Weekly Bulletin 23rd October 2022

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Services at St Mary’s Church Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 8am The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom) Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom) Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English 2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm Church Priests: Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kens ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399 Fr John Macary 0433 445 636 :ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )ىزيلجنأ(ىاو اذ - ىزيلجنلأاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 8 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا ىبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 ىزيلجنأ - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 ىبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلاىزيلجنأ - احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩ 7 ىزيلجنأ - ةمدخلا دادعا عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 ىهللأا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجاءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا ىزيلجنا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا ىزيلجناو ىبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا ىزيلجنا – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 ىناثلا سادقلا ىبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 ىزيلجنأ - ناحلأ لصف:ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأاميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com:نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 ىراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Departure of St. Philip, One of the Seven Deacons 24th October - 14th Baba

On this day, St. Philip, one of the Seven Deacons, departed. He was from Caesarea, Palestine. When the Lord Christ, to Him is the glory, went through this area, this saint heard Him teaching and followed Him immediately. When the Lord chose the 70 Disciples and sent them forth to preach and heal the sick, this disciple was one of them. The Twelve Apostles chose him as one of the Seven Deacons appointed to serve. This Apostle preached in the cities of Samaria and baptized its people. He also baptized Simon the magician who perished when he tried to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit with money.

One day the angel of the Lord spoke to Philip saying, «Arise and go toward the south along the road which goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.» He rose and went and behold a man of Ethiopia, a eunuch of great authority under Candace, the Queen of the Ethiopians, who had charge of all her treasury and had come to Jerusalem to worship. As he was returning and sitting in his chariot, he was reading Isaiah the prophet. Then the spirit said to Philip, «Go near and join this chariot.»

So Philip ran to him, and heard him reading the prophet Isaiah and said, «Do you understand what you are reading?»

And he said, «How can I, unless someone guides me?»

And he asked Philip to come up and sit with him. The place in the scripture which he read was this, «He was led as a sheep to the slaughter. And as a lamb before its shearer is silent. So He opened not his mouth. In His humiliation His justice was taken away. And who will declare His generation? For His life is taken from the earth.»

So the eunuch answered Philip and said, «I ask you, of whom does the prophet say this, of himself or of some other man?» Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning at this scripture, preached Jesus to him. Now as they went down the road, they came to some water. And the eunuch said, «See, here is water; What hinders me from being baptized?» Then Philip said, if you believe with all your heart, you may.» And he answered and said, «I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.»

So he commanded the chariot to stand still. And both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water, and he baptized him. Now when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away, so that the eunuch saw him no more; and he went on his way rejoicing. But Philip was found at Azotus and passing through he preached in all the cities, till he came to Caesarea. (Acts 8:26-40)

He went around the az of Asia and preached the living Gospel there. He had four daughters who preached the

ةسمامشلا دحا سبليف سيدقلا ةحاين رشع ىنثلاا دحا ريغ وهو ةعبسلا اذيملت ةباب ١4 - ربوتكا 24 سبليف سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم يف ناك .) 5:6عا ( ةسمامشلا ةعبسلا دحأربع املو .نيطسلف ةيرصيق لهأ نم ملعو ةهجلا كلتب دجملا هل عوسي برلا يف هعبتو هميلعت سيدقلا اذه عمس اهب اذيملت نيعبسلا برلا راتخا املو .لاحلا ىضرملا ،اوفشيو اوزركيل مهلسرأولسرلا هراتخاو ،مهدحأ ذيملتلا اذه ناك ةسمامشلا ةعبسلا نم ادحاو رشع انثلإا .ةمدخلل مهماقأ نيذلا ةرماسلا ندم يف لوسرلا اذه رشب دقواضيأ دمع ىذلا وهو .اهلهأ دمعو نأ دصق امل كله يذلا رحاسلا نوميس .لاملاب سدقلا حورلا ةبهوم ىنتقيمق« لائاق سبليف ملك برلا كلام نأ مث قيرطلا ىلع بونجلا وحن بهذاو يتلا ةزغ ىلإ ميلشروأ نم ةردحنملا لجر اذإو بهذو ماقف . »ةيرب يه ةكلم ةكادنكل ريزو يصخ يشبح اذهف .اهنئازخ عيمج ىلع ناك ةشبحلاناكو دجسيل ميلشروأ ىلإ ءاج دق ناكأرقي وهو هتبكرم ىلع اسلاجو اعجار حورلا لاقف يبنلا ءايعشأ ةوبن يف ،ةبكرملا هذه قفارو مدقت سبليفلرفس يف أرقي هعمسو سبليف هيلإ ردابفام مهفت كلعلا« هل لاقف يبنلا ءايعشأنإ يننكمي فيك« لاقف ، »؟أرقت تنأنأ سبليف بلطو . »دحأ يندشري ملباتكلا لصف امأو .هعم سلجيو دعصي ةاش لثم« اذه ناكف هأرقي ناك يذلا تماص فورخ لثمو حبذلا ىلإ تقيسيف .هاف حتفي مل اذكه هزجي يذلا مامأ ربخي نم هليجو هؤاضق عزتنا هعضاوت. »ضرلأا نم عزتنت هتايح نلأ هببلطأ« لاقو سبليف يصخلا باجأف هسفن نع ، يبنلا اذه لوقي نم نع كيلإهاف سبليف حتفف .»رخآ دحاو نع مأ.عوسيب هرشبف باتكلا اذه نم أدتباولابقأ قيرطلا يف نارئاس امه اميفو اذام ءام اذ وه يصخلا لاقف ،ءام ىلعتنك نإ سبليف لاقف ،دمتعأ نأ عنميلاقو باجأف ،زوجي كبلق لك نم نمؤت نأ رمأف ،الله نبأ وه عوسي نأ نموأ انأ ءاملا ىلإ امهلاك لازنف ةبكرملا فقت ادعص املو .هدمعف يصخلاو سبليف سبليف برلا حور فطخ ءاملا نميف بهذو .اضيأ يصخلا هرصبي ملفيف دجوف سبليف امأو ،احرف هقيرطرشبي ناك زاتجم وه امنيبو .دودشأ عأ(ةيرصيق ىلإ ءاج ىتح ندملا عيمج .(40 - 26 : 8 ةراشبلاب اهيف زركو ايسآ دلاب فاطو

word of God with him. He brought many of the Jews, the Samaritans and others to the faith, and departed in peace. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of Saint Panteleimon, the Physician 25th October - 15th Baba

On this day of the year 45 A.D., St. Panteleimon (Bandleamon), who was from the city of Nicomedia, was martyred. His father worshipped idols but his mother was a Christian. They educated him well and taught him the profession of medicine. He met a priest whose name was Hermolaus (Armolas) who taught him the facts of the faith of the Lord Christ and baptized him. He reached a high standard of virtuous life. God wrought great wonders through him. Once, a blind man came to him to be treated by his medicine. He made the sign of the Cross over his eyes in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and his eyes were healed and he regained his vision completely.

When the Emperor heard the news of his healing this blind man, he had the blind man brought to him and asked him about how his eyes were healed. He told him St. Panteleimon healed them by laying his hand on them and by saying, «In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.» He confessed before the Emperor that he was a Christian, so the Emperor immediately had his neck cut off.

The Emperor ordered that St. Panteleimon be brought to him and asked him about his belief. He confessed that he was a Christian. He tried to persuade him by all means and promised him many things, but he would not change his confession. Then he shouted out to him and threatened to inflict upon him different kinds of tortures. But he did not move. The Emperor inflicted upon him severe tortures on different days, sometimes beating and suspending him and often times casting him into the sea or into the fire. The Lord Christ appeared to him in the form of Hermolaus, the priest who baptized him and taught him the facts of faith, to strengthen him, and walked with him as if He was sharing with him every punishment which befell him.

Later on, the Emperor ordered to behead him. When St. Panteleimon went to the place of execution, he prayed to the Lord Christ and supplicated Him. He heard a voice from heaven announcing to him what had been prepared for him from heavenly joy. The soldiers also heard that voice and immediately believed. They went forth to the Emperor and confessed their faith in the Lord Christ. The Emperor ordered his men to cut off their necks, too, and they all received the crown of martyrdom. Their intercession be for us and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

The Departure of the Honorable Father Saint Theophilus
نرشبي تانب عبرأ هل ناكو .ةييحملا ةرماسلاو دوهيلا نم نيريثك درو .هعم حينتو .ناميلإا ةريظح ىلإ مهريغو .ملاسب امئاد دجملا انبرلو .انعم نوكت هتلاص .نيمآ .ايدبأ بيبطلا نوميئلادنب سيدقلا داهشتسا م45 ةنس ايديموقين نم ةباب ١5 - ربوتكأ 25 ةيدلايم 45 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم يف ةنيدم نم ،نوميئلادنب سيدقلا دهشتسا مانصلأا دبعي هوبأ ناك ،ةيديموقينهابدأ دقو ،ةيحيسم تناك همأ نكلو سقب عمتجاو بطلا ةعانص هاملعوناميلأا قئاقح هملعف سلاومرأ همسا .هدمعو حيسملابىرجأو ،ايلاع اغلبم ةليضفلا يف غلبو كلذ نم ،ةميظع تايآ هيدي ىلع الله ،هبطب هيواديل هدصق ىمعأ اناسنإ نأ مساب بيلصلا ةملاع هينيع ىلع مشرف تئربف ،سدقلا حورلاو نبلااو بلآا املو ،لاماك هرصب هيلإ داعو هانيع ،ىمعلأا اذه ءافش ربخ كلملاب لصتا ءرب ةيفيك نع هلأسو هرضحتسا نوميئلادنب سيدقلا نأ هملعأف ،هينيع هلوقو ،امهيلع هدي عضوب امهأربأ مث ،سدقلا حورلاو نبلااو بلآا مساببرضف يحيسم هنأ كلملا مامأ رقأراضحتساب رمأو ،لاحلا يف هقنع،هدقتعم نع هلأسو نوميئلادنب سيدقلا عاونأب هفطلاف ،يحيسم هنأ رقأف ملف ةليزج ديعاومب هدعوو ،ةريثك،باطخلا هل ظلغأ مث هفارتعا ريغي،عزعزتي ملف باذعلا عاونأب هددهو،ةفلتخم مايأ يف ةديدش تابوقعب هبقاعفىرخأو ،قيلعتلاو برضلاب ةرات ديسلا ناكف ،رانلاو رحبلا يف ءاقللإابسلاومرأ لكش يف هل رهظي حيسملا هملعو هدمع دق ناك يذلا ،سقلا هعم ريسيو هيوقي ناكو ناميلإا قئاقح ،هيلع عقت ةبوقع لك هرطاشي هنأك،هقنع برضب كلملا رمأ كلذ دعبو ىلص كلذل دعملا ناكملا ىلإ مدقت املو عمسف ،حيسملا ديسلا ىلإ لهتباونم هل دعأ امب هرشبي ءلاعلا نم اتوص اضيأ دنجلا عمس دقو ،يوامسلا ميعنلا اومدقتو لاحلا يف اونمآف توصلا اذهديسلاب ناميلإاب اورقأو كلملا ىلإ مهقانعأ برضب كلملا رمأف .تبرضف،حيسملا اضيأ انبرلو .انعم نوكت عيمجلا ةعافش.نيمآ .ايدبأ امئاد دجملا 23 سليفؤيث ابابلا ةحاين ةباب ١8 - ربوتكأ 28 ةيدلايم 44 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم يفثلاثلا سليفؤاث ابنلأا سيدقلا بلأا حينت

23rd Pope of Alexandria 28th October - 18th Baba

On this day of the year 44 A.D., the holy father Abba Theophilus, 23rd Pope of Alexandria, departed. He was a disciple of St. Athanasius the Apostolic. He was brought up by him and learned all the spiritual doctrine from him.

When Pope Timothy I departed, this father was chosen to take his place. Abba Theophilus was knowledgeable, well read in the church books with full understanding of their interpretation. He wrote many discourses and works of exhortation urging on the works of charity and mercy, and warnings to the people about receiving the Divine Mysteries without being prepared, and concerning the Resurrection and the punishment which is prepared for sinners and many other useful teachings. The holy father Abba Kyrillos (1) was his nephew and Abba Theophilus took care of his education by sending him to Abba Serapion in the desert of Scete.

There Kyrillos studied the books of the church and all its subjects and stayed there five years, then went back to his uncle. When Abba Theophilus was with Abba Athanasius the Apostolic, he heard him one day saying while looking at the hills before his cell, “If I find time, I will clear away these hills and build a church in their place for St. John the Baptist and Elisha the prophet.”

When Abba Theophilus became Patriarch, he remembered that saying and he talked about it often. In the city of Rome, the husband of a rich woman died and left her with two sons. She took them and much money and an icon of the Archangel Raphael and came to Alexandria. When she heard about the interest of the father the Patriarch in removing those hills, she went to him with true zeal and gave him enough money to fulfill his desire. After the work was done, a treasure appeared under the hills and was covered with a slab of stone engraved in Coptic, with three characters of theta, 0. When Abba Theophilus saw them, he knew, guided by the Holy Spirit, the secret of these three letters and said, “Behold the time has come for this treasure to be uncovered because these three thetas were gathered together at the same time and they are: Thoes, that of God; and Theodosius the Emperor, son of Arcadius, son of Theodosius the Great; and Theophilus the Patriarch - meaning himself. He found that this treasure dated to the Era of Alexander, the son of Philip the Macedonian which was 700 years before. The Patriarch sent to the Emperor to inform him about the treasure and asked him to come. The Emperor came and saw the treasure, and gave a large sum of money to Abba Theophilus. He built many churches. He began by building a church in the name of St. John the Baptist and Elisha the Prophet, and he transferred their relics

ناك ،ةيردنكسلإا تاواباب نم نورشعلاو ،يلوسرلا سويسانثأ سيدقلا بلأل اذيملت.يناحورلا بدلأا هنم بدأتو ،هدنع ىبرتوبلأا اذه مدق سواثوميت ابابلا حينت املو،ةسينكلا بتكل اظفاح املاع ناكو ،هناكم لااوقأو ةريثك رمايم عضوف ،اهريسافتب املم ،ةمحرلاو ةبحملا ىلع ثحلا يف ةديفمةيهللإا رارسلأا نم وندلا نم ريذحتلاو دعملا باذعلاو ،ةمايقلا ىفو ،دادعتسا نودب ةعفانلا ميلاعتلا نم كلذ ريغو ،ةاطخلل،هتخأ نبا سلريك سيدقلا بلأا ناكو بلأا ىلإ هلسرأ نأب هميلعت رمأب ىنتعاف سردو هدنع هقفتف ،تيهيش لبجب نومابارس سمخ كانه ىضقو اهمولعو ةسينكلا بتك امزلام ناكو ،هلاخ ىلإ داعو تاونس .بعشلا مامأ ةءارقللسيدقلا بلأا دنع سليفؤاث ابابلا ناك املو – لوقي موي تاذ هعمس يلوسرلا سويسانثأنأ – هتيلاق هاجت تناك ماوكأ ىلإ علطت دقوتينبو ،ماوكلأا هذه تلزأ انامز تدجو نادمعملا انحوي سيدقلل ةسينك اهناكم .يبنلا عشيلأو ناكو ،لوقلا كلذ ركذت اكريرطب مدق املفةينغ ةأرما ةيمورب ناكو ،اريثك هب ثدحتي امهتذخأف ،نيدلو اهل كرتو اهجوز ىفوت كلاملا ةنوقيأو اريثك لاام اهعم تذخأو املف ،ةيردنكسلإا ىلإ ترضحو ليئافور هذه ةلازإب كريرطبلا بلأا مامتهاب تعمستمدقو ةقداص ةريغب هيلإ تمدقت ماوكلأاثدحو ،هضرغ قيقحتل ةيفاكلا لاوملأا هل ماوكلأا دحأ تحت رهظ نأ لمعلا مامتإ دعب ةيطبقلاب اهيلع شقن ةطلابب ىطغم زنك اهآر املف ،)ث( يأ ةطيث فرحأ ةثلاثرس سدقلا حورلاب ملع سليفؤاث بلأايذلا نامزلا ىتأ دقل« لاقو فورحلا هذهدق تاطيث ثلاثلا نلأ زنكلا اذه هيف رهظي يأ سؤآث مهو ،دحاو نامز يف تعمتجانب سويداقرأ نبا كلملا سويسدؤاث ،الله كريرطبلا سليفؤاثو ،ريبكلا سويسدؤاث زنكلا اذه خيرات نأ دجوو ،»هتاذ ىنعي ينودقملا سبليف نب ردنكسلاا نامز قفاوي،ةنس ةئامعبس ذنم يأبلطيو كلذب هفرعي كلملا ىلإ بلأا لسرأف ،زنكلا ىأرو كلملا رضحف ،روضحلا هيلإ ىنبف ،سليفؤاث بلأل ريبك غلبم حنمب رمأ مثمسا ىلع ةسينك ءانبب اهأدب دقو ،سئانك ةدعلقنو ،يبنلا عشيلأو نادمعملا انحوي سيدقلا ةفورعم تناك يتلا ىهو ،اهيلإ امهيدسج ةديسلا مسا ىلع ةسينك مث ،سراميدلاب ذئموي ليئافور كلاملا مسا ىلع ةسينك مث ،ءارذعلا،ىرخأ سئانك عبسو ،ةريزجلابدقف ةيمور نم ترضح يتلا ةأرملا ادلو امأقدص كلملا ىأر املو ،نيفقسأ امهمسر هتبحمو همامتهاو كريرطبلا بلأا مزعيباربلا لامب هل رمأ ،سئانكلا ةرامع يف سئانك ىلإ اهلوحف اهلك رصم رايد يف يتلا

that church. That church was known at that time by the Demas. Then he built a church by the name of our Lady the Virgin Mary, then a church in the name of the Archangel Raphael at El-Gizira and seven other churches.

As for the two sons of the woman who came from Rome, he ordained them bishops. When the Emperor saw the love of the Abba the Patriarch for building churches, he gave him all the houses of idols and Abba Theophilus changed them to churches and lodging houses for strangers, and endowed them with land.

Having fulfilled his days in a life pleasing to God, he departed from this world in peace.

The Assembly of the Council of Antioch against Paul of Samosata.

29th October - 19th Baba

On this day of the year 280 A.D. a Holy Council assembled in an Antiochian church to judge Paul of Samosata. He was a native of Samosata, and he was chosen a Patriarch of Antioch. Satan sowed in his mind the belief that the Lord Christ was a simple, ordinary man whom God had created and chosen to redeem the human beings; and that Christ was entirely Mary’s offspring and that Divinity did not unite with Jesus but joined Him by the will only and that God is one person, so he did not believe in the Son or the Holy Spirit.

Because of him, a council assembled in the city of Antioch during the reign of Emperor Valerian and the papacy of Abba Dionysius, 14th Pope of Alexandria, which was 45 years before the Council of Nicea. Because Abba Dionysius was old, he was not able to convene with them, so he wrote a letter stating the belief that the Lord Christ is the Word of God, and His Son, and is equal to Him in essence, in divinity and in being eternal. The Holy Trinity is Three Persons by character, in one God-head. One Person of the Trinity is the Son incarnated and became in Hypostatic Union, a complete man. Abba Dionysius testified concerning these things using many testimonies from the Old and the New Testaments and he sent this letter with two priests of the church scholars. Thirteen bishops and the two priests assembled in that council. They brought that Paul and asked him about the heresy that he was teaching. He declared it to them and did not deny anything. They debated the matter with him and read to him the letter of Abba Dionysius and made him listen to what the Apostles said about the Lord Christ the Word of God that He is, “The brightness of His glory. And the express image of His person.” (Hebrews 1:3) But he did not accept their words, and he would not turn from his infidel opinion. They excommunicated him, and all those who believed his words, and they exiled him. The fathers put forth the Canons, which are still in the hands of the believers who follow them to this day.

The blessings of their prayers be with us. Amen.

اهل نيعو ،ءابرغلا ةفاضلإ نكامأو ةيضرم ةريس يف همايأ لمكأو افاقوأ .ملاسب ملاعلا اذه نم لقتنا مث ،لله امئاد دجملا انبرلو .انعم نوكت هتلاص .نيمآ .ايدبأ سلوب ةمكاحمل هيكاطناب عمجم دقع يطاسوماسلا ةباب ١٩ - ربوتكأ 2٩ م280 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم يف ةيكاطنإ ةسينكب سدقم عمجم عمتجا يذلا ،يطاسوماسلا سلوب ةمكاحملمدقو ، طاسوماس لهأ نم ناك سرغ دقو ،ةيكاطنإ ىلع اكريرطب ديسلا نأب داقتعلاا هلقع يف ناطيشلا هقلخ ، طيسب ىداع ناسنإ حيسملا،رشبلا هب صلخيل هافطصاو الله ،ميرم نم هتيلكب حيسملا أدتبم نأوهبحص لب ،هب دحتي مل توهلالا نأوملو ،دحاو مونقإ الله نأو ةئيشملاب .سدقلا حورلاب لاو نبلااب نمؤي نكي ةيكاطنإ ةنيدمب عمجم هببسب عمتجافكلملا مكح مايأ ىف كلذ ناكوبلأا ةيكريرطبو ،سونايلروأ ىلع رشع عبارلا سويسانويد ةيقين عمجم لبق كلذو ،ةيردنكسلإا.ةنس نيعبرأو سمخب سويسانويد بلأا ةخوخيشلو عطتسي مل ةيردنكسلإا كريرطب اهنمض ةلاسر بتكف ،مهعم روضحلاالله ةملك حيسملا ديسلا نأب داقتعلاارهوجلا يف هل واسم هنأو ،هنباوثولاثلا نأو ةيلزلأاو ةيهوللأا ىفو اهصاوخ يف ميناقأ ةثلاث سدقلأاثولاثلا دحأ نأو ،دحاو توهلا اناسنأ راصو دسجت نبلاا وه يذلا دهشتساو ،ايعيبط اداحتا ادحتم لاماك بتكلا نم ةريثك تاداهشب كلذ ىلع عم ةلاسرلا لسرأو ةثيدحلاو ةقيتعلا .ةسينكلا ءاملع نم نيسيسق افقسأ رشع ةثلاثلا عمتجاو ،روكذملا سلوب رضحو ،ناسيسقلاو اهب ىداني يتلا هتعدب نع هولأسوءابلآا ضحدف ،اهركني ملو رقأفبلأا ةلاسر هيلع اوءرقو ،همعازم لوسرلا لوق هوعمسأو ،سويسانويد « هنأو ،الله ةملك حيسملا ديسلا نع ١ بع( »هرهوج مسرو هدجم ءاهب نع عجري ملو ،مهلوق لبقي ملف )3 : هومرحو هوعطقف ،ةدسافلا هتديقع نع هوفنو ،هلوقب لوقي نم لكو وه يه نيناوق ءابلآا عضوو .هيسرك ،اهنوعبتي نينمؤملا ديب مويلا ىلإ ةكرب ،اهضئارفب نوعرتشيو .نيمآ .انعم نوكت مهتاولص

Meditation on Bible readings 2nd Sunday of the Blessed Month of Babah Luke 5: 1-11

“we have toiled all night and caught nothing” Luke 5:5 If Peter spent all his life as a fishermen on the lake og Gennesaret … and if Peter was the best fisherman on this lake … or even the best and most skilled fisher ever, still Peter’s name would have not been men tioned or heard of and he would have no effect of the lives of all mankind … for there are many fishermen in the world; those who have been and those who will come … but no one will ever remember their names, not even one … but Peter the fishman … the Lord has called him to become a fisherman of men … and Peter went out of the circle of vain toil … to the fruitful toil … hardship for nothing … to hardship for the heavenly (kingdom) …. Futile toil … is all night toil …. The night symbolises life of the world with mush toil and pain …. But fruitful toil … is “at Your word, I will let down the net” … it is the toil according to God’s will and it pleases Him … futile toil … results is fatigue and much efforts all night … still with empty nets … but the fruitful toil … it’s fruit is the Word of God … in the depth we cast the nets … to bring forth great number of fish … what type of toil is your toil, dearly beloved ?? + we have toiled all night and caught nothing ..

How great is the toil of the futile man … man will toil for a purpose and an ail in the world … toils t become rich … or toils to be of good appearance and well presented … or toils to satisfy one’s physical needs and lusts … or even toils for higher position and degrees … which all are temporal aims … all are toils for things which one cannot take with him (from this life) nor anything of it will remain … therefore, this is a vain toil … indeed toils of the world are without fruits … van toil.

The (foolish)rich man has yielded plentiful wealth … and has built for himself barns and stores … and he filled it with wealth, gold, jewels and crops … he concerned himself and his toils not for the necessary needs of his life … but to say to himself “you have many goods laid up for many years; take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry” but what he heard is the word “Fool! This night your soul will be required of you” (Luke 12: 16-21) … all what has been gathered for whom will it be??

King Solomon has gained many riches, glory, honour and wisdom no king before or after him ever had … he made sliver like gravel in Jerusalem because of it’s abundance … there was nothing his eye’s desired, he kept from himself …. But he summarised his status of all this riches and comfort … and even wisdom as … “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. What profit has a man from all his labour In which he toils under the sun” (Eccl 1: 2-3).

سادقلا ليجنأ فى تلامأت كرابلما ةباب رهش نم نىاثلا دحلأا 11 – 1 :5 اقول 5 : 5 اقول »ائيش ذخأن لمو هلك ليللا انبعت« كمسلل ادايص اهلك هتايح سرطب ضىق ول مظعأ سرطب ناك ولو .. تراسنيج ةيرحب فى مظعأ ناك ولو ىتح لب .. ةيرحبلا هذه ىدايص ناك الم قلاطلاا لىع كمسلا ىدايص رهمأو هل راص وأ هنع انعمس المو مسأ وأ ركذ سرطبل ىدايص ثركأ ماف .. ةيشربلا ةايح فى يرثأت ىأ نيذلا وأ اوناك نيذلاو لماعلا فى نيذلا كمسلا مهل مسأ وأ ركذ نم سيل نكلو .. اوتأي فوس كماسلاا دايص سرطب نكلو .. مهنم دحاو ىلأ جرخو .. سانلل ادايص يرصيل برلا هاعد .. لمعلا لىا .. لطابلا لمعلا ةرئاد نم سرطب بعتلا لىا .. ءشى نودب ىذلا بعتلا .. رمثلما وه .. لطابلا بعتلا .. ءماسلا لجأ نم ىذلا لماعلا ةايح لىا زمري ليللاو .. هلك ليللا بعت بعتلا وه .. رمثلما بعتلا .. ابعتو المأ ةؤلملما بعتلا .. ةكبشلا ىقلا كتملك بسح ىذلا بعتلا .. هتسرمو هللا ةدارأ بسح ىذلا لوط رهسو دوهجمو قاهرأ هتجيتن .. لطابلا رمثلما بعتلا .. ةغراف كابشب ةدوعلاو .. ليللا كابشلا ىقلن قمعلا فىو .. هللا ةملك .. هترثم .. نم عون ىأ .. ادج يرثك كمسب دوعتو .. .. ؟؟ بيبحلا اهيأ كبعت وه بعتلا .. ائيش ذخان لمو هلك ليللا انبعت دق + ناسنلاا بعتي .. لطابلا ناسنلاا بعت ثركأ ام اينغ يرصيل بعتي .. ىلماع فدهو ضرغ لجلا نم بعتي .. اقينأو لايمج رهظي كىل بعتي .. .. هدسج تاوهش عبشي نا لجأ .. ةداهشوأ ةفيظو وأ زكرم لجأ نم بعتي ءايشأ لجأ نم بعت اهلك .. ةلئاز ءايشأ اهلك اذهف .. ائيش اهنم ىقبي نلو هعم اهذخأي نل نم ىذلا بعتلا نأ اقح .. لطاب بعت هلك .. لطاب بعت .. رثم لاب بعت وه لماعلا لجأ هسفنل ىنبو .. ادج ةيرثك لااومأ ىنغلا عمج اهيف سدكو .. ةعساو ةيربك نزاخم داتعلاو ةنوؤلماو رهاوجلاو بهذلاو لاوملاا لجأ نم سيل هلك هدهجو هلك هتقو لغش .. لوقي نأ لجأ نم لب .. ينيروضر ةوسكو توق .. ىمعنتو بىشرأو لىك سىفناي هسفنل سفن فىو .. ةديدع يننسل ةيرثك تايرخ كىل ةليلل ىبغاي هل لوقي ىدلا توصلا هءاج ةليللا نلم اهتددعأ ىتلا هذهف .. كنم كسفن ةبلطت )21- 13 :12 اقول( .. ؟؟ نوكت ادجمو ىنغ هسفنل ميكحلا نمايلس ىنتقأ كلم لاو هلبق نم كلم اهلني لم ةمكحو ةماركو لثم ميلشروأ فى ةضفلا لعج .. هدعب رخآ هتهتشأ ء شى نكي لم .. اهتثرك نم ةراجحلا هسفن وه هنكلو .. هسفن نع هعنم هانيع

The church history tells about emperor who reigned as the Roman Emperor in the fourth century AD … he had a sister named Pulcheria who promised her self and her sisters to virginity and devoted a special wing of the royal palace called the virgins’ wing … this was not because of her love of purity but to en sure that there was no competitors to the emperor’s sons for the thrown … but God did not will that the emperor has any offspring … Pulcheria was very much troubled by this … and advised her brother to marry another woman to have children (from her) … but the emperor was a devout Christian who feared God and he did not like this idea and sent emissaries to the monks of skete (Scetis) in Egypt who their aroma of purity and righteousness was every where … and the emperor messengers’ asked whether this is a good solution … and the answer which came was … to tell the emperor that the Lord did not will for him to have an offspring, even if married seven women … and the emperor accepted this advise and lived till his death with no offspring of his own … after his death, Pulcheria broke her vow of virginity and decided to marry to have an heir to keep the thrown within the family and mar ried an officer called Marcian who became Caesar … but the Lord showed her that all her toil was in vanity and her husband died without any offspring too … the thrown after her husband’s death reverted to another person from his family and not from her family thus all her toils for the aim which she had and was willing to do anything possible for … she laboured a lot but all in vain.

The toils of Ahab and Jezebel was in vain … to take a vineyard adjacent to his palace which was owned by Naboth the Jezreelite … Jezebel conspired to have Naboth killed … she colluded, planned and toiled … Naboth was killed and Ahab took his vineyard … but the Lord told him via Elijah the prophet that Ahab will have no offspring and “In the place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth, dogs shall lick your blood” (1 kings 21:19).

How grim is man’s toil in vain … man labours for riches of the world … struggles and toils and it might even take him to war and fight for the riches and physical desires … and what does one gain from all this … nothing … vain labour and gains the wind.

And you, beloved, do toil in vain?? Are all your aims mere worldly aims?? It is not wrong to labour and sweat (in labour) … not wrong to be ambitious and striving to improve one’s position and status (in life) … but what is important, is your aim of all this (labour) … is this labour in the Lord?? Or for the world?? Is your toils for the glory of God’s name?? or is the aim to satisfy your desires and physical needs only?? Ask yourself this important question;

ىتحو .. ميعنلا و ىنغلا اذه لك نم هفقوم صخلي لاو لطاي لكلا ليطابلاا لطاب هنأ .. اضيأ ةمكحلا )1 ةعماجلا( .. سمشلا تحت ناسنلال ةعفنم روطابرملاا كللما نع ةسينكلا خيرات انل كىحي ةيروطابرملاا شرع لىوت ىذلا .. سويسودؤيث تخأ هل ناكو .. ىدلايلما عبارلا نرقلا فى ةينامورلا اهتاوخأو ىه اهسفن لىع تعضو ايشرلوب اهمسأ فى احانج نهسفنلا نصصخو ةيلوتبلارذن ىراذعلا نكي لمو .. ىراذعلا حانجب ىمسي كىللما صرقلا كانه نوكي لا هنأ ضرغب لب ةيلوتبلا فى ابح اذه نكلو .. شرعلا لىع روطابرملاا نبأ سفاني نم لمأتتو .. لسن ىأب روطابرملاا قزري لا نأ هللا ءاشي ةأرماب جوزتي نأ اهيخأ لىع يرشتو .. ادج ايشرلوب ىذلا روطابرملاا نكلو .. ادلاوأ اهنم بجني ىرخأ ةركفلا هذه هبجعت لم هللا فاخي ايقت ايحيسم ناك نيذلا صرم فى تبهيش ةيرب ءابآ يرشتسي لسرأو ناكم لك فى مهتسادقو مهلئاضف ةحئار تحاف وه ام لأسي روطابرملاا لوسر مهيلا بهذو .. ةباجلاا تءاجو .. ةيبرلا ءابآ هب يرشي ىذلا لحلا هل نوكي نأ ءاشي لم برلا نا كللما برخأو بهذأ .. كللما باجتسأو .. ءاسن عبسب جوزت ولو ىتح يننب جوزتي لمو .. لسن نودب تام ىتح لظو ةحيصنلل دهع ايشرلوب تضقن هتافو دعبو .. ىرخأ ةرم ظفتحتو ادلاوأ بجنتل جوزتت نأ تررقو ةيلوتبلا شيجلا داوق دحأ تجوزت لاعفو اهتسرأ فى شرعلاب اهكراشيل صريق ةبتر لىا هتقرو سونايقرم همسأو لاطاب ناك اهبعت نأ اهارأ برلا نكلو .. شرعلا فى لوحتو .. اضيأ لسن نودب اهجوز فىوت ىتح تلظف نم .. اهتسرأ نم رخآ صخش لىا هتافو دعب شرعلا شرعلا ظفح وهو اهمامأ هتعضو ىذلا فدهلا لجأ .. ءشى ىأ لعفت نأ ةدعتسم تناك اهتسرأ فى .. لاطاب ابعت ناك هلك هنكلو ايرثك تبعت ذخأي نأ لجأ نم .. لاطاب لبازيأو باخآ بعت ناك اهكليم هصرق هراوجب لقح ةعطق هسفنل باخآ اهب لتقي ةليسو لبازيأ هل تربد .. لىيعرزيلا توبان لتقيو .. تبعتو تططخو تبترو تربدو .. لابان برلا نكلو .. لقحلا لىع باخآ لىوتسيو توبان باخلآ ىقبي نل هنأ ىبنلا ايليأ ناسل لىع هغلبي مد بلاكلا تسحل ماك هنأو همامأ فقي لسن ىأ .. اضيأ همد سحلت فوس ذكه لىيعرزيلا توبان )19 :21 لولأا كولم( ناسنلاا ىعسي .. لطابلا ناسنلاا بعت بعصأ ام لصي دقو .. دهاجيو بعتيو .. لماعلا ىنغ لجلأ لاوملأا لجأ نم لتاقيو براحي نأ لىا رملاا هب لا .. اذه لك نم ذخأي اذامو .. هدسج تاوهشو .. حيرلا ضبقو لطاب بعت .. ءشى له ؟؟ لاطاب ابعت بعتت بيبحلا اهيأ تنأ له قرعتو بعتت نأ ابيع سيل ؟؟ ةيلماع كفادهأ لك كزكرم نم نسحتو احومط نوكت نأ ابيع سيل .. اذه ءارو كفده وه ام مهلما نكلو .. كاوتسمو ؟؟ لماعلا فى مأ ؟؟ برلا فى اذه كبعت له .. هلك

why are you here in this country?? Why have you undertake all this labour and migrated to this land leaving your country and your birth place?? Why do you suffer and spend all this efforts to come here and bring your family and friends?? What is the real aim of being here in Australia?? Is it just to escape the difficult living conditions in Egypt?? Is it, simply to gain more money and possessions?? Is it to achieve a better comfort and well-being and a physical future for your children?? There is no objections to all this goals … but the danger is, this goal become only the centre of your life, thoughts and concern … and forgetting the most important concern which is your salvation and the salvation of your house hold … how easy it is to achieve this goals on account of your believes and traditions … one day, you will find that you are one of this land inhabitants and had achieved the status, the wealth and the financial future )you desired ( but you might find yourself living with ideals and tradi tions you never could accept as a Christian before! … simply, you shall find yourself away from the kingdom of heavens … then, you would wounder; all that you have achieved, has been in vain … we have toiled all night and caught nothing. + at Your word I will let down the net You have toiled gratly for the world … it is time to toil for God … it is time you say to the Lord at Your word, I will let the net down … there are many who toil for their benefit and the the benefir of all other brethren and all humans … but the toil we are concerned with is the toil for the kingdom of heaven … the labour for the salvation of (your) soul.

John the Baptist spent his short life for one pur pose only … to be “The voice of one crying in the wilderness … Make straight the way of the LORD” (John 1:21) … to witness for the Lord Christ … and when he completed his works he quickly departed from the world as he entered quickly … he depart ed from the world without any status, positions or titles nor medals and he did not leave behind hi any monuments, pyramids or inventions carrying his name … but in God’s view, he was the greatest born to a woman … he was great before God. St Hilaria … the church history tells us … she was the daughter of Emperor Zeno … she could have stayed in the emperor’s palace and inherit the thrown with her sister (Theopesta) … but she left her father’s house and went to the wilderness, dressed as a man and was known as the monk Hilary (the eunuch) … she left the vain toil to the fruitful toil … for she wanted to disappear from the world … but the Lord revealed her (to the world) … and made her a source of blessing and at her hands, her sister was cured from her illness and

هضرغ مأ ؟؟ هللا مسأ ديجتم ضرغ هل اذه كبعت له ؟؟ طقف ةيدسجلا كتاوهشو كتابغر عابشأ درجم هذه فى انه تنأ اذالم مهلما لاؤسلا اذه كسفن لأسأ تكرتو ترجاهو بعتلا لك تلمحت اذالم ؟؟ دلابلا دهجلا لك لذبتو بعتت اذالم ؟؟ كدلوم نطوو كدلب ام ؟؟ كءاقدصأو كبراقأ اضيأ ضرحت كنأ لجأ نم وه له ؟؟ ايلاترسأ فى انه كدوجو نم فدهلا وه صرم اهب رتم ىتلا ةبعصلا فورظلا نم برهلا درجلم تاينتقلما ءانتقأو لاوملاا عمج لجأ نم له ؟؟ لبقتسمو »ةيهافرو ةحار قيقحت لجأ نم له ؟؟ لىع ضاترعأ كانه سيل ؟؟ كدلاولا لضفأ ىدام نوكت نأ رطخأ ام نكلو .. فادهلاا هذه لك كمماتهأو كتايح روحم طقف ىه فادهلاا هذه كسفن صلاخ وهو ءشى مهأ سىنتو .. كيركفتو ققحت نأ لهسأ ام .. كتسرأ دارفأ سوفن صلاخو .. كديلاقتو كتديقع باسح لىع فادهلاا هذه هذه لهأ نم ادحاو كسفن دجت فوس ام اموي ىدالما لبقتسلماو زكرلما كسفنل تققح دقو دلابلا راكفأ فى شيعت كسفن دجت فوس نكلو ةوثرلاو ناسناك اهلبقت نأ بحت لمو نكت لم ءىدابمو ديلاقتو دجت فوس ةطاسبلا ىهتنبم .. لبق نم ىحيسم فقت ذئدنعو .. تاومسلا توكلم نع اديعب كسفن لطاب بعت نم هلاي لوقتو هتققح ام لك لىا رظنتو .. ائيش ذخأن لمو هلك ليللا انبعت .. .. ةكبشلا ىقلا كتملك لىع + نلاا تقو هنأ .. لماعلا لجأ نم ايرثك تبعت دقل براي هل لوقت تقو هنأ .. هللا لجأ نم بعتت كىل نوبعتي نويرثك كانه .. ةكبشلا ىقلا كتملك لىع يرخ لجأ نمو مهتوخإ يرخو مهيرخ لجأ نم ابعت بعتلا هدصقن ىذلا بعتلا نكلو .. اهلك نيشربلا .. سفنلا صلاخ لجأ نم .. ءماسلا لجا نم ىذلا لجأ نم يرصقلا هرمع لك ضىق نادمعلما انحوي ةيبرلا فى خراص توص درجم نوكي نأ .. دحاو ضرغ .. حيسلما ديسلل دهشي نأ .. برلا قيرط دعي نأ .. ماك لماعلا اذه نم اعيسر قلطنأ هلمع متأ امدنعو باقلاو زكارم نودب لماعلا نم جرخ .. اعيسر هلخد تاعاترخأ وأ تامارهأ هفلخ كترتي لم ينشاين لاو ديلاوم مظعأ ناك هللا رظن فى هنكلو .. همسأ لمحت )9 :11 ىتم( .. هللا مامأ مايظع ناك .. ءاسنلا اهنأ .. ةسينكلا خيرات اهنع كىحي .. ةيرلايأ ةسيدقلا نأ اهنأكمأ فى ناكو .. نونيز روطابرملاا ةنبأ تناك عم ةيروطابرملاا شرع ثرتو كللما صرق فى ىقبت ةيبرلا لىا تقلطنأو اهيبأ رقم تكرت ابنكلو .. اهتخأ .. ىرلايأ بهارلا مساب تفرعو لاجرلا ىزب تيزتو ىه نكلو .. رمثلما بعتلا لىا لطابلا بعتلا تكرت .. اهرهظأ برلا نكلو .. لماعلا نم ىفتتخت نأ تدارأ ةيرملاا اهتخأ تيفش ابيدي لىعو ةكرب ببس اهلعجو ةريدلاا نونيز روطابرملاا رمع اهببسبو اهضرم نم .. ةعينلما نوصحلاو راوسلاا اهل ىنبو ةيصرلما ةيابجلا ناكم دنع اسلاج اراشع لوسرلا ىتم ناك هبلق نكلو اهباسحو اهدعو لاوملاا عمج فى لاوغشم

because of her emperor Zeno built the Egyptian monas teries and erected walls and fences.

Matthew the apostle was a tax collector seated at the tax collector booth concerned with collecting money and tallying it, but his heart was engaged with the Lord Jesus … and when He went by him, he was ready … He said to him come and follow Me, so he left everything at the tax-collector booth and followed Him … he made a great reception for Him in his house … and he converted fro Matthew the tax-collector to Matthew the evangelical apostle … he converted from the vain toil to the fruitful toil for kingdom of heaven.

Blessed is this toil for sake of the Lord Jesus Christ … it the toil which compel a saint like Paul to say in truth and eagerness “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness” (Timothy 4:7-8) … the toil which made him say “I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified” )1 Corinthian 9:27( … his toils were not only for preaching but also for his own salvation.

Do you want to toil for the sake of The Lord Christ??

Then, toil for your children to be with God … toil so that your children and all of your family do not depart away from the church under any circumstances or reasons, what ever it is … labour in keeping your traditions, roots and believes without any impurity or foreign believes … labour also with others … seek them (for God) … attract them the ways of grace … partake of the Holy sacra ments … reading the word of God … prayers and fasting … a life of purity, holiness and righteousness … labour, also in making of your self and your family an example to glorify God’s name … that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16). + They caught a great number of fish ..

To the extent that their nets were breaking … without a doubt, the tools of the world are not fit to gather the fruits of the life with God, for this fruit require open hearts which can be filled and over flow on others too …. Your boat will not be enough, but you will call other’s boats too so that they can be filled … the boat symbolises the human soul so that when )the soul( is filled from God’s love, it will over flow to fill others too and when God is greatly glorified in the lives of His children, the fruits will multiply for the sake of the kingdom of heaven and you will feel humble and un-deserving to become an instrument which will over flow with all this abundance and you will scream and say “I am a sinful man O Lord” and I am un-deserving, depart Lord from my worldly boat and take me out with You so that I can transcend after You all the days (of my life) carrying the Cross and instead of being a fisherman of fish to fill the stomachs, I will be a fisherman of )men’s( souls pleasing to heavens.

ناك هيلع رم امدنعو .. عوسي برلاب قلعت هعبتو ءش لك كترف ىنعبتأ هل لاق .. ادعتسم هلبقو ةميظع ةفايض هل عنصو ..)28 :5 اقول( ىتم لىا .. راشعلا ىولا نم لوحتو .. هتيب فى لطابلا بعتلا نم لوحت .. لىيجنلاا لوسرلا تاومسلا توكلم لجأ نم رمثلما بعتلا لىا .. ديسلا لجأ نم ىذلا بعتلا اذه كرابم لثم اسيدق لعجي ىذلا بعتلا .. حيسلما تدهاج لوقيو ةقثو حرف فى فقي سلوب تظفح .. ىعسلا تلمكأ نسحلا داهجلا سواثوميت( برلا ليلكأ لى عضو ايرخأو نايملاا لوقي اضيأ هلعج ىدلا بعتلا .. )7 :4 ةيناثلا تزرك امدعب ىتح هدبعتسأو ىدسج عمقأ سوثنروك( اضوفرم سىفن انأ يرصأ لا نيرخلال ةزا ركلل بعت نكي لم هبعت .. )27 :9 لىولأا .. هسفن صلاخ لجأ نم اضيأ لب .. طقف حيسلما ديسلا لجأ نم بعتت نأ ديرت له كدلاوأ قصتلي نأ لجأ نم بعتأ نذأ ؟›؟ كدلاوأ جرخي لا نأ لجأ نم بعتأ .. هللاب فرظ ىأ تحت ةسينكلا جراخ كتسرأ دارفأو نأ لجأ نم بعتأ .. ناك ماهم ببس وأ نودب كتديقعو كتلاصأو كديلاقت ظفحت نم اضيأ بعتأ .. ةبيرغ بساور وأ بئاوش لىا مهبذجأ .. مهدقتفأ .. نيرخلاا لجأ ةسدقلما راسرلاا ةسرمام .. ةمعنلا طئاسو ةايح .. موصلاو ةلاصلا .. هللا ةملك ةءارق .. نأب اضيأ بعتأ .. برلاو ةسادقلاو ةواقنلا دجمتي لااثم كتسرأ نمو كسفن نم لعجت ةنسحلا مكلماعأ سانلا ىري .. هللا مسأ هيف ىتم( .. تاومسلا فى ىذلا مكابآ اودجميف )16 :5 .. ادج ايرثك اكمس اوكسمأ + تاودأ كشلاب .. قرختت مهكابش تداك ىتح هذهف هللا عم ةايحلاراثم عمجل حلصت لا لماعلا ضيفتو لاتتم ةحوتفم بولق لىا جاتحت رماثلا كتنيفس أدبأ ىفكت لا .. اضيأ نبرخلآا لىع اضيأ لاتتم كىل نيرخلآا نفس ىعدتسأو لسرأ لأتتم امدنعف ةيشربلا سفنلل زمر ةنيفسلاو اهلخاد ىق ضيفب رعشت هللا ةبحم نم سفن دجمتي ذئدنعو اضيأ نبرخلآا ىطعتل اهبذجي ادج رمثلا ديازتيو هدلاوأ ةابح فى ةوقب هللا رعشت كنأ ىتح تاومسلا توكلم باسحل جرخي ةادأ يرصت نأ قحتست لاو فيعض كنأ لجر نىأ براي خصرتف ضيفلا اده لك اهنم ىتنيفس نم بر اب جرخأ قحتسأ لا ءىطاخ قلطنأ كىل اهنم كعم ىنجرخأو ةيلماعلا نم لادبو بيلصلا لاماح م ايلاا لك كءارو يرصأ نوطبلا اهب عبشت ىتلا كماسلال ادايص .. ءماسلا اهب حرفت ىتلا سوفنلل ادايص

by Fr Luka Maher

Tnrscribed by Mrs Mervet Eskander

The living cell

We resume our discussion on the topic of God’s existence. We have established that in order for the universe to exist, God must exist. In fact, the issue extends further, our brothers and sisters who like to promote atheism or stubbornly resist the idea of God’s existence would say, “No, I will tell you the story of what had happened, at first, the universe came into existence spontaneously and the world was created by the big bang which was discussed previously in episode 1. However, they claim that life in the universe also came into existence by itself spontaneously, how?

They say and teach this at schools till now; they say that as a result of the big bang; clouds and gas were formed typical of an explosion and it formed the so called “nebula cloud”. This was 10 billion years ago. We said that the big bang was around 13.7 billion years ago. The cloud, being similar to the clouds we have today, reacted to heating and cooling, and started to condense –rain started falling on the earth; as a result, the earth, Sun and other heavenly bodies were the product of the big bang. This occurred over a period of 4 billion years. The water gathered on earth, by the effect of volcanoes and heat and soon started boiling, as if you were heating soup on the stove so the water boiled – bubbles formed. They say that what happened. At that time, earth was a place of land with boiling pools of water and they called it “organic soup” “Primordial soup” because the water was a liquid, mixture of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen which were chemically interacting in that boiling water and little by little “by chance” they say and notice the term “by chance” because this is the core of this flawed assumption. “By chance” carbon and hydrogen started to cluster together within the boiling soup and chemical reactions started. These chemical reactions started to form something that looks like the first cell, something like “amoeba”. This amoeba is formed by chance as it is a mix of some carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen which produced some carbohydrates, protein and amino acids. Those gradually started to form an amoeba. This amoeba, MIRACULOUSLY, started to move, it started to have a life! But we will leave this aside as they can’t explain this yet.

Through this “by chance” process, the primitive cell was formed and even started moving with the water then, gradually, it tried to resist the water which was flowing against. This resistance induced the development of fins. Then gradually, those fins developed into gills. Those gills wanted to breathe and so finally a fish emerged! Then this fish wanted to leave the water and be on land. Instead of fins, it wanted to walk on dry land, thus it started becoming much stronger little by little two hands and two feet started to develop! Those hands and feet became animals! The animal wanted to stretch their neck and eat from the tree; as a result of all of this, only fish exist in the sea, animals on dry land and amphibians that live in land and water. The animals living on land wanted to resist their enemies and started thinking about how to make war weapons with which they could defend themselves and build shelters. They discovered fire, by striking two stones together – fire broke out. This animal started to think and little by little, it became like human being and its hair which was like of an ape or chimpanzee, started decreasing and man started to be civilized. Instead of being hunched, he started to straightened up. Don’t laugh at what it is said, this is labelled as “science” today and children study it. Then your child will tell you; dad by the way I discovered that neither Adam even existed nor did our Lord ever breathe life into Adam.

This life was originally made in an “organic soup” it is carbohydrates, we ask when these things were formed next to each other, how did they move?!!! From where it had life? Does it mean if I bring some carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and boil them, will they form amoeba?

Episode 2:

They might say it took 14 billion years. This was something formed “by chance” if we bring dead amoeba can they make it move?

Is it possible that when an organic soup of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbohydrates gather together; they become a cell by chance?!

Defining the word by chance; there is a difference between chance and the impossible. If I toss a coin in front of you and ask you, head or tail, you would say 50% head and 50% tail. This is the probability. If I have a bag contain 4 oranges, one of them is rotten and I close my eyes and pick by chance one of them; what is the probability that I pick the rotten one? It is 25%.

What have the scholars said? That if an event’s probability of occurrence is more than (10^150), then that would be impossible to happen. It is 1 and 150 zeros next to it. Anything with such a probability is impossible to happen. Let me tell you something else - a piece of information – the cell is made of protein, carbohydrates and lipids. If we analyse only the protein element, the simplest protein in your cell has 100 amino acids. Do you know the smallest cell in our body has how many proteins? It has billion proteins! Do you know that for one protein to be formed by chance in this organic soup; those carbohydrates go hand in hand with hydrogen as well as oxygen along 14 billion years; do you know what is its probability of occurrence? The probability is (10^164) for those things to come together by chance” This is to form one protein! We need one billion proteins to form one single cell which is similar to the adjacent cell- not different cells. The eye cell differs from that of the brain cells and bone cells. For a single cell to form, it takes a probability of (10^164). This means with 100% assertiveness, THAT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO OCCUR.

A famous scientist named Fred Hoyle; he won Nobel Prize in Mathematics. When commenting on the 10^164 probabilities, he said: “do you know what this like? It is like the probability of a storm pass by a pile of rubbish tossing it in the air and formed a Boeing 747 plane! If this were possible, then I can believe that it is possible to form a living cell by chance randomly in the primordial soup”

This is impossible to happen. We are talking about one protein. How about the carbohydrates, lipids and those they are surrounded with a membrane and enclose DNA with other cells next to them. Not to mention that all these cell have to be formed side by side in the same place. I mean if a cell for example, was formed in Africa and another cell was formed by the primordial soup in Australia; then as these two cells will never travel across the world and come next to each other; then forget it. We did not mention that this cell is lifeless. What caused life to start in it?

There is no one in the world who could say that it is possible to create life in the lab. There was once someone named Miller. It was said that he created “life” in the lab; no he didn’t create a life in the lab, when you study what this man made; he formed organic components from non organic, nothing more. But the result was a component does not move “lifeless”.

Another one, J. Craig Venter of the Institute named after him in USA who met president Obama around 2011 as he claimed that he formed a cell out of nothing! This is NOT TRUE. The truth is when you read about what he did; he took the DNA code of a living cell to make it alive, nothing more than that. He formed this DNA code on the computer, of course he is a genius to know how to do that but the truth remains that life is NOT formed out of No life. So neither life will be made from no life nor could the story of this primordial soup be believed by science. not by faith, or science. As per science “chance will not lead by this stage”

This last thing, some people said “you are right, it is impossible to create cells by chance but it could be that was formed at the beginning, the messenger RNA (RNA is the precursor for DNA). But if we say that, we will still face the same problem as with the DNA. Although the DNA is not made of amino acids but it is made of nucleotides and to form or make a DNA we need load of nucleotides as much as the protein needs amino acids. We will still encounter the

same problem. The messenger RNA (mRNA) requires 3000 protein to be formed and we said that one protein needs a probability of (10^164) to be formed.

Men are arrogant. The answer is simple, God created the universe.

There a book you can download on Google “I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist” by David Lambang; “to be an atheist I need much stronger faith than the faith needed to say that our Lord exists and created me” The faith that our Lord is present and created me is much easier but to believe that chance made all this happen and that life as well was in it” by chance I need much stronger faith (O Lord, what is man that you are mindful of him (Ps8:4). I cannot believe the greatness and wonder that is in our body. All cells are arranged precisely, and if a minor disorder occurs, everything will be deformed, dysfunctional, or ruined.

Thank you God for having perfected my creation so that I may benefit from it, delight in this world and enjoy it. As for the one who chooses to be arrogant and stubborn, saying I am the result of chemical reactions; they have another idea in their mind that God is not the creator so I can do whatever I want with my body. God didn’t create us for defilement or ungodliness rather for holiness.

https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/may/07/stephen- hawking-godmultiverse-cosmology

Laying the Foundation Stone by His Grace Bishop Rafeile

Next Saturday 22nd October His Grace Bishop Rafeile will be visiting St Mary’s Church. His Grace will be laying the foundation stone of the new building at the church building stie at 6pm. Then His Grace will be praying the Vespers at 6:30 - 8pm. It is a wonderful occasion for all of us to celebrate and pray for the Lord to support and complete for us this project for Glory of God and the benefir of all members of congregation.

عضي ليئافور ابنلأا ليلجلا ربحلا ةفاين ةسينكب ديدجلا ىنبملا ساسأ رجح ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةسينكلا بعش عيمج ربوتكأ 22 مداقلا تبسلا موي ةفاين هيف موقي ىذلا لافتحلأا روضحل نووعدم ساسلأا رجح عضوب ليئافور ابنلأا ليلجلا ربحلا 6 ةعاسلا لافتحلأا أدبي .ةسينكلاب ديدجلا ىنبملل .ءاسم8 - 6:30 ةيشعلا ةلاص هعبتي ءاسم سودقلا همسأ دجمل لمعلا اذه ىف كرابي برلا .ةسينكلا بعش لك ةعفنملو
!؟بذكلا دعب اذام ىناثلا سورضاوت ابابلا ةسادق ش ١733 بيبأ 7 - 20١7 هيلوي ١4 ةزاركلا ،تايوتسملا لك ىلع عادخلاو بذكلا ةرهاظ عاستاو دايدزا ملاعلا ىوتسم ىلع عامتجلاا ءاملع ظحلاي.نيلوئسملاو ةداقلاو بوعشلاو تاعامجلا ىوتسم ىتحو دارفلأا نم اءدب ؟ةيرشبلا لاح نوكيس فيك ،بذكلا دعب ام يأ ،ةرهاظلا دعب ام لب ،اهسفن ةرهاظلا سيل مهلغاش راصوءافعضلا للاغتساو ةوقلا ةرطيسو قحلا ةافاجمو رهاظتلاو قافنلاو ءايرلاو بذكلا ناولأ تراصو سدقملا باتكلا نأ ىتح ،دئاسلاو ملاعلا يف عئاشلا وه روص نم كلذ ريغو لايتحلااو بصنلاو عادخلاو .(١٩ :5انحوي١( »ريرشلا يف عضو دق هلك ملاعلا« :لوقي ةريثكو ةحضاو تاريذحت دجوت ،)ايؤرلا رفس( سدقملا باتكلا رافسأ رخآ يفو ةصاخ ،ريطخ دج رملأاو :لوقي ذإ نيحاحصأ رخآ يف ةصاخناثولأا ةدبعو ةرحسلاو ةانزلاو نولتاقلاو نوسجرلاو نينمؤملا ريغو نوفئاخلا امأو« :)8 :2١ايؤر( .»يناثلا توملا وه يذلا ،تيربكو رانب ةدقتملا ةريحبلا يف مهبيصنف ،ةبذكلا عيمجو عنصيو بحي نم لكو ،ناثولأا ةدبعو ةلتقلاو ةانزلاو ةرحسلاو بلاكلا اجراخ نلأ« :)١5 :22ايؤر( .»ابذك ؟ناسنلإا بذكي اذامل نكلو .ةعفنم ققحيل وأ ،ام ائيش يفخي يكل وأ ،قوشم وه ام قلتخي وأ ،تاذلا لجبي وأ ،لمجتي يكل بذكي دق بسنبو بذكلا نع )20١7 وينوي ددع( ايملع اقيقحت National Geographic ةلجم يف تأرق دقو :يلي امك ةيوئمةيطخ وأ أطخ ىلع رتستلل %22 ةيلاملا ةيداصتقلاا ةعفنملل %١6 مهيدافتو سانلا نم بورهلل %١5 تاذلا نع ةيباجيإ ةروص ليكشتل %8 انل ىتح ةفورعم ريغ بابسلأ %7 سانلا كاحضإو ةياعدلل %5 ةليسو ةيأب نيرخلآا ةدعاسمل %5 نيرخلآا ءاذيلإ %4 عقاولا لهاجت / ةيضرم بابسأ %2ةيبدأ وأ ةيعامتجا بابسأ %2 انهذو ادهج بلطتي بذكلا نإف ،ةيعيبط ةيئاقلتب ناسنلإا نم جرخي قدصلا ناك اذإ ءاملعلا لوقيو ءاوس ،لاهس ارمأ هنوربتعيو رشبلا مظعم هيف عربي رمأ بذكلا نأ نيثحابلل نيبت دقو .اتقوو اركفو تاسارد ريشتو اضيأ .ءابحلأاو ءاقدصلأاو ءلامزلاو ءابرقلأاو ءابرغلا ىلع ،ةريبك وأ ةريغص بيذاكأ لهس بذكلا نأ نوربتعيو ،ةيرشبلا ةعيبطلا يف لصأتم كولس وه نيرخلآا ةعداخمل ليملا نأ نيصتخملا هبرض نم ريثكب لهسأ صخش لام ىلع لوصحلل بذكلل ءوجللا لاثمف ،رخآ كولس لئاسوب ةنراقم ادج !!هلام ةقرسل هسأر ىلع ىلع عادخنلال انتيلباق اضيأو ،»نيرخلآا عادخ ةبهوم« رشبلا كلاتما ىلإ ةيملعلا براجتلا ريشتو قدصلا نيب زييمتلا بعصلا نم تاب ىتح ،يعامتجلاا لصاوتلا عقاوم نمز يف ةصاخ ادج عساو وحن .بذكلاو ةءارب نادقف ىلع ليلد لافطلأا بذك نوربتعي تاهملأاو ءابلآا نأ بيرغلاو ،ةلوفطلا عم بذكلا أدبيونولوقي مهنأ ىتح ،لافطلأل يعيبطلاو حيحصلا يركفلا ومنلا ىلع ليلد سفنلا ءاملع هربتعي امنيب ،ةلوفطلا.بذكلا ىلع مهتردقو مهتراهم تدادزا لافطلأا ربك املك هنأ،»سلسلا بذكلا« كلذ نومسيو ،اذكهو ةثلاث مث ةيناث ةبذك ىلإ يدؤت نأ نكمي ىلولأا ةبذكلا نأ بيرغلاوبينأت لاب نيذلا نيفرتحملا نيشاشغلا ةيعون ىلإ ناسنلإا لصي ىتح ائيشف ائيش ريمضلا زخو عزني يذلاو ام شاشغلا تيب« اضيأو ،»نيلجر شولام بذكلا« ميدقلا يرصملا لثملا لوقي كلذ يفو .نوشيعي ريمض .»شلاعي انترظن ديؤت يتلا بيذاكلأا لوبقل اصلاخ لايم نولايم رشبلا نأ اودكأ نيثحابلا نأ شهدملا نم نكلو .ملاعلل ةيدرفلا،اهبرغتسي وأ اههفسي وأ اهلهاجتي وأ اهيلإ هبتني لا امإ هنإف ،هرظن ةهجو عم قفتت لا ةمولعم هجاو نإو امأ ةثيدحلا تاينقتلا ببسب ادج اعساو ىحضأ بذكلا ملاع .ةصاخلا هتادقتعم ددهت اهنأ رعش نإ اهمجاهي امبرو .)ةقداص سوفن(و )ةبذاك سوفن( ىلإ نومسقني رشبلا راص ىتح ،ةديدج اقافآ تحتف يتلا .مهنيب لاعتشم يلزلأا عارصلا لظيسو يف اعمط بذكلا ةلاح ىلع اخراص لااثم )١١ ١ :5 لسرلا لامعأ رفس( ةريفسو اينانح ةعقاو ربتعتو
.امهتوم وه باقعلا ناكو ،تكسي ملو كلذ نع ضري مل الله نأ ريغ ،لسرلا مامأ ةماركلا ىلع لوصحلا ةيطخ تناك يلاتلابو ،هاعاب ام نمث نم اسلتخاو ،ءايرلا اذه يف ارمتساو ،فئاز يحور عضوب ارهاظت دقل.دشلأاو قمعلأا ةيطخلا يه ةنينانلأا ىلع ينبملا يحورلا امهئايرشغ اهرابتعاب راشتنلاا ةعساولا ةيطخلا هذه نع ةريثك عضاوم يف ملكتت ةسدقملا رافسلأا تاباتكو اوبذكت لا« ةيطخلاب ةهوشملا ةعيبطلا ىلإ ةدوع وه بذكلا نأكو ،ناسللاو ركفلا ةقباطم مدعو عادخو .(١0 ،٩ :3يسولوك( »ديدجلا متسبلو ..قيتعلا ناسنلإا متعلخ ذإ .ضعب ىلع مكضعب نوضفري نيذلا نوءارملا ءلاؤهف ،)23 ىتم( نايمعلا يدوهيلا بعشلا ةداق اضيأ عوسي برلا نيديو لك ىدم ىلع نرهظيس نيذلا ةبذكلا رئاس لثم مهلثمو ،)55 :8انحوي( نوباذك لاإ مه ام ،هب اونمؤي نأءايبنأو )2:2ايؤر( ةبذك لسرو )28 ١8 :2انحوي١( نولاجد ءاحسم :ليجنلإا نع سانلا اودعبيل روصعلا .(4 :2ةيطلاغ( ةبذك ةوخإو )4 ،3 :4سواثوميت2( ةبذكمدآ مث ءاوح توغأ يتلا ةميدقلا ةيحلا تناكو ،)44 4١ :8وي( باذكلا وبأو باذكلا وه ناطيشلاسادقلا يف يلصن امك سيلبإ دسحب ملاعلا ىلإ تلخد يتلا ةيطخلاو ىلولأا ةطقسلا تناك مث )١3 :3نيوكت( .يهللإالاو ،كنطوو كعمتجمو كتمدخو كلمعو كترسأ يفو ،كسفن عم اقداص شع ،بيبحلا ئراقلا اهيأ يلوأ بلطم وه بذك لك نع درجتلاو .توكلملا نع اديعب كب حيطت نأ نكمي يتلا ةيطخلا هذه لهستست .»..مكل لوقأ قحلا قحلا« هلإ وه برلا نلأ )١ :2سرطب١( ةيحيسملا ةايحلا بلاطم نم .(١2 :5بوقعي ؛37 :5ىتم( »...لا لا ،معن معن :مكملاك نكيل«
Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April The new Building is expected to be ready within 12 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downladed from church website. Cost of building works is around $12,000000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreaciated.ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .ارهش ١2 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلأا عقوتملا نم . .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا بسح .ارلاود نويلم ١2 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبتاهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا ىكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكنيىنورتكللأا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ىنابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Current Building site 11th October 2022

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