Weekly Bulletin 8th May 2022

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Services at St Mary’s :‫مواعيد الخدمة بكنيسة العذراء‬ Church :‫األثنني‬ Monday: ‫ صباحا‬١١ - ٩ ‫القداس األلهى‬ Mass 9 - 11 am )‫ صباحا (أنجليزى‬7 - 5:30 ::‫األلهى‬ ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الثالثاء‬ Tuesday ‫واى‬ ‫ذا‬ ‫باألنجليزى‬ ‫ مساء أجتامع للكبار‬8 Liturgy 5:30 - 7am ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫األربعاء‬ ‫األربعاء‬ 8am The Way Orthodox Fellowship in ‫ عرىب‬- ‫ مساء مدرسة الشاممسة للكبار‬8 - 6:30 Englisg for adults - All ages ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫ مساء مدرسة الشاممسة‬8:15 - 7 Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am Wednesday 6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults ‫ عرىب‬- ‫مساء فصول ألحان‬9 - 8 Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English :‫الخميس‬ Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫ صباحا‬١١ - ٩ ‫القداس األلهى‬ Thursday ‫ مساء‬7:30 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫تسبحة نصف الليل‬ Mass 9 - 11 am - English ‫مساء‬ 7:30 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫درس الكتاب املقدس‬ English Midnight Praises 7:30pm ‫ صباحا‬11 – 9 ‫ القداس األلهى‬:‫الجمعة‬ ‫الجمعة‬ English Bible Study 7:30pm ‫ سنة فأكرث‬25 ‫ مساء الشباب‬9 – 7 Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am Friday Youth 25 and above 7-9pm )‫مساء أجتامع األرسة (كل أسبوعني‬9-7 Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly) ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫ مساء أجتامع اعداد الخدمة‬8:30 - 7 Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm 12 - 10 ‫ مساء فصل مدرس األحد لسنوات‬9 - 6 Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm ‫السبت‬ ‫ صباحا‬١١ – 8,30 ‫القداس األلهى‬:‫السبت‬ Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am Saturday ‫مساء‬ 3 1:30 ‫الكشافة‬ ‫اجتامع‬ Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm ‫مساء‬ 4 3 ‫الشاممسة‬ ‫مدرسة‬ Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm 5,30 – 4 ‫مدارس األحد‬ English ‫ مساء انجليزى‬٨:٣٠ –٧ ‫العشية واجتامع الشباب‬ Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm ‫ مساء عرىب‬7 - 5:30 ‫العشية ودرس كتاب‬ Scouts 1:30 - 3pm :‫األحد‬ ‫األحد‬ School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm ‫وانجليزى‬ ‫عرىب‬ ‫ص‬,7:45 – 6 ‫األول‬ ‫القداس‬ Sunday: Sunday 9:30 – ,7:45 ‫الثاىن‬ ‫القداس‬ ‫انجليزى‬ – ‫ص‬ 1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English 11:15 – 9:30 ‫الثالث‬ ‫القداس‬ ‫عرىب‬ ‫ص‬ 2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English ‫ مساء‬12:30 - 11:45 ‫ أنجليزى‬- ‫فصل ألحان‬ 3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic :‫األباء الكهنة بالكنيسة‬ Hymns Class - English 11:45 12:30pm ‫األب القمص تادرس شاروبيم‬ Church Priests: Priests 0414251251 Fr Tadros Sharobeam 0414251251 Email: frtadros@me.com Email: frtadros@me.com :‫األب القس حبيب جرجس يونان‬ Fr Habib Girgis Younan: 94498871Email: - 0401238177 0401238177 – 94498871 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com Email: habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. 0422431821 :‫األب القس مايكل صليب‬ com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au 5 Epsom Rd, Kensington Vic 3031:‫عنوان الكنيسة‬ Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kensing93766651 :‫تليفون‬ ton Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 ‫تاورضوس‬ ‫األب القس كريلس‬ Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399

Fr John Macary 0433 445 636

٠٤١١٥١٨٣٩٩ ‫األب القس جون مكارى‬ ٠٤٣٣٤٤٥٦٣٦

The Martyrdom of the Great Saint Mark, the Apostle ‫استشهاد مارمرقس الرسول اول باباوات‬ The Evangelist of the Land of Egypt. ‫االسكندرية‬ On this day, which coincided with the 26th. of April ‫برمودة‬ ٣٠ - ‫ مايو‬٨ 68 A.D., the great apostle St. Mark, the evangelist of ‫أبريل‬ 26 ‫الموافق‬ ‫في مثل هذا اليوم‬ the land of Egypt, was martyred. He was the first Pope ‫ م استشهد الرسول العظيم‬68 ‫سنة‬ of Alexandria and one of the Seventy Apostles. His name was John, as the Holy Bible says: “He ‫القديس مرقس كاروز الديار المصرية‬ came to the house of Mary, the mother of John whose ‫وأول باباوات اإلسكندرية وأحد السبعين‬ surname was Mark, where many were gathered ‫رسوال كان اسمه أوال يوحنا كما يقول‬ together praying” (Acts 12:12). He was the one that ‫بيت‬ ‫ أن الرسل كانوا يصلون في‬: ‫الكتاب‬ the Lord Christ, to Whom is the glory, meant when : 12 ‫مريم أم يوحنا المدعو مرقس (أع‬ He said: “Go into the city to a certain man, and say to him, The Teacher says, My time is at hand; I will ‫) وهو الذي أشار إليه السيد المسيح‬12 keep the Passover at your house with My disciples” ‫ « أذهبوا إلى‬: ‫له المجد بقوله لتالميذه‬ (Matthew 26:18). ‫يقول‬ ‫ المعلم‬. ‫المدينة إلى فالن وقولوا له‬ His house was the first Christian church, where they ‫مع‬ ‫وقتي قريب وعندك أصنع الفصح‬ ate the Passover, hid after the death of the Lord Christ, and in its upper room the Holy Spirit came upon them. ‫) « ولقد كان‬18 : 26 ‫تالميذي (مت‬ This Saint was born in Cyrene (One of the Five ‫بيته أول كنيسة مسيحية حيث فيه أكلوا‬ Western cities, Pentapolis - in North Africa). His ‫الفصح وفيه اختبأوا بعد موت السيد‬ father’s name was Aristopolus and his mother’s name ‫الروح‬ ‫المسيح وفي عليته حل عليهم‬ was Mary. They were Jewish in faith, rich and of great ‫القدس‬ honor. They educated him with the Greek and Hebrew ‫ولد هذا القديس في ترنا بوليس (من‬ cultures. He was called Mark after they emigrated to Jerusalem, where St. Peter had become a disciple to ‫الخمس مدن الغربية بشمال أفريقيا) من‬ the Lord Christ. St. Peter was married to the cousin of ‫أب اسمه أرسطو بولس وأم أسمها مريم‬ Aristopolus. Mark visited St. Peter’s house often, and ‫ إسرائيلي المذهب وذي يسار وجاه‬. from him he learned the Christian teachings. ‫اليونانية‬ ‫ فعلماه وهذباه باآلداب‬، ‫عريض‬ Once Aristopolus and his son Mark were walking ‫والعبرانية ولقب بمرقس بعد نزوح‬ near the Jordan river, close by the desert, they encountered a raving lion and a lioness. It was evident ‫والديه إلى أورشليم حيث كان بطرس قد‬ to Aristopolus that it would be his end and the end of ‫ وألن بطرس كان‬. ‫تلمذ للسيد المسيح‬ his Son, Mark. His compassion for his son compelled ‫متزوجا بابنة عم أرسطو بولس فكان‬ him to order him to escape to save himself. Mark ‫درس‬ ‫مرقس يتردد علي بيته كثيرا ومنه‬ answered, “Christ, in whose hands our lives are . ‫التعاليم المسيحية‬ committed, will not let them prey on us.” Saying this, he prayed, “O, Christ, Son of God protect us from the ‫وحدث أن أرسطو بولس وولده مرقس‬ evil of these two beasts and terminate their offspring ‫كانا يسيران بالقرب من األردن وخرج‬ from this wilderness.” Immediately, God granted ‫فخاف‬ ‫عليهما أسد ولبؤة وهما يزمجران‬ this prayer, and the two beasts fell dead. His father ‫علي‬ ‫أبوه وأيقن بالهالك ودفعته الشفقة‬ marvelled and asked his son to tell him about the Lord ‫ولده أن يأمره بالهروب للنجاة بنفسه‬ Christ. He believed in the Lord Christ at the hands of his son who baptized him. ‫ولكن مرقس طمأنه قائال ال تخف يا أبي‬ After the ascension of the Lord Christ, he . ‫فالمسيح الذي أنا مؤمن به ينجينا منهما‬ accompanied Paul and Barnabas to preach the ‫ولما اقتربا منهما صاح بهما القديس قائال‬ Gospel in Antioch, Seleucia, Cyprus, Salamis, and ‫« السيد المسيح ابن هللا الحي يأمركما‬ Perga Pamphylia where he left them and returned to ‫أن تنشقا وينقطع جنسكما من هذا الجبل‬ Jerusalem. After the Apostolic Council in Jerusalem, he went with Barnabas to Cyprus. ‫« فانشقا ووقعا علي األرض مائتين‬ After the departure of Barnabas, with the order of the ‫فتعجب والده وطلب من ابنه أن يعرفه‬ Lord Christ, St. Mark went to Afrikia, Berka, and the ‫عن المسيح فأرشده إلى ذلك وآمن والده‬ Five Western cities. He preached the Gospel in these . ‫وعمده بالسيد المسيح له المجد‬ parts, and believed on his hands most of its people. ‫وبعد صعود السيد المسيح استصحبه‬ From there, he went to Alexandria in the 1st. of Bashans 61 A.D. ‫بولس وبرنابا للبشارة باإلنجيل في‬ When he entered the city, his shoe was torn because of ‫إنطاكية وسلوكية وقبرص وسالميس‬

the much walking in preaching and evangelism. He went ‫وبرجة بمفيلية حيث تركهما وعاد‬ to a cobbler in the city, called Anianus, to repair it. While ‫إلى أورشليم وبعد انتهاء المجمع‬ he was repairing it the awl pierced his finger. Anianus ‫الرسولي بأورشليم استصحبه‬ ‫برنابا‬ shouted in Greek saying “EIS THEOS” which means . ‫معه إلى قبرص‬ “O, ONE GOD”. When St. Mark heard these words his ‫وبعد نياحة برنابا ذهب مرقس بأمر‬ heart rejoiced exceedingly. He found it suitable to talk to him about the One God. The Apostle took some clay, ‫السيد المسيح إلى أفريقية وبرقة‬ spat on it and applied it to Anianus’ finger, saying in the ‫ ونادي في‬. ‫والخمس المدن الغربية‬ Name of Jesus Christ the Son of God, and the wound ‫تلك الجهات باإلنجيل فآمن علي‬ healed immediately, as if nothing happened to it.Moses, ‫ ومن هناك‬. ‫يده أكثر أهلها‬ ‫ذهب‬ who brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, and gave ‫إلى اإلسكندرية في أول بشنس سنة‬ them the Law, the captivity of the children of Israel to Babylon, and the prophecies that foretold the coming of ‫ م وعندما دخل المدينة انقطع‬61 Christ. ‫حذاؤه وكان عند الباب إسكافي أسمه‬ Anianus invited him to go to his house and brought to ‫ فقدم له الحذاء وفيما هو‬، ‫إنيانوس‬ him his children. The Saint preached and baptized them ‫قائم بتصليحه جرح المخراز‬ ‫إصبعه‬ in the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy « ‫فصاح من األلم وقال باليونانية‬ Spirit. When the believers in the Name of Christ increased and ‫اس ثيؤس « ( يا هللا الواحد ) فقال‬ the pagan people of the city heard that, they were raged ‫ « هل تعرفون‬: ‫له القديس مرقس‬ with anger and thought of slaying St. Mark. The faithful ‫هللا ؟ « فقال « ال وإنما ندعو باسمه‬ advised him to get away for a short while for the sake of ‫ فتفل علي التراب‬. « ‫وال نعرفه‬ the safety of the church and its care. St. Mark ordained ، ‫ووضع علي الجرح فشفي للحال‬ St. Anianus a Bishop for Alexandria, three priests and seven deacons. He went to the Five Western Cities, ‫ثم أخذ يشرح له من بدء ما خلق هللا‬ remained there for two years preaching, and ordained ‫السماء واألرض فمخالفة آدم ومجيء‬ bishops, priests, and deacons. ‫الطوفان إلى إرسال موسى وإخراج‬ He returned to Alexandria where he found the believers ‫بني إسرائيل من مصر وإعطائهم‬ had increased in number, and built a church for them in the place known as Bokalia (The place of cows), east of ‫الشريعة وسبي بابل ثم سرد له نبوات‬ Alexandria on the sea shore. ‫األنبياء الشاهدة بمجيء المسيح فدعاه‬ It came to pass, when he was celebrating the feast of ‫إلى بيته وأحضر له أوالده فوعظهم‬ the Resurrection on the 29th day of Baramudah, year ‫جميعا وعمدهم باسم األب واالبن‬ 68 A.D., the same day coincided with the great pagan . ‫والروح القدس‬ Celebration for the feast of the god Syrabis, a multitude ‫ولما كثر المؤمنون باسم المسيح‬ of them assembled and attacked the church at Bokalia and forced their way in. They seized St. Mark, bound him ‫وسمع أهل المدينة بهذا اآلمر جدوا‬ with a thick rope and dragged him in the roads and streets ‫ فرسم إنيانوس أسقفا‬. ‫في طلبه لقتله‬ crying, “Drag the dragon to the place of Cows.” They ‫وثالثة قسوس وسبعة شمامسة ثم‬ continued dragging him with severe cruelty. His flesh was ‫سافر إلى الخمس المدن الغربية‬ ‫وأقام‬ torn and scattered everywhere, and the ground of the city ‫هناك سنتين يبشر ويرسم أساقفة‬ was covered with his blood. They cast him that night into a dark prison. . ‫وقسوسا وشمامسة‬ The angel of the Lord appeared to him and told him: ‫وعاد إلى اإلسكندرية فوجد المؤمنين‬ “O Mark, the good servant, rejoice for your name has ‫قد ازدادوا وبنوا لهم كنيسة في‬ been written in the book of life, and you have been ( ‫الموضع المعروف ببوكوليا‬ ‫دار‬ counted among the congregation of the saints.” The angel ‫البقر ) شرقي اإلسكندرية علي‬ disappeared, then the Lord Christ appeared to him, and gave him peace. His soul rejoiced and was glad. ‫شاطئ البحر وحدث وهو يحتفل بعيد‬ The next morning (30th of Baramudah), the pagans took ‫الفصح يوم تسعة وعشرين برمودة‬ St. Mark from the prison. They tied his neck with a thick ‫ م وكان الوثنيون في اليوم‬68 ‫سنة‬ rope and did the same as the day before, dragging him ‫ أنهم‬، ‫نفسه يعيدون أللههم سرابيس‬ over the rocks and stones. Finally, St. Mark delivered ‫خرجوا من معبدهم إلى حيث القديس‬ up his pure soul in the hand of God, and received the crown of martyrdom, the apostolic crown, the crown of ‫قبضوا عليه وطوقوا عنقه بحبل‬ evangelism, and the crown of virginity. « ‫وكانوا يسحبونه وهم يصيحون‬

Nevertheless, St. Mark’s death did not satisfy the ‫جروا الثور في دار البقر « فتناثر لحمه‬ rage of the pagans and their hatred. They gathered ‫وتلطخت أرض المدينة من دمه المقدس‬ much firewood and prepared an inferno to burn him. ‫وفي المساء أودعوه السجن فظهر له‬ A severe storm blew and heavy rains fell. The pagans ‫مرقس‬ ‫مالك الرب وقال له « افرح يا‬ became frightened, and they fled away in fear. ‫ هودا اسمك قد كتب في سفر‬، ‫عبد اإلله‬ The believers came and took the holy body, carried it to the church they built at Bokalia, wrapped it up, ‫الحياة وقد حسبت ضمن جماعة القديسين‬ prayed over him and place it in a coffin. They laid it ‫« وتواري عنه المالك ثم ظهر له السيد‬ in a secret place in this church. ‫المسيح وأعطاه السالم فابتهجت نفسه‬ The prayers of this great Saint and honorable . « ‫وتهللت‬ Evangelist be with us and Glory be to our God ‫ برمودة ) أخرجوه‬30 ( ‫وفي اليوم التالي‬ forever. Amen. The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary The Mother ‫من السجن وأعادوا سحبه في المدينة‬ of God. ‫حتى أسلم روحه الطاهرة ولما أضرموا‬ 9th May - 1st Bashana ‫نارا عظيمة لحرقه حدثت زالزل‬ On this day the church celebrates the birth of the pure ‫غزيرة‬ ‫ورعود وبروق وهطلت أمطار‬ Virgin St. Mary, the Mother of God (Theotokos), ‫ وأخذ‬. ‫فارتاع الوثنيون وولوا مذعورين‬ through whom Salvation came to mankind. She was born in the city of Nazareth, where her parents ‫المؤمنون جسده المقدس إلى الكنيسة التي‬ lived. Her father was grieved in his heart for he ‫شيدوها وكفنوه وصلوا عليه وجعلوه في‬ could not offer an offering to God for he did not ‫تابوت ووضعوه في مكان خفي من هذه‬ have any children. In the fullness of time according . ‫الكنيسة‬ to the Divine Will, the angel of the Lord was sent to ‫صالة هذا القديس العظيم والكاروز‬ announce Joachim, her father, while he was on the mountain praying, and said to him: “The Lord will . ‫الكريم تكون معنا ولربنا المجد دائما‬ give you offspring through whom salvation comes to ‫آمين‬ the world.” ‫اإلله‬ ‫والدة‬ ‫اء‬ ‫ر‬ ‫العذ‬ ‫القديسة‬ ‫ميالد‬ Immediately he went down the mountain believing ‫ بشنس‬١ - ‫ مايو‬٩ what the angel told him, and he told his wife Anna ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم نعيد مبيالد البتول الطاهرة‬ of what he saw and heard. She rejoiced, gave thanks to the Lord, and vowed that the child who was to be ‫مرمتريم والدة اإلله التي منها كان الخالص‬ born to her would become a servant in the house of ‫ ولدت هذه العذراء مبدينة‬. ‫لجنس البرش‬ the Lord all the days of her/his life. She conceived, ‫وكان‬ ، ‫النارصية حيث كان والداها يقيامن‬ and gave birth to this Saint and called her Mary who ‫أن‬ ‫يستطيع‬ ‫كليهام متوجع القلب ألنه مل يكن‬ had become the Queen of all women of the world, and ‫يقدم قربانا هلل ألنه مل ينجب أوالدا فلام جاء ملء‬ through her we have received the grace. May her intercession be with us, and glory be to God ‫الزمان املعني حسب التدبري اإللهي أرسل مالك‬ forever. Amen. ‫الرب وبرش الشيخ يواقيم والدها حينام كان قامئا‬ The Departure of the righteous Job. ‫ « ان الرب يعطيك نسال‬: ‫يف الجبل يصيل بقوله‬ 10th May 2nd Bashans ‫لوقته‬ ‫يكون منه خالص العامل « فنزل من الجبل‬ On this day the righteous Job departed. He was a ‫موقنا ومصدقا مبا قاله له املالك وأعلم زوجته‬ righteous man in his generation and upright in his time, as the bible testified about him: «... there is ‫حنة مبا رأي وسمع ففرحت وشكرت هللا ونذرت‬ none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright ‫نذرا أن الذي تلده يكون خادما هلل يف بيته‬ man, one who fears God and shuns evil?» (Job 1:8) ‫هذه‬ ‫كل أيام حياته وبعد ذلك حبلت وولدت‬ The devil envied him and asked God to allow him to ‫نساء‬ ‫ملكة‬ ‫القديسة وأسمتها مريم التي أصبحت‬ harm Job and to destroy his wealth. God allowed that, ‫ وبها نلنا النعمة شفاعتها تكون معنا‬. ‫العاملني‬ because of His foreknowledge of the patience and perseverance of Job and that he would be an example ‫ آمني‬. ‫ولربنا املجد دامئا‬ and a model for those who come after him as the ‫نياحة أيوب البار‬ bible said: «You have heard of the perseverance of ‫ بشنس‬٢ - ‫ مايو‬١٠ Job and seen the end intended by the Lord» ( James ‫ا‬ ‫ر‬ ‫با‬ ‫كان‬ ‫الصديق‬ ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم تنيح أيوب‬ 5:11). In one day, Job lost his sons and daughters, his cattle, and all his wealth. In addition, the evil one also ‫يف جيله صديقا يف عرصه كام شهد عنه الكتاب‬ stricken his body with a Leprosy from his head to his ‫أنه « ليس مثله يف األرض رجل كامل ومستقيم‬ feet. In all this Job offered thanksgiving and praise ‫) فحسده‬8 : 1 ‫يتقي هللا ويحيد عن الرش « (أي‬

to God, and never murmured or grumbled against his ‫الشيطان وطلب من هللا أن ميكنه منه ومن‬ Creator. All what he said was: «May the day perish on ‫كل ماله فسمح له بذلك لعلمه تعايل بصرب‬ which I was born» (Job 3:3). He said also about the loss ‫أيوب وأنه سيكون مثاال وأمنوذجا ملن يأيت‬ of his children: «The LORD gave, and the LORD has ‫بصرب‬ ‫ « قد سمعتم‬: ‫بعده كام يقول الكتاب‬ taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.» (Job 1:21) «In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with ‫) يف يوم‬11 : 5 ‫أيوب ورأيتم عاقبة الرب « (يع‬ wrong» (Job 1:22). ‫واحد فقد أيوب بنيه وبناته ومواشيه وجميع‬ The thing that hurt Job the most, was the harsh words ‫ وليس ذلك فقط بل رضبه أيضا العدو‬، ‫ماله‬ of his wife and his friends. His wife advised him to ‫يف جسده بالجذام من رأسه إىل قدميه وكان‬ blaspheme, but Job refused, and rebuked her saying: ‫يف ذلك جميعه شاكرا هللا ومل يتذمر قط وال‬ «You speak as one of the foolish women speaks. Shall ‫ وهذا كل ما قاله « ليته‬. ‫جدف عيل خالقه‬ we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?» In all this Job did not sin with his ‫) وقال‬3: 3 ‫هلك اليوم الذي ولدت فيه « (أي‬ lips» (Job 2:10). ‫ « الرب أعطي والرب أخذ‬: ‫عن فقده أوالده‬ Job remained sick for 30 years until he was purified as ‫فليكن اسم الرب مباركا يف كل هذا مل يخطئ‬ gold is purified with fire. At last the Lord spoke to him ‫ و‬21 : 1 ‫أيوب ومل ينسب هلل جهالة « (آي‬ from the clouds and healed him from his sickness and . )22 doubled the wealth he had and gave him other sons and daughters. He lived to a good old age and departed in ‫ آمني‬. ‫بركة صالته تكون معنا‬ peace. ‫استشهاد ارميا النبى‬ May his prayers be with us. Amen. ‫ بشنس‬٥ - ‫ مايو‬١٣ The Martyrdom of St. Jeremiah the Prophet. ‫أحد‬ ‫ارميا‬ ‫القديس‬ ‫يف مثل هذا اليوم استشهد‬ 13th May - 5th Bashans ‫ وقد تنبأ‬. ‫األنبياء الكبار أبن حلقيا الكاهن‬ On this day, the prophet Jeremiah, one of the major prophets, the son of Hilkiah the priest, was martyred. ‫يف عهد يوشيا بن أمون ملك يهوذا ويهوياقيم‬ He prophesied in the days of Josiah son of Amon, king « : ‫ وقد ميزه هللا تعايل بقوله‬، ‫بن يوشيا‬ of Judah and Jehoiakim son of Josiah. God had chosen ‫قبلام صورتك يف البطن عرفتك وقبلام خرجت‬ him for He said: “Before I formed you in the womb « ‫ جعلتك نبيا للشعوب‬. ‫من الرحم قدستك‬ I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; ‫ ) وقد وبخ هذا النبي بني إرسائيل‬5 : 1 ‫(أر‬ I ordained you a prophet to the nations” (Jr 1:5). He rebuked the children of Israel for they left the worship ‫بسبب تركهم عبادة هللا ورفضهم نواميسه‬ of God and rejected His Commandments. He warned ‫وحذرهم من غضب الرب عليهم ان مل يرجعوا‬ them of the anger of God if they did not return on ‫ وملا شاهد قساوة قلوبهم وقرب‬. ‫عن آثامهم‬ their transgressions. When he saw their hard hearts ‫بأن‬ ‫ توسل إىل هللا بزفرات باكيا‬، ‫حلول االنتقام‬ and the fast approaching judgement of the Lord, he ‫يغفر لشعبه فلم يقبل هللا توسله يف أولئك‬ prayed fervently weeping so that God might forgive the sins of his people. God rejected his prayers with ‫الذين مل يصغوا لتنبيهاته وحرك نبوخذ نرص‬ regard to those who did not obey him, and He moved ‫فحارص أورشليم زمانا وفتحها جنوده بقيادة‬ Nebuchadnezzar to besiege Jerusalem. His soldiers ‫نبوزرادان وقتلوا كثريين منهم داخل املدينة‬ conquered it under the leadership of Nebuzardan who ‫وأمتعة‬ ‫وبعدما نهبوا كل أمتعة الهيكل الثمينة‬ killed many of them inside the city. After they had ‫بيت امللك ووجوه الشعب ساقوا الباقني‬ taken all the precious possessions of the temple, the king’s palace, and the nobles of the people, they took ‫مقيدين أحياء إىل بابل وكان من جملتهم هذا‬ with them all those who were left alive to Babylon. ‫النبي إال أن نبوزرادان القائد حينام رآه مقيدا‬ Among those who were driven to exile was the prophet ‫ فميض وكتب مراثيه عيل‬. ‫مع البقية أطلقه‬ Jeremiah. Nevertheless, when Nebuzardan saw him ‫خراب املدينة والبيت وسبي الشعب مدة‬ bound with the rest, he set him free. He then wrote . ‫سبعني سنة يف بابل‬ his “Lamentations” for the destruction of the city of Jerusalem, the temple and the exile of his people for 70 ‫وتنبأ هذا النبي عن مجيء الرب املخلص‬ years in babylon. ‫وآالمه وأشياء كثرية غري هذه وانتهت حياته‬ This Prophet prophesied about the coming of Our Lord ‫املقدسة حيث رجمه اليهود أنفسهم يف مرص‬ and Savior, and His sufferings and passion. His life . ‫ومات شهيدا بالسجن‬ ended when the jews themselves stoned him in Egypt, ‫ آمني‬. ‫صالته تكون معنا ولربنا املجد دامئا‬ and he died a martyr in prison. May his prayers be with us and glory be to God forever. Amen.

‫تأمالت في إنجيل القداس‬ Second Sunday of the Holy Fifty Days after Holy ‫األحد الثاني من الخماسين المقدسة‬ Resurrection ٤٥--٣٥:٦ ‫يو‬ ٤٥ John 6: 35 – 45 “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me shall ‫«أنا هو خبز الحيوة من يقبل إل ّي فال‬ ٣٥:٦ ‫يجوع» يو‬ never hunger” (35) ‫يأتي الحديث بين الرب يسوع واليهود‬ The Lord was talking to the people after the miracle of feeding the five thousand. People were ‫هنا في أعقاب معجزة الخمس خبزات‬ ‫والسمكتين فبعد هذه المعجزة صار الناس‬ searching for Jesus everywhere. The Lord told ‫يبحثون عنه في كل مكان وكما قال‬ them that they are not seeking Him because they ‫لهم الرب نفسه أنهم لم يكونوا يبحثون‬ saw sins but because they ate of the loaves and ‫عنه ألنهم رأوْ ا آيات بل ألنهم أكلوا من‬ got filled (John 6:26). Surprisingly they asked ‫الخبز وشبعوا والعجيب أنهم سرعان‬ Him what sign He will perform that they may see it and believe Him. It looks they forgot about ‫ما سألوه أية آية تصنع لنرى ونؤمن بك‬ ‫كأنهم نسوا المعجزة التي صنعها معهم‬ the miracle which the Lord just had done day ‫باألمس فقط وصاروا يقارنون بمعجزة‬ before. They only remembered how the Lord ‫المن في البرية الذي عال به الرب شعب‬ gave their fathers the Manna in the wilderness. ‫ والعجيب‬.‫بني إسرائيل أربعين سنة‬ They overlooked all other miracles the Lord had done in the wilderness. They just want the Lord to ‫أيضا أنهم نسوا أو تناسوا كل المعجزات‬ fill their hunger for worldly bread. They are even ‫األخرى والتي حدثت مع بني إسرائيل‬ ‫في خروجهم من أرض مصر وتذكروا‬ ready to make Him a king if He fill their bodily .‫فقط هذه المعجزة‬ desires. The Lord started to open their eyes that ‫وواضح طبعا اندفاعهم وراء شهوة‬ He is the Bread of Life. ‫الطعام حتى أن من يشبعهم خبزا هم‬ The Lord here points clearly to His relationship with the Father in brief and clear words the Lord ‫مستعدين أن يجعلوه ملكا عليهم وهنا بدأ‬ explains that it is the Will of the Father to redeem ‫الرب يسوع يحول عيونهم عن الماديات‬ the world and it is only through the Son alone we ‫ويفتح عيون قلوبهم إلى الخبز السماوي‬ can reach to the Father. He came the bring the lost ‫وأنه هو أي الرب يسوع هو خبز الحياة‬ .‫النازل من السماء الواهب حياة للعالم‬ sinner humanity up to the Father. Some heretics ‫ويركز الرب يسوع هنا على عالقته‬ tried to use these words to indicate that the Son ‫مع اآلب وفِي كلمات قصيرة وواضحة‬ is not equal to the Father or to dent the Divinity of the Lord Christ as He talked frequently about ‫بين الرب يسوع إرادة اآلب في خالص‬ ‫البشرية وأنه هو أي االبن هو وحده‬ the Father Who sent Him. Looking closely to ‫واسطة الوصول إلى اآلب وأن عمله‬ these verses, we can find clearly that we cannot know the Father without the Son. There is also no ‫أن يرفع البشرية الخاطئة إلى اآلب مرة‬ salvation without the Son and that the Will of the ‫ وقد يحاول البعض استخدام مثل‬.‫أخرى‬ ‫هذه اآليات للتقليل من الهوت الرب‬ Father is the Will of the Son. This proves clearly the unity and equality of the Father and the Son. ‫يسوع أو إدعاء عدم مساواته لآلب حيث‬ ‫أن الرب يسوع يتحدث مرارا عن اآلب‬ We should remember that Lord Jesus talks as ‫ ولكن بفحص هذه اآليات‬.‫الذي أرسله‬ the Incarnated Word of God and He is one in the ‫نجد بوضوح أنه ال طريق لآلب بدون‬ Father and the Father is one in Him. ‫االبن وأنه ال خالص بدون االبن وأن‬ Our Lord Jesus Christ declares that He accepts everyone who comes to Him as this is the Will of ‫ مما يؤكد‬.‫مشيئة اآلب هي مشيئة االبن‬ the Father. Whoever comes to Him He will by no ‫بوضوح وحدة االبن واآلب ومساواتهم‬ ‫لبعض فيجب أن نالحظ أن الرب يسوع‬ means cast out or lost. ‫يتحدث كاالبن الكلمة المتجسد الذي أتى‬ + All that the Father gives Me will come to me ‫لخالص العالم ولكنه ما زال واحدا في‬ This is the condition to live in Christ that you ‫ والرب يسوع هنا‬.‫اآلب واآلب واحد فيه‬ come according to the Will of the Father and His commandments. No one can accept the Son ‫يعلن قبوله لكل من يأتي إليه حسب إرادة‬ ‫اآلب ومن يقبل إليه لن يخرجه خارجا‬ unless being drawn by the Father first. There are .‫ولن يتلف منه شئ بل هو يرفعه إليه‬ many who want to come to the Son but in their :‫ كل ما يعطيني اآلب فإلي يقبل‬+ own ways and conditions not according to the

‫هذا هو شرط التقدم للحياة مع السيد‬ Will of the Father. The Son cannot accept them ‫المسيح ولكي تأكل خبز الحياة ال بد أن‬ nor can give them the Bread of Life. Whoever ‫يكون حسب إرادة اآلب أي حسب وصايا‬ easts of Him will not hunger and whoever believes in Him will never thirst. There are many ‫هللا وال يستطيع أحد أن يقبل االبن إن لم‬ who wanted to come but they were not accepted ‫يجتذبه اآلب أوال فهناك كثيرون يريدون‬ as they were submitting to their own desires and ‫أن يأتوا ويتقدموا لالبن ولكن بشروطهم‬ ‫هم وبطريقته الخاصة وليس حسب‬ not submitting their will to the Son. Cain was one of those could have been inheriting ‫ وهؤالء ال يقبلهم االبن وال‬.‫إرادة اآلب‬ ‫يستطيعوا أن يتقدموا ليأكلوا من خبز‬ the Kingdom with his brother. Also, Ruben the older son of Jacob who could have inherited the ‫الحياة الذي من يأكله ال يجوع ومن ي ُْؤ ِمن‬ ‫ والقائمة طويلة لهؤالء‬.‫به ال يعطش أبدا‬ blessings of First-born for he lusted to the sin ‫الذين أرادوا أن يقبلوا ولكن بسبب‬ and defiled his fathers bed. Also, Esau lost his ‫شهواتهم وعدم تسليمهم اإلرادة لالبن‬ share of blessings as he rejected the privilege of .‫حرموا من الملكوت‬ being First-born. King Soul rejected his share in ‫منهم قايين الذي كان يمكن أن يكون‬ God and God rejected him. Gehazi (2Kings 4:2) could have become a great prophet like his master ‫ ومنهم رأوبين‬،‫وارثا للملكوت مع أخيه‬ ‫بكر يعقوب الذي كان يمكن أن يرث‬ Elisha but he loved the wages of deception and ‫المواعيد لكنه اشتهى الخطية ودنس‬ lies and lost gifts of Heaven. ‫ ومنهم عيسو الذي كان يمكن‬.‫فراش أبيه‬ There are many who do not reject and do not accept the Son when they had the chance. There ‫أن يكون ابن الموعد لكنه احتقر البكورية‬ ‫وباعها ومنهم شاول الملك مسيح الرب‬ are others who did not have great chances like them, but they accepted the Son. Compare Cain .‫الذي رفض نصيب الرب فرفضه الرب‬ ‫ومنهم جحيزي تلميذ إليشع الذي كان‬ and Abel who are brothers and first sons on earth. ‫يمكن أن يصير نبيا عظيما كما صار‬ Consider Ruth and her sister Orpha. Ruth longed ‫إليشع تلميذ إيليا وحلت عليه روح إيليا‬ to have the real share in the God’s of Israel but ‫ولكنه أحب أجرة العالم ومكافأته وبذلك‬ Orpha returned to Moab. Consider Rahab the .‫رفض مواهب السماء‬ harlot the strange pagan woman who accepted ‫أيها الحبيب هناك كثيرون يرفضون‬ to be among the people of God. Look at Jezebel ‫وال يقبلون االبن رغم أنه كان يمكن أن‬ who married to King Ahab but she remained ‫يقبلوا بل هناك من كان أقل منهم أو في‬ on her old life and habits and separated herself ‫ قارن بين قايين وهابيل‬.‫مستواهم وقبل‬ from the God’s people. You may say conditions ،‫ انظر إلى يعقوب وعيسو‬،‫فهن أخوان‬ to be accepted are difficult who can bear its ‫انظر إلى المثال اللطيف راعوث وعرفة‬ responsibilities and who can keep on being ‫راعوث اشتاقت إلى ميراث الرب إله‬ accepted by God. You should know that when you submit to Christ you should never fear. The .‫إسرائيل وأما عرفة فرجعت إلى موآب‬ ‫بل قارن بين راحاب الزانية المرأة‬ Son will never let you to be lost. He will never ‫األممية التي صار لها نصيب بين شعب‬ cast you out. ‫هللا وبين إيزابل التي دخلت ضمن‬ + and the one who comes to Me I will by no ‫شعب هللا عندما تزوجها أخاب الملك‬ means cast out ‫ولكنها ظلت على شرها ورفضت أن‬ This is a very assuring promise which the world ‫ قد تقول أن شروط‬.‫تربح ميراث الرب‬ can never give. There is no system in the world ‫القبول صعبة من يستطيع أن يوفيها وإذا‬ who can give such an assurance. Who can give ‫أوفيناها من هذا الذي يقدر أن يحافظ‬ you security and peace like the Lord. The Lord ‫عليها ويستمر قبوال لدى هللا وهنا يجب‬ promises that those in His Hands cannot be lost. ‫أن تالحظ أنه عندما تأتي إلى السيد‬ No one ever can promise to raise you in the last ‫المسيح وعندما يستلم االبن حياتك ال‬ day. Consider what really you can get of this ‫يجب أن تخاف من شئ أبدا فاالبن ال‬ world. Do you think you can be secure in your ‫ لن يخرجك خارجا وال‬،‫يتركك تهلك أبدا‬ job or worldly life? Nebuchadnezzar, the great .‫يدعم تتلف‬ king one day lost his glory and became like :‫ من يقبل إل ّي ال أخرجه خارجا‬+ animals eating grass. Someone sits on the throne today but tomorrow could be thrown into prison. ‫هذا هو الوعد المطمئن الذي ال يستطيع‬

‫العالم أبدا أن يعطي مثله‪ ،‬أرني أي نظام في العالم‬ ‫‪Samson the strong man who could‬‬ ‫يستطيع أن يقول لك مثل هذا بل أرني من يجرؤ‬ ‫‪defeat armies of Palestinians has been‬‬ ‫ويقول لك أننا نضمن لك األمان كما يقول الرب‬ ‫‪humiliated by adulterous woman and‬‬ ‫لك‪ .‬إن كل ما أعطاني ال أتلف منه شيئا بل من هو‬ ‫‪ended up in prison grinding the grain‬‬ ‫الذي يستطيع أن يعد باإلقامة في ْاليَوْ َم األخير‪ .‬أيها‬ ‫‪like oxen (Judges 16).‬‬ ‫الحبيب انظر ما الذي تأخذه من العالم بكل نظمه‬ ‫‪Remember that health cannot be always‬‬ ‫ومؤسساته‪ .‬هل تعتمد على وظيفتك ومركزك‪ ،‬هل‬ ‫‪well. One day you can get weak and‬‬ ‫تعلم أن نبوخذنصر الملك العظيم صار حيوانا يأكل‬ ‫‪old. It is matter of time. Do not rely on‬‬ ‫العشب بين يوم وليلة؟ هل تعلم أن من يجلس على‬ ‫‪your intelligence and experience. The‬‬ ‫العرش ْاليَوْ َم غدا يمكن أن يكون في غياهب السجون ‪worst thing you can do is to rely of your‬‬ ‫أو معلقا في حبل مشنقة؟ هل تعتمد على صحتك‬ ‫‪own health and abilities. The wheel‬‬ ‫وقوتك‪ ،‬هل تعلم ماذا جرى لشمشون الجبار أقوى‬ ‫‪can turn one day against your wishes‬‬ ‫جبابرة العالم؟ كيف أذلته إمرأه شريرة وصار يطحن ‪and aspirations. It is easy for those who‬‬ ‫في بيت السجن كالثيران؟ إن الصحة ال تدوم وال بد ‪relies on themselves to fall into the traps‬‬ ‫للشيخوخة أن تدب في أقوى وأعتى األجسام‪ ،‬المسألة‬ ‫‪of the devil. They will be deceived by‬‬ ‫هي مجرد وقت‪ .‬هل تعتمد على ذكاءك وخبرتك هذه‬ ‫‪their own self-pride and get lost. King‬‬ ‫ربما تكون أصعب مأساة في حياتك‪ .‬فالعالم يحلو له‬ ‫‪Solomon was the wisest person of any‬‬ ‫أن يلعب بهؤالء الذين يظنون أنفسهم أذكياء وخبراء‬ ‫‪time but still he fell into the trap of‬‬ ‫وما أسهل مثل هؤالء من فريسة في يد الشيطان يلعب ‪paganism by his strange wifes sometime‬‬ ‫بذكائها وعقلهم ويجعلهم ينحرفون بضربهم بالكبرياء ‪in his life. Do you rely on your money‬‬ ‫ويجعلهم يضلون‪ .‬إن حكمة سليمان الملك الذي كان ‪or wealth? Can wealth restore health? Or‬‬ ‫أحكم كل بنى عصره لم تحمه أمام خطايا كثيرة فضل ‪inner peace? Can money help to in your‬‬ ‫َو َعبَد األوثان في وقت ما خالل حياته‪.‬‬ ‫‪eternity? Do not be deceived. All world‬‬ ‫هل تعتمد على أموالك وغناك‪ ،‬على شركات التأمين‪،‬‬ ‫‪promises are not true and deceiving.‬‬ ‫أرني الذي يستطيع أن يشتريه المال‪ ،‬هل يشتري‬ ‫‪Many people were led by friends to‬‬ ‫المال الصحة؟ هل يشتري المال السعادة؟ هل يشتري‬ ‫‪spend a claimed joyful time in parties‬‬ ‫المال راحة البال والسالم الداخلي؟ هل يشتري المال‬ ‫‪but ended up on the gutter or even to‬‬ ‫الحياة األبدية؟ إن وعود العالم كلها باطلة وخداعة‪the jail. How many people were dazzled .‬‬ ‫كم من إنسان ينخدع بمظهر الحفالت وصخب العالم‬ ‫‪by the promises of huge winning in‬‬ ‫وتنتهي به الليلة ملقى على رصيف أو في سجن أو‬ ‫‪gambling and ended in huge debts and‬‬ ‫على قارعة الطريق‪ .‬كم من إنسان تنبهر عيناه بمظهر‬ ‫‪endless misery. It is a world which‬‬ ‫موائد القمار والمال المنساب أمامه وال يدري باال وقد‬ ‫‪cannot guarantee anything.‬‬ ‫تورط في الديون والمشاكل والمتاعب التي ال نهاية ‪Come back for Lord Jesus. His promises‬‬ ‫لها‪ .‬إلى متى أيها الحبيب تعيش في عالم بال ضمان‬ ‫‪are sure and comforting. Come back‬‬ ‫وال أمان‪.‬‬ ‫‪with real eagerness to be with Him. He‬‬ ‫ارجع إلى الرب يسوع فوعوده كلها مطمئنة ومريحة‪،‬‬ ‫‪is not going to promise you worldly‬‬ ‫ارجع إليه باشتياق ورغبة في حياة مقدسة‪ ،‬إنه لن‬ ‫‪profits. He actually going to lead you‬‬ ‫يخدعك ولن يفرش لك الطريق بالورود الزائفة بل‬ ‫‪through the narrow road carrying His‬‬ ‫سوف يقول لك صراحة عن الباب الضيق والطريق ‪Cross. He will accompany you through‬‬ ‫الكرب‪ .‬سوف يخبرك عن الصليب وسوف يحدثك‬ ‫‪this world sufferings, persecution and‬‬ ‫عن األلم واالضطهاد ولكن في ثقة ال مثيل لها سوف ‪pain but He will never cast you out and‬‬ ‫يقول لك ‪ :‬لن أخرجك خارجا لن يتلف منك شيئ‪،‬‬ ‫‪promise that you will not be lost but He‬‬ ‫سوف أقيمك في ْاليَوْ َم األخير‪ .‬وأمام هذه الوعود‬ ‫‪will grant you the eternal life. The saints‬‬ ‫القوية الموثوق فيها التي اختبارها القديسون في كل‬ ‫‪had experienced this great wonderful‬‬ ‫زمان ووجدوها كلها صادقة وأمينة ال يجد اإلنسان‬ ‫‪joyful life in Jesus and they witness‬‬ ‫نفسه يقدر أن يقول شئ وأن يفعل شئ سوى أن يحمل ‪to us today that He is the Truth. Come‬‬ ‫صليبه كل يوم ويتبع الرب يسوع إلى الجلجثة‪.‬‬ ‫‪today follow the Lord carrying His‬‬ ‫إلى الصليب‪ ،‬إلى القيامة‪ ،‬إلى أورشليم السمائية‪.‬‬ ‫‪Cross to the Resurrection to Heavenly‬‬ ‫‪Jerusalem.‬‬

From Resurrection to Pentecost – by Bishop Youssef

The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ not only brought about victory over death, Satan, and sin but also marked the beginning of a new resurrected life to be lived fully here on earth and continued and glorified in eternal life. That is why during the fifty days after the Resurrection, and while waiting to celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit, as promised by our Lord Jesus Christ to His disciples, our beloved church filled, directed and inspired by the Holy Spirit continues to reveal to its members who that Person of Jesus Christ their Savior truly is; and what He, in essence, has procured for them. This the church does in such a significant, related manner throughout the seven consecutive weekly Gospel readings. The Church Gospel Readings Thus the fifty day period between Resurrection and Pentecost becomes a period of meditation on the Holy Person of Jesus Christ: who He is, and how essential He is for us during our Journey in this life in order to reach our ultimate destination which is the heavenly Jerusalem where we will see Him face to face and be for ever with Him. First Sunday: Sunday Christ Our Faith (John 20:28,29) Second Sunday: Christ the Bread of life (John 6:35) Third Sunday: Christ the Water of life (John 4:14) Fourth Sunday: Christ the Light of the world (John 12:46) Fifth Sunday: Christ the Way to life (John 14:6) Sixth Sunday: Christ the Conqueror of the World (John 16:33) Seventh Sunday: Christ announcing the Comforter (John 15:26) 1. Christ Our Faith (John 20:28,29) The new life that exists in Christ’s Resurrection becomes ours only by and through faith. St. Paul stresses this fact clearly in 1 Corinthians 15:14 “And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty.” That is why the first Sundays Gospel reading revolves around this point. Our Lord Jesus Christ appears to Thomas saying to him “put your hand in the place of the nails…and be a believer” (John 20:28,29). In order for this belief to be genuine belief, it does not require seeing as an evidence. On the contrary, blessed are those who believe without seeing. A good example of believing without seeing is the faith that the Israelites exhibited when they agreed to leave Egypt (Egypt being a symbol of our life before the Resurrection) and head towards the yet unknown promised land (the latter being a symbol of the heavenly Jerusalem). For the Israelites the crossing of the Red Sea was like crossing from death unto life, a resurrection (1 Corinthians 10:1,2). St. Paul considered that crossing of the sea a baptism which in essence is a symbol of Resurrection. Romans 6 describes baptism as burial and resurrection with Christ. It was with faith that the Israelites started their journey knowing the hardships and potential enemies that were lying ahead of them in the wilderness. Likewise, the journey with Christ starts with faith. It is only through faith we find courage to denounce the world and its pleasures; knowing that by following the Resurrected Christ we will be able to reach our goal which is Heaven. However, the road will not

always be easy; and trials, hardships, and obstacles are bound to cross our way. The answer is clear in the Lords words: “believe also in me” (John 14:1). 2. Christ the Bread of life (John 6:35) After the Israelites had left Egypt, God immediately catered for their physical need for food. So, He sent the manna from heaven to feed them on daily basis. Likewise, in our new resurrected life in Jesus, the need for spiritual food is catered for through the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ “I am the bread of life. Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and are dead. This is the bread which comes down from heaven that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day” (John 6:48-54). This is what the Church resounds in its Gospel readings on the second Sunday after Resurrection to remind us, believers, of the need for that Spiritual Food which is given to us as for salvation, remission of sin, and eternal life to those who partake of Him (the prayer of the confession). 3. Christ the Water of life (John 4:14) Just as God provided the Israelites with water procured from the rock “and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ” (1 Corinthians 10:4) that God had ordered Moses to strike with his staff, so did He provide us with living water through His Son Jesus Christ from whose side had run that water while on the cross in order to quench the thirst of humanity. On the third Sunday the Church reads the Gospel of the Samaritan Woman reminding us of what the Lord had said to her “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:13,14). This is the thirst-quenching, living water, (His Grace and Mercy), that is given to us through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. St. Augustine says, You created us to yourself and our souls will remain restless until we find comfort in you. Trying to satisfy our thirst to worldly desires is just like drinking from salty water; we end up thirstier than before drinking. Gods Word to Jeremiah in this respect is “For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, And hewn themselves cisterns–broken cisterns that can hold no water” (Jeremiah 2:13). Pursuing the pleasures of this world is like drinking from salty water; it brings about more thirst, whereas drinking from the Water of Life, Jesus Christ, brings about everlasting satisfaction. The living water is the Holy Spirit that He sent to us after His ascension to Heavens “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified” (John 7:38,39).

Parish Board of Deacons Elections Dioceses of Melbourne Sunday 3RD July 2022 ‫أنتخابات مجالس شمامسة الكنائس‬ ‫أيبارشية ملبورن‬ ٢٠٢٢ ‫ يولية‬٣ ‫األحد‬

The Parish Board of Deacons is a group of servants elected by the congregation to assist the priests and the congregation with their services. They play an important and vital role in the life of the parish, taking on the role of governance and management of the parish affairs. People called to this ministry contribute significantly to the wellbeing and growth of the parish. It is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit St Paul mentions in 1 Corinthians 12:28. Under the Diocese Parish Constitution, the normal 3-cycle for the Parish Board of Deacons will commence starting on lSt May with the elections on the 3RD of July 2022. The Parish Board of Deacons consist of Six elected members and 1 co-opted member. Two of the members must be less than 35-years of aged. To nominate for the parish Board of Deacons, you must be an ordained Deacon at the rank of epsaltos and above, a person of good character, in good standing with the church and older than 21 years of age. Commencing lSt of May 2022, nominations forms for the Board of Deacons will be available. The Nominee and six other members of the parish must sign the nomination form and deliver them to the Senior Parish Priest. The Preliminary List of Candidates will be published on 29Th May 2022 and members of the community have 14 days to raise concerns regarding any candidates to Rev Fr Paul Awad, the Diocese Returning Officer. The Final List of Candidates will be Published on Sunday 19Th June 2022 with the elections held on Sunday, 3Rd July 2022 following the last Liturgy. Member of the parish, who regularly attend that parish and are 18 year or older are eligible to vote. Sunday, 1 May 2022 Sunday, 22 May 2022 Sunday, 29 May 2022 Sunday, 12 June 2022 Sunday, 19 June 2022 Sunday, 3 July 2022

Nominations Open Nominations Close 5:00PM List of Preliminary Nominees published Objections to nominees Close Final List of Candidates Published Parish Board of Deacons Elections

St Virgin Mary (Kensington) 1-11 Epsom Rd, KENSINGTON VIC 3031

Parish Board of Deacons Election Sunday 3Rd July 2022

Candidates Information and Consent: Name Address Date of Birth Rank & Year Ordained

Contact Number Epsaltos




I Would like to be considered as a candidate for the election of The Board of Deacons for the parish of St Virgin Mary (Kensington) Candidates Signature


Confirmation of Nomination

We the undersigned support the nomination of the above-named candidate and affirm he is a fit and proper person to hold office. Name

Contact Number


1 2 3 4 5 6

100 Park Road Donvale VIC 3111 Australia | PO Box 1150 Mitcham North VIC 3132 Australia T | +61 3 8872 8400 W | www.melbcopts.org.au

C l o s i n g D a t e f o r N o m in a t i o n s S u n d a y 2 2 N D M a y 2 0 2 2 5 P M

Candidate Nomination Form 1 .2. A Board of Deacons shall include the priests of the Parish and six elected Deacons (at least 2 of whom shall be young adult representatives aged between 21 and 35 years) who have been duly ordained as Deacons in the Coptic Orthodox Church at the rank of Epsaltos (Chanter) or higher. 1.3. In addition to the 6 elected Deacons, the Bishop may at any time install additional persons to a Board of Deacons. 1.5. A Deacon who has been elected to a Board of Deacons or installed by the Bishop under 1.3 shall serve for a term of 3 years and shall be eligible for re-election (or reappointment) for no more than two successive terms at any one time. Completed Nomination forms must be submitted to Fr Tadros Sherobeam by 5:00Pm 22ND May 2022

Holy Baptism Sunday 1st May 2022 St. Mary’s Church

Baby Armani (Thomas) son of Mathew & Margo Assad

Baby Tye daughter of Daniel & Marina Piacquadio

Demolishing Old Buildings at St Mary’s Church

Baby Oliver (Macarius) son of Freddie & Sarah McGregor

Celebrating Feast of Glorious Resurrectio at ST Mary’s College Thursday 28th April 2022

Father Daoud Lamie visiting St Mary’s Church Wedesday 4th May 2022

Demolishing Old Buildings started on Thursday 28th April

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready within 12 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downladed from church website.

Cost of building works is around $12,000000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreaciated. ‫ أبريل‬٢٨ ‫أعمال اإلنشاءات بدات يوم الخميس‬ ‫ خدمات الكنيسة تتم حسب المعتاد‬.‫ شهرا‬١٢ ‫ من المتوقع األنتهاء من المشروع خالل‬. .‫حسب الجدول الموضح داخل النشرة‬ .‫ مليون دوالرا‬١٢ ‫تبلغ تكلفة المشروع حوالى‬ ‫ينكنك المشاركة بتبرع شهرى بملء أستمارة السحب البنكى الموجودة بالكنيسة أو طبعها‬ ‫من خالل مركز الكنيسة األلكترونى‬ ‫الرب يبارك تبرعاتكم ومساهمتكم فى هذا العمل‬ Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link ‫للتبرعات لكنيسة العذراء مريم ومشروع المبانى أضغط على الرابط‬ https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works

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