Weekly Bulletin 25th September 2022

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Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom) Thursday

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm

Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly)

VespersEnglish &Bible Study Arabic 5:30Scouts7pm 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & Eng2ndlish Mass.7:45 – .9:30am 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic Class - English 11:4512:30pm

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm


Youth 25 and above 7-9pm


Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom)

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Church Priests: Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: Churchfrmichael@sac.edu.auAddress:5EpsomRd., Kens ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399 Fr John Macary 0433 445 636 :ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )ىزيلجنأ(ىاو اذ - ىزيلجنلأاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 8 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا ىبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 ىزيلجنأ - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 ىبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلاىزيلجنأ - احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩ 7 ىزيلجنأ - ةمدخلا دادعا عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 ىهللأا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجاءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاوىزيلجناةيشعلا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا ىزيلجناو ىبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا ىزيلجنا – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 ىناثلا سادقلا ىبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 ىزيلجنأ - ناحلأ لصف:ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأاميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com:نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email:Epsomfrmichael@sac.edu.auRd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا ىراكم0411518399بلأانوجسقلابلأا0433445636

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

8am The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Mass 9 - 11 am - English

Services at St Mary’s Church

Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm

be with us to the last breath. Amen. The Feast of the Consecration of the Church of the Honorable Cross.

ىلع ميلشروأب ةمايقلا ةسينك سيركتةنس يلوسرلا سويسانثأ سيدقلا دي ش42 توت ١66 - ربمتبس 26 262 ةنس نم مويلا اذه يف ديعن ةمايقلا لكايه سيركتب ةيدلايم ةنسلا يف هنأ كلذو . ميلشروأب دعبو نيطنطسق كلم نم نيرشعلا . ةيقنب سدقملا عمجملا عامتجا اهنبلا ةنلايه ةسيدقلا ةكلملا تلاق باهذلا ترذن دق تناك اهنا نيطنطسق عضاوملا نم كربتلاو ميلشروأ ىلإ بيلصلا دوع نع ثحبلاو . ةسدقملا لااومأ اهاطعأو كلذب حرفف ىيحملانم ريبك ددعب اهبحصأو ، ةريثك كانه ىلإ تلصو املو ، ركسعلا تشتف . ةسدقملا راثلآا نم تكرابتو دعب هتدجو ىتح بيلصلا دوع نع اميظع اديجمت هتدجمف . ديدش بعت ترمأو ،لايزج اماركإ هتمركأو . تيبو ةثجلجلاو ةمايقلا لكايه ءانبب ةينامسجلاو ةيلعلاو ةراغملاو محلرهاوجلاب عصرت نأو . لكايهلا رئاسو يف ناكو . ةضفلاو بهذلاب ىلطتولاأ اهيلع راشأ سيدق فقسأ سدقلا يتأي ليلق دعب هنا« لائاق اذه لمعتهنومدهيو ناكملا اذه نوبلسيو مملأابهذلاو رهاوجلا هذه نوذخأيو ءانبلا ديشي نأ لضفلأاو . »ةضفلاو عزوي لاوملأا نم ىقبتي امو اديج تملسو هلوق تلبقف . نيكاسملا ىلع املو . لمعلاب هتبلاطو لاوملأا هل تعنص امب هتملعأو اهنبا ىلإ تعجر نأ رمأو ةلئاط لاومأ لسرأو حرفلماكلاب مهترجأ عانصلا ىطعي ءانبلا لمك املو . اورمذتي لا ىتح لسرأ . هكلم نم نيثلاثلا ةنسلا يفىلإ لسرأ امك . ةنيمث ةوسكو يناوأسويسانثأ يلاو ةينيطنطسقلا كريرطب امهنم لك لسريل ةيردنكسلإا كريرطب ىلإ ابهذف سدقلا ىلإ بهذيو هتفقاسأ ةيكاطنإ كريرطبب اعمتجاو ، كانه ىلإ عيمجلا ثكمو . سدقلا فقسأو توت رهش نم رشع سداسلا مويلا ىفو ، تينب يتلا لكايهلا اوسركف . بيلصلاب اوفاط هنم رشع عباسلا ، برلل اهيف اودجس ، عضاوملا كلت بيلصلا اودجم و ، نيبارقلا اومدقو . مهيسارك ىلإ اوداع مث . هومركوريخلأا سفنلا ىلإ انعم نوكت مهتاولصنيمأ.

When she returned to her son and told him what she had done, he rejoiced, and sent large sums of money and commanded to pay the workers their wages in full so they would not complain. When the building of the holy places was finished in the thirtieth year of the reign of Emperor Constantine, he sent vessels and precious vestments for the altars. He sent word to the Archbishop of Constantinople and to St. Athanasius, Pope of Alexandria, to take their bishops and to go to Jerusalem where they would meet the Archbishop of Antioch and the Bishop of Jerusalem, to consecrate these sanctuaries.

26th September - 16th Tote

Today we celebrate the consecration of the sanctuaries of the church of Resurrection in Jerusalem in the year 326 A.D. In the twentieth year of the reign of Emperor Constantine and after the meeting of the Holy Council at Nicea, the saint Queen Helena told her son Constantine that she had vowed to go to Jerusalem to receive the blessings of the holy places and to search for the wood of the life-giving Cross. He rejoiced at this, gave her much money, and sent her in the company of a large number of soldiers.

There was in Jerusalem a saintly bishop who advised her not to do that, saying, “After a while foreign people will come and seize this place and destroy it and take the precious stones and the silver and the gold. But it is preferable to construct the buildings well and give the remainder of the money to the poor and the needy.” She accepted his advice, gave him the money and set him in charge of the work.

On this day the church celebrates the appearance of the Honorable Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. This was revealed by the lover of God, Queen Helena, mother of

They tarried there until the sixteenth of the month of Tute, when they consecrated all the altars that had been built. On the seventeenth day they marched with the Honorable Cross around all the holy places where they worshipped God, offered the offerings, and venerated the Cross and honored it. Then they returned to their Theirchairs.prayers

When she arrived there and received the blessings of the holy places, she searched for the wood of the Cross and found it after much toil. She praised it with great veneration and paid to it much reverence and honor. She commanded the building of the sanctuaries of the Resurrection, the Golgotha, Bethlehem and the manger, the upper room of Zion, Gethsemane and other sanctuaries, and that they be inlaid with pearl and covered with gold and silver.

27th September - 17th Tote

The Commemoration of the Consecration of the Sanctuaries of the church of Resurrection in Jerusalem.

Emperor Constantine, from under the pile of Golgotha, after she ordered its removal. As to the reason for how this great pile of dirt came into being, it was thus: the Jewish leaders when they saw all the signs and wonders which were made manifest from the sepulchre of the Savior, such as raising the dead and healing the sick, became angry, and they sent forth throughout Judea and Jerusalem ordering all the people to cast the sweepings of their houses and the dirts over the sepulchre of Jesus of Nazareth. They continued to do so for more than 200 years, until it became a very great heap. When St. Helena came to Jerusalem, and asked the Jews about the whereabouts of the Cross, they did not inform her. Finally, some of them told her about an old Jew called Judas who knew the place. She called him, and he denied it at first, but when she urged him, he told her about that pile. She ordered its removal and the Holy Cross was found. She built a church for it, consecrated it and celebrated for the Honorable Cross on the seventeenth day of the month of Tute. Christians make pilgrimages to that place every year as they do on the feast of the Resurrection.AcertainSamaritan called Isaac, as he was travelling with his family among the people going to Jerusalem, reproved the people for taking such trouble in going to Jerusalem to worship a piece of wood. Among the people was a priest whose name was Okhidus. While travelling along the road, they became thirsty. They found no water and they came to a well where the water was foul and bitter. The people became dismayed. Isaac the Samaritan started mocking them, saying, “If I witness a power by the name of the Cross, I will become a believer of Christ.” The priest Okhidus was moved with divine zeal and prayed over that foul water and made the sign of the Cross on it, and it became sweet. All the people and their animals drank, but when Isaac drank, the water was bitter and wormy. He regretted and cried and came to the saint, Father Okhidus, bowed down at his feet and believed in the Lord Christ. Then he drank from the water, and he found it sweet. The water of that well possessed the power of becoming sweet for the believers and bitter for the others. A cross of light appeared in the well and

ةسينكب ديجلما بيلصلاب لافتحلاا راكذت ينطنطسق كللما دهع في ش 43 ةنس ةمايقلا رابلا توت ١٧ - برمتبس ٢٧ بيلصلا روهظ راكذتب مويلا اذه في ديعن اذه . حيسلما عوسي انصلخلم يذلا ديجلما ةسيدقلا حيسملل ةبحلما ةكللما هترهظأ يذلا ةثجلجلا موك تحت نم ينطنطسق مأ ةنلايه اذه دوجو ببس امأ ، هتلازإب ترمأ يذلا ةثرك دوهيلا ءاسؤر ىأر الم هنأ وهف موكلا نم رهظت يتلا بئاجعلا تىولما ةماقإ نم صلخلما برق اوبضغ ، نيدعقلما ءاربإو ةيدوهيلا عيمج في اودانو سنك نم لك « ميلشروأو لاف ، بارت هدنع ناك وأ هراد عوسي ةبرقم لىع لاإ هيقلي لاحلا رمتساو ، »يصرانلا يتئام نم ثركأ كلذ لىع مايظع اموك راص ىتح ةنس ةسيدقلا تضرح المو . نع دوهيلا تلأسو ةنلايه اهوديفي لم بيلصلا عضوم مهضعب اهدشرأ ايرخأو . نسم يدوهي لجر نع ، هناكم فرعي اذوهي ىمسي المو ، لاوأ ركنأف هتعدتساف ناكم اهملعا هيلع تددش تجرخأو هتلازأف . مركلا تنبو سدقلما بيلصلا هنم في هل ديع تسركو ةسينك . توت رهش نم شرع عباسلا ةيحيسلما بوعشلا تراصو . ةمايقلا ديع لثم اهيلإ جحت هتعماجو وه ارفاسم ناسنإ ناك نأ قفتاو قحسا ىعدي ميلشروأ لىإ بعشلا عم لىع سانلا تكبي ناك اذه ، يرماسلا ميلشروأ لىإ باهذلا في بعاتلما مهدبكت اسق بعشلا عم ناكو . هبشخل اودجسيل. في نورئاس مه مايفو ، سديخوأ ىمسي ئرب لىإ اوتأف ءام اودجي لمو ، اوشطع قيرطلا بعشلا ردص قاضف ، ارم انتن اهءام اودجوف مهب أزهي يرماسلا قحسا أدتباو . ادج !بيلصلا مساب ةوق تدهاش انأ نا لوقيو ةيرغ سديخوأ سقلا راغف . حيسلماب تنمآ ةملاعب همشرو تننلا ءالما لىع لىصو ةيهلإ بعشلا لك هنم بشرو . اولح راصف بيلصلا هءاعو لوانت الم هناف قحسا امأ . مهباودو تىأو كىبو مدنف . ادودم انتن هدجو بشريل هيمدق دنع رخو سديخوأ سقلا سيدقلا لىإ هدجوف ءالما نم بشرو . حيسلما ديسلاب نمأ

Because the feast of the appearance of the Honorable Cross, which is on the tenth of Baramhat, always comes during fasting, it was substituted by the fathers for the Seventeenth of Tute which is the day of consecration of its church.

a church was built there. When Isaac the Samaritan arrived in Jerusalem, he went to its bishop who baptized him and his family.

The Departure of St. Theognosta. 27th September - 17th Tote

King returned from war, he bowed down at the feet of the Saint, and asked her for the holy baptism for him and for the people of his city. She told them that it was not for her to baptize. They sent to Emperor Honorius to inform him of their acceptance of the faith and asked him to send a priest to baptize them. He sent to them a priest who was a saintly anchorite, and he baptized them all and he gave them the Holy Body and Blood of our Lord Christ. The virgin rejoiced for his coming and they blessed each other. She built a convent for herself and for the many virgins who desired the monastic life. When the priest returned to the Emperor and related to him how the people of the city entered into the faith of our Lord Christ, he rejoiced exceedingly. The Emperor agreed with the Archbishop to ordain the priest a bishop and to send him back to them, and they rejoiced greatly. There they built a big church and they needed pillars. There was a large temple for idols which had pillars so they took them to build this church. The rest of the people of this city joined the faith of the Lord Christ. The virgin St. Theognosta rejoiced for all that had happened. Later on she departed in that convent and

اولح نوكي نا ةوق ئربلا هذه ءام في راصو . اولح نم بيلص هيف رهظ ماك . مهيرغل ارمو ، يننمؤملل . ةسينك كانه اونبو . رون بهذ سدقلا ةنيدم لىإ يرماسلا قحسا لصو المو . هتيب لهأو وه هنم دمتعاو اهفقسأ لىإ ةنلايه ةكللما دي لىع ديجلما بيلصلا روهظ امأ ائماد هنلأو . تاهمرب نم شراعلا ا مويلا في ناكف توت ١٧ مويب ءابلآا هلدبتسا دقف موصلا في نوكي انبرل دوجسلاو دجلماو . هتسينك سيركت وه يذلا . ينما . نيدبلآا دبأ لىإ حيسلما عوسي : ةيسقط ةظحلام مايأ 3 ينيناعش بيلصلا ديع سقط + ديعلا مايا ةثلاثلا في بيلصلا ديع لوصف أرقت + داحلآا مايا ىتح فنإ فاتيإ ىافو تاينتيهلاو ىروش تى لاقي + ةينايسرلا ةمسقلا لاقت ماك بيلصلا ديعب ةصاخلا . ةيديسلا دايعلأا ةلماعم بيلصلا ديع لماعي + اطسنغؤاث ةسيدقلا ةحاين توت ١٧ - برمتبس ٢٧ . اطسنغؤاث ةبوطلما تحينت مويلا اذه لثم في نيرابلا ينكللما سويداغرأ سويرونأ مايأ لىع تناك كلم لبق نم لسر تىأ مايلأا دحأ في هنأ ثدحو ، اودجو مهتدوع قيرط فىو ، ينكلملل ةيدهب دنهلا هيف أرقت باتك اهدي فىو اطسنغؤاث ءارذعلا هذه تراصو ، مهدلاب لىإ اهب اوقلطناو اهوفطتخاف. . نبا نأ قفتاو . هئاسنو كللما مشح لىع ةسيئر اهنضح في هتذخأف ، اديدش اضرم ضرم كللما ، لاحلا في فيوعف ، بيلصلا ةملاعب هيلع تبلصو تقتعأ مويلا كلذ نمو ، دلبلا كلت في برخلا عاشف .اهتيرح تلانو ماتق هلوح لحف برحلا لىإ بهذ كللما نأ قفتاو اهمشرت يتلا بيلصلا ةملاعب هتفرعلمو ، بابضو ، اوحص تراصف حيرلا لىع بلص ، اطسنغؤاث . هءادعأ بلغ بيلصلا ةملاعبو ابلاط ةسيدقلا يمدق دنع رخ برحلا نم داع المو مهتفرعف . ةنيدلما لهأو وه ةسدقلما ةيدومعلما سويرونأ كللما لىإ اولسرأف ، دمعت نأ اهل سيل هنأ اسق هنم نوبلطيو ، نايملإا مهلوبقب هنوفرعي مهدمعف اسيدق اسيبح اسق مهل لسرأف . مهدمعي تحرفف . همدو حيسلما دسج نم مهلوانو . اعيمج ، رخلآا نم ماهنم لك كرابتو . هئيجبم ءارذعلا ىراذعلا نم تايرثك هيف عمتجا اريد اهل تماقأو . ةنبهرلا في بنغر تياوللا ةنيدلما لهأ ةدوعب هملعأو كللما لىإ سقلا داع المو عم قفتاو ، ايرثك حرف حيسلما ديسلاب نايملإا لىإ . مهيلإ هتداعأو افقسأ سقلا ةماسر لىع كريرطبلا ةميظع ةسينك اونب دق اوناكو ، مهسوفن تجهتباف يربك لكيه كانه ناكو . ةدمعأ لىإ اوجاتحاو ، داعو . ةعيبلا هذه لىإ اهولقنف ةدمعأ هب ناثولأل امأ . حيسلما ديسلاب نايملإا لىإ ةنيدلما لهأ ةيقب ريدلا كلذ في تحينت مث . مت ابم تجهتباف ءارذعلا

One day an envoy came with gifts from the King of India to the two emperors. On their way back, they found this Virgin Theognosta holding in her hand a book that she was reading. They seized her and took her back with them to their country. She became the head of the King’s attendants and his wives.

On this day also, the blessed Theognosta, departed. She was contemporary of the righteous Emperors Honorius and Arcadius.

Glory and worship be to Jesus Christ our Lord forever and ever. Amen.

One day, the son of the King fell sick with a grievous sickness. She held him in her arms and made over him the sign of the Cross, and he recovered immediately. This report spread throughout that land, and since that day she was set free. Once the King went to war, there came upon him thick clouds and fog. Knowing of the sign of the Cross that St. Theognosta used to make, the King made the sign of the Cross over the fog and it cleared up. With the sign of the Cross he also vanquished his Whenenemies.the

Amen.TheMartyrdom of St. Cyprian (Cyprianus) and St. Justina. 1st October - 21st Tote

On this day also in the year 257 A.D. the honorable St. Cyprian (Cyprianus) and St. Justina, were martyred. Cyprianus was an infidel and a magician. He learned magic in the countries of northwest Africa until he excelled over his fellows. His excessive impudence and his arrogance made him go to Antioch to challenge the magicians there and to pride himself over them of his Whenknowledge.hearrived there, his fame spread. A young man, the son of one of the nobles of the city, heard about him. This young man lusted for a Christian virgin who was called Justina. He saw her going to church and his heart became inflamed with her love. He was unable to obtain what he desired of her either by money, threat, or magic. He sought Cyprian and complained to him about his condition, that he might make him gain favor with Justina’s heart and fulfill his desire of her. Cyprian promised him the fulfillment of his desire. He used all the trickery of his sorcery but failed. Every time he sent her a host of demons, they found her praying, so they came back Whendefeated.Cyprian failed, he called the demons and told them, “If you do not bring Justina to me, I shall adopt Christianity.” The chief of the demons thought out a device to deceive him. He ordered one of his soldiers to disguise himself and to take the form of Justina and then go to Cyprian. He hastened and made it known to Cyprian her coming, so he rejoiced and waited for her. Then Satan, disguised as Justina, came to him, and Cyprianus rejoiced, and rose up to embrace her. Because of his great joy in her, he told her, “Welcome, Queen of Women, Justina.” Upon the mere mention of her name, Satan, disguised as her, melted away and disappeared like smoke, and an unpleasant smell spread out of him. Cyprianus knew that this was a deceitful trick of Satan who could not stand before the mentioning of her name. Immediately Cyprian rose up and burnt his books of magic. He was baptized by the patriarch of Antioch who put on him the monastic garb. After a while he ordained him a deacon, then a priest. Later on, after he had grown in virtues and in the doctrine of the church, they ordained him bishop of Carthage in the year 351 A.D. He took St. Justina and made her the head of a convent there. When the Ecumenical Council convened at Carthage, this saint was one of those who attended it. When Emperor Decius heard of them he had them brought before him, and he demanded them to raise incense for the idols. When they refused, he inflicted upon them many tortures and finally cut off their heads with the sword. Their prayers be with us, and Glory be to our God, Amen forever. Amen.

was surrounded by the virgins. Her prayers be with us, and Glory be to our God, forever.

. ينما انعم نوكت اهتلاص . ىراذعلا طسو فقسلأا سونايبرك سيدقلا داهشتسا هنيتسوي ةسيدقلاو توت ٢١ - ربوتكأ ١ دهشتسا م 35٧ ةنس نم مويلا اذه فىو ةسيدقلا و سونايبرك ليلجلا سيدقلا ارحاسو ارفاك سونايبرك ناك . ةنيتسوي قاف ىتح برغلما دلابب رحسلا ملعت ، نأ هتردقبم رورغلا هلمح مث . هبارتأ في اهيف نم ىدحتيل ةيكاطنإ لىإ بهذي المو هملعب مهيلع رختفيو ةرحسلا نم باش عماسم غلبو . هركذ عاش اهلصو ةباش ىوه دق ناك ، اهرباكأ دلاوأ نم دق ناك . ةنيتسوي ىعدت ءارذع ةيحيسم بهتلاف . ةعيبلا لىإ اهباهذ ءانثإ اهآر لا هبرأم اهنم غلبي لم هنكلو . اهبحب هبلق دصقف ، رحسلاب لاو ديدهتلاب لاو لالماب ليمتسي هلعل هلاح هل اكشو رحاسلا. كلذ هدارم اهنم غلبيو هيلإ ةنيتسوي بلق مث . . هلمأ غولبب سونايبرك هدعوف . . حلفي ملف هرحس بيلاسأ لك لمعتسا ينطايشلا نم ةوق اهيلإ لسرأ مالك هنلأ . ةبيخلاب نودوعيف لىصت ةئماق أهنودجي نا : مهل لاقو ينطايشلا اعد ، زجع المو .ةيحيسلما قنتعأ ةنيتسوي لىإ اوضرحت لم ، اهب هعدخي ةليح ينطايشلا يربك طبنتساف اهيزب نيزتي نأ هدونج دحأ رمأ هنأ كلذو ملعاف قبس مث . هيتأيو اهتروص في رهظيو . اهبقري لظو حرفف . اهئيجبم سونايبرك هيلإ لخد دق اهب هبشتلما ناطيشلاب اذإو مظعلو . اهقناعيل ماقو سونايبرك حرفف . ءاسنلا ةديسب ابحرم : اهل لاق اهب هجاهتبا لحنا طقف اهمسا هركذ دنعف ، ةنيتسوي ةجئار هنم تحافو اهب هبشتلما ناطيشلا نم ةعدخ اهنأ سونايبرك ملعف . ةهيرك ةلابق فقي نأ عطتسي لم يذلا ناطيشلا ، هبتك قرحأو هتقول ماقف ، اهمسا ركذ هسبلا يذلا ةيكاطنإ كريرطب نم دمعتو اسماش همسر كلذ دعبو . ةنبهرلا سابل مولع فىو ةليضفلا في مدقت المو . اسقف ةنس ةنجاطرق لىع افقسأ هولعج ةعيبلا اهماقأو ةنيتسوي ةسيدقلا ذخأو . م 35١ المو . كانه تابهارلل ريد لىع ةسيئر ناك ةنجاطرقب سدقلما عمجلما عتمجإ المو . هيف ينعمتجلما دحأ سيدقلا اده ماهضرحتسا سويقاد كللما اذهب ملع لم المو . مانصلأل يرخبتلا ماهنم بلطو ايرخأو ةيرثك تابوقع ماهبقاع هاعيطي ماهتلاص . فيسلا دحب ماهيقنع بضر . ايدبأ ائماد دجلما انبرلو . انعم .نوكتينما

Meditations on the Bible reading of 2nd Sunday of Tote Luke 10:21-28

You must know … you vannot love God and love the lusts of the world together … and you cannot love God and hate your brother at the same time … you cannot love God and break just one of His commandments.

+ You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart Many, want to inherit the eternal life … and the worldly life as well … and because of this; they fail … they neither attain the eternal life nor the worldly life on earth! Balaam son of Beor the prophet was one of those … he wanted to continue as a prophet for God … still obeying the word of God and delivering His messages … but at the same time; he wanted to please the people of the world and gain their acceptance and riches and praise … he wanted to obey God and curse Moab and wanted to please Balak king of the Moabites and create a stumbling for the Israelites … because of this he failed in both … he did not please God … but God was angry with him and his wicked ways … nor did he please Balak who got defeated (by the Israelite) and he lost his kingdom and Balaam was also killed in the battle (Numbers 22 to 25) … when the love of God abides in man’s heart, it make him (or her) a successful person and bestows amazing peace no matter how difficult is the obstacles he or she might face … Joseph was a successful man … he loved God greatly … and the Lord was with him and delivered him from all the

what shall I do to inherit eternal life? Luke 10:25. How simple is this question … but how difficult it is … what shall Ido to inherit the eternal life?? Perhaps there are many answers to other (related) ques tions such as “what shall I do to be rich??” or “what shall I do to become prominent in this world??” or “what shall I do to gain what belongs to me??” and so on … many of this world have numerous answers to such questions … as matter of fact, there are professionals and masters who specialise in answering these questions and many more in every subject … what is amazing, is that for every ques tion there are many answers and some of these answers can be contradictory … for instance in answering what shall I do to be rich; some will answer; with hard work, trading and sweat and tears … whilst others will answer; through buying lottery tickets and wining in gambling … still, oth ers will answer; stealing and cheating is the only way … all are methods of this world to achieve their goals … and they might succeed or fail … for the way is wide and easy allowing for all the contradictions to exist.. But, for inherting the eternal life … only one road … nar row and hard … there is only one answer for this question … this is to love God … and in this (love) to love your neighbour and to love others but even love your enemy … of this, one of the saints said “love God and do what you will” for the one who loves God, cannot walk in the way of sin … and it is impossible to love God and love the ways of the world for this no communion between light and darkness …

نم ىناثلا دحلاا سادق ليجنا ىف تلامأت كرابملا توت رهش 28 - 2١١ :١0 اقول :١0 اقول ةيدبلاا ةايحلا ثرلأ لعفأ اذام 25 .. هبعصأ امو .. لاؤسلا اذه لهسأ ام ؟؟ ةيدبلاا ةايحلا ثرلأ لمعأ اذام ةباجلا ةديدع قرط كانه نوكت امبر رصأ ىكل لمعا اذام« لثم رخآ لاؤس « ؟؟ اينغ اذه ىف اميظع ريصلا لمعا اذام وأ ىقوقح ىلا لصلأ لمعأ اذام وأ ؟؟ ملاعلامهدنع ملاعلا لهأف .. اذكهو ؟ةعئاضلا كانه لب .. ةلئسلاا هذهل ةديدع تاباجا لكو عون لك ىف نيصصختمو ةذتاسأ بيجعلاو .. ةلئسلاا هذه لثم ةباجلإ ملع دق ةلئسلاا هذه لثم ىلع تاباجلاا نا ضقانتلا دح ىلا اهضعب نع فلتخت ةباجلاا ىفف .. قافتلاا مدعو لماكلا بيجي دق .. اينغ ريصا فيك لاؤس ىلع دهجلاو ةراجتلاو لمعلاب هنأ ضعبلا هنأ رخلآا ضعبلا بيجي دقو .. قرعلاو باعلاو بيصنايلا قاروا قيرط نع هنا رخلآا ضعبلا ببجي دقو .. راعقلا .. عادخلاو شغلاو ةقرسلا قبرط نع لجلا ملاعلا لها اهيلا اجلي بيلاسا اهلكو امبرو .. ضرغلا اذه ىلا لوصولا عساو قيرطلاف .. اولشفي امبرو اولصي .. تاضقانتملا لك لوخدب حمسيو بحرووهف .. ةيدبلاا ةايحلل قيرطلا نع اما دجوت لا .. بركو قيض .. دحاو قيرط ىهو .. لاؤسلا اذهل ةدحاو ةباجا ىوس ةبحمو بيرقلا ةبحم اهنمو .. الله ةبحم اضيا ءادعلاا ةبحمو لب نيرخلآا الله بحأ« نيسيدقلا دحا اهنع لوقيو .. الله بحي ىذلا نلأ »تئش ام عنصأولاو ..رشلا قيرط ىف ريسي نا نكمي لا ملاعلا ةبحم الله ةبحم عم عمجي نا نكمي .. ةملظلا عم رونلل ةكرش لاف نا عيطتست لا كنا .. ظحلات نا بجيو .. اعم ملاعلا تاوهش بحتو الله بحتىف كاخأ هركتو الله بحت نا عيطتست لاو .. تقولا سفن ةيصو ذفنت لاو الله بحت نا عيطتست لاو .. هاياصو نم ةدحاو .. كبلق لك نم كهلا برلا بحت + ةيدبلاا ةايحلا اوثري نأ نوديري نوريثك نولشفي كلذلو .. اضيا ةيملاعلا ةايحلاو .. ةايح لاو ءامسلا ةايح نولاني مه لا .. .. ضرلاا .. ءلاؤه دحأ ىبنلا روعب نب ماعلب ناك نأ ديريو .. لله ايبن لظي نا ديري وهف نكلو .. الله ملاكل لاصوم اعيطم لظيلهأ ىضري نا ديري تقولا سفن ىف هتبغر ققحيو مهاضر بسكيو ملاعلا

difficulties he faced .. One of the very powerful stories about a man who loved God greatly and preferred to leave everything because of his love of God is the story of St Gregory the Arminian (the Illuminator – we remember him in the commemorations prayers of the Holy Liturgy) … in his childhood, St Gregory came from a royal family and had a relative (of the same age) named Tiridates and for political reasons, this family was vanished except Gregory and Tiridates were saved. Tiridates was brought up by one of a well to do Roman aristocracy and he grew to become an office in the army and rose in rank till he became the chief of staff for the palace of Diocletian the Emperor … while at the same time Gregory was brought up by a Christian nanny and was baptised and raised well (in the Christian faith) … events has it that Tiridates returns to Armenia as the governor and so did Gregory to help his relative, as Tiridate was pagan and wanted Gregory to be a pagan like him and promised him (Gregory) with many prizes and rewards but Gregory refused. This made Tiridates very angry and resorted to punishment and persecution with no effects. Finally, he ordered to have Greogry thrown into an abyss full of dirt to be left to die … but the loving Lord did not leave Gregory and send a widow woman who brought him food and water for 14 years while he is in the abyss and many people thought he has died and finished … and Tiridates continued in his evil ways … he heard from his emperor about a virgin maiden called Rebsma who was very beautiful and lived as a nun in one of the monasteries … so, he brought her before him and offered her marriage but she refused and declared her christianty and she has promised herself as a bride of Christ and live in purity for the Lord. This enraged Tiridates and ordered to kill her together with all the nuns in the monastery with her … this caused Tiridates much pain and troubles … one day while he was riding his horse in his garden, he was possessed by a demon and fell off his horse and became like a wild pig tearing his clothing and screaming in a loud voice and some of his guards acted like pigs too … he returned to his palace petrified and all the people said this is the end all those who persecuted and killed Christians who ever dares to shed their blood forgetting that their God is Mighty and punishes the persecutors … his sister had a dream of an angel telling her this is God’s revenge and will not pass unless Gregory is brought out of the abyss and when she told her brother of this vision, he was extremely surprised since Gregory was put in the abyss 15 years ago and surely had long died long ago … this dream was repeated 3 times, so the guards of the palace went to the abyss and for their surprise, Gregory was still alive … St Gregory prayed for the ruler and he was cured the demon departed him and his guards, but stayed with him a a trait of pigs as a punishment and to remind him of his evil ways … St Gregory imposed

الله ىضري نا دارأ .. ىنغلاو ةورثلا ىف كلم قلااب ىضري نا دارأو بآوم نعليف لشف كلذلو .. ليئارسلا ةرثع عضيف بآوملب .. الله ىضرا وهلاف .. نيقيرطلا لاك ىف لاو .. ةريرشلا هقرط ىلعو هيلع الله بضغ تبرخو قلااب مزه دقف قلااب ىضرأ وه اضيا برحلا ىف كلهو ماعلب لتقو هتكلمم نا .. )25 ، 24 ، 23 ، 22 ددعلا رفس ( هلعجت ناسنا بلق ىف نكست امدنع دللا ةبحم تناك امهم ابيجع املاس هيطعتو احجان اناسنا .. اهل ضرعتي ىتلا دئادشلا الله بحا دقل .. احجان لاجر فسوي ناك دقف عيمج نم هذقنأو هعم برلا ناكو .. ادج .. هدئادش الله بحا ناسنا نع ةرثؤملا صصقلا نمو هتبحم لجأ نم ءىش لك كرتي نا لضفو ادج ىنمرلاا سويروغيرغأ سيدقلا ةصق هللل ىفف .. )عمجملا تاولص ىف هركذن ىذلا(ردحني سويروغيرغأ سيدقلا ناك هتلوفط ةتاديرت همسأ هل قيفرو وه ةيكلم ةرسأ نم ةرسلاا هذه تديبأ ةيسايس بابسلا نكلو .. .. كلاهلا نم ةتاديرتو سويروغيرغ اجنو ةينامورلا ةلودلا رباكأ دحأ ةتاديرت ىبرو ىلا لصو ىتح ةيدنجلا فئاظو ىف مدقتو.. كلملا سونايدلقد رصقل ريدم ةفيظو ةيحيسم ةيبرم هتبر دقف سويروغيرغ امأ ءاشتو .. ةنسح ةيبرت ىبرتو دمعتو ةلضاف ايلاو ةينيمرا ىلا ةتاديرت عجري نا فورظلااهيلا سويروغيرغأ اضيأ عجريو اهيلعدارأو اينثو ناك ةتاديرت نكلو هبيرق دعاسيل هدعوو هلثم اينثو سويروغيرغ ريصي نأ هيلع بضغو ضفر هنكلو ةميظع زئاوجب اديدش اباذع هبيذعت ىف أدبو ادج هتاديرت ءىلم بج ىف هئاقلاب رمأ ةباهنلا ىفو ةدئافلاب ىكل كانه هكرتو .. لاحولااو تاروذاقلاب لب هكرتي مل بحملا برلا نكلو .. تومي هل لمحت تراص ةلمرا ةنمؤم ةارما هل ربد بجلا ىف وهو ةنس١4 ةدمل موي لك ماعطلا.. هرمأ ىهتناو تام هنأ ضعبلا نظ دقو .. هرش ىف ريرشلا كلملا ةتاديرت ىضمو سونايدلقد هروطاربما نم ةياشوب عمسو اميسبرا اهمسا لامجلا ةعراب ءارذع ةاتف نع بجعاو اهرضحاف .. ةريدلاا ىدحا ىف ميقتهاياده تضفرف اهجوزتي نأ دارأو ادج اهب اهتيلوتب ترذن دق اهنأ تنلعأو هضورعو .. عوسي برلل اسورع شيعتل اهسفنو ىه اهلتقب رماو ةتاديرت ادج اهيلع بضغو ببسو .. ريدلا ىف تاوارذعلا اهتلايمز لكو امنيبو .. ةتاديرتل نيديدش امغو اقلق هلك اذه هتيشاح ضعب عم هداوج ىلع اموي هزنتي وهريغتو هداوج ىلع نم هحرطف ناطيش هلخد قزمي راصو ىرب ريزنخ ةروص ىلا هلكش لوحتو .. افيخم اخارص خرصيز هسبلام ريزانخلا ةروص هبش ىلا هتيشاح نم ضعب راصو .. ابوعرم هرصق ىلا عجرو .. اضيا

a fast on them for 60 days … and a great church was erected where the virgin nuns were martyred … and all the pagan idols were destroyed … and a very short time Armenia became a Christian country and many of it’s people bcame Christians … St Gregory was ordained bishop for Armenia and a short time idol wor shiping was eliminated from Armenia and about 400 chures were built and the Lord delivered them from the armies of Maximilian the unbeliever emperor … this is St Gregory the Armenian who the Lord used to bring Christianity to Armenia and hence he was calle the Illuminator.Thisisanexcellent example for a man who loved God from all his heart … The Lord used him to become a light beacon and a blessing for all his people. And you, beloved … do you love God with all your heart … all your thoughts… and all your powers … are you ready to sacrifice all worldly desires that you love and defile your body and self with it because of your love of God … are you ready to say with St Paul “Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord” (Philippians 3:8) … or you still saying; I want my gains of this world … and the pleasure of the world and it’s lusts and desires … for this pleasure, you are paying a very expensive wages … you are paying with your eternal life as price for these pleasures … how great is the price … and how little is what you gain in exchange. + Love your neighbour as yourself …

ىتاع لك ريصم اذه نأ نولوقي مهلك سانلامهبر نأ ىسنيو نييحيسملأ ءامد كفسي رابجو .. مهبلع نيدتعملا ةبقاعم ىلع ارداقو ايوقاذه نأ اهل لوقي اكلام ملح ىف هتخا تأرو سويروغيرغ دي ىلع لاا لوزي نل ماقتنلااتربخأ امدنعو .. بجلا نم هنوجرخي امدنع سويروغيرغأ نلا ادج اوبجعت ايؤرلاب اهاخا تام دق هنأ دب لاو بجلا ىف ةنس ١5 نم حرط تارم ثلاث ملحلا رركتيو .. ليوط نمز دنمهيف نوثحبي بجلا ىلا رصقلا ىفظوم بهذيو لازام سويروغيرغاب اذأ .. مهتشهد ةدشلو جرخف هتيشاحلو كلملل سيدقلا ىلصو .. ايحهقلخ نم ةيقب هيف تيقب نكلو ناطيشلا هنم نم هنم ناك ام ركذتيو بدأتي ىكل ريزنخلا اموص سيدقلا مهيلع ضرفو .. عبطلا ءوسةميظع ةسينك اوماقأو .. اموي نيتس ةدمل اماع تمدهو .. تاديهشلا ىراذعلا داسجأ ىلع نم ريبك ددع نمآريصق نمز ىفو .. مانصلاامسرو .. اودمعتو حيسملا ديسلاب ةينيمرأ ىلاهاىفو ةينيمرا ىلع افقسأ سويروغيرغأ سيدقلا اينيمرا ىف ناثولاا ةدابع تلطب ريصق نمز مهذقنأو ةيفقسأ 400 ىلاوح اهيف تئشنأو .. سونايميسكم رفاكلا كلملا شويج نم برلا ىذلا ىنمرلاا سويروغيرغا سيدقلا وه اذه اينيمرأ ىف ةيحيسملا رشنل برلا همدختسا .. رونملا بقل هيلع قلطاو .. هبلق لكب الله بحا ناسنلا عئار لاثم اهنا هبعش لكل ةكربو ارون نوكيل برلا همدختساف كهلا برلا بحت له .. بيبحلا اهيا تنأو لك نمو .. كركف لك نمو .. كبلق لك نم تاوهشلاب ىحضت نا دعتسم تنا له .. كتردق كسفنو كدسج اهب سندتو اهبحت ىتلا ةيملاعلا لوقت نأ دعتسم تنأ له .. هللل كتبحم لجا نم لجأ نم ةيافن ءايشلاا لك تبسح« سلوب لثم تلزام له .. حيسملا عوسيل ىتفرعم لضفعتم نمو .. ملاعلا اذه نم ىبيصن ديرأ لوقت لباقم ىفو .. هتاذل نمو هتاوهش نمو ملاعلا ايلاغ انمث عفدت عتملا هذه اذهل انمث اهلك ةيدبلاا كتايح عفدت كنا .. ادجلباقم ىف هذخأتام لقأ ام .. نمثلا ظهبأ ام .. .. كلذ .. كسفنك كبيرق بحتو + ىلاخ .. ىنانا ناسنا وه طقف هسفن بحي ىذلا نم هسفن برلاف دعب الله بحي ملو .. ةبحملا نمةبحملا نا .. انلجلا هتاذ لذب انل هتبحم طرف نا نكمي لا .. بلقلا لأمت امدنع ةيقيقحلا هنم ضيفت لب .. هلخاد ىف ناسنلاا اهرصحي .. اضيأ ءادعلاا ىلا ىتح .. نيرخلآا ىلا كلملا لواش نبا ناثانويو دواد طبترأ دقل دواد لضفي ناثانوي تلعج ادج ةبيجع ةيحمب مغر لواش هيبا بضغ نم هذقنيو هسفن ىلع ناو برلا حيسم ره دواد نا اديج ملعي هنا لواش هيبا لدب اكلم ريصيل هراتخا برلا ىف ناثانوي توم نع دواد عمسي امدنعو .. اركذتم ةعئار ةاثرمب هيثريو دواد هيكبي برحلا

The one who loves himself only is a selfish person … void of love … does not love God yet for the Lord Himself because of His abundant love, He sacrificed Himself for us … for true love when it fills the heart … man can not contain it just within himself … but this love will over flow to others … even the enemies … David with attached to Jonathan son Saul the king with amazing love which made Jonathan loyal to David more than himself which angered his father king Saul, even though he knew Davis is God anointed and the Lord has chosen him to be a king in place his father Saul … and when David heard of Jonathan’s death in war, he cried for him and lamented him with a beauti ful lamentation remembering his amazing love for him. How harsh is the loss of love between beloveds … with a loss of love, peace is lost too as well as comfort and tranquillity … St Gregory the miracle worker (he also is one of the three Gregory’s we mention in the commemoration prayers in the Holy Liturgy) when he heard of brethren quarrelling, he would go and arrange for them to make up. One day he heard of two brothers fighting over a pool of water which separated their lands and each claimed it as his. The Saint tried to reconcile them together with no success and fight went one to the extent that each of them prepared and army to fight over the pool of water, so when St Grrgory heard of this, he was saddened greatly and he knelt

+ Do this and you shall live .. Thus God has given the world life … by His love for us … He saved us from death (everlasting death) and given us eternal life … so, you too my beloved, you cannot live without God’s love … look at those who lived only for themselves and were condemned to destruction … look at Cain who his love was not true before God … he loved himself and hated his brother and went to evil doing … look at Esau who was an uninhibited man and only sought his comforts and physical pleasures … he was rejected by the Lord of inheriting the his birthright and was given to Jacob instead who loved God and wanted His promises and the eternal life … look at king Saul who loved his kingdom and personal reign and himself more than God’s commandments, thus destroying himself and all his household … the one who seeks himself will destroy himself … but who ever loses himself for the love of God, is the one who finds himself and will inherit the eternal life … you too, is the inheritance of eternal life is the desire of your heart … do you want the heavenly life or the earthly life … alas, you can not have both at same time, make your determination true with a holy life with God and walk according to His commandments in His fear … do this to live (an ever lasting life).

.. هل ةبيجعلا هتبحم نادقف عم .. ءابحلاا نيب ةبحملا نادقف بعصأ ام سيدقلا .. ةحارلاو ءودهلا دقفيو ملاسلا دقفي ةبحملادحأ اضيا وهو( ىبئاجعلا سويروغيرغا ميظعلاةلاص ىف نوركذي نيذلا سويروغيرغأ ةثلاثلا نومصاختم ساخشا نع عمسي نأ ام عمجملا نيوخا نع اموي عمسو .. مهحلاصو عرساو لاا ءام ةكرب ببسب امهنيب عازنلا دتشاو امصاخت هكلم اهنا لوقي امهنم لكو امهكلاما نيب ةلصاف دتشأو حجني ملف امهنيب قفوي نآ سيدقلا لواحو ..اولمحو هلاجر فرط لك عمج نا دح ىلا ماضخلأىأر املو .. رخلآا ةبراحمل ادعتساو حلاسلا ةكربلا كلت ىلا ءاجو هسفن تنزح كلذ سيدقلا لوزيل اههايم ففجيل برلا ىلا ىلصو عكرو حابصو ءاسم نيبو دارا ام هل متو .. ماصخلا ببسبشعلا هوسكي لقح اهناكم رهظو هايملا كلت تفج لحم ملاسلا لحو كلاملاا ميسقت لهسف..رضخلااكارعلا ىلا نكاملاا لمجا ليحت دقحلاو ةيهاركلا نأ اقح ةبحملاو .. ناسنا اهيف شيعي لا ةلحاق ءارحص اهلامج ىف قوفت ةنج ىلا ةلحاقلا ءارحصلا ليحت تبرخو تمسقنأ تويب نم مك .. ملاعلا تانج لكاهلهأ ىسن .. ةبحملا حور تدقف اهنلا تعاضوهتوقح بلطي صخش لك راصو .. ةحملا اياصو ىف ةبحملا لمع ىسنيو .. هتابجاو ىسنيو طقف ةجيزلا رس ىف نيبلق نيب الله طبري امدنع .. بولقلا بحلاب .. ةسينكلا عم هداحتأ لثم امهدحوي امناحمسي امدنع نكلو .. ادبأ مصفني لا ىذلا سدقملا لوخدلاب هتاوهشو ملاعلا ةبحمل نيجوزلا نيذه تيبلا دقفيو سدقملا بحلا اذه نادقفي امهناف امهنيب ملعت .. بعاتملاو لكاشملا هلخدتو هءودهو هملاسبحت كنا امك .. كسفنك كبيرق بحت نأ بيبحلا اهيأ بحت امك .. لباقم لاب هبحت ا ذكه .. لباقم لاب كسفن اضيا اذكه ةيصخشلا كتحار نع ثحبتو كسفن .. هملاسو هتحار نع اثحاب هبحت .. ايحتف اذه لعفأ + انذقنا .. انل هتبحمب 00 ةايح ملاعلا الله ىطعأ اذكهتنا اضيأ اذكه .. ةيدبأ ةايح اناطعأو توملا نم .. الله ةبحم نودب ايحت نا عيطتست نل بيبحلا اهيا.. اوكلهف مهسفنلأ اوشاع نيذلا ءلاؤه ىلا رظنأالله مامأ ةلماك هتبحم نكت مل ىذلا نبياق ىلا رظنأرظنأ .. رشلا ىلا لوحتو هوخأ هركف هسفن بحأ .. لاا ثحبي لا احيبتسم اناسنأ ناك ىذلا وسيع ىلا نأ نم برلا هضفرف .. ةيدسجلا هتذلو هتحار نع بحأ ىذلا بوقعي هنم لادب اهلانو ديعاوملا ثري رظنأ .. ةيدبلاا ةايحلا ثاريمو هديعاوم ىهتشاو الله هسفنو هناطلسو هكلم بحأ ىدلا كلملا لواش ىلا نأ .. هتيب لك كلهأو هسفن عاضأو الله اياصو قوفنم هسفن عيضي نم امأ .. اهكلهي وهف هسفن دجي نم ةايحلا حبريو اهدجي ىدلا وه اذهف هللل هتبحم لجا وه ةيدبلاا ةايحلا ثاريم له اضيا تناو .. ةيدبلاا .. ضرلاا مأ ءامسلا ةايح ديرت له .. كبلق ةوهشلعجأ نينثلاا نيب عمجت نا عيطتست لا فسلاا عم بسح ريستو الله عم ةسدقم ةايح ىف اقداص كمزع.. ايحتف اذه لعفأ .. هفوخ ىفو هاياصو

down and prayed that God will dry out this pool of water, so the reason of fighting disappear … and God heard his prayers and between night and day, the pool dried out and in it’s place a land covered with green grass appeared which made it easy to divide between them and peace in place of fighting … Truly, hatred and envy can transform the most beautiful place to an arid desert no man can live in it … and love can transform arid deserts into paradise exceed all gardens in the world … how many homes have divided, split and ruined because it lost the spirit of love … it’s inhabitants have forgotten the commandment of love … and each one is asking for his or her rights only forgetting their duties … forgetting the works of love in the hearts … when God unites 2 hearts together in the bond of the sacrament of marriage, He (God) unites them together similar to God’s bond to the church … in a holy love which cannot be broken … but when this husband and wife allow the love of worldly pleasures and it’s desires to enter between them, they can lose this holy love and the home can loose it’s peace and tranquillity. Then troubles and difficulties will enter … beloved, learn to love your relative (or neighbour) as your self as you love yourself without expectations … so, love your partner without ant expectations … as you love yourself and seek your personal comforts, also love (your partner) seeking her or his comforts and peace.

The Pope’s speech at the funeral of His grace Anba Isaac اينملا ةعماج بطلا ةيلكب دعاسم سردم - داؤف نايرام .د :ةمجرت

The first characteristic feature is that he was patient and tolerant, he faced many troubles and hardships, but at the same time he was controlling himself “a selfcontroller is better than a city officer”, and lived in patience despite hardships, and lived in comfort despite the troubles he was exposed to over many years, and even he tolerated his sickness patiently, and two days before his departure I was talking to him on the phone because he wanted to leave the hospital and return to the monastery, and this is a sacred desire, meaning his feeling that he is ending his life in the monastery, but the doctors had another opinion, I was talking to him with the utmost love: “Oh, our master, there is more care and follow up in the hospital.” For immediately, he responded to the command, obeyed, and stayed. He was patient and tolerant, which is a necessary quality of human life. The Bible says: “With your patience you will gain your souls,” even though this virtue, beloved, is being cut off from human life. Patience is the means by which man acquires himself. In addition, he also lived as a pious monk. Throughout his life, he was a pious monk loving monasticism, loving the wilderness, loving rituals and monastic traditions, whether in the Syriac monastery where he lived and became a monk, or in the monastery of St. Macarius of Alexandria when he became an overseer and spiritual father, a pious monk. How beautiful it is for a person not to deviate from his principles. The word principles, beloved, is a word that carries a positive meaning. We say: “Soand-so has principles and morals” without asking what these principles are, and we mean that this person is right. Anba Isaac lived in the wilderness and in monasticism, and he adhered to it even after he became the priest of Episcopos and then a bishop. For the last time he was a devoted monk who recites the rosary, offers prostrations, lives by the Bible, loves his sons and brothers. He lived by piety, and how beautiful it is for a person to be not just a spiritual person or a monk in the garb of monasticism, or a consecrated person or a bishop... but also lives by piety. Piety, beloved, means fear. It means that the presence of God before His eyes day and night, “I have set the Lord before me at all times, because He is at my right hand, that I may not be shaken.” The third thing is that he was not only a patient, devout monk, but a wise administratorwho are very few. He was a mastermind with the experiences of the elders, and the experiences of long life. He has spiritual tests. And when he left the Sorian monastery in order to become a bishop and serve with HG Bishop Pachomius in this emerging and establishing monastery, he began to live in the midst of the monastic fathers, and became wisely managed, not from books but from life. He learned these experiences from his extended life in one of our great monasteries, the Syriac monastery. He grew and extended in this deep spiritual knowledge, and therefore he became a successful ruler, and he became a successful father. And when His Eminence

In the hope of resurrection, we let go the old wise man and the Blessed Bishop, the Triangle of Mercy, His Grace Bishop Isaac, the general bishop, spiritual father and administrator of the Monastery of St. Macarius of Alexandria in Jabal al-Qalali in Beheira. We bid him farewell as an old man and a loving father, who had lived his service in virtue in monasticism for nearly 60 years, and he passed away at the age of 85, of which he spent nearly sixty years in the wilderness and monastic life, dedicating himself faithfully, with great presence and great love. When we gather, my brothers, and bid farewell to our loved ones, our souls wake up and extend to heaven, and each of us has a date with this day. He was a person who lived calm, servant, honest and devoted his life for the sake of others. That’s why we are very consoled persons like him are still among us. He dedicated his life early, and spends years or most of his life on earth in contact with heaven, and in a life of complete devotion, not deviating from this devotion no matter what happens. When we look at the life of this blessed bishop, we see many illuminating signs in it, as our beloved Bishop Pachomius mentioned about him as his friend, and they have known each other for decades. We see in him several very important qualities.

As I said at the beginning, that in the hours of farewell our hearts open towards heaven, and our consciences awake towards heaven. There will come a day when man will leave our world and stand before God, and therefore when we live on earth we live this preparation. Man prepares for this day, and prepares for a new life. Christ gives us all the good ending. He always gives us to glorify Him in our lives, to bless Him, to be faithful and to listen to this voice: “Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.” To our God be all glory and honor from now and forever, Amen.

انتايح يف بيلصلا هدونش ابابلا تامحرلا ثلثم ثلاثلا انتايح يف بيلصلا:ةيتلآا تاملكلا ركذن ،بيلصلا ديع ةبسانمب ثيح ،ةيدومعملا يف يه بيلصلاب انل ةقلاع لوأ..ةيطخلل دعب دبعتسن لا ىتح قيتعلا انناسنإ بلص داهشتسلاا ةكرح يف ةسينكلا هتلمح دق بيلصلاو رم ىلع اهب تقحل يتلا تاداهطضلاا لك يفودق ةسينكلا نأ بيلصلا اذه يف ليمجلاو ..روصعلا..رمذتت وأ هنم وكشت نأ نود ربصو حرفب هتلمح اهيهتشت ةوهش ىلإ ةسينكلا ةايح يف بيلصلا لوحت توملا ىلع نييحيسملا لابقإ ناكو .اهيلإ ىعستو ةيدبلأاب ناميلإا هيف نوري اوناكو ،نيينثولا لهذي ذلام نم اهيف ام لكو ايندلا راقتحاو ،ةديعسلا نرت تناكو ،دباعم ىلإ نوجسلا تلوحت ..عتمونييحيسم نم تاولصلاو حيباستلاو ناحللأا اهيف ..توملاب نيحرف ..قيضلا بابلا وه بيلصلا هيف لمحن لاجم ثلاثو دعبي .برلا لجأ نم هسفن ىلع ناسنلإا قيضي هيف لكب ىردزي الله لجأ نمو .هتاوهش لكو ملاعلا نعطبض يف ،كسن يف ،ماوصأ يف ،رهس يف .ءيش.نيرخلآا تاءاسلإ تلاامتحا يف ،سفنلا..بعتلا بيلص لاجملا اذه يف لخدي نأ نكميوبعتيو .برلا لجأ نم ةمدخلا يف ناسنلإا بعتيف

In the name of the Holy Synod and the Coptic Orthodox Church, and in the name of the Metropolitan Fathers, the Bishops, the Fathers in the Synod and the members, we offer our condolences to all of our souls and the whole Church, and to His Eminence Bishop Pachomius in a blessed brother who served with him for years and years. We also offer our condolences to the monks in the monastery of St. Macarius of Alexandria. We also attribute to the Sorian monastery, in which he was firstly ordinated as a monk, and all the fathers of the monastery, and His Eminence Anba Matous, who accompanied him for a long time. We console his loved ones, and those who were disciples upon his hands, his books, his culture and his vast knowledge. Our condolences to all who knew him and all those who came into contact with him, fathers and brothers. May God comfort us all and open our hearts to heaven.

Bishop Pachomius chose him to serve with him in the establishment and care of this monastery, not only the architectural care, but the monastic and pastoral care of this Mymonastery.beloved, we bid him farewell, knowing that he heard these words: “Be faithful to death, and I will give you the crown of life.” He was faithful until death, so God gave him the wreath of life, and heaven would be open to him, and his place would be with the righteous and the righteous.

ءاوهلأا عم دسجلا اوبلص دق حيسملل مه نيذلا نكلو« :لوسرلا لوقي امك »ءاوهلأا عم دسجلا بلص« يف لك يف ملعيو ،سفنلا ىلع راصتنلااو ،ركفلا بلصو داهجلا يف بعتيو ،)24 :5 ةيطلاغ( »تاوهشلاو ßِ .(8 :3 ىلولأا سوثنروك( لوسرلا سلوب لاق امبسح هبعت بسحب هترجأ لاني هنأ كلذ ..بيلصلا نع اقلاطإ اهلصفن نأ نكمي لا ةيحيسملاو :اضيأ لاقو ،)33 :١6 انحوي( »قيض مكل نوكيس ملاعلا يف« :لاقف ،رملأا اذهب انحراص حيسملا ديسلاو .(١7 :2١ اقول( »يمسا لجأ نم عيمجلا نم نيضغبم نونوكتو« ،ةلاهج نيكلاهلا دنع بيلصلا ةملك« :لوسرلا لاق امك انتوق هيف ىرنو ،هب بحرنو بيلصلاب حرفن نحنو .(١8 :١ ىلولأا سوثنروك( »الله ةوق يهف نيصلخملا نحن اندنع امأو ..ةيحيسم نوكت لا ،بيلص نودب ةيحيسملا لب ،)24 :١6 ىتم( »ينعبتيو هبيلص لمحيو هسفن ركنيلف يئارو يتأي نأ دحأ دارأ نإ« :برلا لاق دقو هتايح عاضأ نمو ،اهعيضي هتايح دجو نم .ينقحتسي لاف ينعبتيو هبيلص ذخأي لا نمو« :اذه نم رثكأ لاق .(3٩ ،38 :١0 ىتم( »اهدجي يلجأ نم ..جراخلا نمو لخادلا نم نوكي دق بيلصلاو .(20 :2 ةيطلاغ( »يف ايحي حيسملا لب ،انأ لا ايحأف ،تبلص حيسملا عم« :لوسرلا لوقي امك لخادلا نم..بيلصلا اذه لمح يف نوحجني نيذلا مه نوليلقو ،بيلص وه ،)انأ لا( اذإ تاذلا راكنإ .هنم مغرلا ىلع وأ هتدارإب ءاوس ،برلا لجأ نم نمؤملا اهلمحتي ةقيض لك وهف ،يجراخلا بيلصلا امأ يه ةريثك« :اضيأ ليقو ،)33 :١6 انحوي( »قيض مكل نوكيس ملاعلا يف« برلا ديسلا لاق اذه نعولامعأ( »الله توكلم لخدن نأ يغبني ةريثك تاقيضب« :كلذك ليقو ،)١٩ :34 رومزم( »نيقيدصلا نازحأ .(22 :١4 .انحرف عضوم اضيأو انراختفا عضوم وه – هتاقيضو هنازحأ لك يف – بيلصلا اذه نكلو يذلا ،حيسملا عوسي انبر بيلصب لاإ رختفأ نأ يل اشاحف ،يتهج نم امأو« :لوسرلا لوقي اذه يفو مئاتشلاو تافعضلاب رسأ كلذل« :اضيأ لوقي امك ،)١4 :6 ةيطلاغ( »ملاعلل انأو يل ملاعلا بلص دق هب »يوق انأ ذئنيحف فيعض انأ امنيح ينلأ .حيسملا لجلأ تاقيضلاو تاداهطضلااو تارورضلاو امنيح يتوخإ اي حرف لك هوبسحا« لائاق لوسرلا بوقعي انملعم انحصني امك .)١0 :١2 ةيناثلا سوثنروك( .(3 ،2 :١ بوقعي( »اربص ئشني مكناميإ ناحتما نأ نيملاع ،ةعونتم براجت يف نوعقت ..اهل اراعش هتلعج بيلصلل ةسينكلا ةبحم نم نم متملأت نإ« باتكلا لوق مهركف يف سرغتو ،برلا لجأ نم مللأا ةبحم اهدلاوأ ملعت ةسينكلا تناكولاق كلذ يفو ،الله نم ةبه ةيحيسملا هتربتعا مللأا نأ لب ،)١4 :3 ىلولأا سرطب( »مكابوطف ،ربلا لجأ :١ يبليف( »هلجلأ اوملأتت نأ اضيأ لب ،طقف هب اونمؤت نأ لا حيسملا لجلأ مكل بهو دق هنلأ« :باتكلا .(2٩ ،»نيقيدصلا نازحأ يه ةريثك« :رومزملا لاق نإف ،هدلاوأ الله كرتي لا ،بيلصلا لمح ىفو ،مللأا ىفو كرتي لا برلا« :اضيأ لوقي امك ،)١٩ :34 رومزم( »برلا مهيجني اهعيمج نمو« :اهدعب لوقي امنإ .(3 :١25 رومزم( »نيقيدصلا بيصن ىلع رقتست ةاطخلا اصعابلاص لا ابولصم نك ..كبيلص لمحا نإ امأ .ءامسلا يفف انه نكي مل نإ ،لاماك كقح كل دريو كعم نوكيس الله نأ نمضاف ،ابولصم تنك نإ .كبقاعيو كنم كريغ قح ذخأي ىتح كدض فقيس الله نأ قثف ،كريغل ابلاص تنك عم قفتت لا ملظلا نم عاونأ اهلكو ،فنعلاو ءادتعلااو رشلا رصنع كيف نأ فرعا ،كريغل ابلاص تنك نإ ..نويناملعلا اهبلطتي يتلا ةيناسنلإا ةيلاثملا عم ىتح لاو ،كيلع بجاولا ربلابوسحم وه هيساقت ملأ لك نأ فرعاف ،ناميلإا لجأ نمو قحلا لجأ نم ةصاخبو ابولصم تنك نإ امأ .ضرلأا ىلع هتكربو ءامسلا يف هليلكإ هل ،الله دنع..نوسيدقلاو ةكئلاملاو الله :كعم اهلك ءامسلا نأ قثو ..مهناميإ نمث اوعفد ،ناميلإاب اوكسمت نيذلا لكو .هلجأ نم اولمحت ،قحلا اوعبت نيذلا لك نإ نيد دجوي لا نكلو ،دحأ يأ ناكمإب لهس ملظلاو ،ةيلاثم ىلع لدي لا هنكلو دحأ يأ هعيطتسي فنعلا نإ ..هيلع قفاوي ..دبلأا ىلإ مودي نل كبراحي يذلا لطابلاو ،كبيلص لمحاو كقلخو كتايلاثمب ظفتحا كلذلنامز لك يف نيبولصملاو نيملأتملا نيعي نأ رداق ،بلصلا لمتحاو مللأا ةرارم قاذ يذلا حيسملا ديسلا نإداجمأ دجوت ةثجلجلا دعب نأ قثو ،ةيزعت دجت بولصملا حيسملا ةروص كمامأ عض كلذل .عضوم لك ...ةمايقلايفو

His eyes were filled with tears. He praised and glorified God who works out the satisfaction of His saints. The bishop shrouded her as was the habit of the monks and called the priests who carried her to the holy church and prayed over her with great honor.

The Departure of St. Theopista.

The bishop came to where the saint was lying and knocked on the door, but she did not answer. He said, “This blessed saint had departed indeed,” and he ordered his disciple to open the door. When the bishop entered, he found that she had given up her soul. She had on the Eskeem that he had put on her in his vision and also the Kalansowa that he had on.

There was in the city a paralytic infidel man, suffering from evil spirits. When he heard the chanting of the priests, he asked his people to carry him and take him where the body of the saint was. When they brought him to the church, he drew near to the holy body with faith and he was cured instantly. The devil came out of him, and he became well. He and his people believed in the Lord Christ and the bishop baptized them. And everyone who had a disease or a deformity would come to the church and touch the holy body and would be healed immediately. When the governor heard about these wonders, he and most of the city believed in the Lord Christ. He came to the church, carried the body and buried it with honor. Glory be to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and His good Father and the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen.

Also today we commemorate the departure of St. Theopista. She was married and had a son. Her husband died while she was still young. She took it upon herself to become a nun. She started to practice the spiritual life. She persisted in fasting and continual prayers and worshipping day and night. She went to the holy father Abba Macarius, bishop of Nekios. She bowed to him, took his blessings, then she asked him to pray on her and put on her the garb of monasticism. The bishop advised her to try for a year and he promised her that he would put on her the garb of monasticism after that year. She went to her house and shut herself in a small room. She closed its door, and made a small opening in it. Her son, who was then 12 years old, was taking care of her needs. She embarked in strenuous worships with asceticism and devotion. The year elapsed, and the bishop had forgotten that he had promised this saint that he would put on her the garb of monasticism. He saw her in his sleep in a shining figure, telling him, “My father, how did you forget me till now, and I am passing away tonight?” The father the bishop saw that as if he was awake, he prayed on her the prayer for ordaining monks, and put on her the garb of monasticism. When he did not find a Kalansowa )cover for the head), he took off his own and put it on her head. Then he put on her the holy Eskeem. He asked his disciple for another Kalansowa and put it on. She had a silver cross in her hand which she gave to him saying, “Accept this from your disciple.” And it was said that when he awakened, he found the cross in his hand and he looked attentively at the cross which was beautifully made. He was amazed and glorified God. Early in the morning he went with his disciple to the house of this blessed woman. Her son received him crying with tears. When he asked him why he was crying, he replied saying, “My mother called me in the middle of the night and bid me farewell and told me whatever the bishop tells you, do and do not break it. I will depart this night to go to the Lord Christ. She prayed over me and advised me, saying, ‘Keep all that I commanded you and do not disobey our father, the bishop, and here now I am in your hands.’”

30th September - 20th Tote

Blessed Marriage Bishoy Botros & Merna Shehata 30th April 2022 Church of St Peter & St Paul - Alexandria Egypt Feast of the Holy Cross - بيلصلا ديع سادق Tuesday 27th September 2022 4:30 - 7:00 am احابص 7 - 4:30 ربمتبس 27 ءاثلاثلا ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينك St Maty’s Church

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April The new Building is expected to be ready within 12 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downladed from church website. Cost of building works is around $12,000000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreaciated.ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .ارهش ١22 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلأا عقوتملا نم . .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا بسح .ارلاود نويلم ١22 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبتاهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا ىكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكنيىنورتكللأا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ىنابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) 7thBuildingCurrentsiteSeptember2022

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