2 minute read

Expenditure by Object Code • Other Funds

Object Description 13130 Principals/Assistants 13140 Exempt Salaries - TRS 13150 Certified Teachers 13160 Extra Duty Pay for Certified 13170 Supplemental Pay for Certified 13210 Exempt Salaries - PERS 13220 Board Member Compensation 13240 Support Staff 13245 Overtime 13270 Substitutes for Certified 13290 Temporaries 13610 Health & Life Estimate 13620 Unemployment Estimate 13630 Worker's Compensation Estimate 13640 FICA 13650 TRS 13660 PERS 13690 Other Employee Benefits 24100 Professional & Technical 24120 Auditing 24130 Risk Management 24140 Legal 24150 Medical 24170 Data Processing 24200 Travel 24210 Mileage 24250 Student Travel 24310 Water/Sewer 24320 Garbage 24330 Communication 24335 Postage 24360 Electricity 24370 Natural Gas 24380 Heating Oil 24390 Other Energy 24400 Purchased Service 24403 Copier Charges 24405 Fingerprinting 24410 Rentals 24420 Building Repairs 24430 Equipment Repairs 24440 Site Repairs 24450 Insurance 24500 Supplies 24501 Supplies Reimbursement 24510 Software 24520 Textbooks 24570 Equipment ($500-$4999) 24571 Reg Inst Equipment Replacement 24800 Student Tuition 24810 Tuition 24900 Dues & Fees 24920 Claims & Judgements 24950 Indirect Costs 35100 Equipment ($5000 or greater) 35522 Xfer to Nutrition Services Grand Totals

2022-23 Recommended



$4,688,369 $1,898,695 $56,917,228 $643,729 $369,948 $5,312,118 $73,200 $24,353,763 $329,860 $1,853,425 $943,472 $28,605,129 $146,061 $730,303 $3,441,986 $20,754,914 $9,312,721 $289,572 $4,635,459 $60,000 $550,000 $202,791 $5,100 $1,000 $100,977 $97,510 $216,204 $539,616 $285,750 $810,374 $20,000 $3,359,234 $416,920 $676,846 $585,313 $745,756 $380,744 $4,686 $1,412,079 $54,600 $115,349 $10,000 $974,659 $3,616,815 $0 $761,345 $960,787 $723,527 $660,407 $200,000 $362,463 $166,406 $13,500 ($663,533) $90,000 $267,880

2021-22 Approved Revised Budget 4,917,684$ 1,867,353$ 59,651,003$ 785,589$ 509,948$ 5,411,140$ 73,200$ 25,509,632$ 342,360$ 1,962,985$ 815,391$ 29,825,389$ 152,551$ 762,754$ 3,587,681$ 21,141,080$ 9,609,989$ 316,312$ 4,858,433$ 60,000$

% of Budget 2.55% 1.03% 30.92% 0.35% 0.20% 2.89% 0.04% 13.23% 0.18% 1.01% 0.51% 15.54% 0.08% 0.40% 1.87% 11.27% 5.06% 0.16% 2.52% 0.03%

550,000$ 270,291$

0.30% 0.11% 5,100$ 0.00% $ - 0.00%

114,903$ 94,973$ 244,026$ 525,210$ 285,750$ 851,010$ 20,000$ 3,531,378$ 413,594$ 642,583$ 582,099$ 686,418$ 397,447$

0.05% 0.05% 0.12% 0.29% 0.16% 0.44% 0.01% 1.82% 0.23% 0.37% 0.32% 0.41% 0.21% 4,686$ 0.00% 1,521,727$ 0.77%

54,600$ 0.03%

133,164$ 10,000$ 0.06% 0.01%

974,659$ 0.53%

3,636,878$ 1.96%

(70,000)$ 517,084$ 984,500$ 0.00% 0.41% 0.52%

733,503$ 0.39%

638,996$ 200,000$ 0.36% 0.11%

362,463$ 0.20%

167,617$ 0.09%

13,500$ 0.01%

Over(Under) 2021-22 Approved -

Revised Budget (229,315)$ 31,342$ (2,733,775)$ (141,860)$ (140,000)$ (99,022)$ $ (1,155,869)$ (12,500)$ (109,560)$ 128,081$ (1,220,260)$ (6,490)$ (32,451)$ (145,695)$ (386,166)$ (297,268)$ (26,740)$ (222,974)$ $ -


(67,500)$ $ 1,000$ (13,926)$ 2,537$ (27,822)$ 14,406$ $ (40,636)$ $ (172,144)$ 3,326$ 34,263$ 3,214$ 59,338$ (16,703)$ $ (109,648)$ $ (17,815)$ $ -


(20,063)$ 70,000$ 244,261$ (23,713)$ (9,976)$ 21,411$ $ -


(1,211)$ $ -

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