Castle Bromwich Infant & Nursery School Prospectus

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Castle Bromwich

Infant & Nursery School

Where we reach for the stars

Welcome to Castle Bromwich Infant and Nursery School “Our school is the best school in the whole wide world.” Pupil We hope this prospectus will give you a picture of our happy and successful school. At Castle Bromwich Infant and Nursery School we believe that everyone in our school community is important and we want all our children and parents/carers to feel valued as individuals. Our staff and governors work hard alongside our parents to help our pupils to learn, to succeed and to enjoy their start to education. We aim to teach our pupils through a creative and stimulating curriculum that inspires our children’s imaginations and meets the needs of all our pupils. We believe our children will remember the exciting opportunities they have had at Castle Bromwich Infant and Nursery School and know that they can achieve when they work hard.

Our Vision At Castle Bromwich Infant and Nursery School we want all our pupils, parents/ carers and staff to feel safe, valued, happy, included and nurtured. Our aim is for all children to be able to be independent, critical thinkers who enjoy their learning and are able to succeed. We are able to do this by providing a creative, inspiring, challenging and exciting curriculum that meets the needs of all learners. We strive to achieve this vision by working closely with parents/carers, governors and the wider community to encourage our children to be the best that they can be and to “Reach for the Stars”.

At Castle Bromwich Infant and Nursery School we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our children. We promote high expectations for all our children. We encourage our pupils to do their very best, achieve their maximum potential and “Reach for the Stars”. We hope that you find this prospectus helpful, however, please contact the school if you require any further information.

Mrs Lynne Russell Headteacher

Welcome from the Chair of Governors “The school is very friendly. My child loves it very much and enjoys every day.� Parent As Governors we are very proud of this unique four-form entry infant and nursery school. We are a fully inclusive school, meeting the needs of children with a wide range of abilities, talents and additional needs. The school has a close relationship with parents/carers and a range of agencies in the local community. We provide a safe and secure environment focusing on ensuring that all children feel valued and respected and able to contribute to the life of the school. Standards achieved at the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2) are consistently above the local and national averages and we are very proud of this.

Governors work alongside the Head Teacher, the Deputy Head Teacher and Staff to ensure that all children have the opportunity to do their best. We nurture our children so that they are happy, grow in confidence and enjoy attending school. As Governors we work very hard to ensure the future development of the school.

Our School Values Our school values are woven into the ethos of our school and were decided upon by all members of our school community.  Team work; is about looking after everyone, working together to reach a goal, ensuring that we all listen, help and share with each other.  Politeness; is about remembering to have good manners and being aware of the needs and feelings of others.  Sharing; is about allowing your friends to play with you.  Friendship; is about being co-operative and supportive, looking out for others when they are in need.  Self-esteem; is about loving yourself and celebrating all you can do.

 Confidence; is about being willing to try and knowing that you can succeed and achieve.  Respect; is about liking who we are and listening to others views and opinions.  Happiness; is knowing that you are loved and caring for those around you.  Kindness; is about looking out for and forgiving your friends.  Trust; is about believing in your friends and others.  Honesty; is about telling the truth and being true to yourself and others.

“The school has a very positive ‘can do’ attitude without any discrimination and everyone is treated equally.” Parent

Our School Aims  To create and maintain a safe, secure and welcoming environment where all children can develop and grow.  To provide a stimulating and exciting curriculum that meets the developmental needs of all children.  To work in partnership with parents/ carers to encourage them to make an active and valuable contribution to their child’s education and enhance the life-long learning of their children.  To ensure that all children feel personally valued, respect themselves

and others and are able to contribute to the life of the school and local community.  To provide educational experiences which encourage children to develop physically, spiritually, emotionally, intellectually and creatively.  To be an inclusive school where all individuals needs are catered for.  To promote positive behaviour, attitudes and self-discipline both within the school and the wider community.

Life Within Castle Bromwich Infant And Nursery School “We are really pleased with how our children are getting on. Lovely school.” Parent

Teaching and Learning In our school we work hard to ensure our children develop a love of learning and that they leave us able to:      

Read and write Play together Enquire Think Creatively Problem-solve Be Numerate

Children are entitled to learn through a broad and balanced curriculum, so our school curriculum sets out to provide practical experiences, rich in opportunities for children to investigate and solve problems individually, in groups and as a whole class. Our school curriculum is ‘skills based’ and is taught to the children through a variety of creative topics. We believe that learning should be fun, but it should also challenge pupils to think for themselves and ensure that achievement is high. We aim to nurture the whole child and provide our children with skills for life. At the beginning of each topic, our staff find out what the children know already and what they would like to learn. They begin the learning theme with an inspiring starter and end the topic with a finalé to share with parents/carers.

Foundation Stage (Children aged 3-5) In the Foundation Stage our children follow the seven areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage we encourage our children to be independent learners and resource themselves from the very beginning. Our children learn through direct teaching, play and exploration. Our children learn to be sociable, independent and considerate to the needs of others. They become more aware of the world around them whilst learning basic numeracy and literacy skills.

Key Stage One (Children aged 5-7) We follow the National Curriculum 2014 and we build upon the learning that has taken place in the Foundation Stage. The curriculum provides varied opportunities to meet a range of learning styles. All topic details and how you can help your child with their learning is available on our school website.

“My school is the best and my favourite subject is maths because it is fun. We learn fun things and plant, plants.� Pupil

Lunchtime All infant school children are entitled to a free school meal each day. Our children are provided with a choice of three hot meals or baguettes/wraps or rolls along with a dessert of their choice. A copy of the current menu is available on our web site at www.castle-bromwich-inf. and the menu is read to the children each morning for them to make their choice. We cater for most dietary requirements i.e. vegetarian. At lunchtime our children are cared for by our experienced lunchtime team under the supervision of a senior lunchtime supervisor. Children play a variety of games in the playground, there is a range of structured play provided by the dedicated team and play equipment is available for the children as required.

Parents & Carers We value the relationships that we have with our parents/carers and work hard to develop the links between home and school through parents/carers evenings, curriculum mornings and assemblies. We welcome parents/carers to come and help in school, whether hearing children read, changing maths games or working with small groups of children under the direction of the class teacher. All parent/ carer helpers are subjected to DBS clearance.

Behaviour We are proud of the excellent behaviour of our children. They are taught to respect adults and each other. We have five important rules  Be polite  Be kind  Work hard  Play sensibly  Look after our school

Safeguarding “I a m very impressed with the way the school is run.” Parent Castle Bromwich Infant and Nursery School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff to share this commitment. The school has two designated members of staff for child protection and the names of these staff are displayed around the school.

We have a Child and Family Support Worker who will support families with a variety of needs including understanding your child’s behaviour, benefits and housing. The Child and Family Support Worker can be contacted via the school office.

Castle Bromwich

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Infant & Nursery School

Where we reach for the stars

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Castle Bromwich Infant and Nursery School Green Lane Castle Bromwich Birmingham B36 0BX Telephone: 0121 747 3369 Fax: 0121 749 2466 e-mail:

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