Weekly Bulletin 9th October 2022

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Services at St Mary’s



Mass 9 - 11 am


Liturgy 5:30 - 7am

8am The Way Orthodox Fellowship in Englisg for adults - All ages

Wednesday: Mass 9 – 11 am

6:30-8pm School of Deacons Adults

Arabic ; 7-8:15pm English (Zoom)

Hymns Class Arabic 8-9pm (Zoom)


Mass 9 - 11 am - English

English Midnight Praises 7:30pm

English Bible Study 7:30pm

Friday: Mass Mass 9 – 11 am

Youth 25 and above 7-9pm

Family Meeting 7-9pm (fortnightly)

Discipleship Clas Class 7-8:30pm

Year 10-12 Sunday School 6-9pm

Saturday: Mass: 8:30 – 11am

Sunday School 4 – 5.30pm

Vespers & youth meeting 7-8:30pm English

Vespers &Bible Study Arabic 5:307pm

Scouts 1:30 - 3pm School of Deaconsgip 3 - 4pm Sunday:

1st Mass6 - .7:45am Arabic & English

2nd Mass.7:45 – .9:30am English

3rd Mass 9:30 - 11:15am Arabic

Hymns Class - English 11:4512:30pm







Church Priests:
Habib Girgis Younan:
– 94498871
habibgirgisyounan@hotmail. com Fr Michael Salib: 0422431821 Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Church Address: 5 Epsom Rd., Kens ington Vic 3031 Tel: 93766651 Fr Kerillos Tawadros 0411 518 399 Fr John Macary 0433 445 636 :ءارذعلا ةسينكب ةمدخلا ديعاوم:نينثلأا احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا احابص 7 - 5:30 :ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاثلاثلا )ىزيلجنأ(ىاو اذ - ىزيلجنلأاب رابكلل عامتجأ ءاسم 8 احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ءاعبرلأا ىبرع - رابكلل ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8 - 6:30 ىزيلجنأ - ةسمامشلا ةسردم ءاسم 8:١5 - 7 ىبرع - ناحلأ لوصف ءاسم٩ - 8 :سيمخلاىزيلجنأ - احابص ١١ - ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - ليللا فصن ةحبست ءاسم 7:30 ىزيلجنأ - سدقملا باتكلا سرد احابص ١١ – ٩ ىهللأا سادقلا :ةعمجلا رثكأف ةنس 25 بابشلا ءاسم ٩ – 7 )نيعوبسأ لك( ةرسلأا عامتجأ ءاسم٩ 7 ىزيلجنأ - ةمدخلا دادعا عامتجأ ءاسم 8:30 - 7 ١0 تاونسل دحلأا سردم لصف ءاسم ٩ - 6 ١2احابص ١١ – 8,30 ىهللأا سادقلا:تبسلا ءاسم 3 - ١:30 ةفاشكلا عامتجاءاسم 4 - 3 ةسمامشلا ةسردم 5,30 – 4 دحلأا سرادم ءاسم 8:30 –7 بابشلا عامتجاو ةيشعلا ىزيلجنا ىبرع ءاسم 7 - 5:30 باتك سردو ةيشعلا :دحلأا ىزيلجناو ىبرع ص,7:45 – 6 لولأا سادقلا ىزيلجنا – ص ٩:30 – ,7:45 ىناثلا سادقلا ىبرع ص ١١:١5 – ٩:30 ثلاثلا سادقلا ءاسم ١2:30 - ١١:45 ىزيلجنأ - ناحلأ لصف:ةسينكلاب ةنهكلا ءابلأاميبوراش سردات صمقلا 0414251251بلأا Email: frtadros@me.com:نانوي سجرج بيبح سقلا بلأا 94498871Email: - 0401238177 habibgirgisyounan@hotmail.com 0422431821 :بيلص لكيام سقلا بلأا Email: frmichael@sac.edu.au Epsom Rd, 3031:ةسينكلا ناونع :نوفيلت 5 Kensington Vic 93766651 سورضوات سلريك سقلا بلأا 0411518399 ىراكم نوج سقلا بلأا 0433445636

The Martyrdom of St. Arbsima (Repsima) the Virgin and Her Sisters the Virgins

9th October - 29th Tote

On this day, the holy virgins Arbsima (Repsima) and Agatha (Ghana) and their sisters, were martyred during the reign of Emperor Diocletian.

This infidel sought out the most beautiful damsel to marry. He sent artists to every country and ordered them to paint a portrait of the most beautiful damsel that their sights fell on and to give him an accurate description of her. When they arrived nearby Rome, they entered a convent for virgins and found Saint Arbsima and none was like her in beauty. They painted a portrait of her and sent it to the Emperor who rejoiced when he saw it. He sent to the kings and governors to invite them to the wedding celebrations.

When Arbsima and the virgins knew that, they wept, and left the convent fleeing, entreating the Lord Christ to help them and to keep their virginity. They fled to the country of Armenia, and entered the province over which Tridates was king. There they dwelt in a winery in a deserted garden. They had great trouble in getting their food, so one of them made glass, sold it, and with the money they bought their food. When Diocletian sought for Arbsima, he did not find her.

Later on, he heard that she was in the country of Armenia so he sent to Tridates the governor to look for her. When the virgins heard that, they left their shelter and hid themselves in the city. But someone informed about them. Tridates then commanded to bring Arbsima to him and when she refused, they abducted her and brought her to him. When he saw her beauty, he wanted to have her for himself, but she did not let him. He brought her mother to persuade her but instead she besought her to endure patiently. She comforted her, told her that she must not forsake her true Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus Christ, and that she must not defile her virginity. When he knew what her mother had done, he commanded to break her teeth. God gave St. Arbsima power to overcome the governor; she pushed him forcefully and he fell on his back. She left him lying on the floor although he was well known by his might and bravery in war. Ashamed of having been vanquished by a virgin damsel, he ordered to cut off her head. The soldiers came and tied her, tore out her tongue, plucked out her eyes, and then cut her into pieces. When the governor rose up from his fall and regained his senses, he was sorry for killing the saint. He ordered to slay the rest of the virgins. The soldiers pierced the soles of their feet, flayed them, cut them into pieces, and then cast them out. One of them was sick and was lying on a bed, and she cried out to the soldiers so she might join her sisters. So, they cut off her head also and thus, all the virgins received the crown of martyrdom. The soldiers also slew all who had come with them from Rome. After their departure, the governor became mad and the physicians could not help him until Saint Gregory, Bishop of Armenia, came to him and prayed over him. By this he was healed of his affliction and believed in the Lord Christ. He took the bodies of the holy and pure virgins and laid them in a holy place. Their intercession be for us, and Glory be to our

اهعم نمو ءارذعلا مايسبرأ ةسيدقلا داهشتسا توت ٢٩ - ربوتكأ ٩ ىراذعلا تاسيدقلا تدهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في مايأ ، ماهعم نك تياوللا ماهتاوخأو اثاغو مايسبرأ دارأ ةيغاطلا اذه هنأ كلذو سونايدلقد كللما لىإ نيروصلما لسرأف ةيبص لمجأ نم جوزتي نأ لمجأ هل اوروصي نأ مهرمأو ، عاقصلأا عيمج افصو هل اهنوفصوي مث اهيلع مهرظن عقي ةاتف اولخد ، ةيمور يحاون لىإ اولصو مالف ، اقيقد مايسبرأ ةسيدقلا هذه اودجوف ، ىراذعلل اريد اهتروص اوذخأف لماجلا في اهلثايم نم نكي لمو ، كوللما وعدي لسرأو ، اهب حرفف كللما لىإ اهولسرأو تملع مالف ، سرعلاب لافتحلاا لىإ ءاسؤرلاو نجرخو ينكب كلذب ىراذعلا ةيقبو مايسبرأ نأ حيسلما ديسلا لىإ نلسوتي نهو ريدلا نم ينتأو ريدلا نرجه مث ، نهتيلوتب ظفحيو نهنيعي لخاد نمقأو هتاديرت ةيلاو في ةينيمرأ دلاب لىإ نلصحي نكو ةبرخلا ينتاسبلا دحأ في ةصرعم نهنم ةدحاو ةطساوب ةيمظع ةقشبم نهتوق لىع بلط المو . هنمثب تنتقيو هعيبتو جاجزلا عنصت في اهنأ عمسو ، اهدجي لم مايسبرأ سونايدلقد هفرعي لياولا هتاديرت لىإ لسرأف . ةينيمرأ دلاب كلذ ىراذعلا فرع مالف ، اهب ظفتحي كيل اهتصقب مهضعب لدف . ةنيدلما في ينفتخاو نهاوأم نكرت لم ذإو . مايسبرأ راضحإب هتاديرت رمأف . نهيلع اهلماج ىأر اهلف . هيلإ اهب اوتآو اهوفطتخا درت ، كلذ نم هنكتم ملف هسفنل اهذخأي نأ دارأ تناك اهنكلو ، اهبلق بيطت اهلعل اهمأ اهل ضرحاف كترت لاأ اهيصوتو اهدضعتو اهبرصتو اهيزعت لا نأو ، حيسلما عوسي برلا يقيقحلا اهسيرع سركب رمأ اهمأ هتلعف ابم ملع مالف ، اهتيلوت سندت برلا اهاطعأ دقف مايسبرأ ةسيدقلا امأ ، اهنانسأ طقسف ةوقب هتعفد ناب لياولا لىع تبلغتف ةوق ضرلأا لىع ىقلم هتكرتو تجرخو ، هرهظ لىع ةعاجشلاو ةلوطبلاب برحلا في اروهشم ناك هنأ عم رمأو ءارذع ةيبص نم بلغ ذإ يزخلا هاترعاف . اهناسل اوعطقو اهوفقوأو. دنجلا تىأف اهسأر عطقب قافتسا مالف ابرأ اهوعطقو ، اهينيع اوجرخأو ، ةيقب لتقب رمأو . ةسيدقلا لتق لىع مدن لياولا نهدولج اوخلسو هبلطك دنجلا لعفف ، ىراذعلا ةدحاو تناكو ، نهوحرطو، ابرأ نهوعطق مث ، دنجلا في تحاصف ، خوك في ةدقار ةضيرم نهنم نلنو اضيأ اهسأر اوعطقف نهتوخأب اهوقحلي نأ في تىأ نم اضيأ اولتقو . ةداهشلا ليلكإ نهعيمج لياولا نج نهتحاين دعبو ، ةيمور نم نهتبحص سويروغيرغ سيدقلا هاتأ ىتح ءابطلأا هيف راتحاو نمأو هئاد نم ئبرف هيلع لىصو ةينيمرأ فقسأ تارهاطلا تاسيدقلا داسجأ ذخأو حيسلما ديسلاب . انعم نوكت نهتلاص . سدقم ناكم في اهعضوو .ينمآ ايدبأ ائماد دجلما .انبرلو سيدقلا عم برلا اهعنص يتلا ةزجعلما راكذت ليوسرلا سويسانثأ توت ٣٠ - ربوتكأ ١٠ دجلما هل عوسي برلا عنص مويلا اذه لثم في سويسانثأ ابنلاا ليلجلا سيدقل! عم ةميظع ةيآ كللما نأ كلذو . نيشرعلا ةيردنكسلإا اباب ليوسرلا

God, forever. Amen.

The Commemoration of the Miracle that God Performed for St. Athanasius the Apostolic

10th October - 30th Tote

On this day the Lord Christ performed a great miracle for the honorable Saint Abba Athanasius, 20th Pope of Alexandria. When Emperor Constantius, the son of the righteous Emperor Constantine, adopted the teachings of Arius who said that the Son was, after not being, and therefore not equal to the Father, he sent a man, whose name was Gawargios, to Alexandria. He also sent along with him 500 horsemen and letters appointing Gawargios patriarch of Alexandria instead of Abba Athanasius the Apostolic. He ordered Gawargios to support the faith of Arius and slay all who would not be obedient to him. When this man arrived to the city, he preached the teachings of Arius but only a few people of the city accepted his teachings. Therefore, he killed a large number of people, and St. Athanasius hid himself for a period of six years. After which he went to the city of Constantinople, and asked Emperor Constantius either to restore him to his See or to slay him so he would receive the crown of martyrdom. But the Emperor ordered his men to place him in a small boat and to leave him in the sea without food or water or a guide. The Emperor thought that he would die of hunger or thirst or get drowned. In this way he hoped to get rid of the saint and his admonition to him for his heresy, and they did with the saint as the Emperor had ordered them.

The boat sailed along smoothly and in peace with the Lord’s will and His care. St. Athanasius was surrounded and cared for by the Angels until he arrived in Alexandria three days later. When the believers heard that their shepherd had arrived, they rejoiced and went out to him and received him with candles and songs of praise. Then they brought him into the church and expelled Gawargios and his followers. St. Athanasius dedicated that day as a great feast to the Lord. May his prayers be with us and to our God is the glory and honor now and ever unto the end of ages. Amen.In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, One God. Amen.

The Martyrdom of Saint Anastasia

11th Oct - 1st Baba

On this day, St. Anastasia was martyred. This fighter was a native of Rome, and the daughter of Christian parents. They raised her well and taught her the Christian manners. When she grew up, her parents wanted her to get married, but she did not agree with them for she had forsaken the vanities of the world and its lusts. She instead chose to lead a spiritual life and longed for the heavenly glories since her young age. She entered one of the convents of the virgins in Rome and put on the monastic garb. She subdued her body with devoutness and asceticism. She did not eat except once every two days. During the holy Lent she ate only on Saturdays and Sundays after the prayer of the sixth hour of the day. Her food during all the days of her monastic life was dry bread and salt.

It came to pass that some of the convents of virgins, nearby the convent where this saint was staying, were celebrating a feast. The abbess took St. Anastasia, with some of the virgins,

، سيدقلا كللما ينطنطسق نب سونيطنطسق نبلاا نأب ىدان يذلا سويرا ميلاعت قنتعا الم واسم يرغ هناو ، دوجوم يرغ ام تقو في ناك هعمو ، سويجرواج همسإ اناسنإ لسرأ . بلآل لىع اكريرطب هنيعتب لئاسرو سراف ةئماسمخ ليوسرلا سويسانثأ ابنلأا نم لادب ةيردنكسلإا نم لتقيو ، سويرأ هلاق ام تبثي نأ لىع ، ةنيدلما لىإ لجرلا اذه لصو المو ، هعيطي لا هلوق لبقي لم ، سويرأ ميلاعتب اهعيف ىدانو ، لهأ نم لتقف . ةنيدلما لهأ نم يرسي رفن لاإ سويسانثأ سيدقلا امأ . ايرثك اقلخ ةيردنكسلإا جرخ ، يننس تس ايفختم لظو ىفتخا هناف نم بلطو ةينيطنطسقلا ةنيدم دصقو اهدعب وأ هيسرك لىإ هدري نأ امأ« سونيطنطسق كللما نأب رمأف كللما امأ . »ةداهشلا ليلكإ لانيف هلتقي زبخ يرغب رحبلا في كتريو يرغص بكرم في لمحي امأ كلهي كلذب هنأ هنم انظ ، ربدم لاو ءام لاو نمو هنم صلختيف قرغلا وأ شطعلا وأ عوجلاب رمأ ماك سيدقلاب اولعفف ، هتقطره لىع هتيكبت يربدتب ملاسو ءوده في بكرلما هب تراسف . كللما ىتح ةكئلالما اهطيحتو هاعرت هتيانعو برلا المو ، مايأ ةثلاث دعب ةيردنكسلإا ةنيدم لصو اوجرخو ، ادج اوحرف همودقب نونمؤلما عمس ىتح ، حيباستلاو تاولصلاب هولبقتساو هيلإ سويجرواج اهنم اوجرخأو ، ةسينكلا هولخدأ سويسانثأ سيدقلا لعجف هباحصأو سيويرلأا دجلما هل يذلا برلل مايظع اديع مويلا اذه . ينمآ نيرهدلا رهد لىإ ناوأ لكو نلآا ماركلإاو ةيمور لهأ نم ةيساطسنا ةسيدقلا داهشتسا م٢5٠ ةنس ةباب ١ - ربوتكأ ١١ ةسيدقلا تدهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في لهأ نم ةدهاجلما هذه تناكو .ةيساطسنأ اهايبر دق ،ينيحيسم نيوبلأ ةنبا ،ةيمور مالف .ةيحيسلما بادلآاب اهابدأو ةيبرت نسحأ اهنلأ قفاوت لم اهجيوزت اهادلاو دارأو تبش ةيرسلا تراتخاو هتاوهشو لماعلا ليطابأ تدهز نم ةيوماسلا داجملأا لىإ تقاتشاو ةيناحورلا ىتلا ىراذعلا ةريدأ ضعب تلخدف .اهرغص تنضأو .نيابهرلا يزلاب تحشوتو .ةيمور في لوانتت لا تناكو .فشقتلاو كسنلاب اهدسج ةسدقلما ينعبرلأا فىو .ينموي لك ةرم لاإ اماعط ةلاص دعب دحلأاو تبسلا يموي لاإ رطفت نكت لم لك اهؤاذغ ناكو ،راهنلا نم ةسداسلا ةعاسلا .حللماو فاجلا زبخلا اهتنبهر مايأ نم ةبيرقلا ىراذعلا ةريدأ ضعب نأ قفتاو تناك ةسيدقلا هذه هيف ميقت يذلا ريدلا عم ةسيئرلا اهتذخأف .دايعلأا دحأب لفتحت .ديعلا كلذ في كاترشلال ينضمو ىراذعلا ضعب دنج ةسيدقلا هذه تصربأ ،تابهاذ نك مانيبو ينيحيسلما ضعب نوبذعي رفاكلا كللما سويكاد ةبحلماب اهبلق بهتلأف .ضرلأا لىع مهوبحسيو :بولقلا ةاسق اي :ةلئاق مهب تحاصو ةيهللإا هتروص لىع هللا مهقلخ نبم نولعفت اذكهأ دحأ اهيلع ضبقف :مهنع هسفن لذبو هلاثمو تنأ اقحأ :لائاق اهلأسف .يرملأا لىإ اهمدقو دنجلا

and went to join in celebrating that feast. On their way, St. Anastasia saw the soldiers of Emperor Decius the Infidel torturing some Christians and dragging them. Her heart became inflamed with divine love and she shouted at them saying, “O you hard-hearted men is that what you do to those whom God created in His own form and image and for whom He gave Himself up?” One of the soldiers seized her and brought her to the Governor who asked her saying, “Is it true that you are a Christian, worshipping Him who was crucified?” She confessed the truth and did not deny it. He inflicted her with severe tortures, then he crucified her and lit a fire under her, but it did not harm her. When she did not give up her faith because of these pains, he commanded that her head be cut off. She said a long prayer, then she bowed her head and the swordsman cut off her neck and she received the crown of martyrdom. Her intercession be for us and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

The Coming of Saint Severus, Patriarch of Antioch, to Egypt 12th Oct - 2nd Baba

On this day St. Severus, Patriarch of Antioch, came to Egypt in the days of Eustinos the Emperor. This Emperor opposed the Orthodox belief, following that of the council of Chalcedon. However Queen Theodora, his wife, was an Orthodox and she loved St. Severus because of his Christian virtues and his true faith. The Emperor called him one day and many discussions took place regarding the faith, but the Emperor would not turn away from his wrong belief. The Emperor issued his orders to slay St. Severus. The Queen besought the saint to escape to save himself but he refused saying, “I am ready to die holding the Orthodox faith.” However, as the Queen and the God loving brethren insisted, he and some brethren left to Egypt. When the Emperor sought St. Severus and did not find him, he sent soldiers after him. But God hid St. Severus from the soldiers and they did not see him although he was close to them. When he came to Egypt, he went disguised from place to place and from monastery to monastery, and God made many signs and wonders by his hands. One day, he went to the desert of Scete, at Wadi-El Natroun, and he entered the church in a uniform of a stranger monk and a great miracle took place at that time. It came to pass, that after the priest had placed the bread (Kourban) on the altar and gone around the church offering the incenses, and after the reading of the Epistles and the Gospel, he lifted off the Ebrospharin )altar covering(, and did not find the Kourban in the paten; so, the priest was disturbed and wept. He turned towards the worshippers saying, “O my brethren, I did not find El-Kourban in the paten, and I know not whether this thing has happened because of my sin or because of your sin.” The people wept; and straightaway, the angel of the Lord appeared to the priest and told him, “This has happened not because of your sin or because of the sin of the worshippers but because you offered ElKourban in the presence of the Patriarch. The priest replied, “And where is he, O my Lord?” The angel pointed towards St. Severus. St. Severus was standing in a corner of the

تيهيش ةيرب لىإ كلت في ةميظع ةزجعم تثدحف بيرغ بهار يز لىع نابرقلا نهاكلا عضو نأ دعب هنأ ىهو ةظحللا لئاسرلا


لم نيرافسوربلإا




.ركنت لمو كلذب ترقأف ؟بولصلما نيدبعت ةيحيسم ملف نايرنلا اهتحت دقوأو اهبلص مث اديدش اباذع اهبذعف رمأ ملالآا هذه ببسب اهنايمإ نع ثننت لم المو .اهضرت اهسأر تنحأ مث .ةليوط ةلاص تلصف .اهسأر عطقت نأب .ةداهشلا ليلكإ تلانو اهقنع فايسلا بضرف .ينمآ ،ايدبأ ائماد دجلما انبرلو .انعم نوكت اهتعافش صرم لىا سريواس كياطنلأا كريرطبلا ءىجم راكذت ةباب ٢ - ربوتكأ ١٢ كريرطب سريواس سيدقلا تىأ مويلا اذه لثم في .كللما سنيتسوي دهع في صرم رايد لىإ ةيكاطنإ اعبات ، ميوقلا دقتعملل افلاخم كللما اذه ناك دقوx هتجوز ةروذؤاث ةكللما امأ ةينوديقلخ عمجم ةديقعل الم ، سريواس سيدقلل ةبحم ةيسكذوثرأ تناك دقف .حيحصلا نايملإاو ةيحيسلما تافصلا نم هيف هدقتعت ةيرثك تاثحابم ماهنيب ترجف .هيلإ اموي كللما هاعدو ئطاخلا هيأر نع لوحتي لم كللما نكل نايملإا صوصخب لىإ ةكللما تزعوأف سريواس سيدقلا لتقب هرمأ ردصأو انأ« لاقو لبقي ملف هسفنب وجنيو برهي نأ سيدقلا حاحلإ دعبو . »ميقتسلما نايملإا لىع تومأ نأ دعتسم ضعبو وه جرخ هللإل ينبحلما ةوخلااو ةكللما نم .صرم رايد دصقو ةوخلاا ادنج هفلخ لسرأ هدجي لمو هبلط الم هنإف كللما امأ ناك هنأ عم ، هوري ملف مهنع هللا هافخأف لااجرو اركنتم لوجي ناك ،صرم رايد لىإ تىأ المو .مهنم برقلاب ىرجي هللا ناكو ،ريد لىإ ريد نمو ،ناكم لىإ ناكم نم مايلأا ضعب في بهذو .بئاجعو ةيرثك تايآ هيدي لىع في ةسينكلا لخدو ،نورطنلا يداوب
ةءارق دعبو
ةسينكلا رادو
في نابرقلا دجي
اهيأ« لائاق ينلصلما
تفتلاو .كىبو برطضاف ةينيصلا ىردأ تسلو ةينيصلا في نابرقلا دجأ لم يننإ ةوخلاا كىبف ، »مكتيطخ وأ يتبطخ لجأ نم اذه ناك نإ اذه سيل« هل لاقو برلا كلام رهظ تقوللو .نولصلما تعفر كنلأ لب ، ينلصلما ةيطخ لاو كتيطخ لجأ نم وه نيأو« نهاكلا باجأ . »كريرطبلا روضحب نابرقلا سريواس سيدقلا ناكو ، كلالما هيلإ راشأف ، »؟يديس ةمعنلاب نهاكلا هفرعف . ةسينكلا اياوز ىدحإب اسلاج هولخدأ نأ دعب سادقلا لمكي نأ هرمأ هيلإ تىأف . حبذلما لىإ نهاكلا دعصو .ةميظع ةماركب لكيهلا همسا اودجمو برلا اوكرابف . هناكم في نابرقلا دجوف . سودقلا ةنيدم لىإ تىأو ، كانه نم سريواس سيدقلا جرخو همسا هللإل بحم )سيئر( نخرأ لجر دنع ماقأو اخس انعم نوكت هتلاص.حينت نأ لىإ كانه لظو ،سؤاثرود .ينمآ .ايدبأ ائماد دجلما انبرلو سويجسر سيدقلا قيفر سخاو سيدقلا داهشتسا ةباب ٤ - ربوتكأ١٤ قيفر سخاو سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في كللما ضبق الم هنأ كلذو .سويجسر سيدقلا اباذع ماهبذعو ،ينسيدقلا نيذه لىع سونايميسكم لىإ ماهلسرأ ،ةيدنجلا بتر نم ماهدرج نأ دعب .اديدش .سويجسر سيدقلا نجس يذلا ايروس كلم سخويطنأ ةراجحلاب لقثي نأو ،هحبذب رمأف سخاو سيدقلا امأ هتفذقف ،دسجلا برلا سرحو .تارفلا رهن في ىمريو

church and the priest recognized him by the grace of the Holy Spirit. The priest came to Abba Severus, who commanded him to continue the liturgy after they brought him to the altar with great honor. When the priest had gone up to the altar he found the offering on the paten as before. They all praised God and glorified His Holy Name. St. Severus went forth from that place and came to the city of Sakha where he dwelt with a noble, and righteous man named Dorotheus, and he remained there until his departure. His prayers be with us all and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Bacchus, the Friend of St. Sergius 14th October - 4th Baba

On this day, St. Bacchus, the friend of St. Sergius, was martyred. When Emperor Maximianus seized these saints, he tortured them severely.

After having stripped them of their military ranks, he sent them to Antiochus, King of Syria, who imprisoned St. Sergius. However, he ordered St. Bacchus to be killed, his body made heavier by attaching stones to him, then cast into the River Euphrates. The Lord protected the body and the waves brought it to the shore near two ascetic holy men who were brothers. The angel of the Lord appeared to them and commanded them to go and carry away the body of the Saint. When they came to where the body was, they found an eagle and a lion protecting it. The beasts spent a whole day and a night guarding it without harming it, although they were beasts of prey, for they had been commanded by divine providence to protect the body.

The two holy men took the body with great honor, singing hymns until they came to their cave where they buried it.

His prayers be with us and glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

The Martyrdom of St. Paul, Patriarch of Constantinople 15th Oct - 5th baba

On this day, St. Paul, Patriarch of Constantinople, was martyred. He was a disciple of Abba Alexandros, Patriarch of Constantinople. He was appointed to the patriarchy after the departure of Abba Alexandros. When he sat on the patriarchal throne, he expelled the followers of the Arian sect from Constantinople and its surroundings.

When Emperor Constantine, the Great, departed, his three sons reigned after him. Constantine II reigned over Constantinople, Constans reigned over Rome and Constantius reigned over France. Constantine II held the same belief as Arius. He was sorry for what Abba Paul had done to the Arians. He asked him to stop excommunicating them, but the Patriarch did not listen to him. The Emperor became angry and exiled him from Constantinople as he had also exiled Abba Athanasius the Apostolic from Alexandria.

The two Patriarchs met in Rome, and went to stand before Emperor Constans to inform him of their concern. He wrote a letter to his brother on their behalf, ordering him to accept them and threatened him if he did not receive them - there would be no peace but war between them. When the two saints came to Constantinople, they gave the letter to Emperor Constantine, who accepted his brother’s letter and returned them to their Chairs.

However, after the slaying of his brother, Emperor Constans, in Rome, Constantine II exiled St. Paul again to the country of Armenia. A few days later, he sent to one of the followers of Arius commanding him to catch up with St. Paul there and slay him. He went to him at night and strangled him, thus he received the crown of martyrdom. He stayed four years in office. His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God, forever. Amen.

نم ةبرقم لىع ئطاشلا لىإ هايلما ماهو ،نيديحو ينكسان ينسيدق ،برلا كلام ماهل رهظف .ناوخأ دسج لامحيو ابهذي نأ ماهرمأو دسجلا ثيح لىإ ايتأ مالف .سيدقلا دقو ،هناسرحي ادسأو ابرقع ادجو لمو ،ةليلو موي ماهتسارح لىع ضىم شوحولا نم ماهنأ عم ىذأب هاسيم ةيانعلا نم ارمأ دقو موحللا ةلكأ ناسيدقلا ذخأو .هتسارحب ةيولعلا ماهو ،ةميظع ةماركب دسجلا ماهتراغم لىإ لاصو نأ لىإ نلاتري .كانه هانفدو دجلما انبرلو .انعم نوكت هتلاص .ينمآ .ايدبأ ائماد كريرطب سلوب سيدقلا داهشتسا ةينيطنطسقلا ةباب 5 - ربوتكأ ١5 سيدقلا دهشتسا مويلا اذه لثم في ناك .ةينيطنطسقلا كريرطب سلوب كريرطب سوردنكسلاا بلأل اذيملت ةيكريرطبلا مدقو .ةينيطنطسقلا سيركلا لىع سلج المو هتحاين دعب سويرأ ةعيش يعبات درط كيريرطبلا المو .اهلماعأو ةينيطنطسقلا نم هدعب كلم يربكلا ينطنطسق فىوت سويدنطسق صتخاف .ةثلاثلا هدلاوأ .ةيمورب سنطسقو ةينيطنطسقلاب )اسنرف(لاغلا دلابب سونيطنطسقو سويدنطنطسق ناكو .ايناطيربو ام هيلع زعف .سويرأ ىأر لىع .ينيسويرلأاب سلوب بلأا هلعف مهمرح نع فكي نأ هيلإ بلطو هافنو بضغف ،هيلإ عمتسي ملف قبس دق ناكو .ةينيطنطسقلا نم ليوسرلا سويسانثأ سيدقلا ىفنف عمتجاف .اضيأ ةيردنكسلإا نم لوثلما لىإ لاصوتو ةيمورب نانثلاا همالعأو سنطسق كللما مامأ هيخأ لىإ اباتك ماهل بتكف ،ماهرمأب لم اذإ هنأب هددهتيو ،ماهلوبقب هرمأي لحو ماهنيب نم ملاسلا لاز ماهلبقي لىإ ناسيدقلا لصو .برحلا هناكم لىإ باتكلا امدقو ةينيطنطسقلا ةطاسو لبقف سويدنطسق كللما هنكلو .ماهيسرك لىإ ماهداعأو هيخأ ،ةيمورب سنطسق هوخأ لتق امدعب دلاب لىإ سلوب بلأا ىفنف داع لىإ لسرأ ةليلق مايأ دعبو ،ةينيمرأ قحلي نأب هرمأي سويرأ عابتأ دحأ هيلع لخدف .هلتقيو كانه هب .ةداهشلا ليلكإ لانو هقنخو لايل .يننس عبرأ هتساير ةدم تناكو دجلما انبرلو .انعم نوكت هتلاص .ينمآ .ايدبأ ائماد

Meditations on 4th of Tote Bible Readings Luke 7: 36-50

“her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much” Luke 7:47.

By His feet … wetting His feet with tears … and wiped them with her hair … anointing them with a fragrant oil … it is a true image of a repentant person … true repentance from the heart and it is not a false repentance from the lips only … this is repentance in its most beautiful forms … where the heart directly converses with God … even if the lips failed to utter the right words … where the eyes express their language (of repentance) in most articulate way to enter God’s heart directly … how effective is true repentance with God’s heart … in the Song of Solomon addressing the virgin maiden “turn you eyes away from me; for they have over come me” (Song of Solomon 6:5) … how joyful is the repentant eyes to God … the repentance of the people of Nineveh made God relented from the disasters that He had said He would bring upon them (Jonah 3:10) ..

How great is true repentance and how magnificent it is … it produces saints … it turns adulators into pure virgins and robbers and thieves into captures of the heavenly kingdom. + weeping; and she began to wash His feet with her tears ..

It (the tears) is the logo of the sinful person … because he or she had wounded the heart of the One who loves them … he or she had hurt their Lover who Loved them … it is not just a feeling of fear from the great punishment that awaits the sinner … fear from punishment makes one fearful and trou bled … maybe such feeling can lead one to despair and committing more sins, but the feeling of God’s love makes one regret his or her sin and weep for his or her sins.

David … the psalmist … the elegant psalmist of Israel … used to weep tears … and wets his bed by night … putting his sin before him at all times … feeling how much hurt he has caused God’s heart which he has wounded … he has offered a true re pentance with a contrition before God and deserved to hear the answer quickly “And the Lord has taken away your sin” (2 Samuel 12:13)

Even Ahab the evil king … when he heard God’s warning from Elijah’s mouth … even it was decla rations of the punishments he deserved for his evil doing and sins … we find Ahab tore his clothes and put sackcloth on his body, and fasted and lay in sackcloth, and went about mourning (1Kings 21) … and because of his humbleness and contrition

سادقلا ليجنا ىف تلامأت توت رهش نم عبارلا دحلاا كرابملا 50 - 36 :7 اقول ةريثكلا اهايطخ اهل ترفغ دق« 47 :7 اقول »اريثك تبحأ اهنلإ عومدلاب هـيمدق لـبت .. ةـيكاب هـيمدق دـنعاـمهنهدت .. اهـسأر رعـشب امهحمـست .. ناـسنلإ ةـقداص ةروـص اـهنا .. بـيطلاب بلقلا نـم ةـجراخ ةـيقيقح ةـبوت .. بـئات طقف مفلا نـم جرخت ةـفيزم ةـبوت تـسيلواـهروص عورأ ىـف ةـبوتلا ىـه هذـه .. الله عـم ةرـشابم بـلقلا ثدـحتي اـهيف .. .. ملاكـلا نـع مـفلا زـجع ناو ىـتح .. لـخدت ةـغيلب ةـغلب نوـيعلا ثدـحتت اـهيف مـك .. الله بـلق ىـلا ةرـشابم اـهبحاص لوـقي هـنا .. الله بـلق ىـف ةـبوتلا رـثؤت امهناف ىنع كاـنيع ىلوح ديـشنلا ءارذعل حرـفي مـك ةـبئاتلا نوـيعلا .. ىـناتبلغ دـق تـلعج ىوـنين لـها ةـبوت نا .. الله اـهب هعنصي نأ لاـق ىذلا رـشلا ىلع مدـني الله .. مـهباـهنا .. اـهعورأ اـمو ةـيوتلا مـظعا اـم ةاـنزلا لوـحت اـهنا .. نيـسيدقلا ةـعناص قارـسلا لوـحت اـهنا .. نـييلوتب ىـلا .. توـكلملا يـفطاخ يـلا صوـصللاو .. عومدلاب هيمدق لبت .. هيكاب +هـنأ .. ءىـطاخلا ناـسنلاا راعـش اـهنأ ناـهأ هـنا .. هـيلا بـحملا بـلق حرـجدرجم سيل هـنأ .. ادج هـبحأ ىذـلا هـبيبح بيهرلا باـقعلا نـم فوـخل اـب روعـشلا فوخلا .. ءيطاخ ناـسناك هرظتني ىذـلا ابعترم افئاخ ناـسنلاا لعجي ةـبوقعلا نـم سأـيلا ىـلا رـملاا هـب لـصي اـمبرو .. نـكلو .. ةـيطخلا ءارو رـثكا عاـفدنلااو مدـني ناـسنلاا لـعجي الله ةـبحمب روعـشلا ىـلع ىـكبيو .. هتيطخ وـلحلا ليئارـسا مـنرم .. مـنرملا .. دواد هـشارف لـلبي .. عوـمدلاب ىـكبي ناك .. هـتيطخ عـضي ناك .. ةـليل لك هـعومدب بلق حرج مكب ارعاـش .. نـيح لك هـماما ةـبيجع ةـعئار ةـبوت مدـق .. بـحملا هـهلا كـلذلو الله ماـما لـماك قاحـسنا ىـفبرلاو« اعيرـس درـلا عمـسي نأ قحتـسأ .. »كـتيطخ كـنع لـقن عمـس امدنع .. ريرـشلا كلملا باخآ ىتح ىبنلا ايليا مف يلع هل الله تاراذنا نـع تاـنلاعا تـناك اـهنا مـغرو .. هاـياطخ ببـسب اهقحتـسا ىـتلا ةـبوقعلا هـبايث قـشي باـخآ دـجت .. هرورـشو

… The Lord did not bring calamity in his days … but in the days of his son … just feeling of remorse pleases the Lord’s heart … and it make God remove His wrath from him.

Tears has great appeal to God’s heart … Hezeki ah the righteous king … when was told by Isaiah that he would die … he wept before the Lord and asked God to change His edict … and indeed, Isiah before he reaches his town, returned to Heze kiah to tell him the Lord has added to his days 15 years (2 Kings 20). The Lord was willing to forgive Sodom entirely … when Abraham pleaded for them … only if he found 10 righteous men among them … indeed God is a loving and merciful God … long suf fering and has great mercy; the fathers and saints of old knew Him … thus also Jonah the prophet knew Him … because of this, he (Jonah) hes itated to warn the people of Nineveh, lest they offer a true repentance and be accepted by the Lord and forgive them; then he )(Jonah) would appear as a false prophet … but God taught him a lesson in loving mankind … and to be happy with repentance of sinners… How happy was God with Zacchaeus … for Zacchaeus has offered acceptable tears before God … in his climbing the sycamore tree … as a sign of his conrition and feeling of being undeserving … and how happy and grateful was Zacchaeus for the Lord to entre his house. How happy was the Lord with the tax collector’s repentance who stood a far beating his chest and crying “Lord have mercy for I am a sinner”? And you beloved; do you feel how bitter is the sin you live in … do you truly sense that you have grieved God’s heart who loves you … and still seeking your salvation … suffering a lot for you … He loved you to the end … He carried the Cross for your sins … He suffered the hurt of being cursed, slapped and shame for your salvation … don’t you hear the hammers driving the nails in His hand every time you hate your brother and despise and judge him … aren’t you pleating a crown of thorns every time you allow yourself to sin because of your evil lusts … or because of keeping bad company and life of evil and mal ice … don’t you feel that you are truly spearing His side by your dishonesty and preferring the worldly life to life with Him … don’t you see the blood poring out from His side because of you … beloved, meditate on the Saviour’s passions for you to know how much suffering and sadness you caused our Saviour the Beloved.

عضتا .. موـصيو هدـسج يلع احـسم لعجيو لـجلاو .. )2١ لولاأ كوـلم( برـلا ماـمأ .. هرارـق برـلا رـيغ .. هقاحـسناو هـعاضتا همايا ىف ىـتأي لا هب هرذنا ىذـلا رـشلا لـعجف ءادـبا درـجم نا .. هـنبا ماـيا ىـف لـب .. وـه الله لـعجيو .. الله بـلق حرـفي مدـنلاب رعاـشلا .. هـنع هـبضغ عـفري.. الله بـلق ىـف ادـج رـثؤت اـضيأ عوـمدلا نابرـلا هرـبخأ اـمدنع .. راـبلا كـلملا اـيقزحف .. توـمي فوـس هـنا ىـبنلا ءابعـشأ مـف ىـلع ريغي نا برـلا نـم بـلطو برـلا ماـما ىـكب ىـلا ءايعـشا لـصي نا لـبق لاـعف .. هرارـق ايقزح ىـلا ىرخا ةرـم برـلا هداـعا ةـنيدملا هـضرم نـم هيفـشي فوـس برـلا نا هرـبخي .. ىرـخا ةنـس ١5 هرـمع يـلع فاـضأو ةـنيدم نـع وـفعي نا ادعتـسم برـلا ناك مـكميهاربأ مـهيف عفـشت اـمدنع .. اـهلمكاب مودـساـقح الله .. ارارـبأ ةرـشع مـهيف دـجو نا .. رـيثكو ةاـنلاا لـيوط .. بـحم فوؤر هـلا ذنم ءابلآاو نوـسيدقلا هـفرع اذـكهو ةـمحرلا كـلذلو .. ىـبنلا ناـنوي هـفرع اذـكه .. مـيدقلاىوـنين لـها رذـنيل بـهذي نأ ضـفرو ددرـت فوـسف ةبوت اومدق اذا هنأ افراع .. رارـشلاا وه رـهظيو مـهنع وـغعيو هـيلا برـلا مـهلبقي هـملعي الله نـكلو .. باذـك يـبنك مهطـسو ةدوعب هـحرفو .. ةيرـشبلل ةـتبحم ىـف اـسرد .. ةاـطخلا اكز مدـق دـقل .. اكز ةـبوتب الله حرـف مـكىلع هدوعص وهو .. الله ماـمأ ةـلوبقم اـعومدمدـعب روعـشو قاحـسنأ ةـملاع .. ةرجـشلا دـق برـلا ناـب اكز حرـف مـكو .. قاقحتـسلاا .. هـتيب ىـلا لـخد فـقو ىذـلا راـشعلا ةـبوتب برـلا حرـف مـكبراي ىنمحرأ لاـئاق هردص اـعراق ديعب نـم .. ءىـطاخ ىـنأف ةر ارـمب رعـشت لـه بـيبحلا اـهيأ تـنأو اـقح رعـشت لـه .. اـهيف شـيعت ىـتلا ةـيطخلا ىذـلا .. كـبحي ىذـلا الله بـلق تـنزحأ كـنأ .. كـصلاخ لـجأ نـم كءارو ىعـسي لازاـم ىلا ىتح كـبحأ .. كـلجا نـم رـيثكلا لاـمتحم كايطخ لـجأ نـم بـيلصلا لـمح .. ىـهتنملا مـطللاو بـسلاو ناوـهلاو راـعلا لـمتحا .. توص عمـست لاا .. كـسفن صلاخ لـجا نـم ةرـم لك هدـي ىـف ريماـسملا قدـت عراـقملا .. هـنيدتو هـهركتو كـيخا ىـلع اـهيف دـقحت لك ىـف كاوـشلاا نـم لاـيلكا هـل رـفضت لاا كتاوهـش ىـف كـسامغناب همـسا نـيهت ةرـم ةاـيحو رارـشلال كـتطلاخم وأ .. ةريرـشلا هـنعطت اـقح كـنأ رعـشت لاا .. ثـبعلاو رـشلا ةايحو ملاعلل كـليضفت كـتناما مدعب هـبنج ىـف مدـلا يرـت لاا .. هـعم ةاـيحلا ىـلع مـلاعلا

+ wiped them with the hair of her head ..

One of the greatest obstacles in the way of repentance … is the issue of self-honour (pride)

… David the king in total contrition says before Nathan the prophet “I have sinned before the Lord” … the sinful woman … ignored all the people looking at their and criticism and poured herself on the Lord Jesus’s feet and wipping them with her hair; her glory and the crown of her physical pride …

How glad was the Lord with the Canaanite woman and her contrite attitude who asked for herself the portion of dogs … even though she was not considered one of the siblings … How happy was the Lord with the contrition of centurion … who sent to the Lord saying Lord, “I am not worthy that You should come under my roof. But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed” …

And you my beloved; are you ready to go to your brother and apologise to him! … or your pride is grater than the heavenly kingdom … is it too much to confess your sins … or your status and pride are more important than your salva tion … are you wary to reveal your hearts evil thought before the priest (in confession) … how useful then is this wariness … for this will make you carful of falling (in sin) when you feel how bitter and terrifying it is. Reveal your sins beloved … for many sins are hidden within and you will not feel how dreadful except when you reveal it … don’t let pride, appearance and status become an obstacle in the way of your repentance … do you know the you one day will stand before God naked … of all status, pride or position … why then hold to all these vain issues and delay you repentance and your own salvation. Cain … did not humble himself before God … he was insistent on his pride … because of this continued wit his sins and destroyed himself. King Saul … kept hold of his pride … even against God’s commandments … because of this an evil spirit came upon him and the God’s spirit departed from him.

And you beloved … which more precious to you … your pride … or heavenly Jerusalem. + she kissed His feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil .. This is the indication of repentance … mark of love … to pour fragrant oil on the feet of the One who loved us … and you; do you have a flask of fragrant oil?? To pour on the feet of the

اـهيا لـمأت .. كـلجأ نـم هـبنج نـم فزاـنلا تـنأو كـلجا نـم صـلخملا ملاآ ىـف بـيبحلا بـعتو نزـح نـم هتببـس اـم رادـقم فرـعت .. بـيبحلا كـيدافل .. اهسأررعشب امهحسمت + قـيرط ىـف فـقت ىـتلا تاـبقعلا رـبكا نـم .. ةيصخـشلا ةـماركلا عوـضوم .. ةـبوتلاناـثان ماـمأ لوـقي قاحـسنا يـف كـلملا دواد نا .. برـلا ىـلا تأـطخا ىـبنلا سانلا تارظن لك تـلهاجت .. ةئطاخلا ةأرـملا حيـسملا ديـسلا ىمدق ىلع تـحرطنأو مـهدقنو اـهتنيز وـه ىذـلا اهـسار رعـشب امهحـسمتو .. ىدـسجلا اـهرخف اـهليلكأو ىـتلا ةـيناعنكلا ةأرـملا عاـضتاب الله حرـف مـكنأو .. بلاكلا بـيصن ىتحولو اهـسفنل تبلط .. نـينبلا نـم نوـكت نأ قحتـست لا تـناك ىذـلا .. هـئملا دـئاق عاـضتاب برـلا حرـف مـكنأ قحـستم رـيغ ىـننأ لاـئاق برـلل لـسرا أرـبيف ةـملك لـق .. ىـتيب فقـس تـحت لـخدت .. ىـملاغ بهذت نا دعتـسم تنا له بـيبحلا اـهيا تـنأو ىـلغأ ككـتمارك نا ما .. هـل رذـتعتو كـيخلانأ كيلع رـيثك لـه .. ت اومـسلا توـكلم نـم كتماركو كزـكرم نأ ما .. كاـياطخي فرـتعت لـجخت لـه .. كـسفن صلاـخ نـم كدـنع مـهأ بلاا ماـما كـبلق تاـساجن فـشكت نا نـم ا ذـهف .. لـجخلا اذـه دـيفم وـه مـك .. نـهاكلا ةعاظفب رعـشت ذا طوقـسلا نم سرتحت كلعجي .. اـهترارمو ةـيطخلا نـم مـكف .. بـيبحلا اـهيأ كاـياطخ فـشكا اهتعاظفب رعـشت لا كلخاد ىـف ةـئبتخم اـياطخ ةـماركلا لـعجت لا .. اهفـشكت اـمدنع لاا قـيرط ىـف ةـبقع فـقت زـكرملاو رـهظملاو فـقت فوـس اـم اـموي كـنا فرـعتأ .. كـتبوت لك نـم .. ءىـش لك نـم اـيراع الله ماـماكـسمتت اذاملف .. زـكرم وأ ةـمارك وأ بـصنم صلاخو كتبوت لـطعتو ةـينافلا ءايـشلاا هذـهب .. كـسفن هتماركب كـسمت .. الله ماـما عـضتي مـل .. نـيياق .. كـلهو هـتيطخ ءارو عـفدنا كـلذلو .. دـض ىـتح .. هـتماركب كـسمت .. كـلملا لواـش .. ريرـش حور هـباصا كـلذلو .. الله اـياصو .. برلا حور هقرافو.. كـيدل نـمثأ اـمهيا .. بـيبحلا اـهيا تـناو .. ةيئامـسلا ميلـشروأ مأ .. ةيصخـشلا كتمارك .. بيطلاب امهنهدتو هيمدق لبقت + نأ .. بـحلا ةملاع .. ةـبوتلا ةـملاع ىـه هذـه .. بحملا ىـمدق ىلع بـيطلا بكـست اهبكـست ؟؟ بـيط ةروراـق كـيدل لـه تـناو .. كـل بـحملا الله ىـمدق ىـلع .. اـيكز اـبيط هـتروراق راـشعلا اكز أـم دـقل

Lord who loved you. Zacchaeus has filled his flask with a fragrant oil … he gave half his money to the poor … anyone he accused falsely, he restored it fourfold … this aroma was before the Lord Jesus a fragrant oil … the Lord prised … “Today salvation has come this house”

Actions of repentance is the flask of fragrant oil you pour on the Lord’s feet.

St Moses the black perfumed the wilderness with his good deeds and ascetics … St Mary the Egyp tian offered her body as an offering to become a flask of fragrant oil of very high value as an indica tion of her love of Jesus Christ. St Baessa (the repentant) … refused to return or even see the house where she sinned once more … she given a flask of fragrant oil filled with tears of repentance … in one night the aroma of the fragrant oil reached heavens and the Lord accepted it and her spirit among the righteous and saints. The words of the thief on the right (Demas – of Christ) on the Cross in the ears of the Lord, more precious of any fragrant oil … and you beloved … where is the fragrant oil you will pour on the Lord’s feet?? Where is the flask of perfume you have pre pared?? Alas, this world perfume and fragrant oils which you pour on yourself will not fill even one drop of this flask … all your worldly triumphs, sta tus and degrees will not fill even one atom this flask … where are your tears of repentance?? Where is your humbleness and contrition?? Where is your rising incense of good deeds and righteousness?? With Repentance offer a flask of fragrant oil … offer your offering … an indication of love to God … there are people who offered all their lives … martyrs for the sake of God’s name … there are those who refused the world and became sojourners in the wilderness and the earth’s caves as needy, troubled and submissive … for the sake of the King Christ whom they loved greatly … those, the world did not deserve them … also, there are those who preached and taught in the name of the Lord, leav ing everything for His sake. And you, what do you offer?? First, repentance … absolute and true repentance … then offer your fragrant oil … then, it will please the Lord great ly and He will look upon you and say “your sins are forgiven” … then you shall forget yourself … forget the whole world and feel that you are soring in heavens … in great joy wishing to transcend to be with the saints (in heavens) and will long to hear the voice saying … “go in peace”.

ىأو .. نيكاـسملل هـلاوما فـصن ىـطعأ .. فاعضا ةـعبرأ هضوع هـب ىـشو ناـسنا 00 ةبيط ةـحئار عوـسي برـلا اهمتـشأ مـك صلاخ لصح موـيلا .. هـسفن برلا اـهحدم .. تـيبلا اذـهل ةريثكلا بـيطلا ةروراـق ىـه ةـبوتلا لاـمعأ .. برلا ىـمدق ىـلع اهبكـست ىـتلا نـمثلا اهلك ةـيربلا رـطع دوـسلاا ىـسوم سـيدقلا مـيرم ةـسيدقلا .. هتايكـسنو هـلئاضف بـيطب قرـتحا ىـتح اهدـسج تـمدق ةـبرصملا اـهتبحم ةـملاع نـمثلا ةـيلاغ بـيط ةوراـق .. عوـسي برـللعجرت نأ ىتح تضفر 00 ةـسيئاب ةـسيدقلا .. ىرـخأ ةرـم ةـيطخلا لزـنم دهاـشت وأ ةبوتلا عوـمدب اهتأم بـيط ةروراـق تـمدق اـهبيط ةـحئار تـلصو ةدـحاو ةـليل ىـفو .. اضيأ اهـسفت لبقو برلا اهلبقف ءامـسلا ىـلا .. نيقيدصلاو رارـبلاا فوـفص نـيب ىـلع نـيميلا صـللا تاـملك تـناك مـكنم نـمثأ عوـسي برـلا ىـنذا ىـف بـيلصلاوه نـيأ .. بـيبحلا اـهيأ تـنأو .. بـيط لك ىـمدق ىـلع هبكـست فوـس ىذـلا بـيطلا ىـتلا بـيطلا ةروراـق ىـه نـيا ؟؟ برـلا باـيطأ فـسلاا عـم ؟؟ اهتددعأ أـمت لا كـسفن اـهب قرـغت ىـتلا مـلاعلا ةروراـقلا هذه ىف ةدحاو ةرطق لاو كزـكارمو ةـيملاعلا كـتاراصتنا لك .. ىـف ةدـحاو بـيط ةرذ عـنصت لا كتاداهـشو ؟؟ كتبوت عوـمد ىـه نـيا .. ةروراـقلا هذـهوـه نـيا ؟؟ كقاحـسناو كـعاضتا وـه نـيأ ؟؟ ةـحلاصلا كـلامعأو كـلئاضف روـخب كتيده مدـق .. بيط ةروراـق مدق ةـبوتلا عـم اوـمدق نـم كاـنه .. هـللل كـبح ةـملاع .. برلا مـسا لجا نم ءادهـش .. اـهلك مـهتايح هـنع اوـبرغتو مـلاعلا اوـضفر نـم كاـنه .. ضرلاا قوقـشو ىرارـبلا ىـف نـيهئات لـجا نـم .. نـيلذم نـيبوركم نـيزاتعم ءلاؤه .. حيـسملا كـلملا ىـف مـهتبحم مـظع نـم كاـنه .. مـهل اقحتـسم مـلاعلا نـكي مـل لك نـيكرات برـلا مـساب اوـملعو اورـشب .. هـلجا نـم ء ىـش ةبوتلا .. ةـبوتلا لاوا ؟؟ هـل مدقت اذاـم تـنأو ةحئارلا ىـكذلا كبيط هـل مدـق مـث .. ةـلماكلا رـظنيو ادـج برـلا كـب حرـفي ذـئدنعو .. .. كاـياطخ كـل ةروـفغم لاـئاق بـحب كـيلا ملاعلا ىـسنت .. كـسفن ىـسنت فوـس ذئدنعوىفو .. ءامـسلا ىـف قلحت كـنأ رعـشتو هـلك نيـسيدقلا عم نكـستل قلطنت نأ ىنمتت حرـف.. لـئاقلا توـصلا عمـست نأ قاتـشتو .. .. ملاـسب ىـبهذأ

The value of God›s word in the family

The Fathers of the Holy Synod of our Coptic Church agreed that we concentrate our education in the period from June 2022 to June 2023 on topics related to the Christian family “My family is holy”, and that we focus in our meetings and our topics on the family in order to build a sound thought in the minds of our young sons, daughters as well as Parents.

One of these topics is that the family’s spiritual life should be through bible. One of the factors for the success of the family in its very beginning is its connection with the spirit of prayer and the spirit of the Bible.

The family is a sacred biblical entity, its formation came through a written commandment, and it is also an ecclesiastical entity because it was formed in the church through the spouses receiving the sacred sacrament of marriage. The Bible is the voice and presence of Christ in the family being one of the sources of strength in the Christian home. That’s why its negligence means the collapse of the spiritual life of the family.

Then, where does holiness, chastity and purity come from? How do we evaluate family behavior? How do we see the will in her life?

* Holy Bible:

- Good for every day: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and for ever” (1) because the word of God does not change but is renewed and valid for every day and for every person.

- Talks about man and his nature: Man is man, he has not changed since his creation.

- Talks about God’s message to mankind: God presents Himself without change, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, as he was with our father Abraham and our mother Sarah, as he was with all the fathers in the Old and New Testaments, and with us in our time and in all times. The commandment says “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ” (2), So we should:

1- Not only possess the bible but also regularly read it at home.

2- Read it constantly with understanding and prayer: This requires a will with obedience and agreement between the spouses. For this reason, we read it with concentration, patience and persistence.

* Spiritual Training: divide the days of the year two parts, the days of fasting and because they are the most, make them for reading the Old Testament, and the days of breakfast, because they are the least, make them for reading the New Testament.

The Bible contributes to shaping the personality of the home, forming a common language for the home which is, the language of the Bible, and unifying thought within the family, and this makes it live in peace. It is good to read the Holy Bible aloud at home and pray with its words, so that the house is filled with the spirit of worship, and the word of God helps you in understanding each other, raising children, and facing problems, so make your reading with understanding, depth and focus.

The Sermon of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II in Wednesday’s meeting August 31st, 2022 اينملا ةعماج بطلا ةيلكب دعاسم سردم - داؤف نايرام .د :ةمجرت

It is also important for you to have a library at home. The library is an educational, educational and informative tool. Make books as if they are your friends, and be sure to have books of interpretation inside to help you understand, study and meditate.

3- Memorize the word of God: David the Prophet says, “I have hidden your words in my heart, that I might not sin against you” (3). Memorizing the word of God purifies the mind, and our Lord Jesus Christ teaches us that “the words that I speak to you are spirit and life” (4), so speak with your partner with words based on the gospel that have spirit and life. And the Saint Paul the Apostle says that “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (5).

In the word of God that we read, we smell God’s breath. On the other hand, St. John Chrysostom says: “Not knowing the holy books is the cause of all evil.” There are three psalms that speak the most about God›s Word (Psalm 1, Psalm 19, and Psalm 119);

In Psalm 19, he tells us about seven attributes of God›s Word:

1) Returns the lost soul.

2) It makes a person wise.

3) It makes the heart happy.

4) Illuminate the eyes.

5) Put the fear of God in the heart.

6) You know that the judgments of the Lord are true and just.

7) More pure than gold and sweeter than honey.

These are seven features are on the number of days of the week, put them in front of you, and take from them every single day to lead you in your life, in your family and in your relationships.

4- Not to neglect the word of God: If a person neglects the word of God: - He becomes without real success, because the commandment is not present before his eyes.

- He becomes unarmed, like a wasteland, and his deviation and fall will be easy, because he neglected the source of education.

- He becomes lost, for the Bible is the compass of the Christian home. If he neglects it, he will be lost in this world.

5- Finally, at the conclusion of Psalm 19 says, “Let the words of my mouth, and the thoughts of my heart, be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer” (6).

The Spirit of God appears in your thoughts, words, and actions with your partner, so the separation of the household and the absence of the spirit that guarantees its stability makes home cold and dead without the warmth of the soul.

Let your words be pleasing before God, holding your hands to raise your children in the fear and love of God.

(1) Heb 13: 8. (2) Philippians 1: 27. (3) Psalm 119:11. (4) John 6: 63. (5) Heb 4:12. (6) Psalm 19:14.

ةبعتم تنك ،يدلاوأ لوأ تدلوف ةنس ترم ..نينحو قوش :وه بحلا تلقف ،كبحأ ينإ :يل لاقو يسأر فطعو ريدقتو ركش :وه بحلا تلقف ،كبحأ ينإ :لاقو يدي كسمأو يجوز ينئاجف ،يريرس ىلع ةاقلم :يل لاقو امستبم يرعشل يجوز رظنف ،ءانبلأا جوزتو سأرلا رعش باش نينسلا رورم دعب ...نانحو ...فطعو ةمحر :وه بحلا تلقف ،كبحأ قدصو ءافو :وه بحلا لوقأف ،كبحأ يل لوقي زيزعلا يجوز ةرم لك يفو ،ةزجع انرصو رمعلا لاط اريغص أدبي بحلا وه اذه ..هرارسأ انفشتكا املك رمعلا يف اندز املك بحلا وه اذه ...ءاطعو صلاخإو ...الله يف تبثي ةبحملا يف تبثي نمو ةبحم الله ...دوعي هيلإو يتأي الله نم بحلا ...ائيشف ائيش ربكيف ةربعو ةصق )3) رخلآا ىلعو احلم امهدحأ ىلع لمحي نأ مايلأا نم موي يف ررق ،نيرامح كلتمي ناك احلاف نأ ىكحي بعتلاب حلملا لماح رامحلا رعش قيرطلا فصتنم يفو ..امهتلومحب نارامحلا قلطنأ ،ارودقو انوحص اديعس رودقلا لماح ناك امنيب ،ةغرافلا

ةريصق ةيصصق تاراتخم ىناثلا سورضاوت ابابلا ةسادق ش 1739 توت 13 - 2022 ربمتبس 23 ”يعارلا فرعي هنأ“ )١) ،»ءيش ينزوعي لاف يعار برلا« رومزم لوقي نأ هنم اوبلطف ،ةسينكلا رضح روهشم نانف كانه ناك سفن لوقي نأ نسم لجر نم اوبلط مث ...اديدش اقيفصت هل سانلا قفصو ،رومزملا ظفحي ناك لاعفو ماقف نأ اودجو رومزملا نم ىهتنا املو ،رومزملا يف أدبو ،عمسي داكلاب هتوص ناكو نسملا اذه ماقف ،رومزملا ...مهنيعأ نم ليست مهعومد مهعيمج نيرضاحلا »!!؟عيمجلا ىكبأ يذلا لجرلا اذه نيبو كنيب قرفلا ام« :روهشملا نانفلا لأسي نيرضاحلا نم دحاو ماقف لأسي انيف دحاو لك تيل اي ..»يعارلا فرعي لجرلا اذه نكلو ...رومزملا فرعأ انأ« :لائاق نانفلا در ؟؟يعارلا فرعي مأ رومزملا فرعي له :هسفن ؟؟بحلا وه ام )2) ،ةريغص ةلفط تنك ةملكلا هذه تعمس ةرم لوأ« :تباجأ ؟هانعم وه امو بحلا نع زوجع ةأرما تلئس تغلب امدنع ..ئفاد نضحو ناملأاو نانحلا وه بحلا تلقف ،كبحأ ينإ :لاقو ينلبق يذلا يدلاو نم تناكو ،كبحأ ينإ اهاوتحمو يمسا اهناونع ،ناريجلا نبا اهلسرأ لزنملا باب تحت ةلاسر تدجو دشرلا نس :يه يل اهلاق ةملك لوأ ،هيلع تفرعتو ناريجلا نبلا تبطخ امدنعو ..نونجو ةأرج :وه بحلا تلقف ىلع يجوز ينلبق جاوز موي يناث يفو ،تجوزت ..ةدارإو فدهو لمعو حومط :وه بحلا تلقف ،كبحأ
رودقلا نم لقثأو رثكأ تناك حلملا ةيمك نإ ثيح قاهرلإاو يف سمغني نأ ءايعلإا ةدش نم حلملا لماح رامحلا ررق لاح لك ىلع .فخأو لقأ تناك ثيح هتلومحب ةكربلا نم جرخ املف ،حلملا ةأطو نم تراخ يتلا هاوق ديعتسي يك قيرطلا راوجب تناك ءاملا نم ةكرب هسمي مل نأك اطيشن جرخو ،ةكربلا يف هرهظ ىلع لمحملا حلملا باذ دقف ،ديدج نم ايح ثعب هنأك رعش لان ام لانيل ةكربلا يف هرودب زفق ،طاشنلا نم هبحاص ىلع لزن ام رودقلا لماح ىأر امل .لبق نم بعت رودقلا ةأطو نم نيمسق مسقنا هرهظ ناك ةكربلا نم جرخي نأ دارأ املف ،ءاملاب رودقلا تأتماف ،هبحاص .ءاملاب ةلمحملا ...ةصقلا نم ةربعلا .كساقم ىلع ظفاح كهبشت لا يه ةيصخش صمقتت نأ رذحاف ..كرضي لب كديفي لا دق كريغ ديفي ام توملاو خيشلا )4) .ةباغلا نع اديعب اهلمحي نأ هيلع ناك .هرهظ ىلع بطحلا ةمزح عضو ،ةباغلا يف خيش بطتحا نأ دعب :لاقو توملا ءاج ةأجفو .»!يتأي نأ عيطتسي توملا تيل !هافسأ او« :لاقو هلمح عضو ،بعتلا هكهنأ ذإو ،بطحلا اذه ليمحت ىلع يندعاست نأ ديرأ« :فوخلا هكلمت دقو خيشلا باجأ ،»؟ينم ديرت اذام ،اذنأه« .تمت ..»!ىرخأ ةرم :بيقعت شاع ولو .هرظن يف ةيلاغ ةايحلا ىقبت ،هب ملأ ءاقشل توملل هتيهارك راهظإ يف يوسلا ناسنلإا غلب امهم .ىرخأ افلأ شيعي نأ ىنمتل ،توملا ءاج مث ماع فلأ ناسنلإا سمخلا تاركلا )5) نم ةبعل ةايحلا ليخت :هيف لاق طقف ةيناث 60 يف اباطخ ىقلأ ياشتيب ردناس لجوج ةكرشل يذيفنتلا سيئرلا
.جاجزلا نم يقابلاو ةيطاطم اهدحأ تاركلا هذه ...عقت لاأ لاواحم ءاوهلا يف اهب بعلاتت تارك 5 .حورلا ،ءاقدصلأا ،ةحصلا ،ةلئاعلا ،لمعلا :يه سمخلا تاركلا ،ىرخأ ةرم تزفق تعقو املك ةيطاطم ةرك نع ةرابع »لمعلا« نأ كردت نأ لبق لاحلا كب لوطي نلو امإ حبصتسو .اهدهع قباس ىلإ دوعت نلف امهادحإ تطقس اذإ ،جاجز نم ةعونصم ىرخلأا تاركلا امنيب .ةرثانتم ىتح وأ ،ةخورشم وأ ،ةحورجم وأ ةبوطعم .هليبس يف دهاجت نأو ،كلذ يعت نأ كيلع تقولا طعأو كصلاخإب انئمطم نوكتل فارصنلاا تقو جرخاو ،لمعلا تاعاس للاخ ةءافكب كلمع ردأ نأ بعصلا نمف تبهذ نإف كتحصب متهاو ،ةحارلا نم ابسانم اطسق ذخو ،كئاقدصأو ،كتلئاعل مزلالا .تناك امك عجرت

40th Day Commemoration will be held at St Mary’s Church next Sunday 16th October at the second Mass 7:46 - 9:30am for Late Engineer Edward Mittias Mansour departed on 1st of September 2022 in Canada, the husband of Late Naema Mansour, father of Professor Sam Mansour and his wife Joanne Mansour (U.S.A.). He is brother of Late Professor William Mansour husband of Yvonne Mansour (Canada), Mrs Edith El-masry wife of Late Saad El-masry, Late Engineer Edmond Mansour and wife Salwa Mansour, Late Mr Adib Mansour and wife Nabila Mansour, Engineer Evelyn Mikhail wife of Mr Farouk Mikhail, Engineer Adolf Mansour husband of Helen Mansour.

the Lord repose his soul and grant peace and comfort for all family members.

+ Remember O Lord the Departed: reposed to the Lord Late Mrs Tahany Nosseir wife of Mr Samy Barsoun. She is mother of Mr Maged Barsoum in Melbourne and his wife Mary. She is a mother in law of Mr Akram Badie and his wife Marian in New Zeakand. She is granmother or Mina and George Barsoum, Mark and Fady Aziz. Funeral will be conduted on Monday 10th October 1:30pm at St Mary’s Church. May the Lord repose her soul and grant peace and comfort for all family members.

+ 40th Day Commemoration:
:نيعبرلأا ىركذ + ميحارتلا ماقت ربوتكأ ١6 دحلأا مويىهللأا سادقلا للخ ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكبنيعبرلأا ىركذل احابص ٩:30 - 7:45 جوز روصنم دراودا سدنهملا موحرملل روتكدلا دلاو روصنم ةميعن ةموحرملا روصنم ناوج ةتجوز و روصنم حماس ميلو سدنهملا موحرملا قيقش 0اكيرماب نوفيا ةديسلا هتجوز و روصنم ةديسلا قيقش و 0ادنكب روصنم موحرملا ةجوز يرصملا سديا قيقش و يرصملا دعس سدنهملا روصنم دنومدا سدنهملا موحرملا يولس ةموحرملا هتجوزو بيدا موحرملا قيقش و روصنم ةليبن ةموحرملا هتجوز و روصنم نيليفيا ةسدنهملا قيقش و روصنم قوراف ديسلا ةجوز ليئاخيم فلودا سدنهملا قيقشو0ليئاخيم .روصنم نيلىه ةديسلا هتجوز و روصنم دارفا عيمج يزعي و هسفن حيني برلا 0ةرسلاا :نيدقارلا براي ركذأ + /ةديسلا ةموحرملا ةمايقلا ءاجر ىلع تدقر موسرب ىماس سدنهملا ةجوز ريصن ىناهت نروبلم ىف موسرب دجام /ديسلا ةدلاو عيدب نايرام /ةديسلاو ىرام هتجوزو انيم ةدجو.ادنليزوين ىف مركأ اهجوزو ىداف و كرام و موسرب جروج و زيزع ١0 مداقلا نينثلا موي زانجلا ماقي ةسينكب رهظلا دعب ١:30 ربوتكأ .ميرم ءارذعلا ةسيدقلا ةرسلأا دارفأ لك ىزعيو اهسفن حيني برلا

Construction of New Buildings started Thursday 28th April

The new Building is expected to be ready within 12 months. church services are continuing as normal as in the Timetable inside the Bulletin. You can donate monthly contribution using Direct Debit forms available in the church or downladed from church website. Cost of building works is around $12,000000. Your support and donations will be blessing and very appreaciated.ليربأ 28 سيمخلا موي تادب تاءاشنلإا لامعأ داتعملا بسح متت ةسينكلا تامدخ .ارهش ١2 للاخ عورشملا نم ءاهتنلأا عقوتملا نم . .ةرشنلا لخاد حضوملا لودجلا بسح .ارلاود نويلم ١2 ىلاوح عورشملا ةفلكت غلبتاهعبط وأ ةسينكلاب ةدوجوملا ىكنبلا بحسلا ةرامتسأ ءلمب ىرهش عربتب ةكراشملا كنكنيىنورتكللأا ةسينكلا زكرم للاخ نم لمعلا اذه ىف مكتمهاسمو مكتاعربت كرابي برلا Special Thanks for all who keep working tirelessly for the success of this project. May the Lord reward them all and bless all their works Donations to St Mary›s Church and Building project can be made by the following Link طبارلا ىلع طغضأ ىنابملا عورشمو ميرم ءارذعلا ةسينكل تاعربتلل https://www.stmc.org.au/donate (Copy & Paste on Web Browser) Current Building site 7th September 2022

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