7 minute read

The Presentation of the Lord Christ in the Temple BACKGROUND

Meshir 8, also known as Candlemas, commemorates Christ›s entry with the Virgin Mary, forty days after His birth, into the temple at Jerusalem, one of the seven minor feasts of the Lord. In accordance with the law of Moses, a mother had to present her newborn child at the temple, give thanks, and offer the appropriate sacrifice. The mother would enter the temple to present her child at the end of the prescribed period of purification, which was forty days in the case of a male child and eighty in the case of a female child (Lev. 12:2-8), a tradition followed by the Coptic Orthodox Church to this day in regards to the mother taking of the holy communion.

St. Mary the Theotokos and the righteous elder St. Joseph «performed all things according to the law of the Lord» (Lk. 2:39). Candlemas is also the celebration for the meeting between the infant Jesus and Simeon the elder, who was «righteous and devout, looking for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him» (Lk. 2:25).

From the reading for Meshir 8 in the Coptic Synaxarion we learn that Simeon was one of the translators of the Septuagint. While translating the text of Isaiah 7:14, «Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel», Simeon was skeptical, and felt inclined to use the word «maid» instead of «virgin.» In a vision the Lord promised him that he would not see death until he had seen the Lord Jesus Christ in person, born of the Virgin. In the course of celebrating this feast, the congregation used to carry candles to signify that Christ is the light of the world and that, in the words of Simeon, He is a «light for revelation to the Gentiles.»

The date for Jonah’s Fast is set to two weeks before the Holy Great Fast, and the Holy Great Fast is fifty-five days before the Holy Resurrection. Therefore, calculation for the date of the Holy Resurrection causes these two fasts to fluctuate in the Coptic calendar. Since the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord Christ in the Temple is fixed at forty days after Chirst’s birth, that fluctuation can cause this feast to fall after Jonah’s Fast in the Coptic calendar. The late Bishop Gregorios, the General Bishop of Theological Post Graduate Studies, Coptic Culture and Scientific Research. “Feasts, Minor.” Claremont Coptic Encyclopedia

Spiritual Application

“Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace according to Your word. For my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have revealed to all peoples. A light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people, Israel”

Luke 2:29-32

The church gives significance to this day as one of the important events in Christ’s life for many reasons:

• As with His circumcision, He likewise kept the custom of the law in this feast to show us that He did not come to destroy the law but to perfect it.

• Simeon was now able to depart in peace after finally seeing the Savior and the Virgin from whom He was born. His doubts were removed about the mystical virginal birth as he was led by the Holy Spirit and was able to see with his eyes the fulfillment of the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14. The church, therefore, is also celebrating the revelation of this prophecy.

Simeon, as with the other devout Jews, was awaiting the Messiah promised to them, Who would console the nation of Israel. Once he received the Messiah in his arms, he rejoiced not only for the glory that will be brought to Israel but also because He will be a Light that will bring revelation of the God of Israel to all Gentiles: “For my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared before all peoples: a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people, Israel.” (Lk. 2:30-32). So, the church also celebrates this meeting as the revelation of His messianic identity as the One who came to save all people, Jews and Gentiles.

Spiritual exercise

Let us celebrate the revelation of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, born of the Virgin Mary, who came to save the world. Simeon’s song is read in the Compline Hour of the Book of Hours (Agpeya), in Vespers services, and during the Litany for the Holy Gospel. When we pray this passage, let us always come to the realization that the Lord Jesus Christ is still the salvation God has prepared for all people.


The Feast of the Presentation of Christ into the Temple is prayed in the Festive Tune. After the gospel, during the Divine Liturgy, the priest wraps the golden gospel in white and carries it, as Simon the Elder carried the Lord Christ. Candles are lit by the deacons and the priest censes incense while they circulate around the altar three times while chanting the hymn «Galilee of the nations» (Ti Galilea). Then the priest stands at the gate of the sanctuary and the attending clergy, deacons, and congregation come forward and kiss the wrapped gospel. As a Minor Feast of our Savior, if it falls on a Wednesday or Friday, the fast is observed but without prostrations or abstaining. If the feast falls on a Sunday, the readings of the feast are read instead of the readings of that Sunday.


Verses Of Cymbals

• After forty days from His wonderful birth, He entered into the temple.


• Alleluia, Alleluia. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, entered into the temple. Alleluia, Alleluia.

Gospel Response

• You were carried in the arms of Your servant Simeon. In your grasp are death and life. Simeon called “Let me depart according to Your Word in peace”; he was released from the bonds of life.

• Alleluia (4) Jesus Christ, the Son of God, entered into the temple.

• This is He to whom is due glory, with His good Father, and the Holy Spirit, both now and forever.


• Jesus Christ, the Son of God, entered into the temple.


• The Son of God blessed the waters and made them wine. Save us and have mercy on us…

Refrence https://www.stvnashville.org/presentation-of-the-lord-christ-in-the-temple

Blessed Baptism

Albie Oliver Joey )Joseph) son of David & Michelle Nagle

Saturday 4th February 2023

St Mary’s Church

Marriage Preparation Course 10 Th , 11 TH and 12 TH March 2023

Marriage is a Sacrament and a Sacred Institution establ›shed by God and revered by the Orthodox Church. It is vital of all couples entering into this Holy Estate to give it the fu I and honest attention tha: it deserves.

Tie Marriage Preparation Course is designed to help couples panning for a marriage

O› who are newly marr ed to explore and deepen the r reationship. Important topics included in the course include the fo lowing with a variety of speakers: ‹Art of Communication›. ‘Conflict Resolution’, ‹Discovering yourself. The Engagement Period’, ‹Boundaries›. ‘Physical Samp; Sexual Health›. ‘Budgeting1, ‘After the Honeymoon›, ‹The Christian Fami y’ and ‹The Crowring Ceremony›.

Tie Diocese of Me bourne Marriage Preparation Course provides a great opportunity to enrich your relationship and prepare for the lifeloig commitment of marriage. The Course runs from Fr›day 10/03/2023(6:30 -9:00 PM), Saturday 11/03/2023 (10:00 AM-6:15 PM), and Sunday 12/03/2023 <1:00 PM - 8:00 PM).

All sessions are held at the Pope ShenoLda III Auditorium, Donvale (100 Dark Road Don vale). We strongly encourage every engaged couple, those about to become engaged and those in rheir first year of marriage to attend this course. Based on the evidence of the benefits of such courses, the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church has deemed it a compulsory prerequisite before Marriage is granred in the Ciurch.

Tie cost is only $100 per couple, which includes course booklets, lunches tea/coffee, etc.

Please Regisrer at: https://tinyurl.ccm/March23Reg For further details please Contact Fr Daniel Ghabrial on 0403 336 725 or Fr Samuel Elias on 0412 884 A34.


Fourtieth Day Commemoration:

Late Mrs Raous Boctor, wife of the late Mr Wassif Sargious.

Church: St Macarious Coptic Orthodox Church

Date: Sunday 19th February 2023

Time:9 - 11am

Address: 615 Yan Yean Road Yarrambat

•Raous is the mother of Mervat (Mona) Salib wife of Joseph Salib and grandmother of George Salib, Gina Boutros (wife of Fr Shenouda Boutros) and Michael Salib (husband of Natalie Salib).

•Raous is the mother of Magdy Wassif Anis (Egypt) husband of Kamilia Azmy and grandmother of Mina & Marina.

•Raous is the mother of Susan Wassif (Egypt) wife of the late Nagy Abdallah and grandmother of Nermeen & Nader.

• Raous is the mother of Hoda Attia, wife of Adly Attia and grandmother of Peter Attia, Bishoy Attia (husband of Marina Attia) and Mary Attia (wife of Youssef)

•Raous is the mother of Oddette Shafik, wife of Nagy Shafik and grandmother of Ninette & Youssef (Egypt)

•Raous is mother of Seham Goubrial, wife of Nashaat Goubrial and grandmother of David Goubrial (husband of Monica) and Diana Goubrial

•Raous is the mother of Naglaa Anis, wife of the late Mofdy Makari and grandmother of Fr John Makari (husband of Marina) and Andrew Makari (husband of Marina) She was survived by 16 grand children and 27 great grandchildren. A loving mother, devote Christian and a servant to all.

“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.John 5:24

Program of HE metropolitan Anba Thomas

Visit to Melbourne (18th - 25th February)

Saturday 18th February

HE arrives in Melbourne at 11:20 pm - QR1302 from Doha.

Sunday 19th February

9 AM - Liturgy at St George Church – St Albans

6 PM – Youth Meeting at St Mark’s Church – Preston

Monday 20th February

8:30 AM – Liturgy at St Mary’s Coptic College – Coolaroo

12:00 PM – Private visits

7:00 PM – Clergy Conference

Tuesday 21st February – Clergy Conference

Wednesday 22nd February - Clergy Conference

Thursday 23rd February AM – Conclusion to Conference

7:00 PM – Congregation Meeting – St Mina & St Marina ChurchHallam

Friday 24th February

6:00 AM – Liturgy at St Athanasius Church - Donvale

12:00 PM – HE departure to Sydney on QF 440

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