Weekly Bulletin 5th March 2023

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Services at St Mary’s Church

Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom)

Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom)

Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly)

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm Eng-


Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:30-7pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm

School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm

Sunday: 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English

2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:45 - 12:30pm

Church Priests:

Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251

Email: frtadros@me.com

Fr Habib Girgis Younan:

0401238177 – 94498871

Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com

Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821

Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au

Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington

Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651

Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Macary 0433 445 636

:ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم :نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا )يزيلجنا( احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا يبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 يزيلجنا - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 يبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩-7 يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١2 - ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم يزيلجنا ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا بلأا 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع 93766651 :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636 Liturgies during the Holy Lent 19th Feb - 7th April 2023 Additional Liturgies Tuesday & Thursday 5 - 7pm ريبكلا موصلا للاخ ةيفاضأ تاسادق 2023 ليربأ 7 - رياربف ١٩ سيمخلاو ءاثلاثلا ءاسم 75

The Departure of St. Eustathius, Patriarch of Antioch.

5th March - 27th Amsher

On this day of the year 330 A.D., St. Eustathius, Patriarch of Antioch, departed in exile. He was enthroned Patriarch of Antioch during the reign of the righteous Emperor Constantine the Great. He was righteous and well learned. He attended the Nicene Council, and the fathers gathered there agreed on excommunicating Arius and exiling him and all those who believed in his teachings. Those were Eusabius the Nicomedian; Thaoghonius, Bishop of Nicea; and Eusabius, Bishop of Caesarea. After the council was concluded and the fathers went back to their parishes, those who were excommunicated pretended that they wished to go to Jerusalem, but instead they went to Antioch. There, they enticed a harlot with money and other things in order to accuse St. Eustathius the Patriarch that he fathered a child from her. She took the money and went to the church and said as they had instructed her. They pretended to disbelieve her and said, “Bring forth your proof if you are truthful in what you are saying. We will not accept your statement unless you swear on the Bible that what you claim against this father is true.” She swore to them and they replied, “We do not need any more proof.” They condemned St. Eustathius and judged to strip him from his episcopal rank. They informed Emperor Constantine saying: “A council of clerics judged to remove Fr. Eustathius, Patriarch of Antioch, from his office”. The Emperor believed their unfounded judgement, and he deposed and banished St. Eustathius to Thrace where the saint remained until his departure. The Lord God, Who loves His holy servants, did not neglect to reveal the truth. The woman became ill with a debilitating long illness and suffered great pain. She realized that her suffering was a punishment for her false accusation against the Saint. She came and confessed before the people of the city that the charge she had brought against St. Eustathius the patriarch was untrue. She pointed at those who bribed her with money to lie. She indicated that the Patriarch was innocent and that the child was born to another man whose name was the same as the Patriarch. They convinced her to swear against the Saint but at the same time to mean in heart her friend who was the father of the child, to be saved from falsely swearing. The priests resumed mentioning the name of St.

كريرطب سويثاطسوا سيدقلا ةحاين ةيكاطنإ ريشمأ 27 - سرام 6 حينت م 330 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم يف ةيكاطنإ كريرطب سويثاطسأ سيدقلا يلع اكريرطب مدق هنا كلذو هافنم يف نيطنطسق رابلا كلملا نمز يف ةيكاطنإ ةيقين عمجم دهشو ايقت املاع ناكو ريبكلا هيفنو سويرا عطق يلع ءابلأا قفاوو سويباسوأ وهو هميلاعتب نيلئاقلاو وه ةقيين فقسأ سوينوغؤاثو يديموقنيلا ءاهتنا دعبو ةيراسيق فقسأ سويباسوأو مهيسارك ىلإ ءابلأا ةدوعو عمجملا يلع مهينب اميف نيعوطقملا ءلاؤه قفتا ىلإ باهذلا يف ةبغرلاب اورهاظتي نإ ةيكاطنإ ىلإ اوبهذ مهنكلو سدقملا تيب لاملا ضعبب ةيناز ةأرما اورغأ كانهو اذه مهتت نإ لباقم رثكأب اهودعوو تذخآف . ادلو اهنم بجنا دق هنا سيدقلا امك تلاقو ةسينكلا ىلإ تبهذو لاملا اولاقو اهبيذكتب اورهاظتف مه امأ اهونقل اميف ةقداص تنك نإ كليلد يمدق : اهل تفلح اذإ لاإ كلوق لبقن لا نحن . نيلوقت يلع هتيعدا يذلا اذه نإ ليجنلإا يلع ذئنيح ، مهل تفلحف . حيحص بلاا اذه اومكح مث . ئش مسقلا دعب سيل اولاق اوغلباو هتجرد نم سيدقلا طوقسب ةنهك عمجم نإ هل نيلئاق كلملا نيطنطسق كريرطب سويثاطسأ بلاا طوقسب مكح ىلإ هافنو مهلوق كلملا قدصف ةيكاطنإ حينت ىتح اهب سيدقلا ثبل ثيح يكارث ناف ةقيقحلا راهظإ نع لفغي مل الله نإ لاإ يتم لايوط اضرم تضرم دق ةآرملا امنإ اهباصأ يذلا نإ تنقيتو اهمسج لحن . هيف سيل امب سيدقلا اهفذق ببسب ناك هتءاربب ةنيدملا له مامأ ترقأو تتاف نإ تلاقو هيلع هب تعدا اميف اهبذكو ريظن كلذ ىلإ اهوأجلا نيذلا مه ءلاؤه وه اهعم يذلا دلولا نإو لاملا نم غلبم سويثاطسأ سيدقلا مساك همسا لجر نم اهبلق يف دصقتو فلحت ناب اهوعنقأف . فلحلا رطخ نم وجنتف اهبحاص لجرلا سيدقلا اذه ةءارب ترهظ اذكهو ابذك سادقلا يف همسا ركذ ىلإ ةنهكلا داعو يف مفلا يبهذ انحوي سيدقلا هحدم دقو . انبرلو انعم نوكت هتلاص .هراكذت موي .نيما ايدبا امئاد دجملا انريمس فقسأ سوبراكيلوب سيدقلا داهشتس ريشبلا انحوي ذيملتو ريشمأ 2٩ - سرام 8 دهشتسا م ١67 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم يف ةريهشلا انريمس فقسأ سوبراكيلوب سيدقلا لولاا ليجلا رخاوأ يف هتايح ادب . ريمزاب

Eustathius in the divine liturgy after his innocence was evident. He was eulogized and praised by St. John Chrysostom (of the Golden Mouth) on the day of his commemoration.

His prayrs be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna. 8th March - 29th Amsher

On this day of the year 167 A.D., St. Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna(1), was martyred. His life began at the end of the first Christian century, and he became the disciple of St. John the Evangelist. He was the one about whom the Lord said, “And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write, ‘These things says the First and the Last, Who was dead, and came to life: I know your works, tribulations and poverty, but you are rich; and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.’” (Revelation 2:8-10)

St. Polycarp went to Rome in the year 157 A.D. to settle a dispute with Arikestus, Bishop of Rome, in regard to the Easter feast. He shepherded his flock well and remained on his chair for a long time until a good old age. He wrote many articles and discourses about the Holy Advent, death, hell, torments of hell, the Virgin St. Mary and many others. He attracted many souls to the Lord with his life-giving teaching. When Emperor Marcus Aurelius incited persecutions against Christians, they strongly pressured him saying, “Swear and we will set you free; curse Christ and we will spare your life.” Polycarp replied, “I have served my Lord Christ for 86 years and He never harmed me so how can I blaspheme against my King Who saved me?”

The Governor said, “If you do not fear the wild beasts, I will make the fire consume you if you do not repent.” St. Polycarp said, “You threatened me with fire that burns for a while, then burns out, for you do not know the everlasting fire of judgement and the eternal punishment that are awaiting the evil ones. Now why are you lingering? Do whatever you want.”

After severe tortures and many threats, the saint wished to shed his blood for Christ’s name. He commanded and taught his people to be steadfast in faith and told them that they would not see his face after that day. They wept and tried to hold him down to prevent him from leaving but they failed to stop him.

He went and confessed the Lord Christ before the Governor who ordered to cut off his head after much torture; thus he received the crown of life. Some of the believers took his

يليجنلإا انحوي سيدقلل ذملتتو يحيسملا « هلوقب برلا هينعي يذلا وهو . اذه . انريمس ةسينك كلام ىلإ بتكا فرعا انا . . . رخلأاو لولاا هلوقي ينغ كنا عم كرقفو كتقيضو كلامعأ اوسيلو دوهي مهنا نيلئاقلا فيدجتو ، فخت لا . ناطيشلا عمجم مه لب ادوهي اذوه . هب ملأتت نإ ديتع تنأ نمم ةتبلا يف مكنم اضعب يقلي نإ عمزم سيلبإ قيض مكل نوكيو اوبرجت يكل نجسلا توملا ىلإ انيمأ نك . مايا ةرشع رفاس دقو . « ةايحلا ليلكإ كيطعأسف عانقلإ م ١57 ةنس ةيمور ىلإ سيدقلا ديع ناشب ةيمور فقسأ سوتيسكينا ةيوعرلا هلامعأ رشابو داع مث حصفلا اريبك انامز ةياعرلا يسرك يلع ماقأو ةريثك تلااقم عضوو .خاش ىتح سدقملا دلايملا نع ةديدع رمايمو نعو ، باذعلاو ميحجلاو توملاو تاريبدت نعو ميرم ةسيدقلا ءارذعلا برلا ىلإ بذجو كلذ ريغو صلخملا .ةييحملا هميلاعتب ةريثك اسوفن داهطضلاا سويليروا سقرم راثأ امل و يلع قانخلا اوقيض نييحيسملا يلع . كحارس قلطنف فلحا نيلئاق سيدقلا لائاق سوبراكيلوب باجأف . حيسملا متشا يل لعفي ملو هتمدخ ةنس نينامثو ةتس يذلا يكلم يلع فدجأ فيكف اررض تنك نإ يلاولا هل لاق مث ؟ ينصلخ نارينلا لعجأسف شوحولاب فختست سيدقلا لاقف . تبت اذإ لاإ ، كمهتلت يتلا رانلاب ينددهت كنا سوبراكيلوب لا كنلأ ئفطنت ليلق دعبو ةعاس لعتشت صاصقلاو ةديتعلا ةنونيدلا ران فرعت اذامل نكلو رارشلأل ظوفحملا يدبلأا تاداهطضا دعبو .كل ادب ام لعفا أطابتت سيدقلا اذه دارأ ةديدع تاديدهتو ةريرم يصوأف حيسملا مسا يلع همد كفسي نإ ناميلإا يف اوتبثي نإ مهملعو هبعش دعب ههجو نوري لا فوس مهنا مهفرعو نيلواحم هب اوقلعتو اوكبف . مويلا كلذ امأ . كلذ نم اونكمتي مل مهنكلو هعنم دعبو عوسي برلاب فرتعاو بهذف وه عطقب يلاولا رمأ اهلان ةريثك تاباذع ضعب ذخاو . ةايحلا ليلكإ لانف هسأر .ماركإب هونفكو هدسج نينمؤملا امئاد دجملا انبرلو انعم نوكت هتلاص .نيما ايدبا نادمعملا انحوي سيدقلا سأر دوجو ريشمأ 30 - سرام ٩ سار دوجو راكذتب ديعن مويلا اذه يف امل هنا كلذو . نادمعملا انحوي سيدقلا هراضحإو هسأر عطقب سدوريه رمأ

body, shrouded and buried it with great honor. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

The Appearance of the Head of St. John the Baptist. 9th March - 30th Amsher

On this day we celebrate the commemoration of the appearance of the head of St. John the Baptist. Herod commanded his head to be cut off and brought on a platter and given to Herodias, according to her request. (Mark 6:7-28) It was said that after the feast he regretted the slaying of St. John so he kept the head in his house.

Aritas, the Arabic King, Herod’s father-in-law, was enraged because Herod banished his daughter and married the wife of his brother, while his brother was still alive. Aritas instigated a war against Herod in revenge for his daughter. He overcame Herod, dispersed his army and destroyed the cities of Galilee. When Tiberius Caesar learned that the reason for these wars was the slaying of a prophet, who was great among his people, by Herod, who banished his wife, the daughter of Aritas, the Arabian king, and married his brother’s wife, he summoned Herod and Herodias to Rome. Herod hid the head of St. John in his palace and went to Rome. When he arrived there, Tiberius removed him from his position and stripped him of all his possessions and exiled him to Spain where he died. Herod’s palace was ruined and became an example for those who might think of following in his footsteps. A few years later, two believing men from Homs went to Jerusalem to spend the holy fast (Lent) there. Night fell on them while passing by the ruins of Herod’s palace, so they spent the night there. St. John appeared to one of them and told him about his name and the whereabouts of his head and ordered him to take it to his house. When he woke up, the man told this to his friend and they went to the place where the head was buried. They dug and found a sealed pottery vessel. When they opened that vessel, a sweet aroma spread out of it. They found the holy head, took its blessing and placed it back in the vessel. The man that saw the vision took it to his house. He put it in a safe place and put a candle in front of it. Before his departure, he told his sister about it and she went on doing the same thing.

The head was handed from one person to another until it came to the hand of a follower of Arius who attributed the wonders and miracles that happened through the holy head to the heresy of Arius. The Lord commanded someone to force him out of his house. The place of the head remained unknown until the time of St. Cyril (Kyrillos), Bishop of Jerusalem. St. John appeared to Abba Martianus, Bishop of Homs, in his sleep and told him about the place of the head. He went there and found the head and that was on the thirtieth of the month of Amshir.

The prayers of this saint be with us and Glory be to our God

قبط يلع ايدرويه ةاتفلا ىلإ هميدقتو هيلإ مدن ةميلولا ءاهتنا دعب هنا ليق تبلط امك هلزنم يف سأرلا يقباف انحوي هلتق يلع رهص برعلا كلم ساتيرا نإ قفتاو هتنبا درط هنلأ هيلع قنح، سدوريه هيلع راثأف ، يح وهو هيخأ ةأرماب جوزتو تتشو سدوريه بلغف هتنبلا راثيل ابرح دقو . ليلجلا دلاب برخو هدونج لمش هذه يف ببسلا نإ رصيق سورابيط ملع ميظع يبنل سدوريه لتق وه بورحلا يبرعلا ساتيرا ةنبا هدرطو هبعش يف ىلإ هاعدتساف . هيخأ ةأرما نم هجوزتو سدوريه يفخاف . ايدوريه هعمو ةيمور رفاسو هلزنم يف انحوي سيدقلا سار سورابيط رمأ كانه ىلإ لصو املف . هافن مث هلاومأ عيمج نم هديرجتو هعلخب . كانه تام ثيح سلدنلأا دلاب ىلإ ربتعي نمل ةربع راصو هلزنم برخو نم نيلجر نإ نينسلا نم ةدم دعب قفتاو تيب ادصق صمح لهأ نم نينمؤملا كانه ريبكلا موصلا ةدم ايضقيل سدقملا لزنم نم برقلاب تقولا امهيلع ىسمأو سيدقلا رهظف . امهتليل هيف امانف سدوريه هفرعو همساب هملعاو امهدحلأ انحوي ىلإ هعم هلمحي نإ هرمأو هسأر عضومب كلذ لاق همون نم ظقيتسا املف . هلزنم ناك يذلا ناكملا ثيح ىلإ ابهذو هقيفرل ادجوف ارفحو ، هيف انوفدم سيدقلا سار ترشتنا هاحتف املو اموتخم ايراخف ءاعو سدقملا سأرلا ادجوو ةبيط حئاور هنم هذخأو . ءاعولا ىلإ هاداعأ مث هنم اكرابتف هلزنم ىلإ ايؤرلا يأر يذلا لجرلا . لايدنق همامأ ءاضأو هتنازخ يف هعضوو ترمتساف كلذب هتخأ ملعا هتافو تند املو سأرلا لزي ملو . ليدنقلا رينت اضيا يه ىلإ يهتنا ىتح ناسنإ ىلإ ناسنإ نم لقتني هعنصي ام بسني راصف ، يسويرا لجر ، سويرا ةعدب ىلإ تايلآا نم سأرلا يقبو هناكم نم هدرط نم هيلع الله لسرأف سيدقلا نامز ىتح لاوهجم سأرلا ناكم سيدقلا رهظ ثيح ميلشروأ فقسأ سلريك يف صمح فقسأ سونايترم ابنلأ انحوي هذخأف . سأرلا عضوم ىلإ هدشرأو مونلا ريشمأ رهش نم نيثلاثلا يف كلذ ناكو انبرلو . انعم نوكت سيدقلا اذه ةلاص . . نيما ايدبا امئاد دجملا سوسيكرن سيدقلا ةحاين تاهمرب ١ - سرام ١0 0 حينت م 222 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم يف تيب فقسأ سوسيكرن سيدقلا بلأا سدقملا تيب ىلإ مدق بلأا اذهو ، سدقملا سوردنسكلا دهع يف م ١٩0 ةنس يف ناكو . ىراصنلل ابحم ناك يذلا رصيق

The Departure of St. Narcissus. 10th March - 1st Baramhat

On this day of the year, 222 A.D., departed the father St. Narcissus, Bishop of Jerusalem. This father came to Jerusalem during the reign of Alexander Caesar, who loved the Christians, in the year 190 A.D. This father was holy and unblemished in all his conduct. He shepherded his people with the best of care. Later, Alexander died and after him Maximianus Caesar reigned who incited persecution against the Christians. He slew many of the bishops and the remaining fled leaving their parishes. God granted this father the gift of performing wonders. On the eve of the feast of Easter, the oil in the lamps ran out, so he ordered the lamps to be filled with water and were lit. They all illuminated that night also by the light of his teachings.

The enemy of the good did not stop but, moved some people against him. They accused him of committing the sin of infidelity. God›s punishment for those liars was bitter. One of them burned to death, and the bowels of another poured out and died, the body of the third wasted out from a long sickness, the fourth was killed and the fifth repented with tears confessing his sins. As for the saint, he went to the desert and disappeared there, lest his stay be a stumble to others. Since nothing was known of St. Narcissus whereabouts, another man was chosen in his place whose name was Dius. Dius remained for a short period of time; he then departed. Upon Dius› departure they chose another called Ghordinus. When the time of persecution was over, Abba Narcissus returned to Jerusalem where he was greeted by his people with great joy. Ghordinus asked him to take over his Chair but, he refused preferring the solitary life. Ghordinus insisted that he stays with him in his cell. St. Narcissus stayed with him for one year at the end of which Ghordinus departed and St. Narcissus acquired his Chair. He had aged and was very week so, he asked his people to choose another bishop, but they refused.

Alexander, Bishop of Cappadocia, came to Jerusalem to visit the Holy Land and pray. When he was about to return, after the feast, the people heard a great voice in the church of the Resurrection saying: «Go to the gate of the city, the first one to enter it, seize him, make him stay to assist Narcissus.» When, they went to the gate, they met the Bishop Alexander, and pleaded with him to stay to assist Abba Narcissus. After much resistant, Bishop Alexander decided to accept and stay until the departure of St. Narcissus. This father remained on the Episcopal Chair for thirty seven years, and all the years of his life were one hundred and sixteen years.

May his prayers be with us. Amen.

forever. Amen.
عيمج يف لاماك اسيدق بلأا اذه نسحأ هبعش ىعرف ، هتافرصت هيسرك ىلع لايلق ثبلي ملو ، ةياعر هدعب ماقو ، سوردنسكلا تام ىتح راثأ اذهو ، رصيق سونايميسكم لتقو ، نييحيسملا ىلع داهطضلاا مهريغو ةفقاسلأا نم اريبك اددع امأ هيسرك اكرات ضعبلا برهو ، عنص ةبهوم الله هحنم دقف بلأا اذه ناك ةمايقلا ديع ةليل يفف ، بئاجعلا نأ رمأف ، ليدانقلا نم ذفن دق تيزلا عيمجلا رانتساو .تءاضأف ءام لأمت هميلاعت ءوض نم ةليللا كلت ىف تكسي مل ريخلا ودع نكلو . اضيأ هومهتاف ، هدض ضعبلا كرحف ، ارم الله ءازج ناكو ، ةساجنلا ةيطخب مهدحأ تام ذإ ، نيبذاكلا كئلوأ ىلع باذو ، رخآ ءاعمأ تقلدناو ، اقورحم لتقو ، ضرملا ماود نم ثلاثلا مسج عومدلا افراذ سماخلا باتو ، عبار . هبنذب افرتعم ىفتخاو ةيربلا ىلإ بهذف سيدقلا امأ ةرثع يف اببس هؤاقب نوكي لائل اهيف ، ائيش هرمأ نم فرعي مل ذأو ، دحأ ، سويد همسا اناسنآ هضوع اوراتخا همسا رخآ اومدقف حينت مث انامز ماقف نامز ىضقنا املو . سونيدروغ يلإ سوسيكرن بلأا داع داهطضلاا ميظع حرفب هبعش هلباقف ميلشروأ ملستي نأ سونيروغ هيلإ بلطو . حلأف . ةدحولا رثآو لبقي ملف هيسرك هعم ماقأف ةيلاقلاب هعم ىقبي نأ هيلع ، سونيروغ اهرثأ ىلع حينت ةنس . هيسرك سوسيكرن سيدقلا ملستف بلطف ، ادج فعضو ربك دق ناكو مهيلع رخآ افقسأ اوراتخي نأ هئانبأ نم فقسأ سوردنسكلا نأ ثحو . أوبأف سدقملا تيب يلإ رضح ةيقودابقلا دعب عوجرلاب مه املو ، دوعيو ىلصيل اميظع اتوص عمسي بعشلاب اذا ديعلا اوجرخا « لوقي ةمايقلا ةسينك يف نم لوأو ، ىنلافلا ةنيدملا باب يلإ عم هوقبأو هوكسما اذهف هنم لخدي اوجرخ امكف . هدعاسيل سوسيكرن سوردنسكلا فقسلأاب اوقتلا بابلا يلإ ، سوسيكرن بلأا عم ميقي نأ هوجرف نأ ىلا هعم ثبلو ، ديش عنمت دعب لبقف بلأا اذه سولج ةدم تناكو ، حينت نيثلاثو اعبس ةيفقسلأا ىسرك ىلع ةرشع تسو ةئام هتايح ةلمجو ، ةنس . نيمآ انعم نوكت هتلاص .ةنس


Great Lent is considered the holiest fast since our Lord Jesus Christ Himself had fasted it. Therefore, during Great Lent we follow the example set by our Lord Jesus Christ, Who fasted on our behalf forty days and forty nights (Matt. 4: 2). Also during Holy Week, which comes after the 40 days, we live the Passion of Christ day by day and hour by hour. Because of the significance and holiness of Great Lent, the Church designated a week of preparation to precede the 40 days. The Church is teaching us to prepare for Great Lent in a spiritual manner. We fast to prepare ourselves for the 40 holy days. In fact, the preparatory week is not the only fast which the Church designated to get us ready for Great Lent and Holy Week. Two weeks prior to Great Lent there is Jonah’s Fast, also known as Nineveh’s Fast. It is a short fast, only three days, and it is a fast of repentance. During this fast, we live with Jonah his fasting and repentance in the whale’s belly. We also live with the Ninevites their fasting and repentance. Just as the fasting accompanied by repentance saved Jonah and the Ninevites from perdition, also our fasting accompanied by repentance will save us from eternal destruction and death due to sin.

Great Lent is an Apostolic Fast:

It is mentioned in the Didskalia (chapter 18) the following: “Great Lent should be honored before Holy Week. It starts on the Monday following the Saturday and is completed on the Friday preceding Holy Week. After it, you must pay great attention to Holy Week and fast it with fear and piety.” In Canon 69 from the Canons of our Fathers the Apostles, the following is mentioned: “Any bishop, priest, deacon, reader, or chanter who does not fast Great Lent or Wednesdays and Fridays shall be excommunicated, unless he has a physical ailment. As for a lay person, he shall be excluded.”

Great Lent is an Ascetical Fast:

The Church teaches us to fast until sunset. Fish is not allowed during this period. Also married couples should refrain from physical relations to give themselves time for fasting and prayer (1 Cor. 7: 5). We would like to emphasize the importance of the period of strict abstention during fasting. It is refraining from eating and drinking for a period of time, followed by eating vegetarian food. Some people practice fasting by abstaining from meat and they eat vegetarian food, disregarding the period of strict abstention. These people should actually be regarded as vegetarians and not as fasting. A vegetarian eats only vegetarian food, but is not considered a fasting person. True fasting must be accompanied by abstention from food and drink until sunset as designated by the Church. However, due to variations in people’s physical and spiritual abilities, the Church gave the father of confession the authority to designate to his children the length of their strict abstinence. He determines what is suitable for their spiritual benefit according to the nature of their work, as well as their physical ability to endure fasting.

Great Lent is a Period of Prayer:

The period of Great Lent is distinctive for its many Liturgies. They become the spiritual treasure for the fasting person to help him throughout the rest of the year. In addition to the Divine Liturgy on Sundays, which have specific readings, hymns, and tunes, the Church also arranged special readings for the daily Liturgies during Great Lent. Also, during the weekdays, there are special hymns. The Church celebrates the Divine Liturgy almost daily during Great Lent. It is preferred that these Liturgies start late in the day to offer those fasting the opportunity to practice strict abstinence. It is not permitted to have the Divine Liturgy on weekdays early in the morning, since we pray the hours until the Compline Prayer. How can

we pray the psalms of the Compline Prayer at 5:00 A.M.? Also, having an early morning Liturgy means there will not be abstention from food, since we can not abstain from food following the Divine Liturgy. The proper time to end the Divine Liturgy during the weekdays of Great Lent is at sunset. Due to the inability of the elderly and the sick, it is permitted to have it end earlier, but not before noon. That way everyone may receive the blessing of Holy Communion, while benefiting from abstention. We hope that the fathers of confession will take great care in guiding their children as to the importance of strict abstinence and how to struggle to keep it for as long as they can.

Great Lent is a Period of Repentance: Fasting without repentance and changing one’s life becomes useless. Unless the fasting person changes his life during fasting, he will only be hungry and exhausted without gaining anything else. Therefore, the Church constantly reminds us of the importance of repentance during fasting. Before Great Lent, we fast Jonah’s Fast and we live the story of Jonah and the Ninevites’ repentance. During the third Sunday of Lent, the Holy Church offers us the Gospel reading of the Prodigal Son as a model of repentance, which requires an awakening, confession of sins, leaving the place of sin, and returning to the Heavenly Fr. with confidence in His mercies and acceptance. This parable reveals to us the depth of God’s love for sinners and how He accepts them no matter how horrendous their sin is. Our Lord Jesus Christ said, “the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.” (John 6: 37) Christ “has come to save that which was lost.” (Matt. 18:11) God desires that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of truth (1Tim. 2:4). Christ is the True Physician who is needed by those who are ill by sin. He did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance (Mark 2: 17). Repentance is a result of divine action; it is the Spirit of God, Who moves the hearts of sinners to repent. It is written in the Holy Bible, “For it is God who works in you both to will and do for His good pleasure.”(Phil. 2: 13) God’s pleasure is in the return of a sinner so that he will not die in his sin. When God sees his sinful child returning to Him, He has compassion and goes to him, kissing him, and welcomes his return by saying, “It is right that we should make merry and be glad.” (Luke 15: 32) The return of a sinner and his repentance results in joy to God, as well as all those in heaven, because, “there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.” (Luke 15: 7)

During Great Lent, we praise God for His many mercies. The Doxology of Great Lent presents to us a magnificent hymn in praising God on His mercies, as well as asking for His mercies. The first Doxology of the Sundays of Great Lent starts with the following:

I will praise you, O Lord, for your mercies are forever. From generation to generation, my mouth shall declare Your truth.

In this beautiful doxology, we praise God for His mercies. Then the chanter remembers his many sins and transgressions by saying, ” My sins are heavy over my head.” As his sins are revealed in front of him, he then remembers the stories of those who repented and were accepted by God, so he won’t lose hope. Therefore, he remembers the publican, the adulteress, and the thief and asks God to make him like any one of them. Again, he recalls God’s attributes by saying, “I know You are good, kind and merciful. Remember me in Your mercy forever.” God does not wish the death of a sinner but that he should return and live. Then the chanter remembers his sins once again and says:

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Second Sunday of Holy Lent

Today Sunday 5 March 2023 - 26 Amshir 1739 for the martyrs is the second Sunday of the Holy Lent Sundays and is also called the Sunday of the experience in relation to the readings of the Holy Bible about the experience on the mountain and the readings of the Holy Liturgy today are:

Pauline Epistle: Romans 14:19 - 7:15 We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves.

Catholicon: James 2:1-12because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment

The Acts: Acts 1:23-11 I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day.

Holy Gospel: Matthew 4:1-11 You Shall worship the Lord your God, and thou shall worship Him alone.

+ Man shall not live by bread alone

How easy it is for the Lord to turn stones into bread, but why did the Lord fast then? Fasting becomes like a meaningless charade. The Lord fasted in the weakness of humanity just like us, although the Lord is able by the power of his divinity to never need any food. It is easy for the Lord to fly over the veil of the temple. that any angel of his servants does this. But where is the truth of the Incarnation, then? The Lord has humbled Himself and became a man like us in all things. That the Lord truly reigns over all and submits to all But he did not come into the world to become a king, for he is the king of kings and the Lord of lords. For our sake he became poor in order to spare us the desires and pleasures of this world. He starved to fill us. He became weak to strengthen us. He became poor to make us rich. He gave us in himself an example of how to reject the stones of the world in order to be satisfied with the heavenly bread. How can we despise the appearances of the world in order to obtain the riches of heaven? How can we step on the wealth and possessions of the world in order to obtain an inheritance that does not perish or fade? The bread of the world is a stone that does not benefit but harms.

ريبكلا موصلا نم ىناثلا دحلأا سدقملا - 2023 سرام 5 دحلأا مويلا وه ءادهشلل ١73٩ ريشمأ 26 موصلا داحآ نم يناثلا دحلأا دحأب اضيأ ىمسيو سدقملا ريبكلا ليجنلإا تاءارق ىلا ةبسن ةبرجتلا لبجلا ىلع ةبرجتلا نع سدقملا مويلا يهللإا سادقلا تاءارقو : ىه - ١٩ : ١4 ةيمور :سلوبلاأ ءايوقلأا نحن انيلع بجيف 7:١5 لاو ءافعضلا فعض لمتحن نأ انسفنأ ىضرن ١2- ١:2 بوقعي :نوكيلوثاكلاا ىلع نوكت ةمحر لاب ةنونيدلا ناف ةمحرلاو ةمحرلا لمعي مل نم مكحلا ىلع رختفت ١:23 لسرلا لامعأ :سيسكربلأا حلاص ريمض لكب ىنأ ١١(١( مويلا اذه ىلا هللل تدبعت ١١ - ١ :4 ىتم :سدقملا ليجنلأا دبعت هدحو هاياو دجست كهلإ برلل ناسنلإا ايحي هدحو زبخلاب سيل + ةراجحلا برلا لوحي نأ لهسأ ام ماص اذامل نكلو ازبخ ىبلا لثم موصلا حبصي .. ؟اذأ برلا يف ماص برلا ..ىنعم لاب ةيليثمت مغر امامت انلثم توسانلا فعض نأ هتوهلا ةوقب رداق برلا نأ ..ماعط ىأ يلإ اقلاطإ جاتحي لا قوف برلا ريطي نأ لهسأ أم كلام ىأ نأ ..لكيهلا باجح نيأ نكلو ..اذه لعفي همادخ نم برلا عضو دقل ؟اذإ دسجتلا ةقيقح لك يف انلثم اناسنإ راصو هسفن ىلع كلمي اقح برلا نأ ..ءيش مل هنكلو ..لكلا هل عضخيو لكلا وهف اكلم ذخأيل ملاعلا ىلا تأي نم ..بابرلأا برو كولملا كلم نع انينغي يكل اريقف راص انلجأ عاج ..هتاذلمو ملاعلا اذه تاوهش ..انيوقيل افيعض راص .انعبشيل ىف اناطعأ ..انينغيل اريقف راص ةراجح ضفرن فيك لااثم هتاذ زبخلا نم عبشن يكل ملاعلا رهاظم رقتحن فيك ..يوامسلا

In the wilderness, the Israelites craved the food of Egypt and the pots of meat and fish, and grumbled about the manna that the Lord brings down from heaven every day to them. And the Lord gave them so much meat. Just like the stones of this world, they even dried it and stored it in heaps around the locality, and the Lord struck them with pestilence, and thousands died there and were buried under piles of meat. Thus who desires the stones of this world, rejecting the bread of life. Satan portrays to us the stones of the world as bread. What are the most harmful things that the people of the world boast about their imaginary benefits. What are most of the colors and taste and shape enhancers that the people of the world use today. It is strange that many scientists strongly warn of the spread of the use of these chemicals, which lead to serious diseases whose extent man has not realized and many of which are still discovered today. One of the types of artificial sweeteners that are used in very many foods and drinks that humans have not confirmed their safety and there are researches indicating that they cause cancer. Man is skilled in turning stones into delicious bread that fills the stomachs. Beware that the decorated stones of this world crave. They are insatiable. It may even make you hungry and tired.

+ You shall not [a]tempt the Lord your God

There is no safe place as the temple, and there is nothing as sacred and joyful to the inner soul as the veil of the temple. In the midst of this peace and joy, Satan experiences the truth and truth of this peace. Is it a fake external peace while the heart from the inside desires the greatness and glory of the world? Why don’t you go on an adventure, especially since you live close to the temple, the Lord must send His angels to carry you. Satan deceives man by distracting him from his spirits by maximizing living. So I don’t mind that you are in the temple. There is nothing wrong with you being a religious and hardworking person in your spirits, but why not be rich and great and why not become famous and impor-

فيك ..ءامسلا ىنغ لانن يكل ملاعلا هتاينتقمو ملاعلا ىنغ ىلع سودن لاو ىنفي لا اثاريم لانن يكل لا ةراجج وه ملاعلا زبخ ..لحمضي ونب ىهتشأ ةيربلا ىف ..رضت لب ديفت محللا رودقو رصم ةمعطأ ليئارسأ يذلا نملا ىلع اورمذتو كمسلاو موي لك تاومسلا نم برلا هلزني اريثك امحل برلأ مهاطعأو ..مهل ىتح ملاعلا اذه ةراجحك امامت ..ادج يلاوح لالات هونزخو هوففج مهنأ تامف أبولاب برلا مهبرضو ةلحملا ماوكأ تحت اونفدو فلالآا كانه ةراجح ىهتشي نم اذكه ..موحللا ..ةايحلا زبخ اضفار ملاعلا اذه ملاعلا ةراجح انل روصي ناطيشلا ةراضلا ءايشلأا رثكأ ام ..ازبخ اهنأ اهدئاوفب ملاعلا لهأ ىنغتي يتلا تانسحمو ناوللأا رثكأ ام ..ةيمهولا لهأ اهلمعتسي يتلا لكشلاو معطلا ريثكلا نأ بيرغلاو ..مويلا ملاعلا نم ةدشب نورذحي ءاملعلا نم ةيواميكلا داوملا هذه مادختسا راشتنا ةريطخ ضارمأ يلإ ىدؤت ىتلا لازامو اهادم ناسنلإا كردي مل دحأ ..مويلا ىلا اهنم ريثكلا فشتكي يتلا ةيعانصلا تايلحملا عاونأ ةمعطلأا نم ادج ريثكلا ىف مدختست نم ناسنلإأ دكأتي مل تابورشملاو يلإ ريشت ثاحبأ كانهو اهتملاس ناسنلإأ ننفتي ..ناطرسلا ببست اهنأ يهش زبخ ىلا ةراجحلا ليوحت يف ىهتشت نأ نم رذحأ ..نوطبلا لأمي لا اهنأ ..ةنيزملا ملاعلا اذه ةراجح ..ابعتو اعوج كديزت دق لب ..عبشت كهلاإ برلا برجت لا + لكيهلا نم نمآ ناكم كانه سيل جهبمو سدقم وهام كانه سيلو ..لكيهلا باجح لثم ةيلخادلا سفنلل ةجهبلاو ملاسلا اذه طسو ىف ةقيقحو قدص ناطيشلا ربتخي فيزم ملاس وه له ..ملاسلا اذه لخادلا نم بلقلا امنيب يجراخ اذامل ..هدجمو ملاعلا ةمظع ىهتشي اصوصخ ةرماغم ىف لخدت لا دبلاف لكيهلا نم ابيرق شيعت كنأو

tant. Gradually, Satan occupies man with this thought until he completely forgets his spirits and postpones his repentance and spiritual struggle until he finishes the adventures of the world. There are many who intend to repent but only after paying off debts or after. Finishing exams or after the kids grow up and of course all of them are good purposes and the Lord must send his angels and they carry you safely to their goal and man does not know that his spirits often cool down and he descends down and crashes on the rocks of this world. Do not tempt the Lord your God, do not enter with God in a global competition. Save yourself and your eternity first.

+ You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve Satan evolves in your temptation and may even introduce the world to you. His glory, greatness, richness, and fame, but when the world offers something like this, it does not offer it without a price. The only price Satan wants is to ensure that your eternity is lost and that your soul is destroyed. The strange thing is that he asks boldly and without shame and in his lies and deception he does not cover his ugly face. You often know that what you are doing is wrong and not right. You even know that it is theft, lying or cheating, but you convince yourself that this is the rule today and everyone does this. It is very painful that you know that what you are doing is wrong but you silence your conscience for the sake of the world’s gains and possessions. When will your conscience wake up and you realize that you are losing your eternity. Conscience is often only awakened by a painful physical blow, and there are many examples in human life. To the Lord your God you shall worship and to Him alone you shall worship. Watch out for the president of this lying and deceitful world who wants you to give yourself in exchange for illusions, deceptions and decorated stones.

..كنولمحيل هتكئلام لسري برلا نأ نع هلغشي نأب ناسنلإا ناطيشلا عدخي عنام لاف ..ةشيعملا مظعتب هتايحور كنأ نم عنام لا ..لكيهلا ىف دجوت كنأ نكلو كتايحور ىف دهتجمو نيدتم ناسنأ لا اذاملو اميظعو اينغ نوكت لا اذامل لغشي ايجيردتو ..امهمو اروهشم ريصت هيسني ىتح ركفلا اذهب ناسنلإا ناطيشلا هداهجو هتبوت لجؤيو امامت هتايحور تارماغم نم يهتني ىتح يحورلا نكلو ةبوتلا نووني نوريثك كانه ..ملاعلا ءاهتنلاا .دعب وأ نويدلا ديدست دعب طقف دلاولأا ربكي نأ دعب وأ تاناحتملاا نم نأ دبلاو ةنسح ضارغأ اهلك اعبطو نيملاس كنولمحيو هتكئلام لسري برلا اريثك هنأ ناسنلإا يردي لاو مهفده ىلا لفسأ ىلا ردحنيو هتايحور دربت ام لا ..ملاعلا اذه روخص قوف مطحتيو ىف الله عم لخدت لا كهلإ برلا برجت كتيدبأو كسفن صلاخ ..ةيملاع ةسفانم ..لاوأ دبعت هدحو هاياو دجست كهلا برلل + دق هنأ ىتح كئارغإ ىف ناطيشلا روطتي هانغو هتمظعو هدجم ..ملاعلا كل مدقي ائيش ملاعلا مدقي امدنع نكلو هترهشو نمثلاو ..نمث لاب همدقي لا هنإف اذه لثم نأ وه ناطيشلا هديري يذلا ديحولا ..كسفن كلاهو كتيدبأ عايض نمضي لجخ نودبو ةأرجب بلطي هنأ بيرغلاو ههجو ىطغي لا هعادخو هبذك ىفو أطخ هلمعت ام نأ فرعت ام اريثك ..حيبقلا ةقرس هنأ فرعت كنأ لب ..ميلس ريغو نأ كسفن عنقت كنكلو شغ وأ بذك وأ ..اذه لعفي لكلاو مويلا ةدعاقلا ىه هذه هلمعت ام نأ فرعت كنأ ادج ملؤم ءيش لجأ نم كريمض تكست كنكلو أطخ ظقيتسي ىتم ..هتاينتقمو ملاعلا بساكم ..كتيدبأ رسخت امنأ كنأ كردتو كريمض للاخ نم لاإ ريمضلا ظقيتسي لا ام اريثك ةلثملأا رثكأ امو ةملؤم ةيدسج ةبرض هايأو دجست كهلإ برلل ..رشبلا ةايح ىف اذه سيئر نم سرتحأ ..دبعت هدحو نأ ديري يذلا عداخملا بذاكلا ملاعلا تاعادخو ماهوأ لباقم ىف كسفن هيطعت ..ةنيزم ةراجحو

The Departure of Saint Pope Cyril (Kyrillos) VI

The 115th Successor to St. Mark the Evangelist

9th March - 30th Amsher

On March 9 (Amshir 30), the remembrance of the departure of the Great Pope (Papa Ava) Kyrillos (Cyril) VI, the 116th successor of St. Mark the Evangelist. He was pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark befor our present pope, Papa Ava Shenouda III. Anba (His Holiness) Kyrillos was a holy man who through full dedication to the life of prayer and fasting posessed many higher gifts which included performing wonders and miracles, the gift of knowledge, and an unusual ability to lead by example. which was missing for generations before his ascending to the throne of St. Mark. He set on the chair of St. Mark for twelve years (1959-1971). He had the honor and showed the wisdom needed to guide the Coptic Church through the difficult times of the 1960’s when the government of then Gamal Abdul-Nasser was nationalizing business, real estate, and land including those willed to the churches and monasteries. He was highly regarded by the people of Egypt from all walks of life Christian and non-Christian alike.

Pope Kyrillos VI was born August 2, 1902 as Azer Ata, the son of a church deacon from a middle class family. After completing high school, Azer went to work for a shipping company in Alexandria. Much against his family’s wishes, he resigned his job with the intention of becoming a monk and entered the monastery of Baramous (named after Sts. Maximus and Domadius) in the Western Desert of Egypt in an area called bariaat Sheheet (the prairie of the heart’s scale). On the 25th of February, 1928, he was consecrated monk. He was given the monastic name “Mena” after St. Menas his patron saint. Three years later he was ordained a priest, July 18, 1931.

Fr. Mena attended the Helwan Theological College and was rated one of the top students. Later, he retired to a cave two miles away from the monastery to live a life of solitude. That is how he came to be known as “Abouna Mena Al-mota-Wahed” (Fr. Mena the Solitaire).

Afterwards, he was appointed abott of the Monastery of St. Samuel in the eastern desert, south of Suex near the Red Sea. He devoted a great deal of effort toward the restoration of this historic landmark.

When the monastery of St. Samuel was restored, he left that area and moved to a deserted windmill south of Cairo (the windmill belonged to the Army, and long after, it was revealed that he paid a nominal rent for it when he found out that it belonged to the Army). This is near the historic region of “Masr Al-Kadema” (ancient Cairo). He restored the place and built a small residence and a church on the name of St. Mena his patron saint. He found himself surronded with college students, many of them are from outside Cairo, so, he started a dormitory for students who neede this service. This informal program produced the first church affiliated dorm in modern times in Egypt, and produced countless church leaders, some of whom are our present bishops, priests, and Laity leaders. The likes of His Holiness Pope Shenouda (his successor), the late bishop Samuel, .. etc.

After the abduction of his predecessor, the late pope Youssab (Joseph) II by militant Copts, the church was in great turmoil which did not last long, because it was the will of God the pope Youssab departed shortly thereafter.

In April, 1959, Fr. Mena Al-Mota-Wahed was elected pope and patriarch through the unique process used in the Coptic Church to elect a pope. Candidates for the honorable position are nominated, three or four of the nominees are elected by the Holy Synod as most qualified. The final selection is left to the will of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, by placing the names on the altar during the appointed day of final selection. A young deacon is then asked to draw a name which is then the one chosen by God from among the qualified candidates for this high calling.

In May, 1959, Fr. Mena became pope and patriarch by the laying of the hands of all the

bishops of the Coptic Church at the time, he was called pope Kyrillos VI (That means that five popes before him were called Kyrillos. The first pope Kyrillos is Cyril of Alexandria the pillar of faith).

During his tenure as patriarch, many were attracted to monastic life and to the priesthood by his good example and sincere life style. As a teen-ager growing in Egypt at the time I used to attend Vespers regularly at the Great St. Mark Cathedral (Al-darb Al-wasse) in Cairo where his holiness lead the prayers and many of us had the blessing of seeing him, talking to him, and getting his blessings. He always paid attention to the people and spent many hours blessing and chatting with young and old. He always encouraged us during exams seasons, and prayed for our success. No wonder many joined the priesthood from the ranks of college graduates in all fields which was previously not considered the thing to do! Many books have been written about his life, wonders and miracles. The author recommends the publications of Pope Kyrillos the VI Society which are published originally in Arabic and translated to many live languages (English, French, German, .. etc.). We are going to mention just a few, some have not published elsewhere and was related to the author by relatives and friends:

His Holiness had the gift of knowledge, so one day, he was visited by two men, one was well known to his holiness. When the gentleman introduced his friend to his holiness, Pope Kyrillos looked at the man and said: “Why don’t you like us?” I love you and like to see you here always. The man was very ashamed because he thought evil of our beloved pope and had argued with his friend about the use of meeting a ‘simple’ man. This man became a great admirer of Anba Kyrillos and his son was healed from terrible illness through the prayers of Anba Kyrillos.

Miracles of heeling and casting out of devils from a non-Christian young lady was related to me by a very dear relative. She was the daughter of his boss in a textile factory near Alexandria. She was one of 22 children, possessed by demons and was withering away. Her father loved her very much. He spent a fortune on real doctors and witch doctors as well, with no results. On day, he called my relative to his office and said, you have “Sheik Kebeer” (Great Elder)? can you introduce me to him? My relative promised to arrange a meeting, he traveled to Cairo and arranged with the pope’s secretary a meeting for the afternoon of a specified date. He was supposed to meet them at the door and introduce them to the staff to take them to the house of the patriarchate. The people were very anxious, they arrived early. His Holiness recognized them although he was not told (ordinarily, people were brought in, and they told him their needs). Anba Kyrillos called the young lady by her first name. Put his cross on her forehead, she fell down sobbing. From that moment on, she was completely whole.

In his last days, he was gravely ill with phlebitis (blood clot in the leg). They hooked a speaker from the great Cathedral to his bedroom at his request because he could not bear not being able to perform liturgy (which he performed almost daily during his life of priesthood). One day the head mother of one of the convents (monasteries for nuns) wanted to speak to him on the phone, but the staff wouldn’t give out his private number. Anba Kyrillos appeared to her in a vision, gave her the number and comforted her. She did not call, but later on she was blessed by seeing him and was rendered speechless when Anba Kyrillos asked her the reason she did not call on his private line. Our Father Papa Ava (the Great Pope) Kyrillos departed on March 9, 1971. Shortly before his departure, he told one of the monks, you look like Tobia, the one mentioned in the book of Tobeet. Take care of my burial. Initially, they buried him under the Altar in the Great Cathedral in Cairo. But when his successor, the Great Patriarch, Pope Shenouda III read his will, he had to follow his wishes and move his holy body to the desert south west of Alexandria, to the Monastery of St. Mena which was renovated and immensely expanded by Pope Kyrillos to honor his good friend, patron saint, St. Mena of Marriot. That is where his place of rest. It is the custom of Apostolic Churches to wait 50 years after departure, before declaring a person a saint. And although many in our generation feel deeply about the worthiness of Anba Kyrillos, we anxiously are waiting until this day comes. His prayers and the prayers and intercessions of his patron, Saint Mena of Marriot be with us. Glory be to God forever. Amen.

+ 40th Day Commemoration

The 40th day commemoration for the late and beloved mum, Mrs Amal Mahrous will be held on the 5th of March at 8:30am in St Bishoy and St Verena’s church (Eporo) - 285 Latrobe Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000.

+ Remember O Lord the Departed

Departed to be with The Lord, the dear brother Mr Medhat Elyas, beloved husband of Mrs Hanna and adored father of Lylian, Maurice and Matthew in Melbourne.

Beloved brother of Mr Magdy Elyas and Mrs Maryan Matta.

The church prays for the repose of his very kind soul in the paradise of joy and a comfort of perfect peace for the dear blessed family in Australia, Sudan and Egypt with all of our saddened hearts.

نيعبرلأا ىركذ + ابنلاا هسينكب سرام نم سماخلا دحلاا موي انبر نذإب سورحم لاما هلضافلا ملال نيعبرلاا راكذت سادق .احابص 8 . 30 هعاسلا نروبلمب انيريف هسيدقلا و يوشيب قفاوملا تبسلا موي قوللا بابب انحوي رام و ءارذعلا هسينكب هرهاقلا يف نيعبرلاا سادق انبر نذإب اضيا و .سرام ١١
:نيدقارلا براي ركذأ + سيرومو نايليل نم لك دلاوو ءانه /ةديسلا جوز سايلإ تحدم /ديسلا موحرملا ةمايقلا ءاجر ىلع دقر .ىتم نايرام /ةديسلاو سايلإ ىدجم ديسلا قيقش اضيأ وهو .ويثامو ةرسلأا دارفأ لك ىزعيو هسفن حيني بحملا برلا

I have sinned , O Jesus, my Lord, I have sinned, O Jesus, my God, O my King, do not count the sins I have committed.

He asks for God’s mercies and not to be punished like Sodom and Gomorrah, but to have mercy on him like the Ninevites. The chanter ends his praise by saying:

But absolve and forgive

My many transgressions

As good and lover of mankind

Have mercy on us according to Your great mercy.

This doxology is beautiful poetry, through which the human soul expresses her feelings resulting from the heaviness of her sins. At the same time, she shows her great hope in our kind and merciful Lord, Who is happy with the return and repentance of the sinner. Yet, He punishes the unrepentant sinners. Therefore, repentance is the means by which we enjoy God’s great mercies.

Great Lent is a Period for Doing Mercy:

The Church reminds us of the importance of doing merciful acts during fasting. Therefore, during Great Lent we chant together praising those who have mercy on the poor. The Holy Bible teaches us that the fasting which is accepted by God is the one in which we do acts of mercy to others. “Is this not the fast that I have chosen: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; when you see the naked, that you cover him, and not hide yourself from you own flesh?”

Fasting is a beautiful period to do good deeds by helping the poor, feeding the hungry, visiting the sick, and taking care of the needs of others. The person who fasts by not yielding to the needs of the flesh, will feel the needs of others and his heart will be moved to serve them. Also, the asceticism of fasting teaches us to care for the heavenly and not be concerned with the earthly. Thus it becomes easy to forsake our material possessions and offer them to the needy.

Great Lent is a Period of Reconciliation with Others: Fasting is an act of worship presented to God, and God does not accept the offering and worship of a person who quarrels with others. Instead, He asks him to go and make peace with his brother before coming to worship and present offerings in front of God’ altar. Fasting is an appropriate time to evaluate our relationship with others. As we ask God to forgive us our sins, we must also forgive those who have sinned against us.

May God grant us a blessed fast by which we can grow in a life of prayer, asceticism, and repentance. May we always increase in doing acts of mercy and living in peace with one another.

Ref: https://lacopts.org/story/the-meaning-of-the-great-lent/ Coptic Orthodox Church - Diocese of Los Angeles


Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready within 9 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. Cost of building works is around $13,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link

for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works

ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ بسح داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .روهش 8 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا .ارلاود نويلم ١3 3 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا
Special Thanks
طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy &
Browser) Building Site 26th Februaryy 2023

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