13 minute read

The Annunciation of St. Joachim with the Birth of the Virgin Mary.

13th August - 7th Mesra

On this day, God sent His honorable angel Gabriel to announce to St. Joachim of the birth of the Virgin, the mother of the incarnated God. This righteous man and his wife St. Anna (Hannah) were stricken in years and had no children for Anna was barren. The children of Israel used to insult him because he had not begotten a son. Because of this, these two saints were sad, and prayed continually, and entreated God by day and by night. They vowed that the child they would beget would be made a steward for the temple. While St. Joachim was praying over the mountain, he fell into a deep sleep and Gabriel, the angel of the Lord, appeared to him and announced to him that his wife Anna would conceive and bear a child, that would delight his eyes and please his heart; and likewise all the world would rejoice and be glad. When he woke from his sleep, he came to his house, and told his wife about the vision, which she believed. Anna conceived forthwith, and brought forth our Lady, the Virgin Mary, and St. Anna became more honorable than all the women of the world. May her intercession be with us. Amen. The Martyrdom of the Sts. Lazarus, Salomi, His Wife, and Their Children.

14th August - 8th Mesra

On this day, the nine saints: Lazarus the Elder, his wife Salomi, and their children; Abeem (Animo), Antonius, Hosea, Lazarus, Aniana, Semuna, and Marcolus, were martyred. Lazarus was one of the teachers of the Jewish Law. His father was one of the Seventy Elders who translated the Torah by the order of Ptolemy, King of Egypt. This just man taught his children the Law of Moses.

When Antiochus, King of Rome, reigned over the Syrian land, he besieged Jerusalem and afflicted the Jewish nation with cruelty. He compelled them to break the Law of their fathers and to eat what was forbidden them such as pork meat and the like. Many of them feared his might and obeyed him. Nevertheless, these righteous persisted on keeping the Law, which had been given to them by God. Antiochus tortured them severely, by flogging them, crucifying, burning, and plowing their bodies with metal combs. The righteous woman Salomi, encouraged them until they had fulfilled their martyrdom. Then, she also cast herself in the fire without waiting for them to throw her into it.

Thus, they received the crown of martyrdom. May their prayers be with us. Amen. The Confession of St. Peter, the Apostle, that Christ is the Son of the Living God.

14th August - 8th Mesra

On this day also, the church celebrates the confession of St. Peter, the Apostle, that “Christ is the Son of the living God.” When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples saying, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” So they said, “Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah and others Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.” He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” And Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven, and I also say to you that you are Peter and on this rock, I will build My church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven.” Then He commanded his disciples that they should tell no one that He was Jesus the Christ. (Matthew 16:13-20)

May the Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Matra.

16th August - 10th Mesra

On this day, St. Matra was martyred during the papacy of Pope Demetrius, the twelfth patriarch of Alexandria, and in the days of Emperor Decius. When this Saint heard the imperial Edict read ordering the worship of idols, he went and took the arm of the statue of the idol Apollo, which was made of pure gold. He cut it in pieces, and gave them to the poor. When they searched for the idol’s arm, and could not find it, they seized many because of it. St. Matra came forward and told them, “I am he who took it.” They tortured him much, and then cast him into the fire, but the angel of the Lord saved him from it. Then they cut off his hands and his feet and crucified him on a tree, head downwards. A blind man came and took some of the blood that was dripping from the Saint’s mouth and smeared his eyes with it, and he regained his sight. Afterwards, the Saint was beheaded, and he received the crown of martyrdom.

May his intercession be with us. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Pigebs )Bekhebs).

16th August - 10th Mesra

On this day also, St. Pigebs (Bekhebs)(1) was martyred. He was from the city of Ashmoun-Tanah. He was a soldier under the command of prince Antiochus. When the prince knew that he was Christian, he had him brought along with Anba Klog, the bishop, Anba Nehro, who was from Tersa and Anba Phillip, and asked them about their faith. They confessed that they were Christian. He tortured them severely. Later on he bound St. Pigebs and sent him with others to the Baramon. They spent many days in the ship without eating or drinking. When they arrived to the Baramon, they tortured St. Pigebs severely, and finally they hacked his body in pieces with a cleaver, thus he received the crown of martyrdom. A believing man from the Baramon came and took St. Pigebs body and sent it to his hometown Ashmoun-Tanah. Ninety-five others received the crown of martyrdom along with the Saint. May their prayers be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen.

The Departure of St. Moisis, Bishop of Ouseem.

17th August - 11th Mesra

On this day, the holy father Anba Moisis (Moses), Bishop of Ouseem, departed. He was pure and chaste from a young age. He learned the church subjects, and was ordained a deacon. Then he went to the desert of Scetis and became a monk, under the direction of a righteous man. Anba Moisis served him for eighteen years, devoting himself to praying and fasting, and was adorned with humility and love. As the report of his virtues noised throughout, he was ordained a bishop for Ouseem after Anba Gamoul. He pursued a good, virtuous life, increased in righteousness, and he shepherded the flock of Christ with the best of care. He was ascetic and did not own anything all his life. He suffered, along with Pope Michael, 46th Patriarch of Alexandria, many tribulations. God wrought many signs and miracles on his hands. Often, Anba Moisis foretold incidents before their occurrences. For example, once he told Anba Tadros, Bishop of Misr, that the King would not return to his kingdom, and it was so. When he completed his strife and was in a good old age, he had a short illness. When he knew the time of his departure, he called his congregation, blessed them, commended them, and asked them to pray for him. They all wept and asked him to remember them before Christ. He stretched out his hand, prayed, bid them farewell and departed in peace. He remained in his chair for more than twenty years. May his prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

Meditations on the Holy Bible Readings

First Sunday of the blessed month of Mesra Luke 20:1-19

“that they might give him some of the fruit of the vineyard” Luke 20:10. The Lord had planted a vineyard … He left it in hands of the vinedressers … then after a long tenure, He sent asking for the fruits of the vines … you (beloved) are this vinedresser … who the Lord has entrusted with many and valuable talents … which is your salvation and the salvation of those who belong to you … the Lord has entrusted you with souls of your children … the Lord has granted you a life time of years and days … also He has bestowed upon you many possessions … He protected you from many tribulations (in life) … every day, there are thousands who die on the road in various accidents, but the Lord had kept you safe and such time passes and you are not one of them … again, every day there are thousands who suffer hunger spending their day and night without food or shelter … yet, the Lord has is still caring for you specifically … you still have abundance in all your needs … Thus is the many mercies of the Lord with you … you specifically )beloved( … for the Lord is carring for you beloved( is very special way …. There are thousand and maybe millions who are not treated the same way … beloved … why not stop your push and chase after the pleasures of this life and ask yourself … why??????? why me Lord??

Beloved … the Lord is patient with you … for you are not more favoured than others … God loves all people … and indeed, He wants all to be saved and know the way of the truth …

Truly, He loves you very much … but He loves all others too … the Lord is patient with you and He is waiting to collect the fruit of His vine, so what are you doing in this vineyard which is you??? Do you have any fruits to give to the Lord of the vineyard?? And what are you doing to the Lord of the vineyard servants’ whom He has sent to ask you for the fruits of the vine?

+ the vinedressers beat him and sent him away empty-handed ..

How testing it is for God’s heart when man belittles His commandments … for the Lord is commanding you with Righteous and Holy commandments … but you steadfastly refuse to carry them, and not only refuse … but also defiant too … and instead of offering good fruits to please the Lord … you have been offering bitter bad fruits … even, not offering fruits but offering beatings, insult and injuries … the utmost of ingratitude … often we treat God with this ingratitude… Uzziah was a king of Judah … he took the thrown at the age of 16 years and reigned for 52 years in Jerusalem (2 Chronicles 26:1-4) … at the beginning he reigned in the fear of God and was advised by Zechariah the prophet who understood God’s plan … he fought the philistines and won … he became strong … and his name became famous in the whole land … but with his strength his heart emerged to destruction … for everyone were praising him and his understanding, wisdom, innovations and his powers so pride entered his heart … he betrayed God by entering the temple to raise incense before the altar of incense … he was followed by Azariah the priest accompanied by eight priests of the temple of the Lord … they stopped him and said to him “It is not for you, Uzziah, to burn incense to the LORD, but for the priests, the sons of Aaron” (2 Chronicles 26:20) … Uzziah was furious and in his pride and anger leprosy showed on his forehead before the priests in the house of the Lord … and he was led out and became an outcast in an isolated house tell his death … even, he was buried in an isolated field away from the tombs of the kings … because he was a leper (2 Chronicles 26). Also, like him was his father Amaziah (2 Chronicles 25) who lived in the start in the fear of the Lord … and the Lord was with him and strengthened him … the Lord supported him in battles and he defeated the Edomites … but how would he reward the Lord for His miraculous gifts … he sent and brought the gods of the people of Seir and bowed and offered incense before it … the Lord sent him a prophet to warn him about his evil doing … but he said to him stop … why not kill you??? Have we made you the king’s counsellor … the prophet said to him “I know that God has determined to destroy you, because you have done this and have not heeded my advice?” and indeed Amaziah heart was lifted and wanted to fight the tribes of Israel … he was defeated and fell before Israel and taken alive captive to Samaria … then his servants conspired against him upon his return and killed him. And you dear beloved … how do you treat the Lord Whom is asking you for the fruits (of your vineyard) … do you answer by going to bow before strange gods??? … do you trat hi with pride in your heart and betray the Lord your God …

The Lord protects you all week long … He supports you in your work … what do you offer (in return) on Sunday? Do you offer laziness and sleeping in??? do you offer visitations of (worldly) friends??? Do you offer just fun seeking and time wasted??? Or you go the house of God to praise and glorify Him and offer thanks that He supported and protected you all week long … What do you offer to the Lord at the end of every day

… do you offer strong prayers and reflections on His love and care??? Or you offer laziness and idleness … what do you do with money God gifted you with??? Do you gamble with it??? Do you use for evil? Do you spend on your physical pleasures??? … the Lord is asking for the fruits of this money … what do you offer to Him???

Do you use (this money) to get drunk and lured action??? Do you use it for smoking (tobacco) and time wasting?? The Lord will ask you for an account of this money … the Lord has given it to you to use for your benefit and that of your family … to use it for the good of those around you and the needy … be careful of making money an instrument of evil … then you are betraying God, Who gifted this money to you … what are you doing with your children??? The Lord has given them to you as precious talents … why? What are the fruits you offering to the Lord from them? Just that you educate, feed and cloth them … this is great and essential … but what have you offered to the Lord in them? Don’t you know that they are talents given to not just for worldly success … but more essential for the heavenly kingdom … and here you are depriving them from attending God’s house … you are not teaching them how to pray … you are not encouraging them on reading the Holy Bible … then, you are encouraging them to break the commandments of love and purity … is this the fruits you are offering God in them??

+ I send my beloved Son .. You might be one of those who do not listen to the servants of the vineyard owner … There were those who did not listen to Moses … but they insulted and attacked him … one of those at one time was his own sister

Also, Korah, Dathan and Abiram together with 250 men (Numbers 16) … and many times the whole congregation growled at him and thought of killing him. Lot was like a jocular among his peers … and Noah … without a doubt there were many who did not listen to him and made fun of him … and Elisha … was made fun of him by the young boys (2 Kings 2:23-25) … and Elijah was insulted by Jezebel wife of Ahab (1 Kings 19-22) … and Zacharias son of Barachias the priest who was killed between the altar and the temple (2 Chronicles 24:20) …

Maybe, beloved with your ingratitude and refusal, you have reached this level of ingratitude … what will you do today, that the Lord has sent His beloved son to the world … do you still refuse Him too???

Will you beat and wound Him??? I fear to say, that … you are killing Him too

The Lord is offering to you, Himself as a sacrifice for your sins … the Lord’s Body and Blood are raised on the altar every day for you … and at every time you come to God’s house … what do you do with Them?

Perhaps, you do not come to church at all … asleep at your house and the Lord is offering Himself to you on the altar … what an insult is this … or maybe you might come late and idle … attending to God’s house underestimating the Lord presence on the altar … don’t you know you are whipping Him again … or maybe you partake of the Holy Communion without the rite of confession and (true) repentance … don’t you feel that you are stabbing and piercing Him again … or you might not partake of the communion … refusing the call of the Bridegroom … rejecting the heavenly banquet offered to you … aren’t you with all these things conspiring against the Son … but (indeed) you are killing Him … you are Crucifying Him again .. + what will the owner of the vineyard do to them ..?

You my beloved, answer this question … what do want the owner of the vineyard to do with you, for you have beaten His servants … insulted them … wounded them … but you even killed His Beloved Son …

The destiny of those vinedressers is very grave indeed just like the destiny of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah … also, it was the destiny of king Saul … and it was the destiny of Cain and his evil offspring … and the destiny of Pharaoh and his evil solders … do you want the same destiny? … haste and wake up from your sleep … because the vineyard Owner is requesting the fruit … do not postpone … or delay … do not be idle … the time is quickly running out … the Lord has sent the first servant after a long time … then He sent another servant … then a third servant … many chances the Lord is offering to His children … but do not disparage the Lord’s patience and long suffering … this is only to lead you to repentance … but if you don’t repent and continued on you ingratitude, then hear the destiny of evil vinedressers … He will come and destroy those vinedressers and give the vineyard to others … Be aware not to reject the corner-stone … which is the Lord Jesus … “Whoever falls on that stone will be broken (or will be wounded); but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder” (Luke 20:18).

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