Weekly Bulletin 20th November 2022

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Services at St Mary’s Church Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom) Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom) Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English 2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm Church Priests: Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kens ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399 Fr John Macary 0433 445 636 :ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )ىزيلجنأ( ىاو اذ - ىزيلجنلأاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا ىبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 ىزيلجنأ - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 ىبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا ىزيلجنأ - احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩ 7 ىزيلجنأ - ةمدخلا دادعا عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 ىهللأا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا ىزيلجنا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا ىزيلجناو ىبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا ىزيلجنا – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 ىناثلا سادقلا ىبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 ىزيلجنأ - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 ىراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Commemoration of the Honored Archangel Michael.

21st November - 12th Hator

On this day the church celebrates the feast of the honored Archangel, Michael, the head of the hosts of heaven, who stands at all times before the great throne of God, interceding on behalf of the human race.

Joshua, the son of Nun, saw him in great glory and was frightened by him and fell on his face to the earth and said to him, «Are you for us, or for our adversaries?» So he said, «No; but as Commander of the army of the Lord... I have given Jericho into your hand, ... and its king.» (Joshua 5:13-15, 6:2)

The Archangel Michael was with all the saints and martyrs. He strengthened them and enabled them to endure patiently until they finished their strife. Festivals of commemoration are held and alms offered in his name on the twelfth day of each Coptic month. An example of one of his wonders: A God-fearing man whose name was Dorotheus and his wife Theopista, held a festival of commemoration for the honored angel Michael on the twelfth day of each month. It happened that this righteous family fell on hard times and had nothing to celebrate with for the commemoration of the honored Michael. They took their clothes to sell so that they might have a feast. Michael the Archangel appeared to Dorotheus and commanded him not to sell his clothes, but to go to a sheep-master and to take from him a sheep worth one-third of a dinar. He was also to go to a fisherman and to take from him a fish worth one-third of a dinar but Dorotheus was not to slit open the fish until he came back to him. Finally, he was to go to a flour merchant and to take from him as much flour as he needed. Dorotheus did as the Angel commanded him. He invited the people, as was his custom, to the feast honoring the Archangel Michael. When he went into his storeroom looking for wine for the offering, he found that all the containers had been filled with wine and many other good things. He marvelled and was astonished. After they had finished the celebration and all the people had departed, the Archangel appeared to Dorotheus as before and commanded him to cut open the belly of the fish. He found 300 dinars of gold and three coins each is a third of a dinar. He told him these three coins were for the sheep, the fish and the flour, and the 300 dinars were for him and his children. God had remembered them and their oblations and had rewarded them here, in this world and in the kingdom of heaven on the last day. As Dorotheus and his wife were astonished at this matter, the Archangel Michael said to them, «I am Michael the Archangel who delivered you from all your tribulations and I have taken your oblations and alms up to God, you shall lack no good thing whatsoever in this world.» They prostrated themselves before him and he disappeared and went up into heaven. This was one of the innumerable miracles of this honored Angel. His intercession be for us and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.



of Saint


the Wonder Worker 24th November - 15th Hator

On this day St. Mina, who is called the blessed faithful, was mar tyred. His father, Eudoxius, was a native of the city of Nakiyos (Nikiu) and was its Governor. His brother was envious of him and he brought charges against him before the Emperor. The Emperor trans ferred him to Afrikia and appointed him Governor over it. The people were pleased with him because he was merciful and God-fearing. His mother Euphemia had no children. One day she went to church on the feast of our Lady, the Virgin, the Mother of God, at Attribes. She saw the children in the church wearing their beautiful clothes with their parents. She heaved a sigh and wept before the icon of Our Lady St. Mary, entreating her to intercede for her before her beloved

ليئاخيم ليلجلا ةكئلالما سيئر راكذت روتاه ١٢ - برمفون ٢١ كلالما راكذتب ةسينكلا ديعت مويلا اذه لثم في في مئاقلا ، ةيئماسلا دانجلأا سيئر ليئاخيم ليلجلا شربلا سنج في عفشي ةمظعلا سيرك مامأ ينح لك ، ميظع دجبم وهو نون نب عوشي هآر يذلا اذه ، وأ تنأ انل له « لائاق هل ادجاس رخو هنم عزجف ،رظنا برلا دنج سيئر انا لب لاك« لاقف ، »انئادعلأ ليئاخيم كلالماو . « اهكلمو احيرأ كديب تعفد دق اولمكي ىتح مهبرصيو مهيوقي ينسيدقلا قيفر تاقدصلا همساب عزوتو هراكذتب لفتحيو . مهداهج هبئاجع نمو . )رهش لك نم١٢ ( شرع نياثلا مويلا في هتجوزو سؤاتوروذ عدي هللإل ابحم اناسنإ نإ في ليئاخيم كلالما راكذت ناعنصي اناك ، ىتسبؤاث ماهيلع برلا معناف ، رهش لك نم شرع نياثلا مويلا دتشا الم هنا كلذو ، قيضلا دعب جرفلاو ينغلاب هب نلامكي ام ماهل نكي لمو نيرابلا نيذهب قيضلا ليئاخيم كلالما رهظف ، اهاعيبيل ماهبايث اذخأ ديعلا هبايث عيبي لاإ هرمأو ليلج سيئر يز في سؤاتوروذل هنم ذخأيو ، مانغأ بحاص لىإ هتنماضب ضييم لب ، نم اتوح هنم ذخأيو دايص لىإو ، رانيد ثلثب افورخ ضرحي ىتح ةكمسلا حتفي لاإو ، رانيد ثلثب كمسلا هيلإ جاتحي ام هنم ذخأيو حمق بحاص لىإو ، هيلإ ديعلل سانلا اعدو ، كلالما هرمأ ماك لجرلا عنصف ، ارمخ اهيف دجي هلعل ةنازخلا لىإ لخد مث ، هتداعك اذكو ارمخ ةءولمم ةينلآا دجوف ، ينبارقلا ميدقتل ماتمإ دعبو ، شهدو بجعتف ، ةعونتم ةيرثك تايرخ لىإ كلالما ضرح نيضراحلا فاصرناو ديعلا ميسارم حتفي نإ هرمأو ، لاوأ اهب هآر يتلا ةئيهلاب سؤاثوروذ ثلاثأ ثلاثو رانيد ةئاثملاث اهيف دجوف ةكمسلا نطب فورخلا نثم يه ثلاثلأا هذه« هل لاقف ، بهذ نلا ، ماكدلاولأو ماكلف يرناندلا امأ ،حمقلاو ةكمسلاو ، اهنامدقت يتلا ماكتاقدص ركذو ماكركذ دق برلا توكلبم ةرخلآا فيو ايندلا هذه في اهب اهنع ماكضوعف ماهل لاق يرج مام ةيرح في ماه مايفو ، »تاومسلا ماكتصلخ يذلا ةكئلالما سيئر ليئاخيم وه انا« ماكنيبارق تمدق يذلا انا ، ماهدئادش عيمج نم ئش لىإ نارقتفت لا فوسو ، برلا مامأ ماكتاقدصو ماهنع باغو هل ادجسف ، »لماعلا اذه تايرخ نم كلالما اذه بئاجع ىدحإ هذه ، ءماسلا لىإ ادعاص انبرلو ، انعم نوكت هتعافش، صيحت لا يتلا ليلجلا . ينما ايدبا ائماد دجلما ىبياجعلا انيمرام سيدقلا داهشتسا روتاه ١٥ - برمفون ٢٤ بقللما انيم سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في لياهأ نم سويسكذوا هدلاو ناك ،كرابلما ينملآاب دنع هب يعسو هوخأ هدسحف ،اهيلع ايلاوو سويقن اهلهأ هب حرفف اهيلع هلاوو ايقيرفأ لىإ هلقنف ، كللما ، هللا نم افئاخ اموحر ناك هنلأ لىإ مايلأا دحأ في تبهذو ، دلو اهل نكي لم ذإ همأ امأ ةنئاكلا هللإا ةدلاو لوتبلا ةديسلا ديع في ةسينكلا مهسبلابم ةسينكلا في دلاولأا ترظنو ، بيرتاب ةروص مامأ تكبو تدهنت اهنأف مهيدلاو عم ةفيظنلا نإ بيبحلا اهنبا لىإ اهب ةلسوتم ءارذعلا ةديسلا ، »ينما« لائاق ةروصلا نم توص جرخف ، ادلو اهقزري باجتسا دق برلا نإ تققحتو تعمس ابم تحرفف

Son, in order that He would give her a son. A voice came from the icon saying, “Amen.” She rejoiced in what she had heard and realized that the Lord had heard her prayers. When she returned to her home and told her husband about it, he replied, “May God’s Will be done.” The Lord gave them this saint and they called him Mina, according to the voice that his mother heard. When he grew, his parents taught him reading and writing and they reared him in a Christian manner. When he was eleven years old, his father departed at a good old age. Then his mother departed three years later. St. Mina devoted his life to fasting, praying and to living a Christian life. Because of everyone’s love towards him and his father, they placed him in his father’s position. In spite of that, he did not forsake his worshipping. When Diocletian had reneged Christianity and issued his orders to worship idols, many were martyred for the Name of the Lord Christ. St. Mina left his position and went to the desert, where he stayed many days worshipping God with all his heart. One day he saw the heavens open and the martyrs crowned with beautiful crowns. He heard a voice saying, “He who toils for the Name of the Lord Christ shall receive these crowns.” He returned to the city over which he was Governor and confessed the Name of the Lord Christ. Knowing that he belonged to a noble family, they tried to dissuade him from his faith and promised him honors and precious gifts. When he did not change his mind, they threatened him and the Governor ordered him to be tortured. When the Governor failed to turn him away from his faith in the Lord Christ, he sent him to his brother so that he might influence him but he failed also. Finally, he ordered his head to be cut off with the sword, his body to be cast in the fire and his ashes to be scattered in the wind. The body remained in the fire for three days and three nights, but it was not harmed. His sister came and gave the soldiers a lot of money and they let her take the body. She put it in a sack made of fronds and decided to go to Alexandria, as her brother had previously advised her. She embarked with her brother’s body on one of the ships to Alexandria. During their trip, sea beasts came out of the water and attacked the passengers aboard the ship. They were frightened and screamed with fear. The Saint’s sister prayed to the Lord and asked for the interces sion of her brother. While the passengers were in fear, fire went forth from her brother’s body and burned the faces of the beasts. They dived immediately into the water and as they reappeared, the fire burned them again. They finally dived and did not reappear. When the ship arrived at the city of Alexandria, most of the people went out with the father, the Patriarch. They carried the holy body with reverence and honor and entered the city with a venerable cele bration and placed it in the church, after they shrouded it in expensive shrouds. When the time of persecution ended, the angel of the Lord appeared to the honorable Patriarch, Anba Athanasius, the Apostolic. The angel informed him of the Lord’s command which was to place the body of St. Mina on a camel and to take it out of the city without letting anyone lead it, but to follow it from a distance until it stopped at a place that the Lord had designated. They walked behind the camel until they arrived at a place called Lake Bayad, in the district of Marriot. There they heard a voice saying, “This is the place where the Lord wishes the body of his beloved Mina to be placed.” They lowered the body and placed it in a coffin, then they situated it in a beautiful garden and many miracles happened through the body. Later on, the people of Pentapolis )the five cities( rose against the cities around Alexandria. The people were getting ready to face the Berbers, and the Governor decided to take the body of St. Mina with him to be his deliverer and his strong protector. He took the body se cretly and through the blessings of this saint, he overcame the Berbers and returned victorious.

اهجوز تبرخأو اهلزنم لىإ تداع المو ، اهتلاص ماهقزر دقو ، »هللا ةدارإ نكتلف« هل لاق ، كلذب يذلا توصلاك انيم هايمسأف سيدقلا اذه هللا هابذهو ةباتكلا همالع اشن المو ، هتدلاو هتعمس ىدحإ رمعلا نم غلب المو ، ةيحيسلما بادلآاب مث ، ةحلاص ةخوخيشب هدلاو فيوت ةنس ةشرع سيدقلا اذه سركف ، تاونس ثلاث دعب هتدلاو ىتح ، ميقتسلما كولسلاو ةلاصلاو موصلل هتايح ناكم هوماقأ ، هيبلأو هل عيمجلا بح نم هنا المو ، هتدابع نع لختي لم هناف اذه عمو ،هيبأ ، ناثولأا ةدابعب هرماوأ ردصاو سونايدلقد دترا كرت ، حيسلما ديسلا مسا ليع نويرثك دهشتساو ماقأ ثيح ةيبرلا لىإ ضيمو هتيلاو سيدقلا اذه تاذو ، هبلق لك نم هلل دبعتي ةيرثك امايأ كانه ليلاكأب نوللكي ءادهشلاو ةحوتفم ءماسلا يأر موي مسا ليع بعت نم« لوقي اتوص عمسو ،ةنسح يتلا ةنيدلما لىإ داعف ، »ليلاكلأا هذه لاني حيسلما هوفطلاف ، حيسلما مساب فترعاو اهيلع ايلاو ناك اياطعب هودعوو ، هسنجو هلصا فشرب مهملعل لاوأ دئاقلا رمأ هيأر نع ثنني لم ذإو ، هودعوت مث ، ةنيثم حيسلماب هنايمإ نع هليوحت نع زجع المو ، هبيذعتب هيلع يرثأتلا نم نكمتي هاسع هيخأ لىإ هلسرأ ، دحب هسأر عطقب رمأ ايرخأو ، اضيا لشف هنكلو ، في هدامر ةيرذتو ، رانلا في دسجلا حرطو فيسلا لايل ثلاثو مايا ةثلاث اهيف دسجلا ثبلف ، حايرلا ةيرثك لااومأ تلذبو هتخأ تمدقتف ، داسف هلني لم ( درف في هتعضوو ، دسجلا تذخآ ىتح دنجلل ةيردنكسلإا لىإ هجوتلا ليع تمزعو صوخ ) لاوج اهيخأ دسج اهعمو تبكرف ، اهوخأ اهاصوأ ماك ءانثأ ثدح دقو ، ةيردنكسلإا لىإ بكارلما ىدحإ ساترفلا ةيرحب شوحو مهيلع تعلط نإ مهيرس تخآ تلصف ، اوخصرو اوعزفف ، بكرلما باكر ناك مانيبو ، اهيخأب تعفشتساو هللا لىإ سيدقلا دسجلا نم ران تجرخ بارطضاو عزف في باكرلا ءالما في اهتقول تسطغف ، شوحولا كلت هوجو لىإ اضيا رانلا اهتقحل ةيناث روهظلا لىإ تداع المو ، بكرلما تلصو المو ، دعب دعت لمو تسطغف ، عم بعشلا بلغا جرخ ، ةيردنكسلإا ةنيدم لىإ ماركإ لكب رهاطلا دسجلا اولمحو كريرطبلا بلاا هوعدوأو بيهم لافتحاب ةنيدلما هولخداو ، ماترحاو المو ، ةيلاغ نافكأب هونفك امدعب ةسينكلا في سيدقلل برلا كلام رهظ ، داهطضلاا نامز ضيقنا رمأب هملعاو ، ليوسرلا سويسانثأ كريرطبلا مركلما لمج ليع انيم سيدقلا دسج لمحي نإ برلا لب هدوقي ادحأ عدي لاو ،ةنيدلما نم هجرخيو هديري يذلا ناكلما في فقي ىتح ، ديعب نم هعبتي ناكم لىإ اولصو ىتح لمجلا ءارو اوراسف برلا اوعمس ذئنيحو ، طويرم ةهجب ضايب ةيرحب يمسي نإ برلا دارأ يذلا ناكلما وه اذه “ لوقي اتوص هوعضوو هولزنأف ، انيم هبيبح دسج هيف نوكي هنم ترجو ليمج ناتسب في هولعجو توبات في ، ةيرثك بئاجع ليع ندلما سمخلا لياهأ راث نإ كلذ دعب ثدح و ءاقلل لياهلأا بهأتف ،ةيردنكسلإل ةرواجلما دلابلا دسج هعم ذخأي نإ لياولا راتخاو ، رببرلا ءلاؤه هذخأ ، اعينم انصحو ايجنم هل نوكيل انيم سيدقلا

The Governor decided not to return the body of the Saint to its original place and wanted to take it to Alexandria. On the way back, they passed by Lake Bayad, St. Mina’s original place. The camel carrying the body knelt down and would not move in spite of frequent beatings. They moved the body over another camel, but again this second camel did not move from its place. The Governor finally realized that this was the Lord’s command. He made a coffin from decay-resistant wood and placed the silver coffin in it. He then returned it to its place and invoked St. Mina’s blessings, then returned to his city. When the Lord wanted to disclose the location of St. Mina’s holy body, He did it in this manner. There was a shepherd in the desert. One day a sheep with mange slipped down into the water of a well near the place of the saint’s body. The sheep then came out of the water and rolled over in the sand of that place, and instantly the sheep was healed. When the shepherd saw this miracle, he was amazed. He took some of the sand and mixed it with water and smeared it over every sheep with mange, as well as on those with other infirmities, and immediately they were healed. The news of these miracles spread in all the countries until the Emperor of Constantinople heard of them. He had an only daughter and she was leprous. Her father sent her to the place where the saint’s body was and she inquired from the shepherd how these miracles were happening. She took some of the sand, moistened it with water, smeared it on her body and slept the night in that place. In her sleep she saw St. Mina saying to her, “Arise early and dig in this place, and you will find my body.” When she woke up, she found herself cured. She began digging as she was told and she found the holy body. She sent word to her father, informing him of the news. The Emperor rejoiced exceedingly, thanked the Lord and glorified His Name. He then sent men and money and built a church in that place and it was consecrated on the fifteenth day of the Month of Baounah.

When Arcadius and Honorius reigned, they ordered a city to be built there. Multitudes of people came to that church asking for the intercession of the blessed St. Mina. The Lord had honored him with many signs and wonders that appeared from his pure body. When the Arabs came to Egypt, some of them attacked the city and the church was destroyed, only ruins remained. When His Grace, the late Pope Abba Kyrillos the Sixth was ordained Patriarch over the See of St. Mark, he took interest in building a large monastery in this area (Marriot) in the name of St. Mina. He spent a great deal of money in establishing it. There are now many churches in the monastery, visited by many Orthodox worshippers who go there to receive blessings and to pray. He also bought one hundred acres of land and built a fence around it. He ordained a number of monks who had a high degree of scientific and religious education. The intercession of Mari-Mina be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

The Departure of Saint John Chrysostom 26th November – 17th Hator

On this day, the honorable Saint John of the Golden Mouth (Chrys ostom), departed. He was born in the city of Antioch around the year 347 A.D., to a rich father, whose name was Sakondos and a pious mother, whose name was Anthosa. They brought him up well and reared him in the Christian tradition. He went to the city of Athens, where he learned the Greek wisdom in one of its schools. He surpassed many in knowledge and in virtue. He forsook the vanities of the world and became a monk at a young age in one of the monasteries. He had a friend whose name was Basilius, who was a monk before him in that monastery. They had the same inter

ارفاظ داعو ، رببرلا ليع بلغت سيدقلا اذه ةكبربو ةيفخ سيدقلا دسج عاجرإ مدع ليع لياولا ممص دقو ، اروصنم مايفو ، ةيردنكسلإا لىإ هذخأ دارأو ليصلأا هناكم لىإ هناكم ضايب ةيرحب ليع مهقيرط في اورم نورئاس مه مغر هناكم حبري لمو هل لماحلا لمجلا كبرف ، ليصلأا نم كرحتي ملف ناث لمج ليع هولقنف ، يرثكلا بضرلا اتوبات عنص مث ، برلا رمأ اذه نإ ققحتف ، اضيا هناكم ةضفلا توباتلا هيف عضوو سوسي لا يذلا بشخلا نم المو ، هتنيدم لىإ رفاسو هنم كرابتو ، هناكم في هعضوو منغ يعار ةيبرلا في ناك سدقلما هدسج راهظإ برلا دارأ تناك ءام ةكرب في برجا فورخ ام اموي هنم سطغ دق في غرتمو جرخ مث ، سيدقلا دسج هب يذلا ناكلما بناجب هذه يعارلا نياع مالف ، لاحلا في ئبرف ناكلما كلذ بارت بكسيو ناكلما كلذ بارت نم ذخأي راصو تهب ةبوجعلأا ابريف ةهاع هب وأ ، برجا فورخ لك هب خطليو ءالما ليع هب عمس ىتح ميلاقلأا لك في رملأا اذه عاشو ، لاحلا في ضربم ةباصم ةديحو ةنبا هل تناكو ، ةينيطنطسقلا كلم يعارلا نم تملعتساو ، كانه لىإ اهوبأ اهلسرأف ، ماذجلا تخطلو ءالماب هتللبو باترلا نم تذخأف ، لعفت ماع اهمون في تأرف ، ناكلما كلذ في ةليللا كلت تمانو اهمسج اذه في يرفحاو اركاب يموق« ههل لوقي وهو انيم سيدقلا اهسفن تدجو تظقيتسا المو ، »يدسج يدجتف ناكلما سدقلما دسجلا تدجو ناكلما في ترفح المو ، تيفش دق هللا ركشو ايرثك حرفف رملأاب هتملعأو اهدلاو لىإ تلسرأف عضولما كلذ في ينبو لاجرلاو لالما لسرأو ، همسا دجمو ، ةنوؤب رهش نم شرع سماخلا مويلا في تسرك ، ةسينك ةنيدم كانه ينبت نإ ارمأ سويروناو سويداكرأ كلم الم و نوعفشتي ةسينكلا كلت لىإ رطاقتت يرهماجلا تناكو تايلآاب هللا هفشر دقو ، انيم يوابوطلا سيدقلاب عمو ، رهاطلا هدسج نم رهظت تناك يتلا بئاجعلاو تمدهتو ةنيدلما ليع ضعبلا يدتعا صرم برعلا لوخد ، اهراثآ لاإ قبت لمو ةسينكلا سليرك ابنلاا ابابلا حينتلما كريرطبلا ةطبغ يقترا امدنع و يربك ريد ةماقإب متها ، ةيسقرلما ةزاركلا سيرك سداسلا غلابم هيلع قفنا ، انيم رام سيدقلا مساب ةقطنلما كلت في ةيسقرلما ةزاركلا بعش ماهروزي ناتسينك ريدلابو ، ةلئاط اروس ماقأو نادف ةئام اضيا يترشا ماك ، ةلاصلاو كبرتلل اولان نيذلا نابهرلا ءابلأا نم اددع مسر دقو ، اهتطاحلا . ةينيدلاو ةيملعلا ةفاقثلا نم ارفاو اطسق ، سداسلا سليرك ابنلاا ابابلا ، انيم رام سيدقلا ةعافش . ينما ايدبا ائماد دجلما انبرلو انعم نوكت ةينيطنطسقلا كريرطب مفلا ىبهذ انحوي ابابلا ةحاين م ٤7 روتاه ١7 – برمفون ٢6 يبهذ انحوي ليلجلا سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم في نم 3٤7 ةنس وحن ةيكاطنإ ةنيدبم دلو دقو ، مفلا ، اسوثنا اهمسا ةيقت مأو ، سدنوكاس همسا ينغ بأ ضيمو ، ةيحيسلما بادلآاب هابدأو ، ةحلاص ةيبرت هايبرف ىدحإ في ةينانويلا ةمكحلا ملعتف ، انيثأ ةنيدم ليإ في دهز مث ، ةليضفلاو ملعلا في نييرثك قافو ، اهسرادم هل ناكو ، ةريدلأا دحأب هرغص نم بهرتو لماعلا ليطابأ ، ريدلا اذه في هلبق بهرت دق سويليساب يعدي قيدص هدلاو فيوت المو ، ةيرثك لئاضف اسرامو ، ماهلويم تسناجتف ليع هثرو ام لك عزو لب ، هكرت مام ءشيب ظفتحي لم ، ينميظع داهجو كسن في كلس مث ، ينكاسلماو ءارقفلا سونيسوسنا همسا نيايسر سيبح دباع لجر ريدلاب ناكو

ests and they practiced many virtues.

When his father departed, St. John did not keep any of his father’s possessions, but gave all of his inheritance to the poor and the needy. He then lived an ascetic life full of strife.

In the monastery, there was a Syrian hermit whose name was Ansosynos. One night he saw the apostles, Peter and John, entering where the Golden Mouth was. St. John, the Apostle, gave him a Bible and told him, “Do not be afraid, whosoever you shall bind, shall be bound, and whosoever you shall loose, shall be loosed.” The old hermit therefore realized that St. John Chrysostom would be a faithful shepherd. The grace of the Lord filled St. John Chrysostom and he wrote hom ilies and sermons and he interpreted many books while he was still a deacon. It was St. Melatius, Patriarch of Antioch, who had raised him to this rank. Then he was ordained a priest by St. Phlapianus, St. Melatius’ successor, by the guidance of the angel of the Lord.

When Nectarius, Patriarch of Constantinople departed, Emperor Arcadius summoned St. John and made him Patriarch. He conducted himself during his patriarchate in an apostolic manner. He continued teaching, preaching and interpreting the books of the church, both old and new. He boldly admonished the sinners and the wealthy, regardless of their authority or wealth.

Queen Eudoxia, the wife of Emperor Arcadius, had a lust for money. She took a garden which belonged to a poor widow by force. The latter complained to the Saint, who went to the Queen and admonished her and asked her to return the garden to its owner. When Eudoxia did not obey him, he prevented her from entering the church and partaking of the Holy Communion. She became exceedingly angry and gathered a council of bishops whom St. John had previously excommunicated for their evil deeds and their mismanagement. They sentenced the saint to be exiled. He was exiled to the Island of Thrace, but this exile did not last more than one night. The people were enraged, and they gathered around the royal palace demanding the return of the Patriarch. While the people were sorrowful because of their righteous shepherd, a severe earthquake took place and almost destroyed the city, terrifying everyone. The people thought that this was a sign of the Lord’s anger, caused by the exile of the Saint. As for Eudoxia, she was disturbed, her soul was troubled and she went in haste The Commemoration of the Honored Archangel Michael.

21st November - 12th Hator

On this day the church celebrates the feast of the honored Archangel, Michael, the head of the hosts of heaven, who stands at all times before the great throne of God, interceding on behalf of the human race. Joshua, the son of Nun, saw him in great glory and was frightened by him and fell on his face to the earth and said to him, «Are you for us, or for our adversaries?» So he said, «No; but as Commander of the army of the Lord... I have given Jericho into your hand, ... and its king.» (Joshua 5:1315, 6:2)

The Archangel Michael was with all the saints and martyrs. He strengthened them and enabled them to endure patiently until they finished their strife. Festivals of commemoration are held and alms offered in his name on the twelfth day of each Coptic month.

An example of one of his wonders: A God-fearing man whose name was Dorotheus and his wife Theopista, held a festival of commemoration for the honored angel Michael on the twelfth day of each month. It happened that this righteous family fell on hard times and had nothing to

انحويو سرطب ينلوسرلا ليايللا ىدحإ في صربا ، لايجنإ انحوي هل عفدف ، مفلا يبهذ ليع لاخد دق ، اطوبرم نوكي هتطبر نم ، فخت لا« هل لاقو سيبحلا خيشلا ملعف ، »لاولحم نوكي هتللح نمو . انيمأ ايعار يرصيس هنا ظعاومو رمايم عضوف ، هللا ةمعن هيلع تلح دقو هاقر دق ناكو ، سماش دعب وهو ةيرثك ابتك سرفو كريرطب سويتلايم سيدقلا ةجردلا هذه لىإ هفلخ سونايباف سيدقلا اسق همسر مث ، ةيكاطنإ كريرطب سويراتكن حينت المو ، برلا كلام داشرإب همدقو سويداكرأ كللما هضرحتسا ةينيطنطسقلا ناكو ، ايلوسر ايرس ةيكريرطبلا في راسف ، اكريرطب بتك يرسفتو ، ظعولاو ميلعتلا ليع اموادم ، ةاطخلا تيكبتو ، ةثيدحلاو ةيمدقلا ةسينكلا ، اهاج وأ اساب شىخي لا وهو هاج يذ لكو ةبحم سويداكرأ ةجوز ةكللما ايسكذوا تناك و تكشف ةنيكسم ةلمرلأ اناتسب تبصتغاف ، لمالل اهظعوو ةكللما لىإ هجوت يذلا سيدقلل اهرمأ ذإو ، هتبحاص لىإ ناتسبلا عاجرإ هنم بلطو ايرثك لوانت نمو ةسينكلا لوخد نم اهعنم هعطت لم اعمجم هيلع تعمجو ظيغلا اهكلمتف ، نابرقلا مهروشرل مهعطق دق ناك يذلا ةفقاسلأا نم يفنف ، سيدقلا يفنب اومكحف ، مهيربدت ءوسو ثركا رمتسي لم يفنلا اذه نكلو ، كيارث ةريزج لىإ رهمجتو ادج بعشلا جاه ذإ ةدحاو ةليل نم مانيبو ، كريرطبلا ةدوع ابلاط كيللما صرقلا لوح ةلزلز تثدح رابلا مهيعار ليع مهتبآك في سانلا بولقلا اهنم تعله ، ةنيدلما رمدت تداك ةميظع ةنيدلما ليع هللا بضغ ةملاع اهنا موقلا
تجعزنا دقف ايسكذوا امأ ، سيدقلا يفن ببسب تبلطو اهجوز لىإ تلورهف اهحور تبرطضاو تقشرأ امو ، هافنم نم سيدقلا ديعي نإ هنم احرف مهنزح لدبت ىتح هتيعر ليع يعارلا سمش . روسرلاو ةجهبلا ميناترب مهليوعو ةحاس ةنيدلماب ناك ذإ ، لايوط لاحلا اذه مدي لمو لاثتم اهيف ميقأ ، ايفوص ايجأ ةسينك راوجب ةحيسف هبيصنت موي ثدحو ، ايسكذوا ةكلملل ةضفلا نم صقرلاو ةينونجلا باعللأاب ةماعلا ضعب ماق نإ ، مثلإاو روجفلا لىإ وهللا رايت مهعفدو ، عيلخلا تنهتما يتلا ةليضفلا ليع انحوي سيدقلا راغف ةعاجشب لماعلأا هذه حبقي هتاظع في يبرناو يدل هب اوشوو هذه هتيرغ هؤادعأ زهتناف ، ةردان تصقرو ايدويره تماق دق « اهنع لاق هنأب ةكللما تناكف « قبط ليع نادمعلما انحوي سار تبلطو مكحلل ةكللما يدل ايوق اببس ةئيندلا ةياشولا هذه ينلكولما دنجلا ليع ديدشتلاو ، يفنلاب هيلع اوناكف ، هرفس في هل ةحارلا يرفوت مدعب هتسارحب مهب يهتنا ىتح رخأ لىإ ناكم نم هب نوعسري تءاس كانهو ) اناموك ( اهل لاقي ةدلب لىإ رفسلا ، ةيدلايم ٤7 ةنس ملاسب حينتو هتحص هنبأ هفلخ ، هيفنب رمأ يذلا سويداكرأ كللما دعبو يرغصلا سويسدؤاث كللما رمأف يرغصلا سويسدؤاث ثيح ةينيطنطسقلا لىإ سيدقلا اذه دسج لقنب لسرلا ةسينك في عضو .ينما ايدبا ائماد دجلما انبرلو انعم نوكت هتلاص.

Meditations on the Holy Bible readings

Second Sunday of the blessed month of Hator (Matthew 13:1-9)

“yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty” (Matthew 13:8)

Last week … we saw how the good earth became a walk way … lost its moisture and fertility as a consequence of being trampled upon by the foreigners, who trampled upon it without control, safe guard or limitations … then how the rocks and stones got buried beneath the good soils … and day after day, the rocks got increased due to neglecting (the good soil( and lack continual of purification and removal (of buried rocks), and thus when it came to the practical trails, this land failed to produce fruits … as soon as a plant would sprout, it’s roots will collide with the rocks and the sprouting seedling will burn under the strong sun … and the last part (of last week) was leaving the (good soil) without any care … without water … or fertilizers … a good soil fit for planting and producing … but left neglected … and thus day after day thorns sprouted out in it … concern, problems and trails … without cleansing or removing … chocking the good seedlings among it …

The other two types still possible for seedlings to sprout in them … it is still a good soil suitable for planting … but it is in need of plucking out the thorns and burning it and remove the rock from the soil, then turn the ground over and prepare it for planting … and the first type needed much work , from cultivating the soil and turning it over then fertilizing and watering it … then such soil will transform into good soil and produce fruits … which will increase it’s yield gradually with the increased care (of the soil) to produce thirty and sixty and hundredfold (of fruits) …

When we purify the soil from the rocks and burn the thorns … then it will produce thirty folds … and when it turned over under the sun it produces sixty folds … but when the soil is fertilized, watered and protected it will produce hun dred folds …

+ Yielding … some thirty +++

The first stage in preparing the soil … is to remove the rocks … and burn the thorns … it is a very important stage … and not as simple as it sounds … for we have to recognize the rocks and thorns … the rocks are still hidden beneath the surface … and the thorns are sprouting out in the far corners which has been left neglected …

Therefore, first one must recognize the rocks and thorns within one’s self … how??? Examine yourself … this is of great importance for your spiritual life … the problem with many is they run away from knowing themselves … exactly like a sick person who refuses to recognize that he or she is sick and goes on with the whirlpool of life leaving the disease within to grow and progress till it becomes his or her absolute end …

Start by examining yourself … how???

Like the prodigal son … compare your life now and your life when you lived with God … compare your actions now and how God’s children should act, see how you are being

سادقلا ليجنأ فى تلامأت ١:١3 تم ( كرابلما روتاه رهش نم نىاثلا دحلأا ) 9 –رخآو ينتس رخآو ةئم ضعب ... ارثم ىطعأف»« ) 8:١3تم( »« ينثلاث تلوحت فيك انيأر .. ضىالما عوبسلأا فى اهتبوطر تدقف ... قيصر لىإ ةديجلا ضرلأا ءابرغلا مادقأ سود ببسب اهتبوصخ تدقفو وأ ةباقر نودب اهيف نوسودي وراص نيذلا راجحلأا تفتخأ فيك مث ... طبض وأ ةسارح راجحلأا مكاترتو ... ةديجلا ةبترلا حطس تحت ةيقنتلا مدعو لماهلأا ةجيتن موي ءارو اموي لىمعلا رابتخلأا تىأي امدنع اذكهو ، ةرمتسلما ةعسرب ... رماثلا ءاطعأ فى ضرلأا كلت لشفت مدطصت ام ناعسر نكلو تابنلا اهيف ومني سمشلا يرثأت تحت تابنلا قترحيو روخصلاب ةيانع لاب كرت دقف يرخلأا ءزجلا امأ ... ةقراحلا ةحلاص ةديج ضرأ ... دماس لاب ... ءام لاب ... اذكهو ... مماتهأ لاب ةكوترم اهنكلو ... ةعارزلل لكاشمو مومه ... كاوشلأا ومنت امويف اموي قنتختو ... علق لاب ةيقنت لاب ... لغاشمو ... اهطسو فى ديجلا تابنلا تبني نأ نكيم لازام نيرخلآا ينعونلاو ةحلاص ةبرت كانه لازام ... تابنلا ماهيف كاوشلأا علق لىإ نوجاتخي نكلو ... ةعارزلل ضرلأا بيلقتو راجحلأا ةيقنتو اهقرحو لىإ جاتحيف لولأا عونلا امأ ... ةعارزلل اهدادعأو اهتيقنتو اهبيلقتو ، ضرلأا ثرح نم يرثك لمع ضىارلأا هذه أدبت ذئدنعو ... اهيرو اهديمستو دادزي ... رمثب تىأت ةديج ضارأ لىإ لوحتلا فى ينثلاث مماتهلأاو ةيانعلا دايدزأ عم ايجيردت ... ةئمف ينتسف ... كاوشلأا قرحتو راجحلأا ىقنت امدنعف ضرلأا بلقت امدنعو ... ينثلاث رمثب تىأت دق امدنعو ... ينتسب تىأت دق سمشلل اهضرعتو ... ةئبم تىأت اهلوح جيستو اهيورتو اهدمست +++ نــــــــــــــيثلاث رخآ + ىه ... ضرلأا دادعأ فى لىولأا ةلحرلما اهنأ ... كاوشلأا قرحو ... راجحلأا ةيقنت هذهب روملأا تسيل نكلو ... ادج ةمهم ةلحرم كاوشلأاو راجحلأا فاشتكأ نم دبلاف ... ةطاسبلا كاوشلأاو ... حطسلا تحت تلازام راجحلأاف ... ... ةلمهلما ةديعبلا ناكرلأا فى تلازام كاوشلأاو راجحلأا فشتكأ لاوأ أدبأ نذأ كسفن عم سلجأ ؟؟؟ فيك ... كلخاد فى ىتلا ةلكشم ... ةيحورلا كتايحل ادج مهم اذه ... اماتم ... مهسفنأ نم نوبرهي مهنأ ادج نييرثكلا ضىيمو هضرم ركذتي نأ ديري لا ضيرم لثم دادزي هلخاد فى ضرلما اكرات ةايحلا ةماود فى ... اماتم هيلع ضىقي ىتح دادزيو ؟؟؟؟ فيك ... كتاذ صحفب أدبأ كتايحب مويلا كتايح نراق ... لاضلا نبلأا لثم

destroyed by hunger … despite your father’s house has plenty of goodness and it is even overflowing … Like Augustine … discover … how you have become enslaved and lost your freedom and will because of your sins … feel how you have wounded God’s loving heart … and how you insult Him??? You have crucified Him with your sins??? … then see how you evil-doer have run away from Him, even though He is very close to you …

Examine yourself … start by allocating self-blame and rebuke … be very careful not to find excuses for yourself in your sins … how easy for one to justify his or her own (sins) …

Like Adam who blamed his woman (Eve) … And Eve who blamed the serpent (Genesis 3:12) … Even, a great saint like Abraham found an excuse for himself to say that Sarah was his sister (Genesis 20:2)


What is worse; the attitude of the servant with a single talent (Matthew 25:14-30) … who went and hid it (in the ground) and found a shameful excuse … instead of allocating blame to himself and his laziness and short comings, he blamed his master who owns the talents and accused him of being a hard person ( Matthew 25: 24-25) …

And Jonah too, found an excuse for himself in running away from God … do you know what was the excuse? God is a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger (Jonah 4:2) …

Many who have destroyed themselves because of this attitude … but, you when you examine your (inner) self, don’t blame others … don’t say they annoyed me … or they insulted me … my nerves cannot take it anymore … they deceived me … or what happened was just a normal reaction… etc …

Many sayings, with it we justify our sins … it is better to return and say I have sinned … and cry tears for your sins …. Learn to regret and cry (for your sins) … learn to pray in repentance, contrition and remorse …

For a great saint like (king) David fell into sin … but he offered a great example in a life of repentance … he flooded his bed with tears every night )Psalm 6:6( … and after purification … comes the plucking of the thorns and burning it … and this is done in practicing the sacra ments of confession and communion (of the Eucharist)

You might reveal where the rocks are … and gather it … and pluck the thorns but you might leave it where it is … to re-grow … therefore, the thorns must be burned and the rock removed … Beloved, collect them all before God and the presence of our fathers the priests in confession … collect all of it before the purifying fires of God’s examinations … don’t leave anything hidden beneath the ground … and declare your absolute refusal of returning to a life of neglect and evil …

مويلا كتافصرت نراق ... هللا عم شيعت تنك امدنع كلهت تنأ فيك رظنأ ، هللا دلاوأ هلعفي نأ بجي ابم ... يرخلا هنم ضيفي كيبأ تيب نأ مغر ... اعوج لايلذ تصر فيك ... فشتكأ ... سونيطسغأ لثم ... ةيطخلا ببسب كتدارأو كتيرح تدقف ادبعتسم هتنهأ فيك ... بحلما هللا بلق تحرج فيك رعشأ ىقشلا اهيأ رظنأو ... ؟؟؟ كاياطخب هتبلص فيك ؟؟؟ ... ادج كنم بيرق هنأ مغر هنع اديعب تصر فيك كسفنل عيرقتلاو موللا ةيلمع أدبأ ... كسفن بساح فى ارذع كسفنل دجت نأ نم ادج سترحأو ... ... هسفن ناسنلإا ربري نأ لهسأ ام ... كاياطخ ... هتأرمأ لىع موللا ىقلا ىذلا مدآ لثم ... ةيحلا لىع موللا ىقلت ءاوحو هسفنل ريبرت دجي ميهاربا لثم ميظع سيدق ىتح ... هتخأ اهنأ ةراس نع لوقيف ةدحاولا ةنزولا بحاص ... بولسلأا اذه أوسأ ام دجو باسحلا موي فىو ، اهافخأو ضىم ىذلا ... لىع هسفن مولي نأ نم لادبف ... المؤم ارذع هسفنل هناهأو تانزولا بحاص هديس ملا هلسكو هيرصقت ... ) ٢٥، ٢٤:٢٥ تم ( سىاق ناسنإ هنأ همهتأو نم هبوره فى ريبرت هسفنل دج, اضيأ نانويو موحر هللا نأ ؟ رذعلا اذه وهام ملعتأ ... هللا ... ) ٤ نانوي ( بضغلا ئطب امأ ... بولسلأا اذه ببسب مهسفنأ اوعاضأ نويرثك لقت لا ... كيرغ مولت لا كسفن بساحت امدنعف تنأ ... تبعت بىاصعأ ... نىوناهأ مهنأ ... نىوزفرن مهنأ ... خلأ ... ماكحأ ةروضرلل ... لىع اوكحض لضفأ ... انءاطخأ اهب ربرن ةيرثك تمالك لىع كىبأ ... تأطخأ لوقت نأ دوعت هلك اذه نم فى لىصت نأ ملعت ... كىبتو مدنت نأ ملعت ... كاياطخ ... مدنلاو قاحسنلأاو ةبوتلا حور ضرعت دواد لثم اسيدق مايظع اناسنإ نأ ةبوتلا ةايح فى ةلثملأا عورأ مدق هنكلو ... ةيطخلل ... ةليل لك فى عومدلاب هريسر موعي ناك هنأ ... اذهو ... اهقرحو كاوشلأا علخ تىأي ... ةيقنتلا دعبو ... لوانتلاو فاترعلأا لمع وه دق ... اهعمجت دق ... راجحلأا نيأ فشتكت دق ومنت ... اهناكم فى اهكترت ابمر نكلو كاوشلأا علقت نم صلختلاو كاوشلأا قرح نم دب لا ... ديدج نم ... راجحلأا ةضرح فى هللا مامأ بيبحلا اهيأ اهلك اهعمجأ اعيمج اهفشكأ ... فاترعلأا ةسلج فى نهاكلا بلأا ايفخم ائيش كترت لا ... ةرهطلما ةصحافلا هللا ران مامأ لىإ ةدوعلل لماكلا كضفر نلعأ ... ضرلأا نطاب فى ... شرلاو لماهلأا ةايح بعاتلما هذه لمحيو بحلما برلا مدقتي انهو كسفنل ةقناخلا كاوشلأا قرحيو ... كنع +++ ينتــــــــــــس رـــــــــــخآو + تقنت دق ضرلأا ... لىولأا ةلحرلما تتم نكلو ... كاوشلأا تفتخأ ... راجحلأا تفتخأ ... ةليوط يننس تأبتخأ لخادلا فى ناديد كانه تلازام ... كاوشلأاو راجحلأا ينب

And here comes the Loving Lord and carries all this trail away from you …. And burns the thorns which is choking your inner self + and other sixty +++ The first stage has been completed … the ground is purified … the rocks have disappeared … and the thorns (have been plucked out) … but still there some insects still hidden within, which has been hidden for long years between the rocks and the thorns … It the insects of Inaction. Postponement … complacency lack of scrutiny These are the diseases which contracted from a contin ual life of sins … and even after getting rid of the sins and repenting … such diseases will continue within (one’s self) … and quickly it can return one again to a sinful life once more therefore, it is essential to treat these diseases Inaction (or laziness) … this is the disease of the maiden of the song of songs … who sleeps on her couch and does not open to her beloved … inaction leads to indif ference … laziness in prayers and fasting … compla cency in reading the word of God … how dangerous is laziness, be aware of inaction … since it does not attack the weak (only) … but it attacks the saints too Davis himself the man of prayers … the psalmist … beloved of God, the reason for him falling in sin despite his spiritual stature was laziness … he went to roof of his palace at sun set to stroll (2 Samuel 11:2) … the worst sins which control a person is the sins of bad habits like smoking, drinking alcohols and gambling … and the sins of lusts of the youth and the first presence in one’s life is due to laziness. Idleness … be very aware of this … occupy your time and life with the benefits of the word of God … and good habits and actions …

Postponement … how many precious possibilities are lost because of these postponements … and maybe this possibility is lost and you will not find another … Felix the governor and Agrippa the king … wasted a very valuable opportunity of their meeting with Paul … but Felix procrastinated and postponed … saying Go away for now; when I have a convenient time, I will call for you (Acts 24:26) and alas this convenient time never occurred later …

And Agrippa said to (Paul) You almost persuade me to become a Christian … then, the poor man never followed this almost and lost himself to destruction … while others benefited from this almost … like the Ethiopian eunuch … who with this little almost was saved (Acts 8:34-39) … and the Philippian jailer who believed and was saved and all his household (Acts 16:25-34) … And you beloved … are you still procrastinating and postponing??? Are you still saying tomorrow??? Who knows, if tomorrow will ever come … Lack of scrutiny … letting go … not caring … is a serious disease which is endemic among us, how easy it

... ليجأتلا ... ىخاترلا ... لسكلا ناديد اهنأ ... قيقدتلا مدع ... نواهتلا ... ةيطخلا ةايح فى رارمتسلأا نم تىأت ضارمأ اهنأ ... اهنع ةبوتلاو ةيطخلا نم صلختلا دعب ىتحو ديعت ةعسربو ... لخادلا فى ضارملأا هذه رمتست اروف دبلا كلذلو ... ىرخأ ةرم ةيطخلا لىإ ناسنلإا ... ضارملأا هذه جلاع نم ىتلا ... ديشنلا ءارذع ضرم اذه ناك ...ُ لسكلا ىدؤي لسكلا ... اهبيبحل حتفت لاو اهشارف لىع مانت ... موصلا فى ىخاترلا ةلاصلا فى لسكلا ... روتفلا لىإ لسكلا اذه رطخأ ام ... هللا ةملك ةءارق فى نواهتلا لب ... ءافعضلا مجاهي لا هنأ ... لسكلا نم سترحأ ... اضيأ ينسيدقلا مجاهي ... منرلما ... لىصلما ناسنلأا هسفن دواد نأ فى هطوقس ببس ناك ، هللا نم ادج بوبحلما دعص ... لسكلا وه ةيحورلا هتماق مغر ةيطخلا اياطخلا دشأ نأ ... بورغلا تقو حطسلا لىع شىمتيل ةريشرلا تاداعلا اياطخ ىهو ناسنلإا لىع اطلست تاوهشلا اياطخو ... رماقلاو رومخلاو ينخدتلا لثم وه ناسنلإا ةايح فى اهلوخد فى سر لوأ ةيبابشلا ... لسكلا كتقو لغشأ ... اذه نم ادج سترحأ ... غارفلا تاداعلاو لماعلأاب ... ةعفانلا هللا ةملكب كتايحو ... ةديفلما ببسب عيضت ةنيثم ةصرف نم مك ... ... ليجأتلا ةصرف دجت لاو ةصرفلا عيضت ابمرو ... ليجأتلا اذه ... ىرخأ ةنيثم اصرف اعاضأ ... كللما سابيرغأو لىاولا سكليف ناك سكليف نكلو ... سلوب عم مهتلاباقم فى ادج تقو لىع تلصح ىتمو بهذأ : لائاق ... لجؤي هنأ ودبي لم ديدشلا فسلألو ، ) ٢6: ٢٤ عأ ( كيعدتسأ ... تقو لىع لصح ايحيسم يرصأ نأ ىنعنقت ليلقب : هل لوقي سابيرغأو هسفن كلهأو ينكسلما اذه نم ليلقلا اذه عاضو ... ةكلم صىخ لثم ... نيرخآ ليلقلا اذه دافأ مكو ... ىبليف ناجسو ... صلخ ليلقلا اذهب ىذلا ... ةشبحلا ... هتيب لهأو وه نمآ ىذلا له ؟؟؟ لجؤت تلزام له ... بيبحلا اهيأ تنأو مأ اذه ةركب تىأي له ىردي نم ؟؟؟ ةركب لوقت تلزام ... ادبأ تىأي لا مماتهلأا مدع ... تيوفتلا ... قيقدتلا مدع لوقت نأ لهسأ ام ، اننيب ىشرتسي يرطخ ضرم ... ... توف ... هضعب ىز ... ىروضر شوم ... مهم شوم ... كسفن صلاخ رومأ فى اصوصخو نأ »« ... هللا ةانأ لوطب بيبحلا اهيأ ينهتست لا لماع يرغ هتانأ لوطو هلاهمأو هفطلو هللا ىنغب ينهتست ... ) ٤ :3 ور ( »« ةبوتلا لىإ كداتقي انمأ هللا فطل نأ +++ ةـــــــئم ارــــــــثم ىــــــــطعأ + لتقت سمشلل تكرتو تبلقت ... ةيقن ضرأ دماسب تدمس مث ... اهب ىتلا ضارملأاو ناديدلا ةلماك رماثب تىأت نأ دب لا ... هايلماب توترأو ديج اي ... بيبحلا اهيأ كل ىقب اذام ... ةحيحص ةئم

is to say, not important … not essential … what-ever … let go …. And more crucial in matters which concern your salvation … Beloved, do not underestimate God’s long suffering “Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance” (Romans 2:4) …

+ Yielded a crop some hundredfold +++ Good soil … which has been turned over and left in the sun to kill the insects and diseases which are within … then has been fertilized with good fertilizer and watered well … it must bring forth crop, whole some and hundredfold … what were you waiting for beloved … you who have removed the rocks … and plucked the thorns, and dusted your self from the dust of inaction, procrastination and became a new person, scrutinizing your way of living … emerge then … and feed on the Word of God and fill your heart and thoughts … pre-occupy your life with )the Word of God( … to fulfilment from the abundance of God’s grace which is freely offered to all mankind … make it go to your heart without any hindrance … to be part of every cell of your body and soul … and thus the roots will be grow deep in a good soil … and it will bring forth many fruits … and how sweet are these good fruits … it is the fruits of virtues … talents … of blessed children … a family God’s name is sanctified in it … good news and a gospel for others … good deeds which God’s heart will rejoice in it and gladdens the hearts of those around you … a continual growth (in God’s name). “yielding thirty … sixty … and hundredfold”

The Advent Fasting: Friday 25th November the Advent Fasting started. It continues for 43 days and ends by the Feast of Holy Nativity at 7th Jan uary. It is allowed to eat fish during this fasting except on Wednesdays and Fridays and usually we abstain from food until 3pm. For those who got health reasons they can consult their father of confession. The Advent Fasting is a preparation for the Feast of Incarnation of our Lord. We fast 40 days taking an example of the Lord’s Fasting and from Moses Fasting for 40 days before receiving the Law and Commandments. We fast also extra three days in commemoration of the days fasted by people during the time of St Abraam the 62th Pope of Alexandria for the mira cle of moving the mountain. The blessed month of Keiahk falls during the Advent days in which we sing and read all about the Incarnation of the Lord. Let us all pursue fasting in humility and repentance and offer our hearts to be holy sanctuary for our Lord the Child of the Manager the Incarnated Lord.

تعلخو ... راجحلأا نم بقنت نم رابغ كنع تضفنو كاوشلأا اناسنأ تصرو ليجأتلاو لسكلا ... نذأ قلطنأ ... كتايح فى اققدم كبلق اهب لأمأ هللا ةملك لىع ىذغت عبشأ ... كتايح اهب لغشأ ... كركفو اناجم ةمدقلما هللا ةمعن ضيف نم فى لخدت اهلعجأ ... شربلا لكل فى ذفنت ... عنام لاب كبلق ىراجم اذكهو ... كحورو كمسج ايلاخ لك فى ىذغتتو قمعتتو روذجلا ومنت ةيرثك رماثب تىأتو ... ةحلاص ةبرت ةديجلا رماثلا هذه لىحأ امو ... ... بهاوم ... لئاضف ىه رماثلا ... اهيف سدقتي ةسرأ ... ينكرابم دلاوأ نيرخلآل ةراشبو ةزارك ... هللا مسأ بلق اهب حرفي ةحلاص لماعأ ... ونم ... كلوح نم بولق دعستو هللا رمتسم مث ... نــــــيتسف .... نــــيثلاث »« »« ةــــــــــئم +++++ +
:ديجملا دلايملا موص + دلايملا موص أدبي ربمفون ٢٥ ةعمحلا موي ديع موي يهتنيو اموي ٤٣ هتدمو ديجملا موصلا اذهو .. مداقلا رياني 7 ديجملا دلايملا كامسلأا لكأب اهيف حمسي يتلا ماوصلأا نم اهيف ماصيو ةعمجلاو ءاعبرلأا مايأ ادعام ىفو رهظلا دعب ةثلاثلا ةعاسلا ىتح ايعاطقنا .فارتعلاا بأ راشتسي ضرملا تلااح يهللإا دسجتلا ديعل دادعتسأ وه دلايملا موصو نيعبرأ ماصيو دسجتملا ةملكلا برلا لابقتسلا لاثمكو ينيعبرلأا برلا موص لاثمك اموي اياصولا هملست لبق اموي نيعبرأ ىسوم موص ةيفاضأ مايأ ةثلاث اضيأ ماصيو سومانلاو نبا مآربأ ابابلا مايأ يف ةسينكلا موص لاثمك ةزجعم مامتأ لجأ نم 6٢ كريرطبلا ةعرز .يمطافلا زعملا ةفيلخلا مايأ مطقملا لبجلا لقن يذلا كهيك رهش اضيأ موصلا اذه للختيو ةصاخلا تاءارقلا ىلع ةسينكلا هيف زكرت ةسينكلا هيف حبستو عوسي برلا دسجت ةصقب هللأا ةدلاوبو دسجتلاب ةصاخلا حيباستلا انيطعي بحملا برلا .. ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةراهطب هموصنف سدقملا موصلا اذه ةكرب اجوزمم ايحور اموص هيف مدقنو عوشخو ربو لاكيه نوكتل انبولق نيدعمو ةبوتلا عومدب دسجتملا برلا دوزملا لفطل اسدقم

The Departure of St. Zacharias, 64th Pope of Alexandria

On this day also of the year 1027 A.D., the great St. Abba Zacharias, 64th Pope of Alexandria, departed. He was a native of Alexandria and was an ordained priest there. He was chaste and gentle in disposition.

When St. Philotheus, 63rd Pope, departed, the bishops assembled to choose, with God’s guidance, the person who was fit to succeed him. While they were gathered in the church of St. Mark, discussing who was the most suitable man, they were informed that a rich man from Alexandria called Ibrahim Ben-Bishr, who was close to El-Khalifa (Governor) had given him a bribe and obtained a decree from him to be appointed Patriarch. El-Khalifa sent him, accompanied with some soldiers, to Alexandria. The bishops were saddened and they entreated God in one accord to keep away from His church the one who was coming to shepherd His church through bribery and the sultan’s influence. They asked God to choose the person who was fit for this honor. While they were on this subject, Abba Zacharias came down the stairs of the church carrying a vessel. His foot slipped and he fell and came tumbling down the stairs to the floor while still holding the unbroken vessel in his hand. The bishops and the priests marvelled at this and they asked the opinion of the people of Alexandria. Everyone agreed on Abba Zacharias’ righteousness and his knowledge. They all agreed, along with the bishops, to ordain him Patriarch.

When Ibrahim Ben-Bishr arrived, he found that they had already ordained Abba Zacharias as Patriarch. When the bishops read the King’s letter, they appeased Ibrahim and ordained him priest, then hegumen. They promised to ordain him bishop when one of the dioceses became available.

Abba Zacharias, had suffered many tribulations. As an example, a monk had made many accusations against him before El-Hakem (Be-Amr-Allah) who became ElKhalifa (Governor) in the year 989 A.D. El-Hakem seized the Pope and cast him to the lions, but they did not harm him.

The Governor was angered with the keeper of the lions and thought that he had taken a bribe from the Pope. The Governor kept the lions for a period of time without food, then he slaughtered a sheep and smeared the clothes of the Patriarch with its blood. He then cast him a second time to the lions, but again, they did not harm him, for the Lord had domesticated them. The Governor marvelled and ordered that he be lifted up.

The Governor then cast him into prison for three months during which he threatened him with death and casting in fire if he did not forsake his Christian faith. The Patriarch was not afraid. The Governor tried again bribing him by promising to appoint him a judge with jurisdiction over all other judges but he was not impressed with these earthly ranks and did not hearken to the order of the Governor. Finally, because of the mediation of one of the princes, he released him.

Abba Zacharias went to the desert of Scete, stayed there for nine years during which the people suffered great tribulations and experienced many troubles. Also, several churches were destroyed during that time.

Christ the Lord had compassion on His church and removed these tribulations from the people. He also turned the Governor away from his injustice. Subsequently, the Governor ordered the churches that were destroyed to be rebuilt. He also ordered that everything that was taken from them be returned and that the bells of the churches ring again.

Abba Zacharias lived 12 years, after his return from the desert, during which he took interest in building churches and restoring those that were destroyed. He remained in the papacy for 28 years and departed to the Lord in peace. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

(The Thirteenth Day of the Blessed Month of Hatour)

Can human come as a result of evolution?!

We have established earlier that the universe could not come into existence spontaneously, even if we accept the big bang theory, it is God who used this big bang method to create the universe. We have also concluded that neither the cell nor life could have come into existence spontaneously neither the cell could have been formed on its own by “chance” for this is not scientific nor could anyone form a life in a lab by chance. Life, cells, and the universe all need a God. Today we will discuss the third topic which will complete the story. What is it?

Could man’s existence be the result of the evolution of the primitive cell we talked about earlier? I mean the cell which resembled the amoeba which later became like a fish, which later became amphibians, which later became animals which later became something that resembles a chimpanzee or an intermediate creature between chimpanzee and man then developed into human! This is called “Darwin’s evolution theory” which you know about and studied it at school. But authentic science does not consider it a “theory” but rather calls it the “hypothesis of evolution”. What is the difference between hypothesis and theory? A theory is a substantiated explanation of an idea in the process of being proven whereas; evolution is hypothesis, a tentative assumption because it has no supporting scientific evidence. This does not mean that we discard the notion of evolution, thereby ending any discussions thereof, rather we believe that there could be an element of evolution which we call it “diversification”, and this means that there are diversities within given species, due to the natural selection done by the environment, where a given creature lives. This means that animals live in the tropical areas have specific features to enable them to thrive there.

Whereas, animals that did not have those features died in the tropical areas and only animals having those features could survive. Such features include thick hair or dark skin, other animals of the Polar Regions can live there, whereas, if animals with the tropical features of dark skin and thick hair went there, they would die. Survivors are those able to adapt to the environment. This form of natural selection may exaggeratedly be called “micro - evolution.

But can anything that is not human become human over the course of time?! Can something that is not a giraffe, something resembles a horse become a giraffe over time?! This is by no means scientific; nothing scientific says so. There is a very simple reason; consider the image of “a chimpanzee to human phases” In order for a chimpanzee to straighten up its back and become human this is not function or process of time. This chimpanzee’s DNA and chromosomes differ completely from that of man who stands before you. Thus we have different chromosomes; hence it is not an issue of a chimpanzee wanting to straighten its back!”

The creature that wanted to straighten its back belonged to a very old theory promulgated by Lamarck. He said that this animal which looks like a giraffe wanted to eat from the tree. So it kept stretching its neck until its neck became taller, enabling it to eat from the tree. So the first animal was a creature resembled the horse, and the second was something resembles the giraffe. This utter non sense for there is nothing such as someone trying to stretch his neck and so the following generation is born with long necks! For example, if I go to the gym and my muscles became strong, does it mean that my son will also grow to have a strong muscle?! No he will be slim like me because I have the slim genes. And if my wife had the same features, my son will take after our features. Hence, following

Episode 3

strong muscles so this giraffe that wants to have a long neck will not have long necked offspring. To have a longer neck it would take more vertebrae, muscles and nerves to grow – it is a big deal. Lamarck who came up with this theory preceded Gregor Mendel who explained to us the genes, chromosomes, and DNA, surprisingly, Darwin himself published his book “Origin of Species” only a year before Mendel published his book on genes, chromosomes and DNA. Sadly, only one year apart could have avoided this confusion if Mendel had published his work on given, chromosomes and DNA and inherited traits first; Darwin’s evolution would NOT have been published. Because evolution is heading in one way while DNA and chromosomes are heading in another – for this animal which has its own traits to become eventually like a human, its chromosomes need to change. Either chromosome need to be added to it or removed. It is not merely the body to change. Let us browse this scenario quickly. The known image that shows chimpanzee change to a man, we have hundreds of forms for the human. These forms in the middle which we call “the missed links” do not exist! There is no such bent down creature, which is half chimpanzee and half human. If we found this creature we would place it in the sequel/progression in the diagram. However, we only have the first and last creatures, but not the ones in the middle. There is no scientific evidence which states that this creature started to straighten up its neck, and the chimpanzee with 48 chromosomes is followed by 47 chromosomes and then 46 chromosomes human. There is no such thing. There is no such sequence. You may say “but they have discovered some fossilized bones which resembled human being, it was neither human nor chimpanzee. Let me tell you something about these so called “intermediate links”.

The Nutcracker Man

They say that they found an ape’s skull but with a human jaw. They said ‘that’s it”. This is the stage when the ape started to eat hard food as a human does, so its jaw became very developed; however, its skull is like that of a chimpanzee or an ape. And they called it “The Nutcracker Man” it was discovered by Louise Leakey. However, when that discovery was scrutinized by research, the truth came out as follows: the skull was that of a little ape and the jaw was of another bigger ape. The skull was even discovered in one earth layer and the jaw was discovered in another layer, a long distance separated both layers. Ironically, the person who found the skull and jaw claimed that they belong to the same creature, and that creature is something between man and ape. However, the truth is the skull belonged to one creature while the jaw belonged to another. Perhaps you have read about this Nutcracker Man as if it were true, but the references presented to you here prove that scientists themselves have collectively concluded that was not an intermediate creature (Foley, Robert A, and Roger Lewin- Priniciples of human evolution- UK: Blackwell, 2004:235 print). So that it was not a missing link between man and chimpanzee, nothing of the sort. Continued next week

Blessed Baptism Baby Psalm son of David & Dolagy Mostokly Sunday 13thj November 2022 St Mary’s Church

Departed to the Lord Late Mr Naguib Bassily last Monday 7th November 2022. He is father of Mr’s Magdy & Nagi Bassili. May the Lord repose his soul and grant peace and comfort for all family members In honor and Commemoration of the Departure of Late Mr Naguib Bassili 50 Years in Australia : Mr. Naguib Zaky Bassili (March 2019) https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=iCKrleKiAFI&t=28s https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=OLAwwl_NxLQ&t=400s

Funeral of Late Mr Naguib Bassili will be conducted on Wenesday 16th November 2022 11:30am at St Mina and St Marina Church - Hallam

The new Building is expected to be ready within 12 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downladed from church website. Cost of building works is around $12,000000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreaciated.

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April
ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .ارهش ١2 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلأا عقوتملا نم . .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا بسح .ارلاود نويلم ١2 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا ىكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني ىنورتكللأا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ىنابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Current Building site 25th October 2022

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