Weekly Bulletin 28th August 2022

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Services at St Mary’s Church Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 8am The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom) Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom) Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm VespersEnglish &Bible Study Arabic 5:30Scouts7pm 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & Eng2ndlish Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm Church Priests: Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: Churchfrmichael@sac.edu.auAddress:5EpsomRd., Kens ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399 Fr John Macary 0433 445 636 :ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )ىزيلجنأ(ىاو اذ - ىزيلجنلأاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 8 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا ىبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 ىزيلجنأ - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 ىبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلاىزيلجنأ - احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩ 7 ىزيلجنأ - ةمدخلا دادعا عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 ىهللأا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجاءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاوىزيلجناةيشعلا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا ىزيلجناو ىبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا ىزيلجنا – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 ىناثلا سادقلا ىبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 ىزيلجنأ - ناحلأ لصف:ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأاميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com:نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email:Epsomfrmichael@sac.edu.auRd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا ىراكم0411518399بلأانوجسقلابلأا0433445636

The Departure of St. Takla Haymanot, the Ethiopian. 30th August - 24th Mesra

On this day, the great hermit and the blessed St. Takla Haymanot, the Ethiopian, departed. He was born in a village nearby Jerusalem which was the share of Zadok and Abiathar the priests during the reign of King Soliman, son of King ZadokDavid.

begot Azariah, Azariah begot Zadok, who was named after his grandfather, and Zadok begot Levi, and so forth till the father of this saint was born. His name was Tsega ZeAb (which means the Grace of the Father) and he married a woman whose name was Sarah. They were righteous, God fearing and very rich. They always celebrated the commemoration of the honorable Archangel Michael on the twelfth day of each Coptic month, and gave alms to the poor and the needy. Sarah, the mother of this saint, was very beautiful, meek and adorned with many virtues, hence they called her «EgeziHareya» (i.e. God has chosen her). However, She and her husband were bitter and sad because they did not have any children. She went daily to the church imploring God to give her a child that would delight her heart. Her husband also went to the church at the time of the offering of the incense and taught the congregation the fundamentals of faith. Every time he went to the church he took from his own money an offering to the house of God. They both agreed to disperse their money to the poor, the needy, the monasteries and the Meanwhilechurches. the king died, and another king reigned who worshipped the idols. The new king demolished the churches and built pagan temples. He was unjust and he plundered and captured women, among them «Egezi-Hareya», the mother of St. Takla. Later she returned safely to her husband and both glorified God and praised His Holy Name. Afterwards, the angel of the Lord appeared to them in a vision at night, and announced to them the birth of this saint. When the saint was about one and half years old, a famine befell Ethiopia. When the twelfth day of the blessed month of Baramhat, the commemoration of the honorable head of the Heavenly hosts, drew near, Sarah, the mother of the child, was crying because she was not able to celebrate this occasion. The child wiped away her tears with his little hands and yet he was still unable to talk. He pointed to her to carry him to where there was a plate with a little flour in it. She took him to the plate where he dipped his hand in the flour. The flour increased until it was pouring onto the floor. She brought baskets and every time she emptied the plate, it became full again, until she had filled twelve baskets. His mother then knew that God was with the child. Then she brought to him the empty container of oil. He placed his hand over it and it was filled with the power of God. In the same fashion, other containers in the house were filled. When Tsega Ze-Ab, the father of the child, returned from the church and knew what happened, he glorified God. They celebrated the commemoration of the archangel Michael, fed the poor and all the Godneighbors.honoredthis saint with many miracles that he performed

شىبحلا تونمايه لاكت سيدقلا ةحاين ىسرم ٢٤ - سطسغأ ٣٠ طوبغلما سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم في دقو شيبحلا تونمايهلاكت ميظعلا كسانلاو ابيصن تناك ميلشروأ برق ةيرق في دلو كللما دهع في يننهاكلا راثايبأو قوداصل . ايرازع دلو اذه قوداصف دواد نب نمايلس قوداصو هدلاو مسا ليع قوداص دلو ايرازعو اذه دلاو دلو نأ لىإ اذكهو . يولآ دلو اذه ةمعن يأ ( بآ زاجس همسا ناكو سيدقلا اناكو ةراس اهمسا ةأرماب جوزت مث ) بلأا اناكو ادج ينينغو هللا ينفئاخ نيراب ماهلاك ليئاخيم ليلجلا ةكئلالما سيئرل اراكذت نلامعي نامدقيو رهش لك نم شرع نياثلا مويلا في اذه ةدلاو ةراس امأ ينكاسلماو ءارقفلل ةقدص عبطلا ةليمج رظنلما ةنسح تناكف سيدقلا هيراهيزكا اهوعد كلذل ةيرثك لئاضفب ةيلحتم سفنلا ةرم تناك اهنأ يرغ ) هللا ةراتخم يأ ( اقزري لم ماهنلأ اهجوزو يه بلقلا ةعجوتم لىإ بهذي اضيأ اهجوز ناكو اهينيع رقي ادلو بعشلا ملعيو روخبلا عفر تقو ةسينكلا نم هعم ذخأي ناك ةرم لك فيو نايملإا لوصأ نانثلاا قفتا مث هللا تيبل همدقت صاخلا هلام نيزوعلماو ءارقفلا ليع ماهلاومأ عيزوت ليع كللما تام ينحلا كلذ فيو . سئانكلاو ةريدلأاو سئانكلا مدهف . ناثولأا دباع رخآ كلم سلجو يبسو بلسو ملظو ناثولأا لكايه ينبو اهنكلو سدقلا مأ هيراهيزكا نهنمضو ءاسنلا همسا حبسو هللا دجمف ملاسب اهجوز لىإ تداع في برلا كلام ماهل رهظ كلذ دعبو سودقلا مالف سيدقلا اذه دلايبم ماهشربو ليللا ايؤر في عوج ثدح افصنو ةنس رمعلا نم غلبو دلو تاهمرب رهش نم شرع نياثلا مويلا ناكو ايبويثأ دق ةيئماسلا تماغطلا سيئر ليلجلا راكذت ولخ ليع ةنيزح كيبت لفطلا مأ تراصف بترقا حسمف راكذتلا لمعب مايقلا اهناكمإ مدعو اهدي هناكمإ مدعلو ينتيرغصلا هيديب اهعومد لفطلا ثيح لىإ هلخدت نأ هديب اهيلإ راشأ قطنلا هتلخدأف قيقدلا نم ليلق هيف قبط كانه ناك ايرثك راصف ليلقلا قيقدلا كلذ في هدي عضوو ناكو اففق تضرحأف ضرلأا لىإ قفدتي أدب ىتح اذكهو . ءلاتملاا لىإ داع قبطلا تغرف مالك نأ همأ تملعف ةفق ةشرع اتنثا تلأتما نأ لىإ تيزلاو نمسلا رودق هيلإ تمدقو هعم برلا ةوقب اضيأ تلأتماف اهيلع هدي عضوف ةغرافلا رملآاب ملعو ةسينكلا نم هوبأ ضرح المو . هللا ءارقفلا معطأو راكذتلا لمع مث ايرثك هللا دجم ةيرثك تايآ لمعب هللا هفشر دقو نايرجلا لكو حلاصلا هيعس لمكأ المو هتمام دعبو هتايح في . ملاسب حينت . ينمآ انعم نوكت هتلاص

On this day, the great ascetic father, St. Bessarion, departed. He was born in Misr (Egypt) to Christian parents. When he grew up, he longed for the monastic life, so he went to Anba Anthony (Antonius), under whose direction he remained for a while. Then he went to Anba Macarius, and stayed under his guidance for a while. Later on, he wandered about in the desert, never lodging in a place with a roof. He possessed absolutely nothing of this world, and he had only one coarse hairy sack-cloth. He used to carry the Gospel, and went round the cells of the monks crying. If they asked him the reason for his weeping, he would reply, “My riches have all been stolen, and I have escaped from death. My family have fallen from honor into disgrace.” His words referred to the great loss that befell the human race by the fall of the first father Adam by breaking the first commandment. Those who did not understand what his words meant would console him saying, “God shall restore what has been stolen from you.”

يربكلا نويراصيب سيدقلا ةحاين ىسرم ٢٥ - سطسغأ ٣١ ميظعلا دباعلا بلأا حينت مويلا اذه لثم في نيوبأ نم صربم دلو . نويراصيب سيدقلا ةينابهرلا ةيرسلا لىإ قاتشا برك المو . ينيحيسم هيربدت تحت ثكمو سوينوطنأ ابنلأا لىإ دصقف ثبلو ، سويراقم سيدقلا لىإ ءاج مث . انامز لا ةيبرلا في ماه كلذ دعبو هداشرإ تحت ةدم هعم لمحي ناكو انشخ ادرجتم فقس تحت يوأي اذإف ايكاب نابهرلا ليلاق ليع فوطيو ليجنلإا بلسُ دقل « : مهبيجي ، هئاكب ببس نع هولأس فشر نم تطقسو تولما نم تبرهو يانغ ينم ةراسخلا نع كلذب ينعي « . هتلذم لىإ بسحلا طوقسب يشربلا سنجلا تقحل يتلا ةميظعلا ناكف ليولأا ةيصولا ةفلاخم في مدآ لولأا بلأا هللا « : لائاق هل ثيري هلوق لىإ نطفي لا يذلا ءابلآا هنع ركذ دقو . « كنم بلس ام كيلإ دري انحوي هيذيملت عم ارئاس ناك هنأ اهنم ةيرثك تايآ ذخأ اشطع المو حلالما رحبلا ئطاش ليع سلاودو راصف هيلع ليصو هئام نم لايلق سيدقلا اذه لىإ نونجبم اوتأ ةرمو ، اعيمج هنم اوبشرو ابذع خويشلا ملعلو خويشلا هيلع ليصيل طيقسلإا ةيرب سانلا نم دجلما بحي لا نويراصيب سيدقلا نأب هوعضو لب نونجلما لجأ نم هولأسي نأ اوءاشي لم هيف فقي ناك يذلا ناكلما في ةسينكلا لخاد ماقف هظقيأف ائمان هدجو لخد مالف ةداع سيدقلا هيدي ليع هللا يرجأ دقو لقعلا حيحص فىاعم . ملاسب حينت مث ةيرثك تايآ ينمآ . ائماد دجلما انبرلو . انعم نوكت هتلاص هتخأ ةراسو سيسيوم سيدقلا داهشتسا ىسرم ٢٦ - برمتبس ١ سيسيوم سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في ينيحيسم نيوبأ نم ادلو دقو ةراس ةرابلا هتخأو سيسيوم سيدقلا دارأ ماهدلاو حينت المو ينينغ بهتريو ماهلام عيمج اهل ملسيو هتخأ جوزي نأ جوزتأ كلذ دعبو لاوأ تنأ جوزت « هتباجأف ةيرثك اياطخ تعنص انأ « :اهل لاقف « اضيأ انأ متهأ نأ نكيم لا هنلا ةنبهرلاب اهوحمأ يدصقو « : ةلئاق هتباجأف « سيفن صيلاخبو ةجيزلاب يعستو لماعلا خاخف في ينيمرت نأ ضيرت فيكو نوكي تئش نأ اهل لاقف : ؟ كسفن صلاخ لىإ تنأ . اضيأ انأ هلعفأ تنأ هلعفت ام لك هتباجأف كل ءارقفلا ليع اهلام لك عزو اهمزع ةوق يأر مالف رهاظب ىراذعلل اريد اهلخدأو ينكاسلماو لاجرلا ةريدأ دحأ اضيأ وه لخدو ، ةيردنكسلإا ماهادحإ نياعي لم تاونس شرع نانثلاا ضيقورخلآا ينيحيسلما ليع داهطضلاا سويكاد كللما راثأ المو نياثلا كريرطبلا سويتريمد ابابلا ةسائر دهع في لىإ سيدقلا اذه لسرأ نويرثك دهشتساو شرع ليع داهشتسلاا ديري هنأ اهفرعيو اهعدوي هتخأ

during his life and also after his departure. When St. Takla Haymanot completed his good strife, he departed in peace. May his prayers be with us. Amen. The Departure of St. Bessarion, the Great. 31st August - 25th Mesra

The fathers had recorded for him many signs: Once he was walking with his two disciples, John and Dulas, by the shore of the Red Sea (salty water). When they became thirsty, St. Bessarion took some of its water and prayed over it. The water became sweet and they all drank of Anotherit. time, they brought to the wilderness of Scetis a mad man, who was possessed by demons, for the elders to pray over. Because the elders knew that St. Bessarion despised the glory of men, they did not want to ask him to pray over the sick man, but rather they put the man in the church where the saint usually stood. When St. Bessarion came into the church and found the man there asleep, he woke him up, and the man rose up healed and with a sound mind.Godwrought many signs on his hands. He pleased God and then departed in peace. May his prayers be with us. Amen. The Martyrdom of St. Moses (Moisees) and his Sister Sarah. 1st September - 26th Mesra On this day, St. Moses (Moisees) and his righteous sister Sarah, were martyred. They were born to rich, Christian parents. When their parents departed, St. Moisees wanted to give his sister in marriage, and to hand over to her all their possessions, and to go and become a monk. She answered him and said, “If you would get married first, then I also can get married.” He said, “I have committed many sins, and I want to become a monk to blot out my sins. I can not attend to the marriage and the salvation of my soul at the same time.” She answered him saying, “O my brother, how can you cast me to the snares of this transitory world, while you seek to save your own soul?” He said, “Whatever you wish, I will do.” She said, “What you do for your self, I likewise

1. Our father Abraham Who can describe the virtues of he who became father to many nations? He believed in God, obeyed Him, and did not doubt His promises. The Lord appeared to him in a vision at night and told him, “Get out of your country, away from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing.” (Genesis 12:1-2) Then the Lord appeared to Abraham in the form of three men. He welcomed them, for they were strangers, and God promised him the birth of Isaac. Abraham was then one hundred years old; Sarah, his wife, was advanced in age, and they believed the promise of God. When Isaac was born, Abraham, his father, circumcised him on the eighth day of his birth. Although he was sure that through his procreation all the nations of the earth would be blessed, God told him, “Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and offer him there as a burnt offering.” He did not doubt the promise of God. He began to offer his son as a sacrifice, confident that God would raise him, and raise offspring through him. When he fulfilled the sacrifice of Isaac by intention, God revealed his virtues to the generations to come by saying, “By Myself I have sworn, says the LORD, because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son, in blessing I will bless you, and in multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven.” (Genesis 22:1-18) That was fulfilled and he was called the father of Christ in flesh. (Luke 3:34) He departed in peace when he was one hundred seventy-five years old. May his prayers be with us. Amen.

will do for myself.”

Bible ةسيئرلا ملأا لىإ تعسرأف حيسلما مسا تكرابت ام دعبو اهليبس قلاطإ اهنم تبلطو في وهو اهيخأب تقحل تابهارلا اهتاوخأ نم ديسلاب اعم افترعاو ةيردنكسلإا لىإ هقيرط ةيرثك تاباذعب ماهبيذعت دعبو حيسلما .ةداهشلا ليلكإ لاانف ماهيسأر اوعطق . ائماد دجلما انبرلو . انعم نوكت ماهتلاصينمآ بوقعيو قحساو ميهاربإ ءابلاا راكذت ىسرم ٢٨ - برمتبس ٣ ميهاربإ ينسيدقلا انئابلآ ديعن مويلا اذه في بوقعيو قحساو : ميهاربإ انيبأ نع امأ + هلئاضف فصي نأ عيطتسي شربلا نم نمف هللاب نمآو ةيرثك مملأ ابأ راص يذلا اذه دقف اهيف كشي لمو هديعاوم قدصو عاطأو جرخا « هل لاقو ليللا ايؤر في برلا هل رهظ ضرلأا لىإ لاعتو كيبأ تيب نمو كضرأ نم ةثلاث هبش في برلا هل رهظ مث « ناراحب يتلا ، مهفاضتساف نيرباع اسانأ مهنظف لاجر نبا ذئنيح ناكو قحسا ةدلاوب هللا هدعوو اهمايأ في تمدقت هتجوز ةراسو ةنس ةئام قحسا دلو المو . هللا لوقب نانثلاا نمآف ناك هنأ عمو . هتدلاول نماثلا مويلا في هنتخ ضرلأا ممأ عيمج كرابتت هلسنب نأ نم اقثاو « : ناحتملاا ليبس ليع هللا هل لاق دقف همدقو قحسا هبحت يذلا كديحو كنبأ ذخ لب لياعت هلوق في كشي ملف « ةقرحم لي هميقي نأ رداق هللا نأ اقثاو حبذلل همدق ةينلاب هحبذ لمكأ المو . لسنلا هب ميقيو « : هل هلوقب ةيتلآا لايجلأل هلضف هللا رهظا كنأ لجأ نم نيأ : برلا لوقي تمسقأ تياذب كديحو كنبأ كستم لمو رملأا اذه تلعف موجنك ايرثكت كلسن ثركأو ةكرابم ككرابأ . كلذ هل مت دقو ) ١٨ – ١ : ٢٢ كت( ءماسلا ) ٣٤ : ٣ ول( دسجلاب حيسملل ابأ يعدو ، ةنس ينعبسو اسمخو ةئام غلب نأ دعبو ينمآ . انعم نوكت هتلاص . ملاسب لقتنا يهلا دعوب دلو دقف قحسا انوبأ امأ + ضير ىتح هيبلأو هلل ةعاطلاو برلا في لمكو يذلا دعولا نبأ وهو هلل انابرق هحبذي نأ نكي لمو . ةنس ةئام هرمعو هوبأ هب قزر لمح هنأ « : لوقي باتكلا نلأ ايرغص قحسا سأر ليع دعص نأ لىإ ةديعب ةفاسم بطحلا هرمع نأ ينخرؤلما ضعب لوقيو . « لبجلا عاطأف ، ةنس ينثلاثو اعبس غلبي ناك ذئتقو هابأ كلالما رمأ نأ لىإ حبذلل هقنع دمو هابأ ةينلاب هنبأ حباذ هوبأ يعد ماكف هدي عفرب سياق دقو ةينلاب احيبذ اضيأ وه يعد اذكه هللا هقزرو برغتو نازحأو ةيرثك دئادش قحسا ناكو وسيعو بوقعي ماه نيدلو

When he saw her strong determination, he dispersed all their money to the poor and the needy. He took his sister to a convent for virgins, which was outside Alexandria. He also entered one of the monasteries for men. They did not see each other for ten Whenyears.

2. Our father Isaac He was born by a divine promise, and he was perfect in piety and obedience to God and to his father. He was willing to be sacrificed by his father as an offering to God, although he was the son of the promise, and his father begot him when he was one hundred years old. Isaac was not a child then, for the

On this day, the church celebrates the holy Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Emperor Decius incited persecution against the Christians, during the papacy of Pope Demetrius, the twelfth Patriarch of Alexandria, many were martyred. St. Moses (Moisees) sent to his sister Sarah to bid her farewell and to inform her that he wished to shed his blood in the Name of the Lord Christ. She rose up immediately and asked the abbess to release her. After she took the blessings of her sisters the nuns, she joined her brother on his way to Alexandria. They confessed the Lord Christ before the governor. After they had been tortured severely, their heads were cut off, and they received the crowns of Maymartyrdom.theirprayers be with us. Amen. The holy Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 3rd September - 28th Mesra

said, “So Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son, and went to the place which was afar off.” Some historians say that Isaac’s age then was about thirty-seven years old. He obeyed his father, and laid down his neck for slaying, but the angel of the Lord ordered his father not to lay his hand on the lad. As it was considered that Abraham had fulfilled the sacrifice of his son by intention, it was also considered that Isaac was sacrificed by Heintention.suffered many tribulations and sorrows. God gave him two sons, Esau and Jacob. Isaac loved Esau for his bravery. When Isaac was old and his eyes were so dim that he could not see, he called Esau, his older son, and said to him, “My son ... behold now, I am old. I do not know the day of my death. Now therefore, please ... go out to the field and hunt game for me. And make me savory food ... that I may eat, that my soul may bless you before I die.” Rebekah was listening when Isaac spoke to Esau his son. She spoke to Jacob her son, saying, “... Go now to the flock and bring me from there two choice kids of the goats, and I will make savory food from them for your father, such as he loves ... that he may bless you before his death.” Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, “Look, Esau my brother is a hairy man, and I am a smooth-skinned man. Perhaps my father will feel me, and I shall seem to be a deceiver to him; and I shall bring a curse on myself and not a blessing.” But his mother said to him, “Let your curse be on me, my son.” (Genesis 27:1-29) She did that by a divine inspiration. Jacob did as his mother ordered him, and his father ate and blessed him. Isaac departed in peace when he was one hundred eighty years old. May his prayers be with us. Amen. 3. The father of the Tribes Jacob Esau, his brother, hated him for he took the blessing of their father from him. Jacob feared Esau, and fled to Laban, his uncle. He shepherded Laban’s sheep for seven years and Laban gave Jacob his daughter, Leah, in marriage. Then Jacob served another seven years, and Laban gave him his second daughter, Rachel, in marriage. (Genesis 29:15-30) Then Laban, his uncle, told him, “The sheep that are streaked shall be your wages, then all the flocks bore streaked.” (Genesis 31:4-8) God made him exceedingly wealthy. He returned with his two wives, Leah and Rachel, and God blessed him with twelve sons. He saw God face to face and wrestled with him until the breaking of day, and God called him Israel. He suffered many sorrows and tribulations, such as the selling of Joseph his son as a servant to the Egyptians, the loss of his sight, the severe famine, and others as mentioned in the Holy Bible. His son Joseph then rose to power and became the second man in Egypt after the Pharaoh, and he tried until he was able to bring his father Jacob to Egypt, where he stayed for seventeen years. When his departure drew near he called his twelve sons and blessed them. When he blessed Judah, he said, “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; and to Him shall be the obedience of the people.” That was a prophesy about the coming of the Lord Christ from his seed. When he was one hundred forty-seven years, he departed in peace, after commanding that he be buried in the tomb of his fathers. Joseph carried him in the chariot of Pharaoh, brought him to the land of Canaan, where he was buried with his fathers. May his prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

خاش المو هتعاجشل وسيع بحي لاقو وسيع يعدتسا هصرب فعضو تسلو ينبا اي تخش دق انأ « هل لي ديصت بهذأ . تيافو موي فرعأ ىتح لكلآ اماعط لي عنصاو اديص عمست ةقفر تناكو . « سيفن ككرابت بوقعي اهنبا تعدتساف ملاكلا اذه اديص حبذا ينبا اي « : هل تلاقو نأ لبق ككرابيو لكأيل كيبلأ همدقو اذوه « : هملأ بوقعي لاقف « تويم سلمأ انأو رعشأ لجر يخأ وسيع هينيع في نوكأف بيأ ينسجي ابمر لا ةنعل سيفن ليع بلجأو نواهتمك ليع كتنعل « : همأ هل تلاق « ةكرب يهلا زاعيإب اهنم اذه ناكو « ينبا اي لكأو هب هترمأ ام بوقعي عنصف . )٢9 – ١ : ٢7 كت( هكرابو هوبأ حينت ةنس ينناثمو ةئام هرمع غلب المو ينمآ . انعم نوكت هتلاص . ملاسب هاعد دقف بوقعي طابسلأا بأ امأ + هضغبي وسيع هوخأ ناك ليئاسرإ هللا هنم فاخ اذهلو هيبأ هكرب ذخأ هنلأ همنغ هل يعرو هلاخ نابلا لىإ ضيمو يعر مث ةئيل هتنبا هجوزف يننس عبس هتنبا هجوزف يرخأ يننس عبس منغلا )٣٠ – ١٥ : ٢9 كت( ليحار ةيناثلا كترجأ نأ « : هلاخ هل لاق اذإ ناكو منغلا تدلو ءاطقرلا منغلا لك كترجآ نأ « : هل لاق اذإو « ءاطقر منغلا تدلو ةططخلما منغلا لك دقو )٨ – ٤ : ٣١ كت( « ةططخم ةئيل هيتأرماب داعو ادج هللا هانغأ انبأ شرع ينثا هللا هقزرو ليحارو ىتح هعراصو هجول اهجو هللا يأرو ليئاسرإ هللا هاعدو رجفلا عولط لثم ةيرثك دئادشو انازحأ سياق دقو ينيصرملل دبعك فسوي هنبا عيب ديدشلا ءلاغلا ثودحو هصرب هدقفو سدقلما باتكلاب ءاج ماك كلذ يرغو صرم كللم اريزو فسوي هنبأ راص مث صربم ماقأف هيلإ هضرحأ ىتح يعسو هتافو مايأ تند المو ةنس ةشرع عبس مهكرابو شرع ىنثلأا هينب يعدتسا ديسلا نأ : لاقو كللماب اذوهي صخو ام دعبو هلسن نم رهظيس حيسلما ةنس ينعبرأو اعبسو ةئام هرمع غلب نفدي نأ صيوأ نأ دعب ملاسب حينت ليع فسوي هلمحو هئابآ ةبرقم في ناعنك ضرأ لىإ هب تيأو نوعرف ةبكرم . هئابآ عم نفد ثيح دجلما انبرلو انعم نوكت مهتاولص

The bible, this week and also on the Sunday of the )Coptic( month of Nasie, is about the destruction of( Jerusalem and the end of the world …

Whilst, the Lord Jesus was in the temple … one of the disciples said to Him … see the stone and build ings (of the temple) … then the Lord Jesus said to him, there Will be not even one stone left standing … this temple was the pride of all Jews over the ages … it was a symbol of their power, glory and a source of comfort … even, when the Romans occupied their land … they used to look towards the temple and be re-assured that they were God’s chosen people … and God is among them … God will not leave His people ever … thus, the physical presence of the temple (alone) was a source of unity, belief and strong faith in all that the temple represented of glory, strength and history … but, here is the Lord is saying that (the temple) will be destroyed and demolished … but before its desolation there are many signs they must be aware of … for it is a must signs … there will be wars and rumours of wars … a nation will rise against nation … earthquakes … famines … tribulations … (they) will be delivered up to councils … you will be beaten … you will be brought before rulers and kings … the gospel will be preached to all nations … a brother will betray (his) brother to death … the abomination of desolation in the holy place … then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains … false prophets and false christs … to deceive, if possible, even the elect (Mark 13: 14-22) … And indeed, all this had happened before the de struction of Jerusalem … and, as some historian say, there are no other time in history which was so, full of destruction, disasters and corruption like these terrible years between the time of Emperor Nero’s persecution of the Christians and the destruction of Jerusalem (circa 64 AD) … to the extent that this period of (history), cannot be compared to any other period except the end of the world … and it was not only Rome alone, who suffered the bitterness of this tribulations … but the part of the world which suffered more desolations was the area of Palestine and the Jewish nation … more specifically the city of Truly,Jerusalem.itis a micro image of the events of the terri fying day of judgement … but the Lord Jesus, has fore-told and warned His children and disciples of this … as He warned them, He still warning us too … and those who understood the warning and the message )of the Lord(, were able to flee Jerusalem before its destruction and be saved … but those who

رهش نم عبارلا دحلأا سادق ليجنأ فى تلامأت كرابلما ىسرم ٣77 – ٣ :١٣ سقرم ٣٣ :٣ سقرم »اولصو اورهسأ .. اورظنأ« فى اضيأو عوبسلاا اذه سادقلا ليجنا ثدحتي عوضوم نع ءسىنلا رهش فى عقاولا دحلاا .. لماعلا ةياهنو ميلشروأ بارخ دحاو هل لاق .. لكيهلا فى عوسي برلا مانيبف هذهو ةراجحلا هذه رظنأ .. ذيملاتلا نم اهيف كتري نل هئا عوسي برلا هل لاقف .. ةينبلاا لكيهلا اذه ناك .. ضقني نل رجح لىع رجح لايجلاا رم لىع دوهيلا ةرخفم وه ردصمو مهتزعو مهتوق زمر ره ناك .. نامورلا لتحا امدنع ىتحف .. مهتحامهتحارر اونئمطيف لكيهلا لىا نورظني ارناك .. مهدلاب هللا نم راتخلما هللا بعش مهنا نوركذتي ذا كتري لا هللا نا .. مهطسو فى لازام هللا ناو .. ببس وه لكيهلا دوجو ناك .. ادبا هبعش ام لكب مهنايما ةوقو مهكساتمو مهتدحول ىوقدجمو خيراتو ةمظع نم لكيهلا اذه هب طبترأ مدهني فوس هنا مهل لوقي برلا اه نكلو .. ةيرثك تاملاع هبارخ قبسيو .. برخيو اماتم .. ةديكا تاملاع ىهف .. اهل اوهبنتي نأ بجي ةكلمم موقتو .. بورح رابخاو بورح كانهفتابارطضأ .. تاعاجم .. لزلاز .. ةكلمم لىع نوفقت .. نودلجت .. عماجم لىا مكنوملسي ..عيمج ماما لاوأ ليجنلااب زركي .. ةلاو ماما ةسجر .. تولما لىا هاخأ خلاا ملسي .. مملاا برهيل ذئنيح .. سدقلما عفولما فى بارخلا .. ةبذك ءاحسم .. لابجلا لىا ةيدوهيلا فى نيذلا .. نيراتخلما نكما ولو نولضي .. ميلشروأ بارخ لبق اذه لك مت لاعفو ةترف دجوت لا داكت هنا نوخرؤلما لوقي ماكو ثراوكلاو داسفلاب ةءولمم خيراتلا فى ىرخأ ام ةبيهرلا تاونس تسلا كلت لثم لاوهلااو بارخ ينبو ينيحيسملل نويرن داهطضإ ينب دجوي لا ةترفلا كلت لاوهأ نا ىتح .. ميلشروا لماعلا ةياهن ةترف ىوس اهب اهتنراقم نكيم ام تساق ىتلا اهدحو ىه امور نكت لمو ..لماعلا فى دلب ثركأ نا لب .. لاوهلاا هذه ةرارم ةقطنم تناك لاوهلاا هذه دشلأ تضرعت تاذلابو .. ىدوهيلا بعشلا ناكو ينطسلف .. ميلشروا ةنيدمةنونيدلا موي ثادحلا ةرغصم ةروص لاعف اهنأ رذحو قبس عوسي برلا نكلو .. بيهرلا انرذحي لازام مهرذح ماكو .. هذيملاتو هدلاوأريذحتلا اومهف نيذلا ءلاؤهو .. اضيأ نحن اوجرخيو اوجني نا اوعاطتسا ةلاسرلا اومهفو ءلاؤه امأ .. بارخلا اذه لبق ميلشروا نم ءايبنلأاو ءاحسلماب اوعدخناو اولفاغت نيذلا ميحجلا اذه فى اوعاضو اوكله دقف ةبذكلا Reflections on the bible readings of the fourth Sunday of the blessed month of Mesra Mark 13: 3-37 “Take heed, watch and pray” Mark 3:33.

لازامو .. ميلشروا هب ترم ىذلا بيهرلا دئاقلا سطيت هديش ىدلا صرنلا سوق هراصتنأ ىركذ هب دلخي امور فى نىامورلا دهشي ائماق لكيهلا بارخو ميلشروأ لىع برلا اهركذ ىتلا تاوبنلا هذه ققحتب تاونس سمخ فرظ ىفف .. ميلشروا نع تكرت ةعورلما لاوهلااو ةريرلما برحلا نم .. قدصي لا بارخو رقف ةلاح فى ميلشروا .. اماتم ءشى لا بعش لاب .. ةموكح لاب ذه تيعو له .. بيبحلا اهيا تنأو اذه فى اهئات لاغشنم تلزام مأ .. سردلاا ديكلاا بارخلا تاملاع ىرت لمو .. لماعلا .. لماعلا اذهب لحي فوس ىذلا .. اورظنا .. كسفنل قيفتل تقو وه سيلا اولص .. اورهسأ .. بورح رابخأو بورح + لب ةكلمم لىع ةكلممو ةما لىع ةما موقت .. تولما لىا هاخا خلاا ملسيوبورحلا ثركا امو .. لوقلا اذه قدصأ ام نكلو .. مايلاا هذه انلوح موقت ىتلاةفلغأ فى ةفلغم بورح رابخأ اهنأ بيجعلا لاب .. ةيقيقح لبانق لاب بورح .. ةليمج .. بورح نم اهدشأ ام نكلو .. تارجفتم .. ةيقيقحلا بورحلا نم اكتف ثركأ اهنأ ىنب مزهي نا عطتسي لم بآوم كلم قلااب ادج مهنم فاخ لب .. برحلا فى ليئاسرأ روعب نبا ماعلب مهكراب نأ دعب اصوصخهيلع راشأ ريشرلا ىبنلا نكلو .. ىبنلا .. برح يرغ نم مهمزهي نا عيطتسي فيك ادبا مهمزهي نل ىداعلا حلاسلاب مهبراح ولمهطقسأ .. ىوقأ رخآ حلاس كانه نكلو .. حلاسلا عفر نودب اذكهو .. انزلا ةيطخ فى .. افلأ ٢٤ دحاو موي فى مهنم كلهأ .. ةرومعو مودس ىتنيدم ةيطخلا ترمد دقل ينتنيدلما نيذه فى ثدح ىذلارامدلا نا .. اهتوق لكب ةيرذلا لبانقلا هثادحا نع زجعت ةنيدلما تدسف ةيطخلا ببسبف .. اهتوبرجو رطمأف .. لفطلا لىا خيشلا نم اهلمكأب ينتنيدلما تفتخأ .. اتيبركو اران مهيلع برلا .. اماتم دوجولا نم ىوقأ نأ .. ةيطخلا بوعشلا راع نأ اقح لىا جاتحت لا اهانغأو لماعلا فى بوعشلا ىفكت لب .. اهينفت كىل ةيرذلا لبانقلا اذه ينب شرتنت ةيرغص ةدحاو ةيطخ .. اماتم اهينفتف بعشلا لمالما فى ةلود ىنغأو .. ةلود ىوقأ .. اكيرمأ سانلا بعتري لب ةزجاع مويلا فقت .. ىتلا ضارملاا ضعب مسا ركذ درجلم اهيف ةيسنجلا ةيحابلاا ببسب مهنيب تشرتنا ةنعل اهنا .. ءماكحلا ضعب اهفصي ىتلا .. نيشرعلا نرقلا فى ءماسلا had ignored (the warning) and were deceived by the false prophets and false christs, all perished and lost in the terrible hell that Jerusalem had endured … and still (till today) the triumph arch built by Emperor Titus to commemorate his victory, is standing as a witness to the prophecy of the Lord regarding Jerusalem … so, it was within five years of bitter wars and absolute destruction and desolations, Jerusalem was left unbelievably destroyed, desolate and extremely impoverished … without a government … and without its people, left with absolutely nothing … And you, beloved … did you comprehend this lesson (from history) … or you still preoccupied with and lost in, this world … haven’t you seen the signs of sure des olation which will happen to this world … isn’t time to sober up to your self … take heed … watch … pray. + wars and rumours of wars … nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, but even a brother will betray brother to death how… true is this saying …and many are the wars around us, now a days … but what is amazing, it is wars in a bright (appealing) packaging … wars without real bombs … or explosives … but how fierce are these wars … it is more destructive that actual (physical) wars …

Balak king of Moab could not defeat the Israelite in a war … but he was extremely scared from them, specially after being blessed by Balaam son of Beor the prophet … but an evil prophet who advised (the Moabites) how to defat )the Israelites( without a physical warthe … for if they fought them in a conventional war, they will not be defeated … but there was a much stronger weapon … let fall in the sin of adultery … thus without actual real weapons … 24 thousand )of the Israelites() ( were destroyed in one day )Numbers 22-24( …)

Sin destroyed two cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen eses 19) … the desolation which happened to these two cities, cannot be achieved by nuclear weapons with its power and destructive nature … because of sin the cities were totally destroyed from the elders to the children … so, it rained upon them fire and sulphur … and the two cities vanished totally … Indeed, the shame of nations is sin … for the strongest and richest nations in the world, might not need nuclear bombs to destroy it … it is enough for a small sin to spread among such nation to fully desolate it … (unit ed states) of America … the strongest country … and richest country in the world … stood disabled and even most people petrified of just the mention of some of the diseases )such as AIDS( which spread among somesuch AIDS people because of their sexual promiscuity which some philosophers described … as the curse of heavens for the twentieth century … St Pauls saying “and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due” (Romans 1:27) is true for them, it is very harsh wars … aimed toward your heart

:لوسرلا سلوب انملعم لوق مهيلع قبطنا »قحلما مهللاض ءازج مهسوفن فى ينلئان ”ةهجوم .. ةبعص بورح اهنأ )٢7 :١ ةيمور( نأ .. كتيب لخاد فى .. كلقع فىو كبلق فى كيلا فى انلع .. ةداوه لاب مويلا كبراحي ناطيشلا دئارجلا تاحفص لىع .. سرادلما فى .. عراوشلا فى .. تنترنلأاو نويزفيلتلا تاشاش لىع .. .. كتيب لخاد لئاسوو تنترنلأا .. فيطلو ليمج عاترخأ بورحلا بعصأ ام نكلو .. ىعماتجلأا لاصتلأا ةزهجلأا هذه لخاد نم ناطيشلا اهنشي ىتلا ةباقر لاب .. عون لك نم جماربو ملافأ ..كلهت .. كتيب وزغت تحبصأ .. دودح لاب .. .. ةداوه لاب برح .. كتقو عيضت .. كدسج رابخأو بورح اهنأ .. دحأ مكلضي لا .. اورظنأ .. بورح .. هدلو بلااو .. هاخأ خلاا ملسي + هدلو ملسي بأ نع عمست نأ ةوسقلا ىهتنم .. توملل حاتفي .. ميدقلا دهعلا فى اموي ثدح ام اذهليئاسرأ ىنبل ايضاق برلا هماقأ .. ىداعلجلا ةاضق( .. ارذن برلل رذنو .. برلل اموي جرخو ىذلاف صرتني امدنع هنأ.. )ءىطاخ رذن( .. )١١ هتدوع دنع هلباقيل هتيب باوبأ نم جرخي لاعف دوعيو .. برلل ةقرحم هدعصي فوس هتنبإب أجافيو .. برحلا نم اصرتنم حاتفي .. صقرو فوفدب هئاقلل جرخت .. ةديحولا هتنبأ مدقيو ءىطاخلا هرذن فى حاتفي ضىيمو ابمر نكلو .. اقح بعص ءشى .. برلل ةقرحم هديب ةديحولا هتنبا لتقي هنأ فى حاتفي ةوسق بحا لتقي نمع لوقت اذام نكلو .. هرذنل ءافو .. كلاهلل مهمدقيو هيلا سانلا ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ ايشحو ايساق ائيطب اتوم هدلاوأ ملعي ىذلا .. بلاا نع لوقت اذام ةزفنرلا فى لاثم هدلاوا ىطعيو؟بضغلاوةميتشلا لىع ظفاحت لا ىتلا .. ملاا نع لوقت اذام سبلام ءادتراب اهل حمستو اهتنب ةواقنو فافع لب ؟ ةميلس يرغ ةقيرطب نيزتتو ةقئلا يرغ ؟؟؟ كلذ لعفت نأ لىع اهمغرت انايحأ لىع هتجوز مغري ىذلا جوزلا نع لوقت اذاموضىقيو راشرلأا هءاقدصأ لىا هعم باهذلا باعلأ فى .. ةقئلا يرغ تاسلج فى هليلو هموي يرغ تافصرت فى .. ةيقن يرغ ثيداحأ فى .. رماق .. ةسدقم اهجوز ضراعت ىتلا .. ةجوزلا نع لوقت اذام هركيو دقحي فيك هملعتو .. يرخلا لمع فى ؟؟ .. نيرخلآا لتق ةيلمعب نوموقي ءلاؤه لكو .. ةيرثك ةلثملأا نل لتاقلا نأ بيبحلا اهيأ دكأتو .. لمؤم ءىطب لا دق لتاق هنأ حيحص .. ادبأ ةلادعلا نم برهي

and thoughts … in midst of your house … Stan is waging war against you now without relenting … very openly in the streets, schools and on the pages of the newspapers … and on the screens of tv and the in ternet … in your house … a very beautiful invention … the internet and social media … but how harsh is the wars Satan can wage against you from such instruments … films and programs of all types … without any control … and limitless … has invaded your home … destroying your body … wasting your time … a war not relenting … Watch … let no one deceive you … it is wars and rumours of wars … +

Examples are too many … and all of such (people) are committing murder in a slow and painful way … beloved, be assured that a murders will not escape justice ever … truly he or she is a murders who will not be judged by earthly laws … but they cannot es


brother will betray brother … and a father his child utmost of cruelty to hear that a father betrays his child to death

What would you say of a husband who forces his wife to accompany him to evil friends and acquaint ances, spending most of days and nights in un-be coming gatherings … gambling … inappropriate speech … un-holy actions …?

Slow death very cruel and feral???????? What would one say of a father … who teaches his children to swear and gives an example anger and Orrage?what would one say of a mother … who does not (teach) her daughter purity and modesty, allowing her to unsuitable attires and the wrong fashions? But, even sometimes will force her to do so???

This is what had happened once in the old testament Jephthah the Gileadite … the Lord made him a judge for the Israelite and he went out one day ))toto fight( for the Lord and vowed to the Lord a vow (Judges 11: 34-38) … (a wrong and mistaken vow) that upon his return victorious, who ever comes out from his house to great him, surely he will offer him or her as a burnt offering to the Lord … and indeed Jephthah returns victorious from the war … to be surprised by his only daughter … coming out to greet him (happy) dancing with symbols … and Jephthah carried out his mistaken vow and offered his daughter as a burnet offering to the Lord … truly it is a very cruel event … for the brutality of Jephthah to kill his only daughter by his own hands to fulfil his vow … but what would you say of those who murder those who are most loved by him or her and lead them to destruction …

What would you say of the wife … who opposes her husband in doing good deeds … and insight him to hate and covet others .. ??

عاطتسأ لتاق وهف .. ضىرأ نوناق هيلع قبطي نل هنكلو .. ضرلاا نوناق ةلئاط نم برهي نا نوناق نم ادبأ برهي ءشى لك ىري ىذلا هللا هلادع نم .. ءماسلا .. ملاظلا راتسأ ناقترخت هانيع ىذلا ... .. ىغبني لا ثيح .. بارخلا ةسجر + ةسجر اوماقأ .. ميدقلا فى نهاكلا لىاع دلاوأ ةحيبذب اوناهتسأ .. سدقلما لخاد فى بارخلا ةميخ لخاد فى ةيطخلا اوعنص .. هللا ) لولاا ليئومص( .. عماتجلاا فى اوببستو .. ادج مهيلع هللا بضغ كلذلوةيمزهو .. مهدلاو كلاهو .. مهسفنأ كلاه هطوقسو دهعلا توبات عايضو .. هلك بعشلا .. ءادعلاا دي فى ةرارمللايو .. مويلا بارخلا ةسجر اهو اهضعبو .. سئانكلا لىا لخدت تادب سىلأاو ىرن امدنع .. انسئانك لىا بسرتت تأدب ابمر باعلأو .. رومخلا بشرو .. صقرلا تلافح لخاد ةبخاصلا لماعلا ىقيسومو .. رماقلا ىرت امدنع ؟؟؟؟؟؟ لوقت اذام .. سئانكلا .. ةضولماو ءايزلأل اضراعم تراص دقو انسئانك ىداون درجم تراص دقو سئانكلا ىرت امدنع كسمو تلاباقلماو ثيداحلااو تاعماتجلإل ىه تسيلأ ؟؟؟ لوقت اذام .. نيرخلآا ةيرس ؟؟؟ بارخ ةسجر ايسنج ذاوشلا لبقت سئاتك نع ايرخأ انعمس ةبوحصم ةلاصلا ميقت سئانك نع انعمس ..مهنأ ةجحب .. كيرسلا سبلامو باعلاب يرثكلا ىرن مايلاا هذه .. سانلا..نوبذجييرثكلاو اظقيتم نك .. اورهسأ .. اورظنأ .. بيبحلا اهيأ لفاغ تنأو بيهرلا ةنونيدلا موي كلفاغي لائل .. نراهتمو .. ناكم لك فى بارخلا ةسجر تراص دقل هتلخد له .. هل سدقم لكيه وه ىذلا كبلق لكيه وه ىذلا كتيب ؟؟؟ بارخلا ةسجر اضيأ بارخلا ةسجر اضيا هتلخد له .. هللل سدقم..؟؟؟ يرصي نا لبق برهأ .. برهأو عسرأ .. نذا .. ادج ارخأتم تقولا صراحت لم .. ةحوتفم ميلشروأ باوبا تلازام .. تقو كانه لازام .. دعب هنأ .. فلخلا لىا رظتت لا .. لابجلا لىا عسرأ كسفن صلاخب متهتو كتايحل برهتل تقويرغتي ىتح رظتنت لا .. كسفنب مويلا ادبأ .. نم كتيبو كبلق ىقن .. ةبوت مدق .. نورخلآا عومدو ةبوتب هللا لىا مدقت .. بارخلا ةسجر.. كءاقدصأو .. كتيب لها كعم بذجأ .. مايلاا كلت هللا صرق دقل .. بيرق مويلا ناعيضت لا ىتح .. تنأ كلجأ نم ....ةبعصلاكلهتو

Lately, we hear of some churches who consent to sexual deviancy … or some churches who hold prayer meetings accompanied with circus games and uniforms … with the excuse that it attracts people … now a days we see more and more … Beloved … see (watch) and … stay awake … be alert lest you be confronted (suddenly) with the terrifying day of judgement while you are unaware and illequipped … The abomination of desolation has spread everywhere … your heart which is a holy temple for (God) … has it been invaded by the abomination of desolation too??? Your home, which is holy temple for God … has it been invaded by the abomination of desola tion??? Then, make hast and flee … break away before it is too late … The gates of Jerusalem still open … it is not surrounded yet … there is time still (to act) … Make hast and flee to the mountains … do not look back … it is time to flee for your life and be con cerned with your salvation … start today with yourself … don’t wait for others to change )first( … offer a true) repentance … cleanse your heart and home from the abomination od desolation …. Come to God in pen ance and tears … and attract with you your house hold … and friends … for the day (of judgement) is near … for God has shortened those days of tribulations … for your sake … lest you be lost and destroyed …

cape the heavenly justice … from God’s justice Who sees all things … Who His eyes penetrate the shadows of darkness? + the abomination of desolation … it ought not … Eli the priest’s sons in the old testament … they com mitted the abomination of desolation inside the holy of holies … they disregarded the offertory to God … committed sin at the(door) of the Tabernacle of meeting (1 Samuel 2 :12-36) … and because of this God was very much angered by their action … and it was to their destruction … and their fathers’ destruction … and the whole congregation defeat … and the ark of covenant was lost to the enemy … And here it is again today, the abomination of desola tion … and alas and sadly it started to creep into some churches … one fears some of it might be creeping into our churches … when we see dancing parties … consumption of alcohol … and gambling games … and the world vulgar music practiced inside the church … what would you say?????? When you see our churches becoming an arena of displaying the latest fashion and trends … when, one sees the church being just a social club for congregating foe entertaining and gossiping about others … what would one say ??? isn’t this the abomination of desolation???

The world today is drifting more and more towards new way of thinking in which human is looking for side ways and easier means for self glorification. Most of the cults today are actually paving the way for this new thinking. The devil is carrying out his plan to divert human away from God. The plan is to get human to believe in himeself not in God, to believe that he owns all what he needs of power. All he needs is to find this inner source in him. This is actually same old thinking of many pagans which is still surviving among Hendos and others. The devil is offering this thinking in a new dress to suit the modern human of today. Many seminars and studies are being made today to discover these super powers and the devil is offering so much help and decieving fruits that millions of people are turning today for these New Age religion which aims mainly to enslave human for the devil himeself and kill every feeling of guilt towards sin inside him. There are so much deception and lying in what they claim they can achieve but unfortunately many get decieved by the quick results they get in the beginning and they do not know that they are going to be enslaved. Be careful, there no other Saviour and there is no way for Redemption except by Him our Lord Jesus Christ.

رخآ هلا نع ثحبي ملاعلا نم رخآ هلا ديري هيف شيعن ىذلا ملاعلا وه امك ملاعلا نأ بيجعلاو .. هبساني عون ىف ثحبي دوعي خيراتلا رم ىلع لاحلا هلويم بساني هلإ نع اثحاب ةميدقلا هتافلم تافلم نيب ازنك هل دجوو هتاوهشو هتابغرو ريطاسأو تافارخو ةميدقلا ةينثولا تادابعلا لوقع ىف ناطيشلا لمع ام ناعرسو ءامدقلا اهوسبلأو ةميدق راكفأ اوطبنتساف نيركفملا .. مويلا ناسنلاا ركف بساني اديدج ابوث هب لدبتساف هللل هضفر ىف ناسنلاا قلطناو دلاب ىف نينثولا ميلاعت يف هدجو رخآ اركفلقع ىف نمكت ةوق لب هلا لا هنأ وهو قرشلا نيذلا ةذتاسلاا رثكو هدسجو هريكفتو ناسنلأا ىوقلا طابنتساو لقعلا ةدابع راكفأ اوطقتلأ للهاب مهطابترا اوغلي اهبو ناسنلأا يف ةنماكلا هتطخ ناطيشلا أدبو نايدلاو يدافلاو قلاخلاهيلع ةرطيسلاو ناسنلأا دابعتسلا ةديدجلا شغو عادخ اهلك ةطخ .. الله نع هداعباونيذلا مويلا نييلام كانه نأ بيجعلا نكلو مهديزي ىكلو راكفلاا هذهل اوعاصني اوأدب رمثلا ضعب مهيطعي راص اعادخ ناطيشلا اطابترا ناسنلاا دادزيف عادخلا عيرسلا نوكيل مويلا ىعسي ناطيشلا .. هل اعوضخو هلقع للاخ نم هيلع رطيسي اديدج املاع ناسنلاا هيلا لصو ام لك هيف رخسيو هركفو ناسنلاا ىلع هتضبق مكحيل ملعو مدقت نم كانه ريصي لاف يحورلا هداهج امامت ىغليو داهج لاو ةيطخلا ىلع تيكبت لاو ريمض ةيعيبط ريغ ىوقب ناسنلاارهبني لب ىحور .. هصلاخو هتيانعو الله ةبحم اهب لدبتسي دهمت امنأ ثيدحلاو ميدقلا تاقطره لك نأ ديدجلا ملاعلا اذهلو ركفلا اذهل هدعتو قيرطلاىدافلاو صلخملا عوسي برلل ادبأ ليدب لا ..ىحورلا داهجلاو ةبوتلا ةايحل ادبأ ليدب لاو .. رمتسملا

The World is looking for new god

Adults Choir at St. Mary‘s Church celebration the Feast of St Mary‘s Assumption Sunday 21st August 2022

Liturgy at St. Mary’s Coptic College celebrating Feast of Assumption of St Mary Tuesday 23rd August 2022 Sunday School Choirs celebrating Feast of Assumption at St Mary’s Church Saturday 20th August 2022

+ Remember O Lord the Departed: Departed to the Lord Mr. Karim Mikhail Nawar, husband of Mervat FatherNawar.of Bill Nawar, and grandfather to Daniel Nawar and David husband of Malake Nawar and Demyana wife of Fady Moshi and Great Grandfather to Mia Moshi and Joakim Nawar Father of Lisa Nawar-Awad and grandfather of Monica Beard wife of Fraser Beard, Stefan, Simone and Emily Awad. Father of Robert Nawar, grandfather of Taylan, Ellie and Wil Nawar. Funeral date has not been determined yet. May the Lord repose his soul and grant peace and comfort for all family members. :نيدقارلا براي ركذأ + موحرملا ةمايقلا ءاجر ىلع دقر راون ليئاخيم ميرك /ديسلا وهو .راون تفرم /ةديسلا جوز راون لايناد دجو راون ليب دلاو ةنايمدو راون ةكلام جوز ديفادو ربكلأا دجلاو ىشوم ىداف ةجوز ميكاوجو ىشوم ايم نم لكل اسيل دلاو اضيأ وهو .راون ةجوز اكينوم لك دجو ضوع ىلميأو نفيتسو دريب رزيرف راون تربور دلاو وهو .ضوع ليوو ىليأو نلايات نم لك.راوندجو .دعب زانجلا دعوم ددحتي مل ىزعيو هسفن حيني بحملا برلا ةرسلأا دارفأ لك + Remember O Lord the ReposedDeparted:to the Lord Late Mrs Ferial Guindy Wife of Samir MotherGuindyoflate Atef Guindy and mother of Inas Schuring. Grandmother of Chantelle and April Schuring, mother in law of Tom Schuring aunt of Dr.Emil Baselyous and Amanay Rezkalla, wife of Adel Rezkalla. May the Lord repose her soul and grant peace and comfort for all family Funeralmembers.be be conducted next Saturday 27th September 12noon at St Mary’s Church :نيدقارلا براي ركذأ + ةموحرملا ةمايقلا ءاجر ىلع تدقر ريمس /ديسلا ةجوز ىدنج لايرف /ةديسلا فطاع /ديسلا موحرملا ةدلاو ىدنج جنيروش سانيأ /ةديسلا ةدلاوو ىدنج اضيأ ىهو جنيروش موت /ديسلا ةجوز .جنيروش ليربأو ليتناش نم لك ةدج سويليساب ليمأ روتكدلا ةمع اضيأ ىهو /ديسلا ةجوز للهاقزر ىنم .للهاقزر/ةديسلاولداع دارفأ لك ىزعيو اهسفن حيني.ةرسلأابرلا ةعاسلا ربمتبس 27 مداقلا تبسلا موي زانجلا ماقي ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةسينكب ارهظ ١2

ةبهو سويراكم صمقلا بيبحلا انوبأ ةحاينل ةيناثلا ىركذلا 2022 ربمتبس 27 تبسلا ءاسم 5:30 ىزيلجنأو ىبرع ةيشعلا - احابص 11 - 9 ىهللأا سادقلا لحارلا انوبأ راكذت ىف ةسينكلا بعشو بابشلاو ةنهكلا ءابلآا كراشي ةسينكلا بعشو هترسأ ىزعيو هسفن حيني برلا انع هتاولص ةكرب اعيمج انحنمي برلا

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April The new Building is expected to be ready within 12 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downladed from church website. Cost of building works is around $12,000000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreaciated.ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .ارهش ١22 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلأا عقوتملا نم . .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا بسح .ارلاود نويلم ١22 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبتاهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا ىكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكنيىنورتكللأا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ىنابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate )Copy & Paste on Web Browser) 2ndBuildingCurrentsiteAugust2022

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