Weekly Bulletin 16th October 2022

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Services at St Mary’s



Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

8am The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults

Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom)

Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom)


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly)

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English

Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday:

1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English

2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm







Church Priests:
Habib Girgis Younan:
– 94498871
habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kens ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399 Fr John Macary 0433 445 636 :ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )ىزيلجنأ(ىاو اذ - ىزيلجنلأاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 8 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا ىبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 ىزيلجنأ - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 ىبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلاىزيلجنأ - احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩ 7 ىزيلجنأ - ةمدخلا دادعا عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 ىهللأا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجاءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا ىزيلجنا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا ىزيلجناو ىبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا ىزيلجنا – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 ىناثلا سادقلا ىبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 ىزيلجنأ - ناحلأ لصف:ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأاميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com:نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 ىراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Departure of St. Paul of Tamouh 17th October - 7th Baba

On this day, Abba Paul (Paula) who was from Tamouh (ElTamouhi) (Thmoui), departed. Since he was inclined since his young age to solitary life, he went to Ansena Mountain. There he lived with his disciple Ezekiel, who was the witness of his virtues.

For his exceeding love to the Lord Christ, to Whom is the glory, he exhausted his body with asceticism, forsaking earthly things, with fasting and many prayers in a way that exceeds human endurance. For this, he deserved that the Lord Christ appear to him and bless him for his conduct in this life, for such is the behavior of those who are perfect and who fight against the flesh, the world and the devil till they overcome them. St. Paul said to the Lord, «All that is due to Your care, O You creator and redeemer of the human race, by Your death on our behalf, we the undeserving sinners.» The Lord Christ comforted and strengthened him.

When our father St. Bishoy went to Mount Ansena, he was joined by the saint Abba Paula. The Lord Christ told Abba Paul (Paula), «Your body will be buried with that of My chosen Bishoy.» When Abba Paula departed, his body was placed with the body of St. Bishoy.

When they wanted to move the body of St. Bishoy to the wilderness of St. Macarius in Scete, they carried it onto a boat and left St. Paul›s body behind; however, the boat would not move, until they brought the body of St. Paul and placed it beside St. Bishoy›s body. Then they brought them to the wilderness of Sheheat (Scete).

Their prayers be with us and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Sergius, the Friend of St. Bacchus 20th October - 10th Baba

On this day, St. Sergius, the friend of St. Bacchus, was martyred. He was a high ranking soldier, advanced in the court of Emperor Maximianus, who showed him great favor. Because this Emperor was pagan and these two saints were people of faith, he sent them to Antiochus, King of Syria, to torture them and slay them if they did not forsake their faith. Antiochus inflicted St. Bacchus with severe tortures and, when he did not dissuade him from his Christianity, he ordered his men to slay him. They killed him and cast his body into the River Euphrates. The waves brought him to the bank near two holy men. The Lord sent an eagle to guard the pure body and inspired the two saints to take it. They took the body with reverence and buried it(1). St. Sergius was sad for his friend Bacchus until he saw him in his sleep in a beautiful palace, shining brightly; so his soul was exceedingly comforted. Later on, the Governor commanded to drive nails into St. Sergius’ feet, and to send him to El-Rusafa (2)tied to the tails of the horses; his blood flowed down on the ground. On their way, they met a virgin damsel, who gave them water to drink. When she saw the condition the saint was in, she felt sad for him and she pitied his youth and his fine form. The saint told her, “Come, follow me to the city of El-Rusafa to take my body,” and she followed him. The Governor of El-Rusafa was a friend of St. Sergius, and it was through St. Sergius, that the Governor had this position. The Governor tried to convince

يهومطلا لاوب ابنلأا سيدقلا ةحاين ةباب ٧ - ربوتكأ ١٧ يذلا لاوب ابنلأا سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم في ةلزعلا لىإ هتثادح ذنم لييم ناك هنلأو .هومط نم هعم ماقأو هب نكسو انصنأ لبج دصق دقف دارفنلااو نمو .هلئاضفب دهش يذلا اذه ،لايقزح هذيملت كانه ،دجلما هل حيسلما ديسلل هتبحم طرف نم هنأ كلذ تاولصلاو ماوصلأاو فشقتلاو دهزلاب هدسج ىنضأ نأ قحتسا ىتح شربلا ةقاط قوفت يتلا ةيرثكلا ةايحلا هذه في هكولس لىع هبوطيو حيسلما هل رهظي دسجلا دض اودهاج نيذلا ينلماكلا كلسم ايندلا ابنلأا هل لاقف .مهيلع اوبلغت ىتح ناطيشلاو لماعلاو كتوبم ،هيدافو شربلا قلاخ اي كتيانعب اذه لك« لاوب برلا هازعف . »ينقحتسلما يرغ ةاطخلا نحن انع .هاوقو عوسي ،انصنأ لبج لىإ ىوشيب سيدقلا انوبأ ضىم المو حيسلما ديسلا لاقو .لاوب ابنلأا سيدقلا هب عمتجا ييفص دسج عم نوكيس كدسج نإ« لاوب ابنلأ لاوب ابنلأا حينت الم هنأ ذإ كلذ هل مت دقو .ىوشيب اودارأ المو ىوشيب ابنلأا دسج عم هدسج عضو سيدقلا ةيرب لىإ ىوشيب ابنلأا سيدقلا دسج لقن اوكرتو بكرم لىإ هدسج اولمح تيهيشب سويراقم ىتح اهناكم بكرلما حبرت ملف ،لاوب ابنلأا دسج ماهب اوتأو .هراوجب هوعضوو لاوب ابنلأا دسج اوضرحأ .تيهيش لبج لىإ .ينمآ .ايدبأ ائماد دجلما انبرلو .انعم نوكت ماهتاولص سخاو قيفر سويجسر سيدقلا داهشتسا ةباب ١٠ - ربوتكأ ٢٠ قيفر سويجسر سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في في ينمدقتلما دونجلا رابك نم ناك .سخاو سيدقلا ةوظحلا باحصأ نمو سونايميسكم كللما طلاب ناسيدقلا ناذهو ،اينثو ناك كللما اذه نلأو .هيدل كلم سخويطنأ لىإ ماهلسرأ دقف .نايملإا لهأ نم ماهنايمإ نع اعجري لم اذإ ىتح .ماهبيذعتل ايروس اباذع سخاو سيدقلا سخويطنأ بذعف .ماهلتقي ،هحبذب رمأ هتيحيسم نع ثنني لم ذإو .اديدش هايلما هتفذقف تارفلا رهن في هوحرطو هوحبذف دسجلا هتسارحل اباقع هللا لسرأو .ئطاشلا لىإ ماترحاب هاذخأف ،ينسيدق لىإ ىحوأ ىتح رهاطلا )هباب 4 عجار(هانفدو هاخأ همون في ىأرف ،هيلع انيزح سويجسر ىقبو هسفن تزعتف عطاس هرونو ليمج جدوه في سخاو ،هيلجر في رمسي نأ مكاحلا رمأ اذه دعبو .ايرثك نم يقشرلا بناجلا في تناك( ةفاصرلا لىإ لسريو في اطوبرم )سيابعلا صرعلا في تلاز دقو ، دادغب اوفداصو .ضرلأا لىع رطقي همد ناكو .ليخلا بانذأ تأر المو .ءام اهنم اوقتساف ،ءارذع ةيبص مهقيرط في تثرو ،هيلع تنزح سيدقلا اذه اهيلع يتلا ةلاحلا يقحلأ« سيدقلا اهل لاقف .هرظنم لماجو هبابشل نلأو .هتعبتف ، »يدسج يذخأتل ةفاصرلا لىإ بي سويجسر سيدقلا قيدص ناك ةيحانلا كلت مكاح هعانقإ لواح دقف .زكرلما اذه في دجو هتطاسوب ذإ لبقي لم ذإو .هتايح لىع اظافح هيأر نع لودعلاب ءارذعلا تمدقتف هسأر عطقب رمأ حصن يأ هنم هتلعجو سدقلما هقنع نم جرخ يذلا مدلا تذخأو لىإ ظفح دقف سدقلما هدسج امأ.فوصلا نم ةزج في ،ةفاصرلاب ةسينك هل اونب ثيح ،داهجلا نامز ءاضقنا

him to change his mind to save his life. When St. Sergius did not accept his advice, he ordered his head cut off. That virgin came and received the blood which flowed from his holy neck and kept it in a clip of wool.

However, the holy body was kept until the end of the days of persecution when they built a church for him at El-Rusafa. The church was consecrated by 15 bishops. They laid his holy body in a coffin made of marble. Those who were present witnessed that a fragrant oil flew from his body and it healed the sick. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

The Departure of St. Pelagia.

21st October - 11th Baba

On this day also, St. Pelagia, departed. This righteous woman was born in the city of Antioch to pagan parents. Besides a corrupt faith, she had a corrupt manner of life also. She met a holy bishop, whose name was Paul, who preached to her. She believed in the Lord Christ through him, and confessed to him everything she had done. He encouraged her and taught her not to despair but to repent with a true determination. Then he baptized her in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and she was illuminated by the grace of baptism. She led a penitent life with a firm heart and a pure determination. she exhausted her body with strenuous worship.

She dressed herself in the garb of men and went to Jerusalem where she worshipped in its sanctuaries. She met Abba Alexandros, Patriarch of Jerusalem, who sent her to one of the convents nearby Jerusalem. She dwelt there for 40 years and departed in peace.

Her prayers be with us and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Matthew the Evangelist.

22nd October - 12th Baba

On this day also, St. Matthew the Evangelist, was martyred. He was one of the Twelve Disciples and his name was Levi. He was the one sitting at the receipt of custom outside the city of Capernaum, when the Lord Christ said to him, “Follow Me.” He left all, rose up, and followed Him. He made for the Lord Christ a great feast in his own house. That made the Pharisees murmur against Him saying to His disciples, “Why do your teacher eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?” Jesus answered and said to them, “Those who are well do not need a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” (Luke 5:27-32) He preached in the land of Palestine and Tyre and Sidon. Then he went to Ethiopia. He entered the city of priests and converted them to the knowledge of God. When he wished to enter the city, he met a young man who told him, “You will not be able to go in unless you shave off the hair of your head and carry palm branches in your hand.” He did as the young man told him. And, as he was thinking about that, the Lord Christ appeared to him in the form of the young man who had met him earlier, and after He encouraged and comforted him, disappeared. He realized that this young man was the Lord of Glory Himself.

He then entered the city as one of its priests. He went to the temple of Apollo and found the high priest, and talked with

دسجلا اوعضوو .افقسأ شرع ةسمخ اهسيركت لىوت هودصق نم دهشو ماخرلا نم توبات في سدقلما ءافش دسجلا اذه نم عبني ابيط انهد نأ كبرتلل .ضىرملل .ينمآ .ايدبأ ائماد دجلما انبرلو .انعم نوكت هتلاص ةبئاتلا ةيجلايب ةسيدقلا ةحاين ةباب ١١ - ربوتكأ ٢١ دقو .ةيجلايب ةسيدقلا تحينت مويلا اذه لثم في نيوبأ نم ةيكاطنإ ةنيدبم ةرابلا هذه تدلو ،اهدقتعم داسف لىإ تعمج دق تناكو ،ينينثو سيدق فقسأ اهفداصف .اضيأ ةيرسلا ةساجن ديسلاب تنمآف ايرثك اهظعوو ،سلوب ىمسي .تعنص ام عيمجب هل تفترعاو ،هدي لىع حيسلما .ةقداص ةينب بوتت نأو .سأيت لاأ اهملعو اهاوقف .سدقلا حورلاو نبلااو بلاا مساب اهدمع مث ةبوتلا لىإ تمدقتو .ةيدومعلما ةمعنب ترانتساف ةدابعلاب اهمسج تنضأو ةصلاخ ةينو تباث بلقب لىإ تبهذو لاجرلا يزب تنيزت مث .ةراحلا بلأاب تعمتجاو .اهلكايه في تدجسو .ميلشروأ ضعب لىإ اهلسرأف ميلشروأ كريرطب سوردنكسلاا اهيف تثكمف سدقلما تيب برقب يتلا ةريدلأا .ملاسب تحينتو ةنس ينعبرأ .ينمآ .ايدبأ ائماد دجلما انبرلو .انعم نوكت اهتلاص يرشبلا لييجنلاا ىتم سيدقلا داهشتسا ةباب ١٢ - ربوتكأ ٢٢ دحأ ،لييجنلإا ىتم دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في ناك يذلا وهو .ىولآ همسا ناكو لاوسر شرع ىنثلاا .موحان رفك ةنيدم جراخ ةيابجلا ناكم دنع اسلاج ماقو ئش لك كترف .ينعبتا حيسلما ديسلا هل لاقو ،هتيب في ةميلو حيسملل ديسلا عنص دقو .هعبتو هذيملاتل ينلئاق هيلع نورمذتي ينيسيرفلا تلعج . »ةاطخلاو نيراشعلا عم مكملعم لكأي اذالم« لب بيبط لىإ ءاحصلأا جاتحي لا« عوسي مهل لاقف ول( »ةبوتلا لىإ ةاطخ لب اراربأ وعدلأ تآ لم ،ضىرلما .)3٢ - ٢٧ ١5 مث .اديصو روص فىو ينطسلف ضرأ في زرك دقو لىإ مهدرو ةنهكلا دلاب لخدو ةشبحلا ليإ بهذ لاكت سيدقلا خيرات لوأ في ءاج دقف ـ . هللا ةفرعم ىعديو ينيليئاسرلإا ةنهك دحأ نأ شيبحلا تونمايه »ميكحلا نبإ« ىعديو هدلو لسرأ دق قوداص ايرازع هيخأب هبحصأو ايرجتلا دلاب ليع طلستي رئاعشلا ةيدأتل مزلي ام هعم ايرازع ذخأو ، نهاكلا سدانقادب ايرزع جوزتو . ناكلما كلذ في ةيدوهيلا ادلو اهنم قزرو ايرجتلا ةمصاع ءماظع دحأ ةنبإ ءلاؤه راصو ، يولا قوداص دلوو ، اقوداص هماسأ اوناكو ، ةاروتلاب ءاج ام ةشبحلا لهأ نوملعي ةنهكلا . ةبقلا في ةنهكلا ةداعك كللما ناويد في نوعمتجي عمو ، »ةنهكلا ةنيدم« ةنيدلما مسإ ليع قلطأ كلذل ، ةينثولا ليإ ةنيدلما كلت لهأ لوحت يننسلا لياوت ليإ مهادهو لوسرلا ىتم سيدقلا اهيلإ بهذ ىتح ةنيدلما لوخد دارأ هنأ كلذو . ـ يحيسلما نايملإا لوخدلا عيطتست لا كنإ :هل لاقو باش هب ىقتلا كديب تكسمأو كتيحلو كسأر تقلح اذإ لاإ ركفي وه مايفو .باشلا هبرخأ ماك لعفف .هفعس باشلا كلذ لكش في عوسي برلا هل رهظ اذه في .هنع باغ هاوقو هازع نأ دعبو اقباس هلباق يذلا .هسفن دجلما بر وه ناك باشلا كلذ نأ كردأف

him concerning the idols that they were worshipping. He explained to him how those idols did not hear or sense anything and how the true Mighty Lord is He who created the Heaven and Earth. The Lord made through him a wonder: a table came down to them from Heaven and a great light shone around them. When Hermes the priest saw this wonder, he asked him, “What is the name of your God?” The apostle replied, “My God is the Lord Christ.” Hermes, the priest, believed in Christ and many people followed him.

When the Governor of the city knew that, he ordered them burned. It happened at that time that the son of the Governor died. St. Matthew the Apostle prayed and made supplications to God to raise the son and the Lord answered him and raised the child from death. When the Governor saw that, he and the rest of the people of the city believed. St. Matthew baptized them and ordained a bishop and priests, and built a church for them.

After he had preached in other countries, he went back to Jerusalem. Some of the Jews which had been preached to, and had believed and been baptized by him, asked him to write down what he had preached to them. He wrote the beginning of the Gospel attributed to him in the Hebrew language but he did not complete it. It was said that he finished it during his preaching in India, in the first year of the reign of Claudius and the ninth year of the Ascension. His martyrdom was consummated by stoning by the hands of Justus the Governor, and his body was buried in Carthage of Caesarea by some believers, in a holy place. His prayers be with us. Amen.

The Departure of Abba Demetrius I, 12th Pope of Alexandria.

On this day of the year 224 A.D., the pure and celibate father, the fighter of lusts, and the vanquisher of nature, Abba Demetrius I, 12th Pope of Alexandria, departed. This saint was an illiterate farmer, and was married. He lived with his wife 47 years until he was chosen a Patriarch. They did not know one another as married people, but remained throughout that period in their virginity and chastity, a fact which no one knew.

When the departure of St. Yulianus, 11th Pope, drew near, the angel of the Lord appeared to St. Yulianus in a vision and told him about this saint and that he was to be the Patriarch after him. He gave him a sign saying, “Tomorrow a man shall come to you having a cluster of grapes, seize him and pray over him.” Then he woke from his sleep, he told the bishops and the priests who were with him about this vision.

So it happened on the next day that St. Demetrius found a cluster of grapes that was out of season. He carried it to St. Yulianus, to receive his blessing. The father, the Patriarch, took him by the hand and told those who were present, “This is your Patriarch who will be after me.” Then he prayed over him; they held him and kept him until the departure of Abba Yulianus, whereupon they finished the prayers of ordination over him and he was filled with heavenly grace. The Lord enlightened his mind and he learned reading and writing. He studied the church books

ابنلأا ةعيبطلا رهاقو ةوهشلا دهاجم ،رهاطلا

سيدقلا اذه .ةيردنكسلإا تاواباب نم ١٢ لاو لولأا

.اجوزتم ناكو ،ةباتكلاو ةءارقلا فرعي لا ،ايمأ احلاف لمو ،اكريرطب يرتخا نأ لىإ ،ةنس ينعبرأو اعبس هتجوز عم هذه لاوط اثبل لب ،جاوزلأا ةفرعم رخلآا ماهدحأ فرعي نم دحأ نكي لمو .ماهتراهطو ماهتيروكب في ماهو ةدلما .هيلع ماه ام فرعي بعشلا .شرع يداحلإ

نوللبأ لكيه لىإ ضىمو اهتنهك دحأك ةنيدلما لخد مث اهنودبعي اوناك يتلا هتهلآ نع هبطاخف ،ةنهكلا سيئر دجوف هللإا نأو ، يعت لاو عمست لا اهنأ فيك هل حضوي ذخأو دقو .ضرلأاو ءماسلا قلخ يذلا وه انمإ يوقلا يقيقحلا ةدئام مهيلع تطبه نأب كلذو ةيآ هيدي لىع هللا ىرجأ سويمرأ ىأر مالف .ميظع رون مهلوح قشرأو ،ءماسلا نم باجأف »؟كهلإ مسا وه ام« هل لاق ةبوجعلأا هذه نهاكلا نهاكلا سويمرأ نمأف .»حيسلما ديسلا وه يهلإ« لوسرلا رمأ كلذب ةنيدلما مكاح ملع المو .ةيرثك ةعماج هتعبتو هب لىصف ،لياولا نبا تام نأ كلذ دنع ثدحو .مهقارحإب باجتساف نبلاا اذه ميقي نأ هللا ليإ عضرتو لوسرلا ىتم نمآ كلذ لياولا ىأر مالف .تولما نم دلولا ماقو برلا هل مهل مسرو لوسرلا ىتم مهدمعف ، ةنيدلما لهأ ةيقبو وه دلاب في زرك نأ دعبو .ةسينك مهل ىنبو ، ةنهكو افقسأ دوهيلا نم ةعماج هيلإ عمتجاف ميلشروأ لىإ داع ىرخأ هيلإ اوبلطو هنم اوغبطصاو هتزاركب اونمآو مهشرب نيذلا ةبوسنلما ةراشبلا ةيادب بتكف ،هب مهشرب ام مهل نودي نأ اهلمك هنأ ليقو ،اهمتي لم هنأ لاإ ةينابرعلا ةغللاب هيلإ كلم نم لىولأا ةنسلا في كلذ ناكو دنهلا في هتزارك ءانثأ .دوعصلل ةعساتلا ةنسلا ىهو سويدلاقإ لياولا سطسف دي لىع ةراجحلاب ماجر هداهشتسا ناكو في ،يننمؤم موق ةطساوب ةيراسيق ةنجاطرق في هدسج نفدو .ينمآ .انعم نوكت هتلاص .سدقم ناكم يطقبلاا باسح عضاو ١٢لا ماركلا سويتريمد ابابلا ةحاين ركبلا بلأا حينت ،ةيدلايم ٢٢4 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم في سويتريمد
ابابلا سونايلوي سيدقلا ةحاين تبترقا المو هنأو ،سيدقلا اذه نع هملعأو ايؤر في برلا كلام هل رهظ :هل هلوقب ةملاع هاطعأو .هدعب اكريرطب يرصيس يذلا وه ليصو كدنع هكسمأف ،بنع دوقنع هعمو لجر كيتأي ادغ ةفقاسلأا نم هدنع ناك نم ملعأ ،همون نم هبتنا المو .هيلع .ايؤرلا هذهب ةنهكلاو نم ادوقنع سويتريمد سيدقلا دجو نأ دغلا في ثدحو دصقب سونايلوي سيدقلا لىإ هلمحف .هناوأ يرغ في بنعلا نيضراحلل لاقو هدي نم كريرطبلا بلأا هكسمف .هتكرب لين هوقبأو هوكسمأف هيلع لىص مث ، »ىدعب مكريرطب اذه« لأتماف .هيلع ةلاصلا اولمكأو سونايلوي بلأا حينت نأ لىإ ةءارقلا ملعتف هلقع برلا رانأو .ةيئماسلا ةمعنلا نم لاوقأ تناكو .اهيرسافتو ةسينكلا بتك سردو .ةباتكلاو عضو يذلا وهو .ظعي امدنع هيف نم قفدتت ةمعنلا لىع ماوصلأا تيقاوم جرختست هب يذلا ىطقبلأا باسح نوموصي كلذ لبق نويحيسلما ناك دقو .ةتباث دعاوق ديسلاب ءادتقا ،ةشرابم ساطغلا ديع دعب ةسدقلما ينعبرلأا ملالآا عوبسأ نوموصي مث .هدماع دعب ماص يذلا حيسلما حصف ليي يذلا دحلأا في يحيسلما حصفلا نوكيل لاصفنم حصفلاب لفتحي نم ينيحيسلما نم اضيأ ناكو .ينيليئاسرلإا عم نوديعي اوناك مهنأ يأ .ناسين ١4 موي يحيسلما ديسلا ةمايقب ينيحيسلما حصف نأ لىإ ينتفتلم يرغ ،دوهيلا ابابلا متها كلذلو .يوسولما حصفلا دعب ناك حيسلما .ةيحيسلما دايعلأاو ماوصلأل ةتباث دعاوق عضوب سويتريمد لىإ كلذب بتكو .ملالآا عوبسأ لىإ ةسدقلما ينعبرلأا مضو

and their interpretations. Words of grace flew from his mouth when he preached.

He established the reckoning of the Epacts, by which the dates of fasting were determined on a fixed basis. Christians used to fast the holy 40 days, Lent, right after the feast of Epiphany, as the Lord Christ fasted after His baptism. Then they fasted the Passion week separately, celebrating the Christian Passover on the Sunday that followed the Jewish Passover.

Some of the Christians used to celebrate Easter on the fourteenth of Neesan (April) and that meant they celebrated with the Jews, not recognizing that the Christian Passover was to be in memory of the Resurrection of the Lord Christ which was after the Mosaic Passover. For that reason, Pope Demetrius took interest in establishing a fixed bases for fasts and Christian holy days. He appended the Holy Fast to the Passion Week.

Pope Demetrius wrote in this respect to Agabius, Bishop of Jerusalem; to Maximus, Patriarch of Antioch; to the Patriarch of Rome and to others. All approved of it and continued to follow his rules up until the present. The Church of Rome deviated from that and followed, since the 16th century, the Gregorian Calendar. To the Popes of the Coptic Church was the prime credit in determining Easter Day; and they thus sent their Easter messages all over the world, so that the Christians would celebrate Easter on the same day forming a universal joy. God was with Abba Demetrius because of his purity. God granted him a gift that after he finished the Liturgy and the people came forward to partake of the Holy Mysteries, he used to see the Lord Christ pushing forward with His Hand those who were worthy. But if one came forward who was not worthy of partaking of the Holy Communion, the Lord would reveal to the Pope his sins and the Pope would not allow him to partake of it until he confessed his sins. The Pope would admonish him for them and would say to him, “Turn away from your sin and repent, after that come and partake of the Holy Mysteries.” His flocks conduct was straightened during his time.

Because he rebuked the sinners much, and urged them on repentance and purity, some of them murmured and said, “This man is married, how can he rebuke us?” The Lord Almighty wished to reveal to them his virtues, so the angel of the Lord came to him at night and told him, “O Demetrius, do not seek your salvation and let others be destroyed with their doubt.” The father asked him to clarify his statement and the angel told him, “You must reveal the mystery which is between yourself and your wife to the people that you might remove the doubt from them.”

On the following morning, after he had celebrated the Divine Liturgy, he ordered the people not to leave the church. He took red-hot coal and placed it in his wife’s shawl and his pallium, then they went around in the church and their clothes did not burn. The people were amazed at this miracle. He told them that he and his wife did not know each other as married people. The doubt was removed from the people and they realized the purity of this father and his virginity. During his time, some opposing men appeared whose names were Aklemos, Origen, and Orianus and others who wrote forbidden books, so he excommunicated them. During the days of his papacy, he did not stop teaching and confirming the believers in the Orthodox Faith. When he had grown old and became weak, they carried him on a litter to the church to teach the people. He was 15 years old, having spent 15 years unmarried, 47 years until he became Patriarch and 43 years in office, then departed in peace. The blessings of his prayers be with us. Amen.

ميلشروأ فقسأ سونايباغأ نم لك ةيكاطنإ كريرطب سوميسكمو هونسحتساف مهيرغو ةيمور كريرطبو ادع ام .مويلا لىإ هدعاوقب اولمعو كلذ نع تلدع اهنأف ةيمور ةسينك شرع سداسلا نرقلا ذنم تعبتاو تاواباب اوناكو .ىروغيرغلا ميوقتلا مهلئاسرب نوثعبي ةيطبقلا ةسينكلا لفتحيل ةرومعلما ءاحنأ لىإ ةيحصفلا دحاو موي في حصفلا ديعب نويحيسلما مهل عجريو .اماع روسرلا نوكيل حصفلا موي ينيعت في لولأا لضفلا . يحيسلما ناكو .هتراهطل بلاا اذه عم هللا ناكو سادقلا لمكأ اذإ هنأ ةبهوم هحنم دق نابرقلا لوانتل بعشلا مدقتو حيسلما ديسلا رظني ناك ،سدقلما مدقت اذإ امأ ،قحتسي نم هديب عفدي هبنذ هل رهظي هنإف قحتسي لا نم فترعي ىتح باترقلااب هل حمسي لاو لوقيو ،اهيلع بلاا هبنؤيف هتئيطخب دعبو بتو كتئيطخ نع حنت« هل . »ةسدقلما راسرلأا لوانتو مدقت كلذ .هنامز في هتيعر تماقتساف لىع مهثحو ةاطخلا هتيكبت ةثركلو اولاقو مهضعب رمذت ،ةراهطلاو ةبوتلا .انخبوي فيكف جوزتم لجرلا اذه هاتأف هلئاضف راهظإ لىاعت هللا دارأف اي« هل لاقو ليللا في برلا كلام كترتو كصلاخ بلطت لا سويتريمد بلأا هحضوتساف »هكش في كلهي كيرغ فشكت نأ بجي« هل لاقف لوقلا اذه كتجوز ينبو كنيب يذلا سرلا بعشلل حابصلا فىو .»كشلا مهنع لوزي ىتح رمأ يهللإا سادقلا ماقأ نأ دعب ةسينكلا نم جورخلا مدعب بعشلا هتجوز رازأ في هعضوو ارمج ذخأ مث لمو ةسينكلا نانثلاا فاطو هنيللب فىو نم بعشلا بجعتف .ماهبايث قترحت هتجوزو هنأ مهفرع مث .ةزجعلما هذه لىإ ةيجوزلا ةفرعلما ماهضعب افرعي لم اونقيتو كشلا بعشلا نم لازف .مويلا .هتيلوتبو بلأا اذه ةراهط مهنم نوفلاخم همايأ في رهظو سونايرأو سوناجيروأو سميلقا ةفلاحم ابتك اوعضوو مهيرغو نع هتساير مايأ ترفي لمو .مهمرحف نايملإا في يننمؤلما تيبثتو ميلعت ناك فعضو برك المو .حيحصلا ملعيل ةسينكلا لىإ ةفحم لىع لمحي سمخو ةئام رمعلا نم غلبو .بعشلا نأ لىإ ةنس ةشرع سمخ اهنم .يننس نأ لىإ ةنس ينعبرأو اعبسو ،جوزت في ةنس ينعبرأو اثلاثو ،اكريرطب راص .ملاسب حينت مث . ةيكريرطبلا .ينمآ .انعم نوكت هتلاص ةكرب

Meditations on the Bible Readings

Sunday 1st of Blessed Month of Babah

Mark 2 :1-12

“Son, your sins are forgiven you.” Mark 2:5

Crowding … many people … noise … much to do … how many times, one delays his or her salvation … how often one’s spiritual life become tepid because of these issues … how numerous one’s cries and woos is lost among such noise … how many time your walk with God is delayed because of the crowds … how often do you feel lost and vanished among a crowded world … how often do you feel like a small cog in a huge machine, all that is required from you to stand still and bear all the knocks and hammering for ever without the right to object or speak … but in reality; among such crowd, one feels like a number and not a human being … even to the extent that at work they might forget your name … and might address you by your identity number … what is amazing is that, among this huge crowding, you will find some who will say; you live in a society which respects your humanity and existence … this might be true but only in this physical worldly measures which only caters for satisfying one’s physical needs … forgetting that your spirit (soul) within you is lost and almost perishing due to hunger and thirst.

Dear Beloved … you are the paralytic … paralysed among a crowded world which has no mercy … if you leave your self in the hands of this world, it will over-run you and crush you and no one will ever care … you will be paralysed for the rest of your life … Do you want to be paralysed still???

Never!! First open your eyes and see (observe) what this crowding has done for you??? … then ask for help … there are four honest (men) willing to help you … they will carry you high … above the crowd … to put you at the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ. + they could not come near Him because of the crowd How much hardship is the crowd … and how much difficulties we face because of it … many have suffered because of the crowd … and some have been annihilated because of it.

One of those is Felix the governor (Acts 24) … all his concerns were collecting money even through bribery and therefore he sent for Paul more often to converse with him thinking Paul will give him money to release him … but Paul used the opportunity to preach to him … about righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come, Felix was afraid and answered, “Go away for now; when I have a convenient time, I will call for you (Acts 24: 25) but a convenient time never happened.

سادقلا ليجنأ فى تلامأت كرابلما ةباب رهش نم لولأا دحلأا ١٢ – ١ :٢ سقرم 5 :٢ سقرم »كاياطخ كل ةروفغم ىنباي« تايلوغشلما .. جيجضلا .. عومجلا .. ماحزلا .. كسفن صلاخ لطعتي ةرم مك .. ةيرثكلا هذه ببسب ةيحورلا كتايح ترفت ةرم مك كتاهآو كتاخصر عيضت ةرم مك .. روملاا كتيرسم لطعتت ةرم مك .. جيجضلا طسو كنا رعشت ةرم مك .. ماحزلا ببسب هللا عم ةرم مك .. محدزم لماع طسو عئاضو هئات ةنيكام فى يرغص رماسم درجم كنأرعشت فى ىقبت نأ كنم بولطلما لك .. ةمخض ةياهنلا ام لىا داهجلااو قرطلا لمحتت كناكم لب .. ملكتت وأ وكشت نا كل قحي نأ نودب رعشت تنأ ماحزلا اذه طسو ةقيقحلا فى مهنأ ةجردل .. ناسنأ سيلو مقر درجم كنأ كوداني اوراصو .. كمسأ اوسن ابمر لمعلا فى .. كمقرب نم دجت هلك ماحزلا اذه طسو بيجعلاو مترحي عمتجم فى شيعت كنأ كل لوقي احيحص اذه ناك ابمرو .. كنايكو كتيمدآ اهمهي لا ىتلا ةيدالما لم اعلا سيياقبم نكلو ينسانتم .. طقف دسجلا تاجاح عابشإ ىوس ةعئاض ههئات احور كلخاد فى لمحت كنأ .. نامرحلاو شطعلا نم توتم داكت ةعئاج جولفم .. جولفلما اذهوه تنأ .. بيبحلا اهيأ تكرت نإ .. محري لا محدزم لماع طسو كسودي فوس لماعلا ا ذه ىدي ينب كسفن .. ادبأ كب متهي نلو كقحسيو لماعلا اذه لهو .. كرمع ةيقب اجولفم لظت فوسو .. ؟؟؟ اجولفم لظت نأ ديرت عنص اذام رطنأو كينيع حتفت نأ لاوأ أدبأ .. ةدعاسلما بلطأ مث .. ؟؟؟ ماحزلا كيف نودعتسم ادج ءانمأ ةعبرأ كانهو قوف لىا كب نودعصي فوس .. كتدعاسلم برلا مادقأ دنع كوعضيو .. ماحزلا قوف .. .. عوسي .. عمجلا لجأ نم اوبترقي نأ اوردقي لم + ىتلا راضرلاا دشأ امو .. ماحزلا بعصأ ام .. ماحزلا مهضرأ ادج نويرثك .. هنم انبيصت .. هببسب اوكله ضعبلاو همه لك ناك .. لىاولا سكليف وه ءلاؤه دحأ .. ةوشرلا قيرط نع ولو لاوملاا عمج وه هدنع يرسأ وهو سلوب ىعدتسي ناك اذكهو سلوب نأ اناظ هنم عمسيل ةديدع تارم نكلو .. هحاسر قلطيل ةوشر هيطعي فوس

Another one of those is the rich fool … all his concerns were collecting riches and storing it … he will tear down his barns and build bigger ones … to gather in it food and riches … to be laid up for him for many years … and said to himself “You have plenty of grain laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry” (Luke 12:19) … but this poor fool did not know that his time has finished among this crowding and he heard the voice “You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?” (Luke 12:20). Also, one of those is the maiden of the Song of Songs … in the time of her lukewarm attitude … the bridegroom calls from the outside … open my beloved, my perfect partner … but she is too busy inside with other issues and answers … I have taken off my robe, how can I put it on again??? I have washed my feet, how can I defile them again )Song of Solomon 5: 3-4) … and so on … offering many excuses till the Bridegroom passes by and leave … then she will recognise her mistake … then she arises and sought Him in the city and market places but with no success … for He was not among the crowd … for He has gone to His garden … to the beds of spices (Song of Solomon 6:2) … And you beloved, it seems that the crowding made you too busy … you work 5, 6 and even 7 days a week … every day from morning till evening … and there is no more time for anything else … and what ever little time left is spent with T.V or talking with friends and socialising … there is no more time even for yourself … no more time for your offspring … no more time left for prayers in the morning or the evenings … even on Sundays only a few minutes or maybe an hour at most, is left for God! … no time left for confessions … no time left for reading the Holy Bible … too busy … busy … and I have no time left … By Beloved, I do not know what is more important to you? … if you are not willing to give some of your time for the Kingdom of Heaven, then how can you demand to have an inheritance in Heaven … you work and toil for your earthly life … well-done and you shall receive the rewards on earth for your labour … but what about Heaves??? … is Heavenly life so cheap for you … what about the salvation of your sons and daughters??? How many fathers and mothers weep bitterly and pour out tears because when they became aware of the crowding and sought their offspring, they did not find them … they were lost to the world establish

سكليف امأ .. هشربيل ةصرفلا زهتني ناك سلوب سلوب مانيب ةرمو .. اذهل تقو هدنع نكي ملف بعترأ .. ةنونيدلا و ففعتلاو برلا نع هثدحي بهذأ هل لائاق هنجس لىا سلوب فصرو سكليف لصحي لمو .. كيعدتسأ تعقو لىع تلصح ىتمو .. تقولا لىع لك ناك .. ىبغلاو ىنغلا لجرلا ءلاؤه نمو هنزاخم مدهي .. هنيزختو لالما عمج وه همه و لاوملاا اهيف عمجيو .. اهنم بركأ ىرخأ ىنبيو لىك لوقيو .. لجلاا لوطب هسفن ىنيمو .. ماعطلا ةديدع يننسل ةيرثك تايرخ كلف بىشرأو سىفناي ىهتنأ دق هتقو نأ ملعي ينكسلما اذه نكي لمو .. ةليللا ىبغاي توصلا هاتأو ماحزلا اذه طسو نلم اهتددعأ ىتلا هذهف .. كنم كسفن بلطت ؟؟؟ .. نوكت اهروتف تقو فى .. ديشنلا ءارذع اضيأ ءلاؤه نمو لى ىحتفأ .. جراخلا نم سيرعلا اهيداني .. ةلوغشم لخادلا نم اهنكلو .. ىتلماكاي ىتبيبحاي فيكف بىوث تعلخ دق .. هيلع دترف ىرخأ ءايشأب فيكف لىجر تلسغ دق ؟؟؟ هسبلأ هيرثكلا اهراذعأ فى لظت .. اذكهو .. ماهخسوأ كردت انهو .. برعيو اهنع بيبحلا لوحتي ىتح ثحبت هفلخ عفدنتو اهشارف نم موقتف اهأطخ طسو نكي لم هنكلو .. قاوسلاا فى ةنيدلما فى هنع بيطلا لئماخ لىا .. هتنج لىا لزن هنلا .. ماحزلا ادج كلغش ماحزلا نأ ودبي بيبحلا اهيأ تنأو .. فى مايأ ةعبس وأ ةتس وأ ةسمخ لمعت تنأف .. .. ءاسلما ىتح حابصلا نم موي لك .. عوبسلاا نم ةيقابلا ةيقبلاو .. ءشىل تقو كدنع دعي لمو ءاقدصلاا ثيداحأو نويزفيلتلا ماهمهتلا كتقو .. كسفنل ىتح تقو كانه دعي لم .. مهتلاماجمو تقو كانه دعي لم .. كدلاولا تقو كانه دعي لمو لم دحلاا موي ىتح .. ءاسم لاو احابص لا ةلاصلل ثركأ وأ ةعاس ابمر وأ قئاقد نم ثركأ كانه دعي .. فاترعلال تقو كانه دعي لم .. هللل اهيطعت .. سدقلما باتكلا ةءارقل تقو كانه دعي لم ىردأ تسل .. ضىاف شومو .. لوغشم .. لوغشم نكت لم نأ .. كدنع مهلما وه ام بيبحلا اهيأ توكلم لجأ نم كتقو نم ىطعت نأ ادعتسم ابيصن كل نوكي نأب بلاطت فيكف .. تاومسلا لىع كتايح لجأ نم لمعت تنأ .. ءماسلا فى لباقلما ضرلاا لىع ذخأت فوسو انسح .. ضرلاا .. ؟؟؟ ءماسلا نع اذام نكلو .. كبعتل اذه لىا ةصيخر كل ةبسنلاب ءماسلا تناك نأو كتانبو كدلاوأ سوفن صلاخ نع اذماف .. دحلا عومدلا نوفرذي تاهمأ و ءابآ نم مك ؟؟؟ نم نوقيفي اوأدب امدنع مهنلا ةراربم نوكبيو

ing boy-friends and girl-friends … some even left home and live with them … some not ashamed to smoke and drink alcohol before their parents … some is willing to make of the home a disco-tech and a dancing hall for them and their friends … and we can see our children who we laboured and migrated for them, dressed in revealing clothing and a strange hectic life full absentee with no love, purity or seriousness … is this what crowding has done to you????????? What do I do??? Many sit with their heads on their palms pondering, what if we did not migrate and left our homes, families … or we wish; if we paid more attention for bringing up our children …. And alas … but what benefit does this have now!

+ a paralytic who was carried by four men .. You are in need of these four (men) … and it is amazing they are around you always and run away from them … these four are:

The Holy Bible … the Church Sacraments … Means of Grace … and your Spiritual Monitor … each one of them is willing (and ready) to hold you … and to lift you above the crowd … just ask …and in the Holy Bible you shall fins the living words of God which is fulfilling to your hungry soul … in it you will see the Lord Crucified for you, even though you are too busy and far from Him and in it (Holy Bible) you will know the way to the everlasting life … you will love God and rejoice in the company of the saints… Thus was God’s word to St Augustine … He taken him out of the crowd and sins to a life of repentance … and in the Church Sacraments … more specifically those Sacrament you have ignored for a long time; like the Sacraments of Repentance and Confession and the Sacrament of Communion (The Eucharist) … how powerful are these two Sacraments and how great is their effects on the life of God’s children … in the Sacrament of Repentance, you will recognise how the busy with the world issues you have been and to what wicked state you have become … and you shall become like the prodigal son feeling how terrible your sins and how far away from God; you have been … and you shall decide to escape to God desiring to live on His door steps better than living in the tents of the sinners … and in the Sacrament of the Eucha rist your eyes will be opened (to see) the glory of heavens … and the greatness of living with God in grace and freedom carrying the weapons of tri umph over Satanic wars.

اوعاض .. مهودجي ملف مهدلاوأ نع اوثحب مهماحز ليرج هل راص نم مهنمف .. لماعلا اذه فى اوتتشتو ميقي راصو تيبلا كرت ابمرو .. دنرف ىوب وأ .. دنرف وأ نخدي نأ ىحتسي لا راص نم مهنمو .. هعم نأ ديري نم مهنمو .. هيدلا و مامأ رومخلا بشري ىقيسومو صقر ةلاصو وكسيد لىا لزنلما لوحي انصرو .. هءاقدصلاو هل ةبخاص نم انرجاهو مهلجأ نم انبعت نيذلا انلافطأ ىرن دعي لم ةنجام ةايحو ةعيلخ سبلام فى مهلجأ كب لعف اذكهأ .. ةيدج لاو ةراهط لاو ةبحم كانه مهسؤرو نوسلجي نويرثك ؟؟ لعفأ اذام ؟؟ ماحزلا انكرت لاو انرجاه ام انتيلاي نولوقيو مهيديأ يني لجأ نم لايلق انغرفت انتيلاي .. انلهأ لاو انتويب .. نلآا ديفي لا اذه نكلو .. انتيلاي .. انلافطأ ةيبرت .. ةعبرأ هلمحي اجولفم + بيجعلاو .. ةعبرلاا ءلاؤه ليا ىروضر جاتحت تنأ .. كلوح ائماد نيدوجوم مهنأ : مه ةعبرلاا ءلاؤهو .. مهنم برهت ىذلا تنأو طئاسو .. ةسينكلا راسرأ .. سدقلما باتكلا مهنم دحاو لك نأ .. ىحورلا دشرلما .. ةمعنلا كوعفيرل .. كفارطأ نم فرطب كسيم نأ دعتسم .. بلطأ طقف .. ماحزلا قوف ةييحلما هللا مالك دجت فوس .. سدقلما باتكلا فى برلا ىرت فوس هيف .. ةعئاجلا كسفنل ةيذغلما هنع اديعب لوغشم كنأ مغر كلجأ نم بولصلما فوس .. ةيدبلاا ةايحلا لىا قيرطلا فرعت فوس .. ينسيدقلا ةشرعب حرفتو هللا بحت .. سونيطسغأ سيدقلل هللا ةملك تناك اذكه فى .. ةبوتلا ةايح لىا هاياطخو هماحز نم هجرخأ اهتلمهأ ىتلا راسرلاا كلت اصوصخ .. ةسينكلا راسرأ .. لوانتلا سرو فاترعلااو ةبوتلا سر لثم لايوط ةايح فى ماهيرثات مظعأ امو نيسرلا نيذه ىوقأ ام دلاوأ كردتو كسفن لىا قيفت ةبوتلا سر ىفف .. هللا ءسى لاح ىأ لىاو لايوط لماعلا كلغش فيك رعشت لاضلا نبلاا لثم يرصتو .. كسفن هيلا تراص برهت نأ ررقتو هللا نع كدعبو كتيطخ ةعاظفب ىنكسلا نم يرخ هتيب ةبتع لىا اقاتشم هللا لىا كينيع حتفنت لوانتلا سر فىو .. ةاطخلا لاظم فى فى هللا عم ةايحلا ةمظعو .. تاوماسلا دجم لىع تابراحم لىع ةبلغلا حلاس لاماح ةيرحو دجم .. ناطيشلا .. ةقدصلا .. موصلا .. ةلاصلا .. ةمعنلا طئاسو فى فى ىذلا غارفلا لأتيم فوس .. ةبحلما لماعأ لكو وه ولحلا عوسي مسأ لعجأ .. هللا ةبحبم كلخاد كركف لعجت فيك ملعت .. كتايحو كتيلوغشم ةكبرلاب كتيبو كتايح ءلىتتم اذكهو لىصي كبلقو

And in Means of Grace … prayers … fasting …. Charity and all works of love … you will fill the void within you with God’s love … make the sweet name of Jesus your life and busyness … learn how to make your thoughts and heart pray and in this your life and house-hold will gain the lost blessings … and the peace will return to you and your house hold. As for the Spiritual Monitor … this can be your confessional-father … he is essential … don’t let your pride stop you from revealing your thoughts and sins to your confessional father … although he is a human like you … but he is praying for you and asks (God) to guide him in advising you and the Lord gives him wisdom and understanding to guide you … more importantly through true repentance and the Blood of our Lord Christ you will receive the forgiveness of your sins through the authority given to the priest. My Beloved … through these are the four honest (methods) … they will not deceive you … therefore be serious about salvation and entrust your paralytic self in the hands of these four … and how great is the results … they are ready to do anything for you … they shall carry you above the world and above the crowds … read the tales of the saints to see how they soared above the world and trampled upon all it’s busyness to the extent the world became rubbish … all things as a loss (Letter to the Philippians 3:8)

More than this, they (the honest four) will do the im possible for your return to the Lord Jesus … they will demolish all obstacles … they will uncover the roof to lay you down before the Lord Jesus … they have a strong faith for your redemption. + When Jesus saw their faith .. What a faith?? But do not forget the roll of the paralytic man here .. he entrusted himself in the hands of this four .. for the four are here always .. but without a paralytic man willing to entrust himself to them .. because there are many paralytics who enjoy being paralysed .. and here the paralytic leapt from the crowd and went above the world and settled before the Lord Jesus’s feet … how happy is the paralytic .. and how joyful are the four too. Here the paralytic hears the sweetest word he yearned to hear for a long time … “your sins are forgiven” and thus his tiered soul is rejoicing and fulfilled his hunger. As to his physical body, the Lord does not forget and accomplish all things … “Arise, take up your bed and walk” arise you have become free and strong and the world has no authority over you from now on.

.. كتيب لهأ لىأو كيلا ملاسلا دوعيو .. ةدوقفلما وه نوكي نأ نكيمو .. ىحورلا دشرلما امأو لعجت لا .. ادج ىروضر اذهف .. كفاترعأ بأ كءاطخأو كراكفأ فشك نم كعنيم كءايبرك ناسنأ هنأ مغر كفاترعأ بأف .. كفاترعأ بلأ لجأ نم بلطيو كلجأ نم لىصي وهف .. كلثم مهفو همكح كلجأ نم برلا هيطعيو كداشرأ نم هلك اذه نم مهأو .. لعفت اذام كفرعيف ديسلا مد قاقحتتسأبو ةيقيقحلا ةبوتلا للاخ ىطعلما ناطلسلاب كاياطخ نارفغ لانت حيسلما .. نهاكلا بلال .. ءانملاا ةعبرلاا مه ءلاؤه .. بيبحلا اهيأ اداج نك ايهف .. كوعدخي نلو كوشغي نل مهنأ ةجولفلما كسفن ملسو كسفن صلاخب ماتهم .. ةجيتنلا مظعأ امو .. ةعبرلاا ءلاؤه ىديأ فى كلجأ نم ء شى ىأ اولعفي نأ نودعتسم مهنأ ماحزلا قوف .. لماعلا قوف كنولمحي فوس .. اوعفترأ فيك ىترل ينسيدقلا يرس فى أرقأ و .. راص ىتح هتايلوغشم لىع اوسادو لماعلا قوف لاك .. ةيافنك لاثم سلوب سيدقلل ةبسنلاب لماعلا .. ءشى نم ليحتسلما نولعفي فوس ذه نم ثركأ و فوس .. عوسي برلل كراضحأ لجأ نم كلجأ فقسلا نوبقني فوس .. قئاوعلا نومطحي ايوق انايمأ مهيدل نأ .. عوسي برلا مامأ كولديل .. كسفن صلاخ لجأ نم .. مهنايمأ عوسي ىأر الم + هنأ .. انه جولفلما رود سىنت لاو ؟؟؟ نايمأ ىأو ةعبرلااف .. ةعبرلاا ءلاؤه ديل هسفن ملس لاوأ جولفم لك سيل نكلو .. رارمتساب نيدوجوم كانه لازماف .. مهل هسفن ملسي نأ دعتسم اهو .. ينجولفم اولظي نأ نوذلتسي ينجولفم لماعلا قوف دعصو ماحزلا نم جرخ دق جولفلما ام .. عوسي برلا مادقأ تحت ايرخأ رقتسأ و ةعبرلاا ءلاؤه دعسأ امو .. جولفم نم هدعسأ .. اضيأ نأ ىهتشأ ةرابع ذلأ جولفلما عمسي انهو كل ةروفغم« .. ديعب نمز ذنم اهعمسي »كاياطخ هحور تعبشو ةبعتلما هحور تحاترأ ا ذكهو ه اسني لا برلاف .. هدسج نع امأ .. ةعئاجلا .. »شمأو كريسر لمحأ مق« .. هرومأ لك ربديو لماعلل دعي لمو ايوق اقيلط ارح تصر دقف مق .. كيلع ناطلس

Apologetics is the science of Defence, what are we defending then? We are defending our Faith; the Orthodox Christian Faith. The Christian Faith means that we believe that God does exist, God is one and we believe that our Lord Jesus Christ is God, who manifested in the flesh. We also believe in one, Holy Catholic and apostolic church. In Christian apologetics, there are three main pillars:

The existence of God The divinity of Christ He Oneness/Unity of the church

Let’s talk about these three pillars in around 15 minutes over 8-10 episodes. We will start with very basic questions as we may face them and we need answers.

The first question that we are going to start with is: Does God even exist?

In fact, no one ever asked this question in the past because anyone who asked this question would have been considered crazy or lunatic. Nowadays, ironically we consider him a “scientist”. Long time ago, when an ordinary person look at the world around him; he would conclude that certainly someone must have created it; for example, when I find a neat peace of craftwork, like a cross “a priest’s cross” or a painting, I say that someone very talented must have made it. When I see a mobile phone, I also say that it takes a genius to make it. When we see the world, the universe, the human cells, the celestial world, the Sun, and the life cycle; we say “certainly a creator must have created all these creation”. Since there is a maker for every industry, then there is a creator for the creation.

If, for example, I am walking in a desert and found a CD lying on the ground; as a sensible person, it is impossible to say that the CD came in this place by itself especially and even more if the CD has information saved on it. It is impossible that the CD came by “chance” or coincidence or the sand particles of the earth has gathered next to each other with little of water and little lightening from the sky then they reacted and formed the fibres that made the CD! However, the components of the CD are actually taken from the desert sand, fibre optics and similar materials, but it is impossible for the CD to come into existence by coincidence especially as mentioned; if it has information saved on it.

DO you know that we need a million CD like this to store the information in ONE cell of your body?! If it is impossible to say that this CD which I found by chance was created by chance, then how much more for one cell in our body to have existed by chance?! Or there must be a very genius creator who made this cell. As surely as there must be a genius maker who made this CD?

Actually, this is a natural observation even before ancient philosophies. For example: Plato says: “the world is an artistic miracle of a great beauty and its organized system cannot be coincidental, rather there must be a perfect mind and an Eternal Engineer who made everything and arranged it with a purpose”.

So it is a shocking to find anyone today still denies the existence of God while seeing all this world around us!.

Like what Saint Paul the apostle said in Romans 1:20 “His invisible attributes are clearly seen being understood by things that are made even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse”.

So you couldn’t find a respectful school of thought in the old days claiming our Lord does not exist. They would consider him/her lunatic. Whereas now sadly, whoever says that, can be considered a scientist!

Apologetics for Fr Luka Maher Tnrscribed by Mrs Mervet Eskander Episode 1: God exists https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=E.1-+15+Minutes+Apologetics++Fr+Luka+Maher

First of all, someone may tell you that this is an old view point and that the world was made spontaneously with no need for God to create it then he starts echoing some seemingly or that type of big talk such as “the big bang theory”!

Let us know more about the big bang theory; What is the big bang theory all about? Something is extremely small, much smaller than the pin head. Despite its very small size, it contains all the mass of the universe. Then a horrific explosion occurred in it, creating the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, Mars, and galaxies. All has been created from this little particle in which “big bang” took place, and the plants kept moving apart. The big bang theories which say this assured that the universe began with a point (a minute particle) but where did this minute particle came from? Let us assume that the theory is correct, by the way the theory is facing objections till now but mostly it can be correct. Many people have been awarded the Nobel Prize for it so it is most probably going to acquire the status of “fact” eventually. Even though, who said that the little particle in which the explosion occurred, has spontaneously come to existence? This could be the way by which, God created the universe when God said “let there be light and there was light”. (Gen 1:3). This is could be the explosion, why not? This theory neither denies the existence of God nor is that the universe the product of a creator. On the contrary, the strongest and greatest scientists did not say that this particle or point, in which the explosion occurred, was made by itself. On the contrary, this minute unique particle called “singularity” is miraculous. A miraculous explosion happened in something that we do not know how came into existence in the first place. Its existence has no explanation! This is a scientific interpretation for what happened after the big bang, but there is no explanation as to how the singularity came into existence. Well, this is our God our Lord who must have created something like that.

Rather, there is more than that; this theory “big bang” was originally developed in defence of Christianity and the Faith. The first scientist who said something related to this theory was George Lemaitre in 1927. He was a scientist and Belgian catholic priest. He developed this theory because the atheists in his time in the early 20th century used to say that the universe has no beginning and has no end, the universe is god! We say that God has no beginning or end. They assumed that there is no God, replaced Him with the universe and claimed that it has neither beginning nor end. According to them, the universe came out of nothing and will continue to infinity. So this man George Lematire developed this theory to challenge them. He told them “if I could prove to you that the universe has a beginning and has an end, then it cannot be God and there has to be God who created it”. They accepted the challenge. The scientist priest spent his entire life searching until he derived a theory and proved it to be right. He and Einstein later they were trying to prove that the universe is going through an accelerating expansion which means the universe began due to an explosion and most probably the theory is correct. They calculated that if the universe was expanding at a constant rate, consequently, if we returned back in time, when was the start point of the universe? They found it to be 13.7 billion years ago. They calculated that the universe has a beginning which is now what all scientists have agreed on. The universe is roughly 13.7 billion years old, then the universe in not eternal and that is not god and someone created it and has an end because at some point in time it will explode and ceases to exist. Therefore it is neither eternal nor everlasting. The truth, is none of the scientists today is saying that the universe is god or that God does not exist nor was the universe made on its own.

Even when Einstein himself introduced at some point in time the notion that the universe is static, before he believed the concept of the big bang theory by George Lematire, after that he said “I consider it the biggest mistake in my life” my biggest blander” “a disaster that I did in my life when I once thought that the universe has neither beginning nor end” so now there a pseudoscience that are introduced to our children at school, they start ignorantly echoing that the big bang teaches that the universe has no beginning!

Is the universe result of physical interaction?

Another assumption, for example, is that the universe could be the result of physical interactions; a blend of the law of motion” and the law of attraction” and all such big talk. This is what formed the first particle that exploded. NO one says this at all! This is empty rhetoric, groundless and with no foundation. Are these laws enough to make an aeroplane?! NO, on the contrary, engineers make the aeroplane uses these laws. It is impossible that the laws themselves make an aeroplane. Among those who believed in this false concept, a very famous man in the past named Sir Anthony Flew. He was the most famous atheist in the past century who preached atheism, like Richard Dawkins now in UK. Anthony Flew wrote a popular book called “There is NO God” in which, he talks about the laws are capable of creating life. The truth is, that man couldn’t deceive himself anymore, after a while; he believed and remained religious person preaching religion and faith. He wrote another book with the same title as before “there is no God but he crossed out the word no and wrote above it “a” so it reads “There is a God”. Therefore, the idea that the universe has no beginning or end is NOT scientific.

Is the universe the result of the multiverse?

Now, we are left with a third idea namely that the universe might be a result of what is called “multiverse”. We will dig deeper. This talk is not new for those who read about this topic. Stephen Hawking – you might have heard of him and know him. This man was a quadriplegic and he recently passed away. He was among the most famous scholars, he introduced “multiverse theory” so why did he introduce the theory; because for our universe to be inhabitable, everything about the universe has to be accurately calculated hence a very genius and very wise one must have made this magnificent universe, however, because Hawking wanted to deny the existence of God, he claimed that it is not necessary, if an infinite number of universes were to exist; it is possible that by mere coincidence one of them would have the necessary condition to make it inhabitable by human. He wanted to evade the concept that our universe is intelligently and intentionally fine – tuned for human existence. This is a concept called “Anthropic principle” which reasons that the universe is so fine-tuned to serve humans. This wouldn’t necessarily lead to God being the creator of this universe. He wanted to escape this concept by claiming that this universe is one of the infinite universes, which by mere chance, became inhabitable by humans!

The ironically surprise fact is that he presented this theory; yet he himself stated that it is impossible to prove, it is just an idea on paper! The Guardian newspaper, on May 7th 2018 wrote an article entitled “Did the dying Stephen Hawking really mean to strengthen the case of God?” by Philip Goff. “A smooth Exit from Eternal Inflation, Stephen Hawking wrote it before he died. It is very complex because it is full of theoretical physics terminology. This is the last scientific paper Stephen Hawking wrote before his death and was published after his death. At the end of this paper, he wrote that the theory of the existence of the multi universe has not been accurately proven and the claim that the universes are infinite in numbers, is also not correct, but he believes that “Anthropic principle means that the world was created in order for humans to survive on it, this is of course the need of a wise and powerful designer, who is above human beings, who is eternal and everlasting. The editor even wrote this sentence on behalf of Hawking; “we don’t yet have evidence that our laws were shaped by such a process” he means “multi universe” “but if the alternative is the postulation of a supernatural creator, then this seems like the more plausible proposal”

Thank you Stephen Hawking for saying these words before passing away, so it remains with us to prove that science changes but faith doesn’t. Faith is constant. You can read this article in this link.

https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/may/07/stephen- hawking-godmultiverse-cosmology

“The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man;” Genesis 39:2 Thank God for always being with us , thank all the servants for their great work with our kids , thank our blessed and beloved children for the great performance, thank all who worked with the beautiful and touching and meaningful play. thank all the parents who came and share with us the amazing day. Thank all who worked with the sound system and IT and those who worked behind the scenes to make this day a memorable day. Thank all and each one from the bottom of our hearts. God bless you all for your great and hidden service you’re always do for our beautiful St Mary’s church. God bless you all. PLEASE KEEP

THE SERVICE IN YOUR PRAYERS Fr Habib Girgis St Mary›s Church Celebration Sunday 9th October 2022

the Foundation Stone by His Grace Bishop Rafeile

Next Saturday 22nd October His Grace Bishop Rafeile will be visiting St Mary’s Church. His Grace will be laying the foundation stone of the new building at the church building stie at 6pm. Then His Grace will be praying the Vespers at 6:30 - 8pm. It is a wonderful occasion for all of us to celebrate and pray for the Lord to support and complete for us this project for Glory of God and the benefir of all members of congregation.

عضي ليئافور ابنلأا ليلجلا ربحلا ةفاين ةسيدقلا ةسينكب ديدجلا ىنبملا ساسأ رجح ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكلا بعش عيمج ربوتكأ 22 مداقلا تبسلا موي ربحلا ةفاين هيف موقي ىذلا لافتحلأا روضحل نووعدم ىنبملل ساسلأا رجح عضوب ليئافور ابنلأا ليلجلا هعبتي ءاسم 6 ةعاسلا لافتحلأا أدبي .ةسينكلاب ديدجلا .ءاسم8 - 6:30 ةيشعلا ةلص سودقلا همسأ دجمل لمعلا اذه ىف كرابي برلا .ةسينكلا بعش لك ةعفنملو The Martyrdom of St. Matthew the Evangelist. 22nd October - 12th Baba يرشبلا لييجنلاا ىتم سيدقلا داهشتسا ةباب ١٢ - ربوتكأ ٢٢

of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready within 12 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downladed from church website. Cost of building works is around $12,000000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreaciated.ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .ارهش ١2 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلأا عقوتملا نم . .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا بسح .ارلاود نويلم ١2 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبتاهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا ىكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكنيىنورتكللأا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ىنابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Current Building site 11th October 2022

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