Weekly Bulletin 22nd January 2023

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Services at St Mary’s Church Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom) Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom) Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English 2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm Church Priests: Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399 Fr John Macary 0433 445 636 :ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا يبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 يزيلجنا - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 يبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩-7 يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Departure of St. Maximus, Brother of St. Domadius (Domatius).

22nd January - 14th Toba

On this day also, St. Maximus, brother of St. Domadius (Domatius), departed. They were the children of Emperor Walendianus.

Their prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

The Departure of St. Maximus and St. Domatius (Domadius).

25th January - 17th Toba

On this day is the commemoration of the two honored saints Maximus and his brother Domatius (Domadius). Their father’s name was Walendianus, he was one of the Roman emperors who feared God and was Orthodox in faith. God gave him these two sons who were angelic in their purity and holiness since their young age, always praying and reading the holy books. When they realized the vanity of this world and all its glory, they decided to leave it and live a monastic life. They asked their father to allow them to go to the City of Nicea, to pray in the place where the first Universal Council was held in 325 A.D. Their father rejoiced, and he sent an entourage of soldiers and servants with them, as was the custom for the children of kings. When they arrived, they asked the soldiers to go back to their father and tell him that they wanted to stay there for some time. Then they revealed their thoughts to a saintly monk, that they desired to put on the holy garb of the monks. The monk did not agree with them because he feared their father, but he advised them to go to Syria where St. Agabius abided. They went to St. Agabius and stayed with him until his departure. Before he departed, he put on them the monastic garb, and told them that he saw St. Macarius in a night vision saying, “Command your two sons to come to me after your departure, so that they may become my children.” Then St. Agabius told them, “I desired to see St. Macarius in the flesh, but I have seen him in the spirit. After my departure, you should go to him in peace.” God granted them the gift of healing the sick. Their report was heard in all the countries, especially among the sea merchants and the travellers. They learned the trade of making ships’ sails, and they were able to support themselves with money earned from selling them, and they gave the rest to the poor and the needy.

One day, one of their father’s stewards saw a ship with the names “Maximus and Domatius” on its sail . He inquired of the owner of the ship about these names. The owner told the steward, “These are the names of two monk brothers, which I have written on my ship as a blessing, so that God with their prayers may prosper my business.” He described the brothers to him, as one with a full beard, and the other without a beard. The steward recognized them and he took the man and brought him before the Emperor. When the Emperor made certain about

سويدامود ىخأ سوميسكم سيدقلا ةحاين ةبوط ١4 4 - رياني 22 سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم يف يدلو سويدامود سيدقلا يخا سوميسكم . مورلا كلم سونايندنلاو امئاد دجملا انبرل و انعم نوكت مهتلاص . نيما ايدبا ىخأ سويدامود سيدقلا ةحاين سوميسكم ةبوط ١7 7 - رياني 25 نيليلجلا نيسيدقلا راكذت مويلا اذه يف ناكو . سويدامود هيخأو سوميسكم لاجر مورلا كلم »سوناينيدنلا« امهوبأ نيذه هقزرف ، دقتعملا ميوق الله فئاخ لثم امهرغص ذنم اناكو .نيسيدقلا نيمزلام ، ةسادقلاو رهطلا يق ةكئلاملا املو . ةسدقملا بتكلا ةعلاطمو ةلاصلا ، هدجم لكو ملاعلا اذه لاوز امهل ققحت ةينابهرلا ةشيعلا يلع امزعو هكرت اررق باهذلاب امهل حمسي نا امهيبأ نم ابلطف . ناكم يف ايلصيل ، ةيقين ةنيدم ىلإ لولاا ينوكسملا سدقملا عمجملا عامتجا امهوبأ حرفف ، م 325 ةنس دقعنا يذلا ، مدخلاو دنجلا نم
لكش وهو سويراقم سيدقلا ليللا ايؤر يف دعب ىلإ ايتأي نا كيدلو صوأ هل لوقي : امهل لاق مث . انينب يل اريصيو كتحاين سيدقلا اذه رظنا نا يهتشا تنك يننأ دعبف . حورلاب هتيار دق يننكلو ، دسجلاب الله معنا دقو . ملاسب هيلإ ايضما يتحاين عاشو ، يضرملا ءافش ةبهومب امهيلع نيب اصوصخو دلابلا كلت يف امهركذ ةعانص املعتو ، نيرفاسملاو راجتلا ناتاتقي اناكف .نفسلا ) عولق ( عارش يلع ناقدصتيو اهنم ناعيبي ام نمثب . امهنع لضفي امب نيكاسملاو ءارقفلا عارش امهيبأ باجح دحأ يأر موي تاذو سوميسكم « هيلع ابوتكم نفسلا ىدحإ بحاص نم رسفتساف ، « سويدامودو نيبهار نيوخأ مسا اذه : هل لاقف ةنيفسلا حجني يكل ، اكربت يتنيفس يلع هتبتك ، امهفاصوأ هل حضوأ مث . يتراجت الله هتيحل تلماكت دق امهدحأ نا ، هلوقب بجاحلا امهفرعف ، دعب حتلي مل رخلأاو
ةيشاح امهعم لسرأو ارمأ لاصو املو . كولملا دلاوأ ةداعك هل اولوقيو امهيبأ ىلإ اوعجري نا دنجلا مث . امايأ كانه اثكمي نا ناديري امهنا نيسيدقلا نابهرلا دحلأ امهراكفأ افشك . سدقملا ميكسلإا سابل ناديري امهنا نم ، امهيبأ نم افوخ كلذ يلع امهقفاوي ملف هدنع لاظو هيلإ ابهذي نا امهيلع راشأو امهسبلا دق هتحاين لبق ناكو . حينت ىتح يأر هنأب امهفرعو ، ةنبهرلا

what he had heard, he sent their mother and the princess, their sister, to meet them. When the women met with the two saints and recognized them, they wept. Their mother wanted them to return with her, but the Saints refused, and they comforted the hearts of their mother and sister. After a while, the Patriarch of Rome departed, and they remembered Maximus, whom they wanted to ordain in his place. His father rejoiced when he heard this. When the news arrived to St. Maximus and his brother, they remembered the command of their father Anba Agabius. They disguised themselves, and took the road along the Mediterranean sea shore, and when they were thirsty, God transformed for them the salty water into sweet water. They became very tired of walking, and their feet were bleeding. They slept on a hill because of their exhaustion and God sent them a certain power that carried them to the wilderness of Scetis where St. Macarius was residing. They told St. Macarius that they wanted to live under his guidance. When St. Macarius saw that they were of rich background, he thought that they would not be able to live in the desert because of its harsh living conditions. They answered him saying, “If we are not able to live here, our father, we will return to where we came from.” Then he taught them how to plait palm leaves, and he helped in building a cave (cell) for them. He also told them about someone who would take the work of their hands to sell and bring them back bread. They lived in this manner for three years, never communicating with anyone. They only went to church to partake of the Divine Sacraments silently. St. Macarius marvelled, for they did not go to him all these years. He prayed to God to reveal to him their secret. He went to visit them in their cell where he stayed the night with them. When he woke up at midnight, as was his custom, to pray, he saw the two saints praying and a ray of light going from their mouths to heaven, and the devils were all around them like flies, and the angel of the Lord standing with a sword of fire to protect them. The next day, St. Macarius put on them the holy Eskiem, and asked them to pray for him. They bowed to the ground before him (made metanias) in silence. When they completed their course, and the Lord wanted to take them away from the sorrows of this temporal world, St. Maximus became sick. He sent word to St. Macarius, asking him to come. When St. Macarius arrived, he found St. Maximus ill with a fever, and he comforted him. St. Macarius saw a company of prophets and saints, including St. John the Baptist and Emperor Constantine, gathered around the Saint until he delivered his pure spirit in dignity and in honor. St. Macarius wept and said, “Blessed are you, O Maximus.” St. Domatius, his brother, wept bitterly, and asked St. Macarius to pray on his behalf to the Lord Christ to take him also to be with his brother. After three days, he also became sick, and when St. Macarius knew by the spirit he went to visit him. On his way, he saw the company of

املو . كلملا مامأ هرضحأو لجرلا ذخاو امهتدلاو امهيلإ لسرأ رملأا هنم ققحت نيسيدقلاب اتلباقت املف . امهتخأ ةريملأاو امهمأ تبغرو . اريثك اتكب امهاتفرعو بلق ابيطو ،لابقي ملف اهعم ادوعي نا ليلقب كلذ دعبو . امهتخأو امهتدلاو سيدقلا اوركذتف ، ةيمور كريرطب حينت هدلاو حرفف . هنع لادب هوميقيل سوميسكم سيدقلا ىلإ ربخلا اذه لصو املو . كلذب امهيبأ ةيصو اركذت ، هيخأو سوميسكم ، امهلكش نانثلاا ريغف ، سويباغأ ابنلاا اذإ اناكو .ضيبلأا رحبلا قيرط ادصقو ءامب حلاملا ءاملا امهل الله لدبي اشطع تمدأ ىتح ريسلا نم اريثك ابعتو ،بذع امهايعأ دقو لبجلا يلع امانف ،امهلجرأ ىلإ امهتلمح ةوق امهل الله لسرأف ، بعتلا ،سويراقم سيدقلا ثيح ، طيقسلاا ةيرب . هدنع ينكسلا ناديري امهنا هافرعو امهنا نظ ، معنتلا يوذ نم امهارأ املو فظشل ةيربلا يف ةماقلإا ناعيطتسي لا لا انك نا : نيلئاق هاباجأف . اهيف ةشيعلا . انئج ثيح ىلإ دوعن اننأف انابأ اي ردقن يف امهنواع مث صوخلا رفض امهملعف امهل عيبي نمب امهفرعو . امهل ةراغم ءانب يلع اماقأف . زبخلاب امهيتأيو امهيديأ لمع دحأب اعمتجي مل ، تاونس ثلاث لاحلا هذه رارسلأا لوانتل ةسينكلا نلاخدي اناكو ، سيدقلا بجعتف ، نيتماص امهو ةيهللإا ، ةدملا هذه لك هنع امهعاطقنلا سويراقم امهرمأ هل فشكي نا الله نم ابلاط يلصو ةليللا كلت تاب ثيح امهتراغم ىلإ ءاجو هتداعك ليللا فصن يف ظقيتسا املف . نايلصي نيمئاق نيسيدقلا يأر ، ةلاصلل اههاوفأ نم ادعاص رونلا نم عاعشو ، لثم امهلوح نيطايشلاو ، ءامسلا ىلإ امهنع مهدرطي برلا كلامو ، بابذلا امهسبلا دغلا ناك املف . ران نم فيسب ايلص : لائاق فرصناو سدقملا ميكسلإا . نيتماص امهو ةيناطم هل ابرضف ينع امهلقني نا برلا دارأو امهيعس لامكا املو ضرم . لئازلا ملاعلا اذه نازحأ نم سيدقلا ىلإ لسرأف سوميسكم سيدقلا هيلإ يتأ املف . روضحلا هوجري سويراقم علطتو . هبلق بيطو هازعف امومحم هدجو ءايبنلأا نم ةعامج اذإو سويراقم سيدقلا نيطنطسقو نادمعملا انحويو نيسيدقلاو ىلإ سيدقلا لوح نيمئاق مهعيمج كلملا . ةماركو دجمب ةرهاطلا هحور ملسا نا اي كابوط : لاقو سويراقم سيدقلا يكبف ناكف سويدامود سيدقلا امأ . سوميسكم سويراقم سيدقلا لاسو ، ارم ءاكب يكبي يكل حيسملا ديسلا ىلإ هنع بلطي نا وه ضرم مايا ةثلاث دعبو . هيخأب هقحلي

saints who carried St. Maximus before carrying the soul of St. Domatius ascending up to heaven. When he arrived at the cave, St. Macarius found that St. Domatius had passed away. St. Macarius put St. Domatius’ body with his brother’s, whose departure was on the 14th day of this month. St. Macarius ordered that the monastery be called after their names, the monastery of “El-Baramus” as it is known until today.

Their prayers be with us. Amen.

The Departure of Obadiah, the Prophet.


January - 15th Toba

On this day, Obadiah, one of the prophets of the children of Israel, departed. He was the son of Hananya, the prophet from the tribe of Judah. Obadiah prophesied in the days of King Jehoshaphat, King of Judah. It was said that Obadiah was the head of the fifty men who were sent by King Ahaziah, for the third time, to Elijah the Prophet. He came to Elijah in humility and pleaded with him not to destroy him as those who proceeded him, for fire had come down from heaven and burned them. He asked Elijah to have compassion upon him and to come with him to go to see King Ahaziah. The Prophet went with him as was told by the angel of the Lord. (2 Kings 1:15)

Thus, Obadiah realized that to serve Elijah the Prophet was far more noble than to serve earthly kings, and that if he were to accompany him, it would lead him to the service of the Heavenly King. He left the service of the King and followed Elijah, and was filled with the grace of God. He prophesied for more than twenty years. He prophesied about the destruction of the land of Edom, for they rejoiced for the distress of the people of God. (Obadiah 1-16) He also prophesied about the salvation of Jerusalem and her victory over the Family of Esau, and her victory over all her enemies. (Obadiah 17-21)

He lived more than seven hundred years before the advent of the Lord Christ. He departed and was buried in the tomb of his fathers. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

The Departure of St. James, Bishop of Nisibis. 26th January - 18th Toba

On this day of the year 338 A.D., St. James, Bishop of Nisibis, departed. He was born in the city of Nisibis, and was brought up there. He was Syrian by race.

Early in his youth, he chose the monastic life. He wore sackcloth made of hair to protect him from the heat of summer and the cold of winter. His food was composed of the vegetation of the earth, and his drink was only water. For this reason, he was very thin, but his soul was illumined and full of grace. He was worthy to receive the gift of prophecy and the performing of miracles. He also was able to foretell the future and he advised the people of what would happen to them in advance.

His miracles are numerous. One day he saw some promiscuous women jesting without shame by a spring of water, and they had let their hair down to take a bath. He

هيلإ بهذف سويراقم سيدقلا ملعو ، اضيا ةعامج يأر هقرط يف وه اميف . هترايزل سفن اولمح دق اوناك نيذلا نيسيدقلا سويدامود سيدقلا سفن نيلماح ، هيخأ ىلإ يتآ املف . ءامسلا ىلإ اهب نيدعاصو هيخأ عم هعضوف ، حينت دق هدجو ةراغملا نم رشع عبارلا يف هتحاين تناك يذلا يلع ريدلا يعدي نا رمأو . رهشلا اذه امهيلإ ةبسن سوماربلا ريد يعدف امهمسا نوكت امهتلاص . مويلا ىلإ يعدي اذكهو ، نيما انعم ىبنلا ايديبوع ةحاين ةبوط ١5 - رياني 23 ايديبوع سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم يف اينانح نبا وهو .ليئارسإ ينب ءايبنأ دحأ نامز يف أبنتو . اذوهي طبس نم يبنلا يلع ناك هنا ليقو . اذوهي كلم طافشوهي كلملا مهلسرأ نيذلا لاجر نيسمخلا سار . يبنلا ايليا ىلإ ةثلاثلا ةرملا يف ايزخا لثم هكلهي لاإ هيلإ عرضتو عاضتإب هءاجف مهتقرحأو ران تلزن نيذلا نيلولأا كئلوأ ايزخا ىلإ هعم لزنيو هيلع فءارتي لب ، برلا كلام رمأب يبنلا هعم لزنف . كلملا يبنلا ايليا ةمدخ نا ايديبوع
انهو . نا ،
ىلإ هب
مودأ دلاب بارخ وسيع لآب اهرفظو ميلشروأ صلاخ يلعو قبسو . اهئادعأ عيمج يلع اهراصتناو . ةنس ةئامعبسو فينب حيسملا ديسلا ءيجم نوكت هتلاص . هئابإ ةربقم يف نفدو حينتو . نيما ايدبا امئاد دجملا انبرلو انعم نيبيصن فقسأ بوقعي سيدقلا ةحاين ةبوط ١8 - رياني 26 حينت م 338 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم يف ةنيدمب دلو . نيبيصن فقسأ بوقعي سيدقلا سنجلا ينايرس ناكو اهيف يبرتو نيبيصن سبلف . ةنبهرلا ةريس هابص ذنم راتخاو . فيصلا رح هب يقتب رعشلا نم احسم ضرلأا تابن هماعط ناكو . ءاتشلا دربو ادج لايحن ناك كلذل . طقف ءاملا هبارشو اذهلو ةئيضم ةيمان هسفن تناك نكلو ، . تازجعملا لمعو ةوبنلا ةمعن قحتسا هثودح لبق نوكيس امب سانلا ربخي ناكف اهنم . ادج ةريثكف هتازجعمو هتايآ امأ . نحزمي تارتهتسم ءاسن اموي رصبا هنا نللح دقو ، ءاملا نيع نع ءايح نودب ىلإ يلصف . مامحتسلاا لجلأ نهروعش ءاسنلا رعش ضيباو نيعلا ءام فجف الله طرف ام يلع تامدان هيلإ نرذتعا املو .
اردق لجا
يدؤت هل هتبحاصم
ايليا عبتو كلملا ةمدخ كرتف . يئامسلا ديزي انامز أبنتو ، ةوبنلا ةمعن هيلع تلحف يلع أبنت هنا كلذ نم ، ةنس نيرشعلا نع . الله بعشب اهتتامشل

prayed to God, and the water of the spring dried up, and the women’s hair became white. When the women apologized to him and repented for what they had done, he prayed to God, and the water came back to the spring, but their hair remained white.

Another miracle occurred when he was passing by certain people who stretched a man on the ground and covered him as though he was dead. They asked the saint for some money for his burial. When they returned to the man, they found him dead. They came back to the saint and repented for what they had done. St. James prayed to God, and the man came back to life. When his virtues became widely known, he was chosen to be a bishop over the city of Nisibis. He shepherded the flock of Christ very well, and protected his people from the Arian wolves. He was one of the bishops who attended the first Universal Council at Nicea in 325 A.D., and agreed on the excommunication and exile of Arius.

When Shapur, the Persian King, came and surrounded the city of Nisibis with his army, God, in answer to the prayer of St. James, brought swarms of mosquitoes and wasps over their horses and elephants which caused a great stampede and the animals fled away. The King of Persia then became fearful, and he fled with his army and the siege was ended.

When the saint completed his good course, he departed in peace.

His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

The Departure of St. Prochorus, One of the Seventy Disciples.

28th January - 20th Toba

On this day, St. Prochorus departed. He was one of the seventy disciples who were called by the Lord and sent to preach His Name, and granted the gift of healing and casting out of evil spirits. St. Prochorus was with the disciples in the Upper Room on the day of Pentecost, and he was filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. He was chosen by the Apostles to be one of the seven deacons, who were filled with the Holy Spirit and with wisdom. (Acts 6:5)

He accompanied St. John the Theologian, and travelled with him to many cities. St. John laid his hand on him and ordained him bishop for Nicomidia in Bithinia. He preached the Name of the Lord Christ, and restored many Greeks to the faith, baptizing them and teaching them to keep the Commandments. After he built a church for them and ordained priests and deacons, he went to the surrounding cities. He preached to them and baptized many of their inhabitants, as he also preached to and baptized many of the Jews. He endured many afflictions and hardships because of his preaching of the Name of Christ. When he completed his course, he departed at a well-advanced age, and received the eternal bliss. His prayers be with us. Amen.

نيعلا ءام داعف الله ىلإ يلص ، نهنم هنا اهنمو . اضيبا يقبف رعشلا امأو ، يلع ايح اناسنإ اوددم موقب اموي زاتجا اولأسو ، تيم هنأك هوطغو ضرلأا املو ، هنيفكتل لاملا نم ائيش سيدقلا تام دق هودجو مهبحاص ىلإ اوعجر نيبئات سيدقلا ىلإ اوعرسأف ، ةقيقح . هايحأف الله ىلإ يلصف ، هوفرتقا امع يلع افقسأ ريتخا هلئاضف تعاش املو حيسملا ةيعر يعرف ، نيبيصن ةنيدم بائذلا نم اهسرحو ، ةياعر نسحا نيعمتجملا دحأ ناكو ، ةيسويرلأا قفاوو ، م 325 ةنس ةيقين عمجم يف رصاح املو . سويرا يفنو درط يلع نيبيصن ةنيدم سرفلا كلم روباس يلع سيدقلا اذه ةلاصب الله بلج ، سومانلاو رينانزلا نم ةباحس دونجلا تعطقو ، ةليفلاو لويخلا تحمجف ، كانهو انه ودعت تقلطناو اهطبارم نع هدونجب دتراو سرفلا كلم فاخف هداهج سيدقلا لمكا املو ، ةنيدملا . ملاسب حينت نسحلا امئاد دجملا انبرلو انعم نوكت هتلاص . نيما ايدبا نيعبسلا دحأ سوخورب سيدقلا ةحاين لاوسر ةبوط 20 - رياني 28 سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم يف ، لاوسر نيعبسلا دحأ سروخورب اوزركيل مهلسرأو ديسلا مهاعد نيذلا ءافشلا ةبهوم مهاطعأو ، همساب عم ناك املو . نيطايشلا جارخإو لأتما نيسمخلا موي ةيلعلا يف ذيملاتلا مث . يزعملا سدقلا حورلا ةمعن نم ةسمامشلا ةعبسلا نم لسرلا هبختنا نم نوئلتمم مهنا ، مهنع اودهش نيذلا بحص مث . ةمكحلاو سدقلا حورلا فاطو ، سوغولؤاثلا انحوي لوسرلا ديلا انحوي عضوو ، ةريثك اندم هعم نم ةيديموقين يلع افقسأ هماقأو هيلع حيسملا ديسلاب اهيف رشبف . اينيثيب دلاب ناميلإا ىلإ نيينانويلا نم نيريثك درو دعبو . اياصولا ظفح مهملعو مهدمعو ةسمامش مهل مسرو ةسينك مهل ينب نا ةرواجملا دلابلا ىلإ بهذ ، اسوسقو امك ، اهلهأ نم نيريثك دمعو اهرشبف دقو . دوهيلا نم نيريثك دمعو ملع ريشبتلا ببسب ةريثك تاقيض لمتحا حينت هيعس لمكا املو . حيسملاب ميعنلا لانو ةيضرم ةحلاص ةخوخيشب . نيما انعم نوكت هتلاص . يدبلأا

Answer: Jesus said, “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light” (Matthew 6:22). Here our Lord describes the eye as a lamp which lights the entire body. Our eyes are the entrance to our hearts and minds and, as such, they provide a doorway to our very souls. When He referred to “good” eyes, He meant eyes that not only see well, but also perceive well. It is not only what we see, but how we perceive what we see that makes the difference between godliness and ungodliness, between light and darkness. Bad eyes lead to bad perception, but if our eyes are good, our whole person will be illuminated. If we are in a lighted room, we see everything clearly. We can move around obstacles and locate whatever we’re looking for. But walking in darkness results in stumbling, falling, and groping for some secure thing to hang on to.

Our eyes can be used to see that which is good or evil, that which is beneficial or harmful, and the things we see and perceive affect our whole being. If we perceive goodness, that will radiate outward from within our hearts and minds. But if we allow our eyes to linger on evil, we are so affected by what we see that darkness actually begins to emanate from within and can corrupt us and those around us.

The Bible tells us that Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. That’s his great deception—to make people think they’ve found the light when in fact it’s the darkness of false light (2 Corinthians 11:14). His intention is to blind us to truth and corrupt our minds, and he uses our eyes to gain entrance to our hearts. He parades before us all manner of evil, from the deluge of pornography on the internet to the endless barrage of the world’s goods that appeal to our materialistic impulses. He deludes us into believing that these things will make us happy, fulfilled people, when all the while they are robbing us of the very joy we long for. He wants us to allow more and more darkness into our minds through the books we read, the movies we watch, and the images we allow our eyes to linger upon. In that way, the light of the glory of God shining in the face of Jesus Christ is obscured to us. Although the light is everywhere, like the sun at noonday—blazing, blinding light—if our eyes are continually focusing on sin, the light we perceive is no light at all. If we want to be filled with the true light, we have to turn from sin and repent and ask God to forgive and cleanse us and open our spiritual eyes. Then we must commit to being careful where we allow our eyes to go. We guard our hearts and souls by guarding our eyes

Source: https://www.gotquestions.org/eye-lamp-body.html

Question: “What did Jesus mean when He said the eye is the lamp of the body (Matthew 6:22)?”

Second Subday of Toba

Pauline: Gal 5:2-10

Catholicon: John 3: 18-24

Acts: 15: 22-29

Gospel: Luke 11: 27-36 The lamb of the body is the eye. Therefore, when your eye is good your whole body also is full of light

+ A greater than Solomon is here: When a person loses his simplicity, he may also lose the ability to recognize and understand properly or even lose his love or his ability to know God. The Lord lived among us in humbleness that could not be understood by those lofty hearted people. They looked for him in palaces of kings while he was in the manager. They drowned themselves in the signs and complications of the Law and forgot that he is the Lord of the Law. They adhered to the worship rituals and forgot the Lord Whom they worship. Many times, people lock themselves in a special matter and refuse to change their mind or understand in different way. Joab wanted to escape punishment by clinging to the Altar but Altar cannot harbor a murderer. David went to meet Goliath. The heavy armoury hindered his freedom. He took it off and used his simple weapons. His real weapon was faith. Many people rely on the outside appearance not the real internal faith. One day a king promised a great prize for the tailor who makes for him the best suit. All tailors worked hard to produce such a suit but the king did not like any until came one who offered him a suit which cannot be felt and convinced the king that it is the most beautiful one. There was nothing but no one dared to till the king that he is

ةبوط رهش نم ىناثلا دحلأا + ١0 0-2 :5 ةيطلاغ :سلوبلا 24-١8 :3 ىلولأا انحوي :نوكيلوثاكلا 2٩ - 22 :١5 5 لسرلا لامعأ :سيسكربلأا 36– 27 :١١ اقول :سدقملا ليجنلأا كنيع تناك ىتمف كنيع وه كدسج جارس (34( ارين نوكي هلك كدسجف ةطيسب :انهاه ناميلس نم مظعأ اذوه + ايؤرلا دقفي هتطاسب ناسنلأا دقفي امدنع ةبحملا دقفي لب زييمتلا دقفيو ةحيحصلا هتطاسب ناسنلأا دقفي امدنعو .. اهتاذ .. هتاذ برلا زيمي لا هناف هبلق ةواقنو بيجع عاضتأ ىف اننيب برلا شاع دقف نأ ةربكتملا بولقلا باحصأ عطتسي ملو كولملا روصق ىف هنع اوثحب .هوزيمي نيب هنع اوثحب .. رقبلا دوزم ىف وه امنيب اوسنو اهزاغلأو اهزمرو ةعيرشلا تاديقعت لك حاتفمو تبسلاو ةعيرشلا بر وه هنأ نكلو هيلا ريشت زومرلا لك .. زومرلا زومرلا ىف هسفن ىلع قلغأ نم كانه .. هيلا ريشت ام ةقيقح دهاشي نأ ضفرو حيبذلا اوسنو ةيومدلا حئابذلاب اوكسمت ىذلا اوضفرو ناتخلاب اوكسمت .. ىقيقحلا بيصن مهل ريصي نأ لجأ نم اونتتخأ هبلقو هلقع ناسنلأا قلغي ام اريثك .. هعم هيلا ريشي ام ىسنيو نيعم موهفم لوح حبذملا نورقب بآوي قلعت .. موهفملا اذه برلا نكلو .. ةبوقعلا نم برهي ىكل مامأ نم هذخأت لتاقلا نأ ميدقلا ىف ىصوأ ىلكشلا حبذملاب كسمتلاف .. هلتقتو حبذملا حبذملاب قلعت دقف .. ةبوقعلا نم ىفعي لا دواد جرخ امدنع .. حبذملا بحاصب سيلو اهنكلو ةليقث عورد هوسبلأ تايلج ءاقلل قلطنأو اهعلخف ةكرحلا نع هتزجعأ نكت ملو هناميأب ىوقلا طيسبلا هحلاسب ناميلأا ىف لب ىجراخلا حلاسلا ىف ةوقلا تايلكشلا ىف نوشيعي نوريثك .. ىلخادلا مكو ةوقلا ردصم اهنأ نونظيو ةيجراخلا كلم ةصق كانه .. رهاظملا هذه مهعدخت ةلدب نسحأ هل عنصي نمل ةقباسم ماقأ ةلدبلا هل اوعنصيل نوريثك سفانتو ةيكولم .. اهنم ةدحاو لاو هبجعي مل نكلو ةيكولملا ةلدب هل عنص هنأ هعنقأو صخش ىتأ ىتح عقاولا ىفو ىديلأا اهب سحت لا اهل ليثم لا كلملا لجرلا مهوأو ةلدب كانه نكي مل

naked until he went to the streets and only one child among the crowd who dared to shout that the king is naked. How easily eyes can be deceived when you adhere only to the appearance and letters. Parents can love their kids so much that they cannot accept any criticism for their kids whatever right it was. People may defend somebody or support him so much that they may break a lot of roles and principals for this blind love. Do not let the sensual and outside things get you to forget the real essence and true meanings. A greater than Solomon is here.

+ The lamb of the body is the eye: The eye can enlighten all the body or darken it. It depends what type of glasses you wear. An eye may only see the faults or the sensual things and imagine sin in everything it can see, or only can see problems and imagine a disaster in every incidence or other eye can find a joke about every matter or can see people from above and do not respect any one. How difficult to have such an eye which lost its original simplicity. The main reason that this person does not live in repentance. It Love of God is lacking then the eye becomes a source, which fills the heart with materialistic things. Let your eye become a gate of purity. Look again inside yourself. Let the peace inside you shine in your eyes that they become sources of enlightenment and blessings for all your life.

ؤرجي ملو ناسنلأا اهفرع ةلدب لمجأ سبلي هنأ عيمجلا حدم لب نايرع هنأ كلملل لوقي نأ دحأ ضرعتسي كلملا جرخو اهقنورو ةلدبلا لامج سانلا ليلهت طسو عراوشلا ىف ةيمهولا هتلدب اذه لك طسوو ةعئارلا ةلدبلا هذهل مهحيدمو اشهدنم رظنيو كلملا نم ريغص لفط برتقي ناك .. نايرع كلملا نايرع كلملا حيصيو اريثك .. اهنلعأو ةقيقحلا ىأر ىذلا ديحولا وه ىف شيعت اهنلأ ةقيقحلا نع نويعلا ىمعت ام امأ بحت نأك ةبعص تايفرحب كسمتتو تايلكش ليلدتلا ةجردل اديدش ابح مهتنبأ وأ مهنبأ ابأ وأ اذا ادج نوبعتيو هيف بيع ىأ اوري لا ةجردلو ردص ءىطاخ فرصت وأ بيع ىلا دحأ مههبن ضعبلا قلعتي نأ لثمو .. مهتنب وأ مهنبأ نم هل نوسمحتيو ىمعأ قلعت نيعم صخشب مهسامح ةدش ىفو مهتايناحور مهدقفت ةروصب ةعادولاو ةبحملا اياصو نم ريثكلا نورسكي دق رهوجلا كيسنت تايلكشلا لعجت لا .. عاضتلأاو ناميلس نم مظعأ اذوهف :.. كنيع وه كدسج جارس + كانه .. هلك هملظت وأ هلك دسجلا ءىضت نيعلا سبلت اهنأكو طقف بويعلا لاا ىرت لا نيع نيع كانه .. دوسأ هارت ءىش لك ءادوس ةراظن هيف ليختت هارت ام لك دسجلا ةوهش نع ثحبت ىزيرغ ناويح ىنيعب تلدبتسأ هنأك ةيطخلا نع ثحبت نيع كانه .. هتوهش ءارو عفدنم ءىش لك ىرت ةققدم نيع انأ ةجحب لكاشملا اضيأ كانهو ثودحلا كشو ىلع ةبيصم هنأك ةدامل هلوحتو لاا ائيش ىرت لا ةرتهتسم نيع ءازهتسلأل لصت لب كحضلاو ةيرخسلا نم ةيلاعتم نويع كانهو .. نيرخلآا راقتحأو .. اهل ةميق لا تارشح اهرظن ىف سانلا لك اهتطاسب تدقف دقلف نيعلأا هذه بعصأ ام لولأا اهببس ةريثك تاديقعت اهيف تلخدو ىلولأا ةايح شيعي لا ناسنلأا اذه نأو ةيطخلا وه الله ةبحم نم ايلاخ بلقلا نوكي امدنع .ةبوتلا بلقلا لأمتل دسجلل ةباوبك نيعلا حرست ذئدنعف عبشت لا نيعلاف ملاعلا تاوهشو تايداملا نم ةبحمب بلقلا لغشني امدنع نكلو رظنلا نم ةواقنلا لاا ىرت لا ةيقن ةباوب نيعلا ريصت الله بويع ىف ركفي لا بئاتلا بلقلا .. ةراهطلاو له .. هاياطخ ىلع ءاكبلاب لغشنم هنلأ نيرخلآا ةيلصم نيع اهلعجأ كسفن عجار ؟ةطيسب كنيع .. هارت ام لك ىف الله دجمت

His Holiness Pope Tawadros II message for Feast of Holy Nativity 2023

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, one God, Amen. I congratulate all of you on the glorious Nativity Feast and for the beginning of the New Year 2023. I wish to send congratulations from the land of Egypt to Coptic dioceses and churches all over the world: In Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, North America, and South America. I congratulate all of you on behalf of the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church and all the Copts in Egypt. We congratulate everyone for the glorious Nativity Feast according to the eastern [Julian] calendar, and the Coptic calendar (Anno Martyrum) in which we celebrate the feast on the 29th of Kiahk every year. In the Nativity Feast, we encounter many viewpoints, however one of the most famous ones for this feast is the declaration, according to the prophecy, that “Bethlehem is not the least in the land of Judah” (Micah 5:2). Bethlehem was a small and an unknown village, but it has become the most famous in the world and it boasts that Jesus Christ was born on its land in a small manger. The word “least” draws our attention to the little things in the Nativity story. First: We come across the star. A star as we know may appear very small in the sky as we see it from the earth. But the Nativity star had more than one characteristic; it migrated and halted as the Magi needed to stop for resting during their long joumey. The star was a guide and led the Magi who came from far East to present their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. However, what we care more about here is the existence of the star as it raises our vision towards heaven, referring to the heavenly life. It is as if the Na-

ىف سورضاوت ابابلا ةلاسر صن 2023 دلايملا ديع ديجملا دلايملا ديعب اعيمج مكئنهأ نأ دوأو 2023 ديدج ماع ةيادبو رصم ضرأ نم ةئنهتلا لك لسرأ سئانكلاو تايشرابيلاا لك ىلإ ةنوكسملا لك ىف ةدوجوملا ةيطبقلا ابوروأو ايسآو ايقيرفأ ىف ةيلامشلا اكيرمأو ايلارتسأو .ةيبونجلا اكيرمأو مساب اعيمج مكئنهأ نأ دوأ ةيطبقلا ةسينكلل سدقملا عمجملا طابقلأا لك مسابو ةيسكذوثرلأا ديعب عيمجلا ئنهن رصم ىف نيذلا ميوقتلا بسحب ديجملا دلايملا ةيطبقلا ةنسلا بسحبو ،ىقرشلا موي هب لفتحن ىذلاو ءادهشلا ةنس .ماع لك نم كهيك 2٩ فقاوم عم لباقتن دلايملا ديع ىف فقاوملا رهشأ نم نكلو ،ةريثك اننأ ديعلا اذه ىف ةدوجوملا محل تيب نأ ةوبنلا بسحب ىدانن )اخيم اذوهي ىف ىرغصلا تسيل ةريغص ةيرق محل تيب )2) ۵) ،ةرملاب ةفورعم ريغ ةرومغم ىف ةيرق رهشأ تراص اهنكلو دلايمب رختفت تراصو ،ملاعلا ىفو اهضرأ ىلع حيسملا ديسلا ةملكو ريغصلا دوزملا اذه ىلإ انرظن تفلت »ىرغصلا« .دلايملا ةصق ىف ةريغصلا ءايشلأا مجنلاو ،مجنلا عم لباقتن اننأ :لاوأ ودبي ءامسلا ىف هنا ملعن امك ىلع انتيؤر بسحب ادج اريغص ناك دلايملا مجن نكلو .ضرلأا مث كرحتي هنأ ةفص نم رثكأ هل سوجملا فقوتي امدنع فقوتي .ةليوطلا مهتلحر ءانثأ ىف ةحارلل سوجملل ايداهو ادشرم مجنلا ناك ىكل قرشملا دلاب نم اوتأ نيذلا نابللاو بهذلا مهاياده اومدقي ام رملأا اذه ىف انمهي ام نكل .رملاو انرظن عفري ىذلا مجنلا دوجو ةايحلا ىلإ ريشي هنإ ءامسلا ىلإ ودبت دلايملا ةصق نأك ةيوامسلا ةلاسر لسرت ىهو مجنلا اذهب

tivity narrative appears with this star to send us, who are on earth, the message that our life should be heavenly. The heavenly life is a luminous life, and we need it since earth is filled with sin, evil, and many defilements. When a person rises above, he becomes like a star, and becomes luminous that is the heavenly life. St. John Chrysostom has a wonderful saying: “To be a sun, a moon, or even a star, the important thing is to be in heaven.” The sun may symbolize a well-known person, the moon for the lesser-known person, and the star for an unknown person. Just like the Nativity star, or the village of Bethlehem. What is important is that the person lives his life in heaven.

Second: A tradition in the Nativity scene, is the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree is an evergreen tree that reminds us of Psalm I that we pray as an introduction to the psalms, when we say about the person who walks in the way of God to be “like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper” (Psalm 1:3). The tree sends us a message to be fruitful in life. Your life ought to be fruitful all year round. Fruitful in virtues, fruitful in good conduct, and fruitful in having good relationship with everyone. The Christmas tree is rooted in the ground, teaching us to be steadfast and to be in a state of growth. Moreover, the tree always symbolizes heaven, as it always points to the heaven from year to year. When it grows, it raises its eyes and heart to heaven.

Third: One of the many nativity messages we see in Bethlehem is when St.

نوكت نأ ضرلأا ىلع نيذلا وحن ةيوامسلا ةايحلاو ةيوامس مهتايح ضرلأا ىلع اهجاتحنو ،ةئيضم ةايح رشلاو ةيطخلاب ئلتمت ضرلأاف .اريثك .ةريثكلا دسافملاو اقلحم قوف ىلإ ناسنلإا عفتري امدنع ةايحلا ىه هذه .اريثم ريصي مجنلاك هل مفلا ىبهذ انحوي سيدقلا ةيوامسلا اسمش نوكت نأ :لوقي ةعئار ةرابع نوكت نأ مهملا ،امجن ىتح وأ ارمق وأ ناسنلإل زمرت سمشلاف« ءامسلا ىف ةرهش لقلأل رمقلاو ،ادج روهشملا مجن لثم رومغملا ناسنلإل مجنلاو نأ مهملا .محل تيب ةيرق لثم وأ دلايملا .ءامسلا ىف هتايح ناسنلإا شيعي فقاوم ىف هارن ىذلاو :ىناثلا رملأا ديلقتلا بسح دلايملا دهاشمو دلايملا دلايملا ةرجش ؛دلايملا ةرجش وه ميدقلا رومزملاب انركذت ةرضخلا ةمئاد ةرجش ريمازملل ةحتافك هيلصن ىذلا لولأا ريسي ىذلا ناسنلإا نع لوقن امدنع ةرجشلاك نوكي هنا الله قيرط ىف ىتلا هايملا ىراجم ىلع ةسورغملا رثدني لا اهقروو هنيح ىف اهرمث ىطعت ١( رومزم( »حجني هعنصي ام لكو نوكت نأ ةلاسر انل لسرت ةرجشلا )3) ةرمثم ماعلا لوط كتايح ؛ةرمثم كتايح ،ةنسحلا ةريسلاب ةرمثمو ةليضفلاب لك وحن ةبيطلا تاقلاعلاب ةرمثم وأ ةرجش دلايملا ةرجش اضيأو ،ناسنإ .ومنلاو تابثلا انملعت ضرلأا ىف ةتباث ىهف ءامسلا ىلإ زمرت امئاد اهنأ امك ،ماع ىلإ ماع نم ءامسلا ىلإ ونرت ىلإ اهبلقو اهيقر عفرت ومنت امدنعو .ءامسلا ةديدعلا دلايملا لئاسر ىف ثلاثلا رملأا امدنع .محل تيب ةيرق عم لباقتن انمأ عم راجنلا فسوي سيدقلا بهذ تيب ىف اناكم ادجي ملو ميرم ةسيدقلا ىذلا دادعتلاو ءاصحلإا ببسب محل نأ ىرن .تقولا كلذ ىف ادوجوم ناك سيل ،ةمحدزم تناك اهلك محل تيب راشأ تيبلا بحاص نكلو ،ناكم اهيف نأ ملعن نكن مل .دوزملا دوجوب امهيلع .ةفايضلل ناكم نوكي نأ نكمي دوزملا امهيلع راشأ نكلو ،طقف تاناويحلل وهف

Joseph the Carpenter went with our mother, St. Mary, and they could not find a place because of the census that was being taken at that time. We see that all of Bethlehem was crowded and there was no vacancy, yet the owner of an inn directed them to the manger. We do not know if the manger was suitable to host anyone, it is for animals only. However, he still directed them to it instead of saying that he has no place for them. Here, the image of a servant appears, or the life of service. A life of service to others requires the avoidance of saying “I don’t have,” or “There isn’t any,” or “No.” He found this manger it is a manger, but more of a barn for animals such as the ox, the donkey, and some other animals. It became a warm, bright, and famous place in the whole world. The service provided by the owner of the inn, whose name is unknown, was performed with love and it solved the problem. The servant is one who can solve a problem and always avoids rejecting a request to serve or help others. Therefore, Bethlehem became “not the least in the land of Judah” it became famous throughout the world. These are Nativity messages: The star refers to the heavenly life: The tree refers to the fruitful life; And the manger refers to the life of service. These messages, and others, I wish to present to all in every church and diocese; to the fathers the bishops, the metropolitans, and the priests; to church boards, deacons, and all the people, youth, and children in every church and every place that has Copts celebrating the Nativity Feast this day. I send my greeting and love to everyone from the land of Egypt, the land of St. Mark the Evangelist, our beloved nation. I congratulate all of you and wish you all goodness this new year.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. unadias II

نأ بنجتو ،دوزملا دوجوب ناكم ىدنع سيل امهل لوقي ناسنلإا ةروص ترهظ انه .ةمداخلا ةايحلا وأ مداخلا مدخت ىتلا ةمداخلا ةايحلا بنجتت نأ بجي نيرخلآا لا وأ ،ىدنع سيل :لوقت نأ دجوأ وه لا ةملك وأ ،دجوي قلطن نحنو ،دوزملا اذه ةريظح هنكلو ،دوزم هيلع رامحللو روثلل تاناويحلل .ىرخلأا تاناويحلا ضعبلو اناكم راص دوزملا اذهو ىف اروهشم اعملا ارينم ائفاد كانه تراصو .هلك ملاعلا تيبلا بحاص اهمدق ةمدخ اهمدق هنكلو همسا فرعن لاو وه مداخلا ةلكشم لحو ةبحمب ةلكشم لحي نأ عيطتسي ىذلا ابلط ضفري نأ امئاد بنجتيو ةدعاسم وأ نيرخلآا ةمدخل تيب تراص كلذلو نيرخلآا اذوهي ىف ىرغصلا تسيل محل ىف ةروهشم تراص اهنأ ، .هلك ملاعلا مجنلا دلايملا لئاسر ىه هذه ،ةيوامسلا ةايحلا ىلإ زمري ةايحلا ىلا زمرت ةرجشلاو ىلإ زمري دوزملاو ،ةرمثملا لئاسرلا هذه ةمداخلا ةايحلا ىف عيمجلا ىلا اهمدقأ نأ دوأ ،ةيشرابيإ لك ىفو ةسينك لك ءابلآاو ةفقاسلأا ءابلآا لكلو ةنهكلا ءابلأاو ةنراطملا ،ةسمامشلاو سئانكلا سلاجمو بابشلا مهنمو بعشلا لكلو ىفو ةسينك لك ىف لافطلأاو طابقلأا هيف دجاوتي ناكم لك ىف دلايملا ديعب نولفتحي مهو .مويلا اذه اعيمج مكل ىتبحمو ىتايحت ضرأ نم ،رصم ضرأ نم زوراك سقرمرام سيدقلا اعيمج مكئنهأ ةزيزعلا اندلاب ماعلا ىف ريخ لك مكل وجرأو .ديدجلا
Baby Levi son of
Gundy Saturday 14th January 2023 St Mary’s Church
Blessed Naptism

Blessed Marriage

Michael Tawadros & Renee Mansour

Sunday 15th January 2023 St George’s Church

Congratulations to The Very Rev. Fr. Dr Abanoub Attallah for passing the defense of his Doctor of Ministry Thesis. We are very proud of odsak. We look forward to celebrating the graduation Ceremony. May the Lord continue to bless your ministry.

Coptic Orphans is proud to announce the appointment of its newest board member in Australia; Mr. Mena Mikhail.

Mena is based in Melbourne and would love to hear from anyone wanting to learn more about this charity or how they could help out.

Please contact Mena on 0431 057 383 or mena@heven.life.

Blessed Marriage David Ghaly & Emma Maccar Sunday 15th January 2023 St John’s Church

The new Building is expected to be ready within 12 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. Cost of building works is around $12,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April
ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .ارهش ١2 2 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا بسح .ارلاود نويلم ١2 2 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Building Site 18th January 2023

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