Weekly Bulletin 30th October 2022

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Services at St Mary’s Church Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 8am The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom) Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom) Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English 2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm Church Priests: Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kens ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399 Fr John Macary 0433 445 636 :ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )ىزيلجنأ(ىاو اذ - ىزيلجنلأاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 8 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا ىبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 ىزيلجنأ - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 ىبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلاىزيلجنأ - احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩ 7 ىزيلجنأ - ةمدخلا دادعا عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 ىهللأا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجاءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا ىزيلجنا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا ىزيلجناو ىبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا ىزيلجنا – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 ىناثلا سادقلا ىبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 ىزيلجنأ - ناحلأ لصف:ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأاميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com:نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 ىراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Departure of St. Freig (Abba Tegi, Anba Roweiss).

31st October – 21st Baba

On this day also in the year 145 A.D. (1121 of martyrs) St. Freig, who is known as Abba Roweiss, departed. This saint was from a village called Miniet-Yamin (about 130 kilometers north of Cairo). His father’s name was Isaac and his mother’s name was Sarah. When he was born, they called him Freig. He worked with his father in farming and he had a small camel on which he carried salt and sold it. He called the camel “Roweiss” (i.e. small head). The camel used to put his head against his cheek as if he was kissing him. Because of his humility, he called himself after his camel.

Persecutions befell the Christians, so he came to Cairo and not having a house or shelter, he went from one place to another. He spent most of his nights in prayers and wailing. He did not own a coat or any clothes or a cover for his head. He was naked except for that with which he covered his loins, and his head was uncovered. He looked like the hermits of the desert; his eyes were red because of much weeping and he never cut the hair of his head. He was a man of few words -once an evil man smote him severely, but he did not open his mouth. St. Marcus El-Antoni was present at that time and he rebuked the evil man.

During the later part of his life, he used to say, “O Virgin, take me because my burden is heavy.” He meant the burden of carrying the sin of the people for which he often rebuked them though they did not listen to him.

He lived in the days of the holy father Pope Mattheos, 87th Patriarch, and St. Marcus El-Antoni, in the days of El-Sultan El-Zaher Barkuk.

He shut himself up in a small storeroom at the place of his disciple Michael the builder, in Meniet Syreg. He stayed in that place for 9 years until his departure on the twenty-first of Babah of the year 1121 of the martyrs. He was buried in the church of the Virgin, in Deir El-Khandaq. He performed many wonders such as healing the sick, prophesying and saving many from their troubles. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

The Departure of Joel the Prophet.

Today also, the great Prophet Joel, the son of Phanuel, from the tribe of Reuben, departed. He prophesied in the days of Abya the son of Jeroboam the son of Solomon the King. He taught the people and admonished them and prophesied concerning the dwelling of God in Zion, His passion, and the coming of the Holy Spirit, the comforter upon the holy Apos tles on the day of Pentecost. He prophesied that their sons and daughters will prophesy and their young men will see visions and their old men will dream dreams.

This prophet prophesied also concerning the going forth of the law of the Gospel from Zion when he said, “A fountain shall flow from the house of the Lord and water the valley of Acacias.” (Joel 3:18) And he revealed that wars will break out on the earth after the advent of our Lord Jesus Christ. He spoke also concerning the day of Resurrection more than a thousand years before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

سيور ابنلاا سيدقلا ةحاين ةباب 21 – ربوتكأ 31 - ةيدلايم 145 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم في فورعلما جيرف سيدقلا حينت ءادهشلل 1121 ةعيض نم سيدقلا ناك ، سيور سيدقلاب . ينبم ةينم ىمست ةيبرغلا لماعلأاب ةيرغص دلو المو . ةراس همأو قحسا هيبأ مسا ناكو ةحلافلا في هدلاو عم لمعي ناكو جيرف هايمس حللما هيلع عيبي يرغص ) لمج ( دوعق هل ناكو صرم لىإ ءاجف ينيحيسملل ةقئاض تثدحو هل نكي لمو ىرخأ لىإ ةهج نم لقنتي راصو ارهاس هليل بلغأ ضىقي ناكو ىوأم لاو تيبم لاو ابوث لاو ءادر تنقي لمو حونلاو ةلاصلا في . همسج هب ترسي ام لاإ انايرع ناك لب ةمماع يرابرلا حاوسك هرظنمو سأرلا فوشكم ناكو قلحي لمو ءاكبلا ةثرك نم ينترمحم هانيعو ، تاذو . ملاكلا ليلق ناكو اقلطم هسأر رعش حتفي ملف ةدئاز ةوسقب راشرلأا دحأ هبضر ةرم سيدقلا تقولا كلذ في اضراح ناكو ة هاف هتايح مايأ رخأ فىو هرهتناف نىوطنلأا سقرم ليقث لمحلا نلأ ، ينيذخ ءارذع اي« لوقي ناك بعشلا اياطخ لمح لقت كلذب ىنعيو ، »ليع نوعمتسي لاف اهنع مهاهني ناك ام ايرثك يتلا سؤاتم ابابلا سيدقلل اصراعم ناكو هملاكل صيقرم سيدقلاو يننماثلاو عباسلا كريرطبلا رهاظلا هبللما ناطلسلا نامز في نىوطنلأا .قوقرب نزحم لخاد هتاذ سبح هنأ هرمأ بيرغ نمو ءانبلا ليئاخيم وعدلما هذيملات دحأ دنع يرغص ناكلما كلذ في يننس عست ماقأو جيرسلا ةينبم ءادهشلل 1121 ةنس ةبوط 21 في حينت ىتح ةدع هلو قدنخلاب ءارذعلا ةسينكب نفدو نييرثك ذاقنإو تاؤبنتو ةيفشأ نمضتت بئاجع دجلما انبرلو انعم نوكت هتلاص مهتافيض نم . ينمأ ايدبأ ائماد يبنلا ليئوي ةحاين ليئوي ميظعلا يبنلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم في نامز في أبنت دقو ينبؤار طبس نم ليئونف نب ظعوو، نمايلس نب ماعبحر نب ايبأ نب اسأ برلا لولح لىع أبنتو ؛ مهتكبو بعشلا حورلا لولح لىعو ، هملاآ لىعو ، نويهصب موي في راهطلأا ذيملاتلا لىع ىزعلما سدقلا مهونبو مه ؛ نوئبنتي مهنأ ابنأ ماك ، ةصرنعلا مهبابش ىريو املاحأ مهخويش ملحيو مهتانبو ةعيشر جورخ لىع ليئوي يبنلا أبنتو ، ىؤر برلا تيب نمو « لاق ذإ نويهص نم ليجنلإا 3 ليئوي( طنسلا يداو ىقسيو عوبني جرخي حيسلما ءيجم دعب بورحلا نأ نابأو ، )18 : ءيجم لبق ةمايقلا نع ملكتو ،ضرلأا في موقت ناو ، ةنس فلأ نم ثركأب حيسلما ديسلا اهناعلم زجحت موجنلاو نمالظي رمقلاو سمشلا . ةحلاص ةخوخيش في فىوتو )15: 3 ليئوي(

He said, “The sun and the moon will grow dark and the stars will diminish their brightness.” (Joel 3:15) He pleased God and departed in peace.

His prayers be with us. Amen.

The Martyrdom of Saint Luke the Evangelist 1st November - 22nd Baba

On this day, St. Luke the Evangelist and physician, was mar tyred. He was one of the 70 disciples mentioned in the tenth chapter of his gospel. He accompanied the Apostles Peter and Paul and wrote their account.

After the martyrdom of these two Apostles, he went through Rome preaching. Those who worshipped idols and the Jews in Rome agreed among themselves and went to Nero the Emperor accusing St. Luke of attracting many men to his teaching with his sorcery. Nero commanded that St. Luke be brought before him. When St. Luke knew that, he gave all the books he had to a fisherman and told him, “Take these and keep them for they will be useful to you and will show you God’s way.”

When St. Luke came before Nero the Emperor, the Emperor asked him, “How long will you lead the people astray?” St. Luke replied, “I am not a magician, but I am an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God.” The Emperor commanded his men to cut off his right hand saying, “Cut off this hand which wrote the books.” The saint replied to him, “We do not fear death, nor the departure from this world, and to realize the power of my Master.” He took up his severed hand and made it reattach to its proper place, then he separat ed it. Those who were present marvelled and the head of the Emperor’s cabinet and his wife believed as well as many others and it was said that they numbered 276. The Emperor wrote their decree and ordered that their heads be cut off together with that of the Apostle St. Luke; thus their martyrdom was completed.

They placed the body of the saint in a hair sack and cast it in the sea. By God’s will, the waves of the sea brought it to an is land. A believer found it, took it and buried it with great honor. This saint wrote the Gospel bearing his name and the “Acts of the Apostles” addressing his words to his disciple Theophilus who was a gentile.

His blessings be upon us and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

The Departure of the Righteous Father Abba Hilarion.

3rd November - 24th Baba

On this day in the year 472 A.D. the righteous father, Saint Hilarion, the Anchorite, departed. He was a native of Gaza, the son of pagan parents. They taught him the Greek literature and culture. He excelled and surpassed his peers, but he wished still to master it. Since there was no one in his city who could help him to fulfill his desire, he went to the city of Alexandria and joined its school. There he acquired many kinds of knowledge. The divine zeal moved him to learn also the Christian doc trines and books. He asked for the books of the church and read them, and Abba Alexandros explained to him what was difficult for him to understand. In a short time Abba Hilarion believed in the Lord Christ, to Whom is the Glory, and the father, the Patriarch, baptized him and he received the Divine

.ينمآ انعم نوكت هتلاص لييجنلاا اقول سيدقلا داهشتسا ةباب 22 - برمفون 1 اقول سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في لاوسر ينعبسلا نم وهو . بيبطلا لييجنلإا شراعلا حاحصلإا في مهركذ درو نيذلا سلوبو سرطب بحصي ناكو . هليجنإ نم نيذه ةحاين دعبو . ماهرابخأ بتكيو يحاون في شربي سيدقلا اذه ثكم ينلوسرلا مايف دوهيلاو ناثولأا ودباع قفتاف . ةيمور هل اوشوو كللما نويرن لىإ اوهجوتو مهنيب هميلعت لىإ ةيرثك ةعماج هرحسب در دق هنأب كلذب اقول سيدقلا ملع المو . هراضحإب رمأف دايص لجرل بتكلا نم هدنع ناك ام يطعأ كعفنت اهنإف كدنع هذهب ظفتحا« هل لاقو نويرن مامأ لثم المو . »هللا قيرط كيرتو سانلا لضت يتم لىإ« كللما هل لاق كللما ، ارحاس تسل انا« سيدقلا هباجأف ، »؟ »يحلا هللا نبا حيسلما عوسي لوسر ينكلو اوعطقا« لائاق نيملأا هدعاس عطقي نإ رمأف . هل لاقف »ملعت تناك يتلا ديلا هذه نم قلاطنلااو تولما هركن لا نحن« سيدقلا هدي لوانت »يديس ةوق فرعت كيلو لماعلا مث ، تقصتلاف اهناكم في اهقصلاو ةعوطقلما دنع . نوضراحلا بجعتف . تلصفناف اهلصف ليق يرثك عمجو ، هتجوزو ريزولا نمآ كلذ بتكف ، ينعبسو تسو ناتئام مهتدع نإ عم مهسوؤر ذخؤت ناب رمأو مهتيضق كللما لعجو . مهتداهش تتم اذكهو . اقول لوسرلا رحبلا في يقلاو رعش سيك في سيدقلا دسج ، ةريزج لىإ جاوملأا هتفذق هللا يربدتبو . .هنفدو هنفكو هذخأف ، نمؤم لجر دجوف بوسنلما هليجنإ سيدقلا اذه بتك دقو لوقلا اهجوم لسرلا لماعأ رفس كلذكو هيلإ . مملأا نم ناك يذلا سليفؤاث هذيملتل . ينما ايدبا ائماد دجلما انبرلو ةنس بهارلا يربكلا نويرلايا ابنا ةحاين ءادهشلل 188 ةباب 24 - برمفون 3 ةيدلايم 472 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم في نويرلايإ سيدقلا دهاجلما رابلا بلاا حينت انبا . ةزغ لهأ نم ناك . دحوتلما بهارلا ةينانويلا مولعلاب هابدأ دقو ينينثو نيوبلأ لىإ قاتشا هنارقأ قافو اهيف غلب المو ، لىإ هلصوي نم كانه نكي لمو ، اهناقتإ لخدو ةيردنكسلإا ةنيدم دصقف . هتياغ ةيرثك مولع ليع اهنم لصحف ، اهتسردم مولع سردي نإ ةيهللإا ةيرغلا هتكرحو ، ناكو . اهارقو اهبلطف ، اضيا ةيحيسلما هيلع سرع ام هل حشري سوردنسكلأ بلاا حيسلما ديسلاب نمآ نإ ثبلي ملف ، همهف لانو كريرطبلا بلاا هدمعف دجلما هل

Grace. Abba Hilarion stayed with Abba Alexandros for a short time, then went to the great St. Anthony. When Abba Hilarion saw St. Anthony, he marvelled at his profound reverence and his fair appearance that was shining with the grace of the Holy Spirit. His heart was deeply moved and he desired to join the monastic life. He took off his worldly clothes and put on the monastic garb. He started practicing the monastic works with a diligent devotion, following the footsteps of his teacher.

Shortly after, he learned that his parents had died, so he went back to his city and took whatever they had left and gave it to the poor and needy. Then he joined one of the monaster ies of Syria and followed the path of asceticism with great devotion. He fasted for the whole week, eating grass and legumes. God enlightened his mind, gave him the gift of prophecy, and of working signs.

Later on, St. Epiphanius became a monk in the same monas tery, and the abbot handed him to St. Hilarion. St. Hilarion taught him the ways of the monastic life and the doctrines of the church and prophesied that St. Epiphanius would become the bishop of Cyprus. The days of this father were 80 years: 10 years were spent in the house of his father, 7 years in the city of Alexandria and 63 years in worship. He pleased God and departed at a good old age. St. John Chrysostom (of the Golden Mouth) praised him in some of his articles and St. Basil mentioned him in some of his homilies. His prayers be with us. Amen.

The Departure of the Great St. John Colobos (the Short) 30th October - 20th Baba

On this day, the great light and saint, the hegumen Abba John (Yoannis) Colobos (the Short), departed. He was a native of Betsa in upper Egypt and he had one brother. His parents were righteous and God-fearing people, rich in faith and good deeds. When he was 8 years old, his heart turned away from the futility of this world, its lusts and its glory, and he desired the monastic life. The grace of God moved him to go to the desert of Scete and there he came upon a tried and holy man whose name was Abba Pemwah from El-Bahnasa. John asked Abba Pemwah to allow him to stay with him. The old man answered, trying him, “My son, you cannot stay with us for this is a very hard desert and those who dwell in it eat from the work of their hands, besides observing many fasts, prayers, and sleeping on the floor and many other forms of asceticism. Go back to the world and live in the fear of God.” Abba John told him, “Do not send me away, for God’s sake, because I came to be in your obedience and prayers. If you accept me, I believe that God will make your heart well-pleased with me.”

Abba Pemwah was in the habit of not doing anything hastily. He asked the Lord Christ to reveal to him the matter of this young man. The angel of the Lord appeared to him and said, “Accept him, for he shall become a chosen vessel.” Abba Pemwah brought him and he shaved the hair of his head. He laid out the garb of the monk, and he prayed over it for three days and three nights and when he put the garb on him, he saw an angel making the sign of the Cross over it.

Saint John started his monastic life with great asceticism and splendid works. One day Abba Pemwah wanted to test him, so he expelled him from his cell saying, “I cannot live with you.”

Abba John stayed out by the door of his cell for seven days. Every day Abba Pemwah went out and smote him with a palm branch and Abba John bowed down before him saying, “I have sinned.” On the seventh day, the old man went out to go to the church and he saw seven angels with seven crowns placing them on the head of Abba John. Since that day, he was held by him in honor and reverence.

One day Abba Pemwah found a piece of dry wood and gave it to Abba John and said to him, “Take this wood, plant and water it.” St. John obeyed and went on watering it twice a day even though the water was about 12 miles from where they lived. After three years, that piece of

دصق مث ، لايلق انامز هدنع ماقأو ، ةيهللإا ةمعنلا شهد هآر مالف ، سوينوطنأ ميظعلا سيدقلا ةمعنب ةقشرلما هتعلط نسحو ، هتبيه ميظع نم كسمتلا لىإ لامو هبلق عشختف . سدقلا حورلا يدتراو ةيلماعلا بايثلا علخف ةينابهرلا ةيرسب ةدئاز ةرارحب اهلماعأ لوازي أدتباو ةنبهرلا بوث هملعم سوينوطنأ سيدقلاب كلذ في ايدتقم ، داعف هيدلاو توم برخ هغلب يرسي نمز دعبو ، ءارقفلا ليع هعزوو هاكرت ام ذخاو هدلب لىإ كانهو ، ماشلا ةريدأ دحأ لخد مث . ينجاتحلماو . مايظع اكلسم كسنلا نم باب لك في كلس لوقبلاب ىذغتيو ، لاماك عوبسلاا موصي ناكو ةمعن برلا هاطعأو هلقع رانتساف . شئاشحلاو نامزلا نم ةدم دعبو . تايلآا لمعو ةوبنلا هملسف ،ريدلا اذه في سوينافيبا سيدقلا بهرت ةنبهرلا بادآب هبدأف .نويرلايإ سيدقلل هسيئر يرصيس هنا هنع أبنتو ، ةسينكلا مولع هملعو رمعلا نم بلاا اذه غلبو . صبرق ليع افقسأ عبسو . هدلاو لزنم في يننس شرع اهنم ةنس ينناثم ةنس نوتسو ثلاثو . ةيردنكسلإا ةنيدم في يننس ةيضرم ةحلاص ةخوخيشب حينت مث . ةدابعلا في في مفلا يبهذ انحوي سيدقلا هحدم دقو ، هلل ضعب في سويليساب سيدقلا هركذو هتلااقم ضعب . ينما انعم نوكت هتلاص . هتايكسن

wood sprouted and grew into a fruitful tree. Abba Pemwah took some of that fruit and went around to all the elder monks saying, “Take, eat from the fruit of obedience.” This tree still exists in its place in his monastery.

Abba Pemwah fell sick for 12 years and Abba John ministered unto him all this time during which he never heard from his teacher that he fell short in his service. Abba Pemwah was an experienced old man who had been tried much, and sickness had emaciated him until he became like a piece of dry wood, so that he would be a chosen offering. When Abba Pemwah was about to die, he gathered together the elder monks and he held the hand of Abba John and gave him to them saying, “Take him and keep him, for he is an angel, not a man.” He commanded Abba John to stay in the place where he had planted the tree. After that Abba John’s older brother came to the monastery and was ordained a monk with him. He also became an honorable monk.

It happened when the father the Patriarch Abba Theophilus was ordaining Abba John hegumen and abbot over his church, and as he placed his hand over his head, a voice from heaven was heard by the people present saying, “Axios, Axios, Axios (That is to say he is worthy).” When this saint consecrated the offering, he was able to know those who were worthy to partake of it and those who were not worthy.

Abba Theophilus the Patriarch built a church for the Three Young Men in Alexandria, and he wished to bring their bodies and place them in it. He brought Abba John and asked him to travel to Babylon, and to bring the holy bodies. After much forebearing, Abba John accepted to go on this mission. When he left the Patriarch, a cloud carried him away to Babylon. He entered the city and saw its monuments, rivers, and palaces and found the bodies of the saints. When he started moving them from their place, a voice came out from the holy bodies and said to him, “This is the Will of God that we do not leave this place until the day of the Resurrection. Nevertheless, because of the love of Abba Theophilus the Patriarch, and your labor, too, you should inform the Patriarch to gather the people in the church and to put oil in the lamps without lighting them and we will appear in the church and a sign will be made manifest to you.”

Then Abba John left and went back to Alexandria and told the Patriarch what the saints had said. It happened when the Patriarch and the people were in the church, the lamps were lit up suddenly and they all glorified the Lord.

One day, a monk came into the cell of Abba John. He found him lying down with angels waving their wings over him.

Later on, the Berbers attacked the desert of Scete and he left it. When he was asked why he left, he replied that he did not leave because he was afraid of death, but because he feared a Berber would slay him and go to hell, for though he is against his worship, he is his brother in form. Then he went to the mountain of Abba Anthony on the Red Sea. There he dwelt by the side of a village and God sent him a believer who served him.

When the Lord wished to grant him rest and to end his strife in this world, He sent him His two righteous saints Abba Macarius and Abba Anthony to comfort him and to inform him about his departure. On the eve of Sunday, he fell sick and sent his attendant to bring him something from the village. The angels and the host of saints came and received his pure soul and took it up to heaven.

At that time, his servant came back and saw the soul of the saint surrounded by the host of saints and angels singing before them. Before them all, there was one shining like the sun and singing. The servant marvelled at this magnificent sight. An angel came to him and told him the name of each one of the saints. Then the servant asked the angel, “Who is this one in front of them all, who is shining like the sun?” The angel replied, “This is Abba Anthony, the father of all the monks.”

When the servant went into the cell, he found the body of the saint kneeling to the ground, as he had given up his soul while kneeling. The attendant wept sorrowfully over him and went in a hurry to the people of the village and told them what had happened. They came and carried his holy body with great honor. When they brought him into the village, great wonders and miracles were performed through his body.

His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

Meditations on the Bible readings of Sunday 3rd of Blessed month of Babah Matthew 12: 22-18

“Then one was brought to Him who was demon-possessed, blind and mute; and He healed him” Matthew 12:22.

Demon-possessed (mad), blind and mute … this is what sin does to man … evades one of his or her mind … loses the ability to distinguish between right (and wrong) and taking the correct decisions … makes one loose his or her sight and cannot see the right way and all shades before him or her become black darkness … one becomes mute … to transform into an instrument moving according to the world’s will and cannot object or complain.

Strangely … such a person immersed in sin sees a life of righteous and pure person as if he is the “de mon-possessed (mad), blind and mute … for one is mad because he denies himself of the (worldly) pleasures which he is immersed in … blind in his opin ion because his )the righteous( eyes is fixed upon the above (heavenly) and does not see the earthly pleas ures … mute in his opinion because he endures the world troubles and persecutions joyfully and silently. And you my beloved, do see how the world standards are upside down … do you see how the influence of this age has blinded their eyes, blurred their minds and twisted their tongues, so that they only think through the world methods and corrupt philosophy and only seeing through it’s darkened glasses with all it’s short comings … they only speak in the world language and it’s twisted tongue … this mad, blind and mute is in-need of the Lord Jesus to come and re-create a new (creation) … granting him a mind to discern … and opens his eyes and remove the scales and blurriness of sin and release his tongue to praise God and offer thanks for His just judgements.

+ Mad (demon-possessed) ..

A mad person is the one who lost mankind most important gift given by God to man which sperate man above all other creations; that is free-will … to taste and discern all issues with reparation and follows the correct path. How difficult is sin which makes man loose his humanity and free-will … what would you call a man who leaves the life of freedom and transcedance (from sins) and submits to be chained in a cage … mad … isn’t this exactly what mankind do who lets bad habits overcome him … who lets the lusts of the world over come his thoughts and body.

The prodigal son left his father’s house where he lived as the son of the master … has all honours, power and support … chasing the mirage of the lusts of the world … and what happened to him? He tended to pigs and craved to eat the pods which the swine’s ate and no

سادقلا ليجنأ فى تلامأت كرابلما ةباب رهش نم ثلاثلا دحلأا 28 – 22 :12 ىتم .. سرخأو ىمعأ نونجم هيلا ضرحأ ذئنيح« 22 :12 ىتم »هافشف ةيطخلا هلعفت ام اذه .. سرخأو ىمعأ نونجم لىع ةردقلا دقفيف .. هلقع هدقفت .. ناسنلاا فى بسانلما رارقلا ذاختا لىعو حيحصلا زييمتلا ميلسلا قيرطلا ىري لاف هتيرصب هدقفت .. .. داوسو ملاظ لىا همامأ ناوللاا لك لوحتتو كرحتت ةلآ درجم لىا لوحتيف .. قطنلا هدقفت وا جتحي نا ىتح كليم لاو لماعلا ةدارا قفو .. كىتشي ةيطخلا فى طقاسلا ناسنلإا نأ .. ادج بيرغلاو اضيأ هنأ برلا ةايح فى شيعي ناسنا لك ىري مرحي هنلأ نونجم وهف .. سرخأو ىمعأ نونجم .. هسفن وه اهيف قرغي ىتلا عتلما نم هسفن قوف لىا ناتعوفرم هينيع نلأ هرظت فى ىمعأ هنلأ هرظن فى سرخأ .. ضرلاا لىع ام ىري لاو تمصو حرف فى هتاداهطضإو لماعلا ملاآ لمتحي .. لماعلا سيياقم تراص فيك بيبحلا اهيا ىرتأ اذه ناطلس ىمعأ فيك ىرتأ .. ةبولقم اهلك مهتنسلأ ىولو مهراكفأ سمطو مهنويع رهدلا هتفسلفو هجهنم فى لاإ نوركفي لا اوراصف ملظلما هراظنم للاخ نم لاا نوري لاو ةدسافلا هناسلو هتغلب لاا نوملكتي لاو .. صراقلا ىمعلاا نونجلما اذه جاتحي مك .. جوعتلما هقلخيل .. عوسي برلا لىا تىاي نأ .. سرخلااو هينيع جتفي .. ازييتمو لاقع هحنيم .. ديدج نم قلطي ةيطخلا ةواشغو روشق هنع ليزيو .. هلدع ماكحأ لىع هركشيو هللا حبسيف هناسل .. نونجم + اهاطعأ ةزيم مهأ دقف ناسنإ وه نونجلماو تاقولخلما لك نع اهب هزيمو ناسنلال هللا نزيو قوذتي نا .. ةرحلا ةدارلاا ةزيم ىهو .. ميلسلا هاجتلاا هجتيو ةحاجرب روملأأ ناسنلاا دقفت ىتلا ةيطخلا بعصأ ام نكلو نومست اذام .. هتيرحو هتدارإو هتيناسنإ نأ ضىريو قلاطنلااو ةيرحلا ةايح كتري اناسنإ .. نونجم .. صفق فى ىقليو لسلاسب ديقي كتري ىدلا ناسنلاا هلعفي ام اماتم اذه سيلأ كتري ىذلا .. هيلع طلستت ةريشرلا تاداعلا .. هدسجو هراكفا لىع كلمتت لماعلا تاوهش ناك ىذلا هييأ تيب لاضلا نبلاا كرت دقل ةماركلا لك هل .. كللما نبإك هبف شيعي تاوهش باسر ءارو ىرجو .. دجلماو ناطلسلاو ريزانخلا ىعري ؟؟ هلاح حبصأ اذامو .. لماعلا لاو ريزانخلا هلكأت ىذلا بونرخلا ىهتشيو

one gave him anything (Luke 15:16)

What would you call a person who is possessed with the spirit of anger, hate and evil … his eyes are over-flowing with evil and his heart is frenzied with the fire of revenge.

King Saul was very much angered that David was the anointed of the Lord … and God is with him … and Saul no longer liked David … to the extent that he took hold of a spear and wanted to kill David … even the extent that he almost killed his beloved son Jonathan

What do you call a man who is haughty putting himself above all others, thinking his feet on the ground and his head is as high as the clouds … no one as him

Thus was Nebuchadnezzar … his kingdom stretched from east to west … he thought that he was the greatest on earth and no one dared him … and he fell (from glory) and becomes like an ox eating the grass of the land driven away from the people to live in the wilderness for 7 years (Daniel 4:33) till he regained his mind and understood his evil … isn’t this indeed what is called madness (paranoia) of greatness

How problematic is the madness (demon-pos sessed) caused by sin … madness which require one to throw one’s self in the hands of the Lord Jesus to give him back his thoughts and wisdom which he lost to sin … strangely such as these demon-possessed sees God’s children as mad … is this (really) strange?? For they have said of the Lord Jesus that He is insane … and possessed by evil spirit … and it was said to Paul the apostle … “you are beside yourself! Much learning is driving you mad” (Acts 26:24) … and the philosophers of Athens said of him “what does this babbler want to say” (Acts 17:18)

Thus was a saintly man like Anba Reuais in the view of the world … he is insane … but many of God’s children were over joyed when they were called the same, to gain the kingdom of heavens … and to escape from human praises … many saints disguised as unbalanced people to avoid worldly glory and became mad in the point of view of the world in order to inherit the heavenly kingdom

And you, my beloved … hasten before the sin which is possessing you lead to madness … hurry and get red of it (sin) by repentance … throw your self in the Lord Jesus’ arms to give understanding and discernment to recognise and choose the way of heavens rather than the way of the world. + Blind ..

Blind … lost his sight … cannot see anything … this what sin did to Samson … they gouged out his eyes and bound him to grind grain like an ox in

.. )15 اقول( دحا هيطعي دقحلاو بضغلا حور هيف لخد اناسنإ ىمست اذام لىغي هبلقو اراشر ناحدقت هانيع تراصو .. شرلاو .. ماقتنلاا رانب احيسم راص دق دواد نا ادج لواش بضغ دقل .. هبحي لواش راصو .. هعم برلا ناو .. برلل دواد لتقي نا ديريو حمرلا كسيم هنأ ةجردل ناثانوي بوبحلما هنبا لتقي داك هنا ةجردلو .. .. )30 :20 لولأا ليئومص( قوف هسأر عفري اخماشتم اناسنإ ىمست اذام حطانت هسأرو ضرلاا لىع همادقأ نا نظيو عيمجلا .. هلثم سيلو .. باحسلا قشرلا نم تدتمأ هتكلمم .. صرنزخوبن ناك اذكه هجو لىع لك نم مظعأ هنا نظو .. برغلا لىا )30 :4 لايناد( هماما فقي نم سيلو ضرلاا بشعلا لكأي روث لىا لوحتيو راهني هب اذأو .. عبس تاباغلا نكسيو سانلا ينب نم هنودرطيو .. هأطخ مهفو هلقع هيلا داع ىتح تأونس .. ةمظعلا نونجب هنومسي ام اقح اذه سيلا نونج .. ةيطخلا هببست ىذلا نونجلا بعصا ام برلا ىدي ينب هسفن ناسنلاا اذه ىقلي نأ جاتحي هل اهتدقفأ ىتلا هتمكحو هلقع عيطعيل عوسي دلاوأ ىري نونجلما اذه لثم نأ بيرغلاو .. ةيطخلا اولاق دقف ؟؟ ببرغ اذه لهو .. ينناجم مهنأ هللا حور هب نأو .. لتخم هنأ هسفن عوسب برلا نع سلوباي ىذهت كنأ .. لوسرلا سلوبل ليقو .. ريشر )24 :26 لماعأ( نايذهلل كلوحت ةيرثكلا بتكلا .. اذه ديري اذام عمسنل .. انيثأ ةفسلاف هل لاقو .. .. )18 :17 لماعأ( لوقي نأ رازهلما فى سيور ابنلاا لثم اسيدق اناسنأ ناك اضيأ اذكه نوحرفي هللا دلاوأ ناك لب .. لتخم هنا .. لماعلا رظن توكلم اوحبري نأ لجا نم كلذ مهنع لاقي نأ مكف .. مهتماركو سانلا حيدم نم ابره .. تاومسلا دجم نم ابره نونجلا بوث فى اوفخت ينسيدق نم اوثري نأ لجأ نم لماعلا رظن فى ينناجم اوراص لماعلا .. تاومسلا تركلم كب لصت نأ لبق عسرأ .. بيبحلا اهيا تنأو .. نونجلا لىا كيلع ةطلستلما ةيطخلا نضح فى كسفن قلا .. ةيوتلاب اهنم صلختو عسرأ زيتمو فرعتف ازييتمو ماهف كيطعيف عوسي برلا .. لماعلا قيرط نم ءماسلا لىا قيرطلا .. ىمعأ + ام اذه .. ىري لا حبصأ .. هتيرصب دقف .. ىمعأ هوطبرو هينيع اوعلق .. نوشمش فى ةيطخلا هتلعف :16 ةاضق( نجسلا فى نحطيل روثلاك ةنوحاطلا فى .. )21 ادحأ وريلا مهتلعجو نبيرثك لالما ةبحم تمعأ دقل .. مهسفنا ىتح لاو .. هلئاضفو هتيص عاذ سيدق بهار نع ةصق كانهو

prison (Judges 16:21)

The love of money had blinded many and made them cannot see anyone … not even themselves

There is the story of a pious monk whose reputation and good deeds became known and he was chose to be a bishop of Jerusalem by the name John (youhana) but alas … he was stricken with love of money … so he collected lots of money and neglected the poor and made many silver ornaments for himself … a friend of him, heard of this, his name was Epiphanius bishop of Cyprus (Salamis) … who was greatly saddened and offered many prayers for him … as he wanted to save his friend from this failing … he went to visit his friend and upon seeing the ornamental precious silver, he asked John, if he can borrow it to use in honour of a group of rulers of the parish who are about to visit him in his monastery … he took the silver ornaments and sold it and gave the money to the poor … when John asked for the silver, he received nothing … the two bishops met in the church of Resurrection (Holy Sepulchre) in Jerusalem … John held Bishop Epiphanius and in great anger insisted on the return of the silver, so St Epiphanius prayed to his Lord Christ to make his friend John aware (of his sins) and it is amaz ing what followed … John was blinded and was fearful of what happened, St Epiphanius prayed for him and one eye was healed but the other stayed blind … St Epiphanius told him; the Lord healed one (eye) and left the other as a reminder (of his sin) and how the Lord was sad for him because of his love of money and neglecting the poor and needy … St John became aware (of his failing) and followed in doing good deeds and looking after the poor and given all he had to the needy, He became ascetic to all worldly possessions to the extent that on his departure of this world, he did not own one dirham … God also, has granted him the gift of healing the sick and preforming miracles.

The man whose heart is occupied with the love of money the silver of the world … his eyes become blind to the truthful way … he forgets himself … and forgets his children and his future … and alas, perhaps when he wakes up to himself, it might be too late and he has spent everything and destroyed all that is good in his life merely for riches of the world and it’s pleasures.

There is a story of a man who was the richest man of his time … he used to hide his money in a large safe in hidden place … his best past-time was to go and see his money and gold … he would enter the safe, shut the door behind him and spend hours admiring gold and jewels then he would return to his house … one-day he took food and drinks and

.. انحوي مساب ميلشرولأ افقسأ يرتخأو عمجي راصف .. لالما ةبحبم بيصأ .. فسلألايو نكلو عنصو .. ينكاسلماو ءارقفلا لمهأو اهنزخيو لاوملاا هل ميدق قبدص فرعو .. ةنيثم ةيضف نىاوأ هسفنل سوينافيبأ همسا راصو ادج نزحف .. هليمز باصأ ماع صبرق فقسا ذقني نأ دارأو .. ايرثك هلجلا لىصي امدنعو هترايزل بهذو .. ةبضرلا هذه نم هقيدص انحوي اهلعمتسي ىتلا ةنيمثلا ةيضفلا نىاولأا ىأر نم ةعماج مركي كىل هنم اهفلتسي نأ هنم بلط مث هنم نىاولاا ذخأو .. هريد فى هوراز ةكلملما ءابرك انحوي هبلاط امدنعو .. ءارقفلل اهنمثب قدصتو اهعاب نافقسلاا لباقتيو .. ينغراف هلسر لسرأ نىاولأاب فقسلااب انحوي كسيمو همايقلا ةسينك فى كلذ دعب نىاولاا عاجرإ لىع صريو بضغ فى سوينافيبأ هبنيل حيسلما ديسلا لىا سوينافيبا سيدقلا لىصيو انحوي ىمع دقل .. لصح ام لوهلايو انحوي هقيدص سوينافيبأ سيدقلا هلجأ نم لىصف .. كىبو بعترأو .. ءايمع ىرخلأا تيقبو ةدحاو ينع هل تحتفنأف ىرخلأا هل كرت برلا نا سوينافيبأ سيدقلا هبرخأو لمهأو لالما بحأ ذأ هيلع برلا نزح مك ركذتي مايك هسفنل انحوي سيدقلا هبنتو .. ينكاسلماو ءارقفلا ءارقفلل هدنع ام لكب قدصتو ةمحرلا لمع فى كلسو هنأ ىتح ةيلماعلا تاكلتملما لك فى دهزو ينكاسلماو هبهوو .. ادحاو ماهرد هدنع اودجي لم هتحاين دنع .. تازجعلما لمعو ضىرلما ءافش ةبهوم هللا اذه ةضفو لالما ةبحبم هبلق لغشني ىذلا ناسنلاا سىنيو .. حيحصلا قيرطلا نع هينيع ىمعت .. لماعلا فسلألايو .. هلبقتسم سىني هدلاوأ سىنيو .. هسفن ءشى لك عاضأ دق هنا دجيل ادج ارخأتم قوفي ابمر لجأ نم هتايح فى ولحو ليمج لك مطحو هلوح .. هتاذلو لماعلا ىنغ .. لماعلا ءاينغأ ىنغا ناك ناسنأ نع ةصق نوصقي فى اهعضو ادج ةمخض ةنازخ فى هلاوما ءىبخي ناكو بهذي موي هدنع تقو لمجأ ناكو .. ىفخ ناكم .. هبهذو هلاومأ دقفتيل ضىقيو هفلخ بابلا قلغيو ةنازخلا هذه لخديو دوعي مث رهاوجلاو بهذلا لمأتي تاعاس كانه ةنازخلا هذه قيرط دحأ فرعي لاو .. هلزنم لىا ذخأو كانه لىا بهذ ام امويو .. هيرغ اهحيتافمو هءارو قلغأو داتعلماك لخدو هباشرو هماعط هعم مث هلاومأ دقتفيو بشريو لكأي تاعاس ضىقو بابلا سىن هنأ .. ةبعصلا هأجافلما تناكو .. جورخلا دارأ هتنازخ ينجس حبصأو .. جراخلا فى ةنازخلا حاتفم .. دحأ بيجتسي لاو خصري .. ةمخضلا هودجي ملف ناكم لك فى لهلأا هنع ثحبو ءابرقلاا عاب .. ةيرثك يننس دعب ام امويو ىذلا لماعلأا لاجر دحلأ ةنازخلا هيف ىذلا صرقلا مانيبو .. هناكم ةمخض ةرماع ءانبو همده دارأ

went to his safe, as he used to do, and spent hours again admiring his wealth, eating and drinking and he want ed to leave, he discovered that he forgot the key on the outside … so he became a prisoner of his safe … after many years this place was sold to be renovated and they were demolishing it, they came across this huge safe and upon opening it, they were confronted with his skeleton and bones with a message written on the inner wall of the safe with his blood “this is how the richest one died from hunger”

And you, my beloved are you blinded by the desires of the world … open your eyes to the words of God … come out from the darkness and slavery of sin … see lest you fall in the abyss and the pit of sin. + Mute ..

Look and see what the Bible says of the man who is enslaved to alcohols and the sins of lust “They have struck me, but I was not hurt; They have beaten me, but I did not feel it. When shall I awake, that I may seek another drink”. (Proverbs 23:35)

Look what the sins did … made him (the sinner) to surrender … even to complain; he cannot utter … he became mute

How terrible are the consequences of sin to man? … desperation and surrender … how would man say woe … his tongue is stopped from complaining and his heart stopped praying … became a mute person … how easy for Satan to make you after much struggle against a habit which is troubling you to surrender and say (no hope) … and gradually your struggles diminish and your labour is lost and you no longer resist (the bad habits) … just like the mute person you are in need to come to the Lord Jesus and hold on to Him saying “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

Beloved, do not be mute before sin … learn to be strong and say “no” … this does not agree … this sin will not come under my roof … my thoughts and body will not be defiled by this sin … be strict and transcend and don’t be shut up … don’t stop complaining (to God) about how bitter is sin and your lips should not stop praying fervently for God to have mercy on you … and remember to say “NO” to sin … before the day when your lips stop all utterings and you wish to say it and could not (because of sin)

+ He healed him ...

Feed your heart with the word of God … light up your eyes with His commandments … salt your tongue with the words of grace from Him … fill your mind with the thought of repentance … let your eyes enjoy and feed it with the view of the One Who is Crucified for you … let your tongue utter His words … come back to God to heal you … and He will say (“I am the Lord who heals you” (Exodus 15:26)).

.. ةمخضلا ةنازخلاب اذأ صرقلا نومدهي رظنلماب نوئجافيو اهباب نوسركيو فشكنت لىعو ىثرلا لجرلل ىمظعلا لكيهلا .. بعصلا اذكه .. مدلاب ةبوتكم ةرابع ةنازخلا طئاح .. لماعلا ءاينغأ ىنغأ اعوج تويم كتاوهش كتمعأ له بيبحلا اهيأ تنأو جرخأ .. هللا ةملك لىع كينيع حتفأ .. لماعلل نأ لبق صربأ .. ةيطخلل دابعتسلاا ةملظ نم .. ةيطخلا ةيواهو ةرفح فى طقست .. سرخأ + دبعتسلما ناسنلاا نع باتكلا لوقي اذام رظنأ .. ةوهشلا ةيطخلو رومخلل لمو نىوأكل دقل .. عجوتأ لمو نىوبضر لوقي ” »دعب اهبلطأ دوعأ ظقيتسأ ىتم .. فرعأ .. )35: 23 لاثمأ( لىا هتلصوأ .. ةيطخلا هيف تعنص اذام رظنأ نا عيطتسي دعي لم ىوكشلا ىتح .. ملاستسلاا .. اسرخأ راص دقل .. اهقطني ناطيشلا اهبضري ىتلا ءايشلاا بعصأ نم فكيف .. سأيلاو ملاستسلاا ةبضر .. ناسنلاا نع هناسل تكسيو .. هوأتلا نع ناسنلاا يرصي .. ةلاصلا نع هبلق فقوتيو ىوكشلا ناطيشلا كلعجي نأ لهسأ ام .. اسرخأ اناسنإ ةطلستم ةداع دض ليوط داهج دعب لوقت تويم ايجيردتو .. )ةدياف شيفم( .. كيلع لىع ةردقلا دقفتو كبعت عيضيو كداهج .. ةمواقلما لىا عجري نأ جاتحم سرخلأا اذه لثم نأ لك عيطتسأ« لوقيو هب كسمتيو عوسي برلا .. »ىنيوقي ىذلا عوسي حيسلما فى ءشى ةيطخلا مامأ اسرخأ نكت لا .. بيبحلا اهيأ لا اذه .. لا لوقتو ةوق فى فقت نا ملعت .. فقس تحت ةيطخلا هذه لخدت لا .. قيلي شرلا اذهب ىدسجو ىركف سندتي لا .. ىتيب فكت لا .. تكست لاو قطنأو امزاح نك .. فقوتي لاو ةيطخلا ةرارم نم ىوكشلا نع نأ لجأ نم ةجاجلب ةلاصلا نع كمفو كبلق لوقتو مويلا قطنت نأ ركذتو .. هللا كمحري فقوتي ىذلا مويلا تىأي نأ لبت .. ةيطخلل لا لاو فرعت لاف قطنت نأ ىنمتتو قطن لك هيف .. عيطتست .. هافشف + كينيع ءضىأ .. هللا ةملكب كبلق ىذغ نم ةمعنلا تمالكب كناسل حلم .. هاياصوب عتم .. ةبوتلا ركفب كللقع لأمأ .. هدنع .. كلجأ نم بولصلما رظنبم ماهيذغو كينيع هللا لىا عجرأ .. هتملك فى جهلي كناسل لعجأ .. لوقي وهف .. كيفشيف .. )26 :15 جورخ( كيفاش برلا انأ نىإ


Never be afraid of the devil, for in spite of all his talents and intrigues, he is weak before God’s children as the Lord has said, “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.” (Luke 10: 18)


He is no longer “the prince of the world” as before. The Lord said of him before the cru cifixion, “Now is the judgment of this world: Now shall the prince of this world be cast out.” (John 12:31) “The prince of this world is judged.” (John 16:11) Thus, the Lord says, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy.” (Luke. 10: 19)

The Lord’s promise to us that we would tread over all the power of the enemy is a promise full of power and comfort, which removes away fear from the hearts. The church so appreciates such a divine promise, that it put it at the end of the thanksgiving prayer in order that we may mention it in our prayers every day or even every hour so as not to be afraid of the devils or all the power of the enemy.

Thus, the devil has no authority over us, but we have the authority over him. Even the devils are subject unto us through the name of the Lord. (Luke 10:17) The Lord even made casting out devils foremost of the signs that follow the believers. (Mark 16:17) Of course the gift of casting out devils must be preceded by victory in the diabolic wars. Whoever overcomes the devil’s temptation and enticements and stands steady is feared by the devil and he gets power over him.

There is a fine lecture by St. Anthony on the weakness of the devils... St. Athanasius published this lecture in his book “The Life of St. Anthony” which you can read so that your hearts may be strengthened and not fear the devil. There were many simple monks who did not have any education at all but could destroy the devil in the wilderness; among those is St. Paul the Simple. Martyrs and confessors also could overcome all the temptations, all his power and all his weapons.

THE DEVIL DOMINATES ONLY THE PERSON WHO SUBMITS TO HIM... True are the words of the common saying, “it is the slaves who create the masters.” This means that the humility and submission of the slaves make the masters prevail and vaunt. So is the case with those who submit to the devil, but whom the Son makes free, they shall be free indeed. (John 8:36)

The thing which the devil likes most is to find you afraid of him. For in your fear you become weak in front of him and get confused. You think that you will certainly fall into his hands so your spirit is broken and you yield to him unable to resist... This is what he wants of you because fear gives him power over you. However, the Lord Jesus Christ advises us not to fear at all. “It is I; be not afraid.” (Matthew 14:27) “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27)

Do not be afraid then because God’s power, acting within you, is greater than the power of the devil fighting you from without. Be sure that the fear within you is more harmful to you than the devil’s war from without. Those who were afraid of Goliath the giant were weak before him and could not resist him. As for David who was not afraid, he advanced towards him boldly, relying on the Lord’s assistance, so he conquered him.

The story of David and Goliath is suitable to be a symbol of the wars of the devils. Perhaps you inquire about the secret of why David was not afraid and he answers: “The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my

life; of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1)

He goes on to say, “Though an army may encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.” So, face the diabolic wars with a peaceful heart, and fight the Lord’s wars trusting that you will conquer with His assistance. How severe and dangerous are the words of Revelation about fear: “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8)

Thus, the fearful are put before the non-believers and before the murderers and idol aters! You may ask, “Why?” Perhaps because he who fears the devil and submits to him fails in all these sins; or because he who fears the devil and submits to him will be afraid on the last day because he had not resisted and conquered as the selected believ ers have done.

I wish that you would read the stories of the saints who did not fear the devils! Read about St. Anthony to whom the devils appeared in the form of lions, tigers and fierce beasts crying in dreadful voices to frighten him that he might leave the wilderness; but he was not afraid and used to answer them calmly. Read about St. Macarius the Great who slept in a tomb putting a skull under his head. When the devils talked to the person to whom the skull belonged in a loud voice, asking him to rise with them, the saint was not afraid, but raised his head a little from the skull and told it, “if you want to go, rise and go with them to hell.”

As for you, do not be afraid, for the devils would not fight you with such fears as they fought the saints with. Hearken to the apostle comforting you, “No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13)

God would not allow the devil to tempt you above what you can endure, but will, with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it. (1 Corinthi ans 10:13( So, never be afraid of the devils and their wars whether they fight with fears or sins. The devil may arouse a clamor to frighten people but he cannot do anything to a steady believer.

I compare the clamor of the devil with the story of the fox and the drum. There was a drum hung to a tree blown by the wind causing an awful noise. A fox passed by it and was alarmed by the noise. He was afraid at first, then he was encouraged and attacked it. When he saw it was empty from within, he laughed and despised it. This resembles also a big balloon which appears huge but the prick of a small pin makes it nothing... The devil is like this, clamor with no power. He tries to frighten you but has no power for he doesn’t have the absolute liberty to do what he wants.

There is God, the Almighty who prevents the devil according to His own will. In the story of Job the Just, the devil did not follow his own will but was confined to the scope which God allowed him. (Job 1,2) The devil is not so powerful that you ought to fear him. The mere sign of the cross makes him escape from your face. The devil wants you to imagine him as powerful, but do not believe him. Remember always his repeat ed defeat before the saints.

Remember those who had the power to cast him out of the people whom he overthrew, and how he cried always in fear before God’s children and escaped. Since you know the weakness of the devil, resist him bravely.

Mrs Germaine Saad Assistant Principal Fr Daniel Ghabriel Dioceses Vicar General Fr Tadros Sharobeam Principal Mr Jimmy Morcoa Head of Board of Governors
Gala Luncheon St. Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College Sunday 16th October 2022
His Grace Bishop Raphael Blessing the
Capsule to be laid as Foundation Stone of the new buildings at St Mary’s Coptic Church, Kensington
Saturday 21st October 2022
His Grace Bishop Raphael with Dioceses of Melbourne Clergy Friday 21st October 2021 His Grace Bishop Raphael visiting St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College Monday 24th October October 2021 His Grace Bishop Raphael blessing the new buildings of St Mercourious Church Sunday 23rd October 2022
Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April The new Building is expected to be ready within 12 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downladed from church website. Cost of building works is around $12,000000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreaciated.ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .ارهش ١2 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلأا عقوتملا نم . .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا بسح .ارلاود نويلم ١2 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبتاهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا ىكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكنيىنورتكللأا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ىنابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Current Building site 25th October 2022

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