2022-23 Proposed Budget
B u dg e t Proce ss
Planning for the budget process begins
of Education, the public can
in September with the selection of new
provide feedback at regular
members to the budget committee. In the
board meetings, through
fall, the committee reviews the current
email, and online through
academic year’s approved budget and
public outreach tools.
identifies key points for communication to the Board of Education. In November, the administration submits enrollment projections to the Alaska Department of Education.
After public input, changes are made to the budget as needed and the recommended budget is presented to the Board for approval. By State of Alaska
In December, school, department, and
statute, the Board of Education
program leadership provide budget
must submit the district
recommendations to the superintendent.
budget to the Fairbanks
The superintendent considers feedback
North Star Borough (FNSB)
from the budget committee district
Assembly no later than May 1 for approval
leadership, as well as class size targets
of the total amount. Borough ordinance
and strategic goals and objectives to
has set that date as April 1.
determine administrative priorities.
The Assembly determines the local
Through the strategic plan, the Board of
appropriation for education, approves the
Education provides guidance on district
district’s bottom line budget in total, and
initiatives and budget priorities.
sets the local mill levy accordingly. Funds
Preparation of upcoming academic year’s proposed budget begins in December and is presented to the Board of Education
for the support of operating schools are subject to the tax cap adopted by FNSB voters. With a 90-day session, the legislature will
proposed budget is presented to the Board
typically approve a statewide budget for education by mid-April, unless they extend to special session(s). The budget is subject to veto by the governor, which can occur as late as July. If the district requests are fully funded by the
Re com m e n de d Bu dge t
Approve d Bu dge t
In process but not yet approved by Board of Education
Budget approved by Board of Education after review process
Budget approved by Assembly and adopted by Board of Education
the Board must determine where budget adjustments are to be made and provide an opportunity for public comment. In either case, final action on the budget is required. When the final budget is balanced to match funding levels from the Borough and State, the budget becomes the “Approved Budget” and the spending plan of the district. The Board of Education
by the first week of February. Once the
Prop os e d Bud g e t
level of local or state funding has changed,
Borough Assembly and the State, the budget process is nearly complete. If the
adopts the Approved Budget by resolution.