Weekly Bulletin 12th March 2023

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Services at St Mary’s Church

Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom)

Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom)

Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly)

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm Eng-


Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm

Sunday: 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English

2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan:

0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington

Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Macary 0433 445 636

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم :نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا )يزيلجنا( احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا يبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 يزيلجنا - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 يبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩-7 يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١2 - ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم يزيلجنا ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا بلأا 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع 93766651 :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636 Liturgies during the Holy Lent 19th Feb - 7th April 2023 Additional Liturgies Tuesday & Thursday 5 - 7pm ريبكلا موصلا للاخ ةيفاضأ تاسادق 2023 ليربأ 7 - رياربف ١٩ سيمخلاو ءاثلاثلا ءاسم 75

Commemoration of the Martyrdom of St. Eudexia (Eutychia).

14th March - 5th Baramhat

On this day also is the commemoration of St. Eudexia which is interpreted “happiness”. This Saint was Samaritan by race and religion, from the city of Baalbek. The name of her father was Younan and the name of her mother was Hakeemah. She lived her early life in immorality. With the beauty of her face and physical appearance, she stumbled many and made them to fall into sin acquiring thereby great wealth.

A saintly monk from Jerusalem called Germanus heard about her. He went to her, preached her with solemn and frightful words, mentioning to her hell, worms, darkness, and the fearful punishments which are therein. She asked him: “Does the body rise after death, and after it becomes dust to be judged?” He replied “Yes”. She asked him: “What are the proofs on what you said, since the Torah that God gave to Moses the prophet and my fathers did not mention this?” He explained to her with biblical and logical proofs until she was convinced. She asked him: “If I go back on my evil works would God accept me?” He replied: “If you believed that the Lord Christ had come to the world, took away our sins by His Crucifixion, repented now a sincere repentance, and been baptized, He will accept you, and will not mention any of what you have done, but you will be as if you just have been borne.”

Her heart opened to the faith and asked him to help her to fulfil that. He took her to the bishop of Baalbek and she confessed before him the Holy Trinity, the incarnation of the Word and His Crucifixion. While the Bishop was praying over the water to baptize her, the Lord opened her mind, she saw an angel attracting her to the water and the other angels were rejoicing for her. Then she saw an ugly terrifying looking person trying to drag her away from them and he was in wrath with her. What she saw increased her desire for repentance and baptism.

After her baptism, she gave all what she gained as fruit of her sin to the poor and needy. She entered a convent of nuns, she put on the garb of monasticism, and fought a good and perfect fight. Satan entered into some of her friends who informed the Governor about her. The Governor commanded his men to bring her. When she came into his

ةيسكودا ةسيدقلا داهشتسا تاهمرب ٥ - سرام ١٤ ةسيدقلا راكذت مويلا اذه لثم ىف هذه .ةرسم اهريسفت ىتلا ةيسكوذوأ نم ، بهذملا هيرماس تناك ةسيدقلا مساو ، نانوي اهيبأ مساو ، كبلعب لهأ ىف ةيسكوذوأ تشاعو . ةميكح اهمأ تناك ثيح . ةرهاط ريغ اهرمع لوأ رثعت اهماوق نسحو اههجو لامجب ىتح ، ةيطخلا ىف مهعقوتو ، نيريثكلا بهار اهب عمسو . اريثك لاام تنتقأ سنامرج ىمسي سدقلا لهأ نم سيدق ةبيهرلا لاوقلأاب اهظعوو اهيلإ بهذف دودلاو منهج اهل ركذو ، ةفيخملا . ةملؤملا تاباذعلا عاونأو ةملظلاو هذه ماقت توملا دعب لهو « : هتلأسف بساحتو ابارت ريصت نأ دعب داسجلأا امو « : تلاق . معن « : اهل لاقف ) ؟ ىتلا ةاروتلا هركذت ملو !كلوق ليلد لاق لاو ، يبنلا ىسومل الله اهاطعأ نيهاربلاب كلذ اهل حضوأف ؟ يئابآ هب هلوق تبث ىتح ، ةيلقعلاو ةيباتكلا : هل تلاق مث ، تعنتقاو ،اهلقع ىف ةميمذلا ىلاعفأ نع تعجر اذإ لهو « : اهباجأف ، ؟ هيلإ الله ينلبقي هذه دق هنا حيسملا ديسلاب تنمآ تنأ نا اناياطخ لمح هناو ، ملاعلا ىلا ءاج ، ةقداص ةبوت نلآا تبتو انع هبلصب كلركذي لاو ، كلبقي هنأف ، تدمعتو كنأك نينوكت لب ، تعنص امم ائيش حتفناف : « كمأ نطب نم نلآا تدلو كلذ مامتإ هنم تبلطو ، ناميلأل اهبلق ترقأو . كبلعب فقسأ ىلا اهذخأف . ةملكلا دسجتبو سدقملا ثولاثلاب همامأ ىلع ىلصي فقو امنيحو . هبلصو ، اهلقع برلا حتف ، اهديمعتل ءاملا ، ءامسلا ىلا اهبذجي اكلام تأرف . كلذب نيرورسم نيرخآ ةكئلامو حيبق دوسأ اعزفم اصخش تأر مث قناح وهو مهنم اهبذتجي رظنملا ىف ةبغر هتأ رام اهدازف . اهيلع تقرف تدمعت املو . ةبوتلاو دامعلا ىلع مثلآا ةرمث نم هتعمج تناك ام ىلا تبهذو ، نيكاسملاو ءارقفلا ةنبهرلا يز تسبلو ، تابهارلا ريد لخدف . لاماك اداهج تدهاج كانهو ، اهئاقدصأ ضعب ىف ناطيشلا اهرضحتساف ، اهرمأب ريملأا اوملعأو ةزانج هتيب ىف تدجو ترضح املو ، تلصو هيلإ تلخدف. هنبا ىلع ءاكبو حيسملا ديسلا نم تبلطو ، هنبا ىلع نمآف . توملا نم هماقأف هلجأ نم عمسو . اهدي ىلع حيسملاب ريملأا

house she found great lamentation and weeping for the governor’s son had just died. She came to where the son was laid, prayed entreating the Lord Christ for his sake and He raised him up from death. The Prince believed in Christ through her. Another prince called Diogenes heard about her. He brought her before him, and she saw a soldier standing before him, who was blind in one eye, she prayed and made the sign of the cross over the eye, and it was opened. The prince released her instantly. Shortly after this, another Prince called Bekeyfius was appointed, and he heard about her and had her brought to him. She asked the Lord Christ to give her a portion with the martyrs. The Prince commanded to cut off her head, and she received the crown of martyrdom.

May her intercession be with us. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Mary the Israelite.

16th March - 7th Baramhat

On this day also St. Mary the Israelite was martyred. This Saint did not know the Lord Christ and she lived an evil life. When she wished to repent and to return to the righteous life, the Lord sent to her a holy man who preached her, and revealed to her the way of salvation by believing in the Lord Christ. He told her that the soul has to give an answer about all her deeds on the day of Resurrection. After death and departing of this world every one will be rewarded according to his deeds and explained to her the fearful punishments for the evil doers. She asked him: “What are the proofs on what you said, since the Torah that God gave to Moses the prophet and also my fathers did not mention this? so confirm to me the truth of what you said with biblical and logical proofs”.

After he explained and confirmed to her all these facts she became convinced in her heart and mind. She asked him: “If I repent on my evil works would God accept me?” He replied: “ If you believed that Christ had come to the world for the salvation of the human race, and walked in the way of repentance, God will accept you” and she believed and repented. When the Governor knew about her, he brought her before him. When she insisted on her Christianity, he ordered her beheaded by the sword and she received the crown of martyrdom.

May her intercession be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of Sts. Philemon and Apollonius.

16th March - 7th Baramhat سناجويد ىعدي رخآ ريمأ اهب همامأ ترصبأف اهرضحتساف ، . هينيع ىدحإ رصب دقاف ايدنج رصبأف ،اهيلع تبلصو تلصف دعبو . اهحارس ريملأا قلطأف ىمسي رخآ ريمأ ىلوت ةدم طوطخم ىف درو( سويفكيب هغلبو ) سويفنلب ( مركلا نيبشب تلاسف ، اهرضحتساف اهربخ اظح اهل لعجي نأ حيسملا ديسلا عطقب ريملأا رمأف . ءادهشلا عم ليلكإ تلانو ، فيسلاب اهسأر . انعم نوكت اهتعافش . ةداهشلا . نيمآ ةيليئارسلاا ميرم داهشتسا تاهمرب ٧ - سرام ١٦ تدهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم ىف ملو . ةيليئارسلإا ميرم ةسيدقلا ديسلا فرعت ةسيدقلا هذه نكت ةريسلا ةئيدر تناكو ، حيسملا عوجرلاو ةبوتلا تدارأ املو ، اهل لسرأ ةحلاصلا ةريسلا ىلا ، اهظعوب ماق اسيدق لاجر برلا ناميلإاب صلاخلا قيرط اهفرعو سفنلا نا اهل لاقو حيسملا ديسلاب عيمج نع باوج ىطعت نأ دبلا اهناو ةمايقلا موي يف اهلامعأ ملاعلا .اذه قارفو توملا دعب : هل تلاقف .تلعف امع بساحتس اذه كلوق ىلع ليلدلا وه ام «( يذلا ةاروتلا هركذت محن يذلا مل امك ، يبنلا ىسومل الله هاطعأ ةحص يل تبثأف يئابآ اذهب لقي ةيلقعلاو ةيعرشلا نيهاربلاب كلوق تتبث املو . تبلط ام اهل تبثأف تبت نا « : تلاق اهلقع يف هلاوقأ الله ينلبقي لهف ةسجنلا يلامعأ نع حيسملا نأب تنمآ نا »اهباجأف ؟ رشبلا صلاخل ملاعلا ىلا ءاج كلبقي ، ةبوتلا ليبس تكلسو، غلب امل مث . تباتو تنمآف . ا الله همامأ اهرضحأ ىلاولل اهربخ رمأف اهتيحيسم يلع ترصأف تلانو . فيسلا دحب اهسأر عطقب نوكت اهتعافش . ةداهشلا ليلكا . نيمآ . امئاد دجملا انبرلو . انعم ابناو ىنغملا نوميلف ابنا داهشتسا سويبلابا تاهمرب ٧ - سرام ١٦ دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم يف سوينلاباو نوميليف ناسيدقلا اينغم ناك اذه نوميليفو . ناكو ، انصنا ىلاو سونايرلأ

On this day Sts. Philemon and Apollonius were martyred. Philemon was the jester and singer, and Apollonius was the musician for Arianus the governor of Ansena (Antinoe). They were very close friends and they wished to receive the crown of martyrdom. One day, Philemon went to the Governor and confessed the Lord Christ before him, so he ordered to shoot him with arrows. After that, Apollonius came before the Governor and he also confessed the Lord Christ. When the Governor recognized him he became angry and ordered to shoot him also with arrows. While they were shooting Apollonius, one of the arrows glanced back and struck the Governor’s eye and destroyed it. Sts. Philemon and Apollonius completed their strife and received the crown of martyrdom. May their prayers be with us. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Matthias, the apostle.

17th March – 8th Baramhat

On this day St. Matthias, the apostle was martyred about 63 A.D. He was born in Bethlehem, followed the apostles and was chosen in place of Judas Iscariot in the upper room on the mount of Zion. Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples (altogether the number of names was about a hundred and twenty), and said, “Men and brethren, this Scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke before by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who became a guide to those who arrested Jesus; “for he was numbered with us and obtained a part in this ministry.” (Now this man purchased a field with the wages of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst open in the middle and all his entrails gushed out. And it became known to all those dwelling in Jerusalem; so that field is called in their own language, Akel Dama, that is, Field of Blood.) “For it is written in the book of Psalms: ‘Let his habitation be desolate, and let no one live in it’; and, ‘Let another take his office.’ “Therefore, of these men who have accompanied us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, “beginning from the baptism of John to that day when He was taken up from us, one of these must become a witness with us of His resurrection.” And they proposed two: Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias. And they prayed and said, “You, O Lord, who know the hearts of all, show which of these two You have chosen “to take part in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place.” And they cast their lots, and the lot fell on Matthias. And he was numbered with the eleven apostles. (Acts 1:15-26)

نيقيدص اناكو ، ارمزم سوينلابا ليلكا ذخأ ايهتشاو . نيميمح ىلع اموي نوميليف لخدف ةداهشلا حيسملا ديسلاب فرتعاو يلاولا ماهسلاب هومري نأ رمأف همامأ سيدقلا هدعب لخد نأ ثدحو . ، رامزملا هدي ىفو سوينلابا . حيسملا ديسلاب اضيأ وه فرتعاو رمأو ادج بضغ يلاولا هفرع املف ىفو . رخلآا وه ماهسلاب هومري نأ ةيحان ىلا ماهسلا تعجر كلذ ءانثأ امأ . اهتعلقف هنيع تباصأف يلاولا لاانو امهداهج لامكأ دقف ناسيدقلا نوكت امهتلاص . ةداهشلا ليلكا . نيمآ . انعم لوسرلا سايتم داهشتسا تاهمرب 8 – سرام ١٧ سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم يف ٦3 ةنس ىلاوح لوسرلا سايتم نم ناكو ، محل تيب يف دلو . م ريتخا يذلا وهو ؟ لسرلل نيقفارملا يف يطويرخسلاا اذوهي ضوع لاق امدنع نويهص ةيلع عامتجا لاجرلا اهيأ -« لوسرلا سرطب اذه متي نأ يغبني ناك ؟ ةوخلاا سدقلا حورلا قبس يذلا بوتكملا راص يذلا اذوهي نع دواد مفب هلاقف ذإ . عوسي ىلع اوضبق نيذلل لايلد بيصن هل راصو اننيب ادودعم ناك ىنتقا اذه ناف . ةمدخلا هذه يف طقس ذأو ملظلا ةرجأ نم لاقح تبكسناف طسولا نم ههجو ىلع دنع امولعم راصو .اهلك هؤاشحأ يعد ىتح ميلشروأ ناكس عيمج هنلأ . مد لقح مهتغل يف لقحلا كلذ هراد رصتل ريمازملا يف بوتكم ذخأيلو نكاس اهيف نكي لاو ابارخ لاجرلا نأ ىغبنيف . رخآ هتفيظو نامزلا لك انعم اوعمتجا نيذلا عوسي برلا انيلإ لخد هيف يذلا ىلإ انحوي ةيدومعم ذنم . جرخو ريصي انع هيف عفترا يذلا مويلا . هتمايقب انعم ادهاش مهنم دحاو ىعدي يذلا فسوي نينثا اوماقأف لداع يآ ( ستسوي بقلملا اباسراب اهيأ : نيلئاق اولصو . سايتمو ) نيع عيمجلا بولق فراعلا برلا ، هترتخا ايأ نينثلاا نيذه نم تنأ ةلاسرلاو ةمدخلا هذه ةعرق ذخأيل هناكم ىلإ بهذيل اذوهي اهادعت ىتلا ةعرقلا تعقوف مهتعرق اوقلأ مث . دحلأا عم بسحف سايتم ىلع و 8 : 2٧ تم( « لاوسر رشع

Afterwards he was filled with the Holy Spirit, and went to preach the Gospel until he came to the country of cannibals. The custom of those people was whenever they seized a stranger, they put him in prison for thirty days feeding him grass, then they bring him out and eat him. When St. Matthias came to them and preached among them the massage of love they seized him, plucked out his eyes and put him in prison. Before the thirty days were over God sent to him Andrew the apostle and his disciple. They came to the prison and saw the prisoners and what abominable things the people of the city did to them. Satan inspired the people of the city to seize them also and kill them.

When they were about to seize them, the two Saints prayed to the Lord, and a stream of water flowed from under one of the pillar of the prison. The water flowed out into the city, and rose up until it reached the necks of the people. When the people of the city gave up all hope of saving their lives, they came to the apostles, and wept before them confessing their sins. The apostles told them “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved.” They all believed and they released St. Matthias.

St. Matthias, along with St. Andrew and his disciple taught them the mystery of the Incarnation of the Lord Christ. The Apostles prayed and entreated God Who made the water to cease then they baptized them in the Name of the Holy Trinity. They also prayed to The Lord Christ Who removed from them their barbaric nature. The Apostles appointed over them bishops and priests. They tarried with them for a while during which they instructed them and confirmed them in the faith, then they left. The people of the city entreated them to come back to them speedily.

St. Matthias went to the city of Damascus and preached there in the Name of the Lord Christ. The people of the city became angry so they took him and laid him upon an iron bed, they lighted a fire under it which did not harm him but his face was shining with light like the sun. They marvelled exceedingly and they all believed on the Lord Christ through St. Matthias the apostle who baptized them, and appointed priests for them. He tarried many days with them confirming them in the faith. Afterward he departed in peace in one of the city of the jews called Falawon (Pilawon) where his body was laid. May his prayers be with us. Amen.

كلذ دعبو . )2٦ - ١٥: ١ عأ . سدقلا حورلا نم سايتم لأتما لصو ىتح ليجنلإاب زركي بهذو رشبلا موحل نولكأي موق دلاب ىلإ عقي امدنع مهنأ مهتداع نمو . يف هنوعضي بيرغ مهيديأ يف شئاشحلا نم هنومعطيو ، نجسلا هنوجرخي مث ، اموي نيثلاث ةدم مهيلا لصو ملف . همحل نولكأيو ةراشبب مهيف ىدانو سايتم سيدقلا هينيع اوعلقو ، هيلع اوضبق ةبحملا لبق نكلو . نجسلا هوعدوأو ، برلا هيلإ لسرأ ةدملا يهتنت نأ ىلإ ابهذف . هذيملتو سواردنا لمعب امو نينوجسملا ايأرو نجسلا لهأ ىلإ ناطيشلا زعوأف . مهب اضيأ امهيلع اوضبقي نأ ةنيدملا ضبقلاب اومه املو . امهولتقيو برلا ىلإ ناسيدقلا ىلص ا امهيلع دحأ تحت نم ءام نيع ترجفتف ىتح تضافو . . نجسلا ةدمعأ قاض املف . قانعلأا ىلإ تغلب نم اوسئيو ، ةنيدملا لهأب رملآا اوكبو ، نيلوسرلا ىلإ اوتأ ةايحلا مهل لاقف . مهاياطخب نيفرتعم عوسي برلاب اونمآ نلاوسرلا اونمأف . نوصلخت متنأو حيسملا سايتم سيدقلا اوقلطأو مهعيمج هذيملتو سواردنا عم ىلوت اذهو نأ دعب حيسملا دسجت رس مهميلعت مهتلاصب هايملا كلت مهنع تفرصنا مساب مهودمع مث مهعرضتو ديسلا ىلإ اولصو . سدقملا ثولاثلا يشحولا عبطلا مهنم عزنف حيسملا دعبو ، ةنهكو افقسأ مهل اومسرو ، ، مهوكرت ةدم مهدنع اوماقأ نأ ةعرس مهنولأسي بعشلا ناكو هناف لوسرلا سايتم امأ . ةدوعلا اهيف ىدانو قشمد ةنيدم ىلإ بهذ ةنيدملا لهأ بضغف حيسملا مساب ريرس ىلع هوعضوو هوذخأو هيلع هذؤت مكف هتحت رانلا اودقوأو ديدح رونلاب لألأتي ههجو ناك لب ، ابجع كلذ نم اوبجعتف . سمشلاك عوسي برلاب مهلك اونمآو اميظع ، لوسرلا اذه ىدي ىلع حيسملا ماقأو . ةنهك مهل مسرو مهدمعف ىلع مهتبثي وهو ةريثك امايأ مهدنع ملاسب حينت كلذ دعبو . ناميلأا ىعدت ىتلا دوهيلا ندم ىدحإ يف هتلاص هدسج عضو اهيفو . نولااف . نيمآ . انعم نوكت

Third Sunday of Great Lent | The Prodigal Son

Refrence: https://stmarkla.org/spirituality/3rd-sunday-of-holy-lent-the-prodigal-son

All the tax collectors and the sinners approached to listen to Him. So He talked to them using this parable. With this proverb He opened the heavenly gates before the sinners. He revealed the Father’s overwhelming love for our return to Him. He is not pleased by the death of a sinner, but to his return and to live. It is known that our Lord Jesus came to inform us about the Father. Here our blessed Jesus announced the secret of the Father’s thoughts with respect to our return to Him. Here is the rejoicing of the returning from a long trip, from far away countries, and the darkness of death. In the whole Bible, there was no approach towards us sinners, as much as what Jesus revealed in this parable… For Jesus talks like God’s only begotten Son, and revels the acceptance into Himself within the Father. Therefore, without the Son-ship, there is no repentance, no hope, no life and no return to enjoy the bosom of the Father.

Therefore, the baptism, which makes us sons of God, is the foundation of our repentance…Hence, our return to the Father is based on our son-ship towards Him. For, if we were not His sons, how could we return to Him? The banishment away from the Father.

Let us gather our thoughts and concentrate on the declaration, which our Lord Jesus revealed for us with respect to the Father… This is with respect to the Son, the repentance for the sin, the obedience, and the forgone world’s forgeries… (all of these kindled all our mercies). These are the human expressions concerning and describing Godly matters… We have experienced all these matters, not by words, but by deeds… For who among us haven’t tasted the bitterness of sin and its torment? Who among us was not filled from the husks of the swine? Let us concentrate our thoughts on the compassionate Father.

When his father saw him he was compassionate

These are unspoken words that describe the depth of the persistence, of the Father’s compassion. For the compassionate Father could not withstand seeing me in humility or slavery… And when He sees me approaching Him, in my sinful outfit and defile, He is triumphant in His compassion as He did when Lazarus’ sisters told Him, “Lord, come and see. Jesus wept.” (John 11:34, 35). For my sight is the tomb of my desires and the rotten sent of my sins, this captures the Lord’s compassion and His tears.

He fell on his neck and kissed him

I willingly left you, O Fatherly bosom… I went embracing the world opening my heart to desires… My lips were full with defile and deception … My thoughts from within were to fall in the bosom of joy and happiness. But I was going from one grief to another… I placed my lips on stolen and counter fit water springs, therefore I still thirst… So, my Father give me your kisses, for Your love is sweeter than wine, and your desire is honey in my mouth. Your left arm embraces me… Don’t let me go… Enclose me within Your arms. No one could snatch away whoever is in Your hands… Your right arm is full of power… In Your hands I place my soul.

He fell on his neck

My neck, is the one that fell in the fury of slavery desires, and my head bowed in its residence. The shame of sin and disgrace were upon it… The Father’s love liberates me… His kisses lift my face… O Lord liberate… Free me with love and kisses, and cleanse the defile from my soul.

Bring forth the best robe

My best robe… My pure baptism… My first cleansing… My simple thoughts without sin… My honest infancy, which doesn’t know evil. It is without cunning, deceit or any other defile. Blessed is He who dressed me ine a robe… From all of these the world had deprived me (uncovered me)…I was wearing, the contaminated worldly thoughts. I had on hypocrisy and flattery the worthless talk and the worry of riches. I was different from the worldly children, after I was suited with Jesus, O eternal Fatherly love… Could I return to my first garment )robe( and my original condition? Would my glory return? O what honor, do the sinner and adulterers gain, when they return to the Father… My Lord: how lost I was without the blessed garment and the robe of salvation?… I changed a lot since my baptism… Suit me into my original robe. Truly, repentance is the renewal of baptism, and as the fathers say, ‘It is a second baptism’.

A ring in his hand, and shoes on his feet

The hand is the work, and the feet are the means towards the objective. Both were at a large distance from the Father… For my hands labored for the body, to work to feed the swine. My hand is tired from the work in defile, and here it is returning to God after exhaustion from the grasp of wind. Place in it a ring, a Christ ring, to work for the heavenly… To work for the eternal life… To work for the harvest. Place in it the sanctified ring to work in the Lord’s labor with strength and without exhaustion. Place in it the engagement ring and the unity with God, so that it will not return to work for its own, but for that Who sacrificed Himself for it. The ring in my hand substitutes the nails in the hands of Jesus. How precious and priceless it is. O my soul, don’t return and deviate from the love of the Lord. Don’t return to take off the glorious ring, which is His commandments and words ‘So let the words, which I advise with today be in your heart, and make it a ring in your hand’. But how far have my legs taken me. It was wondering in distant countries. My feet have stumbled through numerous thorns. My feet left my father’s house with shoes on. This resembled the readiness for the peaceful Bible with cleansed feet, with Christ’s hands after the supper, with a word as a lantern before my feet. My feet were strangers in the world. I walked in the valley of death… I dwelt in the destructive path, in cracks, in holes, traps and evil. I lost my shoes. The sole of my feet were tormented. There is no power to move or to reach the kingdom after all. Even after all these, You returned everything to me… O my legs there are roads that seam wonderful, but end in death. O my soul, these shoes are for the rough road, so that you don’t limp when walking towards the Father. My Lord and my God protect my feet from slipping…

Present the fat bull and slaughter it so we can eat and rejoice

The Father’s feast is a sacrifice of joy. It is the sacrifice of joy and the food of eternal life. My soul thought that it could be filled with the worldly food. Therefore the world presented it with a lot of temptations. But it was shielding behind the temptations the swine husks. ‘Why do you weigh silver without bread, and your labor without fullness, listen relentlessly to me, and eat well, and let your souls enjoy the plenty.’ “Joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repents.” (Luke 15:7). O brethren let us please the Father’s heart with our repentance and our return. We had enough banishment and enough humility, in far away land. Let us enjoy the Father’s bosom and His Son Jesus Christ and the heavenly rejoice.

Third Sunday of Lent

Today is Sunday, March 12, 2023 – 3rd Baramhat 1739 for the Martyrs, is the third Sunday of Lent, also called Sunday of the Prodigal Son (or the clever Son) and the readings of the Divine Liturgy today are:

Pauline Epistle: 2 Corinthians 6:2-13 In an acceptable time I have heard you, And in the day of salvation I have helped you

Catholicon: James 3:1-12 My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment

The Acts: Acts 24:1-23 This being so, I myself always strive to have a conscience without offense toward God and men.

Holy Gospel: Luke 15:11-32 How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!

There is nothing more beautiful, more comfortable, or warmer than my Father’s house, but a wonder for the soul that desires the house of strangers. There is nothing tastier or more useful than my mother’s food, but a wonder for my soul that craves the adulterated food of strangers. The human being is strange in his grumbling and rejection. Man lacked nothing in Paradise. There was nothing he needed. The Lord forbade man to eat from one plant only. And man forgets all the beauty, splendor, and goodness of Paradise, and desires the forbidden tree, because of which he falls from his rank and is condemned to death. What did Samson the mighty lack among his people, whom the Lord raised up as their judge?

Samson leaves the pure and chaste daughters of his people and desires the strange Delila who is corrupted. Because of her, he loses his strength and vow and becomes like an animal grinding in the prison house. Solomon the great King all Israel was subject to him and the Lord gave him a great kingdom and he was very rich. But he clings to many strange women whom the Bible says turned his heart away from worshipping God. Because of them, the Lord was angry with Israel, and divided the kingdom from his hand, leaving only one tribe left for Solomon’s descendants, whom the Lord kept for David, his

سدقملا موصلا نم ثلاثلا دحلأا 2023 سرام ١2 دحلاا مويلا ،ءادهشلل ١73٩ تاهمرب 3موصلا نم ثلاثلا دحلاا وه دحأب اضيأ ىمسيو سدقملا ريبكلا )رطاشلا نبلاا وأ( لاضلا نبلاا مويلا ىهللاا سادقلا تاءارقو :يه - 2 :6 ةيناثلا سوثنروك: سلوبلا ىفو كتعمس لوبقم تقو ىف ١3 كتنعأ صلاخ موي - ١ :3 بوقعي :نوكيلوثاكلا نيريثك نيملعم اونوكت لا ١2 نوذخأت مكنأ نيملاع ىتوخأ اي لزن اعيمج ناف مظعأ ةنونيد اريثك :24 لسرلا لامعأ : سيسكربلأا بردأ اضيأ اذإ اذهل 23 - ١ لاب ريمض امئاد ىل نوكيل ىسفن سانلاو الله مامأ ةرثع -١١ :١5 اقول :سدقملا ليجنلأا نم مك لاقو هسفن يلإ عجرف 32 زبخلا مهنع لضفي ىبلأ ءارجأ اعوج كلهأ انهه انأو ةحار رثكأ لاو لمجأ كانه سيل ىبأ تيب نم ائفد رثكأ لاو ىهتشت يتلا سفنلل ابجع نكلو ذلأ كانه سيل ..ءابرغلا تيب نكلو يمأ ماعط نم ديفأ لاو ماعط ىهتشت يتلا يسفنل اجع وه بيجع ..شوشغملا ءابرغلا ..هضفرو هرمذت ىف ناسنلإا يف ائيش هصقني ناسنلإا نكي مل ائيش كانه نكي مل ..سودرفلا ناسنلإا برلا ىهن ..هيلإ جاتحي ىسنيو ..طقف دحاو سرغ نع سودرفلا لامج لك ناسنلإا ىهتشيو ضئافلا هريخو هتعورو طقسي اهببسبو ةعونمملا ةرجشلا ..توملاب هيلع مكحيو هتبتر نم رابجلا نوشمش صقني ناك اذام ايضاق برلا هماقأ يذلا هبعش نيب هبعش تانب نوشمش كرتي ..مهيلع ةليلد ىهتشيو تايقنلا تارهاطلا ..داسف يف شيعت يتلا ةبيرغلا ريصيو هرذنو هتوق دقفي اهببسبو تيب ىف نحطي ناويحلا لثم

servant whom he loved so much. Man, desires what others have. He even goes so far as to convince himself that the stolen water is sweet and the bread eaten in secret is pleasant(Proverbs 9:17).. All of this is from a spiritually hungry soul and not necessarily physically. Spiritual hunger makes a person insatiable for anything and becomes miserable in his looks, thoughts and behaviours.

There was no such thing as the temple of the Lord in its beauty, sanctity and splendour. But you marvel at a king like Ahaz (2Kings 16) who, in his fear of the King of Assyria, took the silver and gold that were in the house of the Lord and went to meet him in Damascus, where he saw the pagan altar on which the King of Assyria was offering sacrifices, and he was very impressed with it. He sent its image and specifications to Uriah the priest in Jerusalem, and ordered him to make an altar like it, and put it instead of the sacrifices altar in the house of the Lord, and he burned and offered sacrifices. Thus, he replaced the altar of God with a pagan altar of the King of Assyria that he liked. The Lord was angry with the wickedness of Israel and their getting astray. And He delivered them to the Kings of Assyria, Babylon and Persia. The strange thing is that today we find those who criticize the system and spirituality of our strong and original church and desire the imitate systems of the others, which cannot be compared to what our church offers to her children. You find those who desire and wish to imitate others and do not know that these others have left their origins and abandoned their traditions, but neglected and despised God’s commandments, and if their system was useful, their children and people would benefit from it. There are those who encounter a small problem with a person or a misunderstanding of a certain situation and then rush to reject the whole system and reject its church and run after strangers who were seduced by the insatiable pods. Many young people complain about their parents and their

تناك ميظعلا كلملا ناميلس ..نجسلا هاطعأو هل عضخت ليئارسإ لك اريثك ىنغو اميظع اكلم برلا ءاسنب هسفن قصتلت نكلو ..ادج باتكلا نهنع لوقي تاريثك تابيرغ ةدابع نع هبلق نلمأ نهنأ سدقملا ىلع برلا بضغ نهببسبو الله ملو هدي نم ةكلمملا مسقو ليئارسإ دحاو طبس ىوس ناميلس لسنل كرتي هدبع دواد لجأ نم برلا هاقبأ طقف ناسنلإا ىهتشي ..ادج هبحأ يذلا رملأا هب لصي لب ريغلا ىدل ام ةقورسملا هايملا نأ هسفن عنقي نأ اذه لك ..ذيذل ةيفخلا زبخو ةولح سيلو ايحور ةعئاج سفن نم وه يحورلا عوجلا ..ايدسج ةرورضلاب ءيش نم عبشي لا ناسنلإا لعجي هركفو هتارظن يف اغئاز ريصيو لكيه لثم كانه نكي مل ..هتافرصتو .. هءاهبو هتيسدقو هلامج يف برلا زاحآ لثم اكلم نم بجعتت كنكلو ذخأ روشآ كلم نم هفوخ يف يذلا برلا تيب يف يتلا بهذلاو ةضفلا كانهو قشمد يف هئاقلل بهذو هيلع حبذي يذلا ينثولا حبذملا ىأر لسرأو ادج هب بجعاف روشآ كلم ايروأ ىلا هتافصاومو هتروص غصي نأ هرمأو ميلشروأ يف نهاكلا حبذم لدب هعضوو هلثم احبذم هيلع دقوأو برلا تيب ىف حئابذلا حبذم لدبتسأ اذكهو ..حئابذ مدقو كلم دنع هبجعأ ىنثو حبذمب الله رش ىلع برلا بضغو ..روشأ كولمل مهملسأو مهناغيزو ليئارسإ بيرغلاو ..سرافو لبابو روشأ ماظن دقتني نم مويلا دجن اننأ ةليصلأا ةيوقلا انتسينك ةيناحورو لا يتلا نيرخلآا ةمظنأ ىهتشيو ةنراقملاب ابونرخ نوكت نأ ودعت دجت ..اهدلاولأ انتسينك همدقت امل نيرخلآا دلقي نأ ىنمتيو ىهتشي نم دق نيرخلآا ءلاؤه نأ يردي لاو مهديلقت نع اولختو مهلوصأ اوكرت اهورقتحاو الله اياصو اولمهأ لب هب عفتنلأ اعفان مهماظن ناك ولو مدطصي نم كانه ..مهبعشو مهئانبأ

life system, which is described as dry and late, and they desire to live like their friends in their freedom and looseness. But does he realize that he will also suffer their fate of decay, loss, pornography and violence? Do you have to go to the point where you sit and herd pigs and crave their pods until you realize the value of your father’s house?? .. The prodigal son was great in his return to himself. This was not an easy decision, as he expected that his father and brother would reject him and put in his heart to convince him of the share of the wage earners if he can get. There are many today who may wish to return to their father’s house, but they find it very difficult. Man, often implicates himself to the point of closing himself on the way back. Maybe out of fear of others gloating over him or out of fear that they will refuse his return and repentance. He may even be met with contempt and mistreatment of the people closest to him. But the loving Lord announces to you today that the door to your father’s house is always open. But your father is standing waiting for you, longing for your return and repentance, and he will never allow you to come to him as a hired servant, but as a beloved son. He will be happy with you and slaughter the fattened calf for you and robe you in the first suit and put a ring in your finger and a shoe in your legs He will make up for all that you lost in the markets of this world and its amusement parks and crowds. They have deprived you of your father’s fulfilling food, and they unclothed you from your father’s garment that covers you, and they have bloodied your feet among the thorns of the sins of the world, and they have stripped you of your position and authority, for you are the son of the king. And it is appropriate for the son of the king to return to his father’s palace. The loving Lord rejoices in your return, and the whole Church rejoices, and the Lord commands us to rejoice and be glad, for this brother of yours was dead, and now lived, and he was lost, and we found him.

ءوس وأ صخش عم ةريغص ةلكشمب عفدني ذئدنعو نيعم فقومل مهف هتسينك ضفريو هلك ماظنلا ضفريل هورغأ نيذلا ءابرغلا ءارو ىرجيو نم ريثك ..عبشي لا يذلا بونرخلاب ماظن ىلعو هيدلاو ىلع رمذتي بابشلا رخأتمو فاج هنأب فصي يذلا مهتايح هباحصأ لثم شيعي نأ ىهتشيو له نكلو ..مهقلاطناو مهتيرح يف مهريصم لاني فوس اضيأ هنأ كردي ةيحابلإاو عايضلاو للاحنلاا نم كب لصي نأ دبلا له ..فنعلاو ريزانخلا ىعرت سلجت نأ ىلا لاحلا ةميق كردت ىتح اهبونرخ ىهتشتو لاضلا نبلاا ناك دقل ؟؟كيبأ تيب نكي ملو ..هسفنل هعوجر يف اميظع نأ عقوتي ناك دقف لاهس ارارق اذه نأ هبلق يف عضوو هوخأو هوبأ هضفري كانه ..هدجو اذإ ءارجلأا بيصنب عنقي نوعجري نأ نونمتي امبر مويلا نيريثك ةبعص اهنودجي مهنكلو مهيبأ تيب ىلا هسفن ناسنلإا طروي ام اريثك ..ادج قيرط هسفن ىلع قلغي ةجرد يلإ نيرخلآا ةتامش نم افوخ امبر .ةدوعلا هتدوع ضفرت نأ نم افوخ وأ هيف ءوسو راقتحاب لباقي دق لب ..هتبوتو برلا نكلو ..هيلإ سانلا برقأ ةلماعم تيب باب نأ مويلا كل نلعي بحملا فقاو كيبأ نأ لب ..امئاد حوتفم كيبأ كتبوتو كتدوع ىلا اقاتشم كرظتني اريجأ امداخ هيتأت نأب ادبأ حمسي نلو كل حبذيو كب حرفي ..ابيبح انبا لب ىلولأا ةلحلا كسبليو نمسملا لجعلا ىف ءاذحو كعبصأ ىف امتاخ عضيو يف هتدقف ام لك نع كضوعي ..كيلجر ..هماحزو هيهلامو ملاعلا اذه قاوسأ عبشملا كيبأ ماعط نم كومرح دقل كرتسي يذلا كيبأ بوث نم كورعو اياطخ كاوشأ نيب كيمدق اومدأو كناطلسو كزكرم كنع اوعزنو ملاعلا نأ كلملا نباب قيليو ..كلملا نبا تنأف بحملا برلا ..هيبأ رصق ىلا دوعي اهلك ةسينكلا حرفتو كعوجرب حرفي نلأ رسنو حرفن نأ برلا انيصويو لااض ناكو شاعف اتيم ناك اذه كاخأ .هاندجوف

Words of Spiritual Benefit

His Holiness Pope Shenouda III

The Aggressive Nature

There is a person who is aggressive by nature. He is always fighting and quarrelling and is never able to calm down. Such a person is always ready to attack. If you talk to him, he searches for a mistake to answer back. He is even ready to answer back before he starts talking.

He always expects evil and waits for others’ mistakes. It is hard for him to trust anyone or praise anyone. If it happened and he praised somebody, it would probably be part of a technique to attack others. He is never constant in praising anyone, but he soon turns against him and blame him.

An aggressive natured person has a dark outlook, an eye that criticises, a thought that contradicts and a tongue that is sharp. A person as such has a hot temper, nervous in his actions, gets angry quickly and becomes furious, raises his voice and attacks. Therefore, an aggressive person does not like gentleness. He considers it softness in one’s nature. He does not like tenderness and meekness. To cover up his sharp temper, he praises firmness and seriousness. To be serious, in his opinion, means to always carry a frown and speak harshly. The one with an aggressive nature does not handle matters thoughtfully and calmly, but in violence. He considers the scalpel more important than the tablet.

Such an aggressive person cannot submit to a leader or a guide. He could even attack all superiors and advisers if they do not follow his own methods.

Although he does not yield to anyone, he expects submission from all those who deal with him, even if they are older than him. Some call the aggressive nature a fiery nature.

It is not easy to deal with such a person, even in the family circle, whether it is a father, son or a husband.

One’s aggressiveness could even reach quarrelling and drubbing, even killing. In the religious sphere, one could kill through his tongue or criticism.

If you are aggressive, remember what was said about Jesus, “He will not quarrel or cry out, nor anyone hear his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, and smoking flax he will not quench.” (Matt 12:19).

ةيدجبأ - )سداسلا سلريك ابابلا ةسادق( دحوتملا انيم صمقلا انيبأ تاملك نم ةيسكذوثرلأا .ءايشلأا لك لمعن هب ،بيلصلا مشر وه ءايشلأا لك لوأ :فللأا يذلاو ،روهدلا لك لبق هنم دولوملاو ،يلزلأا بلآا نبا حيسملا عوسي انبر دسجت وه ناميلإا ءدب :ءابلا .انصلاخل ءاج بلآا حور ،سدقلا حورلا ةمعنبو ،ديحولا نبلاا ةيهولأبو ،ثولاثلاب ناميلإا وه صلاخلا ريبدت :ءاتلا .يتلآا رهدلا ةايح راظتناو ،يوامسلا يذلا وهف ،يلخادلا انناسنإ يف حيسملا عوسي انبر مسا ةمزلام يه عطقنت لا يتلا بلقلا ايرؤاث :ءاثلا .يتلآا رهدلا رارسأ لك انل فشكي هصخش يف ادحاو نينثلاا لعجو ،ضرلأا ىلعو ءامسلا يف ،ءيش لك حيسملا عوسي انبر عمج :ميجلا .يهللإا كرابملا حورلا بهاومب ةنيزملا برلا سورع ةسدقملا ةسينكلا بحو ،كبلق لك نم كهلإ برلا بح :ءاحلا .سدقلا .حيسملا عوسي انبر ةراشب وه ةايحلا ربخ :ءاخلا رسي يذلاو ،بلآا نيمي نع مئاق وه يذلا ديحولا نبلاا حيسملا عوسي يه ،بلآا دنع ةمئادلا انتلاد :لادلا .هللإا ةدلاو انتديس نونحلا همأ ةعافشب حورلا نع لاق عوسي انبر نلأ ،سدقلا حورلا ةيطع يه ،حيسملا عوسي انبر ةمايقو توم ىركذ :لاذلا .»مكل هتلق ام لكب مكركذي« سدقلا .ناطيشلا ةسائر يه ،لذب لابو ،ةبحم لاب ةسائر :ءارلا .انيم رامو ،قحسإ رام لثم نيسيدقلاب هبشتلاو ،ةلاصلا يه ةيقيقحلا ةيسكذوثرلأا ةايحلا ةنيز :يازلا .ةتقؤم دسجلا ةداعسو مودت حورلا ةداعس نلأ ،دسجلا ةداعس لثم تسيل حورلا ةداعس :نيسلا .نيبئاتلا عفنت نيسيدقلا ةعافش :نيشلا .حيسملا عوسي انبر ةمعنب بلآل انبا ناسنلإا ريصي يكل ،اناسنإ ديحولا نبلاا راص :داصلا .لاماك ملاعلا سأك بلطتو ،ةايحلا سأك نم ةطقن برشت نأ يف وه حورلا فعض :داضلا هل هلوقك ،بلآا دنع نم ،قوف نم لزانلا الله زبخ لكأن نأ يه ةينابرلا ةلاصلا يف بلقلا ةبلط :ءاطلا انبرل يتلا ةايحلا ةمعن ىلع مئادلا اندامتعا وه موي لك لوانتلاو ،»مويلا انطعأ دغلل يذلا انزبخ« دجملا .حيسملا عوسي مدآ حبصي يكلو ،ةيئامسلا تاوقلا عم ءامسلا يف نوينادسجلا رهظي يكل دسجلا يف الله نبا رهظ :ءاظلا .ايئامس انطاوم ديحولا هنبا يأ ،انل يوامسلا بلآا ةيطع يهو ،اهفصو نع ناسللا زجعيو ،نمث لك قوفت ةيطع :نيعلا .ةعبسلا ةسينكلا رارسأ سدقلا حورلاب اناطعأ يذلا .بيلصلا سابل كاسنلاو ،ءادهشلا ،نيسيدقلا تاباتك - سدقملا باتكلا :ةيسكذوثرلأا ىنغ :نيغلا ةيطخلا نمو ،ةونبلا ةيطعب ةيدوبعلا نم انادف دقف ،هسفن حيسملا عوسي انبر وه ناسنإ لك ءادف :ءافلا .نيمآ دبلأا ىلإ امئاد دجملا هل ،ةمايقلاب داسفلا نمو ،ةايحلاب توملا نمو ،ةسادقلا ةيطعب مشرو ،تاولصلاو ،ةسينكلا رارسأو ،سدقملا باتكلا اناطعأ يذلا سدقلا حورلا نم انتايح ةوق :فاقلا .نيسيدقلا ةعافش ددحو ،بيلصلا .حيسملا عوسي انبر ينتقن نأ وه ،ةجاجلب هنع شتفنو ،امئاد هبلطن يذلا ديحولا انزنك :فاكلا .حيسملل اهتبحم تدقف اذإ يكبت نأ وه ،يقيقحلا سفنلا مول :ملالا يه انيمرامو ،ءارذعلا تسلا ديجامتو ،الله محارم يف ةقثلاو ،ةعاجشلاب سفنلا يذغي نيسيدقلا حيدم :ميملا .لسعلا ةولاح قوفت ةولاح ةايحلا رهن هايم يف يهتنن يكل حيسملا يف ةيدومعملا هايم نم دلون اننلأ ،اهتيادب لثم انتايح ةياهن :نونلا .ةيئامسلا ميلشروأ يف الله شرع نم عبانلا ،ةسينكلا بتر ىنعم فرعي هيف كرتشي نمو ،نييئامسلا حيبست وه ،عطقني لا )ةحبست يأ( سوه :ءاهلا .نيسيدقلا حاوسلا ،صاخ لكشبو لكل لا :لا .ةسدقملا ةسينكلا بتكو ،ةيبجلأاو ،ةيدوملصبلإاو ،يجلاوخلا يف ؛ةيسكذوثرلأا ةعيدو :واولا .اندئاقع يف لاو ،انتاولص يف هل دوجو لا ئش صمق وعدملا ،دحوتملا انيم بهارلا امكدبع يف اعفشا ،انيمرام يديس اي ،هللإا ةدلاو انتديس اي :ءايلا .حيسملا عوسي انبر ةمعن بسحو ،امكتعافش بسح )ربمسيد امبر ١٩56 ماع ةركفم نم تلقن(

March - St Mary’s Coptic Church

Dear Lovely Families

We’re excited to announce families trip on Labour Day to Queenscliff Ferry, Arthur Seat Eagle & Rye Beach. It is very lovely trip to join all together. Sorry for short notice. We MUST get booking in the next 48 hours )Max. WED( to confirm bus otherwise we will cancel it. God be with you. Click on Link below to book


St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College

Students receiving Excellence Awards & Fr Macarius Awards

Monday 6th March 2023

Monday 13th
+ Family Picnic -
ةسيدقلا ةسينك - سرام ١3 3 نينثلأا - تلائاعلل ةلحر + ميرم ءارذعلا تلائاع ىلحلا ملاس 2023-سرام-١3 نينثلاا موي ةلحر اندنع انبر ةئيشمب ، ىريف فيلك زنيوك حورنه نيولحلا تلائاعلا لكل ىلع مويلا ىقاب ىضقن نيدعبو تيس رثرأ كيرفلتلا ىف ةدوجوم زجحلا و ليصافتلا .ىار ئطاش ىف رحبلا اولاعت .نلاعلاا ىف ريخأتلا ىلع رذتعن.نيلانوا كنيللا دكأن انلك مزلا .ولح تقو ىضقن و اوس انلك عمجتن )ءاعبرلاا موي( نيمداقلا ةعاس 48 لا للاخ ىف زجحلا ةعرسب زجحن تيراي .ةلحرلا ىغلن رطضن لاا و .مكاعم انبر .قيض تقولا ناشلع

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready within 9 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link

for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works

ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ بسح داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .روهش 8 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا
Special Thanks
طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy &
Browser) Building Site 26th Februaryy 2023

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