements. The ability to critically analyse experiments, data and information is vital, as is the ability to evaluate the accuracy of results and theories. Students should be able to read in depth and consult the specialist materials available digitally and in the school library.
Entry requirements If you wish to be successful in the Sixth Form Biology Course and perhaps pursue a career related to Biology then we recommend that before you begin, you should have gained at least an A grade in Separate GCSE Biology or A grades in Science and Additional Science. A Grade A in GCSE Mathematics is also required. Chemistry is NOT a requirement for this Biology course, but it is often required for entry into degree courses related to Biology. Those who are intending to go beyond A level in this subject should check university courses and see if Chemistry should be studied at A level.
Outline of AS Specification
Outline of A2 Specification:
The subject content covers the following categories:
The subject content covers the following categories:
1. Biological molecules
1. Biological molecules
2. Cells
2. Cells
3. Organisms exchange substances with their environment
3. Organisms exchange substances with their environment
4. Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms
4. Genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms
The AS will be assessed as two written papers; there is NO COURSEWORK UNIT and practical skills will be acknowledged through a separate, teacher assessed, certificate which does NOT contribute to the actual AS level grade
5. Energy transfers in and between organisms
Paper 7401/1 (tests all topics and contributes 50% of the AS grade)
8. The control of gene expression
Paper 7401/2 (tests all topics and contributes 50% of the AS grade)
6. Organisms respond to changes in their internal and external environments 7. Genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems
The A level will be assessed as three written papers; there is NO COURSEWORK UNIT and practical skills will be acknowledged through a separate, teacher assessed, certificate which does NOT contribute to the actual A level grade Paper 7402/1 (tests topics 1-4 and contributes to 35% of the overall A level) Paper 7402/2 (tests topics 5-8 and contributes to 35% of the overall A level) Paper 7402/3 (tests all topics and contributes to 30% of the overall A level) 26
Because it’s fun, exciting and it explains how the world works. From archaeology to other planet’s atmospheres, from the effect of drugs to the colour of precious stones, Chemistry enables us to make life better and more interesting: to grow food, prevent and cure disease, to develop new materials and explore space – Chemistry is all around us.
Why study chemistry? Because it’s fun, exciting and it explains how the world works. From archaeology to other planet’s atmospheres, from the effect of drugs to the colour of precious stones, Chemistry enables us to make life better and more interesting: to grow food, prevent and cure disease, to develop new materials and explore space – Chemistry is all around us.
A Level Chemistry enables a student to develop many skills that universities and employers find invaluable. The chemist is trained to pr≠oblem-solve and to analyse data looking for patterns. He can build theoretical models to account for experiments and can communicate ideas in a logical fashion. These skills help make A Level Chemistry not only vital for most scientific degree courses, including medicine, but also a useful second or third A Level for many non-scientific degrees. It is an intellectually challenging course and you will find the going tough if you do not have at least a grade A in GCSE Chemistry or two As in Double Award IGCSE or in Science and Additional Science as a starting point.
Outline of the AS Specification, examined in June of the Lower Sixth Year. The specification is split into three general areas.
For those continuing with the subject to end of the Upper Sixth, the course is again split into the three branches of Chemistry.
Physical Chemistry This module builds upon the key principles at GCSE, but in much more depth and to a greater level of satisfaction. Gone are just the facts, and in come the why, the where and the how! Physical Chemistry teaches us why chemicals react. We investigate bonding, rates of reaction (kinetics), equilibria, energetics and moles.
Physical Chemistry The mathematics behind Kinetics, Equilibria and the reactions of Acids are investigated. We explore the Thermodynamics behind why some ionic substances dissolve in water, whilst others do not. We also delve into the chemistry behind batteries.
Organic Chemistry Here we take a greater look into Carbon Chemistry: we recap on Alkanes, Alkenes and Alcohols but delve into the mechanisms behind the reactions. If we can understand how molecules react, we can then use our knowledge to synthesise new molecules. Inorganic Chemistry The Chemistry of the elements is examined within this part of the specification. Group Two and Group Seven are used to highlight the trends present within the Periodic Table.
Organic Chemistry Here we extend our knowledge of how molecules react and explore the Chemistry of Aldehydes and Ketones, Carboxylic Acids and Esters, Amines and Amino Acids. We look at how we can analyse the structure of these molecules using instrumental techniques and ultimately bring all of our knowledge together to design synthetic pathways in order to create molecules. Inorganic Chemistry The Chemistry of the Transition Metals is explored, along with the trends and patterns of the Third Period.
Assessment after One year
Assessment after two years
Paper 1: A written examination of 90 minutes. The answers to short and long answer questions are worth 65 marks, and 15 marks are available from multiple choice questions. (80 marks in total, 50% of AS Level). The Physical Chemistry topics and Inorganic topics described above are examined.
Paper 1: A written examination of two hours of short and long answer question worth 105 marks (35 % of A Level). The vast majority of the Physical Chemistry topics taught over the two years, along with Group 2 metals are examined. Practical skills will also be tested in the paper.
Paper 2: A written examination of 90 minutes. The answers to short and long answer questions are worth 65 marks, and 15 marks are available from multiple choice questions. (80 marks in total, 50% of AS Level). Organic Chemistry and the relevant Physical Chemistry topics above are examined.
Paper 2: A written examination of two hours of short and long answer questions worth 105 marks (35 % of A Level). Organic Chemistry and the associated Physical Chemistry topics are tested, along with the relevant practical skills. Paper 3: This is the synoptic paper, so any content and practical skills from the specification are examined. It is a twohour paper worth 90 marks (30 % of A Level). There are three questions types: 40 marks are available from questions on practical techniques and data analysis; 20 marks are available from questions testing across the specification and 30 marks are available from multiple choice questions.
The Physics university specification offers a challenging course based on contemporary contexts to motivate and interest students. The two year course provides essential grounding for those who intend to read one of the Physical Sciences or Engineering at university, and it is often highly recommended for those students who are likely to study Medicine, Biological or Chemical Sciences, or Geography at degree level. Physics can, of course, be pursued for its own sake. The one and the two year courses provide a chance to acquire a deeper understanding of the universe in which we live and to develop the ability to cope flexibly with problem solving, in both theoretical and practical situations.
Entry Requirements: Potential students must have achieved at least a grade A in GCSE Physics or Science and Additional Science. Competence in Mathematics is essential for success in Physics and you should have an A grade or better at GCSE. Mathematics is very useful as an accompanying subject and is essential for students wishing to study Physics or Engineering at university.
Structure of the AS Level Course
Structure of the A Level Course
The course is made up of two examined modules (so you will have two 90 minute examinations in the summer of Year Twelve). These examinations will cover Particles and Radiation, Waves, Mechanics, Materials and Electricity. Students will be expected to have carried out a range of practical tasks throughout the course, and at least 15% of the marks available in the two examinations will be based on the assessment of students’ investigative skills.
The course covers all of the AS Level topics listed above. In addition, you will cover Further Mechanics, Thermal Physics, Electric and Magnetic Fields, Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics. The A2 course is assessed in the summer of Year Thirteen and you will sit three examinations, each of two hours in length. Students will be expected to have carried out a wide range of practical tasks throughout the course, and at least 15% of the marks available in the three examinations will be based on the assessment of students’ investigative skills. Students will also be awarded an endorsement of their practical skills, given separately to their A Level grade.
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The History Department will follow the AQA Course (History 7041 and 7042), with the new specification launch for first teaching in September 2015. Our first topic for A Level will be the A Level (7042) Breadth Study Component 1C The Tudors: England, 1485-1603, with the AS Level (7041) partner The Tudors: England, 1485-1547. Our second A Level (7042) topic will be the Depth Study Component 2G The Birth of the USA, 1760–1801 partnered with the AS Level (7041) topic 2G The Birth of the USA, 1760–1776. The papers will be a mix of source work and essay writing. There will also be a non-examined Assessment at A Level. This will be composed of a historical investigation of 3,000-3,500 (possibly 4,000) words, internally marked and externally moderated.
Entry Requirements Good GCSEs in History and English, minimum grade B, will be required since this is predominantly an essay writing subject.
Classical Civilisation
Entry Requirements
Classical Civilisation should certainly not be regarded as of interest only to those who have studied it at GCSE, or to those who might be thinking of reading a Classical subject at university. In particular, anyone contemplating English, History, Art or Philosophy & Ethics in the Sixth Form might choose Classics as a very relevant supporting study; a budding archaeologist might well take Classics alongside Geography, Physics or Chemistry; whilst students mainly focussing on Sciences will find Classical Civilisation the kind of contrasting, mind-broadening, analytical discipline that university departments are delighted to see their applicants pursuing.
Outings are organised to relevant exhibitions, museums, study days, and performances of plays. There have also been several trips in recent years for RGS Classicists to various Mediterranean destinations: this year, Sixth Form Classicists and Latinists are hoping to head for Sicily, to discover the art and architecture of the former Greek colony. It is hoped that those entering the Sixth Form in 2015 will have a similar opportunity.
GCSE English Literature and Language grade B or better. GCSE Class Civ, Latin or History are helpful, but certainly not essential: genuine interest and enthusiasm are much more important. No study of languages is necessary as all ancient sources are studied in English, and absolutely no previous knowledge in this field is assumed.
Classical Civilisation
Outline of AS Specification
Outline of A2 Specification
Module 1: The Iliad (50% of AS) Homer’s epic ‘The Iliad’ tells the story of Achilles, set against the background of the Trojan War. It is probably the earliest work of European literature, and has therefore had an enormous influence on all subsequent writers of ‘epic’ (from the Aeneid and Beowulf to Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones). The examination includes questions on the content and style of selected passages, and a short essay - focusing on literary features, human relationships, religious attitudes, and other themes relating both to Homer’s time and to ‘the heroic age’.
Module 3: Greek Tragedy (25% of A2) Four plays by two of the greatest Greek playwrights are studied in depth: Sophocles’ ‘Oedipus the King’ and ‘Antigone’, and ‘Euripides’ Hippolytus’ and ‘Medea’. Candidates also investigate the invention of theatre as an artform and the conventions deriving from its religious, political and social context. The final examination follows the same format as the AS papers.
Module 2: Greek Art & Architecture (50% of AS) Students engage with visual sources, looking at the design and evolution of the Greek temple and sanctuary buildings, and the parallel development of the art of sculpture. The final examination includes questions based on the pieces studied during the course as well as historical context questions, and a short essay.
Module 4: Roman Imperial History (25% of A2) A study based on the writings of the historians Tacitus and Suetonius, examining the expansion of the Empire and the spread of Roman civilisation right across Europe in the years AD14-54 – against the background of the secret vices of Tiberius, the madness and eventual assassination of Caligula, and the alleged stupidity of Claudius!
Design Technology: Product Design This specification seeks to develop students’ knowledge, understanding, skills and application for designing products. Product Design at A Level encompasses a wide range of design disciplines but is firmly rooted in the skills required to design and make high quality products. Products that are fit for purpose, satisfy wants and needs and enhance our day-to-day lives. This specification gives students the opportunity to demonstrate their design and technology capability. This is an opportunity to work in a well-equipped and vibrant department. You should have gained a Grade B at GCSE in either Resistant Materials Technology, Product Design or Electronics and Control Systems or be able to present a portfolio of work demonstrating your skills in the subject. The coursework commitment is large. However, with good time management it is easy to achieve success.
Outline of AS Specification Module 1: Portfolio of Creative Skills (60% of AS) In this unit students are given the opportunity to develop their creative, technical and practical skills through a series of product investigation, design and manufacturing activities. Students will produce one portfolio with three distinct sections. Different products will be chosen as the focus for the three distinct sections. Assessment: Internally set and marked and externally moderated by Edexcel. Module 2: Design and Technology in Practice (40% 0f AS) In this unit students will develop a knowledge and understanding of a wide range of materials and processes used in the field of design and technology so that they can develop a greater understanding of how products can be designed and manufactured. Students will also learn about industrial and commercial practices. Assessment: 1 hour 30 minute examination set and marked by Edexcel.
Design Technology: Product Design
Outline of A2 Specification Module 3: Designing for the Future" " (40% of A2) In this unit students will develop their knowledge and understanding of a range of modern design and manufacturing practices and contemporary design issues. The consideration of contributions made by designers from the past, issues of sustainability and the place of ICT and systems and control technology in the design and manufacture of products feature in this unit. Assessment: two hour examination paper set and marked by Edexcel.
The DT Department is well-resourced with a wide range of manufacturing machinery and CAD/CAM equipment including a laser cutter. There is also a computer suite within the Little London Design Centre for the sole use of students studying DT. The results in the subject at AS and A2 level have been high and pupils have won a number of major competitions.
Module 4: Commercial Design (60% of A2) In this unit students are given the opportunity to apply the skills they have acquired and developed throughout this course of study, to design and make a product of their choice. In order to reach high attainment levels, students must adopt a commercial design approach to their work. The design problem should provide opportunities for a client or user-group to have input into the decision making process. Assessment: Internally set and marked and externally moderated by Edexcel.
Design Technology: Textiles This subject can be successfully studied by those who have flair in art and design and also by those who prefer the commercial, scientific or technological aspects of Textiles. The course is of a practical, problem solving nature and encourages independent learning, creativity and innovation.
There are a growing number of opportunities related to Textiles. There are good degree courses at many universities which cater for an increasing demand for textile technologists in industry. Such courses include Textile Design, Textile Management, as well as Marketing and Consumer related courses. Those with an artistic flair can go on to study Fashion Design, Fashion Promotion/Journalism and Interior Design.
Entry Requirements Grade B in either GCSE Textiles, DT or Art is required.
Design Technology: Textiles
Outline of AS Specification
Outline of A2 Specification
Module 1: Written Paper (50% of AS) Questions are concerned with the design and manufacture of fabrics, apparel, household and industrial textiles and focus on the development of fibres and fabrics for specific end uses. Students will learn about technical developments in fibre and fabric technology as well as ethical issues surrounding fashion and textile design and manufacture. The paper will also require students to analyse existing products to establish how they have been designed for target consumers.
Module 3: Written Paper (25% of A2) A two hour paper testing knowledge of all aspects of the Textiles specification, from fibre and fabric development through to garment production and industrial manufacturing systems. Students are asked to answer four out of six question that must include one from each section: materials & components, design & market influences and processes & manufacture.
Module 2: Coursework (50% of AS) Approximately 50 hours of coursework, which consists of a design folder and a practical piece. The coursework includes aspects of industrial and commercial practice, the history of design and designers, 3-dimensional modelling and evaluating skills. The coursework will allow students to gain experience in designing from a range of sources and influences as well as the opportunity to research aspects of marketing, branding and fashion business.
Module 4: Coursework (25% of A2) A single, integrated coursework project using any material or combination of materials is allowed for this aspect. Students are encouraged to explore the areas of fashion and textiles that are of most interest to them where experiences from the AS year can be developed. They have the opportunity to devise their own design brief in this module. Designing and making are equally weighted. The coursework consists of approximately 50 hours.
Drama & Theatre Studies
Drama & Theatre Studies
Drama and Theatre Studies is an engaging and exciting course that has a stimulating balance of practical and written work. The course seeks to develop stage theory/practice, forge strong skills in textual analysis and create informed performers. The course has particularly complementary links with English, History, Politics, Classics and Music.
Outline of AS Specification Module 1- Live Theatre Production Seen and Prescribed Play (60% of As) In this module, you will be taken to see a range of professional live productions and asked to analyse either performance, design or direction. In addition, you will study one classic play and explore this from a practical performance. Both aspects will be assessed via a written examination. Module 2 – Presentation of Play Extract(40% of AS) In this practical component you will study an influential director, designer, theatre company or other practitioner and then, using this influence, work as part of a group to present an extract from a chosen published play of your choice. This will be accompanied with a short written portfolio and assessed by your teacher and a visiting moderator.
Drama & Theatre Studies
Outline of A2 Specification
Entry Requirements
Module 3 – Further Prescribed Plays including PreTwentieth Century (30% of A2) Here you will study a further two plays from a practical perspective, one contemporary modern work and one written previous to the Twentieth Century. In the second, you will take the role of director, designer and performer and thus display a comprehensive knowledge of what you have learned over the course. This is assessed in a written examination.
English Language and English Literature grade B or above will allow you to progress well in Drama at AS Level. GCSE Drama would also be preferred, but students can discuss their suitability for the course with the Head of Drama, if this is not the case.
Module 4 – Presentation of Devised Drama (20% of A2) Performing in a theatrical style of your choice, you will develop and present a devised piece of drama alongside a short written portfolio. Again, this will be assessed by your teacher and a visiting moderator.
Entry requirements At least a grade B in GCSE Geography is required, although each case will be considered on its own merits. Most important is a genuine interest and a good record in the subject. All AS Level candidates attend a five day residential field course in North Wales at the end of term two.
If you are interested in the world about you and in learning more about people, places and environments, together with contemporary local and global issues, then Geography at A Level is for you. It will involve reading a variety of source material, making notes, completing weekly assignments, using modern information technology and getting out of the classroom for fieldwork. Enthusiasm and interest, matched with ability would make you an ideal candidate! There is the opportunity to continue in a more developed form some of the topics that you studied at GCSE as well as studying areas that will be new to you.
Outline of AS Specification
Outline of A2 Specification
Module 1: Managing Physical Environments (50% of AS) This unit will have as content River Environments, Coastal Environments and Cold Environments. One hour 30 minute written paper answering three questions.
Module 3: Geographical Issues - A study of three topics from two sections. (30% of A2) Section A - Earth Hazards, Ecosystems and Environments under threat.
Module 2: Managing Change in Human Environments (50% of AS) This unit will have as content Managing Urban Change, the Energy Issue and the Growth of Tourism. One hour 30 minute written paper answering three questions.
Section B - Population and resources, Globalisation, Development and Inequalities. Two hour 30 minute written paper writing three short and two long essay answers. Module 4: Geographical Skills" (20% of A2) This module is designed to be synoptic. Candidates will use skills in geographical research and investigations/fieldwork acquired during AS and A2. Candidates need to have undertaken individual research on a geographical topic of their choice. This individual research/investigation should be based on any of the topics addressed in modules 1, 2 and 3. It is aimed to provide clear evidence of extension and synthesis of understanding and skills. The examination will utilise decision making and problem solving skills as well as requiring candidates to draw upon knowledge previously acquired. You will need to demonstrate the ability to ‘think like a geographer!’ One hour 30 minute written paper answering three questions, two directly related to candidates’ own investigation.
Latin enjoys enormous prestige as a wellestablished intellectual discipline which encourages lateral thought, breadth of viewpoint, precision, analytical abilities and communication skills. ‘Forget all thought of irrelevance: the rigorous study of the languages, literature and society of the ancient world provides exactly the kinds of transferable skills which employers need and value’, as one survey on the employability of graduates who studied Ancient Languages puts it.
Entry Requirement GCSE-equivalent Latin, grade B or better (in both Language & Literature); GCSE English Literature and Language, grade B or better. From 2012, Y11 pupils studying Latin at RGS have taken WJEC level 2 (GCSE-equivalent) certificates in Latin Language and Latin Literature; new Sixth Formers intending to take Latin may have studied for the OCR GCSE elsewhere, and either qualification is very much welcomed from students hoping to study AS / A2 Latin at RGS.
Outline of AS Specification
Outline of A2 Specification
Module 1: Language (50% of AS) Unseen translation, as in GCSE, plus the option of a second ‘unseen’ or five very simple English-into-Latin sentences.
Module 3: Latin Verse (25% of A2) Section A: Candidates study one verse author (currently Propertius). In the examination they produce an analysis of a passage taken from the text they have studied and a short essay on the work as a whole.
Module 2: Literature – verse and prose (50% of AS) Candidates study texts by two authors, one verse and one prose (currently Ovid and Cicero). The examination involves questions on the content and style of passages taken from each text, and a short essay.
Section B: A mixture of translation and comprehension questions based on a short piece of unprepared verse. Module 4: Latin Prose (25% of A2) Section A: Candidates study one prose author (currently Sallust). In the examination they produce an analysis of the content and style of two passages from the text they have studied. Section B: Either translation and comprehension questions based on a passage of unprepared prose, or translation into Latin of a short piece of English. Outings are organised to study days, including the Oxbridge Classics Open Day. There have also been several trips in recent years for RGS Latinists to various Mediterranean destinations: this year, sixth form Classicists and Latinists are hoping to head for Sicily, to discover the backdrop for Cicero’s famous prosecution of Verres. It is hoped that those entering the Sixth Form in 2015 will have a similar opportunity.
Mathematics and Further Mathematics
Entry Requirements At least a grade A at GCSE will be needed to cope successfully with A Level, A* for Further Mathematics.
Mathematics at A Level is very different from (and much more difficult than) GCSE in content, style of examination and the workload it places on students. In particular, you should be aware that every question will require Algebra on some level. However, many students find the subject both stimulating and rewarding: it is more interesting at A Level than it is at GCSE. Many courses and jobs require or prefer Mathematics A Level. Even where it is not a requirement, it is a highly respected qualification, and research shows it increases your earning power in the real world.
An AS Level consists of three modules and an A Level of six. All Mathematics modules are examined by a 90 minute examination. A description of the modules follows the section on structure. Each AS module is worth 33.3% of AS (and then 16.7% of AL); each A2 module 16.7% of the whole A Level.
Mathematics and Further Mathematics
Students not considering Further Mathematics
Students considering Further Mathematics
You should expect to spend a great deal of time on Mathematics outside class as well.
Lower Sixth: An accelerated Mathematics Course, covering C1, C2 and FP1, plus at least three applied modules.
If also studying Physics or Design, you should opt for Mathematics with Mechanics (M1) otherwise, normally, Mathematics with Statistics (S1) You will sit C1 and C2 and one of M1 or S1 in June of the Lower Sixth. You will sit C3 and C4 in June of the Upper Sixth, plus one applied module.
You will ‘cash in’ for an AS Level in Mathematics, keeping the other modules for your Further Mathematics A Level. Upper Sixth: The key to this stage is flexibility. You may resit some modules to gain a better A Level, but go no further; you may study sufficient new material to gain an AS Level in Further Mathematics; you may sit a full A Level in Further Mathematics. The options for Further Mathematics are: AS Level: Further Mathematics: FP1 and two other additional modules. A Level: FP1 and five other additional modules, one of which must be an FP module.
Mathematics and Further Mathematics
Outline of Modular Specification: An A Level consists of six, an AS Level of three, modules, taken from the following list. You will need to consult the Head of Mathematics about possible combinations.
Pure Mathematics Modules: C1: Indices and surds, polynomials, coordinate geometry and graphs (including circles), differentiation C2: Trigonometry (including radians), sequences and series, factor and remainder theorems, Laws of Indices, logarithms, integration C3: Functions (including domain, range, 1-1, inverse, modulus), inverse trig functions, trig identities, differentials of lnx and ex, chain rule, product and quotient rules, integrals of lnx and 1/x, volume of revolution, numerical methods
FP1: Summation of series, proof by induction, roots of polynomials using symmetric functions, complex numbers, matrices FP2: Graphs of rational functions, polar coordinates (including integration in polar form), hyperbolic functions (including inverses), differentiation of inverse trig, hyperbolic functions (and integration of results), McClaurin’s series, reduction formulae, bounding integrals by summing series and viceversa, iteration (cobweb diagrams), Newton-Raphson, error values for iterations FP3: First and second order differential equations, vector (up to equation of plane, including cross product), complex numbers in polar form, de Moivre’s Theorem, nth roots of unity, group theory.
C4: Rational functions, binomial expansion (including for noninteger), parametric equations, differentials of trig functions, implicit and parametric differentiation, integration with partial fractions, by substitution and by parts, first order differential equations (separable variable), vector algebra (up to lines in 3D and dot product)
Mathematics and Further Mathematics
Mechanics Modules: M1: Forces as vectors, equilibrium of a particle, kinematics, Newton’s Laws, momentum M2: Centres of gravity, equilibrium of rigid bodies, projectiles, circular motion, impulse and restitution, energy, work and power M3: Objects in contact, elastic strings, impulse and momentum in 2D, motion in a vertical circle, variable forces, simple harmonic motion
S4: Probability, non-parametric tests, probability generating functions, moment generating functions, estimators, discrete bivariate distributions.
Decision Mathematics Modules: D1: Algorithms, graph theory, networks, linear programming, the Simplex Algorithm D2: Game theory, flows in a network, matching and allocation, critical path analysis, dynamic programming.
M4: Relative motion, centres of gravity, moments of inertia, rotational dynamics, stability and oscillation.
Statistics Modules: S1: Representation of data, probability, permutations and combinations, discrete random variables, bivariate data S2: Continuous random variables, normal distribution, Poisson distribution, sampling, hypothesis testing S3: Combinations of random variables, confidence intervals, Tdistribution, difference of population means and proportions, chi-squared test.
Modern Foreign Languages French, German & Spanish Learning a Modern Language or two opens many doors and lorem Ipsum as there is a national shortage of professionals with a foreign Lorem ipsum dolor sit been amet, consectetur. language, there has never a better time to continue the study of Modern Languages to A Level. Using a variety of Nulla urna convallis necLaboratory, quis blandit odioconduct mollis.a media, et including the Language students detailed study of the language and culture of other countries. Sed metus libero cing elit, lorem ipsum. Adip The course prepares students for the world of work and travel, inscing nulla mollis liberothem blandit dolor. both linguistically and byurna providing with the many skills inherent in any ‘Arts’ A Level, such as essay and report writing. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. There are opportunities to go abroad during the two-year courses and every student conversation lesson Sed metus libero cing has elit,alorem ipsum. Quisonce quea week with a native speaker. Universities and employers euismod bibendum sag ittis. welcome a language qualification combined with anything from Accountancy Lawcing to Mathematics the Sciences as Sed metus and libero elit, loremoripsum. Modern Languages are seen as a “facilitating” subject. A language course will usually sag lead to students spending Quis quedegree euismod bibendum ittis. a year of their degree course studying abroad.
Modern Foreign Languages
Outline of AS Specification
Outline of A2 Specification
Module 1: Listening (70% of AS) Individual CD. Answers in English or short answers in the foreign language.
Module 3: Listening (35% of A2) Individual CD. Short answers in the foreign language or multiple choice or ‘True/False’ Reading Short answers in the foreign language or multiple choice or ‘True/False’ and transfer of meaning from English to the foreign language and vice-versa.
Reading Answers in English or short answers in the foreign language and a gap fill exercise requiring putting a verb/ adjective in the correct form. Writing A 200 word letter/article answering one of a choice of three questions based on the four topic areas covered. Two hours. Module 2: Speaking (30% of AS) Candidates choose one of two cards based on the four topic areas covered and, making notes, have 20 minutes to prepare for a five minute discussion. There follows a ten minute discussion of three other topic areas, including one nominated by the candidate. 15 minutes.
Writing A 250+ word essay on one of the two cultural topics studied for A2 such as a novel, play, geographical area or historical period. Module 4: Speaking (15% of A2) Candidates choose one of two cards based on the three topic areas covered and, making notes, have 20 minutes to prepare for a one minute presentation of their viewpoint which they defend/justify for up to four minutes. There follows a ten minute discussion of the two cultural topics studied for A2. 15 minutes
Entry Requirements Grade B minimum at GCSE.
Physical Education
Entry Requirements All students are considered on their individual merits. However, it would be fair to say that advantage will be gained by those students who have good GCSE passes in Biology/Physics, English and Mathematics. (B or above) You must be literate, numerate and committed to the subject.
Physical Education at A Level has a multidisciplinary approach that encompasses the scientific, the socio-cultural and the practical. It requires much of its students, focusing on the performer and performance. All theoretical work is supported by practical experiment and demonstration, with the emphasis being very much ‘hands on’.
Physical ability is a necessity. Good skills in observation and analysis are required. All students must be committed to representing the school at one sport and must train for a second sport either in school or outside of school regularly.
Physical Education
Outline of AS Specification
Outline of A2 Specification
Module 1: An introduction to Physical Education (60% of AS This includes the study of Anatomy and Physiology, Acquiring Movement Skills and Socio-Cultural Studies relating to participation in physical activity.
Module 3: Principles and concepts across different areas of Physical Education (35% of A2) This includes the history of sport, comparative studies, sports psychology, biomechanics and exercise and sport physiology.
Module 2: Acquiring, developing and evaluating practical skills in Physical Education (40% of AS) This module focuses on the student’s performance in two different activity areas and their ability to evaluate and plan for the improvement of performance.
Module 4: The improvement of effective performance and critical evaluation of practical activities in Physical Education. (15% of A2) This unit focuses on practical skills and students will be assessed in their ability to perform effectively in the authentic, contextual situation that the activity is normally performed. Students will also be assessed by observing a live performance and recommending an appropriate strategy to improve the observed performance. In short, A Level Physical Education is academically stimulating, physically challenging, enjoyable and worthwhile. The multi-disciplinary nature of the subject allows you to combine PE with many different subjects.
Politics is a live subject, changing day-by-day and impacting on all our lives. The study of it involves both an investigation into the institutions of government, such as Parliament, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet, and a look at more philosophical ideas that underpin the political parties, our constitution and the way we vote. In looking at these ideas you will learn much about the world around you, its constraints and freedoms and who makes the big decisions and how. You will consider the major issues of the day and come out of the course well equipped in decision making and analytical skills. At AS Level you study UK Government and Politics. The A2 Level extends understanding through a comparative study of the Government and Politics of the USA.
Outline of AS Specification
Outline of A2 Specification
Module 1 - People, Politics and Participation (50% of AS) This unit covers the following topic areas:
Module 3 - The Politics of the USA (25% of A2) This unit covers the following topic areas:
The nature of participation in the political process. The nature of representation, voting behaviour and elections. The role of political parties and the importance of pressure groups. You will be tested in short and long written answer data responses to show your ability to deliver mature thinking processes.
US Electoral Process and Direct Democracy, Political Parties, Voting Behaviour & Pressure Groups. You will gain a broader understanding of a very different system to the UK.
Module 2 - Governing Modern Britain (50% of AS) This unit covers the following topic areas: The British Constitution, the Judiciary, Parliament and the Executive. The Prime Minister and Cabinet system, policy making and its implementation and elected local and devolved government in the UK, and the European Union. The exam is the same style as Paper One and allows you to show you that understand complex concepts and inter-relationships.
Module 4 - The Government of the USA (25% of A2) This unit covers the following topic areas: Constitutional Framework, the Legislative Branch, the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch. This section allows you to investigate the system of one of the world’s superpowers.
Entry requirements GCSE English Language B and a B grade in either: History, Geography or Religious Studies.
Religious Studies
This course combines a study of Philosophy and Ethics and using the principles of critical thinking gives insight into human nature and aspiration. It develops understanding and challenges you to think systematically and logically. An AS or full A Level course in Philosophy and Ethics will equip you with a set of transferable skills which can be applied successfully to other academic subjects at degree level.
Entry requirements A lively and investigative interest in the reasons for the way we think and act is vital for success in this subject. A grade B at RS GCSE or English Language is desirable.
Religious Studies
Outline of AS Specifications
Outline of A2 Specifications
Module 1: Ethics (50 % of AS) Utilitarianism. A system of ethics based on the principle of doing the greatest good for the greatest number
Module 3: Studies in Ethics (25% of A2) How free are human actions and choices?
Situation Ethics places the emphasis on making moral decisions rather than following rules Abortion, Euthanasia and Embryology Module 2: Philosophy (50% of AS) The Cosmological Argument Psychology and Religion Atheism and Postmodernism
Virtue Ethics. A system based on the development of character. Ethical issues arising from Science and Technology. Module 4: Moral Decision-making (25% of A2) Considering which ethical system is the most suitable for making moral decisions in the 21st Century. Application of ethical systems to issues arising from medical research and development.
Summary of Entry Requirements for A Level Subjects lorem Ipsum Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Nulla et urna convallis nec quis blandit odio mollis. Sed metus libero cing elit, lorem ipsum. Adip inscing nulla mollis urna libero blandit dolor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur. Sed metus libero cing elit, lorem ipsum. Quis que euismod bibendum sag ittis. Sed metus libero cing elit, lorem ipsum. Quis que euismod bibendum sag ittis.
Summary of Entry Requirements for A Level Subjects Subject
Minimum Course Requirements
Additional Information
Art And Design
GCSE Art grade B
GCSE Biology grade A and GCSE Maths grade A
Business Studies
GCSE grade B in English and Maths
GCSE Chemistry grade A and GCSE Maths grade A
Or AA in dual award Science
Drama And Theatre Studies
GCSE English Literature grade B and GCSE English Language grade B
GCSE in Drama preferred but not essential. Students without a drama qualification will be assessed on their performance ability prior to acceptance on the course.
DT: Product Design
GCSE DT grade B
DT: Textiles
GCSE grade B in Textiles, Art or DT
GCSE English and Maths grade A
English Literature
GCSE English Literature grade B and GCSE English Language grade B
GCSE French grade B
GCSE Geography grade B
GCSE German grade B
GCSE History grade B and GCSE English Language grade B
GCSE Latin grade B and GCSE Latin Literature grade B.
GCSE Maths grade A
Further Maths
GCSE Maths grade A*
GCSE Music grade B
Ability to play an instrument to Grade 5 standard. Grade 5 theory also needed
GCSE Physics grade A and GCSE maths grade A
Or AA In Dual Award Science
Physical Education
GCSE Science, English and Maths at grade B
GCSE English Language grade B and GCSE Grade B in one of History, Geography or RS
Religious Studies
GCSE grade B in RS or GCSE grade B in English Language
GCSE Spanish grade B
Or AA in dual award Science
GCSE English Literature grade B and GCSE English language grade B
RGS guide to Examinations & University Entry
How do I apply to universities? We offer you a full programme of advice and guidance on applying to universities and expect applications to be completed by the middle of October in the Upper Sixth.
RGS guide to Examinations & University Entry
After you apply, universities will hopefully make you offers: Two A Level passes (or the equivalent) are expected to remain the minimum requirement for considering university entrance. Many courses demand specific A Level grades (e.g. AAB). Some will specify a tariff. The tariff will depend on the grades achieved in examinations. (See box) An AS score is only included if it is NOT part of an A Level. Many points offers specify the subjects which must count and / or a maximum number of subjects. Aptitude tests also exist that may be required by certain universities and they include LNAT [Law] and BMAT [Medicine]
What is a GAP year?
You can organise a gap year in a number of ways. We help ‘Gappers’ to get in touch with the relevant organisations. At the moment there are 134 such organisations in the UK alone. The top 17 cater for about 4,000 placements a year. We have particularly strong links with the biggest, the ‘Gap Organisation’ itself, but you should be aware that placements with the most popular organisations are highly competitive.
At the end of their Sixth Form, and before going on to university, many of our leavers choose to take a gap year. Some universities and employers believe that taking a constructive year out between A Levels and university can have a very positive impact on your personal development. Moreover, a gap year may be an ideal way for you to experience a different way of life, take a break from studying, earn money for university, gain work experience, improve a foreign language or just have an adventure!
In recent years, we have helped our students to organise gap years in: Canada, the USA, Spain, France, Morocco, South Africa, Kenya, India, Chile, Ecuador, Nepal, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, China, Malaysia and Russia. Many more students have spent their gap year in the UK. For all, it has been a thoroughly worthwhile experience; for some, an opportunity they may never have again.
RGS guide to Examinations & University Entry
What about my Career We encourage you to consider a wide range of careers. To assist your final decision you will take part in job shadowing and the Head of Higher Education is available to help you.
RGS guide to Examinations & University Entry
Section 4
The AS and A2 Examinations The system introduced in 2000 modified all Advanced Level subjects in two main ways; the first was to make them modular, that is the content and skills necessary in each subject were divided into four (Maths, Science and Music have six) modular specifications (‘specification’ is the new word for syllabus). The second change concerned exams; the logical consequence of having four or six modules was to examine them individually. The first two or three modules would be AS modules, the second two or three would be A2 modules. Thus two qualifications were now available: an AS Level (marks gained from AS modules), graded A-E and U (unclassified; it means fail) and an A Level (comprising marks gained from AS modules plus A2 modules) and graded A*-E and U. A2 has no standing on its own. It was always planned that AS would be easier than A2 but that both would count 50% towards an A Level.
RGS guide to Examinations & University Entry
This change made the system more flexible for students: Modular examinations are held in May and June each year. There are no longer any AS or A2 modules available in January. The system also allows students to resit particular modules in order to improve the overall result; if a modular exam is retaken, the higher result always counts. However, this resit opportunity will not be until the May and June of the Upper Sixth. A student wishing to discontinue a subject after one year’s study could now gain a recognised qualification (an AS Level). A student could study four subjects to AS Level in year one (Lower Sixth here at RGS) and then drop one to concentrate on three subjects in the second year (Upper Sixth) in order to focus on three good grades. A student could add one AS subject to his or her three ‘core’ subjects in the Lower Sixth, bank that and then take up another in the Upper Sixth. Four subjects in the Lower Sixth encouraged some balance, typically either three sciences plus a language, or a humanity like Economics, Politics or Religious Studies or three arts/ humanities plus Maths or a science.
The AS and A2 Examinations
The marks system was made uniform (it’s called UMS, uniform marks system). Each module would be awarded a mark and a grade (A-E + U). In every module, in every subject, the following applies:
So for all subjects, with 4 module A levels: AS Mark
AS Grade
A2 Mark
A2 Grade
70%+ = B
60%+ = C
50%+ = D
Below 80
Below 160
80%+ = A
40%+ = E 39% - = U Many modules are marked out of 100, though not all; however, all AS maximums are 200 (except Maths, Science and Music which are 300) and all A2 maximums are 400 (except Maths, Science and Music which are 600). The modules have little individual standing until aggregated into an AS Level or A Level. The relationship between marks and grades are the same for overall grades at AS and A Level.
RGS guide to Examinations & University Entry
For 6 module A levels namely Maths, Science and Music: AS Mark
AS Grade
A2 Mark
A2 Grade
Below 120
Below 240
With this flexibility, inevitably, goes complexity but some of these complexities are opportunities: Students may resit AS modules where the result is quite good because they wish to improve their overall A Level total (remember marks are easier to come by at AS than A2) If they resit, it does not always make sense to resit the one(s) with the lowest total(s). If you want ten extra marks, it may be easier to raise something you are good at from 70% to 80% than to raise something you are not good at from 50% to 60%.
Some of these complexities are potentially problematic: Universities have access to each applicant’s modular record from the exam boards; lots of resits might not look so good, especially in comparison with other applicants who got them all first time. Medicine is a particular concern here. So the pattern is both helpful and challenging: it is certainly different from the previous system where all the decisions came at the beginning and all the exams at the end.
Students can improve their AS or A Level overall grades by resitting modules at the end of the Upper Sixth. Students can re-sit modules after they have left school; most modular results have a long shelf-life.
University Entry
Change here too, often as a result of the specification and exam changes outlined above. It is well to remember too that universities are much more diverse than they used to be, if only because there are many more of them, appealing to different types of applicants. Some, for example, are very selective, for example Bristol may have 1171 applicants for its 100 History places, yet some 50% of UK universities do not select at all. In this explanation, we will focus on the ‘selecting’ rather than on the ‘recruiting’ universities. Advice on application for non-UK universities can be found elsewhere.
RGS guide to Examinations & University Entry
For RGS students, selection for any given university is mostly by A and AS Level results. At present universities set entry ‘offers’ (the offer of a place dependent on certain exam results) either as A Level grades (e.g. ABB, or sometimes more precisely, in the form of A in Maths +BB) or as points (e.g. 360 points). The UCAS points system is as follows: A Level Grade
UCAS Points
AS Grade
UCAS Points
University Entry
UCAS points can be accrued in other ways as well, including Music qualifications. One major problem here, for the selecting universities, is the growth in A grades which makes it harder for universities to select. Hence the introduction of the A* grade which requires enough overall marks for the A grade plus an average of 90% in A2 modules (special rules for Maths) They are, therefore increasingly turning to variants on the American model of SATs (Scholastic Aptitude Tests) which purport to measure aptitude rather than simple knowledge. They are harder (some say impossible) to prepare for and are thus seen as fair discriminators. For example, BMAT and UKCAT (for medics), HAT (for History), EAT (for History), TSA (for PPE) and LNAT (for Law). The process for application to university requires some preparation and a good working knowledge of the system. This outline covers the main elements:
RGS guide to Examinations & University Entry
Year Eleven Gain good GCSE results; they are still a good indicator for university admissions officers and the top universities will be looking for A*/A in key subjects and/or the average grades gained in key subjects. Select the ‘right’ AS subjects. The best guide for students is to choose what they like and are good at, but some university subjects require certain subjects (e.g. Medicine requires Chemistry) and some prefer certain subjects (e.g. Chemistry for Archaeology, Maths for Economics or Architecture) and some look for certain subjects (e.g. a subject like History or English for Law). Start to think and act on any necessary work experience; this is an absolute must for courses such as Veterinary Science and will also help the student to decide whether it is the right course for them.
University Entry
Lower Sixth
Upper Sixth
Select possible courses and universities; plan visits and open days;
Application: key role of the personal statement which summarises interests and the claim to be considered; this is the culmination of the last few years’ preparation.
check entry requirements. Continue to develop work experience, if appropriate. If Oxbridge or top selecting universities are in the frame, then the student needs to develop his/her claim to be interested and committed to a particular course or subject. This may mean independent reading, visits (to historical sites, Parliament, research labs, etc). If at interview the student can show none of this, then the interviewer is entitled to doubt the genuineness of the claim. Guidance will be given at School concerning the process and the method of application. Gain good AS results; these will appear on the application form and universities will have access to all module results.
Consider the range of speciality qualifications on offer. Some university courses require the successful completion of an aptitude test, such as BMAT, as mentioned earlier. Deadlines are important: 15 October for Oxbridge and all medical applications, but early application is a significant advantage. Advice is available on all aspects. Practice interviews are arranged for Oxbridge (because the interview is such a key part of selection and all colleges interview) and medical (ditto) candidates but any student at RGS can ask for a practice interview. When offers from universities are received, the student needs to sift through them and decide which two to hold, usually the most preferred university and an ‘insurance’ offer (the lowest). Should there be no offers the student can re-apply before the results come out via the appropriate process. We are here on results day and thereafter to give advice and guidance on the procedure to be followed should the student wish to enter the clearing process.
RGS guide to Examinations & University Entry
Advice for Potential Oxbridge Applicants The Myth of the All-Rounder Oxbridge, along with other top UK universities, make offers solely on the basis of academic criteria – and this is becoming more and more the case as time goes by. As pupils prepare for GCSE exams this summer, and start to consider their A Level choices, they would do well to bear this in mind. Do not be under the misapprehension that an average academic profile can be countered by exceptional involvement and achievement in other areas of school life: it cannot. With the number of applicants to top universities increasing with each passing year, the competition for entry to Oxbridge will only increase
RGS guide to Examinations & University Entry
A Health Warning Some of the specific information provided below may appear to be at odds with advice provided publicly by Oxford and Cambridge (e.g. on their website) – for instance, you will not find the GCSE A* requirement that we outline below. It is the case, however, that Admissions Tutors will expect a near flawless academic profile from candidates from schools such as RGS Worcester – the information provided publicly is designed, in part, to encourage applications from students who come from very different educational backgrounds. The advice we provide below is based on our experience of the criteria for success for applicants from RGS So, What GCSE Grades Do I Need? A realistic Oxbridge candidate should have A* grades in the majority of their GCSE subjects: candidates for all subjects should have at least six A* grades, whilst some of the more competitive courses might require eight or nine. Ideally, there should be no B grades on the UCAS form of an Oxbridge applicant.
Advice for Potential Oxbridge Applicants
And at AS Level? Academic achievement must be sustained into the Sixth Form. AS exams are likely to be the last examinations that a candidate sits before submitting an Oxbridge application, and Admissions Tutors will expect to see scores of at least 90% in the three most relevant AS subjects, with an A grade (i.e. at least 80%) in the fourth. Indeed, Oxbridge see AS results as a key identifier of ability, and candidates should ideally be looking to score greater than 95% in their module examinations. These high scores can be achieved if the pupil is motivated and organised from the outset of the AS Level course. Many of the other top Universities (Imperial, UCL, and Bristol to mention a few) will also be looking for scores in excess of 90% at AS Level.
What AS Subjects Should I Choose? In most cases, the answer to this question is less important than the answer to questions given above. Clearly, potential medics need to study Chemistry and at least one other science; potential classicists are likely to want to choose Latin at A Level; successful Engineering applicants to Cambridge normally study Maths and Further Maths. Applicants for Arts subjects should try and choose at least three Arts subjects at A Level, whilst applicants for Science subjects should try and choose at least three Science subjects including Maths and if possible Further Maths at A Level. However, beyond this, the grades achieved are more important than the subjects studied. Both universities publish details of where specific courses require specific A Levels to have been taken. This information can be found at: course.html courses_and_entrance_requirements/table.html
RGS guide to Examinations & University Entry
Advice for Potential Oxbridge Applicants
‘Obvious’ subjects are often not required – for example, a Theology applicant does not need to study RS; an applicant for PPS or PPE does not need to study Politics; Maths is more important for an Economics applicant than Economics. However, applicants who have not chosen these subjects in a school where they are available will have to remember that they will need to be particularly well prepared to convince an Admissions Tutor of their interest in the course for which they are applying. It is true that, on the website mentioned over, Cambridge publishes a list of subjects which they believe – if studied at A Level – provide less good preparation for nature of study at Cambridge. This includes a small number of subjects that are on offer at RGS. It should be noted that potential Oxbridge applicants may certainly choose one of these subjects within their selection of four AS levels. Cambridge states that no more than one of these subjects should be chosen from an A Level portfolio of three subjects. However, as one subject within an AS Level portfolio of four subjects, these subjects are perfectly acceptable. Indeed, the very purpose of the “fourth AS subject” is to enable students to choose these subjects, should they so wish. However, it may be inadvisable to take such a subject on to A2.
RGS guide to Examinations & University Entry
Preparing Oxbridge Applicants from RGS About 20 pupils apply to Oxbridge every year from RGS, and they should be aware that Admissions Tutors are looking, above all, for personal interest and motivation – this is not something that can be taught. Successful applicants will be those who are self-motivated and have demonstrated initiative in their engagement with their prospective course outside the confines of the A Level specifications. This having been said, RGS does provide a programme to support Oxbridge applicants. Beyond providing advice regarding GCSE grade requirements (to ensure that candidates have ticked this box) and A Level subject choice (where necessary), the formal process of preparation begins at the start of the Lent Term of a pupil’s Lower Sixth year.
Advice for Potential Oxbridge Applicants
Extension Classes. From the Lent Term onwards, departments will provide extension sessions for any interested student, which will expose pupils to material that is outside the A Level specification. These classes will be modelled more on the style of Oxbridge tuition. Heads of Department will also provide guidance at this point on wider reading and work experience (where relevant). Late-April–Initial Identification. All possible Oxbridge applicants will be asked to signal their serious interest at this point, starting to identify courses and colleges (of which, more below). This information should be finalised by the end of the Summer Term, at the very latest. Extension classes in the latter part of the Summer Term will focus on identifying areas for independent research and reading over the summer holiday, whilst also assisting pupils in the compilation of their UCAS personal statement. UCAS Evening in September Early Michaelmas – Submission of Application. Pupils will be expected to submit their application to UCAS by the end of September. Extension classes in the Michaelmas Term will focus on the preparation for any subject-specific tests in the first instance
RGS guide to Examinations & University Entry
(of which, more below), and preparation for interviews thereafter. All pupils will have at least one practice interview. College Choice The choice of College can be crucial for a Choral or Organ Award applicant, but it is far less important for those not competing for these awards. Candidates will be advised by the relevant Head of Department. Whilst we tend to discourage two pupils from applying for the same course at the same college, this is simply cautionary – there is no firm evidence suggesting that this damages an individual pupil’s chance of success. Open Applications are made when the applicant does not specify a College, and is instead allocated to a College upon application – the impact of submitting an Open Application is, at worst, neutral. Visits to Oxford and Cambridge Open Days can be helpful in finalising college choice. But, more importantly should be used to gain information about the Department. Course-Specific Aptitude Tests A Applicants for Medicine and Law will need to sit the BMAT (Biomedical Aptitude Test) or UKCAT and LNAT (Law National Aptitude Test) respectively. The BMAT is sat at school, during or shortly after the Michaelmas half term. Pupils are responsible for entering themselves for the LNAT or UKCAT and these are taken at a test centre away from school. The 76
Advice for Potential Oxbridge Applicants
LNAT or UKCAT are taken at the time of a pupil’s choosing, between September and November. More and more courses at Oxford are using course-specific aptitude tests, and these are sat at RGS during or shortly after the Michaelmas half term. Currently, there are such tests for all applicants for Classics, Economics and Management, Engineering, Geography, History, English, Modern Languages, Oriental Studies, PPE, Physics, Experimental Psychology, Maths and Computer Science. This list is only going to grow. These tests are used to filter out applicants in advance of interview.
Further Information and Support The UCAS application process at RGS is co-ordinated and run by Mr Tim Hallett, Dr Phil Ehlers and Mrs Ceri Smee. The Oxbridge application process is supervised by Mrs Vanessa James (who takes responsibility for all Arts applications) and Dr Howard Smith (who takes responsibility for all Science based applications).
Some colleges at Cambridge use the Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA) for some courses (and Engineering, Natural Sciences and Economics in particular). This test is taken either at the same time as the BMAT or alternatively, aspects of the test are undertaken at the time of interview. Some colleges at Cambridge use college specific tests for some other subjects; again these are completed at the time of interview. At this point, Cambridge does not use aptitude tests to filter out applicants in advance of interview. All applicants from RGS will be helped to prepare for these tests in advance, and a formal “mock test” will be sat in early October, with formal feedback provided.
RGS guide to Examinations & University Entry
A Level (AL) The award based on a simple arithmetic adding of AS and A2 results. The AS and A2 have equal weighting.
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A2 A2 modules are taken in the U6. You can only take an A2 in a subject for which you already have an AS pass. The score of the A2 and AS are combined to produce a ‘GCE A Level’ grade.
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Academic package This is the combination of courses you take.
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AS These are intermediate between GCSE and A Level. They are examined at the end of the L6. Most students will study four.
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Gap Year A year taken away from education in order to take part in other useful activities.
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Option Blocks Subjects are fitted into timetable option blocks – there are five nine-lesson blocks.
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Oxbridge Oxford and Cambridge universities.
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Package (academic) This is the combination of courses you take.
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Probationary period A time in which you have agreed targets to reach, failing which your Sixth Form progress or placement may be further reviewed.
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Sixth Form Review A continuous process of evaluating student progress so that he or she can fine-tune methods and approaches.
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Supporting subjects Some subjects naturally complement each other. For example much of Biology is underpinned by a knowledge of Chemistry.
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Synoptic assessment An A2 assessment that draws on ideas and concepts from previous modules.
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Tariff A score awarded for each grade achieved at AS, A Level and key skills that is used by universities when they make entry offers.
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Transferable skills These are academic skills belonging to specific subject groups, so that a skill developed in one subject is also useful in another. Examples: Many mathematical skills transfer easily between Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Many writing skills transfer between History, Politics, Economics and English. A subject package such as Design, Biology and French would have few transferable skills between the subjects.
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Year Eleven review A regular review of your progress in Year Eleven which is used as part of the decision making process before you enter The Sixth Form.
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