21 minute read

The Martyrdom of St. Claudius.

19th June - 12th Baouna

On this day, the honorable St. Claudius, was martyred. He was the son of Ptolemy (Abtelmawos), who was Emperor Numerianus’ (1) brother. He was loved by the people of Antioch for his courage and good appearance. Because they loved him so greatly, they painted a picture of him on the doors of the city of Antioch. When Diocletian reneged the faith and incited the persecution against the Christians, this Saint agreed with St. Boctor (Victor) Ebn Romanus to be martyred for the sake of the Name of Christ. Satan appeared to them in the form of an old man and told them, “O my sons, you are young men, the sons of nobility, and I am afraid for you from this infidel Emperor; so if he asked you to worship the idols, accept his command, and in your houses you can worship Christ in secret.” They realized that he was satan disguised as an old man and told him, “O you who are filled with all evil, go away from us.” Straightway the old man changed his appearance and became like a black slave and told them, “Behold, I will go before you to the Emperor and instigate him to shed your blood.” he Emperor brought St. Claudius and proposed to him the worship of the idols, and promised to give him his father’s position. Claudius neither accepted his promise, nor submitted to his order. He spoke to him boldly and fearlessly reviling him for worshipping the idols. The Emperor did not dare to harm him for the people of Antioch loved him. Romanus, St. Victor’s father, advised the Emperor to send him to Egypt to be killed there. He sent him with a letter to the Governor of Ansena (Antinoe) stating in it: “Claudius neither obeyed our orders, nor hearkened our words. Persuade him with all your power first, and if he does not return on his counsel, cut off his head.” When the Saint heard that, he called Sidrakhos, his sister’s husband, asked him to care for his sister, his possessions and bid him farewell. The Saint went with the soldiers to Egypt. When he arrived to Arianus, the governor of Ansena, he received him standing, kissed his hand, and said, “O my master Claudius, do not transgress the command of the Emperor.” The Saint replied, “I was not sent to you for you to lead me astray by your words, but that you might fulfil what the emperor commanded.” They argued with each other till Arianus became enraged with the answers of the Saint, and he drove the spear into the Saint. He delivered up his pure spirit and received the crown of martyrdom. Some of the believers, took his body and shrouded it. They placed it with the body of St. Victor who was martyred shortly before that. After the end of the time of persecution, Victor’s mother came, and took their bodies to Antioch. May their prayers be with us. Amen.

The Commemoration of Archangel Michael.

19th June - 12th Baouna

On this day, the church celebrates the commemoration of the honorable Archangel Michael, intercessor of the human race. The one who appeared to Joshua the son of Nun, encouraged him, and told him, “Nay, but as captain of the hosts of the Lord am I now come.” He made the city of Jericho to fall into his hands, and he stopped the sun for him. May his intercession be with us. Amen.

The pagans in Alexandria worshipped the idol Zuhal, who had a statue and a temple, that was built by Cleopatra on the twelfth day of the month of Baounah.

During the reign of Emperor Constantine, Pope Alexandros preached to the people, explaining to them the error of worshipping the idols that do not move or reason, which are made by human hands, and the error of offering sacrifices to them. He changed the temple of this idol to a church in the name of Michael the Archangel, and destroyed that statue. He asked them to distribute these sacrifices to the poor that Christ had called His brothers, to receive the intercession of the angel Michael. This church was called, at that time, the church of El-Kaisariah.

It was said also that this feast was taken after the Ancient Egyptians. They believed that the flood of the Nile started on the eve of the twelfth of the month of Baounah by “the coming down of the drop.” That is to say, the tear of “Isis,” the goddess of fertility and motherhood. The tear that she shed grieving for her husband “Osiris,” the god of agriculture and abundance, who was killed by “Typhon” the god of evil. This feast was replaced in Christianity by the feast of Michael the Archangel (Tareekh El-Omah El-koptiah).

The Departure of St. Euphemia. This day also, marks the martyrdom of St. Euphemia. She was the wife of a man who feared God, and gave much alms. He kept three festivals each month: the commemoration of the angel Michael, on the twelfth day(1); the commemoration of the Mother of God )Theotokos(, on the twenty-first day; and the commemoration of the Nativity of our Lord, on the twenty-ninth day of each month. When the day of his departure drew near, he commanded his wife, to keep this custom, to not stop the giving of alms, and to do the acts of charity especially on these three festivals. He painted a picture of the honorable angel Michael and gave it to her.

After the departure of her husband, she continued to fulfill his will. Satan was jealous of her, and he came to her disguised as a monk, who talked to her expressing his pity for her. He advised her to get married, to bring forth children, and to refrain from doing charitable deeds lest she finish her money. He told her also that her husband had received the Kingdom and he had no need of the alms giving. She answered saying, “I have vowed not to consort with another man after my husband.” She went on saying, “If birds as the doves and the ravens do not take second mates, how then can men who are created in the form and likeness of God do this?” The devil left her angry.

When the feast of the Angel had come, and she had prepared all what she needed as her custom, Satan appeared to her in the form of an angel and said to her, “Peace be to you, the angel Michael has sent me to you, commanding you to cease from these alms, and to marry a believing man.” Then he told her, “A woman without a man is like a ship without a captain,” and he began to bring her proofs out of the Holy Bible in regard of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, and others like them who married wives and pleased God. She replied saying, “If you are an angel of God, where is the Cross, the symbol of your military service? For the soldier of the King never goes to any place without this symbol with him.”

When Satan heard these words from her, he returned to his original form, and jumped on her to choke her. She cried for the angel Michael, whose feast she was celebrating, and he delivered her immediately from him. The angel Michael told her, “Go and arrange your affairs, for you shall depart from this world today. And behold the Lord has prepared for you what eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, nor has it occurred to the heart of man,” then he gave her the greeting of peace, and went up into heaven. After, St. Euphemia had celebrated the feast of the angel Michael, she sent for the father the bishop and the priests. She gave them all her money to give to the poor and the needy. Then, she took the Picture of the honorable angel Michael and prayed before it. She laid it upon her face and breast, then departed in peace.

May his intercession be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen.

The Commemoration of the Archangel Gabriel, the Announcer of Daniel the Prophet. 20th June - 13th Baouna

On this day also, the church in Egypt celebrates a feast for the honorable angel Gabriel. The angel Gabriel announced Daniel with the return of the children of Israel from captivity, the coming of the Lord Christ, the time of His coming, that He would be killed, the destruction of Jerusalem, and that no other Messiah would come after Him except the anti-Christ. This angel is the one who announced to Zachariah the birth of John, and six months later, he came with the glad tidings of the salvation of the world when he announced to the Virgin Mary saying, “And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; ... And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.” (Luke 1:31-33) Therefore, our church has arranged this feast to venerate this honorable angel. May his intercession be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of Sts. Apakir, John, Ptolemy and Philip.

21st June - 14th Baouna

On this day also, Sts. Apakir, John, Ptolemy and Philip, were martyred. St. Apakir was born in the city of Damanhur, and had a rich brother called Philip. They had agreed with two priests, one called John and the other called Ptolemy, to receive the crown of martyrdom. They went to the city of Kartsa (Kartes), and confessed the name of the Lord Christ before the Governor. The governor ordered to shoot them to death with arrows, but the arrows did not touch them. They were then cast into red hot fire, but the angel of the lord delivered them from it. Then the governor commanded to tie them to the tails of horses, and to drag them from Kartes to the city of Damanhur, but the Lord guarded them from any harm. The governor commanded that their heads be cut off outside the city of Damanhur. They received the crown of martyrdom. People from the city of Sa came and took the body of St. Apakir, built for him a church, and laid his body inside it. Many signs and wonders took place through him. The people of Damanhur came and took the bodies of John, Ptolemy, and Philip, wrapped them in expensive shrouds and buried them there. May their prayers be with us and Glory be to God forever. Amen.

The Departure of St. Abba Nofer the Anchorite.

23rd June - 16th Baouna

On this day, the ascetic father, Abba Nofer the Anchorite, departed at a good old age, and of a glorious memory, in the desert of Upper Egypt. The grace of God had moved St. Paphnoute (Paphnutius), and he longed to see the servants of God, the Anchorites. He saw many of them, among them St. Abba Nofer, and wrote their biographies. He said that once he went into the desert and found a well of water and a palm tree. Then he saw the saint coming to him, naked, and the hair of his head and beard covered his body. When St. Paphnutius saw him, he was afraid and thought that he was a spirit. Saint Abba Nofer encouraged him, made the sign of the cross, and prayed the Lord’s prayer, then said to him, “Welcome O Paphnoute.” When he called him by his name, St. Paphnutius calmed down. They prayed together, then sat, and talked about the greatness and goodness of God. St. Paphnutius asked Abba Nofer to tell him about his life and how he came to that place. Abba Nofer replied, “I was in a monastery wherein lived holy and righteous monks. I heard them talking about the greatness of those anchorites who dwelled in the desert and their good virtues. I said to them, ‘Are there any who are better than you?’ They said to me, ‘Yes, those anchorites who dwell in the wilderness. We live near the world, if we are sorrowful or sad, we find someone to console us; if we are sick, we find someone to visit and treat us; if we are naked, we find someone to clothe us. Those who live in the wilderness lack all these things.’ When I heard that from them, my heart became anxious.

“When the night came, I took a little bread and I went out from the monastery. Then I prayed to the Lord Christ and asked Him to guide me to the place where I was to live. The Lord facilitated my way and I found a holy and righteous man. I dwelt with him, and he taught me all about the life and the ways of the hermits and the anchorites. After I came to this place, I found a palm tree, and a well. The tree bore twelve clusters of dates each year. One cluster of dates is enough food for me for a month, and I drink water from this well. I have lived here for sixty years during which I have never seen the face of a man except yours.” While they were talking together the angel of the Lord came down, and told St. Abba Nofer that his departure was near. Straightway, his color changed and became like fire, then he bowed his knees and worshipped God. After he embraced St. Paphnutius, he delivered up his pure soul. St. Paphnutius wrapped him, and buried him in his cave. St. Paphnutius wished to live in the place of Abba Nofer. But after he had buried him, the palm tree dried and fell down and the water of the well dried up. That happened by the Will of God, so St. Paphnoute would return to the world and tell us about the holy hermits that he had seen.

May their prayers be with us and Glory be to god forever. Amen.

Second Sunday of Baouna

Today is the second Sunday of Baouna. Divine Liturgy today are:

Pauline Epistle: 1Cor 2: 6 -16 not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

Catholicon: 2Pet 1: 1- 8 add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, 6 to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, 7 to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love.

Acts 14: 8-22 strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, “We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God.

Holy Gospel: Luke 15: 17-26 When He saw their faith, He said to him, “Man, your sins are forgiven you. )20)

They carried the Paralytic man as a person tortured by sin. They crossed over all the difficulties to save him. When the Lord saw their faith, He said to the sick man “your sins are forgiven”. That is the work the Lord wanted His Apostles to do. He asked them to go and preach the Gospel to bring the people to their Saviour. So, we find Paul and Silas go to Lystra to preach the Gospel and leave away their sins. There they meet the crippled man. St Paul prays for him and gets healed. The people of the city thought they are gods who descended from heaven and wanted to worship them. They hardly could convince them not to do that as they are human like them. It did not take long for those people to be influenced by others and turn against the Apostles to stone them. The Apostles continues their service not deterred by either false honour or persecution as their main aim was to lead them to salvation of their souls. If they wanted their own glory they could accept people’s honouring them. Suffering was not an obstacle to continue their mission as well. The Lord wants us to serve regardless of any circumstances. The crowd and the severe conditions of the sick person are not to deter them from achieving their mission to get their sick friend to the Lord.

St Athanasius faced so many hardships and difficulties in his service. He could have won the love and friendship of rules or emperors or even gaining a lot of honour and fame by agreeing for their false faith and beliefs. He stood straight and strong not afraid of being persecuted or deposed five times from his see. In his forty-three years as a Patriarch he had very little comfort. He deserved to be titles as “Apostolic” for his enduring so many hardships like the Apostles. One day they said to him ‘the world is against you Athanasius’ and he said, ‘and I am against the world, Athanasius contra-Mondo’. St Abraam had a real mission of love. Through his works of charity and serving others, he managed to bring many souls the Lord. Even when was in the Monastery he faced so many objection and reject from the monks. They even accused him that he is plundering the Monastery’s possessions. He left this monastery to another. It was God’s plan that their great saint to come out and be placed on the Light-Stand. In Albaramos Monastery he met Fr John the Scribe who later became Pope Kyrollos V who choose him to be ordained as Bishop of Fayoum. As a Bishop and for thirty-two years he continued his mission showing a great example of humility, love and ascetic life. His great example of unlimited giving and prayers have been a source of benightment and blessing for many until today. Those who look for easy glorified worldly life soon vanish and get forgotten as they offered nothing to cure this sick world. They served only themselves. Those who run away from persecution and hard work, the world leaves them behind and as non-achievers. We live today in a world full of suffering and hardship. Many people today need to be helped to withstand their difficulties and get guided to their salvation. They actually there, crying “cross over and help us” One of those could be your friend or someone you meet at your work or college or a neighbour or even a person you meet by chance. So were the people of Alexandria and Egypt when St. Mark came wondering in our streets tired and exhausted and even with a torn shoe. There he met many souls screaming and longing to the know the “One God” Whom they did not know. In Athens St. Paul could not stay still when he saw a city full of idols and still feel lost and needs to know the “unknown God” who makes them exist and move. Here, in our own city there are many hungry souls. They may look fattened and adorned with this world pleasures and luxuries, but under these false masks a terrible reality of hungry torn apart souls exist. Behind the walls of these luxurious mansions there are many lost paralytic souls need to find who can carry them to the Lord. They could be developing to very hopeless state. Have the faith and courage of those good friends who carried the Paralytic man to the Lord. Have a real determination and faith and start working. Make the real aim which gladden your heart that you hear these joyful words of our Lord: “your sins are forgiven”. This is the real aim of our mission. We need to lead these souls to their salvation. In this time of the Apostle’s Fasting find a Paralytic you can carry to the feet of the Lord. The Lord is looking for your hard work and your faith.

Don Stewart :: Did the Sun Actually Stand Still in Joshua’s Long Day?

Ref: https://www.blueletterbible.org/faq/don_stewart/don_stewart_625.cfm

There have been stories circulating about reports of a “missing day” in ancient Egyptian, Chinese, and Hindu sources. There is also the story of a Yale astronomer who found that the earth was twenty-four hours out of schedule:

Another professor at Yale, Dr. Totten, suggested the astronomer read the Bible starting at the beginning and going as far as necessary, to see if the Bible could account for the missing time. When he came to the account of the long day of Joshua, the astronomer rechecked the figures and found that at the time of Joshua there were only twenty-three hours and twenty minutes lost. His skepticism justified, he decided that the Bible was not the Word of God because there was a mistake by forty minutes.

Professor Totten showed him that the Bible account does not say twenty-four hours, but rather about the space of a whole day. On reading farther the astronomer found that God, through the prophet Isaiah and in answer to Hezekiahs prayer, promised to add fifteen years to his life )II Kings 20:1-11; Isaiah 38:121(. To confirm this promise, the shadow of the sundial was turned back ten degrees. Ten degrees on a sundial is forty minutes on the face of a clock. When he found his day of missing time accounted for in the Bible, the astronomer bowed his head in worship of its Author, saying, “Lord, I believe!” (Harry Rimmer, The Harmony of Science and Scripture, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1936, p. 33).

+Holy Apostles Fasting:

Tomorrow Monday 5th June the Holy Apostles tasting starts directly after we celebrate the Holy Feast of Pentecost. The Fasting is continuing until 12th July which is the east of Martyrdom of St Peter and Paul- the feast of the Holy Apostles. This fasting has been ordered by the Lord Himself when He was asked by the Pharisees why His disciples do not fast as St John’s disciples. The Lord told them that when the Bridegroom is taken from them they will fast. This was pointing to the Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord. The Lord also ordered His disciples not to leave Jerusalem until they are filled with the Holy Spirit. So, the day of Pentecost is truly the day of a start for the new church. The Birthday of the church of New Testament. That is why the church who feels as stranger in this world is carrying the Cross following the Lord. Fasting is also a sign of carrying the Cross in rejection to the world pleasures. We have also witnessed His Resurrection and Ascension and looking forward for His Second Coming. Let us follow the steps of our Lord declaring and witnessing for His Salvation on the Cross on the way to get united with her Bridegroom.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit gives many meanings to which the Old Apostles spoke (1Cor 12: 8-10): Words of Wisdom - Words of knowledge - Faith - Gifts of Healing - Works of miracles - Prophecy – Discerning of spirits – different kinds of tongues – Interpretation of tongues

The second Gift of the Holy Spirit which St Paul talked about (1Cor 12: 8-10) is; Spirit of Knowledge:

The Holy spirit opens the minds and hearts of knowledgeable to understand and discover the hidden mysteries to benefit human. The person who seek knowledge to benefit human, the Holy Spirit will grant him special knowledge and understanding. The Physician who treat a patient uses the knowledge he learned to diagnose the disease and prescribe the medicine. Many time science stand unable to know many things. Along with the faith of the patient the Holy Spirit can give more knowledge for the doctor to discover new cures for diseases. Amazing story of a famous scientist who discovered Penicillin. In his youth, he rescued a young man from drowning. This young man belonged to a very rich family in England. The parents of this young man wanted to reward this courageous person who rescued their son. He refused to accept any money. But he asked if they can help him to be accepted at the faculty of medicine to pursue his career as a doctor. They sponsored him and supported him to achieve his goal. He graduated and pursued his career to discover new cures for fatal discuses. One day he discovered Penicillin which cured many millions from fatal infections which killed many at that time. One day This young doctor was called to meet Mr Churchill the prime minister of Britain who thanked him for rescuing his life twice, once when he was young and about to drown and secondly when he was treated and cured by this new medicine discovered by this young man Dr Alexander Fleming in 1923. A group of scientist were studying the position of Sun and other stars using the new technology available. The started to prepare timed list for all the changes happened over time. One scientist at Yale University discovered that there is a gap in the sun history of 23 hours and twenty minutes which they cannot scientifically account for. Another scientist started to follow events at the Bible and came across the story of sun and moon stopping for a day at the time of Joshua (Joshua 10:13). He showed this story for other scientists but they claimed that was an error from the Bible as the story talks about a whole day. Reading the passage again they found that the Bible says: about the space of a day. Then where are the missing forty minutes. Reading further they came across of the story of King Hezekiah (Isaiah 38 & 2 Kings 20). King Hezekiah was very sick and was told that he was going to die. He prayed and the Lord sent Isaiah the Prophet to tell him that the Lord granted him extra 15 years to live. To confirm that the shadow of sundial was turned back ten degrees, which correspond exactly to 40 minutes in the face of a clock. When he found his day of missing time accounted for in the Bible, the astronomer bowed his head in worship of its Author, saying, “Lord, I believe!”. We are not looking for science to prove the Bible as we truly believe that the Bible is true. The Holy Spirit gives us this knowledge to learn and understand every day about facts we never knew before. It is the nature of the scientists not to rush to conclusions. That was it is surprising that some scientists claim that the human evolutes from monkeys. They usually refer to Darwin theory of Evolution. Darwin himself never dared to claim that for sure. He just tried to find possibilities of developing species on earth. He left huge gaps which could not be filled. He never claimed that evolution of species is a fact. It actually proved that there is one maker for all these species and you can see His fingerprints shown in all His creation. The more research is conducted the closer scientist will get the fact of Creation. The Holy Spirit grants more understanding to those who work with humility and humbleness not those who boost themselves with quick conclusion to their research and discoveries. The Holy Spirit leads human to stand in owe and humbleness facing the unlimited wisdom of God’s creation. How much we need wisdom when we deal with knowledge so that we do not use if for our destruction. St Peter warns us about misinterpreting words of St. Paul the Apostle as some use it without proper knowledge leading to their destruction (2Peter 3:15). St Peter describes them as the untaught and unstable people. We can get real knowledge from the abundance of the work of the Holy Spirit inside us not from mentally arguments and worldly philosophies. The deep treasures of the Bible can be only found by the humble person through prayers and bent knees. Most of the heresies were taught by those proud lofty persons boosted by selfbride and desire to be praised and rewarded by the people of this world. Let us gain word of knowledge to build us internally and become sources of spiritual nourishments for ourselves and those whom we meet or serve aiming to the Glory of God.

Official Recognition of Archangel Michael Monastery for Nuns by the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church

Through the grace and blessings of God, it is with great joy that our Diocese thanks His Holiness Pope Tawadros II and the Holy Synod for officially recognising Archangel Michael Monastery for Nuns in Woodend, Victoria as an inhabited and functional monastery.

Established in 2015, Archangel Michael Monastery was the first monastery for Nuns on Australian soil. Through the continued blessings of God, Campaspe House in Woodend, Victoria was purchased in 2017 to be a dedicated and permanent place for the Monastery where it continues to flourish. In September of 2017, the Monastery was blessed and visited by His Holiness Pope Tawadros II during his inaugural visit to Australia. Through the dedicated service of Mother Antonia and Novices, the Monastery provides a spiritual and serene environment for our female parishioners to enjoy and benefit from. The Diocese Management Committee encourages the blessed congregation of the Diocese to continue to support the Monastery with prayers and their generous givings so they may continue to do their good work. We thank His Holiness Pope Tawadros II and the Holy Synod for their ongoing love, care and shepherdhood.

May Christ continue to bless and flourish Archangel Michael Monastery for Nuns!

Coptic Hope Charity Announcement End Of Financial Year 2023

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

Coptic Hope Charity thanks all congregation members for their ongoing love and support.

The end of financial year is quickly approaching, don’t forget to make your fully tax deductible donation to support those families in need.

We value your donations and take our responsibility seriously to distribute your gift responsibly with the commitment to bring hope and change to people living in poverty and others who are struggling due to other challenges.

To contribute to Coptic Hope Charity and assist with ongoing support please donate to the following bank account or via our Paypal account at www.coptichope. org.au

Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity Limited ATF BSB: 063-159

Account Name: 106-867-22

Tax deductible receipts for all donations above $2 will be issued upon receipt.

All funds raised by Coptic Hope Charity are for the sole purposes of the services provided by Coptic Hope Charity to serve the poor and in need.

On behalf of Coptic Hope Charity, we would like to thank you for your love, generosity, and support. For further information please call Nagy Banoub on 0423 411 715 or email: info@coptichope.org.au

+ Remember O Lord the departed:

Departed to the Lord Mr. Stephen Seif, husband of Mrs Farida Seif and the father of the late Tony Seif. He is the father of Richard Seif and Daniel Seif. He is the grandfather of Chloe Seif and Celina Seif. He is the brother of the late Alfonse Seif and Isis Bassaly.

The family asks to pray for them, give them privacy and limit the condolences to the wake at Church at a time to be specified )please avoid visit to family home).

Funeral service is to be advised. May the Lord repose his soul and grant peace and comfort for all family members.

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