Weekly Bulletin 11th September 2022

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Services at St Mary’s Church Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 8am The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom) Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom) Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm VespersEnglish &Bible Study Arabic 5:30Scouts7pm 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & Eng2ndlish Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm Church Priests: Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: Churchfrmichael@sac.edu.auAddress:5EpsomRd., Kens ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399 Fr John Macary 0433 445 636 :ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )ىزيلجنأ(ىاو اذ - ىزيلجنلأاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 8 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا ىبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 ىزيلجنأ - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 ىبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلاىزيلجنأ - احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩ 7 ىزيلجنأ - ةمدخلا دادعا عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 ىهللأا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجاءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاوىزيلجناةيشعلا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا ىزيلجناو ىبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا ىزيلجنا – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 ىناثلا سادقلا ىبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 ىزيلجنأ - ناحلأ لصف:ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأاميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com:نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email:Epsomfrmichael@sac.edu.auRd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا ىراكم0411518399بلأانوجسقلابلأا0433445636

On this day, the forerunner and great prophet, St. John the Baptist, son of Zacharias the priest, was martyred by the order of King Herod. When St. John rebuked Herod because of Herodi as, the wife of his brother Phillip whom he had taken as a wife, he said to him, “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife.” (Mark:6:18) Herod seized the Saint and cast him into prison; however, he feared AnJohn.opportune day came when Herod, on his birthday, gave a feast for his nobles, the high officers and the chief men of Galilee. And when Herodias’ daughter herself came in and danced and pleased Herod. He promised her anything she might ask for, even as much as half of his kingdom. She went to her mother and asked her, “What shall I ask?” Her mother said, “Ask for the head of John the Baptist on a platter.” When Herod

ةيطبقلا ةسنلا سأر - زورينلا ديع ١73٩73٩ توت ١ - ربمتبس ١١ ةيطبقلا ةنسلا سأر وه مويلا اذه لكب اسدقم اموي هظفحنلف . ةكرابملا لامعلأا نع دعتبنلو ، ةواقنو رهط ةيضرم ةديدج ةريس أدبنلو ، ةلوذرملا ئش لك نأ سلوب لوسرلا لوقي امك . دق ةميدقلا ءايشلأا . حيسملاب ددجت دقتراص دق ةديدج ءايشأ اذوه . تضم يذلا اذه . الله لبق نم وه ئش لكو .ةمدخ اناطعأو . حيسملاب انع يضر لاقو ) ١8 و ١7 : هوك2( ةحلاصملا يلع برلا ديسلا حور« يبنلا ءايعشانيكاسملا رشبلأ ينحسم برلا نلابلقلا يرسكنم بصعلأ ينلسرأ ،نيروسأملل و قتعلاب نييبسملل يدانلأ دواد لاقو ، )١ : 6١ شا( قلاطلإابكحلاصب ةنسلا سأر كراب« يبنلا : 65زم( امسد مكعاقب ئلتمت .انظفحي نأ برلا نم بلطنلف . )١١ لمعلا يلع اندعاسيو ةيطخ ريغب ميرم ةسيدقلا ةعافشب .هتاضرمب . نيسيدقلاو ءادهشلا عيمجو ءارذعلا.نيمآ نادمعملا انحوي سيدقلا داهشتسا توت 2 - ربمتبس ١22 قباسلا سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه يف نبا نادمعملا انحوي ميظعلا يبنلاو ، سدوريه دي ىلع ، نهاكلا ايركز انحوي يبنلا هتكب امل كلذو . كلملاهيخأ ةجوز ايدوريه لجأ نم . هجوز هل اهذختا يتلآ سبليفذخأت نأ كل لحي لا . هل لائاق سيدقلا ىلع ضبقف ، كيخأ ةأرما كلذ عمو . نجسلا ىلإ هعفدو املف )20 : 6 رم( هباهي ناك دقف عنص سدوريه دلايم ديع قفتايمدقمو هتكلمم رباكلأ ةميلو. هيخأ ةنبا ترضحو . ليلجلا تبجعأف . طسولا يف تصقرفاهيطعي نأ اهدعوف . كلملا فصن ىلإ ولو ، هلأست ام لك . اهمأ ىلإ تجرخف . ةكلمملا سأر يبلطا : اهمأ اهل تلاقف املف . قبط ىلع نادمعملا انحوي لجلأو . نزح كلذ كلملا عمس. اهدري نأ دري مل هعم نيئكتملا، انحوي سأر عطقو هتقول لسرأفاهملأ هتطعأف ، ةيبصلل هاطعأو قلق ناكو . )28 – 2١ : 6 رم( مهحرف لدبتو مويلا كلذ يف ميظعدق سدقملا سأرلا نأ ليقو ، انزح خرصي وهو، مهيديأ نيب نم راط

11th September - 1st Tote 1739

Feast of El-Nayrouz

(Beginning of the Blessed Coptic Year).

Today is the beginning of the blessed Coptic year. It is necessary to keep it a holy day with full purity and chastity. Let us start a new demeanor as St. Paul the Apostle says, “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation: old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.” (2 Cor. 5:17-18) And Isaiah the Prophet says, “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the meek; He has sent Me to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives. To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.” (Isaiah 61:1-2) And David the Prophet says, “You crown the year with Your goodness; and Your paths drip with abundance.” (Psalms 65:11) We ask our God to keep us without sin and help us to act according to His will with the intercessions of the pure Saint Mary, all the Martyrs and Saints. Amen. The Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist. 12th September - 2nd Tote

ذخأت نأ كل لحي لا : لائاق وجلا يفنلآا سأرلا نأ ليقو ، كيخأ ةأرما سدقملا دسجلا امأ . صمح لامعأب ربق يف هوعضوو هذيملات هلمح دقف ،ثيح كريرطبلا سويسانثأ مايأ ىلإنوكت هتلاص . هراهظإ برلا دارأ . نيمأ . انعم نب يبنلا ءايعشأ سيدقلا داهشتسا م ق ٩١33 ةنس صومآ توت 6 - ربمتبس ١66 ميظعلا يبنلا حينت مويلا اذه يفهرشن نأ دعب صومأ نب ءايعشا اذه . بشخلا راشنمب ، كلملا يسنمكولم ةسمخ نامز يف أبنت يبنلاهنبا زاحأو . ماثويو . ايزوع : مهوزاحلا أبنتو . ىسنمو ، ايقزحو . ىعديو . انبا دلتو لبحت ءارذعلا نأ . (١4 : 7 ش ا( ليئونامع همساهمسا . ىعدي نبلاا اذه نأ أبنت مثايدبأ ابأ اريدق اهلإ اريشم ابيجع هنأو )6 : ٩ ش ا( ملاسلا سيئر هتاذ ميدقتب ملاعلا محريس حورجم وهو ،رشبلا نعقوحسم ،انيصاعم لجلأ بيدأت ، انماثآ لجلأ هربحبو ، هيلع انملاس عضو برلا . . . انيفش 5 3 شا( انعيمج مثآ هيلع .(6 ، 5 : ايقزح نامز يف ائبنتو هرصاح امل هبلق ىوقو ، روشأ كلم بيراحنس هكلهيس الله نأ هملعأو ، هيلع هئارتفا لجلأ نم ىلاعت الله كلهاف ةئم بيراحنس ركسع فلأ نينامثو ةسمخو (36 : 37 ش ١( لجر دنجلا نم ىقب نم درطو هملعأ ايقزح ضرم املو ، ابراه املف ، تومي هنلأ هتيب ، ىصوي نأ ، ءايعشا هيلإ لسرأ الله ىلإ ىلص ةرشع سمخ هداز دق هنأ هملعأو ىلع اهب لدتسي ةيآ هارأو . ةنس . (8 : 38 ش ا( ةوبنل ا قدصنم ليئارسإ بيصي ام ىلع أبنتو مهتبحمو مهبولق ةواسقل تلايولا الله ةدابع نع مهداعتباو ةيطخلل. ريسيلا لاإ مهنم نمؤي لا هنأو .شطع امل ءام الله عبنأ هتلاصبوىرخأ ةرم وه شطع املو . بعشلا تكب املو . ناولس نيع هل الله عبنأرمأ ناثولأا ةدابع ىلع هنبأو ىسنم

heard this, he was exceedingly sorry. But because of his promise and those who were sitting with him, he did not want to refuse her request. He therefore commanded his servants to cut off the head of Saint John and they gave it to the damsel and the damsel gave it to her mother. (Mark 6:20-28) There was great consternation that day, and their joy soon turned into sorrow. It was said that when the holy head of St. John was cut off, it flew up off their hands into the air, and it cried out saying, “It is not right for you to take your brother’s wife.” It is also said that the head now is present at Homs in AsSyria.ofthe holy body, the disciples of St. John took it and laid it in a grave until the days of Pope Athanathius, when God Willed to uncover his body. His blessings be with us all. Amen. The Departure of Isaiah the Prophet. 16th September - 6th Tote On this day, the great Prophet Isaiah, the son of Amoz, was killed by the hand of Manasseh the King who sawed him with a wooden saw. This prophet prophesied in the days of five kings: Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, and Manasseh. He prophesied to Ahaz saying, “Behold, the virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14) He also prophesied that, “His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace,” (Isaiah 9:6), and the Lord will have mercy upon the world by offering Himself a sacrifice for all mankind as, “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him; and by His stripes we are healed..., and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” (Isaiah 53:5-6) He prophesied to Hezekiah and encouraged him when Sennacherib, King of Assyria, besieged Jerusalem. He informed Hezekiah that God would perish Sennacherib because of his blasphemy against Him. And that night the angel of the Lord went out and killed in the camp of the Assyrian 185,000 men (Isaiah 37:36), and those who were spared fled from the camp. And when Hezekiah the King was sick, Isaiah told him

. راشنملاب هرشنب ءيجم قبسو . ةنس نيعبس وحن أبنتو ةرشع ثلاثو ةئم عستب حيسملا ديسلا .نيما . انعم نوكت هتلاص . ةنس 25سروقسيد ابابلا ةحاين توت 7 - ربمتبس ١7 بلأا حينت م 45١ ةنس نم مويلا اذه يفميظعلا ةيسكذوثرلأا لطب ، طوبغملا نورشعلاو سماخلا سروقسيد سيدقلا هتحاين تناكو . ةيردنكسلإا تاواباب نم داهجلا دهاج نأ دعب ارغاغ ةريزج يفكلذو . ةيسكذوثرلأا ةناملأا نع نسحلا رمأب ينودقلخلا عمجملا ىلإ يعد امل هنأنم اريبك اعمج ىأر ، نايقرم كلملا ،افقسأ نيثلاثو ةئامتس مهددع غلبي ةفقاسأىتح ةناملأا هصقنت يذلا وه ام لاقف اولاقف ؟ ةميظعلا ةعامجلا هذه تعمتجا كلملا رمأب تعمتجا ةعامجلا هذه نا هل ديسلا رمأب عمجملا اذه ناك نا لاقف ،ملكتي امب ملكتأو ، هرضحأ انأف ، حيسملا عمتجا دق ناك ناو يناسل ىلع برلا هبامك هعمجم كلملا ربديلف ، كلملا رمأب ةيمور كريرطب نولا نأ ىأر ذأو ، ديري نم نيتئيشمو نيتعيبط حيسملل نأ ملع دق دقتعملا اذه ضحدل ىربنا ، داحتلاا دعب يذلا وه ، دحاو حيسملا نا« لاقف ديدجلا ناسناك سرعلا ىلإ يعد ءاملا لوح يذلا وهو ، يف قرتفي ملو ، هلإك ارمخدهشتساو ، »هلامعأ عيمج نا« سلريك ابابلا لوقب دسجلاب الله هملك داحتا دسجلاب سفنلا داحتاك ، ديدحلاب رانلا داحتاكو ، نيتعيبط نم اناك ناو ، امهداحتابف ، نيتفلتخم كلذك ، . »ادحاو اراص دحاو حيسم ، حيسملا ديسلا ةعيبط ، دحاو برو .، ملف . ةدحاو ةئيشم ، ةدحاونيعمتجملا نم دحأ رسجي همواقي نأ عمجملا يف رضح نم مهيف ناك دقوعمتجا يذلا سسفأ عمجماوملعأو روطسن ىلع ةكلملاو نايقرم كلملا فلاخي مل هنأ ، ايراخلبلاإ ةناملأا يف امكرمأ ةنيدم كريرطب سروقسيد هارضحتساف . ةيردنكسلإا ةفقاسلأا نم عمجملا يف نيمدقتملاو وه ىلإ نوثحابتيو نوشقانتي اورمتساو ، لا سروقسيد سيدقلاو ، راهنلا رخأ

When he saw that Leo, Archbishop of Rome, was teaching that Christ has two natures and two wills

to set his house in order, for he was to die. And when Hezekiah prayed to God, He sent to him Isaiah the prophet who made known to him that God had added to his days 15 years. And God showed him a sign so that he might realize the validity of his prophesy. (Isaiah 38:8) Isaiah prophesied about what would befall Israel from calamities because of the hardness of their hearts, love for sin and their forsaken of the worship of God, and only a few of them would be believers. Because of his prayers God sprung water when the people were thirsty. On another occasion, when Isaiah himself was thirsty, God sprung for him the spring of Siloam. When he rebuked Manasseh because of his evil deeds and worshipping idols, Manasseh ordered to have him Hesawed.prophesied for 70 years and he came 913 years before the advent of the Lord Christ. His prayers be with us all. Amen. The Departure of St. Dioscorus, 25th Pope of Alexandria. 17th September - 7th Tote

On this day of the year 451 A.D., the blessed father and the great champion of Orthodoxy, Saint Dioscorus, 25th Pope of Alexandria, departed. His departure took place on the island of Gagra after he had fought the good fight defending the Orthodox Whenfaith. he was summoned to the Council of Chalcedon by the order of Emperor Marcianus, he saw a great assembly of 630 bishops. Saint Dioscorus asked, «In whom is the faith lacking that it was necessary to gather this great assembly?« They told him, «This assembly has been convened by the emperor›s command.« He replied, «If this assembly has been convened by the command of our Lord Jesus Christ I shall stay and speak with what God may give me to say; but if this assembly has been convened by the emperor›s command, let the emperor manage his assembly as he pleases.«

When St. Dioscorus knew this, he sent for the document and pretended that he wanted to sign it too. But when he read the document, he wrote at its foot that he excommunicated everyone who had signed it, as well as everyone who deviated from the Orthodox Faith. The emperor was enraged and he commanded to banish St. Dioscorus to the island of Gagra, along with St. Macarius, the Bishop of Edko, and two others, and the Council of Chalcedon was resumed. When they took St. Dioscorus to the island of Gagra, its bishop, because he was a Nestorian, met him with contempt and disdain. However, God performed at the hands of St. Dioscorus many great signs and wonders, so that all obeyed him, respected and revered him greatly, for God honors His chosen ones in every place. St. Dioscorus told St. Macarius, his companion in exile, «You shall receive the crown of martyrdom in Alexandria.« He sent him with one of the believing merchants to Alexandria, where he received the crown of martyrdom. St. Dioscorus, having ended his good fight, departed from this vain life and received the crown of eternal life. He departed on the island of Gagra where his body was laid. His blessings and prayers be with us all. Amen.

after the Union, he took the charge to refute this new belief. He stated that our Lord Jesus Christ is one, He who was invited to the wedding as a man and changed the water into wine as a God, and that the two natures were not separated in all of His works. Quoting Pope Cyril, he said, «The Hypostatic Union of the Word of God with the flesh is like the union of the soul with the body and like the union of fire and iron: even as they are of two different natures, by their union they became one. Likewise, our Lord Christ is one Messiah, one Lord, and one Nature.« None of those who were gathered at that assembly dared to contradict him. Among them were some who had attended the Council of Ephesus, which had been convened against Nestorius. Some informed the Emperor Marcianus and the Empress Belkarya that no one disobeyed their commands concerning the faith except Dioscorus, Patriarch of the City of Alexandria. They brought St. Dioscorus, and the leading bishops of the Council who debated and discussed the matter till it was evening, but St. Dioscorus would not deviate from his Orthodox belief. The emperor and empress were irritated at this, and the empress commanded to smite St. Dioscorus on his mouth, and to pluck out the hair of his beard. He took the hair and the teeth that were knocked out and sent them to Alexandria saying, »This is the fruit of Faith.«

When the rest of the bishops saw what had happened to Dioscorus, they agreed with the emperor, being afraid of undergoing the same fate. They signed the document of the belief that Christ has two distinct and separate natures.

كلذ قشف ، هتنامأ نع جرخيترمأف ، ةكلملاو كلملا ىلع ، همف ىلع هبرضب ةكلملا اولعفف ، هتيحل رعش فتنو نانسلأاو رعشلا ذخاف ، كلذ ىلإ اهلسرأو ، تطقس يتلا ةرمث هذه : لائاق ةيردنكسلإا ةفقاسلأا ةيقب امأ، ناميلإا ىرج ام اوأر امل مهناف ، كلملا اوقفاو ، سروقسيدل ام مهب لحي نأ اوفاخ مهنلأ ىلع مهيدي اوعقوف ،هب لح حيسملل ناب داقتعلاا ةقيثو ، نيتقرتفم نيتفلتخم نيتعيبط لسرأ ، سروقسيد ملع املفرارقلإا يأ ( سموطلا بلطفديري هنأ امعاز ) هوبتك يذلاهأرق املف ، مهلثم عقوي نأمرحو مهمرحب هلفسأ يف بتكةناملأا نع جرخي نم لك كلملا ظاتغاف ، ةميقتسملا ارغاغ ةريزج ىلإ هيفنب رمأو سويراقم سيدقلا هعم ىفنو ، ، نارخآ نانثاو ، وكدا فقسأ . ةينوديقلخب عمجملا لظو سيدقلاب اوضم املو ةريزج ىلإ سروقسيد ارهظم اهفقسأ هلباق ، ارغاغ ةناهتسلااو هنأشب فافختسلاا ايروطسن ناك هنلأ ، هصخشب ىلع ىرجأ الله نأ ريغ ، تايآ سروقسيد سيدقلا دي ةميظع ةريثك بئاجعو ، هولجبو مهلك هوعاطأفالله نلأ هماركإ يف اودازو . ناكم لك يف هيراتخم دجميهقيفر سويراقم سيدقلا امأو سيدقلا هل لاقف ىفنملا يفليلكإ كل تنأ سروقسيد هلسرأ مث . ةيردنكسلإا يفىلإ نينمؤملا راجتلا دحأ عم ةداهشلا ليلكإ لان اهيفو كانه . سروقسيد سيدقلا امأ . . نسحلا هداهج لمكأ دقف ةلطابلا ةايحلا هذه نم لقتناو ةيدبلأا ةايحلا ليلكإ لانو ثيح . ارغاغ ةريزج يف هتاولص . كانه هدسج عضو . اعيمج انعم نوكت هتاكربو.نيمأ

ةيطبقلا ةنسلا سأر ـ زويرنلا ديع ١٧٣٩توت ١ -٢٠٢٢ برمتبس ١١ مويلا توت رهش نم لولأا دحلأا وهو ءادهشللكرابلما ةديدجلا ةيطبقلا ةنسلا مايأ لوأ وه مويلاو تاءارقو زويرنلا ديع وهو .ءادهشلل ١٧٣٩ :يه مويلا ىهللأا سادقلا ادحأ ناك نأ اذإ ١٣ :٦ - ١١ :٥ وك٢ سلوبلا ةقيتعلا ءايشلأا ةديدج ةقيلخ وهف حيسلما في .اديدج راص لكلا اذوه تضم دق ضييم لماعلاو ١٧ – ٧ :٢ انحوي ١ :نوكيلوثاكلا هللا ةئيشم عنصي ىذلا امأو لوزت هتوهشو .دبلأا لىا تبثيف هللاف ٣٤ – ١٦ :١٧ لسرلا لماعأ :سيسكربلأا نع ايضاغتم اوبوتي نأ سانلا عيمج رمأي نلآا .لهجلا ةنمزأ زركلأ ٣٠ – ١٤ :٤ اقول :سدقلما ليجنلأا ..ةلوبقلما برلا ةنسب ينسيدقلا انئابآ راكذت -زويرنلا ديع مويلا مهنويع في هلك لماعلا ناه نيذلا ءادهشلا اوقلطناف حيسلما كلملل مهتبحم ميظع مامأ باذعلا عضاوم لىا بكاومو بكاوم في بكاوم ..ةبيجع ةوشنو حرف في داهشتسلااو انتسينكف لايجلأا رم لىع ةرمتسم تلازام تملتسا نأ ذنم أدب مئاد زويرن في شيعت اهبيبحو اهسيرع نم ميقتسلما نايملأا ةعيدو برع صلاخإو ةنامأ في اهتلمحو يوماسلا دنع ةرمثم ةحبار ةميلس اهمدقتل لايجلأا ءانبأ اننأ ..نياثلا هئيجم في برلا عم اهئاقل ءانبأ اننأ ..ينصلخلما ءانملأا ينسيدقلا ءلاؤه ..ءادهشلا مأ ..اهبيبحل ةيفولا ةسينكلا هذه ةدهطضلما سورعلا ..ةليمجلاو ءادوسلا ةيرب برع اهسيرع لىع ةدنتسم ةحرف اهنكلو سرع ديع في ةبيبحلا ملأا هذهو ..لماعلا اذه اهلجأ نم مهئامد اومدق نيذلا اهتانبو اهئانبأ ةناملأا انملتسا نيذلا نحن انيلا مويلا رظنت ينصلخم مهلثم ءانمأ انك نا موي لك انلأستو انؤابإ نأب للهتن نأ ادبأ يفكي لاو ..دهعلل لاؤسلا لب ..ينسيدقو ءماظع لاطبأ اوناك برلا ؟؟نحن انع اذام ..وه مويلا مهلما بحلا ةلاسرب ..مهب لثمتن كيل مويلا انوعدي ..بيلصلا لىع اهايإ انملس انل اهأدب يتلا نيروسمألل ىداني ..بولقلا يسركنم ىفشي ينقحسنلما لسريو صربلاب ىمعلاو قلاطلأاب برلا ..برلل ةلوبقم ةنسب زركي ..ةيرحلا في ةلمرأ لثم ..ةنيملأا سوفنلا هذه مويلا بلطي سفنلا ىتح ةيفولا ةصلخلما اديص ةفصر نكيم يذلا ةديدشلا ةعاجلما نمز في ..يرخلأا اهلافطأ لىع نونحلا ملأا سودت نأ هيف AlNayrouz

Feast- The New Coptic Year Today September 11, 2022 - 1 Thoout 1739 for the martyrs, which is the first Sunday of the blessed month of Thoout Today is the first day of the Coptic New Year 1739 for the martyrs. It is Nowruz, and the readings of the Divine Liturgy today are: Pauline 2 Corinthians 5:11 - 6:13 If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away, behold, all things are new. Catholicon: 1 John 2:7-17, and the world passes away and its lust passes away, but he who does God’s will abides forever. Acts: Acts 17:16-34 these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to Therepent,Holy Gospel: Luke 4:14-30 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

Today is AlNayrouz Feast - the memorial of our holy martyred fathers, in whose eyes the whole world was nothing before their great love for the King Christ, so they set out in many processions to places of suffering and martyrdom in joy and marvelous ecstasy; Processions, which are still going on over generations. Our church lives in a permanent Nayrouz that began since it received the guarantee of faith The upright from her Groom and her heavenly lover, and she carried it faithfully and loyally through the generations, for her progress, sound, profitable, and fruitful at her meeting with the Lord at His Second Coming. We are the children of these faithful and truthful saints. The mother of the martyrs; the black and beautiful, the oppressed bride but joyful depending on her Groom through the wilderness of this Thisworld..beloved mother, on the wedding feast of her sons and daughters who sacrificed their blood for her, looks today at us who received the faith and asks us every day if we are as faithful as them faithful to the covenant! It is never enough to rejoice that our fathers were great heroes and saints. Rather, the important question today is: what about us?? The Lord calls us today to imitate them. With the message of love that He began for us, he delivered it to us on the cross. He heals the brokenhearted.. He calls the captives release and the blind with sight. He sends the oppressed to freedom, Preaching an acceptable year for the Lord.. The Lord is asking for these faithful souls today, like the widow of Zarephath of Sidon the honest and faithful until the last breath. In a time of severe famine, when a tender mother may trample her children because of the famine, we find this widow preparing the last meal for her

ةبجولا دعت ةلمرلأا هذه دجن ..وجلا ببسب هجاوت امدنع نطلو اهسفنلو اهلفطل ةيرخلأا ..هللا لجر ايليأ ينبو اهسفن ينب رايتخلااب لاوأ دعتو ةنامأب دعولا قدصتو ددترت لا اهنإف تراص تايرثك لمارأ ينب اذكهو ..هللا لجرل ..هللا لجر فيضتو مركت نأ ةقحتسلما يه ..نيايسرلا نماعن نع اضيأ برلا انثدحيو اهبحأ ةنامأ ..هتلاسرلو هديسل صلخلما دئاقلا بلطي نأ ةمارك لاني نأ هاطعأو ادج هللا بيرغ ىنثو ناسنأ هنأ مغر ليئاسرأ هلإ نم كلذ في نييرثكلا صبرلا ينب نمو ..سنجلا ةمعن برلا هحنم يذلا وه ناك تقولا ..يبنلا عشيلأ دي لىع ندرلأا رهن في ءافشلا ينصلخلما ءلاؤه نع مويلا ثحبي برلا اذه طسو يزاركلا هلمع لىع مهنمأتسيل بهذ امدنع ..شرلاو ةملظلاب ئلالما لماعلا هيف هحور تدتحأ انيثأ لىا سلوب سيدقلا لمتحي لمو ناثولأاب ةئيلم ةنيدلما دجو ذا لمو طقف اروبع برعي ناك هنأ مغر تكسي نأ ..تقولا كلذ في اهيف شربي نأ ىوني نكي فقيو زركي كيل هيف بحلا ةقاط تقلطناو في لماعلا حراسم رهشأ سوغاب سويرلأا فى نع لماعلا ةفسلاف مظعأ ملكيل تقولا كلذ مغرو ..تاوملأا ةمايقو صلاخلاو نايملأا حازلما نم عون هنأ اوبرتعاو هب اوأزهتسا مهنأ تاوملأا ةمايق نع دحأ ملكتي نأ ملكتي نأ نم يننثأ ..رمثلا نم همرحي لم برلا نأ لاا فوسليفلا مهنمو ..مهبولق برلا سم نيذلا ةأرماو ىغابويرلأا سوسينويد ميظعلا لماعلاو ةيادبو ةيرغص ةيرمخ اوراصو ..سرماد اهمسأ ةميظع ةنيدم تراص يتلا انيثأ في ةيحيسملل لزن اضيأ اذكه ..دعب مايف عوسي برلل لاب اديحو ابيرغ ةيردنكسلإاب سقرم سيدقلا هبلق نكلو ايفاضإ ءاذح لاو دوزم لاو سيك بذجي نأ ديري بحلا نم نافوطب ضيفي ناك ذيفنت ةكرب فىو ..عوسي برلل سوفنلا هب سفن لوأ ةيده برلا هاطعأ درجتلا ةيصو ..فياكسلإا سوناينيأ سيدقلا ..صرم في نمؤت ..ناكم لكو ليج لك في ءانمأ دوهش هل هللا ..مهنم ادحاو نوكت نأ مويلا كديري هللاو ءليم لماع طسو هبحب دهشت نأ كديري دهشت نأ مويلا كديري ..ةينانلأاو دقحلاب هناونع ةساجنلا تراص لماع طسو كتراهطب طسو كتنامأب دهشت نأ كديري ..هعوضومو هللا ..طقف نمثلا عفدي نلم لاا صلخي لا لماع ةلاسرلا في انيمأو ايفو نوكت نأ مويلا كديري اهملست نأ عيطتست ىتح اهيلع تنتمؤا يتلا ..كدعب نوتأي نلمو كدلاولأ ةرمثم ةيقن نيذلا ةليضفلاو نايملأا راجت نم رذحأ child and herself and when she faced with a choice between herself and Elijah the man of God, she does not hesitate and believes the promise faithfully and prepares first for the man of God. Thus, among many widows, she became the one worthy of honoring and hosting the man of God. The Lord also tells us about Naaman the Syrian, the faithful leader of his master and his mission. A trust that God loved very much and gave him to be honored to ask the God of Israel even though he is a pagan person of a strange gender. Among the many lepers at that time, he was the one whom the Lord granted the grace of healing in the Jordan River through the prophet Elisha. Today, the Lord is looking for those loyal people to entrust them with his preaching work in the midst of this world full of darkness and evil. When St. Paul went to Athens, his spirit became ardent in him, as he found the city full of idols, and he could not bear to be silent, even though he was only crossing and he did not intend to preach in it at that time. And the energy of love was released in him to preach and stand in the Areopagus, the most famous theater in the world at that time, to speak to the greatest philosophers of the world about faith, salvation and the resurrection of the dead. Although they mocked him and considered it a kind of joke to speak for someone about the resurrection of the dead, but the Lord did not deprive him of the fruit; two of those whose hearts God touched, among them was the great philosopher and scientist Dionysus the Areopagite and a woman named Damaris. They became a small leaven and the beginning of Christianity in Athens, which later became a great city for the Lord Jesus. So also St. Mark descended in Alexandria as a stranger, alone, without a bag, no mantle, and no extra shoes, but his heart was overflowing with a flood of love, wanting to attract souls to the Lord Jesus. And in the blessing of carrying out the commandment of detachment, the Lord gave him the gift of the first soul to believe in Egypt; Saint Anianus the cobbler. God has faithful witnesses in every generation and every place. God wants you today to be one of them. He wants you to testify of His love in the midst of a world full of hatred and selfishness. He wants you today to witness with your purity in the midst of a world where impurity has become its title and subject. He wants you to testify of your honesty in the midst of a world only who pay the price will be saved. God wants you today to be faithful and honest to the message that you were entrusted with so that you can deliver it pure and fruitful to your children and to those who come after you. Beware of the traders of faith and virtue who adorn you a false

+ St. Jacob of Persia. He is from a Christian family. At the beginning of the persecution he weakened and denied faith. His mother and wife grieved greatly over his denial of faith. They wrote to him a touching letter reprimanding him for his refusal to love the God Who loves him very much. He was greatly affected by their message and returned to declare his faith with courage. The king ordered that he be tortured by cutting his limbs off one by one. In all of this he thanked God and was comforted, and finally one of the guards came forward and cut his head off, and this was in the year 431 AD.

faith without origin. They did not receive the good thing like you. They have left their trusts before and they have nothing to hand over to their children except sweet, empty words. The Lord has allowed you to be and sojourn in this country to bear witness to Christ Who loved you; a practical testimony in which you will become a living and readable Gospel of all people Christ today wants to be imagined in you. He wants you to be a preacher of a year acceptable to the Lord.

+ St. George. He was a commander in Emperor Diocletian’s army. When the emperor issued decrees persecuting Christians, he left the army and went to the king’s palace confessing his Christianity in a public assembly in front of the emperor and all his entourage. The emperor’s efforts to tempt him or threaten him to abandon his true belief did not succeed with him. Nevertheless, a horrific series of tortures began, from which the saint came out unharmed and became the cause of the belief of many, including the emperor’s wife herself. In the end, the emperor ordered his beheading. We celebrate his martyrdom on the 23rd of Baramouda (1 May).

September 11 - 1 Tut is the first day of the Coptic New Year 1738 AM. It is Nayrouz, Martyrs’ Feast. This feast is one of the feasts that have a great place in our church. In the past it was celebrated as an official public celebration. Officially, it was considered a national feast in Egypt. Nayrouz feast is undoubtedly a national holiday for the Coptic Orthodox Church, in which the Church remembers her martyred children who gave their lives for their love in the King Christ. They set the most wonderful examples of their faith, their persistence, and their courage in the face of torture and death. Death has become for them a joyful thing that they strive for. They rush to it and consider it a gate leading to the meeting of their Beloved Lord Jesus. These are some luminous examples of the holy martyrs. Let us take from them an example of steadfastness and strength of faith...

Nayrouz Feast - Feast of the Martyrs

اوملتسي لم مهنأ ..لوصأ لاب افيزم انايمأ كل نونيزي سيلو لبق نم مهعئادو اوكرت دقل ..كلثم ةعيدو لوسعلما ملاكلا ىوس مهدلاولأ هنوملسي ام مهدنع في برغتتو دجوت نأ برلا كل حمس دقل ..يواخلا ةداهش ..كبحأ يذلا حيسملل دهشت كيل دلابلا هذه عيمج نم اءورقمو ايح لايجنأ اهيف يرصت ةيلمع كديري ..كيف روصتي نأ ديري مويلا حيسلما ..سانلا ...برلل ةلوبقم ةنسب ازراك نوكت نأ

+ Saint Mina the Wonderworker. He is one of the most famous martyrs in Egypt.

+ St. Mercurius (Abu Sefein). He was also a soldier of the Emperor. He was famous for his bravery and good manners. An angel of the Lord appeared to him in the likeness of a human being in white clothes and gave him a sword saying to him “if you defeat your enemies, remember the Lord your God.” This happened when the saint were on his way to war. Upon his return, the angel appeared to him again and reminded him. Indeed the saint went and confessed the Lord Christ and endured many tortures, then he received the crown of martyrdom around the year 250 AD, and we celebrate his commemoration on the 25th of Hatoor (December 4).

+ St. Demiana and the Forty Virgins. She is also one of the great martyrs in Egypt. Her father was the governor of Burullus. Because of her love for virginity, her father built a palace for her in which she lived with forty virgins to worship in it. And when her father Mark weakened and denied the faith, the saint sent to him saying: I was hoping to hear the news of your martyrdom. She convinced him to return back and declare his faith. And he returned and declared his faith and was martyred. The Emperor sent his soldiers to Saint Demiana when he knew that she was the reason for her father’s return to the faith. She refused to deny her faith, so she came forward with the forty virgins with courage. They confessed the faith with others around 400 individuals who attended the martyrdom. And they all came forward with courage to be martyred as well. Her body is still in the church that Queen Helena built for her near Belqas in the north Delta.

+ The martyrs of Libya. A few years ago, these simple heroes presented the most wonderful examples of adherence to faith in the most difficult circumstances. They left to us for the first time in history a living video recording of their recognition of the Lord whom they loved and their martyrdom for the faith in which they lived. No strength or pain was able to prevent them from catching up with the procession of the forefathers the holy martyrs. There are many examples of these heroes. It is a procession that began and will not end until the Second Coming. In it is all kinds of heroism and strong faith; there are martyrs for chastity, martyrs for virtue, and martyrs for faith. There is also with them a long list of confessors who were tortured and passed through the crucible of pain, but they were not martyred. Moreover, there are many those who are martyred every day for their chastity, purity and Christian principles. They tolerate ridicule and mockery; tolerate people’s harassment of them. It is true that blood martyrdom may be rare these days, but there is another type of martyrdom. The Church today needs this new type of martyrs who are ready to sacrifice their comfort, financial gain and the pleasures of the world for the sake of their Christianity. Beloved, ask yourself today: These martyrs gave everything they had, their whole lives. And you, what do I offer? Are you ready to sacrifice something, anything even a small thing? Are you ready today to offer something to the Lord Who loved you? You want examples! There are many examples. Quit smoking and inappropriate habits; dance parties, inappropriate movies, inappropriate clothes, excess makeup. Leave for the sake of Christ Who loved you. Put your feet on the first path of martyrdom. Perhaps a time will come when your whole life will be asked to be a price for your Christ. Will you be ready?

He is an Egyptian martyr who was a soldier in the King’s army. He left the army and went to the desert to worship. There he spent five years in an ascetic life, and at the end of it he saw a vision of angels crowning martyrs with luminous crowns. He desired to become a martyr and set out to the place of martyrdom, declaring his faith loudly in front of everyone. After a series of tortures, his head was cut off and he was martyred with many of those who became Christians due to his faith and courage. That was around the year 309 AD when he was 24 years old. We celebrate the commemoration of his martyrdom on the 15th of Hatour (November 24).

+ The child Kiriakos and his mother Yolita. The mother bravely confessed her Christianity while holding her young child on her hands. The governor ordered to remove her son from her and whip her harshly, but the child clung to his mother and when they took him from her and took him to the governor, he pointed his fingers in the governor’s face while he loudly declared: I am a Christian, I am a Christian. The governor was very angry, and he grabbed St. Kiriakos by his feet and threw him hard on the ground, so his head was crushed and he died. The mother thanked God that her son had preceded her for glory, and finally they cut off her head.

ءادهشلاو ةداهشلا يناثلا سورضاوت ابابلا ءادهشلاو ةداهشلا سادقلا تابلط يف اهيلصن ةرابع يف لمأتن نأ بحن ،ثادحلأا ةرمغ يف نحنو ،زورينلا ديع ةبسانم يف عم مهدع اوبات نيذلا ةاطخلا« :لوقن ؛ةيحورلا انتايحل اسايقم اهبسحن نأ نكمي ةرابعلا هذهو ،يهللإا ».كتكئلامب نيهبشتم مهلعجا انهه نيذلاو ،كئادهش عم مهدع كونمؤمو ،كينمؤم »يمأ يب تلبح ةيطخلاب« :يبنلا دواد ريبعت بسحبو ،ةيطخلا يف دلو ناسنإ لك :اوبات نيذلا ةاطخلا عيمجلاو اهلوأو ةيرشبلا وبأ وه ةئيطخلا بكترا يذلا نلأ ةئيطخلا ةمصو لمحي لكلاف ،)5 :5١ رومزم( نم لقتني نأ هرمع مايأ ربعو هتايح يف ناسنإ لك دهتجي كلذلو ،الله دجم مهزوعأو اودسفو اوغاز لكب ةئيطخلا ضفري يذلا ناسنلإا وه بئاتلاو .نيبئاتلا نم ريصيف ةبوتلا ةجرد ىلإ يأ ىلعأ ىلإ ةئيطخلا يأ بهذلا لاثمتلا اودبعي نأ اوضفر نيذلا ةثلاثلا هيتفلا لثم يف ىرن امك ،اهنم سرتحيو اهلبقي لاو اهيف ام اميكل دهتجي نأ انيف ناسنإ لك ةايح ةصق هذه .طقف مههلإب مهكسمتو مهناميإ ىلع اولظو ةئيطخلا اوضفر .ةديدج ةايح ناسنلإا حنمتو ،نييلوتب ىلإ ةانزلا لوحتو ،ءامسلا هاجتا يف ناسنلإا عفرت يتلا ةبوتلا شيعي يقلي نأ دبلا ةبوتلا أدب يذلاف ،ناميلإاب ةايحلا ةجرد يه هذهو »كينمؤم عم مهدع اوبات نيذلا هاطخلا« هب سحيو رعشتسي هنأ لاإ هل ةريثكلا تافيرعتلا مغر ناميلإاو ،ناميإ يف شيعيف هحيسم ىلع هءاجر دنع عاطتسم سانلا دنع عاطتسملا ريغ« :لوقي لظي بلقلا نأ ةروص طسبأ يف ناميلإا ،هبلق يف ناسنلإا يهو ناميلإا نيع كل ريصت نأ ،ةيلاعلا ناميلإا ةجرد جاتحت موي لك يف اهشيعن يتلا انتايح ثادحأ .»الله نرقلا يف تثدح ةريبك ةصق اهنمو ةريثكلا ناميلإا صصق خيراتلا يف أرقن .لمعت يتلا الله دي ىرت نأ فيضا نأ ديرأو .ةياهنلا ىلإ ةيادبلا نم ناميإ ةصق يهو ،مطقملا لبج لقن ةصق يهو يدلايملا رشاعلا رصمف ،حيسملا ديسلا صخش دنع ةصاخ ةيصوصخو ةصاخ ةزعم اهل ملاعلا لود طسو رصم نأ انه ،رصم يف ىمتحا هنكلو نيطسلف يف دلو حيسملا ديسلا نأ نم مغرلاب ،ملاعلا يف رخآ دلب يأ لثم تسيل اهنإ ةميدقلا ةيطبقلا ةغللا نم ةدمتسملا تاريبعتلا لوقتو ،نامأ راد – خيراتلا بتك لوقت امك – تناكو رصم نكلو ،الله دي يف ظوفحم ملاعلا لك نأ لوقأ نأ نكمي .ةظوفحملا وأ ةسورحملا يأ ةنانكلا ضرأ اذهب رختفي نأ هل رصم ضرأ ىلع يرصم ناسنإ لك كلذلو ،هنيع ةقدح يفو الله بلق يف ةظوفحم عراوش يف راسو هنم برشن يذلا لينلا رهن نم برشو ضرلأا هذه ىلع شاع حيسملا ديسلاف ،نطولا نأ فورعمو ،نييرصملا نحن انطبرت يتلا ةجردلا يه ناميلإا ةجرد كلذلو ،اهيف ريسن يتلا رصم .ناميلإاب بسحي رصم صخي ام لكو ،نمؤم بعش يرصملا بعشلا نولاني فوس نينمؤملا لك نأ اهانعم سيل ،»كئادهش عم مهدع كونمؤم« :يهو ىلعلأا ةجردلا يتأت مث ،ةداهشلا ىلإ لصي يوقو يقن ناميإ ةلاح يف نينمؤملا لعجي نأ الله نم بلطن اننأ انه ىنعملا .ةداهشلا انتم نإو انشع نإف .تومن برللف انتم نإو ،شيعن برللف انشع نإ اننلأ« ،هب ابحرمف داهشتسلاا ءاج نإف .ءامسلل ةدعتسم انتايح نوكت اميكل انل راكذت وه زورينلا راكذتف ،)8 :١4 ةيمور( »نحن برللف داهشتسلاا دنع ديهشلا ناكف ،مهدهطضي نم نوبحي اوناك مهنأ برغتسنو ،ركفلا اذه اوشاع ءادهشلا انؤابآ دهطضي يحيسملا .ادويق تسيلو ليلاكأ اهنأكو ،بهذ نم اهنأك اهربعتيو لسلاسلا لبقي نأ مهنذأتسي نوئيسي نيذلا ىتح .انتيحيسم يه هذه ؛بحب دريف ههركي رخآ ىري يحيسملا ،يلصيف متشيو ،كرابيف ىلع ناسنإ يلأ ةيبلس رعاشم لمحن لاو ،ناسنإ لك بوتي نأ يهتشن نحن ةقيقحلاب ،مهلجأ نم يلصن انيلإ ةبحم يفف ،انبلق باب قرطت نأ ةوادعلل حمسن لاو ،انبولق ىلإ برستت نأ ةيهاركلل حمسن لاو ،قلاطلإا ءادهشلا ناك .ةحيحص ةقيرطب هتايح شيعي نأو ،هتايح ناسنإ لك فرعي نأ قاتشنو لكلا بحن ةيوق مورحم هنأ فنعلا قيرط ذختا ناسنإ لكل نورظنيو ،مهلامعأ يف لا مهصاخشأ يف نيدهطضملا نوبحي ،عنص امهم ناسنلأ ةيهارك ةيأ كبلق يف لخدي نأ حمست لا كلذل .ةلاصلا ىلإ جاتحي كلذل هنأو ،ةمعنلا نم .ءيش الله ىلع رسعي لاف ابجع عنصتس كتاولص نأ كناميإب قثو ،ةلاصو بح لعف ىلإ لعفلا اذه لوحو ،نوينثو يقابلاو طقف ايحيسم اصخش ١7 اهب ةنيدم ىلع افقسأ مسر هنأ سويروغيرغ سيدقلا نع عمسن اذه لك !اينثو ١7 ىوس ةنيدملا يف نكي مل توملا شارف ىلع ناك املو ،ناميلإا مهفرعو مهمدخو مهبحأف ةداهشلا ىلإ اوتأ ءادهشلا نأ ةرم عمسن مل .اهب رختفن يتلا ةداهشلا ةجرد يه هذهو ،دحأ لكل هتبحم ببسب ،اروم هتسورعو سواثوميت ةصق لثم ةبيجع اصصق خيراتلا يف عمسنف ،نوقياضتم وأ نوبأتكم مهو ةجردلا هذه كل لعجا ،فافزلا بوث ةيدترم داهشتسلال تبهذ امهجاوزل ىلولأا عيباسلأا يف اهنأ .دادعتسلاافيكويف

“Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind toward one another.” Romans 12:15

Beloved congregation of the Diocese of Melbourne and Affiliated Regions, On Sunday 14/8/2022, we learnt of the devastating tragedy that occurred during the morning Divine Liturgy at Abu Seifen Coptic Orthodox Church in Imbaba part of Giza governorate, where a fire engulfed the church building leaving worshippers made of adults and children caught inside.

Tax deductible receipts for all donations above $2 will be issued upon Allreceipt.funds raised by Coptic Hope Charity are for the sole purposes of the services provided by Coptic Hope Charity to serve the poor and in need. On behalf of Coptic Hope Charity, we would like to thank you for your love, generosity and support. For further information please call Nagy Banoub on 0423 411 715 or email: info@coptichope.org.au

Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity Limited ATF BSB: Account063-159Name: 10686722

By Sunday evening, funerals of the 42 victims had commenced and treatment of 14 others injured as a result of the fire that broke out in the church building. We pray to the Lord for the rest of the souls of those who perished in the fire and for quick recovery of those injured. Coptic Hope Charity confirms that all donations collected for the Emergency Fire Appeal is to provide some financial relief to those families affected by this horrific tragedy.

اذلو ءامسلا ناكس ةكئلاملاف ،»كتكئلامب نيهبشتم مهلعجا انهه نيذلا« :يهو ةريخلأا ةجردلا ىلإ لصن مث تنأو يأ ،ةيئامسلا ةايحلاب نيهبشتم اونوكي نأ يأ ،كانه نيذلاب نيهبشتم مهلعجا انه نيذلا نإ لوقن امدنع ءامسلا يف امك« :ةينابرلا ةلاصلا يف لوقنف ،طقف ةيضرلأا ةايحلا لا ةيوامسلا ةايحلا ايحت ضرلأا ىلع .ءامسلا نم ةعطق يتايح نوكت نأ ديرأ يأ »ضرلأا ىلع كلذك ءيش ةمرحي نأ فاخيو ،ءامسلاب امئاد لغشنيو ،ءامسلا يف امئاد ركفي ناسنلإا نأ ينعت ةيوامسلا ةايحلا ،ايوامس كبلق لعجا ،عباطلا ةيوامس كتايح لعجاف ،حرفلا ةملاع حيبست يف موي لك شيعت ءامسلا يف .اهنم ،لضفلأا ىلإو ءامسلا ىلإ وعدم تنأو ،يحلا الله ةخفن كيفو قولخم تنأف ،ءامسلاب قيلت كتايح لعجاو !طحلأا ىلإ ضرلأا ىلإ لزنتل لضفلأا كرتت لاف ددحت نأ ،ةديدجلا ةنسلا يف انمامأ بيردتلا اذه لعجنو ،سايقملا اذه يف انتايح نوكت نأ انحيسم انيطعي .ىلعلأا ىوتسملا ىلإ يقترتو كعضوم نيمآ .دبلأا ىلإ مئادلا دجملا انهللإ

Abu Seifen Church, Imbaba - Fire Emergency Appeal

To contribute to Coptic Hope Charity - Abu Seifen Fire Emergency Appeal or assist with ongoing support please donate with reference “Abu Seifen Fire Emergency Appeal” to the following bank account or via our Paypal account at www.coptichope.org.au

موي 1739 ديدجلا ىطبقلا ماعلا أدبي 2022 ربمتبس11 دحلأا1739Sunday202211th

The Feast of Nayrouz – By His Holiness Pope Shenouda III

David Tadros & Rebecca Aziz St Beshoy and St Shenouda Church

The Feast of Nayrouz means the feast of commemorating the martyrs and we do not commemorate the martyrs once a year, but it is as if we commemorate them every day. If those among you read the Synaxarium you will find that every day it says, “In this day the Church commemorates…” and inevitably they contain a number of martyrs.

The martyrs in their martyrdom demonstrated the deepest form of love towards God. Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends” (John 15:13 ). The martyrs loved God more than their personal lives, and they laid down that life for Him. In their martyrdom they not only displayed the depth of their love to God, but it also contains the depth of their courage. It was with the depth of courage that they witnessed to Christ publicly even though the consequences of that witness may have led to their death. This is why St. John the Baptist, for example, whom the Lord described as, “among those born of women there was not risen one greater than John the Baptist” (Matthew 11:11 ), was a witness and a martyr at the same time. It is very likely that the term ‘martyr’ came from the term ‘to witness’, to witness to the faith, even if this ultimately lead to the person’s death for the sake of that witness.

The Feasts for the martyrs is not just a feast unique to the Coptic Orthodox Church only, but all the churches have some form of commemoration for the martyrs. This is because the martyrs have in the church a special position which is greater than all the saints of the church. It is greater than all the patriarchs in the service and all the monks in the contemplative life. The martyrs occupy the number one position but the question is why?

3rd September 2022

Blessed Marriage

نيدقارلا براي ركذأ يداو يف ترس اذإ اضيأ ،ارش فاخأ لا توملا لظ كاصع .يعم تنأ كنلأ ».يننايزعي امه كزاكعو (4 :23 زم( ديسلا ءامسلا يلا لقتنا انيملااف جوز دواد ينسح قزر يناه نم لك تخا( ةجوز ازيرتو قزر قيفوو )ليئاخيم يوشيب انوبا دجو لكيامو نڤيتس دلاوو ناثانوجو بيليف نم لك لاصتلااب ةيزعتلا .ةراسو . 0383٩0865٩ ربمتبس ١3 مداقلا ءاثلاثلا موي زانجلا ماقي .سجرجرام ةسينكب ١١:30 ةعاسلا يزعيو ميعنلا سودرف يف هسفن حيني.هترسابرلا + Remember O

+ Remember O Lord the Departed

نيدقارلا براي ركذأ + ةمايقلا ءاجر يلع دقر دراودا سدنهملا موحرملا ربمتبس ١ موي روصنم جوز0ادنكيف 2022 روصنم ةميعن ةموحرملا روصنم حماس روتكدلا دلاو روصنم ناوج ةتجوز و موحرملا قيقش 0اكيرماب و روصنم ميلو سدنهملا روصنم نوفيا ةديسلا هتجوز سديا ةديسلا قيقش و 0ادنكب موحرملا ةجوز يرصملا و يرصملا دعس سدنهملا سدنهملا موحرملا قيقش هتجوزو روصنم دنومدا و روصنم يولس ةموحرملا روصنم بيدا موحرملا قيقش قيقش و روصنم ةليبن ةموحرملا هتجوز و قوراف ديسلا ةجوز ليئاخيم نيليفيا ةسدنهملا و روصنم فلودا سدنهملا قيقشو0ليئاخيم موي ةزانجلا تمت0روصنم نيلىه ةديسلا هتجوز ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةسينكب 2022 ربمتبس 3 0ادنكب 0ةرسلاا دارفا عيمج يزعي و هسفن حيني برلا

Psalm 23:4 - Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Mr Hosny Dawod has passed away. Hosny Dawod was the husband of Falamina Dawod (sister of Hani Rizk, Wafik Rizk and Tereza wife of Fr Bishoy Mikhail), father of Steven and Michael and grandfather of Philip, Jonathan and CondolencesSarah. by phone call on 03 8390 Funeral8659.Next Tuesday 13th September 11:30pm at St George’s Church. May the Lord accepts his soul in the paradise of joy and comfort the family. Lord the Departed We pray for the repose of the soul of Late Engineer Edward Mittias Mansour departed on 1st of September 2022 in Canada, the husband of Late Naema Mansour, father of Professor Sam Mansour and his wife Joanne Mansour (U.S.A.). He is brother of Late Professor William Mansour husband of Yvonne Mansour (Canada), Mrs Edith El-masry wife of Late Saad El-masry, Late Engineer Edmond Mansour and wife Salwa Mansour, Late Mr Adib Mansour and wife Nabila Mansour, Engineer Evelyn Mikhail wife of Mr Farouk Mikhail, Engineer Adolf Mansour husband of Helen Mansour. Funeral was conducted last Saturday 3 September 2022 in St. Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church, Ottowa, Canada. May the Lord repose his soul and grant peace and comfort for all family members.

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April The new Building is expected to be ready within 12 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downladed from church website. Cost of building works is around $12,000000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreaciated.ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .ارهش ١22 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلأا عقوتملا نم . .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا بسح .ارلاود نويلم ١22 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبتاهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا ىكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكنيىنورتكللأا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ىنابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) 7thBuildingCurrentsiteSeptember2022

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