Graphic Design Year 2

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Andy Allen graphic design portfolio sample

Identity The brief for this project was set by Ben Casey from The Chase, and we were asked to select a well known location and an event, and design a clever and effective logo to represent it. I chose a Folk Music Festival as the event and London Underground for the location where it would be held. The concept is very simple, and would be instantly recognisable by people located in or around London or are attracted to folk music.

Identity (cont.) Creative application of the identity included publicity posters, a 3-D stage model, tickets for the concert and ambient media. The idea behind them is altering the logo to form something else.

Live Briefs From the beginning of the second year, we began to receive live briefs from clients. The logo design on the left is for a student setting up his own management for musicians and models. His original requirements were very radical, and included too many components that would be very difficult to put together into an effective logo, so I chose one - the gold crown - and concentrated on the typography. Below is my design for Abbey Telecom, a mainline telephone service and provider based in Blackburn. Their company colour is yellow, so I incorporated this and the telephone wire into my logo design.

Live Briefs (cont.) Following on from the previous projects, we were asked to create an advertising campaign for the Higher Education Open Evening, focusing on the phrase “Courses That Fit�. I chose a related phrase - snug as a bug - and centred the campain around it. Another live project involved a set of postcards that would be sent out to applicants taking their A-Level exams to wish them luck. The design I produced gives an insight into where they could be in the future, with a good luck message on the other side.

Advertising In this project, the objective was to make people aware that Britain works the longest hours in Europe, so I chose to play with the idea that people work so much they’re practically working whilst at home. Visually substituting objects used or seen at home with objects used in the workplace was the approach I took, and named the campaign “Home Sweet Home”.

Advertising (cont.) The concept was applied to range of media, such as billboards, adshels and bus ‘T’s. I also produced direct mail, which would be sent out to employees, and included a mousemat and sticker sheets to be used around the workplace. Doing this would create irony, in the way it labels the area as the employee’s home, but would also be a small reminder that life isn’t all about the job.

Packaging The requirements for this brief were to create a brand extension for a company, and then produce packaging to contain the product. Tate & Lyle was the name of the company I received, who are known primarily for selling sugar. As the majority of people who buy sugar use it for tea or coffee, I decided that my brand extension would be a range of cakes, small enough to be a tea time snack. As a one-off for this product range, the logo would be changed to read “Cake + Lyle�, and the concept behind the packaging is to resemble the cakes coming straight from the baking tin.

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