Services at St Mary’s Church :مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء Tuesday ) صباحا (أنجليزى7 - 5:30 ::األلهى القداس األلهى:الثالثاء Liturgy 5:30 - 7am ذا واى- مساء أجتامع للكبار باألنجليزى8 8am The Way - Orthodox Fekkowship in صباحا11 – 9 القداس األلهى:األربعاء األربعاء Englisg for adults - All ages عرىب- مساء مدرسة الشاممسة للكبار8 - 6:30 Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday أنجليزى- مساء مدرسة الشاممسة8:15 - 7 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic عرىب- مساء فصول ألحان9 - 8 ; 7-8:15pm English :الخميس Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm مساء7:30 أنجليزى- تسبحة نصف الليل Thursday مساء7:30 أنجليزى- درس الكتاب املقدس English Midnight Praises 7:30pm صباحا11 – 9 القداس األلهى:الجمعة الجمعة English Bible Study 7:30pm سنة فأكرث25 مساء الشباب9 – 7 Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Friday )مساء أجتامع األرسة (كل أسبوعني9-7 Youth 25 and above 7-9pm أنجليزى- مساء أجتامع اعداد الخدمة8:30 - 7 Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) 12 - 10 مساء فصل مدرس األحد لسنوات9 - 6 Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm السبت صباحا10,30 – 8,30 القداس األلهى:السبت Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm مساء 3 1:30 الكشافة اجتامع Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 10:30am Saturday مساء4 - 3 مدرسة الشاممسة Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm 5,30 – 4 مدارس األحد Vespers & youth meeting 5.30 –7pm Engانجليزى مساء 7 – 5,30 الشباب العشية واجتامع lish عرىب مساء 7 5:30 كتاب العشية ودرس Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm :األحد األحد Scouts 1:30 - 3pm ص عرىب وانجليزى9,15 – 7 القداس األول School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm ص – انجليزى11,30 – 9,15 القداس الثاىن Sunday: Sunday ص عرىب11 – 9 القداس الثالث 1st Mass 7 – 9.15am Arabic & English مساء12:30 - 11:45 أنجليزى- فصل ألحان 2nd Mass 9.15 – 11.30am English :األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة 3rd Mass 9 – 11am Arabic األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm 0414251251 Church Priests: Priests Email: Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 :األب القس حبيب جرجس يونان Email: 94498871Email: habibgirgisyounan@ - 0401238177 Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 0422431821 :األب القس مايكل صليب Email: Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: Email: 5 Epsom Rd, Kensington Vic 3031:عنوان الكنيسة Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington 93766651 :تليفون Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651
+ Dates to remember Pre-Lent Sunday : Next Sunday 27th February Holy Lent: Lent starts on Monday 28th February Feast of the Holy Cross 19th March Feast of Annnciation 7th April Palm Sunday 17th April Feast of Holy Resurrection 24th April
: مناسبات هامة+ فبراير٢٧ األحد القادم:المقدس أحد رفاع الصوم المقدس فبراير٢٨ يبدأ يوم األثنين:المقدس الصوم المقدس مارس١٩ :المقدس عيد الصليب المقدس أبريل٧ :البشارة عيد البشارة أبريل١٧ :الشعانين أحد الشعانين أبريل٢٤ :القيامة عيد القيامة
The Martyrdom of St. Onesimus, the Disciple of St. استشهاد القديس انسيموس تلميذ القديس Paul. بولس الرسول 28th February - 21st Amsher أمشري٢١ - فرباير٢٨ On this day also St. Onesimus, the disciple of St. Paul, يف مثل هذا اليوم أستشهد القديس انسيموس was martyred. This saint was a slave for a man from كان هذا.تلميذ القديس بولس الرسول Rome called Philemon who believed at the hands of St. القديس مملوكا لرجل من رومية اسمه Paul, when he heard his preaching in Rome. فليمون الذي كان قد آمن عيل يد القديس Philemon departed from Rome on a business trip and took with him Onesimus among others of his servants. وحدث. بولس لدي سامعه تبشريه يف رومية إن سافر فليمون من رومية ألعامل خاصة There the devil enticed Onesimus, so he stole money وهناك، فاستصحب انسيموس ضمن غلامنه from his master and fled to Rome. According to the Divine Will, Onesimus attended the preaching of St. اغوي الشيطان انسيموس فرسق بعض مال Paul, which he kept in his heart. He believed at the واتفق باإلرادة. سيده وهرب إىل رومية hand of St. Paul and his heart was filled with the grace اإللهية إن حرض انسيموس تعليم القديس and the fear of God. He remembered what he stole بولس الرسول فحفظه يف قلبه وآمن عيل from his master and from others and since he did not فتذكر ، يديه وإمتأل قلبه بالنعمة وخوف هللا have anything left from the stolen money to return to معه يبق ومل، ما رسقه من سيده ومن غريه its rightful owners, he was sorrowful and told St. Paul وأعلم فحزن.منه شئ يعيده إىل أربابه about that. فطأمنه وكتب رسالة. الرسول بولس بذلك St. Paul comforted him and wrote an epistle to اعلمه فيها إن انسيموس، إىل سيده فليمون Onesimus’ master, Philemon, informing him in it, that وابنا لبولس، قد اصبح تلميذا للمسيح Onesimus became a follower of Christ saying, “I appeal to you for my son Onesimus, whom I have begotten ويوصيه إن يرتفق به وال يؤاخذه، بالبشارة while in my chains.” St. Paul asked him to treat him فلام. بل يحسب ما خرسه كأنه عيل الرسول gently and not to mind what he did but to consider what أوصل انسيموس الرسالة إىل سيده فليمون he lost as owed by the apostle. . فرح بإميانه وتوبته وعامله كوصية الرسول When Onesimus took the epistle to his master Philemon, وزاد عيل ذلك بان قدم له ماال أخرا ً فلم يقبل he was pleased by his faith and repentance and treated قائال انا استغنيت باملسيح ثم ودعه وعاد him as the apostle commanded. Furthermore, he offered واستمر خادما للقديس بولس. إىل رومية him more money but St. Onesimus refused saying, “I . إىل حني شهادته واستحق إن يقدم كاهنا am rich with Christ.” Then he bid Philemon farewell وبعد استشهاد القديس بولس قبض عليه and returned to Rome. حاكم رومية ونفاه إىل إحدى الجزائر فمكث St. Onesimus continued to serve St. Paul until his martyrdom and deserved to be ordained a priest. After وملا حرض. هناك يعلم ويعمد أهل الجزيرة the martyrdom of St. Paul, the governor of Rome seized الحاكم إىل تلك الجزيرة ووجده يرشد الناس him and exiled him to one of the islands. He remained إىل اإلميان بالسيد املسيح رضبه رضبا موجعا there preaching and baptizing the people of the island. صالته تكون. ثم كرس ساقيه فتنيح بسالم When the governor came to the island, he found him .معنا امني guiding the people to the belief in the Lord Christ. واسيليدس ابن اوساويوس القديس استشهاد He was beaten severely and his legs were broken. He الوزير departed in peace. أمشري٢٣ - مارس٢ His prayers be with us. Amen. The Martyrdom of St. Eusebius, Son of Basilides, the يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد القديس اوساويوس ابن القديس واسيليدس الوزير وكان هذا Minister. 2nd March - 23rd Amsher On this day, St. Eusebius, the son of Basilides, the القديس أحد الجنود يف الحرب ضد الفرس minister, was martyred. This Saint was one of the وملا ارتد دقلديانوس اخربه أبوه واسيليدس soldiers who fought in the war against Persia. When مبا كان من أمر دقلديانوس فاعلم اوساويوس Diocletian abandoned the faith, Basilides, informed his أقاربه القديسني أبادير ويسكس واقالديوس son, Eusebius, of what Diocletian had done. Then St. وثاؤودورس بهذا فتحالفوا جميعا عيل إن Eusebius in turn told his companions, the holy men: . يسفكوا دماءهم عيل اسم السيد املسيح Abadir, Yustos, Ecladius, and Theodore about this matter. They all agreed to shed their blood in the Name وملا انتهي القتال وعادوا إىل إنطاكية حاملني . خرج امللك للقائهم، علم الغلبة والظفر of the Lord Christ. وبعد ذلك عرض عليهم عبادة األوثان مثله When the war was over, they returned to Antioch فرفضوا جميعا ثم تقدم اوساويوس وجرد carrying the flag of victory. The Emperor went out to meet them, and asked them to worship his idols with سيفه وهم بقتل دقلديانوس ومن معه فهرب
him, but they all refused. Eusebius pulled his sword out, من أمامه واختفي ولوال وجود وزيره and tried to kill Diocletian and all who were with him, but واسيليدس لكان القديسون اهلكوا كل Diocletian fled and disappeared. If not for the presence of فأشار رومانوس أحد الوزراء، كبار الدولة Basilides, Eusebius and the saints with him could have killed عيل امللك بنفي القديس اوساويوس إىل all the leaders of the government. وأرسلوه ارض مرص ليقتل هناك فتم ذلك Romanus, one of the ministers of the Emperor, advised him ا ري كث عذبه إىل موريانوس وايل فقط الذي to exile Eusebius to Egypt to be killed there. He sent him to بالهنبازين وتقطيع األعضاء والرضب the governor of Qift (Coptos), Maurianus, who inflicted upon وكان الرب يرسل إليه مالكه. الشديد him many tortures from the Hinbazeen (the squeezing wheel), فيقويه يف جميع شدائده ويعزيه ويشفي dismemberment, and by severe beatings. ثم أراه يف رؤيا الفردوس. جراحاته The Lord sent to him His angel to strengthen him in his afflictions, to comfort him and to heal his wounds. The Lord مساكن القديسني واملواضع التي أعدت له showed him in a vision the paradise and the mansions of the وبعد. وألبيه وألخيه ففرحت نفسه جدا saints, and the places that had been prepared for him, his ذلك أمر الوايل بحرقه يف أتون خارج مدينة father and his brother, and his soul exceedingly rejoiced. اهناس فنزل مالك الرب وأطفأ اللهيب The Governor ordered him to be burned in a fiery furnace واخرج القديس ساملا وأخريا أمر الوايل outside the City of Ahnas. The angel of the Lord came and . الشهادة بقطع رأسه حيث ونال إكليل put out the fire and took St. Eusebius out safely. Finally the ابديا دامئا املجد صالته تكون معنا ولربنا Governor ordered him beheaded and thus he received the .امني crown of martyrdom. نياحة القديس اغابيطوس األسقف His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. أمشري٢٤ - مارس٣ Amen. The Departure of St. Agapetus (Agapius), the Bishop. هذا اليوم تنيح القديس اغابيطوس 3rd March - 24th Amsher االسقف و قد ولد من ابوين مسيحيني On this day St. Agapetus (Agapius), the bishop, departed. He يف زمان امللكني الوثنيني دقلديانوس و was born of Christian parents during the time of the infidel فربياه تربية مسيحية و، مكسيميانوس emperors Diocletian and Maximianus. His parents brought قدماه شامسا ثم ميض ايل احد االديرة him up in a Christian upbringing, and he was ordained a منهم و خدم الشيوخ الذين فيه و تعلم deacon. Then, he went to one of the monasteries and served العبادة و النسك و تعود املواظبة عيل the elders therein. He learned from them worship and asceticism and was accustomed to fasting and prayer. His food و كان غذاؤه بعد الصوم. الصوم و الصالة was legumes to break the fast. He grew in his ascetic life and قليال من الرتمس و ازداد يف نسكه و تقدم يف كل فضيلة و اجري الله عيل يديه in every virtue, and God wrought through him many miracles, among which were the following: ايات كثرية منها انه شفي صبية اضناها He healed a girl from a debilitating sickness which had و صيل. املرض و عجز االطباء عن عالجها stricken her for a long time, and doctors had failed to cure مرة فاهلك الله وحشا كان يفتك بالناس her. He also prayed once and God destroyed a beast which و بصالت منح الله الشفاء لكثريين من was devouring people. By his prayers, God granted healing to فشاع خرب نسكه و فضله و قوة. املريض many sick people. صالته و سمع بذلك ليكينيوس الوايل The news of his asceticism, righteousness and the power of مينعه فاستحرضه كرها و عينه جنديا فيم his prayer spread everywhere. When Lucinus the governor هذا من مداومة النسك و العبادة بل heard about St. Agapius, he brought him by force and و بعد قليل اهلك الله.ازداد يف الفضيلة appointed him a soldier in his army. This did not prevent St. دقلديانوس و ملك بعده امللك املحب لله Agapius from continuing in his ascetic life and his worship and he rather increased in virtue. قسطنطني الكبري و كان القديس يتمني لو Shortly after, God perished Diocletian and the God-loving يطلق رساحه و يرجع ايل ديره و قد اجاب Emperor Constantine took over the empire after him. St. الله امنيته اذ انه كان لقسطنطني امللك Agapius desired to gain his freedom and to return to his غالم عزيز لديه جدا ملا عليه من الخصال monastery, and God answered him. الحميدة و قد اصابه روح نجس كان Emperor Constantine had a servant who was very dear to him إن اصدقائه يعذبه كثريا فاشار عليه بعض for the good qualities he had. The servant was stricken with an evil spirit which tormented him. Some friends of the Emperor . يلجا ايل اغابيطوس ليصيل الجله فيشفي advised him to ask Agapius, the soldier, to pray for his servant فاستغرب إن يكون بني الجنود من له هذه و ارسل امللك يف الحال فاستدعاه، املوهبة to be healed. The Emperor was surprised to know that one و صيل عيل الغالم و رشم عليه عالمة among his soldiers had the gift of healing. The Emperor sent for St. Agapius who prayed upon the servant, made the sign of ففرح امللك. الصليب املقدس فشفاه الله
the holy cross over him, and God healed him. بذلك و اراد مكافاته فلم يقبل اال اطالقه The Emperor rejoiced and wanted to reward him. St. فاجابه. من الجندية ليعود ايل مكان نسكه Agapius refused to accept any reward except to be ايل طلبه و عاد القديس ايل حيث كان اوال granted his release from military service to go back to the و قصد الوحدة و بقي يف موضع منفرد و place of his worship. The Emperor granted him what he و بعد نياحة اسقف.بعد زمن رسم قسا wanted. The saint returned to where he was before and الدير بلده طلبوا هذا القديس من رئيس he lived a solitary life. After a while, he was ordained a فسمح لهم به فرسم اسقفا و رعي رعية priest. After the departure of the bishop of his town, the people املسيح احسن رعاية و منح نعمة النبوة و عمل املعجزات فكان يبكت الخطاة عيل asked for this saint from the abbot of the monastery, and ما يعملونه رسا و يوبخ الكهنة عيل تركهم he gave him his permission to leave. St. Agapius was ordained bishop and shepherded the flock of Christ with و تضمنت سريته. تعليم الشعب و وعظه the best of care. He was granted the gift of prophecy عمل مائة معجزة ثم تنيح بشيخوخة and performing miracles. He rebuked the sinners for . صالته تكون معنا إمني. صالحة what they had done in secret. He rebuked the priests for استشهاد ارخبس وفليمون أخية وابيفية forsaking teaching and instructing their flocks. العذراء His biography included more than one hundred miracles أمشري ٢٥ - مارس٢ that he had performed, and he departed at a good old age. القديسون استشهد يف مثل هذا اليوم His prayers be with us. Amen. أرخبس وفليمون وابفية العذراء الذين The Martyrdom of Sts. Archippus, Philemon and Lycia أمنوا عيل يد القديس بولس الرسول حينام the Virgin. واتفق إن الوثنيني. كان يكرز يف فريجية 2nd March - 25th Amsher On this day, the Sts. Archippus, Philemon and Lycia the كانوا يحتفلون بارطاميس يف يوم عيده virgin, were martyred. They believed through St. Paul فدخل القديسون إىل الرببا ليشهدوا ما when he was preaching in Phrygia. فرأوهم يضحون للصنم. يقوم به القوم One day the pagans were celebrating the feast of Artamis. ويعظمونه فاشتعل الحب اإللهي يف قلوبهم The saints entered their temple to see what they were وخرجوا من الرببا وتوجهوا إىل الكنيسة doing and to see their rituals. They saw them offering اسمه معلنني مجد السيد املسيح ومعظمني sacrifices to the idol and glorifying it. The divine zeal inflamed their hearts, and they went out وملا سمع بأمرهم بعض الوثنيني. القدوس of the temple and went to the church declaring the glory الذي هاجم الكنيسة، وشوا بهم لدي الوايل وقبض عليهم وعذبهم بوضع مسامري of the Lord Christ and magnifying His Holy Name. When the pagans heard about what the saints had done, محامة يف النار يف جنوبهم ثم طرح القديس they informed the Governor, who attacked the church أرخبس يف حفرة وأمر برجمه حتى اسلم and arrested them. He tortured the saints by driving hot الروح الطاهرة أما القديسان فليمون وابفية nails in to their sides. He threw St. Archippus into a ditch فقد عذبوهام بأنواع كثرية من العذابات ومل and ordered him to be stoned until he gave up his pure صالتهام تكون. يرتكوهام حتى اسلام الروح spirit. St. Philemon and St. Lycia were also tortured with . معنا امني different kinds of tortures until they gave up their spirits. النبى هوشع نياحة Their prayers be with us. Amen. أمشري26 - مارس5 The Departure of St. Hosea, the Prophet. Prophet يف مثل هذا اليوم تنيح القديس هوشع 5th March - 26th Amsher النبي أحد االثني عرش نبيا من أنبياء بني On this day, St. Hosea, the prophet, one of the twelve تنبأ هذا البار يف ايام عزيا ويوثام. إرسائيل minor prophets of Israel, departed. This righteous man prophesied during the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and واحاز وحزقيا ملوك يهوذا ويف ايام يربعام Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam, بن يواش ملك إرسائيل وذكر يف نبوته أشياء the son of Joash, King of Israel. (Hosea 1:1) غريبة وعجيبة وبكت بني إرسائيل عيل He mentioned in his prophecy some remarkable and سيئاتهم وزالتهم وأنذرهم بالرشور التي marvelous things. He rebuked the children of Israel for تحل بهم عقابا لهم عيل جرامئهم ووعدهم their sins and their transgressions, and warned them in بزوال هذه املصائب عنهم إذا رجعوا إىل advance about the evil things that would befall them because of their offenses. He promised them the uplifting الرب ألههم وتنبأ عن آالم املخلص وقيامته of these calamities if they returned to the Lord their God. فقال « رضب فيجربنا. وخالص بني البرش يحيينا بعد يومني يف اليوم الثالث يقيمنا He also prophesied about the passions of our Savior, His resurrection and the salvation of the human race. He « فنحيا أمامه لنعرف فلنتتبع لنعرف الرب said, «He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, وتنبأ عن أبطال سطوة املوت وكرس شوكة
but He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us; on the الجحيم بقوله « أين شوكتك third day He will raise us up, that we may live in his sight. Let us يا موت أين غلبتك يا هاوية know, let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord... « (Hosea 6:1-3) . « وتنيح يف شيخوخة صالحة He prophesied also about the abolishment of the sting of death .صالته تكون معنا امني and the dominion of hell by saying, «I will ransom them from و صادوق استشهاد القديسون the power of the grave, I will redeem them from death, O Death, املئة و الثامنية و العرشون رجال I will be your plagues! O Grave, I will be your destruction.» يف بالد الفرس (Hosea 13:14) «O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is أمشري ٢٦ - مارس٥ your victory?» (I Corinthians 15:55) يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد He departed at a blessed old age. القديسون صادوق واملئة The Martyrdom of St. Zadok and the 128 who were with Him. 5th March - 26th Amsher والثامنية والعرشون رجال يف بالد On this day also, St. Zadok and the 128 saints with him were وذلك إن بهرام ملك. الفرس martyred in Persia. Behram, King of Persia, brought them before الفرس أحرضهم أمامه وعرض him and ordered them to worship the sun. St. Zadok said to him, عليهم إن يسجدوا للشمس “I do not worship except God, the Creator of the sun and all the بقوله فأجابه القديس صادوق universe.” The King asked, “Does this Sun have a god?” The خالق إنني ال اسجد إال هلل saint replied, “Yes, and He is the Lord Christ, our God.” له فقال . الشمس وكل الكون The King ordered him beheaded. The saint prayed and the امللك وهل لهذه الشمس اله ؟ executioner cut his head. A great light appeared and all فأجابه نعم هو السيد املسيح those who were present saw it and cried, saying, “We are all Christians.” The King ordered that their heads be cut off and they فأمر بقطع رأسه فصيل. إلهنا received the crown of martyrdom. القديس وتقدم السياف فقطع Their prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen. رأسه فظهر عند ذلك نور عظيم child was born to another man whose name was the same as the رآه الحارضون فصاحوا نحن Patriarch. They convinced her to swear against the Saint but at جميعا مسيحيون فأمر امللك the same time to mean in heart her friend who was the father of برضب أعناقهم كلهم ونالوا the child, to be saved from falsely swearing. . إكليل الشهادة The priests resumed mentioning the name of St. Eustathius in the divine liturgy after his innocence was evident. He was eulogized صالتهم تكون معنا ولربنا املجد . دامئا ابديا امني and praised by St. John Chrysostom (of the Golden Mouth) on the day of his commemoration. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.
Blessed Baptism Gemimah daughter of Simon & Marina Hanna Saturday 19th February 2022 St Mary’s Church
تأمالت ىف إنجيل القداس Meditation on the Liturgy’s Gospel Pre- Lent Sunday أحد الرفاع من الصوم املقدس Matthew 6: 1-18 18 - 1 ::66 متى And your Father who sees in secret will Himself ٤ ::٦٦فأبوك الذى يرى ىف الخفاء يجازيك عالنية مت reward you openly. (Mt 6:4) ٠٠٠ ىف القديم كانت العبادة كلها مرتبطة باملظهر In the old days, all worships were related to وكان هذا رضوريا ىف ذلك الوقت الذى انترشت appearance, and this was necessary at the time أوالد فكان ال بد أن يكون.. فيه العبادات الوثنية when pagan worship spread. So the children of املظهر وكان البد ان يكون هذا.. هللا ظاهرون God had to be manifest, and this manifestation شعوب عن مذكرا لهم باستمرار أنهم مختلفون had to be a constant reminder to them that they شعب.. أنهم جنس مختار.. االراىض االخرى are different from the peoples of other lands; they لهم وضع فريد مييزهم عن الشعوب.. ملوىك are chosen people, a royal people; they have a unique position that distinguishes them from األخرى االرشار فال يليق بهم ان يختلطوا معهم other wicked peoples, so it is not appropriate for وهكذا.. وهكذا كان الختان عالمة ىف الجسد.. them to mix with them. So circumcision was a وهكذا.. كانت هناك عصائب وأهداب عىل ثيابهم sign on the body, and so there were headbands كانت هناك أبواق ومواكب وذبائح دموية ظاهرة and frontlets on their eyes, and so there were .. trumpets, processions, and apparent blood شعب ىف الروحى الفتور دخل الوقت مبرور ولكن sacrifices. وتحولوا اىل اإلهتامم مبظهر العبادة الشكىل.. هللا But by time, spiritual lukewarm entered the ونسوا مفهوم العبادة وروحها الذى هو الجوهر people of God and they turned their attention حتى أن هللا يقول لهم أنه كره أعتكافاتهم.. to the formal appearance of worship, and they وصار الرب يطلب منهم الرحمة أوال.. وأعيادهم forgot the concept and spirit of worship, which صارت االصوام مناسبات إلظهار.. وليس الذبيحة is the essence. Even God told them that he hated their sacred assembles and feasts. And التقوى الكاذبة صارت الصلوات شكل من أشكال the Lord began asking them for mercy first, not النفاق واإلستعراض أمام الناس لكسب ثقتهم sacrifice. Fasts became occasions to show false صارت الصداقات مصدر فخر وتعاىل.. وأحرتامهم piety, prayers became a form of hypocrisy and .. showing off in front of people to gain their trust حقا ما أصعب أن تتحول العبادة اىل إستعراض and respect. Charitable deed became a source وما أحوجنا اليوم وأحوالنا ال تختلف كثريا عن.. of pride and exaltation. الخفاء أحوال اليهود باالمس أن نتعلم بركة عبادة Indeed, how difficult it is for worship to turn .. into a parade, and how much today, when الصدقة ىف الفرح اىل .. العطاء واجب من تتحول .. our conditions are not much different from the conditions of the Jews yesterday, is to learn the اىل أن تصري حياتك كلها ذبيحة وعطا ء.. بالعطاء .. أمام هللا blessing of hidden worship! In charity charity.. To change from the duty of giving to تتحول من مجرد صوم عن الطعام.. ىف الصوم the joy of giving until your whole life becomes a .. اىل صوم الحواس.. اىل صوم القلب الداخىل.. sacrifice and a gift before God. .. صوم الحواس املغلقة In fasting fasting.. To change from mere fasting from اىل.. تتحول من مجرد التالوة والرتديد.. ىف الصالة food to fasting of the inner heart, to fasting of the .. صالة وهزيز ورصاع املخدع املغلق senses, fasting of the closed senses. .. فمتى صنعت صدقة+ In prayer prayer.. To change from mere recitation and .. املحتاجني مساعدة هى .. الصدقة مبفهوم العامل chanting, to prayer, and the struggle in the inner إحتياجاتك عن اند ز هو مام هى تقديم املساعدة room. .. ارستك وإحتياجات أفراد + When you do a charitable deed وهذا النوع من الصدقة ال يخرج عن ما يسميه Charity in the concept of the world is helping بل أنه حتى املجتمعات الوثنية.. العامل بالواجب the needy; it is providing assistance from your excess and the excess of your family members. حتى االلحاديون يقدمون هذا النوع من الصدقة.. This type of charity is no more than what the بل أنه مفروض ببعض قوانني.. ويهتمون جدا به world calls duty duty.. Rather, even pagan societies, فالعامل يجمع تربعات لضحايا.. العامل وتقاليده
واملجاعات وغريها.. والحرائق.. الزالزل atheists offer this type of charity and are very interested in it. It is even imposed by some of the أليس.. وىف هذا ليس لك فضل كمسيحى.. world’s laws and traditions. The world collects .. العشارون والخطا ة يفعلون مثل هذا donations for the victims of earthquakes, fires, إن العطاء ال.. أن العطاء ليس هو مجرد العشور and famines, etc... In this, you have no merit as .. ميكن فرضه بقانون أو وضعه بنسبة مئوية a Christian; “are not publicans and sinners doing العطاء هو أستعداد روحى داخىل للبذل the same thing?” .. النفس تصل اىل اإلستعداد لتقديم.. والتضحية Giving is not just tithes. Giving cannot be imposed .. عشور وصية مل يكن عنده.. إبراهيم أب اآلباء by law or set as a percentage. Giving is an inner قابل عندما .. فيه لكن العطاء كان شبئا طبيعيا spiritual readiness for sacrifice, to the extent of ملىك صادق ملك شاليم كاهن هللا العىل قدم له giving your own soul. بل.. )20 – 17 :14 عرشا من كل ىشء (تكوين Abraham the father of fathers did not have the tithe commandment. But giving was a natural أنه رفض أن يأخذ شيئا من األسالب والغنائم التى thing in him. When he met Melchizedek the كانت فضيلة إكرام الغرباء.. كسبها ىف الحرب King of Salem, the high priest of God, he gave هى جزء من محبة العطاء والبنل التى عاش فيها him a tenth of everything (Genesis 14: 17 وبربكة هذه الفضيلة أضاف أبراهيم.. ابراهيم 20). He refused to take some of the spoils he بل أضاف الرب ذاته.. مالئكه gained in the war. The virtue of generosity with ال ويرتك ويبذل ان من مل يتعلم ان يضحى the strangers was part of the love of giving and .. الخفاء ىف الصدقة فضيلة يستطيع ان يعيش ىف generosity in which Abraham lived. With the اوال ابراهيم قدم نفسه ىشء كل ترك بل .. blessing of this virtue, Abraham welcomed angels. فكر ىف وعاش .. له الرب طلب وتغرب بناء عىل Rather, he entertained the Lord himself. He, حتى.. الغربة شاعرا انه ليس له ىشء ىف العامل who has not learned to sacrifice, give and leave, عندما ضاقت االرض عن ان تسع امالكه وأمالك cannot live in the virtue of charity in secret. Abraham presented himself first and left ترك لوط يختار االرض التى.. لوط ابن اخيه everything and sojourned at the request of the .. يريدها وما تبقى له رىض به بدون تزمر Lord. He lived in the thought of alienation, feeling كان العطاء.. أسقف الفيوم املتنيح.. االنبا إبرآم that he had nothing in the world. Even when عنده أكرث من مجرد مساعدة املحتاجني وإضافة the land was unable to support him and Lot, his لقد تعلم كيف يطبق تعليم الرب.. الغرباء nephew, he let Lot to choose the land that he واحدا يسوع «من سألك فاعطيه من سخرك ميال should choose. And he was satisfied with what .. )٤٢ - ٤٠ : فأذهب معه أثنني (مت ه remains for him without murmuring. ليس فيه.. عطاء ليس فيه سؤال Anba Abraam, Abraam, the late Bishop of Fayoum, giving .. ليس فيه موانع.. حسابات كثرية to him was more than just helping the needy ىف مرة قدم الحد الفقراء كل ماكان ىف خزينته and entertaining strangers. He learned how to وىف مرة اخرى.. املطرانية وهو جنيه واحد apply the teaching of the Lord Jesus: “Whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two you, تظاهر بعضهم ان احد اصدقاءهم توىف ويريدون (Matt. 5:40-42). Giving without asking; there is no جمع املال لدفنه فأعطاهم حسب نيتهم ومات complications, no contraindications. ومرة اخرى أهداه أحدهم شاال فاخرا.. صديقهم On one occasion, he gave to one of the poor الذى.. ليلبسه وقت الربد فأعطاه ألول فقري قابله everything that was in his archdiocese, which was ذهب لييبعه فاشرتاه منه صاحب الشال ورده one pound. On another occasion, some of them .. للقديس مرة أخرى pretended that one of their friends had died and األخذ من اكرث .. العطاء ىف هى ان الغبطة.. حقا wanted to collect money for his burial, so he gave أو تحاسب يسار فيه ليس ء عطا .. )٣٥ - ٢٠ (اع them according to their intention and their friend معا والكل واليسار اليمني عطاء أنه .. ميني تسأل died. And again someone gave him a luxurious .. انه العطاء الكامل.. shawl to wear in the cold, so he gave it to the first .. ومتى صليت+ poor he met who went to sell it. The owner of the عندما وقف نحميا امام امللك ليساله ان يسمح shawl bought it from him and returned it to the saint again. له ليذهب اىل اورشليم ليبنى سور مدينة آبائه Indeed, ‘It is more blessed to give than to .. وعندئذ صىل اىل هللا.. سأله امللك عن طلبه..
receive.’ ” (Acts 20:35). Giving in which there is no left to account or right to ask; it is a giving of the right and the left and altogether; it is the complete giving. + And when you pray When Nehemiah stood before the king asking him to go to Jerusalem for building the wall of the city of his forefathers, the king asked him about his request. Then Nehemiah prayed to God; a prayer in the heart, a quick prayer that no man heard but it opened the gates of heaven. Many are the prayers that does not go beyond mere words and have no effect. Many of our prayers have become just to please people. What do you say about a person insisting that he get married in the church. And the church makes the sermon for him in which the sacred sacrament of marriage is completed and he is linked with his bride by a sacred spiritual bond. But just after the completion of the sacred prayers, ceremonies that manifests recklessness and dancing starts. As if what took place at church was not a Christian marriage at all. Prayer in this case is just a prayer of hypocrisy, hypocrisy, a prayer for the sake of people. What do you also say about baptism; just an occasion to take pictures and celebrations for the newborn, just a prayer in front of people. What about the occasions of the feasts? It is vital to go to church on feast eve, but why? Is it because you are coming to celebrate the occasion with a spiritual joy, or because the joy of feast can only be achieved by putting on new clothes and showing them first in the church? These spiritual occasions, originally, they are occasions for prayer, to seek the grace of the Holy Spirit in our lives, to seek fellowship in the joys of heaven. But they were turned into occasions to please people.. people One of the most beautiful occasions in which a person should offer deep prayers and ask for repentance and renewal of his life are birthdays. What have birthdays become? Parties, dancing, loud music, Vigil nights! Even prayer in it has become just a picture. How much we need to learn the inner prayer; the hidden prayer, the prayer of the soul which does not contain repetition of the words of the world and its dry formalities. We need to include prayer in all its meanings to our various occasions, so that our occasions become a spiritual benefit and not the physical only. + And when you fast In fact, there is no spiritual practice that the world has spoiled by appearances as it did with fasting. Fasting has become an occasion to show skill and mastery
صالة رسيعة مل يسمعها.. صالة ىف القلب ما.. ولكنها فتحت أبواب السامء.. انسان أكرث الصلوات التى تتعدى مجرد الكالم لقد صار الكثري من.. وليس لها تأثري .. صلواتنا مجرد إرضاء للناس ماذا تقول عن يرص أن يتزوج ىف الكنيسة وتقيم له الكنيسة إكليال يتم فيه رس.. الزيجة املقدس ويرتبط مع عروسه برباط ولكن مجرد انتهاء ما ال.. روحى مقدس يزيد ىف ذهنه عن مراسيم تبدأ مظاهر اللهو والرقص وكأن الذى تم ليس زواجا مسيحيا باملرة أمل تتحول الصالة ىف هذه صالة من.. الحالة اىل مجرد صالة رياء .. أجل الناس مجرد.. ماذا تقول أيضا عن املعمودية واالحتفاالت.. مناسبة ألخذ الصور .. مجرد صالة امام الناس.. باملولود البد من.. ماذا عن مناسبات االعياد ولكن.. الذهاب اىل الكنيسة ليلة العيد ملاذا ؟؟؟ هل النك جئت لتفرح باملناسبة أم ألن فرحة العيد ال تتم.. فرحا روحيا إال بلبس املالبس الجديدة وأستعراضها .. أوال ىف الكنيسة هى ىف.. كن هذه املناسبات الروحية لطلب نعمة.. االصل مناسبات للصالة لطلب الرشكة.. الروح القدس ىف حياتنا ولكنها تحولت اىل.. ىف أفراح السامء .. مناسبات إلرضاء الناس إن من أجمل املناسبات التى ينبغى أن يقدم فيها االنسان صلوات عميقة ويطلب التوبة وتجديد حياته لها أعياد ولكن ما الذى صارت اليه أعياد.. امليالد موسيقى.. رقص.. حفالت.. امليالد حتى الصالة.. سهرات طويلة.. صاخبة .. فيها أصبحت مجرد صورة صالة.. ما أحوجنا أن نتعلم صالة املخدع التى ليس.. صالة الروح.. الخفاء .. فيها تكرار لكالم العامل ورسمياته الجافة ما أحوجنا أن تدخل الصالة بكل معانيها اىل مناسباتنا املختلفة فتصري مناسباتنا .. للفائدة الروحية وليس الجسدية .. ومتى صمتم+ ىف الواقع ليس هناك مامرسة روحية أفسدها العامل باملظاهر مثلام فعل مع لقد صار الصوم مناسبة إلظهار.. الصوم املهارة والتفنن ىف عمل االطعمة املختلفة أن.. التى تضاهى وتفوق أطعمة الفطار
in making different foods that are comparable and superior to non-fasting foods. Fasting is in fact the الصوم ىف الواقع هو إنقطاع ص الطعام بغرض .. الفائدة الروحية لىك تتعلم ضبط النفس abstaining from food for the purpose of spiritual االنقطاع : وأى صوم يخلو من هذه الرشوط benefit in order to learn self-control. Any fast without .. الصالة .. التداريب الروحية.. عن الطعام these conditions: أن .. مفيدا ال ميكن أن يكون صوما.. الصدقة Abstaining from food, spiritual exercises, prayer, and charity; cannot be beneficial. The secret of the رس تعب أصوامنا وعدم أستفادتنا منها أننا failure of our fasts and our failure to benefit from أخذنا صورة الصوم فقط بدون معناه الروحى them is that we took the form of fasting only without .. العميق its deep spiritual meaning. .. أيها الحبيب متى صمت فادهن رأسك Beloved, when you fast, anoint your head; anoint زيت.. أدهن رأسك بزيت النعمة your head with the oil of grace, the oil of virtues. باملحبة تزين بالفضيلة تزين.. الفضائل Adorn yourself with virtue; adorn it with love, الخري بعمل تزين .. األناة والصرب وطول patience, and endurance. Adorn it with good deeds .. والصدقة and charity. الصوم .. والجهاد للنشاط رمز .. وجهك أغسل Wash your face; a symbol of activity and struggle. مناسية بل .. والكسل للنوم مناسبة ليس Fasting is not an occasion for sleep and laziness, .. الروحى لجهاد وا للعمل but an occasion for work and spiritual strife. Don’t be with sad countenance; fasting is an أن الصوم مناسبة للفرح.. ال تكن عابسا occasion for spiritual joy and optimism, and not an وليس مناسبة للتربم.. الروحى والتفاؤل occasion for grumbling and complaining. .. والشكوى How beautiful it is to start this holy fast while training ما أجمل أن تبدأ هذا الصوم املقدس وأنت yourself for spiritual joy. Cheer to others; say an أبتسم.. تدرب نفسك عىل الفرح الروحى encouraging word, a word of condolence. Be a قل كلمة.. قل كلمة مشجعة.. لآلخرين cause of consolation, joy and blessing for others. Be كن سبب تعزية وفرح وبركة.. تعزية a support for the tired. .. كن سندا للمتعب.. لآلخرين Let your training in this fast be a cause of comfort, سبب تكون أن ليكن تدريبك ىف هذا الصوم joy and peace for everyone around you and for من ولكل حولك راحة وفرح وسالم لكل من everyone in your house; pray for them, be a source .. قلوبهم فرح .. صىل من أجلهم.. ىف بيتك of joy to their hearts, strengthen their weaknesses. Don’t just be a critical person, but rather, make .. إسئد ضعفاتهم yourself a reason for their blessing and joy. Don’t be بل أجعل نفسدك.. ال تكن مجرد إنسان ناقد just a person who complains. Instead of cursing the ال تكن مجرد إنسان.. سبب بركة لهم وفرح darkness around you, light a candle. بل بدل أن تلعن الظالم الذى حولك.. يشكو Let all your practices in this fast be spiritual لتكن كل مامرساتك ىف هذا.. أىضء شمعة.. practices for the salvation of yourself and the الصوم مامرسات روحية ألجل خالص نفسك salvation of your household.
.. وخالص أهل بيتك
New Born Baby Ayva daughter of Emil & Sylvia Rofaiel May the Lord bless her to be a source of blessings for her family and the Church
His Holiness Pope Tawadros II’s Wednesday meeting Sermon February 2, 2022 “Whatever He says to you, do it.” We are going to begin a new series of contemplations in the four coming sermons under the title of Profound sermons delivered in short statements. We notice throughout the scripture and the patristic writings many few-word statements but having a deep-touching meaning and effect. Thus. our first statement would be the one said by Saint Mary to the servants ”Whatever He says to you. Do It“ 1. Saint Virgin Mary had attended the wedding of Cana in Galilee which had used to last for a week according to Hebrew traditions. therefore all people of village could come to greet the bride and the groom – whom used to be called the king and the queen-. This makes joy spreads to the whole village. In line with the traditions. they had used to have six waterpot filled with fresh grape juice ”Fresh wine“ but when it gets older it becomes fermented with increased alcohol percent. Therefore. it happened when the wedding started. they welcomed many people. so they began to run out of the drink being an embarrassing issue. Hence. the mother of Jesus approached him saying a three- word ”They have no wine.“. The word wine means the grape juice which has a symbol of Joy in the scripture as it comes after the harvest of grape which used to be a season of happiness. Here is Jesus Christ answers his mother with a theological respectful one saying ”Woman. what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come“. This refers to the distant view of Jesus to the cross that would be happening in three years. Without negotiation. hence Mary our mother went away and said to the servants ”Whatever He says to you. Do It“. Let’s contemplate in these words being addressed as a message from Our mother Virgin Mary to us ”Whatever Jesus Christ says to us. Do It“. It is important to notice that throughout time. we find some people who underestimate and despise the words of the scripture considering it an old book and old words. Hence. man began to leave the word of God. guided by his own mind not the commandment. Once God created man. He made him instructions and a guide through his life on earth. it is the Bible ”The word of God“. The words of saint Mary can be applied to every word in the scripture in order that we could obey these commandments inspired by God in the Bible to lead him in his path on earth to reach heaven. Nevertheless. the enemy of Good starts his war making man thinks that the commandments are illogical or too perfect that can’t be applied practically. Hence.” “man leaves away the word of God which is the true guidance to life. When man leaves away the word of God and follows the wars of good’s enemy. he consequently would lose his life both on earth and in heaven. We find the great King David who was before the Christ by 1000 years saying ”Your word is a lamp to my feet. And a light to my path“2. As he finds the word of God the light for his forward path. Let’s contemplate in the features of the scripture commandment. mainly three of them are: The scripture commandment is a gift from God and grace of Loving God over our life. Out of God’s Love. he gave us the scripture as a guide to lead man in his life. Without it. he would be lost and stray. Like. people who don’t know God yet. they do and think in anything. Listen to King David ”I am a stranger in the earth; Do not hide Your commandments from me“ 3. He prays to God to let him know and understand the commandment as it is a grace. Blessed who keeps the commandment and make benefit of it. he would be full of the grace and would take the strength hidden in it. Similarly. the Church sacraments which bear power and strength of change hidden in their rituals. Likewise. many men in the Old Testament lived with this grace. Moses when thought to make the first census for the people but realized he was sinning to God. Also. King David when he had sinned in front of God. then Gad the prophet
came to tell him three offers from God ”Shall seven years of famine come to you in your land? Or shall you flee three months before your enemies. while they pursue you? Or shall there be three days’ plague in your land? Now consider and see what answer I should take back to Him who sent me“4. Then David answered ”I am in great distress. Please let us fall into the hand of the Lord. for His mercies are great; but do not let me fall into the hand of man.“ 5 In addition. when we read more in the book of proverbs. we would find it collecting experiences and situations of many people in life. Hence. we should call it ”The school of life“. All this enables us to invest the graces given by God and feel that commandments are daily gifts.” “That’s why we should read the bible daily. Moreover. each mother while raising her children should be careful to make them sleep over her voice reading the scripture. This is called education by grace as just making your baby hear the word of God would fill him with grace. The scripture commandment is the declaration of God’s continuous. abiding love for humans. When saint Mary ordered the servants to obey Jesus Christ. they filled the waterpots with water up to the brim. They started to taste the water. here that was made wine. One of the Christian philosophers once said ”When water looked forward the face of the Creator. it got shy and turned red into wine“. We always find mothers give advice and instructions to her children before going out. this is a declaration of her love. In the same way we find the church keeps telling us in the liturgy ”Do not love the world or the things in it. The world is passing away. and its lust; but he who does the will of God abides forever“. This repetition is a symbol of Love. We can hear similar daily instructions and declarations of God’s love to us through his scripture commandments. That’s why Saint Paul said ”I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me“6. This makes us feel how precious is having the commandment and how joyful is walking with God. As Christ says to us at the end of Gospel of Matthew ”I am with you always. even to the end of the age“7. He is with us out of his Love. Therefore. King David also said ”though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I will fear no evil; For You are with me“8. Since God is love 9. his commandments are declaration of his continuous love. Therefore. we love Him because He first loved us10. Not only the scripture is grace and love but also 3- It is the Light of the man’s life. through which one can be enlightened to know the will of the LORD. The commandment makes one enjoys his life. As long as the scripture’s light in one’s life. he would have a joyful life. As it is said about the love commandment ”You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart. with all your soul. with all your strength. and with all your mind.’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.“11. As when man lives with this love. he would feel the great light filling his life and leading his path. Hereafter. Saint Paul says ”See then that you walk circumspectly. not as fools but as wise. redeeming the time. because the days are evil. Therefore. do not be unwise. but understand what the will of” the Lord is.”12. Hence, the commandment light makes one understands the will of God. Thus, when one obeys the commandment like Matthew 25, he finds a power of light, love and joy filling his heart. Moreover, His life gets enlightened to know the will of God. In conclusion, the scripture commandment is grace, declaration of love and light to man’s life. Keep in mind that obeying the commandment requires your faith “Whatever Jesus Christ says to us, Do It”. Don’t follow the noisy thoughts of illogical and unapplicable commandments. As the scripture is applicable and good for every time and place. Try it for yourself, and you would see God glorifies, blesses your life and pleases your life. The final question to answer is how to live the scripture commandment? Through deep knowledge, understanding and good assimilation. Sometimes hurrying up in prayer or reading the bible makes one misses a lot. As said
“Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart”13. Delight yourself means taste and read slowly as you are eating slowly. “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly”14. Thus, try to go deeper in the word of God, understand and realize it well. Since, Saint John the Chrysostom said about the scripture being a Mine of Pearls. Thus, it needs someone to dig deeper to hardly find pearls. Upgrade yourself in applying and obeying the c o m m a n d m e n t . Start obeying step by step as for the commandment saying “Give to him who asks you”15. Keep grading up bit by bit in your Giving and love not only in materialistic stuff but in everything. As the commandment always needs training from the early age. Likewise, Parents start to teach your son to give some of his pocket money to Jesus’s brothers. This commandment is cultivated in the child and grows inside him. Don’t have fear, Knowing that if the Commandment was disobeyed, the door of repentance is always open. “Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting”16. For instance, we have the example of Saint peter who denied and sinned to God, but repented and Christ restored him with Love and confirmed his love to him. Thus, Saint peter continued his life and kept doing his commandment as a shepherd till his martyrdom. On the other hand, we find Judas who sinned by delivering Jesus Christ, but didn’t repent instead went into frustration hanging himself. We have many examples of repentance as the Prodigal son and the Samaritan woman. No matter when you have disobeyed the commandment, the door of repentance is always open. Lastly, our mother the Virgin Mary was alerting us with a short sermon to “Whatever Jesus Christ says to us, Do It.” We do this by the keeping of the Commandments of the Holy Bible, because “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God” 17 so as to live a life of peace while we are here on earth, as we make our journey toward heaven. ماريان فؤاد. د:ترجمة مدرس مساعد بكلية الطب جامعة المنيا
«1 John 2:5. 2 Psalm 119:105. 3 Psalm 119:19. 4 2 Samuel 24:13. 5 2 Samuel 24:14. 6 Philippians 4:13. 7 Matthew 28: 20. 8 Psalm 23: 4. 9 1 john 4:8. 10 1 john 4:19. 11 Luke 10:27. 12 Ephesians 5:15-17. 13 Psalm 37:4. 14 Colossians 3:16. 15 Matthew 5:42. 16 Psalm 139:23. 17 2 Timothy 3:16.» + Remember O Lord the Departed Departed to the Lord, the beloved Malak Abdelmessih Gerges. Husband of Magda Gerges, father of Andrew Gerges husband of Lydia and Lydia Shuker wife of Somer Shuker (Sydney). Grandfather of Genevieve, Emmanuel, Jonathan, Jeremiah and Josephine. Brother of Younan Gerges and the late: William Gerges, Yassa Gerges, and Masarra Tawadros. And beloved cousin of the Tawadros family. May the Lord repose his soul and grant peace and comfort for all family members.
أذكر يارب الراقدين+ رقد على رجاء القيامة المرحوم ملك عبد المسيح جرجس/السيد ماجدة جرجس/زوج السيدة ووالد كل من أندرو جرجس زوج ليديا ووالد ليديا زوجة سومر شوكر وجد/السيد كل من جنفيف وعمانوئيل .وجوناثان وجرمايا وجوزفين وهوشقيق يونان جرجس والمرحوم وليم جرجس والمرحوم يسى جرجس ومسرة تاوضروس وقريب عائلة \.تاوضروس الرب ينينح نفسه ويعزى كل أفراد األسرة
Nominations for Priesthood for St. Mary’s Coptic Church, Kensington HH Pope Tawadros II approved the nominations to be announced. Ordinations will be on Saturday 26th Feb 2022 8am bending congregation approval المرشحين للرسامة الكهنوتية بكنيسة العذراء القديسة مريم -ملبورن وافق قداسة البابا المعظم األنبا تاوضروس الثانى على اعالن أسماء المرشحين تتم الرسامة يوم السبت ٢٦فبراير ٧ ٨ ٢٠٢٢صباحا على أن يحصل المرشحين على موافقة أغلبية شعب الكنيسة وموافقة الكهنة والشمامسة وخدام مدارس األحد Marco Makary
Aiman Tawadros
Blesed Marriage Anthony Ramzy & Marisa Panotes Saturday 19th February 2022 St Mary’s Church
Blessed Marriage John Mishriky & Anna Mansour Sunday 20th February 2022 St Mary’s Church
New Buildings works starting 21st March 2022 Everything is ready to start the new project. Builder should start to take hold of the project site anytime after 21st March. Church servants started to clear the buildings contents. Work is going actively to prepare house no 2 Kensington Road to be available to nove priests offices, church kitchen, preparing Orban facilites and preparing youth and Sunday school activities area. The new Building is expected to be ready within 12 months. Cost of building works is around $12,000000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreaciated. ٢٠٢٢ مارس٢١ البدء فى مشروع المبانى يوم مارس القادم٢١ من المتوقع أن يستلم المقاول منطقة المبانى الجديدة ابتداء من يوم .يعمل خدام الكنيسة بنشاط لنقل محتويات المبانى الحالية قبل البدء فى عملية الهدم كينسنجنتون رود يتم تجهيزه حاليا لنقل مكاتب األباء الكهنة وتجهيز المطبخ٢ المبنى رقم . يتم تجهيز الغرف وصاالت المنزل ألنشطة الشباب ومدارس األحد.ومكان لعمل القربان , شهرا١٢ من المتوقع األنتهاء من المبانى فى خالل . مليون دوالرا١٢ تبلغ تكلفة المشروع حوالى الرب يبارك تبرعاتكم ومساهمتكم فى هذا العمل Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link للتبرعات لكنيسة العذراء مريم ومشروع المبانى أضغط على الرابط (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works