1 minute read

The sixth commemoration for the Departure of Fr Mina Rizkalla

of good memory

Departed 9th July 2017

May the Lord repose his soul and bless us through his prayers

Childhood in Christ: Fr Tadros Yacoub Malaty

The Lord is eager to have his disciples blessed by a return to childhood. They would then have the spirit of humility, for this is a royal quality that supports the soul when crossing over to the heavenly life. When the Lord speaks of children, he presents them as the ones to carry his name, for he says, )Matt 18:5) “Whoever receives one little child like this in my name receive me.”

Let no one grudge the return to the modesty of children, for the Lord is transfigured in the life of children, and He considers those who accept them in His name, only accept him. This is how the Lord uplifts childhood that is disregarded by people in every race and tongue. The Lord has honoured man by means of His incarnation, and He has honoured the poor by considering them his younger brothers, and whatever is done to them is offered for His account. Here He is honouring childhood; he, who accepts a child in His name, accepts Him. I wonder who would not be eager enough to embody the nature of ‘modest childhood’ carrying the name of the Messiah, the king? Indeed, the Lord has sanctified childhood for he himself has become a child. He still does sanctify it, for His name is carried by the little children.

St. Ambrosios says, “Who is this child whose example is to be followed by Jesus’ disciples other than the one about whom Isaiah said, (Is 9:6)

“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given…” It is he who said, “Carry your cross and follow me” (Matt 16:24). Also it is he (1 Peter 2:23) “Who, when he was reviled, did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten.” Here you find absolute righteousness in childhood, where it has the old and honorable matters, and where old age has the innocence of children.”

Blessed Baptism

Baby Isaac son of Mr Mina Zakhary and his wife Dalia

Sunday 9th July 2023

St Mary’s Church

Blessed Baptism

Baby Sobhi )Mina)

Baby Waheed )George) sons of Dr Ashraf Kelada and his wife Irada

Saturday 8th July 2023

St Mary’s Church

Thank for all for your prayers and support. May the Lord reward you all.

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