Services at St Mary’s Church Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom) Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom) Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English 2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm Church Priests: Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399 Fr John Macary 0433 445 636 :ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )ىزيلجنأ( ىاو اذ - ىزيلجنلأاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا ىبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 ىزيلجنأ - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 ىبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا ىزيلجنأ - احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩-7 ىزيلجنأ - ةمدخلا دادعا عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 ىهللأا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا ىزيلجنا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا ىزيلجناو ىبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا ىزيلجنا – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 ىناثلا سادقلا ىبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 ىزيلجنأ - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 ىراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636
The Departure of St. Nicholas, the Confessor, Bishop of Myra (Mora).
19th December - 10th Keiahk
On this day also the righteous St. Nicholas (1), Bishop of Mora (Myra), departed. He was from the city of Mora, his father’s name was Epiphanius and the name of his mother was Tona. They were rich, as well as God-fearing, people. They had no children to bring joy to their hearts and to inherit their wealth after their deaths. They remained without a son until they grew old and they were enveloped with despair. God had pity on them and gave them this saint. He was filled with the Divine grace since his young age. When he reached school age, he demonstrated, through intelligence and knowledge, that he learned far more from the Holy Spirit than he did from his teachers. He learned all the doctrine and the teachings of the church since his young age and was ordained deacon. Then he became a monk in a monastery wherein his cousin was the abbot. He lived an ascetic and a righteous life, and was ordained a priest when he was 19 years old. God gave him the gift to work signs and wonders and to heal the sick. St. Nicholas is too illustrious to describe all the signs that were performed by his hands, but an example of his good deeds and benevolent works follows: There was a very rich man in the city of Mora who lost all his wealth. He had three daughters who had passed the age of marriage, and he could not marry them because of his poverty. Satan tempted the man to think that he should make his daughters live in sin so that they might get their food by means of fornication. God revealed to St. Nicholas the thoughts which were in this man’s head, and what he intended to do. St. Nicholas took 100 dinars of his father’s money and tied it up in a sack. During the night, secretly and without anyone seeing him, he threw the money into the window of that poor man’s house. When the man found the gold, he was astonished and rejoiced exceedingly and was able to give his eldest daughter away in marriage. During another night the saint threw another hundred dinars into the man’s house and the man was able to give his second daughter away in marriage. The man wanted to know who this charitable person was. The third time when the saint threw the gold into the house, the man was watching and immediately when he felt the drop of the sack, he ran out of his house to see who was throwing the gold to him. He found the kind bishop St. Nicholas and the man bowed down at his feet and paid him great homage and thanked him because he saved his daughters from poverty and from a life of sin. The saint refused to accept any thanks and asked them to thank the Lord Who put this thought in his heart. St. Nicholas drove out the devil and his angels from people, he healed many sick people, and he blessed little bread to satisfy many people, with much more left over. Before being selected bishop, he saw in a vision, a great throne and magnificent vestments placed on it and a man said to him, “Put on these vestments and sit on this throne.” Another night he saw our Lady, St. Mary, giving him the vestments of the priesthood and our Lord Jesus Christ gave him the Gospel. When the Bishop of Mora departed, the Angel of the Lord
اروم فقسأ سولاوقين سيدقلا ةحاين كهيك ١٠ - برمسيد ١٩ سولاوقين رابلا سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم في هيبأ مسا ، اروم ةنيدم نم ناك . اروم فقسأ ينغلا لىإ اعمج دق و . ةنوت همأ و سوينافيبا رقي دلو ماهل نكي لم و .هللا ةفاخم يرثكلا سأيلا نس اغلب الم و . ماهانغ ثري و ماهنيعأ ، سيدقلا اذه ماهقزر و ماهيلع هللا ننحت ، الم و . هتلوفط ذنم ةيهللإا ةمعنلاب لأتما يذلا نم رهظا ، ملعلا يقلتل هلهؤت يتلا نسلا غلب همهلي ناك سدقلا حورلا نإ ليع لد ام ةباجنلا و . ملعلما نم ىقلتي ناك مام ثركا ملعلا نم مدقف . ةسينكلا ميلاعت لك يعو هتثادح ذنم اسيئر همع نبا ناك ريد في بهرت مث اسماش ةليضفلا و داهجلا و كسنلا ةشيع شاعف ، هيلع نم ةشرع ةعساتلا في وه و اسق مسر ىتح و تايلآا لمع ةبهوم هللا هاطعا و . هرمع هارجأ ام فصولا نع لجيل ىتح ، ضيرلما ءافش .تاقدص و تاناسحإ نم همدق و تايآ نم ينحا ينغ لجر اروم ةنيدبم ناك هنا اهنم و توقلل جاتحا ىتح هتورث دقف و رهدلا هيلع نس نزواج دق تانب ثلاث هل ناك و يروضرلا هل سوسوف هتلاح ءوسل نهجوزي لم و جاوزلا يرخاولما دحأ في لمعلل نههجوي نإ ناطيشلا ام سولاوقين سيدقلل فشك برلا نكل و ، ةئام هيوبأ لام نم ذخاف ، لجرلا اذه همزتعإ نود لايل للست و سيك في اهعضو و ، رانيد لزنم ةذفان نم اهاقلأ و دحأ هب رعشن نإ امدنع ةميظع لجرلا ةشهد تناك و ،لجرلا جوزي نإ عاطتسا و ايرثك حرف و سيكلا دجو ررك ىرخأ ةليل في و . ىبركلا هتنبا لالما اذهب ةذفان نم ناث سيكب يقلا و هلمع سيدقلا ةيناثلا ةنبلاا جيوزت نم لجرلا نكتم و ، لزنلما نسحلما كلذ فرعي نإ قاتشا لجرلا نإ لاإ . الماح ةثلاثلا ةرلما في و ، بقتري ارهاس ثبلف ، لزنلما جراخ لىإ عشرا ، سيكلا طوقسب رعش بيطلا فسلآا هنا فرعف ، هاقلأ يذلا نم ييرل هركش و هيمدق دنع رخف ، سؤلاوقين سيدقلا نك ام و لالما رقف نم هتايتف ذقنأ هنلأ ، ايرثك لبقي ملف وه امإ . ةنتفلا نم هل نضرعتيس هللا اوركشي نإ مهرمأ لب ، هوركشي نإ مهنم هنا اهنم و . هبلق في ةركفلا هذه عضو يذلا ضيرم يفش و سانأ نم ةيرثك ينطايش درط عبشيف ليلقلا زبخلا في كرابي ناك و ، نيديدع لاوأ ناك مام ثركا هنع لضفي و ، يرثك قلخ هنم ةليل تاذ يأر ةيفقسلأا ةبترل هباختنا لبق و . ةعوضوم ةيهب ةلح و مايظع ايسرك ملح في ةلحلا هذه سبلا : هل لوقي اناسنإ و هيلع ةليل في يأر مث ، سيركلا اذه ليع سلجا و سبلام نم اضعب هلوانت ءارذعلا ةديسلا ىرخأ .ليجنلإا هلواني حيسلما ديسلا و تونهكلا سيئرل برلا كلام رهظ اروم فقسأ حينت الم و هذهل راتخلما ناب هملعا و ملح في ةفقاسلأا الم و ، هلئاضفب هملعا و سؤلاوقين وه ةبترلا ايؤرلا اوقدصف يأر ابم ةفقاسلأا برخا ظقيتسا
appeared to the Archbishop and told him the one who was chosen for this rank was Nicholas and described his virtues to him. When he woke up he told the bishops what he had seen, and they all believed that vision. They knew that it was from the Lord Jesus Christ. They took St. Nicholas and made him Bishop over the city of Mora.
Shortly thereafter, Diocletian reigned, and incited the pagan worship. When Diocletian arrested many of the believers, he heard about this saint. He seized him and tortured him severely for many years. The Lord Christ strengthened him, protected him, and raised him whole from all these tortures so that he might become a mighty branch of the tree of faith. When Diocletian was tired of torturing him, he cast him into prison. Saint Nicholas wrote to his congregation from prison to teach, encourage and confirm them in the faith. He remained in prison until God perished Diocletian and established the reign of Constantine the Just. Constantine brought out all the confessors from prison, among them was St. Nicholas, who returned to his city.
When the Council of Nicea convened in the year 325 A.D. to judge Arius, he was one of the 318 fathers assembled there. Having finished his course and guarded his flock, he departed to be with the Lord. He sat on the episcopal throne for more than 40 years, and all the days of his life were about 80 years. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen. (1) St. Nicholas is the true personality behind the story of St. Claus or Baba Noel, who leaves presents for children on Christmas Eve.
The Departure of the Saint Abba Pijimi. 20th December - 11th Keiahk
This day marks the departure of the saint Abba Pijimi. He was a native of Feesha, diocese of Masil. When he was 12 years old, and while he was shepherding his father’s sheep, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in the form of a young man and told him, “Let us go and become monks.” Abba Pijimi agreed and went with him to the desert of Scete; to a place where three elder monks dwelled, then the angel disappeared. The saint dwelt with them for 24 years until they departed. Then he left that place and went into the desert, a distance of three days travel. The devils appeared to him in the form of wild beasts, pigs and serpents. They surrounded him to devour him. He was able to discern their intent by the spirit. He prayed and they were vanished. Then he lived in a valley there for three years, fasting a week at a time; and at the end of the week, he ate a handful of dates and drank a little water. He prayed the Lord’s prayer: “Our Father, who art in heaven......”, he recited it day and night. Once he fasted for 40 days and another time he fasted for 80 days, to the point that his skin cleaved to his bones. Then an angel brought him bread to eat and water to drink. That bread and water lasted for many years.
Afterwards, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a vision at night and commanded him to return to his city. Abba Pijimi built a small cell on the outskirts of his city. He dwelt there alone, devoting himself to worshiping and asceticism. He became a good model and a good example for everyone who
اوذخا و ، حيسلما ديسلا نم اهنا اوملع و ، دعب و . اروم ليع افقسأ هومسر و سيدقلا ، ناثولأا ةدابع راثآ و سونايدلقد كلم ليلق عمس و يننمؤلما نم ةعماج ليع ضبق الم و و اضيا وه هيلع ضبق سيدقلا اذه برخب حيسلما ديسلا ناك و ، يننس ةدع ايرثك هبذع في ايربك انصغ نوكيل الماس باذعلا نم هميقي سونايدلقد هنم رجض الم و . نايملإا ةرجش نجسلا في وه و ناكف ، نجسلا في هاقلأ لم و . مهتبثي و مهعجشي و هتيعر لىإ بتكي سونايدلقد هللا كلها نإ لىإ نجسلا في لزي جرخاف ، رابلا كللما ينطنطسق ماقأ و ، ناك و . ينفترعلما نم نوجسلا في اوناك نيذلا الم و . هيسرك لىإ داع و ، مهنيب نم سيدقلا ةمكاحلم م 325 ةنس ةيقين عمجم عمتجا . ينعمتجلما ءابلأا ينب بلاا اذه ناك سويرا ماقأ نإ دعب برلا لىإ لقتنا هيعس لمكا الم و و . ةنس ينعبرأ و فين يفقسلأا سيركلا ليع . يننماثلا زهانت هتايح ونس تناك ايدبا ائماد دجلما انبرل و انعم نوكت هتلاص . ينما : ةظحلام ةيصخشلا وه لاوقين وأ سولاوقين سيدقلا ليون اباب وأ زولك تناس ةصق ءارو ةيقيقحلا دلايلما ديع ةليل لافطلأ ايادهلا كتري يذلا .ديجلما حئاسلا ىمجيب ابنلاا سيدقلا ةحاين كهيك ١١ - برمسيد 2٠ يميجب ابنلأا سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم في ، ليصيم سيرك نم اشيف لهأ نم ناك ، ناكو ، هرمع نم ةشرع ةيناثلا في وه مايفو في برلا كلام هل رهظ ، هيبأ منغ ىعري يرصنو ضينم انب مله « هل لاقو يبص يز ةيرب لىإ ايتأو ، كلذ ليع هقفاوف ، « انابهر ذئنيحو ، خويش ةثلاث هب عضوم لىإ تيهيش ءلاؤه دنع سيدقلا ماقأو ، هنع كلالما باغ ، اوحينت ىتح ةنس نيشرعو ةعبرأ خويشلا ةثلاث ةيرسم لبجلا في قلطناو ناكلما كرت مث شوحو هبش في ينطايشلا هل ترهظف ، مايأ هساترفا نوديري هب اوطاحأ ، ينباعثو ريزانخو مث ، اوددبتف ليصو ، حورلاب كلذ فرعف ، اعوبسأ موصي يننس ثلاث كانه داو في ماقأ ءلم لكأي عوبسأ لك رخآ فيو ، اعوبسأ تناكو ،ءالما نم ليلق عم ارتم هدي ةضبق اهولتي خلا... تاومسلا في يذلا انابأ هتلاص ، اموي ينعبرأ ةرم ماصو ، راهنلاو ليللاب هدلج قصل ىتح ، اموي ينناثم ىرخأ ةرمو زبخب كلام هيلإ تىأ كلذ دنعو ، هماظعب لاو زبخلا غرفي ملف ، بشريل ءامو لكأيل كلام هل ضرح كلذ دعبو ، ةيرثك يننس ءالما هدلب لىإ دوعي نإ هرمأو ليللا ايؤر في برلا لايلق انع اجراخ انكسم ينبو اهيلإ بهذف ، اجذونمأ راصو كسنلاو ةدابعلل هيف درفناو ، نوتأي ةدلب لهأ ناكو ، هاري نم لكل احلاص في هلمحو ، ةيحورلا هميلاعتب نوذغتيو هيلإ
saw him. The people of his town came to him to be nourished with his spiritual teachings.
One day the angel of the Lord lifted him up and brought him to the land of Euphrates(1), for its people had gone out of the Orthodox way. He converted them all to the Faith and returned to his place.
Once he was carrying some baskets to the village to sell and he became weary and sat down to rest. The power of the Lord lifted him up with his baskets and carried him to where he wished to go.
One day the great saint Abba Shenouda saw an exceedingly shining pillar and heard a voice telling him, “This is Abba Pijimi.” Abba Shenouda went to him, walking until he came to Abba Pijimi’s city. They recognized each other through the divine guidance. Abba Shenouda visited with him for a few days then returned to his monastery.
When the day of his departure from this world drew near, he called his disciple and informed him of his departure and commanded him to bury his body in the place where he was. He fell ill and was feverish and, while in this condition, he saw a company of saints approaching him. He delivered up his soul into the hands of God. The angels carried his soul and ascended with it, chanting hymns.
Abba Pijimi lived for 70 years, 12 years in the world and 58 in worship.
His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen. The Martyrdom of Saints Behnam and Sarah, His Sister. 23rd December - 14th Keiahk
On this day, Saints Behnam and Sarah, his sister, the children of Sennacherib, King of Persia, were martyred. One day Behnam was out with 40 of his slaves hunting in the wilderness. He saw a huge wild beast, so he went after it for a long distance, and he was separated from his slaves. Night fell upon him and he had to sleep in that place. During his sleep he saw someone who told him to go to St. Matthew who dwelt in that mountain and he would pray for his sister so that the Lord would heal her. His sister was afflicted with an incurable disease, she was leprous. When St. Behnam woke up and was joined by his slaves, they searched for St. Matthew until they found him in a cave. He knelt between his hands, told him about the vision and they asked him to accompany them to the city. Behnam went before him to the city and told his mother about the vision and the presence of St. Matthew out of the city. Because of her love and trust in Behnam she allowed his sister to go with him in secret. When they arrived to where the saint was, he prayed for her and the Lord healed her. St. Matthew preached and taught them the way of life. He prayed also and a spring of water rushed forth and he baptized them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the one God, then he returned to his cave. When King Sennacherib knew that his daughter was cured, he called her and asked her how she was cured. She told him, «The Lord Jesus Christ granted me the healing at the hands of St. Matthew and not through the stars that you worship.» The king became angry and threatened to punish them if they did not change their noble opinion. During the night, St. Behnam and his sister decided to go
فيو ( تارفلا ضرا لىإ برلا كلام مايلأا ضعب دق اوناك اهلها نلا ، ) نارافلا ىرخأ ةخسن اعيمج مهدرف ، ميقتسلما قيرطلا نع اوداح ةرم تاذو ، هعضوم لىإ داعو ، نايملإا لىإ بعتف ، اهعيبيل فيرلا لىإ ففقلا لمحي ناك هعمو هللا ةوق هتلمحف ، حيترسيل سلجو فيو ، هدصقي ناك يذلا ناكلما لىإ ففقلا هدونش ابنلاا ميظعلا سيدقلا يأر مايلأا دحأ اذه « هل لوقي اتوص عمسو ، ادج ايرنم ادومع لصو نإ لىإ ايشام هيلإ دصقف ، يميجب ابنلاا ثكمو يهلا داشرإب ماهضعب افرعف هدلب لىإ المو ، هريد لىإ داع مث ، امايأ هدونش ابنلاا هدنع همداخ اعد ، لماعلا اذه نم هلاقتنا مايا تبرق ناكلما في هدسج كتري نإ هرمأو ، كلذب هفرعو ةعماج يأرف يمحب بيصأ مث ، هيف وه يذلا هحور ملساو ، هيلإ اوضرح دق ينسيدقلا نم مهو اهب اودعصو ةكئلالما اهتلمحف برلا ديب ةنس ينعبس سيدقلا اذه ةايح تناكو ، نولتري ناثمو ، لماعلا في ةنس ةشرع يتنثا اهنم ماقأ ، ، ةدابعلا في ةنس ينسمخو ، ينما ايدبا ائماد دجلما انبرلو انعم نوكت هتلاص هتخأ ةراسو مانهب سيدقلا داهشتسا كهيك ١٤ - برمسيد 23 مانهب ناسيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في .سرفلا كلم بيراحنس دلاوأ نم هتخأ ةراسو ينعبرأ عم مانهب جرخ موي تاذ هنا كلذو اشحو يأرف ، لبجلا في ديصلل هنمالغ نم لجر نع قترفا ىتح ، ةليوط ةفاسم هدراطف ايربك نإ رطضاف ، ليللا هيلع
ليع ليصي وهو لبجلا اذه في مالف .« برلا اهيفشيف ) لاضع ضربم ةباصم اوثحبو ، هنمالغب عمتجا همون نم ظقيتسا ، ةراغم في هودجو ىتح يتم سيدقلا نع بلطو ايؤرلاب هملعاو هيدي ينب مانهب دجسف دقو . هعم ماقف ةنيدلما لىإ هعم باهذلا هنم دوجوبو ايؤرلا هتدلاو ملعاف ضيمو مانهب هقبس هل اهتبحلم ارظنو ، ةنيدلما جراخ يتم سيدقلا لىإ لاصو المو .اسر هعم هتخأ باهذب تحمس برلا اهافشف اهيلع ليص يتم سيدقلا ثيح ليصو ، ةايحلا قيرط اهملعو اهظعو مث ، بلاا مساب اهدمعف ، ءام ينع برلا عبناف اضيا لىإ داعو ، دحاولا هللإا سدقلا حورلاو نبلااو هتنبا ءافشب بيراحنس كللما ملع المو . هناكم اهئافش ةيفيك نع اهلأسو هيلإ اهاعدتسا ، يذلا وه حيسلما عوسي برلا نإ « هل تلاقف تسيلو ، يتم سيدقلا دي ليع ءافشلا اهبهو كللما بضغف ، « وه اهدبعي يتلا بكاوكلا نع اعجري ملف باقعلاب ماهددهو هيدلو ليع سيدقلا رواشت ليللا ناك المو . حلاصلا ماهيأر يتم سيدقلا لىإ اعم ابهذي كيل هتخأو مانهب عم ةيفخ هيلإ اراسف ، ماهتوم لبق هاعدويل لسرأ كلذب كللما ملع ذإو ، ماهئاقدصأ ضعب لاانف ، ماهلتقو قيرطلا في ماهقحل نم ماهءارو
سىمأ دقو هنمالغ
همون في يأرو مانف
هناكم في هتليل ضيقي
يتم سيدقلا لىإ بهذا « هل لوقي تناكو ( كتخأ
together to St. Matthew before their deaths. While on their way secretly to the saint, surrounded by some of their friends, their father became aware of what they were about to do, and he sent his men after them. They found them on their way to the saint and they slew them. St. Behnam, his sister and their companions received the crown of life in the Kingdom of Heaven.
When the men that killed St. Behnam and his sister went back, they found the king possessed by an evil spirit, which tormented him painfully. The queen sent for St. Matthew, begging him to come. When he arrived, he prayed for the king and the Lord healed him immediately. The saint preached to them, and the king and his wife, along with all those in the city, believed. The king built a monastery for St. Matthew and placed the bodies of St. Behnam, and his sister, his children, in it. St. Matthew dwelt in it for a long while. The Lord worked many signs of healing and wonders through the bodies of Sts. Behnam and Sarah, his sister. Their prayers be with us. Amen.
The Commemoration of the Departure of St. Luke the Stylite and the Relocation of His Holy Relics. 24th December - 15th Keiahk
On this day we commemorate the departure of St. Luke, the Stylite, and the relocation of his holy relics. He was born in Persia, to Christian parents. He became a soldier and was promoted until he became a centurion )an officer over a hundred soldiers).
Later in his life, he wanted to live a solitary life. He left the world and all its vainglory and became a monk in one of the monasteries of the east. When his virtues were known, he was ordained a priest for that monastery.
From this time on, he devoted himself to the ascetic life in continual prayers and fasting. He used to fast six days at a time and then break his fast on the seventh day after Mass, by eating a “Korbana” and some green pulses (beans). Then he lived on the top of a high rock for 3 years. One day, he heard the voice of an angel calling him by his name to go down. When he went down, the angel showed him a cross of light. He followed the voice and the cross went before him until he came to some mountains. There he stayed for some time, teaching his visitors the way of salvation.
He was inspired by God to go near Constantinople. He went and dwelt in a village nearby, on the top of a rock, in the shape of a pillar, for 45 years fighting the spiritual fight. God granted him the gift of prophecy and the gift of performing miracles. He healed everyone who went to him. When he completed his holy course, he departed on the 15th day of Kiahk. His disciple went and told the Patriarch about his departure. The Patriarch went with the priests, crosses and censors and came to where the body of the saint was. They carried him to Constantinople on the third day of his departure, with hymns and prayers, and they placed him in the sanctuary and that was on the 17th day of Kiahk. After they prayed on him the third day prayer and the believers present received the blessing of his pure body, they put him in a marble sarcophagus next to the bodies of the saints. God revealed many signs and miracles from his body. His prayers be with us all and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.
المو . تاومسلا توكلم في ةايحلا ليلكإ كللما نإ اودجو ، هتخأو مانهب ولتاق داع اباذع هبذعي راصو ، سجن حور هباصأ دق يتم سيدقلا لىإ ةكللما تلسرأف ، مايلأ هيلع ليص ءاج المو ، ضرحي نإ ةلسوتم في سيدقلا ذخاو .لاحلا في برلا هافشف ، ةنيدلما في نم لكو ماه انمآف ماهميلعت مايظع اريد يتم سيدقلل كللما ينب مث ، هتخأو مانهب هينبا يدسج هيف عضوو ، لايوط انمز يتم سيدقلا هيف نكسو ةيرثك تايآ ماهيدسج نم برلا رهظاو . ينما انعم نوكت ماهتلاص .ءافشلل ىدومعلا ساكول سيدقلا دسج لقن كهيك ١5 - برمسيد 2٤ سيدقلا ةحاين راكذت مويلا اذه لثم في . ةسدقلما هئاضعأ لقنو ، يدومعلا اقول نيوبأ نم سرفلا دلاب ىدحإب دلو دقو بتارم في جردتو دنجت مث ، ينيحيسم يدنج ةئام ليع ايرمأ راص ىتح ةيدنجلا لكو لماعلا كترف ةلزعلا بحا كلذ دعبو ، المو ، قشرلما ةريدأ دحأب بهرتو ، هدجم ريدلا كلذ ليع اسق هومدق هلضف رهتشا فشقتلا ةايح ادب ينحلا كلذ نمو ، ةتس موصي ناكف ،ةلاصلاو موصلا ةمزلامو عباسلا مويلا في رطفي مث ةلصاوتم مايا ةيرغص هنابرق ليع سادقلا ةمدخ دعب ليع ماقأ مث ، ضرخلأا لقبلا نم ليلقو عمسف ، يننس ثلاث ةدم ةيلاع ةرخص نإ همساب هوعدي كلام توص اموي عبتو ، رون نم ابيلص هارأف لزنف ، لزني نإ لىإ همدقتي بيلصلا ناكو توصلا ةدم ثكم كانهو ، لابجلا ضعب لىإ تىأ صلاخلا قيرط هيرئاز ملعي نامزلا نم برق تيأي نإ هللا نم هيلإ ىحوأ مث ، ةبيرق ةعيض لىإ تىأف ، ةينيطنطسقلا لكش ليع كانه ةرخص ليع ماقأو اهنم دهاجي ، ةنس ينعبرأو ةسمخ ةدم دومع ةوبنلا ةمعن هللا هاطعأف ، يحورلا داهجلا يفشي ناكف ، تازجعلما لمع ةبهومو لمكا المو ، ضيرلما نم هدصقي نم لك سماخلا مويلا في حينت سدقلما هيعس هذيملت ضيمف ، كهيك رهش نم شرع ذخأف ، هتحاينب كريرطبلا بلاا ملعاو لىإ ءاجو ، رماجلماو نابلصلاو ةنهكلا هعم ةلاصلاب هولمحو ، سيدقلا دسج ثيح نم ثلاثلا مويلا في ةينيطنطسقلا لىإ نم شرع عباسلا مويلا وه يذلا ، هتحاين امدعبو ، لكيهلا في هوعضوو ، كهيك رهش يننمؤلما كرابتو ، ثلاثلا ةلاص هيلع اولص توبات في هوعضو ، رهاطلا هدسج نم رهظ دقو ، ينسيدقلا داسجأ راوجب ماخر ، ةيرثك تايآ هدسج نم هللا ايدبا ائماد دجلما انبرلو انعم نوكت هتلاص . ينما
+ The Advent Fasting:
Friday 25th November the Advent Fasting started. It continues for 43 days and ends by the Feast of Holy Nativity at 7th January. It is allowed to eat fish during this fasting except on Wednesdays and Fridays and usually we abstain from food until 3pm. For those who got health reasons they can consult their father of confession. The Advent Fasting is a preparation for the Feast of Incarnation of our Lord. We fast 40 days taking an example of the Lord’s Fasting and from Moses Fasting for 40 days before receiving the Law and Commandments. We fast also extra three days in commemoration of the days fasted by people during the time of St Abraam the 62th Pope of Alexandria for the miracle of moving the mountain. The blessed month of Keiahk falls during the Advent days in which we sing and read all about the Incarnation of the Lord. Let us all pursue fasting in humility and repentance and offer our hearts to be holy sanctuary for our Lord the Child of the Manager the Incarnated Lord.
+ Doxologies of Keiahk Doxologies and Praises of the blessed month of Keiahk started at St. Mary’s church Saturday 10th December 7 - 11 pm. During the week it will be held on Monday & Thursday every week 6:30 - 9 pm.
:ديجملا دلايملا موص + دلايملا موص أدب ربمفون 25 ةعمجلا موي ديع موي يهتنيو اموي 43 هتدمو ديجملا اذهو .. مداقلا رياني 7 ديجملا دلايملا لكأب اهيف حمسي يتلا ماوصلأا نم موصلا ةعمجلاو ءاعبرلأا مايأ ادعام كامسلأا ةثلاثلا ةعاسلا ىتح ايعاطقنا اهيف ماصيو راشتسي ضرملا تلااح ىفو رهظلا دعب دادعتسأ وه دلايملا موصو .فارتعلاا بأ ةملكلا برلا لابقتسلا يهللإا دسجتلا ديعل لاثمك اموي نيعبرأ ماصيو دسجتملا موص لاثمكو ينيعبرلأا برلا موص اياصولا هملست لبق اموي نيعبرأ ىسوم ةيفاضأ مايأ ةثلاث اضيأ ماصيو سومانلاو مآربأ ابابلا مايأ يف ةسينكلا موص لاثمك مامتأ لجأ نم 62 كريرطبلا ةعرز نبا ةفيلخلا مايأ مطقملا لبجلا لقن ةزجعم اضيأ موصلا اذه للختيو .يمطافلا زعملا ىلع ةسينكلا هيف زكرت يذلا كهيك رهش برلا دسجت ةصقب ةصاخلا تاءارقلا ةصاخلا حيباستلا ةسينكلا هيف حبستو عوسي ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا هللأا ةدلاوبو دسجتلاب موصلا اذه ةكرب انيطعي بحملا برلا .. عوشخو ربو ةراهطب هموصنف سدقملا عومدب اجوزمم ايحور اموص هيف مدقنو اسدقم لاكيه نوكتل انبولق نيدعمو ةبوتلا دسجتملا برلا دوزملا لفطل :كهيك رهش ةحبست + رهش ةحبست تأدب ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينك ىف - ةعبرأو ةعبسب اضيأ ةفورعملا( كهيك موي )حيباست ةعبرأو تايكوطؤيئ عبس ىأ .ءاسم 11 - 7 ربمسيد 1٠ تبسلا ىموي عوبسلأا للاخ ةحبستلا ماقت امك ءاسم 9 - 6:3٠ سيمخلاو نينثلأا New Year Eve Saturday 31st December 2022 8pm Vespers 9pm Churc and Sunday School Choirs 10.30pm Sermon 11:30pm New year Prayers 12:10am - 2am Divine Liturgy Sunday 1st January 2023 9 - 11am Divine Liturgy 2023 ةديدجلا ةنسلا سأر ةليل 2022 ربمسيد 3١ تبسلا ةيشعلا روخب عفر ءاسم 8 بابشلاو دحلأا سرادم تلااروك ءاسم ٩ ماعلا ةياهن ةملك ءاسم ١0:30 ماعلا ةياهن تاولص ءاسم ١١:30 ىهللأا سادقلا احابص 2 - ١2:١0 2023 رياني ١ دحلأا ىهللأا سادقلا احابص ١١-٩
Meditations on the Bible Readings
Luke 1: 26-38
“Rejoice, highly favoured one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women” Luke 1:26. How much indeed, this world is in need of the Angels annunciation of joy … annunciation of Peace … annunciation of salvation and the breaking of slavery and captivity (to sin) … indeed this world is in need of a little calmness and take a self-examination by listening to this annunciation which would return to the world it’s lost peace and wasted joy … within one month, hardly a day goes by without hearing of a great catastrophe some where in the world … great droughts in Africa lasting many years … the shadow of death is slowly crawling on those poor weak people and suddenly will devour them of life with no mercy … the numbers of those who died and will die are huge which makes one wanting to close one’s eyes from seeing such pictures … the images of such human beings as skeletons covered with skin! Then as soon as one disaster passes and the world starts to recover from such a catastrophe … as matter the world never recovers … soon the news of another catastrophe which might appear to be a simple one … an accident which can happen any day … a faulty gas valve in a factory … but before the week end we find some 2500 human being perished in a fire … who knows maybe there are other hundreds who will follow in such a catastrophe … all were poisoned with a deadly gas which leaked because of this faulty valve … all this as it is not enough, then man attacks man and kill tens and hundreds in a tribal warfare in Siri Lanka … one killing the other without any mercy or reservations witnessed by photography lenses even on the steps of a kidnaped aeroplane … for one to relax by watching tv and again films of exploding bombs and bullets with blood shed on the screens … as if one has not seen or heard enough during the day … there is no peace, says the LORD, for the wicked (Isaiah 48:22).
How can mankind who all his or her thought are the materialistic and desires of the world … how can he or she find peace?? No peace apart from the King of Peace … the (true) source of peace and love… Beloved, let us hear the annunciation from the Angel … + Blessed are you
Rightly the Virgin (Mary) deserved the Holy Spirit to come upon her and the power of the most High be with her … and give birth to the Lord Jesus … Saviour of mankind …
Many lack peace because they live in the world and for the world … but those who experienced the life with God and fully giving their heart to God found amazing peace and great comfort which the world is incapable of giving it … loss of peace makes mankind in a state of anxiousness and unrest … smiling without joy … being sad without peace … a story from the past history about a famous ruler of Iraq named Nomaan … who was an anx-
سادقلا ليجنا فى تلامأت 38 - 26 :1 اقول .. كعم برلا ةمعن ةثلتملما اهتيإ كل ملاس 18 :1 اقول ءاسنلا فى تنأ ةكرابم .. كلالما ةراشب لىا مويلا لماعلا اذه جوحا ام ةاجنلاو صلاخلاب ةراشبلا .. ملاسلاب ةراسثبلا نأ لىأ لماعلا جوحأ ام .. ةيدوبعلاو سرلاا نم كلت لىا عمتسيو هسافنأ ددشيو لايلق أدهي هيلا ديعت نأ عيطتست ىتلا ةئداهلا ةراشبلا للاخ فى .. ةعئاضلا هتحارو دوقفلما هملاس رابخلاا علاطتو لاا موي ريم لاو داكي دحاو رهش .. لماعلا فى ام ناكم فى ةبعص ةثراكب ناسنلاا هليوط تاونسل رمتسا ايقيرفأ فى داح فافج ضقنأ ةأجفو ءطبب فحزي راص تولما حبش .. راصو ءافعضلا ينكاسلما ءلاؤه لىع هتوق لكب اوتام نيذلا ددع .. هداوه لاب مهيف شهني اماقرا تراص اعيسر نوتويم فوس نبذللاو كىل هينيع ضمغي نا ناسنلاا دوي ةفيخم ةيمظع لكايه مهنأكشربلا روص .. اهأرقي لا لماعلا قيفي نأ امو دلجلا نم بايث تدترأ قفي لم هنأ عقاولا فىو .. ةمدصلا هذه نم ناكم نم ةعسرب رابخلأا تىأت ىتح .. دعب اهنأ .. ةطيسب ودبت ةثداح نع لماعلا فى رخآ مماص ىأ درجم .. موي لك ثدحت نأ نكيم نكلو .. عناصلما ىدحأ فى بطعلا هباصأ زاغ ناك اذه هيف ثدح ىذلا عوبسلأا ةياهن لبق لاب دقرت ةيشربلا داسجلأا نم 2500 كانه ىردي نمو .. قرحلا فى اهرود رظتنت كارح مهب اوقحلي نأ كشو لىع نيرخآ تائم ابمر ىتلا ةقراحلا تازاغلاب اوممست مهعيمج .. اذه لك .. مماصلا اذهب للخل ةجيتن تبسرت هيخأ لىع ضقني ناسنلأا نأ ذا ىفكي لا هنأكو برح فى تاشرعلا لتقيو ناسنلأا ناسنلأا لاو ةمحر لاب لتقيو .. اكنلايسر فى تاباصعلا دحأ ملس لىع ريوصتلا تاسدع مامأ لجخ ناسنلأا لواحي اذكهو .. ةفوطخلما تارئاطلا نويزفيلتلا فى ماليف دهاشيو هباصعأ حيري نأ ءامدلاو ىودي صاصرلاو رجفنت لبانقلاب اذأو وأ دهاشي لم هنأك .. ةشاشلا لىع همامأ ليست .. قهرلما ليوطلا هموي للاخ ىفكي ام عمسي .. )22 :48 ءايعشأ( راشرلال بىر لاق ملاس لا فى اهلك هركف ريواصت ىذلا ناسنلاا دجي فيك ؟؟ املاس دجي فيك .. لماعلا تاوهشو تايدالما ردصم نع .. ملاسلا كلم نع اديعب ملاس لا .. .. بحلاو ملاسلا ردصم نعو ملاسلا ... كلالما ةراشب لىا عمتسنل بيبحلا اهيا كل ملاس + حورلا اهيلع لحي نأ ةئلتلما ءارذعلا تقحتسا
ious person … with unpredictable nature … he was a drinker of alcohol … quick to give orders without justifications for he was a man without inner peace … one day he got drunk and gave orders to have 2 of his closest and dedicated friends to be executed and when he sobered, he realised what he has done … and very much regret (his action) …so he made 2 days every year where he would sit by the tombs of his 2 friends whom he has killed … he called one day as the day of hell and the other day as the day of joy … one can imagine what he would do on those 2 days…
One day, Nomaan went out hunting in disguise … but he lost his way in the wilderness and seeked refuge in a Christian man’s camp called Handola ( from the Christian tribe of Tany) … this man was very generous and looked after the ruler without knowing who is and offered for the him his only sheep for food and in the morning Nomaam let the man know who he is and asked what reward would he like, but Handola refused any repayment for his good deeds … so Nomaan thanked him and went on his way back to the town … after some time Handola went through tough times … his wife advised him to go and see Namaan the ruler, he might be able to help … indeed Handola went to see Namaan, but he arrived on the day of “hell” … when Namaan saw him, he became very sad … and said to him ask what you want for you will be killed since you came on the day hell and there is no escape … Handola in a very peaceful way asked to be given 1 year to bid his family farewell and return … at this stage a man called Karad acted as a guarantor for Handola and if he does not return he will die in his place … on the appointed day Handola did not show in the morning and Karad is almost led to the place of execution … and Namaan was very much wishing that Handola does not show up for he did not want to reward his generosity with death … but some of Namaan’s advisers advised him to wait till sun set … and at sun set the shadow of a man running as fast as he could appeared at the horizon and it was Handola … Namaan became very sad and asked him; what made you come here??
)Handola answered(; It is my religion … my religion forbids me of deceiving … because I am a Christian … Namaan was very much impressed and affected by this … he asked him (Handola) to explain this his religion … and Namaan accepted the Christianity and had peace in his heart and no longer he had a hell day and joy day but all his days were in peace.
When Cain sinned (Genesis 4), he lost his peace too … and was afraid and anxious … imagining that all against him and would kill him … even the Lord made him a sign to know that all who will meet him
.. عوسي برلا دلتو .. لىعلا ةوق اهللظتو سدقلا .. ةيسرثبلا صلخم لماعلا فى نوشيعي مهنلا مهملاس نودقفي نويرثك مبلستو هللا عم هايحلا اوبرج نيذلا نكلو .. لماعللو ةبيجع ةحارو ابيجع املاس اودجو هللل لماكلا بلقلا .. اهلثم مهحنيم نأ نع اماتم لماعلا زجعي .. قلقو قرأ ةلاح فى ناسنلاا لعجي ملاسلا نادقفو صصقلا نم .. ملاس لاب نزحيو .. ةحار لاب كحضي ايمدق قارعلا دلاب فى روهشم مكاح نع كىحت ىتلا يرغ جازم وذ .. اقلق اناسنأ ناك هنأ .. نماعنلاب ىمسي ردصيو .. رومخلا بشر لىع لبقي ناكو .. رقتسم ملاسلا دقاف لاعف ناسنأ وهف ةيور مدعو ةعسرب هرماوأ نانثأ لتقب رمأ هركس تاظحل ىدحأ فى موي تاذو .. ام فرعو قافأ امدنعو .. هل مهبرقأو سانلا صلخأ نم هسفنل لعجو .. اديدش انزح نزحو .. ادج مدن .. لعف ناذلا ينقيدصلا ىبرق ينب ماهيف سلجي ينموي ةنس لك موي رخآاو ميحجلا موي ماهدحأ ىمسو .. ماهلتق .. نامويلا ناذه هلعفي اذان روصتت نا كلو .. ميعنلا هات هنكلو .. اركنتم ديصلل نماعنلا جرخ موي تاذو ةلظنح همسأ ىحيسم لجر ةميخ لىا أجلو ةيبرلا فى نود ادج همركأف .. )ةيحسلما ئىاطلا ةليبق نم( .. فىو .. هدنع ىتلا ةديحولا هاشلا هل مدقو هفرعي نا ةأفاكم بلطي نا هلأسو هسفنب نماعنلا هفرع حابصلا نماعنلا هركشو .. ءشى بلطي نأ ةلظنح ضفرف ادج ةلظنح لاح ءاس نامز دعبو .. هتنيدم لىا ضىمو هذقني هلعل نماعنلل بهذي نأ هتجوز هتحصنف .. ةلباقم لىإ ةلظنح بهذي لاعفو .. هلاح ءوس نم امو .. ميحجلا موي فى كلذ فداصت ئكلو نماعنلا بلطا هل لاقو .. ادج متغأ ىتح نماعنلا هدهاش نأ فى تيتأ دقف كتاجنل ليبسلاو لوتقم كنلا كتجاح بلط ملاس فى لب ةلظنح برطضي لم .. ميحجلا موي هيلا دوعيو هلهأ اهيف عدوي لماك ماع ةدلم ةلهم هنم نماعنلا ءاسلج نم دارق همسا لجر مدقت انهو .. .. ماعلا ريمو .. هنع اضوع تويملاإو .. ةلظنح نمضيو راصو .. ةلظنح لصي لمو .. مكحلا ذيفنت .. موي تىأيو نأ ديري نكي ملف ةلظنح تىأي لا نا ىنمتي نماعنلا مادعلاا ناكم لىا دارق داقيو .. تولماب هئافو ىزاجي بورغ لىا نىأتي نا هوحصن نماعنلا ءارزو نكلو .. ودعي ديعب نم صخش حلا بورغلا دنعو .. سمشلا امدنع نماعنلا نزحو .. ةلظنح وه ناكو ..هتوق لكب ىنيد هل لاقف ؟؟ كب تىأ ىذلا ام هل لاقو .. ادج هآر رثأتو .. ىحيسم انأف .. ردغلا نم ىنعنيم ىنيد نأ .. نمآو .. هنيد هل حشري نا هنم بلطو .. ادج نماعنلا موي هل دعي لمو هبلق ملاسلا لخدو ةيحسلماب نماعنلا .. ملاس اهلك همايأ تراص لب ميعن مويو ميحج ةلاح فى راصو .. اضيأ هملاس دقف ينياق أطخأ امدنع فوس هلباقي نم لك نأ روصتي راصو .. قلقو فوخ عنص برلا نأ ىتح .. هدض راص دق لكلا نأو هلتقي
will not kill him … and this anxiety went through to his sons …
WE hear of Lamech threatens others who ever harme him he will avenge strongly … and thus they became wicked … and their wickedness filled the earth and became strong in wickedness (genesis 6) Saul the king when he disobeyed God, he lost his peace … and he was possessed with evil spirits … he was enraged and almost killed David … but even he almost killed Jonathan his son … and became an anxious person fleeing his kingdom to pursue David in the mountains to kill him … also, fell in the sin of asking a medium … and resorted to witchcraft and mediums … he became a heart lacking peace … seeking comfort in evil and can not find it … then seeking )comfort( in revenge and cannot find it … then again (seeking it) in witchcraft to suffer even more. + Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with God How joyful for man to find grace with God … and here indeed the heart will be filled with peace and rejoice without limits.
A story from upper Egypt about one of the elder priests who was a very simple man with great faith … and he found favour with God … he lived in a small village in upper Egypt … one day, this village had a new mayor who was haughty and strict … also, he didn’t like the Christians to ring the church bells … one whist the mayor is sitting with his friends, he heard the church bells … he became very angry and sent one of his servants to call the priest before him … but the priest (abouna) was praying the Holy Liturgy and asked that he waits till he finished his prayers … but the mayor sent the servant back asking for the priest to come immediately “no prayers or no prayers” … so abouna asked what is the matter … he was told by the servant; the mayor is annoyed from the church bell, then abouna said to him “simple -no problemplease tell him “he will not hear the bell again” and at the same moment the mayor became blind and to Cairo for treatments and there he became deaf as well and never returned to the village! … the man who fills his heart with peace does not fear or be troubled … submits all things to God in absolute joy and assurance … one day this simple abouna goes out collecting donations for a church project … he went as far as Cairo … then he entered a small barber shop and was asked by the barber about the reason of his visit to Cairo and in his simple way he explained that he was collecting donations and he had 200 pounds in his pocket (a very large sum for those days) which he collected over a week, the barber noticing his simpleton ways; considered him a good catch (to con) … so he insisted theat the priest spend the night at his house to receive his blessing … and indeed the priest spent the night at the
« هلتقي نل هلباقي نم ىأ نأ ئنمطب ىتح ةملاع هلم .. هدلاوأ سوفن لىا قلقلا سفن بسرتو نلم ماقتنلأا نع ثدحتي ىذلا كملا نع عمسن لاب هدلاوأ ةايحو هتايح تراص .. اضيأ ءوسب هسيم ةاغط مهنم راصف .. شرلا فى اوننفت اذكهو .. ملاس .. اشر ضرلأا اولأمو شر فىترحمو .. هملاس دقف هللا صىع امدنع كللما لواش ىتح .. تيبلا طسو فى نجي راصف .. ريشر حور هتغابو ماثانوي هنبأ لتقي نأ داك لب .. دواد لتقي نأ داكو دواد عبتي راصو هتكلمم كرتو اقلق اناسنأ راصو .. ةيطخ فى اضيأ طقس لب .. هلتقي نأ ديري لابجلا فى ابلق راص .. ينفارعلاو ةرحسلل أجتلأو .. ةفارعلا .. دجي لاف شرلا فى ةحارلا نع ثحبي .. ملاسلا دقاف .. ثركأ بعتيف رحسلا فى .. دجي لاف ماقتنلأا فى .. هللا دنع ةمعن تدجو كنلأ ميرماي فىاخت لا + انهو .. هللا دنع ةمعن ناسنلأا دجي نأ لمجأ ام .. دودح لاب ةحارو املاس بلقلا ءلىتيم اقح ايربك ناكو ديعصلا فى ةنهكلا ءابلأا دحأ نع كىحي دقف .. يربك نايمأو ةبيجع ةطاسبب زيمتيو نسلا فى نم ةيرغص ةيرق فى ناكو .. هللا دنع ةمعن دجو ةدمع ةيرقلا هذهل ينعت امويو .. ديعصلا ىرق قدي نأ ادبأ هبجعي لا ناكز .. تمزتمو بركتم ناك موي تاذو .. ةسينكلا سارجأ ينيحيسلما سارجلأا توص عمسو هباحصأ عم سلجي ةدمعلا همادخ دحأ لسرأو جاهو ادج قياضتف .. قدت لىصي انوبا ناكو .. هماما انوبأ روضح بلطي ةلاصلا نم ىهتني ىتح هلهمتسي درف سادقلا لوقي ىرخأ ةرم مداخلا لسرأ ةدمعلا نكلو .. نع انوبأ لأسو .. عاتب لاب ةلاص لاب اروف لاعت هل نم قياضتم ةدمعلا نأ مداخلا هبرخأف .. ةياكحلا شم هل لق ىنبأاي ةطيسب انوبأ هل لاقف سرجلا ةدمعلا بيصا ةظحللا سفن فىو نىات هعمسياح اضيأ كانهو جلاعلل ةرهاقلا لىا بهذو ىمعلاب .. ةيرقلا ىرخا ةرم عجري لمو ممصلاب بيصا قلقي لاو فاخي لا ملاسلاب هبلق لاتيم ىذلا ناسنلإا لماك نانثمطاو ءوده فى هللل روملاا لك ملسي .. تاعبرت عمجي طيسبلإ انوبا قلطنا ىرخأ ةرمو .. لخدو .. ةرهاقلا لىا لصو ىتح .. سىنك عوشرلم قلاحلا هلأسو ةعضاوتلما ةقلاحلا تانولاص ىدحا انوبا ةلماك ةطاسب فىو ةرهاقلل هترايز ببس نع اهعمج ةينج 200 هبيج فى هعم نأو ببسلا نع هبرتعأو انوبا ةطاسب قلاحلا ظحلاو عوبسأ للاخ هدنع ليللا ضىقي نأ هيلع حلأف .. انبمس اديص مانو قلاحلا لزنم لىا انوبأ بهذ لاعفو .. هكرابيل .. ايرثك لىص نأ لىص نا دعب ةلقتسم ةرجح فى درجبمو انوبا ةفرغ لىا قلاحلا للست همون ءانثأ فىو ةفرغلا دجو ذإ .. ادج فاخو لهذ بابلا حتف ن ةطشر طاض ةعبرأو ليمج ضرخا رونب ة ةءاضم
barbers house and slept in a spare room by himself after prying his prayers … while the priest is a sleep, the barber quietly entered the room where he was asleep and as soon as he opened the door he was astonished and scared … as he found the room alight with a beautiful green light and four policemen standing by te four corners of the bed and the simple priest is fast asleep … the barber thinking he was dreaming; he tried again to enter the room to be faced by the same seen … in the morning, the barber rushes to the priest with tears in his eyes confessing what he intending to do … and complete simpleness abouna answers him … my son because this (the money) is His (God) and not mine.
And you beloved is such simple peace is dwelling in your heart?? Or you get annoyed quickly for the most trivial reasons?? How many problems occur in our homes for very trivial reasons, just a word or a comment … a simple action is sufficient to over come a home into flams )of fighting( which can continue for days and some time months … and maybe can lead to the destruction of the married life totally … and this loss of peace rubs off on the children to find them always fighting and continually troubled and might be hopeless in their lives … where is the Lord Jesus Christ in your life?? Non-existent. This is the secret of you losing peace … this is the secret of all your troubles and problems … how many weeks?? But how many months?? You have not come to confession or part-taking of the Holy Communion?? Have you offered a true repentance?? How long since you opened your Bible last time?? Not just for reading, but for meditations and )spiritual( benefit?? How long since you have offered a true prayer from the heart without interruption of friends and surrounding events or adherence to time limits … when was the last time you fated?? Have you felt the benefits of fasting in your life?? How many times you given your charity with cheerful heart, joy and happiness?? Do you know why you are troubled?? Because you are turning in the world whirlpool and forgetting yourself … you forgot your salvation totally and all your efforts are for the worldly gains … paying off debts … buying houses … maintaining the car … a promotion at work … clothing … make up … social outings … films and shows … travels and journeys … what the people say and think … to the end of this long list which is bottomless … leaders of this world speak of a peace they do not know … they hold peace conferences … some even noble peace Lauriat for lost peace … some, their people will call peace champions … amazing … after all this, there is no-peace in the world … come my beloved to the bosom of the Lord Jesus Christ and carry His Cross and entre in His opened side for you and be filled by Him and sit under His Feet and there you will find peace and the fear will be plucked out of your heart and you will be filled with every grace and joy.
طيسبلا انوباو هء ريسرلا ناكرا لىع فوقو ملحي هسفن قلاحلا نظبو .. اقبمع امون مثان سفنب ءىجافيف ىرخأ ةرم لوخدلا لىواحيف انوبا لىا ايكاب قلاحلا عسرا حابصلا فىو .. رظنلما فىو .. هعم هيوني ناك ابمو ثدح ابم هل فترعي هعوتب مهلصا ام .. انوبأ هبيحي ةلماك ةطاسب .. انأ ىعوتب شىم ىدلواي لثم كبلق فى دجوي ىط بيبحلا اهيأ تنأو ةعسرب لعفنت كنأ ما ؟؟ طيسبلا ملاسلا اذه ثدحت ىتلا لكاشلما ثركأ ام ؟؟ بابسلاا هفتلأ وأ ةملك درجم ادج ةهفات باسلا انتوببب فى بلقي نلأ ىفكي طيسب فصرت درجم .. قيلعت ابمرو ةديدع مايلأ رمتست دق ةقيرح تيبلا ةيجوزلا ةايحلا رايهنا لىا ىدؤت ابمرو .. روهشل دلاولأا لىع اذه ملاسلا نادقف سكعنيو .. اهلك رمتسم بعت فىو رمتسم راجش فى مهدجتف نيأ .. مهتايح فى رمتسم لشف فى ابمر اضيأو .. دوجوم يرغ ؟؟ كتايح فى عوسي برلا سر وه اذه .. ملاسلل كنادقف فى سرلا وه اذه لب ؟؟ عوبسأ مك ذنم .. كلكاشمو كباعتأ لك ؟؟ لوانتلاو فاترعلال مدقتت لم ؟؟ رهش مك ضىم مك ؟؟ ةلماك ةيقيقح هبوت تمدق له سيل ؟؟ ةرم رخآ فى كليجنإ تحتف ذنم كيلع ؟؟ ةدافتسلااو لمأتلل لب ةءارقلا درجلم طقف نم ةقيمع ةلاص تمدق ذنم كيلع ضىم مك وا ءاقدصلاا وا تقولاب طابترا نودب بلقلا تمص ةرم رخآ ىهام .. كب ةطيحلما فورظلا مك ؟؟ كتايح فى موصلا هكبرب ترعشو ؟؟ اهيف بلق ةسرمو ةجهبو حرفب كتقدص تمدق ةرم فى رودت كنلا ؟؟ بعتم تنأ اذالم تفرعأ ؟؟ صلاخ تيسن .. كسفن سىنتو لماعلا اذه ةماود ةيلماع اهلك كتامماتها تراص اماتم كسفن حلاصإ .. تويبلا ءاشر .. نويدلا ديدست .. جايكلما .. سبلالما .. لغشلا فى ةيقترلا .. ةرايسلا .. تلاحرلا .. ملافلاا .. تارهسلا .. تلافحلا ىتلا ةليوطلا ةئماقلا هذه رخآ لىا .. سانلا ملاك ملاس نع نوثدحتي لماعلا اذه ءاسؤر .. ىهتنت لا مهضعب .. ملاسلل تارتمؤم نودقعي ..هنوفرعي لا مهضعب .. دوقفلما ملاسلل لبون نئاوجب نوزوفي دعبو .. ابجع .. ملاسلا لاطبأ مهبعش مهيمسي اهيأ لىاعت .. ملاس لماعلا فى دجوي لا اذه لك هبيلص لمحا عوسي برلا ناضحأ لىا بيبحلا هنم لأتما كلجأ نم حوتفلما هبنج فى لخدا ملاسلا دجت فوس كانهو هبمدق تحت سلجا .. ةمعن لك نم لاتتمو فوخلا كبلق نم عزنيو
Episode 4 Evidence of God’s existence
Fr Luka Maher transcriped and translated by Mervet Eskander
Earlier, the issue of God’s existence has been discussed and settled and as we said, in the old times no one could deny God’s existence otherwise he would be considered a lunatic, why? Because since we have a product; there must be a maker. Similarly since there is a creation then, there must be a creator, end of discussion. Yet with man’s progress, boastfulness and might; he started taking pride in his own complex inventions and started thinking that the universe didn’t necessarily come into existence by a great maker. It could be the physical laws that established the universe, thus man started to doubt God’s existence under the guide of science. Then man started claiming that the universe and matter could have been formed spontaneously. Then we learnt that science doesn’t say so. False science may say so. Subsequently, man claimed that the cell could have been formed by chance! And we learnt that this is also impossible. Then man claimed that life can be prepared in laboratory but we also learnt that this is impossible and no one has ever done it or will ever do it.
And then, science or rather atheism claimed that man wasn’t originally created by God but was originated from other creatures that are less evolved then those creatures evolved until they became human! But we learnt that when we scrutinized this claim in the light of chromosomes, genes and the science of DNA; it instantly was discrediting. Thus, we have been discrediting those who have atheistic tendencies or those who sow doubts about own faith. But, what proves God’s existence? Are there evidences or arguments prove God’s existence? We shall briefly discuss this now.
Arguments for God’s Existence:
Intelligent Designer:
The first argument is called “Intelligent Designer” there must be an intelligent designer who created the world because the world is not randomly created. The world is governed by laws which are very accurate and they are called “Fine Tuning”. If these laws were deficient by 1 in 1 million of 1 million of 1 million of 1 million of 1 million of 1 million (6 times) (said it 6 times intentionally because this is the true number(, if these laws were deficient by this shockingly small percentage; no human would be alive on earth.
When Stephen Hawking, spoke about the big bang, he said that the universe which started by this great explosion, if this explosion, its ingredients were imbalanced by a factor of 1 in 1 billion of 1 billion of 1 billion; the result would have instead of this universe, something about the size of a football would have been formed. What a wonderful accuracy!!
Such accuracy mandates not merely an intelligent design but an Intelligent Designer (God is the real person). In addition to the fact that the Intelligent Designer has perfected everything through fine tuning; He created the universe with the so called “Irreducible complexity”.
What does “Irreducible complexity” mean? It means that the complicated system in one’s body could not have been formed through successive small modifications; rather they must have been formed simultaneously. What does this mean? For instance, if we assume that the heart was formed by evolution, did the heart or the blood which it circulates evolved first? It cannot be that the heart kept evolving and then the blood came into existence. They have to have come into existence simultaneously together. This is because what would the heart pump after it had evolved? It will evolve in the direction of pumping what exactly? It must contain blood. And how would the blood evolve as it circulates inside the body without a pump that pushes it and circulates it throughout the body? This blood needs to contain haemoglobin, white blood cells, platelets and all the other contents. How will these things evolve? All must have occurred simultaneously
and built upon another.
The eye is the most famous example in this respect. Our eye has a necessary lid, plus the cornea, the Iris, the retina, the optic nerve and the sight analysis by the brain. All of this cannot emerge sequentially. It is impossible that initially, man was just an eye lid and then something resembling an eye started to evolve. For what purpose was that evolution? After its evolution, the optic nerve started to evolve? On what ground and for what reason, would that optic nerve evolve if there was no eye? And why would the eye evolve as long as it had no connection to the brain? The eye would evolve to perform which function?! There has to be someone directing and orchestrating this whole processes. There has to be an Intelligent Designer. Fine tuning and irreducible complexity (which means a complex state) cannot have been evolved from a simpler state. This means that the issue is so fine and complicated that it needs an Intelligent Designer.
The Ontological Argument:
Now we come to the second argument: “the Ontological Argument”, what does it mean? They call it: Existential Argument, it states that since man is instinctively inclined towards God, then God exists. This means that it proves God’s existence through a reciprocal perceptive from the human view point. Meaning you see a baby, without explaining anything to him/her. He/she is instinctively inclined towards milk. If a man were born and tossed to live alone on an island, he would have an instinctive tendency to water and food to drink and eat by instinct. He has receptors for this. He has organs in his body that want to digest and they direct him to eat, they instinctively push him to do so. God’s existence pushes him towards Him. This is called the “Ontological Argument” or the “Existential Argument” similarly, man’s is inclined towards God instinctively.
The argument even cites world’s civilization as an example, as it is impossible to find a civilization without a temple, why? Because man is naturally inclined to worship God. You may find civilizations have no agricultures, no industry, no wars or army but never without a temple.
There is a famous man named, Dean Hamer who was the chief of gene structure and regulation section at the U.S.A. National Cancer Institute and did research on genetics. He wrote a book calls “The God Gene” then an interesting article was published in the Time Magazine on 25th of Oct 2004: The article was entitled: “The God gene” He said that there are genes inside man that cause him to be inclined to drink, to eat, to marry, and to survive. These instincts are genes. This man kept searching and came across a gene, which is under investigation yet he started talking about it. He recorded the increasing discussion about that topic in this good article entitled “the God Gene” and gave it code “VMAT2”. This gene exists in all human pushing them towards a spiritual tendency, towards the desire to speak to God and to have a relationship with Him. Many scientists such as Watson and Craig who discovered the structure of DNA and earned a Nobel Prize for their discoveries; Watson said “I discovered that the spiritual inclination inside man is genetics”.
Descartes himself, the famous philosopher, perhaps called, ”the father of doubt”, he is the one who started this heartache we are suffering from now! He said “I doubt, therefore I exist” and doubted God’s existence. However, he said that he could not deny that a religious man is happier. He could not deny that because faith is congruent with man’s nature to the extent that some scientists say that atheism is a type of “mental suicide”, it is someone resisting his own mind while his mind is leading him to believe but he is insisting on saying “NO”. It is like someone who insists on not eating, he is committing suicide by ignoring his body’s need to eat. Similarly, someone insisting on disbelief, is committing suicide because his nature is inclined to believe and so does his entire existence, and that was the second argument “Ontrological Argument”