Weekly Bulletin 26th February 2023

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Services at St Mary’s Church

Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom)

Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom)

Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly)

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm Eng-


Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm

Sunday: 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English

2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan:

0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington

Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Macary 0433 445 636

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم :نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا )يزيلجنا( احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا يبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 يزيلجنا - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 يبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩-7 يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١2 - ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم يزيلجنا ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا بلأا 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع 93766651 :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636 Liturgies during the Holy Lent 19th Feb - 7th April 2023 Additional Liturgies Tuesday & Thursday 5 - 7pm ريبكلا موصلا للاخ ةيفاضأ تاسادق 2023 ليربأ 7 - رياربف ١٩ سيمخلاو ءاثلاثلا ءاسم 75

The Departure of St. Zacharias, Bishop of Sakha. 28th February - 21st Amsher

On this day also St. Zacharias, Bishop of Sakha, departed. He was the son of a scribe called John who left his job and was chosen to be a priest. His son Zacharias was raised on studying literary and religious subjects.

When he grew up, El-Wazeer appointed him as a scribe in his court. Afterward he agreed with a friend called Ptolemy who was the prefect of the town of Sakha, to leave their work and go to the wilderness to become monks. That coincided with the coming of a monk from the monastery of St. John the Short, so they decided to go with him to the monastery. When the ruler (El-Wazeer) knew about that, he prevented them from going to the monastery.

A few days later, they saw a vision as if someone was asking them, “Why did you not fulfill your vow?” Immediately, they left in secret, walking to the wilderness, without knowing their way. They met on their way, by the will of God, a monk who took them to the monastery of St. John the Short (Colobos). When their friends knew about that, they took a letter from the Governor to bring them back, but the Lord defeated their counsel. As for Zacharias and his friend, they put on the garb of the monks and exerted themselves in many worships. That was during the time of the saints Abba Gawargah and Abba Abraham who were the best guides for them.

When the Bishop of Sakha departed, the people wrote to the father, the Patriarch, asking for Zacharias to be their bishop. The Patriarch brought him and ordained him against his will. At the time of the ordination, when the Pope was about to put his hands on Zacharias’ head, a light shined in the church and his face appeared as a bright star. When he arrived to his diocese, the people rejoiced and went out to meet him with great honor. The church was illumined with his teachings. St. Zacharias was eloquent and filled with grace and he wrote many articles, sermons and discourses. He stayed on his chair for 30 years, then departed in peace. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Onesimus, the Disciple of St. Paul.

28th February - 21st Amsher

On this day also St. Onesimus, the disciple of St. Paul, was martyred. This saint was a slave for a man from Rome called Philemon who believed at the hands of St. Paul, when he heard his preaching in Rome. Philemon departed from Rome on a business trip and took with him Onesimus among others of his servants. There the devil enticed Onesimus, so he stole money from his master and fled to Rome. According to the Divine Will, Onesimus attended the preaching of St.

اخس فقسا سايراخز ابنا ةحاين يرشمأ ٢١ - ريابرف ٢٨ سايراخز سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم في ، انحوي همسا بتاك نبا ناك .اخس فقسأ سايراخز هنبا اشنف ، اسق يرتخاو هتفيظو كرت برك المو ةينيدلاو ةيبدلأا مولعلا يقلت ليع عم قفتا كلذ دعبو هناويدب ابتاك ريزولا هنيع اخس ليع ايلاو ناكو سطلابا يمسي هل قيدص . ابهتريو ةيبرلا لىإ ابهذيو ماهلمع اكتري نإ ، سنحي سيدقلا ريد نابهر دحأ روضح قفتاو مالف ، هريد لىإ هعم ابهذي نإ امزعف ، يرصقلا ةليلق مايا دعبو ، ماهعنم كلذب لياولا ملع مامتت لم اذالم ماهل لوقي نمك ايؤر نانثلاا ىأر اراسو ةيفخ اوت اجرخف ، هاتمررق يذلا رذنلا قفتاف قيرطلا نافرعي لا ماهو ةيبرلا لىإ لىإ ماهبحطصاف نابهرلا دحأ ماهلباق نإ ماهؤاقدصأ ملع مالف ، سنحي سيدقلا ريد برلا ددبف ، ماهوعجيرل اباتك لياولا نم اوذخا اسبل دقف هقيدصو سايراخز امأ ، مهتروشم تادابع في ماهيسفن ادهجاو نيابهرلا بوثلا ابنأ ينسيدقلا نامز في كلذ ناكو . ةيرثك دشرم يرخ اناك نيذللا يجروج ابنأو ماربا بعشلا بتك اخس فقسأ حينت المو . ماهل نوكيل سايراخز نوبلطي كريرطبلا بلاا لىإ .هنع ماغر هماسو هضرحتساف ، مهيلع افقسأ بلاا مه امدنع هنا ةماسلا تقو ثدح دقو نإ سايراخز سار ليع هدي عضوب كريرطبلا .يهب مجنك ههجو رهظو ةسينكلا في رون عطس جرخو بعشلا هب حرف هيسرك لىإ ضرح المو ةسينكلا تءاضتساف ، للاجلإا ىهتنبم هئاقلل ةمعنلا نم ائلتمم احيصف بلاا اذه ناكو . هب ماقأو . رمايمو ظعاومو تلااقم ةدع عضوف ، ملاسب حينت مث ةنس ينثلاث هيسرك ليع ايدبا ائماد دجلما انبرلو انعم نوكت هتلاص . ينما سيدقلا ذيملت سوميسنا سيدقلا داهشتسا لوسرلا سلوب يرشمأ ٢١ - ريابرف ٢٨ سوميسنا سيدقلا دهشتسأ مويلا اذه لثم في اذه ناك .لوسرلا سلوب سيدقلا ذيملت همسا ةيمور نم لجرل اكولمم سيدقلا سيدقلا دي ليع نمآ دق ناك يذلا نوميلف ثدحو . ةيمور في هيرشبت هعماس يدل سلوب ةصاخ لماعلأ ةيمور نم نوميلف رفاس نإ كانهو ، هنمالغ نمض سوميسنا بحصتساف لام ضعب قسرف سوميسنا ناطيشلا يوغا ةدارلإاب قفتاو . ةيمور لىإ برهو هديس سيدقلا ميلعت سوميسنا ضرح نإ ةيهللإا هيدي ليع نمآو هبلق في هظفحف لوسرلا سلوب ام ركذتف ، هللا فوخو ةمعنلاب هبلق لأتمإو

Paul, which he kept in his heart. He believed at the hand of St. Paul and his heart was filled with the grace and the fear of God. He remembered what he stole from his master and from others and since he did not have anything left from the stolen money to return to its rightful owners, he was sorrowful and told St. Paul about that.

St. Paul comforted him and wrote an epistle to Onesimus’ master, Philemon, informing him in it, that Onesimus became a follower of Christ saying, “I appeal to you for my son Onesimus, whom I have begotten while in my chains.” St. Paul asked him to treat him gently and not to mind what he did but to consider what he lost as owed by the apostle.

When Onesimus took the epistle to his master Philemon, he was pleased by his faith and repentance and treated him as the apostle commanded. Furthermore, he offered him more money but St. Onesimus refused saying, “I am rich with Christ.” Then he bid Philemon farewell and returned to Rome.

St. Onesimus continued to serve St. Paul until his martyrdom and deserved to be ordained a priest. After the martyrdom of St. Paul, the governor of Rome seized him and exiled him to one of the islands. He remained there preaching and baptizing the people of the island. When the governor came to the island, he found him guiding the people to the belief in the Lord Christ. He was beaten severely and his legs were broken. He departed in peace. His prayers be with us. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Eusebius, Son of Basilides, the Minister. 2nd March - 23rd Amsher

On this day, St. Eusebius, the son of Basilides, the minister, was martyred. This Saint was one of the soldiers who fought in the war against Persia. When Diocletian abandoned the faith, Basilides, informed his son, Eusebius, of what Diocletian had done. Then St. Eusebius in turn told his companions, the holy men: Abadir, Yustos, Ecladius, and Theodore about this matter. They all agreed to shed their blood in the Name of the Lord Christ. When the war was over, they returned to Antioch carrying the flag of victory. The Emperor went out to meet them, and asked them to worship his idols with him, but they all refused. Eusebius pulled his sword out, and tried to kill Diocletian and all who were with him, but Diocletian fled and disappeared. If not for the presence of Basilides, Eusebius and the saints with him could have killed all the leaders of the government.

Romanus, one of the ministers of the Emperor, advised him to exile Eusebius to Egypt to be killed there. He sent him to the governor of Qift (Coptos), Maurianus, who inflicted upon him many tortures from the Hinbazeen (the squeezing wheel), dismemberment, and by severe beatings.

The Lord sent to him His angel to strengthen him in his afflictions, to comfort him and to heal his wounds.

The Lord showed him in a vision the paradise and the mansions of the saints, and the places that had been

هعم قبي لمو ، هيرغ نمو هديس نم هقسر ملعأو نزحف .هبابرأ لىإ هديعي ئش هنم بتكو هنمأطف . كلذب سلوب لوسرلا نإ اهيف هملعا ، نوميلف هديس لىإ ةلاسر ، حيسملل اذيملت حبصا دق سوميسنا قفتري نإ هيصويو ، ةراشبلاب سلوبل انباو هنأك هسرخ ام بسحي لب هذخاؤي لاو هب سوميسنا لصوأ مالف . لوسرلا ليع هنايمإب حرف نوميلف هديس لىإ ةلاسرلا دازو . لوسرلا ةيصوك هلماعو هتبوتو لبقي ملف ارخأ لاام هل مدق ناب كلذ ليع هعدو مث حيسلماب تينغتسا انا لائاق سيدقلل امداخ رمتساو . ةيمور لىإ داعو نإ قحتساو هتداهش ينح لىإ سلوب سيدقلا داهشتسا دعبو . انهاك مدقي هافنو ةيمور مكاح هيلع ضبق سلوب ملعي كانه ثكمف رئازجلا ىدحإ لىإ مكاحلا ضرح المو . ةريزجلا لهأ دمعيو سانلا دشري هدجوو ةريزجلا كلت لىإ ابضر هبضر حيسلما ديسلاب نايملإا لىإ . ملاسب حينتف هيقاس سرك مث اعجوم .ينما انعم نوكت هتلاص نبا سويواسوا سيدقلا داهشتسا ريزولا سديليساو يرشمأ ٢٣ - سرام ٢ سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في سديليساو سيدقلا نبا سويواسوا في دونجلا دحأ سيدقلا اذه ناكو ريزولا سونايدلقد دترا المو سرفلا دض برحلا رمأ نم ناك ابم سديليساو هوبأ هبرخا هبراقأ سويواسوا ملعاف سونايدلقد سويدلاقاو سكسيو ريدابأ ينسيدقلا ليع اعيمج اوفلاحتف اذهب سرودوؤاثو ديسلا مسا ليع مهءامد اوكفسي نإ لىإ اوداعو لاتقلا يهتنا المو . حيسلما ، رفظلاو ةبلغلا ملع ينلماح ةيكاطنإ ضرع كلذ دعبو . مهئاقلل كللما جرخ اوضفرف هلثم ناثولأا ةدابع مهيلع هفيس درجو سويواسوا مدقت مث اعيمج برهف هعم نمو سونايدلقد لتقب مهو هريزو دوجو لاولو يفتخاو همامأ نم اوكلها نوسيدقلا ناكل سديليساو سونامور راشأف ، ةلودلا رابك لك سيدقلا يفنب كللما ليع ءارزولا دحأ كانه لتقيل صرم ضرا لىإ سويواسوا لياو سونايروم لىإ هولسرأو كلذ متف نيزابنهلاب ايرثك هبذع يذلا طقف ناكو . ديدشلا بضرلاو ءاضعلأا عيطقتو عيمج في هيوقيف هكلام هيلإ لسري برلا مث . هتاحارج يفشيو هيزعيو هدئادش ينسيدقلا نكاسم سودرفلا ايؤر في هارأ

prepared for him, his father and his brother, and his soul exceedingly rejoiced.

The Governor ordered him to be burned in a fiery furnace outside the City of Ahnas. The angel of the Lord came and put out the fire and took St. Eusebius out safely. Finally the Governor ordered him beheaded and thus he received the crown of martyrdom. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

The Departure of St. Agapetus (Agapius), the Bishop. 3rd March - 24th Amsher

On this day St. Agapetus (Agapius), the bishop, departed. He was born of Christian parents during the time of the infidel emperors Diocletian and Maximianus. His parents brought him up in a Christian upbringing, and he was ordained a deacon. Then, he went to one of the monasteries and served the elders therein. He learned from them worship and asceticism and was accustomed to fasting and prayer. His food was legumes to break the fast. He grew in his ascetic life and in every virtue, and God wrought through him many miracles, among which were the following:

He healed a girl from a debilitating sickness which had stricken her for a long time, and doctors had failed to cure her. He also prayed once and God destroyed a beast which was devouring people. By his prayers, God granted healing to many sick people.

The news of his asceticism, righteousness and the power of his prayer spread everywhere. When Lucinus the governor heard about St. Agapius, he brought him by force and appointed him a soldier in his army. This did not prevent St. Agapius from continuing in his ascetic life and his worship and he rather increased in virtue.

Shortly after, God perished Diocletian and the God-loving Emperor Constantine took over the empire after him. St. Agapius desired to gain his freedom and to return to his monastery, and God answered him.

Emperor Constantine had a servant who was very dear to him for the good qualities he had. The servant was stricken with an evil spirit which tormented him. Some friends of the Emperor advised him to ask Agapius, the soldier, to pray for his servant to be healed. The Emperor was surprised to know that one among his soldiers had the gift of healing. The Emperor sent for St. Agapius who prayed upon the servant, made the sign of the holy cross over him, and God healed him.

The Emperor rejoiced and wanted to reward him. St. Agapius refused to accept any reward except to be granted his release from military service to go back to the place of his worship. The Emperor granted him what he wanted. The saint returned to where he was before and he lived a solitary life. After a while, he was ordained a priest. After the departure of the bishop of his town, the people asked for this saint from the abbot of the monastery, and he gave him his permission to leave. St. Agapius was ordained bishop and shepherded the flock of Christ with the best of

هيخلأو هيبلأو هل تدعأ يتلا عضاولماو لياولا رمأ كلذ دعبو . ادج هسفن تحرفف لزنف سانها ةنيدم جراخ نوتأ في هقرحب سيدقلا جرخاو بيهللا أفطأو برلا كلام ثيح هسأر عطقب لياولا رمأ ايرخأو الماس انعم نوكت هتلاص . ةداهشلا ليلكإ لانو .ينما ايدبا ائماد دجلما انبرلو فقسلأا سوطيباغا سيدقلا ةحاين يرشمأ ٢٤ - سرام ٣ سوطيباغا سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه ينيحيسم نيوبا نم دلو دق و فقسلاا و سونايدلقد ينينثولا ينكللما نامز في و ةيحيسم ةيبرت هايبرف ، سونايميسكم ةريدلاا دحا ليا ضيم مث اسماش هامدق مهنم ملعت و هيف نيذلا خويشلا مدخ و ليع ةبظاولما دوعت و كسنلا و ةدابعلا موصلا دعب هؤاذغ ناك و . ةلاصلا و موصلا مدقت و هكسن في دادزا و سمترلا نم لايلق هيدي ليع هللا يرجا و ةليضف لك في اهانضا ةيبص يفش هنا اهنم ةيرثك تايا ليص و . اهجلاع نع ءابطلاا زجع و ضرلما سانلاب كتفي ناك اشحو هللا كلهاف ةرم نم نييرثكل ءافشلا هللا حنم تلاصب و ةوق و هلضف و هكسن برخ عاشف . ضيرلما لياولا سوينيكيل كلذب عمس و هتلاص هعنيم ميف ايدنج هنيع و اهرك هضرحتساف لب ةدابعلا و كسنلا ةموادم نم اذه هللا كلها ليلق دعب و .ةليضفلا في دادزا هلل بحلما كللما هدعب كلم و سونايدلقد ول ينمتي سيدقلا ناك و يربكلا ينطنطسق باجا دق و هريد ليا عجري و هحاسر قلطي كللما ينطنطسقل ناك هنا ذا هتينما هللا لاصخلا نم هيلع الم ادج هيدل زيزع ملاغ ناك سجن حور هباصا دق و ةديمحلا نإ هئاقدصا ضعب هيلع راشاف ايرثك هبذعي يفشيف هلجلا ليصيل سوطيباغا ليا اجلي هل نم دونجلا ينب نوكي نإ برغتساف . لاحلا في كللما لسرا و ، ةبهولما هذه هيلع مشر و ملاغلا ليع ليص و هاعدتساف حرفف . هللا هافشف سدقلما بيلصلا ةملاع لاا لبقي ملف هتافاكم دارا و كلذب كللما هكسن ناكم ليا دوعيل ةيدنجلا نم هقلاطا ليا سيدقلا داع و هبلط ليا هباجاف . في يقب و ةدحولا دصق و لاوا ناك ثيح دعب و .اسق مسر نمز دعب و درفنم عضوم سيدقلا اذه اوبلط هدلب فقسا ةحاين مسرف هب مهل حمسف ريدلا سيئر نم و ةياعر نسحا حيسلما ةيعر يعر و افقسا ناكف تازجعلما لمع و ةوبنلا ةمعن حنم خبوي و اسر هنولمعي ام ليع ةاطخلا تكبي هظعو و بعشلا ميلعت مهكرت ليع ةنهكلا

care. He was granted the gift of prophecy and performing miracles. He rebuked the sinners for what they had done in secret. He rebuked the priests for forsaking teaching and instructing their flocks. His biography included more than one hundred miracles that he had performed, and he departed at a good old age. His prayers be with us. Amen.

The Martyrdom of Sts. Archippus, Philemon and Lycia the Virgin.

2nd March - 25th Amsher

On this day, the Sts. Archippus, Philemon and Lycia the virgin, were martyred. They believed through St. Paul when he was preaching in Phrygia.

One day the pagans were celebrating the feast of Artamis. The saints entered their temple to see what they were doing and to see their rituals. They saw them offering sacrifices to the idol and glorifying it.

The divine zeal inflamed their hearts, and they went out of the temple and went to the church declaring the glory of the Lord Christ and magnifying His Holy Name. When the pagans heard about what the saints had done, they informed the Governor, who attacked the church and arrested them. He tortured the saints by driving hot nails in to their sides. He threw St. Archippus into a ditch and ordered him to be stoned until he gave up his pure spirit. St. Philemon and St. Lycia were also tortured with different kinds of tortures until they gave up their spirits. Their prayers be with us. Amen.

The Departure of St. Hosea, the Prophet.

5th March - 26th Amsher

On this day, St. Hosea, the prophet, one of the twelve minor prophets of Israel, departed. This righteous man prophesied during the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam, the son of Joash, King of Israel. (Hosea 1:1)

He mentioned in his prophecy some remarkable and marvelous things. He rebuked the children of Israel for their sins and their transgressions, and warned them in advance about the evil things that would befall them because of their offenses. He promised them the uplifting of these calamities if they returned to the Lord their God. He also prophesied about the passions of our Savior, His resurrection and the salvation of the human race. He said, «He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us; on the third day He will raise us up, that we may live in his sight. Let us know, let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord... «

(Hosea 6:1-3)

He prophesied also about the abolishment of the sting of death and the dominion of hell by saying, «I will ransom them from the power of the grave, I will redeem them from death, O Death, I will be your plagues! O Grave, I will be your destruction.» (Hosea 13:14) «O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?» (I Corinthians 15:55)

He departed at a blessed old age.

ةزجعم ةئام لمع هتيرس تنمضت و . هتلاص . ةحلاص ةخوخيشب حينت مث . ينمإ انعم نوكت ةيخأ نوميلفو سبخرا داهشتسا ءارذعلا ةيفيباو يرشمأ ٢٥ - سرام ٢ نوسيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في نيذلا ءارذعلا ةيفباو نوميلفو سبخرأ لوسرلا سلوب سيدقلا دي ليع اونمأ نإ قفتاو . ةيجيرف في زركي ناك مانيح في سيماطراب نولفتحي اوناك ينينثولا اببرلا لىإ نوسيدقلا لخدف هديع موي مهوأرف . موقلا هب موقي ام اودهشيل لعتشاف هنومظعيو منصلل نوحضي نم اوجرخو مهبولق في يهللإا بحلا يننلعم ةسينكلا لىإ اوهجوتو اببرلا همسا ينمظعمو حيسلما ديسلا دجم ضعب مهرمأب عمس المو . سودقلا يذلا ، لياولا يدل مهب اوشو ينينثولا مهبذعو مهيلع ضبقو ةسينكلا مجاه في رانلا في ةماحم يرماسم عضوب سبخرأ سيدقلا حرط مث مهبونج ملسا ىتح همجرب رمأو ةرفح في نوميلف ناسيدقلا امأ ةرهاطلا حورلا نم ةيرثك عاونأب ماهوبذع دقف ةيفباو مالسا ىتح ماهوكتري لمو تاباذعلا . ينما انعم نوكت ماهتلاص . حورلا ىبنلا عشوه ةحاين يرشمأ ٢6 - سرام ٥ سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم في نم ايبن شرع ينثلاا دحأ يبنلا عشوه في رابلا اذه أبنت . ليئاسرإ ينب ءايبنأ كولم ايقزحو زاحاو ماثويو ايزع مايا كلم شاوي نب ماعبري مايا فيو اذوهي ةبيرغ ءايشأ هتوبن في ركذو ليئاسرإ ليع ليئاسرإ ينب تكبو ةبيجعو روشرلاب مهرذنأو مهتلازو مهتائيس مهئمارج ليع مهل اباقع مهب لحت يتلا مهنع بئاصلما هذه لاوزب مهدعوو نع أبنتو مههلأ برلا لىإ اوعجر اذإ ينب صلاخو هتمايقو صلخلما ملاآ انييحي انبرجيف بضر « لاقف . شربلا انميقي ثلاثلا مويلا في ينموي دعب فرعنل عبتتنلف فرعنل همامأ ايحنف تولما ةوطس لاطبأ نع أبنتو « برلا نيأ « هلوقب ميحجلا ةكوش سركو ةيواه اي كتبلغ نيأ توم اي كتكوش هتلاص . ةحلاص ةخوخيش في حينتو « .ينما انعم نوكت

The Sundays of Great Lent

The great lent for us is a great time, and the most important fast in our Coptic year. However, not all of us know the details of the Great Lent. Some of us just fast and pray, without knowing why. The great lent is the six week duration before Palm Sunday. Every Sunday, we discuss an important point and lesson that we can try to apply to our lives. Most of the messages are found in the gospels of Matthew and John.

Pre-lent Sunday

On Pre lent Sunday, we start to prepare ourselves for fasting and glorifying God. We need to show God that we are fasting for him, and not anybody else, as is said in Matthew 6:1-4. We are not trying to show off to the whole world that we are fasting and praying, but only to God, as this fast should be a relationship between him and us only.

First Sunday of Lent – Treasures Sunday - Preparation

On the first Sunday of the great lent, we discuss to focus on our heavenly belongings and not on what we have. In the gospel of Matthew 6:19-21, it teaches us to let go on our earthly possessions, and to keep a simple eye. What will we do with all our possessions when we go to heaven? We will not have any use of it however much money we have. God teaches us however to focus on what we have on Earth. He has promised us a place in heaven, which is greater than anything we could ever want on earth. On this Sunday, we also are taught not to care about what comes tomorrow, as God will guide us there, as is mentioned in Matthew 6:26. We need to have faith in the Lord that he will protect us, and as long as we go in his name, no trouble will occur to us.

Second Sunday of Lent – Temptation Sunday

On the second Sunday of lent, we talk about temptation, and how Jesus God tempted by the devil three times when he was in the wilderness. We can find this story in the gospel of Matthew 4:1-11. Jesus was tempted by the devil three times, where the devil was attacking both his soul and body. We are taught to always remember how devious and cunning the devil can be, and also that he is the father of lies. Many things that the devil promises are lies, mainly the fact that he has no authority, and is our Lord who has all power. We must always remember that the devil attacks us on both our body and soul, as he did with Jesus. We are taught to ignore the devil, for he is always trying to lead us from God.

Third Sunday of Lent – The Prodigal Sun

On the third Sunday of Lent, we hear the parable about the prodigal son. We can find this parable in Luke 15:11-32. This story is about a son who left his father to see the world. When he was treated badly and ran out of money, he went to his father, who took him into his arms. This story symbolises our lives and how we have left our Lord, the one where we had lived in contempt with, for sin. We have suffered a lot and been tricked a lot, but God still wants us back and takes us in his arms the second we seem to be coming back. This story teaches us how God forgives us and always wants us back, although we have sinned a lot. This story also teaches us to come back to God when everything goes wrong, for he is our true Father.

the 1st Sunday of the Holy Lent Matthew 6:19 – 33

As life gets more busy and complicated so does man’s needs and concerns…no doubt, the needs and concerns of the primitive man is far less than those of modern-man living in a metropolitan city in the 21st century! Without any doubt, the initial man had less worries than today’s man who has to consider many factors. These issues of our modern times got so complicated that man needs many devices and modern apparatus to help him comprehend his or her world…the same modern apparatus became a great source of worries, it becomes a problem if one or more of these modern devices; stops working because man’s life became dependant on the continual accuracy and correct function of such devices… todays man lives in a realm of wires, devices and wheels, man eats and drinks his food polluted with the smoke and noise of such devices…to the extent that man lost the tranquil life and reduced his or her ability to resist such way of life! Man needs to reconsider his or her way of life…maybe man cannot escape the hectic modern life but he can free himself from the web of worries and anxiety (of this world) if he heeds well the lessons that our Lord Jesus Christ is teaching us… God wants us to soar like birds of the sky without any worries or troubles and to grow without fear or diversion in a real glow like the blossom )lilies( of the fields. The question is can man live without worries?? How?? This is the answer:

Do not lay up for yourself treasures on earth.. Your eye is good.. Do not serve two masters. This three principles will free you from all anxieties and apprehension. Then all your concerns become the heavenly (life).. For the glory of God and His Righteousness.

+ Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth (Matthew 6:19)

Great is the treasures of man on earth…man (now a days) treasures everything…money, food & drink and even the armour and armaments .. There are a cache of weapons of destruction treasured by man and kept for in readiness for the destruction of man-kind just in case! .. It is rather strange that man has more than his needs and makes treasures and treasuries (for keeping it) whilst the poor man who suffers from poverty you will find he has no

سدقلما يربكلا موصلا نم لولأا دحلأا ٣٣ - ١9 9 :6 ىتم دازت اهلك هذهو مربو هللا توكلم لاوأ اوبلطأ« ٣٣ :6 ىتم « مكل تدادزأ مالك ناسنلاا ةايح تدقعت مالك ئىادبلا ناسنلاأ كشلابف .. هتامماتهأ و هبلاطم بلاطم نم ادج يرثكب لقأ هتامماتهإو هبلاطم ةيندم ىق شيعي ىذلا ناسنلاا تامماتهأو كشلابو .. نيشرعلاو ىداحلا نرقلا مدقتو اقلق لقأ ناك ئىادبلا ناسنلاا اذه اضيأ لوعي حبصأ ىذلا مويلا ناسنإ نم اجاعزنأو ةردقم نع ادج تداز ادج ةيرثك ءايشأ مه ةزهجلااب ينعتسي أدبف هباعيتسإ لىع هلقع روملاا هذهب مماتهلاا لىع هتدعاسلم ةثيدحلا اضيأ ةثيدحلا ةزهجلاا هذه نأ لب .. ةيرثكلا ليوايف .. ناسنلال رمتسم قلق ردصم تحبصأ هتايحف ةزهجلاا هده لطعتت امدنع ناسنلاا هذه رارمتسإ لىع ةفقوتم تحبصأ اهلك ينئماقلا مماتهأو ةقد لىعو اهلمع فى ةزهجلاا ةباغ فى شيعي حبصأ مويلا ناسنإ .. اهليغشتب لكأي حبصاو تلاجعلاو ةزهجلااو كلاسلاا نم شيعيو ناخدلاب اثولم هباشر بشريو هماعط ناسنلاا تدقفأ دودحلا لك تقاف ءاضوض فى جاتحي مك .. هلماتحإ هردق نم تللقو هءوده عجاريو هسفن عجاريو دوعي نأ ناسنلإا اذه تلفني نأ عيطتسي نل ابمر .. هتايح ماظن هنكلو .. ةمحدزلما ةايحلا هذه ةلجع نم و مهلا ةكبش نم هسفن صلخي نأ عيطتسي هملعي ىدلا سردلا اذه اديج ملعت اذأ قلقلا لاب قلطني نأ هديري هللا .. هل عوسي برلا قلق لاو جاجوعأ لاب ومنيو ءماسلارويطك مه له نكلو لقحلا قبانز لثم ةيقيقح ةنيز فى ؟؟ مه لاب شيعي نأ مويلا ناسنأ عيطتسي : لحلا وه اذه ؟؟ فيكو ةطيسب كينيع نكتل .. ضرلاا لىع ازونك اوزكتلا .. نيديس مدخت لا .. نم كصلخت ىتلا ةثلاثلا ءىدابلما ىه هذه يرصت ذئدنعو .. بارطضلااو مهلاو قلقلا توكلم لجأ نم .. ةيوماس اهلك كتامماتهإ .. هربو هللا ضرلاا لىع ازونك مكل اونركت لا + حبصأ .. لماعلا اذه فى ناسنلاا زونك ثركأ ام ماعطل او لاوملاا زنكي .. ءشى لك زنكي ناسنلاا زونك كانه .. ةحلسلاا ىتح لب .. باشرلاو ناسنلاا اهنزخي ب ارخلاو رامدلا ةحلسأ نم نمو هسفن هيف كلهي ىذلا مويلل ادادعتسإ ثركأ هدنع ىذلا ناسنلاا نأ بيرغلاو .. هلوح ازونك هسفنل عنصي ىذلا وه هجايتحإ نم رقفلا نم سىاقي ىذلا ناسنلاا مانيب نزاخمو ولو .. نزاخم لاو زونك لاب هدجتف نامرحلاو ىدل ةدوجولما نزاخلما تايوتحم تعزو دحاو يرقف ىقب الم ءارقفلا لىع ضرلاا ءاينغأ
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you”. Matthew 6:33.

treasuries or treasures. if all of what is kept by the rich; distributed among the poor, there will be no poor in this world! The bible in the gospel of Luke (12:20) describes the rich man who planned to build new stores for his goods and treasure and saying to himself “take your ease; eat, drink, and be merry” by a “fool! This night your soul will be required of you” (Luke 20:18-20), so all this you planned for who?? And who will benefit from it?? Loving to pose and store may lead man tseek what he or she wants even, if meant by twisted ways! Like paying a bribe. or stealing. or cheating…or deceit. thus, what man is collecting becomes a time-bomb awaiting the right time to explode and destroy him or her! I hear a painful story happen some 40 years ago on a trolley-bus (in Cairo) and it was at the 1st day of the month when the trolley-bus plunged into the Nile River and all passengers perished! All the relatives came to morgue to collect the bodies of their loved ones and collected all their belongings including the month wages, one young man came to seek his father but when he recognised his father’s body, there was no wallet on him! They found his wallet in the pocket of another man’s pocket who was a pick-pocket and stole the wallet a few seconds later perished! All he gained is a few second of pleasure in stealing other person’s money then died, which represent the short life of evil on earth. Another story, of a seller who used to cheat by adding water to the milk he sold, in order to gain more money to treasure. he owned a monkey who often saw him adding water to the milk and this dishonest seller collected lots of money from his dishonesty which he took and sailed on a ship returning home carrying his money with him… The monkey found the bundle of money while on the ship which the monkey started to play with and throwing dinars & dirhams into the sea happy with sound it makes when it hits the water! After a while the dishonest man discovered what the monkey been doing, after he lost half his fortune to the waters, exactly as he added water to his milk! Thus, he recognised his sin and repented and vowed to continue life in honesty. The habit of storing (treasures) often leads man to dishonesty and evil doing. but it also, makes man lose many of his virtues, becoming a self-centred person and selfish weary for his wealth. even to the extent of lying to hide his or her wealth and

باتكلا فصي .. ضرلاا هجو لىع دحاو جاتحم وأ مده ىذلا ىنغلا لجرلا )٢0 :١٢ اقول( سدقلما هل ناب هسفن ىنيم راصو اهنم بركأ ىنبو هنزاخم ةليللاف ىبغ هنأب ةلبقم ةديدم يننسل ةيرثك تايرخ نوكت نلم اهدعأ ىتلا هذهف هسفن بلطت فوس ؟؟ اهنم ديفتسي فوس ىذلا نم ؟؟ ام ءانتقإ لىا ناسنلاا عفدي دق نيزختلا بحو ميدقتك ميلس يرغ قيرطب ولو هنزخي نأ ديري .. بذكلا وأ .. شغلا وأ .. ةقسرلا وأ .. ةوشرلا ةينمز ةلبنق لثم ناسنلاا هنزخ ام حبصي انهو رجفنتل بسانلما تقولا رظتنت هشارف تحت . . هكلهتو ىذلا صاب لىلوترلا ثداح نع ةلمؤم ةصق تعمس ٤0 لىاوح ذنم هباكر لكب لينلا فى طقس فى تثدح ةثداحلا هذه نأ ءابنلاا تركذو ةنس ةحشرلما فى ثثجلا تضرع امدنعو .. رهشلا لوأ ملستيو اهملستي ةبيرق ةثج لىع فرعتي نم ناك صخشلا بيج فى ناك ىذلا رهشلا بترم اهعم قراغلا ةثج ملستيل تىآ باش براقلاا ءلاؤه ينب نمو ةثج لىع فرعت هخاصرو هعومد ينبو هدلاو بترلماو ةظفاحلا اهعم اودجي لم نكلو هدلاو ةأجافلما تناك ةرواجلما ةثجلا اوشتف امدنعو .. ناك .. اهيف لماكلاب هبترمو لجرلا ةظفاح اودجو قسر لااشن ةحشرلما فى هراوجب ىذلا صخشلا فى صاب لىلوترلا طقس ناوث دعب نكلو ةظفاحلا عتتم ام لك .. هبيج فى قوسرلما لالماو تامو ءالما ةقسر ينب ةليلق تاظحل وه لالما اذه نم هب لثتم ةليلق ت اظحل .. ءالما فى هقرغ ينبو لالما .. ضرلاا لىع راشرلاارمع شغي نأ دوعت بنل عئاب نع ىرخأ ةصق نوكحيو . . ثركأ لااومأ نزخيو ثركأ بسكيل ءالماب بنللا طلخيو هبحاص دهاشي نأ دوعت درق هيدل ناكو ةيربك ةورث ينملأايرغ عئابلا اذه نوكو .. ءالماب بنللا هدلب لىا بكرم فى رفاسيل درقلا ذخأو اهلمحو لالما ةصر درقلا دجيو .. هدي فى لالما ةصر لاماح وهليو اهتدقع كفيو اهب ثبعبو بكرلما فى هراوجب ءالما فى رخلاا دعب ادحاو اهيقلي راصو مهاردلاب هبحاص هبنتو ءالما فى هلمعت ىذلا توصلاب احرف فى هلام فصن دقف هنأ دجوف ثدح الم ةترف دعب .. بنللا لىا ءالما ةفاضاب هبسك ماك اماتم .. ءالما هيرمض ظقيتسأو هلصأ لىا ءشى لك بهذ اذكهو انيمأ شيعب نأ دهعتو باتو هلمع لىع مدنو . هلماعأ لك فى اصلخم لىا ناسنلااب ىدؤت ام ايرثك نبزختلا ةداع نأ ناسنلاا دقفت اضيأ لب .. أطخلا باكترإو فارحنلإا ابحم .. اينانأ ناسنلاا حبصيف .. لئاضفلا نم ايرثك لوحيل بذكي دقو .. هتورث لىع افئاخ ... ةتاذل نيرخ لآا نم لضفأ هنأ نظي ابركتم .. هنع راظنلاا فى هسفن نحطيو هسفن سىني اضيأ هلعجتو .. مماتهلاا لامهمو ةيحورلا هتايح لامهم لمعلا اولغش تاهمأو ءابآ نم مكو .. هتسرأ دارفأب

becoming aloof and haughty thinking that he or she is better than others! .. Also, it makes man, forget himself in collecting wealth and work and forgetting his spiritual life and his family and loved ones… How many parents occupied themselves with work for long hours day and night and after years (of busy labour) find themselves have accumulated wealth but have lost their offspring! The most important thing in their lives which they often said they work and labour hard for them, to realise that they have gone astray, and no money or positions will return them (the offspring) to the righteous way!

Be careful my beloved lest you become ill with the love of laying up treasures on earth… layup treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal (Matthew 6:20)

+ The lamp of the body is the eye (Luke 11:34) The good and simple eye is the pure and innocent eye which makes the whole body full of light… and evil eye makes the whole body evil and dark… generally from the eye (sight) man’s concerns start…for the good eye sees everything pure and untainted and does not see evil nor lust because it is an eye which does not covet others, because it is an eye does not yearn for what others have.. nor it seeks lusts of the body. man’s sin in paradise started with desires of the eye.. Eve saw that the tree was good for food and was pleasant to the eye (Genesis 3:6) … There are eyes which are set on heavens. eyes which do not see earthly matters. but only see beauty of heavens. and for such eyes everything on earth is void and as if it was nothing.

St Paul the apostle was take to heaven and saw what no word can describe, nor an eye has seen (2 Corinthian 12) and from this vision everything on earth diminished in his view. Moses the prophet saw the shadow of God behind him (Exodus 3) …and since his face lit up with brilliance, and from this quick glance the beauty of heavenly life, all of earths lights became darkness for him.

There are eyes which only sees the earth, the soil and the dust of the earth, eyes looks behind… like Potiphar’s wife (Genesis 39).. who became blind to Joseph’s purity and honesty and only saw her own physical lusts… like the

ةيفاضإ ةليوط تاعاس نولمعي اوراصو لمعلا فى مهسفنأ اوسدك دق مهسفنأ اودجيل اوقافأ يننس دعبو ار اهنو لايل لىغأ .. مهتانبو مهدلاوأ اودقف مهنكلو لاوملاا مهسفنلأ مهلجأ نم مهنأ نولوقي اوناك نيذلا مهتايح فى ءشى اوهات دق مهودجيل اوقافأ .. نوبعتي مهلجأ نمو نولمعي لىا مهدوقيل تاينتقلما لاو لالما مهعفني دعب لمو اوعاضو .. باوصلا قيرط بح ةبضرب ابوضرم نوكت لائل بيبحلا اهيأ سترحأ ازنك كل زنكأ .. زونكلا زنكو نيزختلا فى ةبغرلاو ءانتقلاا نوقراسل ا هقسري لاو دسفي لا ازنك .. ءماسلا فى ينعلا وه دسجلا جاسر + لعجت ةرهاطلا ةيقنلا ينعلا ىهو .. ةطيسبلا ينعلا هلك دسجلا لعجت ةريشرلا ينعلاو .. ايرن هلك دسجلا ينعلاف .. ناسنلاا مومه أدبت ينعلا نم امومعو .. مالظم لاو شرلا ىرت لاو .. ةواقن ءشى لك فى ىرت ةطيسبلا بلطت لاو .. نيرخلآل ام ىهتشت لا ينع ىهف .. ةوهشلا سودرفلا فى ناسنلاا طوقس ةيطخ نإ .. دسجلا ةوهش ةديج ةرجشلا نأ ءاوح تأر ذأ .. نويعلا ةوهشب تأدب .. نويعلل ةجهبو لكلأل .. ضرلاا ىرت لا نويع .. ءماسلا لىا ةعوفرم نويع كانه .. ءماسلا لماج ىرت لب .. ءشىلا هنأكو لطاب برتعي ضرلأا فى ام لك نويعلا هذهلو كانه ىأرو ءماسل ا لىا فطتخأ لوسرلا سلوب سيدقلا ءماسلا لماج مامأ كش لابو هفصت نأ ينع عيطتست لاام .. هرظن فى اهلك ضرلاا تلءاضت ذئدنعو .. فلخلا نم هللا لظ درجم ىأر ىبنلا سىوم ةحمللا هذه مامأو ميظع ءاهبب عملي لئازلا ههجو راص ءاوضأ لك هرظن فى تلوحت ءماسلا لماج نم ةعيسرلا .. ةملظ لىا ضرلاا .. اهبارتو ضرلاا ينط لىاو ضرلاا لىا رظنت نويع كانهو ..)٣١ :١7 اقول( طول ةأرمأ نويع لثم .. فلخلا لىا رظنت تيمع ىتلا .. )٣9 نيوكت( رافيطوف ةجوز نويع لثمو هيف ىرت لمو هتنامأو فسوي ةراهط نع ةيدسجلا اهنويع امدنع ليئاسرأ ىنب نويع لثمو .. ةيدسجلا اهتاوهش لاإ اوري نأ اوهتشأو )٣ :١6 جورخ( ةيبرلا فى هللا لىع اورمذت نم اهيرغو تاركلا و محللا .. صرم تايرخ لىا اوعجريو ميظعلا دجلما ةيءور نع مهنويع تيمعو صرم تاذل انبل ضيفت ىتلا ناعنك ضرأ نعو مهل هللا هدعأ ئنلا .. اهيلا هللا مهدوقي ىتلا لاسعو له ؟؟ كنويع هارت ىذلا ام ؟؟ كنيع ىه ام تنأو له ؟؟ لماعلا ناولأو لماعلا لماج نع ثحبت كنويع اهنأ ؟؟ ةيلماعل ا رظانلماو ىدسجلا لماجلا قوذتت كنويع ةيجراخلا ةشرقلا هذه ءاروف .. باترلا ىوس ىرت لا نويع ةنتن ماظع دجوت ةقابرلا رظانلما نمو دسجلا لماج نم دجوي لا ليمجل ا ىجراخلا رهظلما اذه ءاروو ةنوفعو ةيدسجلا نويعلا فسلأا عم نكلو .. دامرلاو باترلا ىوس ةيحورلا نويعلا امأ .. طقف جراخلا لاا ىرت نأ عيطتست لا عادخ نم سترحأ .. دسجلا تاوهش ةقيقح ىرتو ذفنتف هب كرهبي ىذلا ىلماعلا باسرلا اذه نم سترحأ .. رظنلا ةلطاب تاعادخ اهلك اهنأ .. هليطابأو هتاوهش لكب لماعلا كنويع حتفتو ينتيدسجلا كينيع ضمغت نأ ملعت .. كينيع لوح .. قوف لىا كنويع عفرت نأ ملعت .. ةيحورلا

eyes of the Israelites when they revolted against God in the wilderness (Exodus 16:3) and longed for land of Egypt and its produce… the meat and dill and other pleasures (foods) of Egypt and their eye became blind to seeing the glory God has prepared for them in the land of Canaan the land milk and honey which God is leading them to!.

Now, you, my beloved which eyes do you have? What do you see? Are your eyes seeking the beauty of the world and it’s colours?? Do your eys only taste the physical beauty and worldly attractiveness? If so, then their eye which only sees the dust, since behind these bright shrouds of the physical beauty of the body is bones and rotten flesh and behind such beauty is only dust and ashes. but alas our physical eyes only see the outer image, but the spiritual eyes penetrate beyond and sees the reality of lusts. Be careful of the deception of the body vision and be careful of the world’s mirage which is luring you with all its lusts and follies... It is all vain and follies.

Learn to close your bodily eyes and to open your spiritual eyes. Learn to raise your eyes above to be able to see the heavenly glory.

+ No one can serve two masters: Imagine a policeman who works as policeman in the morning and a thief at night, or a soldier who fights in the camp of his people and the enemies camp in one time, or a lawyer who defends his client and his client’s foe as well. Of course, this is not possible and illogical. This is exactly what happens when serve God and mammon. Note the word “serve”. Mammon became a master whom you serve and in the same time you want to serve God. How many people are living in this contradiction in their life. The mammon is a hard-cruel master who wants you to submit fully to him and would give you no chance to serve God or to think about your own salvation.

+ And all these things shall be added to you

When you serve God and God alone, the God does not ever forget your needs. God knows very well what you need. God has prepared the eternity for you and for sure will deal with all your worldly needs which cannot be measured compared to your eternal life. Be assured, all these things will be added to you.

.. ءماسلا رظانم لىا لماعلا ةيؤر نم نيديس مدخي نأ دحأ ردقي لا + حابصلا فى سيلوب لجر لمعي سيلوب لجر نأ روصت فى براحي ايدنج نأ روصت .. ءاسلما فى اصل لمعيو .. نأ روصت .. دحاو تقو فى ءادعلاا شيج فىو شيج تقو فى هلكوم مصخ نعو هلكوم نع عفادي ايماحم لايحتسم اذه سيلأ ؟؟ نكمم اذه له .. دحاو ناسنلإا لاح وه طبضلاب ا ذكه .. لقعلا فىانيو هنأ .. »مدخي»يربعتلا ظحلاو .. لالماو هللا مدخي ىذلا سفن فىو .. هل عضخيو همدخي اديس لالما نم لعج .. هللا مدخي نأ ديري تقولا .. قرغلا لىع تكشوأ نفسلا دحا نع ةصق كانه مهدعبو ةاجنلا براوق نوبكرب ةنيفسلا باكر أدبو ةراحبلا ىدحأ نكلو .. براوقلا اوبكيرل ةراحبلا لزن ىتلا رهاوجلاو لاوملأا نع ثحبلاب لاوغشم ناك هادهو ةنازخلا سرك فى حجنو .. ةنيفسل ا اهلمحت هدش مازح فى رهاوجلاو لاوملأا هذه أبخي نأ هيركفت ىنيم راصو ةاجنلا براوق بكيرل قلطنأو هطسو لىع ءاجو .. ينيلالما بابرأ نم حبصي فوس هنأ هسفن ههجو لىع ةضيرع ةماستبأو براقلا فى لزنيل هرود بهت ةأجفو .. ةاجنلا براق لىا وطخيل هلجر دمو براق ينبو هنيبو رحبلا فى راحبلا طقسيو ةيتاع حير لصيل حبسي نأ راحبلا لواحو ةدحاو ةوطخ ةاجنلا ةطوبرلما ةليقثلا رهاوجلا و لاوملأاا نكلو براقلا لىا توميل رحبلا قمع لىا لفسأ لىا هتدش هطسو لىع نم ىجني نأ ديري .. ناسنلاا لاح اماتم اذه .. اقرغ هعم لمحي نأ ديري هنكلو .. لماعلا اذه رحب فى قرغلا نكمم يرغ اذهو .. هتاوهشو لماعلا ىنغو لماعلا ةورث اوهشو لماعلا لاومأ هعفنت لاو عيضيو قرغي ذئدنعو ديسلا اذهب مهسفنأ ا ولغش نييرثك نم مك .. هت اذه مهلغشو .. هتاينتقمو لماعلاا لاومأ وهو بعصلا مث مهسفنأ صلاخ نع ىتح .. ءشى لك نع ديسلا .. ءشى فى مهعفني لمو كلاهلا لىا مهب ىدوأ هتايح لك ضىق ادج ىنغ ناسنأ نع ةصق نوصقي ضربم بيصأ هنكلو .. اهسدكيو لاوملاا عمجي بتكو شيعي نأ %٥ ةصرف ءابطلاا هل ددحو بعص ناكو .. ادج ةليلق حاجنلا فى هتصرف اجلاع ءابطلاا هل نوديزي اذالمو جلاعلا ىودج امو هدلاوأ لاح ناسل عساولا هءارث مهل كتريو حيترسيلو لحيرلف مهيبأ ءانع ءاودلا نثم تاهينج ةعضب هدلاوأ هيف سرختسأو .. .. ءشى فى هعفنت لم ىتلا هلا ومأ اكرات تويم هوكرتو .. صلخم يرغو ينمأ يرغ ديس لالما نأ .. بيجلا اهيأ هللا امأ .. هنوخيو هضري لب .. هيلا أجتلي نم عفني لاو لىع كلمحي هيلا اجتلت امدنع .. ادج بحم ديس وهف لك نم كذقنيو .. اهعيضر ملاا لمحت ماك هيعارذ .. ءماسلا لىا كعفريو ةقيض مكل دازت اهلك هذهو + سىني لا وهف .. طقف هللا .. هللا مدخت امدنع دق برلا ناك اذإ .. اديج اهفرعي هنأ .. كتاجايتحأ ةايحلا كل ربدي لا لهف ىهتنت لا ىتلا ةيدبلأا كل ربد .. ةيدبلأا مامأ ةظحلب ساقت لا ىتلا ةيتقولا . مكل دازت اهلك هذهو .. هربو هللا توكلم اوبلطأ

2023 Lenten Journey

‘Living out our Baptism: The Path of Salvation’


Join us this lent as we journey together towards Golgotha and the Tomb exploring the theme ‘Living out our Baptism: The Path of Salvation’. We have all put on Christ (Gal 3:27) at Baptism and our life’s work is to live out our baptismal calling so that we can grow in our union with God. This lent there are 4 specific practices we will focus on together: PARTAKE-READ-LEARN-RETREAT


There will be an additional 2 evening liturgies during lent to provide us with the opportunity to partake of the Holy Eucharist more often during lent. See the schedule below for the liturgy times (remember you can only commune once a day).

Monday: 9-11am

Tuesday: 5-7am & 5-7pm

Wednesday: 9-11am

Thursday: 9-11am & 5-7pm Friday:9-11am

Saturday:9-11am Sunday: 1st Liturgy 6-7:45am, 2nd Liturgy (English) 7:459:30am, 3rd Liturgy (Arabic) 9:30-11:15am


We will encourage each other to read ‘The Way of the Pilgrim’ during lent. This is a spiritual classic telling the story of a 19th Century Russian Pilgrim who goes on a journey to explore the Jesus Prayer. The book will be available for purchase after the Youth Meeting on Saturday for $25.


At 6:30pm on 4 Sunday evenings throughout lent, we will gather together for a round table discussion unpacking our Lenten theme ‘Living out our Baptism: The Path of Salvation’. See below for the list of dates and topics.

5th March- ‘Take off the Old Man’

12th March- ‘Adopted children of God’

19th March- ‘Living in the Spirit’

26th March- ‘Walking the Path after a time of paralysis’

Join us for our 2 night annual lenten retreat from Friday 31st March to Sunday 2nd of April which will focus on the last topic of our lenten theme ‘Now I see’. Click here for more details on retreat and to sign up

“The forty days of fasting is a gift from our Lord Who fasted for us, and a fit from the Church to her children that they may struggle and become liberated from butter slavery- the slavery of hatred and grudges; the slavery of worldly desires, idleness in prayer and obedience of the commandments. The Great Lent is a time of rejoicing for the children of the Church, to pass over the weakness of the soul, particularly very difficult matters which we cannot solve. Our Lord, Who is fasting with us, will pass over with the Cross to His children and show them the glory and power of His Resurrection.”


Our beloved Fathers

Fr Kyrillos Tawadros & Fr John Makary

for their first Ordination Anniversary

26th February 2023

May the Lord bless all their services and works


Blessed Baptism

Chrlotte )Mary)

daughter of David & Claire Rophaeil

Saturday 18th February 2023

St Mary’s Church

Blessed Marriage

Gerasimos Katiforis & Jacey Toma

Saturday 18th February 2023

St Mary’s Church

His Eminence Anba Thomas Visiting St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College and praying the Divine Liturgy

Monday 20th February 2023

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready within 9 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link

for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works

ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ بسح داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .روهش 8 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا
Special Thanks
طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy &
Building Site 14th Februaryy 2023
Paste on Web Browser)

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