Weekly Bulletin 7th January 2023

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Services at St Mary’s Church Monday: Mass 9 - 11 am Tuesday Liturgy 5:30 - 7am 7:30pm The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom) Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom) Thursday Mass 9 - 11 am - English English Midnight Praises 7:30pm English Bible Study 7:30pm Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Youth 25 and above 7-9pm Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday: 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English 2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm Church Priests: Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 0401238177 – 94498871 Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399 Fr John Macary 0433 445 636 :ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :يهللإا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )يزيلجنا( ىاو اذ - يزيلجنلإاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 7:30 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا يبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 يزيلجنا - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 يبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلا يزيلجنا - احابص ١١ - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 يزيلجنا - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩-7 يزيلجنا - ةمدخلا دادعإ عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 يهللإا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجا ءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا يزيلجنا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا يزيلجناو يبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا يزيلجنإ – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 يناثلا سادقلا يبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 يزيلجنا - ناحلأ لصف :ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأا ميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com :نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 يراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Christmas).

7th January - 29th Keiahk

On this day, of the year 5510 of the world, as calculated by our glorious church, we celebrate the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Incarnate God in the Flesh from the virgin St. Mary. Through the Divine plan of God and His foreknowledge, Caesar Augustus issued a decree for a general census in all the Roman Empire. For that reason, Joseph rose, and the virgin with him, and went from the city of Nazareth to «Bethlehem» to be counted in the census there because he was from the tribe of Judah, from the house of David. Bethlehem was the city of David. When they arrived in Bethlehem, the Virgin gave birth to her first born child and she wrapped him in swaddling clothes and put him in a manger, for they did not have a place for them in the inn. Now there were, in the same country, shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. Then the angel said to them, «Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all the people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David, a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: you will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger.» Suddenly there was, with the angel, a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: «Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.»

So it was, when the angels had gone away from them into heaven, that the shepherds said to one another, «Let us now go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has come to pass, which the Lord has made known to us.» And they came with haste and found the Babe, Mary, Joseph, and Salomi. The place was shining with light. Now when they had seen him, they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this child. Then they worshipped the child and they returned, glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and seen. (Luke 2:1-20)

On this day, the prophecies about the birth of the Lord from a chaste virgin had been fulfilled. Isaiah the prophet said, «Behold the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and shall call His Name Immanuel.» (Isaiah 7:14)

Ezekiel the prophet also said about this wonderful mystery, «And the Lord said to me, ‹This gate shall be shut; it shall not be opened, and no man shall enter by it, because the Lord God of Israel has entered by it, therefore it shall be shut.»› (Ezekiel 44:2)

About this child, Daniel the prophet said, «I was watching in the night visions, and behold, One like the Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven! He came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought Him near before Him. Then to Him was given dominion and glory and the Kingdom that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and His Kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed.» (Daniel 7:13-14)

Jeremiah the prophet said, «Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, that I will raise to David a Branch of Righteousness; a King shall reign and prosper, and execute judgement and righteousness in the earth. In His days, Judah will be saved and Israel will dwell safely; Now this is His Name by which He will be called: The Lord Our Righteousness.» (Jeremiah 23:5-6) We must therefore now direct our minds toward the manger of Bethlehem, where the Son of God was lying in it in the flesh at the time of His birth, contemplating in silence and reverence worthy of the mystery of the incarnation of God, and His birth in a manger for our salvation. Knowing that He teaches us through this mystery to despise the

ديدجلا دلايملا ديع كهيك 2٩ - رياني 7 ةنس نم مويلا اذه لثم يف انتسينك باسحب ملاعلل 55١0 عوسي انبر دلايمب ديعن ، ةديجملا نم دسجلاب سنأتملا حيسملا ، ميرم ةسيدقلا لوتبلا ءارذعلا قبس ةيهللإا ةدارلإا نإ كلذو سطسغوا ردصي نإ تمسرف لك بتتكت ناب هرمأ رصيق ماق ببسلا اذهلو ، ةنوكسملا هعمو ةرصانلا نم فسوي ابتتكيل محل تيب ىلإ ءارذعلا نمو اذوهي طبس نم هنلأ كانه ةيرق يه محل تيبو ، دواد تيب لاصو امل امهنا ثدحو ، دواد تدلوف اهمايأ تمت كانه ىلإ هتعضوو هتفلو ، ركبلا اهنبا اعضوم ادجي مل ثيح دوذم يف كلت يف ناكو ، هب نلازني نوسرحي نيدبتم ةاعر ةروكلا ، مهتيعر يلع ليللا ةسارح قرشاو برلا كلام مهل رهظف لاقو ، ءامسلا نم رون مهيلع اهف اوفاخت لا « كلاملا مهل نوكي ميظع حرفب مكرشبأ انا مكل دلو هنا ، بعشلا عيمجل صلخم دواد ةنيدم يف مويلا مكل هذهو ، برلا حيسملا وه اطمقم لافط نودجت ةملاعلا
ملاسلا ضرلأا .«ةرسملا ةكئلاملا مهنع تضم امل و مهضعب ةاعرلا لاق ءامسلا ىلإ تيب ىلإ نلآا بهذنل « ضعبل انملعأ يذلا ملاكلا رظننل محل ، نيعرسم اوءاجف برلا هب فسويو ميرمو لفطلا اودجوو ائيضم ناكملا ناكو ، يمولاسو يذلا ملاكلا نإ اوملعف ، رونلاب اودجس مث ، قح وه هب اورشب الله نوحبسي مهو اوداعو لفطلل هوعمس ام لك يلع هنودجميو امب نورشبي اوناكو ، هوأرو مويلا اذه يفف ،اوعمسو اونياع دلوم نع ءايبنلأا تاوبن تلمك دقف ، ءارذع لوتب نم برلا ءارذعلا اه « يبنلا ءايعشا لاق همسا وعدتو انبا دلتو لبحت نع لايقزح لوقيو « ليئونامع يل لاقف « بيجعلا رسلا اذه لا اقلغم نوكي بابلا اذه برلا
ةتغب رهظو ، دوذم يف اعجضم دنجلا نم روهمج كلاملا عم نيلئاق الله نوحبسي يوامسلا يلعو يلاعلأا يف لله دجملا« سانلا يفو

world and all the vain things in it, and that He urges us to be humble and to love our neighbor seeking his own good, and that we should live in virtue and holiness according to the Christian ethics; not ignoring the great dignity that has been granted to us by this Divine Incarnation.

Since we have kept this fast before the Advent, and have arrived at this glorious feast, we should receive it with purity and every good thing. We should extend our hand to comfort the weak, to help the poor, and to be instruments of peace and reconciliation among the people, taking our Lord Who has made an eternal peace by His Incarnation as our example. We should ask God in supplications to have compassion upon us and to forgive our sins, and to bless our gatherings, and to keep the life of His Holiness Pope ... , Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, to keep his pontificate for many years with the joy, peace and the safety of the church, and the advancement of his people in virtue. May God grant us many returns of this feast, filled with the blessings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Who came for our salvation. To Him be the Glory and Honor forever. Amen.

The Departure of St. John, Archpriest of Scetis.

8th January - 30th Keiahk

On this day, St. John (Youannis), the archpriest (Heagomen) of Shiheet (Scetis) departed. When he was ordained archpriest for the monastery of St. Macarius, the whole wilderness was illumined by him and he became a father to many of the saints. Among those saints were Anba Gawarga and Anba Abraam, the two great stars, and Anba Mina, bishop of Tamai “Tamuz”, and Anba Zacharias and many others, through whom many souls were saved.

Because of his holiness and his great piety, when he was administering Holy Communion to the people, he was able to recognize those who were sinners and those who were righteous. Several times he saw Christ and the angels surrounding Him upon the altar. He once saw one of the priests, who was of bad reputation, coming to the church and the evil spirits surrounding him. When the priest arrived at the door of the church, the angel of the Lord came out from the sanctuary )Hekal( with a fiery sword in his hand and dismissed the unclean spirits. The priest entered the church and put on the service clothes and administered the liturgy and gave the Holy Communion to the people. After he was finished, he took off the service clothes and went out of the church, the evil spirits returned to him. This was what St. John said to his brethren the monks, to make them aware that there was no difference between a sinful and an unsinful priest in ministering the church sacraments. For it is for the sake of the people that the bread and the wine are transubstantiated to the Body and the Blood of Christ. He told them a parable, “As the picture of the emperor is imprinted on his seal that is made from iron or gold, and the seal is one, also the priesthood is one with the sinner and the righteous, and the Lord rewards everyone according to his deeds.”

This saint suffered many tribulations. The “Berbers” took him captive to their country. He stayed there for many years, during which he was tortured. He met St. Samuel, the abbot of the monastery of Qualamon, during his captivity.

By the grace of God, he returned to his monastery. When he knew in a vision the day of his departure, he called the brethren and commanded them to keep the Commandments of the Lord, and to walk in the pathway of the saintly fathers, to share

برلا نلا ناسنإ هنم لخدي لاو حتفي « اقلغم نوكيف هنم لخد ليئارسإ هلا يبنلا لايناد لاق دولوملا اذه نعو ، عم اذإو ليللا يؤر يف ىرأ تنك « يتأ ناسنإ نبا لثم ءامسلا بحس همادق هوبرقف مايلأا ميدقلا ىلإ ءاجو اتوكلمو ادجمو اناطلس يطعأف ، ةنسللأاو مملأاو بوعشلا لك هل دبعتتل لوزي مل ام يدبا ناطلس هناطلس ، لاقو ، « ضرقني لا ام هتوكلمو لوقي ىتأت مايا اه « يبنلا ايمرا كلميف رب نصغ دوادل ميقأو برلا يف لادعو اقح يرجيو حجنيو كلم اذوهي صلخي همايأ يف ، ضرلأا همسا وه اذهو ، انمآ ليئارسإ نكسيو .«انرب برلا هب هنوعدي يذلا انلوقعب هجوتن نإ نلآا انيلع بجيف نبا ناك يذلا ، محل تيب دوذم وحن هتدلاو تقو دسجلاب هيف اعجضم الله يف نيقئلا ءودهو تمصب نيلمأتم ، دوذم يف هتدلاوو هللإا دسجت رس اذهب هنا نيملاع ، انصلاخ لجلأ هليطابأ لكو ملاعلا راقتحا انملعي ةبحمو عاضتلإا يلع انثحيو ، نإو ، هريخ يف يعسلاو بيرقلا بادلآاو ىوقتلاو ةليضفلاب شيعن رادقم نيلهاج ريغ ، ةيحيسملا انل تراص يتلا ةميظعلا ةماركلا اننلأو ،يهللإا دسجتلا رس ةطساوب دقو ، يضقنا يذلا موصلا انظفح دق هلباقنلف ، ديجملا ديعلا اذه انيلع لبقا دمن نإو ، رهاط نسح وه ام لكب ةجاح دسو ءافعضلا ةاساومل انيديأ ملاسلاو حلصلا داجيإو ،نيكاسملا يذلا انديسب ءادتقا انناوخإ نيب نيعراض ، ايدبا املاس عنص هدسجتب انل رفغيو انيلع فءارتي نإ يلاعت هيلإ ظفحيو انتاعامتجا كرابيو اناياطخ ... ابنلاا مظعملا بلاا ديسلا ةايح انل ةزاركلا كريرطبو ةيردنكسلإا اباب ةريثك نينس هتساير ميديو ةيسقرملا هبعش ومنو ةسينكلا ةملاسب اعتمم لاثمأ انيلع ديعي نإو ، ةليضفلا يف ءلم يف نحنو كرابملا مويلا اذه دسجت يذلا عوسي برلا يدافلا ةمعن دبا ىلإ ةماركلاو دجملا هل ،انصلاخل .نيما روهدلا رهدو نيدبلآا تيهش صمق سناؤي سيدقلا ةحاين كهيك 30 - رياني 8 سيدقلا حينت مويلا اذه لثم يف يذلا ، تيهيش صمق سنأوي ابنلاا سيدقلا ريد يلع اصمق مسر امل هب ةيربلا تءاضتساو سويراقم مهنم ،نيسيدقلا نم ريثكل ابأ راصو نيبكوكلا ماربا ابنلأاو ةجرواج ابنلاا ةنيدم فقسأ انيم ابنلأاو ، نيميظعلا

with them the good portion and the inheritance of the kingdom of heaven. Shortly after, he became ill and he saw a crowd of saints were coming to take his spirit, and he gave up the spirit in the hand of the Lord. His brethren carried him to the church and because of their strong love for him and their firm belief in his holiness, they kept a portion of his burial clothes which was a source of healing for many sicknesses. This father lived for 90 years. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Stephen the Archdeacon.

9th January - 1st Toba This day marks the martyrdom of St. Stephen, the Archdeacon and the first martyr )protomartyr(. St. Luke testified about him in the Acts of the Apostles saying, “Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and signs among the people.” (Acts 6:8) The Jews envied him and seized him and brought him to the Council. They also set up false witnesses who said, “This man does not cease to speak blasphemous words against this holy place and the law; for we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs which Moses delivered to us.” (Acts 6:12-13) And all who sat in the Council, looking steadfastly at him, saw his face as the face of an angel. (Acts 6:13) Then the high priest said, “Are these things so?” St. Stephen answered with convincing words and told them the history from Abraham to Moses. The coming out of Abraham from Haran, the birth and the circumcision of Isaac, Jacob and his sons and their selling of Joseph, and how Joseph revealed himself to his brothers. St. Stephen continued to narrate to them all the events until the building of the temple. He concluded by saying, “You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you. Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who foretold the coming of the Just One, of Whom you now have become the betrayers and murderers; who have received the law by the direction of angels and have not kept it.” (Acts 7:51-53) When they heard these things they were cut to their hearts, and they gnashed at him with their teeth. But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, and said, “Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!”

Then they cried out with a loud voice, stopped their ears, and ran toward him with one accord; and they cast him out of the city and stoned him.

They stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and saying, “Lord Jesus receive my Spirit.” Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.” And when he said this, he fell asleep. (Acts 7:51-60) Devout men carried St. Stephen to his burial and made great lamentation over him. His prayers be with us. Amen.

The Departure of St. John the Evangelist and Theologian. 12th January - 4th Toba

On this day, in the year 100 A.D., St. John, the virgin, the evangelist, and apostle who was the son of Zebedee, departed. St. John Chrysostom (of the Golden Mouth) said that St. John the Evangelist was originally a disciple of St. John the Baptist. He was the brother of St. James the Elder, who was killed by Herod by the sword. The Lord called him with his brother “Boanerges” (Mark 3:17), that is “sons of thunder,” for their strong zeal and great faith. He was also the disciple whom Jesus loved. The lot fell on him to go to Asia. The people of this area were stiff-necked, so he prayed to Christ to be with him. He went to Ephesus, accompanied by his disciple Prochorus. They embarked

، سايراخز ابنلأاو ، يمت اوراص نيذلا . مهريغ نوريثكو . ةريثك سوفن صلاخ يف اببس ، هاوقت مظعو هعرو ةرثكلو فرعي بعشلا لواني امدنع ناك تارمو ، هريغ نم ئطاخلا حيسملا ديسلا نياعي ناك ةريثك حبذملا يلع هب طيحت ةكئلاملاو ـ سوسقلا دحأ ةرم رظنو ، ىلإ ايتأ ـ ةعمسلا ئيس ناكو ةريرشلا حاورلأاو ، ةسينكلا سقلا اذه لصو املف ، هب ةطيحم كلام جرخ ، ةسينكلا باب ىلإ فيس هديبو لكيهلا نم برلا حاورلأا هنع درطو ، ران نم سبلو سقلا لخدف ، ةسجنلا لوانو مدخو ، ةيتونهكلا ةلحلا املو ، ةسدقملا رارسلأا بعشلا ، ةمدخلا بايث علخو يهتنا هيلإ تداع ، ةسينكلا نم جرخو ام اذه ، لولأاك حاورلأا كلت ةوخلال سنأوي ابنلاا سيدقلا هلاق قرف لا هنا مهفرعيل نابهرلا ئطاخلا نهاكلا نيب ةمدخلا يف ةنامأ لجلأ هنلأ ئطاخلا ريغو ىلإ رمخلاو زبخلا لوحتي بعشلا ، نيسدقلأا همدو حيسملا دسج “ هلوقب كلذ يلع لاثم مهل لاقو عبطنت كلملا ةروص نإ امك هنا ديدحلا نم عونصملا متاخلا يلع لا دحاو متاخلاو ، بهذلا وأ عم دحاو تونهكلا كلذك ، ريغتي يذلا وه برلاو ، رابلاو ئطاخلا ،هلمع بسح دحاو لك يزاجي دئادش سيدقلا اذه يساق دقو مهدلاب ىلإ ربربلا هابسو ، ةريثك يقل نينس ةدع كانه يضقو ، كانه يقتلا دقو ، ناوهلا اهيف ريد سيئر ليئومص سيدقلاب ىلإ داع الله ةمعنبو ، نوملقلا مويب ايؤر يف ملع املو ، هريد مهاصوأو ةوخلاا عمج ، هلاقتنا ريسلاو ، برلا اياصو ظفحب ، نيسيدقلا ءابلأا قيرط يف حلاصلا بيصنلا مهوكراشيل تاومسلا توكلم يف ثاريملاو رصباف ، ضرم ليلق دعبو ، دق نيسيدقلا نم ةعامج ناك ملسا مث ، هحور ذخلأ اورضح ةوخلاا هلمحف ، برلا ديب حورلا هل مهتبحم ةدشلو ، ةسينكلا ىلإ اوظفتحا ، هتسادق يف مهداقتعاو ةطساو تناكو ، هنفك نم عطقب اذه شاعو ةريثك ضارمأ ءافش ، ةنس نيعست بلاا دجملا انبرلو انعم نوكت هتلاص

on a ship, but the ship was wrecked on the way and every one of the passengers clung to a plank of the ship’s wood. The waves washed out Prochorus to an island, but St. John remained among the waves of the sea for several days, until the waves carried him, by the will of God, to the same island where his disciple Prochorus was. When they met together, they offered thanks to God for taking care of them.

From there, St. John went to the city of Ephesus where he preached the word of salvation. Its people did not accept his message at first, until a day when an only child fell in the furnace of a public bath managed by the child’s mother. They took him in haste out of the fire, but he was dead and his mother wept bitterly At this time, St. John went to the child, prayed fervently to God, made the sign of the Cross over him, breathed in the child’s face, and life came back to him right away. His mother rejoiced and she kissed the feet of the Apostle and tears of joy were in her eyes. From this time on, the people of the city came to hear his teachings and many of them believed and were baptized by St. John. This made the priests of the idols resent him and they tried to kill him several times but they could not, for the Lord protects all His chosen ones. After a great effort and many hardships, St. John led them to the knowledge of God and ordained bishops and priests for them.

From there, he went to other places in Asia (Minor) and converted many of its people to the Faith of Christ.

This saint lived 90 years, and they used to carry him to the gatherings of the believers. Because of his old age, he only gave them very short sermons saying, “My children, love one another.”

He wrote the gospel known after him, and the Book of Revelation which he had seen on the island of Patmos, which is full of divine mysteries. He also wrote the three epistles known by his name. He was with the Lord Jesus Christ at the Transfiguration. He leaned (reclined) on the chest of our Lord at the Last Supper. He asked the Lord, “Who is he that shall betray you?” He was standing near the Cross with the Virgin St. Mary and the Lord said to his mother, “Behold your Son,” and to John, “Behold your mother.” He was the disciple about whom Peter asked the Lord, “And this one, what of him?” The Lord said to Peter, “If it be that I wish him to be here until I come, what is that to you?”

When St. John felt that he was about to depart from this world, he summoned the people and administered to them the Body and the Blood of the Lord. He preached and commanded them to be steadfast in their faith. He then departed from the City of Ephesus for a short distance. He commanded his disciple and others with him to dig there a pit for him. He went down in it, raised his hands and prayed and then bade them farewell. He commanded them to return to the city and to confirm the brethren in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ, and said to them, “I am innocent of your blood, for I did not leave any command of God that I haven’t taught you, and now, let it be known that you will never see my face again, and God will reward everyone according to his deeds.”

When he said that, they kissed his hand and his feet, and they left him and returned to the city. When the people knew what had happened, they went out to where the saint was, and they found that he had departed. They wept and were deeply sad. They talked about his miracles and marvelled about his meekness.

In spite of the fact that he did not die by the sword, as the rest of the apostles did, he was equal to them in the heavenly glories, for his virginity and his holiness. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

. نيما ايدبا امئاد سونافطسا سيدقلا داهشتسا ةسمامشلا سيئر ةبوط ١ - رياني ٩ دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم يف سيئر سونافتسا سيدقلا اذه . ءادهشلا لوأو ةسمامشلا رفس يف اقول هنع دهش يذلا امأو « هلوقب لسرلا لامعأ اناميإ اءولمم ناك ذإف سونافتسا تايآو بئاجع عنصي ناك ةوقو هدسحف « بعشلا يف ةميظع ىلإ هب اوتأو هوفطتخاو دوهيلا ةبذك ادوهش اوماقأو « مهعمجم رتفي لا لاجرلا اذه ناب نولوقي دض افيدجت املاك ملكتي نأ نع . سومانلاو سدقملا عضوملا عوسي نإ لوقي هانعمس اننلأ اذه ضقنيس اذه يرصانلا يتلا دئاوعلا ريغيو عضوملا صخشف . ىسوم اهايإ انملس عمجملا يف نيسلاجلا عيمج هيلإ كلام هجو هنأك ههجو اوأرو هذه ىرتأ ةنهكلا سيئر لاقف مهباجأف « يه اذكه روملأا نم لوقلا مهل درسو
جورخو .
ناتخ دلايمو
مهعيبو هينبو
ىتح لوقلا قاسو مهاعدتساو هملاك متخ مث . لكيهلا ءانب ريغو باقرلا ةاسق اي : هلوقب متنا ناذلأا بولقلاب نينزتخملا سدقلا حورلا نومواقت امئاد . متنا كلذك مكؤابآ ناك امك . مكؤابآ هدهطضي مل ءايبنلأا يأ اوبنأف اوقبس نيذلا اولتق دقو نلاأ متنا يذلا رابلا ءيجمب ئلتمم هيلتاقو هيملسم مترص دجم يأرف سدقلا حورلا نم الله نيمي نع امئاق عوسيو الله تاومسلا رظنا انأ اه لاقف . نع امئاق ناسنلإا نباو ةحوتفم توصب اوحاصف . الله نيمي سفنب هيلع مهناذآ اودسو ميظع ةنيدملا جراخ هوجرخأو . ةدحاو اهيأ لوقيو وعدي وهو هومجرو يثح مث يحور لبقا عوسي برلا توصب خرصو هيتبكر يلع هذه مهل مقت لا بر اي ميظع هدسج لمحو «دقر اذه لاق ذإو هيلع اوماقأو نينمؤملا ضعب هتلاص . هونفد مث ةميظع ةحانم .نيمآ انعم نوكت
عنقم ملاكب
بوقعيو قحسا

+ Feast of Holy Nativity: Friday 6th January: Nativity Paramon: Nativity Paramon Friday 6th January 7-9am

Three Divine Liturgies will be held at ST Mary’s Church as follows:

St. Mary’s Church: Early Morning Prayer 5 - 6pm

First Mass: 6 - 9pm (Arabic & English)

Second Mass 9-12 midnight (Arabic & English)

St John Chrysostom Church: At the Uniting Church, McKraken Street

Early Morning Prayer 7:45pm Mass: 9 - 12 midnight (English)

Sunday School Celebrations Saturday 7th January 11am

Sunday 8th Jan: One Mass 8-10am

ديجملا دليملا ديع ةليل تاولص :رياني 6 ةعمجلا :دلايملا ديع نومرب احابص ٩ - 7 رياني 6 ةعمجلا نومربلا سادق ديع ةليل تاسادق ةثلاث ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينك ميقت :ةيلاتلا ديعاوملا بسح ديجملا دلايملا :ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينك ءاسم 65 : ركاب روخب عفر يزيلجناو يبرع - ءاسم ٩ - 6لولأا سادقلا يبرع - ليللا فصن ١2 - ٩ يناثلا سادقلا :بهذلا مف انحوي سيدقلا ةسينك تيرتس نكاركام دتيانويلا ةسينكب ماقي ءاسم٩ - 7:30 ركاب روخب عفر يزيلجنا - ليلا فصن١2 - ٩ يهللإا سادقلا دحلأا سرادم لافتحأ احابص١١ رياني 7 تبسلا احابص ١0 - 8 دحاو سادق :رياني 8 دحلأا دلايملاو يهللإا دسجتلا ةيمتح رماعلا نايرسلا ريد سيئرو فقسأ سؤاتم ابنلأا ةفاين يرشبلا لقعلا قوفي ميظع رس وهو ،ةسينكلا تادقتعم مهأ نم يلوتبلا دلايملاو يهللإا دسجتلا رس .(١6 :3يت١( «دسجلا يف رهظ الله :ىوقتلا رس وه ميظع« :لوسرلا سلوب انملعم لوقي هنعو دودحملا ةيح ةروص ميدقت يف ةيرشبلا نع بئان )2.ةدقعملا ءادفلا ةيضق لح )١:دلايملاو دسجتلا فادهأ مهأ ترشتنا يتلا ةدسافلا ميلاعتلا حلاصإ )4.اهضقن سيلو ةعيرشلاب ومسلا )3.الله مامأ لماكلا ناسنلإل هذه يف ملكتن .انعم الله هريسفت يذلا ليئونامع هسفن ىمسف ،برق نع للهاب ناسنلإا فيرعت )5.اهتقو سيلبإ ةيدوبع نم ناسنلإا ذاقنإو ةدقعملا ءادفلا ةيضق لح وهو يهللإا دسجتلل ببس مهأو لوأ نع ةلاقملا نم لكأي لاأ هاصوأو ةنجلا يف هعضوو مدآ الله قلخ .اهيف عقو يتلا كلاهلاو ةيطخلا ةوه نم هلاشتناو هركمب ناطيشلا ءاج.)١7 :2كت( تومي اتوم اهنم لكأي موي هنأ هرذحو ،رشلاو ريخلا ةفرعم ةرجش رمث ،)6 :3كت( لكأف اهلجر تطعأو تلكأو تذخأف ،اهنع يهنملا ةرجشلا كلت نم لكلأاب ءاوح ىوغأو ناسنلإا توم نكل .هقح يهللإا لدعلا ذخأي ىتح توملا مكح امهيلع بجوف ،هاياصو ارسكو الله ايصعو نأ امك ،نوصلخي لكلا نأ ديرت يتلا الله ةمحر دض ناسنلإا توم )١:لثم ةريثك تابقعو لكاشم هلباقت قلخ يذلا الله ةمارك دض ناسنلإا توم )2.ناطيشلا ءارغإب أطخأ هنلأ هتيطخ يف رذعلا ضعب هل مدآ (3؟ةلوهسلا ةدهب ةروصلا هذه قزمتت فيكف ،هتاقولخم عيمج ىلع هطلسو ،هلاثمو هتروص ىلع ناسنلإا ناسنلإا توم )4.ناطيشلا رش نم اهيمحي نأ عيطتسي ملو ةقيلخ قلخ الله نأك ،الله ةوق دض ناسنلإا توم كلتب عتمتلا نم ناطيشلا همرحي فيكف ،هل هتونبو الله تاكربب عتمتيل ناسنلإا الله قلخ دقل ،الله ةمكح دض نأ الله لقع عيطتسي لاو الله ةقيلخ جات عم ةلكشم دجوت فيك ذإ ،الله ءاكذ دض ناسنلإا توم )5.تاكربلا نكل .ملاعلا ءاشنإ لبق هل دعملا توكلملا هثرويو يدبلأا توملا نم ناسنلإا ذقني نأ ديري الله .لاح اهل دجي يضري لاو ةمحرلا يضري حماستلا اذه؟نايصعلا نم هرذح هنأ مغر ناسنلإا الله حماسي له )١؟فيك ةعيبط نأ بناج ىلإ اذه .ناطيشلا راصتنا هانعم اذه ،ناسنلإا تيميو هتملك الله ذفني )2.يهللإا لدعلا نأ دب لاو ،قلاخو صلخمو داف ىلإ رملأا جاتحاو .ةقلخ ةداعإ ىلإ جاتحتو ةيطخلاب تدسف دق ناسنلإا تومي نأ بجي )2.ناسنلإا يدفي يكل اناسنإ يدافلا نوكي نأ بجي )١:لثم ةنيعم تافص يدافلا يف رفاوتت ناسنلإا يدفي نأ عيطتسي يكل ةيطخ لاب نوكي نأ بجي )3.توملا مكح نم ناسنلإا ذقني نأ عيطتسيل نوكي نأ بجي )5.ناسنلإا ىلع دودحملا ريغ نيدلا ءافو عيطتسيل دودحم ريغ نوكي نأ بجي )4.ئطاخلا لابو دودحم ريغو اقلاخ ناك دسجتلا لبق حيسملا ديسلا .ةيطخلاب تدسف يتلا ناسنلإا ةقلخ ديعي يكل اقلاخ يسيئرلا ببسلا وه اذهو ،بيلصلا ىلع ناسنلإا نع توميو ادسج ذخأي يكل دسجتي نأ دب لا ناكو ،ةيطخ ملاسو ريخب متنأو ماع لكو .دلايملاو دسجتلل.

Glorious Feast of Holy Nativity

Pauline: Hebrews 1: 1- 2:4

Catholicon: 2 Peter 1: 12 – 17

Acts: Acts 13: 26-33l

Gospel: Matthew 2: 1-12 “And fell down and worshipped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” (Matthew 2:11)

What an exalted love before which a person stands incapable to express it. The God of glory becomes a Child for our sake. To whom the heavenly powers tremble and submit, before whom kings and greats are crushed; accepted to be an Infant Child. To be carried on hands and needing food and drink like us. He is the one who feeds all creation, provides for it, develops it, and raises all. The Lord has become a human being to raise the level of my humanity. I am the one who allowed sin to enter my life. And by disobedience, I lost my royal status. By the incarnation of the Lord, we became heavenly creatures despite our weak and corrupt nature. How amazing; the heaven is permitted to a repentant thief on the cross and to a man who denies His Master three times and wept bitterly. The arms of the Lord are opened because He knows the weakness of my humanity. Wow, a murderer and an adulterer slave who seeks to know You; therefore, You reveal Yourself to him, and interact with the love of Your transcendent incarnation, so that he becomes a great saint, heir of the kingdom, and a teacher to the hosts of earthly angels; saint Moses the Black. Wow, a boastful adulteress who wants to overthrow even those who make pilgrimages to visit the Holy Sepulchre. But you, Lord understand what is within the human being, because You became a human being like me, so you stopped her to reconsider herself, cry, repent, and break out in an amazing love. She clung to Your Beloved Person and left everything else to sojourn in the wilderness for decades and became a saint and an example of repentance that turns adulterers into virgins; saint Mary of Egypt. Wow, Your inexpressible love!!!!!

You became a Child, my Lord, to bless my helpless childhood. You raised the level of my childhood so that childhood, with its simplicity, innocence and purity, became the desire of the saints and hermits. Rather, it became a prerequisite to enter the kingdom of heaven. I wanted with my pride to

ديجملا دلايملا ديع 2:4 - ١ :١ نييناربع : سلوبلا :١ ةيناثلا سرطب :نوكيلوثاكلا ١7 - ١2 :١3 لسرلا لامعأ : سيسكربلأا 33 - 26 ١2 - ١ :2 ىتم : سدقملا ليجنلأا وحتف مث هل اودجسو اورخف « انابلو ابهذ اياده هل اومدقو مهزونك ١١ :2 ىتم « ارمو فقي يذلا قئافلا بحلا اذهل اي ريبعتلا نع ازجاع ناسنلإأ همامأ انلجأ نم لافط ريصي دجملا هلا .. تاوقلا هل عضختو دعترت يذلا .. كولملا همامأ قحسني يذلا ةيئامسلا لافط ريصي نأ ىضري ءامظعلاو جاتحيو يدايلأا ىلع لمحي اعيضر يذلا وهو انلثم بارشلاو ماعطلل اهيمنيو اهلوعيو اهلك ةقيلخلا تيقي اناسنأ برلا راص .. لكلا ىبريو يذلا انأ يتيرشب ىوتسم عفريل يتايح لخدت نأ ةيطخلل تحمس ةيكولملا يتناكم تدقف نايصعلابو تاقولخم انرص برلا سنأتب .. ةفيعضلا انتعيبط مغر ةيوامس صل اهلخدي ءامسل ابجع .. ةدسافلا ركني ناسنأو بيلصلا ىلع بئات ارم ءاكب ىكبيو تارم ثلاث هديس فراعلا برلا ناضحأ هل حتفنتف لتاقل ابجع .. يتيرشب فعض نأ بلطي يغاط دوسأ دبع ينازو لعافتيو كتاذ هل رهظتف كفرعي ريصيف قئافلا كدسجت بح عم توكلملل اثراوو اميظع اسيدق نييضرلأا ةكئلاملا ةمغطل املعمو ابجع .. دوسلأا ىسوم سيدقلا .. ىتح طقست نأ ديرت ةحجبتم ةينازل ربقلا ةرايزل نوجحي نيذلا ءلاؤه ىف ام مهفت ىبر اي كنكلو سدقملا اناسنأ ترص كنلأ ناسنلإأ لخاد ىكبتو اهسفن عجارتل اهفقوتف ىلثم بيجع بح يف قلطنتو بوتتو بيبحلا كصخشب تقلعت دقو ةيربلا ىف برغتتل لكلا تكرتو ةسيدق ريصتو نينسلا تارشع ةانزلا لوحت يتلا ةبوتلل لااثمو

grow and magnify. Furthermore, I wanted one day to reach heaven with my human stature through the Tower of Babel. So you broke my pride when you showed my inability even to understand, and here you Lord, you prepared me for childhood, which perceives and sees what the wise men and greats of this world did not understand. In Your childhood, the wise men of the world prostrated themselves to You when they saw in You the secret of wisdom and the depth of exalted love before which all humans submit.

For my sake, Lord, you became a Child that carried on hands and needed food and drink. Rather, You became in need of a human being in order to hold me again in Your arms. I strayed like a lost sheep, so You became a lamb for my sake. You call me and I understand You, run to you, and I rest in your bosom. When the holy Virgin carried You in her arms, You embraced my humanity to you, so you made me feel the warmth of Your love. You needed my humanity to complete the shortcomings of my nature. You came to me in order to raise me from the lowliness of my soul. The martyrs saw a wonderful example in You, so they set off in processions of martyrdom as if it was an open gate to the heaven. They were attracted by this wondrous warmth, so they threw themselves into your bosom, feeling no pain. The hermits wandered in deserts and mountains, in dens and caves of the earth. You, O Lord, have become their support, their strength, their preoccupation, their fullness, and their love. How wonderful, a God Who needs a human being. With Him, the human being became a dweller in the bosom of God

My Lord, you accepted to be swaddled and placed in a manger. The heaven and the heaven of the heavens are nothing in front of Your greatness, O Lord, so how do You become bound in swaddling clothes, limited in a manger for my sake. You accepted the chains in order to free me from my chains. You became bound to take me out of the limits of my weakness and the corruption of my nature to freedom and glory of the children of God. With your chains, O Lord, I was freed from the chains of materialism, so I despised the world and began to pass through it as

.. ةيرصملا ميرم ةسيدقلا .. نييلوتب يلإ !!!!!.... هنع ربعي لا يذلا كبحل ابجع يتلوفط كرابتل يسايس لافط ترص ىتح يتلوفط ىوتسم تعفر .. ةزجاعلا اهتءاربو اهتطاسبب ةلوفطلا تراص كاسنلاو نيسيدقلا ىهتشم ىه اهتواقنو توكلم لوخدل لاهؤم يه تراص لب .. ومنأ نأ يئايربكب تدرأ .. تاومسلا ىلا لصأ نأ اموي تدرأ لب مظعتأو جرب للاخ نم ةيرشبلا يتماقب ءامسلا ترهظأ ذا يئايربك ترسكف لباب ىبراي تنأ اهو مهافتلا نع ىتح يرجغ ملام ىرتو كردت يتلا ةلوفطلل ينتدغأ ىفو هئامظعو ملاعلا اذه ءامكح همهفي اوأر ذا ملاعلا ءامكح كل دجس كتلوفط قئافلا بحلا قمعو ةمكحلا رس كيف .. باقرلا لك همامأ عضخت يذلا ىلع لمحت ترص برأي ىلجأ نم لب .. بارشلاو ماعطلل جاتحتو يدايلأا نأ لجأ نم ناسنأ يلإ اجاتحم ترص انأ .. كناضحأ يلإ ىرخأ ةرم ينمضت لامح ترصف هئات فورخ لثم تللض كيلإ ىرجأو كمهفأف ينوعدت ىلجأ نم كتلمح امدنع .. كنضح ىف حيرتسأو ةيلوفطلا كيعارذبف ةسيدقلا ءارذعلا ينترعشأف كيلإ يتيرشب مضت ترص يتيناسنإ ىلا تجتحا ,, كبح ءفدب يلإ تيتأ ,, يتعيبط صقن لمكت ىكل ىأر .. ىسفن ةعاضو نم ينعفرت ىكل ابكاوم اوقلطناف ابيجع لااثم كيف ءادهشلا دقف ءامسلل ةحوتفم ةباوب اهنأك داهشتسلال يف اومترأف بيجعلا ءفدلا اذه مهبذج كاسنلا قلطنأو ملأب نورعشي لا كنضح قوقشو لابجلاو يزازبلا ىف نيهئات مهدنس برأي تنأ ترص دقف ضرلأا .. مهبحو مهئلمو مهتيلوغشمو مهتوقو راص هب .. ناسنلإ جاتحي برل ابجع .. الله نضح ىف انكاس ناسنلإا ىف عضوتو طمقت نأ ىبر اي تلبق تاومسلا ءامسو ءامسلا .. رقبلل دوزم فيكف ىبراي كتمظع مامأ ائيش تسيل دوزم ىف ادودحم طامق ىف اديقم ريصت ينلخت ىكل ديقلا تلبق .. ىلجأ نم رقبلل ينجرختل دودحم ترص .. يديق نم ىلا يتعيبط داسفو يفعض دودح نم برأي كدويقب .. الله دلاوأ دجمو ةيرح رقتحأ ترصف ةيداملا ديق نم تررحت

a stranger, like my Master, who had no place to rest his head, and accepted to be without a dwelling place, even in His birth, in the midst of our cruel world. O my weak soul, become strong, for the Lord has become weak to strengthen you. O my despised soul, rejoice, for the Lord has become without a rest place or shelter in order to raise the level of your estrangement to the outlets of heaven. O my helpless soul, be pious, for the Lord has tested my inability, so He became helpless for my sake, so that I would find in Him strength, steadfastness, and launch into the depth of His love. Give me, Lord, in your birth, that I may be born again in You and become a child, to live in the simplicity of Your childhood, the meekness of Your birth, and the humility of Your manger. Give me O Lord, to prostrate to Your childhood with the Magi, offering you my heart as a gift.

لثم بيرغك هيف ربعأ ترصو ملاعلا هسأر دنسي نيأ هل نكي مل يذلا يديس ىف ىتح ناكم لاب نوكي نأ لبقو .. يسافلا انملاع طسو هدلايم راص دقف ىوقت ةفيعضلا ىسفن ايأ ىسفن ايأ .. ىكيوقيل افيعض برلا لاب برلا راص دقف ىحرفأ ةرقتحملا ىوتسم عفري ىكل ىوأم لاو ناكم ىسفن ايأ .. ءامسلا ذفانم يلإ كتبرغ يرجغ برلا ربتخأ دقف ىوقت ةزجاعلا هيف دجأ ىكل ىلجأ نم ازجاع راصف قمع ىلا قلاطنلااو تابثلاو ةوقلا .. هبح دلوأ نأ كدلايم ىف برأي ينطغا شيعأ لافط ريصأو ديدج نم كيف كدلايم ةعادوو كتيلوفط ةطاسب يف نأ برأي ينطغا .. كدوزم عضاوتو امدقم سوجملا عم كتيلوفطل دجسأ ةيده يبلق كل ؟دلايملا ديع ةرجش ةصق نع فرعت اذام ؟اهتصق يه امو دلايملا ديع ةرجش نيزن اذامل لبق بصنت ثيح ،سانلا نم نيريثكلا دنع ةعئاش ةداع ،دلايملا ديع ةرجشلا نييزت ةداع حيسملا ديسلا دلايم ةصق ىلإ دوعن امدنعو ،ساطغلا ديع ىتح ىقبتو مايأ ةدعب ديعلا نيأ نم لءاستن .دلايملا ةرجشو دلايملا ثدح نيب طبار يأ دجن لا سدقملا ليجنلإا يف نأب ظحلان ،ةيملعلا تاعوسوملا ىدحإ ىلإ عوجرلاب ؟تأدب ىتمو ةداعلا هذه تءاج ةمئادلا ةيربونصلا تاباغلاب ةينغلا ،ايناملأب ىطسولا نورقلا يف تأدب دق امبر ةركفلا تاباغلا هلإ )روث( هللإا دبعت يتلا ةينثولا لئابقلا ضعب ىدل ةداعلا تناك ثيح ،ةرضخلا .ةيرشب ةيحض اهادحإ ىلع مدقيو راجشلأا نيزت نأ دعرلاو Oak of Thor يكل سويسافينوب سيدقلا مهيلإ دفوأ م722 وأ 727 ماع يف هنأ تلايلحتلا ىدحإ لوقت ةيحض هحبذب اومهو لافط اوطبر دقو ،طولبلا راجشأ ىدحإ تحت مهلفح نوميقي مهو مهدهاش نأ لصحو ،مهرشبي قفرلاو ملاسلا هلإ وه يحلا هللإا نأ مهل انيبم ابيطخ مهيف فقوو مهيديأ نم لفطلا صلخو مهمجاهف )روث( مههللإ ةرجشلا نم عبت fir بونتلا ةرجش ةتبن ىأر دقو ،ةرجشلا كلت عطقب ماقو .كلهيل لا صلخيل ءاج يذلا ةبحملاو ..عوسي لفطلا لثمت اهنأ مهل لاقف ،)ةيلاحلا سامسيركلا ةرجش( ةيوازلا رجح وه حيسملا نولعجتلف ..مكتويب ءانبل ةطيسبلا ةرجشلا هذه باشخأ نومدختست« :مهل لوقي نمك ناكو لك يف دتمت اهناصغأ ..مئادلا مكرون وه حيسملا اولعجتل ،لبذي لا يذلا رارضخلاا مكتايح بهي وهف ..مكلزانم يف .«مكرونو مكتحار وه حيسملا نكيلف ..ءامسلا ىلإ ريشي ةرجشلا ىلعأو ،سانلا قناعتل تاهاجتلاا يف أدب اذكه ايمسر اهعضو ةيادب نأ هظحلان ام رثكأ نكلو ..دلايملا ةرجش ةأشنل ىرخأ تلايلحت ةدع كانهو .م ١53٩ ماع جروبسارتس ةيئاردتاك يف اضيأ ايناملأ يف رشع سداسلا نرقلا عقوم راوز دحأ انل لسرأ امك نكلو ،رجش يلأ ركذ اهب سيل ةيلعفلا حيسملا دلايم ةصقف ،هلاعأ انحضوأ امكو اهتاعمشب اميدق وأ( ةئللأتملا اهحيباصمب دلايملا ةرجش امف ؛امامت ةحضاو ةلصلا نأ لاقو ،توناميهلاكت ابنلأا تناك )3 جورخ( ةقيلعلاو ..قرتحت لاو اران ةلعتشم يهو ةيربلا يف يبنلا ىسوم اهآر يتلا ةقيلعلا لاإ )ةجهوتملا ةقيلعلاف كلذل .قرتحت ملو يرانلا هتوهلاب دحتملا هتوسانب يناثلا مونقلأا اهنطب يف تلمح يتلا ميرم ءارذعلل زمرت نيعضاوتملا دنع نكسي للهاف زرأ ةرجش تسيلو ةفيعض ةرجش طسو رهظ الله نأ ظحلاو .يهللإا دسجتلا رس تلمح .(١5:57شا(
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Be Bountiful and Fruitful by His Holiness Pope Tawadros II

When we celebrate the Birth of our lord Jesus Christ, we are celebrating a cosmic event that has many aspects: biblical, historical, geographical, prophetical, spiritual, humanitarian, etc.. However, it is important to know that the lord Jesus Christ chose the circumstances around His Birth, unlike any other person in the world since each one of US was born in a family we did not choose, in a country we did not select, at a time we did not choose, and in social, cultural or political conditions we did not choose. The lord Jesus could have been born in the country of philosophy like Athens, or the country of power like Rome. Yet, He chose Palestine that has a simple village and people, and a poor house, as well as a poor girl to be born from.

The time of His Birth coincided with the census ordered by Caesar Augustus for the entire Roman Empire (Luke 1 -2). Thus, being numbered as an earthly citizen, as He often called Himself ‘The Son of Man.’

With this in mind, we find that the lord Jesus Christ bears two names, each of which has a strong significance in the life of whomever believes in Him. The first is ‘Jesus,’ which means Saviour: “... and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). It is the name that marks the beginning of salvation from the effects of Adam and Eve’s sin. As for the second name, it is ‘Emmanuel’: ‘“Behold, the virgin shall be with Child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Emmanuel,’ which is translated, ‘God with US’” (Matthew 1:23). This is the richness of the Birth and Incarnation of our lord Jesus Christ, as He, out of His love to US humans, dwells in us and with US in love that surpasses knowledge.

For all of the above, the Nativity became to be rich in all its details and events. What is remarkable is that it is a ‘fruitful event’ in the sense that

ارمثمو ادولو نك ىناثلا سورضاوت ابابلا ةسادق دلايمب لفتحن امدنع اننإف حيسملا ديسلا ينوك ثدحب لفتحن :ةددعتملا هبناوج هل وأ ايباتك ءاوس ايفارغج وأ ايخيرات وأ ايحور وأ ايوبن وأ نكلو ،خلا ...ايناسنإ نأ فرعن نأ مهملا وه حيسملا ديسلا فورظ راتخا يذلا يأ سكعب هدلايم دلو انم لاك نلأ ،ملاعلا يف ناسنإ مل دلب يفو اهرتخي مل ةلئاع نم يفو هرتخي مل نمز يفو هرتخي وأ ةيفاقث وأ ةيعامتجا فورظ ناكمإب ناك دقل .اهرتخي مل ةيسايس دلب يف دلوي نأ حيسملا ديسلا ةطلسلا دلاب وأ ،انيثأ لثم ةفسلفلا نيطسلف راتخا هنكلو ،امور لثم ءاطسب سانأو ةطيسب ةيرق ثيح ةاتف راتخا هنأ امك ،ريقف تيبو .اهنم دلويل ةريقف عم انمازتم هدلايم تقو ناكو يذلا )ءاصحلإا( باتتكلاا ثدح لكل رصيق سطسغأ هردصأ :2 اقول( ةينامورلا ةيروطاربملإا نطاوم مقر ذخأ كلذب وهو ،)١ نع لاق ام اريثك ثيح يضرأ .«ناسنلإا نبا« :هنإ هسفن ديسلا نأ دجن قايسلا تاذ يفو امهنم لكل نيمسا لمحي حيسملا نمؤي نم لك ةايح يف ةيوقلا هتلاد ينعيو «عوسي« لولأا مسلاا .هب وعدتو« )2١ :١ ىتم( «صلخم« هبعش صلخي هنلأ عوسي همسا ىلإ ريشي مسا هنإ .«مهاياطخ نم هيطخ راثآ نم صلاخلا ةيادب وهف يناثلا مسلاا امأ .ءاوحو مدآ :(22 :١ ىتم( «ليئونامع« انبا دلتو لبحت ءارذعلا اذوه« يذلا ليئونامع همسا نوعديو ىنغ وه اذهو ..«انعم الله هريسفت ذإ ،حيسملا ديسلا دسجتو دلايم نكسي -رشبلا نحن انيف ابح- راص .ةفرعملا ةقئاف ةبحم يف انعمو انيف دلايملا ثدح راص قبس ام لكلو .هثادحأو هليصافت لكب اينغ اثدح

each of the individuals involved have offered something or, more accurately, ‘gave birth/begotten’ a joyful fruit. Saint Mary the Virgin gave birth to the lord Jesus, and He chose her because she is ‘full of grace’ according to the angel’s saying (Luke 1:28). Then there is the village of Bethlehem, nameless, unknown and smallest among its neighbouring [villages]; it offered a simple manger to be a place for the lord Jesus and to become the most famous in the world. We often find a manger with animals in the Nativity icons, most importantly the ox and the donkey, as it is mentioned in the prophecy: “The ox knows its owner and the donkey its master’s crib; but Israel does not know. My people do not consider” (Isaiah 1:3). Then the shepherds who were tending their flocks in the desert came and offered affection and joy as they became the first to know about the Birth of Christ. Moreover, and from faraway lands, comes the Magi those wise men and scholars who followed a star in the east until they reached Bethlehem and offered their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh (Matthew 2:11). Even the angels in heaven offered praises of joy and gladness with their ever-lasting chant of “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.” All of these individuals offered something and bore fruit with their lives and the variety of gifts they offered.

Now, the question to you, my dear reader, is: Are you bountiful in your life? Are you fruitful in your days? What have you offered in the past? What do you offer in your present? And what will you offer in your future?

I will answer these questions and express with you how to be bountiful and fruitful, and how to have a life rich with offering through some examples and models:

1- Some bring sons and daughters on the physical level through holy marriage and through wise upbringing. This results in beneficial individuals brought up to be good

،«رمثم ثدح« هنأ رظنلل تفلالا نم تمدق هتايصخش لك نأ ىنعمب ارمث «تدلو« قدلأا ىلع وأ ائيش ءارذعلا ميرم ةسيدقلاف :احرفم اهراتخا دقو حيسملا ديسلا تدلو ةئلتمملا اهنلأ كلاملا ريبعت بسحب ةيرق تءاج مث ،)28 :١ اقول( ةمعن ةفورعم ريغلاو ةرومغملا محل تيب تمدقف ،اهناريج نيب ىرغصلاو ناكم نوكيل تاناويحلل اطيسب ادوذم ؛ايملاع رهشلأا ريصيو حيسملا ديسلا دلايملا تانوقيأ يف دجن ام اريثكو اهمهأ تاناويح هب دوذملا ةروص يف ةوبنلا لوقت امك رامحلاو روثلا ،هيناق فرعي روثلا« )3 :١ءايعشإ( ليئارسإ امأ ،هبحاص فلعم رامحلاو يتأي مث .«مهفي لا يبعش ،فرعي لاف نوعري ةيدابلا يف اوناك نيذلا ةاعرلا ذإ احرفو افغش نومدقيف مهناعطق .حيسملا دلايمب ملع نم لوأ اوراص ءلاؤه ،سوجملا يتأي هديعب دلاب نمو اوعبتت نيذلاو ءاملعلاو ءامكحلا ىلإ اولصو ىتح قرشملا يف امجن انابلو ابهذ مهاياده اومدقو محل تيب ةكئلاملا ىتح .)١١: 2 ىتم( ارمو حرفلا حيباست اومدق ءامسلا يف دجملا« ةدلاخلا مهتدوشنأو ةجهبلاو ملاسلا ضرلأا ىلعو يلاعلأا يف لله اومدق ءلاؤه لك ؛«ةرسملا سانلابو ىلع مهاياطعبو مهتايحب اورمثأو ائيش .هومدق ام عونت تنأ له :ئراقلا زيزع نلآا لاؤسلاو يف رمثم تنأ له ؟كتايح يف دولو ؟كيضام يف تمدق اذام ؟كرمع مايأ مدقتس اذامو ؟كرضاح يف مدقت اذامو ؟كلبقتسم يف تلاؤاستلا هذه ىلع بيجا فوس ادولو نوكت فيك كعم ضرعتسأو نم همدقت امب ةينغ كتايحو ارمثمو :جذامنو ةلثمأ للاخ ىلع تانبو ءانبأ دلي ضعبلا )١) جاوزلا للاخ نم دسجلا ىوتسم ةميكحلا ةيبرتلا للاخ نمو ،سدقملا ريصيف ،ادج نوعفان دارفأ أشني هينعت ام لكب احلاص انطاوم ناسنلإا عمتجملا يف اديفمو ،ةملكلا هذه ملأاو بلأاف ،هلك ملاعلاو ةسينكلاو ةديعسلاو ةرقتسملاو ةيوقلا ةرسلأا يف عيطتست «بحلا نايك« اهيمسن يتلاو لب طقف املع سيل ،ملعتو يبرت نأ نأ عيطتستو ،اميقو ئدابمو اقلاخأ

citizens in every aspect of the word, useful to the society, the Church, and the whole world. The father and mother in a strong, stable and happy family, which we call “the body of love”, it can nourish and teach, not only knowledge, but also morals, principles, and values. It can also nourish the society and the homeland with enlightening and serving role models that labour to enrich social life and human life in various ways 2- Some bring sons and daughters on the human level through faithful and continuous discipleship in the various social services: they are those who hand down experience and skill to their disciples, whether in the fields of manufacturing, agriculture or economics. This faithful handing-down that extends over years and years enriches humanity and is the reason for its progress and meeting its needs in all the various forms. On the spiritual and ecclesiastical level in all types of consecration, where a person learns from a spiritual father in a continuous spiritual disciple-ship, they receive spiritual experience and fortification that can benefit others; thus, a person giving birth/begetting others in all fields

3- Some offer inventions, innovations, or discoveries on the scientific level that make life have more joy, comfort, and peace, like those who offer and discover many medications that cure millions of people, such as Alexander Fleming who discovered penicillin. These people beget through their minds and success new concepts in every generation, working for the good of mankind. Yet, science and scientists continue to offer that which is greater and more beneficial to humanity, treat dis-eases, facilitate lives, and raise the Standards of living

4- Some offer and bring forth different talents in various fields such as literature, culture, art and sports. These talents be-come like stars in the sky of humanity. Any society takes pride in offering such outstanding talents, just as Egypt offered Taha Hussein and Naguib Mahfouz in the field of literature and others in music, art, and sports; many bright names, not only in Egypt, but all over the world

جذامنب نطولاو عمتجملا يذغت ءارثإ ىلع لمعت ةمداخو ةرينم ةايحلاو ةيعامتجلاا ةايحلا .تلااجملا ىتش يف ةيناسنلإا تانبو ءانبأ دلي ضعبلاو )2) للاخ يناسنلإا ىوتسملا ىلع يف ةرمتسملاو ةنيملأا ةذملتلا .ةعونتملا ةيعامتجلاا ةمدخلا ميلستب نوموقي نيذلا ءلاؤه مهل ذيملات ىلإ ةراهملاو ةربخلا وأ ةعانصلا تلااجم يف ءاوس اذهو ،داصتقلاا وأ ةعارزلا ربع دتمملاو نيملأا ميلستلا ىرثي يذلا وه تاونسو تاونس يف اببس نوكيو رشبلا ةايح ىلع مهتاجايتحا ديدستو .اهلاكشأمهمدقت عونت يحورلا ىوتسملا ىلعو سيركتلا لاجم يف يسنكلاو ناسنلإا ذملتتي ثيح ،هعاونأب هذملت يف يحورلا بلأا ىلع اهيف ملستي ةرمتسم ةيحور يتلاو ةيوقتلاو ةيحورلا ةربخلا اذكهو ؛نيرخآ اهب ديفي نأ نكمي رئاس يف نيرخآ ناسنلإا دلي .تلااجملا ىلع مدقي ضعبلاو )3) وأ تاعارتخلاا مولعلا ىوتسم يتلاو تافاشتكلاا وأ تاراكتبلاا ةداعس رثكأ رشبلا ةايح لعجت مدقي نمك ،املاسو ةيهافرو يفشت ةديدع ةيودأ فشتكيو ردنسكلا لثم رشبلا نم نييلام .نيلسنبلا فشتكم جنملف مهلوقع نم نودلي ءلاؤه ديدجلاو ديدجلا مهتاداهتجاو لجأ نم نولمعي .ليج لك يف امو ناك امنإ .ناسنلإا حلاص يضمي ءاملعلاو ملعلا راطق لاز ديفمو ميظع وه ام لك ميدقت يف مهضارمأ جلاعو رشبلا ةايحل ةعفرو مهتايح ليهستو .مهتايح تايوتسم بهاوم دليو مدقي ضعبلاو )4) ،تلااجملا ىتش يف ةعونتم ةينفلا وأ ةيفاقثلا وأ ةيبدلأا ءاوس بهاوملا هذهو ،ةيضايرلا وأ ،ةيرشبلا ءامس يف اموجن ريصت مدق هنأ عمتجم يأ زتعيو رصم تمدق املثم ةذف بهاوم يف ظوفحم بيجنو نيسح هط

5- Some offer unforgettable and great services to humanity, and since the needs of people are many, the ultimate goal for the former is to serve people as God gave them this specificity in serving others, such as serving the disabled and those with special needs, addicts, orphans, immigrants, cases of injustice among young males and females, widows, prisoners, homeless children, and those who have no one to serve or care for them. Among the prevalent role models of our time is the service of Sir Magdi Yacoub in the field of cardiology and the wonderful civil service that he offers with his eager team through chains of hope that saved the lives of thousands of the young and old, and many others. The ultimate Nativity lesson is to be bountiful and fruitful, and not unproductive or fruitless. Your humanity needs you to produce, to offer, and to bear fruit whether in your family, or your church, or your community, or your country, or in the world you live in.

On this happy occasion and the beginning of the new Gregorian year, we extend our sincere congratulations to the great people of Egypt, and in the forefront, to President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the President of the Republic, and all officials and his aides, praying that God preserves our beloved country Egypt in safety and peace, and that it overcomes all difficulties and crises caused by hopeless wars and conflicts. We pray for the peace of the world, especially in areas of conflict and clash, and may God grant joy and grace to anyone who lives honestly and faithfully to his country, homeland, and society. May you continue to be in His sublime care, wishing you all the best this year and the years to come.

Pope Tawadros II

Pope of Alexandria & Patriarch of the See of St. Mark

تلااجم يف مهريغو ،بدلأا لاجم ءامسأو ،ةضايرلاو نفلاو ىقيسوملا طقف رصم يف سيل هعملا ةديدع .ملاعلا لك يف امنإو ةليلج تامدخ مدقي ضعبلاو )5) نلأو ،ىسنت نأ نكمي لا ةيناسنلإل يأ ةمدخو ،ةديدع ناسنلإا تاجاح ىمظعلا ةياغلا يه ناسنإ لكو ناسنا هذه الله مهاطعأ يذلا رشبلا ءلاؤهل لثم ،نيرخلآا ةمدخ يف ةيصوصخلا ةمدخو ممهلا يوذو نيقاعملا مادخ ةمدخو ىماتيلا ةمدخو نينمدملا حونجلا تلااح همدخو نيبرتغملا لمارلأا ةمدخو تايتفلاو نايتفلا نيب لافطأ ةمدخو نينوجسملا ةمدخو دحأ مهل سيل نيذلا ةمدخو عراوشلا .مهب متهي وأ مهمدخي اننامز يف ةعئارلا ةلثملأا نمو يف بوقعي يدجم روسيفوربلا ةمدخ ةيندملا ةمدخلاو ،بولقلا بط لاجم طيشنلا هقيرف عم اهمدقي يتلا ةعئارلا تذقنأ يتلاو لملأا لسلاس للاخ نم ،رابكلاو راغصلا نم فلالآا ةايح .ادج نوريثك هريغو نوكت نأ ،مظعلأا دلايملا سرد هنإ .ابدجم اميقع لا ،ارمثمو ادولو مدقتو دلت نأ كنم جاتحت كتيناسنإ كتسينك وأ كترسأ طسو يف رمثتو يذلا كملاع وأ كنطو وأ كعمتجم وأ .هيف شيعت ةيادبو ةديعسلا ةبسانملا هذه يف اننإ صلاخب مدقتن ،ديدجلا يدلايملا ماعلا ،ميظعلا رصم بعش عومجل ةئنهتلا دبع سيئرلا ديسلا ةدايس ةمدقملا يفو ،ةيروهمجلا سيئر يسيسلا حاتفلا نيلصم ،هينواعمو نيلوئسملا هفاكو رصم ةبيبحلا اندلاب الله ظفحي نأ لك ىطختت نأو ،ةنمآ ةملاس اهتببس يتلا تامزلأاو باعصلا نم لئاط لا تاعزنو بورح ...اهئارو ةصاخ ،ملاعلا ملاس لجأ نم يلصنو حنميلو ،عازنلاو عارصلا قطانم يف انيمأ شيعي نم لكل اميعنو احرف الله ،هعمتجمو هنطوو هدلابل اصلخم ةيماسلا هتياعر يف متمدو ،،ريخب مكعيمجو ماع لكو يناثلا سورضوات ابابلا ةسادق ةزاركلا كريرطبو ةيردنكسلأا اباب ةيسقرملا

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready within 12 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downloaded from church website. Cost of building works is around $12,000,000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreciated.

ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .ارهش ١2 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلاا عقوتملا نم .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا بسح .ارلاود نويلم ١2 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبت اهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا يكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكني ينورتكللإا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works Donations to St Mary’s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ينابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Building Site 21st December 2022

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