6th form prospectus 2017 v3 (single)

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IMBERHORNE SCHOOL Compassion • Achievement • Respect • Endeavour

Sixth form

Welcome Headteacher and The Sixth Form Team Imberhorne is a successful, happy community where staff are committed to developing the full potential of all students. I am proud of the outstanding achievements of students and am equally proud of what hard-working, respectful and compassionate individuals they are as well. Our excellent academic record along with the great emphasis we place on personal development creates a thriving and vibrant school community. We believe we provide students in the Sixth Form with an education of the highest quality in a stimulating and supportive environment. Upon joining our Sixth Form, students are embarking on a different journey with new and varied challenges. Students will be prompted to think and work hard; higher level study is demanding. Students also need to be increasingly

Jasmine Brown Studied at sixth form: Psychology A Level, BTEC Business, Health & Social Care Destination following Imberhorne: University of Southampton To read: Mental Health Nursing

Student Quote: ‘The best thing about studying at Imberhorne Sixth Form is the teachers who go above and beyond to help students reach their aspirational grades at A-Level. The relationships I built with my teachers were fantastic and their support pushed me to greatness.’

independent; they must be committed to their studies and be prepared to add value to the work that takes place in the classroom. We also focus on preparing students for the next step in life after the Sixth Form. A significant number progress to university, pursuing a wide range of courses at many highly rated institutions. We are equally proud, though, of students who follow different pathways where apprenticeships or alternative educational routes have afforded them some wonderful opportunities. Most important to us is the fact that all students are able to follow the path best suited to them as individuals. Martin Brown, Headteacher

“We chose to move to the area to ensure our daughter had a place at Imberhorne. She has taken full advantage of many fantastic opportunities the school has offered and now successfully moved on to university.” PARENT

Ross Price Studied at sixth form: Chemistry, Physics, Maths/Further Maths A Level Destination following Imberhorne: University of Bath To read: Natural Sciences

Student Quote: ‘My two years in sixth form contained some of the best moments of my life so far. With excellent support from my subject teachers and peers to help me achieve my academic goals.’

“There is a strong sense of community in the Sixth Form.” STUDENT

High Expectations, Achievement and Endeavour Students learn best when they are happy, encouraged and challenged. Staff in the school know the students well and know how to get the best out of them. Students find they are often in smaller than average classes meaning that they experience a high degree of personal interaction with teachers. We are proud of our academic record in the Sixth Form. This grows out of high expectations and the outstanding teaching we provide, we have a broad and varied curriculum, at the core of which is a strong academic spine. Significant numbers of students study the Sciences as well as Maths, English and Humanities subjects. Alongside this we have a vibrant and successful Arts

curriculum with additional strengths in other areas such as Languages, Technology, Sport and vocational options. We are pleased with the way all these subject areas contribute to the culture and make-up of the Sixth Form. We expect students to be active participants in their learning and want them to question, discuss and reflect together in lessons as well as beyond the classroom. Students also need to have resilience and be prepared to persevere; the path to success is often paved by one’s repeated efforts.

Hannah Jones Studied At sixth form: Biology, Chemistry, Maths A Level

To read: Veterinary Science

Destination following Imberhorne: University of Nottingham

Student Quote: ‘In addition to the inspirational and knowledgeable teaching staff, the support I received through my university application was invaluable”

Compassion, Guidance and Support We believe the school is a very caring community and seek to place the relationships that exist between students and staff at the heart of life in the Sixth Form. We have a well developed pastoral system and pride ourselves on the level of personal care we provide for all our students. Heads of Year and Pastoral Support Assistants oversee their welfare and academic progress. They are often the first point of contact for parents when making enquiries about social or academic issues. Our very experienced Sixth Form team welcome communication with students and parents, treating all matters fairly and sensitively.

We provide outstanding guidance and support for students, creating opportunities for them to attend Higher Education Conferences and Careers Fairs as well as having access to specialist careers advice. We believe one of our key responsibilities is to help prepare all our students for the next stage of their journey beyond the Sixth Form. Every student will have a personal mentor with whom they have regular weekly contact. A high level of individual care and support for students is a hallmark of life in our Sixth Form. A school Sixth Form provides a smaller, more intimate yet very dynamic educational community in which we believe our students thrive.

Luke Munt Studied at sixth form: Media Studies, Applied ICT, Geography A Level Destination following Imberhorne: University of Portsmouth To read: Film Production Student Quote: “I received valuable support for all my subjects throughout the Sixth Form. The highlight for me had to be the amazing week in Iceland for the Geography field trip.�

Respect, Participation and Personal Development We believe that the experiences we provide in the Sixth Form should help develop students both academically and socially. Our Sixth Form students are role models and as such have an important part to play in the life of the school. Many choose to be mentors and support the learning and development of other students. This can happen in a range of ways. A dedicated team of Sixth Form students provide pastoral advice and guidance to younger students once a week at our Lower School site. In addition to this, they can support learning in lessons or mentor students as they prepare for exams in Key Stage 4.

Many different sporting opportunities exist; students are able to play football, lacrosse, netball and cricket. In addition to this the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme is thriving in the school, it is something we are very proud of and support with a dedicated team of staff.

Sixth Form students lead the School Council, represent the student voice on the governing body and increasingly have a significant say in how the school operates and supports learning. We seek to instil a sense of responsibility in our students and encourage them to show leadership at all times.

There is a vibrant extra curricular life to the school. We offer students the oppertunity to take part in several different trips and activities, perhaps most notably having a chance to visit our partner school in Minaki, Tanzania. This is a special and long standing relationship that has benefitted many students over the years, a great number of whom will attest to the life changing experience it provides.

Once a fortnight we provide opportunities for students’ personal development through our Personal, Social and Health Education Programme. As part of this programme, they attend workshops on health and wellbeing, undertake taster sessions in different activities such as yoga, lacrosse, golf etc, receive guidance about managing their workload and spend time with their mentors. Information about planning for the futureand managing finance, along with targeted support for university applications are also delivered in these sessions.

The Performing Arts are very strong in the school. There are many opportunities for students to participate in school productions or to perform as part of the courses they choose to study. These are very often outstanding occasions and serve to inspire parents and students alike.

All of these experiences enrich the school community, but critically help the students learn how to express themselves, work with and support others, show responsibility and become increasingly self assured members of our community.

IMBERHORNE SCHOOL Compassion • Achievement • Respect • Endeavour

Upper School (KS4 and Sixth Form) Imberhorne Lane East Grinstead West Sussex RH19 1QY Sixth Form T 01342 310986 E sixthform@imberhorne.co.uk

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