Weekly Bulletin 21st August 2022

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Services at St Mary’s Church Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 8am The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom) Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom) Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm VespersEnglish &Bible Study Arabic 5:30Scouts7pm 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & Eng2ndlish Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm Church Priests: Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: Churchfrmichael@sac.edu.auAddress:5EpsomRd., Kens ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399 Fr John Macary 0433 445 636 :ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )ىزيلجنأ(ىاو اذ - ىزيلجنلأاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 8 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا ىبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 ىزيلجنأ - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 ىبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلاىزيلجنأ - احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩ 7 ىزيلجنأ - ةمدخلا دادعا عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 ىهللأا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجاءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاوىزيلجناةيشعلا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا ىزيلجناو ىبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا ىزيلجنا – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 ىناثلا سادقلا ىبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 ىزيلجنأ - ناحلأ لصف:ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأاميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com:نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email:Epsomfrmichael@sac.edu.auRd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا ىراكم0411518399بلأانوجسقلابلأا0433445636

On this day, was the assumption of the body of our pure Lady St. Mary, the Mother of God. While she was keeping vigil, praying in the Holy Sepulchre, and waiting for the happy minute of her liberation from the bonds of the flesh, the Holy Spirit informed her of her forthcoming departure from this vain world. When the time drew near, the disciples and the virgins of the Mt. of Olives (Zeiton) came and the Lady was lying on her bed. Our Lord, surrounded by thousands and thousands of angels, came to Her. He consoled her, and announced her with the everlasting joy which was prepared for Her. She was happy, and she stretched out her hands, blessed the Disciples, and the Virgins. Then, she delivered up her pure soul in the hand of her Son and God, Jesus Christ, Who ascended her to the higher habitations. As of the pure body, they shrouded it and carried it to Gethsemane. On their way, some of the Jews blocked the way in the face of the disciples to prevent the burial. One of them seized the coffin. His hands were separated from his body, and remained hanging until he believed and repented for his mischievous deed. With the prayers of the holy disciples, his hands were reattached to his body as they had been before. St. Thomas was absent at the time of St. Mary’s departure, but he came after the burial. On his way back to Jerusalem, St. Thomas saw angels carrying St. Mary’s pure body and ascending with it to heaven, and one of the angels said to him, “Hurry and kiss the pure body of St. Mary.” When he arrived to the disciples, they informed him about St. Mary’s departure. He told them, “I will not believe, unless I see her body, as you all know how I did doubt the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ before.” They took him to the tomb, to uncover the body but they did not find it, and they were perplexed and amazed. St. Thomas told them how he saw the pure body ascending to heaven, carried by angels. The Holy Spirit then told them, “The Lord did not Will to leave Her Holy body on earth.” The Lord had promised his pure apostles that they would see her in flesh another time. They were waiting for the fulfillment of this truthful promise, until the sixteenth day of the month of Misra, when the promise of seeing her was fulfilled. They saw her sitting on the right hand of her Son and her Lord, surrounded by the angelic Host, as David prophesied and said, “At your right hand stands the queen.” (Psalm 45:9) St. Mary’s life on earth was sixty years. She spent twelve years of them in the temple, thirty years in the house of the righteous St. Joseph, and fourteen years in the care of St. John the Evangelist, as the Lord commanded her saying, “Woman behold your Son,” and to St. John, “Behold your Mother.” May Her intercession be with us. Amen. The Martyrdom of St. Eudaemon, of Armant (El-Armanti). 24th August - 18th Mesra

On this day also, St. Eudaemon (Wadamon), of the city of Armant (El-Armanti), was martyred. One day, he had visitors in his house, who were heathen, and they were saying to each other, «We have heard that a lady arrived to the city of

The Assumption of the Body of the Pure Virgin St. Mary. 22nd August - 16th Mesra

ءارذعلا ميرم ةسيدقلا دسج داعصإ ىسرم 16 - سطسغأ 22 انتديس دسج دوعص ناك مويلا اذه لثم في تناك مانيب اهنأف هللإا ةدلاو ميرم ةرهاطلا ةرظتنمو سدقلما برقلا في ةلاصلا ةمزلام نم قلطنت هيف يذلا ديعسلا تقولا كلذ اهلاقتناب سدقلا حورلا اهملعأ دسجلا تاطابر تقولا اند المو لئازلا لماعلا اذه نم اعيسر تناكو نوتيزلا لبج ىراذعو ذيملاتلا ضرح ديسلاب اذإو . اهريسر ليع ةعجطضم ةديسلا نم فولأ فولأ هلوحو اهيلإ ضرح دق حيسلما ةئمادلا اهتداعسب اهملعأو اهازعف . ةكئلالما تكرابو اهدي تدمو كلذب تسرف اهل ةدعلما ةرهاطلا اهحور تملسأ مث ىراذعلاو ذيملاتلا لىإ اهدعصأف حيسلما عوسي اههلأو اهنبا ديب هونفكف رهاطلا دسجلا امآ ةيولعلا نكاسلما هب نوبهاذ مه مايفو ةينماسجلا لىإ هولمحو هنفد عنلم ذيملاتلا هجو في دوهيلا ضعب جرخ نم هادي تلصفناف توباتلاب مهدحأ كسمأو ليع مدنو نمآ ىتح ينتقلعم اتيقبو همسج تداع ينسيدقلا ذيملاتلا تاولصبو هلعف ءوس اموت نكي لمو . اتناك ماك همسج لىإ هادي هروضح قفتاو ، اهتحاين تقو اضراح لوسرلا ةكئلالما عم رهاطلا اهدسج يأرف اهنفد دنع لبقو عسرأ « : مهدحأ هل لاقف هب نيدعاص عسرأف « ميرم ةسيدقلا ةرهاطلا دسج هوملعأ ذيملاتلا لىإ هروضح دنعو . هلبقو نياعأ ىتح قدصأ لا انأ « : لاقف اهتحاينب في تككش نيأ فيك نوفرعت متنأف اهدسج برقلا لىإ هعم اوضمف . « حيسلما ديسلا ةمايق لكلا شهدف هودجي ملف دسجلا نع اوفشكو دهاش هنأ فيك لوسرلا اموت مهفرعف اوبجعتو . هب نيدعاص ةكئلالما عم رهاطلا دسجلا أشي لم برلا نأ « : سدقلا حورلا مهل لاقو دق برلا ناكو « ضرلأا في اهدسج يقبي نأ دسجلا في مهل اهيري نأ راهطلأا هلسر دعو دعولا كلذ ماتمإ نيرظتنم اوناكف يرخأ ةرم رهش نم شرع سداسلا مويلا ىتح قداصلا يهو اهتيؤرب مهل دعولا مت ثيح ىسرم تماغط اهلوحو اههلإو اهنبا ينيم نع ةسلاج « : ةلئاقلا دواد ةوبن كلذب تتمو ةكئلالما ونس تناكو « كللما ينيم نع ةكللما تماق اهنم تزاج . ةنس ينتس ضرلأا ليع اهتايح في ةنس ينثلاثو لكيهلا في ةنس ةشرع يتنثا ةنس ةشرع عبرأو . رابلا فسوي سيدقلا تيب برلا ةيصوك ، لييجنلإا انحوي سيدقلا دنع هذه « : انحويلو « كنبا اذه « : هل لئاقلا ينمآ . انعم نوكت اهتعافش « كمأ يتنمرلاا نومادو سيدقلا داهشتسا ىسرم 1٨ - سطسغأ 2٤ نومادو سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في فويض هعمو هتيب في ناك . تنمرأ ةنيدم نم ضعبل مهضعل لاقف . ناثولأا يدباع نم

The Commemoration of the Departure of St. Mary Known as Marina, the Ascetic. 21st Augus - 15th Mesra On this day, the church celebrates the commemoration of the departure of the nun St. Marina, who was the daughter of a very rich Christian man. Her name was Mariam, and her mother died when she was a little girl. Her father raised her, and brought her up well. When he wanted to give her in marriage, and to go himself and become a monk in one of the monasteries, she told him, “O my Father, why would you save your own soul, and destroy mine?” He answered saying, “What shall I do with you? You are a woman.” She told him, “I will take off my woman’s dress and will put on the garb of a man.” She rose up straightway, shaved off the

دلاب لىإ تلصو ةأرما نأ انعمس دق اذوه « : كوللما دلاوأ هبشي يرغص لفط اهعمو يننومشلاا دلابلا لىإ ءاج لفطلا اذه له نورخآ لاقو « . يبصلا نع ثدحتي مهنم لك راصو ؟ ةيصرلما هتباد بكرو نومادو ضهن فويضلا فصرنا مالف لفطلا صربأ لصو المو ، يننومشلاا ةنيدم لصوو لفطلا هآر مالف . هل دجس همأ ميرم عم عوسي نومادو اي كل ملاسلا « : هل لاقو ههجو في مسبت تعمس ام قيقحتل انه لىإ تيتأو تبعت دق . كدنع ميقأس كلذل ينع كفويض ثيدح نم شهدناف « دبلأا لىإ لي انكسم كتيب نوكيو يهتشا نيأ يديس اي « : لاقو نومادو سيدقلا لىإ امداخ كل نوكأو يتيب في نكستو لىإ تيأت نأ انكسم كتيب نوكيس « : يبصلا هل لاقف « دبلأا انه نم تدع اذإ كنلأ دبلأا لىإ تيدلاوو انأ ، لي مهيلع زعي اندنع تنك كنأ ناثولأا ودباع عمسو نيلأ فخت لاف كتيب في كمد نوكفسيو كلذ ناكم دبلأا لىإ تاومسلا توكلم في يدنع كلبقأ نوكت تنأو ءاضقنا هل سيل يذلا مئادلا حرفلا دجسو لجرلا ماقف « . ديعصلا دلاب في ديهش لوأ . هتيب لىإ اعجار فصرنا مث هكرابف حيسلما ديسلل ناثولأا ودباع عمس تنمرأ لىإ نومادو داع مالف راز نومادو نأ ةنيدلما في برخلا عاشو هلوصوب ملاكلا له : اولاقو ينعسرم هيلإ اوءاجف . عوسي معن « : مهل لاقف ؟ حيحص كنع هنولوقي يذلا انأ : لي لاقو ينكراب حيسلما ديسلا لىإ تبهذ انأ اوخصرف « دبلأا لىإ تيدلاو عم كتيب في لحأو تيأ لانو . هيلع مهفويس اورهشأو دحاو توصب مهلك . مويلا اذه لثم في ةداهشلا ليلكإ ةيحيسلما تشرتناو ناثولأا ةدابع تلطبأ المو ةسينك هتيب اولعجو نويحيسلما ماق دلابلا في هل يذلا اهنباو ميرم ءارذعلا ةديسلا مسا ليع يمست يتلا يه ةسينكلا هذهو . مئادلا دجلما رهاظب « يحلا ةسينك « اهيرسفتو هنشويجلا . نلآا لىإ ةيقاب يهو تنمرأ ةدلاو ءارذعلا ميرم انتديس ةعافشب انمحري هللا . رهاطلا نمؤلما نومادو ديهشلا ةعافشو ، هللإا ينمآ . ائماد دجلما انبرلو ةكسانلا انيرام ةسيدقلا ةحاين ىسرم 1٥ - سطسغأ 21 ةحاين راكذتب ةسينكلا ديعت مويلا اذه في لجر ةنبا تناك ىهو . ةبهارلا انيرام ةسيدقلا تمتيتف ميرم يمست تناكو ادج ينغ يحيسم اهبدأو اهوبأ اهابرف ادج ةيرغص يهو اهمأ نم ةريدلأا دحأ لىإ وه ضييمو اهجوزي نأ دارأ المو كلهتو كسفن صلخت يدلاو اي اذالم « هل تلاق ةأرما تنأو كب عنصأ اذام اهباجأف « ؟ سيفن ينسبلأو ، ءاسنلا يز ينع عزنا هل تلاقف « ؟ اهرعش تقلحو لاحلا في تضهنو « لاجرلا يز اهآر مالف . لاجرلا يز تسبلو اهسبلام تعلخو عزو اهتبغر ليع ةممصم اهمزع في ةيوق اهوبأ ائيش هنم هل يقبا نأ دعب ءارقفلا ليع هلام لك . ميرم نم لادب انيرام اهماسأو ايرسي

Ashmonain carrying a young Child who resembled the children of Kings.» Others asked, «Did this Child(1) come to the land of Egypt?» and everyone was talking about this Child.Afterthe guests had left, Eudaemon rose up, rode his donkey and went to the city of Ashmonain. When he arrived, he saw the Child Jesus with his mother Mariam (Mary), and he kneeled before Him. As the Child saw what Eudaemon had done, the Child smiled and said, «Peace be with you Eudaemon, you have labored and come here in person to assert what you have heard from your guests about Me. Thence I will stay in your home, which will be a house for Me forever.» St. Eudaemon marvelled and said, «O My Lord I wish that You will come and live in my house and I will be Your servant forever.» The Child replied saying, «Your home will be a house for Me and My mother forever. When you return home and the heathen hear that you came to Me, they will be sorry and hurt, and they will shed your blood in your house. Don›t be afraid because I will receive you in My heavenly kingdom forever, the place of perpetual joy, which has no end. You will be the first martyr in Upper Egypt.» Then Eudaemon kneeled down before the Lord Christ, the Child, Who blessed him, then he returned to his home. Upon Eudaemon›s return to Armant, the heathen heard about his arrival. The news that Eudaemon had visited the Child Jesus, spread in the city. They came to him in haste asking, «Is all that they say about you true?» Eudaemon replied saying, «Yes, I went to the Lord Christ, Who blessed me and said, ‹I am coming to dwell in your house with My mother, forever.›» The heathens shouted out as one person, drew their swords, and killed him. Thus, Eudaemon received the crown of martyrdom on this day. When paganism was abolished, and Christianity spread in the land, the Christians converted the house of St. Eudaemon into a church, and named it after St. Mary and her Son, to Whom is the everlasting Glory. This church is the one called El-Gishouna, which means «the church of the living,» in the outskirts of Armant, which still exists now. May God have mercy on us through the intercession of our Lady the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, and the intercession of the martyr Eudaemon, the pure faithful, and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

وه ةيلاق في نكسو ةريدلأا دحأ دصق مث نادهاجي ماهو يننس شرع ايضقو هتنبأو تيقبو خيشلا حينت اهدعبو ةدابعلا في اهتاولص تفعاضف اهدحو ةسيدقلا ملعي لمو اهكسن في تدازو اهماوصأو ةقر نأ نونظي اوناك لب ةأرما اهنأ دحأ اهرهسو اهكسن ةدش نم وه انمإ اهتوص اهلسرأ ريدلا سيئر نأ قفتاو اهتاولص في ريدلا حلاصم ءاضقل نابهرلا نم ةثلاث عم دونج دحأ ناكو تيبملل قدنف في اولزنف يدنجلا صربأف ةليللا كلت هيف لازان كللما اهفافع ليع يدتعاف قدنفلا بحاص ةنبا انيرام بلأا نا « اهيبلأ لوقت نأب اهنقلو مالف « كلذ لعف يذلا وه باشلا بهارلا تلاقف اهلأس كلذ اهوبأ فرعو تلمح اذه بي لعف يذلا وه انيرام بلأا نأ « لىإ تيأو كلذل اهوبأ بضغف « لعفلا المو . مهنعليو نابهرلا بسي أدبو ريدلا مث هفصرو هرطاخ بيط سيئرلا هب عمتجا تكبف ايرثك اهخبوو ةسيدقلا هذه يعدتسا نيأ « تلاقو ، برخلا ليع تفقو امدنع قنحف « بيأ اي لي رفغاف تأطخأ دقو باش تيقبف ريدلا نم اهدرطو سيئرلا اهيلع . ةليوط ةدم بابلا ليع هلمح ادلو قدنفلا بحاص هنبأ تدلو المو هتذخأف اهمامأ هحرطو ةسيدقلا لىإ اهوبأ انبل هيقستو ةاعرلا ينب هب لقتنت تراصو ثلاث ةدم اهتلاصو اهموص في تداز مث . اهيلع ننحت نأ لىإ ريدلا جراخ يهو يننس اهلوخدب نذأي نأ مهسيئر اولأسو نابهرلا عضو نأ دعب ريدلا اهلخدأو مهلاؤس لبقف تراصف . ادج ةليقث ينناوق ةسيدقلا ليع يقسو ةفاظنو يهط نم ةقاش لاماعأ لمعت ينناوقلاو ةينابهرلا ضورفلا نع اجراخ ءالما . اهيلع تعضو يتلا تلمكأ نأ دعبو بهرت يبصلا برك المو ةثلاث تضرم ةنس ينعبرأ انيرام ةسيدقلا اهسبلام عزنب سيئرلا رمأف تحينت مث مايأ . ةلاصلا عضوم لىإ اهلمحو اهيرغ اهسابلأو اوحاصف ةأرما اهودجو اهبايث اوعزن امدنعو اوملعأو « محرا براي « ينلئاق اعيمج ام ليع امدان كيبو بجعتو تيأف سيئرلا هفرعو قدنفلا بحاص يعدتسا مث لعف لىإ بهذف ةأرما وه انيرام بهارلا نأب ليع ةلاصلا دعبو ايرثك كيبو يه ثيح مهنيب ناكو اهنم اوكرابتيل اومدقت اهتثج اهيلع ههجو عضوف ةدحاو ينعب بهار اناطيش هللا رمأ تنفد المو . تقولل صربأف يدنجلاو قدنفلا بحاص ةنبا بذعف رقأو اهبرق ثيح لىإ ماهب تيأو اهبحاص . عيمجلا مامأ ماهبنذب نانثلاا ةيرثك بئاجع اهدسج نم هللا رهظأ دقو ينمآ . ائماد دجلما انبرلو انعم نوكت اهتلاص

hair on her head and put on the garb of a man. When her father saw her strong determination and persistent desire, he gave all his possessions to the poor, keeping only a very little for himself, and he called her Marina instead of Mariam (Mary). Then he went to one of the monasteries, and lived in one of the cells with his daughter, for ten years, fighting the spiritual fight. Then her father, who was an old man, died. St. Marina was left by herself, and she doubled her fasting, prayers and increased her asceticism. No one knew that she was a woman, and they attributed her soft voice to her intense asceticism and vigilant Onceprayers.the abbot of the monastery sent her, together with three monks, to the city on certain business of the monastery, and they lodged in an inn. That same night, one of the king’s soldiers lodged in that inn, and he saw the daughter of the owner of the inn, and he defiled her virginity. He instructed her to tell her father, “that the young monk, Father Marina, did that to me.”

When she had conceived, and her father knew that, he asked her and she answered saying, “that it was the young monk, abba Marina, who did that to me.” Her father then became angry, went to the monastery and began to curse and insult the monks. The Abbot met with him, comforted and calmed him down and then sent him away. The Abbot then called this saint and rebuked her much. When she knew what had happened, she wept and bowed down and said, “I am young, I have sinned, forgive me O my Father.” The Abbot was furious with her, and cast her out of the monastery. She dwelt outside of the monastery for a long time. When the daughter of the inn keeper had the baby, her father took him to St. Marina, set him down before her and left. She took the child, moved among the surrounding shepherds and nursed him with milk. She increased her fasting and prayers for the three years, that she was expelled from the monastery. The monks felt pity upon her and asked the Abbot to readmit her. The Abbot consented to their request and readmitted her to the monastery after he had laid heavy penalties and severe rules upon the Saint. She performed very hard labors, such as cooking, cleaning, and watering, as well as her regular monastic duties. When the child grew, he became a monk. After St. Marina had completed forty years, she fell ill for three days then departed in peace. The Abbot ordered to take off her old ragged clothes and dress her with new ones prior to carrying her to the place of praying. When they removed her clothing, and found that she was a woman, they all shouted out saying, “God have mercy.” They informed the Abbot who came, marvelled, and wept because of what he had done to her. The Abbot then called the inn keeper and told him that the monk Marina was a woman not a man. The inn keeper went to where her body was and wept much. After they prayed over her body, they came forward to be blessed from her body. One of the monks had sight only in one eye, he put his face close to her body and immediately he gained sight in his blind eye. After she was buried, God allowed a devil to torment the inn keeper’s daughter and the soldier, her friend, and brought them to where the Saint was buried and both confessed their iniquity in front of everyone. God manifested innumerable miracles through her blessed body. May her prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

St. Habib Girgis the Archdeacon 21st August - 15th Mesra Archdeacon Habib Girgis (1876-1951) was born at a time of great darkness, ignorance, and apathy in the life of the Coptic Orthodox Church. It was a period of turmoil and great struggle both inwardly and external ly. Within the Church, conflict existed between the hierarchy and the laity of the Church and, externally, Protestant and Catholic missionaries from Britain and the United States challenged the intellectual and demographic hold of the Coptic Orthodox Church. There were also the pressures brought upon the Church from the rulers of the land.

Habib Girgis was among the first to join the Theolog ical College since its re-establishment in 1893 when Yusuf Bek Manqarius was the dean. Being at the top of his class, he was chosen to teach at the Theological College while in his final year as a student, because there were few teachers to teach theology. He graduated in 1898, and was appointed to teach full time on 17 March 1898 that same year; later, he became the dean of the College in 1918. He was an archdeacon but not ordained as a priest. Pope Cyril V trusted him and appointed him as his personal deacon and disciple. He also worked closely with Pope Yuannis XIX (1928- 42), Pope Macarius III (1942-45), and Pope Yusab II (1946-56). As chief editor, he published The Vine (al-Karma)--a religious, moral, and historical journal. The first issue was published on 11 September 1904, and he went on to pub lish more than thirty religious, theological, educational, and historical books along with many sermons and educational studies. In 1900, after Cyril V issued a papal decree in 1899 concerning religious education, he established Sunday Schools as a formal type of religious education for the first time in Egypt. He was chosen to be a member of the General Sunday School Committee, established in 1918, and in 1927 he was chosen as the general secretary of the same committee. Elected several times with the highest number of votes to the Lay Council (Majlis Milli), he was nominated to the papacy after the repose of Cyril V in 1928. During that time he was also nominated as bishop. However, the Church was not yet ready for such a reformer. He was among the most important participants in the first conference for Sunday School teachers in 1941 during the papacy of Pope Yusab II. He also participated in the sec ond such conference in 1949. Both Copts and Muslims were deeply affected by his death on Wednesday evening 21 August 1951. The Church had lost one of its most revered sons— an eloquent teacher, a visionary, an educational pioneer, a reformer, and a loyal servant of the Coptic Orthodox Church.

Ref: Article by Pope Kyrillos and Archdeacon Habib Girgis Church NJ USA Watch a video about Coptic Civilisation – Saint Archdeacon Habib Girgis by His Grace Bishop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyP3RnF1h2kSuriel:

Habib Girgis was born in 1876 in Cairo - Egypt. His father passed away in 1882 when he was six years old. His mother continued the mission of raising him along with his other siblings in a Christian manner and enrolled him in the Great Coptic School at which he excelled.

دحلأا سادق ليجنأ فى تلامأت ىسرم رهش نم ثلاثلا 3٥ - 22 :3 سقرم كلت ردقت لا اهتاذ لىع ةكلمم تمسقنأ نأ 2٥ :3 رم تبثت نأ ةكلملما .. ادوقح ناسنلاا نوكي نأ بعصأ ام ةردقلا دقفي ناسنلاا اذه لثم .. ادوسح لىع ةردقلا دقفيو ةميلسلا ةيوؤرلا لىع هلباقي الم حيحصلا ريدقتلاو ميلسلا مكحلا دوسلأا ىريو .. ادوسأ ضيبلأا ىري .. هاري وأ اعداخم ناسنلأا نوكي نأ بجعأ امو .. اضيبأ ةيحورلا هتايح رومأ فى اصوصخ هسفنل صاخلا هركفو صاخلا هريدقت لىع دمتعي ةيطخلا جلاعي .. هروشرو هاياطخ جلاع فى .. مثلأاب شرلا جلاعيو .. نايصعلاب فى ينيسيرفلاو ةبتكلا لاح ناك اذكه هتازجعم اوأر .. عوسي برلا عم مهلماعت اوري نأ نم لادبو .. ةيوقلا هلماعأو ةقراخلا اونمؤي نا نم لادبو ةميظعلا هللا ةوق اهيف برلا لماعا فى ىرت ةريشرلا مهنويع دجت .. ينطايشلا سيئر لوبزلعب لماعا اهنا عوسي مدختسي عوسي برلا نا مهسفنلا اوللعو .. ابجع .. بنطايشلا جرخيل ينطايشلا سيئر نكلو .. اناطيش ناطيشلا جرخي فيك .. ءىدابلما هذه نوقبطي نويرثك مويلا لازام اناطيش اوجرخي نا نوديري امدنع .. .. رخآ اناطيش اذه لجأ نم نومدختسي جرخ هنا نونظي جرخي اناطيش نوري امدنعو نع مهسفنلأ نوثحبي .. ناطيشلا لمعب ةعيسر لولح نع .. مهلكاشلم ةلهس لولح دادزتو ارمأو اوسأ ةجيتنلا نوكتف .. ةتقؤم .. اديقعت مهلكاشم .. ةئطاخلا لولحلا نم بيبحلا اهيا سترحا .. ةعداخلما لولحلاو .. ةعسرتلما لولحلاو اناطيش جرخي لا ناطيشلاو اناطيش جرخي نأ ناطيش ردقي فيك ؟؟+ صلختيل ناطيشلا لىا ناسنلأا أجلي ام ايرثك شرلا جلاعيل شرلا لىا أجلي .. ناطيشلا نم كللما لواش لثم ناسنا لاح ناك اذكه ةرمو ... ليئاسرا لىع اكلم برلا هراتخا .. هنم بلطو قيلماع بواحيل برلا هلسرا مهنم ىقبي لاو اماتم قيلماع مرحي نا برلا لىع صرتنأ امدنع لواش نكلو ... دحا .. برلا ةيصو سىنو هراصتناب ترغا قيلماع مئانغلا لىع ىقباو قيلماع كلم نع افعو لسراو .. ادج لواش لىع هللا بضغف ... Contemplation on the Gospel of the Third Sunday of Mesra Mark 3: 22 – 35 If a kingdom is divided against itself, that king dom cannot stand Mark 3: 25 How hard for a person to be despiteful or en vious. Such person loses the clear vision and right path in life for whatever he sees of meet/ He can see the which as black and the black as white. How strange and harmful to even deceive yourself in your spiritual life relying on your own assessment and thinking to deal with your weakness and sins. You may treat sin by disobedience or more sins. That was the case with the Pharisees and Scribes when dealing with the Lord. They saw the great miracles and works of the Lord. Instead of recognising the great power of God and believe, their evil eyes saw instead the action of Satan and reasoned for themselves that Lord Jesus has Beelzebub the prince of devils who does their great miracles. How could a Satan cast out Satan. Many people today apply the same evil logic. When they want to cast out a Satan they employ another Satan. Even if they can see a Satan being cast out they rely that to the Satan. Many try to find easy and quick solutions to their problems. They end up with much more complicated unsolved problems. Be careful deceitful and unwise quick solutions cannot solve any issue. Satan cannot cast out Satan. + How can Satan cast out Satan? So often people go to Satan to get rid of another Satan. They treat evil by evil. That was the case with King Saul. The Lord has chosen him to be a king for Israel. One day the Lord ordered him to go and attack Amalek (1Samuel 15) and utterly destroy them as punishment for their evils. The Lord helped him to attack and conquer those evil people. Saul forgot God’s instruction to utterly destroy them. He felt proud of his victory and decided to spare the king of Amalek and the best of sheep, oxen and lambs. The Lord was angry and sent Samuel the prophet to tell him how much the Lord was angry. It was expected that Saul repent and cry for his sins. Then the Lord may forgive him. The Lord does not help him or answer his prayers anymore. He decided to go the wrong way. A distressing spirit from God came upon him. He went to plot to kill David whom the Lord had chosen to replace him. He even went to the to a medium woman to find

هذيفنت مدع لىع هبتاعيو هبنؤي ىبنلا ليئومص هل لواش رعشي نا عقوتلما نم ناكو .. هللا ةيصول نا عقوتلما نم ةلاحلا هذه فىو .. بوتيو هأطخب بتي لم لواش نكل .. ةقداصلا هتبوت هللا لبقي رعش .. ةيصخشلا هتقيرطب روملاا جلاعي نا لواحو ررقيف ... هتاولص فى هبيجي لاو هنم بضاغ برلا نأ هفلخيل برلا هراتخي يذلأ ناسنلاا اذه لتقي نا لحلا وه اذه ناك ... دواد لتقي نا ررق .. اكلم ... هبيجي لا برلا ... هتكلمم هل ظفحي فوس ىذلا ةروشلما مهلأسي نوفارعلاو رحسلا لىا اجتلي نذا ىذلا ناطيشلا لواش درطي نا نم لادب اذكهو .. ناطيشلا لىا ثركا اجتلأ ... نجي هلعجو هيلع لىوتسا أرقأ ( هتسرا دارفأ لك هعم كلهو كله اذكهو .. )2٨ ، 16 -13لولاا ليئومص برلا هاطعا ... ليئاسرا كلم ماعبري لعف اذكه ىطعاو اهيلع كلميل ليئاسرا نم طابسا ةشرع ضورفلما ناكو .. طقف ينطبس نمايلس نبأ ماعبحر فى مايقتسم نوكيو .. هللا عم ماعبري يرسي نا هبعشو هتكلمم هل هللا ظفحي كلذبو هتافصرت نا فاخ .. ةصاخلا هتقيرطب ركفي أدب هنكلو .. لكيهلا فى حئابذ مدقيل ميلشروا لىا دعصي بعشلا وه دقفيو ماعبحر مهديس لىا مهبلق دوعيف نم بعشلا عنميل ناطيشلا لىا أجتلاف ... هتكلمم دحاو ليثاتمو ينحبذم ماقا .. ميلشروا لىا دوعصلا نأ بعشلا نم بلطو ليا تيب فى رخلآاو ناد فى هلك بعشلا لضا اذكهو .. كانه مهحئابذ اومدقي نا نم لادبو .. مههلا برلا نع مهبلق دعباو .. ليج نم ثركا رمتست لم ... تبثتو هتكلمم ىقبت لك كلهاو هكلهاو هنبا لىع تنف نم ماقو دحاو .. )1٥ - 12 لولاا كولم أرقا ( ماعبري تيب لثم ... بذكلاب هتيطخ جلاعي نا دارا نم كانهو ءشى فى ماهعفني لم بذكلا نكلو ... ةيرفسو اينانح اهيا تناو .. ماهعايضو ماهكلاه فى ببست لب نم كانه .. ؟؟؟ كلكاشم جلاعت فيك .. بيبحلا .. ىرخا ةرم بذكي هبذك نم صلختيلو .. بذكي له .. روملاا دقعي اذكهو .. بذكلاب بذكلا جلاعي نوكتو ءىطخت امدنع كاياطخب فترعت نا تملعت جلاعي ىذلا عونلا نم كنا ما ؟؟؟ كسفن عم اقداص .. ىرخا ءاطخاب هؤاطخا امدنع سركيو مطحيو بضغيو روثي نم كانه فى مهافت ءوس ثدح اذا .. هؤاطخأب سانلا ههجاوي ... كجوز بنبو كنيب وا .. كتجوز ينبو كنيب كتيب ؟؟؟ هجلاعت فيك اوعفرتو مهافتلاو ةبحلما حورب اعم اومدقتت له ميلسلا قيرطلا مكفرعيو مكنيعا هللا يرنيل ةلاص ةعطاقلماو ةميتشلاو فنعلا لىا نوأجلت مأ ؟؟؟ ابجع .. مكاحلماو ينماحلما لىا ابمرو .. تاناهلااو help )1Samuel 28(. He went to Satan to find help. This Satan destroyed him and all his Sofamily.also Jeroboam (1Kings 12) who became a king for ten tribes of Israel while Rehoboam son of Solomon had only two tribes left for his kingdom. Jeroboam was very afraid that the if the people go to Jerusalem to the temple to offer sacrifices to God they may return back to their king and the kingdom of Solomon. He decided to employ Satan to solve his problem. He asked advice and made two calves of gold setting up one in Bethel and the other in Dan and asked peo ple not to go to Jerusalem but go these idols to offer sacrifices. This thing became a sin for the people who went to worship there. His kingdom did not last long. His whole family and decedents perished in one gener ation. (1Kings 12 – 15). There is also Ananias and Sapphira his wife (Acts 5) who tried to cover up their deceit by lying. They both perished as a result of lying to the Holy Spirit. How do you solve your problems? You may lie and then you lie again to cover the first lie and so on. Lying became your way to solve problems. It never works. It makes things more complicated and missy. Learn to admit your mistakes and be truthful with yourself. Do not solve a problem by another. Sometimes it is difficult when people expose your mistakes. How you react. Getting angry and abusive? How to sort differences or disagreements in marriage or normal life? Some people tend to deal with issues in a violent abusive way. Even it can escalate to seek police interference or facing each other in courts, rather than sitting together with proper spirit of understanding and sort out these issues. How much can Satan help to sort out such problems? Some people under life stresses and inability to face challenges they resort to drugs, smoking or alcohol or even to bad friends’ company to drift away from facing their issues. What do you do when you face a financial crisis in your life. Do you start to think calmly asking for a proper advice and pleading for God’s support or you resort to other ways like gambling, cheating or even

.. هلكاشلم لاولح هيطعيل ناطيشلا لىا أجلي نلم أجلت له ؟؟؟ بعاتلما كلوح نم محدزت امدنع لعفت اذام قرغت رومخلا وأ ؟؟؟ كبعت نع اهيف ثفنت رئاجسلا لىا كتقو مهعم عيضت ءوسلا ءاقدصلا وأ ؟؟؟ كلكاشم اهيف ؟؟؟ ينمثلا ملست له ؟؟؟ لاثم ةيلام ةقئاض كب رتم امدنع لعفت اذام لمعلا لىا أجلتو نانئمطأو ءوده فى هللا دي فى كروما وأ ؟؟؟ رماقلا بعل لىا اجلت ما ؟ كنويد دادسل داجلا ؟؟؟ كلكاشم اهب لحتل ةناملاا مدع لماعأ نوجسلا نابضق فلخ مويلا نويرثك كانه .. بيبحلا اهيأ مويلا نويرثك كانه .. ناطيشلل مهءاجتلا نثم نوعفدي بيلاسأ مهلماعتسا جئاتن نم نوساقي تايفشتسلما فى ةلاح فى عراوشلا فى نيدشرم نويرثك كانه .. ناطيشلا .. ناطيشلل مهمادختسأ ببسب عايض هنأ لب .. دحأ لكاشم لحي نا نكيم لا ناطيشلاف سترحأ فيك امأ ...ثركاوثركأ اهدقعي نا هسريو لكاشلماب حرفي ؟؟؟ ناطيشلا اذه لىع بلغتا .. لاوأ ىوقلا طبري + هنع ثحبأ .. كبعاتم ءارو أبتخلما ىوقلا اذه نع ثحبأ كسفن ذقنت نا عيطتست اذكهو هديق هطبرا هدجت امدنعو .. ريشرلا اذه بلاخم نم .. كلخاد فى كبراحت ىتلا كتاوهشو كتاذل وه ىوقلا اذه فيك ملعت .. كءاطخأب فترعت لا كلعجي ىدلا كءايبرك وه .. ىوقلا اذه طبرت هذه كل تببس فيك رظناو كسفن عجار ... ةبوتلاب هطبرا .. بعاتلما هذه لك ةيطخلا لثم ىوقلا اذه توبرج سركي نا عيطتسي ءشى سيل ..رونلا لثم ملاظلا ددبي ءشى سيلف ... ةيطخلاب فاترعلاا ةرارم رادقمو كبعت رادقم فرعت ىتح كاياطخ فشكا .. اهيف شيعت ىتلا ةيطخلا ةبوتلاا قيرط نع لوسرلا ىتم سيدقلا حبصأ راشعلا ىتم امدنع مملاا لوسر سلوب حبصأ ةسينكلا دهطضم لواشو .. ؟؟؟ لمعأ نا براي ىنم ديرت اذام خصرو هتاذ فشتكا فيك ملعت .. موصلاب كدسج للذ .. موصلاب ىوقلا طبرأ فعضي اذكهو .. اهبحتو اهب قلعتت ىتلا ءايشلأا نم موصت هبلغتو كيمدق تحت عقي ىتح ايجيردت ىوقلا اذه ءايشلاا نع ةيعاطقنأ ماوصأ كسفنل لعجأ .. هيلع سودتو .. اهبحت ىتلا نع موصت فيك ملعت .. ماعطلا ىروضرلا سيل .. تافيكلماورئاجسلا ىذلا ىعماتجلأا لاصتلأا لئاسو نع موصت فيك ملعت ءلاؤه تاسلج نع موصت فيك ملعت ... اهب تقلعت ... ةريشرلا مهتاداشراو مهراكفاب كنوبعتي نيذلا ءاقدصلاا عم ةيوقلا ةقلاعلا ... ةراحلا ةلاصلا ... ةلاصلاب ىوقلا طبرأ كديق ىتلا هدويقو ىوقلا اذه لسلاس لك مطحت .. ...هللااهب حلاس لمعتست نأ نم سترحا نكلو .. لوانتلاب ىوقلا طبرأ

stealing? Remember that there are many people today behind bars or roaming the streets helplessly and lost as a result of seeking the wrong evil ways to sort their difficulties. They seek Satan help. Be aware Satan can never solve your problems or any problems at all. Satan rejoice more when you are in trouble. Satan may make thing more complicated. How can I conquer this Satan? + first bind the strong Find this strong one hiding behind your hardships. Find him and bind him then you can release yourself from his snares. Who is this strong? It could be your own lusts and desires which fight you from inside. It could be your selfpride which stops you confessing your sins. Learn first to bind this strong. Bind the strong by repentance. Look deep into yourself and find how much misery the sin has caused to you. Nothing can break the might of such a strong one as repentance and confession of sins. Nothing can expel darkness except light. Expose your sins to be released from its bitterness and misery. Levi the Tax-collector became Matthew the Apostle through repentance. Saul of Tarsus who persecuted the church became Paul the Apostle when he discov ered the real way and cried “Lord what do you want me to do?” (Acts 9:5). Bind this strong one by fasting. Control this body by fasting and learn to fast from things that lead you astray. Gradually this strong one will weaken and eventually fall under your feet. Fasting is not only about food but also about stopping bad habits and addicted practices. You could be addicted to bad movies, drugs, social media traps and also to company of bad friends who fill your life with evil ideas and practices. Bid the strong one by prayer. Fervent prayers bund you strongly with the Lord. It can smash all these chains of that strong one and liberate you for the Bindbonds.this strong one by Communion. When you are united with God none of

There are five basics that encourage good dialogue: )1) Listening: In dialogue you must listen while the other is talking, listening means good listening, and trying to understand the other, put yourself in the other›s place. Listening is to pay full attention to the other party. There is also optional listening, which we often see when talking to our teenage boys, where the boy or girl hears only what they want. Unfortunately, there are people who do not feel speech, do not react to it, or are not affected by it. They does not focus on the dialogue, while there are those who listen

رابج ىوق حلاس لوانتلاف .. ةلاصلاو ةبوتلا ةحلسا لبق لوانتلا نأ بجي نكلو ... كنوبراحي نيذلا ءايوقلاا ىوقا مزهي ... ادج .. هللا ماما ىقيقح باكسناو عومد فى ةيقيقح ةبوت ةقبست اذهل ملستست كتا .. نلآا كبعت سر بيبحلا اهيا تفرع له تملستسا ول كنلا .. ملستست لاو كداقر نم مق .. ىوقلا ةلحرم رطخأ لىا كلذب لصت دقف .. ىوقلا اذهل موي ءارو اموي لىع فيدجتلا وه اذهو .. لماكلا طونقلاو سأيلا لىا .. ماهم ... كاياطخ نارفغ نم كمرحي ىذلا .. سدقلا حورلا لازماف .. ايتاع ىوقلا اذه ناك ماهم ... ةيرثك كاياطخ تناك ةصرفلا هذه عيضت لاف ... صلاخلاو ةبوتلل لماو ةصرف كانه ادج ابيرق تصر كنأ رعشت فوس هللا هئيشم عضت امدنعو.. كنأ ... ىمأو ىتخأو ىخأ هل ةبسنلاب تصر دق كنأ .. هنم كدعبيو كيلع رطيسي ىوق كانه دعي لمو هعم ادحاو...تصرهنع The Sermon of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II in Wednesday’s meeting August 3rd, 2022 Good Conversation Vocabulary اينملا ةعماج بطلا ةيلكب دعاسم سردم - داؤف نايرام .د :ةمجرت *

those mighty evil ones can approach you. Start with real repentance falling down on your knees with tears. Did you know the real reasons for your troubles. You submitted to this strong one. Get up now. If you continue in your despair you can lead to full loss of hope and that will lead to blasphemies against the Holy Spirit which will deprive you from forgiveness. Whatever your bad sins level. There is also a change to come back and be saved. Do not lose the chance. When you advance God’s Will in your life you will start to feel so close to Him. The Lord said: “For whoever does the will of God is My brother and my sister and mother.” How could you reach Successful dialogue at home?

Dialogue is not just words. Verbal dialogue is with words; however dialogue can be with all parts of human body. Verbal dialogue constitutes 40% of the dialogue, but it is accomplished by other body parts such as the eye, facial expressions, and hand movements. Such basics are being taught in the sciences of journalism, rhetoric and sociology. When Jesus met the Samaritan woman, he encouraged her disregarding her sinful life. And as a result of the Lord Christ’s dialogue with the Samaritan woman, he gained the whole city. Dialogue is not a battle that we enter until we quarrel, or for one party to prove that he is right and the other is wrong. Dialogue is an art that has regulations and rules, a bit of science, a bit of philosophy, and a bit of wisdom. Dialogue expresses thinking, and assessment of the situation. After the Second World War, ended in 1945 in which millions died, the world began to realize that dialogue and negotiation are better than fighting. Hence, a new formulation of human relations was set up, for example, they started negotiations instead of war, and in education instead of lecture (one person speaks and the rest listen( they called it seminar )mutual conversations(, in the fields of economy, dialogue is established through advertisements, and the world has become full of talk shows. Dialogue is a decision and a continuation, not a quarrel, a decision to accept the other party, on an ongoing basis, that does not involve any kind of quarrel. Dialogue requires an awake soul and a conscious mind that understands and discusses according to the size of the topic.

)2) Chattering: That a person moves, from one topic to another. There is confusion, absence of logic, absence of clarity and absence of seriousness. In order for the dialogue to succeed, the dialogue must be specific: we will only talk about so and so.

)5) Time: What we are suffering these days is the social media devices that kill time. Do not let sitting in front of the TV, the Internet, or the mobile steal your time. The most valuable thing you give to one another is time. A time when you two do not get busy with anything. “See how carefully you walk, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil” (3). Notice how precision is associated with wisdom. The most beautiful use of time is being together, as the happiness is of being together.

(4) Showing love and respect for the others: The third chapter of the epistle of our teacher James the Apostle talks about controlling the tongue. Most of the problems - if not all - are caused by the lack of speech (tongue) control. The tongue, throat, and speech are what distinguish the human being from other creatures. “With it we bless God the Father, and with it we curse men who have been made in the likeness of God” )2(. What a very difficult equation! Respecting the feelings of the other is the highest noble human feeling. Choosing the appropriate words not to hurt the other, and listening well, are one of the means of respecting the feelings of the other. Spouses must show their love for each other, respect each other, and be the cause of each other›s success. Showing love with all the sweet feelings adds pleasure to life. A nice word mentioned in a special situation between each other, gives a feeling that this party supporting the other, and wants to make him happy.

* So what makes dialogue fruitless?

(1). The mistake is probable from either of the spouses. Using words like “Amen”, “please”, “thank you”, “may God bless you for us”, “you are our joy”... Kind words flow to the soul, and have an effect like the effect of water for new planting, meaning that they refresh feelings and help in achieving successful dialogue.

with all ears, an emotional person who listens and is interested, no matter how trivial the topic is. I told you once, that continuous conversations between spouses, forms a special language and a dictionary of words for them, and whenever this dictionary contains words of love, the speech is sweet, and one longs to talk to the other, no matter how simple or frequent the subject is. But remember that men in general have few words, spending a long time not talking. On the other hand, speech gives the woman pleasure as if she achieves herself through speech, and we note that the little girl speaks before the boy, as for the girl, speech brings her pleasure, and she likes to speak extensively. The wife should respect the pithiness of her husbands’ words.

)1) Silence: One side speaks and the other is silent, either ignoring the other, or being withdrawn, or pretending to be angry, or showing his indifference to words... All these negativities waste the dialogue. “In your anger do not sin, Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry”(4).

)2) Frankness: We ran a test between a group of young people and their parents, and we asked one of the mothers: What is the most successful marriage?. She said: To be honest. Frankness builds trust, and whenever there is frankness in the home, the home is strong. Therefore, the dialogue at home must be an open one, in which there is openness, and discussion without imposing an opinion, but the most important thing is frankness without the slightest insult. Honesty is wisdom, and disclosure is without any defamation.

)3) Using sweet words: Using kind words in the dialogue. The commandment of the Bible says: “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God also forgave you in Christ”

)3) Tears: Tears interrupt the dialogue, and take it out of rationality. Sometimes a woman uses tears as a means of pressure on her husband. Tears completely lose the meaning of dialogue. )4) Anger: Fire does not extinguish fire, but water extinguishes fire. Anger is like fire, if one spouse becomes angry, the other must be like water. Anger appears in a loud voice, harsh criticism, insult...Anger interrupts the dialogue. )5) Lack of time Television may steal time. Exhausting work may steal time between spouses. Finally, Husbands and wives pay attention to each other, because this is the vocabulary of successful dialogue. Let verbal communication be one of basics of your life. I advise you to read the third chapter of the epistle of our teacher James to know the value of speech.(1)Ephesians 4:32. (2)James 3:9. (3) Ephesians 5: 15-16. (4) Ephesians 4: 26.

St Mary›s Church Choir Celebration Sat 20th Aug: Primary and High School 7pm Sunday 21st Aug: Adults Choir Epi-Zyakon Joseph Riad Shehata was ordained as Deacon to serve at the church on Sunday 14th August 2022. Mr Shehata arrived in Australia in 1970’s and quickly became active in the service at St Mary’s church. He has been a long-time parishioner of our parish serving in Sunday School and as Superintendent for many years. He’s been a faithful servant of Coptic Aged Care from its origin and serves with the Senior Citizens in our parish. He was ordained as Epi-Zyakon in 1994 and continues in his service. Joseph is married to Reda, and has two sons, Mark, and Michael and six grandchildren. Celebrating the Feast of the Assumption of St Mary Monday 22nd August 2022 - St Mary’s Church 1st Liturgy 5 - 7am His Emminance Metropolitand Ashaia prays the 2nd Liturgy 911am ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةسينكب2022 سطسغأ 22 نينثلأا - ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا دبعب لافتحلأا احابص 7 - 5 لولأا سادقلا Feast of Transfiguration Friday 19th August 2022 - St mary’s Church First Liturgy 5 - 7am Second Liturgy 9 - 11am سطسغأ 19 ةعمجلا ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةسينكب ىلجتلا ديع تاسادق احابص 7 - 5 لولأا سادقلا

ءارذعلا انمأ ايقيرفأ لامشو حورطمو ةريحبلا نارطم سويموخاب ابنلأا ةفاين ش ١738 ىرسم 6 - 2022 سطسغأ ١2 ةعادو يف نسحلا فرصتلاب هلامعأ ريلف ،مكنيب ملاعو ميكح وه نم« :بوقعي انملعم بتكي ْت سيل .قحلا ىلع اوبذكتو اورختفت لاف ،مكبولق يف بزحتو ةرم ةريغ مكل ناك نإ نكلو .ةمكحلا كانه ،بزحتلاو ةريغلا ثيح هنلأ .ةيناطيش ةيناسفن ةيضرأ يه لب ،قوف نم ةلزان ةمكحلا هذه ،ةقفرتم ،ةملاسم مث ،ةرهاط لًاوأ يهف قوف نم يتلا ةمكحلا امأو .ءيدر رمأ لكو شيوشتلا نم ملاسلا يف عرزي ربلا رمثو .ءايرلاو بيرلا ةميدع ،ةحلاص ارامثأو ةمحر ةولمم ،ةنعذم 18-13 :3عي( »ملاسلا نولعفي نيذلا). نم ةلزانلا ةمكحلا ةملاع تلمتكا اهيفو ،ةوقب ءارذعلا انمأ ةايح يف ترهظ ةليضف ةمكحلا ةمأ انأ اذوه« :ةلئاق ناعذإب كلاملا اهل اهلمح يتلا ةوعدلا تلبق ةمكحب ءارذعلا انمأف ،قوف .دلت ىتح اهتبيسن تاباصيلأ تيب مدختل تبهذ ةطاسب ةؤلمم ةمكحبو ،) 38 :1ول( »برلا نودبو ،برلا كلام نم رمأب رصم ىلإ بورهلا ررق امدنع رابلا فسوي سيدقلا تعاطأ ةمكحب ترعشو ةمحرلاب اهبلق لأتما ةمكحبو ،اهنع ةبيرغلا رصم ضرأ ىلإ اهلفط ةلماح تكرحت بير نأ ملاسب تضترا ةمكحبو ،مهلجأ نم تبلطو مهب تقفرتف ليلجلا اناق سرع باحصأ جايتحاب عومجلل اهنبا راشأ امدنع ملاسلاب اهبلق لأتما لب نزحت ملف ةزاركلاو ةمدخلا لمعب اهنبا لغشني ملًالآا مغر ةتماص بيلصلا تحت تفقو اضيأ ةمكحبو ،)34 :3رم( »يتوخإو يمأ اه« :لائاق انمأ ةايح تلأتما كلذل ..هلك ملاعلل اصلاخ عنصي ديسلا نأ فرعت تناك اهنلأ اهبلق رصتعت يتلا ةمكحلا هذه رامثب ءارذعلا. اناصوأ عوسي برلاف ،ةطاسبلا ةليضف نع اهلصفن نأ نكمي لًا ةليضف ةيحيسملا ةمكحلاو ريصت دق ةطاسب نودب ةمكحلاف ،)16 :10تم( »مامحلاك ءاطسبو تايحلاك ءامكح اونوك« ةقامحلا ىلإ دوقت دق ةمكح نودب ةطاسبلاو ،اركم. عنصي لب ،ةيبلسلا فرعي لًا ميكحلا ناسنلإاف ،نسحلا فرصتلا وه ةيحيسملا ةمكحلا سايقمو ةمكحب فرصتف رابلا فسوي عنص اذكه .نيرخلآا رش مغر ةطاسبو ةمكجب باوصلاو ريخلا هوحن هورهظأ يذلا رشلا مغر ،هتوخإ عمو ،هتيلوئسم وحن. »الله نم بلطيلف ةمكح هزوعت نم« ةمئادلا ةلاصلاب اهينتقت نأ عيطتست ةيحيسملا ةمكحلا امك .سدقملا باتكلا صصق يف لمأتلاو ،ةسدقملا بتكلا يف ةمئادلا ةساردلاو ،)5 :1عي( عيطتسي ةيحورلا كتاربخ ديصر اضيأو ،ةمكحلا قيرط كلست نأ امئاد يحورلا كدشرم كدعاسي لأست نأ لواح ،ةبعص فقاوم يف تريحت نإو .ةريثك تارم يف ةمكحلا قيرط ىلإ كيدهي نأ ؟فقوملا اذه هجاو ول لمعي برلا ناك اذام :كسفن فقاوم لك يف كلذل ،ةيحيسملا ةمكحلا كدقفي دق تارارقلا ذاختا وأ ملاكلا يف عرستلاو عافدنلًاا عافدنا نود ةميكحلا هتئيشم ةفرعمو نسحلا فرصتلا ةمكح برلا كيطعي نأ لصو نأت كتايح عرست وأ. كلعجتو ،ةنيابتملا فقاوملا يق ةمكحب فرصتت نأ عيطتست كلعجت اضيأ ةيحيسملا ةمكحلا ،اظيغم اتمص سيلو ةمكحب تمصت ىتمو ملكتت ىتم فرعتف ،تاضقانتملا نيب قرفت نأ ارداق ةمحرب ريخلا عنصت نأ عيطتستو ،كتايح يف هتفاخمو الله ةبحم نيب انزاوت عنصت نأ عيطتستو رملأا جاتحا املك مزحلا نم ولخت لًا. هذه ينتقنل موصلا ةرتف للاخ دهاجنو ،ءارذعلا انمأ نم هملعتن نأ جاتحن سرد ةطيسبلا ةمكحلا ةيرشبلا سنجل ةميكحلا ةنيملأا ةعيفشلا اهب تزيمت يتلا ةليضفلا.

Congratulatiolations Father Habib Girgis 16th Ordination Anniversary 20th August 2022 May the Lord bless your services and works نانوي سجرج بيبح /سقلا بلأا بوبحملا انوبأ ءىنهن رشع سداسلا هتماسر ديعب 2022 سطسغأ 20 ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةكربب هتطشنأ لكو هتامدخ ىف كرابي برلا ةبهو سويراكم صمقلا بيبحلا انوبأ ةحاينل ةيناثلا ىركذلا 2022 ربمتبس 27 تبسلا احابص 11 - 9 ىهللأا سادقلا ءاسم 5:30 ىزيلجنأو ىبرع ةيشعلا لحارلا انوبأ راكذت ىف ةسينكلا بعشو بابشلاو ةنهكلا ءابلآا كراشي ةسينكلا بعشو هترسأ ىزعيو هسفن حيني برلا انع هتاولص ةكرب اعيمج انحنمي برلا

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April The new Building is expected to be ready within 12 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downladed from church website. Cost of building works is around $12,000000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreaciated.ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .ارهش ١2 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلأا عقوتملا نم . .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا بسح .ارلاود نويلم ١2 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبتاهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا ىكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكنيىنورتكللأا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ىنابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) 2ndBuildingCurrentsiteAugust2022

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