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HM.CLAUSE is completing its tomato catalogue
The seed company has added two cherry tomato varieties with resistance to ToBRFV, two plum tomatoes, and it continues to grow with its RAF-hearted Marmande
The tomato catalogue from the seed company HM.CLAUSE is taking a further step in the search for solutions for farmers and the rest of the value chain with the incorporation of materials with resistance to ToBRFV. Accordingly, it already has two cherry tomatoes with IR (intermediate resistance), Intuitivo F1 and Curioso F1. Both are perfectly adapted to winter crops and allow the cycle to be extended in a period when there is incidence of virus and other pathogens, maintaining quality and production.
Intuitivo F1 is a rustic variety, with mediumhigh hardiness, easy to handle, early harvesting and production. Its fruit are deep red, with a constant calibre throughout the cycle and an excellent post-harvest. In addition, it offers a complete package of resistances and is ideal for ecological crops.
On the other hand, Curioso F1 is suitable for long cycle due to its ease and versatility in cultivation. Its plant has medium hardiness, with a good layout of branches and homogeneous, red fruit that are very early. As with Intuitivo F1, it has good post-harvest quality.
The company continues working on the development of new materials with resistance to ToBRFV and it is working closely with its clients to obtain greater efficiency in the prevention, detection and containment of the virus, as well as guaranteeing a safe supply, free from contamination, with the GSPP certificate.
More plum tomatoes
In the plum tomato segment, two important new developments have been incorporated in this campaign to complement the well-known Sargento F1: Retador F1 and Zapador F1, with calibre for short cycle. For autumn and spring transplanting, they offer a complete package of resistances (verticillium, fusarium, TYLCV, nematodes, spotted and pseudomonas) and they are not sensitive to Blossom End Rot. The first variety, Retador F1 has the traditional plum shape, ideal for the most demanding markets, and it stands out for its high yield and its very shiny, deep red fruit.
On the other hand, the fruit of Zapador F1 are slightly longer and with a somewhat smaller calibre. The extraordinary post-harvest, ideal for export is worth mentioning.
Ambrosía F1
Another material that stands out in its catalogue is the grooved material with RAF genetics, Ambrosia F1, that complements
Delizia (a reference in RAF). With this material, producers can extend the production calendar of the true RAF, as it is sown from the beginning of August (it is now harvested in October), and it reaches June still maintaining its gourmet flavour. It offers resistance to TYLCV and has a less demanding handling than others, along with an extraordinary balance between production and quality. Another advantage is the longer shelf life compared to other materials.
This material was born as a promising project and is now a success story. At the beginning of May, HM.CLAUSE and the producers Granada La Palma, Casi and Biosabor, held the 1st Gala Adora to acknowledge the commitment by their farmers. “The project’s aim was to identify a product with flavour that consumers could recognise and buy,” Rafael Bonet, General Manager of HM.CLAUSE, comments. And they have achieved this. As Manuel Ferrer, Food Chain Manager at EMEA affirmed “consumers respond to the exceptional flavour. We have created a category in Europe.” This chocolate-coloured Marmande has won consumers over due to its perfect balance between citric acid, malic acid, fructose and sucrose.