HR Compensation Philosophy

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The CARE Project

Classification > Acquisition > Retention > Equity Classification and Compensation Information Guide

Table of Contents Introduction................................................................................................................. 1 Classification Objectives.................................................................................... 1 Compensation Objectives.................................................................................. 1 Compensation Philosophy................................................................................ 2-5 Salary Structure..................................................................................................... 6-7 Decision Band Method®...................................................................................... 8-9 Job Families..........................................................................................................10-13 Job Families with Titles...................................................................................14-17 Current Titles/New Titles............................................................................. 18-36

tcejorP ERAC ehT Accounting, Finance and Budget...................................................................18 College Advancement........................................................................................ 19

College Support.............................................................................................20-21

y t iuqE > n oi t n et eR > n oi t isiuqcA > n oi t a ci f is salC Education and Career..................................................................................22-23 Facilities..................................................................................................................24

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2 2 -1 2 0 2 y l u J Human Resources..............................................................................................26

Information Technology.............................................................................27-28 Institutional Research.......................................................................................29 Learning Support................................................................................................30 Library and Cultural Arts..................................................................................31 Marketing and Communications...................................................................32 Safety and Security ...........................................................................................33 Senior Leadership...............................................................................................34 Student Services.......................................................................................... 35-36

Introduction The Classification and Compensation Information Guide was developed to describe how we perform a systematic review of job content, titling and pay within FSCJ.

Classification Objectives: Identify areas of opportunity for consolidation based on type and level of work being performed to aid in administration and workforce flexibility. Ensure jobs are properly documented.

The CARE Project Ensure employees are properly classified.

Compensation Objectives:

Ensure internal equity by analyzing compensation

by job > responsibilities and minimum requirements. > Equity Classification Acquisition > Retention Determine level of competitiveness

Compensation Guide

within the external market.

July 2021-22

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FSCJ Human Resources

Compensation Philosophy At FSCJ, we value our employees and the critical role they play in delivering on the College’s commitment to serving our students and improving their lives through excellence in teaching and learning. Because our compensation philosophy, including and nsalary oitne t ebenefits, R > n oisi tai sreflection iuqcA > noi ta ci f is salC of our College values, we pursue sustainable compensation goals in accordance with our overall fiscal 22 -12 0 2 ythe l ugoals J position while respecting of this philosophy.

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Offer Externally Competitive Salary and Benefits FSCJ strives to be competitive in compensation and benefits within our labor market. Our salary structure is reviewed on a regular basis to ensure ongoing competitiveness within the labor market and alignment with market trends. Recommendations may be made to the compensation structure based on changes in the labor market in relation to local necessity, academic and support programming, and workforce skill demand. •

While salary structure modifications may not equate to across-the-board increases for employees, the College will determine separate figures for the necessary salary adjustments and the annual budget based on area market trends.

FSCJ’s compensation philosophy is designed to meet the following

Key Objectives:

Offer Externally Competitive Salary and Benefits

The CARE Project Be Equitable

Be Equitable Classification > Acquisition > Retention > Equity FSCJ provides a framework of consistent compensation practices that are fair, equitable and free of discrimination. The salary structure provides sufficient breadth with salary ranges based on job classification levels and available market information.

Compensation Guide July 2021-22

The College believes positions within the organization that have comparable responsibilities, decision-making authority, supervisory responsibilities and complexity of work should be paid similarly.

When evaluating pay structures, FSCJ also recognizes relevant educational attainment and experience.

The College uses a formal scaling method to consistently maintain equity within the organization. This job evaluation process is used to assign each position a certain level within the compensation structure.

Exemplify Excellence

Maintain an Emphasis on Student Success

Communicate Clearly

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Exemplify Excellence As part of our commitment to excellence, FSCJ values continuous skill improvement and professional development. Our compensation practices must attract and retain employees who exemplify our values and help the College deliver on our mission and vision. •

Employees who work to advance their skills and knowledge, as they contribute to their assigned roles and organizational objectives, will be paid competitively in recognition of their professional development activities.

To attract new talent within the designated ranges, external hires will be paid competitively based on skills, education, training and experience.

Maintain an Emphasis on Student Success

tcejorP ERAC ehT Employment goals are developed to support the College’s overall performance and strategic priorities, including student access and success. Our ability to deliver and maintain high-quality, relevant programs and services is essential to student success and our growth and sustainability as a College.

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FSCJ supports and encourages ongoing education and advancement by providing personal and professional development opportunities.

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2 2Clearly -1 2 0 2 y l u J Communicate We seek to maintain open communication regarding compensation practices because we value the critical role employees play in our mission. Morale is built on a combination of trust and perception; thus, employees should have an understanding of how their compensation is determined. •

The compensation system was designed to be seamlessly implemented, communicated and, as necessary, adapted.

The compensation system facilitates internal equity across all jobs, within all locations and departments of the College, based on the general scope and complexity of the work required.

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Compensation reflects meaningful and measurable differences in the level of work across the institution and within each functional area: ο

Position classifications are clearly defined to reflect the body of work, level of responsibility, and the essential duties and responsibilities performed. This approach allows flexibility in the assignment of duties to individual employees within the job classification and general area of assignment, as well as flexibility for employees to expand experiences, skills and knowledge.


Where practical and feasible within each classification, there is opportunity for career advancement.


The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) classifications is based

upon applicable state and federal regulations. •

The classification structure and job descriptions are developed and maintained to meet the current needs of the institution, while providing maximum flexibility to manage and organize the work in a changing environment. Job descriptions, including the statements of essential duties, minimum qualifications and physical requirements, are written to reflect the current needs of the College with the goal being to ensure that new hires are qualified and capable of performing the work.

The CARE Project

Classification > Acquisition > Retention > Equity •

The work being performed must also be reflected by an appropriate title.

The Office of Human Resources administers the reclassification and new job description process in an efficient, cost effective, responsive, fair and equitable manner to meet the needs of both the College and our employees. FSCJ has adopted broad job classifications, so the number of reclassifications should be minimal as the differences between classifications are clearly defined.

Compensation Guide July 2021-22

The College will conduct a formalized market review every three to five years.

FSCJ is fiscally responsible when administering compensation and benefits to our employees, as it is important that our compensation practices are sustainable well into the future. The College seeks opportunities, where appropriate, to invest in employees through compensation and benefits that are sustainable by connecting broad performance measures that increase revenue with ongoing strategic investments in the people who make our work possible—our employees.

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FSCJ Human Resources

Salary Structure

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ssification > Acquisition > Retention > E 6 | FSCJ Compensation Guide


Minimum Salary

A11 A12 A13 B21 B22 B23 B24 B25 B31 B32 C41 C42 C43 C44 C45 C51 C52 D61 D62 D63 D64 D65 D71 D72 E81 E82 E83 E91 E92 F101 F102 F103

$24,000 $25,300 $26,719 $29,005 $31,622 $34,576 $38,750 $44,452 $38,750 $44,452 $47,874 $52,336 $57,123 $63,575 $71,981 $63,575 $71,981 $79,550 $85,960 $92,693 $101,583 $112,912 $101,583 $112,912 $122,919 $131,275 $139,956 $151,283 $165,535 $177,980 $188,283 $198,910


Maximum Salary

$29,380 $31,234 $33,399 $36,256 $39,527 $43,219 $48,437 $55,565 $48,437 $55,565 $62,236 $68,037 $74,260 $82,647 $93,575 $82,647 $93,575 $103,415 $111,748 $120,501 $132,058 $146,785 $132,058 $146,785 $159,795 $170,658 $181,942 $196,668 $215,195 $231,374 $244,768

$34,760 $37,167 $40,079 $43,508 $47,433 $51,863 $58,125 $66,678 $58,125 $66,678 $76,598 $83,738 $91,397 $101,720 $115,169 $101,720 $115,169 $127,280 $137,536 $148,309 $162,533 $180,659 $162,533 $180,659 $196,670 $210,040 $223,929 $242,053 $264,856 $284,768 $301,253

Hourly Rate $12.00 $12.65 $13.36 $14.50 $15.81 $17.29 $19.37 $22.23 $19.37 $22.23 $23.94 $26.17 $28.56 $31.79 $35.99 $31.79 $35.99 $39.78 $42.98 $46.35 $50.79 $56.46 $50.79 $56.46 $61.46 $65.64 $69.98 $75.64 $82.77 $88.99 $94.14 $99.46

The CARE Project

Classification > Acquisition > Retention > Equity

Compensation Guide July 2021-22

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Gallagher’s Propriety Method

Decision Band Method


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The value of a job to an organization is based on its level of responsibility.

Responsibility is reflected, and therefore nmeasured, o i t i s i u qbyc A noita ci f is salC the>decision-making requirements of the job.

ediuG n itjobs asnrequire epmincumbents oC • oAll to make

inJorder to perform their jobs. 2 2-1decisions 202 y lu •

Decision-making is a logical and equitable basis on which to compare jobs within an organization.

ssification > Acquisition > Retention > E 8 | FSCJ Compensation Guide

Decision Band Method® STEP 1: Determine appropriate band Band A: Defined

Band B: Operational

Determines manner and speed to perform defined steps of an operation

Determines how and when to perform steps of processes

Band C: Process Develops and selects appropriate process to accomplish operations of programs

Band D: Interpretive

Band E: Programming

Band F: Policy

Interprets programs into operational plans and deploys resources

Plans strategies, programs and allocates resources to meet goals

Organization scope, direction, and goals

STEP 2: Determine appropriate grade Grade Assignment

Jobs with coordinating or supervisory responsibility within the same band are placed in the higher grade Jobs without this responsibility within the same band are placed in the lower grade

STEP 3: Determine appropriate subgrade

STEP 3: Determine Appropriate SUBGRADE Job




Job Difficulty

Task Complexity

Task Occurrence

Task Complexity Number of Diversity of Tasks Tasks

Task TaskOccurrence Percent Frequency of Time



Classification > Acquisition > Retention > Equity IS DETERMINED BY



Consequence of Error

Number of Tasks

Diversity of Tasks

Task Frequency

Compensation Guide

Percent of Time

July 2021-22 Impact of Position

Duty Complexity

Essential Skills and Knowledge

Job Competencies

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FSCJ Human Resources

Job Families A job family is defined as a series of related job titles with progressively higher levels of impact, knowledge, skills and abilities (competencies) providing for career paths over time. Jobs in a family may not be unique to a single department and may reside in various departments across the organization. The following provides an overview of FSCJ’s job families.

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Clas 10 | F S C J C o m p e n s a t i o n G u i d e

Why create job families? •

To provide a clearer career path for employees.

Job families are an excellent retention tool, especially for younger employees.

To make job titles more consistent across the organization.

Fewer job titles allows for less administration and confusion within FSCJ as to what level of responsibility an employee has.

The CARE Project

How were the job families > created? Classification > Acquisition Retention > Equity •

Gallagher reviewed all of the PDQs that were submitted and looked for positions that had similar or related duties and where a natural progression could occur.

Compensation Guide July 2021-22 •

Gallagher then created some behaviors or skills that would be consistent across each of those levels.

Finally, Gallagher attempted to standardize the titles so that employees who were at the same level in different job families would have similar titles.

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Job Family


Accounting, Finance and Budget

Accounting, Finance and Budget cover positions providing budget and financial services, accounting for revenues and expenditures. Work performed relates to accounting, budgeting, reconciliation, contract and grants management, and general fiscal assistance.

College Advancement

College Advancement cover positions involved in community and alumni activities, fundraising and general promotion of community relationships.

College Support

College Support cover positions involved in supporting student and staff needs to enhance the College experience by offering expertise, leadership, consultation and a wide variety of administrative support to assist departments in reaching their strategic goals.

Education and Career

Education and Career cover positions that provide faculty development and support, programmatic support, accreditation and academic policy development in support of student success.


Facilities cover positions that provide services related

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y t i u q E > n o i t n etotoperation, e R > nmaintenance, o i t i s i u qandc A > n oofi tallaCollege ci f is salC renovation property, including student housing, College buildings, facilities and equipment. Facilities also provides oversight and management of environmental health and safety programs.

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Grants cover positions that cultivate financial resources and the exploration of funding opportunities, proposal development and administration of grants to expand educational opportunities.

Human Resources

Human Resources cover positions that support the management of the College Human Resources. Human Resources develops and implements effective HR strategies in accordance with College policy, practice and objectives.

Information Technology

Information Technology cover positions that acquire, design, implement and operate the College’s information technology solutions for faculty, staff and students, including computer hardware, operating systems, communications, software applications, data processing and security.

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Job Family


Institutional Research

Institutional Research cover positions that provide technical, College analytic and coordinative support for research activities and reporting, including data collection, analysis and presentation.

Learning Support

Learning Support cover positions that address barriers and create engaging learning environments through the support of multiple programs.

Library and Cultural Arts

Library and Cultural Arts cover positions that provide direction and support for library and information services including circulation, cataloging, acquisitions and collections, and support cultural arts.

Marketing and Communication

Marketing and Communication cover positions that provide planning and services supporting effective communication between the College and its students, employees, alumni and the public. Marketing and Communication advances the College’s mission and establishes a consistent and recognizable brand for the College.

The CARE Project Safety and

Safety and Security cover positions that provide planning,

Classification > Acquisition > Retention >systems Equity development and implementation of programs and Security to maintain a safe and secure College campus(es). Safety and Security enforces College rules and local, state and federal laws, and protects College students, employees and property from any preventable harm or danger.

Compensation Guide July 2021-22

Senior Leadership

Senior Leadership cover positions that provide leadership and oversight in support of the College's mission. Senior Leadership provides vision and strategic direction for major College functions.

Student Services

Student Services cover positions that develop, implement, facilitate and evaluate various programs focused on assisting students in successfully integrating into the College environment and thriving personally and academically. Student Services offers accommodation services for students, staff and community members to foster an equitable environment.

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Job Families With Titles ACCOUNTING/FINANCE/BUDGET • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Accounting Assistant Accounting Coordinator Accounting Lead Specialist Accounting Senior Specialist Accounting Specialist Assistant Controller Assistant Director of Budget and Auxiliary Services Associate Bursar Associate Controller Associate Vice President of Administrative Services Budget Analyst Bursar Business Office Clerk Business Office Lead Specialist Business Office Specialist Controller Director of Payroll Finance Services Coordinator Payroll Coordinator Payroll Specialist

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Associate Director of Event Sales Box Office and Patron Services Coordinator Box Office Assistant Box Office Specialist Development Officer Director of Events and Operations Director of Government Relations Events Specialist Executive Director of Artist Series Executive Director of Foundation Foundation Support Coordinator Group Sales Coordinator Group Sales Specialist Patron Services Assistant Patron Services Specialist

COLLEGE SUPPORT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Accreditation Coordinator Administration Support Coordinator Administrative Assistant Assessment Coordinator Associate Director of Purchasing Associate Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness Associate Vice President of Strategic Priorities Automotive Line Mechanic Budget Coordinator Business Analyst Central Services Clerk Central Services Coordinator Central Services Specialist Clerk College Attorney Director of Nassau Center Director of Project Management Executive Director of Project Management Executive Director of Purchasing Functional Analyst Mailroom and Printing Assistant Purchasing Coordinator Purchasing Specialist Purchasing Lead Specialist Records Management Coordinator Senior Specialist Toolroom Technician Warehouse Clerk

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y COLLEGE t i u q EADVANCEMENT > n oi t n et eR > n oi t isiuqcA > n oi t a ci f is salC

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14 | F S C J C o m p e n s a t i o n G u i d e


• Academic Department Coordinator • Assistant Director of Civic Engagement/Service Learning • Assistant Director of International Education Program • Associate Dean • Associate Dean of Engineering and Industry • Associate Dean of Information Technology • Associate Dean of Nursing • Associate Dean of Operations • Associate Director of Academic and Student Achievement • Associate Director of Law Enforcement Academy • Associate Director of Workforce Operations • Associate Provost of Baccalaureate, Career and Technical Education • Associate Provost of Curriculum and Instruction • Associate Provost of Liberal Arts and Sciences • Associate Vice President of Workforce Development • Business Development Strategist • Dean of Arts and Sciences • Dean of Business • Dean of Communications • Dean of Education and Human Services • Dean of Engineering Technology and Industry • Dean of FSCJ Online • Dean of Health Sciences • Dean of Humanities • Dean of Information Technology • Dean of Mathematics • Dean of Natural Sciences • Dean of Nursing • Dean of Precollegiate Services • Dean of Professional Studies and Public Safety • Dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences • Director of Academic and Student Achievement • Director of Curriculum Services • Director of Fire Academy • Director of Honors Program • Director of Law Enforcement Training

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

Director of Workforce Development Education and Career Assistant Education and Career Lead Specialist Education and Career Program Specialist Education and Career Senior Specialist Education and Career Specialist Executive Director of Military and Veteran Affairs Fire Fighter Training Coordinator Instructional Program Manager Program Coordinator Program Director Program Manager Senior Program Director

FACILITIES • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Associate Vice President of Facilities Building Inspector Building, Energy and HVAC Controls Manager Campus Facilities Director Center Facilities Supervisor Custodian Director of Campus Operations, Events and Special Projects Director of Facilities Planning and Design Facilities Planner and Resource Manager Facilities Planning Coordinator HVAC Controls Specialist HVAC Controls Technician HVAC Lead Specialist HVAC Specialist Journeyman Lead Custodian Maintenance Site Manager Painter Tradesworker Senior Specialist Tradesworker Specialist

The CARE Project

Classification > Acquisition > Retention > Equity

Compensation Guide July 2021-22

GRANTS • • • • •

Director of Grants Grants Coordinator Grants Manager Grants Officer Grants Specialist

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Job Families With Titles HUMAN RESOURCES

• Associate Director of Training & Organizational Development • Benefits Specialist • Chief Human Resource Officer • Chief Officer Diversity/Equity/Executive Director • Compensation and Classification Analyst • Director of Compensation and Benefits • Director of HRIS • Director of Talent Acquisition • Employee Relations Coordinator • Executive Director of Organizational Development • Faculty Support Coordinator • Faculty Support Specialist • Human Resources Analyst • Human Resources Project Analyst • Human Resources Specialist • Labor Relations Officer • Talent Acquisition Consultant • Training and Development Coordinator


Associate Director of Institutional Research Director of Institutional Research Research and Reporting Analyst Senior Research Analyst

LEARNING SUPPORT • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Assessment and Certification Assistant Assessment Center Manager Associate Vice President of Academic Operations Clinical Liaison Director of Center of E-Learning Director of Online Education Director of Tutoring Services Instructional Designer Instructional Designer Specialist Laboratory Assistant Laboratory Coordinator Laboratory Specialist Learning Support Advisor Learning Support Lead Specialist Learning Support Senior Specialist Learning Support Specialist Multimedia Web Developer


y •t i Chief u qInformation E > nOfficer oi t n et eR > n oi t isiuqcA > n oi t a ci f is salC • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Executive Director of Enterprise Applications IT Analyst IT Database Analyst IT Director IT Help Desk Manager IT Help Desk Representative I IT Help Desk Specialist IT Lead Specialist IT Multimedia Manager IT Multimedia Specialist IT Network Analyst IT Network Architect IT Programmer Analyst IT Security Analyst IT Senior Coordinator IT Senior Director IT Senior Specialist IT Specialist


ediuG noita•sn eofpLibrary mo C Dean Services

• Director of Cultural Arts Center

2 2-12 0 2• yDirector l u Jof Library Services

16 | F S C J C o m p e n s a t i o n G u i d e

• • • • • • • • • •

Gallery Coordinator Library Clerk Library Coordinator Library Manager Library Specialist Music Specialist Production Senior Specialist Production Specialist Scene Shop Specialist Senior Library Coordinator

MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS • Assistant Director of Communications • Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications • Associate Director of Communications • Associate Director of Marketing • Chief Communications Officer • Communications Specialist • Director of Marketing • Front End Developer Designer • Graphic Designer • Multimedia Coordinator • Publicist • Senior Multimedia Coordinator • Web Applications Developer • Web Design Specialist

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Assistant Director of Financial Aid Assistant Registrar Associate Director of Financial Aid Associate Director of Recruitment Associate Director of Student Support Associate Vice President of Admissions/Records & Registrar Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Success Associate Vice President of Student Support & Engagement Contact Center Manager Contact Center Representative I Contact Center Representative II Coach Director of Athletics Director of Campus/Center Student Success Director of Career Services Director of Financial Aid Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions Driver Dual Enrollment Specialist Executive Director of Articulation and Dual Enrollment Financial Aid Analyst Financial Aid Lead Specialist Financial Aid Senior Specialist Financial Aid Specialist Ombudsman Residential Specialist Residential Lead Specialist Senior Associate Director of Military and Veterans Sign Language Interpreter Student Conduct Coordinator & Title IX Student Financial Resources Navigator Student Services Assistant Student Services Career Specialist Student Services Lead Specialist Student Services Senior Specialist Student Services Specialist

The CARE Project SAFETY AND SECURITY • • • • • • • • •

Campus Security Officer in Charge Center Security Officer in Charge Executive Director of Risk Management Executive Director of Security Fire Equipment Technician Safety and Occupational Health Officer Security Officer Senior Security Officer Shift Security Officer in Charge

Classification > Acquisition > Retention > Equity



Assistant Contact Center Supervisor Assistant Coach Assistant Director of Admissions Assistant Director of Advising

• July 2021-22

College President Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs Vice President of Finance and Administration Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and Advancement • Vice President of Student Services • • • •

• Compensation Guide • • • • • • • • • • • •

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Current Titles/New Titles Accounting/Finance/Budget Job Family Titles DBM Band Current Job Title

New Job Title

A11 A12 A13 Business Office Specialist II Financial Accounting Intern B21 Accounting Specialist I Accounts Payable Specialist Military Receivable Specialist B22 Accounts Payable Specialist II Accounts Receivable Specialist II Lead Business Office Specialist Payroll Technical Support Specialist B23 Budget Analyst Finance Services Coordinator B24/B31 Accountant IV Accounts Payable Supervisor Accounts Receivables Supervisor Business Office Coordinator Student Accounting Compliance Coordinator C41 Payroll Supervisor Project Account Officer C42 Assistant Controller Assistant Director of Budget & Auxilliary Services Associate Bursar Finance Manager C43 C44/C51 Associate Controller C45/C52 Bursar Director of Payroll D61 Controller D62 Associate Vice President of Administrative Services D63 D64/D71

Business Office Clerk Financial Accounting Intern Accounting Assistant Accounting Assistant Accounting Assistant Accounting Specialist Accounting Specialist Business Office Specialist Payroll Specialist Budget Analyst Finance Services Coordinator Accounting Lead Specialist Accounting Lead Specialist Accounting Lead Specialist Business Office Lead Specialist Accounting Lead Specialist Payroll Coordinator Accounting Coordinator Assistant Controller Assistant Director of Budget & Auxilliary Services Associate Bursar Associate Director of Accounting

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18 | F S C J C o m p e n s a t i o n G u i d e

Associate Controller Bursar Director of Payroll Controller Associate Vice President of Administrative Services

College Advancement Job Family Titles DBM Band Current Job Title

New Job Title

A11 A12 A13 B21 Assistant Box Office Coordinator Box Office Assistant Patron Services Agent B22 Events Coordinator Group Sales Specialist Patron Services Specialist B23 Box Office Specialist B24/B31 B25/B32 Box Office and Patron Services Manager C41 Group Sales Coordinator Foundation Support Manager C42 Development Officer C43 Director of Sales and Marketing C44/C51 Director Programming and Operations C45/C52 Director of Government Relations D61 Executive Director of Artist Series D62 Executive Director of Foundation D63 D64/D71

Box Office Assistant Box Office Assistant Patron Services Assistant Events Specialist Group Sales Specialist Patron Services Specialist Box Office Specialist Box Office and Patron Services Coordinator Group Sales Coordinator Foundation Support Coordinator Development Officer Associate Director of Event Sales Director of Events and Operations Director of Government Relations Executive Director of Artist Series Executive Director of Foundation

The CARE Project

Classification > Acquisition > Retention > Equity

Compensation Guide July 2021-22

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College Support Job Family Titles DBM Band Current Job Title

New Job Title

A11 A12 A13 Secretary Senior Support Specialist Toolroom Technician Warehouse Clerk I B21 Administrative Assistant I Administrative Assistant II Administrative Assistant III Administrative Services Support Specialist Administrative Specialist Administrative Specialist - Student Success Central Services Clerk Clerical Specialist Duplicating and Mailroom Coordinator Financial Services Specialist IT Services Support Specialist Project Coordinator (non academic programs) B22 Automotive Line Mechanic Central Services Specialist B23 Project Coordinator (non academic programs) Purchasing Agent II B24/B31 B25/B32 Administration Support Manager Administration Support Manager Enrollment Management and Student Services Administration Support Manager Institutional Effectiveness Administration Support Manager Office of the President Administrative Project Manager Central Services Coordinator C41 Accreditation Coordinator Institutional Effectiveness Assessment Coordinator IT Budget Analyst Procurement Analyst Purchasing Contracts Coordinator Records Management Program Coordinator C42 Assistant Director Purchasing Business Analyst Curriculum and Schedule Business Analyst Student Services

Clerk Clerk Toolroom Technician Warehouse Clerk Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Central Services Clerk Administrative Assistant Mailroom and Printing Assistant Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant Automotive Line Mechanic Central Services Specialist Senior Specialist Purchasing Specialist

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ediuG noitasnAdministration epmo C Support Coordinator 2 2-12 0 2 yAdministration l u J Support Coordinator

20 | F S C J C o m p e n s a t i o n G u i d e

Administration Support Coordinator Administration Support Coordinator Administration Support Coordinator Central Services Coordinator Accreditation Coordinator Assessment Coordinator Budget Coordinator Purchasing Coordinator Purchasing Coordinator Records Management Coordinator Associate Director of Purchasing Business Analyst Business Analyst

College Support Job Family Titles Continued DBM Band Current Job Title

New Job Title

C43 C44/C51 Director of Financial Systems Engineer IV Software Executive Director Nassau Center Functional Analyst Financial Aid System Functional Analyst HCM Payroll Functional Analyst Student Financial Systems Functional Analyst Student Services C45/C52 Director of Project Management D61 Executive Director of Project Development and Management Executive Director of Purchasing D62 Associate Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness Associate Vice President of Strategic Priorities D63 Assistant General Counsel D64/D71

Functional Analyst Functional Analyst Director of Nassau Center Functional Analyst Functional Analyst Functional Analyst Functional Analyst Director of Project Management Executive Director of Project Management Executive Director of Purchasing Associate Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness Associate Vice President of Strategic Priorities College Attorney

The CARE Project

Classification > Acquisition > Retention > Equity

Compensation Guide July 2021-22

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Education and Career Job Family Titles DBM Band Current Job Title

New Job Title

A11 A12 A13 B21 Project Coordinator (academic areas) VA Enrollment Services Processor B22 Education and Career Specialist Instructional Support Specialist B23 Curriculum Services Specialist Education and Career Senior Specialist Project Coordinator Project Coordinator Faculty/Adjunct Retention Specialist VA Enrollment Services Lead Processor B24/B31 Education and Career Lead Specialist Instructional Program Coordinator Program Developer B25/B32 Academic Department Coordinator Culinary Program Food Service Manager C41 Associate Director of the Center for International Education Associate Director Program Dev Curriculum and Instruction Program Coordinator Program Coordinator EPI Program Development Manager Program Manager Program Manager for Instruction C42 Associate Director of Academic and Student Achievement Business Solutions Strategist Director Workforce Operations Fire Fighter Training Coordinator Law Enforcement Training Coordinator C43 Associate Dean of Nursing Associate Dean of Engineering and Industry Associate Dean of Information Technology Associate Dean of Operations Department Chair Director Curriculum Services Director of Honors Program Director Program Development Instructional Program Manager

Education and Career Assistant Education and Career Assistant Education and Career Specialist Education and Career Specialist Education and Career Senior Specialist Education and Career Senior Specialist Education and Career Senior Specialist Education and Career Senior Specialist Education and Career Senior Specialist Education and Career Senior Specialist Education and Career Lead Specialist Education and Career Program Specialist Education and Career Program Specialist Academic Department Coordinator Program Coordinator Assistant Director of International Education Program Assistant Director of Civic Engagement/Service Learning Program Manager Program Manager Program Manager Program Manager Program Manager Associate Director of Academic and Student Achievement Business Development Strategist Associate Director of Workforce Operations Fire Fighter Training Coordinator Associate Director of Law Enforcement Academy Associate Dean of Nursing Associate Dean of Engineering and Industry Associate Dean of Information Technology Associate Dean of Operations Associate Dean Director of Curriculum Services Director of Honors Program Program Director Instructional Program Manager

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22 | F S C J C o m p e n s a t i o n G u i d e

Education and Career Job Family Titles Continued DBM Band Current Job Title

New Job Title

C44/C51 C45/C52 D61

Program Manager FAA Certified A&P School Senior Program Director Director Workforce and Community Development Director Workforce Development Dean of Arts and Sciences Dean of Arts and Sciences Dean of Arts and Sciences Dean of Communications Dean of Arts and Sciences Dean of FSCJ Online Dean of Arts and Sciences Dean of Humanities Dean of Arts and Sciences Dean of Mathematics Dean of Arts and Sciences Dean of Natural Sciences Dean of Business Dean of Business Dean of Education and Human Services Dean of Education and Human Services Dean of Engineering Technology and Industry Dean of Engineering Technology and Industry Dean of Health Sciences Dean of Health Sciences Dean of Information Technology Dean of Information Technology Dean of Nursing Dean of Nursing Dean of Professional Studies and Public Safety Dean of Professional Studies and Public Safety Dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences Dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences Director of Academic and Student Achievement Director of Academic and Student Achievement Director Fire Academy of the South Director of Fire Academy Director of Law Enforcement Training Director of Law Enforcement Training Executive Director Compliance and Operations Dean of Precollegiate Services D62 Executive Director of Military Affairs and Veteran Services Executive Director of Military and Veteran Affairs D63 Associate Vice President of Workforce Development Associate Vice President of Workforce Development and Entrepreneurship Associate Provost Curriculum and Instruction Associate Provost Curriculum and Instruction D64/D71 Associate Provost Baccalaureate, Career and Associate Provost Baccalaureate, Career and Technical Education Technical Education Associate Provost Liberal Arts and Sciences Associate Provost Liberal Arts and Sciences D65/D72

The CARE Project

Classification > Acquisition > Retention > Equity

Compensation Guide July 2021-22

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Facilities Job Family Titles DBM Band Current Job Title

New Job Title


Custodian Custodian Custodian

Plant Service Worker Senior Plant Service Worker Culinary Worker A12 A13 B21 Assistant Supervisor of Plant Service Workers Supervisor of Plant Service Workers B22 Maintenance Site Manager Painter Tradesworker I Tradesworker II B23 HVAC Controls Technician Journeyman Tradesworker III B24/B31 Building & HVAC Controls Spec Campus HVAC Facilities Manager Center Facilities Supervisor HVAC Controls Specialist B25/B32 Construction Elect Mech Inspector II C41 Building, Energy and HVAC Controls Manager Campus Facilities Director Facilities Data Analyst and Documents Manager C42 C43 C44/C51 Facilities Planner and Resource Manager C45/C52 Director of Campus Operations, Events and Special Projects Director of Facilities Planning and Design D61 Associate Vice President of Facilities D62 D63 D64/D71

Lead Custodian Lead Custodian Maintenance Site Manager Painter Tradesworker Specialist Tradesworker Specialist HVAC Controls Technician Journeyman Tradesworker Senior Specialist HVAC Lead Specialist HVAC Lead Specialist Center Facilities Supervisor HVAC Controls Specialist Building Inspector Building, Energy and HVAC Controls Manager Campus Facilities Director Facilities Planning Coordinator

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2 2-12 0 2 yFacilities l u J Planner and Resource Manager

24 | F S C J C o m p e n s a t i o n G u i d e

Director of Campus Operations, Events and Special Projects Director of Facilities Planning and Design Associate Vice President of Facilities

Grants Job Family Titles DBM Band Current Job Title

New Job Title

A11 A12 A13 B21 B22 B23 B24/B31 Resource Development Project Specialist B25/B32 C41 Resource Development Officer C42 Resource Development Grants Manager Resource Development Officer II C43 C44/C51 Director of Resource Development C45/C52 D61 D62 D63 D64/D71

Grants Specialist Grants Coordinator Grants Manager Grants Officer Director of Grants

The CARE Project

Classification > Acquisition > Retention > Equity

Compensation Guide July 2021-22

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Human Resources Job Family Titles DBM Band Current Job Title

New Job Title

A11 A12 A13 B21 B22 B23 Faculty Development Specialist Human Resources Information Systems Coordinator B24/B31 Benefits Coordinator Project Coordinator - Human Resources B25/B32 C41 Compensation and Classification Analyst Employee Relations and Equity Coordinator Human Resources Analyst Human Resources Coordinator Senior Faculty Development Specialist Training and Development Coordinator Associate Director of Training and Organizational Development C42 Labor Relations Officer C43 C44/C51 C45/C52 Director of Human Resources Information D61 Director of Compensation and Benefits Director of Talent Acquisition Executive Director of Organizational Development D62 D63 D64/D71 D65/D72 Chief Human Resource Officer Chief Officer Diversity/Equity/Executive Director

Faculty Support Specialist Human Resources Specialist Benefits Specialist Human Resources Project Analyst Compensation and Classification Analyst Employee Relations Coordinator Human Resources Analyst Talent Acquisition Consultant Faculty Support Coordinator Training and Development Coordinator Associate Director of Training and Organizational Development Labor Relations Officer

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y t iuqE > n oi t n et eR > n oi t isiuqcA > n oi t a ci f is salC Director of HRIS Director of Compensation and Benefits Director of Talent Acquisition Executive Director of Organizational Development

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26 | F S C J C o m p e n s a t i o n G u i d e

Chief Human Resource Officer Chief Officer Diversity/Equity/Executive Director

Information Technology Job Family Titles DBM Band Current Job Title

New Job Title

A11 A12 A13 B21 IT Call Center Representative I B22 IT Assistant Call Center Manager AV Production Specialist I Integrated System Specialist Multimedia Author Multimedia Systems Analyst B23 Educational Technology Specialist Engineer I Client Support Engineer II Multimedia Integrated System Specialist Network Project Coordinator B24/B31 Engineer II Client Support Engineer III Multimedia Lead Integrated System Specialist Microcomputer Specialist B25/B32 C41 Engineer II Network Engineer IV Multimedia Network Applications Specialist C42 Engineer III Network Engineer III Software Systems Engineer III C43 C44/C51 Engineer IV Network Engineer IV Software Engineer IV Software Engineer V Client Support Engineer V Security and Compliance Engineer V Software System Analyst Integration and IHUB System Analyst Peoplesoft Security Systems Engineer IV

IT Help Desk Representative I IT Help Desk Specialist IT Specialist IT Specialist IT Multimedia Specialist IT Multimedia Specialist IT Senior Specialist IT Senior Specialist IT Senior Specialist IT Senior Specialist IT Senior Specialist IT Lead Specialist IT Lead Specialist IT Lead Specialist IT Lead Specialist

The CARE Project IT Senior Coordinator

Manager Classification > Acquisition IT>Multimedia Retention > Equity IT Senior Coordinator IT Analyst IT Analyst IT Analyst

Compensation Guide July 2021-22 IT Network Analyst

IT Help Desk Manager IT Programmer Analyst IT Director IT Security Analyst IT Programmer Analyst IT Programmer Analyst IT Programmer Analyst IT Network Analyst

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Information Technology Job Family Titles Continued DBM Band Current Job Title

New Job Title


IT Senior Director IT Network Architect IT Senior Director IT Senior Director

Director of Information Systems Engineer V Network Executive Director Enterprise Information Systems Executive Director of Network and Server Systems and Data Center Architect D61 D62 Executive Director of Enterprise Applications D63 D64/D71 D65/D72 Chief Information Officer

Executive Director of Enterprise Applications

Chief Information Officer

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28 | F S C J C o m p e n s a t i o n G u i d e

Institutional Research Job Family Titles DBM Band Current Job Title

New Job Title

A11 A12 A13 B21 B22 B23 Assistant Research Analyst Research Analyst Research and Reporting Project Coordinator B24/B31 Institutional Resource Associate Analyst Senior Research Analyst B25/B32 C41 C42 Associate Director of College Reports Research C43 C44/C51 Director of Institutional Research Director of Student Analytics/Research C45/C52 D61 D62 D63 D64/D71

Research and Reporting Analyst Research and Reporting Analyst Research and Reporting Analyst Senior Research Analyst Senior Research Analyst

Associate Director of Institutional Research Director of Institutional Research Director of Institutional Research

The CARE Project

Classification > Acquisition > Retention > Equity

Compensation Guide July 2021-22

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Learning Support Job Family Titles DBM Band Current Job Title

New Job Title

A11 A12 A13 B21 Advisor II Assessment and Certification Specialist Assessment Coordinator Distance Learning Assessment Specialist Laboratory Assistant B22 Academic Tutor E-Learning Instructional Design Intern E-Learning Multimedia Design Intern Vocational Evaluator II B23 Academic and Career Coordinator Associate Program Specialist Distance Learning Assessment Coordinator E-Learning Junior Instructional Designer Laboratory Manager Vocational Evaluator III B24/B31 Bachelor Program Advisor Program Advisor Senior Specialist B25/B32 Clinical Liaison Nursing Laboratory Coordinator Simulation Lab Coordinator C41 Certification and Assessment Center Manager E-Learning Instructional Designer E-Learning Multimedia Web Developer E-Learning Multimedia Graphic Designer C42 C43 C44/C51 Director of Center for E-Learning Director of E-Administration and Support Services Director of Online Academic Strategy Director of Tutoring Services Library Director of System Implementation Online C45/C52 D61 D62 Associate Vice President of Academic Operations D63 D64/D71

Learning Support Advisor Assessment and Certification Assistant Assessment and Certification Assistant Assessment and Certification Assistant Laboratory Assistant Learning Support Specialist Learning Support Specialist Learning Support Specialist Learning Support Specialist Learning Support Senior Specialist Learning Support Senior Specialist Learning Support Senior Specialist Instructional Designer Specialist Laboratory Specialist Learning Support Senior Specialist Learning Support Lead Specialist Learning Support Lead Specialist Learning Support Lead Specialist Clinical Liaison Clinical Liaison Lab Coordinator Assessment Center Manager Instructional Designer Multimedia Web Developer Multimedia Web Developer

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30 | F S C J C o m p e n s a t i o n G u i d e

Director of Center for E-Learning Director of Online Education Director of Online Education Director of Tutoring Services Director of Online Education

Associate Vice President of Academic Operations

Library and Cultural Arts Job Family Titles DBM Band Current Job Title

New Job Title

A11 A12 A13 Library Assistant I Library Assistant II B21 B22 House Manager B23 Accompanist Library Research and Information Specialist Production Stage Manager Scene Shop Supervisor B24/B31 B25/B32 Library Technical Services Program Coordinator C41 Gallery Coordinator Library and Learning Commons Manager Library Manager Public Services Coordinator-Library C42 C43 Director of Wilson Center for the Arts C44/C51 Director of Campus Library Services Director of Online Library Services C45/C52 D61 Executive Dean of Library Services D62 D63 D64/D71

Library Clerk Library Clerk Production Specialist Music Specialist Library Specialist Production Senior Specialist Scene Shop Specialist Library Coordinator Gallery Coordinator Library Manager Library Manager Senior Library Coordinator

The CARE Project Director Cultural Arts Center Director of Library Services Director of Library Services

Classification > Acquisition > Retention > Equity Dean of Library Services

Compensation Guide July 2021-22

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Marketing and Communications Job Family Titles DBM Band Current Job Title

New Job Title

A11 A12 A13 B21 B22 B23 Integrated Communications Specialist Marketing and Graphic Print Coordinator Marketing and Special Project Coordinator B24/B31 B25/B32 Multimedia Specialist C41 Artist Series Publicist Assistant Director of Integrated Communications and Special Events Chief Production Manager Front End Developer Designer Marketing Communications Manager C42 Assistant Director of Communications Assistant Director of Marketing C43 C44/C51 Web Communications Manager C45/C52 D61 Director of Marketing D62 D63 D64/D71 D65/D72 Chief Communications Officer

Communications Specialist Graphic Designer Web Design Specialist Multimedia Coordinator Publicist Assistant Director of Communications Senior Multimedia Coordinator Front End Developer Designer Assistant Director of Marketing and Communications Associate Director of Communications Associate Director of Marketing

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Webq Applications y t iuqE > n oi t n et eR > n oi t isiu c A >Developer noita ci f is salC Director of Marketing

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32 | F S C J C o m p e n s a t i o n G u i d e

Chief Communications Officer

Safety and Security Job Family Titles DBM Band Current Job Title

New Job Title

A11 A12 A13 Security Officer I Security Officer II B21 B22 Armed Security Officer B23 Senior Security Officer B24/B31 Security Supervisor in Charge B25/B32 Campus Security Officer in Charge Fire Equipment Technician C41 C42 Fire Occupational Health Safety Specialist C43 C44/C51 C45/C52 D61 Director of Security Executive Director of Risk Management D62 D63 D64/D71

Security Officer Security Officer Senior Security Officer Shift Security Officer in Charge Center Security Officer in Charge Campus Security Officer in Charge Fire Equipment Technician Safety and Occupational Health Officer

The CARE Project Executive Director of Security Executive Director of Risk Management

Classification > Acquisition > Retention > Equity

Compensation Guide July 2021-22

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Senior Leadership Job Family Titles DBM Band Current Job Title

New Job Title

E81 Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness and Advancement Advancement E82 Vice President of Student Services Vice President of Student Services E83 Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs Vice President Finance and Administration Vice President Finance and Administration F103 College President College President

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34 | F S C J C o m p e n s a t i o n G u i d e

Student Services Job Family Titles DBM Band Current Job Title

New Job Title

A11 A12 A13 Driver B21 Call Center Representative I Sign Language Interpreter I Student Records Analyst I Student Records Specialist Vision Rehabilitation Training Specialist I B22 Call Center Representative II Enrollment Coach Financial Aid Advisor I Job Placement Specialist Military Program Specialist Military Student Records Transcript Evaluator Student Conduct Specialist B23 Campus Dual Enrollment Coordinator Case Manager/Career Specialist Financial Aid Advisor II Resident Director Student Engagement Advisor I Student Financial Resource Navigator Student Records Coordinator Student Recruiter Student Services Senior Specialist Student Success Advisor I Vision Rehabilitation Training Specialist III B24/B31 Academic and Career Advisor Assistant Call Center Manager Financial Aid Coordinator - Clock Hour and/or Verification International Admissions and Academic Coordinator Student Engagement Advisor II Student Housing Coordinator Student Services Coordinator Student Services Lead Specialist Student Success Advisor II Student Support Coordinator Vision Rehabilitation Case Manager/Career Specialist B25/B32

Driver Contact Center Representative I Sign Language Interpreter Student Services Assistant Student Services Assistant Student Services Assistant Contact Center Representative II Student Services Specialist Financial Aid Specialist Student Services Specialist Student Services Specialist Student Services Specialist Student Services Specialist Dual Enrollment Specialist Student Services Career Specialist Financial Aid Senior Specialist Residential Specialist Student Services Senior Specialist Student Financial Resources Navigator Student Services Senior Specialist Student Services Senior Specialist Student Services Senior Specialist Student Services Senior Specialist Student Services Senior Specialist Student Services Lead Specialist Assistant Contact Center Supervisor Financial Aid Lead Specialist Student Services Lead Specialist Student Services Lead Specialist Residential Lead Specialist Student Services Lead Specialist Student Services Lead Specialist Student Services Lead Specialist Student Services Lead Specialist Student Services Lead Specialist

The CARE Project

Classification > Acquisition > Retention > Equity

Compensation Guide July 2021-22

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Student Services Job Family Titles Continued DBM Band Current Job Title

New Job Title


Assistant Coach Assistant Coach Assistant Director of Financial Aid Assistant Director of Financial Aid Associate Director of Academic Advising Services Assistant Director of Advising Associate Director of Admission Assistant Director of Admissions Associate Director of Advising Assistant Director of Advising Assistant Registrar/ Assistant Director of Student Records Assistant Registrar Associate Registrar/Associate Director of Registration and Student Records Assistant Registrar Coordinator of Student Conduct & Title IX Student Conduct Coordinator & Title IX Ombudsman Ombudsman C42 Associate Director of Financial Aid Associate Director of Financial Aid Associate Director of Student Conduct Associate Director of Student Support Associate Director of Student Success Associate Director of Student Support Associate Director of Student Engagement Associate Director of Student Support Associate Director of Student Recruitment Associate Director of Recruitment Coach Coach Financial Aid Compliance Analyst Financial Aid Analyst C43 Call Center Manager Contact Center Manager Director of Career Services Director of Career Services Director of Military Veteran Services Senior Associate Director of Military and Veterans C44/C51 Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions Director of Student Recruitment and Admissions Director of Campus/Center Enrollment and Student Services Director of Campus/Center Student Success Director of Athletics Director of Athletics C45/C52 D61 Director of Financial Aid Director of Financial Aid Executive Director of Articulation Executive Director of Articulation and Dual Enrollment D62 Associate Vice President of Admissions/Records & Registrar Associate Vice President of Admissions/Records & Registrar Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management & Student Success & Student Success Associate Vice President of Student Support & Engagement Associate Vice President of Student Support & Engagement D63 D64/D71

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36 | F S C J C o m p e n s a t i o n G u i d e

Florida State College at Jacksonville does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, disability, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, age, sex, sexual orientation/expression, marital status, veteran status, pregnancy or genetic information in its programs, activities and employment. For more information, visit the Equal Access/Equal Opportunity page.

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