Weekly Bulletin 15th January 2023

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Services at St Mary’s Church Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom) Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom) Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English 2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm Church Priests: Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399 Fr John Macary 0433 445 636 :ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا يبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 يزيلجنا - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 يبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩-7 يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

Paramouni of Holy Theophany (Epiphany).

18th January - 10th Toba

On this day it has been the tradition of the Orthodox Church, following the teachings of the holy fathers of the church, to fast until dusk, eating only what is permitted to be eaten during the holy forty days (Lent).

If Christmas day or Epiphany falls on Wednesday or Friday, the saintly apostles ordained that the believers eat all the food that one is permitted to eat during the Pentecostal days )the post-resurrection fifty days(. They are feasts to the Lord. The Paramouni days are fasted to compensate for the feast days, so that we may have the blessings of both the fast and the feast. In the custom of our Coptic Orthodox church, if the Paramouni day falls on Saturday or Sunday, it is the tradition to fast on the Friday that precedes them also. Then they pray on water before midnight and they wash and bless everyone who wants to be blessed. The reason to complete this before midnight is because of the fear that the little children may break their fasting by drinking water.

We ask Christ to purify us, cleanse us from all our abominations, forgive our sins, and make us worthy to receive the revelation of the glory of His divine nature in our hearts and in our deeds, as He revealed His glory in the Jordan River.

To Him be the Glory with His Good Father and His Holy Spirit, now and forever, and to the end of ages. Amen.

The Holy Theophany of Our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ (Baptism of the Lord christ). 19th January - 11th Toba

On this day of the year 31 A.D., our Master, Lord and God, Jesus Christ, was baptized at the hands of St. John the Baptizer (the dyer). The feast is called in Greek the Feast of Theophany or the Feast of the Revelation of the Divine Nature of the Lord, for the Holy Trinity was revealed: our heavenly Father was heard from heaven saying, “This is My beloved Son,” and the Son standing in the Jordan river, and the Holy Spirit was descending in the form of a dove, and alighting upon Him.

St. John the Baptist bore witness that the Lord Christ, when He had been baptized, came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. And suddenly a voice came from heaven saying, “This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.”( Matthew 3:16-17)

St. John the evangelist said about this day, “The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, ‘Behold! The Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world. This is He of Whom I said, ‘After me comes a Man Who is preferred before me, for He was before me.’ I did not know him but that He should be revealed

ديجملا ساطغلا ديع نومارب ةبوط ١0 0 - رياني ١8 8 سئانكلا عيمج تدلقت مويلا اذه لثم يف يملعم نيسيدقلا ءابلأا نع ، ةيجسملا ناو بورغلا ىلإ موصت نا ، ةسينكلا يف لكؤي نا ةداعلا ترج ام لاإ لكأت لا لسرلا نلا كلذو . ةسدقملا نيعبرلاا يف نونمؤملا لكأي نا اومسر نيسيدقلا امهيف قفتا اذإ ةعمجلاو ءاعبرلأا يموي ةمعطلأا رئاس ساطغلا وأ دلايملا ديع امهنلأ ، نيسمخلا مايا يف اهلكأ للحملا نومهن اننإ انب نظي لائلف . برلل ناديع مسر ، ةلئازلا ملاعلا تاذل يف نوكمهنم يف موصلاب نيمويلا نيذه مدقتن نا انل ناتياغلا انل لمكتل امهنع اضوع نيموي ةداعلاو . ديعلا ةياغو موصلا ةياغ ، يتم هنا ، ةيطبقلا انتسينك يف ةيراجلا موي وأ تبسلا موي يف نومربلا موي قفتا يذلا ةعمجلا موي نوموصي مهناف . دحلأا فصن لبق ءاملا يلع نولصي مث ، هلبق . ءاش نم نوكرابيو ، نوسطغي . ليللا ، ليللا فصن لبق كلذ مامتإ يف ببسلاو . ءاملاب لافطلأا رطفي نا نم افوخ وه مسر امك اركاب اوجرخيو اوسدقي يكلو . مهل نم انرهطي نا حيسملا ديسلا لأسن لاهآ انلعجيو .انتلاز انل رفغيو انتساجن ، انلامعأو انبولق يف هتوهلا دجم راهظلإ دجملا هل . ندرلأا رهن يلع هرهظأ امك لكو نلآا . هسدق حورو حلاصلا هيبأ عم . نيما نيرهادلا رهد ىلإو ناوأ ىهللإا روهظلا ديع ةبوط ١١ - رياني ١٩ ركاب روخب عفر لبق ىلصي ناقللا ةمدخلا سبلامبو هينوي ١8 ىلا لاقت : رامثلا هيشوا دمتعا ، م 3١ ةنس نم مويلا اذه يف دي نم حيسملا عوسي انبر و انهلا و انديس مويلا اذه يعدي و . غباصلا انحوي سيدقلا روهظلا يا « اينافؤاثلا ديع « ةينانويلاب سدقلاا ثولاثلا رهظ هيف نلا . يهللاا وه اذه : ءامسلا نم يداني بلاا : اذكه ندرلاا يلع مئاق نبلاا و . بيبحلا ينبا هيلع لازان ةمامح هبش سدقلا حورلا و . نا . نادمعملا انحوي كلذب دهش امك ، نم تقولل دعص دمتعا امل حيسملا ديسلا يارف تحتفنا دق تاومسلا اذا و ءاملا هيلع ايتا و ةمامح لثم لازان الله حور اذه « : لائاق تاومسلا نم توص و اذه « تررس هب يذلا بيبحلا ينبا وه « . . . ريشبلا انحوي هنع لاق يذلا مويلا عوسي نادمعملا انحوي رظن دغلا يف و غفري يذلا الله لمح اذ وه لاقف هيلا لابقم

to Israel, therefore I came baptizing with water.’”

(John 1:29-31)

The glory of our Lord Jesus Christ was revealed on this day, that He is the Son of God and that He is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world. For this reason, this feast has become a great feast for all believers, in which they are purified with water after the example of the baptism of our Lord, to Whom is the glory, to obtain forgiveness of their sins. Glory, honor and worship to our Lord God, now and forever more and to the end of ages. Amen.


January - 12th Toba

On this day also of the year 36 A.D., the church celebrates the commemoration of the martyrdom of the courageous prince, St. Theodore El-Mishreke (The Oriental). He was born in the City of Tyre in 270 A.D. In his youth, he enlisted in the Roman army and was promoted to the rank of commander. His father’s name was Sadrikhos, “Adrakos” who was a high ranking official during the reign of Emperor Numerianus (283-284 A.D.), and his mother was the sister of Basilides, the minister.

When Emperor Numerianus died in the war against the Persians, his son, Justus, was fighting in the west. The two officials Sadrikhos and Basilides continued to run the affairs of the Empire, until the infidel Diocletian took charge of the Empire, and started to persecute the Christians. At that time, St. Theodore was in charge of the army that was fighting against the Persians. He saw a vision at night: a ladder was extended between earth and heaven, and at the top of the ladder the Lord sat on a great throne, surrounded by hosts of angels chanting. He also saw under the ladder a great beast which was the devil. The Lord said to St. Theodore, “Your blood will be shed for My Name’s sake.” The saint asked the Lord, “How about my friend Lawondius?” The Lord replied, “Not only Lawondius, but Banikaros, the Persian, also.”

During a truce, between the Roman and Persian armies, St. Theodore met with Banikaros, the commander of the Persian army. St. Theodore guided him to Christianity and he believed in Christ. Emperor Diocletian ordered that Prince Theodore be brought to him. The prince came back with his army and with him were Lawondius and Banikaros. When St. Theodore knew that the Emperor was going to ask him to worship idols, he told his soldiers, “Whoever among you wants to fight for the Name of the Lord Christ, let him come and join me.” They all shouted in

يتاي هنع تلق يذلا وه اذه . ملاعلا ةيطخ تئج كلذل . . . يمادق راص لجر يدعب « ءاماب دمعا حيسملا ديسلا دجم رهظ مويلا اذه يفف لمحي يذلا الله لمح و ، الله نبا هنا و ، ديعلا اذه راص كلذل ، ملاعلا ةيطخ نورهطتيف ، نينمؤملا عيمج دنع اميظع دجملا هل ديسلا ةيجومعمل لااثم ءاملا هيف . مهاياطخ ةرفغم كلذب نولاني و ، نم دوجسلا و ةماركلا و دجملا انهللا . نيما نيرهادلا رهد يلا و نلاا ىقرشملا سردات سيدقلا داهشتسا ةبوط ١2 2 - رياني 20 ديعت م 36 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم يف عاجشلا سيدقلا داهشتسا راكذتب ةسينكلا دلو دقو . يقرشملا سرودؤاث سيدقلا رود غلب املو . م 275 ةنس روص ةنيدمب ، ةيدنجلا يف مظتنا ، بابشلا ناكو . دئاق ةبتر ىلإ يقتراو يف اريزو سوخيرادص هوبأ تخأ همأو ، سويرامون دهع تام املف . ريزولا سديليساو برح يف سويرامرون كلملا سطسي هدلو ناكو ، سرفلا ةهج براحملا شيجلا يف ناريزولا لظ دقف . برغلا سديليساوو سوخيرادص ىلإ ، ةكلمملا نوئش ناربدي ينثولا سونايدلقد كلم نا داهطضلاا راثأو م 33 ةنس سيدقلا امأ . نييحيسملا يلع هذه يف ناكف سرودؤاث شيجلا ةدايق ايلوتم ءانثلأا دقو . سرفلا دض براحملا املس ناك ليللا ايؤر يف يأر ملسلا قوفو ، ءامسلا ىلإ ضرلأا نم هلوحو ميظع ربنم يلع برلا سلج يأرو . نوحبسي ةكئلاملا نم تاوبر . ناطيشلا وه اميظع انينت ملسلا تحت كفسيس سروذؤاث سيدقلل برلا لاقو يقيدصو هل لاقف ، يمسا يلع كمد . طقف وه سيل برلا هل لاقف ؟ سويدنولا امدنعو ، اضيا يسرافلا سوراقينابو لب شيجو مورلا شيج نيب ةنده تدقع يحيسملا نيدلا ىلإ هدشرأو ، سرفلا نا سونايدلقد يأر مث . حيسملاب نمآف هشيجب رضحف سروذؤاث ريملأا مدقتسي اذإو ، سورراقينابو سويدنولا هعمو ىلإ هوعديس كلملا نا سروذؤاث ملع مكنم دارأ نم هدونجل لاق ناثولأا ةدابع مقيلف حيسملا ديسلا مسا يلع داهجلا دحاو توصب اعيمج اوحاصف . يعم . انهلإ وه كهلإو ، كعم تومن نحن

one accord, “We die with you and your God is our God also.” When he arrived in the city, he left his soldiers outside and went alone to the Emperor who received him well. The Emperor inquired about the war and the army and he asked St. Theodore to worship Apollo. The saint answered in great courage and faith, “I do not know any god that I can worship except my Master, Jesus Christ.”

Diocletian commanded his soldiers to nail the Saint to a tree and to brutally torture him. But the Lord was strengthening and comforting him. Finally, he delivered up his pure soul into the hand of the Lord Whom he loved. He received the crown of eternal glory in the kingdom of heaven. The Emperor sent the priests of Apollo to the soldiers of the saint, to call upon them to worship the idols. They all shouted, “We have no king except our Master, Jesus Christ, Lord of Lords, and King of Kings.” When the Emperor heard what they said, he had them all beheaded. They received the crowns of martyrdom and eternal bliss. Their prayers be with us all. Amen.

The Commemoration of the Miracle at Cana of Galilee.

21st January - 13th Toba

On this day, the church celebrates the commemoration of the miracle that our Lord Jesus Christ performed at Cana of Galilee. It was the first miracle that our Lord Jesus performed after His baptism. He was invited to the wedding with His virgin mother, St. Mary, and also some of His disciples. When they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.”

There were set there six water pots of stone. Jesus said to them. “Fill the water pots with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. He said to them, “Draw some out now and take it to the master of the feast.” When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, he said to the bridegroom, “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine and when the guests have well drunk, then that which is inferior; but you have kept the good wine until now.” This was the beginning of the signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee and manifested His glory and His disciples

، اجراخ هدونج كرت ةنيدملا لصو املو . هلابقتسا نسحا يذلا كلملا يلع لخدو انا ناميلإا ةعاجشب برحلا نع هلأسو يديس يوس هل دجسا اهلإ يل فرعا لا نا دونجلا سونايدلقد رمأف . حيسملا عوسي هباذع يف اوددشي ناو ةرجش يلع هورمسي اريخأو . هيزعيو هيوقي ناك برلا نكلو ، هبحا يذلا برلا ديب ةرهاطلا هحور ملسا توكلم يف يدبلأا دجملا ليلكإ لانو ، نوللبا ةنهك كلملا لسرأ مث ، تاومسلا ةدابع ىلإ مهنوعدي سيدقلا دونج ىلإ سيل نيلئاق اعيمج اوخرصف . ناثولأا كلم ، حيسملا عوسي انديس لاإ كلم انل عماسم غلب املف . بابرلأا برو كولملا ، اعيمج مهسوؤر عطقف لسرأ سونايدلقد . ةمئادلا ةداعسلاو ةينارونلا ليلاكلأا اولانو . نيما انعم نوكت مهتاولص ليلجلا اناق سرع ديع ريغص ىديس ديع ( ( ١3 3 - رياني 2١ ةبوط لفتحت مويلا اذه يف راكذتب ةسينكلا يتلا ةبوجعلأا حيسملا ديسلا اهعنص . ليلجلا اناق يف ةبوجعلأا يهو اهعنص يتلا ىلولأا دعب حيسملا ديسلا دق ناكو . دامعلا ميرم ةسيدقلاو يعد سرعلا ىلإ ءارذعلا هذيملات ضعب كلذكو رمخلا تغرف املو . ءارذعلا ةديسلا تلاق . رمخ مهل سيل ام عوسي اهل لاق ةأرما اي كلو يل يتعاس تأت مل . همأ تلاق مث ، دعب مكل لاق امهم مادخلل ةعوضوم نارجأ ةتس تناكو . هولعفاف ءام نارجلأا اولمأ عوسي مهل لاق . كانه اوقتسا مهل لاق مث . قوف ىلإ اهوئلمف . اومدقف ، أكتملا سيئر ىلإ اومدقو نلآا راصف يهللإا هرمأب لوحت يذلا رمخلا لاق ذإ أكتملا سيئر دهش امك ، اديج ارمخ رمخلا عضي امنإ ناسنإ لك « : سيرعلل . نودلا ذئنيحف اوركس يتمو لاوأ ةديجلا .نلآا ىلإ ةديجلا رمخلا تيقبأ دقف تنأ امأ اناق يف عوسي اهلعف تايلآا ةيادب هذه هل « هذيملات هب نمأف هدجم رهظاو ليلجلا

believed in Him. (John 2:1-11)

To Him is the Glory with His Good Father and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Demiana. 21st January - 13th Toba

On this day also, St. Demiana was martyred. This chaste and fighter virgin, was the daughter of Mark, Governor of El-Borollus, El-Zaafran, and Wadi Al-Saysaban(1) in the Northern delta of the valley of the Nile. She was the only daughter to her parents.

When she was one year old, her father took her to the church of the monastery of Al-Maymah. He offered alms, candles and oblations so that God might bless her and keep her in His care.

When she was fifteen years old, her father wanted her to be wed. She refused, and told him that she had vowed herself a bride to the Lord Christ. When she saw that her father was pleased with her intention, she asked him to build her a place where she could worship God in seclusion with her virgin friends. He fulfilled her wish and built her the house that she wanted. She lived in it with forty other virgins. They spent their time reading the holy scripture and in worship.

Shortly after, Emperor Diocletian sent for Mark, St. Demiana›s father, and ordered him to worship the idols. He refused at first, but after the Emperor appeased him he obeyed his order and worshipped the idols and forsook the Creator of the Universe. When Mark returned to his official seat, and St. Demiana knew what had transpired, she rushed to meet him. She did not greet him, but said, «What is it that I heard about you? I would have preferred to hear about your death rather than to hear that you have renounced your faith and forsaken the God Who created you from non-existence into being, to worship gods made by hands. Take note that if you do not return to your first faith and renounce the worship of stones, you are not my father and I am not your daughter,« and she left him.

Her father was greatly moved by the words of his daughter, and he wept bitterly. In haste, he went to Diocletian and confessed the Lord Christ. When the Emperor could not convince him with threats and promises, he ordered him beheaded.

When Diocletian knew that the one who turned Mark from worshipping the idols was St. Demiana, his daughter. He sent her a prince to try first gently to convince her to worship idols, and if she disobeyed him

سدقلا حورلاو حلاصلا هيبأ عم دجملا . نيما دبلأا ىلإ ةنايمد ةسيدقلا داهشتسا ةبوط ١3 3 - رياني 2١ ١ ةسيدقلا تدهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم يف ةفيفعلا ءارذعلا هذه تناكو . ةنايمد سلربلا يلاو سقرم ةنبا ةدهاجملا تناكو . نابسيسلا يداوو نارفعزلاو ةنس اهرمع ناك املو . اهيوبلأ ةديحو اهذخأ ةدحاو ىلإ اهوبأ يتلا ةسينكلا مدقو ةميملا ريدب عومشلاو روذنلا نيبارقلاو اهيف الله كرابيل . هل اهظفحيو نم تغلب املو سمخ رمعلا دارأ ةنس ةرشع اهجوزي نا تضفرف اهنأ هتملعأو اهسفن ترذن دق ديسلل اسورع ذإو . حيسملا اهدلاو نا تأر كلذب رس دق اضيأ هنم تبلط اهل ينبي نا ادرفنم انكسم يه يف دبعتت ىنبو . اهلاؤس باجأف . اهتابحاصو هيف تنكسف ، هتدارأ يذلا نكسملا اهل بلغا نيضقي نك ، ءارذع نيعبرأ عم سدقملا باتكلا ةعلاطم يف نهتاقوأ لسرأ نمز دعبو . ةراحلا ةدابعلاو سقرم رضحاو ، كلملا سونايدلقد دجسي نا هرمأو ةنايمد ةسيدقلا دلاو نا دعب هنا ريغ لاوأ عنتماف . ناثولأل دجسو هرملأ عاصنا ، كلملا هفطلا املو ناوكلأا قلاخ كرتو . ناثولأل تملعو ، هتيلاو رقم ىلإ سقرم داع تعرسأ ، اهدلاو هلمع امب ةسيدقلا تلاقو ةيحت وأ ملاس نودب تلخدو هيلإ تنك ؟ كنع هتعمس يذلا اذه ام : هل نا نم ، كتوم ربخ ينيتأي نا دوأ يذلا هللإا كنع تكرت كنا كنع عمسا تدجسو ، دوجولا ىلإ مدعلا نم كلبج مل نا كنا ملعا . يديلأا تاعونصمل كرتت ملو ، نلآا هيلع تنأ امع عجرت لاو يدلاوب تسلف ، راجحلأا ةدابع رثأتف . تجرخو هتكرت مث ، كتنبا انا

to behead her. The prince went to her with two hundred soldiers and the instruments of torture. When he arrived at her palace, he said to her, «I am a messenger sent from Emperor Diocletian. I came to call upon you according to the Emperor›s orders, to worship his gods, so that he can grant you all that you want.« The saint shouted in his face saying, «May God denounce the messenger and the one by whom he was sent. Don›t you have any shame at all to call stones and wood gods which are inhabited by devils? There is no god in heaven or on earth except one God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Eternal Creator, the Everlasting, Who is everywhere, Who knows all the secrets, and Who can throw you in hell where is the everlasting torment. As for me, I am the maidservant of my Master and my Savior Jesus Christ, and His Good Father and the Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity, Him I confess and upon Him I depend, and in His Name I die, and by Him I live forever.«

The prince became exceedingly angry and ordered her to be placed in the Hinbazeen (the squeezing press), until her blood poured out of her body on the ground. The virgins were standing weeping over her. When they put her in prison, the angel of the Lord appeared to her, touched her body with his illumined wings, and she was healed of all her wounds. The prince used all his evil imagination to torture St. Demiana, once by tearing her flesh and another time by placing her in boiling oil. Through it all the Lord raised her up safely. When the prince saw that all his attempts were in vain, before the steadfastness of this pure virgin he ordered her beheaded, and all the other virgins with her. Thus, they all received the crowns of martyrdom. Their prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

عرسأو ، ارم ءاكب يكبو هتنبا ملاك نم سقرم املو . حيسملا ديسلاب فرتعاو سونايدلقد ىلإ رمأ ديعولاو دعولاب هعانقإ نع كلملا زجع يذلا نا سونايدلقد ملع ذإو . هسأر اوعطقف هتنبا ةنايمد يه ناثولأا ةدابع نع سقرم لوح ، لاوأ اهفطلاي نا هرمأو ، اريمأ اهيلإ لسرأ ، ريملأا اهيلإ بهذف . اهسأر عطقي هعطت مل ناو لصو املو . باذعلا تلاآو يدنج ةئم هعمو نم لوسر انا : اهل لاقو اهيلإ لخد اهرصق ىلإ يلع ءانب كوعدأ تئج ، كلملا سونايدلقد لبق نيديرت امب كل معنيل ، هتهللأ يدجست نا هرمأ الله بجش : ةلئاق ةنايمد ةسيدقلا هب تحاصف . اومست نا نوحتست امأ ، هلسرأ نمو لوسرلا لاإ اهنكسي لا يهو ، ةهلآ باشخلأا راجحلأا ضرلأا يلعو ءامسلا يف هلا سيل . نيطايش ، سدقلا حورلاو نبلااو بلاا . دحاو هلا لاإ ملاع ، ناكم لك ئلام يدبلأا يلزلأا قلاخلا يف مكحرطي يذلا وهو ، اهنوك لبق رارسلأا ةدبع ينإف انا امأ ، مئادلا باذعلا ثيح ميحجلا حلاصلا هيبأو حيسملا عوسي يصلخمو يديس ، فرتعا هب ، سدقلأا ثولاثلا سدقلا حورلاو ىلإ ايحأ هبو ، تومأ همسابو ، لكوتأ هيلعو نيب عضوت نا رمأو ريملأا بضغف . دبلأا يرجف اهرصع دونج ةعبرأ يلوتبو نيزابنه تافقاو ىراذعلا تناكو .
يلع اهمد اهل رهظ نجسلا اهوعدوأ املو . اهيلع
هتحنجأب اهدسج سمو
يف اهعضوب ةراتو ريملأا يأر املو . ةملاس اهميقي برلا ناك كلذ هذه تابث مامأ تلشف دق هتلاواحم عيمج نا عيمجو يه اهسأر عطقب رمأ ، ةرهاطلا ءارذعلا نهعيمج نلنف . تافيفعلا ىراذعلا نم اهعم نم انبرلو انعم نوكت نهتلاص . ةداهشلا ليلكإ . نيما ايدبا امئاد دجملا
برلا كلام ريملأا ننفت دقو . اهتاحارج عيمج نم تيفشف اهمحل قيزمتب ةرات ، ةنايد ةسيدقلا بيذعت يف لك يفو ، يلغم تيزو محش
احابص 10 - 8 سادقلا :رياني 18 ءاعبرلأا ساطغلا ديع نومرب سادقلاو ناقللاو ركاب - ءاسم 11 - 6 رياني 18 ساطغلا ديع ةليل احابص 11 - 9 سادقلا :رياني 21 تبسلا ليلجلا اناق سرع ديع Epiphany Paramon: Wednesday 18th January Liturgy 8-10am Epiphany Eve 18th January: 6 - 11pm Including Matines, Lakan and Liturgy Wedding of Cana of Gallilie Friday 21st January: Liturgy 9 - 11am

Contemplation on the Gospel of First Sunday of Toba

Extract from

Commentary on Gospel of Matthew

by Father Tadros Yacoub Matthew 2: 12 - 23 (Matt 2:13,14) “Now after they had left, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Get up, take the Child and his mother and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the Child to destroy him. Then Joseph got up, took the Child and his mother by night, and went to Egypt.” St. John Chrysostom notices that the angel did not say about St. Mary ‘your wife’, But rather said ‘his mother’. Since the birth has become fulfilled, and no doubts are there at all, the saint has been related to the Lord Jesus and not to Joseph. The angel wished to confirm that the Lord Jesus is the focus to whom we relate. St. Augustine thinks the soul that is linked to the Lord Jesus through the live faith working lovingly and carries him in it spiritually, in just like St. Mary who carried him spiritually as much as she did physically.

+ Why has the Lord Jesus fled to Egypt:

Firstly: The flight to Egypt is only one part of the chain of suffering St. Joseph joyfully passed through. The inspiration testified he was a righteous men although this righteous life was blended with suffering without the believer’s losing his inward peace. St. John Chrysostom comments on the angel’s words to Joseph saying “ Joseph did not stumble on hearing this, and did not say that that was too difficult... hasn’t he said to me he would save his people? So how can’t he save himself, and why do we have to flee to Egypt, going on such a long journey, and live in another country? This is quite contrary to what you promised! Joseph said nothing of all this, because he was a man of faith. He didn’t even ask when he would return, since this was not said by the angel. The angel rather said, “Be there till I tell you.” He was not sorrowful, but yielded and obeyed, standing all those trials joyfully. In this way God blends joy with toil, with all those who fear him. He provides for the life of the righteous blending one with the other. This is what God is doing here. Joseph saw the virgin pregnant and he was bewildered and skeptical. On the spot the angel stood next to him and wiped away his doubts and delivered him of his fears. When he saw the newborn baby he was greatly overwhelmed. Consequently this joy was followed by great turmoil, for the whole city became disturbed and the king was excessively angry and asked for the child to be delivered to him. Then joy followed this confusion by the appearance of the star and the worshipping of the kings. Once again, after this joy there was danger and fear because Herod asked for the child’s life. Joseph had to flee to another town.” This is an image of a true pious life. It is a continuous blend of hardships with

سادقلا ليجنا ىف تلامأت كرابملا ةبوط رهش نم لولأا دحلأا بلأل ىتم ليجنأ ريسفت - عجرملا بوقعي سردات صمقلا 23 - ١2 2 :2 ىتم دق برلا كلام ا نأ اوفرصنا امدعبو ذخو مق ( لائاق ملح ىف فسويل رهظ نكو رصم ىلا برهأو همأو يبصلا سدوريه نلا كل لوقأ ىتح كانه ماقف )هكلهيل ىصلا بلطي نأ عمزم فرصناو لايل همأو يبصلا ذخأو سيدقلا ظحلاي .. ´´`´ رصم ىلا نع لقي مل كلاملا نا مفلا ىبهذ انحوي همأ( لاق لب ) كتارمإ( ميرم ةسيدقلأ لاجم لك لازو دلايملا ققحت ذا هنإف ديسلل ةبوسنم ةسيدقلا تراص كشلل كلاملا دارأ دقل .. فسويل لا حيسملا زكرملا وه حيسملا ديسلا نأ ديكأت سيدقلا ىري .. هيلإ بستنن ىذلا طبترت ىتلا سفنلا نأ سونيطسغا يحلا ناميلإا للاخ حيسملا ديسلاب .. ايحور اهيف هلمحت ةبحملاب لماعلا ميرم ةسيدقلاك هل تراص دق اهنأكو . دسجلاب هتلمح امك ايحور هتلمح ىتلا رصم ىلا حيسملا ديسلا بره اذامل + ةقلح لثمي رصم ىلا بورهلا :لاوأ سيدقلا اهزاتجأ يتلا مللاا تاقلح نم دق يحولا ناك نإف .. حرفب فسوي جزتمت ربلا ةايح نإف .. ربلاب هل دهسث هملاس نمؤملا دقفي نا نود ملالآاب يبهذ انحوي سيدقلا قلعي .. يلخادلا لائاق فسويل كلاملا تاملك ىلع مفلا لاو اذه هعامس دنع فسوي رثعتي مل : هنا ىل لقي ملأ بعص رمأ اذه لاق صلخي نا ردقي لا فيكف هبعش صلخي عطقنو .. بورهلاب مزتلن لب هسفن ؟؟ رخآ دلب ىف نطقنو .. ةليوط ةلحر لقي مل .. هب تدعو ام ضقاني اذه نإف لب .. ناميإ لجر هنلأ .. اذه نم ائيش مل ذا .. هعوجر دعوم نع لأس لاو كانه نكو( هل لاق لب .. كلاملا هددحي ناك لب نزحي مل .. )كل لوقأ ىتح براجتلا هذه لمتحي اعيطمو اعضاخ بعتلاب حرفلا الله جزمي اذكه .. حرفب اربدم .. هنوقتي نيذلا لك عم كلذو .. ىرخلأاب ةدحاولا جزمي راربلأا ةايح ىأر دقف .. انه الله هلعفي ام اذه .. أدبو برطضأف لاماح ءارذعلا فسوي كلاملا هب فقو لاحلا ىفو .. كشي امدنعو .. هفوخ هنع عزنو هكش ددبو اميظع احرف لأتما ادولوم لفطلا نياع

joy which God allows for the sake of perfecting us and supporting us spiritually. With hardships we ar perfected before God, and with joy we are filled with hope in God’s protection and constant care.

Secondly: The flight of the Lord Jesus from evil confirmed the truth of his incarnation. As St. John Chrysostom says, “ If since his early childhood he had performed his miracles, he would not have been considered a man.”

Thirdly: His flight as a representative for humanity, offers us a spiritual program that has the basis of not resisting evil by evil. As St. John Chrysostom says “fire is not extinguished by fire, but by water.”

Fourthly: Egypt was he head of gentile world. In the Old Testament, it pointed with its Pharaoh to slavery, and with its fertile soil it pointed to a life of luxury and love of the world. The Lord could have resorted to a city in Judea or in Galilee, but he wished to sanctify the land of Egypt so as to establish in the midst of this Gentile land an altar for him. Concerning this, Isaiah the prophet says (Is 19_ “See, the Lord is riding on a swift cloud and comes to Egypt, the idols of Egypt will tremble at his presence, and the heart of the Egyptians will melt within them.... On that day there will be and altar to the Lord in the center of the land of Egypt and a pillar to the Lord at its border. It will be a sign and an witness to the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt... The Lord will make himself known to the Egyptians, and the Egyptians will know the Lord on that day, and will worship with sacrifice and burnt offering, and they will make vows to the Lord and perform them... Blessed be Egypt my people” The inspiration was much concerned about this matchless journey, with it Egypt became a beaming center of live faith. Just as Joseph in Egypt stored wheat as a support to the world during the famine for seven long years, likewise the Lord Jesus offered bountiful blessings in Egypt to become a mysterious essential blessing for the entire world. This was made clean during the Alexandria school, and then emerging of monastic life and missionary work... St John Chrysostom says, “Let us go to the wilderness of Egypt where you will see it even better than paradise! There are numberless angelic hosts in human form, and endless martyrs and of the virgins.... Satan’s despotism has collapsed, and Jesus’ kingdom shone in all glory! This Egypt is the homeland of poets, wise men and magicians... it has shielded itself with the cross! Heaven with all its splendid planets is not more glorious than the wilderness of Egypt filled with hermit’s cells. At any rate, he who confesses that the old ancient Egypt is the on that forgot

تبرطضا ذأ ديدش قيض حرفلا اذه عبتو .. .. لفطلا بلطي ابضغ كلملا لأتما ةنيدملا مجنلا روهظب بارطضلأا عبتي حرفلا ءاجو حرفلا اذه ىلي ىرخأ ةرم .. كولملا دوجسو ةايح بلطي سدوريه نلأ فوخو رطخ ىلا برهي نأب فسوي م زتلأو .. لفطلا .. ىرخأ ةنيدم دكأ رشلا نم حيسملا ديسلا بوره :ايناث انحوي سيدقلا لوقي امكو هدسجت ةقيقح ةركبملا هتلوفط ذنم هنأ ول ( مفلا ىبهذلا .. ) اناسنإ بسح امل بئاجع رهظأ اجهنم انل مدقي ةيرشبلل لثممك هبوره :أثلاث .. رشلاب رشلا ةمواقم مدع هساسأ ايحور نا( مفلا ىبهذ انحوي سيدقلا رلوقي امكو .)ءاملاب لب رانلاب أفطت لا رانلا .. يمملأا ملاعلا ةدئار رصم تناك :اعبار ىلا ميدقلا دهعلا ىف ريشت اهنوعرفب تناكف ةايح ىلا ريشت اهضرأ ةبوصخب .. ةيدوبعلا ديسلل نكمي ناك .. ملاعلا ةبحمو فرتلا وا ةيدوهيلا يف ةنيدم ىلا أجتلي نأ حيسملا ميقيل رصم ضرأ سيدقت دارأ هنكل ليلجلا ىف .. هل احبذم ةيمملأا ضرلأا طسو ىف بكار برلا اذوه( ىبنلا ءايعشأ لوقي اذه رصم ىلا مداقو ةعيرس ةفيفخ ةباحس ىلع بوذيو ةهج نم رصم ناثوأ فجترتف .. نوكي مويلا كلذ ىف .. اهلخاد رصم بلق دومعو رصم ضرأ طسو ىف برلل حبذم برل ةداهشو ةملاع نوكيف اهمخت ىف برلل ىف برلا فرعيف .. رصم ضرا ىف دونجلا كلذ ىف برلا نويرصملا فرعيو رصم برلل نورذنيو همدقتو ةحيبذ نومدقيو مويلا رصم ىبعش كرابم ( .. هب نوفويو ارذن اهب .. ةديرفلا ةرايزلا هذهب ىحولا متها .. ) .. يح ىناميا عاعشإ زكرم رصم تراص دنسك ةطنحلا رصم ىف فسوي نزخ امكو مدق اذكه .. تاونس عبس ةعاجملا ءانثا ملاعلل رس نوكتل رصم ىف معن ضيف حيسملا ديسلا للاخ حوضوب كلذ رهظ .. هلك ملاعلل ةكرب تاكرحلا روهظو ةيردنكسلإا ةسردم لمع .. ىزاركلا لمعلاو ةينابهرلا يلأ اومله( مفلا ىبهذ انحوي سيدقلا لوقي سودرف لك نم لضفا اهورتل رصم ةيرب لكش ىف ةيكئلاملا تامغطلا نم تاوبر .. تاعامجو .. ءادهشلا نم بوعشو .. ىرشب .. ناطيشلا نايغط مدهت دقل .. نييلوتبلا نم هذه رصم .. هئاهبب حيسملا توكلم قرشأو تنصح .. ةرحسلاو ءامكحلاو ءارعشلا مأ سراوخ لكب ءامسلا .. بيلصلاب اهسفن نم ةئلتمملا رصم ءاهب ىف تسيل اهبكاوك نم .. لاوحلاا ىأ ىلع .. كاسنلا ىللاق تبراح ىتلا ىه ةميدقلا رصم نأب فرتعي

God in coldness and has worshiper cats, and feared onions and trembled of it.. someone like this will well realize the power of Christ.” St. John Chrysostom also speaks of this blessed visit to Egypt for its sanctification, sighing “Because Egypt and Babylon were countries most kindled by the evil fire, the Lord declared since the beginning he wished to correct the two places for His account so he would bring them to a better existence. At the same time they would be an example to the entire world, and hence ask for his blessings. This is why he sent the wise men to one of them and to the other he himself with his mother went there.” He furthermore says, “Contemplate this unusual thing: Palestine was expecting him, Egypt welcomed him and saved him from revenge.”

+ The killing of the Children of Bethlehem: (Matt 2:16-18) “When Herod saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, he was infuriated, and he sent and killed all the children in and around Bethlehem who were two years old and under, according to the time that he had learned form the wise men. Then was fulfilled what had been spoken through the prophet Jeremiah: Avoia was heard in Ramah, wailing and loud lamentation, Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be consoled because they were no more.” The killing of Bethlehem’s children was not mere coincidence. It represents past and parcel as stage of the life of our Savior. If the inspiration was concerned about in the Old and New Testaments. Jeremiah the prophet saw Rachel, Jacob’s wife buried there, crying over her children and her grandchildren, because of Herod’s cruelty against them. Some may ask: why has the king of peace allowed this tragedy to occur because of his birth? Whereas at that very same time the angels began praising God and blessing humanity with the joy of heavenly peace, as well as the strangers came carrying gifts to the child in the manger, and all of the sudden the Hebrew children get slaughtered for no sin of theirs. Those children presented a work of true witness and testimony for the entire world. They represent the church of the New Testament, which carried the simplicity of the Spirit first like children do. Herod could not stand this and thus persecutes it. Yet he couldn’t choke the voice of its testimony, because the children were like the prince blessed with the unity of the divine lamb wherever he may be. The crossing of Bethlehem’s children to above represents the church of princehood as a sanctified spiritual procession with the crucified Firstborn ahead. They are uplifted by him and with him though his true sacrifice so to share the heavenly host in their liturgies and new praises above. Briefly speaking, I say this occurrence despite the wailing and lamentation in grievous bitterness can never be denied. It signifies a revelation of the New Testament Church as a simple

لصبلا تفاخو ططقلا تدبعف دورب ىف الله ةوق كردي اذه لثم .. هنم بعترت تناكو .. ) انسح حيسملا مفلا يبهذ انحوي سيدقلا اضيأ ثدحتي اهسيدقتل رصمل ةكرابملا ةرايزلا هذه نع رثكأ امه لبابو رصم تناك اذ( لوقيف نلعأ رشلا رانب نيتبهتلم ملاعلا دلاب حلاصإ ىف بغري هنأ ةيادبلا ذنم برلا ام ىلإ امهب يتأيل .. هباسحل نيتقطنملا امهب لثتمت تقولا سفن ىفو .. لضفأ وه لسرأ اذهل .. هاياطع بلطتتف ضرلأا لك اهيلإ بهذ ىرخلأاو سوجملا ةدحاولل ارمأ لمأت ( لوقي امك .. )همأ عم هسفنب رصم هرظتنت تناك نيطسلف .. ابيجع .. )ردغلا نم هتذقنأو هتلبقتسا محل تيب لافطأ لتق + سوجملا نأ سدوريه ىأر امل ذئنيح لتقو لسرأف .. ادج بضغ هنم اورخس اهموخت لكو محل تيب ىف نايبصلا عيمج نام نلا بسحب نود امف نيتنس نبإ نم .. مت ذئنيح سوجملا نم هققحت يذلا نامزلا عمس توص( لئاقلا يبنلا ايمرأب ليق ام .. ريثك ليوعو ءاكبو حون .. ةمارلا ىف نأ ديرت لاو اهدلاوأ ىلع ىكبت ليحار .. ) نيدوجومب اوسيل مهنلأ ىزعتت ضحمب متي مل محل تيب لافطا لتق نم أزجتي لا ءزج لثمي هنكل .. ةفدصلا يف هنلاعإب يحولا متهأ صلخملا ةايح ايمرأ ىأر دقل .. ديدجلاو ميدقلا نيدهعلا كانه ةنوفدملا بوقعي ةجوز ليحار ىبنلا لجأ نم ) اهدافحأ( اهدلاوأ ىلع ىكبت لءاستي امبر مهيلع سدوريه بلق ةواسق ثدحت نأ ملاسلا كلم حمس اذمل ضعبلا ؟؟ هدلايم ببسب ةثراكلا هذه ةكئلاملا تقلطنا هيف ىذلا تقولا ىف ملاسلاب اهعتمتل رشبلا بوطت حيبستلاب ايادهلا نولمحي ءابرغلا ءاجو .. ىوامسلا نييناربعلا لافطأ اذأ دوزملا لفط ىلا .. بنذ لاب نولتقي ايزارك لامع لافطلأا ءلاؤه مدق دقل مهنإف .. هلك ملاعلا مامأ قح ةداهشو تلمح ىتلا ديدجلا دهعلا ةسينك نولثمي اهقيطي لا يتلا .. لافطلأاك حورلا ةطاسب نأ ردقي لا هنكل اهدهطضيف سدوريه لافطلأا قلطنأ ذإ .. اهتداهش توص متكي يهللإا لمحلا عم ةدحولاب اومعنيل راكبأك .. دجو امنيأ نولثمي قوف ىلا محل تيب لافطأ روبع سدقم يحور بكومك ديدجلا دهعلا ةسينك هعمو هب نوعفتري .. بولصملا مهمدقتي نييئامسلا اوكراشيل قحلا لذبلا للاخ

one with no complexity. It carries the cross as an essential sign that concerns its nature. It is the church of firstborns, uplifted above, practicing its divine life while it is firm in the crucified heavenly head.

+ The Return to Nazareth: St. Joseph was inspired to leave towards Galilee. He came to live in the a town called Nazareth. This is to fulfill what the prophets spoke of “he will be called a Nazarene”. St . John Chrysostom comments on this event saying, “Joseph returned to Nazareth to avoid the danger on one hand, and on the other one to be happy for living in his own nation. His going to Nazareth, this modest town, was to destroy the pride the Jews held of their being related to certain tribes or to certain outstanding cities. St. John Chrysostom says “Because not only was that place of little importance, but also the whole of Galilee. This is why the Pharisees say, “search and look, there is no prophet coming out of Galilee. (John 7:52) He was not ashamed to say he came from there, because he was not in need of any human concerns. He chose his disciples form Galilee as well. I wish we would never pride ourselves on our birth or our riches, but rather scorn those who do so. I wish we wouldn’t get disgusted with poverty, but rather ask for the riches of good works. Let us escape the poverty that makes people wicked, (Luke 16:24) for this is what makes riches poor; “send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I’m in agony of these flames” The word “Nazareth”, or “Nazarene” is a Christian title in Hebrew it is Natzar which means a branch. From it is derived the Arabic word Nader. The Lord Jesus was referred to in more than one prophecy in the Old Testament as ‘the branch’. In Isaiah the prophet (11:1,2) “ A shoot shall come from the stump of Jesse. And a branch shall grow out of his roots. The Spirit of the Lord shall rest on him the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.” In (Jeremiah 11:5) “The Lord says there shall come the days when I shall establish a righteous branch for David. A king shall reign and be successful, fulfilling truth and justice on earth” (cf. Jer 33:15), (Zecharaiah 38) “ I am going to bring my servant the branch.” (Zech 6:12) “ Here is a man whose name is branch, for he shall branch out in his place, and he shall build the temple of the Lord”. This is why the Jews expected the Messiah to be called the ‘Branch’ or ‘Nazarene’.

مهتايجروتيل .. ةديدجلا ةيولعلا مهحيباستو نم هيف امب ثدحلا اذه نأ لوقأ راصتخإ ىف اهراكنا نكمي لا ةيساق ةرارم عم ليوعو بيحن ةسينكك ديدجلا دهعلا ةسينك نع افشك لمحي ةيرهوج ةملاعك بيلصلا لمحت .. ديقعت لاب ىلا ةعفترم .. راكبأ ةسينك .. اهتعيبط سمت ىف اهتويث للاخ ةيوامسلا اهتايح سرامت قوف بولصملا ىوامسلا سأرلا ةرصانلا ىلا ةدوعلا + ةرصان ىلا فرصني نا فسوي سيدقلل ىحوا ةرصان اهل لاقي ةنيدم ىف نكسو ىتأف .. ليلجلا .. ايرصان ىعديس هنا ءايبنلااب ليق ام متي ىكل ثدحلا اذه ىلع مفلا ىبهذ انحوي سيدقلا قلعي بنجتي ىكل ةرصانلا ىلا فسوي داع هلوقب جهتبي ىكل ىرخأ ةيحان نمو ةيحان نم رطخلا .. هنطوم ىف ىنكسلاب ىذب تسيل دلب ىهو .. ةرصانلا ىلا هباهذ نم دوهيلا هب مستا ام مطحي نأ هب دارأ ةميق دلاب نم وأ ةنيعم طابسأ ىلا مهبسنب مهراختفأ .. ةرهش تاذ عضوملا نلأ مفلا ىبهذ انحوي سيدقلا لوقي طقف سيل يرحلاب لب .. ةيمهلأا ليلق ناك لوقي اذهل .. ليلجلا ةقطنم لك امناو عضوملا نم ىبن مقي مل هنا .. رظناو شتف« نويسيرفلا كانه نم هنأ ىعدي نأ لجخي مل هنا »ليلجلا ةصاخلا روملاا ىلا جاتحمب سيل هنأ رهظيل .. .. ليلجلا نم هذيملات راتخأ دقو .. رشبلاب .. انانغ وأ اندلوم ومس ببسب ربكتسن لا انتيل لا انتيل .. اذكه لعفي نمب ىردزن ىرحلاب لب لامعلاا ىنغ بلطن لب .. رقفلا نم زئمشن سانلا لعجي ىذلا رقفلا نم برهنل .. ةحلاصلا ذإ .. ارقف ىنغلا نم لعجي ىذلا اذه .. ارارشأ لاف ءام ةرطق لجا نم ةجاجلب لاسوتم بلطي .. دجي بقل )ىراصن( تفتشا اهنم ةرصان ةملك اهنمو .. نصغ ةيربعلاب ىنعتو .. نييحيسملا حيسملأ ديسلا ىمس دقو )رضان( ةيربعلا ةملكلا .. نصغلاب ميدقلأ دهعلا ىف ةوبن نم رثكأ ىف نم بيضق جرخيو« يبنلا ءايعشأ ىف ءاجف لحيو .. هلوصأ نم نصغ تبنيو .. ىسي عذج حور .. مهفلاو ةمكحلا حور برلا حور هيلع برلا ةفاخمو ةفرعملا حور .. ةوقلاو ةروشملا .. برلا لوقي ىتأت مايأ اه« ايمرأ ىف ءاجو .. حجنيو كلم كلميف .. رب نصغ دوادل ميقأو .. »ضرلأا ىف لادعو اقح ىرجيو كز( .. نصغلا ىدبعب ىتآ اذنأ اه« ايركز ىفو نمو همسأ نصغلا لجرلا اذوه« .. )8 :3 :6 كز( »برلا لكيه ىنبيو .. تبني هناكم هنأ ايسملا ىف نوبقرتي دوهيلا ناك اذكه .. )١2 2 .. )ايرصان( ىأ نصغلا ىعدي


HH Pope Shenouda III

The month of January brings to us several feasts: the beginning of the new year, the Nativity, the Circumcision, the Epiphany.

We thank God who gave us the blessing and the efficiency of all these feasts, in our lives. While we celebrate the glorious feast of the Epiphany, we are glad to stop sometime for meditation: The feast of Epiphany is the feast of Baptism ...... This feast is also called the feast of the divine manifestation (the Theophania). Because the Holy Trinity appeared in it: The Son is baptised, The Father says from heaven: “This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”, and The Holy Spirit appears “like of a dove” (Matt. 3: 16-17). Hence the baptism of the Lord Christ shows the creed of the Holy Trinity.

Thus the baptism is always in the Name of the Holy Trinity, according to the word of the Lord to His disciples before His Ascension: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matt. 28:19). He did not say in the names, because the three are one, as it was mentioned in (1 John 5:7): “For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one”.

It is well that the Church has called this feast: “Eed El Ghetass”, or the feast of the Immersion, (in Arabic: Eed means feast, and “El Ghetass” means immersion). Because in it, the Church reminds the people that the Lord Christ was baptized by being immersed, as it was said that after being baptized, “When He has been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water” (Matt. 3:16). The Church also reminds the people that the faithful in the New Testament are being baptized by being immersed, (and not by being sprinkled with water, as it is done in some communities). The Ethiopian eunuch was baptized in this manner, at the beginning of the apostolic era, at the hands of Philip: “Now when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away” (Acts 8:39).

Also because Baptism is a tincture, (Baptisma in Latin), and tinting is accomplished through immersion; and because Baptism is a burial with Christ (Col. 2:12), and burial is accomplished through placing inside the tomb (immersion), and cannot be represented by sprinkling with water ......

Likewise, in all the ancient vestiges, we see that baptism was accomplished inside a recipient that was called the baptistery.

That proves that baptizing was accomplished through immersion, and not by sprinkling water.

ديجملا ساطغلا ديع ىف تلامأت ثلاثلا ةدونش ابنلأا ابابلا ةسادق نماددع رياني رهش انيلإ لمحي ديعو ؛ةنسلا سار ديع : دايعلأا ديعو ،ناتخلا ديعو ،دلايملا اناطعأ نإ الله ركشن .ساطغلا ىف اهتيلعافو دايعلأا هذه لك ةكرب .انتايح ،ديجملا ساطغلا ديعب لفتحن ذإو : لمأتلل لأيلق هدنع فقن نا انرسي ...دامعلا ديعوا ساطغلا ديع هنإ ديعب اضيا هنوعسي ديعلا اذه نإ 0 )اينافوئيثلا( ىهللإا روهظلا نبلأا :سودقلا ثولاثلا رهظ هيف لوقي ءامسلا نم
بيبحلا ىنبا
ىف درو امك ا : ةثلاث مه ءامسلا ىف نودهشي .سدقلا حورلاو ةملكلاو
.دحاو مه ةثلاثلا ءلاؤهو ديعلا اذه تمس ةسينكلا نأ انسحو . ساطغلا ديعب نا هيف بعشلا ركذت كلذب اهنلأ .سيطغتلاب دمعت حيسملا دبسلا دعص” دمتعا امل هنإ ليق امك .(١5 : 3 تم( “ءاملا نم تقولل ىف نينمؤملا ناب اضيا مهركثتو ،سيطغتلاب نودمعتي ديدجلا دهعلا ضعب دنع امك ،شرلاب سيلو( ىصخلا دمعت اذكهو 0 )فئاوطلا ىلوسرلا رصعلا ةيادب ىف ىشبحلا نم ادعص املو” سبليف دي ىلع “سبليف برلا حور فطخ ،ءاملا . (3٩ :8عا( ةغبص ةيدومعملا نلأ اضياو ةغبصلاو ،)Baptisma ةينيتلالاب( ةيدومعملا نلأو .سيطغتلاب متت ،)١2 :2 وك( حيسملا عم نفد لاو .ربقلا ىف سيطغتلاب متي نفدلاو
بلآاو ،دمتعي
وه اذها”
سدقلا حورلاو ،تررس
3 تم( ” ةمامح ةئيه ىلع
دامع نإف كلنلو .)١7 ،١6 ..ثولاثلا ةديقع رهظي حيسملا مسابً امئاد دامعلا نوكي اذكهو . ثولاثلا لبق هذيملاتل برلا لوق بسح عيمج اوذملتو اوبهذا” هدوعص نبلااو بلآا مساب مهودمعو ،مملأا . (١٩ :28تم( ” سدقلا حورلاو دحا و ةثلاثلا نلأ ،ءاسأب لقي ملو نيذلا” )7 :ه وي١ (

We remember, during this feast, many spiritual and doctrinal meanings, whether as regards the baptism of the Lord Christ at the hands of John the Baptist, or as regards the importance of Baptism in the Church.......

We remember also that the Lord came to the baptism of John, while He was not in need of it. But that was in order “to fulfill all righteousness”, so that He would be without blame before men, even while He is not in need. That also establishes before us the principle of obedience and the principle of loyalty, without asking what profit it is to us?

He entered the baptism of John also in order to be our representative, or to take our place, just as He fasted instead of us, and just as He was crucified instead of us.

Many of His actions were for the others and not for Himself. He took our place to present to God the Father an image of the perfect man, who satisfies the Father by His life, as well He satisfies Him by His redemption of the human kind.

In His baptism, we remember his humility ..... We remember His love and His fidelity, and His tenderness in His conversation with John, when He says: “Permit it to be so now”.

The baptism of Christ also reminds us of our baptism, and of the care of the Church for Baptism. Baptism is the first sacrament of the Church, and is the door through which we enter to the other sacraments.

We say vulgarity: “we have Christianised so and so”, that is: we have baptised him; because he has become a Christian through baptism. ..... That is an expression which is sound in its doctrinal meaning, and which reminds us of the word of Christ: “He who believes and is baptized will be saved” (Mark 16:16).

Therefore, the day of baptism is a feast as regards the child and his family. In that day, the Church gives him three sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist also; and makes him ready to participate in the life of the Church. He becomes a member in it, and takes the first

ecclesiastical certificate in his life.

The Church assigns a sponsor to the child, who will care for him spiritually, and very often it is the mother who is the sponsor to her child.

The mother is engaged before God and the Church to take care of her child in the fear of God, and to be his first teacher, who instructs him, and who gives him the practical training for all religious matters.

انع بان دقل امك ،هتايحب بلآا ىضري ،لماكلا ناسنلإل .ةيوشبلل هئادفي هيضري .. هعضاوت ركذن : هدامع ىف نحنو ثيدحلا ىف هتقرو ،همازتلاو هتبحم ركذنو . )نلآا حمسا( هل لوقي ذإ ،انحوي عم امنإ ،حيسملا ديسلا ةيدومعم نا ىلع قمعبو . اضيأ نحن انتيدومعمب انركذت . ةيدومعملاب ةسينكلا مامتها ةسينكلا رارسا ىف ىلولأا ىه ةيدوعملاف . رارسلأا ىقاب ىلإ لوخدلا بابو ىا

... ءاملاب شرلا ادبأ هلثمي . ةميدقلا راثلآا لك ىل كلذك ىمسي نرج ىف متي دامعلا ناك هنا دجن نا ىلع لدي اذهو .)ةيدومعملا نرج( شرلاب سيلو ، سيطغتلاب تناك ةيدومعملا ىناعملا نم ريثكلا ديعلا اذه ىف ركذنو ىلإ ةبسنللب ءاوس ،ةيدئاقعلاو ةيحورلا وأ ،نادمعملا انحوي نم حيسملا ديسلا دامع ... ةسينكلا ىف ةيدومعملا ةيمها ىلإ مدقت برلا ديسلا نأ اضيا ركنن .اهيلا جاتحم ريغوهو انحوي ةيدومعم مامأ مول لاب نوكيل ،رب لك لمكيل امنإ عضي انهو .جاتحم ريغ وهو ىتح ،سانلا نا نود ،مازتللإا ادبمو ةعاطلا أدبم انماما ؟ انديفي اذام لأسن بوني ىكل انحوي ةيدومعم لخد اضياو !انع بلص امكو ،نانع ماص امك ،انع ،هريغ لجأ نم ناك ،هلعفي ناك امم ريثك .هسفن لجا نم سيلو ةروص بلآا هللل مدقي نأ ىف
“انلاف انرصن” نولوقي ةماعلا
.. اينارصن راص دامعلاب هنلأ .هاندمع انركذي ىتوهلالا هانعم ىف ميلس ريبعت
دمتعاو نمآ نم” حيسملا ديسلا لوقب .(١6 : ١6 رم( “صلخ ىلا ةبسنلاب ديع موبوه دامعلا موي كلنل هحنمت مويلا اذه ىفو . هترسأو لفطلا ةيدومعملا ىه ةسدقم رارسا ةثلاث ةسينكلا رسو ،)ةسدقملا ةحسملا( نوريملاو ةايح ىف ةكراشملل هدهمتو .اضيأ لوانتلا لوأ ذخايو ،اهيف اوضع حبصيو . ةسينكلا 0 هتايح ىف ةيسنك ةداهش ىلوتي انيبشا دمعملا لفطلل ةسينكلا نيعتو ىه ملأا نوكت امً ابلاغو ،اهحور هتياعر . اهلفط ةنيبشأ ىعرت نأ ةسينكلاو الله مامأ ملأا دهعتتو ملعملا ىه نوكتو ،الله فوخ ىف اهلفط هبردتو ،نيدلا رومأ لك هنقلت ،هل لولأا 0 ايلمع اهيلع

+ Fourtieth Day Commemoration:

Next Sunday 15th January 2023 at St Mary’s Church during the Third Liturgy (9:3011:30am) 40th Day Commemoration will be conducted for late Mr Boshra Hanna Masoud, Husband of the late Evon Zaki, Father of Dr Amani Hanna, wife of Mr Ihab Barsoum in Melbourne; and Dr Maha Hanna, wife of Dr Nader Hanna in New Zealand. Grandfather of Mr Sherief Riad and Mr Hady Riad in New Zealand and Dr Ramez Barsoum in Brisbane, Dr Nardin Barsom wife of Mr Peter Awad in Melbourne. May the Lord repose his soul and grant peace and comfort for all family members. God bless you all

Church: St Macarious Coptic Orthodox Church

Date: Tuesday 17th January 2023 Time: 2pm Address: 615 Yan Yean Road Yarrambat

•Raous is the mother of Mervat (Mona) Salib wife of Joseph Salib and grandmoth- er of George Salib, Gina Boutros (wife of Fr Shenouda Boutros) and Michael Salib (husband of Natalie Salib).

•Raous is the mother of Magdy Wassif Anis (Egypt) husband of Kamilia Azmy and grandmother of Mina & Marina.

•Raous is the mother of Susan Wassif (Egypt) wife of the late Nagy Abdallah and grandmother of Nermeen & Nader.

• Raous is the mother of Hoda Attia, wife of Adly Attia and grandmother of Peter Attia, Bishoy Attia (husband of Marina Attia) and Mary Attia (wife of Youssef)

•Raous is the mother of Oddette Shafik, wife of Nagy Shafik and grandmother of Ninette & Youssef (Egypt)

•Raous is mother of Seham Goubrial, wife of Nashaat Goubrial and grandmother of David Goubrial (husband of Monica) and Diana Goubrial

•Raous is the mother of Naglaa Anis, wife of the late Mofdy Makari and grandmother of Fr John Makari (husband of Marina) and Andrew Makari (husband of Marina) She was survived by 16 grand children and 27 great grandchildren. A loving mother, devote Christian and a servant to all.

“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life.

John 5:24

سويجرس ىفصو /ديسلا موحرملا ةجوز نيمايني ثوعار /ةديسلا ةموحرملا ةحاين لجأ نم ىلصن
to the Lord Mrs Raous Boctor, wife of the late Mr Wassif Sargious.
Funeral details are:
:نيعبرلأا ىركذ + يف نكسيل بر اي هتلبق و هترتخا نمل ىبوط دبلأٱ ىلإ كرايد ةسينكب ميحارتلا ماقت 2023رياني ١5 دحلأا موي ثلاثلا سادقلا للاخ ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا نيعبرلأا ىركذل )احابص ١١:30 - ٩:30) انح ضاير يرشب /ديسلا موحرملا لاقتنلأ يكز نوفيا هموحرملا جوز و ادنلايزوينب انح ردان د مرح اهم.د دلاو .نروبلمب موسرب باهيإ .د مرح انح يناما.د ضاير يداه رايط نتباكو فيرش.د دجو .ادنلايزوينب مرح موسرب نيدران .دو نبزربب زمار .د و . نروبلمب ضوع رتيب سدنهم دارفأ لك ىزعيو هسفن حيني بحملا برلا ةرسلأا
Feast of Nativity Eve - St. Mary’s Church

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready within 12 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. Cost of building works is around $12,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .ارهش ١2 2 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا بسح .ارلاود نويلم ١2 2 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Building Site 21st December 2022

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