Weekly Bulletin 30th April 2023

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Services at St Mary’s Church

Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults

Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom)

Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom)


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly)

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm


Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm


1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & Eng-


2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan:

0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kens-

ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros

0411 518 399

Fr John Macary 0433 445 636

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا يبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 يزيلجنا - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 يبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩-7 يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Martyrdom of St. George Prince of the Martyrs.

1st May - 23rd Baramoda

On this day, of the year 37 A.D., the great among the martyrs St. George, was martyred. He was born in Cappadocia; his father’s name was Anastasius, and his mother’s name was Theobaste. When he was twenty years old, his father died, and he went to Emperor Diocletian to take over his father’s position. He found that the Emperor had apostatized the faith and ordered the worship of idols. George was sorrowful, and he gave all his wealth to the poor and needy and set free his slaves.

When he saw the edict of the Emperor against the Christians, he became raged and tore it. They took him before the Emperor, and he cried in their middest saying: “For how long you shall pour your anger against the innocent Christians, and force those who know the true faith to adopt the faith that you are in doubt of because it is fraudulent? So, either you believe on this true faith, or at least do not disturb with foolishness those who are steadfast in it.” The Emperor asked Mephnanius, one of his ministers, to pacify and persuade him. He asked him: “Who taught you to be daring like this.” The Saint answered: “It is the truth,” then started to explain it to him. The Emperor interrupted, reminding the Saint with the ranks that he bestowed on him, and promised him with more if he denied his Christ. The Saint refused with pride all these vain propositions. The Emperor tortured him severely, but the Lord strengthened him and healed all his wounds.

When the Emperor was weary of torturing him, he brought a magician, whose name was Athanasius, who gave the Saint a cup full of poison to drink. St. George made the sign of the cross over the cup then drank it. When no harm came upon him, the magician believed in the Lord Christ, and received the crown of martyrdom. The Emperor became raged and ordered to squeeze him until he delivered up his soul, and they cast his body out side the city.

The Lord Christ raised him up, and the Saint returned to the city. When the people saw him, three thousand and seven hundred souls believed. The Emperor ordered to cut off their heads and they received the crown of martyrdom.

When St. George stood before Emperor Diocletian, along with seventy kings that were sitting around him, they asked the Saint: “We wish you to make these chairs that we are sitting on to put forth leaves, and bear fruit.” The Saint prayed to the Lord Christ, the Lord accepted his supplication and the chairs put forth leaves and bore fruit.

ىنامورلا سجرج رام داهشتسا ةدومرب 23 - ويام ١ م 37 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم يف ءادهشلا يف ميظعلا سيدقلا دهشتسا ةيقودابقلاب دلو دقو . سويجرؤاج رام يعدت مأو سويساطسنأ همسأ بأ نم ةنس نيرشع نبا راص املو . اتسبؤاث سونايدلقد ىلإ بهذف . هدلاو تام كلملا نأ دجوف هدلاو ةفيظو دلقتيل نزحف مانصلأا ةدابعب رمأو رفك دق نيكاسملل هاطعأو هلام لك قرفو كلملا ىلإ مدقتو هناملغ فرصو دجملا هل حيسملا ديسلاب افرتعم تاروشنم يأر نأ دعب كلذ ناكو مهطسو يف خرصف روطاربملإا مكبضغ نوبصت يتم ىلإ « لائاق نوهركتو راربلأا نييحيسملا يلع نأ يلع يقيقحلا ناميلإا اوفرع نيذلا هنم كش يف متنأ يتلا ةنايدلا اوعبتي اونمؤت نأ امأف ؟ ةيقيقح ريغ هنلأ لا لقلأا يلع وأ ةيقيقحلا ةنايدلا هذهب اهب نيكسمتملا كئلوأ ةقامحب اوقلقت دحأ ، سوينانفم ىلإ كلملا راشأف . كملع نم « : هل لاقف هتئدهتل هئارزو « قحلا وه « : هباجأف « ةأرجلا هذه ذخأو كلملا لخدتف ، هل هحرشي أدب مث هيلع اهب معنأ يتلا بترلاب هركذي هحيسم دحج اذإ اهنم ديزملاب هدعيو ةلئازلا ضورعلا هذه ءابآب ضفرف ناكو اريثك هبذعف اهيلإ تفتلي ملو . هتاحارج عيمج يفشيو هيوقي برلا رضحتسأ هبيذعت يف كلملا راح املو رضحأ اذهو سويسانثأ همسأ ارحاس هلاوقأ نم هيلع لاتو انلأم اسأك هبرشف سيدقلل همدقو ، ةيرحسلا ، بيلصلا ةملاع هيلع مسر نأ دعب رحاسلا نأ لعج امم ، ىذآ هلني ملف لانو ، حيسملا ديسلاب نمؤي هسفن رمأو كلملا ظاتغاف ةداهشلا ليلكإ حورلا ملسي ىتح سويجرؤاج رصعب ديسلا نكلو ةنيدملا جراخ هوحرطف ديهشلا اذه داعو ايح هماقأ حيسملا هببسب نمآو عيمجلا هآرف ةنيدملا ىلإ ةئامعبسو فلاآ ةثلاث ةظحللا كلت يف عطقب سونايدلقد رمأف . سفن . ةداهشلا ليلكإ اولانف اعيمج مهسوؤر نم ضعب سونايدلقد ةرضحب ناكو

They took him once to a cemetery and asked him to raise the dead therein. He prayed to the Lord Christ. The Lord raised them and after they talked to them, they returned to their graves and died.

A poor woman, brought her son, who was blind, deaf and dumb, he prayed to the Lord Christ then made the sign of the cross over him, and he was healed right away.

Diocletain, during all that, went on torturing St. George, until he was weary and bored of that. He started to be pleasant to the Saint and promised to give him his daughter in marriage if he would offer the incense to his gods. The Saint pretended that he accepted his offer, and the Emperor rejoiced and brought him into the royal palace. While St. George was praying the Psalms, the Empress heard him and asked him to explain to her what he had said. He began to interpret to her all the events from the creation of the world to the Incarnation of the Lord Christ, and his words entered her heart and she believed in the Lord Christ, to Whom is the Glory.

The Emperor ordered to call upon all the men of the city to gather, in order to see Saint George offering the incense to the Emperor’s gods. When multitude gathered by the idols, Gawargios (George) stood and cried at the idols in the Name of the Lord Christ the Savior of the world. The earth opened its mouth and swallowed all the idols. The Emperor and all those who were with him were ashamed and he returned to his palace full of fury and wrath. The Empress told him: “Didn’t I tell you not to oppose the Galileans, for their God is strong and mighty?” The Emperor was exceedingly wrath with her, for he knew that St. George had brought her also to his faith. The Emperor with rage ordered to comb her body with a steel comb, then cut off her head, and she received the crown of martyrdom. Finally, Diocletian decided to put an end to the humiliation that befell him, so he ordered to cut off the head of St. George, and he received the crown of martyrdom. A Christian took the body, wrapped it in expensive shrouds, and took it to the city of Lydda, his home town, and they built a great church on his name there. His intercession be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Sarah, and her two sons.

3rd May - 25th Baramoda

On this day, St. Sarah and her two sons, were martyred. She was from the city of Antioch, the wife of a man whose name was Socrates,

لعجت نأ ديرن « سيدقلل اولاقف كولملا يلصف . « رمثتو قروت يساركلا هذه باجتساف حيسملا ديسلا ىلإ سيدقلا اوبلطو ةربقم ىلإ ةرم هذخأو . هبلط يلصف ، ىتوملا نم اهب نم ميقي نأ هيلإ دعبو برلا مهماقأف حيسملا ديسلا ىلإ تمدقو . اودقرف اوداع مهيلإ اوثدحت نأ مصأو يمعأ ناكو اهنبا ةريقف ةأرما هل مشرو حيسملا ديسلا ىلإ يلصف سرخأو عيمج نم يفشف بيلصلا ةملاعب لفطلا يف ارمتسم سونايدلقد ناكو . هضارمأ راص لمو كلذ نم بعت املف هبيذعت هتنبأ نم هجوزي نأ هدعيو ، هفطلاي سويجرؤاج ، هعداخف ةهللآل رخب اذإ ىلإ هلخدأو حرفف كلذ لبق هنأ همهوأو ةكلملا هتعمس يلصي ناك امنيبو هرصق نأ هيلإ تبلطف ريمازملا أرقي وهو لك اهل رسفي أدبف . هلوقي ناك ام حرشي دسجت ىلإ ملاعلا ةقلخ لوأ نم روملأا اهبلق يف هملاك لخدف حيسملا ديسلا . دجملا هل حيسملاب تنمآو ةنيدملا يف اوداني نأ رمأ دق كلملا ناكو رخبي سويجرؤاج اوريل سانلا عامتجاب دنع ريبك عمج عمتجا املف , كلملا ةهللآ خرصو سويجرؤاج فقو مانصلأا صلخم عوسي برلا مساب مانصلأا يف تعلتباو اهاف ضرلأا تحتفف . ملاعلا هعم نمو كلملا يزخف مانصلأا عيمج ةكلملا هل تلاقف هرصق ىلإ انيزح لخدو نلا نييليلجلا دناعت لا « كل لقأ ملأ : سويجرؤاج نأ ملعف « ؟ يوق مههلإ هعفدو هناميأ ىلإ ىرخلأا يه اهلامأ دق عطقو اهمسج طيشمتب رمأ نأ ىلإ ظيغلا اريخأو . ةداهشلا ليلكإ تلانف اهسأر كلتل ادح عضي نأ سونايدلقد يأر سأر عطق ررقف هقحلت يتلا حئاضفلا ةداهشلا ليلكإ لانف سويجرؤاج سيدقلا يف هفلو هدسج نييحيسملا دحأ ذخأو اونبو هدلب ىلإ هب يضمو ةرخاف نافكأ نوكت هتعافش ةميظع ةسينك همسا يلع نيمآ . امئاد دجملا انبرلو انعم اهيدلاوو ةراس سيدقلا داهشتسا ةدومرب 25 - ويام 3 ةسيدقلا تدهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم يف لهأ نم تناك هذهو اهادلوو ةراس سطارقس همسا لجرل ةجوز ةيكاطنإ دئاقلا اذه ناكو . سونايدلقد داوق دحأ

one of the governors of Emperor Diocletian. This Governor had denied Christ to please Diocletian, pretending before his wife that he did that because of his fear from the Emperor. Sarah had two sons, she could not baptize in Antioch, because of her fear from the Emperor and her husband. She took them and sailed to Alexandria to baptize them there. God willed to reveal the greatness of her faith as a lesson to the generations to come. God brought forth a great tempest and the ship was about to be wrecked and drown. Sarah was afraid that her sons would be drowned without being baptized. She prayed a long prayer, then she wounded her right breast, took some of her blood, anointed them making the sign of the cross upon the foreheads, and over the hearts. Then she dipped them in the sea three times saying: “In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

After that, the winds died down, a great calm came on the sea, and the ship sailed toward Alexandria. When she arrived, took her sons, went to the church, and handed them to Pope Peter, the seal of the martyrs. He baptized them, together with the children of the city. When the Pope carried one of her sons to baptize him, the water froze. The Pope went on baptizing other children and came back to her sons, but the water froze again. The same thing occurred on the third attempt. The Pope was amazed and asked their mother about her story. She told him about all what happened to her at sea and what she did for her sons. He glorified God and said: “It is indeed one baptism.”

When the woman returned to Antioch, her husband denounced what she had done. He related what happened to the Emperor accusing his wife with adultery. The Emperor brought her and reproached her saying: “Why did you go to Alexandria to commit adultery with the Christians?” The Saint answered him: “Christians do not commit adultery, and do not worship idols, and after this do what you wish, for you will not hear another word from me.”

The Emperor asked her: “Tell me what did you do in Alexandria?” When she did not answer him, he ordered to tie her hands behind her, and to place her two sons on her belly, and to bum all three of them. She turned her face to the east and prayed. They burnt her, with her sons. She delivered up her pure soul along with her sons, and they all received the crown of martyrdom. Their prayers be with us. Amen.

ناكو كلملل اقلمت يحيسملا هنيد كرت دق اذه لعف امنإ هنأب هتجوز مامأ رهاظتي ملف نيدلو الله اهقزرو . كلملا نم افوخ نم افوخ ةيكاطنإب امهدمعت نأ عطتست ترفاسو امهتذخأف . اهجوز نمو كلملا . كانه امهدمعتل ةيردنكسلإا ىلإ ةعفنم اهتنامأ مظع رهظي نأ الله دارأف ةديدش احاير جاهأف ةلبقملا لايجلأل ةأرملا تفاخف . بكرملا قرغت تداك تلصف . دامع ريغب اهادلو تومي نأ نيميلا اهيدث تطرش مث ةليوط ةلاص ينيبج يلع تبلصو مدلا نم تذخأو رحبلا يف امهتسطغ مث امهبلقو اهيدلو حورلاو نبلااو بلأا مساب تارم ثلاث سدقلا رحبلا أدهو حايرلا تتكس كلذ دعبو ىلإ اهلوصو يدلو بكرملا تراسو تمدقو ةسينكلا تلخد ةيردنكسلإا ءادهشلا متاخ سرطب ابابلل اهيدلو ذخأ املف . ةنيدملا لافطأ عم امهدمعيل ةيدومعملا ءام دمج امهدمعيل نيدلولا ذخأف كلذ نم ابابلا بجعتف . رجحلاك ةيناث ءاملا دمجتف ةيناث ةرم نيدلولا برغتساف تارم ثلاث ىلإ اذكهو . رملآا نع امهتدلاو نم ربختساو ابابلا امو رحبلا يف اهل يرج امب هتفرعف . اقح « : لائاق الله دجمف اهيدلول هتلمع . « ةدحاو ةيدومعم اهنأ ركنأ ةيكاطنإ ىلإ ةأرملا تداع املو كلملا ربخأو هتلعف ام اهجوز اهيلع « : لائاق اهخبوو اهرضحتساف كلذب ينزتل ةيردنكسلإا ىلإ تبهذ اذامل : ةسيدقلا هتباجأف « ؟ ىراصنلا عم نودبعي لاو نونزي لا ىراصنلا نأ « هلعفاف اذه دعب تدرأ امهمو مانصلأا يرخأ ةملك ينم عمست لا فوسو تلمع اذام ينيفرع « : اهل لاقف « دشب رمأف . هبجت ملف « ةيردنكسلإاب يلع اهيدلو عضوو اهفلخ ىلإ اهيدي اههجو تلوحف رانلاب اهقرح مث اهنطب اهحور تملسأ مث . تلصو قرشلا ىلإ اعيمج اولانو . اهيدلو عم ةرهاطلا . ةداهشلا ليلكإ نيمآ . انعم نوكت مهتلاص

The Martyrdom of St. Boctor Ebn Romanus

5th May - 27th Baramoda

On this day, the honorable Saint Boctor (Victor) Ebn Romanus, the minister of Emperor Diocletian, was martyred. His mother Martha had reared him in the Christian ethics. He was promoted in the ranks in the kingdom until he became the third in succession. He was then twenty years old.

He prayed and fasted much, visited the prisoners and assisted the poor and needy. When they cut off the head of St. Theodata, the mother of Sts. Cosmas and Damian, no one dared to bury her because they feared the Emperor. This Saint went forth and took the body, shrouded it, then buried her, not caring about the Emperor›s order.

St. Boctor often admonished his father for worshipping the idols, so his father accused him before the Emperor. The Emperor had him brought and asked him to worship the idols to obey the imperial order. The saint took off his soldier girdle and threw it in his face saying: «Take your gift that you gave me.« His father suggested to the Emperor to send him to Alexandria to be tortured there.

On their way, his mother bid him farewell, crying, and he asked her to care for the poor, the widows, and the lonely. When he arrived to Alexandria, the governor Armanius tortured him many tortures, then he sent him to the governor of Ansena, who tortured him also, then cut off his tongue and plucked out his eyes. The Lord strengthened and comforted him every time. There was a fifteen years old girl who was watching his torture from the window of her house. She saw a crown coming down over his head. She confessed that before the governor and all those who were present. The Governor ordered her head to be cut off and also the head of St. Boctor. They received the crown of life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

There is a district in Alexandria until now known as El Boctoriah (Victoria), named after this Saint, because probably there was a church on his name in this district. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

سوينامور نب رطقب داهشتسا ةدومرب 27 - ويام 5 سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم يف ريزو سونامور نب رطقب ليلجلا همأ هتبر دقو . سونايدلقد كلملا يقتراو ةيحيسملا ئدابملا يلع اترم ثلاثلا حبصأ ىتح ةكلمملا بتر يف نورشع ذئتقو هل ناكو . اهتبترم يف ةلاصلاو موصلا ريثك ناكو ةنس ءافعضلا ةناعإو نيسوبحملا داقتفاو سأر اوعطق املو . نيكاسملاو نامزق نيسيدقلا مأ اروذؤاث ةسيدقلا افوخ اهنفدي نأ دحأ رسجي مل نايمدو ذخأو سيدقلا اذه مدقتف . كلملا نم رمأب لابم ريغ اهنفد مث هنفكو دسجلا . كلملا يلع هدلاو تكبي ناك ام اريثكو دنع هب يشوف . ناثولأا هتدابع نأ هنم بلطو هرضحتساف كلملا يكلملا رملآل ةعاط ناثولأا دبعي اهامرو ةيدنجلا ةقطنم سيدقلا لحف كتيطع ذخ « : لائاق ههجو يف هيدي نيب اهاقلأو « اهينتيطعأ يتلا هلسري نأ كلملا يلع هوبأ راشأف ، اميفو اهيف بذعيل ةيردنكسلإا ىلإ ةيكاب همأ هتعدو هب نورئاس مه لمارلأاو نيكاسملا يلع اهاصوأف ةيردنكسلإا لصو املو . نيعطقنملاو اريثك اباذع سوينامرأ يلاولا هبذع اذه هبذعف انصنأ يلاو ىلإ هلسرأ مث . هينيع علقو هناسل عطق مث اضيأ ةرم لك هربصيو هيوقي برلا ناكو ةرشع سمخ اهرمع ةيبص تناكو ءانثأ اهلزنم كابش نم هرظنت ةنس هسأر يلع لازان لايلكإ تأرف باذعلا عمجلاو يلاولا مامأ كلذب تفرتعاف اهسأر عطقب يلاولا رمأف رضاحلا ليلكإ لاانف , رطقب سيدقلا سأرو . تاومسلا توكلم يف ةايحلا لزي مل ةيردنكسلإا يف يح دجويو اذهل ةبسن ةيرطقبلا مساب فرعي نلال كانه تناك هنأ رهظي ثيح سيدقلا . يحلا اذه يف همساب ةسينك دجملا انبرلو ، انعم نوكت امهتلاص نيمآ . امئاد

Second Sunday of the Holy Fifty Days after Holy Resurrection

John 6: 35 – 45

“I am the bread of life. He who comes to me shall never hunger” (35)

The Lord was talking to the people after the miracle of feeding the five thousand. People were searching for Jesus everywhere. The Lord told them that they are not seeking Him because they saw sins but because they ate of the loaves and got filled )John 6:26(. Surprisingly they asked Him ) . what sign He will perform that they may see it and believe Him. It looks they forgot about the miracle which the Lord just had done day before. They only remembered how the Lord gave their fathers the Manna in the wilderness. They overlooked all other miracles the Lord had done in the wilderness. They just want the Lord to fill their hunger for worldly bread. They are even ready to make Him a king if He fill their bodily desires. The Lord started to open their eyes that He is the Bread of Life. The Lord here points clearly to His relationship with the Father in brief and clear words the Lord explains that it is the Will of the Father to redeem the world and it is only through the Son alone we can reach to the Father. He came the bring the lost sinner humanity up to the Father. Some heretics tried to use these words to indicate that the Son is not equal to the Father or to dent the Divinity of the Lord Christ as He talked frequently about the Father Who sent Him. Looking closely to these verses, we can find clearly that we cannot know the Father without the Son. There is also no salvation without the Son and that the Will of the Father is the Will of the Son. This proves clearly the unity and equality of the Father and the Son. We should remember that Lord Jesus talks as the Incarnated Word of God and He is one in the Father and the Father is one in Him.

Our Lord Jesus Christ declares that He accepts everyone who comes to Him as this is the Will of the Father. Whoever comes to Him He will by no means cast out or lost.


All that the Father gives Me will come to me

This is the condition to live in Christ that you come according to the Will of the Father and His commandments. No one can accept the Son unless being drawn by the Father first. There are many who want to come to the Son but in their own ways

سادقلا ليجنإ يف تلامأت ةسدقملا نيسامخلا نم يناثلا دحلأا 45-35:6 : وي لاف يلإ لبقي نم ةويحلا زبخ وه انأ« 35:6 :6 وي »عوجي دوهيلاو عوسي برلا نيب ثيدحلا يتأي تازبخ سمخلا ةزجعم باقعأ يف انه راص ةزجعملا هذه دعبف نيتكمسلاو امكو ناكم لك يف هنع نوثحبي سانلا اونوكي مل مهنأ هسفن برلا مهل لاق مهنلأ لب تايآ اوأر مهنلأ هنع نوثحبي مهنأ بيجعلاو اوعبشو زبخلا نم اولكأ ىرنل عنصت ةيآ ةيأ هولأس ام ناعرس يتلا ةزجعملا اوسن مهنأك كب نمؤنو اوراصو طقف سملأاب مهعم اهعنص يذلا ةيربلا يف نملا ةزجعمب نونراقي نيعبرأ ليئارسإ ينب بعش برلا هب لاع وأ اوسن مهنأ اضيأ بيجعلاو .ةنس يتلاو ىرخلأا تازجعملا لك اوسانت نم مهجورخ يف ليئارسإ ينب عم تثدح .ةزجعملا هذه طقف اوركذتو رصم ضرأ ةوهش ءارو مهعافدنا اعبط حضاوو مه ازبخ مهعبشي نم نأ ىتح ماعطلا أدب انهو مهيلع اكلم هولعجي نأ نيدعتسم تايداملا نع مهنويع لوحي عوسي برلا يوامسلا زبخلا ىلإ مهبولق نويع حتفيو ةايحلا زبخ وه عوسي برلا يأ وه هنأو .ملاعلل ةايح بهاولا ءامسلا نم لزانلا هتقلاع ىلع انه عوسي برلا زكريو ةحضاوو ةريصق تاملك يفو بلآا عم صلاخ يف بلآا ةدارإ عوسي برلا نيب هدحو وه نبلاا يأ وه هنأو ةيرشبلا هلمع نأو بلآا ىلإ لوصولا ةطساو ةرم بلآا ىلإ ةئطاخلا ةيرشبلا عفري نأ لثم مادختسا ضعبلا لواحي دقو .ىرخأ برلا توهلا نم ليلقتلل تايلآا هذه ثيح بلآل هتاواسم مدع ءاعدإ وأ عوسي بلآا نع ارارم ثدحتي عوسي برلا نأ تايلآا هذه صحفب نكلو .هلسرأ يذلا نودب بلآل قيرط لا هنأ حوضوب دجن نأو نبلاا نودب صلاخ لا هنأو نبلاا دكؤي امم .نبلاا ةئيشم يه بلآا ةئيشم مهتاواسمو بلآاو نبلاا ةدحو حوضوب عوسي برلا نأ ظحلان نأ بجيف ضعبل ىتأ يذلا دسجتملا ةملكلا نبلااك ثدحتي يف ادحاو لاز ام هنكلو ملاعلا صلاخل عوسي برلاو .هيف دحاو بلآاو بلآا بسح هيلإ يتأي نم لكل هلوبق نلعي انه هجرخي نل هيلإ لبقي نمو بلآا ةدارإ هعفري وه لب ئش هنم فلتي نلو اجراخ .هيلإ

and conditions not according to the Will of the Father. The Son cannot accept them nor can give them the Bread of Life. Whoever easts of Him will not hunger and whoever believes in Him will never thirst. There are many who wanted to come but they were not accepted as they were submitting to their own desires and not submitting their will to the Son.

Cain was one of those could have been inheriting the Kingdom with his brother. Also, Ruben the older son of Jacob who could have inherited the blessings of First-born for he lusted to the sin and defiled his fathers bed. Also, Esau lost his share of blessings as he rejected the privilege of being First-born. King Soul rejected his share in God and God rejected him. Gehazi (2Kings 4:2) could have become a great prophet like his master Elisha but he loved the wages of deception and lies and lost gifts of Heaven. There are many who do not reject and do not accept the Son when they had the chance. There are others who did not have great chances like them, but they accepted the Son. Compare Cain and Abel who are brothers and first sons on earth. Consider Ruth and her sister Orpha. Ruth longed to have the real share in the God’s of Israel but Orpha returned to Moab. Consider Rahab the harlot the strange pagan woman who accepted to be among the people of God. Look at Jezebel who married to King Ahab but she remained on her old life and habits and separated herself from the God’s people. You may say conditions to be accepted are difficult who can bear its responsibilities and who can keep on being accepted by God. You should know that when you submit to Christ you should never fear. The Son will never let you to be lost. He will never cast you out. + and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out

This is a very assuring promise which the world can never give. There is no system in the world who can give such an assurance. Who can give you security and peace like the Lord. The Lord promises that those in His Hands cannot be lost. No one ever can promise to raise you in the last day. Consider what really you can get of this world. Do you think you can be secure in your job or worldly life? Nebuchadnezzar, the great king one day lost his glory and became like

:لبقي يلإف بلآا ينيطعي ام لك + ديسلا عم ةايحلل مدقتلا طرش وه اذه دب لا ةايحلا زبخ لكأت يكلو حيسملا بسح يأ بلآا ةدارإ بسح نوكي نأ نبلاا لبقي نأ دحأ عيطتسي لاو الله اياصو نوريثك كانهف لاوأ بلآا هبذتجي مل نإ نكلو نبلال اومدقتيو اوتأي نأ نوديري سيلو ةصاخلا هتقيرطبو مه مهطورشب نبلاا مهلبقي لا ءلاؤهو .بلآا ةدارإ بسح نم اولكأيل اومدقتي نأ اوعيطتسي لاو نمو عوجي لا هلكأي نم يذلا ةايحلا زبخ ةليوط ةمئاقلاو .ادبأ شطعي لا هب نمؤي ببسب نكلو اولبقي نأ اودارأ نيذلا ءلاؤهل نبلال ةدارلإا مهميلست مدعو مهتاوهش .توكلملا نم اومرح اثراو نوكي نأ نكمي ناك يذلا نيياق مهنم ركب نيبوأر مهنمو ،هيخأ عم توكلملل ديعاوملا ثري نأ نكمي ناك يذلا بوقعي .هيبأ شارف سندو ةيطخلا ىهتشا هنكل نوكي نأ نكمي ناك يذلا وسيع مهنمو اهعابو ةيروكبلا رقتحا هنكل دعوملا نبا يذلا برلا حيسم كلملا لواش مهنمو مهنمو .برلا هضفرف برلا بيصن ضفر نكمي ناك يذلا عشيلإ ذيملت يزيحج عشيلإ راص امك اميظع ايبن ريصي نأ هنكلو ايليإ حور هيلع تلحو ايليإ ذيملت ضفر كلذبو هتأفاكمو ملاعلا ةرجأ بحأ .ءامسلا بهاوم نوضفري نوريثك كانه بيبحلا اهيأ نأ نكمي ناك هنأ مغر نبلاا نولبقي لاو يف وأ مهنم لقأ ناك نم كانه لب اولبقي ليباهو نيياق نيب نراق .لبقو مهاوتسم ،وسيعو بوقعي ىلإ رظنا ،ناوخأ نهف ةفرعو ثوعار فيطللا لاثملا ىلإ رظنا هلإ برلا ثاريم ىلإ تقاتشا ثوعار .بآوم ىلإ تعجرف ةفرع امأو ليئارسإ ةأرملا ةينازلا باحار نيب نراق لب بعش نيب بيصن اهل راص يتلا ةيمملأا بعش نمض تلخد يتلا لبازيإ نيبو الله اهنكلو كلملا باخأ اهجوزت امدنع الله حبرت نأ تضفرو اهرش ىلع تلظ لوبقلا طورش نأ لوقت دق .برلا ثاريم اهانيفوأ اذإو اهيفوي نأ عيطتسي نم ةبعص اهيلع ظفاحي نأ ردقي يذلا اذه نم نأ بجي انهو الله ىدل لاوبق رمتسيو حيسملا ديسلا ىلإ يتأت امدنع هنأ ظحلات نأ بجي لا كتايح نبلاا ملتسي امدنعو كلهت ككرتي لا نبلااف ادبأ ئش نم فاخت .فلتت معدي لاو اجراخ كجرخي نل ،ادبأ :اجراخ هجرخأ لا يلإ لبقي نم + عيطتسي لا يذلا نئمطملا دعولا وه اذه

animals eating grass. Someone sits on the throne today but tomorrow could be thrown into prison. Samson the strong man who could defeat armies of Palestinians has been humiliated by adulterous woman and ended up in prison grinding the grain like oxen (Judges 16). Remember that health cannot be always well. One day you can get weak and old. It is matter of time. Do not rely on your intelligence and experience. The worst thing you can do is to rely of your own health and abilities. The wheel can turn one day against your wishes and aspirations. It is easy for those who relies on themselves to fall into the traps of the devil. They will be deceived by their own self-pride and get lost. King Solomon was the wisest person of any time but still he fell into the trap of paganism by his strange wifes sometime in his life. Do you rely on your money or wealth? Can wealth restore health? Or inner peace? Can money help to in your eternity? Do not be deceived. All world promises are not true and deceiving. Many people were led by friends to spend a claimed joyful time in parties but ended up on the gutter or even to the jail. How many people were dazzled by the promises of huge winning in gambling and ended in huge debts and endless misery. It is a world which cannot guarantee anything. Come back for Lord Jesus. His promises are sure and comforting. Come back with real eagerness to be with Him. He is not going to promise you worldly profits. He actually going to lead you through the narrow road carrying His Cross. He will accompany you through this world sufferings, persecution and pain but He will never cast you out and promise that you will not be lost but He will grant you the eternal life. The saints had experienced this great wonderful joyful life in Jesus and they witness to us today that He is the Truth. Come today follow the Lord carrying His Cross to the Resurrection to Heavenly Jerusalem.

ملاعلا يف ماظن يأ ينرأ ،هلثم يطعي نأ ادبأ ملاعلا ؤرجي نم ينرأ لب اذه لثم كل لوقي نأ عيطتسي .كل برلا لوقي امك ناملأا كل نمضن اننأ كل لوقيو يذلا وه نم لب ائيش هنم فلتأ لا يناطعأ ام لك نإ بيبحلا اهيأ .ريخلأا مويلا يف ةماقلإاب دعي نأ عيطتسي .هتاسسؤمو همظن لكب ملاعلا نم هذخأت يذلا ام رظنا نأ ملعت له ،كزكرمو كتفيظو ىلع دمتعت له بشعلا لكأي اناويح راص ميظعلا كلملا رصنذخوبن شرعلا ىلع سلجي نم نأ ملعت له ؟ةليلو موي نيب اقلعم وأ نوجسلا بهايغ يف نوكي نأ نكمي ادغ مويلا له ،كتوقو كتحص ىلع دمتعت له ؟ةقنشم لبح يف ؟ملاعلا ةربابج ىوقأ رابجلا نوشمشل ىرج اذام ملعت نجسلا تيب يف نحطي راصو ةريرش هأرمإ هتلذأ فيك نأ ةخوخيشلل دب لاو مودت لا ةحصلا نإ ؟ناريثلاك درجم يه ةلأسملا ،ماسجلأا ىتعأو ىوقأ يف بدت نوكت امبر هذه كتربخو كءاكذ ىلع دمتعت له .تقو بعلي نأ هل ولحي ملاعلاف .كتايح يف ةاسأم بعصأ لهسأ امو ءاربخو ءايكذأ مهسفنأ نونظي نيذلا ءلاؤهب اهئاكذب بعلي ناطيشلا دي يف ةسيرف نم ءلاؤه لثم مهلعجيو ءايربكلاب مهبرضب نوفرحني مهلعجيو مهلقعو لك مكحأ ناك يذلا كلملا ناميلس ةمكح نإ .نولضي دبعو لضف ةريثك اياطخ مامأ همحت مل هرصع ىنب .هتايح للاخ ام تقو يف ناثولأا ،نيمأتلا تاكرش ىلع ،كانغو كلاومأ ىلع دمتعت له يرتشي له ،لاملا هيرتشي نأ عيطتسي يذلا ينرأ يرتشي له ؟ةداعسلا لاملا يرتشي له ؟ةحصلا لاملا لاملا يرتشي له ؟يلخادلا ملاسلاو لابلا ةحار لاملا .ةعادخو ةلطاب اهلك ملاعلا دوعو نإ ؟ةيدبلأا ةايحلا ملاعلا بخصو تلافحلا رهظمب عدخني ناسنإ نم مك وأ نجس يف وأ فيصر ىلع ىقلم ةليللا هب يهتنتو رهظمب هانيع رهبنت ناسنإ نم مك .قيرطلا ةعراق ىلع دقو لااب يردي لاو همامأ باسنملا لاملاو رامقلا دئاوم ةياهن لا يتلا بعاتملاو لكاشملاو نويدلا يف طروت نامض لاب ملاع يف شيعت بيبحلا اهيأ ىتم ىلإ .اهل .نامأ لاو ،ةحيرمو ةنئمطم اهلك هدوعوف عوسي برلا ىلإ عجرا نل هنإ ،ةسدقم ةايح يف ةبغرو قايتشاب هيلإ عجرا لب ةفئازلا دورولاب قيرطلا كل شرفي نلو كعدخي قيرطلاو قيضلا بابلا نع ةحارص كل لوقي فوس كثدحي فوسو بيلصلا نع كربخي فوس .بركلا فوس اهل ليثم لا ةقث يف نكلو داهطضلااو مللأا نع ،ئيش كنم فلتي نل اجراخ كجرخأ نل : كل لوقي دوعولا هذه مامأو .ريخلأا مويلا يف كميقأ فوس لك يف نوسيدقلا اهرابتخا يتلا اهيف قوثوملا ةيوقلا ناسنلإا دجي لا ةنيمأو ةقداص اهلك اهودجوو نامز لمحي نأ ىوس ئش لعفي نأو ئش لوقي نأ ردقي هسفن .ةثجلجلا ىلإ عوسي برلا عبتيو موي لك هبيلص .ةيئامسلا ميلشروأ ىلإ ،ةمايقلا ىلإ ،بيلصلا ىلإ

+ Holy Fifty Days:

With the feast of Holy Resurrection starts the Holy fifty days. First Sunday is Thomas Sunday, which is one of the Lord’s minor feasts. The church remember how the Lord revealed to His disciples the signs of His sufferings, as He called St Thomas to put his fingers and touch the prints of the nails, and the place of the spear in His side to remove away any doubts and give them a proof of His resurrection so that they can witness to all the world that we preach to you about the One Whom we have seen with our eyes and touched with our hands. The Lord manifested in His Resurrected Body the signs of the Cross even It was a glorified body. In these fifty days, the church embarks with Lord in a glorious journey in which the Lord reveal His Glory and His Kingdom. These are joyful days in which we do not fast as the Bridegroom is with us. The Lord is filling His disciples with support and peace to witness for Him and to be ready to be filled with the Holy Spirit Which abides with forever and is ready for His Second Coming. How wonderful are these days as the Lord reveal to His Bride the Human soul the Glories of the Heaven. I His Resurrection He opened for His Bride the Gates of the Paradise and accompany her in a journey through this world to Heavenly Jerusalem to live there forever. Let us make these days real spiritual days. Even there is no fasting but this body who enjoyed the spiritualities of the Lent and went through the passions of the Lord cannot any more get entangled in these materialistic lusts of the world. Let rejoice in the Lord and let us be elevated by Him to the Heaven. These are blessed days let us sanctify our thoughts and bodies and have the real joy of Resurrection.

:ةسدقملا نيسامخلا+ نيسامخلا مايأ أدبت ديجملا ةمايقلا ديع عم لفتحت نيسامخلا داحآ لوأ عمو ةسدقملا ريغص ىديس ديع وهو اموت دحأب ةسينكلا برلا رهظأ فيك ةسينكلا هيف ركذتت يذلا اموتلو هذيملاتل هتاحارج تاملاع هبنجو حيسملا ىدي ىف هيدي عضي نأ دارأ برلا دكأ اذكهو .. هتمايق نم دكأتيل ةسوملم ةروصب هتمايق ةقيقح هذيملاتل نولوقيو ةوقب اودهشي نأ مهنكمي ىتح انيديأ هتسملو اننويعب هانيأر ىذلا هنع برلا نلعأ اضيأ اذكهو .. هب مكربخن لمح ذا .. ةمايقلا ىف بيلصلا دوجو تاملاع لمح تاوملأا نم مئاقلا هدسج لاو رثأتي لا دجمم دسج هنأ مغر بيلصلا نيسامخلا ةيادب عم .. تايداملل جاتحي برلا عم ةحرفم ةلحر ىف ةسينكلا لخدت هتوهلا دجم نع هذيملاتل فشكي يذلا مايأ .. هتوكلم نع مهثدحيو .. هتمايقو كلذلو مهعم سيرعلا دوجوب اهيف نوحرفي ىكل اهيف نودعتسي مايأ .. نوموصي لا ثكمي يذلا ىزعملا حورلا مهيف لحي اهيف برلا عزني مايأ .. دبلأا يلإ مهعم مهحنميو هبارطضاو ملاعلا فوخ مهنم ىف هتمايقل ةداهشلل ةصاخ ةوقو ةمعن ضرلأا يصاقأ ىلاو ةرماسلاو ميلشروأ يناثلا هئيجمل اضيأ برلا مهدعي .. ةايحل مهقاوشأو مهنويعو مهبولق عفريف مايأ عورأ ام اقح .. اهدجمو ءامسلا يوامسلا سيرعلا بطخ دقل .. نيسامخلا ءادف همد اهل مدقو ةيرشبلا سفنلا هسورع حتف هتمايق ىفو .. بيلصلا ىلع اصلاخو هدجم نياعتل سودرفلا باوبأ سيرعلا اهل ةبرغلا ةلحر هعم ىضمت ىكل اهدعأو ميلشروأ يلإ اهب اهجتم ملاعلا اذه ىف هسورع عم برلا نكسي ثيح ةيوامسلا طاشن مايأ مايلأا هذه لعجنل.. دبلأا يلإ موص ىأ دوجو مدع مغرو .. يحور دعتسأ يذلا دسجلا نكلو .. مايلأا هذه ىف برلا ملاأ ةلحر ربعو ريبكلا موصلا مايأ دوعي نأ نكمي لا ملالآا عوبسأ للاخ تايداملل ادبعتسم ايناوهش ادسج ريصيل ىفو اهب عتمتو تايحورلاب حرف دقف .. ىف قلحيو قوف ىلا ومسي نيسامخلا ةكرابم امايأ انحنمي برلا .. تايوامسلا حرفنو انداسجأو انراكفأ اهيف سدقن .. تاوملأا نم مئاقلا برلاب

Blessed Baptism

Baby Johnathan

son of Michael & Rita Gerges

Saturday 22nd April 2023

St Mary’s Church

Blessed Marriage

Fady Naguib & Ireny


Saturday 22nd April


St Mary’s Church

Blessed Marriage

Mina Barsoum & Samantha


Sunday 23rd April 2023

St George’s Church

“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live” )Jn 11:25)

Departed in The Lord Mr Kamal

Zaki Fanous

The beloved husband of Aida Fanous. Loving father of Soheir Iskander. Loving father of Amal and Sam Patto. Loving father of Vivienne and Steve Pantelidis.

Adored Grandfather of Anthony, Isabelle, David, Daniel Riad, Jamie, Brandy Iskander, James and Andrew Pantelidis.

Cherished Brother of Rashad, Makram, Naguib, Edward, Hamdy, Raafat, Ashraf, Yehya and Gowharra Fanous.

Brother-in-law to Magda Gerges, Remon and Wafa Eskander and Samia Hanna.

Condolences will be received on Tuesday 25th April at St Bishoy Church from 6:30pm7:30pm

The Funeral will be on Thursday 27th April 2023 at St Bishoy Church 11am-12pm

St Mary’s Church Building Project Progress

On 21st March (Commemoration of Saint Fr Beshoy Kamel), the builder started erecting to walls of Ground and First Floors. The work is still continuing through this week. We thank our Lord for all the great works the Lord is blessing us with.

Total cost of the project; $13 million dollars. The Architecture and consultants cost is not included (estimated at $1.5 million Dollars)

Amount paid to the builder so far $4,355,775 - mostly from donations.

Current funds still available at the church accounts: $925,000

Government grant for the Child Care: $1,045,442 (50% has been paid to the church. The balance will be paid on October)

Amount drawn from the Bank Loan so far: $400,000 out of $8 million. Builder remaining cost to be paid by November 2023: $6,703,484

May the Lord reward all for their prayers, generous donations and support.

:نيدقارلا براي ركذأ + /ديسلا موحرملا ةمايقلا ءاجر ىلع دقر جوز سوناف يكذ لامك سوناف ةدياع /ةديسلا ريهس نم لك دلاوو وتاب لامآو ردنكسأ لك دجو سديلتناب نايفيفو ديفادو لايبازيأ ىنوتنأ نم ىماجو ضاير لاينادو سميجو ردنكسأ ىدناربو .سديلتناب وردنأو نم لك قيقش اضيأ وهو بيجنو مركمو داشر تفأرو ىدمحو دراوداو ةرهوجو ىحيو فرشأو .سوناف ةقيقش جوز اضيأ وهو ردنكسأ ءافوو نوميرو سجرج ةدجام .انح ةيماسو ليربأ 25 ءاثلاثلا موي ءازعلا ةرسلأا ىقلتت ءاسم 7:30 - 6:30 ىوشيب ابنلأا ةسينكب ةسينكب ليربأ 27 سيمخلا موي زانجلا ماقي .احابص ١2 - ١١ ىوشيب ابنلأا .ةرسلأا دارفأ لك ىزعيو هسفن حيني برلا
نادوسلا لجأ نم ىلصنل نادوسلا يف انئابحأ لجأ نم ةصاخ ةلاص ءاسم 8:30 - 7:30 ليربأ 26 ءاعبرلأا موي ىوشيب ابنلأا ةسينك ةبعصلا مايلأا هذه ىف نادوسلا ىف عيمجلا كسامتو ةدحوو ملاسلا لجأ نم ىلصن

Building Site

27th April2023

Getting ready for puring the concrete slab for First floor

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready within 6 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link

Special Thanks

for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works

ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ بسح داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .روهش 6 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا
طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate
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