Weekly Bulletin 3rd April 2022

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Services at St Mary’s Church :‫مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء‬ Tuesday )‫ صباحا (أنجليزى‬7 - 5:30 ::‫األلهى‬ ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الثالثاء‬ Liturgy 5:30 - 7am ‫ ذا واى‬- ‫ مساء أجتامع للكبار باألنجليزى‬8 8am The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Eng‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫األربعاء‬ ‫األربعاء‬ lisg for adults - All ages ‫ عرىب‬- ‫ مساء مدرسة الشاممسة للكبار‬8 - 6:30 Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫ مساء مدرسة الشاممسة‬8:15 - 7 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic ‫ عرىب‬- ‫مساء فصول ألحان‬9 - 8 ; 7-8:15pm English :‫الخميس‬ Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫تسبحة نصف الليل‬ Thursday ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫درس الكتاب املقدس‬ English Midnight Praises 7:30pm ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الجمعة‬ ‫الجمعة‬ English Bible Study 7:30pm ‫ سنة فأكرث‬25 ‫ مساء الشباب‬9 – 7 Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Friday )‫مساء أجتامع األرسة (كل أسبوعني‬9-7 Youth 25 and above 7-9pm ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫ مساء أجتامع اعداد الخدمة‬8:30 - 7 Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) 12 - 10 ‫ مساء فصل مدرس األحد لسنوات‬9 - 6 Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm ‫ صباحا‬١١ – 8,30 ‫القداس األلهى‬:‫السبت‬ ‫السبت‬ Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm ‫مساء‬ 3 1:30 ‫الكشافة‬ ‫اجتامع‬ Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Saturday ‫ مساء‬4 - 3 ‫مدرسة الشاممسة‬ Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm 5,30 – 4 ‫مدارس األحد‬ Vespers & youth meeting 5.30 –7pm Eng‫انجليزى‬ ‫مساء‬ 7 – 5,30 ‫الشباب‬ ‫العشية واجتامع‬ lish ‫عرىب‬ ‫مساء‬ 7 5:30 ‫كتاب‬ ‫العشية ودرس‬ Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm :‫األحد‬ ‫األحد‬ Scouts 1:30 - 3pm ‫ص عرىب وانجليزى‬,7:45 – 6 ‫القداس األول‬ School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm ‫ ص – انجليزى‬9:30 – ,7:45 ‫القداس الثاىن‬ Sunday: Sunday ‫ ص عرىب‬11:15 – 9:30 ‫القداس الثالث‬ 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English ‫ مساء‬12:30 - 11:45 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫فصل ألحان‬ 2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English :‫األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة‬ 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic ‫األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم‬ Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm 0414251251 Church Priests: Priests Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 :‫األب القس حبيب جرجس يونان‬ Email: frtadros@me.com 94498871Email: habibgirgisyounan@ - 0401238177 Fr Habib Girgis Younan: hotmail.com 0401238177 – 94498871 0422431821 :‫األب القس مايكل صليب‬ Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au 5 Epsom Rd, Kensington Vic 3031:‫عنوان الكنيسة‬ Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington 93766651 :‫تليفون‬ Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

+ Divine Liturgies during the days of the ‫ قداسات خالل أيام الصوم المقدس بكنيسة‬+ Holy Lent: :‫العذراء مريم‬ Holy Lent satrts Monday 28th February. St ‫ خالل‬.‫ فبراير‬٢٨ ‫يبدأ الصوم المقدس األثنين‬ Mary’s Church organising daily Liturgies ‫أيام هذا الصوم المقدس تقام قداسات يومية‬ as follows: ‫بكنيسة العذراء مريم حسب المواعيد التالية‬ Monday 9:30am - 12 noon ‫ ظهرا‬12 - ‫ صباحا‬9:30 ‫األثنين‬ Tuesday 5 - 7am ‫ صباحا‬7 - 5 ‫الثالثاء‬ Wednesday 8:30 - 11am ‫صباحا‬ ١١ - 8:30 ‫األربعاء‬ Thursday 5 - 7pm ‫الظهر‬ ‫ بعد‬7 - ٥ ‫الخميس‬ Friday 8:30am - 11am ‫صباحا‬ ١١ ‫صباحا‬ ٨:٣٠ ‫الجمعة‬ Saturday 8:30 - 10:30am ‫صباحا‬ 10:30 8:30 ‫السبت‬ Sunday (3 Liturgies as normal). May the Lord grant us the Blessings of the .‫األحد ثالثة قداسات حسب المواعيد المعتادة‬ Holy Lent. .‫الرب يمنحنا بركة هذا الصوم المقدس‬ Note: New Timetable during construction ‫الحظ المواعيد الجديدة خالل فترة المبانى‬

‫نياحة القديس مكاريوس الكبير اب الرهبان‬ The Departure of St. Macarius the Great. 5th April - 27th Baramhat ‫ برمهات‬٢٧ - ‫ أبريل‬٥ On this day also, of the year 392 A.D. the blessed father, the ‫ ش ( سنة‬. 8 ‫في مثل هذا اليوم من سنة‬ lamp of the wilderness and the father of all the monks the ‫ م ) تنيح األب المغبوط سراج البرية‬392 great saint Anba Macarius, departed. This Saint was born in ‫أب جميع الرهبان القديس العظيم األنبا‬ the village of Shabsheer - Menuf, from good and righteous ‫ ولد هذا القديس فى شبشير من‬. ‫مقاريوس‬ parents. His father’s name was Abraham and his mother’s ‫أعمال منوف من أبوين صالحين بارين واسم‬ name was Sarah and they had no son. In a vision at night he ‫أبيه القس إبراهيم ولم يكن له ولد فحدث في‬ saw the angel of the Lord and told him that God was about ‫إحدى الليالي أن أبصر فى رؤيا شخصا من‬ to give him a son, and his name will be known all over the ‫ ان هللا سيرزقه ولدا‬: ‫قبل الرب يقول له‬ earth, and he will have a multitude of spiritual sons. ‫يكون ذكره شائعا في أقطار األرض ويرزق‬ Shortly after, this holy man had a son and called him ‫بنينا روحانيين وبعد زمن رزق هذا القديس‬ Macarius which means “Blessed.” He was obedient to ‫ولدا فسماه مقارة آي الطوباوى وكان مطيعا‬ his parents, and the grace of God was upon him since his . ‫لوالديه وحلت عليه نعمة هللا منذ صغره‬ young age. When he grew up his father forced him to get ‫ولما كبر زوجه والداه بغير أرادته فتظاهر‬ married against his will, so he pretended that he was sick ‫بالمرض أياما ثم استسمج أباه أن يمضى‬ for several days. Then he asked his father if he might go to ‫ فمضى‬، ‫إلى البرية لتبديل الهواء فسمح له‬ the wilderness to relax and that may make him recover from ‫وصلى إلى الرب يسوع أن يساعده علي‬ his illness speedily. He went to the wilderness and prayed ‫أبصر‬ ‫عمل ما يرضيه فلما صار في البرية‬ to the Lord Christ to direct him to do what is pleasing to ‫بيده‬ ‫أمسك‬ ‫رؤيا كأن كاروبا ذي أجنحة ثم‬ Him. While he was in the wilderness he saw a vision, and ‫وأصعده على رأس الجبل وأراه كل البرية‬ it seemed that one of the Cherubim, with wings, took his ‫شرقا وغربا وشماال وجنوبا وقال له أن هللا‬ hands, and ascended up to the top of the mountain, and ‫قد أعطاك هذا الجبل ميراثا لك ولبنيك من‬ showed him all the desert, east and west, and north and ‫بعدك ولما عاد من البرية وجد زوجته قد‬ south. The Cherub told him: “God has given this desert to ‫ماتت وهي بعد عذراء فشكر السيد المسيح‬ you and your sons for an inheritance.” When he returned ‫كثيرا وبعد ذلك مات أبواه فوزع كل ما خلفاه‬ from the wilderness he found that his wife, who was still ‫له علي المساكين ورأى أهل شبشير طهره‬ virgin, had died, and Macarius thanked the Lord Christ. ‫وعفافه فأخذوه إلى أسقف أشمون فرسمه قسا‬ Shortly after, his parents departed, and he gave all what ‫عليهم وبنوا له موضعا خارج البلد وكانوا‬ they had left to the poor and the needy. When the people of ‫يأتون إليه ويتقربون منه وعينوا له خادما‬ Shabsheer saw his chastity and purity, they took him to the ‫ليبيع له شغل يديه وقضاء ما يحتاج إليه‬ bishop of Ashmoun who ordained him a priest for them. ‫ولما رأى الشيطان سموه في الفضيلة جلب‬ They built a place for him outside the city, and they went ‫عليه تجربة شديدة وذلك أنه أوعز إلى فتاة‬ to him to confess and to partake from the Holy Mysteries. ‫كانت قد ارتكبت شرا مع شاب بأن تدعى‬ They appointed a servant to take care of his needs and to sell for him the work of his hands. ‫أن القديس مقاريوس هو الذي أتى معها هذا‬ When Satan saw St. Macarius growth in virtues, he brought ‫ فلما علم أهلها بذلك أهانوه وضربوه‬. ‫الشر‬ on him a severe temptation. He inspired a girl that had ‫ ولما‬. ‫ضربا موجعا فتحمله وهو صامت‬ defiled herself with a man to claim that St. Macarius is ‫داهم الطلق هذه االمرأة لتلد لبثت أربعة أيام‬ the one who had defiled her. When her family heard that, ‫معذبة ولم تلد حتى اعترفت بكذبها علي‬ they went to him, insulted and beat him severely, inflicting . ‫القديس وذكرت اسم الشاب الذي أغواها‬ much pain on him, which he endured silently. Macarius ‫فلما رأى ذلك أهل الفتاة رجعوا إليه‬ reproached himself saying “O Macarius now you have a ‫ فهرب منهم‬. ‫يستغفرونه عما حصل منهم له‬ wife and a child, and it is meet for you to work day and ‫لالبتعاد عن مجد العالم وكان له من العمر‬ night for your own food and for that of your child and your ‫ عاما وأذ فكر في نفسه أال يعود‬30 ‫وقتئذ‬ wife.” He worked continually at weaving mats and baskets, ‫إلى قريته ظهر له مالك الرب وسار معه‬ and he gave them to the man who ministered unto him; and ‫يومين حتى وصال إلى وادي النطرون ثم قال‬ he sold them and gave the money to the woman. When the ‫له القديس « حدد لي يا سيدي مكانا أسكن‬ day of her delivery drew near her labor was exceedingly ‫ « ال لئال تخرج عنه فيما بعد‬: ‫فيه « فأجابه‬ difficult, she continued to suffer for four days and did not ‫ بل البرية كلها‬. ‫فتكون مخالفا لقول الرب‬ deliver until she confessed her false accusation against the ‫فسكن‬ . « ‫لك فأي موضع أردت أسكن فيه‬ Saint and named the man that defiled her. ‫فيه‬ ‫الذي‬ ‫في البرية الداخلية حيث الموضع‬ When the family of the girl heard that, they decided to go to ‫وهو‬ ‫ودوماديوس‬ ‫دير القديسين مكسيموس‬ ask for his forgiveness for what happened from them. When ‫المعروف اآلن بدير البرموس‬ St. Macarius heard that, he fled away from them running ‫ولما ذهب لزيارة القديس أنطونيوس قال‬ from the vain glory of this world. ‫عنه حينما رآه « هذا إسرائيلي حقا ال غش‬ At that time he was 30 years old, and the angel of the ‫فيه « ثم ألبسه االسكيم المقدس وعاد مكانه‬ Lord appeared to him and walked with him for two days

‫ولما تكاثر عنده االخوة بنى لهم كنيسة‬ until they came to Wadi El-Natroun and the Saint asked the angel: “Appoint for me O master a place to live in.” The angel ‫ وذاع صيته وسمع الملوك‬. ‫حسنة‬ replied: “I have not marked out a place for you to live, lest you ‫بكثرة العجائب التى كان يعملها وظهر‬ leave it in the future and transgress the commandment of God. ‫له مالك الرب وأتى به إلى رأس الجبل‬ Behold all the wilderness is yours, so wheresoever you wish, ‫عند البحيرة الغربية المالحة الماء‬ live there.” St. Macarius dwelt in the Inner Desert, in the place ‫وأعلمه أن يتخذ له هذا المكان مسكنا‬ of the monastery of Sts. Maximus and Domadius which is ‫وبنى له قالية وكنيسة ألن شعبا كثيرا‬ known now by the monastery of El-Baramous. He went to visit ‫) وهو المعروف اآلن‬1( ‫سيجيء إليه‬ St. Antonios, who said about St. Macarius when he saw him: ‫بدير القديس مقاريوس‬ “This is an Israelite in whom there is no guile.” St. Antonios ‫وظن يوما أن العالم خال من الناس‬ put on him the Holy Eskeem, then St. Macarius returned to ‫األتقياء فجاءه صوت من السماء قائال‬ his place. When the number of monks increased around him ‫ اعلم أن هناك امرأتين في مدينة‬: he built a church for them. His fame was known all over the ‫اإلسكندرية تخافان الرب « فتناول‬ country and many kings and Emperors heard about the miracles ‫عصاه وزاده وقصد إلى اإلسكندرية‬ that God performed on his hands. He healed the daughter of ‫وسأل حتى وصل إلى منزلهما فلما دخل‬ the king of Antioch that was possessed by an unclean spirit. ‫رحبتا به وغسلتا قدميه بماء دافئ ولما‬ The angel of the Lord appeared to him and took him to a place : ‫سألهما عن سيرتهما قالت له إحداهما‬ and told him to make this place his abode, for many people will come to him in that place. He built a cell for himself and a ‫ ولما تزوجنا‬. ‫لم تكن بيننا قرابة جسدية‬ ‫هذين األخوين طلبنا منهما أن يتركانا‬ church. ‫أنفسنا‬ ‫ فعاهدنا‬. ‫ فلم يسمحا لنا‬. ‫نترهب‬ He thought one day that the world had no more righteous people, so a voice came to him from heaven saying: “In the city ‫أن تقضى حياتنا بالصوم إلى المساء‬ ‫والصالة الكثيرة وقد رزقت كل منا‬ of Alexandria there are two women who feared God.” He took his staff, his provisions, and went to Alexandria and he asked ‫بولد متى بكى أحدهما تحتضنه األخرى‬ ‫وترضعه حتى وان لم يكن ولدها‬ around until he reached their house. When he entered, they welcomed him, washed his feet with warm water, and when he ‫ وحدة الرأي‬. ‫ونحن في عيشة واحدة‬ ‫رائدنا واالتحاد غايتنا وعمل زوجينا‬ asked them about their life, one of them told him: “There is no ‫ ونحن فقراء نكتفي بقوت‬. ‫رعاية الغنم‬ kinship between us and when we married these two brothers ‫يومنا وما يتبقى نوزعه علي الفقراء‬ we asked them to leave us to be nuns but they refused. So we ‫والمساكين « فحينما سمع القديس هذا‬ committed ourself to spent our life fasting till evening with ‫الكالم هتف قائال « حقا ان هللا ينظر‬ often prayers. When each of us had a son, whenever one of ‫إلى استعداد القلوب ويمنح نعمة روحه‬ them cry, any one of us would carry and nurse him even if ‫القدوس لجميع الذين يريدون أن يعبدوه‬ he was not her own son. We are in one living arrangement, ‫ فودعهما وانصرف راجعا إلى‬. « the unity in opinion is our model, and our husbands work is ‫البرية‬ shepherding sheep, we are poor and only have our daily bread and what is left over we give it to the poor and the needy.” ‫وكان في أوسيم راهب أضل قوما بقوله‬ When the Saint heard these words he cried saying: “Indeed ‫انه ال قيامة لألموات فحضر أسقف‬ God looks to the readiness of the heart and grant the grace of ‫أوسيم إلى القديس مقاريوس وشكا إليه‬ His Holy Spirit for all those who wish to worship him.” He ‫أمر هذا الراهب فذهب إليه ولم يزل به‬ bade them farewell and left returning to the wilderness. ‫حتى أرجعه عن ضالله وفي يوم نياحته‬ There was an erring monk who strayed many by his saying that ‫رأى القديسين أنطونيوس وباخوميوس‬ there was no resurrection of the dead. The bishop of the city ‫وجماعة من القديسين والمالئكة وأسلم‬ of Osseem went to St. Macarius and told him about that monk. ‫الروح بالغا من العمر سبعا وتسعين سنة‬ Abba Macarius went to that monk and stayed with him until ‫وكان قد أوصى تالميذه أن يخفوا جسده‬ the monk believed and returned from his error. ‫ولكن قوما من شبشير آتوا وسرقوا‬ On the day of his departure, he saw Sts. Antonios and ‫جسده وبنوا له كنيسة ووضعوه بها‬ Pachomius, and a company of the saints, and he delivered up ‫حوالي مائة وستين سنة إلى أيام مملكة‬ his soul. He was ninety-seven years old. ‫العرب وبناء القاللى حيث أرجعوه إلى‬ St. Macarius had commanded his disciples to hid his body, but ‫ديره‬ some of the natives of the city of Shabsheer came and stole ‫وقد ورد في مخطوط بشبين الكوم أن‬ his body, built a church for him and placed the body in it for ‫القديس ببنوده تلميذه رأى نفس‬ around one hundred and sixty years until the Arab conquest and ‫الصديق‬ ‫والشياطين‬ ، ‫عند صعوده إلى السماء‬ the rebuilding of his monastery, they returned the body to it. ‫يا‬ ‫غلبتنا‬ ‫قد‬ « : ‫يصيحون خلفه قائلين‬ In a manuscript in Shebeen El-Koum, was mentioned that St. ‫ « لم أغلبكم بعد‬: ‫مقاريوس « فأجابهم‬ Babnuda, his disciple, saw the soul of St. Macarius ascending to heaven, and he heard the devils crying out and calling after : ‫« فلما وصل باب السماء صاحوا ثانية‬ him, “You have conquered us O Macarius.” The Saint replied ‫ ولما‬. ‫ فرد عليهم كاألول‬. « ‫« قد غلبتنا‬ ‫ « قد غلبتنا‬: ‫دخل باب السماء صاحوا‬ “I have not conquered you yet.” When they came to the gates

of heaven they cried again saying “You have conquered us”, and he replied as the first time. When he entered the gate of heaven they cried “You have overcome us O Macarius.” He replied “Blessed be the Lord Jesus Christ who has delivered me from your hands.” May his blessing be with us. Amen. The Cmmemoration of the Life giving Annunciation. 7th April - 29th Baramhat On this day the church commemorates the Annunciation of our Lady, the Theotokos, the Virgin St. Mary. When the appointed time by God since eternity for the salvation of the human race had come, God sent Gabriel the Archangel to the Virgin St. Mary, who is from the tribe of Judah the house of king David, to announce her with the Divine conception and the Glorious Birth as the Holy Scriptures testifies: « Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin›s name was Mary. And having come in, the angel said to her, «Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!» But when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and considered what manner of greeting this was. Then the angel said to her, «Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. «And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS. «He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. «And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.» Then Mary said to the angel, «How can this be, since I do not know a man?» And the angel answered and said to her, «The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God. Then the angel gave her the proof of the validity of his massage: «Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and this is now the sixth month for her who was called barren. «For with God nothing will be impossible.» Then Mary said, «Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.» And the angel departed from her. (Luke 1:26-36) When she had accepted this Divine Annunciation, the Only Begotten Son, the Word of God, who is One of the Three eternal Persons, came and dwelt in her womb, a dwelling, the human race can not comprehend. And straightway He united with perfect humanity a complete unity inseparable and unchangeable after the unity. This day then is the first-born of all feasts, for in it was the beginning of the salvation of the world which was fulfilled by the Holy Resurrection of our Lord, saving Adam and his offspring from the hands of Satan. We ask Our God and Savior graciously to forgive our transgressions and excuse our sins. Amen.

‫ تبارك الرب‬: ‫يا مقاريوس « فقال لهم‬ ‫يسوع المسيح الذي خلصني من أيديكم‬ ‫ آمين‬. ‫صالته تكون معنا‬.« ‫عيد البشارة المجيد‬ ‫ برمهات‬29 - ‫ أبريل‬7 ‫في هذا اليوم تحتفل الكنيسة بتذكار بشارة‬ ‫أمنا والدة اإلله العذراء القديسة مريم‬ ‫وذلك أنه لما جاء الوقت المعين منذ األزل‬ ‫ أرسل هللا رئيس‬. ‫من هللا لخالص البشر‬ ‫المالئكة جبرائيل إلى القديسة مريم البتول‬ ‫التي من سبط يهوذا ومن قبيلة داود الملك‬ . ‫ليبشرها بالحبل اإللهي والميالد المجيد‬ ‫ في‬: ‫كما شهد بذلك الكتاب المقدس بقوله‬ ‫الشهر السادس أرسل جبرائيل المالك من‬ ‫هللا إلى مدينة من الجليل اسمها ناصرة‬ ‫إلى عذراء مخطوبة لرجل من بيت داود‬ ‫اسمه يوسف واسم العذراء مريم فدخل‬ ‫ سالم لك آيتها الممتلئة‬: ‫إليها المالك وقال‬ ‫ الرب معك مباركة أنت في النساء‬. ‫نعمة‬ ‫فلما رأته اضطربت من كالمه وفكرت‬ ‫ما عسي أن تكون هذه التحية فقال لها‬ ‫المالك « ال تخافي يا مريم ألنك قد وجدت‬ ‫نعمة عند هللا وها أنت ستحلبين وتلدين‬ ‫أبنا وتسمينه يسوع هذا يكون عظيما وابن‬ ‫العلي يدعي ويعطيه الرب اإلله كرسي‬ ‫داود أبيه ويملك علي بيت يعقوب إلى‬ ‫األبد و ال يكون لملكه نهاية’ « فقالت‬ ‫مريم للمالك « كيف يكون هذا وأنا لست‬ ‫أعرف رجال ؟ « فأجاب المالك وقال لها‬ ‫« الروح القدس يحل عليك وقوة العلي‬ ‫تظللك فلذلك أيضا القدوس المولود منك‬ « ‫يدعي ابن هللا‬ ‫ثم قدم لها دليال علي صدق بشارته قائال‬ ‫ « هوذا اليصابات نسيبتك هي أيضا‬: ‫حبلي بابن في شيخوختها وهذا هو الشهر‬ ‫ ألنه ليس‬, ‫السادس لتلك المدعوة عاقرا‬ ‫شيء غير ممكن لدي هللا « فقالت مريم‬ « ‫ ليكن لي كقولك‬. ‫« هودا أنا أمة الرب‬ – 26 : 1 ‫فمضي من عندها المالك (لو‬ ) 38 ‫وعند قبولها هذه البشارة اإللهية نزل االبن‬ ‫الوحيد قوة هللا الكلمة أحد الثالثة األقانيم‬ ‫األزلية وحل في أحشائها حلوال ال يدرك‬ ‫البشر كيفيته واتحد للوقت بإنسانية كاملة‬ . ‫اتحادا كامال لم يكن بعده افتراق‬ ‫ ألن فيه‬. ‫فهذا اليوم آذن هو بكر األعياد‬ ‫كانت البشري بخالص العالم وفي مثله‬ ‫تم الخالص بالقيامة المجيدة آلدم وبنيه‬ ‫من أيدي الشيطان نسأل إلهنا وفادينا‬ ‫أن يتفضل فيغفر لنا آثامنا ويتجاوز عن‬ ‫ أمين‬. ‫خطايانا‬

Gloriouis Feast of Announciation Thursday 7th May = Liturgy 5 7am at St Mary’s Church ‫ صباحا‬٧ - ٥ ‫ أبريل بكنيسة العذراء مريم‬٧ ‫قداس عيد البشارة المجيد‬

‫االحد الخامس من الصوم الكبير‬ Meditations on 5th Sunday of the Holy Lent ‫المقدس‬ Healing of the paralysed ‫شفاء المخلع‬ John 5:1-18 18 – 1 ::5 5 ‫يو‬ “I have no man to put me into the pool when the ‫البركة‬ ‫فى‬ ‫يلقينى‬ ‫انسان‬ ‫« ليس لى‬ water is stirred up” John 5:7 ) 7 :5 : 5 ‫(يو‬ ‫الماء‬ ‫تحرك‬ ‫متى‬ Bethesda: is an Aramaic name; meaning “house of ‫ اسم آرامى معناه بيت‬: ‫بيت حسدا‬ mercy” … In Jerusalem there are three pools, one ‫ يوجد فى أورشليم ثالث‬...‫الرحمة‬ of them is Bethesda…. The first is the pool of Israel ‫برك يرجح أن واحدة منها بركة‬ according to traditions and the second is the spring ‫ أما األولى فهى بركة‬....‫بيت حسدا‬ of Gihon (also known as the spring of steps) and the ‫أسرائيل على ما يقول التقليديون وأما‬ third is a an old pool (spring) with five colonnades ‫الثانية فهى عين أم الدرج وأما الثالثة‬ and it is near the Church of Saint Anne in Jerusalem ‫فهى بركة قديمة فيها خمسة أورقة‬ ‫وهى بالقرب من كنيسة القديسة حنا‬ which was discovered in 1988 and researcher 1988 ‫فى أورشليم وقد اكتشفت فى‬ believe this was the site of the healing of the ‫وقد ذهب المدققين الى أنها موضع‬ paralytic man of Bethesda….This pool is near the ‫المعجزة التى صنعها الرب يسوع‬ Sheep Gate where the sheep for sacrifice is brought ‫ وتوجد‬....‫مع مريض بيت حسدا‬ into the temple…. It appears this pool was erected ‫البركة عند باب الضآن وهو الذى‬ for the washing of the sacrifices sheep…. As such it ‫كانوا يأتون منه بغنم الذبيحة الى‬ symbolises Baptism; where by the descendance of ....‫الهيكل‬ the Holy Spirit sin is healed…. It is also called the ‫ويبدو أن هذه البركة قد شيدت لغسل‬ “house of Mercy” as an indication that by washing ‫ وهى بذلك ترمز‬....‫ذبائح الضآن‬ in the pool, one receives God’s mercy, as in Baptism ‫الى المعمودية التى بحلول الروح‬ ...‫القدس عليها تشفى من الخطية‬ one’s sins is forgiven by God’s Grace. However, ‫وسميت بيت الرحمة اشارة الى أن‬ the lame man of Bethesda… is an exact image ‫من يغتسل بها تحل عليه رحمة هللا‬ of a human who reached hopelessness in sin…. ‫كما فى المعمودية ينال رحمة هللا‬ hopelessness from a cure….and despair in other ‫بيت‬ ‫ أما مريض‬...‫بغفران خطاياه‬ fellow men helping him! ‫لالنسان‬ ‫ فهو صورة ناطقة‬...‫حسدا‬ Thirty-eight years waiting on a bed next to the pool ....‫الذى وصل الى مرحلة اليأس‬ on the hope that he can throw himself in or someone .‫ يأس من الناس‬...‫يأس من الشفاء‬ will throw him in the pool, one day to be healed…. ‫ثمان وثالثون سنة ملقى على سرير‬ Perhaps he was motivated in the first few months, ‫بجوار البركة على أمل أن يلقى‬ awaiting the stirring up of the water anxiously…. ‫بنفسه أو يلقيه أحد فى البركة يوما ً ما‬ ُ‫ ربما كان متحفزاً مستعدا‬...‫ويشفى‬ But as time went by; his resolve is weakened and ‫فى الشهور االولى التى يترقب‬ debilitated and his friends and relatives left him, and he surrendered to sleeping without hope or prospect ‫ ولكن بمرور‬...‫تحريك الماء باشتياق‬ (of healing) on the assumption that he has no-one…. ‫الوقت فترت عزيمته وانفض عنه‬ The illness of this man is caused by his sins…. this ‫أصحابه وأقربائه وأستكان الى حالة‬ ‫النوم بال رجاء وال أمل بحجة أنه‬ is evident from The Lord Jesus saying to him “Sin ....‫ليس له انسان‬ no more, lest a worse thing come upon you” (John ‫أن مرض هذا االنسان كان سببه‬ 1:14) …. It is a different type of sinners, not like ‫ بدليل قول الرب يسوع‬....‫الخطية‬ the prodigal son who realised his sin and could ‫ «ال تعد تخطئ لئال يكون لك‬:‫له‬ no longer live among swine’s, hastily returning ‫ أنه نوع آخر من أنواع‬...»‫أشر‬ to his father’s house repentant (Luke 15: 11-32). ‫ ولكنه ليس مثل االبن‬...‫الخطاه‬ Nor is he like the Samaritan woman who knew ‫الضال الذى أدرك سوء حاله ولم‬ ....‫يحتمل أن يعيش وسط الخنازير‬ her sins despite the outer false appearance of self‫ وليس‬...ً‫فأسرع الى بيت أبيه تائبا‬ righteousness (John 4: 1-26) and only needed encouragement to repent and gaze at the glory of life ‫مثل المرأة الخاطئة السامرية التى‬

‫كانت تدرك سوء حالها رغم قناع‬ with God to hasten and leave her bucket at the well ‫البر المزيف الخارجى وكانت‬ and call others to repent too….But this man lives in ‫تنتظر مجرد التشجيع على التوبة‬ sin and lost all hope to be free from sin. ‫وأن ترفع عينيها لتدرك أمجاد‬ + This man (sinner) has 2 difficulties…. ‫وتترك‬ ‫ فتسرع‬....‫الحياة مع هللا‬ Firstly …. He had thirty-eight years (in sin) …and ً ‫الجرة وتنادى لآلخرين أيضا‬ secondly…. He has no-one…. .‫ليتوبوا معها‬ + Has been lame for thirty-eight years… ‫أما هذا االنسان فهو يعيش فى‬ Thirty-eight years…. Is a very long time…. The ‫الخطية وليس عنده رجاء أن‬ element of time has great effects on man…So a ....‫يتخلص منها‬ sick person might console himself with it is only ....‫ ولهذا االنسان مشكلتين‬+ few days and one will be good again and resume ‫ أنه له ثمان وثالثون‬....ً‫أوال‬ ‫ أنه ليس له‬....ً‫ ثانيا‬...‫سنة‬ his activities…. But with the passing of time one ....‫انسان‬ starts to give up and submit to illness and even those ‫ به مرض منذ ثمان وثالثون‬+ who are surrounding him succumb to the severity ...‫سنة‬ of the sickness. A person who is experiencing some ‫طويلة‬ ‫مدة‬ ....‫سنة‬ ‫وثالثون‬ difficulties… maybe will console one’s self; it is only ‫ عامل الزمن من العوامل‬....‫ثمان‬ ً‫جدا‬ temporally and soon it will be over, however if the ُ‫المؤثرة جدا‬ ....‫االنسان‬ ‫على‬ difficulties last a long time, one starts to lose hope and ‫فالمريض مثالُ ربما يعزى نفسه‬ become destitute. ‫أنها أياما ً قليلة ويشفى ويعود‬ Similarly, the sinful person…. When living in a ‫ ولكن مع‬...‫الى ممارسة عمله‬ specific sin (for a long time) … his resolve for ‫مرور الوقت يبدأ فى االستكانه‬ repentance weakens as time progresses… and one ‫واالستسالم للمرض حتى الذين‬ ‫حوله يبدأون فى االستسالم‬ becomes enslaved to sin and the sin rules him to the ....‫لوضعه المريض المتعب‬ extent that repentance is problematic and hard to ....‫واالنسان الذى يمر بأزمة ما‬ avoid! Then the world plays its role in losing hope! ...‫انفراجها‬ ‫ربما يمنى نفسه بقرب‬ Absalom… king David’s son… the king’s son…. ‫شعور‬ ‫لكن عندما تطول يبدأ‬ Started to plan to take the throne from his father… for .....‫داخله‬ ‫القنوط واليأس فى‬ three years planning… and after he had gather a few ً ‫هكذا أيضا‬ .....‫الخاطئ‬ ‫االنسان‬ supporters… he declared himself king and his father ‫عندما يعيش فى خطية معينة‬ (king David) was forced to flee and to stop David ‫ هكذا تضعف‬...‫ويستمر فيها‬ from returning to the throne, his friends suggested ‫يوم وراء يوم ارادته فى ترك‬ that he commit the sin (adultery) with his father’s ....‫هذه الخطية والتخلص منها‬ wives in view of all the people (2 Samuel : 18) and ‫ويستعبد للخطية وتملك عليه‬ ‫ويصبح من الصعب جداً أن‬ thus (Absalom) reached the point of no return and ‫ ويلعب العالم‬....‫يتخلص منها‬ hopelessness, to continue in his way of sin till he ‫دوره فى توصيل االنسان الى‬ perished with all his followers!.... Judas Iscariot….. ....‫اليأس‬ continued in his sinful ways and love of money and ‫ابن‬ ....‫داود‬ ‫ابن‬ ....‫أبشالوم‬ worldly glory…. He was a thief… then betrayed his ‫ بدأ يخطط ليستولى‬....‫الملك‬ Master and reached the highest limits (of sin) and ‫ثالث‬ ‫ لمدة‬....‫على الملك من أبيه‬ feared to repent! … it appears that he did not even ‫ ثم بعد أن‬...‫سنوات وهو يخطط‬ think of repentance…. Thus, he hung himself to death. ‫ اعلن‬....‫استمال جمعا كبيراً حوله‬ How many bad habits can control mankind and ‫أنه هو الملك واضطر أبوه أن‬ one would say, I cannot do without it! I have been ‫ وحتى يجعله أصدقاءه‬...‫يهرب‬ smoking for 20 years, how do I stop now? I have been ‫ أشاروا‬...‫بال فرصة للرجوع‬ ‫عليه أن يرتكب الخطية مع‬ consuming alcohol for the past 10 years, I cannot give ...‫زوجات أبيه أمام كل الشعب‬ it up now? Thus man put obstacles before one’s self ‫وهكذا أوصلوه الى اليأس من‬ and convince himself; there is no way out!

‫العودة فى قراره وأستمر فى طريقه‬ St Mary the Egyptian, … lived inn sin many long ....‫حتى هلك وكل من معه‬ years and reached the pinnacle of sinfulness, but the ‫ استمر‬....‫يهوذا االسخريوطى‬ Lord was willing to accept her repentance… when ‫فى خطيته ومحبته للمال والمجد‬ she went to the church of resurrection (in Jerusalem) ‫ ثم خان‬...ً‫ كان سارقا‬...‫العالمى‬ she felt a hand stopping her from entering and she ...‫ ووصل الى أبعد الحدود‬...‫سيده‬ awakened and repented. ‫ بل‬....‫وخاف أن يطرق باب التوبة‬ St Ba’iesa, has made her home a centre for sin and ‫ وهكذا مضى‬...‫يبدو أنه لم يفكر فيه‬ wickedness, but when confronted by God of her .‫وشنق نفسه‬ sinful ways by saints (of God) and the enormity ‫كم من عادات شريرة تسيطر على‬ of her sin, she repented, and God accepted her ‫ ويقول االنسان لنفسه‬...‫االنسان‬ repentance even though she departed this life the ‫ أن لى‬....‫ال استطيع التخلى عنها‬ ‫عشرين سنه أدخن فكيف أترك‬ very same night she repented. ‫ أن لى عشر سنين أشرب‬....‫التدخين‬ The thief on the right (of Christ on the Cross),. If ....‫ ال استطيع تركها‬....‫الخمور‬ there is one who should reach hopelessness, it is ‫وهكذا يضع االنسان أمام نفسه‬ him the thief on the right (hand of Christ), exactly ‫من‬ ‫فائدة‬ ‫العراقيل ويقنع نفسه أن ال‬ as the thief on the left did, for they lived a life of ...‫المحاولة‬ thieving in the wilderness of Jerusalem and their ‫ عاشت فى‬...‫القديسة مريم المصرية‬ lives is ending on a cross, is there any hope then? ‫الخطية سنينا ً عديدة طويلة ووصلت‬ The ultimate of losing hope, but on his left was ‫ ولكن‬...‫الى أقصى درجات الشر‬ The Lord Jesus crucified for all humanity and was ....‫الرب مازال مستعداً ان يقبلها‬ willing to accept him even in last breath? ‫وعندما ذهبت الى كنيسة القيامة‬ My beloved, do not give up? Do not make the ...‫وتقدمت للدخول شعرت بيد تمنعها‬ ...‫وبدأت تستيقظ لنفسها وتتوب‬ element of time a source of hopelessness for you…. ‫ حولت بيتها الى‬...‫القديسة بائسة‬ do not make the worldly rules make you give up ‫ ولكن‬...‫مركز للفساد والخطية‬ hope! Be assured God is present and He is willing ‫قديسة‬ ‫عندما واجهها هللا من خالل‬ …. And He (God) never forgets you…. He is ready ‫لقبول‬ ‫الرب‬ ‫بعظم خطيتها واستعداد‬ to cleanse you from all sins. ‫توبتها‬ ‫الرب‬ ‫ تابت وقبل‬....‫توبتها‬ God did not forget the Israelites in Egypt even ....‫رغم أنها تنيحت فى نفس الليلة‬ though they spent 430 years there! ‫ أن كان هناك انسانا‬...‫اللص اليمين‬ God did not abandon His promise to Abraham even ‫جديراً أن يصل الى مرحلة اليأس‬ when Abraham reached 100 years old and his wife ‫ تماما ً كما وصل‬...‫فهو اللص اليمين‬ 90 years old! ‫ فكل حياته‬...‫الى اليأس اللص الشمال‬ You too, had many years in a sinful habit…. You ‫ وها‬....‫هو لص فى غابات أورشليم‬ ‫هو حياته تنتهى مصلوبا ً فهل له‬ have spent long time in many sins, the Lord is .‫رجاء بعد‬ capable of saving you of your sins….just come to ‫ ولكن هناك على‬... ‫منتهى اليأس‬ the Lord and He will accept you without delay…. ‫يساره الرب يسوع مصلوبا ً عن‬ seek and shall find….be strong in your will…. Do ‫ولو‬ ‫البشرية كلها ومستعداُ أن يقبله‬ not make excuses and lay your sins on others and ...‫فى آخر لحظة‬ say “I have no man” ‫ وال تجعل‬...‫ ال تستلم‬...‫أيها الحبيب‬ + I have no man (to put me in the water; John 5:7) ....‫عامل الزمن مصدر يأس لك‬ Many times, some will try to justify their short ‫ال تجعل أحكام العالم توصلك الى‬ comings and their refusal of repentance on others… ...‫ تأكد تماما ً أن هللا موجود‬...‫القنوط‬ and will say; I have no man! … This was Adam’s ‫ أنه ال ينساك‬...‫وأنه مازال يعمل‬ excuse and blamed Eve for his sin, an excuse which ‫ ومستعد أن ينجيك من كل‬...ً‫أبدا‬ .‫شرورك‬ is rejected by God and never acceptable! ‫هللا لم ينسى بنى اسرائيل فى مصر‬ This was king Saul justifications… when he disobeyed God’s commandments and did not forbid ...‫ سنة‬430 ‫رغم أنهم قضوا هناك‬

‫هللا لم ينسى وعده البراهيم‪ ...‬رغم أنه وصل الى ‪(Agag) kig of the Amalekites (1 Samuel‬‬ ‫سن ‪ 100‬سنة وامرأته عمرها ‪ 90‬سنة‪..‬‬ ‫‪15), it was the people who let them go to‬‬ ‫وأنت أيضا ً لك سنين فى عادة شريرة‪ ...‬لك وقت‬ ‫‪raise a sacrifice for God? Unacceptable‬‬ ‫طويل فى خطايا كثيرة هللا قادر أن ينقذك منها‬ ‫‪excuse… but even an excuse worse than‬‬ ‫يقبلك‬ ‫وينجيك‪ ....‬فقط تعال اليه وهو مستعد أن‬ ‫!‪the sin‬‬ ‫كن‬ ‫تجد‪...‬‬ ‫بدون تأخير‪ ...‬أطلب المعونة وسوف‬ ‫‪And you, my beloved, do you have many‬‬ ‫قويا ً فى أرادتك‪...‬ال تلق عذرك وذنوبك على‬ ‫‪excuses? Maybe you say circumstances are‬‬ ‫الناس وتقول ليس لى انسان‪..‬‬ ‫‪not conducive…. I work too hard…. The‬‬ ‫‪ +‬ليس لى انسان‪....‬‬ ‫‪temptations of sin is great…people are not‬‬ ‫كثيراً ما يحاول البعض أن يعلقوا تقصيراتهم‬ ‫?‪helping‬‬ ‫وعدم توبتهم على اآلخرين‪ ...‬ويقولوا ليس لى‬ ‫‪Perhaps you say; others are not‬‬ ‫انسان‪....‬‬ ‫كان هذا هو نفسه عذر آدم‪ ...‬القى بذنبه على‬ ‫)‪encouraging me…. The priest (Abouna‬‬ ‫المرأة‪ ...‬عذر لم يقبله هللا أبداً‪...‬‬ ‫‪does not visit me…. my wife is not‬‬ ‫يطع‬ ‫لم‬ ‫عندما‬ ‫الملك‪...‬‬ ‫كان هذا هو عذر شاول‬ ‫‪helping…. my kids are not cooperative….‬‬ ‫عفا‬ ‫قد‬ ‫الشعب‬ ‫أن‬ ‫عماليق‪...‬‬ ‫أمر هللا ولم يحرم‬ ‫!‪my friends keep me busy‬‬ ‫غير‬ ‫عذر‬ ‫للرب‪...‬‬ ‫ذبيحة‬ ‫لتقديم‬ ‫عن الغنيمة‬ ‫‪In this way, you give your self excuses‬‬ ‫الذنب‪...‬‬ ‫من‬ ‫أقبح‬ ‫أنه‬ ‫بل‬ ‫مقبول‪...‬‬ ‫‪not to repent… not for following a life of‬‬ ‫وأنت أيها الحبيب يبدو أن لك أعذار كثيرة‪...‬‬ ‫‪righteousness …. for your short comings‬‬ ‫ربما تقول الظروف ال تساعدنى‪ ....‬شغلى‬ ‫‪in fasting, prayers and charitable deeds‬‬ ‫متعب‪ ...‬اغراءات الخطية كثيرة‪ .‬الناس ال‬ ‫‪and grace. Thus, you give yourself a valid‬‬ ‫ترحمنى‪...‬‬ ‫‪excuse and continue in laziness and sin and‬‬ ‫ربما تقول الناس ال تشجعنى‪ ...‬أبونا ال‬ ‫‪to all of those, the Lord is asking …. “Do‬‬ ‫يزورنى‪ ...‬زوجتى ال تساعدنى‪ ...‬أوالدى‬ ‫متعبون‪ ...‬أصدقائى يشغلوننى‪....‬‬ ‫‪you want to be made well” (John 5:6) ….‬‬ ‫وهكذا تجد عذراً لعدم توبتك‪ ....‬لعدم سلوكك فى‬ ‫‪Do you truly want to be made well from‬‬ ‫حياة الفضيلة‪ ....‬لتقصيرك فى الصوم والصالة ‪sin? Then put all these excuses aside…. Do‬‬ ‫والصدقة ووسائط النعمة‪ ...‬وتريح نفسك بهذا‬ ‫‪not say it is too late, I have spent most of‬‬ ‫العذر وتستحلى حياة الكسل والخطية تستمر‬ ‫‪life in sin…. Do not say; I have no man to‬‬ ‫فيها‪...‬‬ ‫‪help me…. The Lord is willing to accept‬‬ ‫ولمثل هؤالء يسألهم الرب‪ ...‬أتريد أن تبرأ‪....‬‬ ‫‪you as you are…. Only say to the Lord,‬‬ ‫أحقا ً تريد أن تبرأ أم أنت تحب الخطية‪...‬‬ ‫‪yes, I want to be well and then the Lord‬‬ ‫الق بكل هذه االعذار جانباً‪ ...‬ال تقل أن الوقت‬ ‫‪will say to you,‬‬ ‫متأخر فقد أفنيت عمرى فى الخطية‪ ...‬ال تقل أن‬ ‫ليس لى انسان يساعدنى‪ ...‬الرب مستعد أن يقبلك ‪+ Rise, take up your bed and walk (John‬‬ ‫)‪5:8‬‬ ‫كما أنت‪ ....‬فقط قل له نعم يارب أريد أن أبراً‪....‬‬ ‫وعندئذ سوف يقول لك‪.‬‬ ‫‪Rise, you who is laying…. you are not‬‬ ‫‪ +‬قم أحمل سريرك‪.....‬‬ ‫‪weak…. you are not as little as you think‬‬ ‫قم أيها الراقد‪ ....‬أنك لست ضعيفاً‪ ...‬أنك لست‬ ‫‪…. you with the help of God are very‬‬ ‫صغيراً كما تظن‪ ....‬أنك بمعونة هللا قوى جداً‬ ‫‪strong and can carry your bed, showing‬‬ ‫وتستطيع أن تقول وتحمل سريرك شاهداً‬ ‫للجميع‬ ‫…‪everyone the grace of God in your life‬‬ ‫بعمل هللا العظيم معك فى حياتك‪....‬‬ ‫‪And soon you will be made well….‬‬ ‫وحاالً سوف تبرأ‪ ....‬سوف تشعر بتغيير طبير‬ ‫‪You will feel the change from within in‬‬ ‫فى حياتك يبدأ من الداخل‪ ....‬وينعكس على كل‬ ‫‪your life…. this will be reflected in all‬‬ ‫حواسك وتصرفاتك‪ ...‬وعندئذ تذكر كم سنينا ً‬ ‫‪your senses and actions…. then you will‬‬ ‫طويلة قضستها معزبا ً من الخطية‪ ....‬تذكر آالم‬ ‫الماضى وتعبه‪ ....‬وخذ درسا ً ال ينسى ال تخطئ ‪remember how many years you suffered in‬‬ ‫‪sin…. remember the pains of the past and‬‬ ‫أيضاً‪ ...‬لئال يكون لك أشر‪.‬‬ ‫‪learn lest you forget and sin again …. Lest‬‬ ‫‪a worse things (sin) come upon you (John‬‬ ‫‪5:14).‬‬

New Born Baby Seth Macarius son of Michael & Mary Eskander May the Lord grant him to be source of blessings for his parents and the Church ‫مواليد‬ ‫الطفل شيث مكاريوس‬ ‫ابن مايكل ومارى أسكنر‬ ‫الرب يبارك فى المولود فيصير بركة‬ ‫لوالديه وللكنيسة‬

The Departure of St. Macarius the Great. 5th April - 27th Baramhat

‫نياحة القديس مكاريوس الكبير‬ ‫اب الرهبان‬ ‫ برمهات‬٢٧ - ‫ أبريل‬٥

Services at St Mary’s Church during Building Construction 1) No change in services timetabke during the weekdays Monday - Friday 2) Saturdays: Liturgy 8:30 - 11am Sunday School cleaases distributed during the day. Church servants will notify the parents for the new timetable Arabic Vesper 5:30 - 7 pm English Vesper 7 - 7:30pm Mid-night Praises 7:30 - 10pm 3) Sundays THree Liturgies at the Main Church: Matins 5:30 - 6am First Liturgy 6 - 7:45am Arabic & English Second Liturgy 7:45 - 9:30 am English Third Liturgy 9:30 - 11:15 Arabic New timtable starts from Saturday 25th March

‫الخدمات بكنيسة العذراء مريم خالل فترة المبانى‬ ‫) ال تغيير فى مواعيد قداسات وخدمات الكنيسة‬١ ‫وسط األسبوع من األثنين الى الجمعة‬ ١١ - ٨:٣٠ ‫) يوم السبت القداس األلهى من‬٢ ‫صباحا‬ ‫خدمات مدارس األحد يوم السبت توزع خالل‬ ‫ سوف يعلن خدام الفصول األباء واألمهات‬.‫اليوم‬ ‫بالمواعيد الجديدة‬ ‫ مساء‬٧ - ٥:٣٠ ‫العشية العربي‬ ‫ مساء‬٧:٣٠ - ٧ ‫العشية األنجليزى‬ ‫ مساء‬١٠ - ٧:٣٠ ‫تسبحة نصف الليل‬ ‫) أيام اآلحاد تقام ثالثة قداسات بكنيسة العذراء‬٣ :‫مريم حسب المواعيد التالية‬ ‫ صباحا‬٦ - ٥:٣٠ ‫رفع بخور باكر‬ ‫ صباحا عربى وانجليزى‬٧:٤٥ - ٦ ‫القداس األول‬ ‫ صباحا انجليزى‬٩:٣٠ - ٧:٤٥ ‫القداس الثانى‬ ‫ صباحا عربى‬١١:١٥ - ٩:٣٠ ‫القداس الثالث‬ ٢٥ ‫يبدأ العمل بهذه المواعيد ابتداء من السبت‬ ‫مارس‬

Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal - 2022 “Blessed is he who considers the poor; The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.” Psalm 41:1 Beloved congregation of the Diocese of Melbourne and Affiliated Regions, As we enter the blessed and holy season of The Holy Lent and the Feast of the Glorious Resurrection, Coptic Hope Charity is pleased to announce the Easter Hamper Appeal - 2022. With the love and generosity of the Coptic Orthodox congregation, Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal supports our less fortunate brothers and sisters across the poorest villages and provinces throughout Egypt. Coptic Hope Charity confirms that all donations collected for the Easter Hamper Appeal is to provide hampers to be distributed amongst as many families as possible, including the 624 families in our Family-to-Family program. Your gift of $50 for each Easter Hamper will provide; Meat, rice, flour, butter, milk, sugar etc to make celebrating the Feast of Resurrection a special time for our less fortunate brothers and sisters. To contribute to Coptic Hope Charity Easter Hamper Appeal or assist with ongoing support please donate with reference “Easter Hamper Appeal” to the following bank account or via our Paypal account at www.coptichope.org.au Account Name: Coptic Hope Charity Limited ATF BSB: 063-159 Account Name: 10686722 Tax deductible receipts for all donations above $2 will be issued upon receipt. All funds raised by Coptic Hope Charity are for the sole purposes of the services provided by Coptic Hope Charity to serve the poor and in need. On behalf of Coptic Hope Charity, we would like to thank you for your love, generosity and support. For further information please call Nagy Banoub on 0423 411 715 or email: info@coptichope.org.au

His holiness Pope Tawadros II’s Wednesday meeting sermon 16-3-2022 Titled “Where are you?” Meeting God at home and with family The prodigal son represents the person who is not satisfied with his life. His house was quiet, but he was a grumbling man; This is what destroys man. We note that the first miracle performed by the Lord Christ was the establishment of a house, and Christ is the only one who establishes every house through the sacrament of marriage, in which comes the newlyweds at the end and kneel in front of the temple. Let’s make a comparison between the characteristics of the home in which God dwells and the other in which God does not exist: + Features of the home in which God dwells: 1- Built by God himself and dwells in it through prayers: prayers God is the one who establishes the house and is present in it through liturgical and individual prayers, and then through the children, and sacrifices of righteousness are offered in it. This house has a place for prayer and icons of the saints like the days of the Corona pandemic when all the houses prepared dedicated places for prayer. 2God takes care of it: Because God is the Pantokrator and the leader of this small family, as long as this family lives in his fear. Therefore, everything happens is through God’s arrangement, and God may send you a message through a child in Sunday schools or through your son or daughter and may be through Bible. 3Satisfaction and satiety in the holy times: times this is well noticed in the story of Moses and how God took care of him. How he learned from the etiquette of the Egyptians and was raised by the Pharaoh’s daughter. His life indeed displays the God’s presence in man’s life taking care of him in among his distresses. Today, the world is trying to distract the minds from the power and the capability of prayer, through wars and annoying news, but remember Daniel and he is in the captivity, he prayed and gave thanks to his God “Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before”(1). We have also the story of moving the Mokattam mountains through prayer. 4God showers his bless on it: it If the prodigal son saw the amount of satisfaction and fulfillment in which he was living, he would not have left his father’s house. But his view was a materialistic one. In the home in which God is present, we find God’s voice, a real life of discipleship among its members, the sound of the beautiful melody and the sound of praise, and discussions in verses from the Bible. All of these makes home like heaven, and they teach their children to do so. The prodigal son presented a distort- ed picture because the person who is not satisfied with his home, he looks for sati- ety outside, even for food! Features of the home in which God doesn’t exist (The reverse image): 1Cold as prison: this what the prodigal son felt about his home. Therefore, he asked for his inheritance share to enjoy it with his friends in an atmosphere of freedom. This is the fight that any man could face in which his home turns into a prison and looks for outside freedom. Absalom in the Old Testament says: “If only I were appointed judge in the land! Then everyone who has a complaint or case could come to me and I would see that they receive justice”. (2) He wanted to take the position of his father, and he made a revolution against

him, and the end was terrifying. The person who says, “I am the eldest in the house and my word is the one that is executed” and the house in which there is emptiness and coldness is like the prodigal son who loves money. As the one who loves money loves evil because “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil”(3). 2Devoid of Love and looks for the appearance instead of the core inside. 3Complaining about dissatisfaction: complaining sometimes from the children or form the wife. We all know Eli the priest, and how his children have perverted. We also remember the foolish Nabal and his wife Abigail, when Nabal refused to give David some of the good that he has, a house that does not know fullness. We all love the verse that says, “ One who is full loathes honey from the comb”(4). Without God, we do not feel full or loved, and the house is always arid. 4Home Relationships are dry and devoid of cordiality: like Joseph and his brothers who sold him. The prodigal son fell into the trap and his friends began to distort the image of his father in his mind, making him think that he would have life outside. Likely, the state of sin, which shines at first and then its reality appears. After that, bible says about him that he was hungry and began to eat pig food, but he returned quickly discovering that the home is the freedom and outside it a prison and not the other way around, coming back presenting a good model for repentance. In conclusion, I would like to tell you:: “How do we meet with our Lord inside home?” Via: 5The weakest individual in the family: family the family may consist of five members, in which one may have physical or mental weakness. It is possible to meet through this weak person. God may send you messages through him, like the son of Jonathan who was disabled. 6A soul broken by time: It is possible to meet our Lord from home when there is a soul, or a person broken by time. Sometimes a person is broken because of the changes of time, like Naomi, the mother-in-law of Ruth, who lost her husband and two sons. Imagine how hard it could be. So, God sent her, Ruth, who was associated with her and decided to live with her until her death. Nowadays, my brothers, because of the noisy life, we do not feel these weak people, and such people are hypersensitive and shy. Through these people, God sends you messages. Pray for him constantly and experience the power of prayer in him so that he changes, and God forces his breaks. 8Implementation of the commandment: “A gentle answer turns away wrath”(5). The house could have angry people that set the house on fire. There is a nice phrase that one of the writers said: “My mother taught me that a skilled cook is the one who knows exactly when to put out fire.” Some people are like doves of peace,, through whom God speaks in the house. They know how to put out a fire with beautiful words. 8The caring merciful eye: It is important for a person to have a caring eye because all eyes and hearts became cruel. Western cruelty and in every way, like the eldest son who did not rejoice at the return of his prodigal brother. A caring or gentle eye knows how to extinguish the fire of anger. When God is dwells in home, it would shine with beauty, not with its furniture and so on, but with what it contains of love, and with the presence of Christ. Let our lives and homes be dedicated to God to meet there. (1) Daniel 6:10. (2) 2 Sameul 15:4. (3) 1 Timothy 6:10. (4) Proverbs 27:7. (5) Proverbs 15:1.

His Grace Bishop Thomas visiting St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College Coolaroo 29th March 2022

New Buildings works starting 21st March 2022 Buildings has been evacuated. Power and gas have been disconnected ready for the construction works. The new Building is expected to be ready within 12 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downladed from church website. Cost of building works is around $12,000000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreaciated. ٢٠٢٢ ‫ مارس‬٢١ ‫البدء فى مشروع المبانى يوم‬ ‫ المقاول وضع‬.‫تم إخالء المبنى وفصل الكهرباء والغاز أستعدادا للعمل فى المبانى الجديدة‬ ‫ خدمات الكنيسة تتم‬.‫ شهرا‬١٢ ‫ من التزع تألنتهاء من المشروع خالل‬.‫سورا حول المبانى‬ .‫حسب المعتاد حسب الجدول الموضح داخل النشرة‬ .‫ مليون دوالرا‬١٢ ‫تبلغ تكلفة المشروع حوالى‬ ‫ينكنك المشاركة بتبرع شهرى بملء أستمارة السحب البنكى الموجودة بالكنيسة أو طبعها‬ ‫من خالل مركز الكنيسة األلكترونى‬ ‫الرب يبارك تبرعاتكم ومساهمتكم فى هذا العمل‬ Good News - ‫أخبار سارة‬

Department of Education offered $1,000,000 grant for the child care Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link ‫للتبرعات لكنيسة العذراء مريم ومشروع المبانى أضغط على الرابط‬ https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works

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