Services at St Mary’s Church :مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء Tuesday ) صباحا (أنجليزى7 - 5:30 ::األلهى القداس األلهى:الثالثاء Liturgy 5:30 - 7am ذا واى- مساء أجتامع للكبار باألنجليزى8 8am The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Eng صباحا11 – 9 القداس األلهى:األربعاء األربعاء lisg for adults - All ages عرىب- مساء مدرسة الشاممسة للكبار8 - 6:30 Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday أنجليزى- مساء مدرسة الشاممسة8:15 - 7 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic عرىب- مساء فصول ألحان9 - 8 ; 7-8:15pm English :الخميس Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm مساء7:30 أنجليزى- تسبحة نصف الليل Thursday مساء7:30 أنجليزى- درس الكتاب املقدس English Midnight Praises 7:30pm صباحا11 – 9 القداس األلهى:الجمعة الجمعة English Bible Study 7:30pm سنة فأكرث25 مساء الشباب9 – 7 Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Friday )مساء أجتامع األرسة (كل أسبوعني9-7 Youth 25 and above 7-9pm أنجليزى- مساء أجتامع اعداد الخدمة8:30 - 7 Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) 12 - 10 مساء فصل مدرس األحد لسنوات9 - 6 Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm السبت صباحا١١ – 8,30 القداس األلهى:السبت Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm مساء 3 1:30 الكشافة اجتامع Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Saturday مساء4 - 3 مدرسة الشاممسة Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm 5,30 – 4 مدارس األحد Vespers & youth meeting 5.30 –7pm Engانجليزى مساء 7 – 5,30 الشباب العشية واجتامع lish عرىب مساء 7 5:30 كتاب العشية ودرس Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm :األحد األحد Scouts 1:30 - 3pm ص عرىب وانجليزى,7:45 – 6 القداس األول School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm ص – انجليزى9:30 – ,7:45 القداس الثاىن Sunday: Sunday ص عرىب11:15 – 9:30 القداس الثالث 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English مساء12:30 - 11:45 أنجليزى- فصل ألحان 2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English :األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm 0414251251 Church Priests: Priests Email: Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 :األب القس حبيب جرجس يونان Email: 94498871Email: habibgirgisyounan@ - 0401238177 Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 0422431821 :األب القس مايكل صليب Email: Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: Email: 5 Epsom Rd, Kensington Vic 3031:عنوان الكنيسة Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington 93766651 :تليفون Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651
+ Divine Liturgies during the days of the قداسات خالل أيام الصوم المقدس بكنيسة+ Holy Lent: :العذراء مريم Holy Lent satrts Monday 28th February. St خالل. فبراير٢٨ يبدأ الصوم المقدس األثنين Mary’s Church organising daily Liturgies أيام هذا الصوم المقدس تقام قداسات يومية as follows: بكنيسة العذراء مريم حسب المواعيد التالية Monday 9:30am - 12 noon ظهرا12 - صباحا9:30 األثنين Tuesday 5 - 7am صباحا7 - 5 الثالثاء Wednesday 8:30 - 11am صباحا ١١ - 8:30 األربعاء Thursday 5 - 7pm الظهر بعد7 - ٥ الخميس Friday 8:30am - 11am صباحا ١١ صباحا ٨:٣٠ الجمعة Saturday 8:30 - 10:30am صباحا 10:30 8:30 السبت Sunday (3 Liturgies as normal). May the Lord grant us the Blessings of the .األحد ثالثة قداسات حسب المواعيد المعتادة Holy Lent. .الرب يمنحنا بركة هذا الصوم المقدس Note: New Timetable during construction الحظ المواعيد الجديدة خالل فترة المبانى
The Commemoration The Martyrdom of St. استشهاد القديس هيباتيوس أسقف Hepatius, Bishop of Gangra. غنغرة On this day also St. Hepatius, Bishop of Gangra, برمودة٥ - أبريل١٣ in the province of Paphlognia (Pavlagonia), was في مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس martyred. He was in the early part of the fourth هيباتيوس أسقف غنغرة في إقليم century, and he attended the first Universal Council ورأس هذه األبرشية، بافالغونيا at Nicea, year 325 A.D. He was one of the great وساس شعبها في أوائل القرن fathers that defended the Divinity of the Word of المسكوني فحضر المجمع، الرابع God and His equality with His Father in essence, . م 325 النيقاوي األول سنة and refuted the error of the heresies of Arius, وكان من آبائه العظام المحامين Appolonius, Novatius and others. عن ألوهية كلمة هللا ومساواته God had honored him with the gift of performing مفندا ضالل، ألبيه في الجوهر wonders, and was called the wonder worker. One of his wonders, during the days of Emperor Constans الهرطقة األريوسيين واألبوليناريين the son of Constantine the great: A beast entered the . وانوفاتيانيين وغيرهم royal barns. The Emperor sent to the Saint asking وقد شرفه هللا بموهبة صنع العجائب him to go to the barns and kill that beast. The holy التي فعلها في أوقات كثيرة وبأنواع shepherd went there and after he prayed, he asked ومن. عديدة ولهذا لقب بالعجائبي the servants to collect firewood in the yard of the عجائبه أنه في أيام الملك قسطندي city and put it on fire and they did. The Saint took دخل من البر، بن قسطنطين العظيم his staff and put it in the beast’s mouth and led it to إلى المخازن الملكية تنين مخيف the fire and it was burnt. As a commemoration of أن فأرسل إلى القديس طالبا منه. this miracle the Emperor ordered to hang the saint’s يمضي إلى المخازن ويقتل هذا picture over the doors of the barns. فذهب الراعي القديس إلى. التنين On his way back, from Nicea after attending the هناك وبعد أن صلي قال للخدام first Universal Council, to Gangra, a group of heretics were waiting for him by the road, attacked أن يجمعوا حطبا في ساحة المدينة ويضرموا به النار ففعلوا فأخذ him, stoned him and he was martyred (On the 31st. day of March) then threw his body in a hay barn. القديس عكازه ووضعه في فم When the people of the city of Gangra knew of the التنين وقادة بها ملجما إلى األتون departure of their good shepherd, they went in hast فاحترق وتذكارا لهذه األعجوبة to the place where he was martyred and took the أمر الملك بتعليق رسم القديس علي holy remains with great honor and buried him in جدار المخازن وفيما كان القديس the city. المجمع راجعا من نيقية بعد انعقاد May his blessings be with us and glory be to God غنغرة المسكوني األول قاصدا forever. Amen. الهراطقة خرج عليه فريق من The Commemoration of the Great Prophet Ezekiel, ، كانوا قد كمنوا له في الطريق the son of Buzi. فوثبوا عليه ورجموه بالحجارة 13th April - 5th Baramoda ) آذار31 ومات شهيدا ( في يوم On this day the great prophet Ezekiel the son of ثم طرحوا جسده في مخزن تبن Buzi departed. This righteous man was a priest, and Nebuchadnezzar exiled him with king Jehoiachin فلما علم أهالي مدينة غنغرة بوفاة to Babylon. There in the land of the Chaldeans by راعيهم الصالح أسرعوا إلى المحل the river Chebar, the spirit of the Lord was upon الذي قتل به ونقلوا بقاياه المقدسة him, and he prophesied about wondrous things . بكل إكرام ودفنوها في المدينة for twenty two years. He spoke concerning the ولربنا المجد. بركاته تكون معنا birth of the Lord Christ by the Lady the Virgin St. آمين. دائما Mary and how after she had borne Him, she would النبى بوزي بن حزقيال نياحة remain a virgin: “Then He brought me back to the برمودة ٥ أبريل ١٣ outer gate of the sanctuary which faces toward the في مثل هذا اليوم تنيح النبي east, but it was shut. And the LORD said to me, الكاهن العظيم حزقيال بن بوزي “This gate shall be shut; it shall not be opened, وكان هذا الصديق كاهنا ثم سباه. and no man shall enter by it, because the LORD God of Israel has entered by it; therefore it shall be نبوخذ نصر إلى بابل مع يهوياكين وهناك عند نهر خابور. الملك shut” (Ezekiel 44:1-2). He prophesied concerning
the baptism that sanctify the soul of the man and his في أرض الكلدانيين حل عليه body, soften his stony heart, and make him a son of روح الرب فتنبأ بأمور عجيبة God by the descent of the Holy Spirit upon him. He مدة اثنتين وعشرين سنة منها admonished the priests for their forsaken the teaching قوله عن ميالد السيدة العذراء of the people, warning them that God will ask for والدة اإلله وبقائها بعد الوالدة their souls from them if they neglect teaching them. متجها ان الرب أراه: عذراء He prophesied concerning the common resurrection له وقال . للمشرق وهو مغلق and the rising of the bodies with their souls, and about ال مغلقا « هذا الباب يكون: their rewards for whatever they deserve. He said ألن إنسان يفتح وال يدخل منه many useful sayings which are of benefit to those who الرب اله إسرائيل دخل منه read them, and God manifested through him many و1 : 44 فيكون مغلقا (حز signs and great wonders. When the children of Israel وتنبأ عن المعمودية التي. )2 worshipped idols in Babylon, he rebuked them and تقدس نفس اإلنسان وجسمه their leaders rose up and killed him. They buried him in the tomb of Shem and Arphaxad. وتلين قلبه الحجري وتجعله ابنا May his prayers be with us. Amen هلل بحلول الروح المقدس عليه The Departure of St. Mary of Egypt. وبكت الكهنة علي تركهم تعليم 14th April - 6th Baramoda الشعب وحذرهم من ذلك مبينا On this day also of the year 137 A.M. (421 A.D.) the لهم أن هللا يطلب نفوسهم منهم hermit St. Mary of Egypt departed. She was born in ثم تنبأ. ان هم أهملوا تعليمهم the city of Alexandria about the year 61 A.M. (345 عن القيامة العامة وعن قيامة A.D.) from Christian parents. األجساد بأرواحها التي كانت When she became twelve years old, Satan the enemy متحدة بها وعن مجازاتها بما of the human race, seduced her, led her astray, and made her his net through which he caught innumera- تستحقه وذكر أقواال كثيرة نافعة لكل من يقف عليها وأظهر هللا ble souls. ولما. علي يديه آيات عظيمة She continued in this sinful conduct for seventeen years until the mercy of God touched her life, she met عبد بنو إسرائيل األصنام في people going to Jerusalem and she went with them. بابل بكتهم فوثب عليه رؤساؤهم Since she did not have what to pay for the trip, she وقتلوه ثم دفنوه في مدافن سام gave her self to the owners of the ship in return, until . وار فكشاد صالته تكون معنا she came to Jerusalem. She also went on doing the آمين same there. She wished to enter through the door of نياحة مريم املرصية السائحة the church of the Resurrection, but she felt a hidden برمودة6 - أبريل14 power pulling her from the back preventing her from ش 137 يف مثل هذا اليوم من سنة entering the church. Whenever she tried to enter she السائحة م ) تنيحت القديسة421( felt as someone preventing her from doing so, and وقد ولدت مبدينة. مريم القبطية right away she realized that was because of her uncleanliness. She lifted up her eyes with a broken heart, ) م345( ش61 اإلسكندرية نحو سنة and she wept interceding with St. Mary and asked her وملا بلغت اثنتي. من أبوين مسيحيني فجعلها. عرشة سنة خدعها عدو البرش to intercede on her behalf before her Beloved Son. She felt encouraged and wished to enter with those له فخا ورشكا فاصطاد بها نفوسا كثرية entering, nothing prevented her from entering, and ال تحيص ومكثت عيل هذه الحال اآلمثة she prayed therein to God asking Him to guide her for سبعة عرش عاما حتى أدركتها محبة what was pleasing to Him. هللا فرأت قوما ذاهبني إىل بيت املقدس She stood before the icon of the blessed and pure فسافرت معهم وإذ مل يكن معها Virgin, and asked her fervently to guide her that she ألصحاب أسلمت ذاتها، أجرة سفرها might save her soul. A voice came out of the icon say- السفينة حتى وصلت إىل بيت املقدس ing: «If you cross the Jordan river you will find rest and salvation.» She rose in haste and when she left the وهناك أيضا كانت تأيت هذا اآلثم وملا court yard of the resurrection and on her way she met أرادت الدخول من باب كنيسة القيامة a man who gave her three small coins with which she . شعرت بقوة خفية جذبها من الخلف bought bread. Then she crossed the Jordan river to the وكانت كلام أرادت الدخول تشعر مبن wilderness where she lived for forty seven years. She مينعها وللحال تحققت أن ذلك لسبب strove strenuously for seventeen years, Satan fought فرفعت عينيها وهي منكرسة. نجاستها
against her by the fornication that she repented from. القلب وبكت مستشفعة بالسيدة العذراء She overcame with the grace of God and she ate all وسألتها بدموع حارة أن تتشفع فيها this period the herbs of the desert. لدي ابنها الحبيب ثم تشجعت وأرادت In the forty fifth year of her living in the desert, St. الدخول مع الداخلني فلم تجد مامنعة Zosima went to the wilderness, according to the فدخلت مع الساجدين وصلت إىل هللا custom of the monks there, during the holy Forty . طالبة أن يرشدها إىل ما يرضيه Days of fast for devotion and asceticism. While he البتول ثم وقفت أمام أيقونة was walking in the desert he saw this Saint from far العذارةراءأن ترشدها ر بح الزكية وتوسلت إليها and he thought that she was a shadow or mirage. He من صوت فأتاها . نفسها إىل حيث خالص prayed to God to reveal to him the fact about this mirage, and he was inspired that it was a human being. إذا عربت األردن: ناحية األيقونة يقول تجدين راحة وطأمنينة « فنهضت مرسعة He went toward the shadow, but it fled from him. When she saw that he is insisting on following her, ويف الطريق. وخرجت من ساحة القيامة she called him from behind a hill saying: «O Zosima وأعطاها ثالثة دراهم من. قابلها إنسان if you wish to talk to me, throw me a rag that I may الفضة ابتاعت بها ثالثة أرغفة من الخبز cover myself for I am naked.» He marvelled for she ثم عربت نهر األردن إىل الربية ومكثت called him by his name, he threw to her what she بها سبعا وأربعني سنة منها سبع عرشة covered herself with, and she came to him. After the سنة وهي تقاتل العدو ضد اآلثم الذي greetings and the metanias, she asked him to pray for تابت عنه حتى تغلبت بنعمة هللا وكانت her because he was a priest. He asked her to tell him تقتات طول هذه املدة بالحشائش ويف the story of her life from the beginning to the present السنة الخامسة واألربعني لساحتها خرج time. After she told him, she asked him to bring with القديس زوسيام القس إىل الربية حسب him in the next year the Holy Eucharist to partake of عادة الرهبان هناك يف مدة صوم األربعني it. وبينام هو. املقدسة لالختالء والتنسك In the next year he came to her and she partook of يسري يف البيداء رأي هذه القديسة عن the Holy Mysteries, then he gave her what he had بعد فظنها خياال وصيل إىل هللا أن يكشف from dates and lentils, she only took a handful of . فألهم أنه إنسان. له أمر هذا الخيال lentils, and she asked him to come to her in the next year. When he came to her in the next year he found فأراد اللحاق به فكان يهرب أمامه وملا that she had departed, a lion standing beside her and رأت أنه مل يكف عن تعقبها نادته من writing beside her saying « Bury Mary, the poor ان شئت. يا زوسيام: وراء أكمة قائلة woman, in the dust of which she was created.» He أن تخاطبني فارم شيئا أسترت به ألين marvelled from the writing and from the lion that ورمي. فتعجب إذ دعته باسمه. عارية was protecting her body and while he was thinking لها ما استرتت به فجاءت إليه وبعد how he was going to dig to bury her, the lion came عليها السالم واملطانيات سألته أن يصيل and dug a grave for her. He prayed over her and bur. سريتها ألنه كان كاهنا واستوضحها عن ied her. When he returned to his monastery, he told the monks the story of the strife of this holy woman, فقصت عليه جميع ما جري لها من أول and they all increased in steadfastness in the Divine ثم التمست منه. عمرها إىل ذلك الوقت أن يحرض معه يف العام القادم القربان Mercy and progressed in the spiritual life. All the . املقدس ليناولها منه years of her life were seventy six years. ويف العام التايل حرض إليها وناولها من May her prayers be with us and glory be to God forever. Amen. الرسائر اإللهية ثم قدم لها ما معه من The Departure of the Righteous Joachim, The Lord التمر والعدس فتناولت بعض حبات من Christ Grandfather. وسألته أن يعود يف العام, العدس املبلول 15th April - 7th Baramoda املقبل وحرض إليها يف امليعاد فوجدها قد On this day the righteous Joachim (Yonakhir - Za وعند. تنيحت ورأي أسدا واقفا بجوارها dok) departed. He was the father of St. Mary, the « ادفن مريم: رأسها مكتوب Theotokos, the mother of God incarnate. He was of املسكينةمن فتعجب « يف الرتاب الذي منه أخذت the seed of David, and of the tribe of Judah, for he was the son of Jotham, the son of Lazarus, the son of وفيام هو مفكر كيف. الكتابة ومن األسد Eldad who ascended up in genealogy to Solomon the يحفر األرض ملواراتها تقدم األسد وحفر king, the son of David whom God promised that his األرض مبخالبه فصيل األب عليها ودفنها seed should reign over the children of Israel for ever. ثم عاد إىل ديره وأخرب الرهبان بسرية. هذه القديسة فازدادوا ثباتا يف املراحم The wife of this righteous man, Hannah was bar-
ren, and both of them prayed and entreated God اإللهية وتقدما يف السرية الروحية وكانت سنو continually to give them a child. Having accepted صالتها تكون معنا. حياتها ستا وسبعني سنة their petition He gave them a good and sweet آمني. ولربنا املجد دامئا fruit, which satisfied all the men of the world, and نياحة يواقيم البار والد العذراء أم االله removed from them the bitterness of servitude, برمودة٧ - أبريل١٥ and He made Joachim worthy to be called the fa(سمي يف مثل اليوم تنيح الصديق يواقيم ther of the Lord Christ in regard of His marvelous أيضا بوناخري وصادوق ) والد السيدة العذراء and wondrous Incarnation. After God had pleased وهذا كان من نسل داود. والدة اإلله بالجسد him with the birth of our Lady, his heart was rejoiced and he offered his offerings, and the shame من سبط يهوذا وهو ابن يوثام بن لعازر بن had been removed from him, he departed in peace اليود الذي يصعد يف النسب إىل سليامن بن داود الذي وعده هللا أن نسله ميلك عيل بني when the Virgin was three years old. هذا الصديق كانت زوجته. إرسائيل إىل األبد May his prayers be with us. Amen. The Martyrdom of the Holy Virgins: Agape, عاقرا ومبداومته معها عيل السؤال والطلبة من Eirene, and Shiona. هللا رزقهام مثرة صالحة حلوة أشبعت كل أهل 16th April - 8th Baramoda العامل ونزعت من أفواههم مرارة العبودية On this day the three holy virgins: Agape, Eirene, ولهذا استحق أن يدعي أبا للسيد املسيح من and Shiona (Susinia) were martyred. They were وبعد أن. حيث التجسد العجيب الغريب from Thessalonica, and worshipped Christ as أقر هللا عينيه مبولد السيدة وفرح قلبه قدم their parents. They chose the life of chastity and وتنيح بسالم حيث. قربانه وزال عنه العار they agreed to devote themselves to the ascetic تكون صالته. كانت العذراء ابنة ثالث سنني life. They fasted and prayed unceasingly, visit آمني. معنا ed the convents often and participated with the استشهاد اغاىب وإيرينى وصوفيا virgins in their prayers and asceticism. When برمودة٨ - أبريل١٦ Maximianus the infidel, reigned, he restored the العذارى يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهدت worship of the idols and shed the blood of many Christians. These saints were afraid and they fled وهؤالء كن. القديسات أغاىب وايريني وصوفية وكن عابدات للمسيح، من أهل تسالونيقية to the mountain and hid themselves in a cave devoting themselves to their worship and ascetiعن آبائهن ثم اخرتن عيشة البتولية واتفقن cism. عيل السلوك يف الفضيلة وكن مداومات عيل Every week, an aged Christian woman visited االصوام املتواصلة والصلوات الكثرية مرتددات them bringing all things needed and took the . عيل أديرة العذارى متنسكات مع الراهبات work of their hands to sell it, and distributed the فلام متلك مكسيميانوس الكافر (نحو أواخر remainder as alms to the poor. One day a maliالقرن الثالث ) وأثار عبادة األصنام وسفك cious person observed the frequent visits of this القديسات دماء كثريين من املسيحيني خافت old woman to the mountain, he followed her مداومات مغارة وهربن إىل الجبل واختبأن يف secretly until he knew the cave that she entered. عيل نسكهن وعبادتهن وكانت هناك امرأة He hid himself so she did not see him on her way back, and he thought that she was hiding precious عجوز مسيحية تفتقدهن بكل ما يحتجنه كل أسبوع وتبيع ما يعملنه بأيديهن وتتصدق things in it. After she left the cave by a distance وحدث أن رأي أحد األرشار. عنهن مبا يفضل he entered the cave and he found the precious فتبعها. كرثة خروج هذه العجوز إىل الجبل pearls the prides of the Christ standing praying. He bound them, dragged them away, and brought عن بعد إىل أن عرف املغارة التي تدخل them to the Governor of Thessalonica. He asked وكان، إليها فاختبأ حتى ال تراه عند عودتها them about their faith, they confessed that they يظن أنها تخبئ أشياء مثينة فلام خرجت were Christians worshipping that Who was Cruمن املغارة وابتعدت عنها دخل إليها فوجد cified. The Governor became wrath with them, الجواهر النفيسة عرائس املسيح وهن قامئات tortured them much, then cast them into the fire, يصلني فربطهن وجذبهن وأحرضهن إىل and they delivered up their souls and received the فأقررنوايل فسألهن عن أميانهن. تسالونيقية crown of martyrdom. أنهن مسيحيات عابدات للمصلوب فحنق May their prayers be with us. Amen. الوايل عليهن وعذبهن كثريا ثم طرحهن يف . النار فأسلمن أرواحهن ونلن إكليل الشهادة آمني. صالتهن تكون معنا
Sixth week of the Holy Lent تأمالت في إنجيل القداس األحد السادس من الصوم الكبير John 9:1-41 المقدس Baptism Sunday 41--1:9 «أحد التناصير» يو 41 “he went and washed, and came back seeing” John 9:7 «فمضى واغتسل وعاد بصيرا» يو The Born Blind is an image of man who has not been 7:9 redeemed and renewed by the Blood of the Lord Jesus, المولود أعمى هو رمز لحالة اإلنسان a man still living in the darkness of sin and is estranged الذي لم ينل الخالص والتجديد بدم from God, condemned to everlasting death, but God has في إنسان ما زال يعيش،الرب يسوع revealed His unconditional love of mankind. God has loved us to the extent of sacrificing His own for us, so that ظلمة الخطية ما زال متغربا عن هللا محكوما عليه بالموت األبدي ولكن whoever accepts The Lord Jesus Christ as saviour and أحبنا .هللا أظهر محبته الفائقة للبشرية redeemer, believes on Him and is Baptised in His name, حتى أنه بذل ذاته من أجلنا وكل من will wash his (or her) sins and be born a new creation ،يقبل الرب يسوع مخلصا وفاديا له with newly created eyes to see the true Light and become من يؤمن به ويعتمد باسمه يغتسل sons (and daughters) of the Light living in the Light and من خطاياه يولد والدة جديدة تخلق له no longer in darkness (of sin). Thus, are us; the sons and عينين فيرى النور الحقيقي ويصير daughters of God who have accepted Him and were born ابنا للنور ويسير في النور وال يعيش a new in baptism and our eyes were opened to live and وهكذا نحن جميعا.بعد في الظلمة walk in the light. أوالد هللا الذين قبلناه وولدنا فيه من But, some lose the Light which is within and do not جديد بالمعمودية قد انفتحت أعيننا benefit from the light, loving the life of darkness. The .وصرنا نعيش في النور ،ولكن هناك من يفقد النور الذي فيه Light is keen to work in us and we can live in the Light هناك من ال يستفيد من النور ويحب but there are obstacles which impede mankind and make him or her blind to the Light. Some of these obstacles are; النور مستعد أن يعمل.حياة الظلمة the letter of the law, stubbornness and self-righteousness. فينا ونستطيغ أن نسلك في النور ولكن هناك عوائق تعطل اإلنسان وتجعله ال + It was a Sabbath: The Jews took great care in keeping the Sabbath as it is ،يرى النور ومن هذه العوائق الحرفية .والعناد والبر الذاتي one of the ten commandments, but their understanding : وكان سبت+ of the Sabbath was extremely limited to the literal السبت وصية بحفظ جدا اهتم اليهود meaning. They strictly observed the Sabbath by no كأحد الوصايا العشر ولكن مفهومهم work of any kind on the Sabbath. The simple act of للسبت كان ضيقا جدا فكل ما كان carrying a vessel or a tool of work would be breaking يهمهم من السبت هو الحرص الكامل the Sabbath. Buying and selling is absolutely forbidden على عدم القيام بأي عمل مهما كان under sny circumstances and the punishment of breaking مجرد حمل أداة من.نوعه يوم السبت the Sabbath was death. The Jews had accused Jesus of أدوات العمل في ذلك اليوم كان كسرا breaking the Sabbath many times because he healed الشراء والبيع كان محرما.للسبت the paralysed man for thirty-eight years by the pool of تماما مهما كانت األسباب وكانت Bethesda. Also, cured the bleeding woman on a Sabbath, عقوبة كسر السبت هي الموت وقد and the man born blind is again healed on the Sabbath. اتهم اليهود الرب يسوع مرارا بأنه When His (Jesus) disciples were hungry on a Sabbath كاسر السبت فقد شفي المخلع الراقد in the fields, they began to pick the spikes of grain and في بركة سلوام ثمان وثالثون سنة يوم وشفي المرأة التي بها ضعف.السبت eat (Matthew 12:1) and this to them (the Jews) was وشفي المولود أعمى،في يوم سبت not allowed on a Sabbath. If someone’s an ox or an ass في يوم سبت وعندما جاع تالميذه fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out on the Sabbath day (Luke 14:5) but it is not legal to cure a يوما نزلوا إلى الحقول وكانوا يقطفون sick-man on a Sabbath? A limited literal interpretation of سنابل القمح ويفركونها ويأكلونها يوم السبت وكل هذا في نظرهم ال يحل the law which kills the spirit of the law and destroys all meanings of mercy and love which God intended in His إن سقط أحد حماره.فعله في السبوت في بئر يوم السبت ال بد أن يخرجه commandments. ولكن أن يشفي مريض يوم السبت How hard it is to fulfil the Lord’s commandments حرفية متعبة ضيقة.فهذا ال يحل literally and void of love? It is without any doubt, it loses معاني تقتل معنى الوصية وتهدم any relation to the commandment giver, for God is Love. كل الرب في قصدها الرحمة والمحبة التي They presented a woman who was caught in the act of .وصاياه
ما أصعب أن تنفذ وصايا هللا adultery to Jesus and asked Him to judge her (John :8)! إنها بال،بحرفية خالية من الحب Then Jesus said, “let the one who has never sinned throw شك تفقد الصلة مع من أعطى the first stone!” Then he stooped down again and wrote in قدموا إلى. فإن هللا محبة،الوصية the dust reminding each of the accusers of their sins which الرب يسوع إمرأة أمسكت في ذات deserves more than the stoning. All slipped away each admonishing his sins in his heart, then the Lord says to the إمرأة زانية وحسب ناموس،الفعل woman “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more” موسى هذه المرأة ترجم حتى الموت وطلبوا من الرب يسوع أن John 8:11) and He is the only One without a sin and has the يحكممن يسوع عليها وهناك يقول الرب right to condemn her. أوال فليرمها كان منكم بال خطية punishment testament old the in Mercy supersedes wisdom, وصار األرض على بحجر وانحنى was harsh and instinctive; eye for an eye and tooth for واحد كل يذكر بأصابعه يكتب tooth, but in the new testament, the Lord did not abolish منهم بخطاياه التي تستحق أكثر من the punishment but interwoven it with mercy and love. No وانصرف الجميع وقلوبهم.الرجم longer one forgives his brother seven times but seventy تبكتهم على خطاياهم وهنا يلتفت time seven and when a debtor asks the Lord to give him الرب إلى المرأة وهو صاحب الحق time to pay, He forgives the lot and when the tax collector في الدينونة وهو الذي بال خطية “beats his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me a sinner” اذهبي وال،وقال لها وال أنا أدينك (Luke 18:13), he is justified more than the Pharisee who is .تخطئي أيضا observing the law literally, conceited in himself. The Lord في،إن الرحمة تفتخر على الحكم القديم كانت العقوبة قاسية وتلقائية has opened His heart to the outcasts and foes. فسن بسن وعين بعين ولكن في The Lord accepted the Samaritan woman and the العهد الجديد لم يلغي الرب العقوبة Samaritans, also accepted the Canaanites and went to the tax collector’s house and allowed a sinful woman to anoint بل مزجها بالحب والرحمة ولم يعد األخ يغفر ألخيه سبع مرات بل سبع His feet with perfume and her tears (of remorse) and dry في سبعين وعندما يصرخ المديون it with her hair. He has transformed the understanding of أمام هللا تمهل علي فأوفيك الجميع for servant the became all of leadership. He, the Master فإنه يسامحه ويعفي عنه وصار all, He even washed His disciples’ feet. Some do judge ويقول العشارالذي يقرع صدره others with literal attitude which kills (the spirit); for this ارحمني يا هللا فإني خاطئ يذهب one is a layer and this one is a thief and other is selfish or مبررا أكثر من الفريسي المتكبر hypocrite and so on, all the people in their view are sinners الذي ينفذ جميع الوصايا بحرفية and and deserve punishment, should be excommunicated للمنبوذين وفتح الرب قلبه،وكبرياء outcasted and to be scorned and not dealt with! Extreme .واألعداء cruelty and literal interpretations coming from hearts void تعامل مع السامرية والسامريين of love. Love is to endure all with patience and tenacity. وقبل رجاء الكنعانيين ودخل بيت To endure the weakness of the weak. This does not mean العشار وسمح للمرأة الخاطئة أن ignoring the wrong or belittling the sin, but to endure تدهن قدميه بالطيب وبدموعها others’ faults and attempt helping them and to lead them وغير.وتمسحها بشعر رأسها to repentance. Before we judge others let us endeavour to مفهوم القيادة والرئاسة فصار وهو work for their salvation and let us not forget our trespasses السيد خادما للجميع بل وغسل هناك من يحكمون.أرجل تالميذه too. فهذا أناني:على الناس بحرفية قاتلة How severe is the literal worship? There are some who وهذا سارق وذاك كاذب واآلخر would apply the traditions of fasting literally, the presence منافق وهكذا يتحول الناس كلهم في fasting in great details forgetting mercy and charity نظرهم إلى أشرار يستحقون أقسى and avoiding all the commandments of love and still يستحقون الحرم والقطع،العقاب quarrelling, covets and judge others! والطرد ينبغي مقاطعتهم وعدم Liberality in worshipping God transforms worship to mere وحرفية التعامل معهم قسوة مؤلمة When appearances and traditions without any spirituality. متعبة جدا تصدر من قلوب خالية traditions lose its spirituality it becomes a mere strict فالمحبة تحتمل الجميع.من الحب routine and dull with no benefits. من تأني وصبر وتحتمل ضعف listen: not did + I told you already, and you االستهانة ليس معنى هذا.الضعفاء Stubbornness and hard headedness; stubbornness and احتمال بل قيمته بالخطأ والتقليل من tenacity before God is idol worship, for stubbornness blinds ضعفات اآلخرين والمسارعة man to see nothing but himself and feels only his needs لنجدتهم وإقامتهم من عثرتهم
and only his logic is acceptable and others point of view وقيادتهم للتوبة فقبل أن تحكم على is wrong and not acceptable and any other alternative is ،اآلخرين أعمل أوال من أجل خالصهم صل من أجلهم وال تنسى خطاياك definitely erroneous. The Pharisees saw the Light clearly .وصعفاتك أنت أيضا as all others did see but only the Pharisees saw the Light ما أصعب أيضا الحرفية في العبادة as darkness and insisted it is darkness! The problem with ،فهناك من يهتم جدا بطقس الصوم the Israelites was stubbornness “How often I wanted to مظهر الصوم يطبقه بمنتهى الدقة gather your children together, as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, but you were not willing” (Luke 13:34). ولكنه ينسى عمل الرحمة في األصوام ولكنه ينسى كل وصايا المحبة مازال King Saul’s difficulty was stubbornness and Samuel يخاصم وما زال يحقد ويحسد ويدين the prophet said to him “Behold, to obey is better than .اآلخرين sacrifice” (1 Samuel 15:22). عبادة إلى تحولها العبادة في الحرفية Martin Luthor difficulty is his stubbornness and he مظهرية طقس ال روح فيه وعندما يفقد testified to his stubbornness in his writings and he could الطقس روحانيته يتحول إلى روتين have been a blessing to the whole catholic church if it قاس وممل وال يستفيد منه اإلنسان was not for his tenacity with the catholic pontiff and .شيئا church. He denied all the sacraments and demolished the : قلت لكم ولم تسمعوا+ priesthood and exchanged true salvation to a mere faith إن العناد أمام هللا: قساوة قلب،عناد without deeds, he belittled the teachings of the church العناد يعمي عيني،مثل عبادة األوثان fathers and their traditions thus plunging the Christian اإلنسان فال يرى إال نفسه وال يشعر world into wars and torn the catholic church into many أي.إال بمطالبة وال يقتنع إال بمنطقه sects and many denominations. What is strange is that أي،رأي آخر ال بد أن يكون خطأ لقد.أسلوب آخر بالتأكيد غير سليم most of the heretics and cult leaders were stubborn رأى الفريسيون النور واضحا شهد and insisted on their views and stubbornness even if به الجميع ولكنهم وحدهم كانوا يرون it destroyed everything associate with them! Pharaoh كانت.النور ظلمة ويصرون أنه ظلمة of Egypt was stubborn and his stubbornness he didn’t مشكلة بني إسرائيل هي العناد «كم care if Egypt is ruined with 10 curses (Exodus 7-11) but مرة أردت أن أجمع أوالدك كما تجمع continued in his tenacity till he and his army drowned الدجاجة فراخها تحت جناحيها ولم and thus became a symbol of stubbornness and hard كانت مشكلة شاول الملك.»تريدوا headedness. هي العناد ولذلك قال له صموئيل «إن Are you a stubborn person?? Are you the type who .»االستماع أفضل من الذبيحة would not retract his decisions or opinions no matter لوثر مارتن كانت مشكلة شخص مثل what the reasons are? Even if you wrong and found out أنه عنيد وقد شهد هو عن نفسه بذلك that you were wrong? How many homes were destroyed في كتاباته وكان في إمكان لوثر أن because of stubbornness? The husband is stubborn and يصير بركة للكنيسة الكاثوليكية كلها the wife also stubborn and the children are lost between ولكنه في عناد مرير مع البابا والكنيسة them! Stubbornness kills the spirit of love and destroys أنكر األسرار وألغى.حطم كل شئ harmony and understanding. الكهنوت وحول الخالص إلى مجرد My beloved, learn to be lenient and accepting spirit إيمان بدون أعمال واحتقر تعاليم willing to understand, ask God for wisdom and the grace اآلباء وسيرهم وفي عناده أغرق العالم of being gentle and empathetic to others. Remember; the المسيحي في ذلك الوقت في بحر من stubborn person loses his or her spiritual lenience and الدماء ومزق الكنيسة إلى مئات الشيع become dry and barren and soon the winds (of life) will والطوائف والغريب أن أغلب أصحاب البدع والهرطقات تميزوا بالعناد wipe and destroy him. واإلصرار على مبادئهم وعقائدهم + “You were completely born in sins, and are you .حتى ولو حطموا كل شئ حولهم teaching us?”: كان فرعون عنيدا قاسيا وفي عناده Note the amazing contradictions; the Lord says لم يهمه حتى أن تخرب أرض مصر “Neither this man nor his parents sinned” and they (the كلها عشر ضربات قاسية ولم يهتز Pharisees) say “you were completely born in sins” , the غرق واستمر على عناده وفي النهاية man who thinks he is righteous and insists on his selfهو وكل جيشه وصار رمزا لقساوة righteousness is unable to see any good in others and .القلب والعناد views all as sinners even the righteous! How problematic شخص عنيد؟؟ هل أنت من هل أنت is self-righteousness, it is a harsh ailment? Amazingly تستطيع ال أنك تعتقد الذي النوع هذا it attacks those who are trying hard in fulfilling the أن ترجع في رأي قلته أو قرار
commandments, then Satan will deceive اتخذته مهما كان السبب؟ حتى ولو كان رأيك خطأ أو اكتشفت أنه غير سليم .كم من بيوت خربت بسبب them in believing that they have attained العناد ،الزوج يعاند والزوجة تعاند واألوالد ضائعون high level of righteousness, then they would بين االثنين والعناد يقتل روح الحب ويضيع أسلوب become lukewarm and haughty! How many التفاهم. saints struggled for years and the end were أيها الحبيب تعلم أن تكون لينا تعلم أن تكون واسع deceived by satan and were inflected with الصدر عندك استعداد للتفاهم ،اطلب من هللا أن يعطيك their self-righteousness and lost all their حكمة ونعمة طول األناة واحتمال اآلخرين .تذكر أن struggles exactly as the Pharisees. اإلنسان العنيد هو إنسان فقد رطوبته الروحية صار The sons & daughters of God, their يابسا جافا وبسرعة عندما تهب عليه الرياح سوف tongue utters, if we did all the good we are ينكسر ويتحطم. unprofitable servants. David said of himself تعلمنا: وأنت بجملتك أنت ولدت +في الخطايا “Against whom has the king of Israel come انظر هذه المفارقات العجيبة الرب يقول عنه ال هذا ?out? Who are you pursuing? A dead dog أخطأ وال أبواه وهم يقولون في الخطايا ولدت أنت A flea? (1 Samuel 24:14). The person who بجملتك ،اإلنسان الذي يظن أنه بار ويتمسك ببره is inflected with self-righteousness, cannot الذاتي ال يستطيع أن يرى شيئا صالحا في اآلخرين accept any rebuke, even if it was from the يرى الجميع خطاة حتى األبرار .ما أصعب البر priest or the bishop and cannot fathom his الذاتي إنه ضربة صعبة والعجيب أنها تصيب بالذات mistakes or short comings quick to anger اإلنسان المجاهد الذي يحاول تنفيذ الوصايا ،يغريه الشيطان ويشعره أنه قد وصل إلى درجات عالية فيفتر and explode from the smallest direction or instruction? The church fathers, used to ask وينتفخ كم من قديسون جاهدوا سنوات طويلة وفي for words of benefit from any man even the النهاية خدعهم الشيطان وأغواهم وجعلهم ينتفخون ببرهم الذاتي وضيع كل تعبهم وجهادهم تماما مثل sinners and evil doers, but the self-righteous هؤالء الفريسيون. person is always a teacher and will not listen أوالد هللا لسانهم يقول إن فعلنا كل البر فنحن عبيد !or learn from anybody بطالون يقول داود عن نفسه أنه ليس إال كلب ميت + If you were blind, you would have no sin: برغوث واحد ال يستحق أن ملك إسرائيل يخرج يبحث physical blindness is difficult but spiritual عنه ،المصاب بالبر الذاتي ال يحتمل التوبيخ حتى ولو blindness is more difficult and harsh. كان من الكاهن أو األسقف ال يحتمل أن يفهمه أحوال In physical blindness, one is deprived عيوبه أو سقطاته تجده سرعان ما يغضب وينفجر من from sight against his will but in spiritual أقل إشارة أو توجيه ،القديسون تعودوا أن يلتمسون blindness, one is willingly depriving one’s الفائدة من أي إنسان حتى من الخطاة واألشرار ولكن self from the Light with his own will. أصحاب البر الذاتي هم معلمون في أنفسهم وال يعلمهم My beloved, be careful that literality can أحد. make one blind and cannot see but only the +لو كنتم عميان لما كانت لكم خطية: black barren letters. العمي الجسدي صعب ولكن العمي الروحي أصعب وأشد في العمي الجسدي يحرم اإلنسان من النور بدون Be careful, that stubbornness makes you a wild animal covering one’s eyes attacking إرادته أما في العمي الروحي فاإلنسان يحرم نفسه من and destroying without an aim. النور بإراته. Be careful not be deceived by selfاحذر أيها الحبيب: righteousness and NOT follow the true Light. لئال تجعلك الحرفية إنسانا أعمى ال ترى سوى If you are literal in (understanding the word الحروف الجافة السوداء & of God), come and drink from God’s love لئال يحولك العناد إلى وحش هائج مغطى العينين يضرب ويحطم بال هدف grace to work within you the letters and light لئال يخدعك برك الذاتي ويجعلك ترفض أن تسلك في up your way. طريق النور الحقيقي If you are stubborn, pore yourself under the إن كنت حرفيا تعالى أشرب من محبة هللا فتعمل فيك Cross of Christ and let His Blood which is الحروف وتضيئ لك الطريق shed for you remove the scales on your eyes. إن كنت عنيدا تعالى انطرح تحت صليب المسيح If you feel self-righteous, come and see واجعل دمه المسفوك من أجلك يزيل الغشاوة التي في yourself in God’s measures of Mercy and عينيك Love and ask that Him to let you grow إن كنت متبررا بذاتك تعالى وانظر نفسك في مقاييس the true growth in the spiritual fulfilment رحمة هللا وحبه واطلب منه أن ينميك نموا حقيقيا إلى and remember, if you only seeing your أنك ملء القامة الروحية وتذكر إن كنت ما زلت تقول literal impartations, stubbornness or selfفخطيتك تبصر مع حرفيتك أو عنادك أو برك الذاتي righteousness, your sin upheld. باقية.
Services at St Mary’s Church during Building Construction 1) No change in services timetabke during the weekdays Monday - Friday 2) Saturdays: Liturgy 8:30 - 11am Sunday School cleaases distributed during the day. Church servants will notify the parents for the new timetable Arabic Vesper 5:30 - 7 pm English Vesper 7 - 7:30pm Mid-night Praises 7:30 - 10pm 3) Sundays THree Liturgies at the Main Church: Matins 5:30 - 6am First Liturgy 6 - 7:45am Arabic & English Second Liturgy 7:45 - 9:30 am English Third Liturgy 9:30 - 11:15 Arabic New timtable starts from Saturday 25th March
الخدمات بكنيسة العذراء مريم خالل فترة المبانى ) ال تغيير فى مواعيد قداسات وخدمات الكنيسة١ وسط األسبوع من األثنين الى الجمعة ١١ - ٨:٣٠ ) يوم السبت القداس األلهى من٢ صباحا خدمات مدارس األحد يوم السبت توزع خالل سوف يعلن خدام الفصول األباء واألمهات.اليوم بالمواعيد الجديدة مساء٧ - ٥:٣٠ العشية العربي مساء٧:٣٠ - ٧ العشية األنجليزى مساء١٠ - ٧:٣٠ تسبحة نصف الليل ) أيام اآلحاد تقام ثالثة قداسات بكنيسة العذراء٣ :مريم حسب المواعيد التالية صباحا٦ - ٥:٣٠ رفع بخور باكر صباحا عربى وانجليزى٧:٤٥ - ٦ القداس األول صباحا انجليزى٩:٣٠ - ٧:٤٥ القداس الثانى صباحا عربى١١:١٥ - ٩:٣٠ القداس الثالث ٢٥ يبدأ العمل بهذه المواعيد ابتداء من السبت مارس
Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal - 2022 “Blessed is he who considers the poor; The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.” Psalm 41:1 Beloved congregation of the Diocese of Melbourne and Affiliated Regions, As we enter the blessed and holy season of The Holy Lent and the Feast of the Glorious Resurrection, Coptic Hope Charity is pleased to announce the Easter Hamper Appeal - 2022. With the love and generosity of the Coptic Orthodox congregation, Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal supports our less fortunate brothers and sisters across the poorest villages and provinces throughout Egypt. Coptic Hope Charity confirms that all donations collected for the Easter Hamper Appeal is to provide hampers to be distributed amongst as many families as possible, including the 624 families in our Family-to-Family program. Your gift of $50 for each Easter Hamper will provide; Meat, rice, flour, butter, milk, sugar etc to make celebrating the Feast of Resurrection a special time for our less fortunate brothers and sisters. To contribute to Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal or assist with ongoing support please donate with reference “Easter Hamper Appeal” to the following bank account or via our Paypal account at Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity Limited ATF BSB: 063-159 Account Name: 10686722 Tax deductible receipts for all donations above $2 will be issued upon receipt. All funds raised by Coptic Hope Charity are for the sole purposes of the services provided by Coptic Hope Charity to serve the poor and in need. On behalf of Coptic Hope Charity, we would like to thank you for your love, generosity and support. For further information please call Nagy Banoub on 0423 411 715 or email:
Excerpt from St. John Chrysostom on the healing of the Blind Man
Christ healing the man born blind - Commemorated the Sixth Sunday of Holy Lent Excerpt from St. John Chrysostom’s homily: “On zeal and piety, and on the man born blind” (amateur translation) The word of God is a spring of light. The light therefore fills, and the light shines, and illumines the senses of the faithful. For from Him and in Him shines, and those who partake of Him shine. And He does not only enlighten the minds of the faithful but grants the name of light. For the divine Scripture, for those who dwell with the ignorant and who live in disbelief, rightly calls them darkness, not receiving the lamp of truth, that they might be sons of light. Therefore, the divine Apostle Paul writes: “We were not sons of the night, nor of the darkness, but sons of the light and day.” And regarding the sons of light was the evangelical word spoken from the mouth of God: “I am,” as Christ said, “the light of the world. He who follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” His word is light, that if any of us might believe in him, that they might be made to be born as a son of light. Therefore, the Saviour said: “As long as you have the light, believe in the light, that you be born sons of the light.” For as this sensible light is for the body, thus poetically is the word of God for souls. And as there is the darkness at night, thus is there delusion in ignorant souls. Because of this, the blessed David writes of this, saying: “They did not know, nor did they perceive that they were walking in darkness...” It is right therefore for good students to imitate the teacher, as Paul says: “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” Do you wish to learn how the simple student can benefit from the zeal of piety? Hearken to how Christ healed the man born blind. Likely you have heard this story from the beginning. Among other things, the evangelical word says: “As Jesus was passing by, He saw a man blind from birth. And His disciples asked Him...” “And he spat, and made clay, and anointed his eyes and told him: ‘Go, wash in the pool of Siloam.’ And having washed, he began to see. The Judeans recognized him and said: ‘Was not this the man who was sitting blind and receiving alms?’ Some said yes, others said no, but he is like him. He said: ‘It is me.’” The Pharisees therefore and the rulers of the Judeans, beholding that this wonder was drawing many to Christ, overcome with the zeal of impiety, and struck by the sting of the truth, asked him how long he was blind. And behold this evil theatre that has gathered to try piety, and the evil judges who judge, and the great gathering that has gathered, to look into and study God. They called him who was once blind, and when the children of the Judeans saw him in the council, they asked him: “How did you see, and who opened your eyes, and who accomplished it?” This they said not that they might learn, but that the form of the question might give way to fear. For many times, by the form of the question, the teacher who
is asking [seeks] an answer, or silence. But he told them that he might bear witness to the reality. “Did you see this deed? Were you there? How did you see the reality?” The form of this teaches denial. Therefore, they asked: “How did you see? Who opened your eyes?” But he, having cultivated fearlessness, or more so the truth, said: “A man named Jesus took clay and anointed my eyes and told me: ‘Go, wash at Siloam.’ And I went and washed, and I began to see...”Because they could not deny [the miracle], they hastened to cover it, saying: “Give glory to God. We know that that man is a sinner.” The Son is the glory of the Father, and His glory is inseparable. And he fought the good fight against the Judeans [to defend Christ] ... Though they spoke with him till now, they then commanded that he be cast out. And they cast him out, as the Evangelist said. Blessed is he who hastens from the council of evil men. And behold what happened. Because he fought the good fight, and gave glory to God, and confessed the Savior gloriously with much boldness, and completed the battle in the stadium, being cast out as a wrestler, without receiving the crown, the Referee called to him outside. Jesus, hearing therefore that they cast him out, found him and spoke to him. The Word found him who spoke of Him, whom He delivered from delusion, and found the Truth... For when He sent him to the pool of Siloam to wash, He sent him blind. And when he began to see, he did not see the Saviour among the multitude that had gathered around him, but immediately, before he saw the Master, he was called to struggle in the contest. For the Master put clay on his eyes before this, that the following might be fulfilled. For when they cast him out, Christ found him and said to him: “Do you believe in the Son of God?” For he did not see him as a prophet and struggle, but as the Son of God. He did not recognize His face, but he recognized His voice. “Do you believe,” He said, “in the Son of God?” He hearkened to the voice, and with joy he said: “And who is He, O Lord, that I might believe in Him?” Why did He ask “Do you believe” of him? “Do you believe in the Son of God?” I see that Your word is truth. However, if you give me the knowledge, I will not neglect to believe You. “And who is He, O Lord, that I might believe in Him?” And the Foreseer was before him. And he looked upon Him, Who spoke to you previously. He Who was with you within the council, and outside speaks with you. “Do you believe in the Son of God?” He who was enlightened in body and in mind said: “And who is He, O Lord, that I might believe in Him?” He replied to him: “You have seen Him, and it is He Who is speaking to you.” He, therefore, said: “I believe, O Lord,” And he worshipped Him. I said these things, that all of you might learn, and that I might call all to fall before the teacher, and to imitate the Good Shepherd, and to struggle on behalf of the Truth...”
Services Friday 15th April - Sunday 17th األحد- أبريل15 مواعيد الخدمة أيام الجمعة April أبريل17 End Lent Friday Friday 15th April 8am Early Morning Prayer 8:30 Unction of the Sick 10am - 12:30pm Divine Liturgy
Lazarus Saturday Saturday 16th April 8:30am Eaely Morning Prayer 9-11am Divine Liturgy
جمعة ختام الصوم أبريل15 الجمعة صباحا رفع بخور باكر8 صباحا صالة القنديل8:30 العام بعد12:30 - صباحا10 الظهر القداس األلهى سبت لعازر أبريل16 السبت صباحا رفع بخور باكر٨:٣٠ صباحا القداس األلهى١١ - ٩
Palm Sunday أحد الشعانين Vespers Saturday Evening 16th مساء: رفع بخور العشية April - 5:30 أبريل16 السبت 5:30 - 7 pm مساء7:30 Early Morning Prayer and Palm رفع بخور باكر ودورة Procession: :السعف 6 - 8am Sunday 21st April 21 صباحا يوم األحد8 - 6 8 - 11am Divine Liturgy أبريل 11:30am General Funeral صباحا القداس األلهى11 - 8 صباحا صالة الجناز11:30 Prayers 5:30 - 8pm Monday Eve Pascha العام Prayers مساء صلوات8 - 5:30 Passion Week starts Sunday 21st بصخة ليلة األثنين ومعها تبدأ April Evening. Follow the daily sevices in تابع برنامج الصلوات- صلوات أسبوع اآلالم next week Bulletin فى نشرة األسبوع القادم English Services for Passion Week During Passion Week starting frfom Palm Sunday 17th April up to the Feast of Holy Resurrection SUnday 24th April, all English services will be conducted at the site of the Uniting Church 76 McCracken St Kensington just across the Road from St Mary’s Church
Celebrating the arrival of Fr Kerillos األحتفال ببدء خدمة اآلباء الكهنة أبونا كيرلس & Fr John وأبونا جون Fr Kerillos & Fr John are expected to صالة العشية وطقس أستقبال اآلباء الكهنة أبونا arrive on Thursday 7th April. كيرلس وأبونا جون يقام يوم السبت القادم ٩أبريل الساعة ٥:٣٠مساء .الكل مدعوون ألستقبال آبائنا Recieving Vespers for the new priests will be conducted at Saturday 9th الكهنة ونوال البركة .الرب يقويهم ويمنحهم النجاح April 5:30pm فى خدمتهم
New Born Baby Liana & daughter of Michael Marina Hanania مواليد رزق السيد /مايكل حنانيا وزوجته السيدة /مارينا بطفلة أسموها ليانا الرب يبارك فى المولودة فتصير بركة لوالديها وللكنيسة
New Buildings works starting 21st March 2022 Buildings has been evacuated. Power and gas have been disconnected ready for the construction works. The new Building is expected to be ready within 12 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downladed from church website. Cost of building works is around $12,000000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreaciated. ٢٠٢٢ مارس٢١ البدء فى مشروع المبانى يوم المقاول وضع.تم إخالء المبنى وفصل الكهرباء والغاز أستعدادا للعمل فى المبانى الجديدة خدمات الكنيسة تتم. شهرا١٢ من التزع تألنتهاء من المشروع خالل.سورا حول المبانى .حسب المعتاد حسب الجدول الموضح داخل النشرة . مليون دوالرا١٢ تبلغ تكلفة المشروع حوالى ينكنك المشاركة بتبرع شهرى بملء أستمارة السحب البنكى الموجودة بالكنيسة أو طبعها من خالل مركز الكنيسة األلكترونى الرب يبارك تبرعاتكم ومساهمتكم فى هذا العمل Good News - أخبار سارة
Department of Education offered $1,000,000 grant for the child care Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link للتبرعات لكنيسة العذراء مريم ومشروع المبانى أضغط على الرابط (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works