Weekly Bulleting 7th December 2022

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Services at St Mary’s Church Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom) Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom) Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English 2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm Church Priests: Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kens ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399 Fr John Macary 0433 445 636 :ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )ىزيلجنأ( ىاو اذ - ىزيلجنلأاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا ىبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 ىزيلجنأ - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 ىبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا ىزيلجنأ - احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩ 7 ىزيلجنأ - ةمدخلا دادعا عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 ىهللأا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا ىزيلجنا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا ىزيلجناو ىبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا ىزيلجنا – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 ىناثلا سادقلا ىبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 ىزيلجنأ - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 ىراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Entrance of Saint Mary into the Temple at Jerusalem.


December - 3rd Keiahk

On this day we commemorate the entrance of our holy Lady, the Virgin, Saint Mary, the Theotokos, into the Temple when she was three years old, for she was dedicated to God. Her mother, Anna (Hannah), was childless. The women who were in the Temple stayed away from her. She was exceedingly sad and so was her husband Joachim who was a blessed old man. She prayed to God fervently and with a contrite heart saying, «If You give me a fruit, I will devote the child to Your Holy Temple.» God answered her prayers and she brought forth this pure saint and called her Mary. She reared her for three years, after which she took her to live with the virgins in the Temple. Saint Mary dwelt in the sanctuary for 12 years. She received her food from the hands of the angels, until the time when our Lord Christ came into the world, and was incarnated through her, the elect of all women. When she had completed 12 years in the sanctuary, the priests took counsel together concerning her, so that they might entrust her to someone who would protect her, for she was consecrated to God and they were not allowed to keep her in the temple after this age. They decided that she be engaged to a man who could take care of her and who would look after her.

They gathered 12 righteous men from the house of David of the Tribe of Juda so they might place her with one of them. They took their staffs inside the Sanctuary, and a dove flew up and stood on the staff belonging to Joseph the carpenter who was a righteous man. They knew that this was God›s will.

Joseph took the holy Virgin St. Mary, and she dwelt with him until Gabriel, the Angel of the Lord, came to her and announced to her that the Son of God was to be incarnated from her, for the salvation of Adam and his posterity.

Her intercession be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Andrew the Apostle, the Brother of St. Peter.

13th December - 4th Keiahk

On this day, St. Andrew the Apostle, the brother of St. Peter, was martyred. He was chosen to go to the city of Lydd and to Kurdistan. He entered the city of Lydd, where most of its people had believed at the hands of St. Peter. He was accompanied by his disciple, Philemon, who had a sweet voice and was a good reader. St. Andrew commanded Philemon to go up to the pulpit and read.

When the priests of the idols heard of the arrival of Andrew the Apostle, they took their spears and went to the church. They stood outside the church to hear if he was cursing their gods or not. They heard Philemon reading the words of David the Prophet, «Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men›s hands. They have mouths, but they do not speak: eyes they have but they do not see: They have ears, but they do not hear: noses they have, but they do not smell: They have hands, but they do not handle: feet they have, but they do not walk: nor do they mutter through their throat. Those who make them are like them; so is everyone who trusts in them.» (Psalm 115:4-8) Their hearts rejoiced because of his sweet voice and their

لىا ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ميدقت راكذت تاونس3 نس ميلشروأب لكيهلا كهيك 3 - برمسيد ١٢ ةديسلا لوخد راكذت مويلا اذه لثم في لكيهلا لىإ ميرم ةسيدقلا هللإا ةدلاو لوتبلا هلل ارذن تناك اهنلأ ، يننس ثلاث ةنبا يهو ، ، لسن يرغب ةنح اهمأ تناك الم هنا كلذو ، لكيهلا في ءاسنلا نم ةدعبم كلذل تناكو ميركلا خيشلاو يه ادج ةنيزح تناكف ، هيلإ تلصو ، ارذن هلل ترذنف ، اهجوز ميقاوي ينتيطعأ اذإ« ةلئاق بلق قاحسناو ةرارحب ، »سدقلما كلكيهل ارذن اهمدقأ نيإف ةرثم ةسيدقلا اذه اهقزرو اهل برلا باجتساف اهتبر اهب تقزر المو ، ميرم اهتمسأف ةرهاطلا عم لكيهلا لىإ اهب تضم مث تاونس ثلاث ، ةنس ةشرع يتنثا تماقأ ثيح ، ىراذعلا نإ لىإ ةكئلالما دي نم اهللاخ تاتقت تناك ، لماعلا لىإ برلا هيف تيأي يذلا تقولا ءاج ذئنيح ، اهافطصا يتلا هذه نم دسجتيو اهظفحي نم دنع اهوعدوي نإ ةنهكلا رواشت اهوقبي نإ مهل زوجي لا ذإ ، برلل رذن اهنلأ ، بطخت نإ اوررقف نسلا هذه دعب لكيهلا في متهيو اهاعري نإ هل لحي دحاول ايمسر شرع ينثا اذوهي طبس نم اوعمجف ، اهنوئشب اوذخاو ،
دنع اهوعدويل ءايقتأ لاجر ةمماح تتاف ، لكيهلا لىإ اهولخداو
نإ اوملعف ، راجنلا فسوي اصع ليع
اقيدص ناك فسوي نلا ، برلا
اهيلإ تىآ نإ لىإ هدنع
، اراب اهنم نبلاا دسجتب اهشربو ليئابرج كلالما . هتيرذو مدآ صلاخل ايدبا ائماد دجلما انبرلو ، انعم نوكت اهتعافش . ينما شرع ىنثلاا دحأ سواردنا سيدقلا داهشتسا لاوسر كهيك ٤ - برمسيد ١3 سواردنإ سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في نإ ليع يرتخا دقو ، سرطب يخأ لوسرلا لخدف ، داركلأا دلاب لىإو دللا ةنيدم لىإ ضييم يدي ليع نمأ دق اهثركأ ناكو ، دللا ةنيدم وهو ، نوميلف هذيملت هعم ناكو ،سرطب دعصي نإ هرمأف ، قطنلما نسح توصلا يجش ءيجبم ناثولأا ةنهك عمس مالف ، ارقيو برنلما لىإ اوتأو مهبارح اوذخا ، لوسرلا سواردنإ ناك اذإ ام اوعمسيل اجراخ اوفقوو ةسينكلا لوق ارقي هوعمسف ، لا مأ مهتهلآ ليع فدجي لمع بهذو ةضف مهمانصأ« يبنلا دواد ينعأ اهل ، ملكتت لاو هاوفأ اهل ، سانلا يديأ لاو رخانم اهل ، عمست لاو ناذأ اهل ، صربت لاو شيتم لاو لجرأ اهل ، سملت لاو ديأ اهل ، مشت اهوعناص نوكي اهلثم ، اهرجانحب قطنت لاو مهبولق تجهتباف ،« اهيلع لكتي نم لك لب اولخدو ، مهفطاوع تنلاو ، هتوص نسح نم لوسرلا سواردنإ يمدق دنع اورخو ةسينكلا
نم رملأا اذه
تلظو مالستف

emotions mellowed. They entered the church, and bowed down at the feet of Andrew the Apostle. He preached to them and they believed in the Lord Christ. Then he baptized them with the rest of those who worshipped idols. Andrew the Apostle, then left them and went to Kurdistan and to the cities of Aksis, Aregnas and Henefores, to preach there.

He also went with St. Bartholomew to the city of Azrinos. Its people were wicked and knew not God. They went on preaching and teaching them until they lead many of them to the knowledge of God, because of the signs and wonders they performed before them. Those who did not believe plotted against him. They sent for him so that when he arrived, they would attack him and kill him. When their messengers came to St. Andrew and heard his sincere teachings and saw his shining face, they believed in our Lord Christ and did not return to those who had sent them. The unbelievers decided to go to him and burn him. When they gathered around him to do what they had intended, the Apostle prayed to the Lord, and immediately fire came down from heaven and surrounded them. They were terrified and believed.

The report of St. Andrew the Apostle, was heard throughout all these countries and many believed in the Lord. Nevertheless the priests of the idols did not cease looking for him in order to kill him. Afterwards, they gathered and went to him; they bound him and beat him severely. After they dragged him around the city naked, they cast him into prison, so that they might crucify him the following day. Their custom was to stone those who were to be killed by crucifixion. The Apostle spent his night praying to God. The Lord Christ appeared to him and strengthened him saying, «Do not fear or worry for the time of your departure from this world is near.» He gave him peace and disappeared. St. Andrew›s soul rejoiced for what he saw. On the next day, they hanged him upon a tree and stoned him until he departed. Certain believers came and took his holy body and laid it with great honor in a private grave. Many signs and wonders were made manifest from his body. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

The Departure of Nahum, the Prophet.

14th December - 5th Keiahk

On this day is the commemoration of the righteous Prophet Nahum, one of the minor 12 prophets. He was born in the village of El-Kosh, one of the villages of Galilee. He was of the tribe of Simeon, among the prophets, he was the 16th from Moses down. He prophesied in the days of Amaziah the son of Joash, and in the days of Azariah, his son. He rebuked the children of Israel because of their worship of idols and he revealed to them that although God, the most High, is compassionate and abundant in mercy, yet He is a jealous God Who will take vengeance on His adversaries. He prophesied concerning the preaching of the Gospel and the apostles who should preach it, saying, «Behold on the mountains the feet of him who brings good tidings, who proclaims peace...» (Nahum 1:15)

Nahum prophesied about the destruction that would come upon Ninevah. That was fulfilled since God had sent an earthquake and a fire which destroyed and burnt up the people that returned

، حيسلما ديسلاب اونمأ مث نمو مهملعف ، ،ناثولأا يدباع نم يقب نم لكو مهدمعف داركلأا دلاب لىإ تىأو مهدنع نم جرخ مث ناكو ، سوفيساو سانجراو سيسكا ندمو ةنيدم لىإ كلذ لبق سالموثرب عم ضيم دق نوفرعي لا اراشرأ اهلهأ ناكو ، سونيراع ىتح مهنمالعيو مهناشربي لاازي ملف ، هللا مهنم يرثك عمج هللا ةفرعم لىإ يدتها اهاعنص يتلا بئاجعلاو تايلآا ببسب اورمآت دقف اونمؤي لم نيذلا امأ ، مهمامأ لبقا اذإ ىتح هنوعدتسي اولسرأو ، هيلع لصو مالف ، هنولتقيو هيلع نومجهي مهيلع اوأرو ، ةميقلا هميلاعت اوعمسو لسرلا هيلإ لمو ديسلاب اونمآ ، ةينارونلا ههجو ةجهب . مهولسرأ نيذلا لىإ اودوعي هيلإ باهذلا ليع يننمؤلما يرغ مزع ذئنيح مهمزع ذيفنتل هلوح اوعمتجا مالف ، هقرحو طقست اران اوأرف برلا لىإ لوسرلا ليص ، عاشو ،اونمآو اوفاخف ، ءماسلا نم مهيلع نمأو دلابلا كلت عيمج في لوسرلا ركذ ةنهك فكي لم اذه عمو ، نويرثك برلاب اوبهذ ثيح ،سواردنإ بلط نع ناثولأا اوفاط نإ دعبو ، ايرثك هوبضرو هوقثوأو هيلإ ىتح ، نجسلا في هوقلا انايرع ةنيدلما هب مهتداع تناكو ، هنوبلصي دغلا ناك اذإ اضيا هنومجري مهناف ابلص ادحأ اوتامأ اذإ رهظف ، هللا لىإ ليصي هليل لوسرلا ضيقف لا« هل لاقو هددشو هاوقو حيسلما ديسلا هل كفاصرنا دعوم بترقا دقف ، رجضت لاو قلقت باغو ملاسلا هاطعأو ، لماعلا اذه نم ناك المو ، يأر ابم هسفن تجهتباف ، هنع هومجرو ةبشخ ليع هوبلصو هوذخآ دغلا يننمؤلما نم موق تىأف ، حينت ىتح ةراجحلاب في ماركإب هونفدو سدقلما هدسج اوذخاو بئاجعو تايآ هنم رهظ دقو ، صاخ برق ائماد دجلما انبرلو ، انعم نوكت هتلاص ، ةيرثك . ينما ايدبا ىبنلا موحان ةحاين كهيك ٥ - برمسيد ١٤ موحان قيدصلا راكذت مويلا اذه لثم في دلو دقو ،راغصلا ايبن شرع ينثلاا دحأ يبنلا ليلجلا يرق نم ) ١ : ١ ان ( شوقلا ةيرق في ءايبنلأا ددع فيو ناعمس طبس نم وهو ، في أبنت دقو ، سىوم نم شرع سداسلا ، فيو شاؤي وعدلما عادانوي نب ايصوما صرع ليع ليئاسرإ ينب تكبو ، هدلو ايزوع صرع نإو ؛ هللا نإ مهل ينبو ، ناثولأا مهتدابع هلا هنا لاإ ، ةمحرلا يرثك حورلا ليوط ناك ، ) 3 ، ٢ : ١ ان ( هيضغبم نم مقتنمو رويغ نيشربلما ذيملاتلاو ليجنلإا ةراشب نع أبنتو شربم امدق لابجلا ليع اذ وه« هلوقب اهب لحيس ابم أبنتو « ) ١٥ : ١ ان ( ملاسلاب دانم كلذ مت دقو ، رامدلا نم يونين ةنيدبم تقرحأو ترمدف ارانو لاازلز هللا لسرأ ذإ

from the way of righteousness and committed the sin. As for those who were straight in their ways, no evil nor harm befell them. When he completed his days in a life pleasing to God, he departed in peace.

His prayers be with us. Amen.

The Martyrdom of the Saints: Barbara and Juliana.

17th Decmber - 8th Keiahk

On this day also Sts. Barbara and Juliana, were martyred. Barbara was the daughter of a noble man from one of the countries in the east, called Dioscorus, during the days of Maximianus the Emperor, in the beginning of the third Christian century.

Because of his strong love for her, he built her a tower to live in. The saint always raised up her eyes to the sky from the top of the tower and contemplated the beauty of the sky and what was in it: the sun, the moon and the stars. She came to the conclusion that they must have an able and wise maker and that would be none other than the Almighty God who created them. Origen, the scholar, happened to be in this area and was informed of the saint. He went to her and taught her the principles of Christianity. There were two windows in the bathroom and she ordered a third one to be opened and a cross to be placed over the water basin. When her father came to see her and saw the changes that were done, he asked her for the reason. She told him, “Don’t you know, my father, that with the Holy Trinity everything is complete, and here are three windows in the name of the Holy Trinity. This sign is the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, wherein was the salvation of the whole world. I ask you, O my dear father, to turn away from the wrong way that you are in and worship the God Who created you.”

When her father heard these words, he became angry, drew his sword and ran after her. She fled, and he ran after her. There was a rock in front of her that split into two halves and she went through. The rock then returned to its earlier state. Her father went around the rock and found her hidden in a cave. He jumped over her like a wolf, seized her and took her to Marcianus, the governor. The Governor talked to her kindly, promising her many things. Then he threatened her, but could not take away her love for the Lord Christ. Thereupon, he ordered her to be tortured with different kinds of torture. There was a damsel called Juliana, who watched St. Barbara while she was being tortured and wept for her. Juliana saw the Lord Christ strengthening and comforting St. Barbara; she was enlightened and believed in the Lord Christ. They cut off her head and that of St. Barbara and they both received the crown of martyrdom.

St. Barbara’s father perished shortly after and so did the Governor who tortured her. The water of the basin that had the cross over it in the tower had the power to heal everyone who washed with it.

They placed the bodies of these two saints in a church outside of the city of Galatia. Years later, they relocated the body of St. Barbara to the church in Cairo which is named after her to this day.

Their prayers be with us. Amen.

بكتراو برلا قيرط نع عجر يذلا بعشلا ملف ةيرسلا يميقتسم اوناك نيذلا امأ ، مثلإا همايأ لمكا المو ، رضر مهبصي لمو ىذأ مهلني نوكت هتلاص ،ملاسب حينت هلل ةيضرم ةيرسب .ينما انعم ةنايلويو ةرابرب ةسيدقلا داهشتسا كهيك ٨ - برمسيد ١٧ ناتسيدقلا تدهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في لجر ةنبإ ةرابرب تناك ، ةنايلويو ةرابرب يمسي قشرلما دلاب ىدحإ نم ميظع في يأ كللما سونايميسكم مايأ سروقسيد هتبحم ةدشلو ، يحيسلما ثلاثلا ليجلا لئاوأ ةسيدقلا تعفرف هيف ميقتل اجرب اهل ينب اهل تلمأتو ، جبرلا ليعأ نم ءماسلا لىإ اهصرب بكاوكو رمقو سمش نم اهب امو ءماسلا ءاهب رداق عناص نم اهل دبلا هنا تجتنتساو ، اهعناص وه لياعت هللا لاإ نوكي نلو ، ميكح كلت في سوناجيروأ ةملاعلا دوجو قفتأو ، اهملعو اهيلإ تيآو ، ةسيدقلا برخب ملعف ةهجلا مماحلا في ناكو ، يحيسلما نيدلا ئدابم عضوو ، ةثلاث ةقاط حتفب ترمأف ناتقاط اهوبأ لخد مالف ءالما ضوح ليع بيلص ببسلا نع اهلأس ، ثدح يذلا يريغتلا يأرو ثولاثلاب هنا يدلاو اي ملعت امأ« هل تلاقف ، ليع تاقاط ثلاث انهف ،ئش لك متي سدقلأا يه ةملاعلا هذهو ، سدقلأا ثولاثلا
نع عجرت اذه اهوبأ عمس امدنعف ، »كقلخ يذلا هللإا تبرهف ، اهيلع هفيس درجو ادج بضغ ملاكلا اهمامأ تناكو ، اهءارو ضكرف همامأ نم تداعو اهتزاتجاف ، نيرطش تقشنا ةرخص لوح اهوبأ رادو ،لىولأا اهتلاح لىإ ةرخصلا بثوف ، ةراغم في ةئبتخم اهدجوف ةرخصلا سونايكرم لياولا لىإ اهذخأو بئذلاك اهيلع مث دعولاب ىرخأو ملاكلاب ةرات اهفطلا يذلا اهبح اهبلسي نإ عطتسي لم هنكلو ، ديعولاب عاونأب اهبيذعتب رمأ كلذ دنع ، حيسلما ديسلل ةنايلوي اهل لاقي ةيبص كانه تناكو ، باذعلا ، باذعلا في يهو ةرابرب ةسيدقلا تدهاش ، حيسلما ديسلا تأر دقو ، اهلجلأ كيبت تناكف ترانتساف ، اهيوقيو ةرابرب ةسيدقلا يزعي اوعطقف ، حيسلما ديسلاب تنمأو اهتيرصب ليلكإ اتلانو ، ةرابرب ةسيدقلا سارو اهسأر ليلقب كلذ دعب اهدلاو كله دقو ، ةداهشلا امأ ، اهبيذعت ليوت يذلا لياولا كله كلذكو ، دقف ، سدقلما بيلصلا هيلع يذلا ءالما ضوح ، هنم لستغي نم لكل ءافشلا ةوق هئالم راص ةسينك في ينتسيدقلا ينتاه يدسج اولعجو دسج اولقن يننس دعبو ، ةيطلاغ ةنيدم جراخ يتلا ةسينكلا في صرم لىإ ةرابرب ةسيدقلا نوكت اهتعافش ، مويلا لىإ اهمساب تيمس . ينما انعم
مسا هب ناك يذلا حيسلما ديسلا بيلصل لاثم نإ زيزعلا يدلاو اي كلأسأف ، لماعلا صلاخ دبعت نإو ، اهيف تنأ يتلا ةللاضلا

The Departure of St. Samuel the Abbot of El-Qualamon Monastery (Abba Samuel the Confessor).

17th December - 8th Keiahk

Also on this day the saint Abba Samuel, the head of El-Qualamon Monastery, departed. He was born in the city of Dakluba, diocese of Masil, from holy parents and he was their only child. Arselaos, his father, who was a priest, saw in a vision at night, a resplendent man telling him, “Your son must be entrusted with a large congregation, for he is chosen by the Lord to be His all the days of his life.”

Samuel was pure from his youth, like Samuel the prophet, and he was always harboring thoughts in his heart about the monastic life. One day he found a means to go to the desert of Scete, but he did not know the way. The Angel of the Lord, in the form of a monk, appeared to him and accompanied him as he was himself going to the monastery, until they came to the desert of Scete. There, the Angel delivered him to a holy man called Abba Agathon who accepted him as the Angel of the Lord instructed. Abba Samuel lived with Abba Agathon for three years in total obedience in every way. Later on, the holy old man Abba Agathon departed. Abba Samuel devoted himself to many prayers and fasting. He fasted a week at a time. He was ordained a priest over the church of St. Macarius in Scete.

An envoy came to the desert carrying Leo’s Tome (2) and when the envoy read it to the elders, Abba Samuel became zealous, with the zeal of the Lord. He jumped up in the middle of the gathered monks and seized the letter and rent it into pieces saying, “Excommunicated is this tome and everyone who believes in it and cursed is everyone who might change the Orthodox faith of our Holy Fathers.” When the envoy saw this, he became furious and angry. He ordered him to be beaten with pins and to be hanged up by his arms, and that his face be smitten. One of these strikes enucleated one of St. Samuel’s eyes. Then he was driven away from the monastery. The Angel of the Lord appeared to St. Samuel and commanded him to depart and to dwell in El-Qualamon. He went there and built a monastery, lived in it for a while teaching those gathered around him and confirming them in the Orthodox faith.

When El-Moquakas heard about Abba Samuel, he came to him and asked him to recognize the Council of Chalcedon. When he did not listen to him, he smote him and expelled him out of the monastery. He went and lived in one of the churches and after a while he returned to the monastery.

When the Barbers raided the monastery, they took him with them on their way back to their country. He prayed to the Lord Christ to rescue him from them. Whenever they set him on a camel, the camel was unable to stand up with him on it, so they left him and he went back to his monastery.

When the Barbers raided the wilderness again, they took St. Samuel with them to their country. They had captured before Abba Yoannis the heagomen (Archpriest) of Scete. So they were joined together and comforted each other. The captive of Abba Samuel tried to persuade him to worship the sun. When he failed, he tied the leg of Abba Samuel to the leg of one of his maidens and sent them to attend to the camels. He intended for Abba Samuel to fall into sin with her and then he would submit to him, according to Satan’s advice. Through it all, the saint was gaining more courage and became stout-hearted. He remained in these circumstances until the master’s son fell ill and was close to death; Abba Samuel prayed for him and the boy was healed of his sickness. The news was spread all over this country and whosoever was sick came to him; he prayed over him and anointed him with oil and the sick were healed. His master loved him exceedingly, he apologized and asked for Abba Samuel’s forgiveness. He told him to ask for anything he wished. Abba Samuel asked to go back to his monastery. His master allowed him to return.

When Abba Samuel returned, many of his sons gathered around him and they increased in number until they became thousands. The Virgin, St. Mary, appeared to him and told him, “This place shall be my abode forever,” and from that day the Barbarians never attacked this monastery again. Abba Samuel wrote many discourses and articles. He prophesied concerning the coming of Islam to Egypt. When the time of his departure drew near, he gathered together his sons and commanded them to be strong in the fear of God, to walk according to His commandments and to fight for the sake of the Orthodox faith till their last breath. Then he departed in peace.

+ The Advent Fasting:

Friday 25th November the Advent Fasting started. It continues for 43 days and ends by the Feast of Holy Nativity at 7th January. It is allowed to eat fish during this fasting except on Wednesdays and Fridays and usually we abstain from food until 3pm. For those who got health reasons they can consult their father of confession. The Advent Fasting is a preparation for the Feast of Incarnation of our Lord. We fast 40 days taking an example of the Lord’s Fasting and from Moses Fasting for 40 days before receiving the Law and Commandments. We fast also extra three days in com memoration of the days fasted by people during the time of St Abraam the 62th Pope of Alexandria for the miracle of moving the mountain. The blessed month of Keiahk falls during the Advent days in which we sing and read all about the Incarnation of the Lord. Let us all pursue fasting in humility and repentance and offer our hearts to be holy sanctuary for our Lord the Child of the Manager the Incarnated Lord.

+ Doxologies of Keiahk Doxologies and Praises of the blessed month of Keiahk starts at St. Mary’s church next Saturday 10th December 7 - 11 pm. During the week it will be held on Monday & Thursday every week 6:30 - 9 pm.

:ديجملا دلايملا موص + دلايملا موص أدب ربمفون 25 ةعمجلا موي ديع موي يهتنيو اموي 43 هتدمو ديجملا اذهو .. مداقلا رياني 7 ديجملا دلايملا لكأب اهيف حمسي يتلا ماوصلأا نم موصلا ةعمجلاو ءاعبرلأا مايأ ادعام كامسلأا ةثلاثلا ةعاسلا ىتح ايعاطقنا اهيف ماصيو راشتسي ضرملا تلااح ىفو رهظلا دعب دادعتسأ وه دلايملا موصو .فارتعلاا بأ ةملكلا برلا لابقتسلا يهللإا دسجتلا ديعل لاثمك اموي نيعبرأ ماصيو دسجتملا موص لاثمكو ينيعبرلأا برلا موص اياصولا هملست لبق اموي نيعبرأ ىسوم ةيفاضأ مايأ ةثلاث اضيأ ماصيو سومانلاو مآربأ ابابلا مايأ يف ةسينكلا موص لاثمك مامتأ لجأ نم 62 كريرطبلا ةعرز نبا ةفيلخلا مايأ مطقملا لبجلا لقن ةزجعم اضيأ موصلا اذه للختيو .يمطافلا زعملا ىلع ةسينكلا هيف زكرت يذلا كهيك رهش برلا دسجت ةصقب ةصاخلا تاءارقلا ةصاخلا حيباستلا ةسينكلا هيف حبستو عوسي ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا هللأا ةدلاوبو دسجتلاب موصلا اذه ةكرب انيطعي بحملا برلا .. عوشخو ربو ةراهطب هموصنف سدقملا عومدب اجوزمم ايحور اموص هيف مدقنو اسدقم لاكيه نوكتل انبولق نيدعمو ةبوتلا دسجتملا برلا دوزملا لفطل :كهيك رهش ةحبست + رهش ةحبست أدبت ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينك ىف - ةعبرأو ةعبسب اضيأ ةفورعملا( كهيك موي )حيباست ةعبرأو تايكوطؤيئ عبس ىأ .ءاسم 11 - 7 ربمسيد 1٠ مداقلا تبسلا ىموي عوبسلأا للاخ ةحبستلا ماقت امك ءاسم 9 - 6:3٠ سيمخلاو نينثلأا

Meditations on the holy Eucharist bible readings

First Sunday of the blessed month of Keiahk Luke 1: 1-25

Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your prayer is heard Luke 1:13.

Often, we ask a puzzling question … why Lord, you don’t answer me?? We ask and ask … and insist on asking many times but with no acceptance … didn’t You promise that all who ever asks, shall be given … Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full )John 16:24( … knock and it shall be opened to you )Matthew 7:7( … whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive )Matthew 21:22( … even, if we ask having faith like a mustard seed, we will say to a mountain move from here to there )Matthew 17:20( … and on other times, You admonish us for not asking … until now you have asked nothing in My name )John 16:24( … here we are asking … will You Lord accept our ask?? In fact, God indeed answers )and gives( … but our eyes and human feelings only recognise physical events in our limited (understanding) of the present time and we do not discern the answers tell it becomes a reality present and we can feel it … for it is without a doubt, the Lord had accepted and answered Zacharias the priest requests which he asked for many years, to have an offspring … but the answer, did not materialise to a felt reality except at the fullness of time as determined by God … and this time might appear to be too late in our view or incomprehensible or unbelievable in our thoughts … but indeed it is the best and most suitable time.


For your prayer is heard …

Your prayers is heard and answered for a long time … in fact, since your first request … for your request did comply with will of God and His love … but the implementation must comply with God’s global plan and His efforts for man kind … the Israelites spent four hundred and thirty years in the land of Egypt … they cried every day from the servitude and hardship they suffered … they asked with insistence for the Lord to deliver them (from the hands of the oppressors) and return to their homeland … in fact the Lord had heard and accepted their prayers … but what is amazing is that the Lord had answered them )even( before they asked … for the Lord had determined this specific period which they will spend in diaspora and servitude in the land of Egypt in a vision which was seen by Abraham the father of fathers )Genesis 15:12-14( … also, the Lord determined that He will deliver them and the nation which subjected them to oppressions will be judged and they will leave with many possessions … and the Lord also confirmed in this vision that his offspring will return to the land of Canaan … in the fourth generation because the guilt of the Amorites (the native inhabitants of the land( is not yet complete … so, this four hundred years was for the inhabitants of this land to full exhaust their evil doings … a period of chances for them lest they repent … and when they )the Amorites( did not repent the Lord delivered the Israelites out of Egypt and gave them the Land …

What is also amazing; is God’s promises to Abraham are all

سادقلا ليجنا فى تلامأت كرابلما كهيك رهش نم لولاا دحلاا ٢٥ – ١ :١ اقول اقول تعمس ةق كتبلط نلا ايركزاي فخت لا 3 :١ لا برأي اذالم .. رئاح لاؤس ددتري ام ايرثك فى حلنو .. بلطنو بلطن اننأ ؟؟ بيجتست .. ةباجتسإ لاب نكلو .. ةيرثك تارم بلطلا ذخأي بلطي نم نأب دعت براي اقح كنأ اوعرقأ .. لاماك مكحرف نوكيف اوذخأت اوبلطأ يننمؤم ةلاصلا فى هنوبلطت ام لك .. مكل حتفي لدرخلا ةبح لثم نايمإب انبلط ول لب .. نولانت اضيأو .. لقتني فوسف لقتني نأ لبجلا نم لم نلآا لىا .. بلطن لا اننأ انبتاعت ىرخأ تارم لهف .. بلطن نحن اهو .. ىمسأب ائيش اوبلطت ؟؟ براي بيجتست اننويع نكلو .. لاعف بيجتسي هللا نأ عقاولاو ءايشلاا لاإ كردت لا ىتلأ ةيشربلا انساوحو لاإ ةباجتسلاا هذهزيتم لا ةينمزلا ةدودحلما هب سحنو هارن اسوملم اعقاو حبصت امدنع ايركز ةبلطل باجتسإ برلا نأ كش لابف .. انينس هبلطي لظ لاسن برلا هيطعي نأ نهاكلا عقاو لىا لوحتت لم ةباجتسلاا نكلو .. ةليوط هراتخأ ىذلا بسانلما تقولا فى لاإ سوملم ارخأتم انايحأ ودبي دق تقولا اذهو .. هللا قدصي لاو لوقعم يرغ ودبي دقو انرظن فى ادج حلصأ و بسنأ لاعف وه نكلو .. انيركفت فى .. تاقولاا .. كتبلط تعمس دقل + ديعب نمز ذنم تبيجتساو كتبلط تعمس دقل دقف .. ةرم لولأ بلط نأ ذنم عقاولا فى .. .. هتبحمو هللا ةدارإ عم قفتت هتبلط تناك راسم فى لخدي نا دبلا ناك اهذيفنت نكلو .. شربلا لجا نم هيربدتو ةعساولا هللا ةطخ اماع ينثلاثو ةئماعبرأ ليئاسرا ونب ضىق دقل نم موي لك نوخصري اوناكو .. صرم ضرأ فى نوبلطي اوناك .. اهنوساقي ىتلا ةقيضلاو ةلذلمإ .. مهضرأ لىا مهدريو هللا مهصلخي نا حاحلإب مهبلطل لاعف باجتسأ دق برلا نأ عقاولا فىو لبق باجتسأ دق برلا نأ شهدلما نمو لب .. ةدلما هذه لاعف برلا ددح دقف .. اوبلطي نأ ضرأ ةلذمو ةبرغ فى اهنوضقي فوس ىتلا ( ءابلاا بأ ميهاربا اهآر ىتلا ايؤرلا فى صرم فوس هنأ اضيأ ددحو .. )١٤ – ١٢ :١٥ نيوكت اهنيدي فوس مهتلذأ ىتلا ةملاا نأو مهذقني ايؤرلا ضىتمو .. ةليزج كلامأب اهنم نوجرخيو دوعي فوس هلسن نا برلا هل دكؤيف اضيأ عبارلا ليجلا فى .. ناعنك ضرأ لىا ىرخأ ةرم سيل ) ضرلأا ناكس( ينيروملاا بنذ نلأ ءافيتسلا تناك ةنس ةئماعبرلأا هذهف .. لاماك ةصرف تناك .. مهروشر ضرلأا هذه ناكس

about his offspring inheriting the land of Canaan at the time when the Lord gave Abraham no offspring … that is he had no children … but even the Lord did not grant him Isaac his son till the old age one hundred years and his wife Sarah was ninety years old … the Lord’s promises are all true and faithful and the Lord must fulfil His promises at the appropriate time … Rebekah (Rebecca) Isaac’s wife asked the Lord of the children she will have … the Lord said unto her, Two nations are in your womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from your tommy; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger )Genesis 25:23( … and indeed she gave birth to a twin the elder was Esau and the young er was Jacob )Genesis 25( … and the Lord’s answer was clear, the elder Esau shall serve the younger Jacob … this is the Lord will give the blessings to Jacob to have the rights of the first born and he is the one to inherit the promise … a clear promise … but Rebecca loved Jacob more than Esau and was in a hurry to see God’s promise fulfilled … also, Jacob was in a hurry … and the end result of this rush was a great amount of tribulations … for the Lord fulfilled His promises at the right time … Anba Benjamin the 38th Pope )of the Coptic Church), saw a vision while he was dedi cating the great altar at St Makarios monastery in the wilderness of Scetis )she’hite in Coptic( … he saw St Makarios the great standing and interceding for his children the monks and heard the Lord saying to him, if the monks did not keep the commandments of love, )the Lord( will let the place be destroyed … and St Makarios pleaded that even there was only one (monk) keeping the commandments of love, that is if they kept just one commandment, the Lord to preserve this place and the lord granted him this promise … and truly, )the Lord( kept this promise till today … and this monastery and others kept alive till this day, despite all the tribu lations the monasteries endured … from attacks from the barbarians, the Bedouins and armies of invaders … even when the number of monks dwindled at one time to three monks and at other times to one monk … and the same, with the monasteries of St Bishoy, the Syrian monastery (St Mary’s) and the monastery of Paramos (Pi-Romeos i.e. the Romans) and many others of the Coptic monasteries which still inhabited by monks till this day witnessing that God never leaves His people and fulfills all His promised to them … St Athanasius the apostolic fearlessly struggled against Arianism … at one time, all matters were working against him … the emperor himself has Arian ten dencies … many of the bishops some of them were enthroned bishops of apostolic sees had Arian leanings … local councils )synods( were held and ordered his exile and excommunication … the situation appeared to be very difficult for all local authorities of the time colluded together against him and the correct orthodox

ىنب برلا جرخأ اوبوتي لم امدنعو .. اوبوتي مهلعل مهل .. مهناكم مهنكسأو صرم ضرأ نم لىيئاسرا ةلسن نع اهلك ميهاربلإ هللا دوعو نأ اضيأ بيجعلاو لم ىذلا تقولا فى تناك ناعنك ضرأ ثري فوس ىذلا دلاوأ ىأ هل نكي لم .. لسن ىأ ميهاربإ هيف برلا طعي ةئم هرمع يربك خيش وهو لاإ قحسا هنبإ هطعي لم لب .. ديعاوم نإ .. ةنس ينعست اهرمع ةراس هتأرمإو ةنس هديعاوم برلا فىوي نأ دبلاو ةنيمأو ةقداص اهلك هللا .. وسيعو بوقعي دلوي نا لبقو .. بسانلما تقولا فى دلاولأا رمأ نع برلا لأستل قحسأ ةجوز ةقفر تضم اهنطب فى نأ برلا اهبرخأو .. مهدلت فوس نيذلا لىع ىوقي بعش .. نابعش قترفي اهئاشحأ نمو ناتمأ نامأوت اهل دلو لاعفو .. يرغصل دبعتسي يربكو بعش كت ( بوقعي وه يرغصلاو وسيع وه يربكلا ناكو .. وسيع ىأ يربكلا نأ احضاو هللا دعو كانه ناكو .. )٢٥ فوس برلا نأ ىأ .. بوقعي ىأ يرغصلل دبعتسي فوس ثراو وهو ركبلا وه يرصيف بوقعيل ةكبرلا ىطعي تبحأ ىتلا ةقفر نكلو .. حضاو دعولاو .. ديعاولما ذيفنت ىترل ةلجعتم تناك وسيع نم ثركأ بوقعي اذه ةجيتن ناكو .. لاجعتم اضيأ بوقعي ناكو .. دعولا فى هدعو هللا متمو .. ادج ةيرثك بعاتم لاجعتسلإا ايؤر 3٨ لا ابابلا ينماينب ابنلأا ىأر .. بسانلما تقولا سويراقم ابنلأا ريد فى يربكلا لكيهلا سركي وه انميب راقم ابنا ميظعلا سيدقلا ىأر .. تيهيش ةيرب فى برلا عمسو نابهرلا هدلاوأ لجأ نم
افقاو فوسف ةبحلما اياصو نابهرلا ظفحي لم نإ هنأ هل لوقي مهيف عفشتو ..
هلك اذه مهناكم لىع مكحي طقف مهنم دحاو ىقب ولو هنا ىتح راقم ابنأ سيدقلا ةيصو ولو ىتح اوذفن ول ىأ ةبحلما اياصو ظفحي برلا هاطعأو ناكلما اذه لىع برلا ىقبي ةدحاو ىقبو .. مويلا ىتح دعولا ظفح لاعفو .. اذهب ادعو هب ترم هنأ مغرلاب مويلا لىا ارماع هيرغو ريدلا اذه شويجو ودبلاو رببرلا تاراغ نم .. ةيرثك دئادش مايأ نم تقو فى نابهرلا ددع لصو هنا ىتح .. ةازغلا .. دحاو بهار رخآ تقو فىو نابهر ةثلاث لىا تاقولاا ريدو نايسرلأ ريدو ىوشيب ابنلاا ريد فى عضولا سفنو لىا تيقب ىتلا ةيطبقلا ةريدلأا نم مهيرغو سومبرلا لك ققحيو هبعش كتري لا هللا نأب دهشت ةرماع مويلا .. مهل هديعاوم لاطبلاا داهج لىوسرلا سويسانثأ سيدقلا دهاج دقل نأك ادب تاقولاا نم تقو فىو .. ةيسويرلأا دض لييم أدب هسفن روطابرملإا .. هدض يرسي ءسىث لك سىارك ةفقاسأ مهنمو ةفقاسلاا نم يرثكلا .. ةيسويرلأل عماجم تميقأ .. ةيسويرأ لويم مهل تراص ةيلوسر ابعتم ودبي رملأا ناك .. همرحو هيفنب تمكح ةيناكم دضو هدض اعم تنواعت ةينمزلا تاطلسلا لكف ادج نم ةقث فى هنكلو .. ةميلسلا ةيسكوذوثرلأا ةديقعلا ىوقت نل ميحجلا باوبا نأ دعو ىذلا هللا ديعاوم ديدهتلاو ديشرتلاو ىفنلا نم مغرلاب زتهي لم .. اهيلع لماعلا سويسانثأاي اموي هل اولاق ىتح .. اتباث لظ لب .. صرتنأو .. لماعلا دض اضيا انأ و لاقف .. كدض ةلك

faith … but, he in absolute assurance and trust of God’s promises that the gates of hades cannot prevail against her )the church( )Matthew 16:18-20( … he did not rescind despite all the threats and exile and banishment … but, he kept )his stance( valid … tell it was said the world is against you Athanasius … so he said and I am against the world )Athanasius Contra Mundum( … Athanasius’s faith and the orthodox believe triumphant (at the end) and Arianism was exposed )as a heresy( … Arianism it self till this day, continue to left up it’s (ugly) head in the form of Jehovah’s witnesses … the same thought and belief … the church excommunicated them in the past and declared their wrong beliefs heretical … and we have trust in God’s promises to protect His church against all heresies … the gates of hade cannot prevail … Beloved, ask in full assurance and faith … the Lord will answer … make a component of your prayers every day, to ask with insistence and continually for your spiritual needs … for the needs of the church … every where … and for the sick and underprivileged … for solving the problems … remember every one in need by name … ask without declining … and without a doubt the Lord will grant … + you will be mute and not able speak … because you did not believe ..

The Lord’s promises are true but only those who truly have faith will rejoice in it … St Zachariah the priest was astonished, how this promise can be fulfilled at his ad vanced age … for this the Lord made him silent for nine months to reflect and meditate on God’s true promises and because of this when he spoke, he uttered God’s promises to all mankind … for he had seen through out his peri od of silence all what he never seen during his years of speaking … Maybe, his disbelief was a kind of human weakness which is not a stranger to man … but there are those who will go much further … there are those who refuse to accept God’s promises … and those who contradict God’s promises … History, tells us of the Roman Emperor Julian II (361 AD) who is referred to as Julian the Apostate in the church history, because he was a Christian who did apos tate to paganism … and he tried to resist Christianity by disputing the prophesies of Christ about the destruction of the temple )of Jerusalem( … and he assisted the Jews )of the time( to rebuild the temple … and indeed when they tried to dig for the foundations (of the temple) they failed as great earth quake occurred and filled the dig with soil … also, balls of fire erupted from the foundations and stopped the process of building and thus this attempt failed … and the temple still not built till today. Again, history tells us of when the Abbasids attacked Egypt to take it from the Umayyads … the Umayyads’ caliph tried to stop them from advancing on the city of Fustat the capital of Egypt at the time (now old Cairo), he ordered to have city burned totally and shifted his armies

ضىقو ةميلسلا ةديقعلا تصرتنأو سويسانثأ نايما مويلا ىتح اهسفن ةيسويرلأاو .. ةيسويرلاا لىع صخش فى ىرخأ ةرم مويلا اهسأر عفرت نأ لواحت دقل .. ةديقعلاو يركفتلا سفنب .. هوهي دوهش مهميلاعت تمرحو ميدقلا فى ةسينكلا مهتمرح ظفحي ىذلا هللا دوعو فى قثن نحنو .. ةئطاخلا باوبأ دض .. ةقطرهلا ىوق لك دض هتسينك .. ميحجلا هللا نأ .. نايماو ةقث فى بلطأ بيبحلا اهيا نأ موي لك كتلاص نم ءزج لعجإ .. بيجتسي كتاجايتحإ لجأ نم رارمتسإبو حاحلإب بلطت لك فى .. ةسينكلا تاجايتحإ لجأ نم .. ةيحورلا ينبعتلما لجأ نم .. ضىرلما لجأ نم .. ناكم همسأب جاتحم لك ركذأ .. لكاشلما لجا نم .. برلا نأ كشلابو .. ناوت لاب موي لىك بلطأ .. .. بيجتسي .. قدصت لم كنأ لجأ نم .. اتماص نوكت تنأ اه + اهب حرفي لا نكلو ةقداص هديعاومو هللا اياصو نأ سيدقلا نأ .. اهب نمؤيو اهقدصي ىذلا لاا لاعف فى هتبلط قيقحت ةيناكمأ نم شهدنأ نهاكلا ايركز ةدلم اتماص لظي نأ هللا هاطعأ كلذلو .. نسلا اذه ةقداصلا هللا ديعاوم فى أهيف لمأتي رهشأ ةعست ةيشربلل هللا ديعاوم نع ملكت قطن امدنعف كلذلو فى هاري لم ام هتمص ةترف للاخ نم ىأر دقل .. اهلك .. هملاك ةترف لك ىشربلا فعضلا نم عونك قيدصتلا مدع ناك ابمرو نم كانه نكلو .. ناسنلإا لىع بيرغ يرغ ائيش ضفري نم كانه .. ادج اذه نم دعبا لىا بهذي .. هللا ديعاوم دناعي نم كانهو .. هللا ديعاوم سونايلوي نىامورلا روطابرملأا نع خيراتلا انل كىحي سونايلويب ةسينكلا خيرات فى ىمسلما )م١63( لىا دترأ مث ايحيسم ناك هنأ لىا ةبسن .. دحاجلا قيرط نع ةيحيسلما ةمواقم لواح دق .. ةينثولا نواعف .. لكيهلا بارخ نع حيسلما ةوبن بيذكت رفحب اوأدب لاعفو .. مهلكيه ءانب ةداعلا دوهيلا تلأم ةلزلز تثدح ذأ اولشف مهنا يرغ تاساسلاا نم ةيران تارك تجرخ ماك .. ابارت تاساسلأا رفح عوشرلما لشف اذكهو ءانبلا لمع تعنم تاساسلأا .. مويلا لىا لكيهلا بني لمو .. ينيسابعلا مجاه امدنع هنا اضيأ خيراتلا انل كىحي لواح .. ينيوملأا دي نم اهيلع ءلايتسلأل صرم اولوتسي لا كىلو مدقتلا نم مهعنم ىوملأا ةفيلخلا صرم ةمصاع تنماك ىتلا طاطسفلا ةنيدم لىع هرماوا ردصأ )ايلاح ةيمدقلا صرم( تقولا كلذ فى ةفضلا لىا هشويج لقنو لماكلاب ةنيدلما قرحب ةثلاث ةلهم ةنيدلما ناكس ىطعأو لينلا نم ةيبرغلا نبم ةنيدلما قرحي فوسف لاإو ةنيدلما ءلاخلإ مايأ ةيطبقلإ سئانكلا نم اددع ةنيدلماب ناكو .. اهيف سئانكلا هذه ةاعر ةنهكلا ءابلآا صرأو .. ةيرثلأا فوس مهنأو .. ثدح ماهم اهترداغم مدع لىع ىقب لاعفو .. قرحلا نم اهومحيل اهيف نوقبي

to the west bank of the Nile and he given the inhabitants of the city three days grace to evacuate or be burned with city … there are a number of Coptic churches within the )the old city) and the fathers the priest (of these churches) insisted on staying within the churches to protect them from burning … and indeed there were five priests left in these churches and fires were let in the whole city and the city was a target for a number of attacks by the invaders and the fires went down and siege ended to everyone’s surprise the churches were still standing and was not harmed (in anyway) and the heroic priests were still within the churches … God has fulfilled His promises and protected His churches and people … God has promised to honour His saints … for the Lord honour those who honour Him … and one of the strange stories is the story of Anba Clement Pope of Rome in the second cen tury AD who was persecuted by the Roman Emperor (of the time), who ordered that he be thrown in the sea after his death … and indeed, he was thrown into the sea laden with heavy stones … but God wanted to honour His saints … on the me morial day of his martyrdom, the waters of the sea regressed and revealed his body intact in the bottom of the sea without any decay or deteriorations, the waters of the sea continued to regress every year on the feast of his remembrance and the people used to come for his blessings … one day, the visitors forgot a small child behind at the coffin of the saint and when they came back to search for the child they found the waters had come back and covered the coffin )again( … thus they assumed the child had died drowning in the sea … the following year when the visitors came as usual, they found the child alive and in full health and he told them that the saint used to feed him and protected him from the dangers of the sea and its wild fish …

Beloved … do you trust in God’s promises to you?? Be carful not be a rejector or stubborn )regarding God’s promises( … reflect on God’s promises to you … remember how the Lord had granted you many miracles in the past and without a doubt will not forget you in the present or the future … do you trust in God’s promises on the tithe … for the Lord says try Me in the tithe )Malachi 3:10( … for He will open a win dow in heavens and give you … do you trust God that even the very hairs on your head are numbered (Luke 12:7)?? He does not forget the birds of the field and will never forget you. And if you believe … why then you resort to human methods which are improper?? Why do you then resort to gambling, lottery and tats lotto?? If you believe, why then you depend on a human flesh )Jeremiah 17:5( … and search via human means and controls?

If you believe … why then insist on pleasing the world on account of God’s commandments??

All these are different ways of rejecting and stubbornness (in believing God’s promises( … and a proof of not believing … which had reached the state of doubting and rejecting … if you still don’t believe … then learn to be silent … and reflect on God’s mercies to you … and let the Lord reveal to you His woks and will which will happen in its suitable time (the fullness of time).

سئانكلا هذه فى ةنهكلا ءابلآا نم ةسمخ ةنيدلما تضرعتو اهلك ةنيدلما فى رانلا تلعشاو قيرحلا ءاهتنإ دعبو ءادعلأا نم ةيساق تماجهل سئانكلا مهتشهدل عيمجلا دجو برحلا ءاهتنإو ةنهكلا ءابلآاو ءوسب ستم لم ةئماق تلازام هديعاوم هللا ققح دقل .. اهب اولازام لاطبلاا .. هبعشو هسئانك لىه ظفاحو مركي برلاف .. هيسيدق مركي نأ ةللأ دعو دقل اذه فى ةبيجعلا صصقلا نمو .. هنومركي نيذلا فى ةيمور كريرطب سدضنميلكا ابنلاا ةصق رملأا روطابرملأا هدهطضأ ىذلا ىدلايلما نىاثلا نرقلا .. هلتق دعب رحبلا فى هئاقلإب رمأ مث نىامورلا .. راجحلأاب هولقث امدعب رحبلا فى هوقلأ لاعفو راكذت فىو .. هيسيدق مركي نأ دارأ هللا نكلو فشكنأو هايلما تسرحنأ لولاا هداهشتسا وأ للحت ىأ نودب مايلس رحبلا عاق فى هدسج فى ةنس لك سرحنت رحبلا هايم تلظو نفعت هنم كرابتلاو هترايزل سانلا بهذيف هراكذت ديع توبات فلخ ايرغص لافط راوزلا سىن امويو .. نا اودجو هنع نوثحبي اوداع امدنعو سيدقلا أوعقوتو .. هلك توباتلا تطغو تداع دق هايلما لىاتلا ماعلا فىو .. اقرغ تام لفطلا نأ اعبط لفطلاب اوئجوف ةداعلاك راوزلا ىىتأ امدنع ناك سيدقلا نأ مهبرخأو ةديج ةحص فىو ايح شوحو نم هيمحيو هسفنب هيقسيو همعطي .. هرطخو رحبلا ؟؟ كل هللا دوعو قدصت له .. بيبحلا اهيأ لمأت .. ادناعم وأ اضفار نوكت نأ نم سترحأ عنص برلا نأ فيك ركذت .. كل هللا ديعاوم فى لا كش لابو ضىالما فى ةيرثك بئاجع كعم .. لبقتسلماو ضراحلا فى ادبأ كاسني نأ .. روشعلا نع هللا ديعاوم قدصت له ءماسلا ىوك حتفي هنأ .. نىوبرج لوقي برلا .. كيطعيو اهعيمج مكروعش نأ هللا ديعاوم قدصت له بشعو ءماسلا رويط سىني لا هنأ ؟؟ ةاصحم .. أدبا تنا كاسني لاف لقحلا لئاسو لىا أجلت اذمالف .. قدصت تنك نإو رماقلا لىا أجلت اذالم ؟؟ ةقئلا يرغ ةيشرب ؟؟ وتولستاتلاو بيصنايلاو .. شرب عارذ لىا أجلت اذالم .. قدصت تنك نإ ؟ تايبوسحلماو ةيشربلا ةطساولا نع ثحبتو لماعلا ءاضرإ لىع صرت اذالم .. قدصت تنك نإ ؟؟ هللا اياصو باسح لىع ولو .. دانعلاو ضفرلا روص نم ةروص هلك اذه لىا لصو ىذلا .. قيدصتلا مدع لىع ليلدو قدصت لا تلزام تنك نإ .. ضفرلاو كشلا فى ركفتو لمأتتو .. تمصت نأ ملعت اذأ .. نع كل فشكي برلا كرتأو .. كل هللا محارم فىو فىو اهنيح فى متت فوس ىتلا هتدارإو هلمع .. بسانلما اهتقو

“All things were made through Him”

H.H. Pope Tawadros II

Translated by Dr Marian Fouad - Assistant Professor - University of Menia El-Keraza -18th November 2022 9th Hator 1739

After the departure of Pope Shenouda III in March 2012 A.D., and the church’s implementation of selecting a new pope through a series of canonical stages that lasted until November 2012, the Divine Providence arranged that the altar lot to coincide with my 60th birthday on November 4th 2012 A.D. God chose my weakness for this immense responsibility, and that was a wondrous arrangement (and by the way, my father’s engagement to my mother was on the same day in the year 1948 A.D.!!!). Before the enthronement prayers that took place on November 18th, 2012 A.D., I went to my father of confession, the Late Anba Sarapamon, the Bishop and Abbot of the monastery of Anba Bishoy. I sat down in front of him carrying my fears, thoughts, and weaknesses together with the questions that were intertwined in my mind and my heart. I laid out what was inside me regarding this serious responsibility that I never thought of at all prior to that. He listened to me patiently and attentively, and maybe he was praying inside himself. Then he said: “All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made” (John 1:3). He repeated these words three or four times while I was fully listening. I noticed his smiling face as he said it as a message of reassurance, peace, and confirmation of God’s presence throughout all the days of our lives. Although we pray using this verse every day in a passage of the gospel of the Prime Hour prayer in the morning, and of course I memorized it completely, but when my father of confession pronounced it, this opened before me a window of hope, and tranquility and the peace of these words outpoured as a divine promise into my heart. My fears and thoughts evaporated as he - my father of confession - explained in simple words this promise and guarantee that makes the servant or the one responsible be in peace and reassurance throughout the course of events and days. Today, ten years after the enthronement, this promise still resonates inside me, and I dare to say it resonates every single day. The events taking place, whether joyful or painful, whether usual or exceptional, whether minor or major, whether expected or sudden, whether on an individual or a group level, whatever happens, it is all in the hands of God through whom all things were made; and without whom nothing was made that has been made. And behold, the age is advancing which is something that happens relentlessly and is unstoppable. However, over the years, we grow in wisdom, maturity, and a better understanding of events, people, and situations, even after we have had our share of disappointments, frustrations and maybe even treasonous situations in any form or extent. It is important to find God throughout the events in front of you because without God, you will always find a taste of bitterness. Life is a meaningful journey that is completely controlled by God, the Pantocrator. Aging is not just related to the physical aspects of weakness or

impairment only, but more importantly is concerned with the psychological, spiritual and mental aspects which should be active in various fields such as continuing education, reading, writing, prayer, growth, meditation and deepening in philosophy of life which is full of promises, possibilities, learning new skills or going through new experiences. We continue to offer our love and our talents to the entire world. How beautiful is the experience of St. Paul the Apostle when he got shipwrecked in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea while being a captive transferred for trial In Rome, when he said, “we gave way to it and were driven along” (Acts 27:15).

The one who contemplates on life will find there are mysteries and wonders everywhere, inside us and around us. For example, while we are lying in bed listening to our heartbeat, we seldom realize that planet Earth is revolving around the sun at a speed of thousands of kilometers per hour while we are in a state of total rest. Hence, we understand that God regulates everything, whether the heartbeat or the movement of the earth. Thus, the wonderful things in our lives are manifest, and we should think about them and meditate on the Creator instead of wasting hours on frivolous things that make us loose the sense of wonder and amazement. When we feel the hand of God that manages everything with wisdom, knowledge, strength, and creativity, we will feel that we are in a state of utmost reassurance and that when we let go, we are truly carried.

I have experienced in these past years three powerful experiences: 1. The value of time: It is the basis of every action, achievement, or project. We must always appreciate the value of time recognizing that God “has made everything beautiful in its time” (Ecclesiastes 3:11). “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15-16).

2. The value of grace: The graces of God are numerous, diverse, and abundant every morning, whether physical or moral, or whether visible or tangible. What is important, is that the person can feel them, appreciate them, thank God for them all the time everywhere, and to live a pious life full of the sweetness of satisfaction and gratitude.

3. The value of love: “Because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” (Romans 5:5). When you deal in this love with everyone, no matter who they are, no matter what they did, and whatever their reaction was, you realize that you are the winner because you never let hate to enter your heart knowing that “Love never fails” (1 Corinthians 13:8).

In conclusion, these three: time, grace and love are basic pillars in the life of any person especially as he begins a new phase in life. I remembered a phrase that I read a few years ago that can become a comforting balm all the time: «My Savior leads me throughout the way, so there is nothing that I desire besides Him. How can I to doubt His tender mercy which has been my lifelong guide? » May every year bring to all of you health, goodness, and peace ... H.H. Pope Tawadros II

Firast Annual Commemoration Archdeacon Rewis Saturday 17th December Liturgy and
-11am St. Mary’s Coptic Church, Kensington Father-in-law of Rev Fr Mark Attala Father of Haidy Benjamin and Meriam Attala ىلولأا ةيونسلا ىركذلا سيور نوكايديشرلأا لقتنملا ركذلا بيط ربمسيد ١7 تبسلا موي ميحارتلاو ىهللأا سادقلا ماقي احابص ١١- ٩ نوتنجنسنيكب ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةسينك دارفأ لك ىزعيو انع هتاولص ةكربب انعفنيو هسفن حيني برلا ةرسلأا ةراحلا ةمدخلا ةيفونملا فقسأ نيماينب ابنلأا ةفاين ش ١73٩ روتاه ٩ - 2022 ربمفون ١8 اراح نوكيو ،ةيحضتو لذب يف الله عم هرمع مداخلا يضقي ثيح ،حرفب ءاطعلاو كرتلاب ةراحلا ةمدخلا زيمتت حرفي ىتح ،يبلق اضرب هدهج لكو هتقو لك لله مدقيل يلك وأ يئزج سيركت يف ةيصخشلا هتامامتها كرتي هنأ ةجردل شيعيل هتاكلتمم لك عاب يذلا سوينوطنأ ابنلأا سيدقلا لثم ،هيمودخم نم نيريثك صلخيل هتمدخو هبعت رامثب الله ىلصو لله ديجمتو حيبست يف ةنس ٩0 دحوت يذلا حاوسلا لوأ لاوب ابنلأا لثمو ،عيمجلا لجلأ ايلصم ءارحصلا يف اشيعيل ةيملاعلا ةماركلاو هاجلاو كلملا اكرت ناذللا سويدامودو سوميسكم كلذكو ،اهيف ةسينكلاو اهلك رصم لجلأ فقسلأا يأ ةسينكلا كلام الله بتاع دقلو ؛هتمدخو الله ةبحم يف ةرارحلا نوكت اذكهو ،ةيربلا يف ضرلأا قوقش يف ىلولأا ةرارحلا يهتنت نيح :ةيحورلا ةرارحلا كرت ةروطخ.)3ؤر( »ىلولأا كتبحم تكرت كنأ كيلع يدنع« لائاق مداخلا دعتبيو ،رامثلا مدعنتو فدهلا عيضي دقو لب ،ءادلأا فعضيو دهجلا لقيو قيرطلا فرحني ةبحملا فعضتو ،اهل حلصي لا حبصأ هنلأ اهكرتي دقو ةمدخلا لميف ،اهب أدب يتلا ةناملأا نعو ،يلاثملا اهبولسأو ةمدخلا حور نع ةيضارعتسلاا هبعتتو ،ملعتلا بح سيلو ميلعتلا بحو ةسائرلا ةبحم لخدتو ،روهظلل ةليسو ىلإ ةمدخلا لوحتتو ةيحورلا ةايحلا باسح ىلع كلذ لكو ،يعامتجلااو يبدلأاو يداملا بسكملا هلغشيو ،نيرخلآا ىلع طلستلاو اوناك نوسيدقلا امنيب .هصلاخ نم لادب ةمدخلا يف كلهي دقو دودسم قيرط ىلإ لصي فسلألو ،هسفن صلاخو لصو هنس رغص مغر يذلا ليئاصيم سيدقلا لثم مهنس رغص مغر نيريثكلا ومن يف اببس اوناكو ،حورلاب نيراح .بصغتلاو داهجلاو ماوصلأا عم هماودب الله مامأ دوجسلاو ةدابعلا يف ةرارحلا نم ريثكب ةيحورلا ةحايسلا ةجرد ىلإ ةيحورلا ةايحلا يف مدقتف نابهرلا ءابلآل ةرثع ببس نوكي نأ ضفر هبلق ةرارحب يذلا بهارلا ايركز سيدقلاو هل لاق هتحاين يفو ،نيريثكل ةودق راصو الله حور نم لأتماو هجولا يف ةليمجلا هتروص تريغتف ديدشلا كسنلاو نيراحلا ءابلآا لصو دقلو ...»كمامأ ةحوتفم يئامسلا توكلملا باوبأف ايركز ينبا اي جرخا« سروذيسيإ سيدقلا ،بلقلا يف سدقلا حورلا لمعو ةكرح قوعت يتلا ةيصخشلا ءاوهلأا نم ررحتلا -١:ةيتلآا بابسلأل حورلا يف شيعيل يلخادلا نايكلا سيدقتو ،نهذلا ديدجتو بلقلاو ركفلا سيدقتب يه :ةواقنلاو .الله حورل ةعاطلاو ةواقنلاب كلذو جردتب لب زفق نودب يحورلا ملسلا يف دوعصلاو ومنلا ىلع الله حور لمعي انهو ،انتايح يف يهللإا هدصق بسح ةمواقملا تاذللاو ءايربكلا راكفأ لك نمو ،نيرخلآل ةنادإ لكو بضغ لكو ةئيدر ةوهش لك نم ةواقنلا ةجيتن ،ميكح ةسيفن ررد نم سفنلا نم ديري ام قرسيل ةيحورلا ةفرعملا رون ئفطيف قرسي يذلا صللا لثم يهف ،يحورلا ومنلل لمعل ةمواقم نودب :لله ةيبلقلا ةعاطلا -2.سودقلا الله حور انل هحنمي يذلا يحورلا لامكلاو ةراهطلا ففعتلا لثم يحور جردت ىلإ جاتحت ةعاطلاو ،حرفب الله اياصو ذيفنتو ،سدقملا باتكلا يف الله ركفل ةيقيقح ةذملتب لب ،حورلا نيذلا« نيسيدقلا ءابلآا دحلأ ةريطخ ةرابع ركذن كلذ ةيمهلأو .ةبحملاب اهلذبو اهراكنلإ تاذلل دحجو مظتنم بيردتو نمف ،انرخف ةسينكللو لله ةعاطلا« اضيأ مهملا لوقلاو ،»ةليذرلا ببسب اوكله نيذلا نم رثكأ ةليضفلا ببسب اوكله )حيسملا هباشي يأ( حلاصلا هيبلأ هتعاط لجأ نم بلص هنلأ ةلادب بولصملا مامأ فقيو هتوص الله عمسي اهانتقا ىلع نمتؤي نمل ةيحورلا ةعاطلا ةيمهلأ سويفونصرب سيدقلا كلذ دكؤيو ،»ةيئامسلا ميلشروأ ملاسلا ةنيدمل غلبيو .مهتمدخو مهبوعش لجلأ مهتايح نولذبيو ةسدقملا ةسينكلا نع نيلوئسملا ءابلآا نم انصلاخ
commemortion 9

O Lord the Departed: Departed to the Lord the late Mr Boshra Hanna Masoud, Husband of the late Evon Zaki, Father of Dr Amani Hanna, wife of Mr Ihab Barsoum in Melbourne; and Dr Maha Hanna, wife of Dr Nader Hanna in New Zealand. Grandfather of Mr Sherief Riad and Mr Hady Riad in New Zealand and Dr Ramez Barsoum in Brisbane, Dr Nardin Barsom wife of Mr Peter Awad in Melbourne.

May the Lord repose his soul and grant peace and comfort for all family members. Join us in honour and commemoration of the departed on Tuesday 6th December 2022 from 7PM-8:30PM at St Mary’s Church, Kensington. The funeral will be at St Mary’s Church at 12pm on Wednesday 7th of December. Then the burial in Bulla cemetery at 1.30pm. God bless you all

NOTICE TO THE MEMBERS OF THE FUNERAL FUND It is time to send your subscribtions for the new year تازانجلا تاقفن دادس عورشم ديدجلا ماعلل عورشملل مهتاكارتشأ دادسب مامتهلإا نيكرتشملا لك نم ءاجرلا + Remember
:نيدقارلا براي ركذأ + ىلإ كرايد يف نكسيل بر اي هتلبق و هترتخا نمل ىبوط دبلأٱ يرشب لضافلا يبرملا ةيوامسلا داجملاا ىلا لقتنا انح ضاير يكز نوفيا هموحرملا جوز يناما.د و ادنلايزوينب انح ردان د مرح اهم.د دلاو موسرب باهيإ .د مرح انح .نروبلمب رايط نتباكو فيرش.د دجو .ادنلايزوينب ضاير يداه .دو نبزربب زمار .د و سدنهم مرح موسرب نيدران . نروبلمب ضوع رتيب ربمسيد 6 ءاثلاثلا موي ءازعلا ءارذعلا ةديسلا ةسينكب نم نروبلبم .نوتجنيسنكب ءاسم 8 2/١ 7 يلع ةزانجلا هلاص ماقتسو 7 ءاعبرلأا موي ءارذعلا ةديسلا ةسينكب ةرهاطلا هحور ىف ةلئاعلا نفادم ىلا اهنمو ارهظ ١2 ةعاسلا ربمسيد . م ١.30 ةعاسلا يرتميس لالوب

The new Building is expected to be ready within 12 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downladed from church website. Cost of building works is around $12,000000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreaciated.

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April
ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .ارهش ١2 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلأا عقوتملا نم . .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا بسح .ارلاود نويلم ١2 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا ىكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني ىنورتكللأا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ىنابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Building Site 7th December 2022

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