Weekly Bulletin 16th April 2023

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Services at St Mary’s Church

Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults

Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom)

Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom)


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly)

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm


Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & Eng-


2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan:

0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kens-

ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros

0411 518 399

Fr John Macary 0433 445 636

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا يبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 يزيلجنا - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 يبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩-7 يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Departure of the Righteous Joachim, The Lord Christ Grandfather.

16th April - 7th Baramoda

On this day the righteous Joachim (Yonakhir - Zadok) departed. He was the father of St. Mary, the Theotokos, the mother of God incarnate. He was of the seed of David, and of the tribe of Judah, for he was the son of Jotham, the son of Lazarus, the son of Eldad who ascended up in genealogy to Solomon the king, the son of David whom God promised that his seed should reign over the children of Israel for ever. The wife of this righteous man, Hannah was barren, and both of them prayed and entreated God continually to give them a child. Having accepted their petition He gave them a good and sweet fruit, which satisfied all the men of the world, and removed from them the bitterness of servitude, and He made Joachim worthy to be called the father of the Lord Christ in regard of His marvelous and wondrous Incarnation. After God had pleased him with the birth of our Lady, his heart was rejoiced and he offered his offerings, and the shame had been removed from him, he departed in peace when the Virgin was three years old. May his prayers be with us. Amen.

The Martyrdom of the Holy Virgins: Agape, Eirene, and Shiona.

17th April - 8th Baramoda

On this day the three holy virgins: Agape, Eirene, and Shiona (Susinia) were martyred. They were from Thessalonica, and worshipped Christ as their parents. They chose the life of chastity and they agreed to devote themselves to the ascetic life. They fasted and prayed unceasingly, visited the convents often and participated with the virgins in their prayers and asceticism. When Maximianus the infidel, reigned, he restored the worship of the idols and shed the blood of many Christians. These saints were afraid and they fled to the mountain and hid themselves in a cave devoting themselves to their worship and asceticism. Every week, an aged Christian woman visited them bringing all things needed and took the work of their hands to sell it, and distributed the remainder as alms to the poor. One day a malicious person observed the frequent visits of this old woman to the mountain, he followed her secretly until he knew the cave that she entered. He hid himself so she did not see him on her way back, and he thought that she was hiding precious things in it. After she left the cave by a distance he entered the cave and he found the precious pearls the prides of the Christ standing praying. He bound them, dragged them away, and brought them to the Governor of Thessalonica. He asked them about their faith, they confessed that they were Christians worshipping that Who was Crucified. The Governor became wrath with them, tortured them much, then cast them into the fire, and they delivered up their souls and received the

مأ ءارذعلا دلاو رابلا ميقاوي ةحاين هللاا ةدومرب 7 - ليربأ ١6 ميقاوي قيدصلا حينت مويلا لثم يف ) قوداصو ريخانوب اضيأ يمس( دسجلاب هللإا ةدلاو ءارذعلا ةديسلا دلاو طبس نم دواد لسن نم ناك اذهو . نب رزاعل نب ماثوي نبا وهو اذوهي ىلإ بسنلا يف دعصي يذلا دويلا نأ الله هدعو يذلا دواد نب ناميلس ىلإ ليئارسإ ينب يلع كلمي هلسن هتجوز تناك قيدصلا اذه . دبلأا لاؤسلا يلع اهعم هتموادمبو ارقاع ةحلاص ةرمث امهقزر الله نم ةبلطلاو تعزنو ملاعلا لهأ لك تعبشأ ةولح اذهلو ةيدوبعلا ةرارم مههاوفأ نم نم حيسملا ديسلل ابأ يعدي نأ قحتسا دعبو . بيرغلا بيجعلا دسجتلا ثيح حرفو ةديسلا دلومب هينيع الله رقأ نأ . راعلا هنع لازو هنابرق مدق هبلق ةنبا ءارذعلا تناك ثيح ملاسب حينتو . انعم نوكت هتلاص . نينس ثلاث نيمآ ايفوصو ىنيريإو بىاغا داهشتسا ةدومرب ٨ - ليربأ١٧ ىراذعلا تدهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في ءلاؤهو . ةيفوصو ينيرياو بىاغأ تاسيدقلا تادباع نكو ، ةيقينولاست لهأ نم نك ةيلوتبلا ةشيع نترخا مث نهئابآ نع حيسملل نكو ةليضفلا في كولسلا ليع نقفتاو تاولصلاو ةلصاوتلما ماوصلاا ليع تاموادم تاكسنتم ىراذعلا ةريدأ ليع تاددترم ةيرثكلا سونايميسكم كلتم مالف . تابهارلا عم ةدابع راثأو ) ثلاثلا نرقلا رخاوأ وحن( رفاكلا ينيحيسلما نم نييرثك ءامد كفسو مانصلأا نأبتخاو لبجلا لىإ نبرهو تاسيدقلا تفاخ نهتدابعو نهكسن ليع تاموادم ةراغم في نهدقتفت ةيحيسم زوجع ةأرما كانه تناكو هنلمعي ام عيبتو عوبسأ لك هنجتحي ام لكب ثدحو . لضفي ابم نهنع قدصتتو نهيديأب زوجعلا هذه جورخ ةثرك راشرلأا دحأ يأر نأ فرع نأ لىإ دعب نع اهعبتف . لبجلا لىإ هارت لا ىتح أبتخاف اهيلإ لخدت يتلا ةراغلما ءايشأ ئبخت اهنأ نظي ناكو ، اهتدوع دنع اهنع تدعتباو ةراغلما نم تجرخ مالف ةنيثم سئارع ةسيفنلا رهاوجلا دجوف اهيلإ لخد نهبذجو نهطبرف ينلصي تائماق نهو حيسلما نهلأسف . ةيقينولاست لياو لىإ نهضرحأو تادباع تايحيسم نهنأ نررقأف نهنايمأ نع

crown of martyrdom. May their prayers be with us. Amen. The commemoration of the Wonder that took place on the hand of Pope Sinuthius (Shenouda I) the Fifty Fifth Patriarch.

18th April - 9th Baramoda

On this day also a great sign was made manifest through our holy father Pope Sinuthius (Shenouda I( the fifty fifth Pope of Alexandria. This Pope went to the desert of Scetis in order to fast the Holy Lent with the fathers the monks. On Palm Sunday many Arabs came to the desert of Scetis to plunder the monasteries. They stood on the rock east of the church of St. Macarius. Their swords were drawn in their hands ready to kill and steal. The bishops and the monks gathered together and decided to leave the desert before the Holy Feast of Resurrection (Easter) and they took counsel with Pope Shenouda who told them; “As for me I will not leave the desert until I complete the Pascal week. On Maundy Thursday the situation became worse. The Pope took his staff that had the sign of the cross on it and he wanted to go out to meet the Arabs saying: “It is better for me to die with the people of God” but they prevented him from going out, but instead, he strengthened and comforted them. Then he went forth to meet the Arabs with his staff in his hand. When they saw him, they retreated and fled away as if they were pursued by an army of soldiers and from this day onwards they never came back to do any harm.

The prayers of this father be with us and glory be to God forever. Amen.

The Departure of Pope Gabriel II, the Seventy Pope of Alexandria, who was known as Ibn Turaik.

19th April - 10th Baramoda

On this day also of the year 861 A.M. (April 5th., 1145 A.D.) the great and holy father Pope Gabriel II, the seventy Pope of the See of St. Mark, who was known as Ibn Turaik, departed. This Pope was from the nobles of Cairo, and he was a writer, scribe, distinguished scholar, with a commendable conduct. He transcribed with his hand many Arabic and Coptic books, he retained its contents and comprehended its interpretations. The elders of the people and the clergy chose him for the Patriarchal Chair, and his enthronement was on the 9th day of Amshir, 847 A.M. (February 3rd., 1131 A.D.).

When he prayed his first Divine Liturgy in St. Macarius monastery as the custom of the previous Patriarchs, at the end of the Liturgy, he added to the profession after the saying: «I believe and confess to the last breath, that this is the life-giving Flesh that Thine Only-Begotten Son, our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ, took from our Lady, the Lady

مث ايرثك نهبذعو نهيلع لياولا قنحف بولصملل ليلكإ نلنو نهحاورأ نملسأف رانلا في نهحرط ينمآ . انعم نوكت نهتلاص . ةداهشلا سماخلا سويتوناس ابابلا دي لىع ةيأ روهظ ىردنكسلاا ينسمخلاو ةدومرب ٩ - ليربأ ١٨ ليع ةميظع ةيآ ترهظ مويلا اذه لثم في سماخلا سويتوناس ابابلا سيدقلا انيبأ دي يذلا ، ةيردنكسلإا تاواباب نم ينسمخلاو 24 لىإ ش 5٧5 ةنس ةبوط ١3 نم سيركلا ليوت اذه نأ يهو .)٨٨0 ةنس( ش 5٩6 ةنس ةدومرب موصيل تيهيش ةيرب لىإ دعص دق ناك ابابلا عوبسأ فيو . نابهرلا ءابلآا عم ةسدقلما ينعبرلأا ةيبرلا ليع نابرعلا نم نويرثك لبقأ ينناعشلا ةنئاكلا ةرخصلا ليع كانه اوماقأو ةريدلأا بهنل ادادعتسا ةدرجم مهفويسو ةسينكلا يقشر نابهرلاو ةفقاسلأا عمتجاف . بلسلاو لتقلل ديجلما ةمايقلا ديع لبق ةيبرلا ةحرابم اوررقو : هل لاقف ، سويتوناس ابابلا لىإ رملآا اوعفرو ، حصفلا لمكأ نأ لىإ ةيبرلا قرافأ لا نيإف انأ امأ قلقلا دازو رملآا مظع يربكلا سيمخلا موي فيو بيلصلا ةملاع هيلع يذلا هزاكع ابابلا اذه ذخأف « لوقي وهو نابرعلا ةلباقلم جورخلا دارأو , هوعنمف « هللا بعش عم تومأ نأ لي لضفلأا لىإ جرخ مث مهاوقو مهازع هنكلو جورخلا نم اوعجر هوأر امدنعف . زاكعلا كلذ هديبو نابرعلا دق نييرثك ادنج نأك ينبراه اورفو ءارولا لىإ نم هيلإ اودوعي لمو ناكلما كلذ نع مهودص نوكت بلأا اذه هتلاص , ئيس دصقب مويلا كلذ نيشرعلاو عبارلا مويلا تحت هخيرات ركذ( انعم ينمآ . ائماد دجلما انبرلو ) ةدومرب رهش نم نىاثلا كيرت نب لايبرغ ابابلا ةحاين ةدومرب ١0 0 - ليربأ١٩ ليربأ 5 ( ش ٨6١ ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم في ابابلا ميظعلا سيدقلا بلأا حينت ) م ١١45 ةنس تاواباب نم نوعبسلا كريرطبلا نياثلا لايبرغ ابابلا اذه . كيرت نباب يرهشلا ةيسقرلما ةزاركلا ناكو ، اهتنخارأو صرم ةنيدم رابك نم ناك دقو . ةديمح ةيرس اذ لاضاف الماع اخسان ابتاك يعوف ةيبرعو ةيطبق ةيرثك ابتك هديب خسن بعشلا ومدقم هراتخاف اهيناعم مهفو اهتايوتحم هتماسر تتمو ، ةيكريرطبلا سيركل مهؤاسؤرو ١١3١ ةنس ريابرف 3 ( ش ٨4٧ ةنس يرشمأ ٩ موي ) م ريد في سادق لوأ ليص امدنع هنأ ثدحو نأ ايمدق ةكراطبلا ةداعك سويراقم سيدقلا سادقلا رخآ في لىتي يذلا فاترعلاا ليع فاضأ يرخلأا سفنلا لىإ فترعأو نمؤأ « هلوق دعب انهلإو انبر سنجلا ديحولا كنبا دسج اذه نأ

of us all, the holy Mother of God, Saint Mary,» this sentence «He made it one with His Divinity.» The monks objected, lest it would be understood from that there was mingling between His Divinity and His Humanity, and asked him to refrain from using it. He refused saying: «This statement was added by a decree from the council of bishops.» After a great and lengthy discussion, they decided to add this sentence: «Without mingling, without confusion, and without alteration,» because of the fear of falling in the heresy of Eutyches, and he agreed with them.

During his papacy, he ordained 53 bishops and many priests, he drew up Canons and laws concerning inheritance, and many other matters. He never took any money from anyone, nor he touched the revenue of the churches, or that of the religious endowments for the poor. When the governor of that time asked him for money, the nobles and people collected three hundred Dinars in gold and gave them to the governor on his behalf. He remained on the Episcopal Chair for fourteen years, two month and two days, then departed in peace.

May his prayers be with us and glory be to God forever. Amen.

The Departure of st. Theodora. 20th April - 11th Baramoda

On this day, the pure and holy mother Theodora, departed. This holy woman was the only daughter of noble and Christian parents of Alexandria. Her parents Provided for her costly apparels and many gold and silver accessories, for they wished to give her in marriage. This Saint refused that, for she desired in her heart the worship of God and the strife for His Name’s sake. She sold all what her father bought her, gave to the needy, and then built a church outside the city of Alexandria, towards the west. Then she went to the holy father Abba Athanasius, the apostolic (Fourth century), who shaved her hair and made her a nun in one of the convents outside the city of Alexandria. She devoted herself to the ascetic life, fought the spiritual fight, and became worthy to see divine visions, distinguish angels from satan, and know the thoughts of the minds.

Pope Athanasius visited her often and instructed her with his teachings. When he was exiled, he sent her many letters full of valuable sermons, and she was steadfast in her strife until the end of her life. She was contemporary to five Patriarchs: Alexandros, Athanasius, Petros, Timotheos and Theophilos. She put down many useful sayings, some of them by the grace that was in her; the others were from what she learned from those fathers.

Once she was asked: “If a man talked to another evil words, would he silence him, or rebuke him, or close the ears and not listen to him?” She replied saying: “If a man put in front of you a table with good and bad

انتديس نم هذخأ يذلا حيسلما عوسي انصلخمو ةرابعلا هذه « ميرم ةسيدقلا هللإا ةدلاو انلك هيلع اهركنأف « هتوهلا عم ادحاو هيرصو « لصح هنأ كلذ نم مهفي نأ ةيشخ نابهرلا اهنأ « : لائاق عنتماف اهكرت هنم اوبلطو . جازتما دعبو « هفقاسلاا عمجم نم رارقب تفيضأ « ةلمجلا هذه ةفاضإ ررقت ةليوط تاثحابم افوخ كلذو يريغت لاو طلاتخا لاو جازتما نودب ليع مهقفاوف يخيطوأ ةقطره في عقولا نم . كلذ عضوو نييرثك ةنهكو افقسأ 53 همايأ في مسرو يرسافتو اهيرغو ثيراولما في اماكحأو ينناوق ادحاو ماهرد ذخأ هنأ هنع فرعي لمو ةيرثك لاومأ نم ءشي ليع هدي عضو لاو . دحأ نم مكاح هبلاط المو . ءارقفلا فاقوأ لاو سئانكلا لاقثم فلأ ةنخارلأا هل عمج لابم تقولا كاذ سيركلا ليع ضيقو . هنع اهوعفدو بهذ مث ينمويو نيرهشو اماع شرع ةعبرأ سىقرلما دجلما انبرلو ، انعم نوكت هتلاص ملاسب حينت ينمآ . ائماد ةرودؤيث ةسيدقلا ةحاين ةدومرب ١١ - ليربأ 20 ةرهاطلا ةسيدقلا تحينت مويلا اذه لثم في ةديحو ةنبا تناك ةسيدقلا هذه . اروذؤاث ملأا . ينيحيسلما ةيردنكسلإا ءاينغأ نم نيدلاول ليحلا نم يرثكلا اهل ضرحأف اهاجوزي نأ ابحأف ةسيدقلا هذه لبقت ملف . ةيلاغلا سبلالماو هللا ةدابع لىإ اهبلقب ليتم تناك اهنلأ كلذ هضرحأ ام لك تعابو . همسا لجأ نم داهجلاو تنب مث ينكاسلما ليع هنم تقرفو اهادلاو اهل ةيبرغلا ةهجلا نم ةيردنكسلإا جراخ ةسينك سويسانثا سيدقلا بلأا تدصق كلذ دعبو اهرعش صقف )يحيسلما عبارلا نرقلا في( ليوسرلا ادئاز اكسن تكسنتف ةيردنكسلإا جراخ اهنبهرو رظنت نأ تقحتسا ىتح ايحور اداهج تدهاجو ينطايشلا نم ةكئلالما زيتم نا, ةيهللإا تانلاعلإا اهدقتفي سويسانثأ ابابلا ناكو راكفلأا فرعتو اهبتاكي ناك يفن الم هنأ ىتح هميلاعتب ايرثك اهداهج في تتبثف ةديفلما تاظعلاب هافنم نم مهو ةكراطب ةسمخ تصراعو اهمايأ رخآ لىإ سؤاثوميتو سرطبو سويسانثاو سوردنسكلا ةعفان ةيرثك لااوقأ تعضو دقو . سليفؤاثو رخلأا ضعبلاو اهيف تناك يتلا ةمعنلاب اهضعب اذإ « ةرم تلئسو ءابلأا كئلوأ نم هتملعت مام لوقي له ائيدر اثيدح رخآ عم ناسنإ ثدحت « ؟ هعمسب هنع لييم وأ هرهتني وأ تكسا : هل كمامأ تعضو اذإ كنأ ماك « : ةلئاق تباجأف لوقت نأ كنكيم لا ةيدرو ةديج ةيرثك ةمعطأ لب . بي ضرم هنلأ كاذ وأ اذه عفرا اهعضاول

foods, you can not say to him “Take this or that for it is harmful for me,’ but you overlook it and eat what you desired, so nothing should be said to who speak bad words to others but it is enough that the man does not let his ears enjoy what he is hearing.”

She was also asked: “How can the human overcome his enemy Satan?” She answered saying: “With fasting, prayer, and humility.”

When she finished her strife, she departed in peace and was one hundred years old. Her prayers be with us. Amen. The Departure of St. Alexander, Bishop of Jerusalem.

21st April - 11th Baramoda

On this day, the holy father Anba Alexander, Bishop of Jerusalem, departed. This holy father was Bishop of Cappadocia, and he came to the city of Jerusalem to receive the blessing of the holy places and then return to his country.

St. Narcissus, who was the Bishop of Jerusalem at that time )Second century - his departure on the first day of Baramhat), was advanced in age and had reached over 110 years. He often asked his people that he wished to retire from his See, but they refused. When St. Alexander finished his visit and decided to return to his Chair in Cappadocia, the people of Jerusalem heard a voice from heaven saying: «Go to the gate of the city, and the first one to enter it, seize him and make him stay with Narcissus to assist him.» When they went to the gate they met the Bishop Alexander, and they pleaded with him to stay with Abba Narcissus to assist him. He refused because he could not leave his flock that the Lord Christ had entrusted him with. They told him about the voice which they had heard from heaven and that it was God›s Will. He accepted and wrote to the people of his parish what had happened, apologized, and allowed them to appoint another bishop in his place. He remained in Jerusalem, assisting its bishop Anba Narcissus, for about 5 years.

After the departure of St. Narcissus, he continued to shepherd the people of Jerusalem with the best of care, until Maximianus, the infidel, seized him, inflicted him with severe tortures of every kind, and then imprisoned him. When Gordianus reigned, he released him, and when he died and Philip reigned, he released the rest of the confessors. This father sat in quietness and peace until Decius rose, killed Philip, and reigned in his stead. Decius afflicted the Christians exceedingly; he seized this holy father and many others, and tortured them, especially this father. He beat him cruelly with sharp pins until he broke his ribs, then commanded to drag him by his feet and throw him in prison. He remained there until he delivered his pure soul in the hand of the Lord, and received the kingdom which is prepared for the saints.

His prayers be with us. Amen.

لا اذكه . كسفنل بيطي ام لكأتو اهكترت ثيدحب هيرغ ثداحي نلم ءشي لاقي نأ بجي هعمس عدي لا نأ ناسنلإا يفكي لب ءيدر بلغي اذابم : اضيأ تلئسو « . عمس ابم ذذلتي موصلاب « تلاقف « ؟ ناطيشلا هودع ناسنلإا اهداهج تلمكأ المو « عاستلأاو ةلاصلاو . ةنس ةئام رمعلا نم ةغلاب ملاسب تحينت ينمآ . انعم نوكت اهتلاص ميلشروا فقسأ سوردنسكلا ةحاين ةدومرب ١١ - ليربأ 2١ ١ سيدقلا بلأا حينت مويلا اذه لثم في سيدقلا اذه . ميلشروأ فقسأ سوردنسكلا ميلشروأ لىإ ءاجو ةيقودابقلا ليع افقسأ ناك ناكو دوعي مث ةسدقلما ةنكملأا نم كرابتيل في( ميلشروأ فقسأ سوسيكرن سيدقلا برك دق ينحلا كاذ في )يحيسلما نياثلا نرقلا ناكو . يننس شرعو ةئام زواج ىتح خاشو نع لىختي نأ ارارم هبعش ليع ضرع دق ضيق مالف هنم كلذ اولبقي ملف ةيفقسلأا مزعو ةرايزلا بجاو سوردنسكلا سيدقلا عمس . هيسرك رقم ةيقودابقلا لىإ ةدوعلا ليع اوجرخأ « : لوقي ايوماس اتوص ميلشروأ لهأ ينلخادلا لوأ هوكسماو يجراخلا بابلا لىإ اودجوو اوجرخف « مكيلع افقسأ هوميقأو ، لا هنأب اجتحم عنتماف هوكسماف بلأا اذه حيسلما ديسلا هماقأ يتلا هتيعر كتري نأ ردقي هوعمس يذلا توصلاب هوملعأف اهتياعرل لهأ لىإ بتكو لبقف . هللا رمأ اذه نأو ةماقإب مهل احصرم رذتعاو لصح ابم هتيشربأ دعاسي ميلشروأب ماقأو . هنع اضوع فقسأ تاونس سمخ وحن سوسيكرن ابنلأا اهفقسأ بعش ىعري رمتسا سوسيكرن ةحاين دعبو هيلع ضبق نأ لىإ ةياعر نسحأ ميلشروأ باذعلا عاونأب هبذعو رفاكلا سونايميسكم هحاسر قلطأ سونايدرغ كلم المو ، هسبح مث ينفترعلما ةيقب قلطأ سبليف كلمو تام المو نلأ لايلق لاإ لطي لم ملاسلا دهع نكلو ، كللما مامز ليع ضبقو سبليف لتق سويكاد كسمأو ينيحيسلما ليع داهطضلاا راثأ مث اذه مايسلا مهبذعو نييرثك عم سيدقلا اذه ةداح سيبابدب اعجوم ابضر هبضر دقف بلأا نم بذجي نأ رمأ مث . هعلاضأ سرك نأ لىإ نأ لىإ هب لظف نجسلا في حرطيو هيلجر توكللما لانو برلا ديب ةرهاطلا هسفن ملسأ . ينسيدقلل دعلما ينمآ . انعم نوكت هتلاص

Feast of Glorious Resurrection

Today, Sunday 16th April 2023 – 7th of Baramoda 1738 year of Coptic calendar is the glorious feast of Resurrection and the bible readings for toady’s liturgy are as follows:

Pauline Epistles: 1 Corinthians 15:23-50For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.

Universal Letters (Catholicon): 1 Peter 3:1522 - For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit.

Acts of the Apostles (Praxis): Acts 2:22-28For You will not leave my soul in Hades, Nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption.

The Holy Bible: John 20:1-18 - go to My brethren and say to them, I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.

The Resurrection is the joy of Christianity and the essence of its glory … for if Christ is not risen then we would become the most miserable of all people! … the Resurrection is the essence, might and effect of the gospel … and the first commandment the Lord decreed after the Resurrection is the message to preach as He asked (Mary) Magdalene who was one of the first to see the Risen )Christ( and she is to go and (the disciples) that He is Risen and ascending to heavens … the Resurrection became an amazing turning point for the disciples … for till the dawn of the day of Resurrection (the disciples) lived in fear and terrified … in the garden )of Gethsemane(, they left Him and escaped … and during His trails John stood following from afar and when Peter found that he about to be recognized (as a follower), he denied Christ three times and Judas (Iscariot) one the twelve disciples who betrayed Him and delivered Him (to be arrested) then hung himself … if we stood for a while before this sad scene we would have felt despair and failure … incredibly a sad scene and a painful end to a

ديجلما ةمايقلا ديع ٧ - 2023 ليربأ ١6 دحلأا مويلا ديع وه ءادهشلل ١٧3٨ ةدومرب سادقلا تاءارقو ديجلما ةمايقلا : ىه مويلا ىهللأا 23 :١5 لىولأا سوثنروك : سلوبلا عيمجلا تويم مدآ فى ماك هنلأ50عيمجلا ايحيس حيسلما فى اذكه 22- ١5 :3 لىولأا سرطب :نوكيلوثاكلا لجأ نم ةدحاو ةرم لمأت حيسلما ناف انيرقي كىل ةثملأا لجأ نم رابلا اياطخلا ىحم نكلو دسجلا فى اتمام هللا لىا حورلا فى 2٨ - 22 :2 لسرلا لماعأ :سيسكربلأا لاو ةيواهلا فى كسفن كترت نل كنلأ .. اداسف ىري كسودق عدت ١٨ - ١ :20 انحوي :سدقلما ليجنلأا دعصأ نىا مهل ليوفو تىوخأ لىا ىبهذأ .. مكهلاو يهلاو مكيبأو بىأ لىا سرو ةيحيسلما حرف ىه ةمايقلا ماق دق حيسلما نكي لمول .. اهدجم ةمايقلا .. سانلا عيمج ىقشأ انصرل اهتيلعافو ةزاركلا ةوق سر ىه تراص دعب برلا اهاطعأ ةلاسر لوأو .. دقف ةزاركلا ةلاسر ىه ةمايقلا نم تناك ىتلا ةيلدجلما نم بلط بهذت نأ هتمايق اونياع نم لئاوأ دعاص هنأو ماق دق برلا نأب برختو ةطقن ةمايقلا تراص دقل .. تاومسلل رجف ىتحف .. ذيملاتلل ةبيجع لوحت فوخ فى نوشيعي اوناك ةمايقلا موي عيمجلا هكرت ناتسبلا فى .. بعرو انحوي فقو ةمكاحلما فى .. اوبرهو سرطب دجو امدنعو ديعب نم عباتي حيسلما ركنأ هرمأ فشتكي فوس هنأ شرع ينثلإا دحأ اذوهيو تارم ثلاث قنشو ضىم مث هناخو هملس يذلا وه ةروصلا هذه دنع انفقو ول .. هسفن لشفلاب انرعشو سأيلا انباصلأ ةنزحلما لمعل ةبعص ةياهنو ةلمؤم ةروص ..

great evangelizing act, never been seen anything like it by the world … the crucifixion was the end and the start … and the tomb appeared as if it was a cocoon appearing to the viewer as the end and death, but rapidly the cocoon is cracked and the Lord is Risen and the disciples emerged with an miraculous bravery armed with strong and mighty faith and wisdom, all the objectors could not resist … Peter who was scared who denied the Lord before a servant girl, (now) stands with great courage and witnesses to Christ, rebuking the Jews who Crucified Him and three thousand souls believe on the day of Pentecost … Paul who (as Saul) had persecuted and hounded Christianity with vigour and have delivered many (Christians) to death … when he was met by the Risen Lord form the dead (on the way to Damascus), he became a new man, baptised and emerged out of the cocoon to preach and call all nations to salvation … Mark, the young man who followed the Lord during His arrest and trails, having a linen cloth thrown around his naked body, then fleeing scared )and naked( … becomes an evangelist and preacher of the good news to Egypt and north Africa establishing a church which is one of the oldest (apostolic) churches in the world, our Coptic church … Christianity stood strong over many generations … the apostolic fathers emerged with no weapons, money or even a sack of food for the road … they emerged preaching (the good news) to the Roman empire who was well established in paganism and they were not armed with philosophy or sciences of the world … they were not invaders leading armies and carrying weapons … they only had the Risen Lord Jesus Himself who have Risen from the dead … and before the strength of the Resurrection, all the gates of the old empire were opened to them … they faced the greatest and most difficult emperors … the ferocious Roman lion faced them angrily of those who are challenging the Roman beliefs and allegiances and the

ناك .. ليثم هل لماعلا ري لم عئار ىزارك برقلا ناكو .. ةيادبو ةياهن بيلصلا ةياهن اهناك رظانلل ودبت ةقنشر هنأك ةقنشرلا تسركنا ةأجف نكلو تومو ةعاجش فى ذيملاتلا قلطنأو برلا ماقو رابج نايماب ينحلسم ةردانو ةبيجع نيدناعلما عيمج عيطتسي لا ةمكحو ىذلا فئاخلا سرطب .. اهومواقي نأ ةوقب فقي ةيراج مامأ برلا ركنأ نيذلا دوهيلا خبويو حيسملل دهشيو فلاآ ةثلاث هيدي لىع نمؤبو هوبلص يذلا سلوب .. ينسمخلا موي فى سفن ملسأو طارفأب ةيحيسلما دهطضأ عم لباقت امدنع .. توملل نييرثك اناسنأ راص تاوملأا نم مئاقلا برلا هتقنشر نم قلطنأو دمعتو اديدج سقرم .. صلاخلاب مملأل ىدانيو شربي اسبلا هملاآ فى برلا عبت ىذلا باشلا راص.. افئاخ بره مث هيرع لىع اراذا ابقيرفأ لماشو صرلم اشربمو ازوراك سئانك مدقأو قرعأ نم ةسينك سسأو تفقو .. ةيطبقلا انتسينك ىهو لماعلا ةيرثك لايجأ برع ةدماص ةيحيسلما مهعم سيلو لسرلا ءابلأا قلطنأ .. .. قيرطلل داز ىتح لاو لام لاو حلاس ةينامورلا ةيروطابرملاا نوشربي اوقلطنا ىأ مهعم نكي لمو ةينثولا فى ةيتاعلا يلماعلا ملعلا لاو ةفسلفلا نم حلاس شويجلا نودوقي ةازغ اونوكي لم .. نولمحي اوناك .. حلاسلا نولمحيو نم مئاقلا هتاذ عوسي برلا مهعم تحتفنا ةمايقلا ةوق مامأو .. تاوملأا .. ةقيتعلا ةيروطابرملاا تاباوب ماق .. مهبعصأو ةرطابلأا ىتعأ اوهجاو ءلاؤه نم ابضاغ ارئاز نىامورلا دسلأا ترجو هنايماو هتديقع اودخت نيذلا ول ابمر .. اراهنأ ءادهشلا انئابأ ءامد داهطضلاا ةترفل دهشي خرؤم فقو ةيحيسلما هل تضرعت ىتلا عيرلما ةياهن اهنأ مكحل سونايدلقد مايأ

bloods of our fathers the martyrs ran like rivers … perhaps if a historian documented the period of severe persecutions at the time of emperor Diocletian, he might have concluded that it is the end of Christianity … but after a few years as of a dead cocoon, proceeds the light of Christianity strongly and brilliantly and the walls of paganism falls and the good news of the Resurrection is known in all corners of the known world … the same scenes are repeated many times and still happens till today … what is astonishing is that in the very few times when some earthly power depended on the strength of armies and weapons to spread Christianity, it failed miserably and quickly any temporarily gains they achieved were demolished … all armies of Pontius Pilate could not prevent the Resurrection … and all the might of the Roman (empire) and it’s philosophy could not withstand those simple men who preached the Lord who is Risen from death … the Resurrection is a lesson for us nowadays where many churches admit their inability to halt the trend of agnosticism, unbelieving and promiscuity which are over-taking the world … many of (other) church leaders are unable to follow the rapidly developing world and have become predominant in most people’s thoughts, specially the young … some have reverted to use the same methods of the world to entice people to Christianity again with no success … for the church never was nor ever will be a worldly organization … the only specific successful message of the church is to preach the Risen Lord from death … Who alters peoples’ understanding and attracts them not with music, parties and sweetened sensational talk, but to see the Crucified Lord Himself for them and to enter to the depth of His love and to die with Him and rise with Him free from the chains of evil and sinful habits and desires of this world which is destructive … in the past, the world used the powers of weapons

هنأك لئلاق تاونس دعب نكلو .. ةيحيسلما ايوق ةيحيسلما رون قثبني ةتيم ةقنشر نم ىشرب معتو ةينثولا حوصر طقستو اقارب سفن .. فورعلما لماعلا ناكرأ لك ةمايقلا تلازامو تارمو تارم ترركت ةروصلا فى هنأ بيجعلاو .. مويلا ىتح رركتت ضعبلا اهيف دمتعأ ىتلا ةليلقلا تارلما ةوقب ةيحيسلما شرنل ةينمزلا ةطلسلا لىع لشفلا مهباصأ شويجلا ةوطسبو حلاسلا يتلا ةتقؤلما تاراصتنلاا تددبت ام ناعسر سطلايب تاوقو شويج لك نأ .. اهوققح توبرج لكو .. ةمايقلا عنتم نأ عطتست لم دمصت نأ عطتست لم مهتفسلفو نامورلا برلاب نوداني نيذلا ءاطسبلا ءلاؤه مامأ انل سرد ةمايقلا نأ .. تاوملأا نم مئاقلا يرثك اهيف نلعت ىتلا مايلأا هذه فى نحن داحللأا رايت مامأ مهزجع لماعلا سئانك نم لماعلا دوسي راص يذلا للاحنلااو ةيحابلإاو نيزجاع نوفقي سئانكلا ةداق نم يرثك .. حاتجي يذلا عيسرلا روطتلا ةعباتم نع نييرثكلا ميهافم لىع رطيسي راصو لماعلا سفنل أجتلا ضعبلا .. بابشلا اصوصخو اهمدختسيل مهترغأ ىتلا ةيلماعلا بيلاسلأا نكلو ةيحيسملل ىرخأ ةرم مهبذجيل نلو ادبأ نكت لم ةسينكلاف .. ةدئاف لاب صصختلا .. ةيلماع ةسسؤم اموي نوكت هديجتو ةسينكلا هيف حجنت يذلا ديحولا .. تاوملأا نم مئاقلا برلاب زركت نأ وه سيل مهبذجيو سانلا لوقع يرغي يذلا يرثلما قمنلما ملاكلاو تلافحلاو ىقيسولما نم بولصلما هتاذ برلا اونياعي نأ لب نوتويم هبح قماعأ لىا اولخديو مهلجأ دويق نم نيررحتم هعم نوموقي مث هعم اذه تاوهشو ةريشرلا تاداعلاو شرلا لماعلا مدختسأ ميدقلا فى .. ةرمدلما لماعلا ضىقي كىل يرمدتلاو باهرلإاو ةوقلا حلاس مغر اماتم لشف هنكلو ةيحيسلما لىع تقلطناو ءادهشلا ينيلامو فوللأا تائم مويلا .. تناك مام مظعأو ىوقأ ةيحسلما .. فنعلا حلاس لماعلا مدختسي لا ابمر

and terrifying (people) to demolish Christianity (from the world), but the world failed completely despite the hundred of thousands and millions of martyrs and still Christianity emerged much stronger and mightier than it ever was … maybe today the world does not use the weapon of violence … for many of the world counties declared that religion is not their concern and many countries’ laws state that no one will be persecuted because of his or her religion, colour or creed … but Satan, now uses other weapons and even it is not new in its form but new in its appearance … the weapons of desire and lust to influence peoples’ thoughts and their senses as well as tying them with drugs (of choice), loud music and other sensory effects … the only cure is to return to the Lord and rise with Him and emerge (free) from this prison and new chains which the world is imposing on us … let us emerge and offer to those captive (to the world) a true example of freedom … the freedom of the Resurrection which freed us from the chains of lust and love of the materialistic world as well as the influence of the sensory desires … indeed, the world is need of such examples … for the world had lost the disposition of leadership and often is wandering after the deceitful mirage of the world which has no end … and among all such fog, let us stand and witness to the Resurrection of Christ in our lives and actions … as we have risen with Him, let us offer all righteousness and good deeds and put-away from the chains of darkness … let make the days of Pentecost a period of transcendence and witness for Christ … we have followed His footsteps to the Cross and the tomb, then (let us) emerge with Him in His Resurrection and declare to the world that we can lead a heavenly life while we still in the physical body (on earth) … declaring that our eyes, hearts and desires are only for the splendid glory which we will have when the Lord’s second coming and we will live with Him in glory of heavens for ever. (Christ is Risen … Indeed, He is Risen, Amen. Even so, come Lord Jesus (Revelations 22:20)).

لم هنأ نلعت لماعلا لود نم ايرثكف ينناوقو ءشى فى مهمهي نيدلا دعي ىذؤي لا هنأ لىع صنت دلابلا نم يرثك وأ هسنج وأ هتديقع ببسب ناسنأ حبصأ مويلا ناطيشلا نكلو .. هنول تسيل ىهو ىرخأ ةحلسأ مدختسي تناك ناو اهنومضم فى ةديدج ءارغلأا ةحلسأ .. اهلكش فى ةديدج مهزئارغو سانلا راكفأ لىع يرثأتلاو ىقيسولماو تاردخلماب مهدييقتو ةيرثكلا ةيسحلا تارثؤلماو ةبخاصلا برلا لىا دوعن نأ ديحولا جلاعلا .. اذه نم قلطننو هعم موقنو انعضي ىذلا ديدجلا ديقلاو نجسلا ءلاؤهل مدقنو قلطننل .. لماعلا هيف .. ةيقيقحلا ةيرحلل اجذونم نيديقلما دويق نم انتررح ىتلا ةمايقلا ةيرح ةطلسو تايدالما ةبحمو تاوهشلا لماعلا جاتحي مك .. ةيسحلا روملأا دقف دقل .. جذمانلا هذه لىا مويلا طبختي حبصأو ةدايقلا حور لماعلا طسو .. يهتني لا عادخو باسر ءارو ةمايقل دهشنو فقنل بابضلا اذه لك حيسملل دهشنو رهظن نأب حيسلما هعم انمق ذا .. انتافصرتو انتايح فى حرطنلو ربو ةليضف لك فى مدقتنلف نم لعجنل .. ةملظلا دويق لك انع ةداهشو قلاطنأ ةترف ينسماخلا مايأ هتاوطخ انعبات دقل .. حيسملل فى اذا هعم قلطننلف برقلاو بيلصلل نأ نكيم هنأ لماعلل نلعنلو هتمايق نحنو ىتح ةيئماس ةايح فى شيعن نأ نلعنو .. دسجلا اذه سبلن انلزام دجملل انمأ انتاقايتشأو انبولقو اننويع برلا عم هشيعن فوس ىذلا ميظعلا لىا هعم شيعن امدنع نىاثلا هئيجم فى .. ءماسلا دجم فى دبلأا .ينما ـ ماق ةقيقحلاب ... ماق حيسلما )22:20 ايؤر( عوسي برلا اهيا لاعت

Ephraim the Syrian: If he was not flesh . . . And if he was not God . .

The facts themselves bear witness and his divine acts of power teach those who doubt that he is true God, and his sufferings show that he is true man. And if those who are feeble in understanding are not fully assured, they will pay the penalty on his dread day.

If he was not flesh, why was Mary introduced at all? And if he was not God, whom was Gabriel calling Lord?

If he was not flesh, who was lying in the manger? And if he was not God, whom did the Angels come down and glorify?

If he was not flesh, who was wrapped in swaddling clothes? And if he was not God, whom did the shepherds worship?

If he was not flesh, whom did Joseph circumcise? And if he was not God, in whose honour did the star speed through the heavens?

If he was not flesh, whom did Mary suckle? And if he was not God, to whom did the Magi offer gifts?

If he was not flesh, whom did Symeon carry in his arms? And if he was not God, to whom did he say, “Let me depart in peace”?

If he was not flesh, whom did Joseph take and flee into Egypt? And if he was not God, in whom were words “Out of Egypt I have called my Son” fulfilled?

If he was not flesh, whom did John baptise? And if he was not God, to whom did the Father from heaven say, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased”?

If he was not flesh, who fasted and hungered in the desert? And if he was not God, whom did the Angels come down and serve?

If he was not flesh, who was invited to the wedding in Cana of Galilee? And if he was not God, who turned the water into wine?

If he was not flesh, in whose hands were the loaves? And if he was not God, who satisfied crowds and thousands in the desert, not counting women and children, from five loaves and two fishes?

If he was not flesh, who fell asleep in the boat? And if he was not God, who rebuked the winds and the sea?

If he was not flesh, with whom did Simon the Pharisee eat? And if he was not God, who pardoned the offences of the sinful woman?

If he was not flesh, who sat by the well, worn out by the journey? And if he was not God, who gave living water to the woman of Samaria and reprehended her because she had had five husbands?

:يروسلا ميارفأ رام سيدقلا . . .الله وه نكي مل نإو ...ادسج نكي مل ول ملعت ةيهللإا هتوق لاعفأو دهشت اهسفن قئاقحلا رهظتو ،يقيقح هلإ هنأ يف نوكشي نيذلا كئلوأ كئلوأ نكي مل اذإو .يقيقح لجر هنأ هتاناعم نولانيس ،امامت نودكأتم مهفلا يف ءافعضلا .هبعر موي يف ةبوقعلا ىلع يرام ميدقت مت اذاملف ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ رشبي ناك نمف ،الله نكي مل اذإو ؟قلاطلإا ؟برلاب ليئاربج ؟دوذملا يف ايقلتسم ناك نمف ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ ؟تحبسو ةكئلاملا تلزن نمف ،الله نكي مل اذإو سبلامب افوفلم ناك نمف ،امحل نكي مل اذإ هدبعي ناك يذلا نمف ،الله نكي مل اذإو ؟طيمقتلا ؟ةاعرلا مل اذإو ؟فسوي نتخ نمف ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ ربع مجنلا عراس نم فرش ىلع ،الله نكي ؟تاوامسلا اذإو ؟ميرم هتعضرأ يذلا نمف ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ ؟ايادهلا سوجملا مدق نمل ،الله نكي مل ؟هيعارذ نيب ناعمس لمح نمف ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ ملاسب كدبع قلطا« ،لاق نمل ،الله نكي مل اذإو برهو فسوي هذخأ يذلا نمف ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ تاملك تققحت نمل ،الله نكي مل اذإو ؟رصم ىلإ ؟»ينبا توعد رصم نم« اذإو ؟انحوي هديمعتب ماق نمف ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ وه اذه« ،ءامسلا نم بلآا لاق نمل ،الله نكي مل ؟»تررس هب انأ يذلا ،بيبحلا ينبا يف عوجو ماص نمف ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ ةكئلاملا تلزن نمف ،الله نكي مل اذإو ؟ءارحصلا ؟هتمدخو سرع ىلإ هتوعد تمت نمف ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ ىلإ ءاملا لوح نمف ،الله نكي مل اذإو ؟ليلجلا اناق ؟رمخ ؟ةفغرلأا تناك نم يديأ يف ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ يف فلالآاو دوشحلا عبشأ يذلا ،الله نكي مل اذإو نم ،لافطلأاو ءاسنلا باسح نود ،ءارحصلا ؟نيتكمسو ةفغرأ ةسمخ مل اذإو ؟براقلا يف مان نمف ،امحل نكي مل اذإ ؟رحبلاو حايرلا رهتنأ نمف ،الله نكي ؟يسيرفلا ناعمس لكأ نم عم ،امحل نكي مل اذإ ةأرملا اياطخ رفغ نمف ،الله نكي مل اذإو ؟ةئطاخلا اكهنم ،رئبلا بناجب سلج نمف ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ ءاملا ىطعأ نمف ،الله نكي مل اذإو ؟ةلحرلاب ةسمخ اهيدل نلأ اهخبوو ةرماسلا ةأرملا يحلا ؟جاوزأ سبلام يدتري ناك نمف ،امحل نكي مل اذإ ةوقلا لامعأ لعف نمف ،الله نكي مل اذإو ؟ةيرشب ؟بئاجعلاو عنصو ضرلأا ىلع قصب نمف ،امحل نكي مل اذإ رصبت نينيعلا لعج نمف ،الله نكي مل اذإو ؟نيطلا ؟نيطلا للاخ نم ؟رزاعل ربق ىلع ىكب نمف ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ ؟مايأ ةعبرأ دعب ماق هرمأب نمف ،الله نكي مل اذإو

If he was not flesh, who wore human garments? And if he was not God, who did acts of power and wonders?

If he was not flesh, who spat on the ground and made clay? And if he was not God, who through the clay compelled the eyes to see?

If he was not flesh, who wept at Lazarus’ grave? And if he was not God, who by his command brought out one four days dead?

If he was not flesh, who sat on the foal? And if he was not God, whom did the crowds go out to meet with glory?

If he was not flesh, whom did the Jews arrest? And if he was not God, who gave an order to the earth and threw them onto their faces.

If he was not flesh, who was struck with a blow? And if he was not God, who cured the ear that had been cut off by Peter and restored it to its place?

If he was not flesh, who received spittings on his face? And if he was not God, who breathed the Holy Spirit into the faces of his Apostles?

If he was not flesh, who stood before Pilate at the judgement seat? And if he was not God, who made Pilate’s wife afraid by a dream?

If he was not flesh, whose garments did the soldiers strip off and divide? And if he was not God, how was the sun darkened at the cross?

If he was not flesh, who was hung on the cross? And if he was not God, who shook the earth from its foundations?

If he was not flesh, whose hands and feet were transfixed by nails? And if he was not God, how was the veil of the temple rent, the rocks broken and the graves opened?

If he was not flesh, who cried out, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me”? And if he was not God, who said “Father, forgive them”?

If he was not flesh, who was hung on a cross with the thieves? And if he was not God, how did he say to the thief, “Today you will be with me in Paradise”?

If he was not flesh, to whom did they offer vinegar and gall? And if he was not God, on hearing whose voice did Hades tremble?

If he was not flesh, whose side did the lance pierce, and blood and water came out?And if he was not God, who smashed to gates of Hades and tear apart it bonds? And at whose command did the imprisoned dead come out?

If he was not flesh, whom did the Apostles see in the upper room? And if he was not God, how did he enter when the doors were shut?

If he was not flesh, the marks of the nails and the lance in whose hands and side did Thomas handle? And if he was not God, to whom did he cry out, “My Lord and my God”?

If he was not flesh, who ate by the sea of Tiberias? And if he was not God, at whose command was the net filled?

ىلع سلج نمف ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ يذلا نمف ،الله نكي مل اذإو ؟شحجلا ؟هدجمتو ءاقلل دوشحلا تجرخ هلقتعا يذلا نمف ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ ىطعأ يذلا ،الله نكي مل اذإو ؟دوهيلا .مههوجو ىلع مهب ىقلأو ضرلأل ارمأ بيصأ يذلا نمف ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ يفش نمف ،الله نكي مل اذإو ؟ةبرضب ىلإ اهداعأو سرطب اهعطق يتلا نذلأا ؟اهناكم ىلع قصبلا ىقلت نمف ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ حورلا خفن نمف ،الله نكي مل اذإو ؟ههجو ؟هلسر هوجو يف سدقلا مامأ فقو نمف ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ نكي مل اذإو ؟مكحلا دعقم يف سطلايب نم ةفئاخ سطلايب ةجوز لعج نمف ،الله ؟ملحلا دونجلا علخ نم سبلامف ،امحل نكي مل اذإ تناك فيكف ،الله نكي مل اذإو ؟اهومسقو ؟بيلصلا ىلع ةملظم سمشلا ىلع اقلعم ناك نمف ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ زه نمف ،الله نكي مل اذإو ؟بيلصلا ؟اهسسأ نم ضرلأا هيدي تناك يذلا نمف ،امحل نكي مل اذإ نكي مل اذإو ؟ريماسملاب ةرمسم هيمدقو ،اقزمم لكيهلا باجح ناك فيكف ،الله ؟روبقلا تحتفو ةروسكم روخصلاو ،يهلإ اي« ،خرص نم ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ نكي مل اذإو ؟»ينتكرت اذامل ،يهلإ اي ؟»مهل رفغا ،هاتبأ اي« لاق نمف ،الله ىلع اقلعم ناك نمف ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ ،الله نكي مل اذإو ؟صوصللا عم بيلص يعم نوكتس مويلا« ،قراسلل لاق فيكف ؟»سودرفلا يف لخلا اومدق نمل ،امحل نكي مل اذإ عامس دنع ،الله نكي مل اذإو ؟ةرارملاو ؟ميحجلا فجترا نم توص قرتخا نم بناج ىلإ ،امحل نكي مل اذإ مل اذإو ؟ءاملاو مدلا جرخو ،حمرلا ميحجلا باوبأ مطح نمف ،الله نكي ىتوملا جرخ نم رمأبو ؟دويقلا اهقزمو ؟نونوجسملا لسرلا هآر يذلا نمف ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ ،الله نكي مل اذإو ؟ةيولعلا ةفرغلا يف ؟باوبلأا تقلغأ امدنع لخد فيكف ريماسملا تاملاع نإف ،امحل نكي مل اذإ ىف تناك اموت اهسمل يذلا حمرلاو نمل ،الله نكي مل اذإو ؟هبناجو نم ىدي ؟»يهلإو يبر« ،خرص ؟ايربط رحب لكأ نمف ،امحل نكي مل اذإ تلأتما نم رمأب ،الله نكي مل اذإو

If he was not flesh, whom did the Apostles and Angels see being taken up into heaven? And if he was not God, to whom was heaven opened, whom did the Powers worship in fear and whom did the Father invite to “Sit at my right hand”. As David said, “The Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right hand, etc.”

If he was not God and man, our salvation is a lie, and the words of the Prophets are lies. But the Prophets spoke the truth, and their testimonies were not lies. The Holy Spirit spoke through them what they had been commanded.

+ St. Ephrem the Syrian, Excerpt from the Sermon on Transfiguration

The Power of Resurrection


H Pope Shenouda III

The rising of Jesus Christ from the dead was the biggest event that shook Jews and they tried to fight it in all ways to the extent that they said about resurrection that this last deception will be stronger than the first deception which is Christ’s Preaching. So what was the power of resurrection and what was its impact?

1- Christ came out of the tomb while it was closed… This was not strange for Him or for the miraculous power He has. He had also come out of the saint Virgin Mary’s womb with her virginity sealed. Also in His appearances to His disciples after resurrection He came into the place where they were assembled while “the doors were shut” (Jn 20:19).

2- And of His resurrection power, Christ rose from the dead by Himself without anybody raising Him…

All those who were raised before, were raised by others: The son of the Widow of Zarephath of Sidon was revived by Elijah. Also the son of the Shunammite Woman was raised by Elisha. And the daughter of Jairus, the son of the Widow of Nain, and Lazarus were raised by Christ. But Christ Himself rose by Himself because He had the power of resurrection in Him and it was not possible for death to capture Him because He had the life in Him (Jn 1:4).

3- And Christ rose regardless of the tight guarding, the tomb securing, the stone sealing and the large stone which was against the door of the tomb… The worldly power made all its efforts but He was stronger than all this. And His resurrection indicated that He was stronger than all obstacles. His resurrection was a triumph over all His opposers and those fighting against Him, over death, Hades, the large stone, the seals and the sticking strips of linen…

Therefore when St. Paul the apostle knew Him, he said: “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection” (Phil 3:10).

He knew the power of His resurrection because He saw Him after this resurrection when a Great Light appeared to him on his way to Damascus (Ac 9).

Therefore, this apostle trusted in Christ’s resurrection power which made him go into the fellowship of His sufferings being conformed to His death. And this same power in resurrection was experienced by St. John the beloved from Christ when He appeared to Him “and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength” (Rev 1:16).

His power while He was inside the tomb was stronger than every power standing outside His tomb.

؟ةكبشلا لسرلا هآر يذلا نمف ،ادسج نكي مل اذإ ،الله نكي مل اذإو ؟ءامسلا ىلإ ذخؤي ةكئلاملاو افوخ تاوقلا تدبع نمو ،ءامسلا تحتف نمل .»ينيمي نع سولجلا« ىلإ بلآا هاعد نمو نع سلجا ،يبرل برلا لاق« ،دواد لاق امك ».،ينيمي ،ةبذك انصلاخ نإف ،ناسنلإاو الله نكي مل اذإ اوملكت ءايبنلأا نكل .بيذاكأ ءايبنلأا تاملكو ثدحت .بيذاكأ مهتاداهش نكت ملو ،قحلاب .هب اورمأ امع مهللاخ نم سدقلا حورلا ةظعلا نم فطتقم ،يروسلا مارفأ .رام + يلجتلا نع

He left the tomb on a time that nobody knew, on Sunday at dawn, and the large stone remained in its place until an angel came and rolled back the stone to announce the resurrection which had already happened. And thus, the women were able to see the empty tomb.

4- Scenes of His power after resurrection: These are some of the sides of His power seen by people on Earth, besides His many appearances and the power of ascending to Heaven and sitting at the right hand of the Father, the power of entering the place where the disciples were assembled while the doors where shut and His power that converted the disciples from weak frightened people to heroes preaching with all their strength and without objection… And as was His resurrection powerful, there was another power that preceded His resurrection…

5- His power between death and resurrection: This was His power after His death with which He was able to open the doors of Hell, and got out the spirits after He preached the salvation to them (1 P 3:19). With this power He was able to descend to the lower parts of the Earth, to lead captivity captive, to give people gifts of redemption then to ascend also after resurrection far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things (Eph 4:8-10).

6- The Lord Christ indicated with His resurrection that He was more powerful than death and that His death was not a weakness of Him neither was His silence during His trial a weakness of Him…

If He would have talked He would have refuted the listeners and convinced them. But this was not His aim, His aim was to redeem us. Therefore, when they asked Him to descend from the cross He did not although He was capable of doing it… But His aim was to die for us, to go through passions on our behalf, and to pay the price of sin as propitiation and redemption for us…

+ The Holy Fifty Days:

These are joyful days in which we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord. During these days the church is living this joy through the joyful tunes of prayers and hymns. Every Mass a special procession is being conducted showing the joy of the church which proceed in this world supported by her triumphant Lord in the way to Heavenly Jerusalem. During these days there is no fasting. Let us be inspired by this joy to grow more in our spirituality looking more for Heaven. Let us make them days for spiritual growth and activities growing more in all the Gifts we acquired during the days of the Holy Lent. May the Lord grant us to benefit from these days in our spirits and bodies. During this time, we celebrate the following feasts of the Lord:

Thomas Sunday: Sun 23rd April

Feast of Ascension: Thu 25th May

Pentecost: Sun 4th June

Resurrection 2024: 5th May (Western 31st March)

:ةسدقملا نيسامخلا مايأ + ةسدقملا نيسامخلا مايأ أدبت ديجملا ةمايقلا ديع عم ةمايقب ةسينكلا اهيف ديعت ةحرفم مايأ ىهو .. برلاب ةسينكلا حرفت ذاو تاوملأا نم برلا ناحللأاب ىلصنو لترنف تاوملأا نم مئاقلا تاسادق للاخ ةمايقلا ةرود ميقتو ىحيارفلا بكوم ىف ريست اهنأ ةسينكلا نلعتف ةرتفلا هذه يلأ ةهجتم رصتنملا اهيبح ىلع ةدنتسم ةرصنلا هنأ هذيملات برلا ربخأ امكو .. ةيئامسلا ميلشروأ دجوت لا كلذلف نوموصي لاف مهعم سيرعلا مادام انحرف نم لعجنل .. مايلأا كلت للاخ ماوصأ ىأ لغشنو انتايحور ىف قلطنن ىكل اببس ةمايقلاب طاشن مايأ نكتل .. ءامسلا دجم ىلا علطتلاب انسفنأ قيلي لا سدقملا موصلا مايأ دعبف .. يحور ومنو انل نكيل لب .. دسجلا تابغر عبشنل مهنب عفدنن نأ يتلا معنلاو بهاوملا لك نيمنم ىحورلا حرفلا بحملا برلا .. سدقملا موصلا مايأ نم اهانبستكا ايدسجو ايحور اهب عفتنن ةكرابم امايأ اهلعجي ةيديسلا دايعلأا نم ةرتفلا هذه للختيو.. ليربأ 23 مداقلا دحلأا : اموت دحأ ويام 25 سيمخلا : ديجملا دوعصلا ديع هينوي 4 دحلأا : ىتسقيطنبلا ديع - سرام 3١( ويام 5 : 2024 ةمايقلا ديع )ةيبرغلا ةسينكلا

+ Remember O Lord the Departed:

Departed in the Lord today 10/4/2023

Mr. Magdy Shafik Rizk, husband of Mrs.Amal

Azmy Rizk, Father of Mrs. Eiriny Henein (wife of Mr. Bassem Henein) and Mr. Mina Rizk, Grandfather of Olivia and Helana. Brother of Mr. Adel Shafik )USA(, Mr. Yosry (Egypt) and the late Maher and Lucy.

Brother in Law of Mr. Bassilios Morcos (husband of Mrs.Amira Morcos), Dr. Safwat Mesiha (husband of Dr. Soheir Mesiha), and the late Mr. Rafaat Tadros (husband of Mrs.Samia Tadros)

May the Lord repose his soul and give comfort to all his family

Funeral Service and acceptance of condolences will be held on Tuesday 18th April at

St. George Coptic Orthodox Church (77-79 Henry St. St. Albans) at 10am

Followed by Burial at Bulla Cemetery (Cemetery lane Bulla) at 12pm and then back at St. George’s Church for the Third day prayers and refreshments

St Mary’s Church Building Project Progress

On 21st March (Commemoration of Saint Fr Beshoy Kamel), the builder started erecting to walls of Ground and First Floors. The work is still continuing through this week. We thank our Lord for all the great works the Lord is blessing us with.

Total cost of the project; $13 million dollars. The Architecture and consultants cost is not included (estimated at $1.5 million Dollars)

Amount paid to the builder so far $4,355,775 - mostly from donations.

Current funds still available at the church accounts: $925,000

Government grant for the Child Care: $1,045,442 (50% has been paid to the church. The balance will be paid on October)

Amount drawn from the Bank Loan so far: $400,000 out of $8 million. Builder remaining cost to be paid by November 2023: $6,703,484

May the Lord reward all for their prayers, generous donations and support.

:نيدقارلا براي ركذأ + 2023/4/١0 موي سودرفلا يلا لقتنا لاما هديسلا جوز قزر قيفش يدجم سدنهملا ينيريا هروتكدلا نم لك دلاوو قزر يمزع نينح مساب ذاتسلاا ةجوز نينح نم لك دجو قزر انيم ذاتسلااو نم لك خاو ، هنلايهو ايفيلوا هموحرملاو قيفش رهام موحرملا لداع سدنهملاو قيفش يسول ذاتسلااو هدحتملا تايلاولاب قيفش ليدعو ، رصمب قيفش يرسي سقرم سويليساب ذاتسلأا نم لك روتكد و سقرم هريما مادم جوز ةروتكدلا جوز هحيسم توفص سردات تفار ذاتسلاا موحرملاو هحيسم ريهس سردات هيماس هديسلا جوز 2023/4/١8 ءاثلاثلا ءازعلاو هزانجلا ماقتس سجرجرام ديهشلا ةسينك يف Henry St St Albans 77 نفادم يف نفدلا مث احابص هرشاعلا هعاسلا Bulla Cemetery ، cemetery ln Bulla سجرجرام ةسينك يف ثلاثلا ةلاص اهبقعي يباغأ مث

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready within 9 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link

for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works

ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ بسح داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .روهش 8 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا
Special Thanks
طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate
(Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Building Site 4th April 2023

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