Easingwold 6th Form Prospectus 2016

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Sixth Form




to Easingwold Sixth Form

A message from Chloe Dods and Aidan Grace, Co-presidents of Easingwold Students’ Union We pride ourselves on our friendly yet challenging environment, in which every student is valued and encouraged to fulfil their full potential. We strongly believe in the integration of all students, and you are never short of people to discuss ideas with. All subject teachers are equally helpful and approachable, so any problems you might have are nothing to worry about. A levels give you the opportunity to study the subjects you are most interested in and excited by. In Easingwold Sixth Form, you are given the responsibility for your own learning whilst having the support of dedicated staff and being surrounded by enthusiastic students.

A message from Emma Robins, Deputy Headteacher, Director of Sixth Form Easingwold Sixth Form is a special place - a welcoming, challenging and supportive community of students and staff, committed to enabling you to achieve your potential and prepare for the years ahead. Whether you are already an Easingwold student, or are thinking about joining us from another school, you will find a warm welcome from staff and students alike - and you will be joining a very successful sixth form. Our students achieve well and we are proud that they all leave well equipped for their future. In 2016 100% of students applying to university were successful, gaining places to study at a huge range of universities. A number of students progressed to other courses, some accepted advanced and higher level apprenticeships and several have embarked on exciting gap year experiences. In the past three years 6 students have taken up places at either Oxford or Cambridge Universities, an outstanding achievement for them personally and for our genuinely comprehensive sixth form.

Everyone studying here has a Personal Academic Tutor (PAT), who assists you in making sure you are managing your work properly and are on target to achieve your goals. They help prepare you for your future, and if you want to go to university, they will also mentor you through your application and the UCAS system. In regular one-on-one meetings you review your progress and talk about how you feel your studies are advancing. The constant feedback is very useful and it is reassuring to know that your independent learning skills are developing. There are many opportunities in sixth form to get involved and take on leadership roles in school, such as directing lower school students within the house competitions and managing your house council. However there are also lots of events exclusive to sixth form, which are organized by the Easingwold Student Union. The Easingwold Student Union is an open student-run forum where anyone can voice their opinions in complete freedom. We then work with staff to improve sixth form for everyone. Not stopping there, we are responsible for all charity, sport and social events. Easingwold Sixth Form can offer you a friendly and hardworking environment, with the support to help you prepare for your future. We hope to see you here next year!

This prospectus is intended to give you a snapshot of life at Easingwold Sixth Form. But please don’t take our word for it – I would strongly encourage you to come and see for yourself. Aidan Grace

Chloe Dods


Expanding opportunities A timetable designed around your needs Our A level students’ timetables are designed to meet the requirements of each individual learner. Most students choose to follow a programme of four subjects in Year 12, though some might be advised to limit their programme to three. The timetable is structured around the combination of courses students have chosen. Information on the possible courses is provided in the second part of this booklet.

Charlie Winterburn, Year 13 What made you choose Easingwold Sixth Form? I chose Easingwold Sixth From as it gave me the opportunity to study the subjects I wanted to take, with the teachers I had already developed good relationships with. There is also the support of a network of teachers who you are already familiar with and this helps to promote a good atmosphere in the Sixth from.

What do you like about Easingwold Sixth Form? I like the freedom and independence which makes you feel more mature, whilst still feeling fully supported and guided; it provides just the right balance. Our relationships with teachers are more adult which makes 6th Form enjoyable and exciting; I’d recommend it to anyone.

What subjects do you study? History, Economics and English Language.

Learning that goes beyond the curriculum We aim to develop well-educated, well-rounded individuals with experience of life beyond the classroom. One way in which we achieve this is by giving students opportunities to supplement their studies with enrichment courses, including London Institute of Banking and Finance qualifications. We also expect students to complete the “Easingwold 6th Form Commitments” whereby they commit to getting involved in the wider life of the school and local community. For example, they can contribute to paired reading schemes and in-class support as well as getting involved in charity work and community service. Students are also encouraged to play a part in House competitions, from sport through to music and drama, there is a thriving student union and an active student council led by sixth formers which gives students a voice in the running of the school.

Take control of your own study time Independent study is an integral part of sixth form life. This is not merely a time for doing homework but an opportunity to develop as a learner and to go beyond the demands of the examination syllabus. With an impressive study zone, ICT suite and classrooms set aside for group work, there are excellent facilities at Easingwold Sixth Form to encourage constructive study habits that will stay with students when they head into higher education and employment.

What do you want to do in the future? Law at University or maybe teaching.

Beth McClelland, Year 13 What made you choose Easingwold Sixth Form? I have seen how successful many students in Easingwold Sixth Form had been in the years above me and it was clear that the support they get from the staff here helps them. I had also developed good relationships with my teachers whilst studying for my GCSE’s which gave me confidence that this would continue into A levels.

What do you like about Easingwold Sixth Form? I really like the extra freedom we have. Having our own well equipped facility in a separate building from main school gives us more independence too; however we are still very much a part of the main school. Study periods during the day give us a head start on our homework.

What subjects do you study? Business Studies, French and English Language.

What do you want to do in the future? I would like to work in the business sector and hope to study International Business and French at University.




Empowering excellence Care, guidance and support A specialist team of Personal Academic Tutors (PATs) plays a major role in meeting the academic and pastoral needs of our students. As well as providing general care and guidance, these tutors instil a sense of independence and personal responsibility. Personal Academic Tutors monitor and support all aspects of the students’ academic performance and personal development across their two years with us. They also provide a point of contact for parents. Support takes the form regular one-to-one meetings between student and tutor, as well as less formal contacts, including email. We take pride in the caring and supportive atmosphere that we have developed and the special relationship that the students build with their Personal Academic Tutors. It is often the case that this relationship continues beyond sixth form as contact from past students is always welcomed and many are keen to keep their tutor informed of their progress at university and beyond.

A proactive approach to success Students’ achievements, both during and after their time at Easingwold Sixth Form, benefit from our system of target setting. Students are actively involved in the process of setting their targets and monitoring progress towards them. Where students are not meeting their targets or achieving expected results, they work with their Personal Academic Tutor and their subject teachers on an action plan to improve their performance. This may involve additional work supported by teachers outside of lessons as well as attendance at compulsory study sessions. We are honest and realistic in our evaluation because we are committed to ensuring each student reaps the maximum reward from these crucial two years.

Hazel Harrop Year 13 What made you choose Easingwold Sixth Form? I chose Easingwold 6th Form because it offered all the subjects I wanted to do but also because I knew all of the teachers already. I therefore knew they would be able to support me well as I prepare for my AS and A levels and help to prepare me for the next step after sixth form. Another reason Easingwold Sixth Form appealed to me was because of the Personal Academic Tutor system which was not in place in other sixth forms I visited. I knew I would feel completely comfortable at Easingwold with my friends and teachers I knew so I decided to stay on.

What do you like about Easingwold Sixth Form? I like having a separate sixth form building as it gives us more independence without taking away the community feel that being part of the main school provides. I also like the freedom we have with study periods and the way we are treated more like adults. I have enjoyed the opportunities to be more involved in school and taking on a variety of new roles.

What subjects to do you study? Biology, Psychology, Sociology and French.

What do you want to do in the future? I am hoping to go to study Psychological and Behavioural Sciences at Cambridge University.


only three. At the end of Year 12 we will advise on the best possible route forward for Year 13. A majority of students continue with three subjects to full A level, meaning that, at the end of a two year course of study, most students currently leave with three full A levels and one AS level.

Widening horizons Post 16 study Choosing what to study post 16 is a huge decision for anyone. We offer a wide variety of subjects and possible combinations, and are here to help you navigate through the maze of options open to you. At Easingwold Sixth Form we offer a full range of Advanced level subjects which tend to emphasise familiar academic skills and culminate in assessment by external examination, although coursework does play a part in some subjects. We offer a range of subjects including what are known as ‘facilitating subjects’. These are subjects required or preferred by universities to get on to a range of degree courses. We offer additional subjects alongside this which ensure all students can choose subjects most suitable for them and which will enable them to follow their preferred route after sixth form. Whatever their aspirations, we aim to equip our students with the right qualifications to achieve them. Our students go on to follow a wide variety of university courses and we also have an increasing number of students taking up higher level apprenticeships or entering employment when they leave school. We expect most of our students to study four subjects in Year 12, though some students might be advised to study

Josh Ainley, Year 12 What made you choose Easingwold Sixth Form? Continuing my education at Easingwold allowed me to pursue the extra-curricular activities that I had already been involved in for a number of years in lower school, such as sports teams and music. I also like the concept of study periods; this enables me to keep on top of work and gives me time to consolidate understanding by speaking to subject teachers.

Collaboration We are pleased to be part of a sixth form collaboration with Boroughbridge High School and Thirsk School and Sixth Form College. Some courses are taught at these schools and Easingwold students travel there to study alongside their peers at these schools. This collaboration enables us to offer a broad range of subjects whilst also giving some students from each school the opportunity to study in a new environment.

Course requirements The courses you choose to study at Easingwold Sixth Form will place certain demands on you, so it is important to appreciate fully what each subject will involve. Initially, you should aim to match your preferred combination of subjects with your own skills and abilities. Then, ensure you fulfil the course criteria and GCSE grade profile for the chosen subjects as detailed later in this prospectus. Here are some points to bear in mind when planning what courses to study: • Consider your expected level of performance at GCSE and match this to the subject requirements. • You need to feel confident that you can complete the course successfully. • Some subjects can be taken without prior study in that subject, while others have certain prerequisites. • Some university courses or apprenticeships will require specific subjects to be studied at A level. • If in doubt, choose to study subjects you will enjoy. • Make sure you fulfil the sixth form’s minimum entry requirements (at least 5 GCSE grades A* - C, preferably including English and maths). • Ask as many questions as you feel necessary so you can make a fully informed decision.

What do you like about Easingwold Sixth Form? I really appreciate the Personal Academic Tutoring (PAT) system which is unique to the school. It allows students to have one to one time with a teacher in order to gain advice regarding university applications and to raise general points about A level studies. Moreover, I also like the opportunity to give something back to the school by fulfilling new roles to gain a higher level of responsibility.

What subjects to do you study? Physics, Biology, Geography and Philosophy and Ethics.

What do you want to do in the future? Upon leaving university, I intend to join the Royal Air Force as a jet pilot.


10 Will Stead, Year 12 What made you choose Easingwold Sixth Form? I chose Easingwold Sixth Form because of the strong relationships I had built with my teachers and peers, I felt this would really help me through my A level studies. The excellent facilities in the Sixth Form Centre, such as the Computers made it a sensible decision to study for my A levels here.

What do you like about Easingwold Sixth Form? I like the relaxed friendly atmosphere, which makes it very easy to fit in and feel comfortable. Another positive thing is the amount of contact time with teachers, but you are also encouraged to study independently which is good preparation for University.

What subjects do you study? Physics, Chemistry, Maths and History.

What do you want to do in the future? I would like to study Medicine at University and hope to become a Psychiatrist.

Inspiring success Dedicated Sixth Form facilities Sixth form students have their own purpose built Sixth Form Centre. The two-storey centre is open to students both before and after school for private study; it contains a variety of specialist study facilities including extensive ICT provision alongside a dedicated study zone plus silent study areas. The complex incorporates a common room and café that is open for students throughout most of the day, as well as four flexible teaching and learning spaces that open up to form a large hall when required. There is wheelchair access to the whole building.

Well-resourced library Support for the whole curriculum can be found at the main school Library and Resource Centre, which is open from 8.30 am to 4.00 pm, Monday to Friday. Resources include a wide variety of books, magazines, newspapers and ICT facilities, all designed to encourage independent research as well as reading for pleasure.

Jade Beaumont, Year 12 What made you choose Easingwold Sixth Form? I chose to stay at Easingwold and join the Sixth Form due to the sheer amount of support offered by the school. The personal academic system offers a diverse range of help which wasn’t available at the other sixth forms I visited. All the subjects I wanted to take at A level were available here and I achieved excellent grades in the year before. I already had a strong bond with many teachers and staff, making the choice to stay inevitable.

What do you like about Easingwold Sixth Form? Easingwold Sixth Form has an excellent atmosphere and everyone gets along. It offers a very good learning environment, with various options for private study. I like the opportunity to be more responsible and to develop my individuality.

What subjects do you study? Biology, English Literature, Psychology and Sociology.

What do you want to do in the future? In the future I’m hoping to become a criminal barrister after completing a law degree at university.

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Sixth Form


York Road | Easingwold | York | YO61 3EF T: 01347 821451 | E: sixthform@easingwold.n-yorks.sch.uk

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